Spelling bee จ.เพชรบูรณ์

คาศัพท์ที่ใช้ในการแข่งทักษะวิชาการ ทักษะ Spelling bee ณ จ.เพชรบูรณ์ 1.accuse He is going to accuse her of steeling the fish. 2.ancestor Your great-grandmother is your ancestor. 3.adolescent My sister is 16 -she is an adolescent. 4.accurate That is right, your information is accurate. 5.average Her grades are not good or bad, they are average. 6.advantage He took advantage of her kindness and stole a lot of money. 7.accomplish He wants to accomplish all his goals. 8.available The movie is now available on DVD. 9.admit I admit, I have been wrong. 10.approach He is going to approach her and asked her on a date. 11.compose Mozart did compose beautiful music. 12.concern The financial problems of the company are not your concern. 13.contrast Black and white are one contrast. 14.challenge He did challenge him on a duel. 15.crisis The economy is in a crisis. 16.anxiety Her mother had a great anxiety when she did not come home on time. 17.appreciate I really appreciate all you did for me. 18.attempt He is going to attempt to take the test once more. 19.assume I assume you finished your homework, before watching TV. 20.affect The kiss is going to affect their relationship. 21.apply I want to apply for the job. 22.alert Aware of the danger, he was very alert. 23.assignment I have an assignment for you: go to the store and get some milk. 24.adequate Shorts and Tank-top are no adequate clothes for a temple visit. 25.admire I admire the way you carve fruits. 26.crew After the cast the film crew sat together and discussed the next day. 27.confine To confine the result of your search be very specific with your keywords. 27.correspond we correspond frequently by writing emails. 28.complaint I have a complaint. My food is cold. 29.attractive She is a very attractive girl, all boys find her beautiful. 30.antique This vase is antique, she comes from the Sukhothai kingdom. 31.ailment He has an ailment, so he cannot come to school. 32.arrogant Money has made him arrogant, he doesn’t care about his friends anymore. 33.appropriate It is not appropriate to point at people with the foot. 34.acquire He wants to acquire citizenship of Thailand. 35.annual Christmas is an annual holiday, we celebrate kit every year. 36.avoid Try to avoid dark side street, they are dangerous. 37.associate I associate with Sarah often. We are good friends. 38.artificial Artificial flowers are not as pretty as real ones. 39.cruise I would like to take a cruise on a ship. 40.contaminate Do not go close to radioactive material or you are going to contaminate yourself.


คำศัพท์ แข่งทักษะ Spelling Bee จ.เพชรบูรณ์

Transcript of Spelling bee จ.เพชรบูรณ์

Page 1: Spelling bee จ.เพชรบูรณ์

ค าศัพท์ท่ีใช้ในการแข่งทักษะวิชาการ ทักษะ Spelling bee ณ จ.เพชรบูรณ์

1.accuse He is going to accuse her of steeling the fish.

2.ancestor Your great-grandmother is your ancestor.

3.adolescent My sister is 16 -she is an adolescent.

4.accurate That is right, your information is accurate.

5.average Her grades are not good or bad, they are average.

6.advantage He took advantage of her kindness and stole a lot of money.

7.accomplish He wants to accomplish all his goals.

8.available The movie is now available on DVD.

9.admit I admit, I have been wrong.

10.approach He is going to approach her and asked her on a date.

11.compose Mozart did compose beautiful music.

12.concern The financial problems of the company are not your concern.

13.contrast Black and white are one contrast.

14.challenge He did challenge him on a duel.

15.crisis The economy is in a crisis.

16.anxiety Her mother had a great anxiety when she did not come home on time.

17.appreciate I really appreciate all you did for me.

18.attempt He is going to attempt to take the test once more.

19.assume I assume you finished your homework, before watching TV.

20.affect The kiss is going to affect their relationship.

21.apply I want to apply for the job.

22.alert Aware of the danger, he was very alert.

23.assignment I have an assignment for you: go to the store and get some milk.

