Sebagai Keunggulan Perusahaan Synergy to Share Blessings as Company Competitive Advantages SINERGI UNTUK MENGALIRKAN BERKAH Sustainability Report Laporan Keberlanjutan 2018



Sebagai Keunggulan PerusahaanSynergy to Share Blessings as Company Competitive Advantages


Sustainability ReportLaporan Keberlanjutan



Strategi KeberlanjutanSustainability Strategy

Profil PerusahaanCompany profile

Kinerja KeberlanjutanSustainability Performance

2018 Laporan Keberlanjutan • PT Bank Syariah Mandiri

Sinergi Untuk Mengalirkan Berkah Sebagai Keunggulan Perusahaan

Synergy to Share Blessings as Company Competitive Advantages


Tahun 2018 menjadi pijakan baru bagi Mandiri Syariah mempersiapkan penerapan keuangan berkelanjutan sesuai POJK No.51/POJK.03/2017. Penerapan keuangan berkelanjutan sejatinya merupakan pengembangan konsep keberlanjutan yang telah dijalankan sebelumnya, yaitu triple bottom line (profit people & planet). Sasarannya adalah peningkatan daya tahan dan daya saing sehingga dapat tumbuh dan berkembang lebih stabil dalam jangka panjang. Peningkatan daya tahan terkait upaya mengendalikan risiko yang lebih baik, terutama risiko sosial dan lingkungan. Adapun peningkatan daya saing terkait upaya melakukan inovasi produk/layanan yang sejalan dengan tanggung jawab sosial dan lingkungan (TJSL) atau corporate social responsibility (CSR).

Dalam pelaksanaan CSR, Mandiri Syariah bersinergi dengan Mitra Penyalur Zakat Infaq Shadaqah (ZIS) untuk mengalirkan berkah kepada umat melalui program Mitra Umat, Didik Umat dan Simpati Umat. Pelaksanaan CSR juga berkontribusi terhadap pencapaian tujuan pembangunan berkelanjutan (SDGs) dan meningkatkan keunggulan Mandiri Syariah.

The year of 2018 has becomes a new stage for Mandiri Syariah to prepare for the implementation of sustainable finance in accordance with POJK No.51/POJK.03/2017. Sustainable financial implementation was the development of the sustainability concept which previously known as the triple bottom line (profit people & planet). The goal is to improve the Bank viability and competitiveness to enabled sustainable growth in the long run. Viability improvement means that the Bank can control risks better by considering social and environmental risks. As for Competitiveness, the Bank managed to innovate products/services that are in line with social and environmental responsibility or corporate social responsibility (CSR).

In the implementation of CSR, Mandiri Syariah synergizes with the Channel Partner of Zakat Infaq Sodaqoh (ZIS) to channel blessings to the Ummah through the Mitra Umat, Didik Umat and Simpati Umat programs. The implementation of CSR also contributes to the achievement of sustainable development goals (SDGs) and enhances the competitive advantage of Syariah Mandiri.


PT Bank Syariah Mandiri • Sustainability Report 2018 01

Tanggung Jawab Sosial dan LingkunganSocial and Environmental Responsibility

Tata Kelola KeberlanjutanSustainability Governance


02 PenghargaanAward

04 Strategi KeberlanjutanSustainability Strategy

10 Ikhtisar Kinerja Keberlanjutan 2018Overview of Sustainability Performance in 2018

12 Tentang LaporanAbout This Report

18 Sambutan Direktur UtamaMessage from the President Director

28 Profil PerusahaanCompany profile

33 Kinerja KeberlanjutanSustainability Performance

34 Menggerakkan Perekonomian NasionalDriving the National Economy

36 Portofolio Keuangan yang mendukung KeberlanjutanFinance Portfolio that support Sustainability

42 Layanan Berbasis Teknologi InformasiInformation Technology Based Services

45 Sumber Daya ManusiaHuman Resources

46 Pengelolaan PegawaiEmployee Management

52 Pengembangan KompetensiCompetency Development

57 Tanggung Jawab Sosial dan LingkunganSocial and Environmental Responsibility

58 Tanggung Jawab SosialSocial Responsibility

63 Tanggung Jawab LingkunganEnvironmental Responsibility

67 Tata Kelola KeberlanjutanSustainability Governance

68 Landasan Struktur Tata KelolaBasis for Governance Structure

72 Anti-Fraud

75 Privasi NasabahCustomer Privacy

78 Pendekatan Pemangku KepentinganStakeholder Approach

80 Kami dan MitraPartner and Us

84 Pernyataan Assurance IndependenIndependent Assurance Statement

88 Referensi POJK No.51/ojk.03/2017 dan Pengungkapan GRI Standar 2016 yang RelevanReference of Financial Service Authority Regulation No.51/OJK.03/2017 and Relevant Disclosures of 2016 GRI Standards

93 Lembar Umpan BalikFeedback Form

PT Bank Syariah Mandiri • Sustainability Report 2018

DAFTAR ISITable of Contents

Sumber Daya ManusiaHuman Resources

Tanggung Jawab Sosial dan LingkunganSocial and Environmental Responsibility

Tata Kelola KeberlanjutanSustainability Governance


2018 Laporan Keberlanjutan • PT Bank Syariah Mandiri02

Strategi KeberlanjutanSustainability Strategy

Sumber Daya ManusiaHuman Resources

Kinerja KeberlanjutanSustainability Performance


Penghargaan terkait Keuangan Berkelanjutan dan Tanggung Jawab Sosial (CSR) 2018Awards related to Sustainable Finance and Social Responsibility (CSR) 2018

Apresiasi CSR Kategori Pemberdayaan EkonomiSindo Weekly - 25 Jan 2018

CSR Appreciation in the category of Economic EmpowermentSindo Weekly - Jan 25, 2018

25 01


PT Bank Syariah Mandiri • Sustainability Report 2018 03

Tanggung Jawab Sosial dan LingkunganSocial and Environmental Responsibility

Tata Kelola KeberlanjutanSustainability Governance

The Most Efficient Sharia Bank Kategori Bank BUKU 3 Harian Republika - 08 November 2018

The Most Efficient Sharia Bank with “BUKU 3” Clasification Harian Republika – November 08, 2018

Highly Engaged Organization Harian Bisnis Indonesia dan Lembaga Kinerja Leadership & Performance - 27 Maret 2018

Highly Engaged OrganizationHarian Bisnis Indonesia and the Institute for Leadership & Performance - March 27, 2018







2018 Laporan Keberlanjutan • PT Bank Syariah Mandiri04

Strategi KeberlanjutanSustainability Strategy

Sumber Daya ManusiaHuman Resources

Kinerja KeberlanjutanSustainability Performance

“Komitmen Mandiri Syariah dalam menjalankan konsep triple bottom line mampu menciptakan pertumbuhan yang berkelanjutan dalam jangka panjang.

Mandiri Syariah’s commitment in implementing the sustainability concept of triple bottom line will create a sustainability growth in the long term.



PT Bank Syariah Mandiri (Mandiri Syariah) percaya bahwa komitmen menjalankan konsep keberlanjutan triple bottom line (profit people & planet) secara terencana dalam strategi bisnis akan mampu menciptakan pertumbuhan yang berkelanjutan dalam jangka panjang. Bagi Mandiri Syariah, keberlanjutan adalah upaya mensinergikan pertumbuhan bisnis, seiring melaksanakan tanggung jawab lingkungan dan sosial untuk mendukung pencapaian tujuan pembangunan berkelanjutan (SDGs). Pada saat yang sama kami berkomitmen menerapkan Maqashid Asy-Syariah dan model bisnis yang terhindar dari perjudian (maysir), penipuan (gharar), haram, riba (maghrib).

