· Sixteen Page; ~ ~ VOL. ll. - NQ. 145..-...

Sixteen Page; ~ ~ VOL. l l . - NQ. 145..- '- - Guns On Hert beh M I iieii f ==W m f Democratic'Nominee in Address j -- ---------- in-D aiver—Insists. Republi-I ! can Platform, is Unsatisfac-; -------- tsry;— Criticizes— Prcsidentjt ---- I BY PAUL F. IIAUPERT I Press SliUr Writer | . ---------- ^ en VEH. UcPL ui^A«ani Ifuuung ' hla Runs ort Herbert Hoover os hc clls- . cussed • water power In a campnlgn «) -------- .tnr\lght, n ovprnnr Smith * . declared tbat the benc/Jt of the de- -------- veiumneiil' of—power-flUea-ghould—nc— cruc to tlio people themselves and '' that ■•we should not penult them to fall Into private hands for' private development, which means private -------- c*ln-at the expense -of-aU-tlie-UMrs- —1 of the . energy." Ex Tho Democratic nominee - Insisted that* the Rcpubllcaft plotfonn decla- ration on, water power woa unsatis- factory, nnd .OAMTted that tho accept- lat ance opcech of his opponent did nol lea contfttn "one single word on the ques- at tlon of •water power development" coi and, that Mr. noover In^ his recent 10( , liOS Anscles speech failed to rnake' la^ his stand clear. pa --------- -------------- -A m ll.. ^ Oovemor Smith abo tille d Pres- ident Coolidgc for vctolne the Muscle Shoals bill without an exiilantlon of -------- lu relectlon and for .making Uic dec- lamtlon In a message W congri’M , tlmt* the M 'Je-'Shoali question ^ --------^ hav.. “ossunicd Or-Qlaco .oul of all proport n with Its real. Im- -------- porUnee."----- rr --------- : ---------- -------------^ The goremor said that ••Inaction on ;P“' -------- tbft-part-ot-the-fcdcraUcovcninientAl®! "the 8trangB-*UDncc- of-the- candidate t and the momlnglesa plank ot the Re- - publican platform.Indicate, to say the Jeast, a sympathy j with tbe.'.wlde- BE country by on organbmtton known Tv . OB the Jolht coihmlttce of the Na- Ins ‘ Ilonal Electric awoclatlon.” qui Turning to the Boulder Canyon m« _____ dam problem. In which Colorado and Icui the oUit'r. ilx »late«-'m fhe Colorado I fro river basin are directly Interested. | Oovemor-' Smitli called for "imrtc-1 diftte action.” wllh regard to Muscle j &I)oals. Hc reiterated a belief that 1A ^ tU e Bovemmenl should continue' • the ed full and complete operation.” of the pol plant in Alabama, “retaining It un- dn; -------- der—Rovemment-owner«hli>-ond—eon—f-Lei trol.”_____________ _______________ du Aii-lor the uoumcr uiuii, uiii hum-' Iriee said that "the site of ihe dam t c , and Uic machlncrj' generating this i water power must -be prcsCn-ed Ini, public ownership.” • | ............. .................. Pr<oel«B«. - Blglit------------------ ,— "Jicver should tlils priceless rleht _ _ ---------WTTrtven awny~foi—private exp1olln-4—— tlon." he added, "and In wliatever } t ^ ?— s JEElMLr ---------------------- , I ___ _Nominee Tells Delegation Cam-; t paign is Not One of Opposit- ; Inn But Based Upon Issues r --------- J WASHINOTON. Sept. 22 (4>-Her- ! bert Hoover declnnd unequivocally to- day that his campaign L<i not one of -------- oppteltftn. but-one-to.Javor ot ilie Bl can-parti. _ ' ------ - HU statement was contain^ Iti aTi - address to a delegrrtlon from M.irr- J land, the first public pronouncement su; he had made since hla Demo«5Bilc Ws __^opponent. Alfred E. SmlUi. opened m . fire on Uie“ Reput>llcan p o n v m "his thi ---------addttM at OMalwma 01trt«-»t Thmu- tm day night. He “We arc now In a ^ a t campalcn.*' bei Hoover said. "Our campalini Is ba.<^d y« upon our Lwues. II Is not a campaign tin of opposltlbn. It 'ta a campalmi In favor of the issues and ctvndldalcs lir the RepubUnm party. - - - ~ •Brforr the meeimtr wtlh ".he Mary- an hour and a halt al tl.e While . >ltuaUon with PresU'ent CooUd<r-. TE No Aanoaneet&rnt Beyond the. statement that -the Retierr>l ^lUratlnn'* had been-gaoe over ---------uiummnjiueut cuicetutnu' th'-' cjtu’ci’ -mt ----- rma*. Bat it tr known that ft number Ba of the' prtsldeni’s frTenda~>u»ve lw » {^lI . . .urgihg him ta^make a.speech or two we In New England, prefemtly Ln h is 'j SUte of Uasach'usetts. {oe Later. Hoom declined to dlacListhU yr. matter but ho did aay that he was fm satisfied wtth the outlook oytr the pn couniTT. . ' . rmi Purlng^B ^ y ^ ^ 'h « ^ ^A rtcn j tbi ■es I - : T W I Leased 'wirk .MfstnER op ' AS.10C1ATKD PRES.S v-er-nor-^Eiains- p •bert C, Hoover j i VETERAN J F-CIV IL WAR j MARRIES DENV.ER WOMAN J CiENVER, Sept. 22 (;i>7-WllUam ~ Rcchestcr. 84-year-old veteran of —the-Glvli-war,-came-hero-lo-at-_ I tend cncampment of, the Omnd i'~Army of^^t^^^pUbll6^^^^^ ------- i home In MlssLvilppl. ! Tcday Rochester married Dora I B. Loveless, 54. matron at the 'I . union station here. - I "ifs Just another of love al flrsl sight." Rocheste/ declared I after thc ceremony. pninQ j IM P DEMi^ —:— de “Britain Is Rapidly Goins Dry" « _jEoclaims.Headlines.of.GKSt S Newspaper in.BritisH Capital ■■■ . . , s —LONDOKr-S^pL-22-t>r)-TTllc Sunday. ^ Express proclaims In streamer head- lines oti Ita front page lhat ‘•Brlt; oP aln Ik. rapidly going d ry .'^ ,,,,. ____1_ _11 Tlie cotuumptlon of liquor In Eng- f®’ land during- the last fiscal year was less .than third of that consumed “n at the-beginning of thc century, ac- cording to figures Just Issued;- The Oo 1000 consumption ot spirits In Eng- la«d“ v;‘iiS“32.239522-gaitons-n«-com- ^ pared wltli 10.412,921 gallons last year. Bgforn Uie war there were 2.000.000 trl toUl abstainers where now there a rc 10.000.000. •These flgufes reveal the radical *? improvement In our social habits." a**^rare^ s^ctM le Sr^*n3'**and *v*l- lftge.s. American visitors say that _ lhey~«ciaoiir-scrf“ ft*-arunken- man.- nl I Thta ^ J t aoclflJ revolution la due yj partly to education, partly to the mo- tor car. partly to sports, and partly I To*riiiV~iftcrM8c~ia“ hcftlthrr»ma8^: :rl menta.” BEAN CEOP IN JEROME AND ^ TWIN FAIXR-SECTIONS <?OOn m F^\TOB.==Scpe7af=OT5=Befif^ ^ Twin PBlls-Jeromc section are tum - . Ing out to .bo of exceptionally high quality. R. L. Spongier, director of co marketa of the department of agrl- ml culture, said to day on his return rroni~that~secuonr“^ ------------------------- ---------------- ; ----------- Ihl WOMEN LAUNCH CAMPAIGN ca SALT LAKE CITY. Sept. 2J (/T>- „e A campaign to bring an unprecedent- ^ ed number of women voters to the uti polls In November waa launched. to- n], dny al a confercnce of the Salt Lake League-of—Women—Votfrs-ood-kln* deed orgnnbatlons.' _________________ ^ Seven of Cincinnati Z M an’s Survivors'A re - ------------ CoUegeJProfessora . ^^;W—Ab--------- rnhatn Isaacs. Clnclnnntl phllan- seven collegcpro^jwors among hl.s 11 sunlvlng children, whcti he died yesterday. They are Nathan Isoact. profes- __ sor__ Ql__ hiLtlnpjm nrimlnlitrntlnn. __ Harvard unlvcrsltyl Schachne ' _ Isaacs, psycfiiatrlat, UnlvJreUy of ■" R&cnencr;" u r. - Raphael -lioacs:-------- as.iocUite director- Clifton Mem- orlanm lJlJte. unJrcrsJiy or Mich- I " Igrvn; -Dr. EloanrTon I.\oacs. lec- turer at Hanard law school; Dr. M."LfBU“ Isaucs:-proTe.'3or-tn-thr'- medical colleK^ ot Columbia uni- versity: , Asher I.wac.^. lustslant professor In the department oX-^- and MIm Nescha Isaacs. Instruc- tor In ixjlltlcal science, University of Cincinnati. BEET HABVEST TO.BEGIN UTAH ftND’TOAHO'SDON ~ _ ' - * SALT LMCE CITY. Sept. 22 (Pf- Sugar b«c har\'eatlng in UUh and Waho will start during the first week m October. S.ntm-ove. president.of thc “ United ■SUtcs - Sngsr- M*nufac- - - t u r e w '— nwMWlalkin itfwllrtprt__tnriny. __ Hr also SUted tbat the toUl sugar ■ beet acreiKc In the United States Hits - , year will be nt least 30 per cent below tlie 1927 acreage. Whether production m .Utah, and Idaho wlM be lower this year cannot be delermliicd for about 30 days, al- thouRh larger acrense ha.^ bem-plnnt. - eO lii be«t» U> these .two sUte?. Love TDAHO‘TirOBSERVE‘WEEK“ : ” FOR PREVENTION OF FIRE - n m s P - .Sent a (.Twin iT I Baldridge called on the people of ■IJSno' to ob«n-e Flre 'PrerfntSon — week, October 7 to. 13.__________________ 'He cited the reducttjn“ In"the firet loss reported In 1927 compared wllh 1924 Bnrf uryivl mntihuprt vlfllsnin* tn — further reduce the waste of life and property. Schools were urged to ae- rmoge programs to educate students to the dangrr and to encourage safety nwurea. _______ - T ■ E ONLY ASSOCIATED PI U S TWIN FALLS, IDAHO,-S S¥ii¥l >Bfim T HD llMI / . ^ ct - Senator Curtis-Quotes-State-u I _Message.tjy-Et.esldenLWJlson.l_5! ! Freeing Republican Nominee Froni Fixing of Qiiotations fj _____ _________________ ft to (By the Aasociatcd Press) " ed on by Indians whose‘ixibeT'oncc' ' chased him with bow and arrow, Sen--, - frtojt-Charles-Curtla. . Uic, Rrpubllcan . T vlcc-prcsCdcntlar nominee, waged the . I Republican campaign In Montana to- I J day In speeches til Hardin and here. I I Por Uie flrat. time since Uklng declaratlon.i” that Hertert Hoovdr-was [y]o , responsible for fixing thc pdce of _ wheat during tho ‘H'ar. At Itordln ___ ^ f Koovw I as food odmlnlstrator^urlrtg the .war "at hU expressed wish, lias pai;t in thi' deliberations 'of the com- c mllice on .whose recommendation I Mrs , dclennlne the government’s fair price: coK [■ noTliajThenn-ttiiy ■ way- lntlmatwl-an- hen . opinion regarding that price.*’ luil ' But thc high point ot a_busy day coin . for Sciuttor Ciirtls was His visit tills dial J morning with Uie Crows. Blackfeet DwI 1 and Cheyenne' Indians. At solemn basj . ceremonies the venerable chief Plenty A , Coos, of the Crow nation, waved his plar I scalp stlok over Uie held of "my Par .. dcar-i-boyil— aod__ fonnnlly__ ndpjj_ted iH**} . Charles 'Curlls of the Kaws into lilFsaia j i u .Hv».i i ^ v m r a p c » h T iii Curtis, who responded with a speech T, , to his new Indian brothers, thanking Prc: ‘ them ond urging them to regard se- 'xn .irlously the rcsponslbllltles-ot citizen- Ingl iConUnucd on page six) bWESWUBLlG-OTlLITIEU . .[A j .WASHINOTON. Sept. 22 <>P>— ' llctty acUvltlea of pgyer umities inj kill, * Pd0ffc"^aiTl~stfll<S-'^wilI,“ rcccTve--lheyKir \ attenUon of the Investigation bcfnc Jj**' f conducted by the federal trade com- - mission clurlng the week of Octo^r 7.' pj^ _AUhough_nQ_dcflnlte dates or list P^' ot witnesses have been made ■pobJier *nju the commLislon announced ^ a y thnt Californio, Oregon, Washliijion' and pQ • perhaps other Western sUtcs «ould] _ ' bc covered soon ^ ftcr the Inquiry Into I - utlllUes offalrs In the’ Soulh Is con^- I pleted.- S’ ' Ohe Southcm phase of the Inveatiga- Oov ‘ llSi~which wiir'cover'Georgliir^la- ma» _ bama. .Tennessee, and North Caro-j Uio ~ Hna^BeglHs'nexT'TucAHay^ i^Ick I ______1 ..... J ______ RIDE ; . J r ' ^ i .'A r • Z . I. r _____ _—_ ' ------ PRESS NMWSPAPER /i\ ,-SUNDAY .MORNING, SE BbURBON jSENATORS WILL ' J TOUR THROUGH MID-WEST ■. Tlw^dUonal D«moemllc head- - quarters lii’ Washington announc---------- , cd today in a . sUitcment lo the. I press th a t. several > Democratic i ' senators -plan to trail Senator ^^orah 61 IdUlo'in'Ws'-ikjllliojii --------- campalgn-tour anti "revcnl" what __th«»y to be inrotlsliitcnclrr.s Qj< In the .Idahoan's >.ipport of Her- ~ bet-l HWVW.’ ^ " '7 — -- ^ ------------------ Esctmcts fnjiii s)>i:rvnc.':'t)yiBoruli. "In which he bUieriy e.'<ecratcd Mr. Hoover ln \Uic .vjvcnil ca- i pacltles the latter occiiplod dur- ' Ing and aftcr the war’ havc.been • - furnished tho - Dcfjocratlc sena- tors, thc conimlUcc wld. ira liP iiiT 'i IraiflTiEl _______________ _____^ ^ Mother ol Lpne tagie mes J Frnm' Brindisi" to Constan- - -tinople-andi-Eiioys-Jourjiey. -------- . tra CONSTANTINOPLE. Sept. 22 (/?■)— the Mrs. Evangeline Lindbergh, mother of the Colonel Charles A. Lindbersli. arMved strl here-tonightr-ln» B «‘n|iinnf n t_llie. apj Italian Aero Express. She was ac- are companled on the nighl from Brin- des dlal-by-Mlss-Allce-Morrow.-jttster-ot- -iat< Dwight W. Morrow, Unltc<l States am- Imt basaador to Mexico. Rej As. Mrs. Lindbergh stepped from the arc plane she turned to Commander Fcssl Paris, a director oX the company. w»^ -C had actcd as. pilot In her honor, and (Jth ffAi/i'*"'' .......... . -froi "That was the best flight of my life, hlgi i-rtirin-i. tmnt to Bomf down to earth." iclet Thc correspondent of T hr Associated the Press was the g^eet Mrs. Lldn- trui •‘crgh. at which'sho-exclalmodJaugh-. F ingly; • • _ _ tlo» ways everywhere. Isn’t It?'" M'AN“ DIES“ WfiEN^UTq - CS " PCUNGES-OFF^'BRIDGE-— j ^SAEr^iaKE~UUT.~S«prr22Tf/t7=r — A social dUpatch to The Trlbimc tonight from Caldwell, swted that Joe Thomas, Angela was killed when • an automobile overturn- _» TciT^on-the-iaifio^O'p'eton^TOaS ^ highway 25 miles north of Jordon „jq| Valley. Oregon, this momlng. Tlie automobile ran off a hridtte and _ plunged Into -a guUy. - Four other ^ pa.sscngers of -the mochlne cscapcd ^.^1 Injurj-:— ------ -g_ FCmMER IDAHOTJOVERNOR.. n°" TO ADDRESS MISSOURIANS b« _______ tnli ST. LOUIS. Sept. 22 (/V>—Former Irr. Oovernor D. W. Dnvls of Idaho, will Cro makc~tl\T!~Bperchps—in^Mlssourt-foi---- T Uio Republican n^Uonal and. ;.utc tcvl t ickeuii 11 *u-, uuiiuuiind lure t.nU:.,jfi‘ii E ’IM M P JO IJ.,CAN. HAVE ;iM j _____ ~~ - ^-oopyrtght. IN TWIN FALLS COUNT 3EFTEIVlEER“2S7ig2S:--------- STIIICKEyySTO l"^ --------------------. " ----- ^— ■|"." T Disease ahd Hunger-Tlirealens Z' _ii6tug.ecs.jn_jiatisiauc.5Ia Meechobee Region; T5,000 j," . Are Homeless;: ;ipOQ. Dead _____ 'ofa nni (By Thc Associated Press) or — WE6T-^ALM-BBACt^ittr- 6 etHT-aa------- aged by last Sunday's tropical hurrl- IR clab esUmatcs fixed the death toll al between 1000 and 1500 with' more-tlian 15,000 homeless, and disease and him- Rer ttireatenlng refugees in parts of the Lako Okeechobee region. Rapidly coordinating lu program. th 6 -American Red Cross allocated phases ot Uie work to branch head- rquartei5=ta^ttdcsonville;=irampjn:tmd- : F>3rt Afyere. - fi -' Rlflng-wnU*r» ondNack-of •-adequate------- transportoUon tacilltles handlcapi>cd i the emergency and relict work and . ^ the"-* recovery ot bodies within thc ^ stricken lake sliore district. Urgent . ttDDCals for boato camc out of thc “■ area whlch“ reiumlng officlttls~haVc' areu described as corpse-strewn and deso- Fren -latei—wllh—Utousonds—of—refugee**-In Immediate need or food and slicltcr. Reporti stated th e, entire everglades arc flooded. of a> Orders Parehasrii crs - Oovemor Martin ordered food and (Jthcr supplies purchased.‘with funds "from-^hc .itaCC* Ueusury-and Uie slat*" * highway department was ordered to l»far clear Uie - dcbrU-clogged-Joads_into. ” hc"dutrici lonacm uw liiuveiiiciii uf trucks and olher vehicles, Pedcriil aid to cope wllh the sltua- lion wa.H sought by United SUtefl Sen- ,1, , I- ■ WWI r tcsuuiiueii'uu i*ate iron CIlPTIllFilMEINS g -VOfllGE-TO-SO llTyilLE!^ ........... ............ ,T1 NEW YORK. Sept. '22 <;p)^aptaln that Sir qeorge Hubert Wilkins and three Brill ■of-Uie-nico.ia-ha-a’ill-accompapy_lilm. -on“ a~%’oyaBC-of-Antan:tlc ncrinl-ot-- -lU-l ploratlon. sailed today on the liner Angl Southcm Cross for Mont«vldco,_Uru- - *ri guay. ther Ln.ll to leave Uie ship among those who bndc the fliers good bye wns Mlsa han< '8 u2anne“T3ennett—nctress—who- «n- ijjpt nomiecd yesterday that she was Sir ^vcn Hubcrl’s fiancee. ^Iilc Wllh Wilkins went Lieutenant Carl Den Elelson. who flew wllh th >3 ctfp- tnln over llie Norlh pole. Orylijc Por- Irr. Ihelr aviation mechanic,’ and Joe Crossan. iillol. . . . —They~wlll-lp»v«-tho st«anicr-at-.V!0D-- tcvldeo nnd board a whaler for Dc- 11® * r,-t'ttnii I5tnt»l, Sir Hubert said. - ; . ^ ^ [Sa IM_________ _____ ________IL..! . - - I ' ' ] i ___ - - ___________» , &SSIS ■ ' ^ M JtTr ^ ^ ---- WOT Pou: Vv '.’iWA mre •?»' sUtc _ _ _ 25^ -----GO: __ I - Cl ^ ^ acii rHW y jWBlWIK \ dert: * jj Mwmiiiwtf/ng pv u , B) S'! I 8,.,t 7 the New Vort Tribune. In t coW Pag S M ---------------MrHnrn~ATTnrr-ninij:A«----------- .OP CIHcm.ATIONB ^alitical-Gainpa Traditional Bar ROSSING CRASH CLAINIS iPfl FIVE LIVES IN lUUNOIS'jll . u itA N u '^ .u m . ill., btiinv 2 3 - ^ - Q j I/Vl—Five iiersoas were kllli’d and 1 n at least 20 Injured ''hiw tonight - •! -. Ioad\-d with ptulcnHcrr'boiimt'ror (j 0 revival mrellhg. The dead nre; Mrs. Lena Dor- Utch. Alfred W. Taylor. ML-w VI- _ ofa Zimmer, ftfrs. hUtry Sauall.^. PSW nnd • Mrs. Nelly ' Kercdlth. ull of Oronitc Clly.____________________ d PACTH ILE8 CR ITICS i , ------------------------------------------------------l—OJ lewspaper Editorials in Lon-jS' ~don Confiniie,to Crilicize!bv.. Action On Andlo-French Pact mmi , dlclli ' • be s LONDON. Sept. 22 (/P>--Critlclsm Ot j be i rcBTimtalnVhnndltng-ofTthe-AniTlo--t^^ rench naval accord continued to »»ur j^fel om new»pit^f8~todffyr~orflciftMnmr 775^ }wcvcr, calmly disregarded the flood to n adjectives looscil by editorial writ- tlic s and how to Its dcclslon not to ibllsli tho official text until other Lvemmenta enneernrd had been ^to’ t •ard from. - ' | The-offlclals-polntcd-OUt-that-.wlien.| ie thrce'power naval tonfertnre 1cordi •oke down at Oeneva lost year, there j aa much denunciation of Uw pro- oc tdlngS'because thc go\emmenU,had j fighi H pwtiari'U itie urouiiu rur timi um»-;-streT rcncc by diplomatic fxchongcs be*lswoo ins luind._Naw_Uiey_5nld._lhnl ntr|bat_ ■mpts to do this very thing through’-«ctitl jc-oaiaLjiccofd.had. letLW^l'flWJLlDem inrp criticism. -i state ________!!Mntry HMlneis" Tha~Eyenlng"8tandard-today-nald me- lat "noUdng In U»c long record of Thol rillsh diplomacy can equal for sterll*- ckblc y oLlts-conccpUon.and Ineptitude of- ,ap^ rHahgifiijrtlfli-aornrbnswiar-of-thB- -gaa nglo-Prench naval agreement." The- Bund»y-Tlme»-reflecled thot ^l«e lerc ’'U much to be said for thc “ •» irmula but. lltUc for Its meUiod of andllng.- th e Observer echoed this Ella jbuKhl -by-£^Uhg-"mttquated-ftnd-l*^J; icn ridiculous the polnl ot PuncUllo 1 llich forbade orriclal publication." ■The foreign office told Thu As-' Honi >flnlcd Press today that publication- leadi ns deterred simply because It seemed the esirable lo give the United Stales nnd ; :ie_otlicr govcmtiient« concerned time | W 1 consider the pruixjsikls. jally -------------------: --------- ; foes ralrtnkc-eom rtjrV -^ ;— R epublicans. C hoose n™- M em bers of T i c k e t s I Urll ..............i' ................ ...............pcrli —L<-t!islnUvo nnd counly tickets' ^whei were iiomlnalrd al Kic .Salt Lnke ^ 'lu m u j n i'PiiDllwau im v tm tinTTT-ta - . . ; ,■ “ III lhe~lCBL«atIvo-dlvi.':lon,-Jtpr-—7 t 1 bert S. Auerbach, incunibenl. Sail 11 I Lake* CUy. H. Claude Anderson, j * Qarficlct. and'M. B. Andrus. Drap- 1 . | ei\ WCIT , selected—a.'»—(H.-iiHU>ri*l i nominees. J, R. Wllscn. and W.______ j7 CoppInT both of Salt Lake ^ 'lionse of- represcntatlvps. County AUorney Wallace B. Qqi •Kcltr~wuii-out-for rrnominaturn— aicnlnsl Norval E. CnllUler and / fjn.ic Letter, mayor of Murray. ' nnd Clarence Cowan. Salt Lake . P»v W 7 T.„>int>Hl f n r rniiixlv I conmiK-'ionerj. Tlic convention re-afflmicd pUmk.s in Uie party's naUonnl 3/ pjaifortn and pIcdKnl ILself' lo Foiu ,s-Upport .a rltiid proRraiu—of - law '^Tall enforremenl. - - bnu ------- ------ ’OULTRY PRODUCTION-m “i ..UTAH INCREASES IN YEAR;«^;^' 8ALT LAKE CITY. Sept. 22 lne liu:;ilrrd ' per cent In ' oultr> ' rnKlunion^n-t7tan-ror-19?» • SorrciM today by Clyde C. Ed- lui.^-. i.i.iunl~»nwntwt>f fif ’hii liit ali oulirN' Producers' a.vioclallon. at a,. , jreliriif of preMdfnt.t ot local poullrj' vsoci.iiioi'v:. ^ ' Mori- than IJW .OOO cn-v^s o f ecRS, . avi iiln-.itly been shipped oul of the ^ ^ u»tc year. Edmonds stated. He- -wai .lEdicatcd_t:lat_^.«,OM^J' «e^o^^K£S>lllhnvebec^^ IO E B €tS iN F )frR A eE -T < ) - ^CINCINNATI FROM COAST',.,'", • ■ ------- . . Palo CC^CTVNATL Sept^ 22' ..W-Art . Tl eiiH louiy. ni'“ won mcmn iir’Mi.- erCy. ; ourti Cacbcl.- whose, home-Ls in Los Aa-. In premier nch-Jtop filer when be^Jatli on the Loa Angeles-ClneauiaU-Cnn-' lanC. op a:r r « t fiere today.,-. | Tr By finishing ahead of hia field. | Mag oebel won UOOO cash prUe. a les comi a a (SOOO gold trophy and a $1000; conl jldcn repUca of thc trophy. |lhr?i Ig e slto S ^^ .-‘I a : 5 TRICE 5'CENTS? ... ;• jaigft-S^e^s^; irriers Away ■ew Days^ Dcvelopmenfs In- : dicate Candidates Plart- to; \ ~GH' Elect^rvcterA/Vlreru- By D. FIELD B B nT ^Prm ' lOs City and. Houston conTcnttons . ^ inlshcd their work .some weeks ago vmr the , .y^scl in moiion a realignment, of '-1'' orewi Wtliln iHrparirciTaiere-WBnr-— omc who boldly ventured the'pre- llctlon that traditional borrlers woulA' ___ X! swept aside and that votes would » found In 'foreign fields. Those etHLstudlef the signs at a time when orecuts risked rcpuiaiIoH9TlOW"muy '- - afely say "I lold you so.” .ro r tlieir verllIcaUotrUicy-hflvo-<ml?----- -- o review the political imppcnlngs oC - he week. - The period has witnessed - hc solidification of batUc llnea that low exempt no sector, and gave estlmony that both condldata meaTi......' o’ tnkg their electoral votes whero’*’ iiey can find "tlieiil; That is particu- i arly true of this southwcatem region, I yher»-sirangD-ovcnto- ftTC-belng. re- orded. ------f* Texas CalU to Hoover Govcmor Smith * has carried his :ight . Into thc Republican .farmer TRmgnfllM-Bl Ull! MHl w u t luul luui' " ' » woopcd down Into Oklahoma to com- ndniUledly, strong Hoovet .eritlment In Umt colony ot normal Democracy.. jF rc m m npgh^ng— : u te of Texas.' meanwhUc.-word 'hiui-- >een carried to Mr. Hoover that If ho hc-stalcmlght-be-hU-ln-November..- ___ Chat situation is tho more remark- : ' kbie because t)ie'.m0 aag&..iui.eani« 6 .^--.. ip^J,'>wa* carried'not by BepubllS’ 5uisr~bUri>yD emDerau.,. . . : .pimllar counsel from the rest oC- :lie "Solid South" has been given o Mr. Hoover, and he has'accepted iome of It. consenUng t o ' speak in Cllzabelhton. Tennessee^ The plea ’rom Texas was made to tho nominee jpon tils return froiil tt' cnuado— fn ------- «lcw Jersey by a delegation headed by rom Love, former Democratic na- tional commlttceman. and now a eader ' ot the anU-Smlth forccs In .he Lone Slar state. Whether Hoover wll^ decide pcrson- iiiy~ib“ iii«nii3"■pairij'' a n tn h e ~ sm itn — 'ocs here Ls not known. At present i^lt throufth New Jeney towns, to riew York where hc delivered a do- uilled Republican preachment on the larltt. Immigration, labor and_^pr«-__ _ pcrTty." 'H i* ni.iy'"be giving Mmo yliei^hl^ p pLent". waVin^the^Smim iContlnued' on Pago Seven)________ Government Sends Two_Pilots On Aerial Survey: Marines M.iy Aid: South Danger Zone.^ SAN FRANCISCO, ^ j j t . 23 (,VK- Foiir cnsualtlt's wyre reported today In' California's waru against forest and brujh fires on f.everal widely separnled ' fnuiUi. Three nieti nre dead as a. re- sult of n .brush lire near werraor^*^ iirnitp^ tasoHne In the tank of a -truck In which they -were riding. The men all lived-In tluit lopUty. ' j One mnn was reported bhmed to I death In Mendocino county, norX^of here. It^ lirinh flrr< <hrrr _______________ ^ The mo.1t serious situation was in I lhc nouUirm part of the sUle where UiH'U l ll!i". tjuf!!wl- ureh >il«»di T b a» ....... in norihern CnllfornU werr largely under con:.-ol this afternoon. Marines May AW A'rciwrt lliat 2M marlnes.wcre to' be. M-tit fri'ni San Diego lo battle fires in lhat setti.ui had rs't bccn con- rimmi I.-vU'.UUa aficmoon.brit ttro :iila’-s were 5rnl by Un!t.yl_Sutefi frfJTI iranOfKO to iiake an arrinl *uf\ey of Uie Cicre- ^ [ancj'’'’fore5t fU'i*. ...,—* The Cleveland fire lia.s, raaxl moat 3f the timber on. the cast side of Palon’ar mountain. . ' ■■ Tite Angeles fire • had- swept - Into Ejiun ijau'oi-r j tlen' at Atgnwe -waa------ jumrd. In .the san Bernardino national, tor-— . Jatlnto district are new smokln* waste «rif« ______ i_..... . . _ The fire which yesterday thmslefiHI----- - Uagalla, 'Butte • county,, cutttor otf smmuBlcalion. was brocght tmdcr xtntrol last, nlghl after iW rfijlm . hr?« residences. ^

Transcript of · Sixteen Page; ~ ~ VOL. ll. - NQ. 145..-...

Page 1: · Sixteen Page; ~ ~ VOL. ll. - NQ. 145..- '- - Guns On Hert behM Ieiiii f ==W m f D em ocratic'N om inee in A ddress j------------in

Sixteen Page;

~ ~ VOL. l l . - NQ. 145..- '- -

G uns On Hert

behM I iieii f

= = W m fD e m o c r a t i c 'N o m in e e in A d d re s s j

-- ---------- i n - D a i v e r — In s is ts . R e p u b li- I !

c a n P la t f o r m , is U n s a t i s f a c - ;

-------- t s r y ; — C r it ic iz e s — P r c s i d e n t j t


Press SliUr Writer | .---------- ^ e n VEH. UcPL u i^A «ani Ifuuung '

hla Runs ort Herbert Hoover os hc clls- . cussed • water power In a campnlgn «)

-------- .tnr\lght, n ovprnnr Smith *. declared tb a t the benc/Jt of the de-

-------- veiumneiil ' of—power-flUea-ghould—nc—cruc to tlio people themselves and ' ' th a t ■•we should not penult them to fall Into private hands f o r ' private development, which means private

-------- c* ln -a t the expense -of-aU-tlie-UMrs- —1of the . energy." Ex

Tho Democratic nominee - Insisted that* th e Rcpubllcaft plotfonn decla- ration on, w ater power woa unsatis­factory, nnd .OAMTted th a t tho accept- lat ance opcech of his opponent did nol lea contfttn "one single word on the ques- a t tlon o f •water power development" coi

■ and, th a t M r. noover In his recent 10( , liOS Anscles speech failed to rnake' la^

• his stand clear. pa--------- -------------- -A m ll.. ^

Oovemor Sm ith abo t i l l e d Pres­ident Coolidgc for vctolne the Muscle Shoals bill w ithout an exiilantlon of

-------- l u relectlon and for .making Uic dec-lam tlon In a message W congri’M

, tlmt* the M 'J e - 'S h o a l i question ^--------^ hav.. “ossunicd Or-Qlaco .oul

of all proport n with Its real. Im---------porUnee."----- r r --------- :---------- -------------^

The gorem or said tha t ••Inaction on ;P“'-------- tb ft-part-o t-the-fcdcraU covcn in ien tA l® !

"the 8trangB-*UDncc- o f- th e - candidate t and th e momlnglesa plank ot the Re-

- publican platform .Indicate, to say the Jeast, a sympathy j with tbe.'.w lde- BE

country by on organbmtton known Tv . OB th e Jolht coihmlttce of the N a- Ins ‘ Ilonal Electric awoclatlon.” qui

Turning to the Boulder Canyon m«_____ dam problem. In which Colorado and I cui

the oUit'r. i l x »late«-'m fhe Colorado I fro river basin are directly Interested. | Oovemor-' Smitli called for "im rtc -1 diftte action.” wllh regard to Muscle j &I)oals. Hc reiterated a belief th a t 1A

^ tU e Bovemmenl should continue' • the ed full and complete operation.” of the pol plant in Alabama, “retaining It un- dn;

-------- der—Rovemment-owner«hli>-ond—eon—f-Leitrol.”____________________________ d u

Aii-lor the uoum cr uiuii, uiii hu m -' ■ Iriee said th a t "the site of ihe dam t c , and Uic m achlncrj' generating this i water power must -be prcsCn-ed In i, public ownership.” • |

............. ..................Pr<oel«B«. - Blglit------------------ ,—"Jicver should tlils priceless r leh t _ _

---------WTTrtven awny~foi—private exp1olln-4——tlon." he added, "and In wliatever } t

^ ?— s

J E E lM L r---------------------- , I

___ _ N o m i n e e T e l l s D e le g a t io n C a m - ; t

p a ig n i s N o t O n e o f O p p o s i t - ;

In n B u t B a s e d U pon I s s u e s r--------- J

WASHINOTON. Sept. 22 (4> -H er- ! bert Hoover declnnd unequivocally to ­day th a t his campaign L<i no t one of

-------- oppteltftn. b u t-o n e - to .J a v o r o t ilie Bl

can -p arti. _ ' ------ - ’HU statem ent was c o n ta in ^ Iti aTi -

address to a delegrrtlon from M .irr- J land, the firs t public pronouncement su; he had made since hla Demo«5Bilc Ws

„__^opponent. Alfred E. SmlUi. opened m. fire on Uie“ Reput>llcan p o n v m "h is thi

---------addttM a t OMalwma 0 1 t r t«-»t T hm u- tmday night. He■ “We arc now In a ^ a t campalcn.*' bei Hoover said. "Our campalini Is ba.<^d y« upon our Lwues. I I Is not a campaign tin of opposltlbn. I t 'ta a campalmi In favor of the issues and ctvndldalcs lir the RepubUnm party. - - - ~•B rforr the meeimtr wtlh ".he Mary-

an hour an d a h a lt a l tl.e W hile

. >ltuaUon with PresU'ent CooUd<r-. TE No Aanoaneet&rnt

Beyond the. statem ent th a t -the Retierr>l ^lUrat lnn'* h ad been -gaoe over

---------u ium m njiueut cuicetutnu' th '-' cjtu’ci’ -mt-----rma*. B at i t t r known th a t ft num ber Ba

of th e ' prtsldeni’s frTenda~>u»ve lw » {^lI . . .urgihg him ta^m ake a .speech or two we

In New England, p refem tly Ln h is 'j SUte of U asach 'usetts. {oe

Later. H o o m declined to dlacListhU yr. m atter but ho did aay th a t he was fm satisfied w tth the outlook oytr the pn couniTT. . ' ■ . rmi

P u r ln g ^ B ^ y ^ ^ 'h « ^ ^ A r t c n j tbi

■es I -

: T W I

Leased 'wirk .MfstnER op' AS.10C1ATKD PRES.S

v-er-nor- Eiains- p •bert C, Hoover ji V E T E R A N J F - C I V I L W A R


J CiENVER, Sept. 22 (;i>7-WllUam ~ Rcchestcr. 84-year-old veteran of

—th e -G lv li-w a r ,-c a m e -h e ro -lo -a t-_I tend cncampment of, the Omnd i'~Army o f^^ t^ ^ ^ p U b ll6 ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ -------

i home In MlssLvilppl.! Tcday Rochester married DoraI B. Loveless, 54. m atron a t the'I . union station here. -I " i f s Just another of love

a l flrsl sight." Rocheste/ declaredI after thc ceremony.

p n in Qj I M P D E M i^

— :— de

“ B r i t a in Is R a p id ly G o in s D r y " «

_ j E o c l a i m s .H e a d l i n e s . o f .G K S t S

N e w s p a p e r in .B ritisH C a p i ta l

■■ ■ . ■ — . , s—LONDOKr-S^pL-22-t>r)-TTllc Sunday. ^ Express proclaims In streamer head- lines oti Ita front page lha t ‘•Brlt; oPa ln Ik. rapidly going d r y . '^ ,,,,.____1_ _11

Tlie cotuumptlon of liquor In Eng- f®’ land during- the last fiscal year was less .than third of th a t consumed “n a t the-beginning of thc century, ac- cording to figures Just Issued;- The Oo 1000 consumption ot spirits In Eng- la«d“ v;‘iiS“ 32.239522-gaitons-n«-com- ^ pared wltli 10.412,921 gallons last year. Bgforn Uie war there were 2.000.000 trl toU l abstainers where now there arc 10.000.000. • ‘

•These flgufes reveal the radical *? improvement In our social habits."

a**^rare^ s^c tM le S r^* n 3 '* * an d *v*l- lftge.s. American visitors say th a t _ lhey~«ciaoiir-scrf“ ft*-arunken- man.- n l

I Thta ^ J t aoclflJ revolution la due y j partly to education, partly to the mo- tor car. partly to sports, and partly I

To*riiiV~iftcrM8c~ia“ hcftlth rr» m a8 ^ : :r l menta.”


F^\TO B.==Scpe7af=O T5=Befif^ ^ Twin PBlls-Jeromc section are tu m - . Ing out to .bo of exceptionally high quality. R. L. Spongier, director of co marketa of the departm ent of agrl- ml culture, said to day on his return rron i~ tha t~ secuonr“ -------------------------

---------------- ;----------- IhlWOMEN LAUNCH CAMPAIGN ca SALT LAKE CITY. Sept. 2J (/T>- „e

A campaign to bring an unprecedent- ^ ed number of women voters to the uti polls In November waa launched . to- n], dny a l a confercnce of th e Salt Lake League-of—Women—V o tfrs-ood -k ln* deed o rgnnbatlons.'_________________ ^

S e v e n o f C i n c i n n a t i Z M a n ’s S u r v i v o r s ' A r e -

------------C o U e g e J P r o f e s s o r a .

^^C IN C IN N A T I-S .p t-2 a -j;W —Ab---------rnhatn Isaacs. Clnclnnntl phllan-

seven collegcpro^jwors among hl.s 11 sun lvlng children, whcti he died yesterday.

They are N athan Isoact. profes-__ sor__ Ql__ hiLtlnpjm nrimlnlitrntlnn. __

H a r v a r d unlvcrsltyl Schachne ' _ Isaacs, psycfiiatrlat, UnlvJreUy of

■" R&cn e n cr;" u r . - Raphael -lioacs:--------as.iocUite director- Clifton Mem- o r la n m lJ lJ te . unJrcrsJiy or Mich- I " Igrvn; -Dr. EloanrTon I.\oacs. lec­tu rer a t H an a rd law school; Dr. M."LfBU“ Isaucs:-proTe.'3or-tn-thr'- medical colleK^ ot Columbia uni­versity: , Asher I.wac.^. lustslant professor In the departm ent oX-^-

and MIm Nescha Isaacs. Instruc­tor In ixjlltlcal science, University of Cincinnati.

B E E T H A B V E S T T O .B E G INUTAH f tN D ’ TO A H O 'SD O N ~

— _ ' - * ■ SALT LMCE CITY. Sept. 22 ( P f -

Sugar b «c har\'eatlng in UUh and Waho will sta rt during the first week m October. S .n tm -o v e . president.of thc “ United ■ SU tcs - S n g s r- M*nufac- - -tu rew '—nwMWlalkin itfwllrtprt__tnriny.__Hr also SUted tb a t the toUl sugar ■ beet acreiKc In the United States Hits - , year will be nt least 30 per cent below tlie 1927 acreage.

Whether production m .Utah, and Idaho wlM be lower this year cannot be delermliicd for about 30 days, al-thouRh larger acrense ha.^ bem -plnnt. -eO lii be«t» U> these .two sUte?. Love


- n m s P - .Sent a (.Tw in iT I

Baldridge called on the people of ■IJSno' to ob«n-e Flre 'P re rfn tS on —week, October 7 to. 13.__________________

'H e cited the reducttjn“ In"the firet loss reported In 1927 compared wllh 1924 Bnrf uryivl mntihuprt vlfllsnin* tn — further reduce the waste of life and property. Schools were urged to ae- rmoge programs to educate students to the dangrr and to encourage safety n w u re a . _______ - T ■




S ¥ i i ¥ l> Bfim T HDllM I

■ / . ^ ct

- S e n a t o r C u r t i s - Q u o t e s - S t a t e - u

I _ M e s s a g e .t jy - E t .e s ld e n L W J ls o n .l_ 5 !

! F re e in g R e p u b l ic a n N o m in e e

F ro n i F ix in g o f Q iio ta t io n s fj_____ _________________ ft

• • to (By the Aasociatcd Press)

" ed on by Indians whose‘ix ib eT 'o n cc ' ' chased him with bow and arrow, Sen--,

- frtojt-Cha r les-C ur tla. . Uic, R rpubllcan . T vlcc-prcsCdcntlar nominee, waged the .

I Republican campaign In M ontana to- I J day In speeches til H ardin and here. I I Por Uie f l ra t . time since Uklng

declaratlon.i” tha t H erte rt Hoovdr-was [y]o , responsible for fixing thc pdce of _ wheat during tho ‘H'ar. At Itordln ___^

f Koovw

I as food odm lnlstrator^urlrtg the .war "at hU expressed wish, lias pai;t in thi' deliberations 'o f the com- c mllice on .whose recommendation I Mrs

, dclennlne the government’s fair price: coK [■ noT lia jT henn-ttiiy ■ way- lntlm atwl-an- hen . opinion regarding th a t price.*’ lu il' But thc high point ot a_busy day coin . for Sciuttor Ciirtls was His visit tills dial J morning with Uie Crows. Blackfeet DwI 1 and Cheyenne' Indians. At solemn basj . ceremonies the venerable chief Plenty A , Coos, of the Crow nation, waved his plar I scalp stlok over Uie he ld of "my Par.. dcar-i-boyil— aod__ fonnnlly__ndpjj_ted iH**}. Charles 'Curlls of the Kaws into lilF sa ia

j i u .Hv».i i ^ v m r apc » h T iiiCurtis, who responded with a speech T,

, to his new Indian brothers, thanking Prc:‘ them ond urging them to regard se- 'x n .irlously the rcsponslbllltles-ot citizen- Ingl

iConUnucd on page six)


.WASHINOTON. Sept. 22 <>P>—' llctty acUvltlea of pgyer um ities inj kill,* Pd0ffc"^aiTl~stfll<S-'^wilI,“ rcccTve--lheyKir \ attenUon of the Investigation bcfnc Jj**' f conducted by the federal trade com-- mission clurlng th e week of O c to ^ r 7.' p j^

_AUhough_nQ_dcflnlte dates or list P ^ ' o t witnesses have been made ■pobJier *nju the commLislon announced ^ a y thnt Californio, Oregon, W ashliijion' and p Q

• perhaps other Western sUtcs «ould] _ ' bc covered soon ^ f tc r the Inquiry Into I- utlllUes offalrs In the’ Soulh Is con^-I pleted.- S’' Ohe Southcm phase of the Inveatiga- Oov ‘ llS i~ w hich w iir 'co v e r 'G eo rg liir^ la - ma» _ bama. .Tennessee, and North Caro-j Uio ~ Hna^BeglHs'nexT'TucAHay^ i^Ick

I ______1 ..... J ______ R ID E ;

. Jr

' ■ ^i .'Ar • Z .

I .r _____ _— _ ' ------ —





T lw ^ d U o n a l D«moemllc head-- quarters lii’ Washington announc---------- ,

cd today in a . sUitcment lo the. I press t h a t . several > Democratic i

' senators -plan to trail Senator^ ^ o r a h 61 IdU lo 'in 'W s'-ik jlllio jii---------

cam palgn-tour anti "revcnl" what__th«»y to be inrotlsliitcnclrr.s Qj<

In th e .Idahoan's >.ipport of Her-~ bet-l HWVW.’ ^ " ' 7 — -- ------------------

Esctmcts fnjiii s)>i:rvnc.':'t)yiBoruli."In which he bUieriy e.'<ecratcd Mr. Hoover ln \Uic .vjvcnil ca- i pacltles the la tte r occiiplod dur- 'Ing and aftcr th e w ar’ havc.been • - furnished tho - Dcfjocratlc sena­tors, thc conimlUcc wld.

i r a l i P i i i T ' iIraiflTiEl_______________ _____ ^M o th e r o l L p n e t a g i e m e s J

F r n m ' B r in d is i" to C o n s ta n -

- - t i n o p l e - a n d i - E i i o y s - J o u r j i e y .-------- . tra

CONSTANTINOPLE. Sept. 22 (/?■)— the Mrs. Evangeline Lindbergh, mother of the Colonel Charles A. Lindbersli. arMved strl h e re -to n ig h tr-ln » B « ‘n|iinnf n t _ llie. apj Ita lian Aero Express. She was ac- are companled on th e nighl from Brin- des dlal-by-M lss-Allce-M orrow.-jttster-ot- -iat< Dwight W. Morrow, Unltc<l States am- Imt basaador to Mexico. Rej

As. Mrs. Lindbergh stepped from the arc plane she turned to Commander Fcssl Paris, a director oX the company. w»^ -C had actcd as. pilot In her honor, and (JthffAi/i'*"'' .......... . -froi

"T hat was the best flight of my life, hlgi i-rtirin-i. tm n t to Bomf down to earth." iclet

Thc correspondent of T h r Associated the Press was the firs g^eet Mrs. Lldn- trui •‘crgh. a t w hich'sho-exclalm odJaugh-. F ingly; • • _ _ tlo»

ways everywhere. Isn’t It?'"

M'AN“ DIES“ WfiEN^UTq - CS " PCUNGES-OFF^'BRIDGE-— j^ S A E r^ ia K E ~ U U T.~ S«prr22Tf/t7=r —A so c ia l dUpatch to The Trlbimc tonight from Caldwell, swted that Joe Thomas, A n g ela was killed when • an automobile overtu rn - _» T c iT ^ o n -th e - ia if io ^ O 'p 'e to n ^ T O a S ^ highway 25 miles no rth of Jordon „jq| Valley. Oregon, th is momlng. Tlie automobile ran off a hridtte and _ plunged Into - a guUy. - Four other ^ pa.sscngers of -the mochlne cscapcd ^.^1 Injurj-:— ------ -g_


_______ tnliST. LOUIS. Sept. 22 (/V>—Former Irr.

Oovernor D. W. Dnvls of Idaho, will Cromakc~tl\T!~Bperchps—in^M lssourt-foi---- TUio Republican n^Uonal and. ;.utc tcvl t ickeuii 11 *u-, uuiiuuiind lu re t.nU:. , j f i‘ii


j _____

~ ~ - ‘ ^ -o o pyrtght.



STIIICKEyySTOl"--------------------. " ----- — ■|" ." T

Disease ahd Hunger-Tlirealens Z' _ii6tug.ecs.jn_jiatisiauc.5Ia

Meechobee Region; T5,000 j," . Are Homeless;: ;ipOQ. Dead

_____ 'o fanni

(By Thc Associated Press) o r — WE6T-^A L M -B B A C t^ ittr-6 etHT-aa-------

aged by last Sunday's tropical hurrl- IR

clab esUmatcs fixed the death toll a l between 1000 and 1500 with' m ore-tlian 15,000 homeless, and disease and him- Rer ttireatenlng refugees in parts of the Lako Okeechobee region.

Rapidly coordinating lu program. th6 -American Red Cross allocated phases o t Uie work to branch head-

rquartei5=ta^ttdcsonville;=irampjn:tmd- : F>3rt Afyere. - fi- ' Rlflng-wnU*r» ondNack-of •-adequate-------transportoUon tacilltles handlcapi>cd i the emergency and relict work and . ^ the"-* recovery ot bodies within thc ^ stricken lake sliore district. Urgent . ttDDCals for boato camc out of thc “ ■ area whlch“ reium lng officlttls~haVc' areu described as corpse-strewn and deso- Fren -latei—wllh—Utousonds—of—refugee**-In Immediate need or food and slicltcr. Reporti stated t h e , entire everglades arc flooded. of a>

Orders Parehasrii crs- Oovemor M artin ordered food and

(Jthcr supplies purchased.‘with funds "from-^hc .itaCC* Ueusury-and Uie slat*" * highway department was ordered to l»far clear Uie - dcbrU-clogged-Jo ad s_ in to .

” hc"dutrici lo n a c m u w liiuveiiiciii uf trucks and olher vehicles,

Pedcriil aid to cope wllh the sltua- lion wa.H sought by United SUtefl Sen-

,1, , I- ■ ■ WWIr tcsuu iiueii'uu i*ate iro n


........... ............ ,T1NEW YORK. Sept. '22 < ;p )^ap ta ln tha t

Sir qeorge Hubert Wilkins and three Brill ■of-Uie-nico.ia-ha-a’ill-accompapy_lilm. -on“ a~%’oyaBC-of-Antan:tlc n c r in l-o t-- -lU-l ploratlon. sailed today on the liner Angl Southcm Cross for Mont«vldco,_Uru- - *ri guay. ■ ther

Ln.ll to leave Uie ship among those who bndc the fliers good bye wns Mlsa han< '8 u2anne“T 3ennett—nctress—w ho- «n - ijjpt nomiecd yesterday th a t she was Sir ^vcn Hubcrl’s fiancee. ^Iilc

Wllh Wilkins went L ieutenant Carl Den Elelson. who flew wllh th >3 ctfp- tnln over llie Norlh pole. Orylijc Por- Irr. Ihelr aviation mechanic,’ and Joe Crossan. iillol. . . .—They~wlll-lp»v«-tho st«anicr-at-.V!0D-- tcvldeo nnd board a whaler for Dc- 11® * r,-t'ttnii I5tnt»l, Sir Hubert said. - ; .

^ ^ [ S a

IM______________ ________IL..!. - • - I ' ' ]

i ___ --___________» ,

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M JtT r ^^ ----WOT

Pou:■ V v '. ’ iW A • mre

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-----— GO:__ I

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^ a c iirH W y jW B lW IK \ dert:

* j j

Mwmiiiwtf/ng p v u , B)■ S' !

I8, . , t7 the New V o r t Tribune. I n t coW



---------------MrHnrn~ATTnrr-ninij:A«-----------.OP CIHcm.ATIONB

^alitical-Gainpa Traditional BarROSSING CRASH CLAINIS iPfl FIVE LIVES IN lUUNOIS'jll

. u i t A N u '^ . u m . ill., btiinv 2 3 - ^ - Q j I/Vl—Five iiersoas were kllli’d and 1 n a t least 20 Injured ''h iw tonight - •! -.

Ioad\-d with ptulcnH crr'boiim t'ror ■ (j0 revival mrellhg.