24.adequate Shorts and Tank-top are no adequate clothes for a temple visit.

25.admire I admire the way you carve fruits.

26.crew After the cast the film crew sat together and discussed the next day.

27.confine To confine the result of your search be very specific with your


27.correspond we correspond frequently by writing emails.

28.complaint I have a complaint. My food is cold.

29.attractive She is a very attractive girl, all boys find her beautiful.

30.antique This vase is antique, she comes from the Sukhothai kingdom.

31.ailment He has an ailment, so he cannot come to school.

32.arrogant Money has made him arrogant, he doesn’t care about his friends


33.appropriate It is not appropriate to point at people with the foot.

34.acquire He wants to acquire citizenship of Thailand.

35.annual Christmas is an annual holiday, we celebrate kit every year.

36.avoid Try to avoid dark side street, they are dangerous.

37.associate I associate with Sarah often. We are good friends.

38.artificial Artificial flowers are not as pretty as real ones.

39.cruise I would like to take a cruise on a ship.

40.contaminate Do not go close to radioactive material or you are going to

contaminate yourself.

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41.celebrate We always celebrate my birthday with a big party.

42.crime Robbing a bank is a crime.

43.complex The problem is very complex, it consists of many parts.

44.awkward Tom felt really awkward running into his old girlfriend.

45.autograph I got an autograph from my favorite singer.

46.awful He caught an awful cold.

47.authentic He behaved naturally, so his movements were authentic.

48.appointment I have an appointment at half past nine.

49.arrange I will arrange a meeting for you.

50.aroma Vanilla is my favorite aroma.

51.aspect Another aspect is the lack of water.

52.ashamed I am ashamed of my behavior, can you forgive me?

53.audience The audience cheered loudly when the singer entered the stage.

54.communicate Thais do not communicate very well, they like to keep information to


55.conservation The conservation of the nature is very important.

56.capture The pirates will capture the ship.

57.cure There is no cure for AIDS, the disease will kill the people.

58.considerate He is a considerate man and always brings me flowers.

59.benefit I have some benefit out of this transaction.

60.blood vampires drink blood.

61.breed You can breed dogs and sell the puppies.

62.bleed If you cut your arm it will bleed.

63.brittle The wall is very brittle, it could collapse any moment.

64.ballet Ballet is telling a story through dancing.

65.bargain You have to bargain at the market to get a good price.

66.barrier A wall is a big barrier.

67.beast I was attacked by a beast. It was huge and very scary.

68.behave Some kids cannot behave themselves and get in trouble very often.

69.circumstance In this circumstance I cannot leave you alone.

70.creature A bird is a creature of the sky.

71.curious Do not be so curious and stop asking me questions.

73.contact Do not contact me anymore. I want to forget you.

74.complex The human body is very complex.

75.believe Some people believe in God, others do not.

76.bilingual I grew up bilingual, my mum taught me Polish, my father German.

77.biscuit A biscuit is a very tasty dessert.

78.bitter I do not like to drink black tea, it is so bitter.

79.blackboard We replaced the blackboard with whiteboard, because they are easier

to clean.

80.blanket If it gets cold you should use another blanket.

81.blink We have to take another picture. Your eyes are closed because you

did blink.

82.blizzard A blizzard is a serious snowstorm.

83.blossom The flowers blossomed early this spring.

84.board Put it on the board in the hall so everyone can read it.

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85.cargo The ship lost its cargo and the merchant lost all his money.

86.cashier The cashier said it only costs 5 Baht.

87.catalogue I like to order clothes out of a catalogue.

88.century We live in the 21st century.

89.channel Do not change the channel. I would like to see this.

90.blunt The knife is blunt, you should sharpen it.

91.blur I got soap in my eye, so everything is a blur.

92.boarder I have a boarder living in my house. He helps to pay the rent.

93.bomb A bomb can kill many people when it explodes.

94.bold My father has lost all his hair. He is bold.

