Sirina e. a. Angliyskiy Yazyk Dlya Studentov Zaochnoy Formy Obucheniya 2013

МИНОБРНАУКИ РОССИИ Федеральное государственное бюджетное образовательное учреждение высшего профессионального образования «Ухтинский государственный технический университет» (УГТУ) Е. А. Сирина Английский язык для студентов заочной формы обучения Учебное пособие по английскому языку УХТА, УГТУ, 2013

Transcript of Sirina e. a. Angliyskiy Yazyk Dlya Studentov Zaochnoy Formy Obucheniya 2013

МИНОБРНАУКИ РОССИИ Федеральное государственное бюджетное образовательное учреждение

высшего профессионального образования

«Ухтинский государственный технический университет» (УГТУ)

Е. А. Сирина

Английский язык для студентов заочной формы обучения

Учебное пособие по английскому языку

УХТА, УГТУ, 2013

УДК 802.0 (075) ББК С 40 Сирина, Е. А. С 40 Английский язык для студентов заочной формы обучения [текст]: учеб. пособие по английскому языку / Е. А. Сирина. – Ухта : УГТУ, 2013. – 130 с. ISBN 978-5-88179-746-1

Учебное пособие «Английский язык для студентов заочной формы обучения» предназначено для студентов неязыковых вузов заочной формы обучения всех специальностей.

Учебное пособие составлено в соответствии с примерной программой по дисциплине «Иностранный язык» для неязыковых вузов и факультетов и предназначено для самостоятельной работы студентов. Пособие состоит из десяти модулей. Каждый модуль включает два раздела: «Грамматика» и «Лексика». В разделе «Грамматика» представлены краткие грамматические комментарии с примерами и тренировочными упражнениями. Упражнения снабжены ответами для самопроверки, что очень важно при самостоятельной работе студентов для повышения их мотивации к изучению иностранного языка. Раздел «Лексика» содержит опорный текст для работы над лексическим материалом с выходом в устное монологическое высказывание.

В пособие включены четыре контрольные работы, тренировочные тесты, таблица неправильных глаголов и памятка для студента, где приводится алгоритм работы с учебным материалом и предъявлены требования к зачету и экзамену.

УДК 802.0 (075) ББК

Учебное пособие рекомендовано к изданию Редакционно-издательским

советом Ухтинского государственного технического университета.

Рецензенты: И. С. Ломайкина, доцент кафедры документоведения,

архивоведения и прикладной лингвистики КРАГСиУ; Е. А. Рыбина, старший преподаватель кафедры иностранных языков НГТУ им. Р. Е. Алексеева.

© Ухтинский государственный технический университет, 2013 © Сирина Е. А., 2013

ISBN 978-5-88179-746-1


Данное учебное пособие состоит из двух частей и рассчитано на 340 часов работы, из них 20 часов аудиторной работы в осеннем семестре (I часть пособия) и 20 часов в весеннем семестре (II часть пособия)1. В каждой части 5 модулей, две контрольные работы и тренировочный грамматический тест. В конце пособия даны ответы к грамматическим упражнениям и таблица неправильных глаголов. Каждый модуль пособия состоит из грамматической части (правила и упражнения) и лексической части (текст и упражнения). Материал прорабатывается в следующем режиме: I) Самостоятельная работа:

1. Изучить грамматический и лексический материал модуля, выполнить упражнения в тетради для самостоятельной работы. Для самопроверки можно воспользоваться ответами к грамматическим упражнениям, данными в конце пособия.

2. После третьего и пятого модуля (осенний семестр), восьмого и десятого (весенний семестр) выполнить контрольные работы по проработанному грамматическому материалу в отдельных тетрадях, оформить контрольную работу, соблюдая все требования по оформлению контрольных работ, и сдать на проверку в кабинет 319 «Л». Проверка осуществляется в течение 7-10 дней. Если контрольная работа содержит много ошибок, она возвращается на доработку, если нет – допускается к защите.

II) Аудиторная работа: 1. На аудиторных занятиях прорабатываются тексты и упражнения из

лексической части модуля для прочного усвоения изучаемой лексики и фонетики. После их проработки преподаватель проводит устную беседу по вопросам для монологического высказывания, выносимым на зачёт и экзамен.

2. Для проверки усвоения грамматического материала студенту будет предложен грамматический тест, успешное выполнение которого будет считаться защитой контрольных работ (I-II и III-IV). При неудовлетворительной оценке за тест защита будет осуществляться по контрольным работам, где студент должен будет сформулировать грамматические правила, по которым он выполнял задания. Для подготовки к грамматическому тесту после II и IV контрольных работ предлагается выполнить тренировочный тест, правильность выполнения которого проверяется на занятии с разбором ошибок, что является подготовительным этапом к успешному написанию грамматического (зачётного) теста.

1 При другой расчасовке обращайтесь за консультацией к своему преподавателю на кафедру иностранных языков (318 «Л») или в методический кабинет (319 «Л»).


III) Зачёт: Для получения зачёта необходимо:

1) успешно выполнить рубежный тест (или защиту контрольных работ); 2) ответить устно на вопросы преподавателя по пройденным темам (вопросы к

зачету можно найти в конце пятого модуля). IV) Экзамен: Билет включает в себя три вопроса:

1) лексико-грамматический тест; 2) текст с заданиями на проверку понимания; 3) устная беседа с преподавателем по пройденным темам (вопросы к экзамену

можно найти в конце десятого модуля). V) Консультации: По всем вопросам обращайтесь к закреплённому за группой преподавателю или в методический кабинет (аудитория 319 «Л»). VI) Оформление контрольной работы: 1. Оформление титульного листа


Федеральное государственное бюджетное образовательное учреждение высшего профессионального образования

«Ухтинский государственный технический университет» (УГТУ )

Кафедра иностранных языков


Дисциплина: _________Английский язык______________ Шифр ______________ Группа ___________ Курс ____________

_______________________________________________________ (фамилия, имя, отчество студента)

Ухта 20____

2. Оформление заданий: 1. Выписываем полную формулировку задания. 2. Выполняем задание. Предложения выписываем полностью, сокращения не

допускаются. Подчёркиваем выполняемые части предложений.

3. Оставляем поля для замечаний преподавателя.



ГРАММАТИКА 1. Личные местоимения. 2. Существительное. 3. Артикли. 4. Формы английского глагола. 5. Времена английского глагола. Present Simple. 6. Глагол ‘to have’.

1. ЛИЧНЫЕ МЕСТОИМЕНИЯ Выучите личные местоимения:

а) в именительном падеже (кто? что?); б) в объектном падеже (косвенные падежи: кого/что? кого/чего? кому/

чему? кем/чем? о ком/чём?); в) в притяжательном падеже (чей? чья? чьё? чьи?).

Им. п. Объектный п.

притяж. п. перевод

I me my я – мне, меня, мной – мой, моя, моё, мои

He him his он – его, ему, … – его

She her her она – ей, её, … – её It it its Он/она/оно – его, ему/ей, её, … – его/её

We us our мы – нас, нам, … – наш, …

You you your Вы – вас, ваш, … – ваша, …

They them their Они – им, их, … – их

Упражнение 1. Составьте предложения по образцу. 0. Give me my book, please. I need it. 1. Give … … book, please. He needs it. 2. Give … … book, please. She needs it. 3. Give … … books, please. We need them. 4. Give … … books, please. They need them.

Упражнение 2. Замените подчёркнутые слова соответствующими местоимениями.

1. Do you know Mr. and Mrs. Nelson? 2. Take this newspaper. 3. Are you speaking about my sister? 4. Don't disturb Mr. Hughes.

2 Прочитайте памятку студенту.


5. Could you help my friend and me? 6. Look at the dog! 7. Do you remember this girl? 8. You can ask Peter for help. 9. Did you phone the Bronsons yesterday? 10. What do you think of this picture?

Упражнение 3. Вставьте в предложения my, your, his, her, its, your, our или their.

0. I'm English. My name is William. 1. They're from Russia. … names are Natasha and Igor. 2. “What's … name?” – “ I'm David. Nice to meet you.” 3. He's American. … name is Wayne. 4. We're Mexican. … names are Antonio and Thalia. 5. That's their cat. - … name is Felix. 6. … name is Tina. She's Brazilian. 7. We're Jane and Mark Kelly, and this is … dog, Rover.


2.1. Окончание –(e)s у существительных означает, что оно стоит во

множественном числе: book – books, camera – cameras, brother – brothers, day – days, table – tables. Исключения: man – men, woman – women, child – children, mouse – mice, foot – feet.

2.2. Окончание ’s у существительных означает, что оно стоит в

притяжательном падеже и применяется в основном с существительными, обозначающими людей: Peter’s book – Петина книга, my mother’s name – имя моей мамы, his friend’s bike – велосипед моего друга. Упражнение 4. Напишите предложения, используя существительные в притяжательном падеже вместо местоимений.

0. This is his house. (my father) This is my father's house. 1. David is her brother. (Angela) 2. This is his book. (Antonio) 3. Ann is his mother. (Mark) 4. They're her children. (Sara) 5. His car is a Fiat. (my brother) 6. Jim is her boyfriend. (Sally) 7. This is his pen. (Tim) 8. They're her keys. (my sister)


3. АРТИКЛИ Артикли (a, the, нулевой артикль) – это часть речи, отсутствующая в русском языке. Артикли употребляются с существительными, и их выбор зависит от общающихся (a book / the book; books / the books). Значение артиклей:

Неопределённый артикль ‘a(n)'. Нулевой артикль

Определённый артикль ‘the’

Артикль ‘a(n)’3 перед существительным означает «любой, какой-нибудь, один». Для слушателя это означает, что ему сообщают некий факт/новость о некоем предмете, и он может задать уточняющие вопросы. Говорящий выбирает неопределённый артикль именно тогда, когда сообщает какую-то новость своему собеседнику. Далее в разговоре этот предмет употребляется с ‘the’. 1. A. I got a letter yesterday. – B. From whom? 2. I see a book in your hand. Is the book interesting? Неопределённый артикль означает «один», поэтому употребляется только с существительными единственного числа. Перед существительными множественного числа в значении «любые, какие-нибудь» употребляется нулевой артикль (то есть артикль отсутствует):

A. Let’s collect books for the children’s home.

Артикль ‘the’ перед существительным означает «этот». Для слушателя это означает, что ему сообщают что-то (новое) о предмете, который они уже когда-то обсуждали с собеседником. A. I gave Peter the book. B. Thank you. Артикль 'the' употребляется с существительными и единственного, и множественного числа

Существует множество устойчивых словосочетаний, где употребление артиклей не зависит от сообщения. Их нужно запоминать.

Запомните следующие модели, употребляющиеся без артикля:

at home/ at work/ at school go to school/ go to work/ go to bed come to (from) school / go to (from) work go home/ come home on Sunday/ on Monday/

from morning till night go by train/ by plane/ … play football/ play basketball/ … have dinner/ have breakfast/ have supper/ have lunch

3 an – форма артикля а. Употребляется перед существительными, начинающимися с гласного звука, например: an apple, an umbrella, an institute.


Запомните следующие модели, требующие неопределённого артикля: I have a … He has a … There is a … I see a … This is a …

That is a … I am a … It is a … She is a … He is a …

Запомните следующие модели, требующие определённого артикля: in the morning/ in the evening/ … Where is the …?

The (book) is on the (table). play the piano/ play the guitar/ …

Упражнение 5. Вставьте артикль a/the, где необходимо. 1. We have ... big dog. … dog is very clever. 2. My friend has ... very good computer. 3. He is ... student. 4. There is ... very big piano in ... hall. 5. This is ... tree and that is not ... tree. It's ... bush. 6. I am ... boy. I am ... pupil. I go to ... school. 7. My sister is at ... work. She is ... secretary. She works in ... large office. 8. This is ... very difficult question. I don't know ... answer to it. 9. Do you see ... little girl with ... big ball in her hands? She is ... pupil of our

school. 10. There was ... beautiful flower in this vase yesterday. Where is ... flower now? 11. My brother is ... pupil. He goes to ... school in ... morning. He has five or six

lessons every day. In ... afternoon he goes ... home. At ... home he does his homework. In ... evening he reads ... books. He usually goes to ... bed at half past ten.

4. ФОРМЫ АНГЛИЙСКОГО ГЛАГОЛА Английский глагол имеет 5 форм: To do – did – done – doing – doing To write – wrote – written – writing – writing

1. Инфинитив (что делать?) – to do –(с)делать, to write – (на)писать 2. Прошедшее (простое) время (что делал, что сделал?) – did – (с)делал,

wrote – (на)писал 3. Причастие прошедшего времени – done – сделан(ный), written –

написан(ный) 4. Причастие настоящего времени – doing – делающий, writing – пишущий


5. Герундий (соответствует русскому существительному, образованному от глагола при помощи окончания -ние, и обозначает процесс) – doing – делание , writing – написание

Инфинитив Прошедшее (простое) время

Причастие прошедшего времени

Причастие настоящего времени


to do делать

did (с)делал

done сделан(ный)

doing делающий

doing делание

to write писать

wrote (на)писал

written написан(ный)

writing пишущий

writing написание

Признаки и образование форм глагола: 1. Инфинитив: частица “to” – to go, to read, to smile, to smoke 2. Прошедшее (простое) время – a) правильные глаголы при помощи

окончания -(e)d: smiled, smoked; b) неправильные глаголы необходимо запоминать: did, wrote (смотрите таблицу неправильных глаголов, 2ой столбик)

3. Причастие прошедшего времени – a) правильные глаголы при помощи окончания -(e)d: smiled, smoked; b) неправильные глаголы необходимо запоминать: done, written (смотрите таблицу неправильных глаголов, 3ий столбик)

4. Причастие настоящего времени – при помощи окончания -ing, добавляемому к инфинитиву: doing, writing

5. Герундий = Причастие настоящего времени Упражнение 6. Заполните столбцы в таблице, пользуясь таблицей неправильных глаголов, переведите все глаголы согласно их форме. Инфинитив Прошедшее

(простое) время

Причастие прошедшего времени

Причастие настоящего времени


To cook

To play

To drink

To buy

To build

Упражнение 7. Вставьте в предложения слова из скобок в нужной по смыслу форме.

1. My father wants _______________ a new car. (buy) 2. I ____________ football with my friends yesterday. (play)


3. Our house is new, it was _________ 3 years ago. (build) 4. I am really good at ___________ .(sing) 5. People __________ much destroy their health. (smoke)

5. ВРЕМЕНА АНГЛИЙСКОГО ГЛАГОЛА Как и в русском языке, в английском языке глагол имеет три времени: настоящее, прошедшее, будущее. Каждое время имеет четыре вида (простое, продолженное, совершённое простое, совершённое продолженное), которые образуются от четырёх основных форм глагола (исключая герундий) и вспомогательных глаголов. Употребление того или иного вида зависит от момента совершения действия, который определяется конкретными выражениями и обстоятельствами времени, такими как: usually (обычно), every day, now, already (уже), for (some time) (в течение некоторого времени), since (some time) (с какого-то времени) и рядом других. Для успешного употребления разных видовременных форм необходимо заучивать все эти «сигнальные» выражения и обстоятельства времени. В таблице приведены 4 вида настоящего времени:

Видовременная форма

Момент совершения действия


Простое настоящее (соответствует русскому настоящему времени)

Неоднократное, повторяющееся действие, конкретный момент не определён (usually, often (часто), never (никогда))

I usually have coffee for breakfast. (Я обычно пью кофе на завтрак.)

Продолженное настоящее (соответствует русскому настоящему времени)

В момент говорения (now, this week)

I am having tea now. (Я пью чай сейчас.)

Совершённое простое настоящее (соответствует русскому прошедшему времени)

Только что / недавно завершившееся действие (already, just (только что), yet (ещё))

I have already had breakfast. (Я уже позавтракал.)

Совершённое продолженное настоящее (соответствует русскому настоящему времени)

Только что / недавно завершившееся действие, но с указанием его длительности (for, since)

I have been cooking for 2 hours already. (Я готовлю уже 2 часа.)


Упражнение 8. Впишите в таблицу обстоятельства времени и глаголы изсписка А, Б.А: drink, am drinking, have been drinking, have drunk; am building, have beenbuilding, build, have built.B: usually, since September, now, already, at the moment, often, for three weeks,just.

Видовременная форма Глагол Обстоятельствовремени

Простое настоящее 1.2.


Продолженное настоящее 1.2.


Совершённое простое настоящее 1.2.


Совершённое продолженное настоящее 1.2.


5.1.НАСТОЯЩЕЕ ПРОСТОЕ ВРЕМЯ (PRESENT SIMPLE TENSE).УТВЕРДИТЕЛЬНЫЕ ПРЕДЛОЖЕНИЯ.Вспомним формы глагола: write – wrote – written – writing – writing

Инфинитив Прошедшее(простое)







to writeписать





Из формы инфинитива образуется форма настоящего простого времени (безчастицы to), использующаяся для описания обычного, повторяющегося с тойили иной частотой действия. Для 3го лица ед. числа (he, she, it) добавляетсяокончание –(e)s: write – writes, go – goes, walk – walks, smoke – smokes.Запомните: have – has, do [du] – does [dΛz]. С Present Simple употребляютсяследующие наречия:NeverНикогда






every (day)каждый

o I rarely take a taxi.o They usually walk to work.o We sometimes take a bus.o They always have breakfast.o He never cooks.o She sometimes goes to bed late


Упражнение 9. Допишите цепочки глаголов в 3ем лице ед. числа. Make – makes, want –…, take –…, play –…, give –…, like –…, put –…, wear –… .

Watch – watches [iz]4, dress –…, wash –…, catch –…, guess –… .

Go – goes, do – … . Упражнение 10. Выберите правильный вариант. The new girl’s name is Layla. My sister and I see/sees her every day. We think/ thinks she’s 15. She live/lives in the apartments on the corner of our street. She go/goes to the library after school. I hope/hopes she is happy. Layla have/has a young brother. They walk/walks to school together. Her mum work/works as a cleaner at our school. She come/comes from Egypt. My dad say/says that it never rain/rains in Cairo. Упражнение 11. Вставьте пропущенные слова в необходимой форме в предложения. close(s), drink(s), live(s), open(s), speak(s), take(s) place.

1. Ann … German very well. 2. I never … coffee. 3. The swimming pool … at 9 o'clock and … at 18.30 every day. 4. My parents … in a very small flat. 5. The Olympic Games … every four years.

5.2. Present Simple Tense. Отрицательные предложения. Вспомогательный глагол5 “do / does” Отрицательная частица «не» в Present Simple – don’t/doesn’t (do not/does not), за которой следует инфинитив без ‘to' и без окончания -es в 3ем л., ед. ч.

не хожу, не ходим, не ходят, не ходите – I/we/they/you don’t go не ходит – he/she/it doesn’t go

o I don’t often wear jeans. o We don’t go to the cinema very often. o He doesn’t travel by plane.

Упражнение 12. Вставьте в предложение нужную форму вспомогательного глагола: don’t или doesn’t.

1. The sun … go round the earth. 2. Rice …. grow in Britain. 3. The sun … rise in the west. 4. Flies … make honey. 5. Vegetarians … eat meat. 6. Atheists … believe in God.

4 После звуков [s], [z], [t∫], [dʒ] окончание -es произносится [iz]. 5 Вспомогательный глагол не переводится на русский язык; does = do+-es для 3го лица ед. числа.


5.3. Present Simple Tense. Вопросительные предложения В вопросительных предложениях do/does ставится перед подлежащим, за которым следует инфинитив без ‘to’ и без окончания -es в 3ем л., ед. ч.

(…) do you…. ? (…) does he…?

o Do you speak English? o Do you understand me? o Where does he live? o What does he like?

Упражнение 13. Вставьте в предложение нужную форму вспомогательного глагола: do или does.

1. What time … the banks close in Britain? 2. 'Where … Martin come from?' 'He's Scottish.' 3. 'What … you do?' 'I'm an electrical engineer.' 4. It takes me an hour to get to work. How long … it take you? 5. I don't understand this sentence. What … this word mean?

Упражнение 14. Выберите правильный вариант. 2. I don't know /doesn't know the answer. 3. Most trees don't grow/doesn't grow very quickly. 4. Do/Does Sara understand this? 5. Do/Does you want to talk about it? 6. The price don't include/doesn't include service. 7. I don't think/doesn't think he's very nice. 8. We don't see/doesn't see our grandparents very often. 9. They don't live/doesn't live very near.

Упражнение 15. Составьте предложения из данных слов. 1. a, house, we, big, in, live. 2. you, where, work, do? 3. she, shopping, Sunday, goes, on. 4. not, many, have, he, friends, does. 5. they, how many, do, have, children? 6. I, visit, my, often, not, parents, very, do.

5.4. Краткие ответы в Present Simple: да, нет

ДА НЕТ Yes, I/we/they/you do.

Yes, she/he/it/ does. No, I/we/they/you don’t.

No, she/he/it/ doesn’t.


o Do you work here? – Yes, I do. o Does James wear a uniform at school? – Yes, he does. (James = he)6 o Do your friends go to university? – Yes, they do. (friends = they) o Does your father drive a car? – No, he doesn’t. (father = he) o Do they travel much? – No, they don’t.

Упражнение 16. Дайте правдивые краткие ответы на вопросы. 1. Do you live with your parents? 2. Do your parents work? 3. Does your father watch TV a lot? 4. Do you speak English? 5. Does your mother go to the gym? 6. Do you and your friends spend your free time together? 7. Do you want to study English? 8. Does your family spend holidays together?

5.5. Глагол ‘to be’ в Present Simple Глагол to be имеет 3 формы в настоящем простом времени: am, is, are, которые спрягаются по лицам и числам. Отрицательная и вопросительная формы образуются без вспомогательных глаголов do(es).

Утвердительное предложение

Отрицательное предложение

Вопросительное предложение

Краткий ответ

I am a student. He/she/it is a student. We/you/they are students.

I am not a student. He/she/it isn’t (is not) a student. We/you/they aren’t (are not) students.

Am I a student? Is he/she/it a student? Are we/you/they students?

Yes, you are. No, you aren’t. Yes, he is. No, he isn’t. Yes, you are. No, you aren’t.

Упражнение 17. Вставьте в текст am, is, are. Our family … not large. It consists of four members. They …: my mother, my father, my sister and I. My mother's name … Anna Petrovna. She … 40. She … a doctor. She … tall and thin. She has big brown eyes, a turned-up nose, her hair is fair and long. My father's name … Boris Ivanovich. He … 42. He … a worker. My sister's name is Tanya. She … 15. She … a pupil. She studies well and has many friends. My sister … fond of music, and she plays the piano.

6 В кратких ответах используются местоимения вместо существительных.


My name is Larisa. I … 14. I … short and thin. My hair … fair and long. My eyes … blue. I like to dress in a modern style. I … a pupil of the 9th form. Russian, History, English … my favourite subjects. I want English to be my future profession. Упражнение 18. Вставьте в вопросы is, are. Дайте ответы.

1. … your family large? 2. What … your mother’s name? 3. How old … she? 4. What … her job? 5. … she tall or short? 6. … her hair blond or dark? 7. … her eyes blue or brown? 8. How old … you? 9. … you a student? 10. … your friends students too? 11. What … you and your friends fond of?

6. ГЛАГОЛ ‘to have’ Глагол ‘have’, помимо значения «иметь», имеет значение «должен, вынужден, приходится». В этом случае за ним следует инфинитив с частицей ‘to’, поэтому нужно ориентироваться на эту частицу: ‘have to’.

o I have to get up at 6 o’clock tomorrow. – Я должен (Мне придётся) встать завтра в 6 утра.

o Do you have to wear a uniform at work? – Ты должен носить униформу на работе?

o Karen doesn’t have to work on Saturdays. – Карен не приходится (не нужно) работать по субботам.

Упражнение 19. Вставьте следующие глаголы в предложения по смыслу: work (2), go, (2), get up, turn, do, wear

1. I have to … glasses for reading. 2. You can’t turn right here. You have to … left. 3. George can’t go to the cinema with us. He has to … . 4. Why do you have to … to hospital? 5. What do I have to … to get a driving licence? 6. It’s Sunday tomorrow, so we don’t have to … early. 7. Sally is very rich. She doesn’t have to … . 8. We have much time. We don’t have to … yet.


ЛЕКСИКА Тема «Моя семья»

Прочитайте текст, выпишите незнакомые слова, найдите их значения в словаре и выполните задания после текста.

MY FAMILY Hi, my name is Craig. I am English because I was born in England, but I am also British because England is part of Great Britain and is in the UK. I live in a typical English family. I have a father, mother and a sister and we all live together in a house in a town in the south east corner of England. At the back of our house we have our garden where I play with my sister. My family has a car, a computer, a colour telly (televison) with a DVD, a washing machine, dishwasher and a cat. Mum and dad both have mobile phones and I am hoping to get one soon. The day starts at about 7 o'clock when Dad and mum get up. My sister and I usually watch telly in our pyjamas (night clothes) until breakfast. We have breakfast at 8 o'clock. I like to eat Rice Krispies (cereal) and jam on toast. I also drink a glass of milk. My mum usually only has toast, a class of orange juice and a cup of coffee. Dad likes to have a fried breakfast consisting of baked beans, bacon, tomatoes, mushrooms, two eggs and a sausage. After breakfast my sister and I put on our school uniform. I wear grey trousers, a white shirt and a blue sweatshirt. We all leave the house by 8.30. Dad goes to work. He works with computers. Mum, my sister and I walk to school. My mum then catches a bus to her work place. She works in a different school as an assistant. I take a packed lunch to school, which contains things like sandwiches, fruit and a bag of crisps. Sometimes my friends and I swap our food. My favourite subjects at school are science and history. My favourite topic in history is learning about the ancient Egyptians. I also enjoy PE (Physical Education) lessons - we play football, netball, cricket and sometimes we go cross-country running. Mum picks us up from school at 3:15. Sometimes we go down town to the shops and, if we are really lucky, mum buys us a McDonalds Happy Meal. However, most days we go straight home and my sister and I watch the telly, play on our Wii, or play on the computer. Dad usually gets home about 6 o'clock. We eat together at about 6.30. My favourite meal is a fish finger with peas and chips. I also like pizza which we have very often. I have to help mum wash up (wash the dishes) when I have eaten. I also have to tidy my bedroom.


In the evenings, I usually do my homework before watching more telly. Mum helps me with my homework. My family likes to watch Eastenders, and Coronation Street (English soap operas). I am a Cub Scout and my sister is a Brownie. On Mondays, I go to cubs whilst my sister goes to Brownies. I also go to Karate on Thursdays and my sister goes to Ballet on Wednesdays. I love cubs especially when we go camping. I like building fires and cooking on them. It is good fun sleeping in the tents too. We usually go camping about twice a year. I enjoy playing on my computer and skate boarding. I have a pet rabbit called Sooty. I bet you can guess what colour it is? Black of course. I love my family very much. Written by Craig aged 10 years Упражнение 1. Соотнесите грамматические темы с выделенными в словосочетаниях словами. 1. объектное местоимение a) I am English 2. ‘have’ в значении «иметь» b) I have a sister 3.‘have’ в значении «должен, вынужден, приходится»

c) Dad goes to work

4. Глагол в Present Simple 3го л. ед. ч. d) Mum buys us 5. Герундий e) I have to help 6. Глагол ‘be’ в Present Simple 1го л. ед. ч. f) I like building fires 7. Причастие настоящего времени g) … breakfast consisting of … 8. Устойчивые словосочетания с нулевым артиклем

h) we watch telly in our pyjamas

9. Притяжательное местоимение i) We like to watch Eastenders 10 Инфинитив j) on Thursdays Упражнение 2. Напишите ещё по одному словосочетанию из текста к каждой грамматической теме.

