Soft Signs of a Compromised Immune System

Soft Signs of a Compromised Immune System Maria Rickert Hong Nutritional Healing (917) 553-6673 [email protected]


Pay attention to these soft signs as they are typically seen as precursors to autism, PDD-NOS, SPD, OCD, ADHD, asthma, allergies, eczema, depression, anxiety, schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, fibromyalgia, multiple sclerosis, IBS, Chron's, celiac or other autoimmune diseases.

Transcript of Soft Signs of a Compromised Immune System

Page 1: Soft Signs of a Compromised Immune System

Soft Signs of a Compromised Immune System Maria Rickert Hong Nutritional Healing (917) 553-6673 [email protected]

Page 2: Soft Signs of a Compromised Immune System

Soft Signs (Red Flags)  One or two red cheeks after eating  Red or hot ears after eating  Chronic runny nose or cough  Chronic mouth breathing  Problems with swallowing, habitual

gagging or choking while eating  Storing food in cheeks  Recurrent ear infections (917) 553-6673

[email protected]

Page 3: Soft Signs of a Compromised Immune System

Soft Signs (Red Flags)  Chronic or recurrent sinus infections  Chronic or recurrent strep infections  Periodic Fever Syndrome  Patches of red, dry, scaly skin (eczema)

on face, hands, elbows, knees or other parts of the skin

 Frequent diaper rashes in babies, especially red rings around the anus or redness of the vaginal area (917) 553-6673

[email protected]

Page 4: Soft Signs of a Compromised Immune System

Soft Signs (Red Flags)  Cradle cap or excessive scaling and

dandruff on the scalp  Thinning hair or hairloss in a child  Cavities and excessive tartar, or bad

breath, despite proper dental hygiene  Frequent daytime accidents in an already

potty-trained child  Nighttime bedwetting well into the grade

school years (917) 553-6673

[email protected]

Page 5: Soft Signs of a Compromised Immune System

Soft Signs (Red Flags)   Nocturia: frequent waking to go the

bathroom   Dark circles or bags surrounding the eyes   “Droopy” eyes   Excessive drooling in children too old to drool   Colic, excessive crying or irritability in babies   Frequent temper tantrums (multiple times a

day) (917) 553-6673

[email protected]

Page 6: Soft Signs of a Compromised Immune System

Soft Signs (Red Flags)  Frequent crying, sadness, anger (multiple

times a day)  Esophageal reflux  Babies who chronically “spit up” or

regurgitate after eating  White coating on the tongue  Chronic thrush infections  Unusual fingernail or toenail formation (917) 553-6673

[email protected]

Page 7: Soft Signs of a Compromised Immune System

Soft Signs (Red Flags)  Frequent loose stools, diarrhea  Undigested food routinely found in stools  Blood in stool  Constipation, infrequent stooling (going

only once every few days, or straining with a bowel movement

 Excessive gas, flatulence (917) 553-6673

[email protected]

Page 8: Soft Signs of a Compromised Immune System

Soft Signs (Red Flags)   Chronically discolored stools: white, yellow or

black   Floating stools or dry stools (“rabbit pellets”)   “Tummy aches”   Distended “pot belly”   Persistent toe-walking (always walking on tip-

toes)   Delays in crawling, walking and/or talking   Significant speech impairments (917) 553-6673

[email protected]

Page 9: Soft Signs of a Compromised Immune System

Soft Signs (Red Flags)  Large motor delays: difficulties

completing age-appropriate physical tasks (e.g., jumping or climbing)

 Sideways glancing: looking out of the sides of the eyes instead of making direct eye contact

 Sensory-seeking behaviors: always looking to “crash” into people, objects (917) 553-6673

[email protected]

Page 10: Soft Signs of a Compromised Immune System

Soft Signs (Red Flags)   Sensory-defensiveness:

  Covering the ears from everyday sounds like vacuum cleaners or telephone rings

  Shielding the eyes from bright lights   Sensitivity or revulsion to common smells   Avoidance of certain textures like sand,

wetness, certain fabrics   Over-sensitivity or emotional reaction to tags in

clothing, seams in socks, hairbrushing   Avoidance of kisses, hugs or other forms of


(917) 553-6673 [email protected]

Page 11: Soft Signs of a Compromised Immune System

Soft Signs (Red Flags)  Pressure-seeking behavior:  trying to push

the belly against objects, the floor, tables  Head banging  Tongue hanging out of the mouth  Failure to thrive, growth delays  Arm flapping  Low muscle tone, hypotonia  Extreme or abnormal fatigue; difficulty


(917) 553-6673 [email protected]

Page 12: Soft Signs of a Compromised Immune System

Soft Signs (Red Flags)  Excessive sweating (night or daytime) or

inability to regulate temperature  Excessive hyperactivity  Chronically swollen lymph nodes  Obsessive or compulsive type behaviors;

constant hoarding of toys, possessions  Lining up toys or other repetitive behaviors  Persistent aggressive behavior (917) 553-6673

[email protected]

Page 13: Soft Signs of a Compromised Immune System

Soft Signs (Red Flags)  Persistent non-compliant or oppositional

behavior  Tics (verbal or physical), including

constant throat clearing, coughing or blinking

 Recurrent urinary tract infections  Chronic vaginal infections  Chronic athletes foot, ring worm or other

fungal skin infection (917) 553-6673

[email protected]

Page 14: Soft Signs of a Compromised Immune System

What Do These Soft Signs Mean?   These red flags are often seen in children

before they develop autism, ADHD, PDD-NOS, sensory processing disorder, OCD, allergies, asthma, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, depression, anxiety or autoimmune disorders such as celiac, IBS, Chron’s, etc.

  They are also often seen in adults before they develop autoimmune disorders such as celiac, IBS, colitis, Chron’s, rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, fibromyalgia and other autoimmune disorders (917) 553-6673

[email protected]

Page 15: Soft Signs of a Compromised Immune System

Most people with a chronic illness/disorder (autism, ADHD, asthma, allergies, celiac, etc.) or chronic symptoms (eczema, allergies, reflux, etc.) have gut dysbiosis and/or immune dysregulation. (917) 553-6673

[email protected]

Page 16: Soft Signs of a Compromised Immune System

Known Statistics  1 in 88 children have autism (1 in 54 boys)  1 in 8 children have asthma  1 in 10 children have ADHD  1 in 80 children have celiac disease  1 in 5 children have allergic eczema  1 in 12 children under 4 have “true” food

allergies (many more have food sensitivities/reactions)

 1 in 2-3 children have hay fever/environmental allergies (917) 553-6673

[email protected]

Page 17: Soft Signs of a Compromised Immune System

Other Illnesses Increasing   Reflux (especially in babies)   Eosinophilic Esophagitis   Sensory Processing/Integration Disorder   Behavioral/mood disorders (biopolar/

depression/anxiety)   Thyroid conditions   Diabetes   Inflammatory bowel disease

(917) 553-6673 [email protected]

Page 18: Soft Signs of a Compromised Immune System

Other Illnesses Increasing   Just because your child does not have a

diagnosis does not mean he’s not affected

  Even “healthy children” are being affected (917) 553-6673

[email protected]

Page 19: Soft Signs of a Compromised Immune System


Are signs that

Something is wrong with your or

your child’s: IMMUNE SYSTEM



•  Eczema •  Red cheeks after eating •  Chronic loose stools/

diarrhea •  Chronic constipation •  Attention/behavior

Problems •  Recurrent infections (ear,

sinus, vaginal) •  Abnormal sensory

behaviors •  Reflux/colic/

stomachaches •  Etc. (917) 553-6673

[email protected]