95.bottle He freed the Jeanie from the bottle.

96.breakable Do not drop the crystal bowl. It is breakable.

97.brigade The brigade group is practicing for combat.

98.bride Let us cross the river here; there is no bridge down the stream.

99.bundle In the bundle was a baby.

100.damage I did not want to damage the school.

101.divide You cannot divide through zero.

102.discriminate You cannot discriminate somebody just because they have darker skin.

103.devote Monks lead a devote life.

104.demand I demand you tell me the truth.

105.burglar Turn on the burglar alarm or somebody is going to rob your house.

106.butcher A butcher produces meat.

107.burrow Rabbits usually hide in a burrow.

108.bury Humans usually bury their dead, only some Indians put them on trees.

109.button Please close all buttons of your shirt.

110.burden It is a burden to be responsible for so many children.

111.bull A bull is supposed to go mad when he sees red.

112.broadcast We will not broadcast the show.

113.brochure You can find all the information in this brochure.

114.brilliant It was a brilliant plan, still it failed.

115.disease AIDS is a disease that cannot be cured.

116.disgust I looked at my plate full of fish with disgust. I hate fish.

117.delight You cannot imagine my delight when I saw him again.

118.demonstrate In Germany many people demonstrate against nuclear power.

119.Distribute I distribute the newspaper in my neighborhood so all people get it in

the morning.

120.community Our community does not talk much.

121.Consumer I am a consumer as soon as I buy something.

122.combine I can combine many different styles when dressing.

123.claim You claim you are a reporter, but I know you are a teacher.

124.career For some people a career is more important than the family.

125.collapse If you do not build the house carefully it will collapse.

126.capacity I do not have the capacity to store one more item.

127.creative You and your sister are very creative, you can draw nearly everything.

128.constantly I constantly get in trouble for not doing my homework. I forget it

every day.

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129.defend You need to know how to defend yourself in case someone attacks you.

130.disguise He did not want to be recognized so he went in disguise.

131.document Your birth certificate is an important document.

132.dominate This product is going to dominate the market.

133.dawn Look the sun rises. It is dawn.

134.consumption The consumption was a disease that killed many people in Ireland.

135.consult You should consult with your friend before making this decision.

136.convince I want to convince you that you can trust me.

137.confident I am confident that I will pass the test.

138.candidate I candidate for president of the USA, maybe they will vote for me.

139.construct Please construct a house that is going to be big and look good.

140.consequence If you skip school you have to carry the consequence of it .

141.contribute I hope I can contribute to make this world a better place.

142.confirm Please confirm that you got this email.

143.drought There is a terrible drought in Africa and many people starve from it.

144.decrease The value of the gold ring will decrease again.

145.dedicate He will dedicate a lot of time to reach his goal.

146.definitely I will definitely call you.

147.dwelling I have my dwelling in Thailand now.

148.disable You should not disable Sarah from going to college.

149.delay The heaviness will delay the letter.

150.disaster The Tsunami wave was a big disaster.

151.display We display many things in our window.

152.deprive He deprived her of all her dignity.

153.decline The decline of deforestation is a great achievement

154.desperate he was desperate for attention, that’s why he behaved so badly.

155.demand I demand an explanation of why you are late.

156.debate The debate took a long time. They could not agree on one point.

157.decade Joe and Sue had not seen each other for at least a decade.

158.defeated The army was defeated by the enemy.

159.dedicate I dedicate a lot of time to studying.

160.determine Your grades will determine if you can go to university.

161.ditch My hat fell into the ditch, now it is all wet.

162.duplicate Could you please duplicate these forms for me?

163.evidence Evidence show that he is the murderer.

164.economical It is also not economical to let the water run all the time.

165.eliminate She wants to eliminate all her opponents.

166.experience You have to get a lot of experience before becoming a good teacher.

167.extend I would like to extend my stay in your hotel.

168.effort You have to make an effort to be popular.