1. объектное местоимение _________________ 2. ‘have’ в значении «иметь»______________________ 3. ‘have’ в значении «должен, вынужден, приходится» _______________ 4. Глагол в Present Simple 1го л. ед. ч. ________________ 5. Герундий _______________ 6. Глагол ‘be’ в Present Simple 3го л. ед. ч. ________________ 7. Устойчивые словосочетания с нулевым артиклем ____________ 8. Притяжательное местоимение ________________ 9. Инфинитив ________________


Упражнение 3. Определите, являются ли следующие утверждения истинными или ложными. 1. Craig’s family consists of three people. 2. They live in a flat in a town in the south east corner of England. 3. Craig doesn’t have a mobile phone. 4. Craig gets up at 7 o’clock and watches TV until breakfast. 5. For breakfast he has jam on toast and a class of orange juice. 6. He goes to school by bus. 7. He wears a uniform at school. 8. After school Craig watches the telly, plays on his Wii, or plays on the computer. 9. On Mondays he goes to cubs and on Tuesdays to Karate. 10. He has a black pet rabbit called Snowy. Упражнение 4. Закончите предложения, вставив нужное по смыслу слово: together, consists of, until, wear, catch a bus, favourite, tidy, enjoy. 1. My work place is far from my house so I ______________ to get there. 2. I usually __________ jeans and a T-shirt. 3. My ______________ sport is basketball. 4. Every Sunday I _________ my flat. 5. I __________ going down town to the shops. 6. In the evening we ______________ watch soap operas. 7. Our dinner often __________ fish fingers with peas and chips. 8. I am at school ___________ 3:15. Упражнение 5. Соедините по смыслу начало предложений 1-5 с их окончанием a-e. 1. I have a typical Russian family which a. washes the dishes. 2. I take my children to school and then b. and we go straight home. 3. I get up at 6:30 and cook breakfast c. walk to my work place. 4. I pick up my children from school d. consists of four people. 5. After dinner my daughter e. for my family. Упражнение 6. Расставьте события текста в правильном порядке. 1. After the lessons my mother picks us from school. 2. In the evening I do my homework and then we all watch a soap opera on TV. 3. We have jam on toast, cereals, milk, juice, coffee, and fried food for breakfast. 4. I have lunch at school. 5. When my father comes home from work we all have dinner. 6. We all leave the house by 8:30. 7. We get up at 7 o’clock. Упражнение 7. Выберите правильный вариант. 1. Craig is British because he was born in _________ .


a) Wales b) England c) Scotland 2. Craig’s family has a house with a _________ at the back. a) yard b) patio c) garden 3. Craig and his sister usually watch telly in their __________ until breakfast. a) pyjamas b) uniforms c) boots 4. Craig’s _______ works with computers . a) mother b) sister c) father 5. Craig’s favourite subjects at school are __________ and history. a) mathematics b) science c) chemistry 6. Craig has to __________ in the evening. a) wash up b) help his sister with her homework c) play with his pet 7. Craig likes building ____________ and cooking on them. a) houses b) fires c) roads 8. Craig likes sleeping in __________ too. a) his bedroom b) the tent c) the hotel 9. He usually goes _____________ twice a year. a) on holiday b) to Karate c) camping 10. He has a pet __________ called Sooty. a) dog b) fish c) rabbit Упражнение 8. Ответьте на вопросы.

1. Where does Craig live? 2. How old is he? 3. Is his family large? 4. What does his mother do? 5. What does his father do? 6. What are Craig’s favourite subjects at school? 7. What does he do after school? 8. Where does he go on Mondays and Thursdays? 9. Why does he like cubs?

Упражнение 9. Вопросы для беседы с преподавателем на экзамене. 1. What’s your name? 2. How old are you? 3. What do you do? 4. Where do you work or study? 5. Are you married? 6. Who are the members of you family? 7. What do they do?



1. Указательные местоимения 2. Использование герундия 3. Значения слова ‘like’

1. УКАЗАТЕЛЬНЫЕ МЕСТОИМЕНИЯ а) При указании на ближний предмет: this – этот, эта (для существительных ед. ч.) these – эти (для существительных мн. ч.) б) При указании на дальний предмет: that – тот, та (для существительных ед. ч.) those – те (для существительных мн. ч.) Примеры: 1. This is his book. That is her book. 2.These are our books. Those are your books. Упражнение 1. Измените предложения на мн. ч.

0. This is a star. – These are stars. (zero article) 0. That is a bookshelf. – Those are bookshelves. 1. This is a boy. _________________________ 2. This is my pen. ________________________ 3. That is a plate. __________________________ 4. That is a flower. _________________________ 5. Is this a new sofa? __________________________ 6. Is this an old bookcase? ______________________ 7. Is that a fast train? ___________________________ 8. That is not a king. ___________________________ 9. That is not a queen. __________________________ 10. This isn't a high mountain. _____________________ 11. This isn't a mouse. _____________________________

Упражнение 2. Поставьте следующие предложения во множественном числе. Повторите мн. ч. существительных и исключения из правил (Модуль 1, п. 2.1).

0. That woman is my aunt.– Those women are my aunts. 0. She is a teacher. They are teachers. 1. This man is an engineer. _____________________ 2. That woman is my sister. _____________________ 3. This child is my son. _____________________ 4. This man is a doctor. _____________________ 5. This boy has a good coat. _____________________ 6. I have a good pen. My pen is in my pocket. _____________________


2. ИСПОЛЬЗОВАНИЕ ГЕРУНДИЯ И ИНФИНИТИВА Вспомним, что такое герундий. Герундий – это часть речи, соответствующая русскому существительному, образованному от глагола при помощи окончания -ние, которое обозначает процесс: doing – делание, writing – (на)писание, going – хождение и т. д. На русский язык переводится по-разному: существительным, инфинитивом, деепричастием, глаголом-сказуемым, придаточным предложением или отглагольным существительным.

Например: 1. Learning rules without examples is useless. – Заучивание правил без

примеров бесполезно. 2. I hate getting up early. – Терпеть не могу вставать рано. 3. In the evenings, I usually do my homework before watching telly. – По

вечерам я обычно делаю домашнюю работу, перед тем как смотреть телевизор.

4. I like building fires and cooking on them. – Мне нравится разжигать костры и готовить пищу на них.

5. It is good fun sleeping in the tents. – Весело спать в палатках. 6. I enjoy playing on my computer and skate boarding. – Мне нравится

играть на компьютере и кататься на скейтборде. Как вы заметили из примеров, герундий чаще всего переводится инфинитивом. Резонно возникает вопрос: нельзя ли использовать вместо герундия инфинитив, ведь для русского человека так проще и понятнее. К сожалению, нет, нельзя. После определённых слов и словосочетаний можно использовать либо только инфинитив, либо только герундий. Вот некоторые из них:

Глагол + герундий Глагол + инфинитив Глагол + герундий/ инфинитив

like, love, enjoy, hate, finish, stop, continue

choose, decide, forget, promise, need, help, hope, try, want, would like, would love

begin, start

+cooking +walking

+to cook +to walk

+ to cook / cooking + to walk / walking

Упражнение 3. Переведите глаголы из таблицы. Упражнение 4. Поставьте глаголы из скобок либо в форму инфинитива, либо в форму герундия. Иногда возможны обе формы.

o I enjoy walking (walk) in the rain. o Would you like to have (have) something to eat? o It started to rain / raining (rain) while we were out.


1. I want ____________ (see) a film on TV this evening. 2. I hope ______________ (earn) some money soon. 3. When did you finish _____________ (paint) the kitchen? 4. I began ________________ (learn) English when I was seven. 5. Some people like ______________ (have) breakfast in bed, but I don't. 6. Don't forget _______________ (post) my letter! 7. We want _____________ (get) married in the spring. 8. When she saw how I was dressed, she started ______________ (laugh). 9. What do you want _______________ (do) tonight? 10. I’d like _______________ (go) to the theatre. 11. I love ______________ (listen) to live music. 12. She continued ________________ (talk) during the whole meal. 13. My family is trying _____________ (decide) where to go on holiday. 14. I’d like ________________ (go) somewhere different for a change. 15. I enjoy __________ (visit) places I've never been to before. 16. But my children hate ________________ (sightsee). 17. We decided ______________ (rent) a house with a swimming pool. 18. A woman from a travel agency helped us _________ (choose) a nice house. 19. We began _____________ (talk) about next years holiday two months ago. 20. Everyone hopes ____________ (enjoy) themselves on holiday, but it isn't

always easy. 21. My wife and I are starting ____________ (think) we should stay at home.

Упражнение 5. Вставьте в предложения глаголы из списка либо в форме инфинитива, либо в форме герундия: read, drink, relax, lie, have, visit,

sunbathe, help, sail, stay. My friend and I had a problem about our holiday last year. I wanted

(1)________________a lazy seaside holiday because I was tired and needed (2)_________________. I love (3)_______________in the sun, (4)____________ ice-cold beer and (5)________________a good book. But Natalie likes busy, cultural holidays. She likes (6)________________museums and galleries. She hates (7)__________ because she always goes red, not brown. The travel agent tried (8) _______________ us and suggested Greece. I said I'd love (9) _________________to a quiet island, but of course Natalie said she'd like (10)______________ in Athens. It was easy to decide what to do – we flew to Athens together, Natalie stayed there and I travelled to the island or Kos!


3. ЗНАЧЕНИЯ СЛОВА ‘LIKE”: 1. to like (+ существительное или герундий) – нравиться 2. would like (+ существительное или инфинитив) – хотелось бы 3. like (+ существительное) – подобный, похожий, как

o ‘What sort of music do you like listening to?’ – ‘Classical, usually.’ – «Какую музыку вы любите слушать?» - «Классическую обычно.»

o ‘Would you like an ice-cream?’ – ‘No, thanks.’ – «Хотите мороженого?» - «Нет, спасибо.»

o ‘Where would you like to go on holiday?’ – ‘Somewhere hot! I want to get brown.’ – «Куда бы вы хотели поехать в отпуск?» - Куда-нибудь, где жарко. Я хочу загореть»

o I look like my mother. – Я похожа (выгляжу как) на свою маму. o They have so many animals. Their house is like a zoo. – У них столько

много животных. Их дом как зоопарк. o ‘What star sign are you?’ ‘I’m Cancer, like you.’ – «Кто ты по знаку

зодиака?» - «Я – Рак, как и ты.» o ‘You’re stupid.’ ‘Why do you say things like that?’– «Ты глупый.» -

«Почему ты так говоришь?» Упражнение 6. Подберите вопросы и ответы.

would like (to do) – хотелось бы (сделать;) Would you like... ?

like (doing) – нравится (делать); Do you like... ?

1. Would you like to watch TV? a. Yes, especially films and cartoons. 2. Would you like something to eat? b. Yes, I'd love to. What time? 3. Do you like parties? c. No. There's nothing good on tonight. 4. Would you like to come to a

party on Saturday? d. I'm afraid I don't. I think they're noisy,

and there are usually too many people. 5. Do you like watching TV? e. No. I think they're very bad for you. 6. Do you like chips? f. No, thanks. I'm not hungry.

Упражнение 7. Соотнесите части предложений. 1. This wine tastes like a) blocks of ice. 2. My sister's a teacher, like b) my mother or my father? 3. Who do I look like, c) winter! 4. It's July and the weather's awful! It's like d) vinegar! 5. It's freezing. My feet are like e) me.


ЛЕКСИКА Тема «Свободное время. Досуг»

Прочитайте текст, выпишите незнакомые слова, найдите их значения в словаре и выполните задания после текста.

THE BROWNS’ LEISURE Meet the Browns. This is a British family consisting of four members: Mr. and Mrs. Brown and their children – Tom and Mary. During weekdays all of them are busy – the parents work and the children go to school. Therefore they don’t have much time to spare. But at weekends the family always tries to spend time together. This is the time they can go in for sports, read books, go to the library, to the cinema or to the theatre, walk in the park. The Browns are fond of arts and never miss a chance to visit a museum or an exhibition and enjoy real works of art. Sometimes they go to the zoo or to the circus to watch animals, as Tom and Mary like them very much. In summer the Browns prefer to spend most of time outdoors. They like going to the country to visit their relatives and friends. Together they enjoy having picnics. Such picnics are especially popular with children, because they have an excellent opportunity to admire the beauty of nature, to run on the grass and to play interesting games. Like many British families, the Browns often go to the seaside in summer. Hotels at the large seaside towns are rather expensive, so they usually go camping. Sea and sunbathes – that’s what they are looking for every summer! In winter the Browns like doing winter sports such as skiing and skating. After having a pleasant rest in the open air, they are always happy to return home and have a rest watching an interesting film or TV programme, or just chatting. At such moments Mr. Brown is in habit of saying that “there is no place like home” as the saying goes. As a rule, the Browns’ activities at weekends depend on their plans, but in any case they manage to do a lot of things and to have a rest. They always try to do their best to have a really good time. Unfortunately time flies by at weekends, and the next Monday morning comes, and the Browns look forward to the next day off to spend together. Упражнение 1. Раскройте скобки, поставив глагол в форму герундия или инфинитива. Сверьте ответы с текстом.

1. At weekends the family always tries _______(spend) time together. 2. In summer the Browns prefer ___________(spend) most of time outdoors. 3. They like _____________(go) to the country to visit their relatives and friends.


4. Hotels at the large seaside towns are rather expensive, so they usually go __________(camp).

5. In winter the Browns like ___________(do) winter sports. 6. They always try ___________(do) their best to have a really good time.

Упражнение 2. Определите, являются ли следующие предложения истинными (True) или ложными (False).

1. The family of Browns consists of 4 members. 2. They are very busy at weekdays. 3. The Browns never spend weekends together. 4. At weekends they can go in for sports, go to the library, to the cinema or to the

theatre. 5. They don’t like going to the zoo. 6. In summer the Browns spend a lot of time in the open air. 7. In winter they enjoy skiing and skating. 8. The Browns seldom have a good rest at weekends.

Упражнение 3. Закончите предложение, вставив нужное по смыслу слово из текста.

1. The Browns is a ______ family consisting of four members. 2. During ________ all of them are busy. 3. The Browns don’t have much time to _____. 4. In summer the family prefers to spend time _______. 5. _______ are especially popular with children. 6. The Browns often go to the _______ in summer. 7. They usually go ______, as hotels are rather expensive. 8. In winter the Browns like to ____ winter sports.

Упражнение 4. Соедините по смыслу начало предложений 1-5 с их окончанием a-e. 1. At weekends the Browns a. to visit relatives and friends. 2. In summer the Browns prefer to b. always spend time together. 3. The Browns like going to the country c. such as skiing and skating. 4. The Browns like to do winter sports d. spend time outdoors. 5. The Browns’ activities at weekends e. depend on their plans. Упражнение 5. Расставьте события текста в правильном порядке.

1. At weekends they go in for sports, read books, go to the cinema, to the theatre or to the zoo.

2. In winter the Browns like skating and skiing. 3. The Browns always try to spend days off together.


4. The Browns are very busy during weekdays. 5. The Browns enjoy having picnics in the country. 6. The Browns have a good rest on days off. 7. The Browns often go to the seaside in summer.

Упражнение 6. Выберите правильный вариант (a, b, c). 1. The Browns have ….. children.

a) one b) two c) three 2. During weekdays the Browns …

a) work b) are busy c) have much time to spare 3. At weekends the Browns go in for ……

a) sports b) library c) cinema 4. The Browns are fond of arts and often go to …..

a) the zoo b) museums c) the circus 5. The Browns like going to the …. to visit relatives and friends.

a) seaside b) picnics c) country 6. Hotels at large seaside towns are ….

a) cheap b) expensive c) beautiful 7. In winter the Browns usually ….

a) travel b) stay indoors c) do sports 8. After having a pleasant rest in the open air, they like to ….

a) watch TV b) visit friends c) take a nap 9. The Browns’ activities at weekends depend on …

a) weather b) their plans c) their mood 10. Mr. Brown is in habit of saying: …

a) “Time flies by at weekends”.b) “There is no place like home”. c) “I’m looking forward to the next day off”

Упражнение 7. Ответьте на вопросы. 1. Are the Browns busy at weekdays? 2. What do they usually do at weekends? 3. How do the Browns prefer to spend time in summer? 4. Do Tom and Mary like picnics? Why? 5. Do the Browns often go to the seaside in summer? 6. Why do they go camping? 7. What winter sports do they enjoy? 8. What do the Browns’ activities at weekends depend on?

Упражнение 8. Вопросы для беседы с преподавателем на экзамене. 1. What do you like doing in you free time? 2. How do you spend your holidays?



1. There is/are. Местоимения (some, any, no, many, much, little, few). 2. Существительное в роли определения.

1. КОНСТРУКЦИЯ ‘THERE IS/ARE’ 1.1. Утвердительные предложения Конструкция ‘there is’ / ‘there are’ используется для описания существования или наличия предмета (лица) в определённом месте. There is a cup on the table. There are two pictures on the wall. There are many (a lot of) people in the hall. There are some books on the sofa. There are few cars outside the office. There are a few apples on the plate. There is much sugar in my tea. There is little salt in the salad. There is a little pepper in the soup.

На столе чашка. На стене две картины. В зале много людей. На диване несколько книг. Около офиса мало машин. На тарелке несколько яблок. В моём чае много сахара. В салате мало соли. В супе есть немного перца.

На русский язык такие предложения переводятся в обратном порядке. There

is/are имеет значение «имеется, находится, есть, существует», но обычно не переводится.

(2) There is


3 a little cheese немного сыра

1 on the plate. На тарелке

На тарелке (есть/лежит) немного сыра.

Структура такого предложения:

There is + (количество) + существительное ед. ч. + местоположение. There are + (количество) + существительное мн. ч. + местоположение. Количество выражается следующими местоимениями и наречиями: Some – несколько, некоторое количество Little, few – мало No, not any – нет (никаких) A little, a few – немного Much, many, a lot of – много С исчисляемыми существительными единственного числа употребляется

неопределённый артикль ‘a/an’: There is a book on the bed.


С исчисляемыми существительными множественного числа употребляются:

Some No/not any Few A few Many/a lot of

some books (not) any books/no books few books a few books many books /a lot of books

несколько книг нет (никаких) книг мало книг несколько книг много книг

С неисчисляемыми существительными (употребляющимися, как правило, в ед. числе: вода, дружба и т. д.) употребляются:

Some No/not any Little A little Much/a lot of

some salt no salt/not any salt little salt a little salt much salt/a lot of salt

(немного) соли7

нет соли мало соли немного соли много соли

1.2. Вопросительные и отрицательные предложения Отрицательные предложения Вопросительные предложения

There isn’t … There aren’t …

Is there…? (Yes, there is./No, there isn’t.) Are there…? (Yes, there are./No, there aren’t) What is there …? How many … are there …? How much is there…?

There isn’t a cup on the table. There aren’t any pictures on the wall. There aren’t many people in the hall. There isn’t much coffee in the cup.

Is there a cup on the table? – Yes, there is. Are there any pictures on the wall? – No, there aren’t. What is there on the wall? How many people are there in the hall? How much coffee is there in the cup?

Упражнение 1. Вставьте is/are в предложения. 1. There … some pictures in the book. 2. There … some cold coffee in the cup. 3. … there any new students in your group? - Yes, there … 4. … there any milk in the fridge? – No, there … not any. 5. … there many desks in the classroom? - Yes, there … many. 6. There … not any books on this desk, but there … some exercise-books.

7 Some обычно не переводится, если стоит перед неисчисляемым существительным, а само существительное переводится родительным падежом: Give me some water, please. – Дай воды, пожалуйста. (Сравните: Give me the water, please. – Подай мне воду, пожалуйста.)


7. There … a little water in the glass. 8. There … little soup in the plate. 9. There … much meat in the soup. 10. There … few people in the cafй. 11. There … a few mistakes in your dictation. 12. There … many benches in the park. 13. There … a lot of snow this winter. 14. There … a lot of rooms in this house. 15. There … no work for you.

Упражнение 2. Вставьте в предложения: А) a, some, по

1. There are ... old houses in our street. 2. There is... big map on the wall. 3. Give me … milk, please. 4. There are ... lessons today. It is Sunday.

B) much или many 1. Please don't put ... pepper on the meat. 2. There are ... plates on the table. 3. I never eat ... bread with soup. 4. Why do you eat so ... ice-cream? 5. There are ... good teachers at our school.

C) little, a little или few, a few 1. I have ... time, so I can't go with you. 2. He has ... English books. He can give you some. 3. Tom Canty is very poor and has very ... clothes. 4. There is ... soup in my plate. Give me some more, please. 5. There is ... light in the room, and I can’t not read. 6. I have ... money, so we can go to the cinema. 7. This lemon drink is sour; if you put ... sugar in it, it will be sweeter.

2. СУЩЕСТВИТЕЛЬНОЕ В РОЛИ ОПРЕДЕЛЕНИЯ Существительное может служить определением к другому существительному. В этом случае два или более существительных следуют друг за другом, и между ними нет ни предлогов, ни артиклей. Образуется «цепочка существительных», где последнее существительное – определяемое слово, а предшествующие существительные являются определениями и переводятся на


русский язык прилагательными или существительными в одном из косвенных падежей, чаще всего Родительном падеже.

o Cane sugar – тростник + сахар = тростниковый сахар o Sugar cane – сахар + тростник = сахарный тростник o Meat price decrease – уменьшение цены на мясо (перевод справа налево) o A ten-year old girl – десятилетняя девочка

Упражнение 3. Переведите следующие сочетания на русский язык. 1. a bus stop 2. home work 3. a picture gallery 4. a river port 5. a tram stop 6. our Institute building 7. oil export 8. export oil 9. mass production

10. city traffic 11. television programs 12. a ten-percent wage increase 13. the twentieth century music 14. the North Pole expedition 15. an art critic 16. a three room apartment 17. office telephone number 18. oil industry worker

ЛЕКСИКА • Тема «Дом. Квартира»

Прочитайте текст, выпишите незнакомые слова, найдите их значения в словаре и выполните задания после текста.

MILLIONAIRES AND THEIR SECRET HOMES Some millionaires like living in the centre of the world's capital cities. Others prefer to live somewhere quiet and private. Here are three special millionaire homes: one in the middle of a tropical forest, one in the mountains and one on the beach. The first home is a tree house built high up in the trees of a tropical rain forest. But it is no ordinary tree house. It is on two floors and there are two bathrooms and three bedrooms. The top floor of the house is a roof-top terrace. This is the breakfast room, where you can have your coffee and cornflakes with the monkeys. They think the house is just another tree! The second home is an old monastery built high on a rock. The only way to get there is by helicopter. There is a helicopter pad on the roof next to the swimming pool. It isn't very big: only three bedrooms, a living room, two bathrooms, a kitchen and a gym. And some very spectacular views. The third home is a beach house, but a beach house with a difference. It has got a private beach, of course. In fact, it is built on its own private island. This home is


actually a collection of small houses: a little village in fact. There are four swimming pools, eight tennis courts and twenty horses in the riding stables. Упражнение 1. Выпишите из текста «цепочки существительных». Упражнение 2. Вставьте пропущенные части в предложения. Сверьте ответы с текстом. 1. There … two bathrooms and three bedrooms in the house. 2. There … a terrace on the … floor. 3. There … a … room on the terrace. 4. There … a helicopter … and a swimming … on the roof. 5. There … three …, a living …, two …, a kitchen and a gym in the monastery. 6. There … a collection of …. , four … pools, eight tennis …, and twenty … in the

riding stables on the private island. Упражнение 3. Определите, являются ли следующие утверждения истинными или ложными. 1. Rich people prefer living in the cities rather in the countryside. 2. The tree house is situated in the cold climate. 3. The tree house is a two-storied construction. 4. Living on a rock you can enjoy impressive views. 5. Rock–climbing is the only way to get to the rock house. 6. The beach home consists of several buildings. 7. Wild animals can easily get into these houses. 8. All these houses are privately owned. Упражнение 4. Закончите предложения, вставив нужное по смыслу слово/слова из текста. 1. Some people like living in … places. 2. The tree house is situated in a tropical rain … . 3. You can enjoy breakfast sitting on the roof-top … . 4. Flying by a … is the only way to get to this place. 5. There is a private … at this hotel if you like sunbathing. 6. There are some … at the hotel so you can keep your horse there. 7. Would you like to play tennis? See you at the … at 5. 8. If you like old buildings, you must see this … . Упражнение 5. Соедините по смыслу начало предложений (1-5) с их окончанием (а-е). 1.On a roof-top terrace you … a … and a swimming pool on the roof. 2.There is a helicopter pad … b … built on its own private island 3.The second home is an old monastery… c … in the riding stables.


4.The third home is actually a collection of small houses …

d … have your coffee and cornflakes.

5.There are twenty horses … e … built high on a rock. Упражнение 6. Расставьте события текста в правильном порядке. 1. It has got a roof-top terrace. 2. You can enjoy some very spectacular views from this spot. 3. It is situated on its own private island 4. The text is about three special millionaire homes. 5. There is a private beach next to this house. 6. This house is built high up in the trees. 7. The only way to get to that house is by helicopter. Упражнение 7. Выберите правильный вариант. 1. Millionaires like … in the world's capital cities.

a. working b. relaxing c. living 2. The first home is built in …

a. a tropical rain forest b. the taiga c. the forest -steppe 3. It’s on … floors.

a. one b. two c. three 4. You can have your coffee and cornflakes with the …

a. pets b. birds c. monkeys 5. The old … is built high on a rock.

a. monastery b. castle c. tower 6. There isn’t a … on the rock.

a. helicopter pad b. tennis court c. swimming pool 7. There is a helicopter pad on the roof … the swimming pool.

a. over b. under c. next to 8. … four swimming pools, eight tennis courts

a. There is b. There are c. They are 9. The … home is actually a collection of small houses

a. beach b. rock c. tree 10. There are twenty … in the riding stables.

a. dogs b. horses c. cows Упражнение 8. Ответьте на вопросы. 1. Where do rich people like living? 2. What is there in the tree home? 3. What can you do on a top-roof terrace? 4. Where is the second special home situated?


5. What is there in the rock house? 6. What is special about the beach home? 7. What is there in the beach house? Упражнение 9. Вопросы для беседы с преподавателем на экзамене.

1. Do you live in a house or a flat? 2. How many rooms are there in your home? 3. What is your favourite room? 4. Why do you like it?


Правила оформления контрольных работ смотрите в памятке студенту на странице 4.

Задание 1. Закончите предложения по образцу.