The dead nre; Mrs. Lena Dor- Utch. Alfred W. Taylor. ML-w VI- _ ofa Zimmer, ftfrs. hUtry Sauall.^. PSW nnd • Mrs. Nelly ' Kercdlth. ull of Oronitc Clly.____________________ d

PACTHILE8 CRITICSi ,------------------------------------------------------l—OJ

lewspaper Editorials in Lon-jS' ~don Confiniie,to Crilicize!bv.. Action On Andlo-French Pact mmi

, dlclli' • be s

LONDON. Sept. 22 (/P>--Critlclsm Ot j be i rcBTim talnVhnndltng-ofTthe-AniTlo--t^^ rench naval accord continued to »»ur j^fel om new»pit^f8~todffyr~orflciftMnmr 775^ }wcvcr, calmly disregarded the flood to n

adjectives looscil by editorial w rit- tlic s and how to Its dcclslon not to ibllsli tho official tex t until other Lvemmenta enneern rd had been to’ t •ard from. - ' |The-offlclals-polntcd-OUt-that-.wlien.| ie thrce'power naval tonfertnre 1 cordi •oke down a t Oeneva lost year, there j aa much denunciation of Uw pro- oc tdlngS'because thc go\em m enU ,had j fighi H pwtiari'U itie urouiiu rur tim i um »-;-st reT rcncc by diplomatic fxchongcs be*lswoo ins luind._Naw_Uiey_5nld._lhnl n t r |b a t_ ■mpts to do this very thing th rough’-«ctitl jc -o a iaL jicco fd .h ad . letLW ^l'flW JLlDem inrp criticism. -i state________!!Mntry HMlneis"T ha~Eyenlng"8 tan d ard -today -na ld m e - la t "noUdng In U»c long record of Thol rillsh diplomacy can equal for sterll*- ckblc y oLlts-conccpUon.and Ineptitude of- ,a p ^ rH ahgifiijrtlfli-aornrbnsw iar-of-thB - -g aa nglo-Prench naval agreement."The- Bund»y-Tlm e»-reflecled th o t l«e lerc ’'U much to be said for thc “ •» irmula but. lltUc for Its meUiod of andllng.- t h e Observer echoed th is E lla jbuKhl -by -£ ^U h g -"m ttq u a ted -ftn d -l* ^J; icn ridiculous the polnl o t PuncUllo 1 llich forbade orriclal publication."■The foreign office told Thu As-' Honi >flnlcd Press today th a t publication- leadi ns deterred simply because It seemed the esirable lo give the United Stales nnd ; :ie_otlicr govcmtiient« concerned tim e | W1 consider the pruixjsikls. jally

-------------------:--------- ; foesr a l r t n k c - e o m r t j r V - ^ ; —

R e p u b l i c a n s . C h o o s e n ™-

M e m b e r s o f T i c k e t s I Urll..............i' ................ ...............pcrli

—L<-t!islnUvo nnd counly tickets ' ^whei were iiomlnalrd a l Kic .Salt Lnke 'lum u j n i'PiiDllwau im vtm tinTTT-ta - . . ; ,■

“ III lhe~lCBL«atIvo-dlvi.':lon,-Jtpr-—7 t 1bert S. Auerbach, incunibenl. Sail 11 I Lake* CUy. H. Claude Anderson, j * Qarficlct. and'M . B. Andrus. Drap- 1 . |ei\ WCIT , selected—a.'»—(H.-iiHU>ri*l inominees. J, R. Wllscn. and W.______j7 CoppInT both of Salt Lake ^ ‘

'lionse of- represcntatlvps.County AUorney Wallace B. Q qi

•Kc ltr~ wuii-o ut - f o r r rn ominaturn—aicnlnsl Norval E. CnllUler and /fjn.ic Letter, mayor of Murray. 'nnd Clarence Cowan. Salt Lake .P»v W7T.„>int>Hl fn r rniiixlv I conmiK-'ionerj.

Tlic convention re-afflmicd pUmk.s in Uie party's naUonnl 3 / pjaifortn and pIcdKnl ILself' lo ■ Foiu ,s-Upport .a rltiid proRraiu—of - law '^Tall enforremenl. - - bnu


lne liu:;ilrrd ' per cent In ' oultr>' rn Klu n io n ^ n -t7 ta n -ro r-1 9 ? » •

SorrciM today by Clyde C. Ed- lui.^-. i.i.iunl~»nwntwt>f fif ’hii liit ali oulirN' Producers' a.vioclallon. a t a , . , jreliriif of preMdfnt.t ot local poullrj' vsoci.iiioi'v:. ^ 'Mori- than IJW.OOO cn-v^s of ecRS, .

avi iiln-.itly been shipped oul of the ^ u»tc year. Edmonds stated. He- lU f .t f -wai .lEdicatcd_t:la t_^ .« ,O M ^J' « e ^ o ^ ^ K £ S > l l lh n v e b e c ^ ^

I O E B € t S i N F ) f r R A e E - T < ) - ^CINCINNATI FROM COAST',.,'",

• ■ ------- . . PaloCC^CTVNATL Sept^ 22' ..W -A rt . Tl

eiiH louiy. ni'“ won m c m n i i r ’Mi.- erCy. ; ourtiCacbcl.- whose, home-Ls in Los A a-. In

premier nch-Jtop filer when be^Jatli on the Loa Angeles-ClneauiaU-Cnn-' lanC. op a:r r « t fiere today .,-. | TrBy finishing ahead of hia field. | Mag oebel won UOOO cash prUe. a le s comi a a (SOOO gold trophy and a $1000; conl jldcn repUca of thc trophy. ■ |lh r?i

I g e s l t o S ^ ^ .-‘I a: 5

TRICE 5'CENTS?... ;•

jaigft-S^e^s^; irrie rs Away

■ew Days Dcvelopmenfs In- : dicate Candidates Plart- to; \

~GH' Elect^rvcterA/Vlreru-

By D. FIELD B B n T^ P rm '

lOs City a n d . Houston conTcnttons . inlshcd their work .some weeks ago v m r the ,

.y^scl in moiion a realignment, o f '-1 '' orewi W tliln iH rparirc iT a ie re -W B nr-— omc who boldly ventured th e 'p r e -llctlon th a t traditional borrlers woulA' ___X! swept aside and th a t votes would » found In 'foreign fields. Those etHLstudlef the signs a t a tim e when orecu ts risked rcpuiaiIoH9TlOW"muy ' - - afely say "I lold you so.”. r o r tlieir verllIcaUotrUicy-hflvo-<ml?----- --o review the political imppcnlngs oC - he week. - The period has witnessed - hc solidification of batUc llnea th a t low exempt no sector, and gaveestlmony tha t both cond ldata meaTi......'o’ tnkg their electoral votes whero’*’ iiey can find "tlieiil; T ha t is particu- i arly true of this southwcatem region, I yher»-sirangD-ovcnto- ftTC-belng. re- orded. ------f*

Texas CalU to Hoover Govcmor Smith * has carried his

:ight . Into thc Republican .farm er TRmgnfllM-Bl Ull! MHl w u t luul luui' " ' » woopcd down Into Oklahoma to com- ja t_ .a n ndniUledly, strong Hoovet .eritlment In Umt colony o t norm al • Democracy.. jF r c m m n p g h ^ n g — : u t e of Texas.' meanwhUc.-word 'h iu i - - >een carried to Mr. Hoover th a t If ho

h c -sta lcm lgh t-be-hU -ln -N ovem ber..-___Chat situation is tho more rem ark- : ' kbie because t)ie'.m0 aag & ..iu i.ean i« 6 .^ --.. ip^J ,'> w a* c a rried 'n o t by BepubllS’ 5uisr~bUri>yD emDerau .,. . . :

.pimllar counsel from th e rest oC- :lie "Solid South" has been given o Mr. Hoover, and he has 'accep ted iome of It. consenUng t o ' speak in Cllzabelhton. Tennessee^ The plea ’rom Texas was made to tho nomineejpon tils return froiil tt' cnuado—fn-------«lcw Jersey by a delegation headed by rom Love, former Democratic n a ­tional commlttceman. and now a eader ' ot the anU-Smlth forccs In .he Lone S la r state.

Whether Hoover w ll^ decide pcrson-iiiy~ib“ iii«nii3"■pairij'' a n tn h e ~ s m itn —'ocs here Ls not known. At present

i^ l t throufth New Jeney towns, to riew York where hc delivered a do- uilled Republican preachment on thelarltt. Immigration, labor and_^pr«-___pcrTty." 'H i* n i.iy '"be giving Mmo

y lie i^ hl^ p pLent". waV in^the^Sm imiContlnued' on Pago Seven)________

G o v e rn m e n t S e n d s T w o _ P i lo t s

O n A e r ia l S u r v e y : M a r in e s

M .iy A id : S o u th D a n g e r Zone.^

SAN FRANCISCO, ^ j j t . 23 (,VK- Foiir cnsualtlt's wyre reported today In' California's waru against forest and brujh fires on f.everal widely separnled ' fnuiUi. Three nieti nre dead as a. re­sult of n .brush lire near w e r r a o r ^ * ^ iirnitp^ tasoHne In the tank of a -truck In which they -were riding.The men all lived-In tluit lopUty. ' j

One mnn was reported bhmed to I death In Mendocino county, norX^ofhere. It lirinh flrr< <hrrr _______________ ^

The mo.1t serious situation was in I lhc nouUirm part of the sU le whereUiH'Ul ll!i". tjuf!!wl- ureh >il«»di T ba» norihern CnllfornU werr largely under con:.-ol this afternoon.

Marines May AW A 'rciw rt lliat 2M m arlnes.wcre to '

be. M-tit fri'ni San Diego lo battle fires in lhat setti.ui had rs 't bccn con- rimmi I.-vU'.UUa aficm oon.brit ttro :iila’-s were 5rnl by Un!t.yl_Sutefi

frfJTI iranOfKO toiiake an arrinl *uf\ey of Uie C icre- [ancj'’'’fore5t fU'i*. ...,— *

The Cleveland fire lia.s, raaxl moat 3f the timber o n . the cast side of Palon’ar mountain. . ' ■■

Tite Angeles fire • had- swept - Into

E jiu n ijau'o i-r j tlen ' at Atgnwe -waa------jum rd.

In .the s a n Bernardino national, to r-— .

Jatlnto district are new smokln* waste«rif« ______ i_..... . . _

The fire which yesterday thmslefiHI----- -Uagalla, 'B u tte • county,, cu ttto r o tf ■ smmuBlcalion. was brocght tm dcr xtntrol last, nlghl after iW rf ij lm . hr?« residences. ^

Page 2: · Sixteen Page; ~ ~ VOL. ll. - NQ. 145..- '- - Guns On Hert behM Ieiiii f ==W m f D em ocratic'N om inee in A ddress j------------in

‘ i f i ' BBFIELD ‘ SHiliSBBTin

W e a k n e s s In T a c k l e 'P o s i t i o n s : -

;; C o n f irm e d b y C o a c h J o n e s ; ,

----------B n rlc y — P ta y s — G o o d ^ a m e . ! ^ ■.

While only a ’ fcr.-’ >oottiaH ■ .v.;-rr in 111L» SUUIH bt'm rni HI'.-., fa

' trlcl la.ll wPoU- ihpiic lew Klvy sonif j 0indication of. tho potential h ire n ith . ■of thc elevens, Tlie .Urulns niiitlr ft , ‘snlcmltd t^howuiff n;fnln^.‘ Uie jiJumnit. |ipftin »mt wlille Ihe conUUIon of th e . • Krails wan larRcly responsible Ior tl-.o 'd.'fput Ihc Drums li

bnciTfleld. which • was tfil)tiKl>t} K■ I'^ thr- v.-p;tUenl nart, of the n r» ‘n ( ^

inaehlne; showed lo ndvnnUiBe ukuhi'i; ; T the alumni. ThO open-field woH: Kuvejthc coachw en'coimf-cemen’. iih lo th e , p.lMs.sibllltlcs of clrcllnR thc wlncii of | Wdbtrlct feanii; ih b semon. A weak- u

firmed nnd Coach Jones will havs jgto spend coailderablo lime ihU weel. • {» .I.f/.i/'ping tncklpa. The .bhltt* of Caplnln PuU'Jcr /rom Uie IWic^iield

— to.-t4io - Unu iw fts-liiilk tl-by-f a m . wtn-. .. |Licrally a a 'a wise move and one thn t BrttrcnifChciicd thc JJiic us wdJ as tbe 'B jteam. ■

Olher Teanut Idrul MHurley mado n splendid, .“.howlnc ■

plvliitr risr to HpeculaUon us ^ the ~ B power of tho Kast End, eleven. The' e th e r ' cla.« A_tcam o_w :cr,e_ldU ^nd Ihe .-cason will -KCl iindcr ■R-njplhl.i _ comlns week with mo.n o f ,th c teams EI)»

..j)layln« their, fl.rui, scheduled Kame-* ‘"i _ i i r x i rrlflay. .

— — KtiuljcrvVdbpUuTd .alrcngtli.niiiitnuL ,-U* the Cuallefnid eleven and Is blddinit for the Clns.1 U championship, In fac t Uic comiy tltton n»»Q»S clnM ^

year nnd fans lhal follow ihe fcjriunc.i PC c t the smaller school.i ore predict- tello Jng~-v«ni>- rofltbJll._____________ foott

.th e dliitrlct wafc tlie defeat-of Nnmpa Shcjl -by—U>e -Jxu h a -e k v g n ^ Coacli^SlUppr. — Gilveni Ijas Breen materllkl lit the ' '

' .limctloii 'City Vriiool and the Kuna Pn eleven |>ulled*"nn~iniexpectcd .Munt m ! ainili ]mndlnK (h e Nampa lnd.i iv, biviil

” defear---- N’ai5Tini~\vin— — fri?=Tsiry“_quem ly_ln this dUirlct thla fall m a k -> (he l

Ini? ’th c l r 'f i r s t nppeamncc nRnlnstl . O03dlnu October 13. I

----------------- -------- - • — I s r: :: ^ “ 5J35 “ “ r'Loo '

To VocaUllo and I(c(un>— 1 .sour!September 38th [ Jiiric

ITTom Tvin Fulls ' vl» Orecon Short" ut I' Line nallrosd;. Tlckcts.good only In! coaches or chair cars nnd limit for re- t'lrn to-hom e destination before mid- Th

-----uJsb] ,uf Octobpf Jilt. l^irB------------ ------------- ' Tflea)

New* W a n t, Art* reach the people l’'-PI' you «Uh to attract. < ;u&i

*-<- - ' . , — ,1 . , : Z A

* y "

— - A - W

^ J ^

— - H i g h e s t Q u a l

~ 1

I w y ^

Your F ord Dei


O F f f i S Q f

He Leads Navy Team | [

r : ’ ' I

^ ■ ( B g l S n Q ^

' ! po’.mlion

- s m ^ : ■■r T * M ^ ' ' : Aa

'S.- - . TekcKi'?c.T,Mg>.> i tT r g Q I i iS F t the

i n l

' - w i - Oord■ h £ i>W l i i A a i E - ^ ^ l l W l M Kher,

- ^ BKi6Sa£cStwnffitSgLi™ter. i a s ^ g ^ a B f f l r e « S ^ ^ o c r

nboviIDWAKD BUIlKEl’ lacklV nnd rap- >>nmiUiu__uf naval neadcmj' football lesteleven, w hlcb 'IO aR ldly KeKhiB Inta falh riicUtlni; trim under tlir nacrhful >»alf

Tye' of C6i»cF^nfri^fnj:«I»3ni?=====^ram;

' ............................ ' ' ' WlrOCATKLLO 33. .SHKIJ.KY 0 Burl

POCATKLLU. t-cpi. l!U 1,1'j— liaile ”llo hiKh K hoo l. won lu M-aiu>n Neve )otbnll dpener todny by «urltiK 3J l».iul — »Tm r—Humwmg tn e; -smilic r-h iT p helloy Eleven ;__' ' ■■___ , . _______rred

FK osH i.o sK n : r :p a o v o . Sept. 22 (,1’)—Eshinitlni: nn riill

Inilty^ro^im tV e^inn—rnosr-Df—their‘=Tttnn iv«ks, the , HrlRhujM Yaiini: wniver- bjieX ry—VTirsitj—football—cleve'il-doieftUjd— M< JC fro.sli leam. 10 to 0. today. v.'lll

(ilUDSTKll DIES ‘ ■ “ 7,SPniNOFIELD. Mo„ Scpl. 22 i4 -)- Kll\

«o--Harmon;—Ifl.— WciUworUj.— Mh- - — '-i jurl. died today ni; u result iu- ' •irlen yesterday lh a 'football Kanis' t I'lerce City. Mlwourl. Ki

__________________ _____ Ih eAITl,ES:

The apple harvest- b on nt- tho ^ear. arBo ojThard: nrlng conlulners iind 10 i lean—ufN f - plckcra., lialQmw anil prov ’'.pplns 25- cenl.i’ bushel; Bround .1;> lean ;si covcred.—adv. ! wi'ri

2 5 i 2 S £ ^ ^ S 5 ^ 5 2 2 2 S ^ S 5

— Q ]^

■ 1 % 1 s i i ~ H i J ' - H H ^

i;rPlate--80'AiT ............... f’ully Gnan

d i t i ; — : , ^ =

No Charge for I-------------Extellanlltii

liberal Allowance lor.

— e - -

dealer - - V _


O r B A ^

W iCKFIELD II'iicrnim is^D ie h l, F i le r , T ip s B e a m a t 2 0 0 :

■ K e rs h is n ik , B u r le y , C a r r i e s

2 1 2 P o u n d s : S e c o n d H e v e rs - .


tpnnnde is.ln nHrht for the'Ur}lver»lty nt Idaho Hrldiroh eleven this > fall. i‘re.a-nt Indications ure lh a l the line -• - avtTiifi:e ttlH rail .bi^Uvcen 190 artrf tOd pounds, de|>endlnR upon Ihe-com^lna- ilon Charley Erb, head co|ich.'. user.In tlfe cenlTiil !:ecilon. A baektlcld Lt ubout iBt) ,10 IB.I pjuhds "will clo '' Oi ihu "b ll' JttCJCJnu. TlilB“'lfl2ir oullQok IS in keoplnB w llh Vnndoi welKht IradlUons cstubiUhcd- Inat foUj. whcn.Krb nw cm bleJon hlB team M>nm of Ujc heaviest foolball men Ihe Coast — conlcrence has ever .leeji. n p i

220-1'ound I,lnrman Aa a slarl'.T In- thc list o t heavy I

IJngffie i r 'I.T-Hnw y - Ci iF*t> 'f iump Uir i i Tekou. Washlni;tun. wluj trola onto the field bou.-<tln(: a welRhl well t>aat(hr 21‘0-pound mark. He 'Is being _____IKnMinied lor iJiiurO a'nd uiiionK liln ' runnlJi«..matca-ii’J*ycU-Starkc. ilascr<- ator. mini. 1«0 pounder.'probably one of to Pi iiKlilest llnei.nicn. At lackJcs M au- reprei rice C, Uriniluill. rocnlello. nnd s . the v: Gordon Delhi. Filer, each exceed ihe ernmi •JOI) mark. CaptaUi Darwld. K. Dur- T ht Kher. Rupert, ul one end clalmH lo s ’eral I

n ^Vn] hj.novler. J .» Price. Malnd. nnd Jitmex R. hurrii O Drlen. L»!wIjiUim. Icitermunl nr(Tboth I »I>ot nbovc 175 jwund.n, Wllllnm R.'Ronen- tlayo linimi. hiihky Burley sophomore, heuv- oul r lest 0} Ihe reserve, linesmen, barely Raged falh under the 200-mark. Nearly. l>lacc. half n do-.:un' other promising lines- 'mgfi:ap<rgboi!g^(W:iwuwrf.t~,------------------ -------- -

Durley Mnn itrcuLnr •,Wllllnm L. iDlK Dllll Kershl.TOlk, fi*»he

Burley, with hLs 212 pounds of bmwn. " I v-ti

Nevers. tops the backfleld rcBUlar;i. l>.iul V. Hnlfhl.son. Chewelah. -will Soutl h ivr—lao—ponnda- nf—da.ih—nt —hnlf— —

I^red R. Robertson. Oobnr'nriJ^ftbbven r p o W d s r ■■CnoicTonraiarlerbTtckT'ri;:i uneiTtaln. probably will add aRinn of-lrom-TlttO-lo-l-VO-iMHindJ-Vo-UH*- OUWJIbjiekmod.

— Uackfldd—ru^rvcu— iiowcvcrJ59™.:_ v.'lll not be past I'jo 175 pound mark, j]p -ilrn

---------------------------------------------L jiiUtcK IM B E R L Y E L E V E N W IN S I t" " -"

“ = 'F R 0 M -C A S T 1 ;E F G R D H 8 - 0 ‘i i , S-------- -- ■ . Ilona

KIMHERLY. Sept. 22 'apeclul lo th u l The Ne\v.M—n»e Kimberly foolball. Olhel (eanv took the Inltlnl contest of ihe mulei M-n-'.r;:i froni Casilcford here todny. Scl 10 lo 0. The Klinh:Tly nerla l.a ttack *ot« proved tro m uch' fcr .(he wesl" end Crosa leam nnd all of the local countcra cone* wi're ^co^ld via the a ir route, ircfug

V m p e r < ‘ H o u r s - ^

j r a n t e e d ^ s

= L o v

V Ijistallationf i)r R a d i o _________o r . v o u r o l c T B a t t e r j ' n r ; :



'jL £ X JU N -M p M T n L I!L B ~ JL .S IU iA ilL ---}> (iU ~ iea i^ h u H Jicc jL jL tL Jjiijiiir la iL

lin c 'fo r -M e last tliree yearn. H I’vrnitv.-h% Tp tns.______ ,________


STRTCRtN Blf SlUKIVI —tConUnufd Prom' Paice ODfl>

—.......... . — (jtfonor. Park .Tram m ell. who_ielpgrnphed 31^I President Coolldcc iiskinn H m a pomi p rc ^ tta tlv e be eent w PJorWaVlthle view of obtaining all possible kov>nmcnlul nulsUtnce. NormT hc Pelican bny district where aey- ih©al hundred sugar cone liiborers were did i•llcved to* hove been euuKhl by thp. iv wiirricanc. ,remnmc<l (he one IMWICU [{rc ,

h r ih e 'd cy n s tn ted arcft— For^HlS------lyo th n t community ha.*i been with- ncI I rchcfr-Cojist-tnwrdsm cn are cn- vou ' iged In clearlhs the roads to thc ____

40 Ihffurnt.n C u c tNUTBW*and-«—phpielBn-hnvp-bcen -------tolled from Fort M^ers to ClewUton here relief worker.^ have rci»rtcdntn-y>n tn 40 ftiKf-S nf InfluPnTtt nm-______)R refugcca lirouiiht In from the

i r ifi,;..; t f _ u ____

ured to<lny th n t tlie health slluu- on tn th e -s to rm aren w a.':-"bc itc r— — lan could bc exix-cied."-The-wnlcrij)nlv' cH|>eclally'lK bflng sUfcKUarded._____Ith the view lo prevcntfng' fever, helid. • _ • . • ____lIoward“ I-. St^bv, chalrmnn o f lh 's '

-’'m Bcnch coimtv Hed Crons com- >utce.^mlwx< his w lim atc of property. *nmngo In ih? ct«iiily'frnm‘ »30,000.0(»--------) 550.000.000 and. A, L. Schnfcr. BU»l«IrectOf'D r=dW ster-wlief-f6P-th»’ Nft—------onaJ Red Croifi;unnouncod his belief | m l thc death list would loinl. 1000. ilheV rcHef and inllllory officials csll- ittlrd dciid-nt upwards « f l » 0.Schofcr ffilri more th an 8782 |wr-

)ta3 were feil yesterdny by the Red r o « and th«! 44C3 p e r^ n s were In jnccnimtlon-cet<KT5 wJlh 130 Injdred jfucces In hwiiilials. ‘

------------ ----

_ _ J



■ ' ' 1— -

iwest Price !~

^ttsT~fdafw ^ — j -


m ^ 7 l 9 2 8 - i j n t B

■ u

H | H | ^ '' ^w S e ^ ^ ^ S g ' from

stnlc eciint

. pcu .1:

^ dellcli - T^(

■ 2t&ie while dare

. flying

.GU£ / llic nrmii'« H2? tant_co<i in thc p incc rfu l a rm y thous

H c is a arad iia tc o f th e ' U ni- e r th;■ * contii

-------------------^ ^ __ L_Qtii* ~----- 0^ thl


BURLEY. Sept. 22 (Special to Tlie have :ew5)—The Albion State Normal team ports fcloaicd the local-IllBtl Bchtwr-g r t r t^ ^ - t^ ^ Ltra_ by. tiic-'narrow mnrgln of_tw o tJiere- olnts here today scoring ' a .safety son 1 rccr Uie two teams had battled up, moun nd down the field ,' Voung fbr Iho eoger :ornial displayed ablflly a t circling- enrly 1C ends while Forgcon for Burley ed f< Id the mofl of the work. Tho safe- opcnn / was thc only score during U>o cn- count — game. ......... . ;

News W ant Ads roach thc people ou WLVi to attrnct. , ave.

M o re R u b b e r - B H n j

- M L ^ a a a i n s

P 2 IC I1D o y o u k n o w t h a t y o a c a n b u y - a ’g c n a in o S e ib e rlin ff*B u i l t T i r e a s lo w a s $ C .0 5 . T i j c t 'a o u r p r io o f o r Ih a

- 3 0 . X 3»/a sw-i- L o w p ricc .son: tb e l a r E c r - a i s e s - t o o . ------Y o u ’ll n e v e r b c a b le t u , b u y t i r e s a t a lo w e r c c c i p e r m ile o f u s e .

rX JN O T U R B P R O O ? ” g______________ T U B E S _______________ 5

T h e - ru n n in g - m a te c f th o i % ib c r l iH f f . P r o t e c t e d i j r o j

- ,',-ia t h e S e ib e r l i n g - P u n c tu r e - —.....

b r e a t h , o n o rg y , t i m c . i i n i l . n ipncy^ _ A n c c c s a i ty f n i - '__

tim e ,- a - n e v e r - e n d in g jo y l o r thoBO w h o d r iv e i o r

. p l e a s u r e . W i th o u t a d o u b t--------w»e— B ei4>erliu*^ P u u c lu iL .

> ro o f - " iT ib o - i s - th t^ - l f t tofat------a n d m o s t n c c u c d iraV ro v c -

----- in>.nt. in mnriorT> mQLQrin;^.U o m e j n j i n d l e t u s e x p la in

------ hQ w to o b ta in - r c ^ i l - t r u u b lni r c ^ ' l i r o s e rv ic e .

_____________ T H N E Iir______________T e ll y o u r f r i e n d s a b o u t ' th e b E IB E R U K G S IN G - .

-------o a - th o - T s l ir r c v e ry •T u e s d a y , e v e n in g a t S o 'c lo c k E a s t e r n -S ta n d a r d T i m c . . j R e m in d t h e m to

—r - tu » e —ill till—VirEA F’~6‘~ ;rn y ~ —t o f - t h c ‘ - 2 0 o t b r r - o t a t i o u a— o f th o - B c d - C h a in . - --


■ r v £ (S O T A ) ( 'f E A K '< ' , P E R F E C T ~ R 1 G M T \ YOU'OlON

- .- TO 6 P E A K *TD A T o LOOtC M A N I W A 6 ONCe? A C IP Y

E M G A G B O T O A W A t? r t r

• Tl-.U'. t ' a rrnc.’r;-.:)---s t::u.-7.cJ [KO ll;g-A wha:^ chao-'<-"» - .- rc in blOoi hin-.. »wc« 5 for her. Gifu-. a : pnees right's ean be,‘

1 2 3 ,1 9 2 8 ..........:

BlIITEIlSlOiNil i f l lW I I i l_______ . I .•«- . .. .80.^

’a s o n 's B a r r a p ^ O n B e a u t j f u l

S i n e s e T P l l c a s a n r W i i r ^

U nder- W a y . in . F e w D a y s noi_____ ■ ■■ o u

30ISE. ScpL 2Z (/!>—Bird huntcni im ull the southern, part of the . cor ic will owing Into action Ui..four e „ 0 intles cf S o u th . Central Idaho^.onJ tobcr X to begin the ceason'B bar-1 Mnnn ■ e_on .thn t benutU ul_but_no l e s a /* « ^ ilclous Chinese pneasam. ^ ^rhe b lrd j • in iJ » t part of Ujc wa le—Llhcoln. Tv,'tirrnlljv, Jcrumc an a—lodlnfr-T-eountlat - B fa a.Y.Rcpt:oualliL mtroas— raporta—t l th e.,ic gome department • Indicated, gta^j llic tmvclers from th a l section dc- ,re the phctwanu are constantly Ing across thc highway. j,q

Three Jlroocls U atrh ninnnVt least three broods of Ihc phi?as- to— haUihed—out— tUU—yuaE—and.)UKh the youngest are hardly Inrg- than quail, thc ouicrs arc m primC idltlon for hunters.tth r r fnimtle^. of th(» south parl _____thc sta te will have open season be- Ne mlng Octobcr 15 wllh a supply of you « tls exceeding previous years but nc equaling Uie four centm l-couu- a. ____________ *****

ve ample opportunity this year, re- rts from the Hulley and Mackayi» try_uid leatlng j,|fii’!y n ir plenti;._____.•re—bul Jmrd to get.’’ T lie 'd fy sca-r JC 1 has kept litem faf away In the - | r luntnlns In search nf feed nnd the „ !or hun ter who ventures forth U i^•ly In the’ season must bc prep.'vr-

for a hard chuse. Tlie seaMn pns October 1 In practically^ all, intles of southern ^dnho. ^ '

?rec rf.tcl. Phone <17. 421 2ndj » _

- S t r o n g e r C o t tp :


c f a c c i d e n t s , \ v h e

P a l i g n m e n t , c u t s

i n l l a t i p n . r i m c u l

o u t s , b r u i s e s , ’ o r

r o a d h a z a r d . . .

^ ^ u l 3 Z b J— sM v y y # .- *"

(TITis o ffe r aipp: passenger car tir

-------------M A U K L ' A U T U i M

— - ____ ____ C Q M P ^ N X

P H O N E 5 4 (

* v 7 e L i . f f H A R f i 'i ' Y O U (kE T »N’T -k A v E - - y E V E R V - T f H E - Y O t t c f t T H i M / $ ^ ^ O K l ^ ^ ( 3 . C 0 M 5 Y O U V ^

M a j e s t i iT i ^ h o i d needs------- ------------ * * -------------

T e r r i n

C allfo i^a a t L os'A dzeles'is; Santa larbaro state college 07-j^ g la _ ^ le g e M; d r a i j^ b ta n d 0. ' __Transyivanla 6~; C entw c o U w 'b . 8out]i_Ciirollna 19:v Eraklno 0.Findlay 'o ': o iterbelh .'o ; ^Dnvis Elkins 7; West Virginia 0.

• w iin n fii» H T B r:ra n « ! ir^ ’— ---------------U y o la '1 8 ; Koward 0, - • i North DakotA 03; Manitoba i . .Ohio Northern 13; Bufton W.Ashinnd Cfillege 0; Slippery Roclc 0. Bethany 24; Broaddua'T. " .Centenary 47; Sam Houston Tcach-

rs 0; ' ■ • ' ■'^uLhSTO Methodist 33; Denton ormal.C. -RtnT.fftrii ?!• Armv N inth Corps 6.Trxaa 2; Trinity , 0.WachlDgcon S tate 23;;-Whllmao'fl.

' Drexel 13;"' J uiimu -D : • -------------:----------■>Vyomlrm-49{-^lftolt-Hllls-tioiiiu l 0.- ■itu ro n —eollecc 0:— SoiiUi—eafcota--------tatb ‘H.

NKW AIIl SERVICE " " BOGOTA.'Colombia (/iv -T lic ncA- ‘

Irmall service ot the Colombla-Oer- lan Air Tm njporta between Barraii- ulun. Colombia. uiiU"Cnayird.V<ii, £cur.> :r.r,— ..^.robly nf h--lonlhly afusr January I. , ’

News W ant A ds'reach the 'pcoplo )U wish to attract.

USED CARS ___“ 3926"Rc?rSccbii, '5500.'• 192G Onkhmd Coach; ?C30. ------Dodge Sedan, $500.

P a r k s A u t o C o m p a n y

_____ KupmnhllP DUtHhntnrw____________

o n ^ a n d

rs ~ F R E tr —

leel m is-its, under- ■uts.^bldw-'yt any .

■ i r e s o n l y j ---------

l a t O K l L K -------------- --------------------

^ 'Y ____

5 4 0 _ ........... ........... .....

— . 1 l l=

B il a H . P e r r j/

E T T H J S 'W A Y • I • '’O t r - S w g A H “~ b l^ P ---------------M E ON O V E R .TO

!$ » = = ? = A N O I ' u u

V / 1 b l o w x o v \

t i ^ P h a r m a c y ~ ^

Tine Hotel Bld’y,'

Page 3: · Sixteen Page; ~ ~ VOL. ll. - NQ. 145..- '- - Guns On Hert behM Ieiiii f ==W m f D em ocratic'N om inee in A ddress j------------in


■ ifflirLfnaEjl^CIlUUiElilSBI

. _ L e a n l k l a h o m a Y o u th T h r o t t l e s p

— ^ { r 4 o u i s ^ a s i » X l i i b .W Jii l a J— - 4 0 , O d O ^ E a n s ^ R o a c i c c i a i m i _ p

- (By The AMOcIaled Prcas) “N E W Y O R K , S e p t . 2 2 — F o r

t h e s c c o n d t im o in t h r o e tia y a ,VniiTur T .ftr^ iT>vftr,-in_thfl p i tc h - ]___fn g p e r s o n o f g a n g l in g K a r l

'Y H ^ 'V e H r s t o p 'p e d l n t o - 's a v c - t h n —c i p e n n a n t c h a n c e s o f ' t h e N ow

— ¥ o r k - ’ann rts-^ io d fty ~ 6 « d -T in ftl« o . ^t h e N a t io n a l l e a g u e p e n n a n t p u u r a c e t i g h t e r t h a n t h e p ro v e rb - cinc i a l b a s s d ru m .

While 40.1)00 fnpa r o a r ^ thclr. cc.-.

who camc lo the ainnt.s .only a ft'w ' weeks ago from thff Tcxa/i k-ague.

■— -nireineoTunriBnsncrtraainr-sti-fccm iJf ca rd s In thc midst of a /Jcw Jy /ought battle th b ullcrnoon-nnct bent them " , for the sccond -slniiBlit time to the , tunc of 8 to 5. Tht* victory rtducM

----- thc_lcad-of-th«*-C«nlliiulK-to-rt'Km8k>__ game. _______ • _ nt«v,

I f Hubbcll was thc hero of th is licc- X*,. Uc dny. the Koat wns Taylor DoiUhlt.r.i)ocdy-<»utf|pld6p-of- g iB Cnrdt, irhn —

r==Jet=h»-Uie:iWlm»lHK-run-ln-tfGV-«*vcnllJ =r«i;Inning wheti lie nI/o«'«l FrcdiJy ZJ/id~ „Strom’S single to capticc him In ccntcr. u . . , ,

_____H u te U _ n r o u a M _ U lc _ T O a _ a iu t ” ° “ispurred on his team m ates w ith thc w i^ ’i

- coolness nnd-atcndlnCM-wllh-whlch-hc q ^ J— wcnuJnto-Ujo-Banj&-undcrJirtf,in-Ujc p . „ ,

f i f th . Inninnr. succccdlnB Pred Fit?.-fiimmons wllh th c bnscs full, none out g and Jim Bottomley. sluRBlnu flrsl

T hc score— R. H. E.St. Loula .................... ......... Z 'S 11 1 TJ,

— W<^--Y o r ^ , ^ gScn

Wilson: FItTslmmon.H. lIiiyx 'ljin il^H o^ jja Ran. ' Sc\-c

_______ riRA TES 0-5. PHILUKS 7»a_________PHILADELPHIA. Sept. 32 (/V>-Pll- ■ '

i—rt.‘'b itrjth-m arie-it-fo tir-it» -tt-row -over —PO I thc Phlllle.i by wlnnlni; both Kanu-a of won

today's double-hcndcr. 0 to 7. und G todo; to 3.' In thc o]>cncr. Durlclch Orlmcs Rnin(

-roi;i.«crcd hU twenty-flrsl victory of. Inuii__;.the 102B .campftlRn. - -ij. .;-- ■ Rose

P lrs f^ m c -7 - r • , TliP lttsb u rR h " ...... ............;.;..f..*9'no ? 3 L3»Philadelphia ........................ 7 -M 1 Port!

Ballcrics; Grimes nnd Harsrcavc.n; 'B» Milligan. McOmw, Ocachy, Miller, ton: R lns nnd Lerlan.-

S « o n d game— ' R. H. E.P ittsburgh ........ .................. 5 9. 4Philadelphia ......*....................3 12 . 1

--------Bnitcrlcfl;-Bnxine-Rnd-HcmRlcy nnri „H nrycnvcs: Caldwell; Mllligim and Diivi,% nnd Lcrtan. *

CINCINNATI 4.G, BOSTON Il-fl . ...BOSTON. Sept. 22._ gj-M ectliiG balcl

Clnclnnntl for the. lost lime th b wn- noil' r.on. todny. the Braves dcfi-nu-«r the’ nii vlsliora In bolh ciinics of n . tlnublg-_ header. Tlie Drftves hncl an rony time In wlhnlnK the flrsl gnme. ll to 4. — nncl tlien .ncorcd six runs In tho eljihUi

— inning-of-the-»eoond-R ftm e-io-w ln.-P ,

PlrKl Riimc— li. H. R.Cinclnnutl .......- ...................... 4 0 0»oMon ..........................11 10 0 ____ d

------ -U n it^ rs r-A a h .- iJ rd u n in -nml Hir- . —■ inich; Greenfield nnd Taylor.

Sccond Rame— ..............— R. II. &----- i—Cincinnati ................................ 6 10 O 'Boalon ...................... ’ . . ‘ 7., u— 8— 2------- ^

Batteries: Pyle, Beckmnn and Si:kr- forth: Pelnney. Clnrkjon. Cooney nml______

, ' —DROOKLVn . Sepl. 22 r4V-Tlic Rob-4 - h w -buncbcO -lheir-h lu -lo -R O od-ftd ----------

vantajtc nRalmt the tu b s here todny. while Btizz McWeeny .wns shuttlnRout

• the ihlrU nlnee contendrr-s. 4 to o.“ The score— H. H. E. I

Chicago ............................. 0 8 0Brooklyn ................. ........... ......4 5 n. Batteries: Root. MalnncTSind-Xurl-------

"nu- CTT' McW e r n r 7 tn d - 6 ^ |t : -----------------------


• SEA TTI^. Sept. 23 (4->—Val Olynn — h e ld -s« ttt le hIU eM ZIodiy-m iU l_thc

fifth mnlnR and then again tlRhtened____until the eighth when h«. thn ____

Indians lo force o%er a run on two singles and double. Tlie game ended a lo 3. m San P r^ e u c o '* favor.

The score— ________ R. h f _____ban Francisco ! 7 . 3 0 aS e ftlU e ..................... . . 2 C 1

Batteries; OljTin and Van;an: Col- .• lard and AlaMnitli,


-----------------U S e 5 C A R S ------------- j —

~ “ DotlKO T p u r i n g ^ y a . . . . . — B u ic k T ouV injr. S12rj.

^lTuTg;p:T<gTTtnR . $ 25 tn — -------

P a r k s A u t o ' i — _______C o m p a n y

. nspm oline DUlrlbtit«n

K p i S S -

TtrjBardinmi l i B E I g lB g -'T.Hvs iu H W e v e f l\f l ' ^

oveR-Y**e A- ttftOAocAs-' Im h e A c o l a 4 t / V MeicT ’ / ■ y

h j l f i i l I

j - . =1^ ^ T ■' ■ 1

--------- ^ ^ ------ — ' r■■ CLU BS* S T A N D IN G S : D ei

- • _____________L n a iNATIONAL l e /\c i ;e b y

-Cliibs-^----------------f-----W on-bost-Pctr-th ii;i. Loula ............. ..............CO S7 .010 f in flew York . ...............08 68 —.003 J i ; 'n u cau a ..... — m—'ItUburgh ........................B3 01 JGO a fiiln c in n n tl............ , ............77 70 .524 a n d‘rooklyn : ...................... 73 . 73 .500 ab i,K»ton ........................... •...49 oa J33Ullnrteltihlfi________ 42 105 JHO

AMERICAN LEAGUE .j: iu b a = ______________ w on LPSt-Ectg^B^rew York .... S5 51 - .052 p “ ,hiladelphlu._.._...........,.._,P3__53 _ ..fi3TI. Louis ..................... 79 Cfl - -'•>38/nahinitton . ..t , .. 71 7C .483hlcago . . ........ 70 77 .470Wtrplt ..............................05 82 .442Icvclnnd--....- ...... _ ... .„_ 0 0 - BQ .411*oston ......... ......................53 03 J 03 ■

----- I’ALIHU VUAST I.KACliK------- i —lal-Clubs------------ ---------- w o i n y j ^ o t ; : = Mncram en to ........................54 33 .021;ollj-wood ........... ............ 52 35 .598 - P "anrrm ncteco ................ -m — 3C— iSBOT— ”IlMloiw ............................47 . <10 .541nWivnd . r ;~ .. “ .■•'■..•,r'4(J “ 41..... .520 iJf.'T'orilnnd .......................30 51 .414i®*»‘=03 AnRcles .................... 34 53 .301

............ ; .............. ' ? ” SSrst with four run.s.The-^wore— ___ R- H, E.iicromenlo ............ ........ '. 3 12 f Itomlisiiiuil!; . - . . ■....................O" !.*!— Q ; tedaBatteries;__K allio.— Bouncily,, and 1 Uic_e\’ercid; Plllclte ond Brcnr.el. - I Loul

-------- i Tl1— PO»TLA^Sr>-10.--AN.r.i:LS-4^.—

-PORTLAND,-Sopl—22-W)—Portland-!- •-D; on au eiifty gnme from Loa AnRoleajSlre Klay. 10 to 4. n ftc r ll»c AngclB hnd lined n iliroc-nin lead in this first S lulni; on nn outfield error by Ed Cl w c. _______________ IngcT1«C~8CWC^ It. tt. I lUIlL3» Angeles ............................ 4 9 I din'rortlnnd ................ ..................10 12 21 TlBnttcr^es: Onblcr. Cllfl nnd Nor- ] Woj

in; FuIkVton and Whitney. -Clev-------- t Bj


LOS ANGELES. Sppl. 22 Elmer : ,inltli__llollj‘wood_JcXt-4l»>l<li'ri-woii-n-i------nil gnnie for the S tnrs nil by h ln w lf -^ ' Ci cjx‘ lodny when he d ro te in nil Ihrco-Lcyj C the Holl>\k-ood runs lo <lefi-nt Oak- Helf md. 3-2. In 10 Innls^kft- haviThc score— R. H. E. fellalclohd __________________ 2 0.„,2_5hiulollywood .. V.........................3 . 9 0 ,Biillerlfs: McAvoy and Rend; Ni

/ x l S H O E S . F ~ 0

So f a f t u t h c p ac c i livinR th a t even

changcd . W c arc ileRcd to olFcr y o u a u n iquely consrrueto h e a lth a n i com fot m o d ern feet. FO O T

------- ‘— ■ ^ T T O r 'f c d ccfo tT K nd o titeh indin sryle. Y our fo o t wi

* ----- - d iSerencc-w hcB . yoi_______ pa ir. Y o c r eye wi]

th e ir poo d lo o ja . I

Try S i n c i a i---- “ IT -P A ^

: l; t w in 'FALLS DA]

" m T H iC K S r r ^JOOEIOJEM1(_|R u b e W a lb e rg , H u r l in g ,fo r P h i l -

a r ip lp h ia . R iu p iT w a Y to E a r n - .

" s h a w in O p e n in g I n n in g A f - ___

iBy The AKOclated Press!D E T R O IT , , S f .p t . 2 2 — T h e

D e t r o i t T ig e r s d im m e d th e p e n . . n a n t c h a n e ba o f t h o A th lo t ica _ b y d e f e a t in g th c M a c k s h o r r

- t h i s - a f t e m o o n —B - i o - ^ j - i n - t h e i— f in a l g a m e o f t h e s e r i e s . R ub^ 'X ynlhArg, wn.q k n n c k e d e n t b v ___ ;a f o u r - r u n b l a s t in t h e o p e n e r , - a n d th e 'v i s i t o r s ■ n e v e r w e h c a b le t o c a tc h u p , a l t h o u g h th e y routed Victor Sorrell In Uie eighth,—Tha-tcorf—. - ...... ...............R .. H.„ ,Ei ___philndelphln ....................... : 4 7 3Delrolt ....... . .......- ........... . 5 10 • I—Bnlterlw;—W«ilbdrg„-Eani?ha\u—nnd---------Cochrnne: Sorrell. Carnjll-and-W ocrf- ItO h

CHICAGO 5. NKW YORK 2 . . CHICAGO.- Sept. 22 (/»->—The

W hile .Sox touk lhc odd game of - Uic MrirM from the Yankee* here

today by 5 lb 2. bu t the champ- . ____ln», no .rrQUDd in tb r wen- =

~ d e /ea led "J ii~ K lftIl,—5* lo~9.—AI-— |u | f l -- phuntte Thomiu oulpllclied four l | I H—Y a n k ^ h u rle n ., --------------------

Thc scorc— R. H. E.N e w - - Y o r k - ........... -3— 8 — 3 -------C h i c a g o ____ ___________ .i5.,_D__i - -------

Batteries: Johnson. Hefmnch. M, Thqiuiis. Pipcraa and Pengough nnd Collln.s; Thomas and Derg. '

• BOSTON 5, ST. LOUIS 3LOUIS. Sept. 22 (;p>—Todt h i t '__

hOHJC rujjK i;i two consecutive Iniimxstcday nnd, th e -p OTtoty:-R« t - 6 oit-wo<i------^Uic-flnnl-Bonic ol_U ic_scrlC3,from _8k____Louis Browns, 5 lo 3.

The .wore— ------• R. H. E,

• BattprleK:_ .MncPaydcn nnd_ARhby;. Slrelccki. Coffman atid Bct«»icourt.


Ingloti cloxcd ({te- iserles with Clevc- , ■ n rm m crc -to d n y -b y T ian d in g 'th e -m - dln'ns a O-to-O defent. * ja y ]

The score— 41.—H. E.Washington ..............................G 12 2' — —Cleveland ......... ■....................,0 5 4

Bnllerlc»: Hndlcy nnd Rucl; Ferrell. D anilinrt nnd M yntt

JO CKEY. HURT_JN_CmCAGO________ ^-• CHICAGO, Sepl. 22 f<TV^ocUey J, -Lcy^njid WM Uiken to n Chicago HelRhun hosplUil nnd Is believed lo have boon hcrlously-injured 'w hen he fell when riding DlmplC' Dunkic in

.tlii’_yeventh rnce here th is n fiernoon.____

News W ant Ads reach the people

O R M ~ p ^ \ :____

~ ~

^ ^ r m o 2 M ______

-------- \

fTwt>TT\______________ ;_________ _:vcn feet h a v e irc n o w . priv«3u a new th o e , ^ ----------------- — — —u eted to in iu rc - - mfoTt ro y ou r>DT-SAVERS- ................h •• . '— --------^— :ndinftly c o r te tt >r will le d tb e

6 a ^ i . \ ~ . 1 . ' .........' I" !* -. w in ap p ro v e

r ~ a Z ) i t t y » u ~ --------- —

a i r ’s F i^ t '


~ MerBritish Thi-eat;

\O B B Y -JO N t}S .-ilo liiH na nim aeiiv- - --PerkiuH, th e B rilink cluim iiuni, ii

th e A m erican titlv. in nctimi at tiv ic i ii yearn liin(in-ii o f lht'.l< A m cricau a iu l Ilrilish a iiiiilru r ih e cham pionahip.

r^O aE iSiH D -,-:pnlm

f I » . . l r Q l. in n o r H U c Q afo li/

_13 Times During, Week: Two.i.iS;wa»i

lloiH cr& r Triple snd-Ooubl6&f|* ~ ;'C a il

CHICAGO. Sept. 22 (,V.-Prom n o :“ ''^; lace_ln pnrtlciilnr hn« eome Hc-liiU- lumwh. veierun S t. Louis ouiik-lil<T, 3-take-the-lead-ln-Ainertcnn-leaKwr- ° ‘' J' altlnR Jual when ■’Ooose" Go.ullii und flu Gehrig figured they had the rn c c ;^ " . 11 to themselves. ;In iwunding his way, to Uie top .o f ;

he Junior circu i t ‘th e fli...Loub aiti '- cr during ihe week endlng-WedhCT--:— ny hit safely. 13 times. Including tw o ' Al'

. ‘ . V ----------


H ■

_ Oiir- S p a, T h e s e d in n e r s e t s a rc

i. o f th c - Ia rg e s t-E u ro p c n n . Fj

T h o s h a p e s are* m o s t B ird o f P a r a d is e d c c o ra ti( d e c o ru tifu u 1 t h go ld edge

F n c ir s c f* c o n s is ta ~ o f"


............................. «. ___________ 6

----------------------------------------------- -------- L


M O R N IN G .,S E P T E M B E R 2

i t 'a C t '^ B i - a e B u r n - - - : - -■ • — talned

in '- lilU -h o lilfv .- u 'h ii -iiM- 1 . / T ^ I, inM ii iiitcni(UiaiiaL batlLc.for ai l ira c liiin i. l i ivan th e fira t t ' iuurnnitivni (ha t th f kiujjH o f ■’»»• ijolf vicl ill J h f fin a ls fo r

n-i53-tlmen-a7-Unt.-wH)rwl-8-i^niR-nnil »o,stcd hi-s nvernge cIrIh polnt.s to

Gunlln loosing-While Mnnush was slugging th e ball ------o-nll com cnr of-th^bnll-pnrkH-in-tilx- -------;nmes. Goslln was laning 3 iwr ceiitngo wlnis lo iratl Uie Browns' oiitfioldcr >y 1 iwlnt. according lo figures re-

Vedne.tdny, Gehrig, the Ynnkeea fh-at ]iaacuinn,-who luui-.been-pUBhtng-the I ------Vashlngto;) Scnnlortf so ri-an n rd O 'll-j

fnr Kittlni? Iif iior.--. I liKt n .jiolnt nnd now trnilsl 3ailIii~by"Tnwint.^nnri~M mitr!h~b>'^ —

Thc lending hitters: Manu.Hh,' S i.jxmisr-.374r-OosHn—W«nhttit’lonr'.37»;r ---- -3chrl«,—New—Yorlc.— 3li3:—Sliiunoiia.. ____'hllndciltihnr .352j Lasteil, New York,333: K. Rice. Washlnglon, -J2 7 : J.Sewell. Cleveland. 326; E.- MllWr. ’hiladelphla. J24; Combs. New York.320; Bbhoi), Philadelphia. .319. . ^

--• .......<'r<>w«trr-VIFlSrlouii — —,-T:! -----Alvin Crowder. St.-Louis, added un-


a r e m a d e o f th o f in e s t t r a n s lu c e n tL F a c to r ie s ___ I---------------------------- —

) s t a t t r a c t i v e a n d p le a s in g . W e g iv a t lo n w i th c o ld o tigo . T l ic Z in n ia c d g c . A ll t h r e e o f th e s e d e c o ra tio n :


. 6 L a rg e D in n e r P la te s 1 R otfi D e s s e r t P l a te s S a i« Soup-P l a t e s - ................ - - 1 - P i a6 F r u i t { Q u e e rs _____ _____ _ L CovC Cup.*! iu id Suucc iV ‘ 1 C ie1 Q v a l THcK______________

I d a h o ’s C r e d i t J e

C .4 L D W E L L ‘

:£.-jL 'j ; i L-j ^ -j R m A n r j a a a B W

Dr—pitching-vicioo’ to his atrlnc 'p n b lin s tho weeU-nnd thereby mnln- l | | | n led hill lead over •Lerty" Grnvc;Indclphiar v?i‘h-lc-v!<?;orl<'';-r.iul-5 — p i |cntH. Grove's .•ccord la 2:* und 1 | ,pnn fivcrnwe rif .707 Itint 7 noinU- Uli

■e thnn Wnyne lloyi of ihe.V un- 1. who has won 19 w'llif* t'vojiplnj-

. ■ AJAecutife of the - Aihloilcfi losU n Dandliple of irninLs in teiim huUln*{ tne fcttlnlI- Vfirti-Vhnkees went_hiio tindis- tnlns,ed poWi-'ilon of firs’, pluce with duriiieiivernb’e of .207 ' polni'i iilriv '-ihe only tinio M.ick crew. • Perfet■h'.‘ AthleUcj, L-nirJ- :iu iiv Th-:Kh Boston In the VMt:: rn=e lo'v-bi

their .912 point iiver.iiio liin;nl l and 1 ~ o f 'lieii^—nTvrn -A rrij..', uiju up. vntly hope to ;ionio klmi oflor.s -inirTcnr.- ■ , :— ------- r* - e t t h - :nultl}- M yrr :,lilrii l;n’,vinnii,

In the sack wltn 2-1. Uui onlv rival lf<l In Johnny. Mo.mI1, Uh’ ,‘i>mlv t'lhlenKO lUe So.t centrr fl'-ldiT. hut Jolinny pictur I only 31 for ninnvr-i:i> honoi.s, .

imaica Oranges May I cro-A-e' I>e~“ A - d e M o r T ^ T n c n c a - ' | S ? - ;

•. -------- et'i.a HGSTON,—»ai»alcat-aui>t.2 2..-.i3‘> l .. Mr. ifeshor Clnrke lH)we:i. wno Ih iruvel- crop ■

UifouRh thc West: India blund;i on ungea lalf of the Brillah cnit)lre market- \ New '

W E U IE A SU R B 7 0 u r f e e t ~ j i i s t t l id s i s e a n d lc

y o u r f e e t f e e l e a s y .,----- f l a t t e r h i a BCluiil l f lu w a y i

---------- p o lite ly :— B u t - y o u r - f e e t - a r ea p p e a l . O u r s h o e s m u s t s ty l y o u Ic iiv e o u r s h o p .