169.establish It is not easy to establish a business in this town.

170.enormous The building was enormous. It was over 200m tall.

171.exit Use the emergency exit in case of fire.

172.eager He was eager to get to know her parents.

173.Effective The new computer was very effective.

174.essential Water is essential for all living beings.

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175.earthquake An earthquake destroyed Tokyo.

176.encourage He wanted to encourage me, so he told me I was good enough to pass

the test.

177.entire He cleaned the entire building.

178.equipment If you go mountain climbing you need to have the right equipment.

179.entry Please pay at the entry.

180.exist A cure for cancer does not exist.

181.extinguish The firemen did extinguish the fire.

182.extinct The Dodo became extinct in the 18th century.

183.enamel The pot is made of enamel.

184.explore The men explore the unknown land.

185.experiment He found out about the habits of mice in an experiment.

186.emit The lamp did emit light.

187.expansion The expansion to the west was brought to a halt by the river.

188.exempted This school was exempted from contributions.

189.ecology Managers should know a lot about ecology.

190.enable she enabled him to pass his exam by helping him.

191.external The skin is an external organ.

192.estimate Could you estimate the number of people in this room?

193.excellent She is an excellent student. She only gets A’s.

194.encourage She did encourage her daughter every day to try her best.

195.examine The doctor is going to examine you.

196.exception Good students are an exception in this class.

197.extract I extract the juice from the orange.

198.exchange I would like to exchange this dress. It does not fit me.

199.endure You had to endure many hardships to get here.

200.emerge He will emerge from the ocean.

201.emotion Love is the strongest emotion.

202.exhibition The black ivory is part of a permanent exhibition.

203.explode The bomb will explode if you are not careful.

204.efficient It is not efficient to sit around and do nothing.

205.executive The chief executive of the bank fired him.

206.endanger Humans endanger many animals.

207.enclose I swill enclose my CV to my application.

208.entertainment Watching TV is a great entertainment.

209.exceed The results will exceed the expectations.

210.exclude The invitation will exclude your boyfriend. I do not like him.

211.emphasis The professor put a lot of emphasis on this topic.

212.elegant Your dress is very elegant.

213.exhaust Do not exhaust yourself by running so far.

214.fluency The fluency of my English was caused by a year in America.

215.function How does a computer function?

216.feeble He will not believe you if your arguments are so feeble.

217.fatal It was a fatal mistake to trust the murderer.

218.financial I like to read the Financial Times -a newspaper from the USA.

219.fascinate Your eyes fascinate me. I cannot look away.

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220.fertile The ground is very fertile, so you can grow vegetable on it.

221.float In Ayutthaya there is a market that floats on the river.

222.fuel You need to buy fuel for your motorcycle.

223.fund There is a fund to help poor children go to college.

224.familiar Oh yes, I am very familiar with Shakespeare’s plays.

225.famous Angelina Jolie is a famous actress.

226.feature You have a beautiful feature.

227.firm He has a very firm handshake.

228.fishmonger You buy fish from a fishmonger.

229.flesh The mind is willing, but the flesh is weak.

230.flight We are going to Hawaii next month. I already booked the flight.

231.flaunt You flaunt through the hall as if you are a prince.

232.fond I am very fond of her. I like her very much.

233.footpath Take the footpath through the forest.

234.foreigner He tried to trick the foreigner.

235.fork Europeans eat with knife and fork.

236.frog The green frog catches many flies.

237.fog I could not see very far because of the fog.

238.forward Even after a catastrophe you have to look forward.

239.founder Your grandfather was the founder of the city.

240.freeze Put on a jacket or you are going to freeze to death.

241.fowl I like to eat fowl more than pork.

242.fragment We only found a fragment of this ancient text.

243.fraud You will not get through with this fraud.

244.fury She was in a fury because he was late.

245.fulfill Everyone should fulfill his dreams.

246.fruitful The palm tree is very fruitful.

247.general A general is the commander on the army.