1. I want that book. Can you give it to me? 2. He wants the key. Can you ____________? 3. She wants the keys. Can you_______________? 4. They want that letter. Can you_____________? 5. We want the photographs. Can you__________?

Задание 2. Закончите предложения по образцу. Используйте my/his/their и т. д. с одним из этих слов: coat, homework, house, husband, job, key, name.

1. Jim doesn't enjoy his job. It's not very interesting. 2. I can't open the door. I don’t have ______________. 3. Sally is married. __________________ works in a bank. 4. It’s very cold today. Put on____________ when yon go out. 5. “What are the children doing?”- “They're doing ______________.” 6. “Do you know that man?” – “Yes, but I don't know __________.” 7. We live in Barton Street. __________________ is at the end on the left.

Задание 3. Добавьте к существительным -s или 's 1. I live in my sister___ house. 2. The town centre is usually full of tourist___. 3. Have you met Mr. Kelly___ wife? 4. It’s а lovely park with а lot of beautiful tree___. 5. Are you going to James___ party? 6. Most of my friend___ are student___. 7. Paul is a man___ name. Рaula is a woman___ name.


8. I'm going to buy some flower___. Задание 4. Вставьте артикли a, the, где необходимо.

1. This is ... classroom. ... classroom is large and light. 2. There is ... picture on ... wall. 3. What is ... date today? 4. I am … student. I usually go to university by … bus. 5. My father is … businessman. He usually comes from ... work late. But on ...

Friday he comes ... home early. 6. She often plays ... piano in ... evening. 7. Where are ... children? — They are playing ... badminton in ... yard. ... weather

is fine today. 8. She goes to ... bed at eleven o’clock.

Задание 5. Напишите предложения из данных слов, поставив глаголы в нужную форму (play/plays, don’t play/doesn’t play, do you play/does he play).

1. (basketball / I / play / often) 2. (work / Margaret / hard / usually) 3. (where / live / your parents?) 4. (your brother / like / football?) 5. (I / often / not / TV / watch / very) 6. (go / he / to / not / theatre / the)

Задание 6. Напишите предложения из данных слов, добавив глагол ‘be’ в нужной форме (is, am, are).

1. (I / afraid of / dogs.) 2. (hands / cold / my.) 3. (Canada / country / a / big / very.) 4. (interesting / your / job?) 5. (open / shops / the / today?) 6. (I / hungry / not.) 7. (it / warm / today / not.) 8. (I / afraid of / not /dogs.) 9. (there / in/ a castle / town/ the?) 10. (there / any / not / restaurants.) 11. (five / in / people / there / family / my.)

Задание 7. Подчеркните правильный вариант ответа. 1. There aren't (any /some) cinemas in this part of town. 2. There are (some / any) beautiful flowers in the garden. 3. I'm afraid there's (no / any) coffee.


4. There aren't (many / much) hotels in this town. 5. We don't have (many / much) juice. 6. There is (little / few) food in the fridge. 7. 'When did Sarah go out?’ ‘(Few / a few) minutes ago.' 8. I can’t decide now. I need (little / a little) time to think about it. 9. I (have / have to) two little twin sisters. 10. My eyes are not very good. I (have / have to) wear glasses. 11. I enjoy (dancing / to dance). 12. What do you want (doing / to do) tonight. 13. Goodbye! I hope (seeing / to see) you soon. 14. I want (going / to go) to bed. 15. What have you decided (doing / to do)? 16. George promised (speaking / to speak) to her. 17. Where’s Ann? I need (asking / to ask) her something. 18. Please stop (talking / to talk).


ГРАММАТИКА 1. Степени сравнения прилагательных. 2. Наречия степени: too, enough, quite, a bit, a little. 3. Should, could, would – сослагательное наклонение.

1. СТЕПЕНИ СРАВНЕНИЯ ПРИЛАГАТЕЛЬНЫХ Как и в русском языке, в английском прилагательные и наречия имеют три степени сравнения: положительную, сравнительную и превосходную, например:

o Big – bigger – the biggest (большой – больше – самый большой) o Famous – more famous – the most famous (знаменитый – более

знаменитый – самый знаменитый) o Good –better – the best (хороший – лучше – наилучший)

Степени сравнения образуются при помощи суффиксов -er, -est или наречий more, most, в зависимости от количества слогов в слове (см. таблицу). Количество слогов в слове





1 слог

small high

-ER smaller higher

-EST (the) smallest (the) highest



2 слога, оканчивающиеся

на -y

easy (ea – sy)

heavy (hea – vy)

-ER easier (-y → -i)


-EST (the) easiest

(the) heaviest 3

2 и более слога

famous (fa –

mous) difficult (dif–fi–


MORE more famous

more difficult

(THE) MOST (the) most

famous (the) most difficult


Исключения good bad little

many / much

better worse less


the best the worst the least the most

2. НАРЕЧИЯ СТЕПЕНИ С каждой степенью сравнения можно употреблять союзы и наречия степени (см. таблицу).




5 Союзы сравнения

as…as (такой же… как) not so…as/not as…as (не такой…как)

… than (чем) … of all/them (из всех/из них)

6 Наречия степени

really…(действительно) very… (очень) quite (a)… (довольно) so… (такой) too… (слишком) …enough (достаточно)

a little/a bit… (немного) much … (намного)

(by) far … (гораздо)

Изучите примеры: П О Л О Ж И Т Е Л Ь Н

1. The house is big. 2. The house is really big. 3. The house is very big. 4. The house is quite big. 5. The house is so big. 6. This house is as big as that

house. 7. This house is not as big as that

house. 8. The house is too big for one


1. Этот дом большой. 2. Этот дом реально большой. 3. Этот дом очень большой. 4. Этот дом достаточно большой. 5. Этот дом такой большой. 6. Этот дом такой же большой, как

и тот дом. 7. Этот дом не такой большой, как

тот дом. 8. Этот дом слишком большой для

одного человека.



9. The house is big enough for their family.

9. Этот дом достаточно большой для их семьи.


1. Their old house is smaller than the new house.

2. Their old house is a bit (a little) smaller than the new house.

3. Their old house is much smaller than the new house.

4. Their new house is more expensive than the old house.

5. Their new house is a little (a bit) more expensive than the old house.

6. Their new house is much more expensive than the old house.

1. Их старый дом меньше, чем новый.

2. Их старый дом немного меньше, чем новый.

3. Их старый дом намного меньше, чем новый.

4. Их новый дом дороже, чем старый.

5. Их новый дом немного дороже, чем старый.

6. Их новый дом намного дороже, чем старый.


1. This book is the best. 2. This book is the best of all. 3. This book is by far the best. 4. This book is the most

interesting. 5. This book is the most

interesting of all. 6. This book is (by) far the most


1. Эта книга – лучшая. 2. Эта книга – лучше всех. 3. Эта книга – гораздо лучше всех. 4. Эта книга – самая интересная. 5. Эта книга – интереснее всех. 6. Эта книга – гораздо интереснее


Упражнение 1. Напишите сравнительную и превосходную степени следующих прилагательных: old, strong, happy, modern, important, good, bad. Упражнение 2. Вставьте в предложение прилагательное из скобок в необходимой степени сравнения.

1. He isn’t very tall. You are ____________than him. (tall) 2. Jill is a bit ________ than Garry. (old) 3. Jack’s mother is much ___________ than his father. (young) 4. Your room isn’t as ___________ as his. (big) 5. This building is very old. It’s the ___________ in the town. (old) 6. Sydney is the ____________ city in Australia. (large)


Упражнение 3. Напишите каждое предложение несколько раз, используя все наречия степени (см. образец ниже). Дополните или измените предложения, где необходимо. 1. The water is warm. 2. It’s cold to sit outside. 3. Everything is expensive these days. Образец: The house is big.

1. really … 2. very … 3. quite (a) … 4. so … 5. too … 6. … enough

1. The house is really big. 2. The house is very big. 3. The house is quite big. 4. The house is so big. 5. The house is too big for one person. 6. The house is big enough for their family.

3. СОСЛАГАТЕЛЬНОЕ НАКЛОНЕНИЕ Сослагательное наклонение английского глагола – это форма глагола, соответствующая русскому глаголу с частицей «бы»: сделал бы, сходил бы, помог бы. В английском языке это можно передать вспомогательным глаголом would, за которым следует инфинитив: would do, would go, would help, а также модальными глаголами should – следовало бы/следует, could – мог бы: should help – следовало бы/следует помочь, could help – мог бы помочь. Should используется, когда необходимо дать кому-нибудь совет; could –предложить что-нибудь.

o It’s a nice day. We could go for a walk. (Хороший день. Мы могли бы прогуляться.)

o What shall we do this evening? – We could go to the cinema. (Что будем делать сегодня вечером? – Мы могли бы сходить в кино.

o You are tired. You should go to bed. (Ты устал. Тебе следует лечь спать.) o I think, you should invite Susan to the party. – Я думаю, тебе следует

пригласить Сьюзан на вечеринку. Упражнение 4. Дайте совет, используя you should и один из глаголов:

clean go take visit watch wear 0. When you play tennis you should watch the ball. 1. It's late and you're very tired. ____________________ to bed. 2. _________________ your teeth twice a day. 3. If you have time, ______________ the Science Museum. It's very interesting. 4. When you're driving, ________________ a seat belt. 5. It's too far to walk from here to the station. ___________ a taxi.

Упражнение 5. Ответьте на вопросы, используя could и слова из скобок. 0. Where shall we go for our holidays? (to Scotland) We could go to Scotland.


1. What shall we have for dinner tonight? (fish) We__________________ 2. What shall I give Ann for her birthday? (a book) You ___________________ 3. When shall I phone Angela? (now) _______________________ 4. When shall we go and see Tom? (on Friday) _______________________ 5. Where shall we hang this picture? (in the kitchen) ________________

Упражнение 6. Вставьте в предложения would и один из глаголов: take be feel understand not get be

Образец: If the factory closed down a lot of people would be out of work. (Если бы

завод закрылся, много людей осталось бы без работы.) 1. If you took more exercise, you __________ better. 2. If they offered me the job, I think I _________ it. 3. I'm sure Amy will lend you the money. I ____________very surprised if she

refused. 4. If I sold my car, I ___________ much money for it. 5. I'm sure Sue ___________ if you explained the situation to her.


Тема «Образ жизни» Прочитайте текст, выпишите незнакомые слова, найдите их значения в словаре и выполните задания после текста.

HOW OLD IS YOUR BODY? Нow old are you? How old is your body? The answer to these two questions isn't always the same. Our body age can be much younger or much older than our calendar age (even eighteen years different!). We can now calculate our body age by answering questions about the way wе live. If our body age is older than our calendar age we should change our lifestyle. Tariq, a record producer, calendar age 32: Exercise. – I know I'm too fat because I don't do enough exercise, I spend too much time sitting in studios. All I do is play squash, but I don't play very often - about once a month. I would go to a gym if I had more rime.

Diet. – I eat quite a lot of fresh food and a lot of fruit, but I probably eat too much

meat. My girlfriend says I don't drink enough water. I drink a little alcohol - just a glass of red wine with my dinner. But I don't drink any beer. I drink a lot of coffee. It goes with the job. Lifestyle. – Like everybody I'm too busy! There aren't enough hours in the day. I love my job but I work too much (sometimes I spend 14 hours a day in the studio – that’s too many). I often feel a bit tense and irritable. I smoke a few cigarettes when


I go out, but I'm not a regular smoker. I only wear sunscreen when I go to the beach. My skin is quite dark so I don't think it's a problem. Personality. – I'm quite pessimistic - I always think that things will go wrong - and they usually do especially at work. Social life. – I don't have much free time but I have a few close friends and I try to see them regularly. If I'm too busy then I phone them. DOCTOR'S VERDICT: Tariq should do more exercise, for example he could walk to work. This would help him to control his stress. His diet is quite healthy but he should drink more water and less coffee. He must give up smoking. Although his skin is quite dark he should wear sunscreen all уear round, even in winter. And he should try to be more positive. Упражнение 1. Ответьте на вопрос: What should Tariq do to make his lifestyle healthier? Here are Tariq’s problems:

1. He’s too fat because he doesn't do enough exercise. 2. He works too much and often feels a bit tense and irritable. 3. He drinks a lot of coffee. 4. He smokes a few cigarettes. 5. He only wears sunscreen when he goes to the beach. 6. He’s quite pessimistic.

Упражнение 2. Исправьте смысловые неточности в предложениях. Сверьте свои ответы с текстом.

1. Tariq is a bit fat. 2. He spends quite much time sitting in studios. 3. He drinks enough water. 4. He drinks a lot of alcohol. 5. He is a bit busy. 6. He is very tense and irritable. 7. His diet is very healthy.

Упражнение 3. Определите, являются ли следующие утверждения истинными или ложными.

1. If our body age is younger than our calendar age we should change our lifestyle.

2. Tariq is in his early thirties. 3. Tariq’s girlfriend says he drinks too much water. 4. Tariq is very busy. 5. Walking would help Tariq to control his stress. 6. Tariq’s skin is pale. 7. He is very optimistic.


Упражнение 4. Закончите предложения, вставив нужное по смыслу слово: younger, quite, regular, close, healthy, enough, too

1. Our body age can be much __________ or much older than our calendar age. 2. I'm too fat because I don't do________ exercise. 3. I love my job but I work _______ much. 4. I smoke a few cigarettes when I go out, but I'm not a _________smoker. 5. I'm _________ pessimistic - I always think that things will go wrong. 6. I don't have much free time but I have a few ________ friends. 7. His diet is quite _______ but he should drink more water and less coffee.

Упражнение 5. Соотнесите предложения 1-6 со значениями выделенных в них слов a-f.

1. I drink too much coffee a. I don’t drink much 2. I am too fat b. I need to do more exercise 3. I work too many hours c. I have two or three close friends 4. I don’t do enough exercise d. I work more than I want. 5. I drink a little alcohol e. I should be thinner. 6. I have a few close friends f. I drink more than I should.

Упражнение 6. Расставьте события текста в правильном порядке. 1. Tariq should do more exercise, for example he could walk to work. 2. I know I'm too fat because I don't do enough exercise. 3. I'm quite pessimistic - I always think that things will go wrong. 4. My girlfriend says I don't drink enough water. 5. Our body age can be much younger or much older than our calendar age. 6. If I'm too busy then I phone my friends. 7. I smoke a few cigarettes when I go out.

Упражнение 7. Выберите правильный вариант. 1. How much should you walk a day to be healthy?

a) a lot b) not much c) very little 2. How much sports and exercise should you do a week?

a) a lot b) a little c) none 3. How much fast food (processed and pre-prepared) should you eat?

a) too much b) not much c) not any 4. How many portions of fruit and vegetables should you eat a day?

a) only a few b) quite a lot c) a lot 5. How much water should you drink?

a) a lot b) quite a lot c) a little 6. How many cigarettes should you smoke a day?


a) none b) a few c) a lot 7. How would you describe a healthy person mentally?

a) a very positive person b) not positive enough c) quite pessimistic 8. How often should you wear sunscreen?

a) when on holiday b) all year c) when it’s sunny 9. How much time should you have for yourself?

a) none b) not enough c)quite a lot 10. How many close friends do you see regularly?

a) a lot b) a few c) not many/none Упражнение 8. Ответьте на вопросы.

1. Is our body age the same as our calendar age? 2. How can we calculate our body age? 3. What should we do if our body age is older than our calendar age? 4. How often does Tariq do sport? 5. Does Tariq have bad habits? 6. Does Tariq go to the gym? 7. What can help Tariq control his stress? 8. How does Tariq contact his friends if he is too busy?

Упражнение 9 . Вопросы для беседы с преподавателем на экзамене. 1. Do you have a healthy lifestyle? 2. Do you do sport? What kind of sport? How often? 3. Do you eat healthy food? What kind of food? 4. Do you have bad habits? What kind of habits?


ГРАММАТИКА. 1. Past Simple. 2. Simple Passive.

1. ПРОШЕДШЕЕ ПРОСТОЕ ВРЕМЯ (PAST SIMPLE) Вспомним формы глагола: write – wrote – written – writing – writing

Инфинитив Прошедшее простое время

Причастие прошедшего времени

Причастие настоящего времени


to write писать

wrote (на)писал

written написан(ный)

writing пишущий

writing написание

Вторая форма глагола соответствует русскому прошедшему времени, но употребляется только в утвердительном предложении. В вопросительном и


отрицательном предложениях используется первая форма глагола после вспомогательного глагола ‘did’.

o I wrote a letter to my grandmother yesterday. – Я написала письмо бабушке вчера.

o I visited my sister last Sunday. – Я навестила свою сестру в прошлое воскресенье.

o Did you post my letter? – Ты отправил моё письмо? o What did you do yesterday? – Что ты делал вчера? o They didn’t invite me to the party, so I didn’t go. – Они не пригласили меня

на вечеринку, поэтому я не ходил. Образование Past Simple:

Утвердительное предложение

Отрицательное предложение

Вопросительное предложение

1. Правильные глаголы: I форма глагола + (e)d

visit+ed, smile+d 2. Неправильные глаголы:

II форма глагола go –went, break – broke

didn’t + I форма глагола didn’t visit didn’t smile

didn’t go didn’t break

Did (you/he/Kate) + I форма глагола Did you see him

yesterday? Did he see him yesterday?

Did Kate see him yesterday?

Употребление Past Simple: с наречиями прошедшего времени (или без них, но время действия понятно для общающихся):

yesterday – вчера the day before yesterday – позавчера three days ago – три дня назад

last week – на прошлой неделе in 2010– в 2010 году

Упражнение 1. Допишите недостающие формы Past Simple. Пользуйтесь таблицей неправильных глаголов. Утвердительная форма Отрицательная форма Вопросительная форма

translated … …he…

… didn’t begin …she…

… … Did you play…?

wrote … …they…

… didn’t open …we…

… … Did he catch…?

Упражнение 2. Прочитайте рассказ о поездке Лизы в Мадрид. Поставьте глаголы в нужной форме (Past Simple).


Last Tuesday Lisa (1) flew from London to Madrid. She (2) ______ up at six o'clock in the morning and (3) _______ a cup of coffee. At 6.30 she (4)________ home and (5) ________ to the airport. When she (6)_________, she (7) __________ the car and then (8)___________ to the airport cafe where she (9)_______breakfast. Then she (10)______through passport control and (11) _________ for her flight. The plane (12)________ on time and (13)_________ in Madrid two hours later. Finally she (14)________ a taxi from the airport to her hotel in the centre of Madrid.

fly, get have leave, drive arrive, park go, have go, wait depart, arrive take

Упражнение 3. Продолжите предложения по образцу. 0. I saw Barbara but I didn’t see Jane. 1. They worked on Monday but they _________________ on Tuesday. 2. We went tо the post office but we ___________________ to the bank. 3. She had a pen but she ________________________ any paper. 4. Jack did French at school but he ___________________ German.

Упражнение 4. Напишите вопросы с Did…? 0. I watched TV last night. And you? Did you watch TV last night? 1. I enjoyed the party. And you? _________________________________. 2. I had a good holiday. And you?________________________________. 3. I finished work early. And you?________________________________ 4. I slept well last night. And you?_____________________________

Упражнение 5. Поставьте глаголы по смыслу в утвердительной, отрицательной или вопросительной форме.

0. We went to the cinema but the film wasn't very good. We didn’t enjoy it. (enjoy)

1. Tim___________ some new clothes yesterday – two shirts, a jacket and a pullover. (buy)

2. ‘____it_________ yesterday?’ – ‘No, it was a nice day.’ (rain) 3. The рartу wasn’t very good, so we __________________ long. (stay) 4. It was very warm in the room, so I ________________the window. (open) 5. ‘Did you go to the bank this morning?’ – ‘No, I _____________ time.’ (have) 6. ‘I cut my hand this morning.’ – ‘How______ you _________ that?’ (do)

1.1. Глагол ‘to be’ в прошедшем простом времени WAS – был, была, было (ед. ч.); WERE – были (мн. ч.)

Утвердительная форма Отрицательная форма Вопросительная форма He WAS… They WERE…


WAS he…? WERE they ….?


o When I was a child I was afraid of dogs. o We were hungry after the journey but we weren't tired. o The hotel was comfortable but it wasn’t expensive. o Was the weather good when you were on holiday? o Why were you late this morning? o “Were you late?” – “No, I wasn’t.” o “Was Ted at work yesterday?” – "Yes, he was." o "Were Sue and Steve at the party?" – “No, they weren't.”

Вспомогательный глагол ‘did’ c ‘was/were’ не используется: didn’t be, did he be?

Упражнение 6. Вставьте was/were или wasn't/weren't.

0. We weren't happy with the hotel. Our hotel was very small and it wasn’t very clean.

1. George …… at work last week because he ..…. ill. He is better now. 2. Yesterday ……a public holiday so the shops ……. closed. They're open today. 3. ‘… Sue and Bill at the parry?’ – ‘Sue ……. there but Bill ….. .’ 4. ‘Where are my keys?’ – ‘I don’t know. They …… on the table but they're not

there now.’ 5. You ……. at home last night. Where …… you?

Упражнение 7. Напишите вопросы, используя глаголы was/were и слова из скобок.

0. (late / you / this morning / why?) Why were you late this morning? – The traffic was bad.

1. (difficult / your exam?) ____________________________ . – No, it was easy. 2. (last week / where / Ann and Chris?) _____________. – They were on holiday. 3. (your new camera / how much?) _______________________. – Sixty pounds. 4. (angry / you / yesterday / why?) _______________. – Because you were late. 5. (nice / the weather / last week?) _________________. – Yes, it was beautiful.

Упражнение 8. Вставьте is/am/are или was/were. 0. Last year she was 22. So she is 23 now. 1. Today the weather __________nice, but yesterday it ___________very cold. 2. I ___________ hungry. Can I have something to eat? 3. I feel fine this morning but I __________very tired last night. 4. Where _________ you at 11 o'clock last Friday morning? 5. Don’t buy those shoes. They ________ very expensive. 6. I like your new jacket. _________ it expensive?


7. This time last year I ____________ in Paris. 8. ‘Where __________ the children?’ – ‘I don't know. They ________in the

garden ten minutes ago.’ 2. СТРАДАТЕЛЬНЫЙ ЗАЛОГ. ПРОСТОЕ ВРЕМЯ (SIMPLE PASSIVE) Когда не известно или не важно, кем совершено действие, глагол-сказуемое употребляется в форме страдательного залога по отношению к подлежащему.

Действительный залог (сам сделал)

Страдательный залог (неизвестно, кто сделал)

я (кто? сам) приглашаю он (кто? сам) пишет они (кто? сами) увидели мы (кто? сами) изобрели

меня (кого?) приглашают книгу (что? – её) пишут их (кого?) увидели устройство (что? – его) изобрели

Упражнение 9. Определите, в каких предложениях глаголы имеют форму страдательного залога при переводе на английский язык.

1. Новый отель (его) откроют в следующем году. 2. Его отправили в командировку. 3. Вода (она) закипает при 100 градусах. 4. Что это слово (оно) означает? 5. Эту музыку (её) слышно издалека. 6. Луна (она) вращается вокруг земли. 7. Когда украли велосипед (его)? 8. Багаж (его) проверяют на таможне. 9. Мы выращиваем клубнику на продажу. 10. Анна уже звонила?

2.1. Образование страдательного залога

Страдательный залог образуется по формуле to be + III форма глагола, где to be – вспомогательный глагол, изменяющийся по времени, лицу и числу: is, am, are, was, were

o to be written – быть написанным The letter was written in red pen. – Письмо было написано красной ручкой. (was written – Past Simple Passive; to be стоит в форме прошедшего времени: was)

o to be seen – быть увиденным They are often seen together. – Их часто видят вместе. (are seen – Present Simple Passive; to be стоит в форме настоящего времени: are)

o to be translated – быть переведённым


The contract is translated into English. – Контракт переведён на английский язык. (is translated – Present Simple Passive; to be стоит в форме настоящего времени: is) 2.2. Способы перевода на русский язык The factory was closed down last month.

1. дословный перевод: Завод был закрыт в прошлом месяце. 2. неопределённо-личным предложением: Завод закрыли в прошлом году.

(«Они» закрыли – неопределённые лица) 3. при помощи возвратной частицы -ся/сь: Завод закрылся в прошлом году.

2.3. Особенности перевода Подлежащее, выраженное местоимением именительного падежа, переводится на русский язык местоимением в косвенном падеже.

o I am often invited to parties. – Меня часто приглашают на вечеринки. o He was offered a new job. – Ему предложили новую работу.

Упражнение 10. Вставьте в предложения глаголы из скобок в нужной (III) форме.

0. Butter is made of milk. (make) 1. Oranges are _________ into Britain. (import) 2. How often are these rooms __________? (clean) 3. I am never _____________to parties. (invite) 4. This house was ___________100 years ago. (build) 5. When was the telephone___________? (invent) 6. Two people were _____________ to hospital. (take)

Упражнение 11. Составьте предложения из слов в скобках, поставив глагол в форму страдательного залога: А) настоящего времени

0. (the office / clean / every day) The office is cleaned every day. 0. (these rooms / clean / every day?) Are these rooms cleaned every day?1. (glass / make / from sand) _________________________ 2. (stamps / sell / in a post office) ___________________________ 3. (this room / not / use / very often) ___________________________ 4. (we / allow / to park here?) _____________________________ 5. (how / this word / pronounce?) ____________________

Б) прошедшего времени 6. (the office / clean / yesterday). The office was cleaned yesterday. 7. (the house / paint / last month) ______________________________ 8. (my bicycle / steal / a few days ago) ____________________________


9. (when / this bridge / build?)____________________________________ 10. (you / invite / to the party last week?)___________________________ 11. (how / these windows / break?)______________________________


Тема «Роль иностранного языка в современном обществе». Прочитайте текст, выпишите незнакомые слова, найдите их значения в словаре и выполните задания после текста.


1. The idea of a global language has attracted people for a long time. Esperanto, one of the well-known artificial languages, was invented by Doctor Zamenhof in 1887. This language was thought to become a world language, but it never did. 2. A language achieves a global status when it develops a special role recognized in every country. Language exists in the brains and mouths and hands and eyes of its users. When they succeed on the international stage, their language succeeds. When they fail, their language fails. The exporting of English began in the 17th century, with the first settlements in North America. Above all, it is the great growth of population in the United States that has given the English language its present standing in the world. 3. English is the world's first truly universal language. Today there are more than 1.5 billion English speakers in the world. It is an official language of the United Nations and many other international organisations, including UNESCO, NATO and the International Olympic Committee. It is the world's most important language in politics and science, business and trade, communication and travel. In the tourist spots of the world, the signs in the shop windows are most commonly in English. Restaurant menus tend to have a parallel version in English. 4. English continues to be the chief lingua franca of the Internet. Most web browsers are English oriented. These days, the sound of the English language, through the medium of popular song, is heard wherever there is a radio set. ‘Happy birthday to you’ is widely sung at children’s birthday parties in many countries. English is increasingly penetrating other languages. Such words as ‘rap music', 'bodybuilding', 'windsurfing', 'computer hacker' and many others are examples of English borrowings. 5. So, English found itself in the right place at the right time. Today, we communicate beyond the national borders by e-mailing, chatting, blogging, web browsing besides speaking and writing. If we want to feel ourselves comfortable in


our modern world we should know English. But this is not the only reason. Proficiency in a foreign language extends our mind more than twice. Johann Wolfgang Goethe once said: “Who doesn't speak a foreign language, doesn't know his mother tongue”. Упражнение 1. Найдите в тексте предложения с глаголом в страдательном залоге (4 предложения), переведите их на русский язык. Упражнение 2. Определите, являются ли следующие утверждения истинными или ложными.