Komitmen keberlanjutan Mandiri Syariah secara terus menerus disempurnakan sejalan dengan kondisi ekonomi (lokal maupun global), perkembangan sosial, dan kondisi lingkungan hidup. Oleh karenanya, Mandiri Syariah menyusun Rencana Aksi Keuangan Berkelanjutan (RAKB) yang berfungsi sebagai pedoman bagi seluruh Unit Kerja Bank dalam mengendalikan risiko, terutama risiko sosial dan lingkungan. Penyusunan RAKB tahun 2019 berpedoman pada Peraturan Otoritas

Sustainability Commitments

PT Bank Syariah Mandiri (Mandiri Syariah) believes that the commitment to implement the sustainability concept of triple bottom line (profit people & planet) as planned in business strategies will be able to create sustainable growth in the long term. For Mandiri Syariah, sustainability is an effort to synergize business growth, while implementing environmental and social responsibilities to support the achievement of sustainable development goals (SDGs). At the same time we are committed to implement Maqashid Asy-Shariah and a business model that avoids gambling (maysir), fraud (gharar), haram, riba (maghrib).

Mandiri Syariah’s sustainability commitment is continuously improved to be in line with current economic conditions (local and global), as well as social and environmental conditions. Therefore, Mandiri Syariah develops a Sustainable Financial Action Plan (SFAP) as a guideline for all Bank Work Units in controlling risks, especially social and environmental risks. The drafting of SFAP in 2019 was based on the Financial Services Authority Regulation (POJK) No.51/


PT Bank Syariah Mandiri • Sustainability Report 2018 05

Tanggung Jawab Sosial dan LingkunganSocial and Environmental Responsibility

Tata Kelola KeberlanjutanSustainability Governance

“Mandiri Syariah menyusun Rencana Aksi Keuangan Berkelanjutan (RAKB) yang berfungsi sebagai pedoman bagi seluruh Unit Kerja Bank dalam mengendalikan risiko, terutama risiko sosial dan lingkungan.

Mandiri Syariah develops a Sustainable Financial Action Plan (SFAP) as a guideline for all Bank Work Units in controlling risks, especially social and environmental risks.

Jasa Keuangan (POJK) No.51/POJK.03/2017. Penyusunan RAKB dilakukan oleh Tim Sustainability Finance (SF) bekerja sama dengan Unit Bisnis dan Support lainnya, dan diawasi langsung oleh Dewan Komisaris dan Direksi, serta Corporate Secretary sebagai koordinator RAKB.

Strategi keberlanjutan pada RAKB Mandiri Syariah disusun berdasarkan skala prioritas pada tiga aspek, yaitu: penyesuaian kebijakan dan tata kelola; pengembangan produk dan jasa; serta pembangunan kapasitas. Ketiga aspek ini dilaksanakan secara bertahap dalam program kerja jangka pendek pada tahun 2019 dan jangka panjang yang telah dimulai pada tahun 2018 hingga tahun 2022. Pada tahun 2018, persiapan penerapan SF membuahkan hasil antara lain, telah dibentuknya Tim SF, penetapan kriteria green finance, sektor unggulan SF (pendidikan, kesehatan dan infrastruktur), pelaksanaan pilot program Bank Syariah Mandiri Integrated Social Actions (BISA) di Lampung, penyesuaian kebijakan tata kelola dan pelatihan, serta sosialisasi SF. Adapun pelaksanaan RAKB tahun 2019 akan fokus pada program strategis berikut ini:

POJK.03/2017. Development of SFAP is carried out by the Sustainability Finance (SF) Team in collaboration with other Business Units and Supports, and is supervised directly by the Board of Commissioners and Directors, as well as the Corporate Secretary as the SFAP coordinator.

The sustainability strategy in the Mandiri Syariah SFAP was developed based on a priority scale in three aspects of adjusting policy and governance, product and service development, and capacity building. These three aspects will be implemented in stages in the short term work program in 2019 and in the long term that will began in 2018 until 2022. In 2018, preparation for the implementation of SF has resulted in the establishment of the SF Team, criteria for green finance, SF main sector (education, health and infrastructure), implementation of the Bank Syariah Mandiri Integrated Social Actions (BISA) pilot program in Lampung, adjusting governance policy and training, as well as SF socialization. The implementation of SFAP 2019 will focus on the following strategic programs:


2018 Laporan Keberlanjutan • PT Bank Syariah Mandiri06

Strategi KeberlanjutanSustainability Strategy

Sumber Daya ManusiaHuman Resources

Kinerja KeberlanjutanSustainability Performance

Program Strategis RAKB Tahun 2019The Strategic Program of SFAP 2019

Program Strategis Strategic Program

Green FinancingPembiayaan yang memiliki kontribusi positif terhadap upaya merealisasikan tanggung jawab sosial dan lingkungan (TJSL).

Green FinancingFinancing that has a positive contribution to the realization of Social and Environmental Responsibility (SER).

Sasaran Objective

Portofolio pembiayaan pada sektor bisnis utama: infrastruktur, pendidikan dan kesehatan.

Financing portfolio in main business sectors: infrastructure, education and health.

Target Target

Total target portofolio untuk sektor infrastruktur, pendidikan dan kesehatan: 3,83 Triliun Rupiah (merujuk RAKB).

The target of total portfolio for the infrastructure, education and health sectors: Rp3.83 Trillion (refer to RAKB).

Program Strategis Strategic Program

BSM Integrated Social Actions (BISA)Program untuk menerapkan Maqashid Syariah, mendukung SDGs, dan meningkatkan reputasi perusahaan dengan memaksimalkan pengelolaan dana sosial dan zakat korporasi.

BSM Integrated Social Actions (BISA)Programs to implement Maqashid Syariah, supporting SDGs, and improving the reputation of the company by maximizing the management of social funds and zakat.

Sasaran Objective

Pelaksanaan program CSR/ TJSL.

Implementation of CSR/SER program.

Target Target

• 350 penerima manfaat program Desa BISA.

• 14 orang pendamping.• Rp1,5 miliar/desa (total 7 desa)

• 350 beneficiaries of the BISA Village program.

• 14 Assistants.• Rp1.5 billion/village (total of 7


Program Strategis Strategic Program

Green Funding Penghimpunan dana yang akan digunakan untuk merealisasikan TJSL, termasuk produk tabungan/simpanan nasabah yang berkaitan langsung dengan realisasi program aksi sosial.

Green Funding Fund-raising used to realize SER, including savings products/customer savings that are directly related to the realization of social action programs.

Sasaran Objective

Portofolio bisnis nasabah pada sektor pendidikan dan kesehatan.

Customers’ business portfolio in the education and health sectors.

Aspek Ekonomi (Profit)Economic Aspect (Profit)

Aspek Sosial (People)Social Aspects (People)


PT Bank Syariah Mandiri • Sustainability Report 2018 07

Tanggung Jawab Sosial dan LingkunganSocial and Environmental Responsibility

Tata Kelola KeberlanjutanSustainability Governance

Program Strategis Strategic Program

Green Campaign Sosialisasi konsep sustainability kepada segenap pemangku kepentingan.

Green CampaignDissemination of sustainability concepts to all stakeholders.

Sasaran Objective

Pembiayaan bidang usaha ramah lingkungan.

Funding for environmentally friendly business sector.

Target Target

Rp1.353,6 miliar untuk perusahaan sawit tersertifikasi ISPO/RSPO.

Rp1,353.6 billion for palm oil companies certified by ISPO/RSPO

Program Strategis Strategic Program

Green EfficiencyProgram untuk menghemat konsumsi energi ataupun sumber daya alam.

Green EfficiencyPrograms to reduce energy consumption or natural resources.