248.gigantic Mount Everest is gigantic.

249.glorious Everyone worshiped him after his glorious victory.

250.generation Our generation will have to solve many ecological problems.

251.genuine He was a genuine person and never lied.

252.generate I will generate a new computer program.

253.gather Witches gather on special mountains on Halloween.

254.garage Please put the car in the garage.

255.garment He produces garment fabric to make jeans.

256.gem Please put this gem into the ring.

257.gentle She is a gentle person. She is always very kind.

258.gesture This gesture of him meant a lot to me.

259.giant A giant is a very big person.

260.giggle The girls giggled behind his back.

261.glamour Pop stars lead a live full of glamour.

262.gloom The gloom leads to her self-destructive behavior.

263.grant I can only grant you four minutes with him.

264.grateful I am so grateful that you will watch the kids.

265.gravity Gravity makes all things drop to the ground.

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266.greedy He is so greedy, he does not share his money.

267.grind He is going to grind the axe to make it sharp again.

268.grumble I grumble at you because I am annoyed by your presence.

269.guarantee I cannot guarantee that we will have free rooms.

270.guava I like to eat guava very much.

271.gust A gust blew my hat away.

272.huge This building is huge.

273.herbal Herbal teas sometimes help better than chemical medicine.

274.hazard It is a hazard to drive without the seatbelts on.

275.heal Your wounded heart will heal soon.

276.hospitable He is not very hospitable, he did not even offer me tea.

277.haunted This house is haunted. There are ghosts in it.

278.Harmony Don not disturb the harmony in our family.

279.heaven Christians believe they will go to heaven if they lead got lives.

280.heritage Your ancestors leave you your heritage.

281.hoe The seven dwarfs each carried a hoe to work in the mines.

282.honest I am a very honest person and always pay my bills.

283.humble Our maid is very humble and never tries to be bigger than herself.

284.humanity Many of our environmental problems are not caused by humanity.

285.humid During the rainy season it is really humid.

286.hypothesis Before starting an experiment you always state a hypothesis.

287.horror You should have seen the horror on her face when I scared her.

288.habitat Each animal has its habitat.

289.habit Chewing your fingernails is a bad habit.

290.handicap He sits in a wheelchair because he has a handicap.

291.healthy She is healthy as a horse and never gets sick.

292.hinder You will not hinder me from visiting her.

293.household My mum takes care of the household.

294.harmful Smoking is very harmful to your health.

295.hesitate Do not hesitate, simply do it.

296.herb Put the herb in the soup and it will taste better.

297.hiccup I have got a hiccup. It is really annoying.

298.hijack The bandit is going to hijack the coach.

299.hostage He is holding the girl hostage so that no one would come in.

300.hurl Hurl the ball as far as you can.

301.improve This will improve your posture.

302.impressive This is an impressive painting.

303.increase The amount of CO2 in the air will increase when we chop down the


304.instant I love to eat instant noodle soup.

305.irritate I am going to irritate my older sister.

306.information Thank you for the information.

307.inhabit Strange people inhabit this island..

308.individual Humans have to except that we are all equal individuals

309.identify Please show us your passport and identify yourself.

310.intrude I am sorry to intrude, but there is an important call on the line.

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311.injure If he is not careful he will injure himself.

312.inflammation He has an inflammation in his wound.

313.incredible It is incredible that you do not know the simplest things.

314.impose He did impose a ban on calling him by his first name.

315.inflection This was the point of inflection. From here on everything went wrong.

316.indicate It will indicate a strong rise in temperature.

317.ignorance Your ignorance will be the cause of your downfall.

318.intentionally You know I would never intentionally hurt you. It was an accident.

319.institution They can help him in this institution.

320.invest I will invest all my money in Apple.

321.invade My armies will invade all of the world.

322.integrate We should integrate the new student in the class.

323.inferior Some people think of others as inferior to them.

324.illustrate Please draw some pictures so we can illustrate this book.