1. Expansion of a language in the world depends on prosperity and success of a country where it is spoken.

2. These days, Esperanto is spoken all over the world. 3. If a scientist wants to participate in international conferences, he must make his

reports in English. 4. The increasing use of the English language globally has a large impact on

many other languages. 5. English is a language used for on-line communication among people of

different mother tongues. 6. The growing economic power of the USA slowed down the expansion of

English throughout the continents. 7. Learning foreign languages often provokes split personality.

Упражнение 3. Закончите предложения, вставив нужное по смыслу слово: global, artificial, languages, communication, penetrate, borrowed, extends, foreign.

1. This purse is cheap because it is made of … leather. 2. It was dark; the light couldn’t … the thick clouds. 3. This is an authoritative man, his power … over the whole country. 4. The impacts of … warming will increase, unless emissions of noxious gases

are brought under control. 5. The school organises a … exchange to France. 6. English has … many words from Latin and French. 7. Differences in languages and cultures can lead to a breakdown in … . 8. Being bilingual means being able to communicate almost perfectly in two …

and also knowing something about both cultures. Упражнение 4. Соедините по смыслу начало предложений 1-5 с их окончанием а-е. 1. Because English is so widely

spoken, a. are available in many countries around the

world. 2. By speaking other languages as b. to get education or a job in any country of


well as your own, the world. 3. Newspapers written in English c. a language used for communication among

people of different mother tongues. 4. Lingua franca is d. it has been referred to as a «global

language». 5. We are able e. you can contribute to the creation of a global

community. Упражнение 5. Каким абзацам текста соответствуют следующие предложения?

a) If you do not know English you can be at a disadvantage. b) Proficiency in English allows communicating to people from all over the

world. c) The most successful effort in creating a universal language was made by Dr.

Zamenhof in 1887. d) The USA economic growth and its political ambitions favoured the

expansion of the English language. e) These days, almost every corner of the world is affected by English and

mostly American mass culture. Упражнение 6. Выберите правильный вариант.

1. UNESCO is the organization that … a) sponsors programmes to promote education, communication, the arts, etc. b) was organized for purposes of collective security c) promotes international trade

2. Native speakers of English will soon be in minority because … a) English is still expanding throughout the world b) there won’t be much of a reason for native English speakers to learn a second language c) original population in western countries is reducing

3. The language that had the strongest impact on English vocabulary is … a) German b) Russian c) French

4. English words are penetrating other languages because … a) there are no laws regulating this penetration b) vocabulary is a very flexible system that always changes c) English is easier than other languages

5. The cheapest form of communication is … a) chatting b) writing letters c) telephoning


6. The first language in the world in number of speakers is … a) English b) Esperanto c) Chinese

7. The field where English borrowings are predominant is … a) medicine b) computer c) oil and gas

Упражнение 7. Ответьте на вопросы. 1. Who invented the first artificial language? 2. What influenced the present standing of the English language in the world? 3. When did the expansion of English begin? 4. In what spheres is the English language used? 5. What other English borrowings in Russian do you know? 6. Have you ever used English to communicate to English speaking people via

the Internet? 7. Do you want to learn any other foreign languages? Why?

Упражнение 8. Вопросы для беседы с преподавателем на экзамене. 1. How well do you speak English? 2. Do you need English for your job? 3. Do you use English when you use your computer?

КОНТРОЛЬНАЯ РАБОТА №2 Задание 1. Поставьте прилагательные в положительную, сравнительную или превосходную степень.

1. You aren’t as ___________ as your father. (tall) 2. She is much ________ than me. (old) 3. Jack is a bit ___________ than his friends. (young) 4. This coat is too ___________ for you. (large) 5. This car is very expensive. It’s the ___________ in the shop. (expensive) 6. It’s the ____________ hotel in the city. (good) 7. Mathematics was the ____________ exam for me. (difficult) 8. Physics is _________________ than mathematics for me. (easy)

Задание 2. Вставьте в предложения could и один из глаголов: stay, eat, have, come, watch, go.

1. I’m really hungry. I _______ a horse! 2. If you’re very hungry, we _________ dinner now. 3. It’s so nice here. I _________ here all day but I have to go. 4. ‘What shall we do?’ ‘There’s a film on television. We __________ it.’ 5. ‘What shall we do this evening?’ ‘ We ___________ to the cinema.’ 6. ‘Where shall we meet tomorrow?’ ‘Well, I ______ to your house if you like.’


Задание 3. Вставьте в предложения should или shouldn’t и одно из словосочетаний: go away for a few days

go to bed so late

look for another job

put some pictures on the walls

take a photograph

use her car so much

0. (Liz needs a change.) She should go away for a few days. 1. (My salary is very low.) You ________________________. 2. (Jack always has difficulty getting up.) He _____________________. 3. (What a beautiful view!) You___________________________________. 4. (Sue drives everywhere. She never walks.) She ________________________. 5. (Bill’s room isn’t very interesting.) _________________________.

Задание 4. Соедините части предложений. 1. If he had the money, a) if you won a lot of money? 2. If I wanted to learn Italian, b) if I were you. 3. If we had a map, c) he would buy a fast car. 4. What would you do d) if you had more time. 5. It's not a very good hotel. I wouldn’t stay there e) I would go to Italy. 6. If we lived nearer London, f) if the salary was better. 7. It’s a pity you have to gо now. It would be nice g) what would you change? 8. I don’t want to take the job. I’d take it h) I could show you where I

live. 9. If you could change one thing in the world, i) we would go there more

often. Задание 5. Поставьте глаголы в скобках в Past Simple (в утвердительной или отрицательной формах).

1. It was warm, so I took off my coat. (take) 2. The film wasn't very good. I didn't enjoy it very much. (enjoy) 3. I knew Sarah was very busy, so I ____________ her. (disturb) 4. I was very tired, so I _________ to bed early. (go) 5. The bed was very uncomfortable. I ______________ very well. (sleep) 6. Sue wasn’t hungry, so she ______________ anything. (eat) 7. We went to Kate’s house but she _____________ at home. (be)

Задание 6. Ваш друг вернулся из отпуска. Задайте ему вопросы об отпуске (письменно).

0. (where/go?) Where did you go? 0. (food/good?) Was the food good?1. (go alone?) ______________________


2. (how long/stay there?) __________________ 3. (stay/at a hotel?) _____________________ 4. (the weather/fine?) ________________________ 5. (what/do in the evenings?) ____________________

Задание 7. Вставьте глаголы из списка в предложения в III форме. cause damage include invite make show translate write

1. Many accidents are caused by dangerous driving. 2. Cheese is ____________ from milk. 3. The roof of the building was____________ in a storm a few days ago. 4. There’s no need to leave a tip. Service is___________ in the bill. 5. You were _____________ to the wedding. Why didn’t you go? 6. A cinema is a place where films are________________ . 7. Originally the book was ____________ in Spanish and a few years ago it was

________________into English.


MODULES 1 – 5 1. Do you know __________ ?

a) he b) him c) his 2. This is ____________ new car.

a) they b) them c) their 3. ____________ likes travelling.

a) He b) I c) We 4. This is ________ very interesting book.

a) a b) the c) – 5. We play _________ football after our lessons.

a) a b) the c) – 6. The shop ________ at 9 o’clock.

a) to open b) open c) opens 7. He _________ speak Spanish very well.

a) not b) don’t c) doesn’t 8. Where does she _______ ?

a) to work b) work c) works 9. His eyes ________ brown.

a) is b) are c) am


10. __________ boys are Mr Green’s sons. a) This b) These c) Them

11. I’d like ___________ to Mr Brown. a) to talk b) talking c) talk

12. We enjoy ________ to the theater. a) to go b) going c) go

13. _________ you like to play tennis? – Yes, I’d love to. a) would b) do c) does

14. There are not ________ pictures on the wall. a) some b) any c) much

15. There are ________ people in the restaurant. a) little b) few c) lot of

16. James is the __________ in the family. a) young b) younger c) youngest

17. She is the ________ beautiful girl in the world. a) more b) most c) very

18. You look ill. You ______ go to bed. a) should b) would c) would like

19. We didn’t _______ to work yesterday. a) went b) go c) going

20. _________ you finish work early yesterday? a) do b) was c) did

21. She ________ at work yesterday. a) didn’t b) wasn’t c) weren’t

22. They ___________ to the party. a) invited b) invite c) were invited

23. The office _________ every day. a) cleans b) is cleaned c) cleaned


НА ЗАЧЁТЕ / ЭКЗАМЕНЕ 1. What’s your name? 2. How old are you? 3. What do you do? 4. Where do you work or study? 5. Are you married or single? 6. Who are the members of your

11. How many rooms are there in your home? 12. What is your favourite room? 13. Why do you like it? 14. Do you have a healthy lifestyle? 15. Do you do sport? What kind of sport?

How often?


family? 7. What do they do? 8. What do you like doing in your

free time? 9. How do you spend your

holidays? 10. Do you live in a house or a


16. Do you eat healthy food? What kind of food?

17. Do you have any habits? Are they good or bad habits?

18. How well do you speak English? 19. Do you need English for your job? 20. Do you use English when you use your



ГРАММАТИКА 1. Модальные глаголы can, must, have to. 2. Придаточные предложения.

1.1. Модальные глаголы can / could, must, have to / had to Запомните значения модальных глаголов:

Can – могу, умею (1. имею способности; 2. имею возможность; 3. имею разрешение). В прошедшем времени имеет форму could (мог, умел). Must – должен, обязан (1. личное мнение, личный мотив 2. настоятельный совет, просьба (обязательно должен). Не имеет форму прошедшего времени, вместо него используется “have to” в прошедшем времени. Have to / has to – должен, вынужден, приходится (1. в силу не зависящих от тебя обстоятельств; 2. согласно закону, нормам или правилам). В прошедшем времени имеет форму had to (должен был, вынужден был, пришлось). • I can play the piano. – Я умею играть на пианино (имею способности). • Can I send an e-mail from your computer? – Можно отправить письмо с

вашего компьютера? (= разрешите?) • The windows are dirty. I must clean them. – Окна грязные. Я должна

помыть их. (личный мотив/мнение) • It’s a very interesting film. You must see it. – Это очень интересный

фильм. Ты обязательно должен посмотреть его. (настоятельный совет)


• I’ll be late for work tomorrow. I have to go to the dentist. – Я опоздаю на работу завтра. Я должна сходить к дантисту. (в силу не зависящих от тебя обстоятельств)

Упражнение 1. Вставьте подходящий по смыслу модальный глагол: can, could, must, have/has to, had to.

1. Sarah _________ speak Italian. 2. Jill’s eyes are not very good. She ___________ wear glasses. 3. _________ I use your pen? 4. Marylyn is a very interesting person. You __________ meet her. 5. I like this hotel room. You _____________ see the mountains from the

window. 6. Jill starts work at 7 o'clock, so she _________ get up at 6. 7. My hands are dirty. I ________ wash them. 8. I _______ go to the post office. I need some stamps. 9. When I was young, I __________ run very fast. 10. I ________ walk home last night. There were no buses.

1.2. Модальные глаголы can, must, have to в вопросительных и отрицательных предложениях 1.2.1. CAN

Can you…? I can’t (cannot)… .

1. Can you swim? – Yes, I can. – Ты умеешь плавать? – Да. 2. We can’t come to your party next Saturday. – Мы не можем прийти к тебе на

вечеринку в следующую субботу. 3. Can I smoke in here? – No, you can’t. – Можно мне покурить здесь? – Нет,

нельзя. 4. Could you read when you were 5? – Ты умел читать, когда тебе было 5 лет?

В просьбах используются и форма прошедшего и форма настоящего времени: Can you help me? = Could you help me?

Can you…? – Вы (не) можете …? Could you – Не могли бы вы …? (более вежливая форма).

1.2.2. MUST В вопросительной форме практически не употребляется в разговорной речи. Различают два отрицательных ответа: mustn’t (нельзя, не должен) и needn’t (не нужно, не обязательно).

1. I must hurry. I mustn’t be late. – Я должна поторопиться. Я не должна (мне нельзя) опоздать.


2. You needn’t clean the windows. They are not dirty. – Тебе не нужно (не обязательно) мыть окна. Они не грязные.

1.2.3. HAVE TO В вопросительных и отрицательных предложениях употребляется со вспомогательным глаголом: do/does (Present Simple), did (Past Simple).

1. What time did you have to go to the dentist yesterday? – Во сколько ты должна была пойти к дантисту вчера?

2. Does Jill have to work on Saturday? – Джилл должна работать по субботам?

3. We didn’t have to wait very long for the bus. – Нам не пришлось долго ждать автобуса.

4. Ian doesn’t have to work very hard. He has an easy job. – Яну не приходится работать очень много. У него лёгкая работа.

Упражнение 2. Вставьте can't или couldn't в предложения. 1. I was tired but ______ sleep.

2. I wasn't hungry yesterday. I ______ eat my dinner. 3. Ann doesn't know what to do. She ________ decide. 4. Do you know where Martin is? I want to speak to him but I _______ find him. 5. Jim _________ go to the concert next Saturday. He has to work. 6. Paula __________ go to the meeting last week. She was ill.

Упражнение 3. Вставьте I must или I had to. 1. It’s late. __________ go now. 2. I don't usually work on Saturdays but last Saturday _________________work. 3. ______________ get up early tomorrow. I've got a lot to do. 4. I went to London by train last week. The train was full and ________ stand all

the way. 5. I was nearly late for my appointment this morning. ____________ run to get

there on time. 6. I forgot to phone David yesterday. _____________phone him later today.

Упражнение 4. Вставьте mustn’t или needn't. 1. We have a lot of time. We ___________________ to hurry. 2. Keep these documents in a safe place. You _________________ lose them. 3. I'm not ready yet but you ______________ wait for me. You can go now and

I’ll come later. 4. We __________ forget to turn off the lights before we leave. 5. I ____________ write the letter now. I can do it tomorrow.


Упражнение 5. Найдите предложения с одним и тем же значением. 1. We can leave the meeting early. 2. We must leave the meeting early. 3. We had to leave the meeting early. 4. We needn't leave the meeting early. 5. We mustn’t leave the meeting


a) We must stay until the end. b) We couldn't stay until the

end. c) We can't stay until the end. d) We needn’t stay until the end. We can stay until the end.

1 d2____ 3____ 4____ 5____

Упражнение 6. Вставьте must / had to / mustn't / needn't.

1. You ________ go. You can stay here if you want. 2. It's a fantastic film. You _____________ see it. 3. We've got enough food, so we ______________ go shopping. 4. We didn't have any food yesterday, so we ___________ go shopping. 5. I want to know what happened. You _____________ tell me. 6. You ___________ tell Sue what happened. I don’t want her to know. 7. I ____________ hurry or I'll be late. 8. “Why were you so late?” – “I _____________wait half an hour for a bus”. 9. We ___________ decide now. We can decide later.

Упражнение 7. Напишите предложения с don't/doesn't/didn't have to.

0. Why are you going out? You don’t have to go out. 1. Why is Ann waiting? She_______________________. 2. Why did you get up early? You _____________________. 3. Why is Paul working so hard? He ________________________. 4. Why do you want to leave now? You ____________________.

Упражнение 8. Продолжите вопрос, используя вспомогательные глаголы do/does/did.

0. I have to get up early tomorrow. – What time do you have to get up? 1. George had to wait a long time. – How long ___________________? 2. Liz has to go somewhere. – Where _________________________? 3. We had to pay a lot of money. – How much________________________? 4. I have to do some work. – What exactly __________________________?

Упражнение 9. Выберите правильный ответ. Иногда оба ответа правильные.

o Чтобы выразить своё личное мнение, используйте must, have to o Если вы не высказываете личное мнение, используйте только have to

0. It's a great film. You must see / have to see it. (оба варианта правильные) 0. In many countries, men must do / have to do military service. (have to do – верный ответ)


1. You can’t park your car here for nothing. You must pay / have to pay. 2. I didn't have any money with me last night. So I must borrow / had to borrow

some. 3. I eat too much chocolate. I really must stop / have to stop. 4. “Why is Paula going now?” – “She must meet / has to meet somebody.' 5. What's wrong? You must tell / have to tell me. I want to help you.

2. ПРИДАТОЧНЫЕ ПРЕДЛОЖЕНИЯ Как и в русском языке, в английском языке сложные предложения делятся на две группы: сложносочинённые и сложноподчинённые. Придаточные предложения присоединяются к главному при помощи различных сочинительных (and, but, or) и подчинительных союзов (that, after, before, while, as, if, и др.), а также наречий (when, where, how, why) и союзных слов (who, whose, what, which, that). 2.1. Относительные придаточные предложения с who / that / which Относительные придаточные предложения уточняют, какого человека или вещь мы имеем в виду. Когда мы говорим о людях, используем who/that. Когда мы говорим о вещах, используем which/that.

1. The woman who/that lives next door is a doctor. – Женщина, которая живёт по соседству, врач.

2. What was the name of the man who/that lent you the money? – Как звали человека, который одолжил тебе денег?

3. Where is the cheese which/that was in the fridge? – Где сыр, который лежал в холодильнике?

4. I don't like stories which/that have unhappy endings. – Мне не нравятся истории, которые имеют несчастливый конец.

Упражнение 10. Из двух простых предложений составьте сложноподчинённое с who/that/which.

Пример: A girl was injured in the accident. She is now in hospital. – The girl who

was injured in the accident is in hospital now. 1. A man answered the phone. He told me you were away. – The man ________. 2. A waitress served us. She was very impolite and impatient. – The _________. 3. A building was destroyed in the fire. It has now been rebuilt. – The ________. 4. Some people were arrested. They have now been released. – The _________. 5. A bus goes to the airport. It runs every half hour. – The ___________.

Упражнение 11. Закончите предложения по образцу, выбрав подходящий конец и добавив who/that/which.

a. (he) invented the telephone f. (it) gives you the meaning of words


b. (she) runs away from home c. (they) are never on time d. (they) were on the wall e. (it) makes washing machines

g. (it) won the race h. (they) stole my car i. (it) can support life j. (it) cannot be explained

0. Barbara works for a company that makes washing machines. 1. The book is about a girl _________________________. 2. What was the name of the horse _________________________. 3. The police have caught the men _________________________. 4. Alexander Bell was the man _________________________. 5. What's happened to the pictures _________________________. 6. A mystery is something _________________________. 7. A dictionary is a book _________________________. 8. I don't like people _________________________. 9. It seems that Earth is the only planet _________________________.

2.2. Бессоюзные относительные придаточные предложения (без who/that/which) Когда who/that/which не являются подлежащим придаточного предложения, их можно опустить. В русском языке такое опущение невозможно, поэтому при переводе предложения с отсутствующим who, that, which мы добавляем «который».

• The woman who lives next door is a doctor. – Женщина, которая живёт по соседству, врач. (who lives = подлежащее + сказуемое; who нельзя опустить в этом предложении)

• The woman who I wanted to see was away on holiday. – Женщина, которую я хотел увидеть, была в отпуске. (I wanted = подлежащее + сказуемое; who можно опустить в этом предложении: The woman I wanted to see was away on holiday. При переводе на русский язык добавляем «которая».)

Ещё примеры:

• Have you found the keys you lost? (=Have you found the keys that/which you lost?)

• The dress Ann bought doesn't fit her very well. (= The dress that Ann bought...)

• Is there anything I can do? (= ... anything that I can do?) Упражнение 12. Определите предложения, в которых who или that можно опустить. Заключите who, that в скобки в таких предложениях.

o The woman who lives next door is a doctor. ('who' является подлежащим, поэтому его нельзя опустить в этом предложении)


o Have you found the keys (that) you lost. ('that' можно опустить в этом предложении, так как подлежащим является ‘you’)

1. The people who we met at the party were very friendly. 2. The people who work in the office are very friendly. 3. The people who I talked to were very friendly. 4. What have you done with the money that I gave you? 5. What happened to the money that was on the table? Did you take it? 6. It was an awful film. It was the worst film that I've ever seen. 7. It was an awful experience. It was the worst thing that has ever happened to me.

2.3. Бессоюзные относительные придаточные предложения с предлогами (in, at, with и др.) В таких предложения who/that/which обычно опускается, а предлог стоит после глагола: talk to – разговаривать с, sleep in – спать на, look for – искать (for не переводится), fall in love with – влюбиться в, sit next to – сидеть рядом с. При переводе на русский язык необходимо добавить «который», перед которым поставить предлог.

1. Do you know the woman Tom is talking to? = …who/that Tom is talking to (Ты знаешь женщину, с которой разговаривает Том?)

2. The bed I slept in last night wasn't very comfortable. = …that/which I slept in last night… (Кровать, на которой я спал, была не очень удобной.)

3. Are these the keys you were looking for? = … that/which you were looking for. (Это те ключи, которые ты искал?)

4. The woman he fell in love with left him after a few weeks. = …who/that he fell in love with … (Женщина, в которую он влюбился, бросила его через несколько недель).

5. The man I was sitting next to on the plane talked all the time. = …who/that I was sitting next to… (Мужчина, рядом с которым я сидел в самолёте, всё время говорил.)

Упражнение 13. Составьте предложения с относительными придаточными предложениями с предлогами, выбрав подходящее по смыслу окончание (a-h).

a) we went to a party last night b) you can rely on George c) we were invited to a wedding d) I work with a number of people

e) I saw you with a man f) I applied for a job g) you told me about a hotel h) you were looking for some keys

0. Are these the keys you were looking for? 1. Unfortunately we couldn't go to the wedding ___________________. 2. I enjoy my job. I like the people ___________________.


3. What's the name of that hotel ___________________? 4. The party _____________________ wasn't very enjoyable. 5. I didn't get the job ______________________. 6. George is a good person to know. He's somebody ____________________. 7. Who was that man _____________________ in the restaurant?

2.4. Относительные придаточные предложения с whose / whom / where Whose – чей, чья, чьё

o We saw some people whose car had broken down. – Мы видели людей, чья машина сломалась.

o What's the name of the man whose car you borrowed? – Как зовут того человека, чью машину ты взял?

o I met a man whose sister knows you. – Я встретил человека, чья сестра тебя знает.

Whom – который; чаще всего употребляется с предлогами вместо who, но обычно опускается.

o The woman with whom he fell in love left him after a few weeks. = The woman he fell in love with left him after a few weeks.

Where – который, где; используется для описания места. o The hotel where we stayed wasn’t very clean. – Отель, где мы

останавливались, был не очень чистым. o I went back to the town where I was born. – Я вернулся в город, где я

родился. Упражнение 14. Составьте предложения с who или whose, использовав окончание из (a-f).

You met these people at a party: a) My mother writes detective stories. b) My wife is an English teacher. c) I own a restaurant.

d) My ambition is to сlimb Everest. e) We've just got married. f) My parents work in a circus.

0. I met somebody (a) whose mother writes detective stories. 1. I met a man (b) ___________________________. 2. I met a woman (c) _______________________. 3. I met somebody (d) _______________________. 4. I met a couple (e) ________________________. 5. I met somebody (f) ________________________.

Упражнение 15. Составьте предложения с where, выбрав подходящее по смыслу окончание (a-f).

a) I can buy some postcards there d) I was born there


b) Ann bought a dress there c) John is staying there

e) we can have a really good meal there f) we had the car repaired there

0. Last month I went back to the town where I was born. 1. Do you know a restaurant __________________? 2. Is there a shop near here ___________________? 3. I can't remember the name of the garage _____________________. 4. Do you know the name of the hotel ____________________? 5. Ann bought a dress which didn't fit her, so she took it back to the shop ______.

Упражнение 16. Вставьте в предложения who/whom/whose/where. 1. What's the name of the man _________car you borrowed? 2. A cemetery is a place _________people are buried. 3. A pacifist is a person __________ believes that all wars are wrong. 4. An orphan is a child ___________ parents are dead. 5. The place __________ we spent our holidays was really beautiful. 6. This school is only for children ________ first language is not English. 7. I don't know the name of the woman to ____________ I spoke on the phone.

ЛЕКСИКА Тема «Образование»

Прочитайте текст, выпишите незнакомые слова, найдите их значения в словаре и выполните задания после текста.

HIGHER EDUCATION IN GREAT BRITAIN 1. Most big towns in Britain have both a university and a college of higher education. There are 91 universities in Britain and 47 colleges of higher education. Universities offer three- and four-year degree courses; colleges of higher education offer both two-year HND (Higher National Diploma) courses and degree courses. A degree is the qualification you get from university when you pass your final exams. You then get a BA (Bachelor of Arts), BSc (Bachelor of Science) or BEd (Bachelor of Education). Undergraduates (students who are studying for degrees) go to large formal lectures, but most of the work takes place in tutorials: lessons in groups of ten or more where the students discuss their work with the lecturer. 2. Only 25 per cent of the student population goes on to higher education. Competition to get into one of Britain's universities is hard and not everyone can go. Students usually need three A-levels (school leaving exams). The students come to a personal interview and the universities then decide which students they want. The more popular the university, the higher the grades it will ask for.


3. British students have to pay to go to university, and they need money to live away from home while they are studying. Some students whose parents do not earn a lot of money are given a grant (money) from the local education authority. If students do not get a grant, parents have to pay for their children. Some students borrow money from the bank which must be paid back after they leave university. In theory, the grant pays for rent, food, books, transport and socialising. In fact, the grant is not a lot of money. Students have to work during the holidays to earn more money, but it is now difficult to find such jobs. 4. Not all students study full-time at university or college. Many people combine their studies with work. Some companies give their staff time for training one or two days a week or for two months a year. Large companies often have their own training schemes. If you are unemployed, there are two forms of training schemes: employment training for people who have been out of work for a long time and Youth Training Schemes for school leavers who cannot find a job. Упражнение 1. Определите, являются ли следующие утверждения истинными или ложными.

1. In Britain you can get a degree at a university or a college of higher education. 2. Students have to attend lectures and tutorials. 3. Not everyone can become a university student. 4. British universities choose students by their school results. 5. Higher education in the UK is free. 6. Students use grants to pay for their living expenses. 7. In Britain you can’t study at university and work at the same time.

Упражнение 2. Закончите предложения, вставив нужное по смыслу слово: full-time, degree, borrow, undergraduates, competition, grants, training, tutorial.

1. There is hard ________ for grants between school leavers. 2. If you study ________ , you can complete this course in one year. If you want

to combine work with studies, you will need two years. 3. The course program for teachers includes basic medical ________. 4. I’m studying for my first ______ I’m going to be a Bachelor of Engineering. 5. We’ll talk about this subject in the next _______. 6. We don’t have to buy books – we can _______ them from the college library. 7. The British School Society gives _______ to students from other countries. 8. Most ________ find jobs during their last year at college.