Sasaran Objective

1. Penghematan biaya tinta dan maintenance mesin fotocopy, printer, fax dan scanner (Kantor Pusat).

2. Penghematan biaya maintenance, asuransi kendaraan operasional.

1. Cost savings in ink and maintenance of photocopiers, printers, faxes and scanners at Head Office.

2. Saving maintenance costs, operational vehicle insurance.

Target Target

1. Efisiensi senilai Rp1,5 Miliar (Kantor Pusat).

2. Efisiensi senilai Rp4 Miliar.

1. Efficiency of Rp1.5 billion (head office).2. Efficiency of IDR 4 billion.

Program Strategis Strategic Program

Capability BuildingProgram untuk meningkatkan pemahaman dan kompetensi kepada pemangku kepentingan internal.

Capability BuildingPrograms to improve understanding and competence for internal stakeholders.

Sasaran Objective

Pengembangan dan pelatihan SF bagi pegawai Mandiri Syariah.

SF development and training for Mandiri Syariah employees.

Aspek Lingkungan Hidup (Planet)Environmental Aspects (Planet)


2018 Laporan Keberlanjutan • PT Bank Syariah Mandiri08

Strategi KeberlanjutanSustainability Strategy

Sumber Daya ManusiaHuman Resources

Kinerja KeberlanjutanSustainability Performance

Pelaksanaan program strategis Mandiri Syariah memperhatikan delapan Prinsip Keuangan Berkelanjutan yang ditentukan POJK: [FS1]

Mandiri Syariah strategic program implemented based on eight Sustainable Financial Principles set by POJK: [FS1]

Dalam menjalankan prinsip keuangan berkelanjutan yang tertuang dalam RAKB, Mandiri Syariah menghadapi beberapa tantangan, khususnya pada pembiayaan terhadap sektor infrastruktur. Salah satu tantangan yaitu terdapat proyek yang dijamin dengan Surat Penjaminan Pemerintah (SJP), sementara pemerintah belum mengeluarkan SJP untuk perjanjian skim syariah. Menghadapi tantangan tersebut, strategi yang diterapkan adalah melakukan sosialisasi kepada Dirjen Pembiayaan & Pengelolaan Risiko Kementerian Keuangan untuk kemungkinan adanya SJP kepada bank syariah. Mandiri Syariah juga melakukan komunikasi secara intensif kepada bank syariah lainnya, bank konvensional, serta nasabah bahwa bank dapat membiayai proyek-proyek yang belum memberikan hasil.

Selain itu, Mandiri Syariah juga menetapkan target pembiayaan terhadap sektor infrastruktur pada tahun 2019 sebesar lebih dari Rp1 triliun. Secara keseluruhan, rencana dan target atas penerapan keuangan berkelanjutan tertuang dalam RAKB dan akan dikaji ulang setiap semester. Kaji ulang diperlukan untuk mengidentifikasikan permasalahan pada aktivitas yang sedang dilakukan, yaitu dengan melihat varian antara realisasi dan target dan perubahan kondisi eksternal yang berpotensi memberikan pengaruh terhadap rencana program.

In upholding the principle of sustainable fi-nance as set forth in FSAP, Mandiri Syariah identified several challenges, particularly in financing the infrastructure sector. One chal-lenge was that there are projects that are guaranteed by the letter of guarantee from government, while the government has not is-sued letter of guarantee for a sharia scheme. To respond this challenge, a strategy was im-plemented to disseminate information to the Director General of Budget Financing & Risk Management - Ministry of Finance for the possibility of providing letter of guarantee for syaria banks. The Bank also communicates in-tensively to other syaria banks, conventional banks, and customers that Mandiri Syariah may finances projects that have not provided results.

In addition, Mandiri Syariah also sets a financ-ing target for the infrastructure sector in 2019 of more than Rp1 trillion. In general, plans and targets for implementing sustainable finance are set forth in SFAP and will be reviewed every semester. Review is required to identify prob-lems in the ongoing activities by monitoring the differences between actuals and targets and changes in external conditions that may have the potential to influence the program plan.

Prinsip investasi bertanggung jawab.

Prinsip komunikasi yang informatif.

Prinsip strategi dan praktik bisnis berkelanjutan.

Prinsip inklusif.

Prinsip pengelolaan risiko sosial dan lingkungan hidup.

Prinsip pengembangan sektor unggulan prioritas.

Prinsip tata kelola.

Pinsip koordinasi dan kolaborasi.

Principles of responsible investment.

Principles of informative communication.

Principles of sustainable business strategies and practices.

Principles of inclusiveness.

Principles of social and environmental risks management.

Principles of main priority sector development.

Principles of governance.

Principles of coordination and collaboration.










PT Bank Syariah Mandiri • Sustainability Report 2018 09

Tanggung Jawab Sosial dan LingkunganSocial and Environmental Responsibility

Tata Kelola KeberlanjutanSustainability Governance


2018 Laporan Keberlanjutan • PT Bank Syariah Mandiri10

Strategi KeberlanjutanSustainability Strategy

Sumber Daya ManusiaHuman Resources

Kinerja KeberlanjutanSustainability Performance

IKHTISAR KINERJA KEBERLANJUTAN 2018Overview of Sustainability Performance in 2018

Ketahanan FinansialFinancial Viability

Kinerja Ekonomi terkait KeberlanjutanEconomic Performance Related to Sustainability

KetenagakerjaanHuman Resources

Inklusi KeuanganFinancial Inclusion

Pendapatan Usaha dari Pengelolaan DanaRevenues from fund management

Laba BersihNet Income

Total AsetTotal Asset

2018 2018 2018

2017 2017 2017

2016 2016 2016

7.689 605.213 98.341

7.493 365.166 87.915

7.331 325.414 78.832

Total jam pelatihan Total training hours

Rata-rata jam pelatihan/pegawaiAverage training hours/employees

2018 Laporan Keberlanjutan • PT Bank Syariah Mandiri10

Strategi KeberlanjutanSustainability Strategy

Sumber Daya ManusiaHuman Resources

Kinerja KeberlanjutanSustainability Performance


Jam hours


Jam hours


Jumlah Agen Laku PandaiNumber of Branchless

Banking Agents

2018 20182017 20172016 2016

Jenis produk yang memenuhi kriteria keberlanjutan (ramah lingkungan)

Types of products that meet sustainability criteria (environmentally friendly)

Nominal produk dan/atau jasa yang memenuhi kriteria keberlanjutan

Nominal products and/or services that meet sustainability criteria

5 7.7194 6.464- 5.924


PT Bank Syariah Mandiri • Sustainability Report 2018 11

Tanggung Jawab Sosial dan LingkunganSocial and Environmental Responsibility

Tata Kelola KeberlanjutanSustainability Governance

Layanan PelangganCustomer Service

Tanggung Jawab Sosial Social Responsibility





































Jaringan ATM ATM Network (Mandiri Syariah, BankMandiri, ATM Bersama, ATM Prima, MEPS)

Hasil kepuasan pelangganCustomer satisfaction results

Presentase keluhan pelanggan yang diselesaikan Percentage of customer complaints resolved 43,97



PT Bank Syariah Mandiri • Sustainability Report 2018 11

Tanggung Jawab Sosial dan LingkunganSocial and Environmental Responsibility

Tata Kelola KeberlanjutanSustainability Governance





Penyaluran Dana Zakat Perusahaan Bersama Mitra Penyalur ZIS

Corporate Zakat Fund Distributed Through Channel Partner of ZIS

Simpati Umat

Mitra Umat

Porsi Amil Amil Portion

Didik Umat

Penyaluran Dana KebajikanDistribution of Virtue Fund

Juta RupiahM

illion RupiahJuta Rupiah

Million Rupiah


2018 Laporan Keberlanjutan • PT Bank Syariah Mandiri12

Strategi KeberlanjutanSustainability Strategy

Sumber Daya ManusiaHuman Resources

Kinerja KeberlanjutanSustainability Performance


Pengantar Laporan

Laporan ini merupakan Laporan Keberlanjutan tahun ke-7 sejak diterbitkan perdana tahun 2011. Mandiri Syariah berkomitmen untuk menerbitkan laporan setiap tahun dan meningkatkan kualitas untuk memberikan informasi lengkap mengenai kinerja keberlanjutan dalam bidang ekonomi, lingkungan, dan sosial. Laporan ini memuat informasi untuk periode pelaporan 1 Januari 2018 hingga 31 Desember 2018 dan merupakan kesinambungan dari laporan sebelumnya yang diterbitkan pada 8 November 2018. [102-50, 102-51, 102-52]