M c E L W i...................... T h o D e p e n d a b le S I

j * h Q n ^ O - S»_ ________



A ^ 1 SoC c c n ts d o w n . Sl.OO ;

W p W i r n i r t r a n s p d r t a t

t C tiin:i., p u re w h i le b o d y a n d o re

:ivc y o u th c ch o ico o f t h r o e d e c o n dccor.'’tio n w ith g o ld e d g e , o r t h

) n s a r c m o d e m a n d c o lo rfu l.

to u n d V e g e ta b le D is h o r a la d D o n l’ia ttc r-1 ........................ . --------|o>xred S u g a r

Jewelers “ ** - P A Y E T n r


iiiiiuiicKs- -m if tPiSTEIiS .W A Ccig, corsira. 's c p t- 33 inditry la a Josi n rt :m Corsica. Per- . . ;tinl. Uie lalcst of Uic robber chlcf- , ... ina, has been uhot,dow n by Bcnr •

ly becaust> the Corslcan.i didn 't like ' rfetUnl's Btyle- of bandllry.'T h 'T conBldered his methods too V-brow. He a'nd his band ro b b ^ ' id killed in the ordinary manner. -

lliu thc Corsican-, bandit, Roman- _ch" nlso'-kllled—by—«mdarme3—two----- --nr.n dho. ocaislonnlly held . for big

1 In vetideiia-s.Bill he did things'III a grand and cturc.^qtie manner tha t - made hlni’ methlng of n populnr hero.

>; board of London, advised local' oweri of oraiiRcs lo ship no m o n nil in nnVlnuJ-os-Uicy_;ftnnQt_com- ’ te v.'lth oronges from foreign mark- !i. , ' . ,Mr. Powell BiiRRf„'iLi Umt thf! Iw nl,' , op UiLh year bc converted into or- igciule and shipped In borrtUs to ew York for American consumpUon.

\e p ro p e r ■surinq o / - ,. y o fi-n jre e t- iS r^ ^xsafW^tlte” — "n f o r t - b a l f c l e i ! - ^ —

’c o t p ro p e r ly , w o l ^ o w ______ •I l a s t t h a t w ill ta a k e 5y.. W o g o a b o u t th o

a r e - t h e - l a s v - o o u r t - o f ------— ---------ity liflh ly -fit-y o u - b e fo ro -» --------- -------

T M W SS h o e H o u so

______ _ , tM c :a j - P , .O T ’t o T O ;_______

3H IN A ' F ETS :

" i r

[)0 a w e e k | j

IC produced by one , § j

ro r a t io n s .’ v iz : Tli«? a j t h c F lo ra l C lu s to r .

Page 4: · Sixteen Page; ~ ~ VOL. ll. - NQ. 145..- '- - Guns On Hert behM Ieiiii f ==W m f D em ocratic'N om inee in A ddress j------------in

z i F i x J i i f P i E : :' C o m m i t t e e , Q u e r ie s M ic I iig ttT

; a n d C a l i fo rn ia S o u rc e s O n

______n m p s : M a n y A n s w e rs A r r i v a _____

— . I ■K incctlns of Ute coinnililcp of bcnn

growers named by. John S, Wclcli.Itlnho comiplssloncr of nsrlmUure, to Invi'Slicatc bean crop nntl nwrlcct

“ cojidiUons Ui 10' br-iTcw m- ra m ti-------->intr )icrc next .Tucwtay cvculnc a i. 0___ •_f;‘flork. E. N. PcttyKrove; Fnmscn.

____ nf thn rori»nltt<>r. nnt.oiinc- . •' cil- ’btst—tvmlngT—BUoru . to .JiolJ n ic .......

inecUnb' on ‘••vcuhkj fulled be­cause of Inability 10 obCnln n meci- •"InR pinci: for Monday. M/. PeityBrovcBtfilCd.

TS.. rnmmitt<‘<«. coniiiosed of 28 bcnn_____BTP-vers of boUi Norih «ntl SbuUt Bldir districts. wa.s named to lynjcu* it

____thorouKh canva-s-1 of th i- .'iltiiiitlon

minimum price, for Idaho beans llil«Bcaion:------------ •’ • •, , . , r_________ !

' nroadcoxt (lucrlt ;< ^ ^In prosccittloii ,of Hits Invcsllcn-•

tlon. Mr. Peltyfffovc »totcd la^t cve-■ - 'nltii:, thc commUlec litw sent out a '

----- num bcTyof-lcltfgram s-lliroiiRh-Uirtc-JM 'k

-C allfornln and Mlchlcan. The.-ic In- -- QiJlrlM were addressed to dealers' and-Prowers' cooperative innrketlnK asao- ____clatlon.1. coimty acentj. una ounw. iii =

—r-lhose -aloUa.-— ' - ' --------------------------!->-----Telegrams In re.ipon.'c lo lhc.ic In- > .

rqiilrles have been rccclvcd In -con-. aldcrab!e number.. Mr. Potly«rov45-»Ul------

Td last cvcntnK. nnd by Tui’adny cvc-.. 'nJOff, he Jiaid. It mcjixi IJkeJy tJint a u i-1 jlc len t information win be .n o llab le ;— , >en wJiJch to base un Informed con- j PA Elusion. ro m

- 'B 0 I S E - D E M Q e R A - T - - S T A T E S - ! 5 “ i ■" S M IT H W IL L C A RRY SO U TH

- "The m t and south n re . Rolnt:----- to-Blvo-bl8-njaioritlcs-^flc^Al^flm Jlh_

. for president," declared Clarence Van „ '----- Uata—nifll’nr

•durlns -the necond admlnlslmilon of — G(M'ernor-Al6xandcr,-who-arrlvcd_last

n leh t cn his way -to nol*& after *» ,• 7400-milc overland trip on which

h c-w cm »>i fa r antt fin TJutinn nrrt __ a a - , . f n r _ M u lh , ,« » _ A U ^ ._ _ '

• "I went back lo my olti iiomo tM,.„ .tflnn. Wcsl/leJd.. Majwachuxetfi; to n t- n ji- , tend a reunion o f , U nnm nV eslfleU l-, J

---- chih. whlrh rtl-»h:^nrt- lIn IBOO." iClr. Van Deu«en snld. "Flffy. o f Ihe 150 members still live and HO of these were present. My asaUtant. y . j Carl Evans, was with mc. un^jJ ■•MaMachiiwtta. New York. New Jer- •

i::ipej3fnry lan(tzv irq lnm 77N orin-C ftrflT G oocliha nnd acorgla, UirouRh. nil of which J travelled, will clvc ma]6rlllc.i fu" e m ith .- In IheJfloulh. the J?cmoCTat3 »«• tuually vole n l ihc primaries but not o t the polls. Tills yenr they will comc S:>lt TUt and jrlvo Smith a bljj majority."Mr. Van Dfusen osseried.

rW IN l-A LLS~IV rA jr D IE S ' I 'u * ON V IS IT TO P O C A T E L L O

Sidney II. . McNeely. reMdenl of iS 'ln FalU for a nutnDcr ol years, . . died yeslerday at • the home "f

------ h— 3>0«— iiF^PH ran-nn—w hrrc—had cone two weeks uro • on .

• a visit. . Tlie- body will b.- ~ ~tn~om»ltt l‘C'H lutlny aiul will be r i'~

celved a,t • the Wlilte Uiioriiuiiry. ' Nn nfranuTnicnm for rrrvlcc.s hn.l liocn completed In.M cvrmivi. ,

— •-tC.-w(u:-JSUU!d. will bc-.iH.,.Tivla J'vlJI.lccm rtrry bejlde llu- .«rave of,..Mr.

■ uluLiJlr,! >* ;■ ao years aRo. - . - - ,

K'.irvlvinB Mr. 'Mc.Serly nrc threei.bni- and oiiO'^n.Mishlcr---- rh r '-rw r^ .........nrc Roy 15 McNei-ly. 430 Pourt.'i PE nvfniie west, Twliv-F.ilb. foroiiun for ^^Iet the Ltnojln Produce coiniKiny; Ar- Dim thur McNeely. William McNcrly, .and

j;. BliInev_McNOfly. al£ of p^.itcllo . The Mim■ ■"~<lnirphtrr~~b‘ Mrs: Tc.-iry ■McDminj-.lLA.

.S,in .Franelfco. wL

• T O C'A ^ I H K S T VOT K---------- TKTITATHENS. Toiin. '-r—M-l'l. LiiiiKston. wife

C3. lnieiuU_lO_C''»!_liK i irst vcli- tor l.ind__ the piT:.ldcncy tji Nu'vvmber Ior U ov-| T. ! or Alfred E. Smith. _ Wld

g ^ M ^ r a i B B I l l l l H i

: ; ^ - O D A Y I

W h a t a S h o w ! ^

. •__ . I t t - i o v c - s t o r y o i a - s ia c :c ^s t a r a n t i a s c io n o f 'v c n i t h . • T rtk e s y o u b c h in tl tho s c c n c s , w ljc r c r e a l d r a n n f *■ bfJRliis w h e n th c c u r t a i ; i , R

— : J g - 4 r Q 5 i s r ~ ^_ ^ o r a i a S h c u r c r 'S y i c i i t v a t -------^ s u c c e s s ! • ■

. .w i t l i^ R A L E H - 'rO R B S S _________O W E N M O O R E _____^

— A mH AI RCAC:-a A

-.yago_r6ig — - ■ 1 _ - ■ .1 rW IN FALI5 DV ~ ^ T J i e f i

" ................................. ...* j ------- ----

~ ~ I '■ £ ' ' '

i l l t s . JO S E P H T ^ R U C K E J i.w U c o h ry fro m h r r hm lm ntl oil C ily o.

' W it th e liuckei'K ' //iirtf-eiit/L wcc his tu im w rite r in Inn S a n F rc

— — ^ ^ ------------- n - H o (

i l i G | - J o i : e l f l

. Dollln?. Boise: Mrs. A. D. Daw-

alt Lake City: T. M. Gordon. Salt akc C lty ;.M r._and_.M rs,_S .. Stark, aTrTjiTco'*'Cliyr'C ."TI.-Banictr:-9nJt akc City; Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Aiulcr- .j*" in—S a lt- l ia k e -C ll .y i-M r^ a n d - iIc s . icorgc E. Piles, Salt Lake . C ity: ^

•les; Mr. nnd Mrs'. P . H. McLiuiRh- n -8 p o k an e : - J .- D . -Kcimt:mcr...Ein^ ictt, Idaho: Mrs. Oertrudc Catc.^ f* |;f clchum; M r‘ and i r ^ W. T. D o u < ?-i^^

tra^:_J^Croncy,_YcllDw;5ton(L Park. ^ya.;_T._0. n o b rrw ,_ m a td lo ;^ a rW T lacy. pocBtfllo; Mr. nnd M n. O ea >lc, s a l t L.ikc City: Chas. ,R. Hardt, orH nm l;-M r*._M iu-y C .-H am pton , oUc; J . C. iJinson , Pocatello; Mr. 1;““ id Mrs. R. C. Denman. Los •AnRclc.s, 1*“ “* . M. Pitm an. -Snlt Lake . Clly: Mr. nd Mrs. R. L. Adams, Los Angeles; * r. b;, TCellev. cliv: M. A. Wlswcll. io o d ^ ,_ ..._______________________ ..

ROGERSON—Mr. nnd Mri>~A7 G ^ k o .cynolds, RoRcnion; Wm. J.'Salm oti. p^rt a lt Lake C ity; J . W. Herrick. Snn pgp v ilcKo: ■ J. A. Anderson, Portland: men Ured Kolner, New York; Mrs. L. vipoi . AusUn. Now York: W. R. Boyd, on l>y»f>«c! ifci'N i- B flrkdaU -SalL :i --ikc. -we- Ity: J . AV. Corcoran. BoLie:.F . P. publ lormnn. Mr. and Mr>. C. Ci. ^in,( 'hotnti.s. Pcorlii. III.: Hoyt, a tcp h c i- 31), Twin Fiill-s; F. Blanchard. Boiio; ;„ l_ A d a u « hnd wife. Si. 'Aptlioiiy; wlfiv . II. Pott. SaJL Lake City: C. Brii.T , os.' , Poculollo: U, J. HardlliK. Miiliitl, ■ Aivl ;iuho; b . U. Ilii.s.'-oir Kan>iX« ClfJ. Tlio; Io.: c , C. Jiiini'.s. Knnv;ui City. Mo.:

M. SwlHarl atut wife. Seattle: M- NcH' C^iri'tir.tii. —V. ----- nallfV , youibl.-C': II. R- l-mil.ey. r.ulur;uh. Ky.: _ J .t Ki-mv. ?iiilt Laki- c ity : Mr.i^-----ml Mr.H, w . It. 6i)ruui. JinU''; niit?e-CiillM'ii. -L. Me-.Ion. Poc.itrlUi: D. W. P'>-:

tl.' ’ ~

PEmtlNI-:—Mr.'i. J . H. Mttle,, Bi'H'- lie: C. H. Uicknrll. U>r. AiiKi'Irs;)iui I,. WhHlrn. D vnvir;.T . N. Mlskr. V.ishim:io:i, D. c .; E. G. T a ilo r,’ .Iii.V)u:.-\; ir. A. Mn«lu'M-n, Uoi.m-;,'I. P. 'Durke antf "K r. Oakliiiiil; i jr i- 'a r 'iiu T . Cliy; -

viiiuvBc::!. .Nt m t.n i.ii: i l —.-Ife. DIxoii, T<-X.: E. t ' tV ;ri-‘iiid- Fniiik J., J 'tn ’h-'n. llo;;*-: A.V }?li.iiiT-, nh't b j ' r .n: -." Ixlr:., .tu n in - — S’lckham. Kr:iu; P. A. Wlckhatii a :u l'

—AT THE— ]

■ '"A V lf r>—d a —rXcUiffK—Tlay? i —.M. O. ->L NEUS *


- *rt

5 0 . :> H - « 7 A R 1 y f i ;

■ n i

DAILY NEWS. TWIN FAU f e r e ’s M u s i c n i r t l f i ^ i r . ^

fc o f n ew sree l cam cram n n , liHUmnii \y o / N cw Y orkf 'CoiiiW iimlcr liic lian lucdd in ij d i in tv c m r i l . FTcil-Iim:tiwh: F ran c isc o - o ff ic c . - ,


(Continued on Past. Tlin-o) - [J|

the—nominee T^cclv'cd of suppor t from ono of his m ux im- plAcablo locd. UL- mi- KuiLtai Cii> um - IIow -vcnUo^n._Scnator auy_D_Ooff*_iVciI----- D cVlnsinrn.—w h o - ls - to -s i i im p -n la -c a n ----- jjj.otatc and speak In New York uud also wns Riven nn cncouraglnn rctiori uboutr>Hwhm*m—>vy-g(»nn tar Pine. — ------- Twt• In addrca.’dnR'Uic Rroup fromMurv- bv nv

land, Hoover aald th n t fundamentally ye.stcr ihe govcrmneiit'^OUW“l»~con(1«CtC'1- -pollcc only with a dcflnllo_iiar_t^ on;ant/ii- A lion. He nddcd tha t, this was ihc only u y a way throuRli which the pohiJlt; coiiUl rccelv express- th c lr -w in -» |ia n - lis u c a _ a iid tm^t. «

•'It coos to the vifv root.n ot o r-lcv i I Ranlzatlon of our lorlil ni KaviTuiiiciii TTTITDIund-of-Dcmoorftoy-lt«iLiUia-wUd.-rXor-.-and_without- orK unliallou-llHv-w lll-of-tho cvc—ROvemment Issues couUI nol find ex- mc«prCMlon. So Uiosc, wha Uke p a n in .ii'mm pttrty~onpinizaUon“ arc"cnnnf:ed in "n | lart~tipublic scrvlce, whether they b«lon« to mainour party g r ^ . th e - 0ni)0Jilll0n, a^ccrt

•‘I 's tU l call myself n younit man.-cr>'.and I am anxious th a t the yoimR-Re- Witflubllcana-becomc-an actlvc part of the cd aaR cpubhcm i-parly-orK anlm ilon.—The bnck new -R ojioratlon-m ust bcRln--now--touko_ov<T th e rfts ;jem !b lll^ 'b f tho to n<parly a n d 't o « ir r f" 7 l "riii.' I 'a m ’b c lcspoclally anxious to see thc younc ‘O o'"men over tiac whole country enter GetvlROrously Into its work and 'Rrow » on up w llh It as wc ko forwunl.

In ,t„piibllcnn party haa a Iwi been a coii-' lilnictUc'. pruRrcsslvc party." HnnU

■ ' " .T ;Mifr,-Uis Aiit;o!i-.s: A. t>-wlr. Pluigii:x: or hi; T. K. • Uilt-y. Idaho J-'alb: Leon J. 'inobll Aivlii'r, Erma R 'lli-, Norfolk, Neb.: movliTliHTTlJim—II.' T .~nnlin.- Umse. ------and-

______ ;_________ _ strrclNews W ont Ads rcacu the people wa.i

■. ■l tr. • 1 pnMw


( y f Q n e l f f l

-------------— L. ' VH

: z : l

: ■

D ^ rc c tc d b y

; ------ , I .C 5 M d . a ); . - — n 't s t c p . t l :

- __________________ ~A m n T Tf^TIQITA

; ~ J _ J ^ P I N O L A N S '

i "Roaming Kdmco’’ • _____O S P H B O M O R C H E S T R A --P R <

. • ______________ U S U A L -P X I


' l i

a B f i - - "i t H W n • § ‘

! !S to ? S jr> - -~ Umn!5L*j895tSl Mour

— •epiroi ■ of tl

iJnSwW Homi. . Ron.

■ I'-? ^. . bv p

" I ' the I


the I

r ' rV

~ J H ^ ---------- t-fivc —


-------------------- 0AI(Ilf/ in OJJ nic/i.'taf/c beiiif/. s rn t 'lard liy rd 'H ' A tilarc tic ship. m k M h jfcfujy / / it ' -wi t.‘>in(ii/t)-w t-t--A »;

................... .......... rortre.. ' •________ ;_________ ' Burli

i M l o » i

O N l lN F f t t tS STREETS 3 "the «

--------- to cco w acA . T rvip, RIt;. 7tgcv>v»^rf I -D e e p O u t N e a r , E y o a n d-B rm sc s^ —T o u r iB ta —G ivo—A ld- ance;

-------- bo RTwo bovB were struck and Injured r T mot^ U c s oh 'l wln-Tam-Btrci!tg -^1" •.stcrday accordlMR to rcporla to tbe

A p re lim in ary

celvrd by elx-ypars-old llownrd Jr- n,_.itr.uck _ b^ an nutomobllc on :c street In Ifroiiv of^hl.n home "at :i Main nvenuo <;uM yesterday af- lIlLMiU. tfui'L' L'vii!mi\t to n- deep-emr^^* - id ccycrc brul;-«< nboiit the lef'.

car^ wns' drlvcn '„by . two ^ r r CH iram who ni.sl5tcd in•mmonlng attcnitnn lor the wound ^

Bin here until M onday evening lo ^certain Jils pro::rer.s toward recov*

Wltnesbofi oT thc mishap wens tjuoi- 1 aaVsaylnK th a t Ihe. lad..wa8jooklnr; c = wlc over hlji slioulder and ran Into , i c - c a r .- 'H in MnJurlc.’i -are bcHpved t h a r t rc'iultccf from contact wilh ic pftveiiienl'..tihcn hc waa thro'A-a I one side by the car.Geonfc Wlbon. IB1 'Adams street.> a bicycle al tho Intersection of •:aln Kvrniif and Fourth' avenueurU]__ rrjo rtcd - to hayc_ b e f .i \>rupk' by iiti automobile jwncd by mncr Bi-an miu! drlvrn by a womar.. hc bov wa;. ii>; :ierlou»ly hijured. ll .•w’lcportnl. alihouKh thc 'frn iit wheel • '[ his bU-M-:i' 'Aa-s cruiihpd. T.’ic auto- roblle’” ',;!-;— -hnve—been- - lovln-; wiTi'vird cn .Maine avenuend-ti!m r<!- i.—ih'*-l<‘fl—onu> _rourU i------irrc t wlicii !• .nlriick Uie boy who ■11.1 in th r :iiU’rsectlon and .movlns nMwnnl tim-nid the ytrccl.- -• •

T o d n v i : n d M o n d a y . j___ ^

M a t in e e a n d E v e n in g

i'LANl) p r e s e n t s

S w =

v.-ilhKTTA YQUN(;------ -- f -

a n d - -•VHRYKENT ........... _

^ ^ C jS S ^ A S f f i r /z l’!i

pn u in : i l a ll. B a t e v e n p o li- i

i . a p p le J a c k e d p.nn c h c o u ld • . 1 _ t h e s e I r r e s i s t i b l e lo v e r s . •

TtAT. p i n T i n t a ----------------^

L A T E S T I = - P A T K S -----------— -

> R O r .-U . i l . IftA T T E S O B 'PRIC E S ---------------- ____ _ ___________

' - • - ^

B i i t o M P S

j p M M E S j i f c

Jp S r-D o lU n g ,- .B o is e , S M p e e d a ____ _R o y W . O a rd n c r , W h o O o o s t o The

- g t g b o r - J - o s t in U ta h Q f tp t te l

M . \ £ DolUns. manager for more mn a year of Uic conunercXal dc- " ”A, artm ent I n 'th e BoUe o ffice 'o f thc fountain . S tates Telegraph and

f the Nampa exchange, and pre- lously m anager- of tho M a l h e u r P tome Telephone company In Orc- on. waa tnm afcrred here ycsU:rday } oasume Uie poslUon of manager IVVnt-4her-T w in—P allB -d i8 trlrt.. vaf.ii twi--------- 1V Roy W, Oardncr who Jias been ’rcm oled-to-U io-*upcrlntcadcn(yr_D L_____le . directory advcrUslng department a d

U iv - re f- tmr- t? ta li- nimuulaho district.—"--------------- ---------- ■ ■ " i SmlthS- J . Atkinson, state caihlcr of the Hodgli

smpany, nrrived Wllh K /. DoUlnR.! here t lecked. up accouijts and completed j Idaho le treansfer of tho Twin FaUa-of-J-Curilsrn to Mr. DolUng.____________ i pr*«lrtiifr. Ottrdncf has. been manager o i, o/lem 1C Twin F a lb district for more,Uian I ve-ycars;— He—will—leuve—with—hU-j— BUI—'ll” , ihl« momlng overland for ____alt Lake City. ■ ________ ' • ."T


Albert P- Hftlor^OfthlBVi nocutod nf — nrgery of h- »7fl70 -’ check on tho _ j Jurley ' Flour Mills' account tn a,iu}W;T^wtll— enter-^— IxU-Tploa—to -„a __eJonyichnJTre of forgery on his third ppearancc before-Judgc-W . Ar-Bab- — ock In district courl here next Mon- ay forenoon.On Ills first appcamncG In thc court,

u t Friday; Hal* was advised that ic court would appoint an atlom ey ) conduct his d e fe a t If hc did not ave money to employ an attorney.

;r over, and on his. second apc«ar- nce.—yeaterday.—hc—asked—Ujat-:-hc — 0 Riven advlcc of counsel. W, L. lunn. Twin Falls attorney, was np- olnted—by—the-court,— Aftep^brW -j — onsullatlon with Hale. Mr. Dunn nnounced th a t Hale would. take the _ latutory time for enlering his plea. __,

}on after Halo bi allcRCd to hnve resented the big check to a bank lierr ar.deposit, and he.w as arrested.hero __ ■hllc endeavoring to ncROtlatc pur- hnnc of nn niilomobUo._____________ _

:------------ B.VN-ON_ViXEOS,_________+ _'SP.'SRTANBURO.-S.- C.-I/JI—The cltv onncll Im-i decided to do something M lU l.'U lJeiciLjlnce-belng..told...llw t _ ame 23 per cen t of Uic clty'.i popu- Itlqn suffer, from the malady.. Pro- crty owners have been notified lo cep weeds cut Uila autumn,

— I

- J \~ p e nw i i r ^

• - W e i n v i t e y o u a s o u r j : i----------: -----------S u p e r-S u e. W c - w a n t- y o i

. - - _ w iu c b y o u w o u ld J to t-c :-------------IIJ___ ia ta * irc 3 h _ f ro m .c x a m in i i

d u 5 t r y , d c c ln r c t h i s H u d

K n w i n e t h a t w c a r c t m o m e n t t o u t s k e t h c ' e n t i r e l y distirxctiyc fror.In aH H udson do«« there n c

'I l ie re is no m otor Ubor—mi th e m echanical. And whether

- o r in h ie h fu ittin e d tp c e d o v e i its action and comfort are tli

—ro fm o d o ft.- ' — -

T»— ------- —Ao4 i b e u ^ HutUon thus ) w

------------------------p c s ^ r r n n ------- — s? :

........... - - -

“J E N S E R A I IT l i4 S e c o n d A ve . N o r th '

CRO\-ES M T O r o . -------■ ^ l l l l . - ' ■ / =


-p redO BSCA8T' F O a ~ t6 D A Y ;I w ann. . - . . U}c B

i’ . . . . ’ of R't i e 'T n e l ^ r ' f d l “ lwIbw“ the” frecr- ters-ti

point two nlghU Ut gugceaalon 'vecK,

i^stered on Friday night. The sea­'s JOH-est teinperAtuie to- date was a m orted on T hunday night when a — limum of 28 degrees was recorded’.» maximum yesterday wgs 87. eight r e u above th e lilgh reading for ,

previous day. • ^


- M E ET ^ E W V T 9 R ^ l f f l & —

delcjatlon 'of " ^ I rT F a i ls d lii« H ' luuseU of ■eongres^iim-A d d b a n -J - i— —- lih,«-(icorgc~P.~~5^intUCr"SnM~6r — Iffln and-lvan G. Lincoln, will leave e early th is momlng by motor for ho Palls to greet Senator Charlps •tls. Republican nominee fop. vino •Irtrni. • on his arrival Uierc thb ernoon. ___ •

Everuhodi z F o i j i J B M

” ‘ ‘ r ^ a t t h e "

P A G I ]

- S T A T E S _ g_ j -------- b a l l -----------------E V - E K

____ „ p Ar k ______ l E V E N I I

B e g i n n i n g T o m o r r o w ■(&

“ ■ --------------------------------- VNDEft“AUSPI

- - tA iM roA ucA K b —_ ________________ N o . 7

B ,(j - A m e r ic a n L eATTnACTlON.S •

- _________ ■ . .. Memorial.Build

n “ i : ! i T §

m n g im e ie .

B u c s t f o a p e r s o n a l d c m o n .n tra t io n 'OU to le a r n .b o w . H u d s o n c a n d u 002 . c x p c c t a n y o t h e r c a r t o d<»ni o i r ! o i f i g - a n d - n d i n g i h t h c la te .st c a r s o f u d s o n th e .s u p r c n x ; p e r f o r m e r o l t l

: t o p r o i T a ll w c s a y . w c a s s u r e y< s w h e e l y o u w ill b c c o n s c io u s o l om ord inary mo!orin<'.t c flo n lrij cate. <iu< output ot power, yo i<i sente at nil ul ecundrriy ul around 1^ «] ler in I'ity drivip;: 71 i»uunds of demonct re r country rnad* aven;{e . . the ver>- Iuxuf>' 'New .fid en and new,

' 'T h e r e ii no pcrfonn Hd* m lu 2«nrr— world.!.'-------------------'

A rvi> t l I’

1; ? ^ o —•. 'Kl. . . W1i - t < i u T i..:> :t:i

f - " ' -

JX Q _ & A L E S CCP h o n a 3 4 S

--------------n n s s -- --------------------- — — —■

fE Sr l W D i R E R U B q C A N S ^ ^ —

T O P E I T H B r a t l t f t ' R T E R S r r ' "

Pred Nih&^ B u h t one tim e .statejresen taU w -and-p loneer olttien- o f -------e Buhl country, will have charge •

Republican cunpalgn hpadquar-rs-to-be-opencd-in: Buhl.-CorlyL-thb_____ick, It »as anM uneedJiero lost eve-


— M T T N U ------------ I .Sunday, Seplrmbe'r 21. 1CS8

4:30 to 7:30 P. M.• Oxtail Soup

Mcatfl! Fried . Chickcn; Baked

Vegetables: Creamed Poiatoes, - Peas.-.Spinach. ' Candled Sweet Poiotocs.

■KMnn- ewttuke clieese-am t-plne----- ■apple. • .

, Dessert: Sllccd fresh peachca .w ith whipped cream and , cakc.

SPECIAL Mc--------K © M EH 360K EIW ----------------- -

131 Main East.

iu Out!______ _(t 'i^tvnp---------- ^ —

: : * —

[ F I C '

s a o w s - _

J i N G W E E K

(Monday) Sep t^4SPICES----- - ...... ........ ........... ' “ -------_ . The8 P o s t --------m i 'l 'L h 'l ■»llO\V — ____7 ______ _ 0 t j t a . k ’lua______ _______L e g io n .IT Twin. Fallsmlldhig - - / ...... ...........-I - _____

„ „ ' , , ■ ----------- a > j

ie n c e ^

'e r s h i f i^

io n o f t h c H u d s o n«>nTily .m o n y t h i n g q ' _

r S c o r e s o f m o t o r t _I o f f e r e d b y t h c I s - n h e i r c x p c n e n c c .

t o f a p c r f o r n u m c o

, you can expect a fuel iW lB m tlesp erc iU o n ! snctfatioQS support th ir t

ew, buyen are tajixiCi onnaace i t to

— H j M i m m n — ---------------------------

i O . , D e a l e r s - ^ ^ —T W IN F A L L S . ID A H OiL L MORtlLANn ■■ ^

- - r - - . . - - - ^

Page 5: · Sixteen Page; ~ ~ VOL. ll. - NQ. 145..- '- - Guns On Hert behM Ieiiii f ==W m f D em ocratic'N om inee in A ddress j------------in

^ WITH H i I’ l i T O h ^ M e n T a g e W e e - ^ ” ^

, L e a s e - O n C o p p e r C l a i n r o t “ i

F iv c - in -O n e M in in g C o m p a n y

A Kroup of B lnsham . U tah; mining men will carry on develppment w ort

-Oh one of three coppcr m lnln? c t o ^ ■owned by N’thc Plvc*ln-One Mlnlnc

' coirjjany In 'th e Conlact.-NcvDdn, dla- ■_frigt__lLJW tLa_lca^ here laiil cvc^

” Tcmw of the Ictua under which

■■ ' '------- IKc PiVc-llPOnc cu inpany-av-ft-jnco^ _ .

Ing Jn.Pocalcllo Friday evening.-. To o lease la to xun for three ycnrn

ond Marcus P. WhltmRn. presldent^.of the company, wfts authorized by thl' directors to hegotWtc leases covcrlnR

-------- the rtitliOly. _aa ndvanwgeous to thc company. ■ li

E d itia b r ^Mrs. I t Br-WlIUam* ............... j

■ prom lnm t nmaillf tacu? ^—;—7-ccheduled-for-»»>*t~.^'c<^.»diu:lng—Uic-

convcnUon of the District nnil SUitc ,-----pcucratlon -of -WomvirH -Clubs-wlll-lw —

thc oiK'nlng rcccptlon of tlic' Twcnr =tle th Century Club to bc held Tucnday q |cvcnlnK n t,8 o'clock n t lhc Elki' hall. rc(Tlic program will consist of wTlcom- Oa Inu ' address by Mrs. B. L. Price, dc lire.ildent of tlie- club, and Mrs. C. J. ihi Schroeder president of the District of Federntlon. nnd ft past president of we

- ->h» -TwcnticLh-.CcDtiirv CI»t):._Voc»l. .wcselcctlonH .by a-women's quartet com* wc po&cd of Mesdnmcs Nunemaker. Qeorge ek Wllcy and Wescott tuid Ml.w Edna Ed

---------C W amr-tt^vleim-aolo--by-^1ra;=Kcn«: =ncth Bcnch. with Mr*. D. L. Alex- ' j andcr-n t-tho plnno; .Mrs. ip.

_____ L. J. -an'* «inirit^g hO iL ninle(timrlet comprised of Mes-srs. Muster, Patrick. Hall and Bellamy. . do

■ Comiillmcatlftg .Ml-t-s Helen llonnold,who leaves the flna of. October foT

■ bcr of the faculty i»t the University ol j,,, r - ----—TH.ihn—m uthem _lirunc ll. Mli-S __

' DunnnRan entertained n l brlclRe ' dny evenlnR a l - t h c Dickey Purty

.L:.-,^.:r^lImiw.-The-roonw-wcre-Uitrnctlvo_wllli. boufiueU>i of purple ,nnd white nstcrs. Five tables were a*. p:ny wlth-hlKh

i. score favor falllnB to Ml;« R uth 8ys- te r nnd second to Mrs. Felix PJiislUio.The guesU were: Mra. ^ 'l lx Plnstlno, y/ Pocntello; Mrs. U. N. Terry. Mrs.

--------- i i5 r o “ To*eiA~ana-ihe-Tiiis.'!Cff-neJpn-• Ilohnold. Dcmlce Dnbcock. ABnea

----- - eknrivcdt. Helen' Mlnler. Eunlco-Flko.- -----^arScT -A nn> iU «rtS rT ’rt-UUne-Scnvnrt7.- I,..

Mnyme Swan. Olndyo Coiner, fiuth Syatcr. Avis Rudolpli, Thelnm Toltef- son. -Mnxlne Smith. Alm.-\ LudwlK.

_______y.lim a- jinrl I l-lltl D lIH-____ _■ ' li'aguu, Jerome.-, • - - .............. •

llonorlnK Mlsscn Loiiella iukJ Fon- tellu Gardner, who, nre Icavlnc to

• make tliclr hame In Suit U«ke CII.V._ _ Uto McT club Kuvc nn Infrtniial dunc-

Inp. purty ?>l<luy cvi-uinc nt tlieluiino---- ofrrMl£6 -Arlpno-WtU an-U i-iO mbcri^-^

Punch .and . wafers Were J.rrve<i durlTiK. “J , thc ovcnlnr. TIio.%p prcse.nt in !iddi- ■ tlon to the honwces wi-rc:, Mlr.,'ies

'■ thiilcnp Timner, Hc-k-n Vn:,burR. Arler.*: \Vil.wn. Dorothy Parfcv. Helen Iloilicr,

--------- Marjorlo—EbelinKi—M lrliun-.B aba«±_ j .Joycc Williams, Jennie Ilenii. Dlanrlip Dt'twollor. Eleanor.. Hyiin and Helen

— — rm y lui mul.MisJ'iM. Piitak'i-. n i i - i ; -Rt-ne Pcrrlnp. Lcnvui C raven..R alph ,

- - Vo!tlnir»:.---Chnrl«!i—Simpson. Harold ;■ifoovefrTed~Mnllon—Jr-Tr-Andcraonr-]-: - Morgan Heap. Harlnn Carl.V5n, Ron­ald Townn. Lee SietUer, Roy Gray. Harry Jennings, Burton Denton nnd Tom Peavey.

Hans NorKrrn nH 'rininctl wui7"n’*iir7i~ f

/■ dny a t thc home of Mr.t. O.nirnndcr IV .'-----on -EJevfnJli Avwj<- ^-•wt cumpJl-j,----------nu'jiuuy Ul M.... Ai- J- Aiken.i . -

of Mrs'. Ostruntler, \vli(> l.s vlslilnn hfro i cn route Irom Sun FrancLsco to New

_______ .:hr ut'ri M r. Alkpi» w in;make their home. The tnble.vai wlncli ^ luncheon wils scrvrd friiliired ft color i

.fccheme of.omnRC In nil of the deco- ' ra tlv r delalU. Flvo tiiblrs of pinyrr. | enjoyed thc Kamc::. fuvor for wore • ; BOlni: ■ to MLss Zuma 8hcncberi;iT. ■ .

• There w;ls uLki^ u ph-i'.y tifi for tin'- houcrcc__Xlie'imjiLl^ v.\'ro mcnibcni «JI

- ft- brlflr*’ *'lub to .\Lhlch th e ' hcalc^:•o^ j ' beloiu; and collese frietitU ot Mrs. j ;

----------7 n k f iL ~ t“ inp~U ntrrrriry-nr--T rtan:i- -where she wns . a member of C.oJiiiiiii

— — pin-Dctu-MKinry:------------ -r

Miv^ Mildred'W olJllUb wa^ Isastc-i to tho Epworth Leai-uc.of the M e:l»- dliit Church ut her counlr>- home Frl-

^ Q l t a i r t d ^ ^ Q p rin g

--------- ih jM A tij-g v n r t

L L u m b e rV • •- Phone.

T W IN F A L L S D A ]

- ' E n R o u t e t o R o m e S

V ln— - ccs.

' .WftiI f l B H M B frer

" — 7’ w k ■“ ff*"*". the

- ___gnn-

■ '■ ■; Lc.aj


V ;- -X m - :

" i ' /

AN ESPECIALLY POSED porlroU of MUs Deity Chilton, dauchtcr of

-the eharcc d’aft«.lrc<t of the Dritlsh.

■ Chilton. - She-w ill accompany her parcnU-to Komp, where fllr. cm uon I

— »-toke-tit»- hl»-dut«»« a t :nntuh- . jn lab te r to the Holy See.

— = v *

a talk cn thc League work and urged regular nllendnncc n t Its meclingsi., Oames under the direction of Miss' Dcna Saxon, contesui nnd miwlc were the I'ntertalnment for the remainder of the .cvenlnK. H fty young, people were In nttendance, twelve of whom ivpn- from Klmbtjlv. Refr eshments were .served by Ml.>yics Mildred nnil Esther Wolillnlb, . Harriet Martin, Edith Moorc and LaVonnc Outte ry .__

M ra . C. W. Orlnie.'* ej)tcrlnlned the T i S. S. Club Friday aflenioon ai.h tu '

iwual foclal time was enjoyed, made doubly so by lla being the first meet*Ing i'lnre the summer vacation. A t, ilie_doiC_Df_Uic_iiftcrnoon .ti, se.-ited. luncheon wi^ r.eryed a t '

pink cosmos. ' '

MiT.. Tom Mott was hostess lo ihe | Aclrcma Club Friday nllernooti a t her, hom^on-NlnUi'Avormc;=Pollowint:^UiC-i bii;;lne.'.s w!i.nlon a dcllKhlful procrnni arranged by Mrs. W illiam 'Baker wns. given coiulsllng of two vocal solos by Mrs, C. E. Potter,—wl'th M rs.-L . A. W arner ftl the piano, and an a ccount by_MrSt_T, F. W arner of the trip to; Alaska whlch-olic«.madc tliis fiumm^rj In compniiy with h e r duuKhter. Mi5;i Harrie t -W nnier^- Mra. MOtt'^

dclcctftblc rt'frcshment*. Mr.s. J . P. Johnsion|Wn.i a guest of the club

—T y r ^.- O .- V r ^ b l^ w l iv F y ia - H lg l J

+ "ynendlt/yjioupMsii,L - , B y _ £ l l a - M ^ W h i b e - | j

*— T jn lj'^ h ’r . c - y m - unjA' m -ny Ti*: iLlluu.— the—nwrrt— »nwll><»«—*4—♦-j-I ; rc.-!t. Thc man who loves hLs 1 jI' work In tn Im-e-^-tth Ufc nnd la f[" bIl■ .M.-d with ll C!'iil<-iili-d nilnd. +

/ l-!jch dny.^'C study to iK rirct 1{ our kiiowlwlKC th a t <iurTj«^e.i- J

1 ■ ^1olml conduct mul iKT.sonal J! :.liiill arid further i>cr- +

j ; icciiDii to our public service. ^

a rd -a n d —!f Canyon ~ :

l i — ■ r

>r <g; Goal Co.i e .5 4

)iULY NEWS, TWIN EAlSchool ire thm an..and « w h o m o r» _ O k l|'A ^ Reserves group.' held » backward p*»> ileUgli •tr~ in~ tH B~ tautiT7T00Bi y riday ni»uu igu The program w u arranged by th v iln le n membershlp-eommltlee—compo«^-;Of eim di

I Virginia Vouog, chairman, Mary Pran« R. A. cc» .-H o lt:-^U JJiKL_KaUtterlne -W all, alfortl

I Alma . Corson. • a th e j amlUi,- M audojm em i WarflcW and-R uU i W taberly. Re- lo be frerhmcnts were served a t U jj be-lm an..

j ffinnlng-of-thc-proB ram -after-w hlch t»ew-^ the company enjoyed contesta ond were

l,gamea----- Thrn» wen» Ml«tv tv rm ru Ujajsnpresent:—OuestB of honor-were Mlaa Treaht Harriet Throckmorton and Miss Pearl Lease, tnatructors. ' N P

' '! {ThunWiaf 'Clflra "B fg mah~ who is io leav e --------todny • to moke her home In Los 8U1

~ Q ffers^


-------------------- . -D i v i d e n d s . T h e d iv id cm

cd b y th u m o n ey y o u in'---------------- ^ lim o u n rto ’ S ftO O -pcr-sli

! ~{n'o~ptrid~ev c r>'~ th r c p - i- « h n re o n F e b ru n ry 1, Mi

----- — N aven ibu r" ' I T ii t ~~whrcc h e c k s a r e m a ile d to s tc

Cumulative, aii dividi-------- ----------P r c f e i r c 'i - i s to c k .- n s w o

■ ■ on th e P re f e r r e d S to c ;! pai*I in fu ll b e fo re o n e r

• can bo pa id lo C o m m o n

] := ^^E refcrred; ■I'l.-ijrsioTxj ______ a.SMct.s nnd d iv id e n d a (

^ ■ “I a to c k nnrt. c x c e p tiin g : < ni - , ' th e t« im e r i c h t a a n d p r i

------ —X , — f c c r e d .S l o c K _ t I . I ^ J ._

^ - V o t i n g ^ t i g h t s .T hT 5fj ------------------ in jr r i j jh ts - rw itb th e -C i

P r c f e r i 'o d - S to c l r ( 7 " ‘> ) r

ii ' \j _ _________ ________• ______ ^ ~ |I fjp J

-------- ““Super(

~ F o F ' G a s h - ^

-----^EasT-PaymenSharis.s a r e f o r .nale t h r n n y e m p lo y ee b f t h e Con^ p a n y fo r C a sh o r ca.s,

« . . p a y m a n tB.aa fo llow^H------

SIO Per Shai ^ r i r " i ! ) o w n —

I ! _■ ' nnH ,'nIQ .QQ p e r s h a r e ne I m o n t h J in til-^ IO O .O O ani

_ . a . c c r t t e d d iv id e n d a pc ________ t h n ri^ __ ^ ^

- - I d .

X S . I D A H O , S U K D A Y k c

W lftt, wa«-th« bionored K ueatftt a . , A ' lughuui • '


. A. .eutclUt last e%'enlng.. .Oames datisl forde<l.the w terta lnm ent and each Wedr ember ot th « "c lM f wroUs o l c l t e r on T.

be opened and read by. Miss Bou- o n .a t Intervals o ^ h e r w a y .ti her

sre brought to J4 l« Bauman by her nieeta aismnt«^ . Thti^hosteas served rc-

— .------L • freshi

NEW BRUNSWICK records every hursdoy a t Umbaugh's;—adv.

' '' Ffei6 UB6CRIB8 FOK .TIIE-NE?V8 . /OU’’

h o Po^ra ^ d m ita

f m

bining factorsPE G I M I lPV ^

le n d s (o r w a p e s e a rn - \ in v e a t in t h i s s to c k )- « h t i r e - u y c n r . - T h o y — w \ — J •c -m o n th s< - $ J .riO-pon^— H W l ^ J r M H r i r A ^ U H t ^ - ^ d — w/h fc h 'f im e . d iv id e n d ) B \ s to c k h o ld e rs , « \

.’id en d a o n th i s $ 6.00 M \■ '^ I 'a J m l l - d iv id tm d s --------“ B \ * r * r r ritoek ( 7 'v ) m uH t b e « \ ie p e n n y o f d iv id e n d s • • H \ ion S to c k h o ld e rs . B \

r:lc~i8^ r e f c r r o d 'a s to m \la o v e r t h c C o m m o n ________ig: d iv id e n d - r« to , h a s M lp r iv i le g e s a s th«i P re -„ H \

(C o m m o n i s u c l t - a n d — ---------i>)-- ---------- = : r : - ------------------

~=l I

e r v i s i o n B y l I i u I ’ u h l i c '

S e r v i c e C o i n i n i s s i o i i o

A l i k e o l C l l s i o

...................... ...I'l-rfrrrrtl l>i'i'l.. I'

5 n t s t.-.-ri>- V I.-. 1 i .iTmiirg-

^ ~ Q ’^ m - ____ _ " , ,


a r e

^ -------- ;------------a n d ."It.-.! •

■’‘iS - - 7 ■

( " , • ' • . •

\tORNING, SEPTEMBER Z ^^OVNCmENTS ~Mrs. J. C. Beaueh&mp and 'M rs.-M .AJcnnlsfln- wllI rn tfr ta ln . thft- Wlmo^ :___LAtlsl club a t lunchcon a t 1:30 o' the hamo of -the former ____rj TcnUi uvenilo ijorlH r" ^ ’

T he Order of the Eastern S tar lectd In regufhr w u lo n ' a t '8 P. M. uesday. Followlng'thc business meet-ig- o - p ro K ra m -w ll t-b g -g lv e tt-n n d -re - ------------■eshments served by Uie Kimberly lembers of tlie order, . !

. ■ ' ■ . . , ■ 1 o ■Trc$r~w m nntar>M tix™ tK rTH 5W 7 —Du wlsh to attracw H

— — -----------

w e r C 'N tim b e


i ^ c c T t t e d - d i

r c ~ t ' l i l i l i c s - G < > n m i i r i s i o i w

o f O r e g o n S e r v e s l o P i

l o i i i e r s . I n v e s t o r s a n d l l

S liH .S C H H 'T 1 0 N C O ll l ’UN.

iK - r n v .u n n ’tinirpT nrm T---------- ------------------r 'f „ r _ - ■ t<

f - r . • - .h .,r - ’ l - l '.h - r.n i-frC '.-, t-i ,.■11 r i . . i . or .................

M l .1' i'll Uin.'ul:

2 3 , 3 : 9 2 8 . . •

------------- F O R Y O

Sunday S------------r ---------- --------

Y e W a f f l-Qrphcum Bid'g. . • Opoi

o u i p i ue r : o { ^ h ^

• x f r r ■ ■

S t o

w ith a iiumbej

=7^ 7 : ~ ; t e d e e m a b l e . - F < i r - oy o u w ill re c c iv e 5110

I M ■ d e n d , in c a s e th c C on I m T cdecm t h e p to c k rT h '

:Z m iL L : - j r Z ym :30 :ilaya ''m U e c ii

/ ■ N b n - A s s e s s a b l e . TlI M fu lly p a id , w i th th e JM____ . th e CQm p i n y J l m t . i tI M to en t.

■ , T a x F r e e F e a t u n__________ ■ Id a h o o r O re g o n , yoiI - — a n y -S la le -P e rf lo n u I-^ t — r-l tn' ea l4 i»-tlHfl-»t-oek7-ir ■. ’ « to p.ny th e p rc .'ten t n t

T a .\ on t h c di^videnjis

. Kasv Payments,Y• a s l i t t l e a a $ 10 .00 .

________________~S'lOTOO~per s h a r e a m

- o f - 4 < l a h o - a n <l- t l i c - 1 2 i i h i

P r o l e e t t h e I n t e r e s t s

l l i e C o i i i v u n v ---------------------------

:.pXi■■ Paid ]tf. iT -f-rr - l Sii.-k

DTvieJviHt-i y '. f .rn - . i ' rcK’iiia rl;

......... l. r r o v o rv th• •••'--------------------------------- o u l n b r t

■"I ' '•------------------------------------fir.-<t .sh; ---------------------------------o v e r. L L j

__Ucs_aj_*L----------- ------- 'T h r ' OoTB

................................... R e sa le C~ ' ^ ^ ------------------« K ta n d -

- - c r s w h o .............. .......... i h d z s h i


= = i= = = = « = .is .^ '^ ^

Suppi^ * ?7e Innipen 6 A. M.; close 1 A. M. ^

LPes of— ~

r r o f

r-nvory-ahnrfLVQUl o w n . ___110.00 and accrued divl- IJompany should wish toThe Companyrauat give -........c iifit^cgirc«.-to-do-thig._____

^.The stocic is ipsiied fa he e,\pres8 covenant of t i t shall not bc subject “

u r e s . If you live in ' I Iyou do not have to paytlJi;ax.on:tnc-niQney3-0ii___"77 • 77“tkT-ttfwi-y o u -w iH-n n t- h n v a ■ ------t normal Federal IncomenjiS;....... ................. .......................

3»~\*oii can buy stock for . ___)b per share down and 1 montfi. .

^ ^ & h a r e — -

•iyidends .. Regularly -

ends nave been {iTid ~arly and promptlythri'.» months u-?lh- __

b rrn trn v C T -s in cv -th n , • flh art’.-i WLTL- i.-i.sucd

U-Xcar^a;;o. . ___ j_______

e D e p a r t m e n ti'.'..iir.t.iiHs a..... - —

e D e p a r tm e n t to a » - •nd nfivi5o !»tf>ekho>d----- ^hn miiv wish to sell- ^c h o r fg ' • -—__________ ^

Page 6: · Sixteen Page; ~ ~ VOL. ll. - NQ. 145..- '- - Guns On Hert behM Ieiiii f ==W m f D em ocratic'N om inee in A ddress j------------in

j ~ ^ e S l x

w iolIiiE ir E M f S i i l lE I ;

_______________• '___________________ urea

; S e n a t o r R o b in s o n B a c k F ro m - iI . clan

8000-IV Iile J o u r n e y R e p o r ts i t e

F in d in g s i n “ S o lid S o u t h ' ' I S

-------- ' ' les"L m X E ROCK Ark, 5n,i. 22

—Bacir-hanic-nfttrrr UOO(M»lw>-^uf.-trnvi:l .— fni' -rc-a o: Pomrc- Q(

.m cj', IfJff .Soutli. Sonnior .la-lrL'tni•~Bepl» BoWn»on..toiJU;hL iiliiCfdiHh*-. rc-, iw i)

lloloua auctionh/> »wi !» Oif/cmnmlKti. jRcin

• m u m here, •‘the'.lrcllnftju.i cw.silori |'-nnd is rorctnost; ni*J>r

The' bemocriilie vRu-np.--;(l'-iitUiI [uitiC- • nominee explolncd llm t funu relief ciniJ. /ji

. DrohJbJUon v.yre "very fr»“iucnUy t.lon.h.i» Ihnt. till-;..’? cwn I

tlons wero rIiqvkI owl oi i ir ii iimti! r>ver —by-lhe-<ni«iUo»-«r-rcUuluiL,'A'lilcli_li».‘i.inot_t

been InJectcU Jnto polUlci ;nak£Govcmor SmlllVs mcmbprsinii li» tlw j th c i

' CaUiollL- flitiieli!---------------K------------ ,Throughoiil Uie nearly three wcxks Dt-

ot campnlBninK Uie seimlnr icticlied the ur»n Uils qucsUon In cvcjy ndarcM.. "com TlJHC and lime okoIii he ijiiolod Jmtn nRrec th e congtftutton of Ute United Htaust. IColor

'declaring it.apccUlcuiY^ l>lCniL'llMMii '> j.lJIUVfll

"o tfice nild ^ thn i jpoum08 chief i')itSULlvo"or New ■yor!c-st«te-j-tn—r

' had shown himself to be ho: :i C'jiiJio- wiui■"lle 'or''M cU i«lfaf“aKTJ/l!«»5r i’in;':iioi- acsTT'

but & ■•Rrcnl Amerleun «ovi'rnor" who - i f “ bullcvect'ln'thc'complctc-srrpnmtton-of-fbcfor

church and stale. Brc.-w

N E W Y O RK G O V ER N O R — T R A IN S ; G U N S ON .