Page 20: Soft Signs of a Compromised Immune System

Gut Dysbiosis  Often associated

with an improperly functioning GI system

 An imbalance of good/bad probiotic bacteria and yeast (917) 553-6673

[email protected]

Page 21: Soft Signs of a Compromised Immune System

Importance of the Gut  70-80% of the immune system is in the gut  90% of pathogens enter our body thru gut  95% of serotonin is made in the gut (917) 553-6673

[email protected]

Page 22: Soft Signs of a Compromised Immune System

Gut dysbiosis leads to immune dysregulation, and, from there, a vicious cycle is created. (917) 553-6673

[email protected]

Page 23: Soft Signs of a Compromised Immune System

Immune Dysregulation  Attacks and

creates inflammation in response to normally harmless / innocuous things

 Attacks body’s own cells (autoimmunity) (917) 553-6673

[email protected]

Page 24: Soft Signs of a Compromised Immune System

Immune Dysregulation  Can’t turn itself off  Can’t mount

sufficient immune response (underactive immune activity) (917) 553-6673

[email protected]

Page 25: Soft Signs of a Compromised Immune System

Causes of Gut Dysbiosis  Candida albicans (yeast)  Giardia lamblia (parasite)  Clostridium (bacteria)  Streptococcus (bacteria)  Klebsiella (bacteria)  Spirochaetaceae (917) 553-6673

[email protected]

Page 26: Soft Signs of a Compromised Immune System

Causes of Gut Dysbiosis  HHV (virus)  Epstein Barr (virus)  Varicella (virus)  Rubella (virus)  Overuse of antibiotics  Overuse of ibuprofen, Motrin, Naproxen  Use of oral hormones (the pill) (917) 553-6673

[email protected]

Page 27: Soft Signs of a Compromised Immune System

Causes of Gut Dysbiosis  GMO foods  Diet high in processed-foods  Feed-lot meats   Infections passed on by mom (vaginal

birth)  Lack of probiotic bacteria (Caesarean

birth)  Proton-pump inhibitors (Prevacid, etc.)  Stress (917) 553-6673

[email protected]

Page 28: Soft Signs of a Compromised Immune System

First Step  Boost function of adrenals and thyroid

  Minerals are the food that our adrenals and thyroid need to function, and without them, we don’t handle stress well and get sick a lot.

  Most Americans are very deficient in minerals like magnesium, zinc, iodine and selenium. (917) 553-6673

[email protected]

Page 29: Soft Signs of a Compromised Immune System

First Step  Eliminate endocrine disruptors that upset

the function of our thyroid, which controls enzymatic and hormonal processes in our bodies.

 Examples: phthalates, plasticizers, Triclosan, antibacterial soap, Teflon, flame retardants, brominated flour, pesticides, as well as fluoride and chlorine in our water supply. (917) 553-6673

[email protected]

Page 30: Soft Signs of a Compromised Immune System

Next Step  Recover Your Health Program

  5-part teleseminar-series with a bonus session

  One 90-minute session per week with room for Q&A

  Sessions begin Thursday, August 30th at 1pm ET

  Sessions run through Thursday, October 4th at 1pm ET (917) 553-6673

[email protected]

Page 31: Soft Signs of a Compromised Immune System

Next Step  Recover Your Health Program

  Recommendations for types of food and supplements

  Food selection criteria   How to cook your food   Where to get your healing foods and

supplements   Recipes   Handouts (917) 553-6673

[email protected]

Page 32: Soft Signs of a Compromised Immune System

Next Step  Recover Your Health Program

 Bonus: first 18 people to sign up will get a free 30-minute health-coaching session with me (917) 553-6673

[email protected]

Page 33: Soft Signs of a Compromised Immune System

Any Questions?   (917) 553-6673   [email protected]   Facebook: Maria Rickert Hong Nutritional

Healing   Twitter: mariarickert   LinkedIn: Maria Rickert Hong   Google+: Maria Rickert Hong Nutritional

Healing (917) 553-6673

[email protected]