325.interview Would you give me an interview? I want to write an article about you.

326.include The price does not include food and drink. You have to pay the extra.

327.income I have only a small income, so I cannot travel often.

328.integral The Spa offers an integral treatment for the whole body.

329.imitate I can imitate a bird.

330.ideal I want to find the ideal birthday present for my friend.

331.interior The interior of the apartment was designed by a specialist.

332.influence I can influence many people because I am a teacher.

333.inhibit You are going to install an unlock inhibit system.

334.implement Use an implement to open the box.

335.instruct I am going to instruct you what to do.

336.identify Miss, can you identify the thief?

337.impact The decision is going to have a huge impact on my life..

338.innocent I did not steel your pen. I am innocent.

339.inquire Go and inquire at the office if they got anything else for me to do.

340.inquisitive My son is really inquisitive. He wants to know all sorts of things.

341.insult You cannot insult me and get away with it.

342.intelligible Thos topic is not intelligible to me.

343.interrupt Sorry to interrupt you, but you made a mistake.

344.intervene You will not intervene with my plan.

345.invalid This passport is invalid, you need a new one.

346.issue We are going to issue a article on cars this month.

347.isolate You cannot isolate babies, it kills them.

348.itch The mosquito bites itch so much.

349.item I want to buy this item.

350.jeopardy You put the plan in jeopardy with your behavior.

351.junk You cannot put you junk in the forest.

352.jaywalker When driving your car beware to not run over a jaywalker.

353.jealous You do not need to be jealous, you are richer than I am.

354.jewelry All women like to get jewelry.

355.journal I keep a journal in which I write all my secrets.

356.joint My sister and I were joint at the hip. We did everything together.

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357.judge Do not judge a book by its cover.

358.justify Can you justify your actions?

359.jury The jury will decide over your score.

360.knowledge Knowledge will help you pass the test.

361.keen I am not too keen on spending the night in this old house.

362.ketchup I like to put ketchup on my French fries.

363.kidnap I will kidnap his son to get some money.

364.kiosk You can buy newspapers and coffee at a kiosk.

365.knight A knight usually sits on a horse.

366.kneel You have to kneel before the king.

367.kindergarten Kids under the age of 6 go to kindergarten.

368.kitten A kitten is a baby cat.

369.kitchen We cook food in the kitchen.

370.leisure I like to read in my leisure time.

371.locate It is sometimes hard to locate you.

372.label There is a label on nearly every product.

373.launch You can launch the racket now.

374.luxury All people would like to lead a life in luxury.

375.liberation The liberation of the slaves was the biggest achievement of the Civil


376.landscape I admire the beautiful landscape of Thailand.

377.language English is a foreign language.

378.lapse After working for 10 hours he experienced a lapse of concentration.

379.lash When I am mad I tend to lash out irrationally.

380.launder Could you please launder my pants for me?

381.leadership He never wanted the leadership, but he accepted it.

382.leak The smallest leak can sink a ship.

383.legal Be sure that the business is legal.

384.legend There is a legend concerning the beginnings of the village.

385.legible Your writing is not legible, I cannot read it.

386.license Do you have a driver’s license?

387.liar You lied to me. You are a liar.

388.loan I am going to get a loan on the house.

389.lounge I will meet you at the lounge.

390.luggage The steward will take care of your luggage .

391.lurch He left me sitting in the lurch and went away.

392.lozenge The lozenge-shaped decoration was very pretty.

393.loosen Oh, come on loosen up. Do not be so tight.

394.majority The majority liked the idea.

395.material The hammer was made of weak material.

396.message I did not get your message.

397.massage I am going to get a Thai massage.

398.manual When electricity breaks down you are going to have to do everything


399.mixture The drink was a mixture of strawberry and cherry juice.

400.minority In a democracy the minority is not important.

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401.modify I can modify the text, so that even 12-year-olds can understand it.

402.narrow We should cross the river at this point. It is narrow.