^ H E R B E R T O O O V ER V

(ConUnued From Parc One)

/orni Uw poR-cr generalcd n t .B e u l- . d c r ' dom shttH be dUlrlbutcd. public i

- au thority— m ust— re ta in—U ieco n trn c - ___'" lllol r ig h t. lo control the rates to

cr. ond lo conlrol by contract the fair ,, ond rcft.nondblo distribution of tltc - power lo bc generated," 1

----- O uU lnlnff-hb-Reneral-policj__w llU . — ^— fr-^rfBOTd to-Vi-atiir iinwrr Tc.’iOurKC.-'. 1 ____

Governor SinlUi thc view th a t ••where they are own^ by an « Ihdivldunr Btnte~rney shonlii-be im-‘ dcr the control of thal Mate and ,,

—w here-thcy ore-ownod-by siaU's Jolnt-“ ly-thcy-shoulfJ-be-undcP-tht^-control- ------

of those states." • ■.••This does not nwaii." hc explained. s

— th a t- - th c —8ovcnui»ent=naUom>J__or ,a tate—Is required to cngn[{e In the ___

>=bUaHTcsi!~of ~ dG tHEiUug-declrlcn L-Cili! ___ ti

-tuft of thL i-ow nershlpi-botU -ot-nlic and oil plant, Uio Rovernmcnt slinU “ have o contractual ns well aa a ■ *ulatory riBht to iiuUt. u|x>n reaMnablo» . ro te s ,o h d equitable dlstrlbuUon."

• ParpoM Walsh’M Defeat • i"DUeu-tfllng. In connection with ____

" charge that-U icre was on ori;anlzcd

:............( l l

I f j - .s y

I- . F AL o c a t e d o u t


----------- A K ECOME IN T O ' W e m a k e . n e w l o o k l i k e l i e w .

|- | - FU

• TWIN BALLS DA»yort to dlMauroge public ownerahlp wou

ered a t Uie 'federal trade'com m is* :/ecc ilon^lnfim rjT the-DpmocraUc'-fltand—ooth ird bearer so ld . the evidence dLicIas- fair :d th a t the ••prime purpose of these then )ropoRandUt.s" .w oa uj- defent the and Valsh re.solutlon.'and to defeat meas- - T f ires lo r t])v co M truc tlon 'a t Boulder wjjdttnyom m a~M ie -ah p a ir----------------••The .schools wero Invaded " he de* , pipe

lared. adding tha l thc •. mlnui«:s of Side hc Nnllonul Electric Light a;i.socln- seretlih •■srimv .n-nlnn. io Imv,. «o-mllc(l J M iroperly Qunllfied - m en, prepare t<;xi- .iiuiBt ooks for iL'c In cla.sse.s and llbror- so f

find to have •men promlnOnt In mult ho Indust'ry Elva lectures before andlassea." > ____ • _ Re~ Q ^ \^ r n o r ^ l th tootc'a fltnk"h r5 i:c*‘.t0~ t L'tnry Hoover "on lhc ubuider-tium who roposltlon. ’ dcclnrInK - th a t Jn IiIh Peals 3cech*lri'C o^nK en?nnsr~m onm rthe-stii8t :cpubllcaii

Uld ail he s-iild w.-ii: t h a t 'h " would of-U Djirov; the dam Ih the world dlo., laC. Uti'.'_fnrlnccn: tvould rwo/HWitntl." ' Th /Ji for hS-ow n vlews'on llic qiie,s- on. th f Deinocrutlc .nominee -suia la l ilic "floods, of the Colorado

3t onlv nrnpertv but human lll>' nnd ake iJjf ,iorrenL-» o fH in t »irw»m nol’IC enemy but the .servant of man-

Declnrlng thnt It U vital that IC « i-v e n Cotonulo bonln .states ome to an honent nnd reasotmble P R |I creement si-s to thclr rlRhUj Iti the ilorado river" Oovernor Smith ein-

Maross "to build Jevees nnd Mtch lm- iundind uniin mt may be l)i.'n'':l‘>liry I—nrgulnte—the—flow—ot—thU —rtverr —!lh,prolecUon BKalnst the ship’.7tnfimvfr-rort(w-of-«oo{i.i.>’-------------caiidi••If I should be dccted pre.sldcnt otlae: ^ore action~hftq~i)e<Mi~niKfi>i-by ' con*. J* u ■CM iijw i thli; great ' que.itlon. I Tin

Some More tin Real .Estate from Beai

L o o k T h p so O v e r 'T h e n PHoiio \i r - g |,o w Y qu

------- w.» nrn nffrrhig n. ,n lrr, S-XOOlll m gl»rch. nil bullt-ln cablnotji. wired for n cemcnt ba.vment with laundry troy.i. i House newly painted and rcflnWied. Pr

—f-'iA-nimiUiiy tt’tth ixisacsslon a t once.----- -t-ixKim liiMOl'll ll'UUM! ' w ith -Rlassed- al

laundry connectloii-H: good garaise; $2100;----- 3-rooin~~lfi>uarnnia~slcfplng ~pc rch r - t

good buy “ C *050; S'.’OO ccuih: 920 monU .s-ncre tract clow- in, 1in.s 4 room hon

Koine berries a n t lT ru l i r pastnrc-for-co^ S2250; $500 cash.

4(1 acres good land; ha.'i 5*room plaatcr nnf<_nuUiiitl<lliiK»;—ulucLrlclty;_pricu-tISO f..Her»l loan <ir will trade for 5 or 10*acrc

----- 0o'“ trcre.'i**on- BO<xt grjivelcd-road;— Nl110U.W. (air bnni and ouibutldlnRS. P a i <1.50,lier ueru: $2000 ca.ih: »W00 yearly.

BEAUCJHAMP S135 S ho.shoiic S o u th .

nQuncinfVB-o rren i n f f -o ih -

^ E E T !g:t t k e sc e T Q R Inc-block,southeast of our s

nuniber. — *

SECOND A V K .^ U f lT

E- e tMlDIAL-LY INVlTi: 0 SEE HOW THEY ARE : ;\v .ones, ixlso milke your ol ,v. Open all day..


-STORE> s s _______ Phot

DAILY-yEWS."-TWIN-PALI’wouid~Immediately’ subm it" to ' coniUrnnd ‘grea*-the-avnllable-dotft-OT^-thl5-«ubi;for-lh Jecc with the request /or-Jmmedliite^Uie v ootloh. -The sltuaUon d em ands-the I husky fair coopertlon - unong the «tale.i I to th themselves nnd between the sUtes and th e federal government." I cue li-T h e re -w a s a-woVlng o f-flag s and I grour wild cheering when the mnn from , addre

the hlg UmpVpipe organ played "Eusl Side, West laudei Side.” ' Everybody wna up whlsUlng, odmli screaming, cheering ond the d in waa] tariff (Jenfenlng. I t wag the wildcat - ond nifonj

so far on his tour, even more ' tu*‘ U ie'« multuouK than his ovatlpns In Omaha and Oklahoma City. -Th

Repeatedly Oovemor Sm ith waved was' to—thb^c—Jammed—in to -th e—big -h o li . on-H

peals through arm rnctiom, from the wo* ,

national committeeman, for silence! House

Dr-~the”tlme alloucd nim on tne ra-Jaiors dlo., - . ber a

Things quieted down a f t e r the for tl iemonstmtlon had -been on for mon: I We u ihon five minutes but thero was on* tha t 3ther outburst when a woman colled startei tor •'three cheers for Smith.” J2.05’~ l t was ncany 10~iiiUiule3—before '--■■-Th >rder-wa»-7re8lo red ,-ftn d -C o U iru _ ln * _ i^ d - iroduccd. Oovemor Adams to Intro- been hice Governor Smith amid cfles of Herbe•Cla’-s RU." "Ol^f At u Lhnnce:^-----------fhung

---------------------------- to retPRICE OF 'WHEAT IN '

WAR TIMES NOT SET- oxpm - ,. BY HERDi:nT.IIOe V E f r [^

(Continued From Page One) _____jiilp recently given them, ond he re-1 :AllDd-how-as a-boy-or_elght he _wn.i. . I _ itlaeked while with his Knw kln.smenBV Hie nhovennes. ____________

•niir'Hcnator. who,-!e m other was a j

■ ■ ------------------ r

Good Buys .Beauchamp & Adaitis10 \i0 1 o r 8 8 8 a n d U hY q u . ---------- ------- ' • -

niodenr bungulovr with ~ sleeping _____« range and water ncoier; ,KiKKi y.i. garage nnd on paved street.. Priccd low a t $3150: $500 cash;

!100; $300 ca-nh; $25*1eclrle-»K ht*-ftn4t_tt'nuir;_a._L ______lonthU-. ... ' . ,

house, bam and chicken hoiue; i ~ - .....■-cow s-and-on-gravcl_road:_onij’— ;_____

ajiiered house; good bam . granary4l50-pcr.::acre. •,O ood-tcnn«-and - = i---------•acre tract.~Nlco-JaylnK_landTIha3_&i«>om _ rnm lly"orchard—-Priced-low a t

^ . " v ;ADAMS " ' ■

Phoncj 3 0 4 . tI p .

[ ,

------------------- - 1 ^ —

ng..J ..... ;

s s = a ± ;Y Ir s t o r e

T E D TO . f « '----- -E M .\D E . l a '• o l d o n e s ■

t i o n e 1 2 9 5 !

L L S ^ IB ^ ^ O rS U N D A Y .M•arid“a a u g l i t « ^ * White Wume. chief | fee i r-ihe-Kftwi,*-grBflped- Ujo .hancl :o t term »e venerable ;CliJe/ and h is volcc was !T asky a s h e _ j |^ e . words*-of counsel' be fi I the Indians. - . . T he 'After tho Ind ian ceremony a barbe* tells le luncheon -\m '-8 erv cd -a t-th o -fa lr- holh ro u n d s-a n d - -then sena to r . C urtis o« v Idressed a throng of Montana folk. To nipllflcra_carried hLs voice #« he Idah udcd the rct»rd*Tf t;iev. ttcpuoneflir Tinr- Imlnlstrotion and proposed higher Oov< irlff rates on ' agriculture aa one He i eons of aldlnji the agricultural sJtun- th a t on,—H e-w ft»-^)aH d«d-i««}U cnU y-bja___ le'enthusJaatfc'^utftcnec.- - - — • g

CaU-1 on l>re*ldenl . * ' •••The day bMore the pricc for wheal os' fixed.” Senator Curtis dcclaied.m otc

IS going to be SI.IS o r 9 iM a : $ ^ .Khrl.. ■ T - telpphoned -m _ lhp White ] |. ]]__nuse and asked for audlen^. Mr.

bK Kellogg. - s g?rim g"anu M L em ii«> » » r accom panicd'm e and we talked :Y- r three , hours ,with the . prealdent. 1 ♦ e urged th a t the prlcp be fixed a l ' J a t prevailing' when the agitation ’ % , irted. T hat was between $2.75 a n d ' j*,05'a bushel. - !rtfPw—nmcl—mnmtniT the wn.'< I j .ccd nt, »2.^0.n-hiishcl.— Ih c re J itu j 'T ' en much saJd th a t our candJdnte. srl»rT Hoover, wa.s rc.iponalble (or +

read the following li'tter o( P r A - , ♦ enl. Wilson, dated AuRlist 30, 1017.

said ' In p a rt; 'Mf. Hoover, a t h L ii^ prrssed wislj. hau token no pn rt,;*

the dellberatloa-i o( the commit-

—^ sp ir

— ---------- " -----------ID lW fe-co

^ t i r e i n tl D i e t a t o r 'n t $11

--------- , - ' ; . « ! rn t___________ _______ D 'tc la to F n icK lc

b n k c r 'f i c x c ln ■. . B hncklcfl. . ~~

__________________ _______ T h c Hc Hhacli

- •' o f l i y d n i i i l i c 1p l i a n t BpringH niorc~th~uh~Vw

. ■ t tc n lc d i n c a c l. s q u e a k , n o r n

----------------------- —------- - ^ S tu d o b a k c r ufo r ftpcc<l OIK m a k e s o f e a rn

---------- r ----- ------------- n S f tn m r V T frm in u tc N n ta n i c o r u n d e r $ l . t

. 4 ^ j : r r

_ _ 2 5 D -

.M O B > tlN G ,iE K F E M B E R .ee on -whose- TCCom m endauon-l-de-1 cloth ttnnlne th e - government's fair. prit;e.’ j be . t

iT h a t’s a s ta te message and can pinni le found In the file* o t W ashington. I freerhe recofir ‘siKaks "for itself," and r ------ells plolnly th a t ou r candidate had! lothlns to do .with fixing the* price A f;c •r wheat." V - - n

Tomorrow the senator .truvcls tien)<«j~ D daho as he tu rns eastward over — lIF"£imW!~T=6UirnraVchicaTrTar--:by —b 2 Sovemor .SmlUi on his wesi'cnl tou ie speaks Monday o l Cheyenne a n d ic itla h o t night a t Denver. Ipaid

SELL"KNOCK*DOWN'’PLANES-NEW YORK W h-The nlrplone ho f , Th:

cached ihat'.'ilagc through which the to UO notor ,ca r. and motor boat pas.'scd—;defur tUe-ir^''knock-down-' form , A n-alr« ;incn t nafic-LUppijrcsmptmy-is' w uiiu i^ fu M O j- (?0-to ship to any woutd-be aviator |09,7( Jl—th c _ p n r« n, nlnnn, excfptlDoril^

R o g e r s o n H<•75c Special Sunday: .Served from 11:45 A. M. 'tlU 2 P. M.—^• _ _________ _________ ___________ P. M.* . , Cocktail. Baiad.; Fried Spring C hlckcn-F . _______ T-Bone Stpak—Tende

t . Choice of Drlnta anti . AIho" Special SOc Lunchcon nerved froi

•. • 4;^ * K ■: ++■•

trin g ^^rc o m fo rt» -» u c li-n s -5 tiw /r? > a fc a r------?»»:

1 t h c n n m r t , . n c w 'S n n I rb n k « T o f $1183. F o r n o t o n ly T h e ProM i- Ana n d T in - C o n n n H iH lc r ,J> u ^ a lf to ___ llvMk*iH n r f V«iiiip|>od w i t h S lm ic - toi c l i i a iv t f J>»Ii~l>ggTtiT^»-» p r i » s -------

Q cklcs poiHc t h c chnsHlB f r i i '- w rm iilin R " l> c r rc c t T u n ^ i t m i n g y ,, i c x h o c k iih tto r lw rs a n d loriK , t I« ngf*. L i ih r i c a n t (H ifT icicn t fo r

a v e r a p c d r iv in g is______a r i iT lm ^ k ic . T h e y w ill n e v e r r m tU c « n o r b in d .

tcr. h o l d i i . i o o r r ftHIciBL.rf.C!C).r^lg______o n d n tn m in a t h n n o i l o t h e r BFH co m h iiic « l. T h c S lu d c b a k e r r r r o r d o f S.OOO ro llcw in t J 5 1 aiiilH n n c q i in l l c d b y a n y w tdck 11.100.

■ i - , ------’ ..........

^ S s E T i q e t t ^

> M a in N o,rtii^ _ _ ^

^23,1928. ' •}thr'engiae^-fcha-~WftWlB,-‘ ri'w ljr'to-rr-N e .erected .and bolW..tog«!lhcr... • rnie

[tne L) guaranteed t o - t l y . a n d -b e MS from defects; ' .................


B ^ )T S E rS c p r .-^ 2 ^ ^ T T lc —cShU i' — id last dividends o t Ihe defunct ilzens S tate bank. Ooodlng. will be _ Id next week. E. Scott, Uquldatlng

:nt. said today. . . ““ n ils will bring Uie t o u l divi'derids003 per cent, thc most paid by any w

(unct bank handled b y -the Uepart- ' t icnl; Tne final dividend .w iu bc bi

9.100 o u t o t 5Uae07 orJghmUy dc-rUi!d._________________ _ _E i

--------- ■— ............... U

[otelG afe I Sly Dinner ' 75c'-| S—Also from 5:30 P. M. 'till 8:30 ^

. - t bl id. t»oup t —w-Roiust Chicken* - — Xidcrloln Steak ?

anti De.-«ert(i ‘ ' • 5 'rrom 11:45 A. M. 'tlU 2 P. M. T nt

T Dl


itiifeu ih m c M e i

n t»w. l i n c w. n ew c o lo n ;»n.f4>rl->-,.r p r l r r u»Ha1h1<- DU^v U

J ^ lu d r h j ik f r V .O n c - P r o / l l ra iiiif* (\iiil h c h i i id i t . 7 6 .y cu rft o f huilU in(< i ty t r a n m w r tu l io n ; - C«»mc— tlr iv c ; i o lo r — y o i r i l - v a n t 'U » o w n orvc. i f .y

----------- - ^ S - lU r I > K » r ^ K - K I U S _ _____--------------- F T r t T r y K y ^ h i N K s — -n .rF :r ,k ln p -r-T -7 -T -.^ -T —ih n-D u ia tuc____________________ u o r. to,rh<^ C onim onclrr ' . • • < I triSior h c i ’ -o i i:iBht . . . . i(in.'. lo

Alt j tr ifv n /. u. h . fac to ry

lu Io C o . ^P h o n e 56

OT »»li.l«>.«ltract ....... ^LS~-


----- — -T -P IIO N B « .------ ------- — --------A broutlful fiuBurban home, all

modem, six room house on^one- acrc tract ejoM In a t only $4250.

- -O ood~5';room -niodem -lu>uaft_wlUi sleeping porch; 1 ^ -

•tlon; lirlce $2700; $500 cash,• 'balonce llke rent. - .

T>/i..iiMfiii <i!c-room ’ m ^ c m h o ^ w/lJi’ hniijwoocT iioora;

_ :ramge,_BQPd shade 'a r id s ^ u b *________bcry. In ea.« partTOf—Wwn.

. price $37W;.!imalI paymentdown.- A beauUIul new i- tw m «iwJ; = =

cm house; all hardwood floors .and furnnce; good Jocatlon; for - •aulclc sale $3250 with $780 cash.Come quickly If-you w ant th ls .- ‘o n e vacant, lot; beautiful

building site on best street In ,— pni t nf tnwii. ^A snap a t

$100. - A gtxxl 40*ocrc. farm on grav-

'"~Cl(*a ~rogQ7U'iid iwwer »<i»i-^ r 60------------ -ban i and outbuildings nearly new; good four*rbo‘fii hou.’te. for only $225 with ea.-iy terms.

\ ___

r it fg ^

lo ra« n e u * . '____________________________

ii f r tc tn rc . in g q i i a l -vc u - I> ic - -----------if .y o u <lo.

U a A l d t 3 _ _ _ l __________ ___________•>'io ' in9'»_______ ________________________» lo 1663 %-,io 2w:;


I , i "

i f f l S ' ' :

)C/.T«i .W .n. flJVf. K^tuUr ,Wai> •rJtf. Artia^rr WK—U

■ - ■ »••** ____


Page 7: · Sixteen Page; ~ ~ VOL. ll. - NQ. 145..- '- - Guns On Hert behM Ieiiii f ==W m f D em ocratic'N om inee in A ddress j------------in

a i J M i a S t J i s-= * 1 » J |B |5 |I1 1 h

-------:*■— --------------------------'7 — ' A-1Local Your.?^oKfi tbs.I

Snocial Train for . Mobcow ; -rw« ; Othera to Go-by AtttQmo>Ho

of" the UnWwnUty“ bf~l<l<Ua Hbntl. « t S from Twin F qIIh who ball ,

Save n o t ^ a d y 80t» «»>» i ; their' day to Join- Iho aludcnU’ cpoelil tra in b m n

for ttt contij1-15 P M. A lew oro w peeicd U , llrst

'td k i fhc-tn»fn^hw «-m U B K « n ^ ^

i r b f i u r t ' ™ ^r' S 3

S I :“ ^ ‘‘ M d’ aTBUM n r t r a T V M ^ ’ ^ i lh c m J

— Am ontrthnsc-who-ftTfr-folnR-toaaj^ urty-lore: Eleanor and William .Babcock, the gi

\V A. Bftbco^; Lewis oi»i“ t r JJJ inMr and Mrs. Oar! H ahn; nusr.cll Pot- of lh tcr. 5?n of Mr. and Mrs. O. E. Pot- Alti tcr; Helen Parrott, dnushtcr of Dr. will b nnd Mrs. B. A. P arro ll; M o r g a n - ^ p - . I to p w n of Mr. and Mr*. Morgan O. Kcop: admlsHdolae MlUcr. daughter of Mr. ond -------

• Mra. L. J . Miller; M orgawi Owen'.>. dnushtcr o f Mr. and Mrs. M om5 Ow- Khw l ‘ cns; P rank McAtcc, oon .of Dr tind his ht

Mrs. P. P. McAtce;, BcHy WiJsoji. cow » * - flltmnmr,.uf M f."and-.Mf»^-EdH.’m . A .sitv-t

Wilson; VorRll Wilson. Hnnscn.Aaiong those who are on thclr way R d

.overland arc: ‘‘' ’2}“ *'’’: J ' • supereon of Mr. and Mrs. W alter SlauKlUrr; s ta to Tpp. cnn of Mr. nnd Mrs. Jc io nnnv.j " U n g ; Mclchor Pricbc. son of Mr. j city.

_ lju id_M ia_ai_S :.^ lE b£L .S £!L i!il2£ !L L cnJilson of Mr. and Mra. w 7 a . jjixon.

~ yi=5il~S«ngcr. aon of-M rr^ i» t- .M r4 tr^ _ H o , E. Sanger, Clinrics Ratcllffe, aon o: manMr. ond 'M rs..B . P- n u tc llf ty .............. Cathc

— — •' a fe^

B R E V I T I E S ™-------- ■ Cat

rrom lnent Banker Viiito—Crawford there Moore. Bobe banker, tranaactcd bust- the ( ncaa tn Twin Falls yeslerday. . ycatcr

■ - — ontloc- - On-Lfp»r BuKluei*—M. J . Sweclcy. drive.

aUor'ncy. returned yc.stcrdny from ai brief vuiL to uiacKioov uu .tvunl bus^ uu>' IneM. Icn. (

—'AUomey' Trivel*^ohn"Tl,■ .'D am es, for »<nttorney. rctumed yeatcrday from Palis.

----mnrio ft hrlrf Via- rtfcor:. It on legal bualnesa.

___ _ SurLravCT for Salt Lakr City—Ro’Krt. Trucb

Moore, who hlla tixsnt thc pM t fcv/ arrive

for hla home~in sa l t LnklTcuy. rcmoo---------------- ---- -------------

. lUe llean Ylcl’d—OWIlIc •pnrro it; Iren. Bcracr. has finished Uircshlnif ni'» t beaii.'i wKlch uTcrased 3 8 'bushels 'o n i

— dcrer-U—w«»-r<>j>orlcd_ycstcrdaj'-____ _ 3 f lr------- . Whlti

------- >'btl!ii--rrom—Biaekfoot—Mra— C arl-O nc-- U dj'..arrlved yesterday from Black- doy i

fool, to ai«nd some time vUiting h f r jhaa’"__Luarcnta-Mr. und Mra .iD .~3. Thompa. l^ d i

B e i ^ ‘Stronl: was dUctuuge<i Saturday from dbtrli

- the Twin PalL-i county hoapltal where- h e , reeenCJy submUted to a m ajor opcr- Thl aUon. I l «

— , ui c rI^ar^a fnr aiotcnH—Ralph W. O lm -.k lt ol

-lilcatJ. RraCiiulc” 01 ■ A wl;» I 'lu a IiIkIi wlitlf

z z ^ s m m- Jin re v e h



W E O F F E R -Y O U ; l a u n d r y s e r v i c e s ;

i.-; y j r o t o f i t b o t h - y o u 5 y o u r b u d g e t .

, e v e r y t l i i n p i s w a j ih c i— ---------------p l c i d y i i 'o n e d r e a d y -

----------- o l h e r . i a - w h i c h w e i r oIh e " c tO tliC s a iU l . "lOUV'i

_ p i e c c s f o r y o u , t o m

^ P h o n e 6 6

' ' t w in f a ix s dAi

Carnival m pany W ill i

A - ^ t a of-ia^rttllroad cara bringing - -Pac0 . Pacific Stales ishows. with seven larges Idea-'ind a ai^rc of omuacmcnt a t MjJona-to-TwIn FalU for theJl a ^ v e thla afternoon, and early l ahonii 6n3ay-momlng. ' Twin F ^ * ’ ':baw - fm cnf Jl park, wiiere r.ic’ iriowa will pitch they elr tenia during their slay here, will omiiM «Dmc a scene of Intense activity, count ntinutng until evening when th o l Con rBtrT5CTrorannvtr-(5riH5"6Vip8cmT!ttt^«h-5ij6ILbe-PP^ni-d. • ,The "rtdea." Includln? two dovlcea i Tho signed i-apcclaily for the lliltc foUut, who.0 to b7 .let u p ‘I n Uie middle of 'th e will r jk , h iid 'th e t e n i^ . o ttrocilona'ure 'ialncc .he mngfd In .a..grea t d rr!c nhnu t . rllnint cm. Elcctrlc light and ixiwer lines Thc o-tOrbft--c5tUnded-to-thc-pttrk. and, u n d u e grounds are to bc- brilliantly light- Amerl . , A tm n fo rm er wagon- m nltfvcd I t tib i ~ n n n iiuB»M»on flygKm-u u p iu t,f tu m j

Ihe shows’ equipment. jity -b iAlthough Uie .allows and rkles All > .The 11 bo M t’up wllhin U:e fince..hround ; ccntlt) i> p k rf hi> nn fnr | wCCk.mission tu the grounds. ' jClosliii

lool with th5-,clasa o f - •38, leavca'M ain1 home in Minidoka todajt for Moa- jlan:el V where hc uUl enter U i« 'U n lv w work y of .Tdnhn________ ■ ' - - |ln<t.».j

Returns to U u h —Merrlll C. I ’.'.iiXi Thr perlnlendcnl of dalm s for the Un^«:i j-iQgc atca ridelliy .and Guaranty com- the o nv. left voi'terOny, f o r e s t l4tke t iip ^ ty, nflcr spending several tla>-s here gtoml

bil?Uief.s,__________________________ Bubl:

Honemmrt-ifi-IM I*-----in pnd his brJdtf w.ia ft51sa ^nd J,lhd-IiicT3ulcy, have ■retumcd'Trcm •— few doy*' honeymoon vlall to &

iimiLT - c a m p - ln - the—tipper—Wood- -TVefi 'cr region. Beach

Campalsn Com Well — AUhouah ere wob no oitemoon m cejntf p t c comjplliccs of- thc Girl Reserve J stcrday, members reported, thot- ih» reloU' Uook for n *nccc.«ful close of- tho . . . „ Ive. Was.,encouraging,

cntckct>=cr-?gr-atcMU- tcrcfi^1. Chlcngo, who, prior w six ycara . „0. waa engaged in business here , r"»o:iip’ tlm c."has-retum cd-to-T w ln • - ills. He has - been cnKaRcd In thc — . coratlng bualneaa In ChlKico._______

Summoned From WiscoaMw—Oliver, neblood. Chippewa P.ilLv Wisconsin, rlvccl here yesterday afternoon to ' 'trnri .rimtTnl services h u e thi.s a ft- £ ___noon-foT'hL«t-fftther.-UJe-lBt4?-W^.- ♦ — r ueblood.—plonoor— Tw1n_:^W li_ d t - — i :n ~ n ’h<5 o~acath“ occurrcd -In-B oise ■,t T lH i^ ay . .

SrinJnc ,'<tan — Marcus F . » (hitman. pre.ildonl or the tivc-nna- ie-Mlnlng-campan>T-arrlvcd->-c3ter-- * — f y S u ir ia k e -C lt j - -w here- he t — ^j ‘"sp cn t •th^■■pa.’5l several-w eeks ' i id wll) leave today on a vi.iit of In- « > y o n '^ - ‘dn-cnmpan7--cnpperTinin- j'-jfroDorUei In the Contaei. ;N o«da, strict. ^ ]

ThlWM Take T o a l^ A . M. Coxad, f j Q WoahlnRion slrccl. reported to I e police last nlitht the theft of a r ■ of toola taken from hla nutomobllc | .

9[£E- - W

J a v a r i e t y o f s ^ e rv ic e w h i c h , 3 ; o n e o f w l n i c h f l a t w o r k . , r e l o u r i i e e d i a m i a p p a r e l ? l i ^ h t l

. s t a r c h '^ i n d j r o r

v I w U i n i B I H n z z d X d t H O i t l w icd a n d . y iccs w ith expl:y - to - u s e ; ar.- is .ifiven a l the !ron a ul ' ~ n r < m i the"fiT T T r- w ho w ill-lui-ffi i r o n ; a n o th t’r .ta iJ e d in fo rm a;

O f l / ' l ----

S A r / .V ( ; S7

.'-"l-J;:' v'. . ' v " '


M S h o w H e r e -

L e g i o n ’s A u s p i c e s : j : ^ o

•Pacific sta tes Shows, -one-of i h e - j k v ^ ^ irgeat insUtuUona of th e kind in th Q l^B u k u 7eat, conte here In the course o f tholr { ecohd annual .tour bf th e Northwest. L> «v-- rhcy-come, here directly from 6 h o - lS » n > hpnif where they filled an e n g a g e - t 'S X ur e n r i i i i r ^ c e t ^ - l K r - w f t k T j C f o r e - K ^hey made up a generous part of the muaement attractions of the Jerome ounly fair a t Jerome. 'Commentron the ahowa In boUi Sho- I ™,,; „

ha;ife und- JiTroiri^TTTCponwr-lierr - t pTKf f -----lavCJwenJUghly./averaW e._.'.__________ _L-_.'T h e aIiowa“ wUl brixTinv5rt.'2W)'p«>ple' — Tr rho. during their slay In Twin Palis. cmUs <111 rcdulre rooms and meals In lown.Ihec th : aliowa ciury no. sleeping or ‘Intni? neiyimmrxlntlon.s, ■_______ ■ thThe shows are being- brouRht hero [^^Iff

ndet-aiup lcca .o f_ th B _ lR ‘ia _ m ila . gM nw r .merlcan Legion post which hopes by jiunola

Jund^ for- frorn--*

.y-bulldlhK In Twin Folia. "promls.The shows’ cnsnRement here la to jsntlni'c each evening throuchout tlw exactly ■eck. bcginnlii3 Monday evening and losing Saturday evening.. onjy------------------------------- • aeorffo4ain nvcnue south- Mr. Cozad Is in:ely dependent upsn tiio toots In h ta j, ' /ork of repairing tractors and U ircsl:- ,„ .,^ “.i mt..jnnchlnfrv.

• I ParmerThree Couples to Slarry—Three m ar- flniahet

lagc licenses were Issued Saturday a t rosolutli hc office of Uic county recorder here. Hoover.-lifl_aDDllfflnl3_ werp c h a rlcv. Edward ___ __ltombaugh-and-Mary-WlllU.~boUi-OL —S l ^iubl:__ l.o«v> Mpvpr anti MnrUia:iundl. boUi of Jerome: William A, - -itarrittj-irs-ifohnson-OKyf-Tenncflacernd Mary EmUy Wriglit. Bu h l ___; _

leach. California, returning from a t- w ill endancc Uie national eneamp; lent of the Grand Army of the Re-ubllc In Denver, arrived yeslerday for H u i

two weeks’ visit here and wllh - SBlallves-B rrxdenrrrM n-B B m ea-w fts -r — -: r a number of ycara a rc.«i!dent of *' •wlm Palis and rcUlns- property In-;ref,u_here. _ - ___________

News' Wnnt ^Oa re»ob the people ou wish to a ttract.____________ ___ ifBmm

P A R K H (^ 7 5 c S p e c i a l - S a f c - a n ( l = S u

, i/. I'-i-i'od Chickcn—Sfcflts^Choli -U o t-B iscu it4 -rH Q m « ..M a d e , N oodle

• C re a m C wljbaKX!, S ltttv , S t u f f ed BeJJ C iiniliod Swct?tH « n ( r ~MasIie'd P o t

__E i!ii:t C o ck tn ii. V cttoU ible S iilud . Hi -C o tn b H o n e y — E n ;s h ::A p p le . C he

_ S t r a w b c r r y ^ S h o r t C u k e w

: B est 50c L u n ch co n , E v e ry I/{ccphi;/ in h if /h w hen it

\ rhone M PARK HOTEL

h . -. ............ ' ____ ' • —

l iv e r :in ri

— f l at ^

m P i r c l u r||c

B u d g e t i H '-- -------- ----- j ^ W ' l •• A f'tc i

r _ __ f la t- \

f lu f f .

__ L u n ..


----------- ------- • a n d J

e h , a f t e r i r o n i n g th<? r e t 'u r n s t l i e w e a r i n g I n th

L 'h tly d a m p , r e a d y t o • '•>' i r o n .

you V. WTici

Ull l iu i iu i '- 5 a v i p ?r~??gt-- - ■ ■■ x p l a n a t i o n s a m i p r i c e . ; , t h e . r i K h t . _ S a ^ _ i l , _ f q r -i r c a n t j u r iD i r t e m a n — ---------- ^i - g i a d . _ t O : i v e ~ y ( ^ d p ^ m a t i o n . ' - ■

, - ^ / n i U r t - M 1 n r v - i ^ r v i

; S T A T I O S " '

[ f l , I D A H O . S U N D A Y M O ]

' “ " Fm HKlw, U ttU a ia e lumtr Itijl • « n b 6 l“ K pecr-t«Ue* - f « « «heublicaoa................ . Beansnlth hA f,«id8»«* Ol*’ ••p-’lnrJpJc-^ m t t Tthe mukUsMIoo' foe (ann relief o t Mrri I, haa. h u l mors to . u y about vievcdUhmonlJn wawerlog li group of c. vS p i t MlHimnn— n--Orii»ntr‘KiHTa«p«por adveHlMmcnt ,an4 h u been ati wled to the pubU« to sctUa the on exac ! on ianios alone and not to de- few per

It on tbe b « U of hte Catholic- have U— ----------- ^ ----------------- ^ocainiF

------------- — TTTi:------------: . the.croiI Iowa" and“ om cr“ 8lfllii.‘"Benator opmicrt Us. Ihe BepubllSah vioc-pn.'*icient- had be nomlncit has been ta lkin; himself though r$o promising .that-h i* parly wUl •. thl. fMTT>i>r hv a revision of Uie ~ - r f . . Two days oft«r h e 's ^ k e m l — ne«r,-lowa,.PrBak_W. -Murphy, .-tn, ? 5 ! lola farm leader, told an audlencc n-.the-B iim f..nlnU orni igifi*ttUe r/iim y andT-gantHdafc- — imlse legistaUon to make the larlff k for agriculture, while Uiat ‘a ; t ly ^ w to ^ Uio ^ p u b to n ^ j i a r ty

nly th«-,day'bofflre’ Miirphy and rgo Nr-Pcck, also of Illinois, and liam Hlrty, MUaourl. were chan{-| by Senator Brookhart. lowa. with Ing •’double-croaaed" ihe.; farmer T. their cfldorsextieot ol Stnlth.,okhart-w ni adf1reMlnc..Ua Inwrti __merst Union and 'when he had shed the convenUon adopted •» ilutlon calling for thc delenl of iver.

CtRATES- I zAill only last a few more

• days Hurry and Get ’Em '., a t .

5 ^ Ib. while they In-sL ;n a if mile aoath-So. I'ark - " “T“

Serriee' SUUoh }

■ T). n -.-Ga t h r o - \ =

[O T E L f ~S u n .-J L iin n e r— l - T S c r r —

Hoivs— Creamed: Chickcrt----- J | —'>dlc.s— Fresh iVcRctable.s t j 3Sj."PcpY>er.'», French Fi-y.s f ;PbfiilorSllced“Toroatoc.s----- J t — ;, Hot Parker House-Rolls—t )3Kerry and Cream^.Plc.s-, __e with Whipped,lC|r|eam ■ t

K D a y , 1 2 -2 .P . M ., 5 0 c |it cdtiiCH io {food diniicvs J

EL Anne S. k b iio c t

—D a m p - W a s h ________ _____[ l ! f y i i r t t c l r t - - m n ih ! ! i ) -----------------------

ralHHofl- .wutcr. thc it work is ironed and e wearinK ai)purel ih turned ju .s l durr.ji ipUKh tl) iron ■ iiitely. .

. 6e a Dound jin im u m .-n lh s .V ir g ir - - - r —

Econom y 'fter our rcRiilar nnd •reful washinjf. tho nt-work i.s Ironed, and

jff-dried and relurneil ____ady to Hlarcli andQ a . _ ________ ' ____________________

7 c a iiottnd inimum, 15 lbs. $ 1 .0 3

~ K o u ffh U ryUXXu!l£_\YU5hfli__a il lL __________■ie«l. thc flatwork. a.s ith all our family sci- ce.'t i« ironi'il fur-yoi:; •iiLihose iuco:i_f«iuix=___p i?; lire stari hod. . 1.

8 .C a })ounil' klinimum, C SOc (Handkerchiefs. X-c


P r i m - P r e s tI this, our fine.'t fam- r* service, each piwc i.s Ijiutifully fini^hc'd as 1lU would do it at home.hen returned l>y us ____ _____f»r |aundr\’ >rn~:>d^uL'ar or put aw;.y. |

—A a l L A o U i i t ^ V t ■ p ____^Roultrmtni rr;j?OMt-

prict:^. •

T w i n - F a l l ^ - ' ^


IN CROP iDllMIIEEDIiSH i m i L i l l L U I I v l ULUL producta.P i - a u i i n i - f n i r a i

-------- — _ eotloada-Mtia were un ln jund by Iho 'tligh t t Thursday night in the 'oplninn “*^1 ' lerrral RrovTrs and deaiera Inter-, red here yi»terday. T liiim -

V. Oipion..-federal and atate i W l l ir im ^ o r r» a rd - J H i» r i» e “ llM - h fii:------------\ atfordr«l aii cpportunfty to make Two c pxamlnatlrn, tjut raid tha t white a calUe « penona thought th a t beana m ight for ahip

t been sltahuy damaged in ootne where ihim n rT n B 5 r - s i5 r g n n « ie V H ~ a t* r in a s r ^crop hsd oat J ieca .hu rt.-J ila own The ah licrt W as-lhaTljrbbaWy na Injuiy H ynw .~

been done the bean crop. »1- rlst. recc tgh leaves «-cre f le e te d in aotncity brand

^ V i n t e r ’F a i r y H o w

O a k H e a

I l 2 .50


, • Comp

oj th is f)

T h e b r i l l i a n t Biiccrfln o f i h c n u m b e r o f W lllya 32.1,000. A n d n e w tb

----- — --------------a < id < x I ~ m o to r u U -’ “ ■ s l e c r o v a lv o e n g in e--------------------------------- b lg b -c s o m p « » » io tt

n n d c a re f re e ^ eco:

N a tu ra iJy T I t eoi ' p l a n t — b u t t h

I V d o v r n t h a p i

' ^ a g r e a t n e n ---------------------------- » ----------- - wni»».iCi»ui»i> \ .a a CtmI S


------S T A . N © A - R J O - « l i t

B R O W N IN G________>________Phone 364. .

■ y '

! 3 . - ^ 1 9 2 8 . - ^ ^

- K e - « ^ th a t had there been T H R rS I 1- frpece. I t would, havo Injured jleana,-• b ut th e . frost - im - v e r y . -------3 R-^lOTlnJurjr-wnar'ctonq .W“ D lher-------- ^:1a. • ■ • • • Iir"ifre1(S5MIinnh":wiacny7^B#-1 Tlie er those hauled in by trucks. 20 lrfijtu,bjm ia-from nearby. BUiUona-aiTlved.;«„H^.," : ihe Oregon Short Lino e o m r- tP . “* '

* when Jui_______ ................. ..............« 0 line

iseaactf DgI F A L L S S H IP S

carto«js o ' T»-ln ‘KttlU d a i r y 'c o / ^ S r *-cre loaded here ywUrday r n rw • la

nlpmeoi to »ou«iern California 1 ^Uw onlmaU will be distributed : Mn leac rmityuu.n m tnuig-Tip-hcmtr-f S"**' ahlpmeni- uoa. forwarded .ta , “ -

O ^ o r i i la , by Oebigc B ig - . ecorda. of C. J. Domrose. c o u n - N e w x i)d Inipector. disclosed. ' \ you wUt

’s G o m iiw A b 0 u t Your ating Equipment? .

Liberal Allowance—

" ^ - n s s a a

- F O I

2 5 % D isco u n t on a

N cnH yionarch-S«

l u H i i i iip le te H o m e O u tf i t te r s

M M € ) ^


o f t h e S lo n d a r d S ix h o a b r o u g h t y o -K n lg h t ow rners t o m o r e t h a n tb n u K a n tla a r e b d n g c o n s t a n t ly s - f i n d - t j a a t - t l i e p o t e n - d o u b le -

T n ^ t h n c H B ^ U c n t po w c c o n o m ic o l o p e r a t i o n ,

c o s ta m o r e l b l i u l i d t h l i l nu j> c(Iu r |k j t h o S t a n d a r d S ix b o a d e f in i te ly b r p r i c e b a r r i e r * A l l o f W 4H y«-lvn» a d v x X a g e a a r * n o v».m a d c J i rnM n eiv m n rk e l—a t t b o l o w e s t p r i c e i n 1<kl p.t.-^fr».« 9uiW «J « i,1 8I< <ll.<.lM*. rrl~<T.o. U Tei«4«. OhU. ■>4 to eluii«« wllbwi* yiUjm.OmUiiit. l a a .

I G A U T O C O M ]2 n d Ave. a n d ffnd

E S H P R H IE fi:? '

B B I N 6 S ^ - I S C f l U B T i J p a

I endj•bancflf of the p o i^ wcfo In probate ' court * here ■ycatem ajj"^*"''

Judge s C .> . Bailey remitted?® . . ‘ I ,■ ine and .couected court-coata a«- 1 agnioat Henry Johnson. d c f e n 4 - ;n an action Inatltuted ot the in- - .i 0_0O _ 0hn Cox. The fctory told ,mrt Indicated Uiat Juhnaon ana mombera of a threslilng cniw oit r l a s t week, had com b lt-'^ ic course of an orgumcnL* Johu>>leaded guilty to the mlsdemimior - - JC.- ,--------- ----------------------------------- ' r — ': r r ^WS W ant Ads reach Uie-peoplo wish to attract.

n g l l % .Cabinet ' i

Circulating Heater

i $75.00 ^

^ ~. . .

s s

1 a ll M odels o f -C oal-R angea —

re Co.

igme ■■ ;'^mCmWLWCi o .

ylie................ ______________ ::____________

>wer .■

•p o w e r ------ :-------------- ^--------- —b ro k e n

v n t g k t U ----------------------------------------^i i l a b l n . t n ___________________________i n b i a to r y tI s il. !» ^ u i » « -------- 1"" ■— ------------. .4IMW T « l ^ Otata

\X W .c& =d P A N Y ■ .'rn d s t . w . __________________________

Page 8: · Sixteen Page; ~ ~ VOL. ll. - NQ. 145..- '- - Guns On Hert behM Ieiiii f ==W m f D em ocratic'N om inee in A ddress j------------in

' F ^ o K i g i t : ■

- « U B 1 1 E K | -

F o r ly - T h r c e C lu b s W ill S e n d -

D e le g a te s t o D i s t r i c t . F e d - ...

■ — e r a t i o n ^ e o n v c n t i o n ; — S t a t e —

■“ - S re s s io n W W - A t t i 'd i l M diiV —

■ Mure llin ii. 200 wonirn :irn rxpcctMi to m tnu l the cllst.rlct iind .Matu' con- ___

iiirnV. clubs lu (In' ,Elk.s iotlKc room*:3 prc Oils week. T lif dlMrlct nirL-'- liiB will -be In .sm lb ii- M urnlay-and 7’uw dny.nnd win be followtd by tho aUle confcrciKC wlilch oiK'Hs a tlirei;- dny mcc'llnj; on Walhc-sdny. • • ‘

Forty-ihrcc .soclclk-:i will ,b<‘ rrprc- .• rented u t llic {ILslrlcTTfi^Iim und d c lo

potcs from ull iiari-s q f .l l iP 'U itf will attend the Mato nicollni:. Moinbcrs o f the locftl cnminltteo nmiou'nre t l iu t |'

vLslllnn dolcKiUcH liuve been complel- cO. '

Tin: district com'cnilon will bc-fiUl'.'fl to order by Mw. C. J. Schrbwler.Fllpr, tlU'.dcl imfUrlPii; — rfitTllll'lllifr' ___

.. vccatiori bj' n j t' r U i C. ' I l iiiiiphrfy. ____rifvirtlnif fnrmiT pTilnr nf tlif .T\Vln ------

• ■■ Fnlls MotliDdtsi Episcopal rhiirch. ^ • —^ — LoenJ—Wometv~K|Ms‘tk -----------—

Rfw'ches wrleonilng the ilclcttate.'i ~ will be delivered by Mrs. 'l'. cieorKc Rislop.* Twln~ Fnll-'t.- pti-'-l pn-slde*il of Uie Twentieth Ccfilury club, and Mrs. M. P. Kcnwdrthy. Twin Fnlls. pM t president of the Rural Fcdiratlnn of Women's clubs.. Mrs. Bert Nev-

— man, -Albion.r_ulU_rLJipond..-._;Thcrc_______wlll-bc-a.m usical si’lecllnn by_Mr.v O. —

• P. Duvnll. Twin Fnll?. arter which ; . Mrs. A. W. na?rcrajM. BurJry, th a lr-

• u’lll■- tm dug/»- tho hnnnr iruesta iiiid C»Ul

Uic.roll df past presidents. ' - Committees ulll be uppolntect nftcr / p

which" lhc " fonowlnff-aistrlct-offlccr*- will report: F irst vice pre.nidcnt. Mrs.II. F. K unter. Idaho F a lb ; m-cond ” y-

-----v| ^ --p ,„rlil. T.t p r Mlnnli- llmvnni,.Pocatcllo; rccordlnR recretary. Mrs. C. , r . HnmbroutiU. IJUicktoot; corn-siMnti' ‘

---- h ib AL-Cfc m n ~ t ik '-j Add.t Tliuiiunuii.Tuln~I*all57—trw tu rcn —Mrs:—Or—15.-

— Wttrin5.-Pocatcllo;-nudl^qrrMlM- Edyth Kingsbury. Albion. '

DLitrlcl Officers ileport A fter- reporti! of district offlccra

___M vc_b«;ii_rccclvctl^ll53_M uron_»ej> ■, ■_worth. Mascow. htate demonstration

— HR5nC7"Wlll-fflvc“ TiTi-ndclrRH- on—th - —rV BUbject "Ilome Values." Kpporla will 5 '“

— U ion-bo-rocclvcd-from -U ic followInK „ 1 mmtnlit(?c clinirmrn: ProKnim. Mrs. [i ,

■ Vt. R.” C liascT~Tnefr“cluT)~xlJasIo!r Mrs. D. L, Alexander. T \iih Palls; loan scholarship. Mrs. H. P. Kuna*r.Idaho Pttlls: historical. Mrs. A. W. B03ccmn.t. Burley: endowment fund.Mre. D. W. Strindrod.- P va tc llo ; press — and publicity. Mrs. I. H. Ma.'.ters. Po- —

I.-.-cnt4?llo; Inlornnilonnl relulit>n?t, Mr;*,'___C_JW—Doe_Itlaho_FalIa:-.cri.‘dj:lllli>l';. ___

Mrs. G. h. Tyler. PoCatcllo; ri;snluilon3,Mni. II. E. llanimertiul;;t. PUer. Theri.' will •t)e- nn"ovc‘ninfT'-pro[Tram 'a : u o'clock.

Pmidnjt-^Vlll-Talle-*------------ --------T ho annual nd d rc j^o f tlieijresldenl

tfiiruircreiivcTC'ifon^rui'saaj' niorninT —on th r xubleftt •'Cliib'i nnri W)ini TIm.vMean to women." bcparkmtnl.i -----tlien re iw n on.Tiie.Mlay inornlnB. Ju-;t • before noon Tiiesdii>*: officers will Iv,' '

. 1 . . - . . . 1 ■

— I

. c.iKor r.onci: ’ '----------- - J l E r . ^ L n u U n r : . , , , . h n ^ i ....

i , r t - l u - i l l i ln t l lh : . "

----------- ---- — - -b u y i n g a r a d i o I

Y o u o w e i t to yo iit-M 'lf , j . a n t i i ie : i r tin .- n«-\v ; |

T ho c a l i iu c t—iv o rk i.-i o t '^ a 'I ;------— — ~ ,,____

by liru n ;« \v ic} tr-34 jtr:^ jji;icc -=' i s unu .«u itlly lo w f o r r^tidi j

------ .jii.ii ii.t .Hill im i'ru iiii.ii iL v . - —

eXCXUSIVK DEALERS |— " b f p n m w tA ' r h u u u t i iu i i i - jo a - —

B rsan rlek Eccortli.

— T ^ l r t t r l l n i b a u g M t r -. JEW ELER S ,


; : 7 D i s t r J ^ F r j

M RS. C ;^7^.SGM R0RPF:R, K //rr,. r ic t f'cdr.rafioli o f lVo7»cn'n ci o/)citiiifj'o/ fJiiJ (H'o-(lni/-cfijifct tliP K lka' hull, h c r r a t 1 :3Q o'

w i S i M i a t e i g v' ■■

— ia . f■f. . ■ ■ • ________ _

Ipctrd:—1tciiortSTof-‘dcpBrtmfiilH-wl5I i V pj 11- completed enrly In the afte rnoon 'Urr—«vli!C-h-rc(j«rLH-Wni=1»l— ---- f-oni- a ll incsldcntar-ofTTifflliatcd-clubBri------RcK«Inr nddrc.wes - during tho day Ul .be made.J>y,.M l!a_aiady.s, Ter-,.-, n . unp. Twin Pnll.H. Idaho member of (--igc ie lU'publlrnn natlonni commlttw. howUI i,pcak on llie .subject "Women .

r. Idaho Pall.-i. who will .^penlc sn [Jam•iiX__s^ulfliVt • •'llnme Mnklng." 'clud2Elic_CDau;nUou_will_closu_Jucsdfly_riod.i'iuilni:_3vlUi_a_l)anauct,_atr_[ln:,.rr«.-__Oct<yterlan - churcl»-at—G-o'clock------------- ; men

------------------------- , Twl:

DEATHS -- ----r gICORAK—virglnln Corak. .-ilx-month- pre; )Jt) d.iu«}iler or^Irrjii)(I'TVTr.v~M.-P.“ P«’J :ornk. IIoll.iier. died lU a private san- Bcni tnrliun'lu 'Tw -in'PnlLi n t-l:3 0 Vi'cJocK "Ci

vlll bc held nt a o'clocK Monday a f t- ; - • 'm oon .In tlje Orossman chnpel. Uev., ’ th e r Rcinl S. Koy.ner will -h n v e ' M inrKO of tlic rervlce. _ —

________________________L o n t 'o r L ife 1

__________________ ________C a r M a in te i

---- tfSE^m P E -B/

Kyle M. Waite523 2M ) ST. K.—r

O u r N e w ly J .

