So. korea 2011

About Cultures and Life Styles

Transcript of So. korea 2011

About Cultures and Life Styles


South Korea In a glance

Where is the Korea

Famous Site in Korea

Major Holidays in Korea

Family Life, music and arts

School System in Korea

안녕하세요 . ( An Nyung Ha Sae Yo.) = Hello. 반갑습니다 . (Ban Gap Seum Ni Da.) = Nice to meet you.

저는 김건규 입니다 . My American Name is Con – Q.

population : 48,300,000

(rank 26th in the world)

Language : 한국어 (Korean)

Official Name : Republic of Korea

Government type : Republic

Capital : Seoul

Currency : South Korea won ( 원 )

World map in Korea

World map in Korea

Seoul, the Capital of Korea

Busan, the biggest port city in Korea

Kyungju, the historical city in Korea

Jeju-do, the best place for tourist

Date Holiday Detail

1 / 1 New year`s Day The first day of the new Year

3 / 1Independence Movement Day

It is the anniversary of the Independence Movement of March 1st against Japanese occupational rule in 1919.

7 / 17 Constitution DayConstitution Day commemorates the promulgation of the Republic of Korea's Constitution in 1948.

8 / 15 Chuseok

Chuseok is the 15th day of the eighth month by the lunar calendar. It is one of the biggest holidays of the year.

10 / 3National Foundation


commemorates the founding of the first nation of Korea by Dangun in 2333 B.C.

Korean traditional marriage

traditional cerebration : Samulnolli

Elementary School : 6 years

Middle School : 3 years

High School : 3 years

Undergraduate : 4 years

(But most of Korean men takes more

2 years because of military service


Master : 4 years