Упражнение 3. Соедините по смыслу начало предложений 1-5 с их окончанием a-e. 1 You must pay a the more chances you have to enter


a college. 2 The higher your exam results are b some money during summer holidays. 3 Students can earn c place in the laboratory. 4 My company gives me two months d back the loan after graduation. 5 The next tutorial will take e a year to complete my HND course. Упражнение 4. Каким абзацам текста (1, 2, 3, 4) соответствуют следующие идеи:

a) student loans; b) length of courses; c) entrance examinations; d) programs for people who don’t have jobs; e) types of university degrees; f) number of students in a group; g) students’ expenses?

Упражнение 5. Выберите правильный вариант a, b, c. 1. It’s a two- ____ course for medical students.

a) years b) year c) months 2. I didn’t ____ my winter exams so I didn’t get a grant.

a) put b) get c) pass 3. She is studying _____ her BA in London.

a) at b) for c) in 4. We discussed this question _____ the tutorial.

a) in b) on c) by 5. ____ more prestigious the college ____ more money you have to pay.

a) the…the b) as…as c) than…than 6. Most undergraduates go to other towns because they want to live ____ from home.

a) apart b) next c) away 7. Grants usually pay ____ books, food and accommodation.

a) for b) on c) from 8. I’m going to find a job in the summer to ____ some money.

a) give b) pay c) earn 9. I borrowed some money ____ my parents to pay the loan back.

a) away b) from c) at 10. A lot of people in my town are _____ work because their company closed.

a) out from b) out c) out of Упражнение 6. Ответьте на вопросы.

1. Where can you get a degree in Britain?


2. How is undergraduate studies organized? 3. Why is it difficult to get into a university? 4. How do universities choose their future students? 5. How can students pay for their education? 6. How can you combine your work with studies? 7. How can you do a college course if you are unemployed?

Упражнение 7. Вопросы для беседы с преподавателем на экзамене. 1. Are you doing a bachelor course or a master course at university? 2. How long does the course last? 3. Was it difficult to get to university? 4. Do you have to pay for your education?


ГРАММАТИКА 1. Числительные. 2. Настоящее совершённое время. Present Perfect.

8. ЧИСЛИТЕЛЬНЫЕ Запомните количественные и порядковые числительные. 1 один – первый – 12 двенадцать(ый)

13 тринадцать(ый) – 19 девятнадцать(ый)

20 двадцать(ый) – 90 девяносто(ый)

1 one – first 2 two – second 3 three – third 4 four – fourth 5 five – fifth 6 six – sixth 7 seven – seventh 8 eight – eighth 9 nine – ninth 10 ten – tenth

11eleven – eleventh

13 thirteen(th) 14 fourteen(th) 15 fifteen(th) 16 sixteen(th) 17 seventeen(th) 18 eighteen(th) 19 nineteen(th)

20 twenty – twentieth 21 twenty-one – twenty-first 22 twenty-two – twenty-second и т. д. 30 thirty – thirtieth 40 forty – fortieth 50 fifty – fiftieth 60 sixty – sixtieth 100 сто – сотый

и далее 100 a (one) hundred(th) 101 a (one) hundred and one – one hundred and first 102 a (one) hundred and two – one hundred and second и т. д. 200 two hundred(th)


300 three hundred(th) 400 four hundred(th) и т. д. 1,000 a (one) thousand(th) 1,001 a (one) thousand and one – one thousand and first 1,250 a (one) thousand two hundred and fifty – … and fiftieth 2,000 two thousand(th) 2,001 two thousand and one – … and first 2,235 two thousand two hundred and thirty-five – …and thirty-fifth 3,000 three thousand(th) и т. д. 4,000 four thousand(th) 100,000 one hundred thousand(th) 1,000,000 a (one) million(th) l,000,000,000 a (one) milliard(th) (в Англии); a (one) billion(th) (в США)

Изучите правила и примеры:

Числительные hundred, thousand и million не принимают окончания -s, когда перед ними стоит числительное two, three, four и т. д.: two hundred, three thousand, four million.

У составных числительных разряды отделяются запятой: 15,567 – fifteen thousand five hundred and sixty-seven. (Десятки с единицами пишутся через дефис: 67 – sixty-seven; после слова hundred в Британском английском ставится слово and).

В десятичных дробях целое число отделяется от дроби точкой: 0.25 (nought/zero point two five, нуль можно не читать: point two five), 67.305 (six seven/sixty-seven point three nought five). (После точки цифры читаются отдельно.)

Простые дроби: Ѕ (ton) – half (a ton) ⅓ (ton) – a third (of a ton) ⅔ (ton) – two thirds (of a ton) ј (ton) – a (one) quarter (of a ton) 3/4 (ton) – three quarters (of a ton) 12/5 (tons) – one and two fifths (tons)


У составных порядковых числительных только последняя цифра является порядковым числительным: 46,789 – forty-six thousand seven hundred and eighty-ninth.

Существительные с порядковым числительным употребляются с артиклем the, существительные с количественным числительным – без артикля: the first page – page 1(one), the ninth paragraph – paragraph 9 (nine).

Проценты: 90% – ninety per cent. Даты и годы: 9th May 1945 – the ninth of May nineteen forty-five

2010 – twenty ten / two thousand and ten 1905 – nineteen oh five / nineteen zero five (oh произносится «оу»).

Номера телефонов: 77-24-05 – double seven two four oh five (каждая цифра произносится отдельно).

Упражнение 1. Напишите числительные цифрами. 1. two thousand five hundred and eighteen 2. fifteen million nine hundred and one thousand seven hundred and eleven 3. four hundred and first 4. three quarters 5. a third 6. thirty-two and two sevenths 7. the fifth of July twenty twelve 8. My phone number is eight nine one two nine four double seven six oh three. 9. thirteen point nought three six

Упражнение 2. Напишите числа словами. 1. 10,564,001 2. 32,206, 087,304 3. 97.506 4. 102nd 5. 56th

6. ѕ 7. 12 7/8 8. 23 October 1978 9. 97% 10. My phone number is 8 904 27 403 99.

3. НАСТОЯЩЕЕ СОВЕРШЁННОЕ ВРЕМЯ. PRESENT PERFECT Настоящее совершённое время соответствует русскому прошедшему времени. В отличие от Past Simple, которое обозначает действие, совершённое в законченный период времени (yesterday, last week, a year ago, in 2010), Present Perfect обозначает действие, совершённое в ещё незаконченный период времени (now, today, this week, this year, in my life, а также с наречиями already, just, yet, recently, lately).


Present Perfect образуется при помощи вспомогательного глагола have/has и смыслового глагола в 3ей форме (смотрите таблицу неправильных глаголов, 3ий столбик; у правильных глаголов добавляется окончание -ed).

Утвердительные предложения

Отрицательные предложения

Вопросительные предложения

I/We/ You/They

have done ‘ve done

I/We/ You/They

have not done haven’t done

Have I/we/ You/they


He/She/It has done ‘s done

He/She/It has not done hasn’t done


He/she/it done?

I have lost my passport. – Я потерял паспорт. Jane has already gone to bed. – Джейн уже легла спать. We have bought a new car recently. – Мы купили новый автомобиль недавно. She has just received an invitation letter. – Она только что получила приглашение. Употребляется:

с наречиями: already (уже) just (только что) yet (ещё – в отриц. предл.)

yet (уже – в вопр. предл.)

ever (когда-нибудь) never (никогда)

recently, lately

(в последнее время)

Ann has already gone to bed. – Анна уже легла спать. I have just had dinner. – Я только что пообедал. They haven’t arrived yet. – Они ещё не приехали. Has Linda started her new job yet? – Линда уже вышла на новую работу? Have you ever been to France? – Ты когда-нибудь была во Франции? We have never seen her boy-friend. – Мы никогда не видели её парня. The weather has been cold recently. – Погода холодная в последнее время.

с предлогами: for (в течение) since (с, с тех пор)

They have been married for 5 years. – Они женаты 5 лет. I have had my car since April. – У меня новая машина с апреля.

с обстоятельствами времени: today

this week / month / year

all my life

I haven’t seen George today. – Я не видел Джорджа сегодня. It hasn’t rained this week. – На этой неделе не было дождя. I’ve dreamed of it all my life. – Я мечтал об этом всю мою


How long…?

жизнь. How long have you known her? – Как долго ты её знаешь?

Упражнение 3. Завершите предложения, используя глаголы, данные ниже, в нужной форме и вспомогательный глагол have/has: break, buy, decide, finish, go (2), invite, see, not/see, take. tell, forget.

0. “Can I have this newspaper?” – “Yes, I’ve finished with it.” 1. I__________________ some new shoes. Do you want to see them? 2. “Where is Liz?” – “She ___________out.” 3. I am looking for Paula. ______ you ____________ her? 4. Look! Somebody _____________ that window. 5. “Does Lisa know that you’re going away?” – “Yes, I _________ her.” 6. I can't find my umbrella. Somebody ____________it. 7. I'm looking for Sarah. Where ___________ she___________? 8. I know that woman but I _________________her name. 9. Sue is having a party tonight. She ______________ a lot of people. 10. What are you going to do? _____________ you _____________? 11. “Where are my glasses?” – “I don’t know. I_________________them.”

Упражнение 4. Завершите предложения, используя already и Present Perfect. Наречие already ставится между вспомогательным и смысловым глаголом: have already done, has already seen.

0. What time is Paul arriving? He has already arrived. 1. Dо Sue and Bill want to see the film? – No, they ________________ it. 2. Don't forget to phone Tom. – I _________________________. 3. When is Martin going away? – He ___________________. 4. Do you want tо read the newspaper? – No, I __________________ it. 5. When does Linda start her new job? – She

Упражнение 5. Напишите вопросы с yet. Yet ставится в конце предложения. 0. Your friend has got a new job. Perhaps she has started it. You ask her:

Have you started your new job yet? 1. Your friend has some new neighbours. Perhaps he has met them. You ask him:

______________________________________? 2. Your friend must write a letter. Perhaps she has written it now. You ask her:

______________________________________? 3. Tom was trying to sell his car. Perhaps he has sold it now. You ask your friend

about Tom: ________________________________? Упражнение 6. Задайте Анне вопросы, начинающиеся “Have you ever…?”


0. (London?) Have you ever been to London? 0. (play / golf?) Have you ever played golf?

1. (Australia?) _______________________? 2. (lose / your passport?) ________________? 3. (flу / in a helicopter?) ____________? 4. (eat / Chinese food?) ___________? 5. (New York?) ____________________? 6. (drive / a bus?) __________________? 7. (break / your leg?) _______________?

No, never. Yes, many times. No, never. Yes, once. No, never. Yes, a few times. Yes, twice. No, never. Yes, once.

Упражнение 7. а) Напишите предложения об Анне. Используйте информацию из упражнения 20. (Наречие never ставится между вспомогательным и смысловым глаголом: have never been, has never done).

0. (London) Ann has been to New York twice.

0. (play golf) Ann has played golf many times.

1. (New York) _________________________. 2. (Australia) ________________________. 3. (Chinese food) ______________________. 4. (drive/ a bus) _____________________.

б) Теперь напишите о себе. Сколько раз вы это делали? 1. (New York) – I __________________________. 2. (play/tennis) – I _____________________________. 3. (fly/in a helicopter) – I __________________________. 4. (be / late for work or school) – I ______________________.

Упражнение 8. Напишите предложения о Марии, используя данные ниже глаголы (a) и фразы (b). a) have, do, travel, be, write, meet b) all over the world, ten books, a lot of different people, a lot of different things, many different jobs, married three times

Mary is 65. She has had an interesting life. What has she done?

0. Mary has had many different jobs. 1. She _____________________________. 2. ________________________________. 3. ____________________________________. 4. ______________________________________. 5. ______________________________________.

Упражнение 9. Закончите предложения. Обратите внимание на то, что предложения с for и since переводятся на русский язык настоящим


временем. Сказуемое в Present Perfect с предлогами for и since означает, что действие ещё не завершилось, оно ещё продолжается.

0. Jill is in hospital. She has been in hospital since Monday. (Она находится в больнице с понедельника.)

0. I know Sarah. I've known her for long time.(Я знаю её давно.)

1. Linda and Frank are married. They ______________married since 1999. 2. Brian is ill. He _______________ill for the last few days. 3. We live in Scott Road. We _________________ there for ten years. 4. Catherine works in a bank. She ______________in a bank for five years. 5. Alan has a headache. He _________ headache since he got up this morning. 6. I'm learning English. I ______________ English for six months.

Упражнение 10. Напишите вопросы, начиная их How long have/has….? 0. Jill is on holiday. – How long has she been on holiday? 1. Mike and Judy are in Brazil. – ________________________? 2. I know Margaret. – ________________________? 3. Diana is learning Italian. – ________________________? 4. Mу brother lives in Canada. – ________________________? 5. I'm a teacher. – ________________________?

Упражнение 11. Вставьте since или for в предложения. 0. Jill has been in Ireland since Monday. 0. Jill has been in Ireland for three days. 1. My aunt has lived in Australia__________15 years. 2. Margaret is in her office. She has been there ______________ 7 o'clock. 3. India has been an independent country ___________ 1947. 4. Nobody lives in those houses. They have been empty _______ many years. 5. Mike has been ill _______ a long time. He has been in hospital ________


ЛЕКСИКА I. Тема «Образование»

Прочитайте текст, выпишите незнакомые слова, найдите их значения в словаре и выполните задания после текста.

HIGHER EDUCATION IN RUSSIA Higher education overseas offers an opportunity for growth and development. Studying in Russia gives you the opportunity to experience the unique Russian culture, to enjoy Russian hospitality, and be charmed by Russian nature and, of course, get an education based on high modern standards and strong academic


traditions. Russia is proud of having one of the best education systems in the world, as well as the greatest scientific and technological achievements, numerous Nobel Prize Winners, cultural and sporting figures of international status and the richest resources. Every year tens of thousands of students from all over the world come to study in Russia to get prestigious, globally recognized and affordable education. Advantages of Russian higher education for foreign citizens

• The Russian higher education system consists of more than 650 state universities where about 7 million people study; more than 165 000 of these come from about 200 different countries.

• Russian higher education offers more than 200 medical, engineering, economic and humanities specialities.

• Russian higher education gives the possibility of access to the most modern laboratories and scientific-technical centers.

• The highly qualified teaching personnel of Russian state universities (on average 80% of professors hold Ph.D. degrees) guarantee top-quality education.

• The study of foreign citizens at Russian state universities is up to 80% subsidized by the Government of Russia, making it affordable (the average cost of an academic year, including accommodation in a student dormitory, is 2500-4000 USD).

One academic year in Russian Universities lasts for 10 months (September 1st – June 30th). The academic year is divided into two semesters: the first semester is September 1st – January 25th; the second semester is February 9th – June 30th. At the end of each semester (January and June) students take tests and exams in the subjects that they have studied. Between semesters students have vacations: winter vacation (2 weeks: from 25th January to 9th February), and summer vacation (2 months: from 1st July to 30th August). During winter and summer vacations students may either stay in Russia or travel home. Grading system in the Russian Federation:

• «5» – excellent

• «4» – good

• «3» – satisfactory

• «2» – unsatisfactory

• «pass»

• «not pass» Mode and language of study. In Russia there are different modes of study: full-time, part-time (evening and correspondence course programmes), and long-distance learning, though for international students only full-time mode is available (students from the CIS countries who are fluent in Russian may also study via distance learning). Studies in Russian universities are carried out in Russian language. In some specialties the training is also delivered in English (about 20 specialties) and French (general medicine, pharmacy).


Degree.Upon successful completion of university, graduates receive higher education degrees:

• “Bachelor of Science” degree: course duration – 4 years; • “Master of Science” degree: course duration – 2 years;

• “Specialist” or “Engineer-specialist” qualification: course duration – 5 years; • Post-graduate studies leading to PhD (Doctor of Philosophy): course duration –

3 years. Graduates also can get a “European Appendix” that allows them to get equivalence of the degree in any of 47 European and other countries signed to Bologna declaration; this enables graduates to continue their education or find work in these countries. Упражнение 1. Определите, являются ли следующие утверждения истинными или ложными.

1. Higher education overseas offers an opportunity for growth and development. 2. The Russian higher education system consists of more than 450 state

universities. 3. More than 165 000 of these come from about 300 different countries. 4. Russian higher education offers more than 200 specialities. 5. The study of foreign citizens at Russian state universities is up to 50%

subsidized by the Government of Russia, making it affordable. 6. One academic year in Russian Universities lasts from September 1st to June 30th. 7. Between semesters students have winter vacation and summer vacation during

which students may either stay in Russia or travel home. 8. International students can study full-time, part-time or via distance learning. 9. Studies in Russian universities are carried out in English language for foreighn

students. 10. The “European Appendix” allows graduates to continue their education or find

work in 47 countries. Упражнение 2. Соедините по смыслу начало предложений 1-5 с их окончанием a-e.

1. Russia is proud of its numerous… 2. Thousands of students from all

over the world come to study in Russia

3. Russian higher education allows to work in …

4. Doing a master course takes… 5. Russian higher education is


a. … because Russian higher education is prestigious, globally recognized and affordable. b. another two years. c. …Nobel Prize Winners and rich resources. d. as 80% is subsidized by the Government of Russia e. … the most modern laboratories and scientific-technical centers.


Упражнение 3. Закончите предложения, вставив нужное по смыслу слово: graduates, opportunity, PhD, vacation, satisfactory, accommodation, recognizable,

achievements, correspondence, humanities. 1. Studying abroad gives you an _____________ for growth and development. 2. Students can get ___________________ in a university’s dormitory. 3. We have many __________________ subjects this semester. 4. I’d like to spend my winter _______________ in Turkey. 5. My cousin is doing a ____________ course for a bachelor degree. 6. After three years of the post-graduate studies I got my __________. 7. The “European Appendix” makes the Russian university degrees __________

in 47 countries. 8. This laboratory can be proud of its scientific and technological

______________. 9. Many ________________ of my university work for this company. 10. I didn’t prepare well for the exam and got a _________________ mark.

Упражнение 4. Расставьте события текста в логическом порядке. 1. After completing the bachelor course I began the post-graduate course for a

master degree. 2. Six years ago I finished school and decided to go to Russia to study at

university. 3. I am from Ghana. 4. I chose a university and an engineering speciality. 5. I heard a lot about this wonderful country and the great opportunities it gives

for future life. 6. I studied full-time and lived in the dormitory. 7. My name is Randolph Boat. 8. Now I am in the second semester. 9. The bachelor course was four years long. 10. When I complete the course I’ll get the “European Appendix” and go to work

in Europe. Упражнение 5. Выберите правильный вариант.

1. _________ education overseas offers an opportunity for growth and development. a) school b) college c) higher 2. Studying in Russia gives you the opportunity to experience the unique Russian ________________.

a) culture b) nature c) science


3. Russian higher education is based on high modern standards and strong _______________ traditions. a) technological b) academic c) scientific 4. There are a lot of __________ for foreign students who come to study in Russia. a) growth b) development c) advantages 5. The ____________teaching personnel of Russian state universities guarantee top-quality education.

a) excellent b) satisfactory c) highly qualified 6. The study of foreign citizens at Russian state universities is up to 80% subsidized by the Government of Russia, making it __________. a) affordable b) part-time c) correspondence 7. At the end of each _____________ students take tests and exams. a) year b) semester c)course 8. Upon successful completion of university, ________ receive higher education degrees.

a) graduates b) professors c) specialists 9. The average cost of an academic year, including accommodation in a ________, is 2500-4000 USD. a) hotel b) dormitory c) house 10. Between semesters students have winter and summer __________. a) exams b) jobs c) vacations

Упражнение 6. Ответьте на вопросы. 1. What opportunities does studying in Russia give to foreign students? 2. What is Russia proud of? 3. Why do tens of thousands of students from all over the world come to study in

Russia? 4. How many state universities does the Russian higher education system consist

of? 5. How many specialities does Russian higher education offer to foreign

students? 6. Why is Russian higher education affordable for foreign students? 7. How long do the winter and summer vacations last? 8. What modes of study are there in Russia? 9. What university degrees can you study for? 10. What opportunities does the “European Appendix” give?


Упражнение 7. Вопросы для беседы с преподавателем на экзамене. 1. Do you study full-time or part-time? 2. Are you a correspondence student or a long-distance learning student? 3. Do you have lectures and seminars? 4. When do you take tests and exams?


ГРАММАТИКА 1. Причастие настоящего времени ( I ). Participle I. 2. Причастие прошедшего времени ( II ). Participle II. 3. Present Perfect – Past Simple.

1. ПРИЧАСТИЕ НАСТОЯЩЕГО ВРЕМЕНИ ( I ) 1.1. Форма: инфинитив + ing: reading, writing, playing, cutting 1.2. Функции в предложении: определение (какой?), обстоятельство (что

делая?), часть сказуемого8 (что делает/делал/будет делать?; стоит после вспомогательного глагола ‘be’)

1.3. Перевод на русский язык зависит от функции в предложении:

READING определение

Какой? обстоятельство

Что делая? сказуемое

Что делает/делал/ будет делать ?


читая ( = при чтении, во время


читает/читал/ будет читать

(иногда после союзов when, while: when reading, while

reading. Союзы не переводятся)

‘be’ +Participle I (в зависимости от времени


Упражнение 1. Выберите перевод причастия I в следующих предложениях. 1. My brother is reading a book.

a) читает б) читая в) читающий 2. In the library you can see many people reading books.

a) читают б) читая в) читающих 3. Reading his newspaper, the old man fell asleep.

a) читает б) читая в) читающий 4. He is writing a letter at the moment.

a) читает б) читая в) читающий

8 Смотрите модуль 9, тема «Продолженное время».


5. We all listened with great interest to the speaker criticizing the new book. a) критикует б) критикуя в) критикующего

6. Criticizing the work of our sports club, he said that it was not satisfactory. a) критикует б) критикуя в) критикующий

7. Returning home from a holiday he always brought his friends some souvenirs. a) возвращается б) возвращаясь в) возвращающийся

8. He looked at the plane flying overhead. a) летает б) летя в) летящий

Упражнение 2. Вставьте в предложения данные ниже словосочетания по смыслу.

a) leading to the river b) carrying 28 passengers c) Coming out of the wood d) While translating the text e) talking to Tom

f) Growing corn on his desert island g) belonging to the Queen h) the crying baby i) Wishing to learn to skate j) following me

0. The girl talking to Tom is Australian. 1. ______________, the travellers saw a ruined castle in the distance. 2. A plane _____________crashed into the sea yesterday. 3. _________________, Robinson Crusoe hoped to eat bread one day. 4. When I was walking home, there was a man____________. 5. _______________, she bought herself a pair of skates. 6. I was woken up by ___________. 7. ________________ I looked up many words in the dictionary. 8. At the end of the street there is a path_______________. 9. Some paintings ___________were stolen from the palace.

Упражнение 3. Замените придаточные определительные предложения причастными оборотами.

0. All the young people who work part-time for our company are students. – All the young people working part-time for our company are students.

1. The woman who is standing over there is our secretary. 2. The apparatus that stands on the table in the corner of the laboratory is quite

new. 3. The young man who helps the professor in his experiments studies at the

evening department of our university. 4. People who take books from the library must return them in time. 5. There are many students who take part in all kinds of extra-curricular



2. ПРИЧАСТИЕ ПРОШЕДШЕГО ВРЕМЕНИ ( II ) 2.1. Форма: а) правильные глаголы при помощи окончания -ed: translated, washed, cleaned; б) неправильные глаголы – III форма из таблицы неправильных глаголов: bought, broken 2.2. Функции в предложении: определение (какой?), часть сказуемого (стоит после вспомогательного глагола ‘be’ (страдательный залог), ‘have’ (совершённое время) 2.3. Перевод на русский язык: а) в функции определения: translated – переведённый, washed – вымытый, bought – купленный, broken – сломанный; б) в функции части сказуемого – глаголом настоящего, прошедшего или будущего времени согласно времени вспомогательного глагола: was written – было написано, have done – сделал, has cleaned – почистил.

Упражнение 4. Вставьте в предложения пропущенные причастия прошедшего времени из данного списка по смыслу: kept, overturned, built,

fried, broken, closed, Tied, bought, written. 1. My sister likes _________ fish. 2. We stopped before a __________ door. 3. ___________to the tree, the goat could not run away. 4. They saw __________tables and chairs and pieces of ____________ glass all

over the room. 5. There is a church ________ two centuries years ago in the village. 6. The books ___________by Dickens give us a realistic picture of the 19th

century England. 7. The coat _________________ last year is too small for me now. 8. Nobody saw the things ________ in that box.

Упражнение 5. Выберите необходимую форму причастия в функции определения: причастие I или II.

1. The girl (writing, written) on the blackboard is our best student. 2. Everything (writing, written) here is quite right. 3. The house (surrounding, surrounded) by tall trees is very beautiful. 4. The wall (surrounding, surrounded) the house was very high. 5. Who is that boy (doing, done) his homework at that table? 6. The exercises (doing, done) by the pupils so quickly were quite easy. 7. The girl (washing, washed) the floor is my sister. 8. The floor (washing, washed) by Helen looked very clean. 9. We listened to the girls (singing, sung) Russian folk songs. 10. We listened to the Russian folk songs (singing, sung) by the girls.


11. Do you know the girls (playing, played) in the garden? 12. The paper (writing, written) by this scientist is very interesting. 13. Translate the words (writing, written) on the blackboard. 14. We could not see the sun (covering, covered) by dark clouds. 15. The (losing, lost) book was found at last.

3. PRESENT PERFECT – PAST SIMPLE Present Perfect и Past Simple соответствуют русскому прошедшему времени. Past Simple обозначает действие, совершённое в законченный период времени (yesterday, last week, a year ago, in 2010, в вопросах, начинающихся When…?), Present Perfect обозначает действие, совершённое в незаконченный период времени (now, today, this week, this year, in my life, а также с наречиями already,

just, yet, recently, lately, предлогами since, for и в вопросах, начинающихся How

long…?). Упражнение 6. Завершите предложения, используя слова в скобках (...) + for or ago.

0. Jill arrived in Ireland three days ago. (three days) 0. Jill has been in Ireland for three days. (three days) 1. Linda and Frank have been married_______ (20 years) 2. Linda and Frank got married ____________ (20 years) 3. Dan arrived ________(ten minutes) 4. We had lunch ______________ (an hour) 5. Silvia has been learning English ________ (six months) 6. Have you known Lisa____________? (long time) 7. I bought these shoes _________ (a few days)

Упражнение 7. Определите, верно ли использована форма подчёркнутого глагола. Исправьте форму, если она неверна.

0. I've lost my key. I can't find it. Right 0. Have yon seen Ann yesterday? Wrong: Did you see Ann yesterday? 1. I’ve finished my work at 2 о’clock. ______________________ 2. I'm ready now. I've finished my work. _________________________ 3. What time have you finished your work? _________________________ 4. Sue isn’t here. She's gone out. _____________________________ 5. Jim's grandmother has died 2 years ago. _________________________ 6. Where have you been last night? __________________________

Упражнение 8. Раскройте скобки, поставив глаголы в Present Perfect или Past Simple.