_ a n d

— ^L ig h t^L u iKWill Open- f o r Busi

H>Tt -.TTiil co ltl hiiicho.'«. >;imlwi( - 's f ip p k - in p n t r d 'r ) y ~ a ''f o in u . 'in i .-it

. w o rd in a p to d a te , m t

U E M E M B K R T li

T u e s d a y L u n c h e c

J U i o j e s D r u g S

_ _ Formrrli/ Fl-' hry

~ Will Pay Ca

“ ^ B e a n s a n di l S S{io.shopo S t . U 'c s t ’


P r c . s i d e n t |;(j

Ic r, ^ r c f s id c n t o f-U ic F i r s t ‘h c lu b s , 7vhn w ill p rc » id e a t th e v fc r 'cn cn o f t h a t r t ru a n iz n t io n in Q o 'c lo c k M o n d a y n f te t 'n o o n . _.__



— - - b i :

' ' in J-

' ' ' Aver

_____________________________________ An

V .. 1* Rrnd



\ poun••

‘ \ V herd;. .% • . • . ••• nv<^

• - V ' " w t ^

- . . . X . L .v ,.'..—V more-------- J-------- ;--------------- - V - --------------- J

_________ . • ■ ' \ of 41— r r r : -----------r ---------- ----------------- m -p t

A'CCOllNTANT-IO-EX-TEND—I - —AUDIT-OF-COUWT-Y- BeK&f =- n . C. Edmunds, accountant. en-[ Riigcd now In nn annunl nudlt ot Twin FalLs county's, book.s and rec- ords. for the fiscal year cndlni; la.-it January, will extend the nudit to In- “ elude an additional nine-m onth pe-1 TiodTToItue second Mulidjiy Ol npyr|- • - Octobcr. under tcm ts of nn nnree-) _ m ent fcaclielO)X_lht:_n«o>mtnnt_jindi _ Twin F a lb county eommlMlbners In ;;e.wlon here yritcrdny afu-mbon, -T»ie-esl<>ndod audit - alU_ includc

:M>iUo4-up-nr till d f llm n if tir .T n x p jn tli z preparation of a ILst i<t county owned

-projxTty—«»al—U --to_bc__K >Id_nl_n Ijenenil Kale nomttl.up urx t Octobcr.

— C o-ttro f-the-auJit-fT tlw isiou— -

i HBM STlTClllNtl ’■ Mrs. Mow*.! e icarns. Phone'51W 1.—adv.

P O W E R :fc U educoti I

n te iia n c c __________________________ | _

4 J . « ' T E R H i S - _ ■ ---------

te, Electricianf i to M : 21 ~ ,

I I n s t a l l e d ! _

i d I

D e p t . -

u s i n c . s s T u e . s d a y | ^

iIwifhcM :u u l t a s t y . }

m Q tle rn _ 0 'H tii 'm o n ( ■ _

X lltL D A T E i ■ ‘hcpn, Sejpt. 25 -----

i s o n l s . - H r i

S t o r e ___ ____ ;hry D n if f C o.

— — — ~

C a .- i l i f o r — ----------— f -

i' ........ Phone 1-15 j


M H I B H i l l B i f

W W E O O I i D S I. •• •. . c .- - ■ • -• ....................................... O;

ivicdlain-and-Ehlers Cows-Win ^ - in Two .of Three- Divisions-

in August Production Tests j-

b u t of 523 IS tcd cows In 35 h e rd s ^ n the P lo n te ^ c o w Tc.itlnB nssocia- Joh during Augu.-.t, -i:5~prodiiccd-:<0- wuiids o r more ot bu tterla t, Jaccord- n B to .the montliiy .rcpon ui vi. J . q ,,

^m K e*^pr«iuctIrin oT h uttcrta 'r* 'pcr ^ :ow was-2«.l>-nna-of-Tn«l5r-«l9-pound3i ^

AmoHBjicrda of pO co w or yf,

trade Holstein nnil Jersoy cowh scorcd • ilffh honors for th e ' month. This - ’ lerd - produced nn average of 35.4 ca wunds of buttcrfat nnd 1007 pounds if milk. -

Liscai Herd Score* ■ •A herd of 11 rciflstcred nnd Rmdo . a

foUtelns owned by E, Ehler.. Tivln tha ^ lls , led herd-s of from 10 to 20 nev :own. w ith a production average dt nnC

)Oundfl of milk. ____ Elg. Eight registered and srade Je r- beii ey.i owned by 'A. Freeman. Eden, led of t ierd.i of less than 10 cows, w ith a n pcd ;vomR(?*productl(m ot 40.3 pkiunds of Flo5 ttc rlaL ^d _ U U ij).^ Iiili.U jL iO » » M :he m onth. Wil-

Name* ll»nor lUtll----------------- ttlt'i h t honor ..nHr-Tf“ cows-rproducinB- -of-

loro Xhan 40 jwiinds ol bu iterfni 1 nrinir thir-m ontli—with the -number-l-obo t 40-tmind COB'S nnd the ir rclntlpn 131 |iun.uiitaB<H o - the-who)o-herdr-lfc-ag. ^ » sullows: ■ ' , - . . . lar

40-lb. Pct. of traiOwner—' ......... Cows . Herd .. .

.. Freeman .................c 75 SI

BV i g o r o u

Y ^ ]

• —tions as to quality of fai that they have passed”!

— O t l i c i

$24.1i n v ^ e t y o f fi

n M O R N I N d r S ] ^ E M S E EM. p fe t« r — . G - ■ 60- - DllC '.r ia eaa rn .......... - .....^ ^ -9----------« r - ^a - A d a a a ____ ........ ....... _ « J _o . Evans ___ — ...... - 3 ^00 . Hcmpleman ...............,13 36P .-A ld n ch ..................— 4 ' 30E. E hler • 4 -3 8C. B aker ________ : ---------* 33 . wO ; Evehon ................... 4 30 Ph . Tencklnck ...............— 9 29 aiW hllt-B rw .-..... .................... 1— — 28----- IdP. Boonfi ................... ........ 4 . 28 a^ n C Crawford . .....2 . 25 aiJ. G ott ................... ............’ 24 aiA. Tannler ........................5 23 m0 . Hardesty .... ..............- i - 4 • , 23 . cjj . - c . Knott ....... - ■a---------- aa------- e<R. Durk ..............................1 --- -— 2 0 ------- AC. Mlddclsladt- ..............- 1 17 UC.. .Brown .................... ... I . 10 IcC. H nrl 2— ----- I B - -0 1V- Nnvlhr ,..■...... ............... -1 ■ U CC

'C ; ^ a l k c r Z ...:..-.--— — I ! " 1 ^ ■

'c . Jones ........ •.......... ......... 1 ' • 10 ■ •«?W; McCauley .................... 2 . lo ^

naftelcy -------------------- 1_______ a _ _ K

! ..................... 'y'-— h'


. An excavation.- 100 by lOO feet, ' , th a t Is to be the basement fo r a WM new warchou-w. th a t thc Palace Sand and Gravel company cxpecta to com- Dlctc on thft company's yycto on Eighth street south, iV in Fans, Is ^ being converted th is fall into one Firs of Uic most convenient and best equip- elec pcd potato cellars In this territory. Twi Floor Joists and a ' Unit floor over t ^

L u m i ^ e ^ i u t a l i ^ u n [ S ’-i-of-d00r»-nnd-«lat-fto0M— ---------- JtlC

The cellar' will have: capacity “ fortodlJ-nbout-«M wrloads tatnas.............. .tO -

By m ean s 'o f a conveyoc it wUl be ' T ■ loofl notfltoia from the cel- n^e lar directly Into c_ars, on. ,;the spur Thi track In the company's >’ard . Hor

....... .......................... . ......... MelSUBSCRIBE POK THE NEWS. ec\\

^ — w h e re -a a v in g s a

^ ~ S i y 1e d r id ~ ^

Newest Fall-Styl SingleanclJ

S e le ^

J — JLow-Price

____ T h e t w o - b u t t o n , s i n g l e

I jj c l s h o w n a t t h e l e f t i s J l m e r e s , c h e v i o t s u n f i

T i i i ~ t H e 'n e w e s t ^ d e s <---------- b ' l u e . a n d . t a n - t i r r o m l t y :

__________s t r i p e a n d s h a d o w s t r i i :■ } j lu e s e r g e a n d b l u e a n d

- ' — - * n i e - , t f t f e e — Iw itto

__________ r i g h t c a q b e h a d i n.................... - b l u e c h c v i o t - a n d i t

w o r s t e d s i n v a r i e d

b g e n j n a d e t o o n r eqc

f a b r i c a n d e x p e r t n e s s o £ w o r k m a d m u s t e r w i l h ' o u r b u y e r s t s y o u i

and $29,■ fabrics and^SSnc& j®



DuUcs of a . constable . are n o t without hazard; .according' to J . thii P . Bnymlller. veteran cohstablo se r a t Buhl, who has signed-o m is- for

Idcfflcaaoc complaint—i a —probatc— ba; eourf ctiarslng Mrs. Mst>e2 Alex- • son ander. Buhl, with commlulon of nin a n assoult. In 'response to a sum - icc mons on the complaint. Mrs. Al- but cxander. and her husband appear- ' ma;

-ed-ltv-coubUhoro -yem r d ay— Mrs.--------A lexander.p leaded , not guilty ' to_

thb cliarge, and Judge O. A. B ai- ‘ & Icy fixed next Tuesday afternoon Pbi

-fts—th e -tim e -fo r .hearing o h / th e ^ complaint.

— Bttymiller told tlJc prosecuting a t- ' ^ tflrnev- th n f he hM a ttack- _cd by M n. Alexander a t her. homo.

• a lte r ■ h e^ ^ d ~ re ifa ‘^ n a -a e liv c re d — “ to her R copy of . a aummona in _

her husband were nam ed . as de­fendants. He stated th a t sho .struck him with a broom hand le ' after attempting to put the sum-__ mons back in his pocket,


m v . - C. C. CurtLi. m ln la tc i-0 t- thg4 - '■irst Christian church, hns been lected secretary and treasurer of ?wm Falla City Myilsterial alliance 0 succced Dr. H. G. Humphrey. OHnBr - PMtor- o f -th e . F irst, M ettinriht, - :pl6copal-church-w ho-recenily-entcr- -

r l c t ^ u perintendcnt for th e ' M cth- ”idist Episcopal church and -has mOvcd i0 Qoodlng. ________________ _ [Tlie election,, was recorded a t a ' '

reeling of Ujc ministerial alliance lostl :^ur5day“ c'vemilg HI -which— Rtrrrj lorace Turner, new pastor of thci ieUiodist Episcopal church, was rcr e ivcd' inlo m em bcr^Ip.

r r t m o N - ^ " / r ~ -

l ^ k l B id H H I

a r e g r e a t e s i "

^ i l s u f e d Q u a l i

le s------------------- :D ouble-B reasted

^~Fabri"cs'~"~" Sm art P a tte rn s

e d — a t — - . . 1 - .: . - '

; l e b r e a s t e d m o ^ ‘ I \ s o f f e r ^ ' i n " c a ^ i - I f j j ^

i f i n i s h e d w o r s t e d s [ r

1 o t . g r c y , b r o w n , tyjsyeaTes/donblei-T glz. ^r ip e e f f e c t s . A l s o V i__ _d w h i t e p i n s t r i p e , • \ -

^-r fi-U r r t a t r t i r ^ ^icicu(.a;cc cac . I I ' . ■'m pbin navy______1 I —1-t n n a v y blue . . { I - A

g g c t i n g Bb e c l l i u i " • . m f W l a n s h i p . T h c f a c t V

m r - a 5 8 u r a n c e ~ tb a t i ^ ^ ^ ^ = ^ B

^pattetissr~ r~ --------- --

' -i-L -H g^ggg— . •' ■


I Instead of regular 7:30‘ o'clock serv- _ Ices in the Presbyterian cburch..heK th is evening, a vesper communion servlco Is tO 'be held a t 8:30 P. M. fo r reception, of . new mcmJjers and bapUsn»-of-lnfanta._Eev.._AwO...Bear.— son, isiaister, onoouaeed Jast eve­ning. -T he vesper communion -serv- - icc is a n innovation In Twin Falls bu t Is said to have iK en adopted by

:many, churches in th e -E as t, •— ' -

U SL E VAENET HAOEBEB ‘ MarcelUng'60C.-35«TWftv«nie-TOt.— • Phone; 1 519-W .-^v .-


4 0 ca q u a r t

— a t :---------- =


r ^

;d Models

Page 9: · Sixteen Page; ~ ~ VOL. ll. - NQ. 145..- '- - Guns On Hert behM Ieiiii f ==W m f D em ocratic'N om inee in A ddress j------------in

" I ' . . . . ' ' ' - __ I

" : ^Second S ^ io n -r S’r

NEWS. . . „ p -V 0.-^ fc

= r z — -f^ Z Z T T■ b y .

• ' t ^ -


W A IT IN G F O R DAJ ------------------------------- ^ ATigeIec= C al:r 3nUilr.V dit#. L. to rw £ d m

r ~

' ^ f t :

- ‘ ;■• >

\ H O O K S -EM — 7 *^3aring aviator gets znessages from

_ _ ;__________________ aam m d__ b y - ^ ^ t ^th em on a hoolced »t a t a recent exhibit

...... .............................’H6W LO!RlOir --------• • — —................. — ....... -JnttnutlsMl Nrwi

; ' Z 7 7 ~ ~ ^

— - ---------------

~ - — '

■ 'K ; . b ; : v : : : ; . . . .

D A D D Y -r^P h o to •h o w f - th r e e ch ildre H lr^ c lf t ih V c t7 > :te ll tb « 5 n B " h e ii^ ^ ^ dm und . I I . W illiam . 7 a n d D a n ie lP

- ^ —__' ____

T h j , . - - w - - y C

:ta hia • ' th e

ii tT H rbitlon

■ . ' ^ ■ ■ ■ ; m Y ^ i s ^ n R . s F i , |

d e n io n t t ra t in g to m 'e ~ l caper« b e fo re .vi«tgr>

- ® U c a r n i v a l a t S ou thenda . 1 Y A No. it iao’t an y relatioiU f th e C h M (« tto n l

y ^ \ la ,« t ia ^ r iL 5 te a t i j

•' V ,■•' ■•'•

T W IN -F A L L g r jP A H Q ^

^ E > A ^ ;I ■ •

------------. .. . - s T ^ R f

— • . is . o n e• y - ' ' ' b 'o ^ . , .

: rrT-'>- • I force a


!i ' i f a i

ild ren o f £ . J. B dm »ted . Loa - fo r - r a n a o m - b y - M e x ic a n - b ^ .— i - .ie i r ^ . JiilcmatiOB»f\fwirctl--------

- '•

r : » ’-- ; .• . ■ ■ ■ •



h -Mr-T" - Miiill Asfc;ft F ~ i_•n a b o v er - f — : : / . . v T lT M P n B W M H ^ j^

d V * t n l ; - W O rt J U J F E I- m L . 6 , ,• l io n to b a n s CQmpelled lo

(E n g -} , b a b y show . T h e y ^ »t tJmirin f -t h r o n p . •

y g ro D ij^ :d v in R 3 \r jN .G r- s

LRN C H A S E — M ere • ’m e oF th e new.: speedt a . . o f- tK e~ C u 8 lo m 9;e a t M ew Y o rk ' "_______ ___________-

1 \v~o p re t ty A tlan ta c ir js , Son ia N’ovid; u fe w o n d e rin g in’ Tl^lyVvood ts ; ju c m i tJlU tili.. ll«W Uldl-GlinJon .S- .Ciin u re r o f -B a p tis l H om c-K iisaion H o srd r claim C a rn e s i^ sh o rt m o re i ’laii Sl.OO'J,

p ro b a b ly th e th e se .robust.-- youi u re en d le ss photograph<> a t Chs]kw< ^ey 're p ay in g m e re a tte n tio n to th e s

• * , J

r-S R t e M B E R 2 3 g [9 2 g :i :^

S H T z B Y T

*4^ .;S '-..' j ^ A j ^ H M B K Z s S

"Y O U ( :: try a n d

-=—--------^ ------------- tU w »-m

— J --------- - ___; __ :__________ 'T - ’' ~

• ■ - LM

\ 'l i

'm L:

I M |H ' t n - ■ ¥- -- y jmm

ijF sy ^ 4 \\.


vld.i ( le f t) anti to iS Criflln, ts "o iii;; lo happen to th e ir a n d -h is : iii »»-^-(m>.er ). ' f o n n c r t r c i s - — —cral-^m t rdrhaj^ di?;ipjjcarcd.-- P o l ic e : i^ . ,f a r .K in j X^J.OOO in hib accoun ts. , in C o n j

■' T J W l ^ S S l

. l .c c . o f m rfo n l h . , „ ° d t u £ t o d ' jiu jM itisu Ul^tiaiti ii • - •*


J C A N T - W I N r — H e^V is'w 'arJirng-to id “b e a t th« Iriun ro th e crow ing.'* T jc1rby^shjeaK ^bound-lroin-ai-U A ry,-U .m « t-a n d - t» .p ,h .h 4 > in am ii. w arn im

ih - —

i FOR ROYAL f a t h e r — Ptmcc U . tiis b ride .-the '^ P h n cess - A strid , a a they unc t ion -tn - V iae!— T h e y ou n g eo o p le w in tf A lb e it - m d^^Uflga-E lizabetbidM rini ingO. . Intl

t . v" A ^•>.

g O r . f ' . '

U - V : t ..BK Q Tt4tJ < — P tiu f i j l .u iiV - l » :Y?bfolhcr*. «<h<>‘« ic ’cOojprtm i: fo i pjac idem y eleven- Both a te brilliant broK ed kx&kfn.

~ " P a g e s r to'■■ — , ■ . . - ' ■•.;— ■■■;-y^:— r a g

K H A r ^ i

"to t tu to ^ r iv e r a - w j io r - , - -------------------jI t is w reckage of, ' .

^ I h d .— .T-wo-wftWtn .' , r : r z — : .initnntTy.kiH rH .flnH ---------------------— .

tolcrtulIoiutKtwifttt".--------------- -- “

S Z X ^ t —I I I :

L eopo ld . d f 'B e lg iu m ,'" . ” — -h e y - a p p e a re d .a t .o f f i^ __________e we re "aubetHu tin g-' ---------- ----------—

I r.icrruliorjl tlliutratcd N'e»i“"

r ^ v -

f e r T : = .~


S S ^ ^ m e s i - i z — : z

\~iu ■'. II. W a n d}Jacc m b M k fi« td o f .roKcn-field n iab e ra

Page 10: · Sixteen Page; ~ ~ VOL. ll. - NQ. 145..- '- - Guns On Hert behM Ieiiii f ==W m f D em ocratic'N om inee in A ddress j------------in

i H B B I E i

: - i i lO I T I O t i ( £ i

v-j. : ____ 1 puwi~ r nln(TH is to ry S h o w s A d m in is t r a t io n s

■ ;.R em a in .. in P o w e r W trc rrE fc c ^

“ h i o n Y e a r P r o d u c e s G o o d H a r -

[ ^ e s t y - S a y U t f l g e r W . B g b so n iTrol^tatlaf

i---------------:— H — :_______________ JQ ila.jjABSON PARK. MuAS.. Scpl. M— 't»,e tl

-KUtoo- clearly shows llia t t‘>c ly pn ' 'VuniL' uf l lici ewpn linf ’ ft ' f i trf* .gtimli

i i j t t r i l o i c r ' W. D a b in Jn Itli wcvkly crensi ■ Inicrvlew. -PolltlcJans know UiU. an-f .oOO.OO I th a t' Is why ihey are walchlnc crop( -w i ” co'hdlUonE so cnrcfully. In every lo oa

S ^ U a l . y c a r s iiiS T fecrcS ccp tin ’j i t Js lOia. the party In jwwcr has stayed uic p

I In-’powcr when the valuu of the five ij, thi Jcadlrid grain erajw has shown nn the 1

I 'in trc a se over the precedlnu yi-ar.jhe Mi I conversely, in cvor>' election ycar.rullnH ' rron vaUios wereilowcr Uitm In.vnlueI th e preectllnR year, the party in power jrcclec

Iw i-bo th ousted. I t did not matter-gcrwr., - M-I'»iiii.r-Ii__hnni>gnrd to bo the Ro»!proyc:' publicans-or_Uie Democrats.------------la n d t! -Consequently the Republicans, bc- ihrou

MuruBWi pruipi.’t la tlil-i j f a r - ' ' "Wlol ihttllLT I'l u . r n m cB-than“ in - lBa7. .e » d

— wm —nuniT.s—spoite , truly—the—oth«*r of—Ui ‘ day when he saJd; 'T h e ' rarmers iilRhc

—9lArve-lliro<^-yfam-aut ,ot ,tour.-,bulyJJila-J th e Rodd year Is Always clcction year, new

— Lord . u- m In . trlhut fnhivits wUli the RgHibllcans. * 1507E\-en up to namlnatmt; ilmc 'ihls ycnr n g c l th e farmers wanted relief, now Uiey of tl nrc fiO prosperous they would be In- syster rulied II you ^lunscstrd ' ’ «alnei

• So the onli’ wny the 'Democrats ‘will Iiouse ever Rcl" th6“ Ian n crs-vo tc -ls-to -ho ld cnitlc

— the-clcctlon-tn-the-sprlnB .-w hen-ihey -Bullarc - prott!;'-:^_________ —:—------ —— -noiur

Elections ant! Crop* and—r -^It-is-extrcm tfly-lnlergflUng -to -study-

tlons in past eampalftns. In ^ U ty ll£ ll2 • —ium. Krvnn ■Vrcp s ih 'rr' scarti In leoo Ing y

■wns only p.irt of thc r c i ^ n why, "P r McKinley defeated-him . Crop-n/alursicratio

“ B u r n s T A n x d K i ]

: _ J r W t h - E q u a l - S {— - T h e F i r c p l a c 0

R a d i o n a w i l l f e a n K -------b i irn - a n y — ---------

— — - o f - f u o U - a o - f t-^c 'o a i r h a r d coal^ -

. .c o k o o r w o o d r _ _ A ^ t h . e q u a l s o t - '

' i s f a c t i o n . IBquip"

d u ly d u p ] o X p i | j J 9 . g r a t e s i t io th c ’ 1 | | | |W ^

j i d e a l 'h e a t i n 5 'I e y s lc n i f o r a l l 1 ||

fuois.-- . • KI A c o o d f i r e - -• ,-------------j.g ---------------------

— A sh — p i;—^lo c* --------- :-----------------r .u d - d r a f t r c s i a t c r a r c g r o u n d .!

.............. iirc_ P ‘" i» .cr. tjf ih tj. _ _ _

y ou~ i c s lre^

C o rn c in to s c o t i l l s m o s t 'm Y o u ’ll a d n ii 'r c i t . Y o u ’ll b e u

^ b u y , b u t w c w a n t y o u to s c o tin

— ™BufflmieFFi---------- ^ ^ ----------- L.— F n r n i tn r p W nrM i

■ .f fC L -L L u .> u o u u x ia x u a .U v C s r

--------- --------------------------Y«-!.,-\y<>-rV>-Ktxl;a;-^

j— — - ^ 0 1 1 - 6I i U to ynlii- OIU-

J jiJ io lo g ra jih m a d e ofy<.ii i i fo N nv

• • ' k - i '.c y o : : r nt-w la t l 'n : i t■ i l W r .n opp o n T T n c-t:

~ ~ ~ [ “ ' T il:;n Irrt L f:c U :u ;c 3

F l o w e r F o t t

' • * rc s . We "Do Plcturc

^ - . TWDs FALLS DA'oro-noor- Sttttlstlea show, th a t th e of 13W l-valuc-to-thfr-farm tf«~ui-tnc p it 'BlEr f IBOO of corn, whoat.- oats, barley, oam

W l ^ ^ th c ^ rw d ln ® .vcar. Tht*- com busl rop c.spccloIty was very- p « r . Dual- MS condltlans likewise were on the crop ownwnrd • lrcnd-ln-lti'is_U »(;r...» ja lf J05J lr thc-’year. PebpTe w^rfronxlour f«ar-a 000.- lanse. and naturally blamed tho progirty lnj>3wer for csUtlnB conditions, -fiootn the oUTc7 l ian d .'In 'lB W -th C -K r-- -ployjbllcans hnd n o ’ dirnciilty In win- tn-nnff. the clecdon. Nineteen h«ndr?d othcIS a year of ccmparuUve prosperUy ...-jIlh for the farmers and for busl- j >M-m<»n^ Thcy..u-erii:BCncml)y-.^nttVk1 wiUi economic conditions. conii-Apparently. It makes very lllUc jgyj, fference w hat conditions Iwvc. been■ thc first, p a rt, of an administration p^rt■AvMrH -tho flnnl year Is otic of i,.a,y tlsfactory crop values und business, pijoo^olU tt-n-< cltarlv shown In 1004. After ^peric disastrous panic o i luuj una ' uenepnrl""oT19(M."^uiTn6"Tr-Repat)lItnin7-‘'-----

ir^tni.traUnn- _ tliprp came a KOod as=g

easfd the farm ers' incoriic by S-00.- D.OOO. • , ■•Wheat prlccs Jumped from 69 cents 02 'cenla. Corn also was hlKhur.| •Is the number of bunheb ilinfs).

c price per bushel lh a t counts. I t [ . thc return m dollars and ccnt.-i t--*]

c farm er lh a t determines wheUier; .■-Is happy or unhappy with ihs llni{ party! And thc cood totnt c ro n ^ • lue doubtleaa had much to do with t ■ electUiK FRJBSJFVPIl in tOOT: M-'O)'. m ralJm siness began lo show an Ini- ovcment In the middle of the yc*>r [ >•—-

rough the election and for thefnnr< ' •

etl—R * < » * w u - u u - a t iM - - in ia a h is £ l^ ^-Uift-Xlvc-leadlng-cropa-»erCL-»-Halil____Rhcr than- - ln - th e —prrcfrdlnte—ytn rr-;----- ;is-aimcJ}yjQmc_»?OM<w.odp^_Duf4^^_____S.H condllioas. howover. were uls^* hutod bv Ihe nnnic conditions, c f ,07 and 1B08 and a Bcntral short-c ~ b n t m ’!>ncy-J}na'crcCit- brcan^e---------

the antiquated Federal Banlcin<( stem. While Taft, a ntpubUcan.Ined thc presidency, the mcomina luse' or ■ JTprcsen’Jiav es. was ' Dcm'>- atlc==Th6=elfCllon-of-Hll2-w lUl-lhc jll -Moose—rPvoll— undei^H oosovplv-------

'd**'^hcrped'’ * P rc s? d e n t^ W so rr “ " >U.-consequcutly-a-tta-DnLaJntH-tc»?L. _____--tlie-lnfluonc»-of-crop3_w hl£Ji_l>i.-------12 were larKcr tlian lr>-H t precccl- I year by some $"00,000,000."P rc tIdcn r~W l!.w n-iind -th rr-pcm o------- ;■u io congress li> ihc fall campal':;n

ind -o f-F uel-^ satisfaction— —

S ^ 8 P ^ S bbI8S ~

M | '

d . to ..a , p e r f c c t p l a n o _ a n d j

' O Y e r :n ig h t - 0 r - l0 u s c r - iC - - —-

m o d e rn h c a t i n " c y a tc m . i u n d e r n o o b l ig a t io n lo

th e v e r y f i n e s t a p p i ia n c c j

&mture~€o.- ’r t h W h iln __________ ■ ___

j;-n iu s h la z --------------------------- -------- i_____. '______________ i

lo . h a w a . [ .>f >’iim-.-i-ll' a.- j

y . ■ ■

- t i x c tu cf’rni* — ------ ------------------

__________________ _____ i

_ .. ^ ______________ ; _ i -

to Sjioj)^ Tj

re Fra,Tilr.;. j

JAmY-NEWB;'TWTNFALlOf 1010, however, had the benefit of extra

T acexce iic iitrnT O irn tB fi^W oame-'condltlom. lh a t .6 0 often fipye suit

-helped— Rf^iibllcuis.— lAlao.-; general bualo business was' experiencing the war and~i boom. TJjc value oS »be five leading crops fo r the 1010, season was »4.- i054KW.OOO._cbnip»red_wlth_«3;j87,000^ 000.-.;ln -1915.- Farmers were feeling _ progperous a n d . business men were ^ > flooded with profitable orders. • £m - -p!oymcnt--was—on—u-.-nipl<l_-upimttl „_rti tn-nd. Wilson was re-clected for an - .j^, otiJcr four j e a h r

"The next c.tmpal?n. .In losd. foi^nd bette; us In thc midst of radical deflation thc f

In—ttgrtoiltural ’ and—InriiintnM jilolti commodity prlccs. A more unproplt- Ins loua time for an election coulrf n o t JSOO.C have been found for thc Democratic • clectl party . T h e 'to ta l value of the five to In i>.a.niiir f r otw _tlronncd from. $7£S6.. tion 000,000 in . 1010 to »4jl7fl,OM.(WO' frtUhin' dccreaffo of 54 .wt* ccnt. Moreover. Jorlty general business was on a rapm a n a i 'Ac

i I

- f__________ tLr

Z Z Z 3 S B ^

■ T

D u r i n g t h c p a .s t few - w a ' c a r s o t d itfd f ti lV t m a k u s

jHicy a rc ca llcd cvcn*tt ■' ' - p ieccs. A n u p id c m ic

BW icping c la im s a r c - i g r n l , f .a iln ran c< v p crf(

\vhcrc%v'c?c llifiyorvLa w a s o f f e r e d t o p r o f C t l b n rc U ro b In s“c 6 n tc s t? "

- —

f t WSi 76 Spo. . _________ 8 a ^ C .M o ^ ^ ? l^ 0 ?; • Hfl-t-r

115 Spo.n ScJiA S’W S i “ TT

I3:.S>II)AHQfSgNDAYMxtenslve' decline. Hardln*-»'>lecUqn, thar ^I0a0-w »»-ln-lttrg<»-m 8a«^ tfe.fbm.- oit - o l - lower • crop • valuw . aJidnxw*’ mak ualncBa._3Che:BfeopIe..yiWiW.a“ a««. SS, nd-put; the, I ^ u b l lc in * In.power. ;•“In I03i. IA F>ji;ettc. the Progre*- prod

ive. was ban U n r on th e poor condl- «pell ion-of-th« 'fanr.er8 'to-b«ot-C ooU dgc. Bast lie DemocM ts-onlinarlly would have Umo lad a wonderful chance to win Deci nder such conations. . However, crop whet □ndltlsm-tmd«rw«nt-ii~revlv*l-durln<i mon ti5 Eumraer; p r ic a advanced and the year )iat crop for tho season was so much *4,01 etter than generally expected th a t 000 1C fanpers had little cause for com* vilu< Inlrit. The rtn the five lead-1 UmtIS crops -for the., year was aome wlUi 900,000.000 greater lhan In 1933. A t thls- lectlon time business also had begun eorb] ) improve froth "the depressed .condl- oats on of-O ie wfriter. spring, and early pare

r t i e y v ” ' "

L P v j r ~ ^ ^ T ♦

ivceka there have been m ore new

^ t i l i n g from M iraclcs to Mastcr-l i c o f c x a g g c r a t i o n ! - _ T h e jn qst;c -advertised Cor th e ir power, irform ancc—

l ia b o t D a y . w h e n t h n o p p n r t i i n i n : t h e s e c l a i m s i n t h e P i k e ’s P e a kr ------------------------^ ;----;--------- ------

Sport S«d»n S120fi - 7 5 C a W U t$ 1 3 ' 4-Pa««»riwr V ie ro ^ ^ ftw p J <1

------------- --------------- ATT^imN AVTC

— I d a h o A l------------------------------------- ----------- - a

_ ^ 0 a ^ c G O H d ^ 4 v e . - E a s f c - -

: - M O R W < S s ^than t h ^ were I « t year a t this lime, year 3ul^d»-^beforerit»t«tl.-tb*-tliln«-tliJit -Uviplj Bukte the l a m e r ^»ppy 1» l B o " ^ U T ^ n{*ey .»nd nDt;-theE;price. per.busJw l w the num ber o t busheU. Tt ta the product, o f tluso two ite o u - which »pcUs proap e tl^ o r -porerty iar~hlin,- Based on .Septem ber,I goVenunent Llmateg o(."prt)dnets mulUpUey-by. th e i— W December 1 future dem ands-for core, retm wheat, oaU, barley, and rye, the tobu ^ oi money—r e tu m - to ~ O ie - fa rm # t-lh l» U o u i ircar .will t c in the neighborhood M.ois.883.000 which la some «34yW .-i when 500 higher than a year ago. T h c j ^ u i irtlue of the com crop alone Is e«- tlon Umatcd a t •a.163.000.000 compared Hoov>iW nc ',ol4;6ooSW- iM t y w . WBcat|t>e«v this year;, ia valued a t « ,009«0.000 «« “ »riipared With $974,000,000 last year; on t » t s with a value .of «s81,000j )00 com- " i t pared w lt^ -tf37.O0O,oo0.. The only and me - o t-^hfr-^flvo ' Uadlng cm ln xropa. innui i u t shows smaller value la rye w ith g |C^

| m ^ T * H E in v l ta r io n to e n t e r th i 9 H - - X a n d h a » i r d o u s P ik e ’s P e a k

H B I d u c t e d b y t h c A m e r i c a n A t: ^ H _ A a s o c i a t i o n . . I t s s t e e p s r a d h H c u rv e s an d _ c h a n g in g o tm o s p h ■ S B d i t io n s a r e a d a r in g c h a l le n g e 9 ^ 1 c o tn e a n d c ^ q u c r . ' AlTva>*s, i t H f l_ lh e - a m b i t i o n - o f ^ n ta n u f a c tu i i> f s

a c a r t h a t c o u ld h o ld t h e reco rt |H r " n T o i i n t a r n ’a!fcen rrb ccau 8 c ,'irfQ n

w o r ld t h e final v e rd ia p f v a l ^

H s ' O n l y > e c < tu ly A u b u r n , 'w i t h t N H lu tc ly s to c k c a rs , b c o k c a t l re c o i

m ile s . ^ ^ ^ 3______ ^ ^ P - p u r r ‘ T*‘ « i^ r lia t e n d u ra n c e

n o t t o s e l l sp e e d . I t w a s | o p r o ■white h e a t o f <he h a r d e s t p u

_______ e v e r im p o s e d ot> m o to r c a rs , jA u b u r n cm s_ a r e e n c in e e f c a r l

__ b u i l t a n d b o w m u c h ,b c t t e r _ ^ e ’:---------- :gnU~e tn lu r e .— S e n s a t io n a l aj -t_ ■ w a s ; (n o , o t h e r j i j to c k c a r s h ; ’ t r a v e I r f - s o " fa r so 'V as t) t h e in o

c a n t t h in g w a s t h a t n e i th e r o f s to c k c a r s r e q u ir e d t h e s U s b tc it c a l a t te o t io n .

----------B n t-P ik e ^ P « a U - p r c » c n ts _ d i£ Ie w s t a c l e s - n n d - i m p o s e s diiT ercn i

m e n ts . F o r . ro a d a b iU tv is n tr< fa c to r , e a s e (3f h o ld in g th c ro a i

t c r - o f s ld c sw a v . s a f e ty a t h i g h :Q5- c u rv e s , a n d a s u p e r .a b u n d a n c e

------- :— a lw a y s - x n - r e s c r v e . T h e s t r ac l im b is te r r i f ic . S t r a in n o t t h e m o to r b u t o n t h e f r a m e i

— - o t h e r - p a r t - o f t h e c a rd -5 3 » c re s p l i t s c c o n d o f re l ie f . F r o m ti

------- y o u ' i t a r t to - c n m b ,- th © -K ra iag ro w in g i n s e v e r i t y w ^ t l i e>

-------- ■

Uw Alt— n( l)9 $ i 75 4 -IH j^A frr VlctoVU C ''u>e 3 84 Speedfur PAaefofi i lt u o T T ^ i 1 i P b w tb a s« jA a s z i g r r i i s JTOM OBILE c b l tP A N Y . A t,-3U RN, IN

f u l > u r n ^ S a ^HABKT ATWOOD. ~

a r « « o .\B y s . however.. Is, compaira- face

in tla l increnses'.In value over 1927. _ . ils 'fa v o rs - th c -p a r ty now In power. ^ caus* A m an with money in hfa ckct Is-far le u likely to -w ont pollt- ^ il-change ,than one w ithout 'W hy-theu.-«uTprlsingly- good-crop num turns, v h en on June l . l im , i t lock- on' t

as though there would be a dlsost* prob us-ialluniL_The.*nsw etJ8-faY orablc loun iftthcr, conditions' tn tbe com andiactl> lea t belts for Uie last five, m onths, gun sumlng th a t other issues In tho eleC' nnd m were fairly evenly divided. If ous wver should be elcctcd in Novem- has fr-lt-woMld-J>c-tn . nd smnll por t -d u e .tty if

the w eather.'through Its Influence , the farmers’ -fncomo." " |io ^‘I t I m been /ound th a t the w eather grea Id consequently crops, a re s rea tly 'fflsu Duenced_bY, thc changea_ln the s u r - 1 of c CO condition of th e .su n . in otherivane irtSf—c erta la -d ls tu rb n n rfs . on , th e .Is ni


l i l I

IX M U esIii4s«-s

v/gT/TS - - - Sr.V.'srSv..'^™

DlWinctninlj'mUnmo wm 14,109 («m .

th e d if f ic u lt ,ik c o n tc s t is___ _____________ > E V E

I f is con»Au to m o b ile (onc»<V^'duci^'Vn>i^:'«ades, m ^ n y ___ c irt cp h e r ic c o n .gc to a l l to •itha.bcci.- ;5:3fewj5:.!r";*j s, to;buua_

a rd f o r th i s ov«s^...t»^.iv.«»<khr«i . m U h c r t c —ue. puMUwlthtifttutlbNrr^ ........................dwrmM* ol ih* m m Aubunt ,tn*o a b s o . - f i ^ a S S B H ^ ^ ^ a a» r d s fo r 2 4l ia te t i m e s T h e r e f o r e , - A u b u r a « IZ — . P e a k c l im b b e c a u s e

_______r e m a in in g w n y ini w l^ ^ iv c t h e p u b l lc c o n su

a r o u n d le a d e r s h ip .

r - — '— U p .a r o u n d 2 b 3 s h a r r ? - 7 . ' U p , t h r o u g h s li ish , bl

' • a n d f r c e s in g ic e l U |^ ---------n l t i t u d e - t n - o v c r - I 2

fa s te r th a n a n y fftock ice te s t w a s c o m e th c c u r v e s a n d g i ro v e , in t h c “ “ I Tp u n is h m e n t T o d a y A u b u r n s tand i I, h o w w e ll P e a k , t h e unct r h o w w el l ------o f a l l - s to c k c a r s ; nta rl e y p e r f o n h s u p re m a c y o v e r a r - t h e ' ^ eti ' ■ P ^ » ^ "™ a n c c ^ _ tg a d a c

h a v e e v e r A u b u r n d o e s n o t comn o s f s ig n i f i . ------ i i u t j h b ^ d - f J S ^ i r i ->f th e s e tw o e m p lo y e s t o r e p o r t tl : i tm e c h a m - p u „ h s c a r s i n t h e 1

o il ic la ls t o d e te r m in e t l a n t io C i t r A u b u r n e n t e r s th c :e a n d , conT^■ lu p c rio ritv .

UfTercnC o b . | I ' ] ' • |1 • n tT c q u i r c * ■ * jt r e m e n d o u s j; ^ ( j > i . )ad . a b s e n c e '' t | ’ ' .I s p e e d o n M B M | S | ,i I i j j . ice o f p o w e r r a i n i n t h i s ___o t o n ly o n . < 9 K

" r i f ^ D e c a u se a s to c k c a r c. - in g 'p c r fo r t i i l io c e ls i io

t lic m in u te d e s ig n e d , so c a rjx- m crc a t c ^ — b u ilr ,-so s t r o n g a n d r e \ 'c ry m c h o f h a th o u s a n d s -o f p :

: p w a r d . —I f — t h e r e q u t r e m c r i» o f-t T T T - o n c - , ----- b c tf c t^ a n d -9 ia n d -« p -a r g e ' o r I n o t h e r w o r d s , i t m a l l , o f th e bettCT in v e s t tn e n t , gi n a n y p a r t s ab s^ ilU ltw ^ ^ iA U iiT ^ '

% ‘ " _ _ J Ih c r t J._np_K»' in 'a l l c d 'i i n h j s d o n o t c o m p le te: r i s i s , - i t p lie a re« o fth e» eT jc ft> iy p u j d s p e l l s h ip A u b u r n c a n i at<ie f e a t . a n y ~ A u b u rn 'd e a Ic rV

— Am.• sn « » si .— - s r s « j j ^ t 6 » 5 ; - s s JSl89St 81 7.P4.«n8»rS^.l*n i l 9 4 5 j 15 7 .P » » eae« S«dAA 9 i4 4 S .-— Fr«txK* «*LNDIAN.V ■"

: ___ r n o n e aiM

race of th'« sun o rs &ew found 'to t e ;ontrolUn*-factcr#-of North A m w ican '

Eo the final anolysb these may have ' niuch to do . w ith detennin lng . the po> UOcal result. F o r example, during a - ' - jerlod of high soU r n d la tlo n there" a tbe accompanying phenomenon ot numerous sun spots, o r patches of gas .Ml the "surface o f th e -s u n . which a r e -----probably small volcanoes, i t has been[ound-that-.durlng_D criods_olL-8rcat------wtivlty on tbe oun as revealed, by, th-s lun spots, solar radiation Is higher ind .weather conditions more proplU*JUS for a good crop yield. This year 10S been a year of marked solar ac .ilvlty -o t-th ls-nature .- I t m ay-he that____is_ the study_ofi.the sun_ln relation-___a weather, c ro ^ arid builheiss pro* iressu wc shall soon find meteorolo-. jlala are able to predict tbe outcome

s nnw ? n rr cent L to w normal.”

I I n X I M i n u t e s , , t - S t e c o n d s

hWbT • much oww* nptn.-------- ;---------------Kosd*. LaaC ¥**>'• wiXM'«**■ ' ______ _iiu;,<«cul*iir net u i » U««._ T^#______________

5IE3 j; j wKSTAWoarriBna— ;----------------- --

VENTS• harc tliU polcl rimI* cinr lo

- —----- -----------------• rt r«*ibl# lot ihU Doo.«ock ■111 IO max Ux n«uU«cBrnii

u Auburn wen *nd hoUt lha

»h»-«lighteitr-ninrTOMit-h«- ----------------- —hr <h» Amtriun AutnroobiU rhiRlof*, whal Auburn Unronaattm rMonl* furBUh lh« troot of lh* «AcUM«Taa^«e>iburB»nv«>«>b>^-

n, e n te r e d t h e P ik e ’s ise i t o f fe re d t h e o n l y 1 w h ic h A u b u r n c o u ld t is u m m a te p r o o t o f a il^ ------

la rp p re c ip i to u s c u rv e s i I, b l in d in g s n o w s to rm s

U p , a b o u t 5 0 0 0 fe e t12 m i l e s , ,t n v ic to ty ,_______________

3ck c a r h a d e v e r oyer* d g r a d c s o f P ik e ’s P e a k !

in d s o n t h e s u m m it o f u n d is p u te d c h a m p io n

«eciir e in __________■:r a l l o th e r s i n p o w e r , . • ' - d a b ih 'tv . r a n d z s ta m in a . - - ------ r ---------

fo n d u c t i ts te s t* b e h in d _ c , i n BccrccyTwitKTpaiU 't t h c r e su lts . A u b u r n l e h a n d s o f r e p u ta b le in e s to c k s ta tu s . T h e n t h e s e c a r s i n p u b l i c

---------- e v e n t s b«s” ”" ' '\ f o r e t h e ey es

" »-of-H he-w orld---- ------ ■ -^ s o t h a t t h e —

) ! • ; r e c o r d s a r c| I ; . I r r l ia M c . y n d -----------------------

I , 1-1 m e a n som e* t h i n g a s a

y d c B n ite m c a *Biire o f v a lufl____ __ _____to b u y e r s . _

ir-c a p a b te o f tK is a c i a : .LiocorrcCTlTTORi^’c tn W — ' — *---------carcfiilT y a n d r u g g e d ly ------- 'id re l ia b le In e v e ry o n e ----------------------f p a r ts t h a t i t w-ill m e e to f - th e _ a v c r a g e o w n e r ___

u p - -a n d -c i jJ u rc - lo n g e r .-_ — ______ _i t o ffe rs t h e b u y e r a - s r e a t e r v a lu e a n d a n

n w h ic h A u b u r n s to c k Ic te ly exccL“ “E x a c t d ii- • ctoriotH i a n d c h a m p io n * a te a> 'a ilab le t o y o u ac

cr’s f a t e s r o o m ." - -----------------------

_________ ___69 S p o r tS c J « n $ ;W t - - ' --------I l lS S « d u iS 2 l^ $ tI «nd Ji (iuipmt a t Et t ra. . ____________

Page 11: · Sixteen Page; ~ ~ VOL. ll. - NQ. 145..- '- - Guns On Hert behM Ieiiii f ==W m f D em ocratic'N om inee in A ddress j------------in

- s l i E S i i STEBi OFllW^-

L ^ r o s y B j i n g B r o u g h t W t h i n _

- L i s t o f C i i r e a b ie D i s e a s e s

. A f f l ic le d H a v e -N ew H o p e s

■ rScten«;o Etfllor)O A R V n<^. Ln. Sopt. W—Science-is

• ■ tn u n g the' te rro r out of one of tiic . 1 -^w orld’a.Tw at drcftdedJllMMSg;----- Ij----------- --

Begnrited since thejdaw n of libtory n . « iiutnff H»ith li»nroir/ nnnnrf^ntlv

:___ 1 , within a»e » st o t■ Icumble mftladles. and Uie Ifiwr i!; Ue- •Ing given « ct> groimrt fnr haii.r____________

-------- »^;no>eftn4=s-th» cry .ot rcnr: hnrm i: I--------- and revulsion ha» corise down. tl)o

oenlurics. The /ca r h03 uhVQy.i h-t^n-*-e>iogBerated lo a grtaW r or less dc-

' grec. but haa been non-tho-lCM n::il In th e minds* of vletlni;! nnd Ihuic about him.

W ithin th c loBt few week-..' cfeht ^ paUenta havc been njleowJ on ijroiia-

tlon from the National Lci)ro.s.\num here, sen t back to their homes no longer a menace to Uio nubile.lie.ilth. /O N

~ S ince ^ e T n a t i tu u o n wus eiuiuiisiiea ^ by Uie United Stoles public hcalUi s<r- !vice seven yeors ago. :i1 Jhive Iw n ____released, an d only one hus su ltcm l a — relapse., Those released recently J»nd jdnd-

----- bwri undor trrntm rnt, fnun tnn .Ui I m -fo----- (jevcn-ycnrara»d"ftl*ut-400-olirftfBnc^beBS■■ main. . ‘ ................... scichc

..... Mflny -o t- the-bacterlolo g ieaL -eb cm U ^u rocal; paUiological n»il» clinlCul frtlTdluTlrcqSi

.^i-whlch-.have..cQiilrlbulcd. UJ...lhc-_iui.-___g u ivancea made In ireauncn^ of Uie dls- nectio e a s e ^ j ^ c e n ^ yeora J m v c 'b c t^ c u i^

'H awaii. T h e i r ' principal uclilevcmenl The i has been th e devDlopnient-ot-<^lcmi- mo^t: cdl derlvaUves from chaulmoosr.i oil. matcx obtained from an oriental tree, A’liich havo hnve Increased Its effecUvenc.sH in

;z_uCombaliAt:—tlic-Ilcprosy—ffcrrnVJ-Tliu;treatm ent wa.% rather painful, how-

_ _ ever. _ u n tir: Ihe spccialiats 'h e r e Ue- w .a: 'veloped a method of administering ihi* compt

— Injections-w lth-a-local-anesthettc.------ exjwrl------- -The-»elenUflo-Bludie*-also-have-M>f*- pUima

tnb lish cd -th a t-th e* -d i5ea*e Is.-corrt- July._ munlcateU. only .by- dlrcct and usmiUs_C'oiiU

nrolonge<l contact with n victim., t'-'it ii Casual contact, the investltta lon ' comm found. Is n o t so dangerous os U has been rc ^ rd e d , and they siispcct Umt

___nasal secretions probaWy, h a ve rno.-'tto do with IransmisBloh of tho «?crniii.~ *

These germs. In JosQ nand nnjitnr- - — an ce .-a rc -ex trcm ely d ifflc iiit- to-di*:-- i 'n g u 'fli-f ro m -tJm j-o f- lu b o rc u la s ls , -H'nnn

OM plagui! v.hieh lim b«?v ;t m an- tlio X

S i x m o n t

P a i g e s i x c

t h o s e o f

“ _ ' ; i f T e r g h t e

___________________ t o o , e s t a t

m o n t h l y

_______________ ______________ r n n f - i m i p

--------- -----------------------e a c h m o t

" " i , ' P m g e m a

^ “ t h i s p u b j :

a t y o u r d

i ' .• i' '

/ j H s


• • - G u s h e r J g i r i

INITED ACCIDENTALLY jm t aft• uu cinujunii/ at HatiKt fc

lliau a Diillioit ilalluir. Thc fire i

id ~ an d to a much greater ox'.tnt— IWPt - far-bttek-nn -lit ^ rr LTyw-g.-ant* hag ‘ — cun to ylcid , lo tl;c uclvonccs of I Q) ichco. only^ il yt-fl-. j. ' T'lio iv* ' '

iu irtd to (ilcnlily thi'n*. 'Stail«lloal KUi(lit-K-cr'.«.ii.cloa-ii>-coii- -v.ini ction with :!;e st-l.Mi'tlc uork-;niJi- q „ , !<LJji9LUi(LJiunit)cc_<fL.ca8‘:s_uLIi.’i)i- _ t . ,h sy-in iJio-Unlteri Stfties excm ls-1000. — le Qlscase. It iias Iw n Ictirmd. l.'i 4! wt I'kcly to - ip p c jr in. tr-'pii-ixr cli-. - p„_ UcK. nllhoHxn-.» iiumlKr cf -ease: vo iHtn rcc-3 rti-rt it) N«nv;iy, . ''I"

- T H V c T o i t s - r iS n lc x r o i iT s - : '-t"? .V i\am N aT or;-f/i’;-^T ra 'ctm - agnin Oltt nprlii-d Ihe larRcst Item • In July )orl.i-ot—American—nBricultitmlHm'- — :ma;>Hii-U>ottinB-a—liU'So^galn—ovw- — ly. 10J7, r ln - f n c t . exports-fo r-U te —Iiiui_naclicd .-SWjjgoiiae^ .Uic-.lar»- ------

in hiJit-orv. the dcnnrtinfnt of nmercc 're iw rts. WIf

----------------------- br'oedt01 Scpltiih Origin

rij«-aj*f(,—iU-Jill.l.>—vv«H.|—iiiHlorlaU —n i v i i ' i l l ' l l . I ll U.- ii.i.i.u an'tj 1im-Uiu-lociiliiy—ivlttirti; it wjis- Or»i- jnff-n' innfaclunyl—III tin; »'lllii;;cH ,,iilnnR_ m: -Ct B Xwerii river In t'oiiiliorn ScoiliitKi. be so

Q t l i s ’ s a l e s o f G r ^ a m -

x e s a n d d g h t s ^ ' c ^ d e d

) f a n y ^ t w e l v e m o n t h s

t e e n y e a r s . A u g u s t —

a b l i s h e d a n e w a l l - t i m e

y s a l e s r e c o r d . - W e w i l l

I P t n s n m a m i T a r f - i i r p

b t o r c a r t h a t G r a h a m -

l a y - r e t a i n - a n d m c r e a s e -

d I i c a p p r o v a l . A c a r i s

d i s p o s a l .