Laporan disusun sesuai dengan Peraturan Otoritas Jasa Keuangan (POJK) No.51/POJK.03/2017 tentang Keuangan Berkelanjutan dan berdasarkan Standar Global Reporting Initiative (GRI): opsi core. Laporan juga dilengkapi dengan Financial Services Sector Supplement yang diterbitkan oleh GRI. Pada bagian Bab Strategi Keberlanjutan dan Tanggung Jawab Sosial, laporan menyajikan kontribusi kinerja keberlanjutan terhadap pencapaian Tujuan Pembangunan Berkelanjutan (SDGs). [102-54]

Pada laporan keberlanjutan tahun ini terdapat pernyataan ulang (restatement) atas informasi yang diungkapkan pada laporan tahun sebelumnya, yaitu data keuangan, pembiayaan portofolio, dan pengaduan nasabah. Laporan ini sudah diverifikasi oleh eksternal assuror independen yang dipilih secara profesional berdasarkan kompetensi. Kami menyatakan tidak ada benturan kepentingan dalam proses verifikasi ini. [102-48, 102-55, 102-56]

Mandiri Syariah mengharapkan saran dan umpan balik dari para pembaca untuk perbaikan Laporan Keberlanjutan periode mendatang. Penyampaian saran maupun umpan balik dapat ditujukan kepada Mandiri Syariah [102-53]


This report is the 7th Sustainability Report since its first publication in 2011. Mandiri Syariah is committed to publishing reports annually and improving quality to provide comprehensive information on sustainability performance in the economic, environmental and social sectors. This report contains information for the reporting period of January 1, 2018 to December 31, 2018 and is the continuity of the previous report published on November 8, 2018. [102-50, 102-51, 102-52]

The report was developed in accordance with the Financial Services Authority Regulation (POJK) No.51/POJK.03/2017 regarding Sustainable Finance and based on the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) Standard: core option. The report is also complemented by the Financial Services Sector Supplement published by GRI. Furthermore, in the Chapter of Sustainability and Social Responsibility Strategies, the report also disclosed the contribution of sustainability performance to support the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). [102-54]

In this report, there is a restatement of information disclosed in the previous year’s report, including financial data, funding portfolio, and customer complaint. This report has been assured by an independent external assuror selected professionally based on competence. We stated that there is no conflict of interest in this verification process. [102-48,

102-55, 102-56]

Mandiri Syariah expects advice and feedback from readers to improve future Sustainability Reports. Submission of suggestions and feedback can be addressed to Mandiri Syariah [102-53]

“Laporan Keberlanjutan menyajikan kontribusi kinerja keberlanjutan Mandiri Syariah terhadap pencapaian Tujuan Pembangunan Berkelanjutan (SDGs).

The Sustainability Report disclosed Mandiri Syariah’s contribution of sustainability performance to support the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).


PT Bank Syariah Mandiri • Sustainability Report 2018 13

Tanggung Jawab Sosial dan LingkunganSocial and Environmental Responsibility

Tata Kelola KeberlanjutanSustainability Governance

Ahmad RezaCorporate Secretary

Kantor Pusat Head officeWisma Mandiri I Jl. MH. Thamrin No. 5 Jakarta10340 – Indonesia

Phone (62-21) 2300 509, 3983 9000 (hunting)

Call CenterMandiri Syariah Call 14040, (021) 2953 4040

Penentuan Isi dan Kualitas Laporan [102-46]

Proses penentuan isi laporan mengacu pada prinsip keterlibatan pemangku kepentingan, konteks berkelanjutan, materialitas, dan kelengkapan. Kualitas pelaporan memperhatikan prinsip keseimbangan, komparabilitas, akurasi, ketepatan waktu, kejelasan, dan keandalan.

Defining Report Content and Quality [102-46]

The process of defining report content was decided based on principle of stakeholder inclusiveness, sustainable context, materiality, and completeness. The quality of reporting takes into account the principles of balance, comparability, accuracy, timeliness, clarity, and reliability.

Proses Penentuan Isi LaporanProcess of Defining Report Content





Media Sosial:Twitter : @syariahmandiriFacebook : Bank Syariah MandiriInstagram : @BankSyariahMandiriYoutube : Bank Syariah Mandiri

Faksimili : (62-21) 3983 2989. website : : [email protected]

Topik keberlanjutan yang relevan, terutama terkait dengan keuangan berkelanjutan, diidentifikasi berdasarkan karakteristik industri perbankan dan pengaruhnya terhadap pemangku kepentingan.Relevant sustainability topics, especially related to sustainable finance, are identified based on the characteristics of the banking industry and their influence on stakeholders.

Topik keberlanjutan yang sudah teridentifikasi diberi skala prioritas melalui diskusi internal tanggal 29 Maret 2019.The sustainability topics that have been identified are given a priority scale through internal discussions on March 29, 2019.

Seluruh topik material yang akan disampaikan dalam laporan disetujui oleh Direktur Risk Management & Compliance untuk menjadi topik prioritas dalam laporan ini.All material topics that will be disclosed in the report were approved by the Director of Risk Management & Compliance to be priority topics in this report.

Kajian ulang atas laporan tahun sebelumnya dilakukan dengan memperhatikan masukan dari pemangku kepentingan, baik internal maupun eksternal (stakeholder inclusiveness).A review of the previous year’s report was carried out by taking into account the input from stakeholders, both internal and external (stakeholder inclusiveness).


2018 Laporan Keberlanjutan • PT Bank Syariah Mandiri14

Strategi KeberlanjutanSustainability Strategy

Sumber Daya ManusiaHuman Resources

Kinerja KeberlanjutanSustainability Performance

Topik Materialitas [102-47]

Mandiri Syariah menetapkan tiga topik material yang berada pada kategori ‘sangat tinggi’, enam pada kategori ‘tinggi’, dan tiga topik pada kategori ‘sedang’. Topik material merupakan informasi yang menjadi perhatian pemangku kepentingan, yang terkait dengan risiko dan strategi Bank.

Materiality Topics [102-47]

Mandiri Syariah determined three material topics in the category of ‘very high’, six in the ‘high’ category, and three topics in the ‘medium’ category. Material Topic is information that is of concern to stakeholders, which is related to the Bank’s risks and strategies.

Proses Penentuan Isi LaporanProcess of Defining Report Content


Perubahan Topik Material [102-49]

Dalam laporan ini, tidak ada perubahan dasar periode laporan, cakupan dan batasan topik keberlanjutan yang disampaikan. Namun, terdapat perubahan yang signifikan pada topik material yang dipilih dengan laporan tahun sebelumnya. Perubahan ini dilakukan berdasarkan hasil diskusi internal pada tanggal 29 Maret 2019 yang dihadiri oleh Unit Kerja Sustainability Finance Department untuk memetakan topik material yang lebih relevan terhadap perkembangan dan kondisi bisnis terkini.

Change in Material Topics [102-49]

In this report, there is no change in the basis of the reporting period, the scope and limitations of the sustainability topics disclosed. However, there were significant changes to material topics selected compared to the previous year’s report. This change was made based on the result of an internal discussion held in March 29, 2019 and attended by the Sustainability Finance Department Work Unit to map material topics that more relevant to the latest business development and condition.