0. My friend is a writer. He has written (write) many books.


0. We didn’t have (not/have) a holiday last year. 1. I ________ (play) tennis yesterday afternoon. 2. What time _______________ (you/go) to bed last night? 3. ___________ (you/ever/meet) a famous person? 4. The weather _____________ (not/be) very good yesterday. 5. My hair is wet. I ____________ (just/wash) it. 6. I ___________ (wash) my hair after breakfast this morning. 7. Kathy travels a lot. She __________ (visit) many countries. 8. Is Sonia here? – No, she ________________ (not/come) yet.

Упражнение 9. Раскройте скобки, поставив глаголы в Present Perfect или Past Simple. 1. A: Have уоu ever been (you/ever/be) to Florida? B: Yes, we went (go) there on holiday two years ago. A: _____(1)________ (you/have) a good time? B: Yes, it ____(2)________ (be) great.

2. A: Where’s Alan? _____(3)________(you/see) him? B: Yes, he ____(4)______ (go) out a few minutes ago. A: And Julia? B: I don't know. I ___(5)_____(not/see) her.

3. А: Do you know Martin's sister? B: I ____(6)_______ (see) her a few times but I ___(7)_______(never/speak)

to her. ____(8)_______ (you/ever/speak) to her? A: Yes. I ____(9)_______ (meet) her at a party last week. She’s very nice.

4. Rose works in a factory. She _____(10)________ (work) there for six months. Before that she ____(11)_______(be) a waitress in a restaurant. She ____(12)______ (work) there for two years but she ____(13)_____ (not/enjoy) it very much.

ЛЕКСИКА I. Тема «Образование»

Прочитайте текст, выпишите незнакомые слова, найдите их значения в словаре, и выполните задания после текста.

MY UNIVERSITY This University is one of the leading higher schools in the north of Russia. It has a reputation for academic excellence and attracts students and researchers from all parts of the country and abroad.


The story started in April, 1958, when Moscow's Gubkin Institute of Petrochemicals and Natural Gas opened an educational support centre in Ukhta. The Institute helped with the library and teaching materials. The training system included a combination of professional correspondence courses and on-the-job experience. The development of oil and gas industries demanded more qualified specialists. As a result, the educational support centre became Ukhta Industrial Institute in March, 1967. The first Rector was Grigory Panov (1929-1988). There were three faculties: Oil and Gas, Forestry and the faculty for evening and correspondence students. In 1969, there were only six graduates, but already in 1972, two hundred and seventy-four skilled engineers graduated from the institute. At that time the institute had five faculties and twenty departments. The number of students and the range of specialities grew every year. In April, 1999 the institute achieved university status. It was renamed Ukhta State Technical University. Now it’s a modern research and education complex and has great scientific potential. More than 8000 students study here. This university trains specialists for Oil and Gas, Timber and Construction industries. It also provides training in Geology, Economics, IT and Physical culture and sport. The course of studies takes four years. The academic year lasts from September to June and is divided into two terms. At the end of each term students have to take exams and tests. At the end of the course of studies they have to write an essay to complete a bachelor’s degree. To continue the study students can take a postgraduate course. The university has two postgraduate degree programmes: Master’s and Doctoral. Besides students can take part in scientific conferences and seminars which take place at the university every year. This university has many facilities and non-academic activities. There is a large sport complex where students can do different sports. It has a number of student clubs, societies and organizations that you can choose – from ballroom dancing to student government. Student activities help you make friends, develop leadership skills, and become part of the university. Упражнение 1. Определите, являются ли следующие утверждения истинными (true) или ложными (false):

1. The university was founded in 1967. 2. The university has 1000 students. 3. There were five faculties and twenty departments in 1972. 4. At the end of each term students have to complete a thesis. 5. Undergraduates can take part in annual scientific conferences and seminars

which take place at the university.


6. To keep students physically fit there’s a sport complex. 7. The university has degree programmes here for academic careers. 8. The academic year starts in September when students get together to celebrate

the beginning of the year. Упражнение 2. Закончите предложения, вставив нужное по смыслу слово: attract, achieved, facilities, graduates, train, skilled, first, correspondence.

1. He says the team _____ good results last season. 2. Canada has a special immigration program for _____ workers. 3. _____ courses are also known as distant learning. 4. A magnet _____ ferrous objects. 5. Twenty-five Oxford _____ became Prime Ministers. 6. Bodo University in Norway doesn’t _____ IT specialists. 7. Small universities usually don’t have many _____ . 8. I’m in my_____ year, and I’m working really hard.

Упражнение 3. Соедините по смыслу начало предложений с их окончанием: 1. The university is an education complex

and … 2. At the end of the course of studies… 3. At the end of each term… 4. Every year conferences and seminars… 5. There were five faculties…

a) … students have to take exams and tests.

b) … has great scientific potential. c) … and twenty departments. d) … take place at the university. e) … they have to write a thesis.

Упражнение 4. Расставьте события текста в правильном порядке:

1. Later the institute was given university status. 2. The first Rector was Grigory Panov. 3. Now it’s a big education complex and has great scientific potential. 4. The story started in April when Moscow's Gubkin Institute opened an

educational support centre in Ukhta. 5. At that time the institute had five faculties and twenty departments. 6. Several annual scientific conferences and seminars for students and researchers

take place at the university. Упражнение 5. Выберите правильный вариант.

1. Moscow's Gubkin Institute opened _____ in Ukhta. a) branch b) a faculty c) an educational centre

2. Ukhta Industrial Institute was founded in _____ . a) 1958 b) 1967 c) 1999


3. In 1972 two hundred and seventy-four _____ engineers graduated from the institute.

a) qualified b) unskilled c) inexperienced 4. The academic year lasts from _____ .

a) January to June b) September to June c) September to December 5. At the end of each _____ students have to take exams and tests. a) academic year b) month c) semester 6. Every year students can take part in _____ at the university. a) conferences b) dance party c) meetings 7. Every course takes _____ years. a) five b) three c) four 8. If you complete your first university degree, you become a ____. a) Master b) Doctor c) Bachelor 9. There is a large _____complex where students can do sports activities. a) health b) sport c) fitness 10. Student non-academic activities help young people _____ .

a) get a feel of the atmosphere of university b) study hard c) enjoy life 6. Ответьте на вопросы.

1. Where do you study? 2. When was the university founded? 3. When was it given university status? 4. How many students study at the university? 5. How many faculties are there at the University? 6. How long does the academic year last? 7. How long does the course take? 8. What degree programmes are there at this university? 9. What areas does this university provide training in? 10. What activities can students take part in?

Упражнение 7. Вопросы для беседы с преподавателем на экзамене. 1. What university do you study at? 2. When was the university founded? 3. Why did you choose to study here? 4. What is your major (speciality)?


КОНТРОЛЬНАЯ РАБОТА №3 Задание 1. Вставьте подходящий по смыслу модальный глагол: can, could, must, have to, has to, had to.

1. Mike ____________ run very fast. 2. Jane _________ not play the guitar two years ago but now she can. 3. I sat up very late yesterday because I ________ do a lot of homework. 4. Do you ____________ make the report today? 5. It’s a very interesting film. You ________ see it. 6. My sister works in a hospital. She ________ wear a uniform. 7. James is very tired because he works so much. I think he ___________ have a

holiday. Задание 2. Составьте вопросительные и отрицательные предложения из данных слов.

1. computer / I / your / can / use ? 2. some / could / borrow / you / money / me? 3. we /early / have / get / why / up / to / so / do? 4. she / did / go / to / to / have / why / hospital? 5. not / could / Jane / to / the / come / party. 6. me / need / you / for / not / wait.

Задание 3. Закончите вопросы по аналогии. 1. I have to get up early tomorrow. – What time do you have to get up? 2. Liz had to leave immediately. – Why _________________________? 3. George has to learn a foreign language. – What language ___________? 4. I can play two musical instruments. – What instruments ___________? 5. They couldn’t finish the work on time. – Why _____________?

Задание 4. Замените в предложениях that на who или which. 1. The girl that lives next door is very pretty. 2. The dress that Ann was wearing at the party costs a fortune! 3. The people that accompanied me during the journey were very helpful. 4. The apples that you bought yesterday are delicious.

Задание 5. Из двух простых предложений составьте сложноподчинённое с who, whom, whose, which, where.

0. The bed wasn’t very comfortable. I slept in it last night. – The bed in which I slept last night wasn't very comfortable.

1. The man is my neighbour. He helped you with your bags. __________. 2. The girl studies economics at university. He is in love with her. __________. 3. The house is a museum now. The writer lived there. ____________. 4. The film was very interesting. I saw it yesterday. _____________. 5. I have a classmate. Her mother is a popular actress. ________________.


Задание 6. Напишите числительные цифрами: 1. twenty thousand and twelve 2. six point three five 3. the eighty-fifth 4. three fifths 5. the twenty-third of June nineteen forty-nine 6. My phone number is nine one two five four five double three eight nine

Задание 7. Выберите Participle I или Participle II. 1. Going/gone along the street, I met Mary and Ann. 2. Read the translating/translated sentences once more. 3. Name some places visiting/visited by you last year. 4. I picked up the pencil lying/lain on the floor. 5. She was reading the book buying/bought the day before. 6. Yesterday we were at a conference organizing/organized by the pupils of the

10th form. 7. Taking/taken the girl by the hand, she led her across the street. 8. It was not easy to find the losing/lost stamp. 9. I can show you a picture painting/painted by Hogarth. 10. Here is the letter receiving/received by me yesterday.

Задание 8. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Present Perfect или Past Simple.

1. We _____________ (travel) around Europe last year. 2. My father knows so much because he _____________ (travel) a lot. 3. I ____________ (see) Pete today. 4. She _________________ (see) this film last Sunday. 5. Alex __________________ (meet) his friend two hours ago. 6. I __________ (just/meet) our teacher. 7. The children ___________ (already/decide) what game to play. 8. Yesterday they ____________ (decide) to help their grandmother.

Задание 9. Определите, является ли глагол ‘have’: А) смысловым глаголом (в значении «иметь»); Б) вспомогательным глаголом в Present Perfect (за которым следует

смысловой глагол в форме Participle II); В) модальным глаголом (в значении «должен, вынужден, приходится»)

1. Have you seen Mary today? 2. Frank has to pay for his education. 3. Mary has to look after her little sister. 4. She doesn’t have much free time. 5. Do they have any children? 6. I have already done my homework.



1. Настоящее продолженное время. Present Continuous. 2. Выражение будущего действия.

1. НАСТОЯЩЕЕ ПРОДОЛЖЕННОЕ ВРЕМЯ. PRESENT CONTINUOUS. 1.1 Употребление В английском языке различается несколько настоящих видовременных форм глагола, соответствующих русскому настоящему времени. Вы уже изучили два из них: Present Simple, выражающее обычное, постоянное или повторяющееся с той или иной частотой действие, и Present Perfect, использующееся для выражения продолжительности действия к настоящему моменту времени при помощи предлогов since, for:

o I live in Ukhta. (Present Simple) – Я живу в Ухте. (постоянное действие) o I have lived here for fifteen years. (Present Perfect) – Я живу в Ухте 15 лет.

(продолжительность к данному моменту времени) В данном модуле мы рассмотрим Present Continuous (настоящее продолженное время), которое обозначает действие: 1) происходящее в данный момент времени (now, at the moment, this week, recently) и имеющее временный характер; 2) описывающее изменения, происходящие в настоящий момент времени: I am living in Ukhta. – Я живу в Ухте. (в данный момент, временно) We are redecorating our flat. – Мы делаем ремонт в квартире. (сейчас, временное действие) The population of the world is rising fast. – Мировое население быстро растёт. ( происходящие в настоящее время изменения) 1.2. Форма

Утвердительные предложения Отрицательные предложения

I am reading He/She/It is reading We/You/They are reading

I am not reading He/She/It is not reading We/You/They are not reading

Вопросительные предложения Краткие ответы Am I reading? Is he/she/it reading? Are we/you/they reading?

Yes, you are. / No, you aren’t. Yes, he/she/it is. / No, he/she/it isn’t. Yes, we/you/they are. / No, we/you/they aren’t.


1.3. Примечание. Следующие глаголы обычно не используются в Continuous Tenses: love, like, hate, want, know, understand, remember, consist of, see, hear:

o Now I understand you. o I don’t hear what he is saying. o Do you see that man?

Упражнение 1. Составьте утвердительные, вопросительные и отрицательные предложения с глаголом в Present Continuous.

I (read). – I am reading. They (not/sleep) – They are not sleeping.

She (drink) coffee? – Is she drinking coffee?

1. He (sleep). – ____________________________. 2. We (drink) tea. – _________________________. 3. We (not/watch) TV. – __________________________. 4. They (not/eat). – ___________________________. 5. My mother (not/work). – _________________________. 6. You (work)? –_________________________________. 7. He (play)? – __________________________________. 8. What (they/eat)? – ___________________________.

Упражнение 2. Завершите предложения, вставив глаголы в форме Present Continuous: build, cook, go, have, stand, stay, swim, work.

0. Please be quiet. I'm working 1. “Where's John?” – “He's in the kitchen. He ___________________.” 2. “You____________ on my foot.” – “Oh, I'm sorry.” 3. Look! Somebody ______________ in the river. 4. We're here on holiday. We ___________ at the Central Hotel. 5. “Where's Ann?” – “She _____________a shower.' 6. They _____________a new theatre in the city centre at the moment. 7. I _______________ now. Goodbye.

Упражнение 3. Опишите, что происходит сейчас в реальной жизни. Напишите правдивые предложения.

0. (I / wash / my hair) – I am not washing my hair.

0. (it / snow) – It is snowing. / It isn’t snowing.

1. (I / sit / on a chair) – _____________________. 2. (I / eat) – _____________________. 3. (it / rain) –_____________________. 4. (I / learn / English) – _____________________. 5. (I / listen / to music) – _____________________.


6. (the sun / shine) – _____________________. 7. (I / wear / shoes) – _____________________. 8. (I / read / a newspaper) – _____________________.

Упражнение 4. Вставьте am/is/are или do/don't/does/doesn't. 1. Excuse me, _________ you speak English? 2. “Where's Ann?” – “I _________ know.” 3. What's funny? Why ____________ you laughing? 4. “What __________ your sisters do? – “She's a dentist.” 5. It ___________raining. I __________ want to go out in the rain. 6. “Where ___________ you come from?” – “Canada.” 7. How much ___________ it cost to phone Canada? 8. George is a good tennis player but he _________ play very often.

Упражнение 5. Раскройте скобки, поставив глагол в Present Continuous (I am doing) или Present Simple (I do).

1. Excuse me. _______________ (you/speak:) English? 2. “Where's Tom?” – “_______________(He/have) shower.” 3. __________ (I/not/watch) television very often. 4. Listen! Somebody __________ (sing). 5. Sandra is tired. ____________ (she/want) to go home now. 6. How often __________ (you/read) a newspaper? 7. “Excuse me but ____________ (you/sit) in my place.” – “Oh, I'm sorry.” 8. I'm sorry, _________ (I/not/understand). Can you speak more slowly? 9. It's late. ______________(I/go) home now. __________(you/come) with me? 10. What time_____________(your father / finish) work in the evenings? 11. You can turn off the radio.__________(I/not/listen) to it. 12. “Where’s Paul?” – “In the kitchen. _________(he/cook) something.” 13. Martin __________ (not/usually/drive) to work. He ______________

(usually/walk). 14. Sue ___________ (not/like) coffee. _______________ (she/prefer) tea.

2. ВЫРАЖЕНИЕ БУДУЩЕГО ДЕЙСТВИЯ 2.1. PRESENT CONTINUOUS также широко используется для выражения будущего действия. Present Continuous выражает как правило личные планы человека или людей, заранее продуманные и подготовленные к реализации.

o I am playing tennis with Tom on Saturday. – В субботу я играю в теннис с Томом. (Я заранее договорился с Томом). В русском языке также используется глагол настоящего времени (играю).


Ещё примеры: o Barbara is meeting Dave at 9:30 on Friday. – Барбара встречается с Дейвом в 9:30 в пятницу.

o Denise is having lunch with her partners tomorrow. – Дениз обедает завтра

с партнёрами. 2.2. ВЫРАЖЕНИЕ ‘be going to (do)’ - собираться (делать) также используется для выражения будущего действия наряду с Present Continuous в аналогичных ситуациях.

o I am playing tennis with Tom on Saturday. = I am going to play tennis with

Tom on Saturday. (Я собираюсь играть в теннис…)

o Barbara is meeting Dave at 9:30 on Friday.= Barbara is going to meet Dave

at 9:30 on Friday (Барбара собирается встретиться с…)

o Denise is having lunch with her partners tomorrow. = Denise is going to have

lunch with her partners tomorrow. (Денис собирается обедать…)

Be going to Утвердительные предложения Отрицательные предложения

I am going to read He/She/It is going to read We/You/They are going to read

I am not going to read He/She/It is not going to read We/You/They are not going to read

Вопросительные предложения Краткие ответы Am I going to read? Is he/she/it going to read? Are we/you/they going to read?

Yes, you are. / No, you aren’t. Yes, he/she/it is. / No, he/she/it isn’t. Yes, we/you/they are. / No, we/you/they aren’t.

2.3. PRESENT SIMPLE используется для выражения будущего действия, если речь идёт о расписаниях и графиках мероприятий, событий, транспорта.

o “What time does the film begin?” – “It begins at 5:30.”

o The train leaves London at 14:45.

Упражнение 6. Задайте вопросы о планах на будущее, используя Present Continuous.

0. (when/Liz/go/on holiday?) When is Liz going on holiday? 1. (you/go out/tonight?) ____________________________ 2. (you/work/next week?) _____________________________? 3. (what/you/do/tomorrow evening?) _____________________? 4. (what time/your friends/arrive?) _________________?


Упражнение 7. Напишите о своих планах на ближайшее будущее. 0. I am staying at home tonight. 1. ________________________ 2. _________________________ 3. __________________________

Упражнение 8. Дополните предложения, используя going to + один из этих глаголов: eat, do, give, lie down, stay, walk, wash, watch, wear.

0. My hands are dirty. I am going to wash them. 0. “What are you going to wear to the party tonight? 1. I don't want to go home by bus. I _______________________. 2. John is going to London next week. He _______________ with some friends. 3. I'm hungry. I_____________ this sandwich. 4. It's Sharon's birthday next week. We ________________ her a present. 5. Sue says she's feeling very tired. She _____________ for an hour. 6. There's a good film on TV this evening. ____ you ________________ it? 7. What ____ Rachel _______________ when she leaves school?

Упражнение 9. Раскройте скобки, поставив глаголы в Present Continuous (he is leaving) или Present Simple (the train leaves).

1. “____________________ (you/go) out this evening?” – “No, I'm too tired.” 2. ___________ (we/go) to the concert this evening. __________(it/start) at 7.30. 3. Do you know about Sally? __________ (she/get) married next month! 4. A: My parents ___________ (go) on holiday next week.

B: Oh, that's nice. Where ____________ (they/go)? 5. Silvia is doing an English course at the moment. The course _________

(finish) on Friday. 6. There's a football match tomorrow but _______________ (I/not/go). 7. ____________(I/go) out with some friends tonight. Why don't you come too?

________________ (we/meet) at John's house at 8 o'clock. 8. A: How _________ (you/get) home after the party tomorrow? By taxi?

B: No, I can go by bus. The last bus ____________(leave) at midnight. 9. A: Do you want to go to the cinema tonight?

B: Yes, what time ___________ (the film/begin)? 10. A: What ______________ (you/do) on Monday afternoon?

B: ________________ (I/work).


ЛЕКСИКА I. Тема «Образование»

Прочитайте текст, выпишите незнакомые слова, найдите их значения в словаре и выполните задания после текста.

STUDENT LIFESTYLE IN AUSTRALIA Australia is fast becoming a very popular destination for education. The main reasons for this are the highly competitive courses that can be undertaken, affordable fees as compared to American or European courses, living costs that are not very expensive and the myriad attractions that make Australia so perfect for students. The country has a superb climate. The people are friendly, they live in a safe and healthy environment and students from all over the world are welcomed. Accommodation. There are lots of accommodation choices open to you. Besides living on campus there are other options like renting rooms, home-stay with/without meals, or shared rental accommodation. Recreation. There is a lot of scope for students’ relaxation and other activities. There are plenty of cafes and restaurants to eat in, there is surfing open to all and there are lots of beaches, lakes and rivers for those who love the water. There are international festivals celebrated that are a must-see for students and others alike. There are lots of sports facilities and art and culture are catered for too, with galleries, museums, live arts and music etc. There are markets aplenty and shopping is always a fun experience. Probably the best attractions in Australia are its bush land and the wildlife, the outback and the rainforests. Students who have an adventurous streak will enjoy all that Australia has to offer. Work while you study. If you have a student visa you are allowed to work on a casual basis although it’s wise to remember that the job cannot be a means to fund your education as you need to devote enough time to your studies and exams. This easy earn-while-you-learn option makes Australia very attractive to students as a part-time job can fund hobbies and interests. Student lifestyle in Australia offers the best: you get to study in some of the best institutions in the world, you can work to gain experience, and you can learn about the Australian way of life first-hand. Упражнение 1. Определите, являются ли следующие предложения истинными или ложными.

1. There are a lot of places in Australia that can attract students. 2. Every student can work in Australia. 3. There is a big choice of accommodation for students. 4. During your college career you can take time to take fit.


5. The climate in Australia is not favourable. 6. Wildlife, rainforests are for students who prefer to relax. 7. There are a lot of options for students’ cultural activity.

Упражнение 2. Закончите предложения, вставив нужное по смыслу слово: experience, accommodation, environment, facilities, attractions, devote, casual.

1. The … in Australia is safe and healthy. 2. There are lots of opportunities for students’ … in Australia. 3. Students can do sports because there are a lot of sport … there. 4. Going shopping in Australia is always a fun … . 5. Australia has a lot of … : wildlife, the outback and the rainforests. 6. Students can work on a … basis. 7. Students should … much time to their studies and exams.

Упражнение 3. Соедините по смыслу начало предложений 1-5 с их окончанием a-e .

1. You can learn about the Australian way of life first hand

a. is not a means to fund your education.

2. Part time job b. living there. 3. There are lots of beaches, lakes and rivers

c. such as living on campus, renting a room, shared rental accommodation, etc.

4. Students with adventurous streak d. will enjoy wildlife. 5. There are lots of accommodation choices open to you

e. for those who love water.

Упражнение 4. Каким абзацам текста соответствуют следующие предложения?

1. The students can have part time jobs to fund their hobbies and interests. 2. There are many attractions for adventurous people in Australia. 3. Students have a wide choice of accommodation. 4. The living costs are affordable in Australia. 5. If you want to be educated, have work and gain experience it is better to go to

Australia. Упражнение 5. Выберите правильный вариант. 1. … is fast becoming a popular destination for education.

a) Europe b) Australia c) America 2. The living costs in Australia are … . a) affordable b) expensive c) cheap 3. The climate in Australia is … a) severe b) excellent c) cool


4. There are a lot of … for adventurous people. a) attractions b) shops c) restaurants

5. A part time job can … hobbies and interests. a) encourage b) fund c) allow

6. Tuition fees are … . a) high b) low c) reasonable

7. The people in Australia live in … environment. a) safe b) hostile c) perfect

Упражнение 6. Ответьте на вопросы. 1. Why is Australia becoming a very popular destination for education? 2. Where can students live during the study? 3. Can students go in for sport? 4. What are the best attractions in Australia? 5. What activities can students be involved into? 6. Are all students allowed to work? 7. What is an enjoyable experience in Australia?

Упражнение 7. Вопросы для беседы с преподавателем на экзамене. 1. Does the university you study at provide students with accommodation? 2. What does the university campus include? 3. Does the university provide students with good sport facilities? 4. Where can students studying at this university relax? 5. Are there many places of interest in Ukhta? What are they?


ГРАММАТИКА 1. Будущее простое время. Future Simple. 2. Придаточные предложения времени и условия. 3. Предлоги и союзы времени.

1. БУДУЩЕЕ ПРОСТОЕ ВРЕМЯ. FUTURE SIMPLE 1.1. Употребление. Как вы уже знаете из предыдущего модуля, будущее запланированное действие выражается формой глагола в Present Continuous или фразой ‘be going to’. Для выражения будущего действия также используется форма Future Simple, которая соответствует русскому будущему времени (she will be /she’ll be –она будет, I’ll carry – я понесу, I’ll phone – я позвоню, it’ll rain – будет дождь). Future Simple употребляется:


а) для описания ситуации или положения дел в будущем (но не личных планов на будущее)

o Sue travels a lot. Today she is in Madrid. Tomorrow she will (she’ll) be in Rome. Next week she’ll be in Tokyo.

o You can phone me this evening. I’ll be at home. б) для выражения только что принятого решения

o “My bag is very heavy.” – “I’ll carry it for you.” o “I’ll phone you tomorrow, OK?” – “OK. Goodbye.”

в) для высказывания своих прогнозов/предсказаний о будущем, часто после фразы “I think…” или “I don’t think…”

o I think Diana will pass the exam. o I don’t think it will rain this afternoon.

2.2. Форма Future Simple will + I форма глагола

Утвердительное предложение

Отрицательное предложение

Вопросительное предложение

Краткий ответ

I/He/She/It/We/ You/They will do…

I/He/She/It/We/ You/They will not do …

Will I/he/she/it /we/you/they do?

Yes, … will. No, … will not/won’t.

will = ’ll will not = won’t Упражнение 1. Дополните предложения фразами she was, she is, she’ll be.

1. Helen is travelling in Europe. Yesterday _________________ Paris. 2. Tomorrow __________ in Australia. 3. Last week ____________ in Barcelona. 4. Next week _____________________ in London. 5. At the moment ____________ in Brussels. 6. Three days ago ___________ in Munich. 7. At the end of her trip ____________ very tired.

Упражнение 2. Напишите предложения о себе, используя фразы I'll be, I'll probably be, или I don't know where I'll be.

0. (at 10 o'clock tomorrow) I'll probably be on the beach. / I'll be at university. / I

don't know where I'll be. 1. (one hour from now) _____________________________. 2. (at midnight tonight) ___________________________. 3. (at 3 o'clock tomorrow afternoon) ____________________________. 4. (two year from now) _____________________________.


Упражнение 3. Вставьте will ("ll) или won't. 1. Don't drink coffee before you go to bed. You _________ sleep. 2. “Are you ready yet?” – “Not yet. I _________ be ready in five minutes.” 3. I'm going away for a few days. I'm leaving tonight, so I _____ be at home

tomorrow. 4. It_______ rain, so you don't need to take an umbrella. 5. “I don't feel very well this evening.” – “Well, go to bed early and you

_________ feel better in the morning.” 6. It's Bill's birthday next Monday. He_________ be 25. 7. I'm sorry I was late this morning. It _________ happen again.

Упражнение 4. Напишите предложения, начиная их I think или I don't think. 0. (Diana will pass the exam) I think Diana will pass the exam. 0. (Diana won't pass the exam) I don’t think Diana will pass the exam.1. (we'll win the game) _____________________________. 2. (I won't be here tomorrow) _______________________. 3. (Sue will like her present) _____________________. 4. (They won't get married). ______________________.