____ ^ ^ r % - 0 ^ a

S e rv ic_e _M <2nd-,\v e . at 2ndJ

. ' “ I J P l t u i t c 2 3

AILY NEWS, TWIN FALLS ;ire Causes Million Dollar \a

after it hatVUlovni in,’- thin uaa wc rninH, iJaUfohiia',~Jirdzcd 'ficra!iy Jor ire spread to scrci'al other, rii/.'t and co

A/EEKLY BATH MOVEMENT i '' I 'G T S l N S T ^ o m n r T R 'f f N C E - ; ; , ; ; ' : ^

= P A T i i s : s i n a $ 5 s = m i o : « $ 5 B F = ! ^MU} the dream or tile hy-

■ feipin(ruiiy"'iift'itiied ■ in “ France.Once they get th a t custom cstab-

-llnhed there m ay b e tallc-ateut-theiT;:* —33 ■'duily'flhowor. b i i t 'n o fy e l a wiiile._. The bath tub business b good In . |Purlti. but it Isn't listed among lh.e]}rime neceMlllcs, particularly In I ptlw provinces. * ^

— After—siruecllng for 30 years' j ____'•Tlie” Parlsinn Aiuociulioh fd r " 't Ohcnp Shower Baths" recpntly rc - I adopted Uie resoluUon wllh which [ ' C

-\vaihii«f-of aU- chlldrcn.'J__________

filA PPE R S' O nGANIZE^ “ “ ' w ilw iN N ii'EG ftud-------m n

rocdors oi fur-bcarlng anim als i n : c n i ilbertn. Canada, have organizc<l the ■,lbi-4 ta Trappi'rs and Muskrat B reed -! rr ‘~a'yoclntton—for—mHtual—benefit- ,nd protection, cooperaiive m u rk e t-, iff-nnd-ptirehase-of-HupplleSi-os-wellT - — 'r.-Kilabllshmcjv. o t_ standards, w ill: ___Lic sought by the association, ; rnmtm

n - / ^ S B ^

tie -nr llpp re ij


/ ;

u u u ^ -------- --- - - -------------- —Five chiM ti—tixei and 1H1U3 rangmn ffain 38601 llIuttTaUcTu Model 614. <i £rr Coupe, with 4-«pc«d « tion (itandard fi<ar ihift

All pric« {. o. b. D«tJ

to to p - C o .iiLSt. Nnrfh , ^


I^ ;roA H ® , SUNDAY MC L o s a G y p

•’I-’ ' '• - “is

‘j''C--------- H — -------- schoi p - . - ' ' . ' ^ 1 ung

;o enoi

ii . Of t ■ 1 belle

i. V.

' PAfl slonar

............ conveiMonts

' day sc

slons - Have.

well o f th c Georfie F . G e ttn of the ^of~a losH i'Htliilati'U n( m ore conva E consum ed a im aU yestaiiran t

’ ®'

A p o itlo 's B irthp laceUrr-Henry- viiii ijy Uf.-iirimit; <n~i»~} -----p 'lu llie" lliily Jiiiiil. (it Ainii-lni ni tlm u-lmi-n ;(»|]n t lu-iptifim vnriw rn ........... • — ^ ^

SPECIAL ^Christmas Greeting

—- Card'Offer— -----o n O r d e r s P l a c e d '

E n I ^ v e d ~ p o n ic~ p ig tc ~ frc e ~ w ith 'f jfly ’ or iTiorc Chnst-ina.’t ■Q re e t i n g - G (m {H«-Mm{— f --------c r a t e c h a r g e f o r p la te on

•HmaHer q d a n titie .s .

— G l o ^ C o o k - S t o f t F ^ =n«nlf>ll>wt aw«l gfaHnti>r«____________

- — —

_ j £

f f l l —

ind eighti'—W)-ta C4M.---------------------------------- -— -14.4:p*«en- «d tranimb- ihift). J127S Detroit.


^ --------------------^

H Q S N I N G . ' - S E F T E M B E R : 2 i■» II—11»—III ■ ■ ------------

ypsy C h i l d r e n R e b e l _ .......\ ‘g r a i n S W 5 a t K i n f f - G r d e r — J

BRATISLAVA-. Czechoslovakia. 1 ___ H3ept. 21 (>»•)—A rpeclal -.‘soap anaa-ater squad" of police ha.i bcen...................named to .lake charge of bathlnx m ,Lhe gypsy pickaninnies of the , - ”CzRqhoslovaklan prairies. . ' lift

Por the first Ume in hl.*itory a 'school-has-been-'catablLnbed-near— -------^Ungvar for vypay children. Th-> ofexperiment has proved' thnt If pe^enough plajaime is included in the - scholasUc program lhc younijer gencralion of nomads bectmiev

Everyihlnc w en t' well unlll the leachers Irltd -to launch th*! Idea ' ' of Uklnu a 'T a lh . Thc puplb: rc- ; . Ijellcd and-ll-wos-flnally-Becewar>: p ijto cull fo r offlclnJ'-help. • ■ , • ,

O R M O N S S P R E A D -G O 'S P E t-*

PARIS. Sepl. 23' i;P)—Mormon mis- 1 K maries hiive siaried a campaign to { . W nvcrt tho country of Rabelais nnd : ontalgne to the doclrinc of taller ‘ y saints.Bight presidents of European mis-1 ins founded by Uie Mormon ch u rc h , ive, been holding a congress under c direction of John A. Wldlsoe, one Uio J 3

ude by two missionaries .wllhln the | '■ . St six montlis. | m m m

: ^ - = l


The New Scni

fioest — ------In-acdoOHS ■«

______________ ___ c o D se ry ttiT c Iy

_________________________ p ie c e ._________

--------- Thc lines, COstrike a note th

----------^ --------------I t i o C e e |A i ( ^rereal the ,5pU

-------- ------------- -----------------C Q gio*.

Mofcorer, the-------------------- ■ — >— C T C fy -fe tp c a ------------------ -------ricfa interiof~«i

equipment, lo hct, erety y

-------------- — --------- S<ou>f-d—igo-i-_______________ and' Pfogrt—f

See itT'aiKi j- . ......................... ................. ^ r o d r a r r r t g c

________________ in their

At>»iUhl*imdtd 4/795—T/J# Spm LmuUm SaUm, t M tm m d w i th

___________ --------- T i« f I


M A G E L r S D TP H O N E 5 4 0 ' -

D o d b- —

2 0 . 1 9 2 8 _

Wc wish to announce to iho people li&ve taken over th q Dfairy S tore;

3f quality ot the -products. Our super-quo Pasteurized Dairy Products, are th e best (niike. Give us 0 trial and bc convinced. ■


Phono. 178. , ___

F o rP o ta to l. SEE

P a l a c e S p d & Iflth -S t'rcetr-SoHfe------ ^ ^

® ^ ~


rn so r S ix i s a b n l t i a n t aod 'iiD {> re> ci

D o d g e = B to f h a r i f T t f tw w f u h 'i p a t i

-nrell a s i n l o o k ^ i t C M b o o ^ y . a i ! ljr,be c a H e d D o d g e ’f l r o c h e f a m a a t i

......... . ■ ■ •

c o lo r s , i o t e r i o r a a n d a p p o io tm e c t h a t i s r e f r e s h in g ly n e w a n d o r ig in s m ai. p o w e r , p ic k > « p a o d lle x itn U > le t^ id r e » o < u c e s o f t b e N e w S«m<

h e c a f ’ i s lo a /^ e g , f i a i e t - a n d - f i i m :

a-w ith-deop,-wi4g-lu»orioaa>a«a< '~ a p p b ia tiD e t)C ra iu i c o m p te te ^ f io e o

f v i s ib le a n d I m M b l e d e ^ o f N c o -r <fiac t» -u a f tiB «» d»cr »d l t cip t b » b ig i r i r e s t a n d a r d s o f D o d g a B tp d b w

7 0 a ^ 1 1 o a d e n c a D d w b y D o ^

( i f d ~ t t a a a - v a i» e w itf a o a t-p te c * (k i i ) ry . __________________ ___________

m*Ccmp«»M RmmiU Smt <irStf—T) 1 4 / 8 ^ — T fe * six v itirts. . . T i« VktorU Timwgimm, t i m

k D ttn i^-fro m fM m /r^ iM m p w n iic h ^


---- ■----------------------------

L i^ ^ irR a T H J

______ ______

plo o‘j Twin Pana.tha^iwilf* re;Op.,, 22i_.Sbo8hoao':N;;j/.-

•quality. Ice Cream and-iqualityj'’’ est tha t modem methods can '- ';K l.'-' .• . : -

[T D A IR l—ER •• •_______ 2 2 1 Shoahooe N. -■ '

• Storage |; G r a v e l C o . J ;r——— ’ ' Phone 001' '

H E r f l

R - :

■n f - f t t- ___ L

^.asd ------------------- —wtw»_________________ •

aests^ • 1-

5 ^ — . : . . . . \ ^RHOr

f i n ________ ________________


New'^ ----------- - " ' rfaert> ' • . - •__________

^ , ------------

. . .

JTJ—p e T S ^ - ^ ---------r r - ' - 'T — - ------- -k d U ' • — •

SJ - '


BR5 .i :x ~ ~ • - ■ -

Page 12: · Sixteen Page; ~ ~ VOL. ll. - NQ. 145..- '- - Guns On Hert behM Ieiiii f ==W m f D em ocratic'N om inee in A ddress j------------in

,9 ^ Tout • -

- ; - I W in rM L L d U ftlU

“ ' a u W j w w i o N ^ x i ^ ' ^ 'Payable In Advance.

•On Y ear .• - e u MonUu 3-35

• n u te Mtontha — ............................f.M un'O ne M onth ............................... .. -M opt

E ntertd u Mcond clots 'mall matter.A pril ». 1810. Bt the postoHlcc n t «0lTwin Pttlts.’ Idaho, under the .net of unM arch .3, 1879.' cm

day. Twin Palla News Publlshlns »»Co.. Inc. ■. ' ■ ^

' (EsUbllshcd 1904) no)■ -------------— 2CQ

Tlift AMoelated' Press Is exclusively O""entitled lo lhc bku l»r |iubHcatJon-«f- *w

----- all news dispatches-credltfrt-to-iu or «•,not otherft'lcc 'crcdlUd In IhLi paper

^M d a l dlspatclies herein also reserved, all... JZ____- - . - - , — r chi

M") ihean \ Associated Press. ;ich

Tlie Nett-8 Is a member'of the Audit■ Bureau of Clrculalloiw, from whom ‘•‘‘r all Infon'notlon na lo circulation may in te obtained upon applicntlon. De­tailed- Intormntbn supplied locally upon re<)uest. ^

No responsibility la a.uiimed for the .• care of unsollciled'nmnuscrlpts. pho* . toffraphs or other contributed matter. '■Ariicles submitted for publlcnlton- will Tuity used or not a t ^ r g t l o n of Ing

.' be returned unless" nccompanicu oy . n e e e ^ ry peatage._______ • ' '

____ 1 yATIQ.VAL nKl'RK^tUTATlVES \ 0PRUDDEN. - K lf ta a n d ' PRUDDEN.

.— ^Wow_Ynrlc^Chlcaso. Ann.. Fmnchco. cau■ Los Anseles. S c a t l l t r -— ' full


Applause 'evoked by Congressthan Oci -Bmith's vlBorous a» au lt 'u p o n T a Bat!' In

___ mln fm ln a tl? ic~ fra^ ' tHe~ Clvil-Scr*- Tecivice Commlsion is pretty Ratlsfoctorv obs

-------cvrdenco~that-the-yptflt-of-A m erlcn» farhideccndence" b n o f dcfld._ftlthoiicn lie^

— prcliy-wolU*ubdue<l..ln-tlic-labjTlnth was of Rovcrnmentol burooijft onrf com* hu/

* So thoroughly has ttie country been E brought under the dominion at ,thei;? bad

- tlircam nnd r.nm ;i«li.n.' u.r.t llnr.-|niM.was'no Rcncral proles^ when the Civil uiv( Ecrvice uommiision Issup{rits~w3nilnr5 N to civil scn lce employes naaliwl ex- Son presilnB publicly a preference .vt b.'* ccsJ

-------tw ccn-polltleal-candldatca_A _l{iLCi^ OiCi-------many-eltlneits-probably-dld-not-lcnow an .

Uiat the commission hnd exceeded slty ------ Ils—authority—when—It—Issued—th a r ;

----------B ut-w hen ConBrcssman - SmiUi, • in —poslUon to know the UmicaUons os C Well as thc poweM^or-lhcT^-TOrlolii ffovefnmenUl aRencles. launches nU;Indicnant and forceful protest ocainntj __the commission'* actlcn. a nation's ■ ffltl-pn>hin-ehnrtl~s ln-hl7l> L-lr?. A r.i ^ Its applause manlfcala to th npprccla* ^ Uon of Uie neuly revealed • fighUivt

------ s /d fo f 'th e Cffn!rrfrj.‘n a n ’.t'm«fc«;f».-Bnfl_ relief over tlila-rclUblc.-aMiiirancR .Uuit- n|fj

one a t lra.M of the UKC»cits-j)l_dcle- «-a.i — ifiauid—eov6$nin«iul—pow etiu-iui—ao l

yet secured Uie rit;ht lo muciio men.

■■ ■■■■!— = ~ - '

A nineteen 'year old boy Is held In thc m>.tr!ct Court here yesterday to mul

— - aiiawcr-lo-tt-i'hiiru^* oi Joniniq a r r r . ' •f-.T im rp Ll :in teviin th.m-and ■ dol- '

[___..Ian:—nrrtJh-i:<-rfr<irmTy o r-tlH- lad.IndlcjtKl by/tlie aiiiou'm a i“inonc>-"rof which the doce;>tlon waa ,ntlcmpled. .1. i Jjiio more /e s - a -r

------ turo6-of thc cay* fts-tllMlosrd by theotflccrb' InvcsilKallcn. '

this boy, durtng tcver:0 months thei'• had i-vMii-d n niiinbiT of »mall checUi 'fo r two or ihrco d jllars w hich 'lie h.ul hi , own n;imi'. .satebut hc half ni) inon^v in the b.irik'

-------..K,..,. -lUM.As a n»nttrr of -Mncp

checl-j were accrpial lit kckkI faith by a number oJ ptrson.s who wrrc O

“ ;7Un!rTi377*an;iSJjy—dpm uai-J out “t:! sm ail^ an;oimis. the imiUlfr clieck^ caiL\pd .•nare real clain.ise than tli'’ day

TUn nrPCt—K'lrctr ni'peetrU -n - thl.< mediately-and .which^cil '.lie youth

j in a siluAli-jii ;iuiiiijnre-to-rr:t. - - _. . . for a tii:;e cuLMde the Tl-'!:t t,„.,

I o t opparlunlty far furihcr ftii.ii'.clal wprj------- ofiSSICJn!:----- ------- ’ ^I T5ie Ipv-r.n lhat the jKiiahy l:i- ^rti

vofves Mill not be Ion; ujran lii^ boy,; to,j

tem ptaiinn^.-If r. brmiji n-iliJAUn;-.; },j, lh a t" i l~ r ;i 'ir i i irc ■br"tJK-“Tr.u»T7i:nj'i~“

_ - - c h t c t s - : s np*.-Je-3 srri'su'.'^or.h-i»-:)>; ;.l___J:e f.-.capcd punishment. Ui.^n

l.viuante of the bli chcck 'lha t ' Z ----!■’.-. .A

----------------f-m bt>RgX -LiK£ iiCUOQL--------1 .;^----------------------------- ------------------------------------- KrjI______ A erjup o T ln d ^ a r . ’. ",:arcr.:5 in

! c;dfd :o cai: a ■•■iL.k? ot p-jr'U because LT n PubH: /:y w d " f c r j ^

elem entao' STT-Ct". haa t;rm ta n w r ti- j i ' l.,g; g ;a r.ts r Tu, i.. n iin

faU ien tht* compelled i:t:t?cluJdren awlsr.ed to o lhet buildin;^ lo wallt farther Uiroush aireels car- r j i n i hrav> i!,'-..,. .u U ,-— I; w v r - -

• . 1.11 U M _U ^nN■ / U».elr^h::arrn a l lljjliio l n-hnr’ ljg ^

_^__^^thorlUe» rra to rrf ~ Uvclf ccK^ibor*)* giii

classcs. ' 'A lftsl-^-^oy-Jtckoacd-uttcrly-w U lu —

out Uie children Uicmselvei, These small fry were not the least bit ds- llghted wltli the., prospect, of con* tinuinfir U icir..>BcaUpn^_W )cn ..Uib ^ opcnln{T school dny arrived rebellion

hopefuls cried nnd walled and bcBced until most .parents yielded. Thc sen* eml Uiemp'of oil Uielr wails was: " i . OOTTA RO to Echooll The other kid.n will Kct, ahead of me If I don't.” T*"

■ perhaps hfKf) ccliooI pupils mlcht nol have thown th is same 'dcsperaie zcol for leam lnj. There have b'cen■btCaclonaJ—W sh‘ «ohoolT^trileca=Uiii£.■anrt. nboiit thc country. On_the ;__who'ic. - however... children.-J1Uc_:«h I>‘>'’! .__and re.vnt not belnt; allowed to' ji'*

all' chlldrcn want to do' 'wlmt other 7 ~ chlldrch do. .And porUy ll Is'bccausc schools arc Interesting, ond teachen arc friends, ond cducotlon comes In f.-ir more attractive forms than many in ouUlder realizes.


"Personol economic security" thc lure th a t drew Ja'hies Joseph Tunney to Uic business of prize fight­ing. ' Some people coll i t a game. B i>rOcnc b probabiv r igh t wliM\ 1U‘ ^ refers t o " i t as buslnc3.H, At least.i t-w a s-U m t-to -h lm .._ ___

Once hlfl goal of cconoiiiic securtly ha'd" been nthieved* in -Uic-form--of-3 — couple of. mllUoa . do llars.. hc clieer* fully withdrew nnd l e f t 'U^c-btwlnt•^h- lo any one else who wants its fame ^ and emoluments." ■ .

Lest there be nny who feel 'th a t Oene got his two mllUoris too co&lly.In about lhrec'“ ng litsT 'lt should be recalled-that-thcrc-w rre-tju ltc-w -few — obscure years wlien. he wns pretty (nr—from—Uio—topr— HIr—flrAt—purAO.-| — fte^to ld—a • Paris hudiencc recenlUTftH8_T^xin_>n_thnt., city In 'n ineteen ___hundred c/yhteen' and toja/ecf one j| hWMliwl-frnnrt, nr nbo iiffnu r flnltnn; i t -

Econo'mlc security Isn^ . a t all a PlQ: bad goal. Tlie point l» to pick the field in whleh onc'.n pcaillar talents ^ ^Ive proiiiUc of a tuilnlnc it. cur™"Not"*werybody™seck7i"thc*‘same"l50iiIr ^uir Somo people want haiiplness or mic* ccsi' o r power or thrill. Even for Uiese. however, economic security is tor in -a ttracU v rB d o linc7 If’not n heces* bes: ‘Uy. .

■ i z i r p i

Fifteen.Years Ago" S in Twin Falls • £

I5 .Taken FVom the Twin Folls News

_F11«>r.. Thtirfcdny. Senteniber 30. 1013.- \

Hr.nsen rci>orte<l the flrfct fros; of fai- Uie_itenscn .,_ScptcnilK’r_ 20. Pjimplcln fin nnd cucuniber vines wi’re nlpY>ed. The ntu: alfalfa wn.n not toitchnd. T l ic .f ru i^ mii

a wppk. to 10 tluy.s curlier.____________ thli

, .1- U. Cre;'.>i. J well janw n St. Lout^. ;-n MLv<ousf-hiinlnesT'man;-hn3-|)MPchn!*«('i-‘‘ ana- U k cn- | >.av.r*nina^ Q l-1h p -p -irr r i ' , tlon* ownrd n;irt oiM'ratrd bv S. O. !•' ' McAtifey uml J. li. CiJ.nnrfcn. ‘i'hw en- lablWiment Is located on South Muln *' tind cnjoyr. a fine cii;.h trmle.

AJr. r.iM Mrs. .llcfirv P.iriiT. iTiVVi!' i/<M\"TitTr"in ..w 'l.ii'if-T -T i ""U.I; Ij. [amliy^Trcliiri'r'*iy*‘"'«*r^'‘y r t“_-Huini''-.; ton; lown. Thrlr dtiiiKhlVr-lii-liiw i .1. W. Porter, returnwl v.'Uh them for.I J a -few weeks’ vlill. I

Dr- JI. W, Wilson hus re'.iirn«l from Cnllforuln. where h" h:i,s siKnt tn i'l',|jj!

ihcr very. * cry, hat there. .______ | =

T h rrr nre Jiir.l alwut .•iv.'ii:;h trtrn i iVjmtliiK wniU t ) ■■ niHitv t )v (lrni:iii.l. ! satcl u Nl'nur'Mrrct «-Miii:oyni''nl u f M I Ifticitf plefcrrv nre th f r<IM-.v. 'iu-M now. Thi-y ro iii i>rr tiny ami i foiinn:— R ra rn r— iH'L; .-*;MO lo S4j JKT Iiiontli. Ij"-;,

Octobcr Ifi l.s Mlln 'r'.-: c r r i l 1-Wlille. l ln v '1 riTi'.-if f l . .orates the landliic of 1. t»15 and Cl.iri; | en ll'.r r>rr:.rnl ;.lle nf Miliicr. T.i'- ' clay will l^ . eclebriitiil iij ijrand Mylc ''hi* If - __rcme and enjoy * 1 '

" U i r l^ in ;:T j:-tn rr KnTmti'.'fi oT V.'c'- ' tin-n's eliilis iiiri m .‘u ' Antliony thi'. • t 5'-p»'U. A'-trnrtiiv: fr.nn Tv^ln Kalh wcri' .

M. J. J- a - Wi--\ J . M---U n 'i. it, W. ai;»n3 lrr.a:-..l A. D. Nor­ton.----------------------- ------------ -------------------

MURIAUGH_TO-.ENIERTAm_: „ ;TEACHERS AT- RtCEPTlOri. ..Z T u n T .\rrrT r,-r:rn r-T : -T rprrjas-trr •

Thr- Nga .i -T.-.r M i;nv.:.!i P arenl-

r :x r -—?rr|ir!i;:;3Tri-^V:i~uIv M r-------

Kraiicv.-,, T-*;;-. r ji;.v Jic.'re .nmc;i'-. n .lr Gr icr-.<d.«-.Si r .‘ n ai C arr!v.!. 'ii.T h n s br»T: -'•.udyirR ii.U'-c a l i.,

rar.cT. n .:aIS*:— • n - .. - f-o -..- __et M‘;ftac th . a r ; = tte rd :r ; jrhool at Albion. ■

S h a k e ip e a re <jn Ligftt- t T l». I - t i l- I' - h ..t . -

__1° .t.rViTi.x 1:.’*. tc.tir lisut :j i» n » «UrL I'J jx<xir r-j^g----


^ T P H E T r E S K T l S I W H E E

' I FAMIuy is” THt( \ AMSRlCAM t i F t />

\ HOM6 »5 5 . \ OF M O.RAt. IH5PI, -----------------------------Y A H U -or-A M eR lC A

-V .-HeiteiRT

■ H ttA

„|lTlr riljilfffi

I T H E LATCHVi'acc w ith in aiuI Jon hcjh

:---------------- Wclcovic-<il ivajjHi-forUJic-

___________________ n v 'R o se m ;

---------- THK-GAME <>l'-r?lVI.SCS- ---- tu SHave you ever played • Dl-sc;7--' I t Uiln

,tu-rrtln> cnin'-. Vou ran iL-ur: piny It n t nny time and place Hn-l niali you need no partner.s. Tin- dl'Ci ore discover und OUr;ird. If .t aur- Fi nrlslna how many new thini”; :'Oii thnc cun d]scovcr;if-you-lry.-um l-lt* .-aiU j' llUJl gitrprlr.ln<?-linw many lliln-s drlfl dUcnrd to ndvantOKe. , the

And Jjcre nro two di.-;c.i ri,--ht r.t dl!;ji hand which should hearten us pll.iAiui for nclencc h.xs discovered Uiat Uie befc bc8t-tlm o-to-lcnrn~»HyU>ln; b; n na .I— U; regardless of age. nnd ho« dlscurd-.-d hut thft Idea th a t childhood Is Uic be^it rmic learning period -in life. be 1______ N w er Too Olil (o L rarn brln—i ^ f ^ F E d w t > a _ L r Thoffldreor-gtin lenlli ;in< conduclod-extfnclril rp-.rnrrh n * , 7 a Uic teachers' coltepe. Cohinibl*, ,«nt- Ano vcrslty. hns publUhed "His flndinas Tom in a book called "Adult Leamipu." Thc which shows thn t niodeni .psycholony acht Ls • playing thbi ga: ic nf "Dlsc.i " in fron dlscovcriiv; insplrini; lruUi.s und dl;.- of twarding old fallaclea.- __ ^^pinR

W ithout RoinR Fiilo tlVC'Tfbundiri':! per!' fai-t-s nnd figures fiirni:.hccl. ll lr. .‘iiI- Tlie flrii-iit fur ns to ar; on llie proved uieli nnd iiifiiirlUm; thi'orie.s thal lh'- udtill iJI mind m niurr pla-sttc lii::ii thiU of coin t l in o W o d r th a n h e ttm p-to Iram -any: y i thin:; b wlieh' ymi w.'int to u-;c ;i bc- o r I lo re you havr liiid » King ' i}:--rmHT pn r

,ln whirl! lo lonii'i it; ih a i \Tiir;i.u;i o re .:>u lurty-flvr iitid. (IniibllL-rV. U^rr. a r^ in n s { nS»r.i-HpW-i>o h:iiiHli-ip In ii.-niilrjiv.;-Holt [a new tr.ule. profes;if>n. l.iii-.iuaKC i>rI ihe

!n o lh rr Ihe old rxr'.isr. "I |iir\cr lu.fl a rh a iic r 'lo Irafii." ‘ I;, noj

- J-’n-i.T ■ i(«--.'0!)iiibl.i: tur Uui.clum cr ;n , livr- Ir.iin Is h n .’, nov luul liU aU . wm'tUBti

: I.n' i.nri'ir'il n:il:lr clesln- 'ti> Iriivii. the UH-n'l lei-IH j r'oiin'Tsters'm^i’.fTir^thl'i is -s !:ii'Kl: rn p .vcl'doitir ■.! <li‘ .-ivrry.. how- lh<> lever, o r-tjiry 1.1,ly iiuisX on i)i.-:tpon-j the MntT a;i th-/r r.tuijyinc irn:il adiilc. Ifcfu 1 y»>iir..—'ill:o lliev wlli cxp;ct th" nld-ltt-ny: [-■itr::; lo :!;irl hi Ir.iriiUK a lew newi Bi ! ihlngs-nu-A'. . So why . not, brain lodaj'Ischc

j i U h b h b U f J b A h b b U t b I b P ™ l-/iT..HAIi:Ey-ER!nQF PART-Yli::.--------- i 'Ifl

I UMl.F.V. r-'i'i. 2'i cSi.irlal to •n i''|rm m

lu.i* li..,):i v'.i: i;iv. :i ; eon K.-i.ii) 1>V Ml.-- .I'.hn I'ov-y, [ fo’!"

rr ; ir l . r .ir '; r ami M i;. S. J .lb rclt. . . _______ - I

^ E ^ W E - L

i — ’I’i ’. c y J u l b ' A p p i V a l u e o f l h c T s e d T r u c I

. ■ ■ ■ I f '^ 'o i i . \ ; ~ c . A n l ^ y I n v i t e Y o u r I n s p e c t i o n o :

------- B e l o w ; — -------------------------------------

__ L . „ _____________C Vnl■:l: l C; -.1 Cab.”

Uri.,Ci- Eritl-.rr^ • . •3 -l-T ;n L-;H:;r D.-,;‘y

' r r - - , '" n : b r r r m r r . T i ' . v . n : . : . - .CA nr:-.-T r;i

y-:rrrz^ BfKtr ■■ ' ■__ - . . j .

-------- Wi!i ; -r l i ; .■ ■..■■ .■ , ■■ - n .if.-iiiTrucXv Vr? c t id r tp a a J f.'r afldltla'iul

D u fre .s n e A u to m n l: iFir ■ rr

I I I S : iB M G r S U N D A Y 1


THfi OHIT OF Ir AHO T H t • / 1 SAHCTUARy. / V .SWRATION t. l ' \icam - 5 p T r .» t.- / - - \ ■ - ' i s


{) ^

' Yo;^ SKSfmB .....tior

®% i S ^ M f f f t y C ' <1f> r d / / wh<

x-55. ' iN oorW mk—y S m t - ers,

li/fliM S b lttlllu u ' lL ) i t t 1 of W •' W of I

ii/ lr t l 'm H ^ \ • 1 liji. I r " « \ »\ \ L ■ •

__; and--------------- -^In.-n

~ j-W n

4STR IN .G- r---------------- . |lng()V iio n < t\d V (tih th t: ......... tJ.” P'ic_ I.£ t£ c /i-s tn n //’s - ( » A i . • - iftim

SMARY ________ •• i ^ a

- ; ‘ % lu i>iudy -French, muflc. tlrnwin?.—th c ; ma; U ilng-you have always wanted tolciw Irurn nnd felt- too oM to ' tr}-.—a n d ;and maltc tt school time nil Iflc tlliHii’ TTnts

lial* r«ir-Variety jlesrFrivolous os ll may reein. school ally

thne nlways brln?r up Uie nubject ctjtilw CllL llim i^m .JiH ii^ ..IU' .'Ublret n drlftii evenUinllS' In t in t direcUon. u u : , rnz. thc modij'tefl .Jipd min|ons__f;1ioiiliQ1^0TO dl!;play their w.-.ri's .so attraciivelyl jlon Mid here wo^f.^' talliins about, hats , bat 6efcrc wc kliow It. jpgo

» n m_arp_\’y lc d jm d irregular, show- [difl Imt the broken’line wKicli Is now so much the vosue. Tlie crown m iy _ £S~or‘ tI5 H f(l.s :a -5 k u :rca -p -b u t-lh e -^rj: brim will convi-ri iwclf Into a so- “ ®‘ e a llc d -clcphanea-eB r-nftp.—perhajM. .{^

lUPlf-rTTiprtly-off-thc-forehCtt^.- cut e r % M ol liie

rorm -an-'ofC R ido-polnt-obow one-eyrT *^ riic n n a r i ps'ke bonnet cffcct h {r achtevrd bv -nnrmwln<?._ the center > " :ronl of n . llaiitly flnrln? brim. Some *'*®' If the .ie.ini trimmhw used Is slip- Hlng_toward Um back, n s^Tiyier bow.;|'^“ '

n ie cin;<* n't evcninc turbans "f 'i_p inelulllc elo;li ui. rippled desli’n h a v c ;” '*’ ill th r fl.Tih and exgilc charm u f j ^ :olored w;.;-. - : • '

nut?' me iii-^-i-ofwn-cloritied hoo<lsl :ir helmelr,- uml then Just f«ir. o sur- j__

3r cniicy iK-rri;.. with a rrrstlh s Jcw licd j I'inaineir.-i i r l;iiielful feather decora- 1

Ihe iii<.;,t flML'-rliiKly. whlcii is. I oerhans, llu- of, ft hat. j

/.:ul the iKw conts--lhe swa?t:er', i!" l L>.l'1:c: \veavr.-t, th>-. Minip-I

HjBtj-!—fn-r-.<— -armuat i wiili—m u i l l : _ _ inufl i,' nnri ,, .

Ihe sllehily : i ': '‘d flarhitf coal.s—thetr . Is-slxn rs :.ii:i:rlhl;u piu^ '«ii*tIVc"ttl>«Ut:: lh<> i-.rliKTv. rllecl. iMi't there? AiH | the—'Ime "rfd. v,«od violet.; I fch o jlitf f;r<.KJi. iJfr.i Wi;c, .md a l - • ivnys th r elti:iinee of b!r.cV. |

Blit thlr; 1:. enough of fa-hions. It's ichcol . ttm c .ii9\v!____ _____________i

lli'ii'-ii.i. a ll ui I lnitry:— w<s»UMa:i.-----iviis’ p!r:.-...:i: f o r . th" tlrlvc f.-bin ;

ot—Utf-1in i;iie>ts v'l re from Jl'illev. Thc 1 rm.m’h were il '.o ra ird vl!h evrrKrecn-;-.VI -)'-. ai’M ;.’.ihimn flo vers. Luneli- i Vm ;rrvei! at a lom; n b i i imti- to!!'"*!!!!: tho lunchcon nlne tables ol;- >r;c!Kr wrre pl.iyed, ’ '

P B t J Y E R S — h -) p r e c i a t ^ l h e S i i p p r i o r l i c k s W e O f f e r T h e m

R v u e t i i i i r B u y e r . W c . o f t h e V a l u e s L i s t e d

. SIOOO.OO 7 - - ' f)50.00 - ~

. „ ^ ^ 9 0 . 0 Q _ : 1^ :

, 40(W)0^ —

. ■375.00“ “ ' ! i(JU.ULL 3

' I,.■ l l . i '. 11 >. i.n.IlU«nr7J '-~ ___'cat ip rcin ratlon^ >Vrit«-«r phonfr— -• .

l o b l l e C o m p a n y .a i’iiui.L uaa . —------ ^


~ W ^ e W T 6 fM f a t Large \G . D . S e y m o u r i

) ^ ^ s s = = s ^ ^ s ^ i s ^ . . T oNEW VORK. Sept. 22 yr>— _

are~Uie-Day8-e t-A w c .-« id a fil th ,,flL —1 Uie populaUon of New .Yorks met- J ropolllan "area haa wlUidrawn from the city's life to observe Uiem.

They 6re the Jewish holidays. «t* tgnaing m to yea r troni _September as-rjthe days, in m orew * 5 bsllofr -upon-wfaich Ja_dcterm |a««_ thc _ J' fate of every Jew for Uie coming f, year. On Rosh Hashonoh. o r New Year's day. the fate ta written: and o n -yo m -K lp p u r. the G re a t ' D ay of I “ Alonemchl. U<! fuUj lb M -u lcd -w .ro n ^ —^

iTvc an'd^ -^a -^ n M l-^ ii^ r^w h o -T ih a lH -----w^rLth bv wwtcr.and who by fire. . , g

Thov nr.- holldars observed oy every | ~ 7i Jew In tiie world,. but it is tn «cw —j York th a t ' they nttnln the proper- n tlon of on event which affccls the life ti of Uiu whole community. c!

Sojres of halU nnd auditoriums arc 1 'converted into synagogues. Canloro who arc m crchsriti or nicchnnlcs.the rest of the yenr grow beards andl rion skullcaps to preside t\l the serv- 1 Ices and to chant the Kebrew p ro y -/* _ ^ ers, Tlic gavernor cf the sta te iJ--| m -j

of shops nnd s to re r ln some secUons of the city are dosed end empty. A n d ; the Gentile kn o w s.-if-o n ly _ b y t h e j , '■mpty subw-Tvy scaw and the clased |

■ ' ] COUT.Judalsm*s-.StronghpId < futu

New York i'i often called” tlie l a r p i .

and by a tremendous margin. I ts ; lu ji^jrcat rlvnl In Hebrew populaUon-Is : 1 Warsnw, Poland,-and Uiere live omy. • 300.000 of thc racc—not a sixth as; many, ns have settled In New York, t In the east side, Cie Brownx. W ash*: The Ington Heights, Brooklyn nnd every; held Imporumt rcsldenilal sccUon of thclxiiu: city they live—l«o million of them, iden almost half Uic Hcbrcwj.pooulatlon Idcutof the-U nited-Stftips, - ------- —-iEdgi_ 8 ornc_of_lhC8C_scldom_enter_als>iii__Boyl agocue--irom _on ii^ c n r—lo - t h a ncaL:Jnlii Aclttpling thcnuclves to llic_cI^sT"‘f e r^ ^ many Jen’s have abandoned religious; ^[rs citTtonts not cn.'<tJy fjracUced fjere, j {ts, and relinquishment of ihclr orU '^ioxy; Tl liiLi Li cii ,b«.loijdLil Ij.i .1 growing .a rc ". D.iy lescncas of their faith . Only occasion-; fresl ally may bc seen JewLsli women who j was tilway.s keep their hends covered. Few- tan i

TnzoT^Tn—tticli—bearris7-or—who—let-inus :tTO—siaclwlrs:!^r~TTielr— hrJr - 'Kniw-rm v lonc. Saturdny, ihe Hebrew Snb- uhll bath, was widely olwcrvcd a few years PBO on tile lower cast side.. Now ll differs litiic from -any other day.. - ;

Mnnerhlft SynaKOfrue* , "QJ__But_on_lhe_-hlRlx_.holidays .cvcry.l. .p ,Hebrew is impell(>d to ’ pray, and public halls are leased by racial lodges , aii.-hoiaj s r 6nu'cvshni'::ior--those.T:±=:

•gfYirpVVfirnt.i s e n '- ' VSIcrs sell nl p t^es which w ould-cxcltc; et 1 the envy of ‘a ticket 'speculntor. The ■ 0-lC money goes to pay the h a ll-ren t and VJ the fees of tiie canior.%. K>me of whom'A . mnke ht/ndreds of dollars during tho 'bloc

.ten-daymcriod-_____ ________ _______ Li-.-?3The servlcr.s rcac'j, tlieir tvak dnr«:\Vhi

ing thc lwo*day New Year's c ire - tO-I

SSn ' R i m t e i i


A W i— , — ^^b e e a u s e

^ ^ 3 ^ o u th th e se a rc h { to K C st-p r ire d field

I t i s . 80 u n m l s t ^ ^ - ■* tts fu l l « r c . i ts n

q u -ility o f fin ish a n d fin in g s .

------1 _ B u i l h c c o o t r a s i i n P ly m o u th ’s £_____■. in th e . m a t t e r ,o f p e r fo iT O m c e -^

f ro m its n ew ” S ilv e r* D o m e” h i j p i s o l in e ; 'l t s ‘ 5 m o o th n r5 s s n d - t^

;----------- f o U t -agtiB n

......— th s n e v F jy m o u T h T 'a f tc 'ro tjc tV

n r j i r e ^ t p t d c i i a r - f c r d o n a r v a lt — ■:— I’r i l^ e - lo u ^ t -p r icc d - f a ld

B o b i e r3 3 3 M a i n A v e n u e I

Ri23.1928. ' ■ .

" " I s ^ K t ^ s r e f i e eB r REV. r n iL f P a l l e n

_ _ ________ :„(M Jnlat«r..C ?entr^ C

“ Let ,«a have graco whei'cby h ~abt^ iifith j^ c r ^ ^ and-awe."

i N this astonishing rapid- evolution ( -ftnd'TCmence-;of-Ood-«*-oxpressccl.ii ' Four aspects of life Ruarantce t

F irs t of all U the Impulse toward tho voice wlUiln say*. "1 ouoht."

Man needs to depend on a power “"Bifir.'' TliC"fool"inay M y ,'“There^la-rjio-<

jclna with LuOicr. "A aiJghiy fortress faUlng.**

A third support of reverence fa' Ui mighty astronomer.-onco gazed wlUi’ nii Keeino w hat no mortal had over seen. I

“ of U ielnvlsitlc. ‘‘O Lord. 1 ftlll t lU n l^ r------- F in f tl ly - th o ^ pcctoncy- of..a b e ttcc ,

great Ideas whose' Ume haa come take ro

'Man'ii' c ffJft m whl h !s way u i> -iorit- matcrlal sjillsfactions' Is his rellgloils ll handed would deter the KUnnchcst w chamber of his h eart rings tho m u s ic ,- I ' Thou gocst."

Is-reverenM pMsing? No, not so loi ld<^l. a sense ot need, tho mystery of lift let Us all 'serve Ood acccpubly w ith r

ionics eim ugahi cm the day' of-.— - lonement a t the conclusion of Uio ohdays. Between Uicsc days thc Jew- h may go to business, bu t he spends ours a t prayer, nnd when, on thc

ifSs“ lffT it5T hop-o r-h ls-de3k-o r-hh - — juntlng house with pleiy to face. Uie

m r tT A m H ^ L A D I E S ’-T lID -------_ E t £ G l V m k f f f O E E J C E R S .

MPRTAUOn.', Sopt.-53 (Spccial to he Ncu'st-^Thc Ladlqs' Aid society . cld its annual election of officernhurcday.-T 'hose-clcctcd_w crc:..Pres. ___len t.M iss Ruth Brown; vice presi* tal.-Mr.i. 0 . A. Hack; secretary. Mrs. dgar-Moormans-trciisurer.-MnL.Jam&ioyle: flower commlUee. Mrs. L loy:^___n)n. Mrs. Oliver Johnson and Mrs, ___!7 I. Carmen! vislUng committee. fra. Moorman, .Mrs. Jackm an and ' . I s . Vlnning.Tlie soclcty 'wa.-» entcrUiinrd by Mrs.

eshmcnts were served. A .novelly as Introduced by Mrs. Day. the indwlches being passed on

iU!rta5lly-whlle-paii»liig-about*_M raJ___

hlle on a tour of Europe. • f

- -_________;________________IREAL-ESTATE-TRANSFERSFural«hr<l-by_U»e_Twla-F«IU..Tlll«.^ ] ___

' and AbalTMt Compsny 11

W nrrnntv neeu: ivconnrd K. rimtih • J t UX to Jcs.sle D. Padcel. SG150; Ip t : -10. block'J7. Twin Falln. ' jW arranty deed: Nettle A. Hov.-c to

,. O. Howell et ux,''»2000: lot U.. lock 81, Twin FalUi. I 1Quilclahn deed: W. W. Evan:;, to . *

/hi.~FdbTI511 i;l' U.V. i i ; NIS S E : t. .— 0-17. J,

y 7 H ~ i r n r : s : r a r E »

^inning p u b lic} e o f greater-dfeL o f>tL.Chr>->ler.built P lym * .I fo r grc.-iter d o l la r v a lu e in th e • : ld is m a d e s u rp r is in g ly s im p le .

ik a b ly in a c la ss b y i ts e l f — w ith n ew a n d o r ig to a l f ty le , it* fin e

s C iT O t-b c c o tn c a a til l jn o rc f ta rU in g .. . — in i u s p e e d ,.p !c k ;tip ^ d p o w er, i ig h * c o m p re * s io a e n g in e u s in g a n y “r t ja d s b i l i ry j 'i ts v a fc ty 'b ccax tse o f ■

h eel b a ee a. ■ - ■ ■

.v a iu o - - f tr t t-» 'i l l- in « v it3 ^ y c h o o i ic - i - t \ ‘‘trtg ^ iic“\ '« 'f ^ ? g t i in c a n t c u iiir js ts a lu c t t 'p r e s e n u t o « v e r y o lh e r c a r

^ ' I '

M otor GomEast_____________ JEivL

. I .a

;e' Passing? ■ ^EN SWARTZ.. D. D . 'lh C h u rc ^ j-^ n ^ u lu ) ' —

y w e m ay se tv e Gbd acccpt- ’• f f 0brew a l2 :2 8 . : ----- ........... - - -in of society ^ l u i ' we evcntuiaUyd.ih-p tibU c_w or?b)iu>w *nK ,flR iii?_____J the permanenco of reverence. ‘ tho m oral Ideal, a . firm Insistent

le t for righteousness outside hlm -io-God.!i-But.-m ftnklnd-ln-flcnoral--------- -caa is cu r Ood. a bulwark, never

i‘ thc sense, of mystery.- Kcpplcr. ' r ' m pluro tnto, th e starry spaces •n beloro and scosed thc mystery SnffrThy-tbouchta-a£tc!-Thet:“----- :-----------

e roou There ta no more powerful

rK k-rea lm -no t^u rid«U ^y-n iere Iy -----------IS life. Such A pilgrim age'single t soul, b u t deep tn tho Inmost ■•'I will go w iUiThec whlihersbever

I long 03 there is in man n mnml life and a social hope. Therefore,

Jl rcvcrencc." ^

T h e

—~B\is Driver—. B u £c 8 h a v e - t o - o p e r a t e --------:

o a s c h e d u l e a n d w e I I i r p a a k e Z 8 U g c r 6 f ~ d e D e o j d^. - i - a b l e r s e r v i c e - b y - u s i ^ ------ -

C h iE u n p io a S p a r k P 2 u ^

Champion ti the b r ttf r ip rfc plmt bccauM It ha t a a czdu«lv« c U lf ~ n an lte ituulator rpe- '

' 'd a ily treated to with. -fH*,

____ ccm nernturc« o f th e X --T ______

•Ion engine. A lio anew patented idlld copper gaikec'tcal tha trem aln iW B

____ . •^^ucclyjaj^tichlM .n* / .der hign cotQprcMlon. [SpccUl analyglf dec* ^ £ ^ 9 1 ^ ’ , •(Todei whlch~auure~a— ---------fixed •park'^sp under

------- aU-drlytnfcC j^itloM .

S ^ r / C P l u g sTokJo, Ohio. "

D c p e h Ja b ie fo r E very E n g in e

‘ ' '■ ~ ~ !<’ p"------

. . B .--:- -

p r e f e r e n c e

f e U a r v a l t i e 7 ^

R o ad ite r- . -. .; . >675t*M* MI) ■< I

G iu p c . . . . . C85 •T cu rin p . . . . . . 6952-door SttLify - . - 7QQ______ ___

-------- P<4An.«-Co«t>«- ----------------_______________

^ ..Inn rS '■ 7 j 5 ^ _

'.>3 r ;. i. n -r-..IW S ptliliem It 4WUmJ

Lipany---ivin -E a lls t- ld ah o — ----------

Page 13: · Sixteen Page; ~ ~ VOL. ll. - NQ. 145..- '- - Guns On Hert behM Ieiiii f ==W m f D em ocratic'N om inee in A ddress j------------in

ZH lG iiC iiilflip tO ELECTS S T iM flp“

, , HANSEN. Sopt. a "'■■ ’ New8) ; : ^ i iw c a ' W g h ^ c h o o l. r tu d w t „ ( — ~ h a d v e i « t r i “ tho following ofllcen to Cl

Oinlors;; z tm l« >

Junloni; V tu o N oy te , ™ );-an d Lorinc SmaUey: Bophomarcs. Roy i S l ^ and M « O .U » ; t tc h m m ; ^

. “ S i r o r i h o c l .» .ICOU.M arc- ■ S o n - Zciida Bohii.Jon, , prral-

~— ^ i I 3 S S I S ? t S ^ S 5 ? £ S ^ “, trcaaurcr. . — oaUev nrcsldpnt- dc

— :— iDorethy=Merlow«r-vlC4-Ptcai(lEiilLJcUi.n le M cFarland. secrcUry-trcasurer. «

Sophomores: noy Sm llh. prcsldonl; « Roy Pennlnflon. vice president; Doro- Uiy W ofd. sccrCWry: M arsarel Cow- Jt an. treasurer. ,

Frcahmcn; Charics Bnllej’, prp.ij- o*: -donii Mildred Eagon. vlcc president;

Tom Kendall, aecrctary-treasurcr. »< 7 Class advisors tosm Uie faculty were

choscn as follows: Seniors. D. A. Hllc.i: lunloni. Ralph NybUd; soplio- mores. Mlss S torcr; ircslinmn. ML-w' ” KesWl.. • ■ .


u'Jth conjplctc new fncJllUcs ior sltv- — — -jng -Hmchcs-cf-^BH' fcinils has' been- --

Instullcd by Tlioreson's Drug ' store and—w m ^I>gn= tor=buslno»^lT>—timo- _

' to r lunen lucSaay.The n rm some weoks ago took over ^

thfr Plaher Drug store and has since “ •remodeled and rcarm nB ctl. the cn- . tfre Interior. Workmen .were busy

........... yesterdny-w ttlng-up-lhe_ncw .-X olm -.tain and It Is expectcd th a t the work

=-------- will be flnlshotl early-M onday-night.

NCTtlERL'Avbs^COFTEE-MAnT— J«-_ ^ ^ A N tS T E R D ^ M .M ’)-rAlUJOUSh scarc^ ®

iy 500.000 bag's of coffcc are con- = 1 sumcd yearly by llic people .of THe

- ‘NeUicrlands. more thnn 2.000,000. cn- iUr“ t1iL' tuuntTj'. whleh hnn —one o( the leacllnB coffvu mArkets of Eurbpo. Moat of. It comes. fro:n Java, Suinutra and other Netherlands ca;.tt:ra >uui • to iiti; imiu —

--------- Bmall. C entral Anu-rlca. In d U. Africa^ — tmU~5urhVanr~iU.M~nrr:nitndlcd. ----- .■ —

C a c fu s A p p le s f o r C a n d y

t _-,____Ni'iir Sllll l-~>'i-:iiuii|i>. I iilil,. ll. 0I'iirjiit fiii'i:!. (IrvxiiHt ii> tin? nilKltiu ol

' ciH-liiH ii| ' |iU‘s. llu- |!r-‘‘lii''l «< _one »f tliu fi'iTU'M r>f till' rmiilUitr tlf'> f i t liliilil, 'I'lil* |||I|>I(> i?i IHI'II fur till*

----- -----iiiiilJ(iu-<>r—Jutllt’iL-iiiiil_<’ji>iilli:H... ir_ ...^— r<H^<n In • irp 'intm nii •k iiftv J 'in f t" « '

. wiiifi-. Ai» nrn- Ilf laml vv llt^ .ifl^u :v>r.(.Ki I.r i;iNi I...M.JI ..I llu- itiuiifN.

*Wi'iv'si'llliij! Inr ?l.:;.*~ii~tiiix-l:t'i-f«-ii‘ itii.ii,—|-;.|.|iiii| ,Mi-<'iiiitili-ii MiiDirlti.-' J

A I II ' '

r II II {

: E v e n i f Y o u

---------------- F r o m T w

: K iink & -T rij.s t C o m pjiiI _ fif ju s t_ : is nainslr.k iri} ,'; • r o u liv e d n e x t d c o r to

j S:iviiij:.s ( iep d s its e a r n : co iiiin iiiiiiIc J . 'x m i-a in i

------------- ! -------------- lju f---------- T i *■— — u i'j i . l l! •Iru 'V -ir.icTPsT"

t l '

ffibuccb S e rvices I ,METIIODIST EPISCOPAL CnCECQ. - Rov. "Horace Turner, pastor ' «hi

a:4S A. M.—eundoy school; E. L. tieAshton, superintendent. thi

.11:00 A. M .-M om lng w drsh lp .'8er- e*tmisn: "W hat Constitutes a Sueccasful ' (Ch'urch?-— ...................... V — loi- 7:00 P. M .-Epworth LeogUfe. Ele^r ' .tinn.Ql-affleera^or_tty_eftm <i*-y^r lc«

8:00 P. M.—Evening service.. A scr- Tr mon to all* lovers of th e great out-of-door.n. ' — ‘ dc

n R S T phEaBY^teniAN c h u r c h jSRev. A. O. Pearson, m inister ,

0:45 A. M. Sunday school: The cios- . . sea are graded. . . .

11:00 A. M. Morning worslilp: An- them, “Worship the King." by Nlch- olH. Rev. Peanwn .will siieak on tiio v subjcct. “A Man's P a llh /' ;—I^^l5-A r-M r-Junlor-O hrI^itlal\-E a- — denvor will meet with Mrs. Dunn. .

0.30 r . M. Vw.t)ci tonununlen .k i v------TCgTTnnwe UWlted to a tto jd lhts'serv** — Ice. There v/ill bo no Interm ediate or , Senior Christian Endeavor meetings atid no Inter service’ tn . the-churcli. Mra. W alter Carter will bc a t tiie pipe orKan for both servlcea.

Tuesday, 7:30 P. M. Troop 10, Ooy Scouts.

\Vc«JncRday H:15 P. M. Party. Ju i 'o r departm ent of Sunday school.

7::i0 P. M. Kid-week service.—TiwHKlay-^«30-t>^ ^ Woman:g Mia. — slonnry society.

0:30 P. M. Young people's -pot lueK" dinner In churcK parlors.

tTrthy 8:00 P. M. Interm ediate ,1c- i:niT!iiont of Sunday school y ill hn\>,‘ _

t-Miirday 3:00 to 5:00 P. M. Clilldren or il;c Sunday school Primary depart- _


BAPTIST CIUURCII:=:::^rRov—E ^ c : B arton, pastor '■ "

9:15 'A. M. Teaching scrvlce underthe direction ol Llor.'l Dcan..^..........