Kinerja Ekonomi

Portofolio Produk

Teknologi Informasi

Privasi Pelanggan

Dampak Ekonomi Tidak Langsung

Anti Korupsi

Pelatihan dan Pendidikan

Keanekaragaman dan Kesempatan Setara

Keselamatan dan Kesehatan Kerja

Ketenagakerjaan Employment

Emisi Emission

Energi Energy

Praktik Keamanan




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Signifikansi dampak ekonomi, sosial, lingkunganSignificance of economic, social, and environmental impacts

Economic Performance

Product Portfolio

Information Technology

Anti-corruptionIndirect Economic Impact

Occupational Safety and Health

Customer Privacy

Security Practices

Diversity and Equal Employment Opportunities

Training and Education

Sangat TinggiVery High

Sangat TinggiVery High






PT Bank Syariah Mandiri • Sustainability Report 2018 15

Tanggung Jawab Sosial dan LingkunganSocial and Environmental Responsibility

Tata Kelola KeberlanjutanSustainability Governance

Perubahan Topik Material Laporan Keberlanjutan Changes to Material Topics of Sustainability Report

Nilai ekonomi langsungDirect economic value

Kenyamanan bekerja dan pemenuhan hak-hak pegawai

Work environment and fulfillment of employee rights

AntikorupsiAnti Corruption

Informasi produk, tanggung jawab kualitas produk

Product information & product quality responsibility

Dampak ekonomi tidak langsung yang dirasakan masyarakat

Indirect economic impacts received by the community

Kategori ‘sangat tinggi’‘Very high’ category

Kinerja ekonomi Economic performance

Portofolio ProdukProduct Portfolio

Teknologi InformasiInformation Technology

Kategori ‘tinggi’‘High’ category

Privasi pelanggan Customer privacy

Antikorupsi Anti corruption

Pelatihan dan pendidikan Training & education

Dampak ekonomi tidak langsung Indirect economic influence

Keanekaragaman dan kesempatan setaraDiversity and equal employment opportunities

Keselamatan dan Kesehatan KerjaOccupational safety and health

Kategori ‘sedang’‘Medium’ category

Ketenagakerjaan Employment

Emisi Emission

Energi Energy

Ruang Lingkup dan Batasan Dampak (Boundary) Topik Material [102-45]

Data-data keuangan yang disajikan dalam laporan ini merujuk pada data Laporan Keuangan tanggal 31 Desember 2018. Informasi keuangan tidak mencakup kinerja konsolidasi dari entitas lain dan hanya bersumber dari internal perusahaan. Sementara Informasi terkait kinerja lingkungan dan sosial bersumber dari Kantor Pusat Mandiri Syariah dan Mitra Penyalur Zakat Infaq Shadaqah (ZIS).

Scope and Limitations regarding Material Topic Boundary [102-45]

The financial data presented in this report refers to the Financial Statements of December 31, 2018. Financial information did not cover consolidated performance of other entities and was only sourced from internal company. While information related to environmental and social performance was sourced from the Mandiri Syariah Head Office and the Channel Partner of Zakat Infaq Sodaqoh (ZIS).

2017 2018


2018 Laporan Keberlanjutan • PT Bank Syariah Mandiri16

Strategi KeberlanjutanSustainability Strategy

Sumber Daya ManusiaHuman Resources

Kinerja KeberlanjutanSustainability Performance

Batasan Dampak Topik Material Kategori “Sangat Tinggi” dan “Tinggi”Boundary of Material Topics for “Very High” and “High” Categories

Topik MaterialMaterial Topics

Isu KeberlanjutanSustainability Issues

Dampak Pada Pemangku Kepentingan Impact on Stakeholders

Dalam PerusahaanInternal

Luar PerusahaanExternal

Kinerja EkonomiEconomic Performance

Meningkatkan low cost fund, fee based dan laba perusahaan.

Increase low cost fund, fee based and company profits.

Pemegang Saham, PegawaiShareholder, Employee

Nasabah, MasyarakatCustomer, Community

Portofolio ProdukProduct Portfolio

Meningkatkan produk yang memenuhi kriteria keberlanjutan (ramah lingkungan).

Support for products that meet sustainability criteria (environmentally friendly).

Pemegang Saham, PegawaiShareholder, Employee


Teknologi InformasiInformation Technology

Menyusun IT Strategic Plan (ITSP) 2018 – 2022 sebagai pedoman dalam pengembangan Teknologi Informasi (TI) Perusahaan dengan menyelaraskan strategi korporat.

Develop IT Strategic Plan (ITSP) 2018 - 2022 as a guideline for the development of Company Information Technology (IT) by aligning corporate strategy.

Pemegang Saham, PegawaiShareholder, Employee


Privasi PelangganCustomer Privacy

Menjaga kerahasiaan data nasabah.

Maintain the confidentiality of customer data.



Anti-korupsiAnti Corruption

Mencegah dan mendeteksi setiap tindakan fraud.

Prevent and detect any fraudulent action.



Pelatihan dan PendidikanTraining and Education

Pelatihan SF.SF training.



Dampak Ekonomi Tidak LangsungIndirect Economic Effects

Membuat program pemberdayaan ekonomi masyarakat berbasis sumber daya lokal.

Create a local resource-based community empowerment for economic program.


Masyarakat, Nasabah,Pemerintah

Community, Customer,Government

Keanekaragaman dan Kesempatan SetaraDiversity and Equal Opportunity

Kesetaraan gender, dan kesempatan kerja bagi penyandang disabilitas.

Gender equality, and employment opportunities for people with disabilities



Keselamatan dan Kesehatan KerjaOccupational Safety and Health

Menyediakan sarana prasarana penunjang keselamatan kerja, pelatihan keselamatan kerja, dan fasilitas kesehatan.

Providing facilities to support work safety, safety training, and health facilities.




PT Bank Syariah Mandiri • Sustainability Report 2018 17

Tanggung Jawab Sosial dan LingkunganSocial and Environmental Responsibility

Tata Kelola KeberlanjutanSustainability Governance


2018 Laporan Keberlanjutan • PT Bank Syariah Mandiri18

Strategi KeberlanjutanSustainability Strategy

Sumber Daya ManusiaHuman Resources

Kinerja KeberlanjutanSustainability Performance


Message from the President Director

Toni Eko Boy SubariDirektur Utama

President Director


PT Bank Syariah Mandiri • Sustainability Report 2018 19

Tanggung Jawab Sosial dan LingkunganSocial and Environmental Responsibility

Tata Kelola KeberlanjutanSustainability Governance

Sinergi Untuk Mengalirkan Berkah Sebagai Keunggulan Perusahaan”

Synergy to Share Blessings as Company Competitive Advantages

““Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

BismillaahirrahmaanirrahiimPemegang saham dan Pemangku kepentingan yang terhormat

Puji syukur ke-hadirat Allah SWT atas tuntunan-Nya sehingga kami dapat melewati tantangan di tengah kondisi ekonomi yang dinamis dan semakin ketatnya persaingan bisnis di industri perbankan. Sepanjang tahun 2018, kondisi perekonomian global mengalami perlambatan karena dipicu normalisasi kebijakan moneter Amerika Serikat dan ketidakpastian hubungan dagang antara Amerika Serikat dan China. Di bawah tekanan global, pertumbuhan ekonomi Indonesia belum mencapai target yang ditetapkan dalam APBN tahun 2018 sebesar 5,4%. Badan Pusat Statistik (BPS) menyatakan pertumbuhan ekonomi Indonesia tahun 2018 secara kumulatif mencapai 5,17%. Meskipun demikian, pertumbuhan ekonomi Indonesia tahun 2018 masih lebih baik dibandingkan tahun 2017 sebesar 5,07%.