403.naughty Naughty children will not get a present from Santa.

404.nonsense Stop talking nonsense.

405.neighbor I go to the neighbor to borrow some sugar.

406.occur It did never occur to me that you could know the answer.

407.oblige I oblige you to the rules.

408.observe If you are very quiet you can observe the animals.

409.obtain I can obtain all records of the band.

410.obvious It was too obvious that you were hiding under the bed.

411.oppose I will not oppose you when you say it is necessary.

412.occasion Congratulations for this special occasion.

413.obstacle I had to overcome more than one obstacle to reach this place.

414.offend I do not want to offend anybody, but this is stupid.

415.preserve It is a good way to preserve food in the fridge.

416.precise In math you have to be very precise.

417.pollution The earth suffers from the pollution of man.

418.permanent Sunburn is not permanent.

419.property The house belongs to his property.

420.prominent I think I know him. Maybe he is prominent.

421.provide The canteen is going to provide meals to the pupils.

422.persuade She is trying to persuade me to come with her to the theatre.

423.particular He likes plants but had a particular interest in palm trees.

424.prohibit The government did prohibit gambling.

425.qualification Speaking English is a good qualification.

426.quarrel If you disagree with the opinion of another, you have a quarrel.

427.quiver It’s cold in here. Look, I start to quiver.

428.recreation He goes sunbathing for recreation.

429.responsible A mother is responsible for her child.

430.reflect Some people try to reflect the reason of living.

431.resist Some people cannot resist smoking.

432.ridiculous He looks ridiculous in that clown-costume.

433.reliance The people should have reliance in the state.

434.remote The hill tribes live in remote areas of Thailand.

435.survive In a dessert it is hard to survive.

436.surrounding The forest is surrounding the mountain.

437.separate Boys and Girls use separate bathrooms.

438.suspicion I have the suspicion that you took the last piece of cake.

439.sufficient 2000 calories a day are sufficient for a normal man.

440.severe Sometimes test in school can be severe.

441.sympathy If someone likes you, you got sympathy.

442.sensible If you always do your homework, you are sensible.

443.stimulate Colors and aromas stimulate our senses.

444.significant There is a significant different between men and women.

445.temporary The rainy season is only temporary.

446.trend Most people in Europe choose their clothes according to the newest

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447.treatment There is more than one treatment for the flu.

448.tremendous She has tremendous depts.

449.talent Creative writing is a talent.

450.tolerate He does tolerate immigrants.

451.valid The passport is valid until the end of 2011.

452.various In a compilation, various contents are gathered.

453.vast An Elephant is vast in comparison to a human.

454.visible Something you see is visible.

455.wounded During fights, people often get wounded.

456.withdraw He is going to withdraw from the contest and go home.

457.ultimately Ultimately only one contestant can win.

458.yawn If I am tired, I have to yawn.

459.wealthy A rich person is wealthy.

460.wallet I put my money in my wallet.

461.vomit If you are sick, you may have to vomit.

462.voluntary Most students work voluntary in foreign countries.

463.vivid The teacher makes the lessons very vivid.

464.versus The boys fight one versus another.

465.media TV is a media that reaches almost everyone.

466.mature She is 40 years old. So she is mature.

467.merchandise Most Movies make more money with the Merchandise than with the

movie itself.

468.manipulate Deceivers manipulate their victims.

469.manage There are many things a Janitor has to manage.

470.maintain You have to maintain your car to keep it going.

471.magnitude Earthquakes have different magnitudes.

472.marvelous I had a marvellous weekend. Everything was great.

473.massive Stone is more massive than butter.

474.measure The metric system is used for measures in Thailand since 1940.

475.mystery The disappearing of so many ships and Airplanes in Bermuda Triangle

is still a mystery.

476.myth Vampires and Werewolves are a myth.

477.nutrition Vegetables are part of a balanced nutrition.

478.native Indianans are the native Americans.

479.normal Everyone has its own definition for normal.

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