11:00 A. M. Morning worship. Scrv­icc under the direction of the' naslcr. Morning sub jec tr'"0ne Ood and One

- 0:45 P. M. The young people, of Uio church 'm cet-for-8tudjr-ttRd-«levoilon;— -

C;00 P. M. Evening worship. .Snb- Jeclt-'O ur-Next-Prosldont—BlacksmlLb. -

Whenevcjwyou leo tKcfo h o rte . oqjjL ,

repreicnt o v e r . a l l •••lUlftctioo.W hether they are

Levi°Strauss=T w o - H o r s e B r a n d

" ^ e 6 o D C T » R i v a ^ — -

W aist O verallsj Fdt Men and Youths, or • T w o - H o r s e . B r a n d

; B ib OverallsI For Men and BoysI |J,P» »fprr»ent the «tmofr|n-OTeTBU -

-i__m iH ro TB«uU-«»r o»er___; 5K . > 7 o fk n ^ ln = .h o w . We could I tell you all about iheir so«a point* •

-1— wr l l ma'dri. hiit___j v«hen wo ailt you to buy » pair a t

_ r r i i w f f i ¥ R k i f T h . , R ! p)— - y a n-oT*. prbteetcd:m-»<^Ty-*>«y. _

M*J« br Levi StreoM & Co. S*" Fmbciko ~ M«T«k»adl** SUca-llUU----- - .

i L e v i S t r a u s ^ v c r a i l s 'Waist and fclb stylo

for sale by__________

Idaho Dep’t. Store


u L iv e - f f l i le s |

w in F a l l s I

l lto Tu-in. i:;ill.i----------- -Ep jiny . y o u u r c as.'^uruii xr i} , 'c o n s it le ra tio n a s i f . :

to th e b a n k . ;

r n -I p e r c c n t in lo rc .s t. :im iu a ilv . a n d aJl d o - I;c f rTT-{rtHc-l f i>S»-t»f - t h u ---------- -: - -j f fror.n- t lTc-i TT? t:-----------— ---------: - -

- F u i l s ' v

S s r- .n z Q rs, r ' a . l i s - - '


~ "RBV. b . a . Curtis, m inuter • - .. - j& : 00-A —M .. B lbla-iBchooiuEranlc ‘“ i, : Slack, director; pM tor. presiding. ‘

11:00 A:-Mr-;-Cominunion and wor­ship, with specifJ.m usic under direc-

, tlon. of Mrs. J t A. .DygerU Theme ef the momiog: ‘'T he Christian's High-

I est Pcrrogatite.” ' , mt - 0:30 P. M. Christian Endeavor In• lower nioni. ------ -— — r '— :— r------------ M

7:30 P. M. Regular evangeiutlc serv- ' g, . lce,_wlth. spgcliU j n ustc. Thcm e;-“Tb«i’. Triumph of R igbV ' • .. ~

7:30 P. M. Wednesday, Church night, C ' devotion and Bible study. .»]

” ' ' ■ son'A8CENSI0K EPISCOPAL a i U R a i Belt A ^H ew tw W ard, priest in chaise " 'P sa 8:00 A. M. Hbly communion. ■ Th) 0:46 A. M. Church school. fa it

' 11:00 A.. M. M om lng. prayer and thoi I sermon. , ,lt i

I -IM MANUEL X i m i ERAN C H U R C lii A. 1 . . • Rev. M. H. Zagei.- pastor M-............................................................. ......... ... . .J.

Sixteenth Sunday after Trinity. whi- 0:00 A. M. LMiy BlJViee. - ■ ., jlien

I ~

: ^ K e e p i n g _ S t

_ --

H W ' ^ H H Ile ' ’

h -------- --- _ -;-------------------i

■ witfi ©El

1 . Quick starting—fo— " -greater-speed=an(

and different tire /. perfectly balanced

I Z Z Z ' " T E R 'T i o ^ e T i o r 'iThis ne-w improved! tail tire business. . .

— - ^tonate-bfthe-West;\»

"V K STER N C lA f' '^atNsw Lov

_ TbiH la thn Ham* dppcndablo^ ~"Wr«t^m-anto~-hainroM~for-mi

nrrvk-f.- While always an use, th*»e Now Low Prlcen mni

___________ __________________ f>»T y/w

2 9 x 4 . 4 0 . $ 6 . 8 5 J

______ 2 9 x 4 . 7 5 : . . , 9 . 3 S c

3 0 x 4 . 7 5 . 7 9 . e 0 ^ 3 0 x 5 . 0 0 . . 1 0 . 4 5 £ 3 0 x 5 . 2 5 . : 1 1 . 4 5 1 i

________ ^ I f ^ .............

Wcstbw Oia n t Co rdThese maaelT*. ex tra h<«r daty over«l*« eupw* cord tire

'e x tra quilltJy matartaU . W Invue oomp*rt*dn~'vrtn ^oiBe^ 'M w ta ra mak« tlrv l-----

ib * ' '3Qx3H lU t. S i - C L . . . ! - * ^ 3 0 * 3 4 E*. O t .« U * CL « .•

-30»3 tS 3 :3 . OW »ta»T«—


^ 4^ . s . s . O rv rs ia* .. t s .7 34 > 4 4 S .S . O r « n lM .. 1 7 ^ 33»S S .S . O re r r ia e .. 23.3 iimS— S. S..OT*rtiaa > •

LLS; iDAHQ.-SUNDAY M#:50 A :‘M. B iro iiy school ' reai 10:tO '.A ,iU . O tn ae preaching serv-: nor

lee. Subject: /T h a . Power of Jesus ] 3 f e T » t a “ . -------------------------------—

.ST. EDWABVB CATHOLIC, V,R«7. Rsml B. Keyzer. pastor

Masses S u i l ^ . 8:00 and 10:30 A. |

^M asses holyfiiy*. «:30 and 0:00 A. M.- M U S weel days, 7:45-Ar-Mr--------------- 1

a u n i ^ afterooon scrvlcc, 4:00 P .M .

~CnR IB TIA N SCTBNCE . CHURCH ' . " R ^ t y ’* Is the subject of th e ies- son*somon ih all Churchca of Christ, Scientists. Septembte 33. Oolden text: & >Sji^mrn r:M .~ 80 .~* 'P o»^v t!rrQ -iard rh ice Thy-w ord is settled in .heaven . Thy li fa ith fu lness ''Is imto- all generations: Ta: thou h ast established the earth, and 1 It abldeth. ' ' t h e

Sunday sen iees are. held a t 11:00 B. A. M. Sunday school for pupils under Sal

- -The-WCatiasday-evenlng meeting, a t ' 7 which testimonies of Christian Scletice 01ieallng- are-glrc«T-te-at-a,

s t e p . w i t i i - M o d e r n

i A L . l . i Il i r i E T i Mr o u t M e0 isif- f o u r - w h e e l j j r a k e a — s m o o t iffii“dth'eT=«Vs!HBndB3ifeni!d( i “ W e s t e r n A u t o ” m e e t s e d N e w I m p r o v e d W e s t e i T

r T r e a d ; - — - V. :a i i r e is the croWBing'achiDvemc . . the result o f .years o£ experiei


ties o f.tS s new tread . Tho co strips equalize road surface cc

' to tread life and inalte steerii- slota and grooves-increase tfei

IcnH* over th e fliclea as BpTCIal“ j curve speeding. Moro rubber is useS in tread i.s'Bpedany Ircntod fact, supDrior design, bnlnnrc,. mi thro'ug'h m ake Ibis the mo:iL ocor

TEveyyN cw -Im provcd-W trstcnr-C ■ TION Tread is backed by Hie H.'tr

RIGHT Policy tb a t has afw::y5 ni . faction-of every “ W estern Auto”________ 'S a .- .- ^ m a n b c r in f f io u i- . r c p u k

a n d rc m c m iic r in ff t h c im m cr

.... , ---------------------—car~unU i

— — — --.t r a c t I

W T B ^ O N IW. Prices " moM ccon W M tcni Giant Halloon thnt caTTlCd i

mnkn It etlU moro eeooomlca).

—Iwm ! " F O I3 1 x 5 . 2 5 . , $ 1 1 - 8 5 :

3 0 x 5 . 7 7 . , 1 4 . 8 5

3 2 x 6 ’. 2 0 ! ! I t Is O 1 3 3 x 6 . 7 5 . ^ 2 0 . 8 5 1

- I L Z 9 « l 4 - . 4 0 j _ _

$ 4 ^ $ 5 ^ 1

Block; wHI maJe- t f ^ %V^aoo T lrta * r»—g . g r i g l \ - Mpeclally njcnm* S J f H I I

U > mended th« S 1

~ w 2 !!:■» r

^ A u lo ” ^ ^i £ .^ .S tr f ie c . . •M orethanJT.»o — :>l o s i o n l A j i C b C Ti I J S wrteraf e J

reading room a t 134 1-3 M ain avenue golr north ts open dally from 1:30 to 4:30 **rhi R M .,,..-----------------------

CHURCH O F THE B R E T H R E N '^ -----Rev. H. 8 . WiU, pastor , ' 10

343 T hird avenue north 1110:00 .A. M. Sunday school. l(11:00 A. M. Morning worship. Ser- • 7:

mon subject :"W hat Is Love?" 8:_ JL P L E :_M ._S htl4«f^!E ndeavor______

8:00 P. M. Evening worship. Sermon U subject: -W hy Oo, to Church?';


Mrs. H . C. Maguire, cholster; Mrs. 7:

10:00 A. M. Sunday- school; B. S. Zen Taylor, superintendent,. , • _ . Dor

11:00 A. M. Momlng worship. An- Elis them by thc choir; solo by Mrs. Ben Voi E. Potter; sermon- by tho pastor, wor Sabject: "Tljo World Ignorant—of P a l

7^^^ P -M . Epwo'rth- League. ■- . * Uot 0:00 P. M. Evening service Anthem on

by tha-cholr i solo hy H C Mn. isr n

i i M o t D r i n g R e q u u

[A n m ^ m c e s

^ ,___ T H iin r t

suttrpaveniBTTtsMip-arscH [Hlem=m6toring a '.ali-foria=m its this requirement with t 21T1 Giant Balloon with CE

mciit-Df‘Our-many-ycars-|n-lhe-re r i e n c e g a i n e d w h i l e p r o v i d i n g in o i g , - e c o n o m i c a l - t i r e s . ---------- ---------------

c o n t i n u o u s c e n t e r a n d s i d e n i n n i ! c o n t a c t a n d a d d t h o u s a n d s o f m 2r i n g e a s i e r . S c i e n t i f i c a l l y d e s ig i t f a c t i o n - a n d s a f e t y - _ T o u g h .b a r a .v l - n r o to x r t io n - n f r a in s t - c u r b - a c m p e s J r ia u s e d . T h e lOO^;. p u r e g u m r u l t o d t o T m k o - i t - n i o r c - w e a r - r e s i s t i n g ,

m n te r ia l n n d c o n s t r u c t io n th r o u g h c o n o m ic a l l i r o y o u c tu r u se . i r -O T o n t-B a H o o n -n n th - G E N T -E R —T R rt.'imc T ro n -C Iad G u a r a n te e . . . t h c s ln> Iho srimo- C IJS T Q M R R IS A L W ^

s a s s u re d th e c o m n le te a n d la s t i n g bi to " c u s t6m « r , w i th e v e r y p u r c h a s e . m ta l inh J o r h o n c s h i .a n d J a i r _ d r a l in n p o p u la r i t y c a r t ic d a n d c n jo y c i ' i r r " W c n ic r n A u to " - t irc 8 . . . e q u ip ; • .;iiji^ th tic~ p c rfccU if~ iiiU u ic£ il ':rrJ£ iO -

7T IO N -T -rca< IarC onfi(icn t-that= ^you-ari ifj the. f in e s t , th c h a n d s o m e s t , , t h e i d , ih e }ern{ /n .t/in ff, th e n a fc s t , a n d e c o n o m ic a l b a llo o n t i r e s t h a t h a v e d ih c e n v ie d n a m e o f th c /ij-(Z a n ip a » u j- . ... . ^ k c .ia o rW la - la x g c a t

n R -Y O H R P R O T E C T IO W■to*ranimi^ahteltrta MotUtttctiont l a r ^ th t U vary "(VaWarn Atxio" tir* . . ^»*ou m aat I i/«erf ihtrt haot

l i i v A r S r i g h t ”. . . /* AnJ mor* ih^n Jir«t«rn Auto‘s afore* Hand r*aJy to fceeJk i U ^rai, tally pr^teting guaranty .

■ J U R E ^ M b u n f& l

^ F R E E lJ ' .. ---eM » k o Y o u r S a v iP g s E v e n

C i r « « tc r — T r a d e m Y o u r O ld T i r e a

. . . Ib e j ar* a s good as casb a t a ay - “W“ tC T A n te" stoca- ta part paym cat

ior B iv . foDr n a r u t t ^ W e ^ a i" ' G iant o r WcaMreU ares. . ^

»J50_Stnrc8 In t h e j ^ - ^ 1

"'•J'2.4 Amxi^'VO.' ; B * . W IN FA3Et£8, ro A H Q . J S ^

MORNING. SEPTEMBER:oij^T’a d d rw bJ Uie, pastorr subject; ilm e Church and Politics.” , T i

• T------ L - ' in •• tta3mBffitfY-XnB ISq A N - q i PBCH^ .SUk

Rov. J . Elliott S lim p.ipastor10:00 A. M. Bible school days11:00 A. M. Communion service.. popilf:30 A. M.: Momlng seroion. wnic7:00 P . M. Christian Endeavor. Ice8:00 P . M.. Evening.service. Itabl

HXKBErrCOMMUNITV C'HUKtU ' Rev. O. Ii. Kendall.' pastor

-I0i00-A>-M. C hurch . school-------------i!™ll:00-A .'M . Sermon. Topic: “Chris-1 can

tanlty and the Ballot." T h o official UUr oard will meet following tho services, fare

7:30 P . M. Hansen high school o lr l won taerve9-wlU-conduoWtl^rVtce.-l.tUaUlQA ;enda . Robinson, chaim tan: Itllsj )orolhy C line,' song leader.. Mlss aisabcth" Bllck.~New~YbrKr«ftU0«4l — roung Woman's Christian assoclaUon forkoR and Mlss Elsio Suit. Tti,ln

IM of the O lrT R cM rw ' code^ in summer camp a n d ' Uie Olrl Rc- citr iitvea’ nroimtm. 1 >"'S

ire m b n ts -

r-for l ijie w ------

th e ^

N e w - I m o ^ M no- esmHR-TmagTO?a -T— r r - ^ r ^ d t l n c r e a s e s

niiies . D r i v i n g S a f e r ^i g n e d 1 , „ d 2_ r p r f r c l 1y bal- rq f iv - tince<|. contlnnoii" cm icr ^‘ - -an rt- j> lilo -rtin n ln ff— «lrlp«-^A 4*f lm n d — irivtr-OTot>Jh-riMd-cfliiuict.//r_ u b b c r ■"'■rtnff w>"ler ""*7/ ^

liiM .lU uusanOd o f e x i m t / l ®g . - ' i n - niiie*.--------------------- • 'll-k iHh a n d 3—Srlm Uflc c o n tlnuouall I

. cnclrcM ni; a roovpa e lveV \|

-RAC-I sa m e * • " ‘l (5—Croim atol« a n it ^. r . - v c "T". Biotii Blvo jr rea te r ___>y n i O tK urtloh. ftid t)rnklnir a n d ______SaUS-., iirevpni^Biiiauiiur.

n 6— siiou ldo r biirti w ldrp tr«>nclnnd - p ro ie r i U rn niriU niit. ■

tf } , . , liump*. s li3»ln» a n d w ea r o n •fed by ----- - - • -p y o u r

i rc - in - - -—: m o s t w f A e E B a i T i g i a T r mn d th e ; ; ;c ever a t th e s e lo w p n c c s , la th o -i t A uto y o u c a n b u y . . . W i th oui

<in v o u r o ld U rea , th c s o I

^ 5 - 2 9 x 4 . 4 0 . r $ ! r ! 8 5 : p :

^ 0 x 4 t5 0 t ‘: 8 ; 8 5 - - 3 ( - : 3 0 x 5 t0 0 t . . - H . 4 S 3S

3 2 x 5 . 0 0 . . 1 2 . 6 5 3 ; 3 0 x 5 . 2 5 . . 1 2 . 9 5 3 i

W Br>-!r T>iw on thea© full f ^ tn oM jn d a rd w o l^h t tire* , w ith (,

_ tn u « h, jrood - g r ip p in g h ro adI iri-ait*. ofTcr tr rm ^ n g o ija ^^l^^-* Xook f

^ .■\l;. ^»•anctt for yoti r ol«l U r^ . ipH-anc --------------------------------------- 1.__ I__ ~ «■»«L #ua O e r l ^ r r t e . 29*4.4t 30*3 ■ Cl. Rai'. S it* . S.45 30, 4.5

3 0 a 3 ^ C L R a f .S ia * . .— 3 0 > 3 H C t.O T « n lM . .. 8.95

k 3 0 » 3 4 S. S. O rv ra iM .. 7.40 U 3I«4 s : S. 0»er* i»e '.. 8.95 31*5-0 ■ 33i <— s : w* -r S .S . OwmnU0.. 9.95 it tx S ^

J U 4 S . s . 0 * e n i s a . r 11.40 2 T I5 3 « 32»4t4 S .S . 13.90 30a5.TM 33x4H S .S . O re n is e ., 14.95 33*6.0

t ^ , lg 2 8 r :: - : -• " ■ ^ i r r o a i b a i t B 'e u s ^ r . ^ i ^ ^

TABRIZ, P e r ^ . ( ^ X D R i o T ^ m v th e - K »d -between'; Uils I to a r« p ^ ; ^ VBj;..ttduccdr-^antiimnhflB,--m ^] >ravel':ttmirbatwe«n-thffTdtiei'to:^twQ;^^^ lays in good weaUier. 8uch::.tlf«vfl''J»’.:‘:Si popular and -a Oern»n.,.-coiapany,;v;;^ which tried to operate an a ir jerT*-"JJv? Ice over t h e ^ j o u t a ^ o i ^ It. uapnrfi

-----OFPER -H IO -B U lM h-aO A P S ;—z- -'iQmQUE,.CTille ( ^ A n American - ^ '

firm has mado ah offer to th e ' CbU-. ' can B^vemnienV to reWtiBlrilCs cx- . istlng roods and build new thorough- ' f a re s - in northern Chile. Plnanclng would be done through toll eollee- . tlftM, ' • "•

tV h o te so fe < nsu rc .nce .A i;r.(U|> liHiininvo Is, wrUion hy

mnny «it llie ii-iiillnjt cild-lli»« llfo 1 -

iiiiiiie-rr»iii--|tie-rii<’t~lliHl-u-c(mi[utny____i nimrPH-nii- Ukt i'in|!iitn‘W » f. ii.-inrw — 7- ciirtmniilcin;-ik'(iiirlucm sinru. orfcny >ir'i;iiiila!inln'>- ,_________________V ______


es- j- ^

f i H (D. -■ © - N ------------r -


i r e M ^ ^ r . .

tio -m ost e c o n o m ic a l t i r o I . o u r t r a d e - i a a llc w a n c o I 0 lo w p r ic c s - a r e ev e n _ j ________

H x 5 . 2 ^ '^ l £ p l - :.----------- 1

32x6i«0^-17!95 ----------- ----------

32x6.20. 20.75- 33x6.75: 24.65

iM a l :—/VEAMVELL B A L tO O N

tnord litsfy f>ar!nc« a re o f. 1c-1 In thf»o fii:i Dallootta wllh ...................lad ribNxl. non-aWd tread*.

,-ance «>a your old t i r e a ! ________________

i * ------ — O " - --"s4.40 Ballooa............» « J 5 ^t«JO , Ballo o n . 7 - ^kS.c» B 4 n o o t t ■ -f--------------

.Ht29x4.S$ — c5.00 B a l lo o a .. ;< .? 9JiS

tS.2S B .U o « * i .. r r . . 10.15 . .B a U o d f t . 1 . 10 :95- - ------------

15.77 Ballooa.V .W ... t l .*8 16.00 Balloon............. 13.90

Page 14: · Sixteen Page; ~ ~ VOL. ll. - NQ. 145..- '- - Guns On Hert behM Ieiiii f ==W m f D em ocratic'N om inee in A ddress j------------in

r e n i E R G R O U i ,

~ m d n e s s o f M a r k e t F lu o tiia - :

; j id h s G o e s H an cl'in H a n d W ith

B ig V olu m e o f G ra in T r a d i n g ___

OHXCAOO, Sepu 22 (<9V-W1W0CSS Of-----Brice fluctuBUons-vent-httnd-In -Jiond--------

today with, a big volume of trading lh Kralri." W heat scored" n sudden • -

to :cc above veatcrday-fi ____------lowcst-fJiTOTear-bul efforU to realize.. . prollta gave the im fn a . Utl uiJ-set t c ------: ' " ‘waid*lhc*'I4Atr~Thc-mn8tandtng-ncw--------

• fiictar which hobtcd wheat v a lues____. m nP 0I???iy was7 , ‘eajg_|^au)^m_o<i tli<- ____

. p a rt or w iu m . Com m a d e u m e v t i drop of nearly 8c u busheniT the ab­sence of any agsrcsslve support,-

---------Clo^lng;~qUOtaIoas-flir wheat were - —highly* nervous a^ the same as yes-

'terday's finish to .? ;c down, c o m ,a t •IVic to 7Hc decline, o a u -varying from MIC setbacle to lie advance, and provlalon.5 unchanged to '20e off.

^___ DIfipUys ne»llaney ' M

heSon^~*bcinff**^feclcd by**lIlvcV-[ ». pool quotations which filled -to reflect I g fully the oharp upturns in prlcc that

■ r . ! i i_ ^ ^ _ w c n t _ o r a u m U J ^ -on -

est4 were buying on a large scale boUt „— -ii™ ul(.'ly, Uio marKW-»iio*“ Msy»»rBi-fc.ui«. — Rt__cago I^cccmber delivery jtoartng until

*lt had BUrpassed any prevIo\iineVcls ' ' of prlccs rcached since July 31 last, j C*

^ Clo*e I offeaepL .......U6 ‘i 116*1. lU 'fc lU ^ ;! Ci

------ ^Decr~r..i....ll8 ’U- l a n i —llBVi 118% I Soui- Mar. ......... l a -124, 1224 .122% I Ci

• May .........125H 121*i 125>i 125-')i1 . »

: ___ 103K J 0 « ' M DS’i p ; ;Dec. ------.-.7S 18',l i m 7 5 % m ,„ - ,

TO— i a a - ,1 3 ^ Mav ......... 82 ■* 82»t -81 .-81 410^

^ S « p t ; t n e w ) - 4 3 t t — 40------4 2 ^ ; _ 4 3 « t | j ^r>ec.<new) 43U 43 « %Mar. ........4V.i 94S **'.1,May ......... 45!i. HS'.i [

CASH OBAIN' ReccljCHICAGO. Sept. 21i ifl'jll-WIVi-ai: wu. URU.

4 Sard J l.lSU : No. 5 hard »1.10. f^Sc Io Uoror Klb. !i m k ea ’DUl^c to ilU ,4ti i b u ll

Ko. 3 yellow »l.OOU to >1.02. to 112===rrOat8t=NOrra5ngte=fl5crtftr46Chyo;} = f f l^

-4-w hlU j 40c to 43e. fairlyRye n o t quoted. s^ad yBarley 60c to (fflc-. choice

. Timothy aegd CQL.ouDtwl.__________ | g°« J‘-=-^Clovcr-iecd not nuoted.____________I80<”

- . [ to »l-------------------OKAllA-QRAIN------------- — Uold—;:-:"^M A l£ A , Sept. 22 W>>—WJieat: No. C«C8 1

1 hard »1.09; No. I hard smutty ;~ N6A‘a-nir r<i- H '.w = t<u*t.»A;;

No- 2 white M 'jc : No. 2 yel- « lp U low 93c: No* 4 white .01c: No. 2 steers mixed OOc. moslly

OaU: No. .-3 white 41'.;e: No. 4|atrong .Vhlte 30Hc to 40c- , - . ' lower:

• - ' ___^ ______ lower;FOBTLANb G ^ l N and y

— PORTLAND.-6e p l .- 22-{,Pf—W h*at:.{aad:ji iftnw hard white Sl.41; soft v h l t c l c r s 'i l

— >r.I8 ; wcs tcn r y h lte |l . l7 ; -h a rd win- {to *0.' tcr. western red »1.10; northern spring I tlcal t

■ 11.00. lers «1Today’s car. receipts: Wheat 110; j She«

n bur .7; com"2': oata 2; . ' Tdlrrttl . • • • -------- sheep

• > _ ^ CHICAGO PltODUCE ] lo SO

Alive, firm; rccelpu sbc cars; >fowts|$c to 30c: springs 28c; rooiters 18c;l tu r- j range

__ Iceyg 20c: ducks 2<c: geese 22c. __ lf«^ln iButter: Itigher: rw elpu Wfl7“ lubs: tb re^ ii

creamery extras 4Cc; standards 4S‘4 c : | Hogi ex tra n m S l4 S c - ib .« '.a c : flrata..43.c i 25c_« I'

~ ~ l ii I II l lr^«b-42»4e. ; b u t^ t

---CBtgg : ----------IT- ■ . . , J h>o-«UPotatoes; RecelpU 212 cars: onl

track 303: total United States ship-1 m ents 9C6 can : trading fair; m arket 'weak: Wisconsin sacked Irb h Cobblers 85c lo 05c: M lnnewU sacked R o u n d T s i i^

— Whitfft 8Qc tfl 85c:,SquUi nnK{iU-aaclt44»mb»i — ♦d-OblM <L05 to t l in ;-?a«brnf*tt t ack-1 j ., .cd .lrtsh -C ohhrrrt »in^ to . t lJ f t : Knn-.ii,i,>^^,

s*a and Mlswurl Irlsli, Gpbblers 65c ] bulk — r o - r a r ----------------\ — :------------------------— I ' — lilanib*

SA.N FRANCTSCO FRODVCK ct ew _ ^ S A N ^ FRANCISCO. Scpl. 23 l / n - j 54,50 1

— o n iB u :— OT?eu'"H'- lu n .ii.—lu g ; ' ’ . . Jobbing dr>- yellow $2.15 to * »2J5: 3 ^ Australian BrowTw J2.7S 10 M. Sheep

Potatoes: Jobbing Stockton >1.10 to pnrrd *1.40: poorer lower: Waxliinclon Net-

'te d Oems »1.70 to pound

— . —o R iE p kRI»JT J lS ;- -WHW—VORK.— g ent .

- i r u l t and hop.'* steady. - . 1 - . -

---■ ^ ------; DOSI LIVESTOCK MARKETS I’----------------------^ ~ rcall«

CHICAGO U^TESTOCK elfilUCHICAOO.-Sept. 22 (;r>—Hoca.: l^e-;l0Lt a

er grade* lOc to 20e lower: top SlXTolweek. p a id for- a Joad of around 200 pounds: 1 grades butchers 250 to 350 pounds 'J ll.73 ‘ to j are v *12.65:- 200 to 2 50 -pounds lll.70_t<L!t‘vr» ■ 112.70: 160 to 206 pounds I I I to $12.70.' being

CatUe: RecclpU 1000; s trlc tb ' cholc?-Ing c fq l steers and y e a r lty s steyly : oth - j easier,

— w pply-^ln-b^tween - fed—Knd—

western g ruaers offered; stockers and feeder and ranse sU uahter • steers

— 0 6 l o w ^ r S S r Ted yeArirri^-*--N PSia.60: hea%*les >l&.50r heifer year- stronc U i ^ tl7.M ; western grass steers lo ;l5 bid

_kUleT». >14-70: western on feeder ac- Quli

I B hiTO :~Tt^lpt» lOOOr-ne freah sap . i .p l& c n ' t ale: 16i* U>e JIB----------doobles trera feeding sUtions. 9000 NT\ direct:- ‘f a t lamb prlets gained 35c bonds te 40c v l th thc week's highest price 3S s OQ J%te ro tm di; a few prime rangers F tn t in c tiippen la le >1435: bes t fat rM»tPoatU t i r e lamba "for U u v w T iu .4 0 : .fa t Treasi

.«VW S4-7S: oo>earU nsx to test m ar- f a t n h » : bom fa t n o g e Iambs for SUI

- -----------\- " • - - r fN F 'T iv y e -o fO T H r--------------------------____________________________


___ o r . •I___ •ff-'lfhlc, IMnKAPM y_

R E rFfS , - r c MIM.. ■ 'T'-tP tT « r r . , IV__ 1 . n

i t MOtvl • l l.............hl^••''^JC •

' •• CHLT>tJtlP__________ ___ i _ ,1

MARKETS^AT A GLAMCE | | " ’^|N E W V O R K , S e p t . 22 OVh- Slocks: Irregular; Atlantic Re- NE

rinlhg rt-ws-more than 5 points to .week-record hlglii . tlve

n ..ll- ..O.iny pHce[>n-week-end-profll-loklng.-------------

Foreign exchanges: Easy: .iter- ed a <ng-«nder X.85;- »ww-40M tow. : izigO--B iw - an a -coffgeniom iuy .- ' - ‘

—W hent: wwiy; increased country tmrtirifferlngs. u t „

Com : Weak; excellent wejiUierJouthwcst.------ -- ----- Pre:

Cattle: Irregular.---------------------------- nrd Hogs: Steady to lower.-------------------Motor

------- -1-------------------------------------------------- B-'stO'I fed U

e -w eek .*17.75 10 114.161, natives In thi J.50'.3orii3.7s:z:0irowo«tsj:'->10 to -i.Ohr ).50; -faUewes->6-lo-»a.&0;-feedlng. Polge, irtH-closlnr-SSc-to-BOe-lowerJ—bulk- tlon>-l" the v te k *1355“to *14.— --------- vnnce

-------- , Ma:PORTLAND LIVESTOCK weafce

PORTLAND, Sept. 22 (/P>-Hog«:""■■“ ..■ 7 '^ g S ' i: 'lower; feeder pigs barely steady;

>12; few loads early Monday *12 . J

riy acllve; .lambs and ewes closed 2 . ^ 'J ady; yearlings SOc to 7Sc higher; licc Mount Adams and eastern Ore- > lamba *12J& lo *12.80; fairly »d“ vallcys , including dnvc-ins » ii H r3 0 :-T rtr ic ily —choice—yearlings a -U P - to ..4 9 J 5 :_ 0 d l^ h e a d Hood :s *5 to *0.

___ OMAiiArfciVEgTOCK- - .'____

pts 400: compared week ago: fed trs .and yearlings and she stock • ^ stly 25c lo 75c lower: cutters '■* * jng to 25c higher: bulls 25c lo SOc “ • er: stockers and feeders BOc to 75c T r;_ b u lk s_ fo r_ w eek : fe d _ s t« re 1 yearlings *14J0 to *17; yearlingsl^jnedlum w elghta .tia ilg rasa-helfz .‘ >10.50 tp >ir.50: grass cows >8 4°°' >0.75: ra tte rs *850 to *7J0: prac- ®*r U top veals >16; stockers and 'foed-$ l\M to- *13.75.----- ------- •

Iheep: Receipts 2500. Including WOO ®r 'r tirT ftfTam bs-8lcadyto '25<rlow er: — ... -■ep IOc lo -15c higher: feeders 25c

SOc lower; clo.ilng bulks .*13.50;

to >0.85: top *7; good and choice igc feeding lanibs $13 to *13.60; ding, MCS_ >5 to $5J0: one year eding ewes up U) *7.

Receipts 1500; mo«ly 15c to ,^ ° ! ” , -. lUKcr:- top . *12 on 225 -pound ;c i ie r 3 : - b u l le - n o - to ^ 4 0 - p o u n d TT~ mil lullf’’" '^-stronfl-^-eigh t-bu t^SaeB t,= frffer„

DENVER SHEEP ^DENVER. Sepu 22 (ffv-ShecR: Re- Tjoht pts 8200; 1859 through; no early Leghc

p ^ i r s talKlng' u rak *uii- fa t cocks ibai— fof - - weslf — a m itnd 15,000 tin

:S r :^“ Dlucp an d ^ccd crfl''''o U * d ?i':k 7aTM toJi^*$12io to *U 2M : 'top ; iO ~ f f t r “ c ^ - « “T o -4 f l— recaef iiU -* ia ,C 0-to->13.30;-bulk breed- ewTs >650 to >8.:0; feeder ewes a u ^

W to *5:75. °

SAN KUANdlsCO ShtHI* nutt^iIAN FRANCISCO. SejJt; 22 fep: Weekly jecd p ta 4800; com- •ed week ago: Ilght lam U steady:Ighty. plain weak: two decks 74 nnne ind *13.50 top; others >13 to *13.35: n ^ , dium Krade SO pounds >12.25 to!j5m T »rlm g^ «>__lo’ .$9.50; .CTia..T ^ T r«, to W50. - — —

' iinuTn-it iv n n ' 5 ^ k lOSTON. Sept. 22 .(JV-Bmlness ol I* of .good volume and further p fd e r :ht gains In the price have been Jlied on -worsted'W ools.— rtf ty - i;cmoi h t COS are strong and occasional o ran i I are being moved a t somewhat

:k. SUlcUy canblng 56s and 48 50s Leuu< des o f , fleece • and territory wools i

very ftrm a n d ' m oderately-ao- '-roma' r» 'A /a ir volume of business Is w at^; rxg transacted ' in dom ntic cloth- can te ; M* but the prlcw arc sUghUy >>cr. ,____________' _________ Butte

^gw ?7 'i**__D f •*!- '^****U.57,S------- ----- ------------------------------ -

METALS^EW' r o iu e . •set ^ r ^ :T3 n = c 6pyerr> — :ong: electrolytic spot' and future bid. 15U asked. . |

Quicksilver *134. - i

fE W YORK. Sept. 2J OP>_Llberty Co Ids c lo«d today as follows:s . . . . - ------ ------------------------1 98.13»t 4«iS ---------------------------.,-^JlO lJO X3S3tl 4UJ----------------------------- >101.50 3f a s i ^ 4Via ------- ---------------» IU J0


JA IL Y N E W S , F A U ,s ^ ^ = g a a g = a s s a B g s ^ ^ ^ g g = = g = 5

/ WAl,T MOVI DfD \ PL’UMf^( yCH.) H ftPPrM TO ' \ rJCTiCC \ r>gr»oe g>o / r^jc- l oV r o TGV - TO . a / . b e ai:

__ ^ t t j p D c e '^ / • V .


YOhic, SepL 32.(/r>—Extcnslve NEV veek-cnd readjustments of spccula- S treet Jve accounts caused on Irregular days i >rlce trend In today's stock m arket; Whs i^ u m p l io a - a L p o b L o ^ U o n s - lU l~j irropri; ^ a dozen or more Issues to new Mon »lfrt tnr thf> vxar nn- pnlhi nf whflt

nd some other hlglupriced special- fe r sol lc.i iinseiUed Hie m a r k e l ln lh i s la s t a n d " ? lOur. So 'great wos the volume of the In HUlin*_Jhat_lhe_JlcKcC-Jc11_ » _ fn ln .i they n tes behind the> m ark e t. ' The day's - Sotu ales totalled 3.152.000 shares. are exPresident Sloan’s suggestion of rec- le a s t

rd breaking camlngs for Oeneral unders lotors, coupled with his InilmaUon Ishmer-s tock -d lv ldend-ln -N ovem ber.-he lp -----------d to m aintain bullish enthusiasm ' / 1 the motor group. ,-Ohrvsler.-HUDD. t»ao k ard -Q m h am - 'Hie ttlge..Kclsey..Httyc^.Mqrrayy.Cbi^ni» 7*ork. ion.-Electrio-Auto=Ute.and-othera-ad-. -WnlLianccd“ lnto - new -high 'te r r ito ry .------- time* <Many of these and other Issues (tils n

vakened In the final hour, -how- (}io c{ trer. Radio, after having touched feose. )67«, sold .down to 107, but. recov- red about 4 points of Its'loss. Mont- •iitncfy-wflyd Ulld ■■Naiioimi u iiiry — —rotlucto ,tlbiilaYKl., m rly ini__ 2!i£.le session and clo.icd' a point o r man, i ro_Jower.-.. Amcrleafl_Watec—Works, .iliu-cll iBthlehenr-Steel.-— DuPont:— Oenonii. ^n ifnri leclrlc. Pox Film A.- Packard Mb- more i >rs. and Wright Eero closed 1 to 3 "tudir. jlnt* net Jowcr on thc dav.

rou i^__^ e _ Southwestern carriers, BOBl1th St- Lbub Sduthwcstern^movlng ~ ~ '»-ft-new-ycaT^s-htgh--ai.-llfl.-up-41a.______alnls.

. th c M priccs a re e tta loed daOy | a t 4 o’cloek In tb e afleraoon aad a n Intended (<> - eoVer only tb e : average of prices. Wtiere eertala dealers for short periods offer |more th aa - tb « -q n o le d -p r1 e e i 'n « ’ ‘----------effort Is made to Inelode sneb

TiBotatl«ni::“ qB atatlo tti-tra-offered—n— :— merely as a gnlde to prvdseen ’ and sboBia not -be accepted aa i refle«Unc-exUcn<» of e ither high ' - or low prir««. ■■■ _

Paid tA " F o 5 S * « .....The Twin Falls markets yesterdaTere as follows: ______' ’ ' _______ ^

togs . . I -*10.00;Ight heai-y hogs ....... v ...............*7iO:cavy-hogfl---. »5iO-to->7iO •— ------o'ws ,— _______*4.50 to *8i0teUers __ i._____ ,-_-__~*«,00-to«7^; _te c rs___________ — tfl-m ntooQ _______eal calves - *5.00 to *8.00

i^ng^iainbT ^T rzizrrrzzzzrrzzznT oo*"'^^^™Pooltry _

[eavyjn?R 9;-4^-lbs.-and -up.-4b .30&--------;Jght hens, under 4 H 'lb s„ lb ......itJc'icghoms, hens, ib........................ ...... 12c iy te rrlb r::v ,..„h.M__v.__ . ,_. ^5c •

p w g era! l ^ h or ,..locy^ricH. uu t6 a lid., lb ....;:.-Tf-^4c ;i ta g a _ lb ----------------------------:___ In^c__ _____lapons. No. I. l b , _______ _______ 10clapoM .-N or-?-tb . ..........„ ,- .-=-^^:.14e------------lips. Ib. ...:-------------------- ----------- Kc.

Datrym tcrfal, svret___ ,.rilc_____________________■utterfat, sour ...........•...................•..■«3cggs (cash) .........................................22cggs (local store) ------1.*..-..........25e

Sngai^W bolcM l*rane ---------- ---------------------- ------»7.:<icet .................... ..............................>7.04

W h^at aBd-M IU-F»««-tran . ' l*'L - - ............_____ * r3 5 ' ' "iRin. 500 Ib n o ts * r r _ _____ “ .."ITJOtock'food. 100 Ib. lou .... ..... - .....>1.50________tOCK fooa. &0U ID.“ J5U i\ASilcklow. No. 2 or better.... ..........>1,02^deration. No. 2 o r t>etter ............. OOc

S e ta a Frfacs emoa% dozen. — "SOe' • >rangc8. doeea lo 70e' tew potatoes. 15. lbs. ........ mc

ettuce. head .... __________ ,5c to lOcIgnnurt* nn inn« a Xba _ ----- Mirtunatoea 3 pounds .... ;25e------------^at^rmeloru, 1 lb. _ .............. .......... 2c _ •lanteloupes. each _ _ I_ _ 1 0 c and I5c ..............

P reteeanstter (ranch - .......... .... ._.4I< *”^ - c a e m i m y j ---------___________________

1___FOR-SALE_.___. 5 C c n t j a . t io .u n u ___ ^

Come and gel them before they are all g o n e -a t

Whitt* Bros. Ranch.Z b Om aesth. 3 ^ West «f

• S ^ U i Park Ofveerv

VAS O E T - r /w i TOO \ Z 'Mf> -AMD 1 'JU S T . \ / -AOENI'T CCP IT P H V ttlS . ' ) V O U . EAI

2 2 7 y --

^ i ■. ■ '4?-

'!( ^ I

^ a U s t r e e t E a t s - „ o ■ - L e s s i n - M i d - W e e k

SEW YORK. Sept. 22 _(;T>)^V,'all “" ‘“J reel is hungriest on M ondnyNTlnrs- ya and Fridoys. :Why? That's/W hat the ^ s ta u rm it

Wonday is a bard doy in thc .str'jet,

im thi» u>OA'j.ti»rl nnri f<wt m m n f .solocc. The pro.vlHiJty of TliiiiWay*

J"Prldtiy lo pay day inoy'cSCplnln' ' ~I Increased* consumption a.s far- us | ry arc concerned. 'iaturday Is a hnlNhnllclay. and-, few s ,„ ,p ! expected to cnt>-on tlti; Job, a t sL B ut 'th'e '^'meo] 'brukcni” c&h't derslond th e Indifference to nour- _ m enl on Tuesday nnd '.Vcdne&day. ' 1

■ O ld i^ m v r fc a n -C h u re h ^ ^ - - __lliU-fumouB .Trliilly th u rd i.lf i New _S<'rkrr.wiii.(.'l>-MiiMi<> ni. dm ii«.‘uil n i __ ^alLam.iil.-hiiliJ jjci-vin-yJiiLJlmiltrflL - ntron Morch 1!1. tiBis. Ai .mo iliiii!’ '*Is wns tlio uppop tidiiiuliiro? tine of ^0 city, (lic wflft Milt: hiilll for tie-3SC. ' . PJ

•V ----- - sc------j:h0-Ap*-Ft,mUi»---------------- larill. ............................ ............. o r,in t. _ 1 «III, lliu clilnii>iiti7:>-i‘, iliu KOrlll:! nod . 01i-glbbun. AlLtit-tli^muniprtmcli-uud- __fnnritJJtaTnnn. tn hItc n jiirn ll n ro- — tro or le-HS ni H/nm- In nn crool ftttl-K'. - - ^


■' X H E O K t L t U j

_ __________ tfiaf'

___ ___________ i j h i s t o f y - m a k i i

• G o c J ) e I * a o d a

___ l|teh> .a H ra m a r ic

s u p e r i o r i t y a n d

h ig h compressicr. f o r m a n c e .

T ^ Z r i r - Z ^ 'A n d i s iL th r i s e p

t h e g r e a t n e w ^

' w h i c h p o w e r s '

<. a n d A d v a n c e d S

T h e N a s b T w i r

l^ u lU O Q c o i l s 1


j ^ m z Z i i t i p o B T A :, ' T w la - r ^ d o a m otor

■ _12 A irc rifilc i^ spark p h ' High c o ap re sd o a

N ew doable d rop frame

^ H e p p3 1 9 M a in A v e . W e s t .

M O R IT O G f:S E C T E M B E R :i

'—A -PROPHEe-Y ‘ - " -

MO - CA M -r. A FPO ftD nL T - ■ ■•VT^<A*r-s A H u w > ? tte o CALC=A T /N O rJ POUR OU^ICE5 O F SRiMAC

: .^ - . A m jMOttPC). AMP m s M • Ff£.t/WC NO CftfiAM /M

— ^ " = - c O P F e e . - A. T5A C ,P00M F-------^ W = - r 5 - ~ 3 0 - C - A ’c 0 R i e ^ — 1—



, PLANES lUVAIr HUSKIES « . 1 NOME (/P>—Airplanes a rc supple- oL

lynUnit. }f not supplanUng d o c _ t ^ a trcals >r w inter travel in Alaska, several made :ria l transportation- componltu op- wheni -atlng routes front—more th a n 40 Uie l nding fields. -So much piano tmivel oat.<t.

planned for the coming winter I inlKx tat tr adgrc hnvo rofn twl to. conlm ff, 'fooOt^ ~ ^ iin a T 'ii» u tr~ ro o d -o f - th e ~ d b 8 -;--------am s, believing they will b e '. l i t t le ’ icd. , ■ ■ ■ , . I

— Mli'cry-f Siul Miitt— ' - : !iviSft; Isn't cornpnny that tnisery loves, | -c.vrl

11 nn 'luillrTiff* irinnHlnn ' runiiiInte .tnprnnl. • . Iht r

H o u s e s A r e {W e so ld t h e R o w b e r r y h o m e o n .fi

- S e lL -w h o a e -X a ra iiy -d e n m n d e d m o re - t h e -n ic e h o m e - th e y ~ h a d - o n - S c c o ^ o w - b a v e - th e - S e c o n d - A r v e n u e - p r o i

jfa in .' T h is p r o p e r ty h a a n ic e liv in g tw o i 'o o d b ed ro o m .s a n d b a th , n ice p o rc h , la r g e c e m e n t b a .so m en t w i sc i'oe iiod in f r o n t p o rc h , b a c k p o

- l a w n .u t t h -h n o k y » rd f c n m i . in a n d . b e i 'v . T h ia ho u stf h a s ju s a b e e n m o ra lo d a n d ih a lo v e ly h o m e . T li

T H ead a> ^ » n d-ft-H n » asy m o n th ly p a y m e n ts t i ik e i t . S

L E T S C H & W I L L I A I_ lC 3_M ain_W -cat.______ T w in F n lls , 1

~i ■ i S 7 r ^

A l w i t r i g ]

if carried Lindbergh over over the I*AciitcrJiTrd

iking flights Oodbcrgb» Byrdi plu[ a host o f o ^ e rs ha>re*e5tab- siciiTically flpd rongiusiveiy the _o.eind celiability of twin ignition, pro

falvcri»'head m otor per- ^noi

The pnnciples afe combincd io Im i

V Nash Twifl Ignition Motor spc rs every Nash "400” Spccial tEe rdSixtnodeL—*—

jrin Ignition Motor* with two yoi

S 5 S f


_______LorctoT shock sbsorfacs . _ _ i .: p lugs Alumiouia alloy p litoas (/OTwrSwi)

7-beariag crank>Eaft s e Ooe-piece Saloa fcoders*

p i e r J N a s l i M oI t. Twin F a J l T I d a

'A / ^ T i i STA- VV/Ai,T»Loe*bS. / p o c o OJJ A - p o ^ t a k-CH IS AMO W OU CO<JC0M o p g - :— , f ...P O fe y A € e - - ‘STAMi

. J WM&vf ME -FALL OP> \ DIET J fO O f

SCOTCH LIKE CEREALS ' ' / GLASGOW (flV-Many. .a Scotch w /■ tablo bears nn American- lor ■ide breaklftst - food.' such ns com, creascnl and bran flakes. Years ago assen> Scotch w ould ' have only.iroUed 1023,,s. farina or semolina, bu l thc reporreduction of thc lighter American tlpnO t, cruaUvl n ilrmnnrt duty

HuM sian A lp h a b e t j

iirtf friiin the f!>2antlno ((,r<nii-'iVl:'.Vr'ilie Slniiri'OlIlury. T'>"thIsV hliiiiii.vrll ikMh I nlliLTS Ui cnvvr Slavonic _ | j | .iiiiiU-oikUiUiik—’— m=x=r rt. ......... .........__ - ■ —

S e l l i n g ! !I A d d is o n A v e n u e tp G . i t . __r e r o o m .t h a n . t h e y h a d . i n t;ond—A-vciiuo ■ N o r th . Wo__ • o p er-ty -fo r—s a le -a t- a -b a r -^ — — n g ro o m a n d d in in K ro o m , ic(» l i i f h t k itc h e n ,'B le c p in s r w ith l a u n d r y tu b s , l a r g e ( p o rc h , g o o d g a r a g e , f in e iH flf>wey>< Iin tl '.sh r iib - _ n e w ly p a in te d a n d re d e c - i n e m) w in du r c a a y | F t?mali^ > a y m e n t - d o w n - a n d ^ =:A; See. o r c a ll— I

t M S , R e a l t o r ' s • |_Ixliihp_________ P h o n c 218 I

* Art Goebel woo tbi , Sao Fraodsco to Hs' up a new rccord fo< coDtlauous illgbc, i

— ---------------------------P J s . Nash ‘M00.“ IO g<C B ii of performance fro

I g L :________ __

tif> crk ii S ix <

rrfheAf/anfic, Goebel* U over thTPofe !»Iijgs“ C“ i fp ^ * o c * ) 'P 0 t o e a c h c y l in t f e a d ‘o T o n e , '5 6 0 ' s p '* k s a s c c a n d 'J ;

'£■180. a t t o p s p c e d r B u r n s t h e h i g h l ’

i r e s j e d g a s e s m o r e t h o r o u g h l y an '

lo m ic a lly .

" h e r e s u l t I s m o r e p o .w e r f r o m le s s

fne , an*d erS tn ttrj gasoli<A» t ' . t hc p e c i a l , h i g h p r i c e d f u e l s a r e r e q u i t

f ie T w i n ' I g m t i o n M o t o r .

) n c c j 'O u d r i v e A g rC T t n e w N a sh *

o u a r e c e r t a i a n e v e r t o b e c o o t e n t e

S i S r *^ t o t a r —C a i c J V a l u e ___________ _

-S a lo a Bodies Sbofrm ralaivanity caseVad s a v i n g ' i if ch » b

set. In ib e r mouatcd 0 Body, rubber iaiolated bom N u h Special

^ frame aod rear b

o t o r C o m p a rrTnhn -------------- P>

r fC H iN ' H»S \T A o e s c A u e s 1s e N D 'T F o a s '

!vkap„- b u t f___ _ ____:________

Itj. t*» ■


ar vehicle ■ manufacturers have in- _r c ^ ihe number of Iheii* I6^6lkt\ -------ssembly p lants ICO per cent since 923, the departm ent of commerce sports. P lan ts loented a t dlstrlbu- pn centers afford savings in freight, nty mUa. , mnty-Hnl.

' E x p o s i th r i o f W eaknetM '_________

_u__ijiicnwriipo . \vlin,_smror*___liiiself IM tKs-vniisiii In n 111 of nngcr. -IJIVnlPr

___ :_______ WANTED— ,____ ________ I . . .

O hoicD C It7 L o a n '" v .

—Twin FUU T ide A Atetraet 0*.

Rabbit Breeders *k e e p y o u r b r e e d in g s to c k

re g iH te red .SEE

A. N. Bonweill ic e n c e d i ^ g i . s t r a r o l t n e ““ “

= A n e = a n d = ft;:^ 7 :A 3 so c ia tio tt= --------Addreas Cnrry, Id ah o ..........................

Poslofflce, Filer. Idaho Phone S45rt. Twin Falls

- , ■V1 tbe D ote Race from < Hawall.then behuag 1 for a 'C oa irto 'C oatt— —3C, With a tw in Jgoi- resiioa . Talve-io-bcadCO be~bougbi u uew ------------------J get chc same kind " /from his m otor car.

llx “ JOO” S e d a n

\ t t q u i p p t d _____ _

l l n d e r i n - ------------ ------------------ -------

T J 'ln s re jr f ------------------ ------------- —

g h ly c o m - ___________

a n d eco «

less g a s o *

(u ire 'd f o t ' .

s h " 4 0 0 , " ______ ____

n te d w i th

__T i ia c ra d ia s ___ _ . . J -1 wheelbase (cial Deklgo & oat ' ub o m p efs . ,

i v y ~~PhQnB__164.

(OR) ^

Page 15: · Sixteen Page; ~ ~ VOL. ll. - NQ. 145..- '- - Guns On Hert behM Ieiiii f ==W m f D em ocratic'N om inee in A ddress j------------in

I e h I M L U

. - B U in . s c p t - f f l l s p r a r B T t r

--------- SilddleiUdt,-boM*-«i® -

y l S h r * i D bnttCTf»t p r o ^ M ^ . VIcUe. » portbrea ^tm y* wmaSS? cu ”« « ^ a stc«t when »bo wand In M iwmUa P ^ y a ®»«

If'baU ftt. He*’ *’’®bntteifa t dnrln* the eaUw pwiod.

. M t» /O eorge .M anhaU w M 'h o a to sto members of th e lam lt d rcle a t the •■first regular laU mceUn* Friday after- nrton Roll call WM answercd with

" S r A V i i i t r i l e l t g i i t e s - t O 't h e - P c d ^ --------Uon ol Womcn'a clubs meeting has been chwised irom SeptOTber 26 ta

• September 37. The next mcetln-j or the lamU club will be-Qclobcr -5. Sixteen members ond two gueats,Mrs. P. S. Koch and Mrs. C. H. — Taylor, were present.