Dalam kondisi ekonomi yang dinamis ini, Mandiri Syariah memegang pangsa pasar terbesar pada lingkup perbankan syariah di Indonesia. Di tahun 2018, Bank mencatat pertumbuhan aset sebesar 5,74% dan

Praise the Almighty God that we can overcome the challenges today with the dynamic economic conditions and highly competitive business market for banking industry. Throughout 2018, global economic growth was entering slower growth rate due to the normalization of US monetary policy and the uncertainty of trade relations between the US and China. Under global pressure, Indonesia’s economic growth did not managed to reach the target set in the 2018 State Budget of 5.4%. The Central Agency on Statistics (BPS) stated that Indonesia’s economic growth in 2018 cumulatively reached 5.17%. In spite of that, Indonesia’s economic growth in 2018 was still better than in 2017 of 5.07%.

In this dynamic economic condition, Mandiri Syariah holds the largest market share in the scope of Islamic banking in Indonesia. In 2018, the Bank recorded asset growth of 5.74% and achievement exceeded the bank’s

Dear shareholders and stakeholders,


2018 Laporan Keberlanjutan • PT Bank Syariah Mandiri20

Strategi KeberlanjutanSustainability Strategy

Sumber Daya ManusiaHuman Resources

Kinerja KeberlanjutanSustainability Performance

pencapaian melampaui target rencana bisnis bank (RBB) sebesar 107,47%. Adapun pembiayaan tumbuh 12,08%, dengan pencapaian target terhadap target RBB sebesar 99,85%. Mandiri Syariah membukukan pendapatan pengelolaan dana sebagai Mudharib sebesar Rp7,68 triliun, meningkat 5,52% dibandingkan dengan perolehan di tahun 2017 sebesar Rp7,29 triliun. Pencapaian kinerja keuangan pada tahun 2018 ini tidak lepas dari kinerja tiga pilar strategi dan lima fokus utama Mandiri Syariah.

Ketiga pilar tersebut meliputi: (1) Business Refocusing dengan main core di segmen retail pada pembiayaan Consumer dan Mikro, kemudian second core corporate; (2) Fixing the Fundamental, simplifikasi otomasi bisnis proses dan pembiayaan; dan (3) Strengthen Enablers, perbaikan teknologi informasi sebagai backbone bisnis retail. Adapun lima fokus utama yang dijalankan meliputi: (1) pertumbuhan bisnis yang sehat dan berkelanjutan, (2) kualitas pembiayaan, (3) Fee Based Income, (4) produktifitas dan efisiensi, serta (5) contribution margin.

Landasan Bisnis Keuangan Berkelanjutan

Pertumbuhan Mandiri Syariah terus kami jaga dan perkuat dengan menerapkan landasan bisnis Keuangan Berkelanjutan/Sustainable Finance (SF) sesuai ketentuan Peraturan Otoritas Jasa Keuangan (POJK) No. 51/POJK.03/2017. Penerapan SF ini mempertegas prinsip-prinsip Maqashid Asy Syaria yang telah dijalankan Mandiri Syariah dan model bisnis perbankan syariah yang terhindar dari maysir (perjudian), gharar (penipuan), haram, riba (Maghrib).

Konsep SF diuraikan secara lebih terperinci dalam Rencana Aksi Keuangan Berkelanjutan (RAKB) sebagai pedoman menjalankan kegiatan operasi bagi seluruh Unit Kerja Mandiri Syariah. RAKB ini akan menyempurnakan ekosistem bisnis yang telah dibangun Mandiri Syariah dengan mengintegrasikan aspek lingkungan dan sosial ke dalam strategi perusahaan. Selama ini kami telah mengembangkan ekosistem bisnis, yang tidak sekedar mendapatkan profit, tetapi juga memberikan dampak positif secara luas bagi masyarakat dan lingkungan. Manfaat ekonomi yang diperoleh Mandiri Syariah didistribusikan kepada pemangku kepentingan untuk kemaslahatan bersama.

“Di tahun 2018, Bank mencatat pertumbuhan asset sebesar 5,74% dan pencapaian melampaui target rencana bisnis bank (RBB) sebesar 107,47%.

In 2018, the Bank recorded asset growth of 5.74% and achievement exceeded the bank’s business plan (RBB) target of 107.47%.

business plan (RBB) target of 107.47%. The financing grew 12.08%, with the achievement of the target towards the RBB target of 99.85%. Mandiri Syariah achieved a fund management income as Mudharib of Rp7.68 trillion, increase by 5.52% compared to the income in 2017 of Rp7.29 trillion. The achievement of financial performance in 2018 was inseparable from the performance of the three pillars of strategy and the five main focuses of Mandiri Syariah.

The three pillars include: (1) Business Refocusing in main core of the retail segment on Consumer Banking, Micro Banking & Pawning, with the second core business focuses on Corporations segment; (2) Fixing the Fundamental, simplifying business process automation and financing; (3) Strengthen Enablers, improving of information technology as a retail business backbone. In addition, the five main focuses carried out include: (1) healthy and sustainable business growth, (2) quality of financing, (3) Fee Based Income, (4) productivity and efficiency, and (5) contribution margin.

Foundation for Sustainable Finance

We continue to improve Mandiri Syariah growth by implementing the foundation of Sustainable Finance (SF) in accordance with the provisions of the Financial Services Authority Regulation (POJK) No.51/POJK.03/2017. This SF implementation reinforces the principles of Maqashid Asy Sharia that have been implemented by Mandiri Syariah and sharia banking business models that are prohibited from maysir (gambling), gharar (fraud), haram, riba (Maghrib).

The SF concept was implemented through the Sustainable Financial Action Plan (SFAP) as a guideline for carrying out operational activities for all Sharia Mandiri Work Units. This SFAP will improve the business ecosystem that Mandiri Syariah has built by integrating environmental and social aspects into the company’s strategy. So far, we have developed a business ecosystem, which not only earns profit, but also has a broad positive impact on society and the environment. The economic benefits obtained by Mandiri Syariah are distributed to stakeholders for mutual benefit.


PT Bank Syariah Mandiri • Sustainability Report 2018 21

Tanggung Jawab Sosial dan LingkunganSocial and Environmental Responsibility

Tata Kelola KeberlanjutanSustainability Governance

Program-program dalam RAKB diterapkan secara bertahap berdasarkan prioritas pada tiga aspek, yaitu penyesuaian kebijakan dan tata kelola; pengembangan produk dan jasa; serta pembangunan kapasitas. Ketiga aspek ini dilaksanakan sebagai program kerja jangka pendek pada tahun 2019 dan jangka panjang dalam Roadmap Sharia Sustainable Finance. Program kerja ini juga disusun agar sejalan dengan Rencana Pembangunan Jangka Panjang (RPJP) 2005-2025 dan Rencana Pembangunan Jangka Menengah (RPJM) 2015-2019. Pada tahun 2018, kami telah membentuk Departemen Sustainable Finance yang mendukung Unit Kerja Corporate Secretary dan berperan sebagai koordinator penerapan SF dengan unit kerja terkait. Kinerja tim SF telah menghasilkan kebijakan, antara lain penetapan strategi pada sektor bisnis utama SF, penyusunan kriteria green finance (financing & funding pada risk acceptance criteria), dan sosialisasi SF kepada jajaran pegawai di kantor pusat.

Sektor infrastruktur merupakan salah satu sektor bisnis utama yang mendapatkan prioritas pembiayaan karena dinilai menjadi fondasi keberlanjutan dalam pembangunan nasional. Pada tahun 2018, kami menyalurkan pembiayaan di sektor infrastruktur sebesar Rp5.387 miliar. Dalam pelaksanaanya, pembiayaan di sektor infrastruktur memiliki beberapa tantangan. Salah satu tantangan dari perspektif syariah yaitu terdapat proyek yang dijamin dengan Surat Penjaminan Pemerintah (SJP), sementara pemerintah belum mengeluarkan SJP untuk perjanjian skim syariah. Untuk itu, kami melakukan sosialisasi kepada Dirjen Pembiayaan & Pengelolaan Risiko Kementerian Keuangan untuk kemungkinan SJP kepada bank syariah.

