Speech To Beijing Foreign Investors Club 93

马马 马马马马马马马马马马 马马马马马马马马马马马


Speech to senior business leaders and academics in Beijing, Nov 27, 2011

Transcript of Speech To Beijing Foreign Investors Club 93

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What I perceive to be the challenges facing China’s economy

我对近来中国经济面临的挑战的理解 Why I believe there is indeed a glowing one.


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One thing that distinguishes the East from the West is a radically different work ethic.


Items 项目 East 东方 West 西方

每周工作时间 5.5 ~ 6 天 限制加班

每年的假期天数 10 天 25 天

长假前后的周末 加班 休息

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China is a country committed to hard work.

中国是一个致力于勤劳工作的国家。 Economics is human science. It’s psychological.

经济,归根到底是人文科学,也就是心理学。 People here are ashamed of not working hard

whereas their European counterparts are shielded in a EU-wide equivalent of the iron rice bowl.


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The troubles are purely because of the accumulated troubles of their worn out welfare societies.


The labour laws induce sloth, indolence rather than hard working.

西方的劳动法导致的是懒惰、散漫而不是勤劳。 The British moves to reduce their structural deficit


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增加养老金 降低退休年龄 延长假期的权利 削减工时

Its hospitals are free so there is no incentive to save for a rainy day on the health front.


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补贴医疗 It is avowedly a capitalist system


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The US government had to abandon the market system, bailing out banks.

美国政府不得不放弃市场体系来拯救银行。 Banks were also bailed out in Europe.


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The money governments borrowed both in the US and Europe has to be repaid.

政府在美国或欧洲借的钱是必须偿还的。 “ PIIGS nations” are in danger of going


所谓 PIIGS 国家,葡萄牙、意大利、爱尔兰、希腊、西班牙都面临破产的危险。

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There are several critical factors that China either already faces or soon will have to.


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出口 vs 海外需求的下降 劳动力和材料成本上升 人民币是否会升值和自由交易? 中国要如何应对保护主义日益严重的欧美? 针对中国的保护主义 中国如何规范其金融机构? 中国如何提高农业的产出效率? 美国如何生产比中国和其它国家更便宜的猪肉?

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China’s trade surplus with the US fell

中国的贸易顺差从 2010 年的 3 %下降到 1.4% 。 The government was improving policies so

companies could import more goods.


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The world’s biggest factory is now the world’s second biggest importer.



是欧盟国家的第二大出口市场 是美国的第三大出口市场

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The Chinese government has initiated a program of increased domestic consumption.

中国政府启动了一个增加内需的方案。 That has not been as hard as some might



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The Chinese market will be the third or possibly higher consumer market at that time


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Credit controls 信贷缩紧 Rising labour 持续增长的劳动力 Material costs 原材料价格的上涨 Loan sharks 不规范的企业高利贷

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launch asset-backed bonds to make it easier for small and medium businesses to borrow money.

Talks have already been held with Shenzhen Stock Exchange

推出资产抵押债券 谈判已经在进行

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Shied away from lending to SMEs

Charged higher interest rates


Lack bargaining power with banks.

银行 : 避开了对中小企业的放贷,或者收取更高的利率。

中小企业 :缺少与银行的议价能力。

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Special fund

Financial derivatives, such as credit default swaps,

政府 : 专项资金 金融衍生工具,如信用违约互换 It is part of a trend toward a market economy.


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The government has already signaled its intention to open up China to more overseas foreign direct investment.

政府已经表明中国将开放给更多海外直接投资。 It is keen to see money from overseas being

invested in the shares of mainland companies.


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“as soon as possible when the time is ripe

The exchange has finished work on technological and regulatory requirements.

“时机成熟时应尽快启动交易” 技术和监管上的要求已经转换完成 the biggest change for China’s stock market


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The internationalization of the securities market will benefit the whole nation.

证券市场的国际化有利于整个国家。 在中国上市,让外国公司受益于更高的估值。 他们被允许使用中国货币,这将资助他们在这个世界第二大经济体中的扩张。

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House prices are now reported to have fallen in 10 cities across China.

中国 10 个城市的房价已经开始下降。 Although that hurts those who bought at the

height of the boom, it means tomorrow’s mortgagees will be less saddled with debt and able to spend more.