'n Buhl Rolnrlans were boats Thurs- UA J‘ day lo J , E. B arr. Waahiagton.. chlel *'. rcdcral supervisor'

^ in d rk e lln g ' (or the sta te of Idaho. General marketing conditions In the ^ otate were discussed.— ~

Thc American Legion Auxllary will hold the tlrst. m w tlng of thc fall '

be served a t the ci’ty“ hair-a.t“ l~ P ; ~ j j

rmaU sem w pecT T oT eovT In 'lH r^car - • Tuturc -ro r- Indcpendc5 cc.“ -K an sas . —jjr

wliere tliey wltl make thclr home.. Tliev have_been residents of Buhl

since'June.Mrs. C. D. .Pecbler and nephew. B.

P ricer have gone to Pendleton-where -- fg they will visit friends and attend thc i,,. Roundup. From Pendleton, Mr. Price

. - wlU .retum to his hom e_ai_A nnahelnl.___California.

Mrs.-Hott-ord OauJt .will fill the po­sition vacated by Mrs. Rose WUson T

' head • df tHe ,. Engllah-dcpattm cnt. ot I to liie Buhl high school who~ha3~be*>n'; tiilii oppolntcd“ lo‘“ succecd^hc~ Id lc~C lJB r^nu“ lotte Pond, superintendent of public u,,., Instruction. Mrs. Oault Is n gradu*! ate of the University of Utoh. or

llmmett Lows has returned to Good*' , Inu where bc will ottend school the 1

---ro.nlng-ini.r___-r>. . . . . . . . ---lu'lInjured nearly n yenr ago when an

------nertytene g u ta n U tiip4o<t«t-it*Jwi»3--------. Ills pyrnlgh t whlch_ba3._ncvcc^ b e e n __11— rcsa rea . ' :----------------- - f t r n r

:------------------------- . tin-,'Keeping Honey

--------- Unli2'a_lu_u_Bfulc!l_i'in:l<i'K'‘._l';'"«7___ ___iihtiiilil Ilf |i<-|ii Iu II ilr.v jiliu-**; .iiiii-r ivIm* Ii Im lliicl.v Id ii.KilyMirt* ■

------Btitl •.i.Mn-f..r-wtt«-H illlul«U-lt-vvlH-li‘C:- . - . .h_ iiu-jii ur »i>»r muJlM.MJi.wlJl iiii.v <nii«T

; ^■ltllllllr_^nl:l^^.»lrlll•. llfiil iuKljlc.Vl’i'i* ' TEA 'iiri'*- nViiiilly {»miih'^r'rt}.^.n'‘3jrTTtip

l>liivi-« for lii'iiry till* iliL* «itiiii*’»i 8 ch(,|.lini--*: the IctiKl •li‘i«!nitii<*. lh llie le- ,wjuniATiiL.r Sup<

-------------------------------------------- a t t:I ; . C auted C/iange o /A fin J '

\\>- Imve I.11UH! lU'iii'H ii fine Fi-stl- mu.iriii>ii.v i» ilii‘ iM.wiT ot inl\>-i'ikl»tt. in^l.•'i.llic |>fo|ilu tt\-lll, to hl«l>i fl II iinii«o cilUiilrh IllKl oriiTvil I-I- ■•\V« eatcl>,nv lill' iiilvi rllro-liii'liU" tliry niil'l.••V.H." •in»“ «»Tt'll Illl* OWIHT. 'll'l

------- ui>—uiiil-jfl'u:rIttujilim:_lliii.uiI_jvrM*Lrlf_«|i'Krrli>iIiiii Hif our liiiti'v Wt- liiivv <k*- _

-vlili-il liKt lo »i-li:'’-Ton'iiiii> CloliL-.

' R ew ord in W ell D oing_J____:n»_ilmi i]oi.-?--i:iM.i(l_t'>_i|'iolln'r_<I<>oa_ _]

p.H>il-nl>o to lilni'«-!l. iixt oiiVv t» llio

____ Illl. niiiin-t nKiifwn ■'! w«'ll ifiilfig Im <0 ^

------------- r o o D - o n o w R - i u i r c i ^ N — i _ z i 2nA lD HEADS . ■ .

SclcntLitfl have found thot b'aldnew II rnmrs from lack of heccssar>- food rJe- |] mcnts lh a t the human hair requires. ••X-’Ood.i found In Mc/ther E arth grow, j Cl

■ Thoma.s. 1001 America^. Fore , .BIrtg..' ,, Chicnuo. thc W drld 't'T cH din tt'^ ttlf'^* t clallJil ^ 1 0 opcniie* over <u ircuujiciu rj*

'o fflc rs 'm the U. S rn n d Canada.- H e------------turUjcr..5tatca_thnl_hoir_root.s alwnvs ..i

flay nllve and Uial in 86 per cent w of c x w where hair is fBlllnir or balcl- i irsa lixs Mil >11. a uiugUi uI iiu* fi h a ir can b<* hod In a short time by Jj folIowlnR his simple dlrtcllons. Hc will Bladly explain hU mclliod with­out cost, lo Uioie lnlrre.itcd In restor- Inc or dnvlng Uiclr Imir. Wrlje him . today—adv.

_ -- I I '' . ,,

“ C a ll Oli Us€><

.w h e n 7 0 a n e e d I r t ic k f t . f o r ' m o v in g . a n y k in d "o f X arn i ' ' ?i

c ro p s . .. *’-------------DopcndaWg" Dtlycrg------ ;—

P r i c c s R e a s o n a b le P H O N E 2 1 0 -

' SANGER SERVICE*........ t 1 -■! ^ fbB»

7 Gamtf Transfer-&7lLocal and Lons D is t^ c e Haultog. Di

Pocateno, Idalw St. AiUhonj-, IJoUi

MoTtof. S lo r u t . Packl

Pocatello " Twfn Fall»U S«. U t ISS CommercUPbsae m Pb«ae 3U

: - ' I . . .. '


i WOMDER WHO . ________ AH1> W H A T b e c a m e

A N b ^ U A A l ^ ^ n > ,___V jU f tg V E R TUV

\ M A V ? 1 0 ,0 0 0 6 0 0 D f-


. HANSEN. Sept.- 33 -(Special to The News)—Jack Rumsey reports — potato hon-tsi” or~300 'sacks per ocre. which, he believes, Is as jo; Jorge a potato production aa can ,

Karvestlng to still under~way ln ~the owniJ ^

not be affected by tho batance ot 1 “ 'the "crop. Mr. Rumsey'ls e lil^ ih gfour caHoads to .CaUfomla m ar- 102

-k c tt--------------- 1.---------------- —:-------- -rtnllonscn warehouses hnd added ms

to thelr forccs In order to core ' forfor " thn Ijeiui harvest which U“ 19;being hauled In from tho fields, ntoften long Into the night. 102

----------- - . - . . . 1 . - -------- - . . loo. S u p e i^ t t i o n T raced

Till- Kii|HTMlltloii iiii7i ll In liitlurU^tg^ l iKl.t l l in r_ ■laiirHi..-a^vUIi-..i.o- - i”riiinVii liiii* Hr orFKlii In llip riTri"*lliut _jj)niii“ iiif oi<j iiiiKHlNii niiU'nit HiTvlcu Jo,{Iio-c uUat ti’t're fw n i' ' xkiiiii‘ ;iii|it'r. It tviiH i-iiiinlilvri'il Mil iivt eacnf liii|ih‘iy III iiiiikL* uny I'llifr il^liia lOCIII vn<u|iit Ilf ilir«t>, untl ilii'i-vforu ill cotIm-lt woiiltl fiillow hiiHi nil net._______ Ca:

— - — Irreo a rab ttt Lou » ^-.lliiny.lii .lint imrmill lnne liiiwlfil t o ' H >- ryii\ i:niil ivnillfi: (nil iiiivi>'liml. ns . _ !ln-\ I'liiir Miiw* iri'iiliV'of 'uiiiil.' llie'Illliil illiil Illl- liowt-r lo rtijny il.—'I'llll.

- U*— it;; I . .u ~ i


^ ^ I I ^ ’.^EXAMJNATION NOTICE. __SMciat^TeaehcT3‘~Bjm m iiinllon~for

fiate Elementary and S tate High IE ichool. Certificates by endorsement, vlU be condifcted by the County luperintendent September 30th. 103S. .. a the High School Building. Do

All applleants from out of th e state i-ho do not hold Stole CerUflcates nu.1i appear a t this time for exam* nation. This examination Is not op- Do in 'td 'a p p iie jm m e r-c o n m y -X c rfr /i^;atc4. . »

(Signed) CHARLOTTE POND. Dc • County Superintendent.

■ n - i i - i - .

Have Perfect FloorsC tn n S m U S m i i j , J n i t i f a j i ,

J Ch' <1lrt. Inko off «uln».ri' i)JJ \arnl>.:i .ir Pultif, — ' an »nif>jith uj> 1*10 worn »i'ot« aiul ,

“ iniKft thfl olO-ftoor tt* Bood as - P*»miifw. «>nk. mii|*|i*. hnr<t Pln<'. norlla if ; - .i;.,.?;vi - « a•tl«*a. Ttw^r can )>• rennl(b«il an»arae as wlicn nr»i put ilown. ^ .^rvl

Did noors Nads LDie Hm ^ Near Floors Hsilo Perfect ^ iN,wlr lal-1 ftnnr>,

nnd nul<-k'r iToi.ffht to « r l ^ n Nurs• *mcmih iiiirf»r"'_ by lli" SEE

tn< ^lhm t''i'.iI> u* l'l!l" r 0*1 rral rnmraclnr of tm<-k>lire«Utns polat«Pilfkpr, aixl a( le»B cn»f. _ j“Anirrti-Bn U i.lver..|- m rih- me. €><j ilriiihf* ang-flour- b fu iU ulIy— - a im -

• atid rntlrrly wllhoul ih* o«uiil - . j j j ; - mu... A v*cuunv.-tan-d.»a»n»-- ' i i j

ell dirt in a bsc. l^avlnf lh« lob ------elr»n a* you ga •Irttg.,

— - ■ GAR

W. H. GASSER ^Hoor Coalraclcr

•bone l« n Twin Fall*___ pTe

WX75------------------------------------------- -- —Ian

r^ to rag rQ ).iH [nc .Dally Serrtce w Burley. Rupert.

foLse. Salt Lake and O ^ en . .UUh^

i s^olh Idaho FallsrcUl St. . Idsh» Wboletale Bldg. |3U rboBC 2U land


• — TW PJFA lifiD A ]

ZZZZiZHZjZ-i-ZSSiVNFUl. S O C K ^ I r O H . V J E l M I N D - . \^ o . w n r M P — - - • 'T M t r i .

O F M V W A l L E r \ a n d _ C J

l i t . . » r ^ O F EK

D r e a s o m s ' f o r : \ m i S r ^N ia O U T O P Y H E \y.'j^= :^-\ P i c ' r u R E ^


City Tourist park. -I ' ■ ' ,a.', '

lo rr CHRYSLER ■OO" 4-DOOR ' " sedan, first class condlUon. Bo- . 0

-bier—M otor-Com pany,------- ------------ ------

--------- MAGBVS-U8 ED-CAU8 - : . . - „ . 5 ^1920 Dodge Sedan. S good tires,runs-nnd • looks .like -new___46SO.OO- . , ------1020 Dodge Coupe. A-1 condlUonfor" ............................................. M7S.0O r U I102C Jewell Coach. Extra good buy ol *425.00 jflOUl

-1024 Studebakcr Coupe, runs and norlooks' good ........:................;.....J2OOX0 l „ _ -J024 Touring Ford. Best we havo

•had ...'....................................... »l23i)0J020 One-Ton G. Boy T ruck Chasls. *£521:

-for ........................................... «25.oo- • -f o r -lOM Pnrri'TQn TnicfcrRuxteel Qcor." ~ in llifor .........................................'.V..' 13M.O0 WaaUTwo bid’ Ftordsi pickup bddyeach ..... ....................................... *35.00loeo Fordson Tractor, first classcondlUon ................................. *378.00 — E-Cars. Trucks and Tractors G uaran- 9 LC

------------ tw d Ui r<!pniuim.Hi.------------■ MAGEL .AUtOM OBILE CO.

, ----- -- ^ o l r............ ...........---------------- -.1 line-a


Used Trucks You Can T ra i t a l 7 *“ • — F ric« -V ou 'C an Afford to P a y -1937 Graliam Brothers I '.i-T on 4* p o R

speed transmission. Oood rub- bor--------bcr.32xOJront, 34x7 rear. Four inqui

w h e p t Jodc*heed hirtrouWc BId«. — ;^»joijie»,-8 t« k « -b o d y .-M l w v : atT ^' - -"'-pftint. meehanJeaUy O. K, *1000

"nEfU' O'ra lw it itfotftcra j r TPrr S ioc lr 7- ^ body. 4-speed ttansmtoslon.Good ruljber. An eiccpUonolly _flnc buy. *050. ' FO®

Dodge BroUiera panel Overhauled and rcpalnled. Mcchnnlcolly right. Priced for quick side*300. FO R '

Dodge BroUiers 3-4-Ton fllake^iwly. ^^low

good tires. A real find. *400. sonabDodge Brothers Exprc.ia Canopy f o r"

lop. This .truck h w been rccon- sleedtllohed and placed In perfect blockj

n : *T7Tttcr:^Kaa-ps>od~Bppc«rancff- p tascnnd will _glve miles of sen-lce, e x TI *375.

Come in and Uisi>cct these trucks, mcnt.Their value will nstonish you. Learn quickw hat it Is to buy wllh safety, p u r DcWi

■busliicss~itniidlnK~nMurca you o f ' • ll‘at.

bUFRESSfe AUTOMOniLC and ;------------------ COMPANY--------------------fia ly . IdJllO . none usu «ooo


FO R *REN T-^RA N d'pIA N O TO RE- T w ir _llobje_par^'. 3 1 I 2MJ.. O w e Ahem.

—p rr h anging, ,r ', A, Ra r iu i. 235 j l n . —*»e. east. Phonr'383-J.PERMANENT WAVING.' F I N G E R wover

waving and marcclline. Special alfalf;-ft*i large

north.________ _____________ I_____ ■ ti l tJ

anee. an oover^ea. '^*rompt clalin •crvlcp. Phone l«a. Twin Palla Tltlf loOfr *h.tTi>rt C o, U d.___________ waterPLANT PEO.Vira NOW FOR wire :

spring'bloom , Wc hnve all colors, gralni Phone or call for prices. Klmberlj’ about Nurseries. Kimberly. Idaho. U nd :SgK “WILCOX'!. THEZ:s;>CK ^

df Twin ^IC s.^lfU jr^ind oncc used potato and grain sacks. The besl -on 23^'- , th e ■marfcet. ' H will pay ywi to iw Ttll8 I me. before placing >-our order, "f [arms aim -to-p lease.'!.-.Idaho Junk -House. “152 2nd ave. south. Phone 610.


ave north. • fa- = = = = ^ - 4 i ^ = s = = s = i

' WANTEO-TO RENT'-----•_____________________________ _ GRIDE5IRADLE S.MALL HOUSE. COM-

pieieiy iuriirili“-d. r.ioiie fiil. - | [t'X77TEO*"TTrnZ77TlCiI*XCREST>r ' celle -lan d on q‘irt> * rn r!alr> .ca«s__v*, L. Royc e .-F tle^ j i e , '

' ^ ---------FOR SALE—POULTRY AND ««■

EGGS- - __________ facfl

Fo;r - aALS-^CT7o ;c c ‘- m v s . ------— »m l> norUi 'W r>h;htton ychoet. i amo

home mixed Uvins ma.Oi.- To per]:ent m estr *250.ew:; IS per te n t meotj m d 5 per crnt dried triitSrmUk. *3J3f r«t. lU ffn - tU -r.n c ic ' “HSI^iefyrj Piione 73._______ ■. ■ ' I " —


Af P g T H E Si

g E lU - l'V E-A tC O M P-tlW Eb M Y

^ 10, 0 0 0 -r E L N E V E R SU S P E C T M E -

E lU 'l .A IN IW ti Y O t ) 0 -

>-vM l-TH -TH E-EW >t>EN tE A 6W N S 1 \ - A N B W H W I ' l L h a v f T o s m

^ ^ B O Y / .

. O W E .C E W T -P E R -W O R D l i ^

•— callo

AU W*n» Ads ■UTeandacUTtaod— - -^ U ie » -b r tn » - t to B bnjer.-------- -

:,h";FO R S A 1 . E - R E A L E S T A T E | ‘

OU8 B PO R 8AL*. ' 620 2ND AVfi.' ^north . _________________ I • fOB SALB-eO ACRE DAIRY RANCH , near Hagerman. W. F. Pcnfold, Ho- jirmon. ........ r~ . • ~ cwOR—S^ftW2==40^CBB—FARM----- 2- -ertimIle.■ ~u■eat-o^-cCTn^ty-ho^>pl^ l.—'a a ll . 'v r~ ~ ~OR 8ALE-.61X ROOM‘'n S f s E r i M - “ f mediate possession; 637 Sccond av- — ^lue n o r t h . ____________________ <niO


07 Elltabem Ave. '___________ jn.UR IjU lLi^ aA L S -A CRg AOB AD- W. I-^oinlng-B lue-Lakee-oddltloni-trunk-yQ jjne-aewer;—P l io n g r C ^ j - • ___ miiH EA P-1 U2 ACRES. ALL IMPROV- ^ I t cd. small modern hou*e. partly fu m - pQn

h td . I l i ? ElIpibeUirAvc. . - cw OR SA LE-FIV E ROOM MODERN oticd home. W ashington achool dlslrlul. evcjV

squire Room 12. P in t NaUonal Bank j,Qp_______ — cd'

r 'A CRES' ?ratA R g 'O J^L rri.iiij3 r~go~ m -t nerea N. E. o f-T w im ^nH rbO th-ir^ ll-Johr

nprovcd. Whj: rcntT—u e tte r is . Kcai pQj^stale. over_E l^edge '8 _____________ i,q,OR SALE-BO ACRES ALL IN CUL- unry UvaUon. near Hagerman; clx room of 1 Qusc. ' Reasonable price, some tcrmx Frt-d \ P. Rider. Ifagemtnn. • • phoiiO R -S A L ^ P IV B - ROOM - B U N G A - ^ ^ low, garnge with front enU antc. 3’ir

inable. 445 Qth avo -^ o rth .OR SALE — MODERN IJOME. sleeping porch.ftn-iince. gamge. T w o '* ^ ;ocks from high school. ImmetlU'cwscjtriOTr-'Phene-^36-or-403.---------- FOR>rfRA G o b b f iu v —f iv e ; r o o .m s . hntlv nnd glpeplug.oorch. good ha-<-- p n n ent. Close in on ROOd street. For jlck sale. *l«ob. iGOO cash. J. E, ——■cWiCl- Realty, comiiaay— Plwne-45.-----'iC E’ ^HOME. * IlOOMS.* BATH, large -'Icplng jwrrh. gam ^c. .ihade - ?d fr»ll Jot In limu:_FQB>od chlckm hons,-.:md nr» T»rlr(» ' prl 1000. 1311 8ih avc. cast. Phone SliH >43. - ^ - , FOR

one mile from city limits; good four nortlwm chicken house. 10x40. Acrc r ; r r : strawberries, oilier smnll Irult; ectrlc lights and on gravel road, A« d buy. . Phone 2031111. .. • ‘/ „ , iS'g ~ ^ i ^ ‘rH g y'g ; ,

rut nn .statf. hicliwav. enclft^ed In. oven w tre'and croM fnnced; 100 acrci falfai (J-room house, large' bam. rge apud-cellar.-Kood srainen-. and_£lll_ 1 th a t goesj with a good ranch. E. o h a I c i f n — . — m :DR SALE-240 ACRES. ' ALMOST 100 acres under eulUvaUon. with -™- >ter right, balancc pxsturr. Woven ire fence. Dnndy 4 room bunealow. OKA alnrrj-. garage, barci. chicken lion-;'-. Wl ■out 40 acres in hay. In f.ict the conta nd Is In thc hl2h(.- l u latc of fcrtiH- Park , laj-s nice. I'-.'—ihlles to .>(eljo<)!. 1 .- P

ly. Produced a SSoixj crop' Uils T r e t ll8 Is.c«?nsldcrcd_r>nr’ .0f_th>‘ choicrst rms on the north .Mde tm ct. Tiit.i . , . on *18.000 fann but for quick k>'c

es for *12,£00. 'liiii^iirpaymcnt doun.' laacc-long time. Box- A. B.. ca^o s’ortl

, ----- —________ _ WAN

BIX ' IMPROVED IRRIOATfcO I farm s for rent with option to w a n

purchase,...These fanns a re .loca l- bca td oh the VALIER IRRIGATION- tl.f 1 P R O JlC T 'g lon ir in e - lin e ’ o rith B - w a n 3REAT NORTHERN RAILWAY »-oi In noftlrem Montana. Soil of ex- p> on r«'n:inqal drptfl u a i :.atIim-._Qcn-— ?rAl.dl>fr?lUed erpoi-grown. Ex^ allcnL opportunity for DMrj-tng

ple.qiuanUUes when the crops need _ W ^ it. CanaU- an d —#Ch»cturea^^wtir= •i'’*' tmi'.l. and mal.-MUnid. ^Annuil • enter. 3t*inten*nce Only ONE DOLLAR J'-_0 x r acr«. Good ^ a rk e u . schools. WAN thurchea, roads a n d tra.if{nrtSUiin • aor racfllUct. six ty 10 seventy-flvt turn “ D olla .i pei «k..i ».U. sm*U~UBoant down. Payment* amor*!- Re*d.

up « t e r rigtit and no boftdM m - Jebledness.. G et a firlft ot j-our , jwn. 'Inx-wUgale ' NOW. - W rit* ‘

iM a ------- -


SPl D E Ji I N fi i s D E

• ■ V' h i Mr (1 i i i l i I [ . I YJiTH •rat.\ ' I tI I p i

- i P i l

li- ’ “I n j B L ^ V r ^ ^' •I//I//J1I1L (Jj

jdABGAIWo /F o r S A L E - R E A L E S T A T E i FO R

'U K ^ A L tJ • BY ■ OWlrisn - M OP g R N- -POR- Blj^fooifri-M ldcncc-ln-dealroble-lo- —Iitqi

atlon: garage. Terms It desired. In - f o r 'UUe—Htioho . ................ - = e n t■nit. HAt.K — MOUKltN t>-KOOM Sotunresidence cn Tenth east; garage, FOR -

hlckcn house, large-lot; terms if de- rumire d ~ E .-D rc a in .----------------------------- mliea:

------- FOR' storFOR SALE-80 ACRES C'a miles bogs ■, from Twin Falb. wlUi 3-room north,house. sUble. deep well, all fenced. = = 55 acres «ceded--lo red clovcr. For

ju lc k sHlc a t *110, per,ocre.. *2000coHi will hondlo t h i s . 'J . 'E . Rob- PAIU

.«rt»r-R<ialtorrJ’iMma-583.------------------ -fioSl

“ r a r S A L E ? l ^ S T O C K —_________________ - -------- --------HOROUGHBRED WELL TRAINED bird dog for sale. Phone 1302J. anc

~ — TiT' -'V-^j riiQ \r~7L T O 125 lbs. 3-4. enst of Maroa school.

-p ro ^=imictr K»ut. lo tiiicrly- owned-by-J3r^ -Twin- llclcr. L, J. Johnson. Phone 0. Buhl, iXDR SALE V- 200 w h i t e " FACED clly

ctt-e-lnmbs,— 16'O re-yearilng ; - 750 tn sui iticd CWC5. Phonc 403 mornlnga and hand.vcntnga. __________ ________________tel :*i’OR s a l e - s e v e r a l 'R E G I S T E R - PARI -C d'noutein-heife«.-»om e-«r«f-fre8h - —a>-

>OR SALE-50 REGISTERED RAM- boulllcl ewes bred lo lamb in Jai\- )fr"»

lary and February; Will sell ■ In lola — —-f 10 If wanted, priccd rea.wnably. ‘ AW =Vt-d Wlscarvcr. Route I. Kimberly.■Iiont? 3CIU. ^- ' — '— ■ ------ tored

~ F O R ~ S A L E — -----------

F R U I I S , V E G E T A B L E S

•EACHCS FOR SALE — 4 3-4 MILES -------^citot Watcrii Corner._____________ n o o !

p--_rr nF P T A Pi.-ArttF-.q I-. R C ^l B. Sullivan, near Falls.- I— — - , — — . POR

Vin 3A1.P - STRAWPERRIES. SOc gallon.- You pick. Phonc 537JZ po{(~

rpPLra_F0R_5AL& -RE.ADY_ NO.W.. _ ia g Bring conliilners, Frank DcKloIr, ~-»n"

.. ______^=:OJi_§ALE=AERICOIS__EEACiIESwBErij

nrtirs nntl'^cooklnit nnnle.s. Phonci nn.<iil iH r______________ : _____________ t ^ R ’^D R ~SA LE=EnjER TA — PEACHES; —clor

— w :-o r- :n c k c rr-h a tf-7 m tir-p R o ?lorth ot Ho.-ipltal. Phone S27J3.____ suit■•OR SALE—CABBAGE $250: GRAP- E .__

e.i Sc; cucumbcrs, dill picklcs 50c. FOR ;. E. Cralitrcv, Fails Ave,. Phone, tun1^.n ■ ________ :____________ _ 1154-’rELXOW CUAWFORD PEA ClirS FOR

iiThnrd- 3 - inlIirt c.->it mi IHmberl y Pourt n.'lr nwrf hnlf -«iniiUi. _BrinC-COnUUU- FOR"£ :______________ UgliJHAPKS. aLI> i<iI^US ANY'QUAU- 'ih lrd -Uly. .Ird rin;i5P city llmlLi on pr»?- :imt)crly ro Jd M Cigar luctorj-. J'nonoi 05. Brln;: containers. W. W. Wai- prelei

- F O RiKAPES ARE RIPE. CONCORD AND „pa White Nlogara. 5c picked. Bring ahosli

o n ta lnm . Half mile tou th Soutn ."TdV ark Service Stallon. Phonc C25R1. 'Zl;, ». R. Cathro. ___ . . .____

)E L P W A N T E D — M A LE A N D ^ ------------------ F E M A l * — ----------1-:. ------------------------ ---------------- —— — *50 mWANTED— MAN-TO TAKE DOWN ed ltrt trees fe r the wood. 430 2nd ave. ment.

lorth. Call evenings.' ____ J ' '•------WANTED PflUNE PA CK O iS- WE5»t ■Qrchnr-fl. 1 ml!e eaj,!- 4 souUi of I _ _lim^Tly. • Phone 5JR5, ___ _ _ . t'ot'.*'.-ANTED AT ONCE—EXPERIENCED 15i7 bean plekera. a t lhc- warehouse of s t r a If Brown S « d enmpsny. i.-ANT£d—A MARRIED' MAN TO roan’ : work on ranch," all winter's Job. one b

?-,onc 305R4. Buhl. Idaho. fillip.g r ~ t rs 'T T tA i? f-V 0 P ^ i n 3 ~ r CAt)B''-Ttr3 rr

'..L-v.s. Orrtic College. Pi>.n, .-A.STED—HOTEL CLERK. PER.\IA- iw iv ■ |iij»inon" fn Tirht""j»«rtj»; re fe t* -' —j

?.cer. mqulrrd. -S*Uo'-**l>3 and-room.J--------. o . liox CG5, Twin FaiL . ;r:T:r'. ANTHSj \V0MAN r t)R i^ U S E " .aork. one tt-ho,ttuuwa ecrulder mcd- *

im wages for ea.n' work. • W^lnler'sib 'Tor Ih i ri4 iu rwi---on. U e rtS T id c '^ ,,, .e«Kl. Route 4. Burlev._____________.

"w A N T irn—rtRFSPES g:- — absolutely made to iTjeasurr. lac* ” P 0 T

ir% -to-wearer prices; *3 lo *ST com- ____.twJotVi; full oiiUll tree: '"neweit FOR

>>»,■ DfHihf^r 0..-ChtcA~ nt<h >--^11. 'meat*

E'lv y "

' j | ! v „on our hoP li M I 6 HT.i c f E W s I m g ■ p s n i t i

^ V .N O -S E E -H O j! ! I .TofA C^RR

* 'ii'i j i ' | | i | i r T ^

11 fl/Jn//-Mmt-

m w o p p o R

iR S A L E — M IS C E L L A N E O U S “

liqulre-HouM)-No.-J,-Sugftr-Factor>'.. — I r "SALE-UNDERWOOD TYPE- Iurdaj- or St^nday.______ ■ —R-SALE — IBO TONS OF HAY. ~ ~ ~ unnlng water, lambing sheds. 4 e t-eoK-or-HollUusr.-*,— ^R SALE CHEAP I*IELD AND torage bags for potatoes. G et your ^ T ~ i ' !S from E, D. Kejlogg. 304 2nd-ave - I - ' t th . Phono (BOW. Box 754._____ j s j ^ S

loans------------------------------------^BM LOANS. »%. - 8WIM i^C O : JOUN W ry -T ^ IiO A N r-^K n T E R -R S A L -4 -^^ ^«tiU«.---------------------— ------------)NEY POR BTRAIOHT LOANS ONiiodem hous« In~Twln~Fmir~Ar--r—:------ir J ^ S w ta d*_ Co. _ ___ ^R M EM M urtiA L p m s ik s u r . --------nc« 9-rear, SOo per t lo a P td o v l ns flVt_Det^cent._ See J. W. Mo- w e IL ^ o n e _ 8 7 7 -J . l ._ _ _rV- LOANS-^Wg’TWANT DIfflIRA- ----- =>le loans oa residence or businessipettyr~Beff~rater.- p rompt-serWoe.-i----- ---lo -P aUs -TlUe-<t-Ab4tra c t-C o .- l^ > QOMI )NEY TO LOAN ON FARM OR _*1«» Ity property. Borne prirate w oney; tliSBS sums of-from-ttOO-to *,BALL nd.' Inlgated Lands Company, Ho- Ing :*errlne. 118 Shoshone at. w est I23I-W

RM LOANS—NO COMMISSION, • >o-delay._TSrio.Falls TltU and A ^ _____

r « ^ ^ •= = =laymcnt privHege*. Ko casb o oa* isslon. LeUch A Wllllama.________ —S T o i v r a m o T ' ^ Y c h e a p c e 6 z wd desirable farm loan. I th ink It j _Cral i best (arm loan proposition ever, of- WARi ed on the TwIn'JPalto tract. I t wUl afce_ r you to see me-before pUclna your m'NIC n O A Rnbtnson __jlgfc

F O R R E N T — F U R N IS H E D ”--------------- FR­

OM FOR RENT. PHONE 0 ^ . ->6 m s a n d b o a r d . 121' t m a v e . , ” 2 ° ' rjrtnr-pnonfi-OTir^— r ’ rENT'FURNISHED ROO'Kl 124

M 0.._ ' j R~"RENT—U G H T HOUSmCEEP-ng rooms. -2fi0.0lh avc_norUi--------iR“ RENT“ = “ n O U S E K E P 'lN Gooms. 331 6lh ave north.________ ■ =X ^O -M 3UiTA~DLE FOIT, TWO.— WjV j Jid clQ5e in. Phone 435-J. ■’r " re:n t - r o o m a n d b o a r d ;lore- In,-31» Sccond-avc-nortli.------ 1—s a j j0NT-TTCK3SPrtmNACB'=inaA T g P ,^ -rg ;^ ultable for one or two. 222 Cth ove

I tE i f r - ^ f S b N T B E bnobM ,Ufjjace heat; abo goragc. Phono 4-W. 'R RENT—NICE—FRONT UW)- ^ n . /

im h 'R" r e n t T T I t u r e e r £ u u F n iH ^ i3 _ a u ^Isht hoiif4?keeplng rooms. Call 341. pi,one i,d_liVc'llUli WU .T - ->n. RAT^T—NICE FRO.NT BED-! enLt oom, hot w ater heni. ditendferred. Phone 1213J._____ PlwneM r R E N T " — HOUSEKEEPING IVAN! .pnrtmenU. all otitslde rooms. 336 tour Qshone west. Darrow Rooms. _ be tn R’OK~TURNiiiHED"R'00.M~SUIT- Bo's 8,ble f»r mnn ajid wile or two lud- —;----

2ftD-flth Bve-fTorlli.--Phcnc ,' 'ore i7~XT*^r _ ' _iOOM HOUSE, G O O boliTBU lLD - ^ ^

month fumlshctl: • S-roont'ftimisli- ItrtiiH*. *45: 3-roOm lumWted apart- nt. S30. A. N. Long. Phone 45,

^ 'F O U N D

USD — J E R S ^ ' COW. PH oiJli d rop^ ii7, 203 North Washlneton. to i04RAVFDt JKTO MY~BNCLOijCD-bc-iai lt-:d ai.^4C(:nrd'.. Idaho, one bioe •-. • n Hclillnj with while u.-lp In fac'*.' c ' black seldlna. one mouse colored .:e- . .Ml earning f io ' year<5 old. “ V " ,r.^.---r-F f.n^lrrr nu-n.r_m nr

'.n< n r :hi*. ad atva paiiJic o:;;j.— Ouy-Kennedvr-----

t k w ^ S ^ chanoe- ^__________ ___ ca r pj

It n iA D E -A OOOD IRRIG.\TEO S arre* tract In Uir bes: fra lt dxv ' w a g ^ t of OoUfomU. wia- trade fo'r ton.' Cin FalU pmperty___,T. ,K R nhfrA .m iifillUcr. .127 Main ave • weft. Phone »fier

o f f " p F in — A t»A n f Mt l f r i — £ 0

lT 'R E N T -H n iE E “ li0 0 M '* rC R - FO R S L<hed apartm ent. Btiagalow Aport-V room Its. 2ad. ave. e a s t ^535 2a

-^ ,4 9 2 8 .-^ .^ w--------

- 7-"~. ■ " T \ . v ; .H0NJ5VM00M \ ;r irop Af-^-.I IT E N T IA R YHOVtf-C>.g^VER — ^ --------i--------

’■ '-; -... - e a k i"n & - t— u — L _ '

R O CK S ■ " " ’ ' ■:

^ V ■

u m m

P R O F E S S IO N A L * !

“ "^ T T O ItN E T B

iT T B m N - L a w O f r l c e J ^ R o S r iand 4. e m lth -R le i Biilldlpg. ' lAD, nODQIN. Rooms 4 and I . B w » and T rust Bldg. Phone fl.C. HALL-Over Olos' Booli Store - ' -

lUN W. ORAllAM -Lawyer, B aaa * : . . — - iyust.3ldg.-4>hona-»3a.W y e jg tjy l A . BWEELgy—L*w_atae<a

~ rBUSINESSmi l l ' w o r k ' • .

net work. Moon's Shop. Phone 5. -

PLtiiaijlS 'O ^ —

3M* IX tIM B iN O _A _riB A T lN^Z I: New loeaUon. US Srd av*. * M t- lone 283. •__________________ .ILLANTVNB PW rM RINO-a H »A T ;_ JIng Co, Por bM tlng (roublai pbone 1-W,________________________. ' ;. . .

iN sim A N cie ,□ T o '^ i c n i lN C E r 'a iv ^ e O T e iw ertfacJRe»U>tslte. - Phone W 4- ;

X gA N dFE H _^ iSzSEB-TBANSFCB CO. Pbon« M l . . CraUng. storage and Liberty OoaL • - ARB%RG TRAN8FBR BTOB- . afce Co. Coal and wood. Pbona 142. •N iciiOLs • 'r a A N B r i» - ^ - B T o » - :^ 9 — ggft—Qarhngft hatilrd (litlTi Phnna 0;;___________________ . ----- ----


ODERN WOODMEN OF A M m O A JBfeW..ln_L a O. P. hall n a j seo-

and fniirth Monilw» ________•" m u s ic 'TEACHER ' ' "

Albert E . Francis, accredited-violla -=^— achcr. Phone 513J3.


ANTED. DEAD HORSES. PHONE533J13.1----- . • -------------------------—--------

> r Phone M3-W. - •ANTED A GOOD TEAM OP WORK 'horacs, Call l a o evcn lnw .______",A N T *fb BUY 'HOUSE. ABOUT 2 .

n. Av-ant House. - - - ------- j,— ^ANlLi>—IIUM M w i iu i in C t S 5 ^ ------t-nt re& n tn m caam -aud lutjut 'giiirt--------

tone 85C.AiyrED:=-H0ME5 ~ w ER E ' g r u u - -------pnis can earn boahi and room a-hllg • tending uregg u u su icu CDTlLlil!. 'lone 850. _______ ___ ____ANTED A FORD ROADSTER OK ' Ujurlng car model 1920 or 27. Ma«l '

In good condiuon. Not over *125.In 852. Twin P alls.' ■

'■ ' t-flS-T- . •. j

REWARD POR RETURN OP » I'cmter do*i. color Tci.ite. aud -i* i^— |— lall brown.'spot on forehead. Azis- _T3 nam e '"Joe~. 116111™ to Plsber ' -Tijj Store or Bhonc-3*lR3,— — ------1.—XST—THfi p a r t i e s ; T H A T 's to l e . bat:eo ' and toob out ot truck iou lii- •■it o( Hatrlton arc known for they . opped a key.' IX 'a*lilc IV JTlUrKPU '104 Jackion S:.. nothing more will

-iiU L .J. .W. Tcbbci^i. ................... 1 ;.-

S IT U A T IO N S W A N T E D ---------

n a M OLLl*" 8.M I2m _ u jT tb w - . I nMwJng— B b a o * - t i2 .R e i_ _ _ _ L _ L

iL^■ ^gn-p 'tl\^F tv b o o D 'H ty^B ^____ _lor girl whfre fhe can work for Bt;d “Sr.d srt-JlI wase u a i •50 '

.RPENTER AND C O N C R K T B »-ork wanted. Long. c*peWenee. low s ges. Can' do anything. W. Pa*» '.;.- O em Dellrcry. Twin. FaUs.■iriHPD OIRr. V.-AS-TS' 'w O l tk '• pfier school. Pacae 1220. o r 12M. •

P flR ciAi F — F r i R W W R F "

R S .\L E -F U R N m jR E P O R FOOR . _ ooms cheap. -ApartZQfat Je r tvaW •«

2nd. w o t. , ____________ - ',— -

t m »ww^

Page 16: · Sixteen Page; ~ ~ VOL. ll. - NQ. 145..- '- - Guns On Hert behM Ieiiii f ==W m f D em ocratic'N om inee in A ddress j------------in

IxaoEBiyBiiEiiT— ~ T etf6 ra l“ Bnreau-erew-W ork-,

' ■ - ing 4n Raft'River District;' Will Complete Survey Soon

. ' b DBLEV, Sept. 22 fSP"'”', ‘”,.75'N ew j)^ * n cnglntnrlns crow !•'l t« UD trtm Uio lower end ot R af..

ullh ft view of runnliv;

: ■ M in tlxT UUl> lUu.-

T y 's tm iw . fissoolate Rcoloalst ’ • • In the Uiiltwl Slnics neoloKlcnl sur­

vey and chier liivcatlgator* In the survey now being carried on by thu :

. reclamation scrvlco to delcrmlQS the aourccs and volume of- the under- i ffrouncj wntfir liiipply i» Snnlcc R1v«t ; valley. ' '

Provides Power OuUct_______ Thc R aft river su n ey h oa

*deruiiccn nti"thc"rc«iU6S r - D n f l r r 1*anl r and ossoclaUa. In the (juc.s« for an i ouUct ■ for flurptus power Uiat.. will ' be generated by thc proposwl InslnJln- i Uon o t Uio . big • Bovemment power i

. : pUnf . «> thl. Ani<-lrciin . I-'allM dam. 1! 'h iU-sun-ey-JLS-prciunl»nry_io_ft i n ^

thorough. in<-c*ilgallon for wlilcU, (; ______

• - - digging o f.sev fm l test wc.Ils. which f • will be pumped for a deflnllc time I

. . in Hi«ti.rtnlnr» UlC IntlUCnCO of pump- IIns on thc irround water levcw. r~ r i

The present survey is to bc com- t p itted early^ In Octobcc, aecordlnB to •

■ ■ M r.-P au i; when 'rf)>ortfl - nnd mnps r . wUl be submitted -to- the locnl recln- V

mttUon office, to Uie' stale commh- t-----------slonor-ol-rcclainatlon. and to Wtvsh- r

Ingtbh. I t bden undcrUvkcn by i - reason of apparent cvldcncc_oI_iv_ir£i t

niendo»is“ l»ay*TirTindcrEround-walcr <i Ifl Ra f t River valley. auIflclcnUy ii

• ---------ek>a^t<Hth»-*urfaca-to-bc.f«annmlra)lv iavailable for JrrlsaUon .purposes bji I

- — -----pumpins;—It-b 'p roposed-to-uso-som e .1o f the aurplua power from the Amer- t

' lean Palla cfam to, operate t h e pumps reijulrcd ^for such lands In ’the valley I

I ' .

| = —

j s — 7 — — ‘ " l a u g h s

n O n t h e l i t t l e m a c h irjj c o rd g e t* l i f e l e u a n c[ ~ a t r a t io n b e f o r e y o u I

n • ‘ a n d e c o n o m y o f y o u r

I ~ , U ;r i Hie » a m e m ftc h lir. _______________G o o d y e a r . S U P E R T Vj ~ R U B B E R - ^ e f i e a fici

^ ________ o n a t r a t io n w il l a e t t le


1 --------------- ' T h ejI;____________ _____________ -_________________

__________ '• •________L —__________. . . _______

j T ; > w >/ I ^ i n c i


TWIN.FAIXS!’ OR there m ay . bo - sufflricrit slibUtr-1— ------■> ‘ Much I/iind Availablen There is a very large ocreogc ol

good arid ■ agricultural Inndn In R aft River valley. The--valley atrctehcs

^8<m th-from -Snako-rivcr^to_ tbc_H tahline for over ,40 mycs. nnd te s ^ c 20 mUcs Inw ldtii. It:i coll is free from xocks und all Ullable and cawnblo oi ralslng“ C T O ^ r r r r lK a re n r -X « l^

f . made by hydraulic englnccr.i of thc area of lands the underground .water p p ly Is capable of Jrrl(;ailng“' \ - ^ from 130,000 J.crc->i down lo 30.000 nrrf*!<. ' i

; According to Mr. Paul. K im jeir'an- ljc;cn«lnccr. i t la believed th a t tlic un-,] ''-idcrfirountl runoff from northern U tnh; ^■•iand NcvnTlu flows Into U»e Halt River > v; d rc ln a g f area, by, ,rpM on ofi*i rilfUCn—l)flnff-*^lilshri"-*- thi»n—Ihv' ■HBil i c fjjiiver bni.lii underground Mrula. Tbe.|

lit i^ iv c r ' dminngc ftrea r~ u n d cr Snaker I river until ^rHj^ng ,the nnclen^ bed;

st River valley under .ground until Itr- finds pnrUnl ouUet In HjiRcrman10 vnllcy'fT giant'fiprlngiL I t Is beJleved lu Uiat Iho ancient bet^-ot Sni‘.l:c Tlvur. le forccd south by th e . ennnnous iuvn r- flows of the Blnclc de.sert. cxichdod ; t soutliwest from near RoUcrti. and

then WMl u\)ovc where Minidoka and Ooodlng now arc.

^Vatcr Cost l.ow il4—T liU undciBround ru»off-it-l»H)FOr n postd to , use to Irrigate R aft River11 vallry. This projcct can bc -put In I- shape Ior Irrigation. Paul miys, n t a ;r co-it less th an $40 per Ocrc. ond can n. be mulnUilncd and opemicd at a coH7 Tiyopaaiyntai; tnarv m n r pt .iiiu n n r.•x oT '^cn iiln R present jfoveniihcht'1. praJecL -IIg ',aai-a-U iat..,tlii‘, tllcnpc^L.10 wat«r-=on=tho=3s=gov(immon&^pro]cct5 . h thc no rth side MJnWoIca • tract. . e $42 pcr 'dcrei And tha l CHcrc'Hp «»' • I- ascending scale, of water conU up j

- these jirojec^ji. j o - T h e . -proposed R aft River valley i s project. -he.Rays. In t h c - f ln t of-lt.'< ;- kind to h b ^ lf tw le d g c . And by fa r '- Uic clienpesc*^ cost fo r water per ,- acre , o f any govcmmont project now , y proposed or under construction. No. dams nor main* canals will bc rc - ‘ F qiiiroa^ -Hm uiFpnM plnft-unitjrw ill Be i y made use of. And the cM t_£f the 111 Mroleci~wlirrbe~llfhltcd fo Llio n iiin- ; Jl bcr of smnll unlw rcfjulrcd lo pump ■ e -U ui_aiiiouiit_or_undcrsrouniL_w ntcr j- found uvnllnblo.a New Inndii for farming will ttoon : y bc urgently needed ja>-s Mr. Paul^i

l y G o o ^ ^

e r t w i s t C----------- -------J---;--- - -------------

s o f f ” f i e r c e ih in e H lu s lrA tc d >ye a r e d e m o n a t 'ra m d ffiv e s o u t m a n y m ile s to o »oo n . u b u y b a l lo o n t i r e s . I t is tm p o r ta i >ur m o to r in g th i s s u m m e r .

rW lS T ^ C p r d — w h ic h a l r e t c h e s a n d B erce f le x in g f o r m a x im u m m ileag e :le t h c p e o p o tU io n f o r y o u .

l e V / o r l d W M i l e a g e C h a i n p i

a p p l i e d f tn d in c e r c ly » « ? rr ic «

H ______ ^ _

C o p i p a n j-------— '—T • ■

a D M L Y ^ l S r E W S , ^ T W I N - ^ ^

arn'e • , ~" S F i l m M i s h a p P r o v f i s

t e — T o I B i e - R e a r A c c i d e n t:it«r ------------ ' ■

A ‘'fake” accid en t' which turned •WW jfHQ „ real mlahnp spilled the cnUre

’ thpntrlcal company of Norma Shear- “h cr's "The Actrcss” Into th e dust of a '

country road near Pa.iadcnn .dilrlng th e filming of the production.

According to thc script of the plc- ;^y;-turc. which la now playing ntj^ the

Owen Moore. Lee Mown. Vlr- J glnia reuraoji. RUil'DV^Cy and-Wtl*- ■

J^ '^rilam Humphrey ■«-•( the CSsl of. "the b ed , Wells theatrical company were mak-

English Inllyho. - “ I;A s they passed a certain spot. In

Uie road ope'w heel wan lo come off and the cbmpany bc toss<.-<! Inlo thc

fy? rofldwny. ' However, when one wheel broke the other did al£o; Uic whole

ind of i,,c carriage lilt Uieroad and seven actora b it tlie dust.

No nnc was hurt, but D irector Sid- new Fmnlclln was forccd to allow 30

,F«- minute!! for cloUics and make-up rc- vcr pairs. T he' can icro 'caug lit the incl-1 - In dent In full; ' '


Ncwa^Iho-Iiw t^^ociaLm cctliiB . of_thc ’*'* llalley Civic club waa held a t Uic *'•’ club XQClOs Thursday afternoon. A

TDn n t-p i’Ogniin- uf leiiltutlonsv-eurrentr , events, and a brief addrcss‘by-E r-R r

Fowler, superintendent of the Hullcy schools,' wns /olJbwDd 'b y thc servlng of refreshments by the directors ot the club. OucsC day was \o tcd for tho latter p a rt of Octobcr. - - •

rc- I’ l I i-Iiiin Iirr- JuiT ~Ninr~lnTids~ to~ k ccp~ abrca<ii ' of*.- Uifr ,hc loss of lands by rcaso n -o f-lo ss ofm r fbrUm y:atid prfffpnt.,pr<a>lfelllvc mp of comrticrclol fertlllr.ers. And tho tor 4uCal_nc3t_laLlE.ated .distrlcta of thc

west, he says, can supply In p a rt Uk; wn falling off In productivity of eastern

r r a t e — —

e & r = = =

C o r d ^

? f l e x in g -----s t r a t i n g w h y r e g u l a r >on. S e e t h i s d e m o n - i r t a n t to t h e p l e a s u r e

a n d c o m e s b a c k l i k e c a g e . T m s ^ o o e d ^ ^ ^ -

npion ’ - - —:

i o e ^ - b x ’ '* . ■

1 --------- ~ ________


iI; ---

[ t

-'■ iB M B y y iJ

" ORPITEUM—i ^ a y and ' r ' ----- -------------------------ff - ■ ' '

ir.P ;le ________________ -le . ■ I t

I-1“ Don. t Miss You^ • . • ' - The hunting .season o

a hunter bccausc ., _ comc in and have a thoi

you stnirt' tlic ' frip.~ Yon ir you have jioor vision

- — -Earrotfcflc ...............................O rer-18'X«»r*A • ’ ■ " ■— ~~ ir

-------------------------------------------- -----------if . ■ .[*i ------- ---------------'• '|o ^TNATtOTir~ ^

,7 W I D E ' . _____


^ ~ ■ DEPARTMEN3T. ■

--------- ^yroREsr—

M e n

' ~ ^ - - - P S

; :

: 3

' I * ‘


BiaV .. ' ■

our Deer—1n openK Octobcr 1st. M any_____' ___isc of poor eye alght. B etter Uiorough examination before ■on mlss mnny things in life slon. Phone 219-J or write

.. ~ -------- j -

a O p t i c a f c f i i a . — . . . . =a rs In-Tw ln-Falia - ----------------- ----------

T,:____L„_ ~ p -

B fl I f ^

J l r "

“ g a a lity -r ii lw a y« . 7 T

n a n d Y o u n g ]

: You Will Color, P a

^ Y our Defi

“ ^ ^ ^ J ^ ^ a D v e r c r a t in g' y___ j 1 Oouble B:^ - - M o a e l sh - o ' f c ) l e f t .

-----------------------Medinm wpopula

^ y Sketched al

k / - -- ^\ J C o * e c t h

k , E x p

I k ' ' ' - — ^ W o ffe m

■ ■ n p H 'T hru and^tti.r back overcoatii of tan, grey, br

f r a ^ l in novd ty w ca - ■ M | - ---------- plalJa;' -—

1 ^ 1 O u t s t a n


♦ J_%J . * r / / m

3ER 23,1928. ; . .

- Things to Rei

; A f e A r J------------ -----------=-Mor<Hn-UBe^th£

Backed hy General Electri , Corporation World's L a r^ .s t Ri

— —77------Ali-«etft-abfiolutely-guai

H a y e s B r o s .---------------- . 466 Main~ Cariiu.v-mo»t-tioinT)lel-^t«?l

Give.s lO'O.pcr cent sc ^ — Qpqn=cvcnmBa:J n c=iremoiiatr f _ • se

If your .set is i^ot 'working radio mechanic \win make

reqiI f you ,want the t

, - If you w ant theT If you want to tr;

i _____________ I f ypu want a goo........................I t. you w ant a Fi

by an expert

I “ ' ' SEE

PHone‘73 -IGO'Maln' _________ (L n c a te d in H a v e n ' “ H i-

[ y s a t a s a v i n g ”

M e n In te res te

attem and Mode maJidT^inrOur~! m r - D i s p l c t y - - -

H y g - ln - th n - g f r r a r t - / — M

B reasted Box Sown a t the "


at right ^ \

l y S t y i e d

p e r tn a H s l u p ■ '

tini .and plaid T ^tings in shades I _______ .brown and blue ____ ^ ' I:aves*and over- I

n d i n g — - - . - 1^ a t . : .

I ♦ / f l

Remember About'

R A D I O L A•than-any-x)thec_aet— __1 • . ’;tric, We.<jtinghouse and R a d ip ' on of America. ‘ .

Radio M anufacturers. , :uarantee<l-and-muBt-Avorkr-^ ■ ■

. Radiola Shoplin Ave» So. .L«?k-7of-Radtola»4n-Iw in-jfa l la,-^.......i serj^’iice.with eve7y"sale.

seta. • /ng properly bring it in o r our ; te a - 'free in.spection call upon •equest. _ ’le host in Radio, le'm ost in Service, trad e your ;@ot,

;ood used Set. ..F ree inftpecti«fl call '

lert R adio trecian '


iln“AvcrSor“ — ^-T w in-Palls— F f i-G ra d c " H a tc h c n / - ^ - B M ^

^ p o FRnXS l "_ q u a l i t y :

I j l 1 .0 W

ted' in

ighiWeigktr>— iel to M eet ~NeW~l7ines

s =

« •

'~\V I ■'- '" '■ I..I \ - i - - ^ K - ^ s s s s s a s s a — i