Упражнение 5. Выберите правильный вариант. 1. We'll go / We're going to the theatre tonight. We've got tickets. 2. “What will you do / are you doing tomorrow evening?” – “Nothing. I'm free.” 3. They'll go / They're going away tomorrow morning. Their train is at 5.40. 4. I'm sure she'll lend / she's lending us some money. She's very rich. 5. “Why are you putting on your coat?” – “I'll gо / I'm going out.” 6. Do you think Claire will phone / is phoning us tonight? 7. Steve can't meet us on Saturday. He'll work / He's working. 8. Will / Shall you be at home tomorrow evening?

Упражнение 6. Дополните предложения, используя I'll (I will) + один из глаголов: carry, do, eat, send, show, sit, stay.

0. “My bag is very heavy.” – “I’ll carry it for you.” 1. “Enjoy your holiday.” – “ Thank you. _____________ you a postcard.” 2. “I don't want this banana.” – “Well, I'm hungry. _____________ it.” 3. “Do you want a chair?” – “No, it's OK. ________ on the floor.” 4. “Did you phone Jenny?” – “Oh no, I forgot. __________ it now.” 5. “Are you coming with me?” – “No, I don't think so. _________ here.” 6. “How do you use this camera?” – “Give it to me and ____________ you.”

Упражнение 7. Дополните предложения, используя I think I'll или I don't think I'll + один из этих глаголов: buy, go, have, play.

1. It's cold today. _________________ out.


2. I'm hungry. I ____________ something to eat. 3. I feel tired. _________________ tennis. 4. This camera is too expensive. _____________________ it.

Упражнение 8. Выберите правильный ответ. 1. I phone/I'll phone you tomorrow, OK? 2. I haven't done the shopping yet. I do / I'll do it later. 3. I like sport. I watch / I'll watch a lot of sport on TV. 4. I need some exercise. I think I go /I'll go for a walk. 5. Jim is going to buy / will buy a new car. He told me last week. 6. “This letter is for Rose.” – “OK, I give / I'll give / I'm going to give it to her.” 7. “Are you doing / Will you do anything this evening?” – “Yes, I'm going / I'll

go out with some friends.” 2.3. Shall С местоимениями I, we (ни с какими другими) вместо will может использоваться вспомогательный глагол shall:

o I’ll be at home. = I will be at home. = I shall be at home. Но чаще shall используется как модальный глагол (а не как вспомогательный глагол будущего времени) в вопросах: “Shall I…?”, “Shall we…?”. При переводе “Shall I…?” на русский язык используем инфинитив; при переводе “Shall we…?” – глагол настоящего времени 2го лица множественного числа:

o “Shall I phone you this evening?” – “Yes, please.” («Позвонить тебе сегодня вечером?» …)

o I am going to a party tonight. What shall I wear? (… Что мне надеть?) o It’s a nice day today. Shall we go for a walk? (…Сходим погулять?) o It’s very warm in this room. Shall I open the window? (…Открыть окно?)

Упражнение 9. Напишите предложения, начинающиеся Shall I...? + слова из списков А и В. A: turn on, turn off, make, open B: some sandwiches, the television, the window, the light

0. “It's very warm in this room.” – “ Shall I open the window?” 1. “This programme isn't very good.” – “__________________” 2. “I'm hungry.” – “____________________” 3. “It's dark in this room.” – “_______________”

Упражнение 10. Напишите предложения с shall we...?. и словами из списков А и В. A: what, what time, where, who B: buy, go, invite, meet

0. “Let's go out tonight.” – “ OK. What time shall we meet?” 1. Let's have a holiday.” – “OK. _______________’


2. “Let's spend some money.” – “OK. ________________” 3. “Let's have a party.” – “OK. ____________”

2. БУДУЩЕЕ ДЕЙСТВИЕ В ПРИДАТОЧНЫХ ПРЕДЛОЖЕНИЯХ ВРЕМЕНИ И УСЛОВИЯ 2.1. Придаточные предложения времени. Придаточное предложение времени присоединяется к главному предложению при помощи союзов времени: when – когда, after – после того как, before – перед тем как, while – в то время как, as soon as – как только, until – до того как. Придаточное предложение может стоять как перед главным предложением, так и после него. Если придаточное предложение предшествует главному, то оно отделяется от него запятой.

o Always look both ways before you cross the road. = Before you cross the road, always look both ways. (Всегда смотри по сторонам, перед тем как перейти дорогу.)

o After he broke his 1eg, he never played football again. (После того как он сломал ногу, он никогда не играл в футбол снова.)

o Ann was very happy when she passed her exam. (Анна была очень счастлива, когда она сдала экзамен.)

Упражнение 11. Напишите предложения, начинающиеся с When. Подберите части из колонок А, В. Например: When I went out it was raining.



1. I went out, 2. I'm tired, 3. I phoned her, 4. I go on holiday, 5. the рrogramme ended, 6. I arrived at the hotel,

a) I switched off the TV. b) I always go to the same place. c) there were no rooms. d) it was raining. e) there was no answer. f) I like to watch TV.

Упражнение 12. Напишите предложения, подобрав части из колонок А, В. Например: They looked both ways before they crossed the road.

А В 1. They looked both ways 2. They were very surprised 3. After they got married, 4. The letter arrived 5. Where did they live 6. While they were asleep, 7. When I told them the news,

a) somebody broke into the house b) before they crossed the road c) they went to live in New Zealand d) before they came here? e) while they were away f) when they heard the news g) they didn't believe me

2.2. Будущее действие в придаточных предложениях времени. Изучите пример:


o When I get home this evening, I’m going to have a shower. (Когда я приду домой сегодня вечером, я приму душ.)

Придаточное предложение в данном примере относятся к будущему времени, но в английском языке в придаточных предложениях времени не употребляется глагол в форме будущего времени. Вместо глагола будущего времени употребляется глагол настоящего времени: When I get home – когда я приду домой (а не When I will get home). Проанализируйте аналогичные примеры:

o I ' l l talk tо you later when I have more time. (Я поговорю с тобой позже, когда у меня будет больше времени. Нельзя will have)

o Please close the window before you go out. (Пожалуйста, закрой окно, прежде чем уйдёшь. Нельзя will go)

o Julia is going to live in our flat while we are away. (Джулия будет жить в нашей квартире, пока мы будем в отъезде. Нельзя will be)

o I'll stay here until you come back. (Я буду здесь до тех пор, пока ты не придёшь. Нельзя will come)

Упражнение 13. Выберите правильный вариант ответа. 1. I stay/I'll stay here until you come/you will come back. 2. I'm going to bed when I finish/I'll finish my work. 3. We must do something before it's/it will be too late. 4. Julia is going away soon. I'm/I'll be very sad when she leaves/she'll leave. 5. Don't go out yet. Wait until the rain stops/will stop. 6. We come/We'll come and visit you when we're/we'll be in England again. 7. When I come/I'll come to see you tomorrow, I bring/I'll bring the

photographs. 8. I'm going to Paris next week. I hope to see some friends of mine while I'm/I'll

be there. 9. “Don't forget to give me your address.” – “OK. I give/I'll give it to you before

I go/I'll gо. Упражнение 14. Придумайте и напишите конец предложения.

0. Can you close the window before you go out? 1. What are you going to do when ______________? 2. When I have more time, ______________________________. 3. I'll wait for you while_____________________________. 4. When I start my new job, _______________________________. 5. Will you be here when ________________________?


2.3. Будущее действие в придаточных предложениях условия. Придаточное предложение условия присоединяется к главному предложению при помощи союза if – если. Оно может стоять как перед главным предложением, так и после него. Если придаточное предложение условия относится к будущему времени, то, как и в придаточных предложениях времени, его сказуемое не употребляется в форме будущего времени. Вместо глагола будущего времени употребляется глагол настоящего времени:

o If we go by bus, it will be cheaper. (Если мы поедем на автобусе, это будет дешевле. Нельзя will go)

o You’ll miss the train if you don't hurry. (Вы опоздаете на поезд, если вы не поторопитесь. Нельзя won’t hurry)

Упражнение 15. Напишите предложения, начинающиеся с If. Подберите части из колонок А, В. Например: If you don't hurry, you'll be late



1. you don't hurry, 2. you pass the exam, 3. you fail the exam, 4. you don't want this magazine, 5. you want those pictures, 6. you're busy now, 7. you're hungry, 8. you need money,

a) we can have lunch now b) you can have them c) I can lend you some d) you'll get a certificate e) you'll be late f) I'll throw it away g) we can talk later h) you can do it again

Упражнение 16. Выберите правильный вариант ответа.

1. If I'm / I'll be late this evening, don't wait for me. 2. Will you write to me if I give / I'll give you my address? 3. If there is /will he a fire, the alarm will ring. 4. If I don't see you tomorrow morning, I phone /I'll phone you in the evening. 5. I am/ I’ll be surprised if Мartin and Julia get / will get married. 6. Do you go / Will you go to the party if they invite / they'll invite you:

Упражнение 17. Придумайте и напишите конец предложения. 0. I'm going to the concert if I can get a ticket. 1. If you don't hurry _______________ 2. Turn the television off if ____________ 3. If I have time tomorrow, _______________ 4. We can go to the beach tomorrow if _________________


Упражнение 18. Вставьте if или when. 1. _________ I'm late this evening, don't wait for me. 2. I'm going to do some shopping now. _________I come back, we can have

lunch. 3. I'm thinking of going to see Tim. ___________ I go, will you come with me? 4. __________ you don't want to go out tonight, we can stay at home. 5. John is still at school. ________ he leaves school, he wants to go to university. 6. Shall we have a picnic tomorrow ______ the weather is good? 7. We're going to Madrid next week. We haven't got anywhere to stay. We hope

to find a hotel __________ we arrive. I don't know what we'll do _______ we don't find anywhere.

3. ПРЕДЛОГИ И СОЮЗЫ ВРЕМЕНИ Как вы знаете, союз ставится перед подлежащим, а предлог – перед второстепенными членами предложения. Некоторые слова могут быть и предлогами и союзами: after, before, since, until (till). Такое явление в английском языке называется конверсией. Особенности перевода смотрите в таблицах. Внимательно изучите таблицы, запомните примеры и устойчивые словосочетания. 3.1. Предлоги времени

Предлог Примеры Дополнительно at + время at + праздник

at 5 o’clock – в 5 часов at 11.45 – в 11.45 at noon – в полдень at midnight – в полночь at Christmas, at Easter– в Рождество, на Пасху

устойчивые словосочетания at the weekend – на выходных at night – ночью at the end of .. – в конце … at the moment – в данный момент

on + день on Sunday – в воскресенье on Sunday morning – в воскресенье утром on 25 November – 25го ноября

in + in the morning – утром in September – в сентябре in summer – летом in 20 minutes – через 20 минут

from … to / till / until…

From Monday to/till/until Sunday – с понедельника до воскресенья

с (такого-то времени … до такого-то времени)


until until Friday / December / 3 o’clock … – до пятницы / декабря / трёх часов…

до (такого-то времени)

since since Monday / 2012 / 5.30 – c понедельника / 2012 / 5.30

с (такого-то времени)

for for three days / ten years – в течение трёх дней / десяти лет

в течение (такого-то времени)

during during the film – во время фильма во время (чего-то) before before the film – перед фильмом, до

фильма перед (чем-то), до (чего-то)

after after the film – после фильма после (чего-то) 3.2. Выражения без предлогов Выражения со словами this, last, next употребляются без предлогов.

this this year/month – в этом году/месяце this week – на этой неделе this morning – сегодня утром

last last June – в прошлом июне last summer – прошлым летом

next next week – на следующей неделе 3.3. Союзы времени

Союз Пример Перевод after They went home after they did the

shopping. – Они пошли домой после того, как сделали покупки.

после того, как

before Don’t forget to close the window before you go out. – Не забудь закрыть окно перед тем, как уйдёшь.

перед тем, как

until (till) Wait here until (till) I come here. – Подожди здесь, пока я не приду.

пока … не… до тех пор пока … не

while I often go to sleep while I am watching television. – Я часто засыпаю в то время, как смотрю телевизор.

в то время, как

since We have been close friends since we first met. – Мы близкие друзья с тех пор, как мы впервые встретились.

с тех пор, как


Упражнение 19. Вставьте at, on, in. 1. Goodbye! See you ________ Friday. 2. Where were you ____________ 28 February? 3. I got up __________8 o'clock this morning. 4. I like getting up early __________ the morning. 5. My sister got married __________May. 6. Diane and I first met ________ 2000. 7. Did you go out ______________ Tuesday? 8. Did you go out _______ Tuesday evening? 9. Do you often go out ________ the evening? 10. Let's meet ________7.30 tomorrow evening. 11. I often go away______ the weekend. 12. I'm starting my new job ________ 3 July. 13. We often go to the beach _______ summer. 14. George isn't here ________ the moment 15. Lidia's birthday is ________ January. 16. Do you work _________ Saturdays? 17. The company started __________I969. 18. I like to look at the stars _______ night. 19. I'll lend you the money ________ the end of the month.

Упражнение 20. Напишите предложения, используя предлог in (через). 0. It's 17.25 now. The train leaves at 17.30. The train leaves in 5 minutes. 1. It's Monday today. I'll phone yon on Thursday. I'll ________________days. 2. Today is 14 June. My exam is on 28 June. My______________________. 3. It's 3 o'clock now. Tom will be here at 3.30. Tom _____________________.

Упражнение 21. Вставьте at, on, in, где необходимо. Помните, что словосочетания с this, last, next употребляются без предлогов.

1. I'm leaving __________ Friday. 2. I’m leaving ___________ next Friday. 3. I always feel tired ____________ the evening. 4. Will you be at home __________ this evening? 5. We went to France ____________ last summer. 6. Laura was born _________ 1975. 7. What are you doing ____________ the weekend? 8. I’ll phone Robert __________ next Sunday. 9. Shall we play tennis _______ next Saturday? 10. I can't go to the party ___________ Sunday.


11. I'm going out. I'll be back___________ an hour. 12. I don't often go out _______ night.

Упражнение 22. Вставьте в предложения until, since, for. 1. Mr and Mrs Kelly have been married _______1999. 2. I was tired this morning. I stayed in bed _______ 10 o'clock. 3. We waited for Sue _________ half an hour but she didn't come. 4. “Have you just arrived?” – “No. I've been here ______ half past seven.” 5. “How long did you stay at the party last night?” – “ ________ midnight.” 6. David and I are good friends. We have known each other _______ ten years. 7. I'm tired. I'm going to lie down ________ a few minutes. 8. Don't open the door of the train _________ the train stops. 9. This is my house. I've lived here ________ I was seven years old. 10. Jack has gone away. He'll be away ________ Wednesday. 11. Next week I'm going to Paris ______ three days. 12. I usually finish work at 5.30, but sometimes I work ________ six. 13. “How long have you known Ann?” – “ _________we were at school together.” 14. Where have you been? I've been waiting for you ________ twenty minutes.

Упражнение 23. Составьте по образцу предложения, используя предлоги from … to, until, since.

o (Alex / Canada / 1982 – 1990) Alex lived in Canada from 1982 to 1990. o (Alex / Canada / 1990) Alex lived in Canada until 1990.

o (Alex / England / 1990 now) Alex has lived in England since 1990. 1. (Alice/France/ 1999) Alice lived in France____________. 2. (Alice/Switzerland/1999 now) Alice has lived in Switzerland __________. 3. (Carol/a hotel/2009 – 2011) Carol worked in a hotel _______________. 4. (Carol/a restaurant/2011 now) Carol has worked in a restaurant_______.

5. (Gerry/a teacher/2005 – 2010) Gerry was a teacher ______________.

6. (Gerry/a salesman/2010 now) Gerry has been a salesman___________ .

Упражнение 24. Завершите предложения, выбрав слова и словосочетания из списков А, В.

A: before, after, during, while B: the concert, the course, the end, the exam, lunch, the night, they went to

Australia, you are waiting 0. Everybody was nervous before the exam. 1. I usually work four hours in the morning, and another two hours _________. 2. The film was very boring. We left ________________________________. 3. Ann went to evening classes to learn German. She learnt a lot ___________.


4. My aunt and uncle lived in London ________________. 5. “Somebody broke a window _________. Did you hear anything?” – “No. I was

asleep all the time.” 6. Would you like to sit down _____________? 7. “Are you going home ____________?” – “No, we’re going tо a restaurant.”

Упражнение 25. Вставьте during, while, for. 1. We didn't speak ________we were eating. 2. We didn't speak __________ the meal. 3. George phoned ____________ you were out. 4. I stayed in Rome __________five days. 5. Sally wrote a lot of letters ___________ she was on holiday. 6. The students looked very bored ____________ the lesson. 7. I fell out of bed ____________ I was asleep. 8. Yesterday evening I watched TV __________ three hours. 9. I don't usually watch TV ________ the day. 10. Do you ever watch TV ___________ you are having dinner?


Тема «Общее и различное в странах и национальных культурах»

Прочитайте текст, выпишите незнакомые слова, найдите их значения в словаре и выполните задания после текста.

CULTURES AND TRADITIONS 1 Our world has become more diversified due to increased immigration and globalization. Different countries have their own territories, state systems with their governments, laws and regulations that affect people’s life. And they all try to preserve their cultures, languages, customs, traditions, food, clothes and celebrations. 2 In most of Europe you are allowed to marry at 18 (16 with parents’ permission). In Scotland young people can marry at 16 without parents’ permission. In China men can’t marry before the age of 22 and women before 20. 3 In the UK it is illegal to buy alcohol until you are 18 (although you’re allowed to drink alcohol at home from the age of 5). In most US states and in the UK smoking is banned inside bars and nightclubs and you’re not allowed to drink alcohol outside them. 4 According to the UK law you are not allowed to drive until you are 17, while in most of Europe it is 18. In the USA you can drive much younger, in some states from the age of just 14.


5 Unlike in Germany British and American restaurants bring everyone’s food to the table at the same time. So wait until everyone has been served before you start eating. Americans eat with their fingers more often than the British or Irish do. You can use fingers to eat fried chicken, French fries, pizza, etc. Use fingers for olive pits (косточки) and a fork for chicken bones. With fish bones fingers are allowed. 6 On the wedding day in the UK, North America and Australia brides wear something old, something new, something borrowed and something blue for good luck. In Turkey the female friends of the bride write their names inside her shoes. After the wedding ceremony the bride looks inside her shoes. If she can no longer read one of her friends’ names it means that friend is going to get married next. 7 In China New Year lasts 15 days. The Chinese people decorate their houses and paint the doors red – a lucky color for them. They cook special food and at midnight have fireworks. The next day they watch a fantastic parade. In Taiwan children love New Year because they get red envelopes with money inside from their parents. In Ecuador people say good-bye to the old year by burning life-size dummies dressed in old clothes on big fires. Young people dress up as witches and skeletons and ask for money for New Year celebrations. Упражнение 1. Определите, являются ли следующие утверждения истинными или ложными.)

1. Every country has its own laws, customs and traditions. 2. In Europe young people can marry at 16 without parents’ permission. 3. In China a young man can marry when he is 22. 4. Drinking alcohol is illegal in the UK until you are 18. 5. Smoking in bars and nightclubs is not allowed in the USA. 6. Driving isn’t allowed until you are 18 in most European countries. 7. American can use fingers to eat fried chicken, French fries, pizza. 8. In Turkey the female friends of the bride write their names inside their own

shoes. 9. The Chinese people paint the doors red at Christmas – a lucky color for them. 10. On the New Year day people burn life-size dummies dressed in old clothes on

big fires in Taiwan. Упражнение 2. Закончите предложения, вставив нужное по смыслу слово: preserve, due to, increased, celebration, illegal, allowed, until, banned, no longer, decorate.

1. The Chinese population has ___________ greatly over the past years. 2. To _________________ the unique nature the National Park was founded. 3. You are not ___________ to camp here without permission.


4. The negative image of immigrants is largely _________ ignorance. 5. He was _____________ for three months for driving with no insurance. 6. He’s having a party in ____________ of his 84th birthday. 7. It’s _______________ to buy cigarettes in Britain if you’re under 16. 8. Have you decorated your Christmas tree yet? 9. They didn’t see each other again _____________ the autumn. 10. He ______________ plays basketball.

Упражнение 3. Соедините по смыслу начало предложений 1-5 с их окончанием a-e. 1. You are not allowed to marry a. is banned in Russia. 2. Smoking in public places b. become popular in Russia. 3. On the wedding day the bride wears c. a beautiful white dress in Russia. 4. New Year Day is the most d. until you are 18 in Russia. 5. St. Valentine’s Day has recently e. favourite celebration for most Russian

people. Упражнение 4. Соотнесите заголовки с абзацами текста.

a) New Year b) Table manners c) Marriage d) Driving e) Wedding f) Smoking and drinking g) Globalization

Упражнение 5. Выберите правильный вариант. 1. Our world has become more __________ due to globalization. a) dangerous b) interesting c) diversified 2. Different countries have their territories, state systems with their___________,

laws and regulations. a) armies b) parliaments c) governments

3. In Scotland young people can marry at 16 without parents’ ___________. a) permission b) support c) money 4. According to the UK law you are not allowed to drive _________ you are 17. a) after b) until c) when 5. ____________ in Germany British and American restaurants bring everyone’s food to the table at the same time. a) Unlike b) Like c) So


6. On the wedding day in the UK brides wear something old, something new, something borrowed and something blue for ____________ luck. a) good b) bad c) no 7. If the bride can no longer read one of her friends’ names inside her ___________ it means that friend is going to get married next. a) ring b) dress c) shoes 8. In ________________ people decorate their houses and paint the doors red. a) Taiwan b) China c) Ecuador 9. In Taiwan children love New Year because they get red envelopes with _______inside.

a) money b) letters c) postcards 10. In Ecuador young people _______as witches and skeletons for New Year celebrations. a) dance b) sing c) dress up

Упражнение 6. Ответьте на вопросы. 1. Why has our world become more diversified? 2. What do all countries try to preserve? 3. What affects people’s life? 4. At what age are people allowed to marry in Europe/Scotland/China? 5. At what age are people allowed to buy alcohol in the UK? 6. Where is it banned to smoke in the USA? 7. At what age are you allowed to drive in the USA? 8. What can you eat with your fingers in the US restaurants? 9. What does a bride wear on the wedding day in Australia? Why? 10. How long is the Chinese New Year celebrated?

Упражнение 7. Вопросы для беседы с преподавателем на экзамене. 1. Do you like travelling? 2. Have you ever been abroad? 3. Why is it important to know other nations’ customs and traditions when

travelling or working abroad?


КОНТРОЛЬНАЯ РАБОТА №4 Задание 1. Составьте утвердительные, вопросительные и отрицательные предложения с глаголом в Present Continuous.

1. He (clean) the room. – ____________________________. 2. They (have) lunch? – _________________________. 3. I (not/cook). – __________________________. 4. We (not/work). – ___________________________. 5. Your friend (make) a report for the conference? – _______________. 6. He (play) football with his friends. – ____________________________.

Задание 2. Раскройте скобки, поставив глагол в Present Continuous (I am doing) или Present Simple (I do).

1. ‘What ________________ (you/do)?’ – ‘___________ (I/read) a book.’ 2. _____________ (you/prefer) tea or coffee in the morning? 3. What time ___________ (he/start) work? 4. _________ (we/usually/walk) home but today __________ (we/go/by bus). 5. ____________ (they/not/like) travelling. 6. It’s late but ___________ (the children/not/sleep).

Задание 3. Дополните предложения, используя (not) going to + один из глаголов: not/do, wash, read, not/tell, invite, not/have.

1. I am not going to have a birthday party. 2. I ____________ my car tomorrow. 3. I __________ Sally about this. 4. We ___________ the shopping today. 5. ‘_____ you ____________ the newspaper?’ – ‘Yes, after dinner.’ 6. Jill ________________ her friends to dinner.

Задание 4. Раскройте скобки, поставив глаголы в Present Continuous или Present Simple в значении будущего действия.

1. I’m ___________(go) to the theatre this evening. 2. The film _________ (begin) at 4.30. 3. We ___________ (have) a party next Saturday. Would you like to come? 4. The art exhibition ___________(open) on 3 May and _________ (finish) on

15 July. 5. I ________(not/go) out this evening. I _______ (stay) at home.

Задание 5. Выберите правильный вариант. 1. ‘Where’s Joe?’ – ‘I don’t know. I’ll phone her/I am phoning her.’ 2. Where shall we meet/are we going to meet tonight? 3. Ben will be/is going to be eighteen next month.


4. Will we see/Shall we see a film? 5. I’ll paint/I am going to paint my room next week. 6. ‘What would you like?’ –‘I’ll have/am going to have a tea, please.’ 7. We’ll have/we are having a picnic in the park this afternoon. 8. I think they’ll win/they are winning today. 9. Will I take/Shall I take your bag? 10. He is going to have a holiday after he will finish/he finishes the project. 11. I won’t start/I don’t start work until I have a cup of coffee. 12. If I will finish/I finish work earlier, I’ll do the shopping.

Задание 6. Выберите правильный вариант. 1. Students have to take exams in/at/on the end of the semester. 2. We had the winter vacations after/since/from 30 December to 13 January. 3. I was born at/in/on 29 February. 4. I have known Sarah from/for/since 15 years. 5. On Sunday I don’t get up until/before/since 10 o’clock. 6. I haven’t seen Bill at/on/this week. 7. James is coming after/from/in 5 days. 8. They didn’t talk on/during/in the lecture. 9. We have lived in this house since/when/from we got married. 10. I always watch TV while/during/since I am having a meal.