Dari sisi keberlanjutan, penyaluran pembiayaan kepada perusahaan-perusahaan berskala besar atau berisiko tinggi menjadi tantangan yang harus dihadapi. Untuk itu, kami melakukan penyempurnaan kebijakan pembiayaan dengan memperhatikan prinsip-prinsip SF. Mandiri Syariah menerapkan kriteria green finance kepada calon debitur yang mengajukan pembiayaan untuk memenuhi ketentuan lingkungan, seperti perusahaan yang memiliki Analisis Mengenai Dampak Lingkungan (AMDAL). Prioritas pembiayaan kepada perusahaan yang ramah

“Mandiri Syariah menerapkan kriteria green finance kepada calon debitur yang mengajukan pembiayaan untuk memenuhi ketentuan lingkungan.

Mandiri Syariah applies green finance criteria to prospective debtors who propose financing to meet environmental requirements.

Programs based on SFAP are implemented in stages based on priorities in three aspects of policy and governance adjustments; product and service development; and capacity building. These three aspects will be implemented as short-term work programs in 2019 and long-term in the Sharia Sustainable Finance Roadmap. This work program was also developed to be in line with the Long Term Development Plan (RPJP) 2005-2025 and the 2015-2019 Medium Term Development Plan (RPJM).

In 2018, we have established the Sustainable Finance Department to support the Corporate Secretary Work Unit and acts as the coordinator of the SF implementation with the relevant work units. The SF team’s performance has resulted in policies, including strategy setting in SF’s main business sectors, development of green finance criteria (financing & funding on risk acceptance criteria), and SF socialization to the ranks of staff at the head office.

The infrastructure sector was one of the main business sectors that gets financing priorities as it was considered to be the foundation of sustainability in national development. In 2018, we managed to financed the infrastructure sector of Rp5,387 billion. In its implementation, financing in the infrastructure sector has several challenges and strategies. One challenge was that there are projects that are guaranteed by the letter of guarantee from government, while the government has not issued letter of guarantee for a sharia scheme. To respond this challenge, we communicated to the Director General of Budget Financing & Risk Management providing letter of guarantee for syaria banks.

In terms of sustainability, the distribution of funding to large-scale or high-risk corporation was also a challenge. We address this challenge by refining our financing policies to take into account the SF principles. Mandiri Syariah applies green finance criteria to prospective debtors who propose financing to meet environmental requirements, such as companies that have an Environmental Impact Analysis (EIA). The priority of financing for


2018 Laporan Keberlanjutan • PT Bank Syariah Mandiri22

Strategi KeberlanjutanSustainability Strategy

Sumber Daya ManusiaHuman Resources

Kinerja KeberlanjutanSustainability Performance

lingkungan di masa mendatang diharapkan dapat meminimalisir risiko bisnis dengan mengurangi dampak lingkungan dan resistensi sosial akibat dampak operasional debitur.

Kontribusi Pengembangan UMKM

Selain prioritas pembiayaan pada perusahaan ramah lingkungan, kami juga berpartisipasi dalam pembiayaan segmen Usaha Mikro Kecil dan Menengah (UMKM) yang berperan sebagai penggerak ekonomi pada sektor riil. Pada tahun 2018, pendanaan segmen UMKM Mandiri Syariah yang terdiri atas segmen kecil dan menengah (business banking) dan mikro mencapai Rp12,94 Miliar.

Meskipun segmen consumer banking merupakan fokus bisnis Mandiri Syariah, namun segmen UMKM tetap menjadi perhatian karena konsep kesyariahan yang melekat pada individu. Perolehan penghargaan The Strongest Islamic Retail Bank in Asia 2018 dan The Strongest Islamic Retail Bank in Indonesia 2018 dari Cambridge Analytica London di Dubai merupakan wujud komitmen Mandiri Syariah dalam pengembangan ritel perbankan syariah.

Di segmen retail, Mandiri Syariah juga memprioritaskan pembiayaan pada sektor pendidikan dan kesehatan. Pembiayaan sektor pendidikan ditujukan untuk menunjang tenaga pengajar, sedangkan di sektor kesehatan ditujukan untuk menunjang paramedik/tenaga kesehatan. Tantangan dari pembiayaan sektor pendidikan dan kesehatan adalah semakin banyaknya kompetitior yang menawarkan price yang kompetitif. Strategi yang kami terapkan untuk menghadapi tantangan ini adalah melakukan inovasi pada segmen business banking, dan meningkatkan referal pipeline dengan menjalin kerja sama bersama salah satu institusi teknologi keuangan/fintech.

Di sisi lain, keberpihakan kami pada sektor ekonomi mikro tercermin dari upaya Kami menyediakan layanan perbankan untuk masyarakat yang berada di remote area. Pada akhir 2018, Mandiri Syariah telah membuka 5 agen Laku Pandai (Branchless Banking) untuk mewujudkan inklusi keuangan berbasis teknologi digital yang menjangkau batas-batas wilayah Indonesia.

“Mandiri Syariah meraih penghargaan The Strongest Islamic Retail Bank in Asia 2018 dan The Strongest Islamic Retail Bank in Indonesia 2018 dari Cambridge Analytica London di Dubai.

Mandiri Syariah achieved The Strongest Islamic Retail Bank in Asia 2018 and The Strongest Islamic Retail Bank in Indonesia 2018 awards from Cambridge Analytica London in Dubai.

companies that are environmentally friendly in the future is expected to minimize business risks by reduce environmental impact and social resistance toward the debtor operations.

Contribution of MSME Development

In addition to the priority of financing for environmentally friendly companies, we also took part on financing the Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSME) segment which has a role as an economic driver in the real sector. In 2018, the funding for the Mandiri Shariah MSME segment consisting of small and medium segments (business banking) and micro reached Rp12.94 billion.

Although the consumer banking segment is the main focus of the Mandiri Syariah business, the MSME segment remains a significant concern in the Mandiri Syariah business as the concept of sharia is inherent for the individual. The acquisition of several awards, such as The Strongest Islamic Retail Bank in Asia 2018 and The Strongest Islamic Retail Bank in Indonesia 2018 awards from Cambridge Analytica London in Dubai have become accomplishment of Mandiri Syariah’s commitment in developing syaria banking retail.

In the retail segment, Mandiri Syariah also prioritized funding in the education and health sectors. Financing in the education sector was aimed to support the teacher manpower, while in the health sector was aimed to support paramedics/health manpower. The challenge of financing programs in the education and health sectors was the steep prices due to highly competitive market. The strategy that we implement to face this challenge is to innovate in the business banking segment, and increase pipeline referrals by cooperating with one of the financial/fintech technology institutions.

On the other hand, our priority for the financing of micro segment was reflected in our efforts to provide banking services for the people in the remote area. At the end of 2018, Mandiri Syariah has opened 5 branchless office agents to support digital technology-based financial inclusion that reaches Indonesia’s regional areas.


PT Bank Syariah Mandiri • Sustainability Report 2018 23

Tanggung Jawab Sosial dan LingkunganSocial and Environmental Responsibility

Tata Kelola KeberlanjutanSustainability Governance

Layanan berbasis teknologi terus kami tingkatkan agar lebih efektif, efisien, dan berorientasi kepada pelanggan (customer-oriented). Kami mengembangkan mobile banking dengan fitur lebih lengkap, di antaranya: dapat digunakan untuk platform IOS, bisa top up dan update saldo e-money pada ponsel yang memiliki fitur Near Field Communication (NFC), QR pay, pembelian pulsa, token listrik, pembayaran zakat dan infak.

