Social Commerce & Good Daily Deals in China

© – TFM&A 2011 dataotuan.c om Gemme van Hasselt - Co- founder Social Commerce & Good Daily Deals 洞洞洞洞洞洞洞洞洞 洞洞洞洞洞洞


Overview of the Chinese Daily Deal Industry What makes a deal a Top Deal? Is Group buying Social Commerce?

Transcript of Social Commerce & Good Daily Deals in China

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© – TFM&A 2011

Gemme van Hasselt - Co-founder

Social Commerce & Good Daily Deals


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© Dataotuan - TFM&A 2011

Dataotuan Tracks Dataotuan Collects


About 关于大淘团Dataotuan, a unique tuangou aggregator and analytics platform in



Deals & Revenue per District

Number of “real’ active Cities/Provinces

314 cities in Mainland China(*)

Deal Title

Price (Original, Current, Abs. And % Discount)

Number of Sold Deals

Category/Sub Category

Availability in Time

City, District, Latitude/Longitude

Weather & more

3000 – 7000 new deals every day

Number of Deals

Gross revenue Province,

City, District, Category, Sub Cat.

152 of the main Daily Deal Sites

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About 关于大淘团Dataotuan’s Mission

> Recommend the best deals to our users

> Help Daily Deal companies to offer better deals

> Advice the Finance/investment industry about the Daily Deal Market

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Today 今天的话题

Today I like to share with you our insights on:

1. The Daily Deal Industry & What makes a deal a Top Deal

2. Is Group buying Social Commerce?

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Have you bought Daily Deals? 你买过团购吗?

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Tuangou Sites in China 中国的团购网站类型

In China there are 2 types of Daily Deal Companies

1. Pure Tuangou websites: Lashou, Meituan, Manzuo, 55tuan, etc

2. Tuangou Channels: Nuomi (Renren), TuanQQ, Dianpingtuan, t.58 etc

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Top 20 Tuangou’s 团购网站 20强

QQ, 12.0%

55tuan, 9.6%

Lashou, 9.0%

Meituan, 7.0%

Dianping, 6.8%

Manzuo, 6.6%Nuomi, 5.8%

24quan, 5.6%

58tuan, 5.0%

Ftuan, 4.3%

Gaopeng, 4.2%Ganji, 2.8%

Gocn, 2.2%

Juhuasuan, 2.2%Didatuan, 2.1%

Juqi, 1.8%

Ayatuan, 1.4%

Pintuan, 1.2%Tuanok, 1.0%

Shuangtuan, 0.8%

Others, 9.0%




Market Share August (Revenue)

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What Is a Top Deal 热卖团购的特征

A Top Daily Deal is exactly what you would expect

> The terms are flexible

> It's about quality not just price

> The merchant is trustworthy

> It’s redeemable in several locations

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Top Deals Analytics 热卖团购与总体对比



Average Revenue (Rmb)

Top deals generate 48 times more revenue

Total Average

Top Deals Average



Average Discount (%)

Top deals have less discount



Average Nr. Sold

Top deals sell 20 times more



Average Price (Rmb)

Top deals higher price after discount

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Top Deals Analytics 热卖团购网站分析

Dianping, 19%

Nuomi, 13%

Manzuo, 12%Meituan, 9%QQ, 7%

55tuan, 6%

24quan, 5%

Ftuan, 4%

Ganji, 3%

Didatuan, 3%

Gaopeng, 3%

Lashou, 2%58tuan, 2%Others, 12%

Dianping, as in June and July, again has the biggest percentage among the top deals, followed by Nuomi and Manzuo.

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Failed Deals 失败团购一览

Failed Deals: Nr Sold < 5

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How Social is Tuangou? 团购真的社会化了吗?

You can’t read reviews about previous deals & cannot compare similar offers

There’s no follow up after the Deal by either the Deal website or the merchant

You can’t provide recommendations/feedback about the deal

Tuangou websites are only social as far is it involvesinviting others to buy the same deal

It’s good, smart e-commerce but it’s not real social commerce.

It’s one-way “Social” Commerce

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Let’s take a step back

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Social Circles 社交圈子

2011 Years ago

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Social circle 2011

Close Family

Far Away FamilyFriends

Friends of FriendsColleagues

Friends of Colleagues

Strangers I’m Connected To

Friends of Strangers I’m connected to

People I follow


Social Circles 社交圈子

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Social circle 2011

Close Family

Far Away FamilyFriends

Friends of FriendsColleagues

Friends of ColleaguesStrangers I’m Connected To

Friends of Strangers I’m connected to

People I follow


Social Circles 社交圈子

Share your opinion on Weibo Review on Dianping

Recommend using QQ/MSN

You write on a BBS

You play on Renren/Kaixin001

And... talk in real lifeto other people about your experienceAt work, at home, at dinners

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Social Commerce 社会化电子商务

Social commerce is the use of social network(s) in the context of e-commerce transactions

Source: wikipedia

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Social Commerce 社会化电子商务

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Real Social Commerce 真正的社会化电子商务

Real social commerce is where I can read

Reviews/Recommendations before I buy

Share/Recommend after using the deal

Real social commerce is transparency

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Dell Gets It A Bit 戴尔的案例

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Dell Gets It A Bit 戴尔的案例

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1 Day – Many Days

Tuangou websites offer local service deals, restaurants, beauty salons, etc More and more they offer products, like cosmetics,fashion, trips, etc.

Deal availability longer and longer, the daily part is getting lost

Number Deals Increase every month, the one deal only is long in the past

Local – National

Number of Deals – More and More

团购在向传统电子商务演进Tuangou’s more like “normal” e-commerce

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Future of Tuangou 社会化的团购未来

Get Social

If the experience was bad, say sorry, send them a coupon 20% off to try the same place

If the experience was good, say great, send them a coupon 10% off to use at the same place

> Build a relationship with the buyers

> Ask what kind of deals they want to receive

> Share with new buyers reviews, positive/negative of the venue

> Follow up after the deal, ask them about their experience

> Build up retention, give them a reason to come back

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Thank You 谢谢!> We recommend the best deals to our users

> We help Daily Deal companies to offer better deals

> We advice the Finance/investment industry about the Daily Deal Market

> More info: &