MODULES 6 – 10 1. I _________ cook, but not very well. a) can b) have to c) must 2. ________ you open the door for me? –Yes, of course. a) Could b) Must c) Have to 3. John ________ speak Spanish very well. a) don’t can b) can’t c) doesn’t can 4. They wanted to go to the party but they _______ . a) can’t b) didn’t can c) couldn’t 5. I think, you _______ learn English if you want to get a good job. a) can b) mustn’t c) must 6. The Browns _______ buy a smaller house, because Mr. Brown has lost his job and they can’t pay for their big house now. a) have to b) must c) can


7. You __________ explain anything. I understand you very well. a) mustn’t b) needn’t c) can 8. She __________ take an umbrella because it was raining. a) must b) had to c) can 9. He _________ get up early yesterday because it was Sunday. a) mustn’t b) needn’t c) didn’t have 10. Why does Frank __________ go to hospital? a) have to b) must c) had to 11. My colleague ________ chances of promotion were very high got a better offer from another company. a) who b) whom c) whose 12. The hotel _________ we stayed last summer was horrible. a) that b) where c) which 13. The story _________ my friend told me is very amusing. a) which b) who c) whose 14. My friend with __________ I play tennis on Sundays is away now. a) who b) whom c) whose 15. I am leaving for Thailand on ________ January. a) twelve b) twelfth c) the twelfth of 16. We covered __________ of the distance for five hours. a) two thirds b) two third c) two three 17. We __________ lunch. a) just had b) have just had c) did just have 18. ____________ Chinese food? a) Have you ever tried b) Did you ever try c) You ever tried 19. I ____________ in this office last year. a) have worked b) worked c) work 20. How long ___________ married? a) were you b) are you c) have you been 21. When _________? a) you met b) have you met c) did you meet 22. A fish __________ out of the water cannot live. a) taken b) taking c) take 23.__________ a dictionary, he began to translate the text. a) taken b) taking c) take 24. A person ________ a sunbath must be very careful. a) taken b) taking c) take 25. Kate _________ with her friends now. a) is talking b) talks c) has talked


26. ___________ to the cinema next Friday? a) Are they going b) Do they go c) Will they go 27. I don’t think he __________ this job. a) is getting b) shall get c) will get 28. ”What _________ you doing?” – “I am cooking.” a) do b) have c) are 29. What kind of books ________ you read? a) do b) have c) are 30. __________ you read this book yet? a) do b) have c) are 31. _________ we go for a walk? a) will b) shall c) do 32. Fred _____________ to study in Australia. a) is going b) will c) shall 33. When I __________ home, I’ll call you. a) get b) will get c) am getting 34. We played chess _________ dinner. a) before b) while c) for 35. They lived in Germany _______ 2010. a) since b) for c) until


1. What university do you study at? 2. When was the university founded? 3. Why did you choose to study here? 4. Are you doing a bachelor course or a master course at university? 5. What is your major? 6. How long does the course last? 7. Was it difficult to enter the university? 8. Do you have to pay for your education? 9. Do you study full-time or part-time? 10. Are you a correspondence student or a long-distance learning student? 11. Do you have lectures and seminars? 12. When do you take tests and exams? 13. Does the university you study at provide students with accommodation? 14. What does the university campus include? 15. Does the university provide students with good sport facilities?


16. Where can students studying at this university relax? 17. Are there any places of interest in Ukhta? What are they? 18. Do you like travelling? 19. Have you ever been abroad? 20. Why is it important to know other nations’ customs and traditions when

travelling or working abroad?


ОТВЕТЫ К УПРАЖНЕНИЯМ МОДУЛЬ 1. Упр. 1 1. him his 2. her her 3. us our 4. them their Упр. 2 1. them 2. it. 3. her 4. him. 5. us 6. it 7. her 8. him. 9. them 10. it

Упр. 3 1. their 2. your 3. his 4. our 5. its 6. her 7. our Упр. 4 1. Angela’s brother 2. Antonio’s book 3. Mark’s mother 4. Sara’s children 5. brother’s car 6. Sally’s boyfriend 7. Tim’s pen 8. sister’s keys

Упр. 5 1. a, the 2. a 3. a 4. a, the 5. a, a, a 6. a, a, - 7. -, a, a 8. a, the 9. a, a, a 10. a, the 11. a, - , the, the, - , - , the, -

, - . Упр. 7 1. to buy 2. played 3. built 4. singing 5. smoking

Упр. 6 Инфинитив Прошедшее

(простое) время Причастие прошедшего времени

Причастие настоящего времени


To cook готовить

cooked (при)готовил

cooked приготовленный

cooking готовящий

cooking приготовление

To play играть

played играл

played сыгранный

playing играющий

playing играть (играние)

To drink пить

drank (вы)пил

drunk выпитый

drinking пьющий

drinking пить (питьё)

To buy купить

bought покупал, купил

bought купленный

buying покупающий

buying покупка (покупание)

To build строить

built (по)строил

built построенный

building строящий

building строительство

Упр. 8 Видовременная форма Глагол Обстоятельство времени

Простое настоящее 1. Drink 2. build

1. Usually 2. often

Продолженное настоящее 1. am drinking 2. am building

1. now 2. at the moment


Совершённое простое настоящее 1. have drunk 2. have built

1. already 2. just

Совершённое продолженное настоящее

1. have been drinking 2. have been building

1. since September 2. for three weeks

Упр. 10. The new girl’s name is Layla. My sister and I see her every day. We think she’s 15. She lives in the apartments on the corner of our street. She goes to the library after school. I hope she is happy. Layla has a young brother. They walk to school together. Her mum works as a cleaner at our school. She comes from Egypt. My dad says that it never rains in Cairo. Упр. 11 1. speaks 2. drink 3. opens …closes 4. live 5. take place Упр. 12 1. doesn’t 2. doesn’t 3. doesn’t 4. don’t 5. don’t 6. don’t

Упр. 13 1. do 2. does 3. do 4. does 5. does Упр. 14 1. don't know 2. don't grow 3. Does 4. Do 5. doesn't include 6. don't think 7. don't see 8. don't live

Упр. 15 1. We live in a big house. 2. Where do you work? 3. She goes shopping on Sunday. 4. He doesn’t have many friends. 5. How many children do they have? 6. I don’t visit my parents very often. Упр. 16 1. Yes, I do.( No, I don’t.) 2. Yes, they do. (No, they don’t.) 3. Yes, he does. (No, he doesn’t.) 4. Yes, I do. (No, I don’t.) 5. Yes, she does. (No, she doesn’t.) 6. Yes, we do. (No, we don’t.) 7. Yes, I do. (No, I don’t.) 8. Yes, it does. (No, it doesn’t.)

Упр. 17 Our family is not large. It consists of four members. They are: my mother, my father, my sister and I. My mother's name is Anna Petrovna. She is 40. She is a doctor. She is tall and thin. She has big brown eyes, a turned-up nose, her hair is fair and long. My father's name is Boris Ivanovich. He is 42. He is a worker. My sister's name is Tanya. She is 15. She is a pupil. She studies well and has many friends. My sister is fond of music, and she plays the piano. My name is Larisa. I am 14. I am short and thin. My hair is fair and long. My eyes are blue. I like to dress in a modern style. I am a pupil of the 9th form. Russian, History, English are my favourite subjects. I want English to be my future profession. Упр. 181. is 2. is 3. is

4. is 5. is 6. is

7. are 8. are 9. are

10. are 11. are

Упр. 19 1. wear 2. turn

3. work 4. go 5. do

6. get up 7. work 8. go


МОДУЛЬ 2 Упр. 1 1. These are boys. 2. These are my pens. 3. Those are plates. 4. Those are flowers. 5. Are these new sofas? 6. Are these old

bookcases? 7. Are those fast trains? 8. Those are not kings. 9. Those are not queens. 10. These aren't high

mountains. 11. These aren't mice. Упр. 2 1. These men are

engineers. 2. Those women are my

sisters. 3. These children are my

sons. 4. These men are doctors. 5. These boys have good

coats. 6. We have good pens. Our

pens are in our pockets. Упр. 4 1. to see 2. to earn 3. painting 4. learning / to learn 5. having 6. to post 7. to get

8. laughing / to laugh 9. to do 10. to go 11. listening 12. talking 13. to decide 14. to go 15. visiting 16. sightseeing 17. to rent 18. to choose 19. talking /to talk 20. to enjoy 21. to think Упр. 5 1. to have 2. to relax 3. lying 4. drinking 5. reading 6. visiting 7. sunbathing 8. to help 9. to sail 10. to stay Упр. 6 1c, 2f, 3d, 4b, 5a, 6e Упр. 7 1d, 2e, 3b, 4c, 5a


Упр. 1 1. are 2. is

3. are, are 4. is, is 5. are, are 6. are, are 7. is 8. is 9. is 10. are 11. are 12. are 13. is 14. are 15. is Упр. 2 А)

1. some 2. a 3. some 4. no

B) 1. much 2. many 3. much 4. much 5. many

C) 1. little 2. a few 3. few 4. little 5. little 6. a little 7. a little


Упр. 3 1. автобусная остановка 2. домашняя работа 3. картинная галерея 4. речной порт 5. трамвайная остановка 6. здание нашего института 7. экспорт нефти 8. экспортная нефть 9. массовое производство 10. городской транспорт 11. телепрограммы 12. десяти процентное увеличение зарплаты 13. музыка двадцатого века 14. экспедиция на Северный полюс 15. художественный критик 16. трёхкомнатная квартира 17.номер рабочего телефона 18.работник нефтяной промышленности

МОДУЛЬ 4 Упр. 1 Old – older – the oldest, strong – stronger – the strongest, happy – happier – the happiest, modern – more modern – the most modern, important – more important – the most important, good – better – the best, bad – worse – the worst. Упр. 2 1. taller 2. older 3. younger 4. big 5. the oldest 6. the largest Упр. 4

1. you should go 2. you should clean 3. you should visit 4. you should wear 5. you should take Упр. 5 1. We could have fish. 2. You could give her a

book. 3. You could phone her

now. 4. We could do it on Friday. 5. We could hang it in the

kitchen. Упр. 6 1. would feel 2. would take it 3. would be 4. wouldn’t get 5. would understand

МОДУЛЬ 5 Упр. 1 Translated – didn’t translate – did he translate Began – didn’t begin – did she begin Played – didn’t play – Did you play Wrote – didn’t write – did they write Opened – didn’t open – did we open Caught – didn’t catch – Did he catch

Упр. 2 2 got 3 had 4 left 5 drove 6 arrived

7 parked 8 went 9 had 10 went 11 waited 12 departed 13 arrived 14 took Упр. 3 1. didn’t work 2. didn’t go 3. didn’t have 4. didn’t do Упр. 4 1. Did you enjoy the

party? 2. Did you have a good

holiday? 3. Did you finish work

early? 4. Did you sleep well last

night? Упр. 5 1. bought 2. Did it rain..? 3. didn’t stay 4. opened 5. didn’t have 6. How did you do Упр. 6 1. wasn’t, was. 2. was, were. 3. were, was, wasn’t 4. were 5. weren’t, were

Упр. 7 1. Was your exam



2. Where were Ann and Chris last week?

3. How much was your new camera?

4. Why were you angry yesterday?

5. Was the weather nice last week?

Упр. 8

1. is, was

2. am

3. was

4. were

5. are

6. Is

7. was

8. are, were Упр. 9 1, 2, 5, 7, 8 Упр. 10

1. imported

2. cleaned

3. invited

4. built

5. invented

6. taken Упр. 11 А) 1. The glass is made from sand. 2. Stamps are sold in a post

office. 3. This room is not used very

often. 4. Are we allowed to park

here? 5. How is this word

pronounced? Б)

7. The house was painted last month.

8. My bicycle was stolen a few days ago.

9. When was this bridge built?

10. Were you invited to the party last week?

11. How were these windows broken?


Упр. 1 1. can 2. has to 3. can 4. must 5. can 6. has to 7. must/have to 8. must/have to 9. could 10. have to Упр. 2 1. couldn’t 2. couldn’t 3. can’t 4. can’t 5. can’t 6. couldn’t Упр. 3 1. I must 2. I had to 3. I must 4. I had to 5. I had to 6. I must Упр. 4

1. needn’t

2. mustn’t

3. needn’t

4. mustn’t

5. needn’ Упр. 5 2. c 3. b 4. e 5. a Упр. 6 1. needn’t 2. must 3. needn’t 4. had to 5. must 6. mustn’t 7. must 8. had to 9. needn’t Упр. 7 1. She doesn’t have to wait 2. You didn’t have to get

up. 3. He doesn’t have to work

so hard. 4. You don’t have to leave

now. Упр. 8 1. did he have to wait 2. does she have to go 3. did we have to pay 4. do you have to do Упр. 9. 1. have to pay 2. had to 3. must stop / have to stop 4. has to meet 5. must tell / have to tell



Упр. 10 1. The man who/that answered the phone told me you were away. 2. The waitress who/that served us was very impolite and impatient. 3. The building which/that was destroyed in the fire has now been rebuilt. 4. The people who/that were arrested have now been released.

5. The bus which/that goes to the airport runs every half hour. Упр. 11

1. who/that runs away

from home 2. which/that won the race 3. who/that stole my car 4. who/that invented the

telephone 5. which/that were on the

wall 6. which/that cannot be

explained 7. which/that gives you the

meaning of words 8. who/that are never on

time 9. which/that can support

life Упр. 12 1, 3, 4, 6 Упр. 13 1. we were invited to 2. I work with 3. you told me about 4. we went to 5. I applied for 6. you can rely on 7. I saw you with Упр. 14 1. whose wife is an

English teacher 2. who owns a restaurant 3. whose ambition is to

сlimb Everest

4. who has just got married 5. whose parents work in a

circus Упр. 15 1. where we can have a

really good meal 2. where I can buy some

postcards 3. where I can buy some

postcards 4. where John is staying 5. where she bought it Упр. 16 1. whose 2. where 3. who 4. whose 5. where 6. whose 7. whom

МОДУЛЬ 7 Упр. 1 1. 2,518 2. 15,901,711 3. 401ый 4. ѕ 5. 1/3 6. 32 2/7 7. 5 July 2012 8. 89129477603 9. 3.036

Упр. 2 1. ten million five hundred

and sixty-four thousand and one

2. thirty-two billion two hundred and six million eighty-seven thousand three hundred and four

3. ninety-seven thousand five hundred and six

4. one hundred and second 5. fifty-sixth 6. three quarters 7. twelve and seven

eighths 8. the twenty-third of

October nineteen seventy-eight

9. ninety-seven per cent 10. eight nine oh four two

seven four oh three double nine

Упр. 3 1. have bought 2. has gone 3. Have (you) seen 4. has broken 5. have told 6. has taken 7. has (she) gone 8. have forgotten 9. has invited 10. have (you) decided 11. haven’t seen


Упр. 4 1. have already seen 2. have already forgotten 3. has already gone 4. have already read 5. has already started Упр. 5 1. Have you met your new

neighbours yet? 2. Have you written the

letter yet? 3. Has Tom sold his car

yet? Упр. 6 1. Have you ever been to

Australia? 2. Have you ever lost

passport? 3. Have you ever flown in

a helicopter? 4. Have you ever eaten

Chinese food? 5. Have you ever been to

New York? 6. Have you ever driven a

bus? 7. Have you ever broken

your leg? Упр. 7(a) 1. Ann has been to New

York twice/ 2. Ann has never been to

Australia. 3. Ann has eaten Chinese

food a few times. 4. Ann has never driven a


Упр. 8 1. Mary has done a lot of

interesting things. 2. She has travelled all

over the world. 3. She has been married

three times. 4. She has written ten

books. 5. She has met a lot of

different people. Упр. 9 1. have been 2. has been 3. have lived 4. has worked 5. has had 6. have learnt Упр. 10 1. How long have they

been in Brazil? 2. How long have you

known Margaret? 3. How long has Diana

learnt Italian? 4. How long has your

brother lived in Canada? 5. How long have you

been a teacher? Упр. 11 1. for 2. since 3. since 4. for 5. for, since

МОДУЛЬ 8 Упр. 1 1. читает 2. читающих 3. читая

4. читает 5. критикующего 6. критикуя 7. возвращаясь 8. летящий Упр. 2 1. Coming out of the wood 2. carrying 28 passengers 3. Growing corn on his

desert island 4. following me 5. Wishing to learn to

skate 6. the crying baby 7. While translating the

text 8. leading to the river 9. belonging to the Queen Упр. 3 1. The woman standing

over there is our secretary.

2. The apparatus standing

on the table in the

corner of the laboratory is quite new.

3. The young man helping

the professor in his

experiments studies at the evening department of our university.

4. People taking books

from the library must return them in time.

5. There are many students taking part in all kinds

of extra-curricular activities.


Упр. 4 1. fried 2. closed 3. Tied 4. overturned, broken 5. built 6. written 7. bought 8. kept Упр. 5 1. writing 2. written 3. surrounded 4. surrounding 5. doing 6. done 7. washing 8. washed 9. singing 10. sung 11. playing 12. written 13. written 14. covered 15. lost Упр. 6 1. for 2. ago 3. ago 4. ago 5. for 6. for 7. ago Упр. 7 1. Wrong: I finished … 2. Right 3. Wrong: What time did

you finish… 4. Right 5. Wrong: Jim’s

grandmother died…

6. Wrong: Where were you…?

Упр. 8 1. played 2. did you go 3. Have you ever met 4. wasn’t 5. have just washed 6. washed 7. has visited 8. hasn’t come yet Упр. 9 1. Did you have 2. was 3. Have you seen 4. went 5. haven’t seen 6. have seen 7. have never spoken 8. Have you ever spoken 9. met 10. has worked 11. was 12. worked 13. didn’t

МОДУЛЬ 9 Упр. 1. 1. He is sleeping. 2. We are drinking tea. 3. We are not watching

TV. 4. They aren’t eating. 5. My mother isn’t

working. 6. Are you working? 7. Is he playing? 8. What are they eating? Упр. 2 1. is cooking 2. are standing

3. is swimming 4. are staying 5. is having 6. are building 7. am going Упр. 3 1. I am (not) sitting on a

chair. 2. I am (not) eating. 3. It is (not) raining. 4. I am (not) learning

English. 5. I am (not) listening to

music. 6. The sun is (not) shining. 7. I am (not) wearing

shoes . 8. I am (not) reading a


Упр. 4 1. do 2. don’t 3. are 4. does 5. is, don’t 6. do 7. does 8. doesn’t Упр. 5 1. Do you speak 2. He is having 3. I don’t watch 4. is singing 5. She wants 6. do you read 7. you are sitting 8. I don’t understand 9. I am going; Are you

coming 10. does your father finish 11. I am not listening


12. He is cooking 13. doesn’t usually drive;

usually walks 14. doesn’t like; she prefers Упр. 6 1. Are you going out

tonight? 2. Are you working next

week? 3. What are you doing

tomorrow evening? 4. What time are your

friends arriving?

Упр. 8 1. am going to walk. 2. is going to stay 3. am going to eat 4. are going to give 5. is going to lie down 6. are (you) going to watch 7. is (Rachel) going to do Упр. 9 1. Are you going 2. We are going; It starts 3. She is getting 4. are going; are they

going 5. finishes 6. I am not going 7. I am going; We are

meeting 8. are you getting; leaves 9. does the film begin 10. are you doing; I am


МОДУЛЬ 10 Упр. 1 1. she was 2. she will be 3. she was

4. she will be 5. she is 6. she was 7. she was Упр. 3 1. won’t 2. will 3. will 4. won’t 5. will 6. will 7. won’t Упр. 4 1. I think we'll win the

game. 2. I don’t think I will be

here tomorrow. 3. I think Sue will like her

present. 4. I don’t think they will

get married. Упр. 5 1. We're going 2. We're going 3. They're going 4. she'll lend 5. I'm going out 6. will phone 7. He's working 8. Will Упр. 6 1. I’ll send 2. I’ll eat 3. I’ll sit 4. I’ll do 5. I’ll stay 6. I’ll show

Упр. 7 1. I don’t think I’ll go

2. I think I’ll have 3. I don’t think I’ll play 4. I don’t think I’ll buy Упр. 8 1. I'll phone 2. I'll do 3. I watch 4. I'll go 5. is going to buy 6. I'll give 7. Are you doing; I'm

going Упр. 9 1. Shall I turn off the

television? 2. Shall I make some

sandwiches? 3. Shall I turn on the light? Упр. 10 1. Where shall we go? 2. What shall we buy? 3. Who shall we invite? Упр. 11 2f, 3e, 4b, 5a, 6c Упр. 12 2f, 3c, 4e, 5d, 6a, 7g Упр. 13 1. I'll stay; you come 2. I finish 3. It's 4. I 'l l be; she leaves 5. stops 6. We'll come; we're 7. I come; I'll bring 8. I'm 9. I 'l l give; I go


Упр. 15 2d, 3h, 4f, 5b, 6g, 7a, 8c Упр. 16

8. until 15. in 9. since 16. on 10. until 17. in 11. for 18. at 12. until 19. at

1. I'm

13. since 2. I give

Упр. 20 14. for

3. is 1. I’ll phone you in three

days. 4. I'll phone Упр. 23 5. I’ll be; get 2. My exam is in two

weeks. 1. until 1999

6. Will you go; they invite

2. since 1999 3. To will be here in half

an hour/in thirty minutes.

3. from 2009 to 2011 Упр. 18 4. since 2011

5. from 2005 to 2010 1. If 6. since 2010

2. When Упр. 21 3. If

Упр. 24 1. on 4. If 2. – 1. after lunch

5. When 3. in 2. before the end

6. if 4. – 3. during the course

7. when; if

5. – 4. before they went to Australia 6. in

Упр. 19 7. at 5. during the night 1. on 8. – 6. while you are waiting 2. on 9. – 7. after the concert

3. at 10. on 4. in Упр. 25 11. in 5. in 12. at

1. while

6. in 2. during 7. on Упр. 22 3. while 8. on 1. since 4. for 9. in 2. until 5. while 10. at 3. for 6. during 11. at 4. since 7. while 12. on 5. until 8. for 13. in 6. for 9. during 14. at 7. for 10. while





1 arise arose arisen подняться, возникнуть

2 awake awoke awoke будить, проснуться

3 be was; were been быть

4 bear bore born родить

5 beat beat beaten бить

6 become became become становиться

7 begin began begun начинать

8 bind bound bound связать

9 bite bit bit; bitten кусать

10 bleed bled bled кровоточить

11 blow blew blown; blowed дуть

12 break broke broken (с)ломать

13 breed bred bred выращивать

14 bring brought brought приносить

15 broadcast broadcast broadcast распространять, разбрасывать

16 build built built строить

17 burn burnt burnt жечь, гореть

18 buy bought bought покупать

19 can could -------- мочь, уметь

20 catch caught caught хватать, успеть

21 choose chose chosen выбирать

22 come came come приходить

23 cost cost cost стоить

24 cut cut cut резать

25 deal dealt dealt иметь дело

26 dig dug dug копать

27 do did done делать

28 draw drew drawn рисовать

29 dream dreamt dreamt мечтать

30 drink drank drunk пить


31 drive drove driven водить (машину)

32 eat ate eaten кушать; есть

33 fall fell fallen падать

34 feed fed fed кормить

35 feel felt felt чувствовать

36 fight fought fought сражаться

37 find found found находить

38 fly flew flown летать

39 forbid forbade forbidden запрещать

40 forecast forecast forecast предсказывать

41 foresee foresaw foreseen предвидеть

42 forget forgot forgotten забывать

43 forgive forgave forgiven прощать

44 freeze froze frozen замерзать

45 get got got получать

46 give gave given давать

47 go went gone идти

48 grow grew grown расти

49 hang hung hung вешать

50 have had had иметь

51 hear heard heard слушать

52 hide hid hidden прятать(ся)

53 hit hit hit ударять

54 hold held held держать

55 hurt hurt hurt причинить боль

56 keep kept kept хранить, содержать

57 knit knit knit вязать

58 know knew known знать

59 lay laid laid класть

60 lead led led вести

61 learn learnt learnt учить

62 leave left left оставить

63 lend lent lent одалживать

64 let let let позволять


65 lie lay lain лежать

66 light lit lit освещать

67 lose lost lost терять

68 make made made производить

69 may might might иметь возможность

70 mean meant meant подразумевать

71 meet met met встретить

72 mistake mistook mistaken ошибаться

73 misunderstand misunderstood misunderstood неправильно понимать

74 overcome overcame overcome компенсировать

75 pay paid paid платить

76 plead pled pled обращаться к суду

77 put put put класть

78 quit quit quit покидать, оставлять, выходить

79 read read read читать

80 rehear reheard reheard слушать вторично

81 retell retold retold пересказывать

82 rewrite rewrote rewritten пере(за)писать

83 rid rid rid избавлять

84 ride rode ridden ездить верхом

85 ring rang rung звонить

86 rise rose risen подняться

87 run ran run бежать; течь

88 say said said говорить; сказать

89 see saw seen видеть

90 seek sought sought искать

91 sell sold sold продавать

92 send sent sent посылать

93 set set set устанавливать

94 sew sewed sewed; sewn шить

95 shake shook shaken трясти

96 shine shone shone светить; сиять

97 shoot shot shot стрелять


98 show showed shown показывать

99 shrive shrove shriven исповедовать

100 shut shut shut закрывать

101 sing sang sung петь

102 sit sat sat сидеть

103 sleep slept slept спать

104 slide slid slid скользить

105 smell smelt smelt пахнуть; нюхать

106 speak spoke spoken говорить

107 spell spelt spell писать или читать по буквам

108 spend spent spent тратить

109 spoil spoilt spoilt портить

110 spread spread spread распространиться

111 stand stood stood стоять

112 steal stole stolen красть

113 stick stuck stuck уколоть; приклеить

114 strike struck struck ударить; бить; бастовать

115 swear swore sworn (по)клясться

116 sweep swept swept мести; промчаться

117 swim swam swum плавать

118 take took taken взять; брать

119 teach taught taught учить

120 tear tore torn рвать

121 tell told told рассказывать

122 think thought thought думать

123 throw threw thrown бросить

124 wake woke woken просыпаться; будить

125 wear wore worn носить (одежду)

126 weep wept wept плакать

127 win won won выигрывать

128 write wrote written писать


Список литературы 1. Качалова, К. Н.. Практическая грамматика английского языка /

К. Н. Качанова, Е. Е. Израилевич. – Москва, 2005. – 555 с. 2. Голицынский , Ю . Б . Грамматика . Сборник упражнений /

Ю . Б . Голицынский . – 7-е изд. – Санкт-Петербург, 2010. – 506 с. 3. Хведченя, Л. В. Практическая грамматика современного английского языка /

Л. В. Хведченя, Р. В. Хорень, И. В. Хрюковская. – Минск, 2005. – 688 с. 4. Murphy, R. English Grammar In Use / R. Murphy. – Cambridge University Press,

2012. – 398 p. 5. Murphy, R. Essential Grammar In Use / R. Murphy. –Cambridge University

Press, 2007. – 319 p. 6. Paterson, K. Oxford Living Grammar Elementary / K. Paterson. – Oxford

University Press, 2009. – 155 p.




Контрольная работа №2 51 Тренировочный тест по изученной грамматике MODULES 1 – 5 53 Вопросы для беседы с преподавателем на зачёте / экзамене 54

ВЕСЕННИЙ СЕМЕСТР Module 6 ‘HIGHER EDUCATION IN GREAT BRITAIN’ 55 Module 7 ‘HIGHER EDUCATION IN RUSSIA’ 66 Module 8 ‘MY UNIVERSITY’ 77 Контрольная работа №3 85 Module 9 ‘STUDENT LIFESTYLE IN AUSTRALIA’ 89 Module 10 ‘CUSTOMS AND TRADITIONS’ 94 Контрольная работа №4 109 Тренировочный тест по изученной грамматике MODULES 6 – 10 110 Вопросы для беседы с преподавателем на экзамене 112 Ответы к упражнениям 114 Таблица неправильных глаголов 124 Список литературы 128

Учебное издание



Учебное пособие

Редактор К. В. Коптяева Технический редактор К. В. Коптяева

План 2013 г., позиция 12. Подписано в печать 30.04.2013. Компьютерный набор. Гарнитура Times New Roman.

Формат 60х84 1/16. Бумага офсетная. Печать трафаретная. Усл. печ. л. 7,6. Уч.-изд. л. 6,8. Тираж 700 экз. Заказ №274.

Ухтинский государственный технический университет. 169300, Республика Коми, г. Ухта, ул. Первомайская, д. 13.

Типография УГТУ. 169300, Республика Коми, г. Ухта, ул. Октябрьская, д. 13.