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房价下降的另一部分原因是: 愿意从中国西部出来的外来工越来越少 That means more money in their back

pockets and an increased ability to spend it.’

这意味着他们兜里有更多的钱,也有更多的能力消费。 Dow Chemical Co is an example


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As China invests more in health and education there is less incentive to save.


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Growth has fueled a remarkable increase in per capita income

A decline in the poverty rate from 85 percent in 1981 to 16 percent in 2005

经济增长对个人均收入显着增加起到积极作用 贫困率从 1981 年的 85%下降到 2005 年的 16% poverty alleviation has always been at the top

of the agenda for the Chinese government.


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贫困人口 占农村人口百分比

1978 年 2.5亿 30.7%

2000 年 3000万 3 %

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“ The rural cooperative medical care scheme”

1.4 billion yuan in 2010 alone

Benefited about 46.15 million villagers

Offer aged rural villagers pensions

农村合作医疗计划的补贴,仅在 2010 年一年就达到14亿元人民币

约 4615万村民受益 不少地方政府已经开始给年纪大的村民发放养老金

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The agriculture tax was abolished from 2006

Rural students have been exempted from tuition and miscellaneous fees from 2007.

From October this year, the State Council launched a project to provide free lunch to 26 million rural students in 680 counties on a trial basis.

从 2006 年的农业税被取消 从 2007 年农村学生已免交学杂费 从 2011 年 10月,国务院发起了一个项目,为 680 个县的


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Central and local governments are also trying their best to help poverty


Improving the life of rural residents in the country’s less-developed or underdeveloped areas will continue to be an important task for the governments at all levels in the years to come.”


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“Remember what happened to Japan when it succumbed in 1985 to US pressure to revalue the yen.”

The result was a bubble that burst and an economy that has yet to recover.

“记住 1985 年迫于美国的压力,日元升值致使日本发生的情况。”当时的结果是市场泡沫破灭,经济到现在还没有完全恢复。

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美国的问题是: 作为一个国家,它的积蓄太少,借用太多。把工业生产的很大一部分,转移到劳动力便宜的国家。拒绝向中国出口某些高科技产品求助于所谓的“量化宽松政策”印刷更多的纸币却没有在国内生产总值的比例上相应


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The exchange rate of the yuan is a sovereign issue.

It is a good thing for overseas investors to diversify away from the euro and the dollar.

人民币汇率是个主权问题,应该由中国独立确定。 2005-2010 年间 ,人民币持续大幅升值。 人民币升值对海外投资者的好事

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What better than to buy the yuan?

比买入人民币更好的是什么? Its chief executive, Isaac Souede, predicts the

yuan will appreciate another 30 percent in the next five to six years.

Permal 全球最大,历史最悠久的对冲基金集团的执行官,艾萨克预测人民币将在未来五至六年另有 30%的升值。

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China is working on an agreement with the Association of Southeast Asian Nations to settle trade in yuan.

中国正在和东盟国家协商用人民币进行交易。 Pave the way for banks in China and ASEAN

countries to start exchanging yuan for ASEAN currencies.


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China has pledged to increase the yuan’s flexibility, while stressing that exchange rate policy will be reformed in a gradual and controlled manner and the currency’s basic stability will be maintained.


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China’s yuan settlement in cross-border trade surged to 957.57 billion yuan in the first half of 2011, 13.3 times more than that for the same period of last year, according to statistics from the central bank.

中国的人民币跨境贸易结算在 2011 年上半年猛增至9575.7亿元人民币,比去年同期增长 13.3倍。

Plenty of groundwork has to be undertaken before the yuan can fully float internationally.


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Historical backdrop


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The dim sum bonds denominated in yuan.

所谓的点心债券市场在快速发展 发行点心债券是以人民币计价 香港,新加坡和伦敦市场都渴望进入利润丰厚的点心债券市场。

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It is not inconceivable that the yuan could become the next reserve currency.



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The dire economic situations in Europe and the US mean there will be rich pickings for Chinese businesses already in overseas markets and those wishing to enter them.


There will be bargains galore.


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The road ahead will not be easy.

China has always been a cautious traveller.


But the destination can be reached.

It is a place of prosperity and social harmony, a place at ease with itself.

但是目的地终究会达到,我相信这点。 这是繁荣、和谐的社会,人民安居乐业。

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