Kami juga mengembangkan Asisten Interaktif Mandiri Syariah atau chatbot bernama ‘Aisyah’. Chatbot pertama bank syariah ini berfungsi sebagai customer center virtual yang siap melayani 7x24 jam. Melalui chatbot ini, pelanggan dapat menggali informasi produk dan layanan melalui platform media sosial dan messaging apps seperti Telegram, Facebook Messenger dan livechat di website corporate Mandiri Syariah.

Sepanjang periode pelaporan, inovasi produk dan layanan yang telah dilakukan untuk mendukung prinsip SF (green funding) adalah Tabungan Wadiah.

Pengendalian Risiko

Sepanjang tahun 2018, pendekatan SF yang dijalankan Mandiri Syariah disosialisasikan kepada segenap pemangku kepentingan, terutama insan Mandiri Syariah. Kami telah melaksanakan kegiatan pelatihan SF yang diikuti anggota Direksi, Dewan Komisaris, dan 37 pegawai dari unit kerja terkait. Kegiatan sosialisasi SF juga dilakukan melalui sharing session SF, joint planning session, dan sosialisasi RAKB.

Sosialisasi dan pelatihan SF menekankan pentingnya pengendalian risiko, khususnya potensi risiko sosial dan lingkungan dari kegiatan operasional. Sejauh ini kami telah menjalankan tanggung jawab sosial dan lingkungan (CSR) untuk mengendalikan risiko dan mendukung terwujudnya beberapa pencapaian tujuan pembangunan berkelanjutan (SDGs). Mandiri Syariah mendukung SDGs yang berfokus pada tujuan ‘No Poverty’, ‘Quality Education’, ‘Good Health and Well-being” melalui penerapan program Mitra Umat, Simpati Umat dan Didik Umat.

“Mandiri Syariah mengembangkan Chatbot pertama bank syariah bernama ‘Aisyah’ yang berfungsi sebagai customer center virtual yang siap melayani 7x24 jam.

Mandiri Syariah developed the first sharia bank’s Chatbot known as “Aisyah” which serves as a virtual customer center for 7x24.

We continued to improve technology-based services to be more effective, efficient, and customer-oriented. We developed mobile banking with comprehensive features, including being available for the IOS platform, enabling top up and update e-money balances on mobile phones that featured Near Field Communication (NFC), QR pay, credit purchases, electricity tokens, zakat payments and infaq.

We also developed the Syariah Mandiri Interactive Assistant or chatbot known as ‘Aisyah’. This first sharia bank’s chatbot that serves as a virtual customer center for 7x24 hours. Through this chatbot, customers can access product and service information through social media platforms and messaging apps such as Telegram, Facebook Messenger as well as livechat on the Mandiri Syariah corporate website.

Throughout the reporting period, the product and service innovations that have been carried out to support SF principles (green funding) were Wadiah Savings.

Risk control

Throughout 2018, the SF practice was disseminated to all stakeholders, especially Mandiri Syariah employees. We have carried out SF training which were attended by members of the Board of Directors, Board of Commissioners, and 37 employees from the related work units. SF’s socialization activities were also carried out through SF sharing sessions, joint planning sessions, and SFAP socialization.

SF socialization and training emphasizes the importance of risk control, especially the potential social and environmental risks of operational activities. So far we have carried out social and environmental responsibility (CSR programs) to control risk and support the realization of sustainable development goals (SDGs). Mandiri Syariah support the SDGs with main focus on ‘No Poverty’, ‘Quality Education’, ‘Good Health and Well-being’ through the implementation of Mitra Umat, Simpati Umat and Didik Umat programs.


2018 Laporan Keberlanjutan • PT Bank Syariah Mandiri24

Strategi KeberlanjutanSustainability Strategy

Sumber Daya ManusiaHuman Resources

Kinerja KeberlanjutanSustainability Performance

Program Mitra Umat fokus pada kegiatan-kegiatan kemitraan dalam rangka pemberdayaan dan peningkatan kemandirian ekonomi masyarakat. Program Desa Berdaya Sejahtera Mandiri di Desa Rejo Asri, Seputih Raman, Lampung Tengah merupakan bagian dari program Mitra Umat yang memiliki sasaran sektor pertanian. Mandiri Syariah bersama Mitra Penyalur ZIS melibatkan 100 petani setempat sebagai penerima manfaat (mustahik) untuk mengembangkan klaster usaha agribisnis selama dua tahun dengan anggaran Rp3,7 miliar. Adapun dana yang tersalurkan untuk program Mitra Umat di tahun 2018 mencapai Rp9,48 miliar.

Pada program Simpati Umat, Mandiri Syariah melakukan pengentasan permasalahan dasar masyarakat dengan mendukung dan memperkuat kesejahteraan sosial dan kesehatan masyarakat. Pada tahun 2018, anggaran yang dikucurkan untuk pelaksanaan program sebesar Rp11,64 miliar. Mandiri Syariah juga turut mencerdaskan kehidupan berbangsa melalui program Didik Umat dengan mengalokasikan dana bantuan beasiswa pendidikan beserta sarana dan prasarana belajar sebesar Rp12,89 miliar.

Selain melaksanakan tanggung jawab sosial, Mandiri Syariah berkomitmen menjalankan tanggung jawab lingkungan melalui program green office. Program ini merupakan inisiatif penghematan penggunaan kertas, listrik, air dan upaya pengurangan emisi. Pelaksanan program green office memberikan manfaat terhadap pengurangan biaya operasional, peningkatan reputasi perusahaan dan mendukung kelestarian lingkungan.

“Mandiri Syariah berkomitmen menjalankantanggung jawab lingkungan melalui programgreen office.

Mandiri Syariah is committed to carrying out environmental responsibility through green office program.

The Mitra Umat Program focuses on partnership activities in order to empower and increase the economic independence of the community. The Independent Village program in Rejo Asri Village, Seputih Raman, Central Lampung is one of the Umat Mitra program which has financing in agricultural sector. Mandiri Syariah together with Channel Partner of ZIS involved 100 local farmers as beneficiaries (mustahik) to develop a cluster of agribusiness for two years with a budget of Rp3.7 billion. Overall, the funds disbursed for the Mitra Umat program in 2018 reached Rp9.48 billion.

In the Simpati Umat program, Mandiri Syariah alleviate the problems of basic needs by supporting and strengthening social welfare and public health. In 2018, the budget disbursed for the implementation of the program reached Rp11.64 billion. Mandiri Syariah also helped educate the community livelihood through Didik Umat Program by providing scholarship assistance along with development of learning facilities and infrastructure of Rp12.89 billion.

In addition to carrying out social responsibility, Mandiri Syariah is committed to carrying out environmental responsibility through green office program. This program is an initiative to save on paper use, electricity, water and efforts on emission reduction. Implementing a green office program provides benefits for reducing operational costs, increasing the company’s reputation and supporting environmental sustainability.


PT Bank Syariah Mandiri • Sustainability Report 2018 25

Tanggung Jawab Sosial dan LingkunganSocial and Environmental Responsibility

Tata Kelola KeberlanjutanSustainability Governance

Wassalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb.

Jakarta, Mei/May 2019PT Bank Syariah Mandiri

Toni Eko Boy SubariDirektur Utama

President Director

“Pelaksanaan tanggung jawab sosialdan lingkungan akan diintegrasikan dalam program BSM Integrated Social Action (BISA) yang telah disesuaikan dengan konsep Keuangan Berkelanjutan.

The implementation of social and environmental responsibility will be integrated in the BSM Integrated Social Action (BISA) program. that has been developed based on Sustainable Finance concept.

Langkah Ke Depan

Ke depan, pelaksanaan tanggung jawab sosial dan lingkungan akan diintegrasikan dalam program BSM Integrated Social Action (BISA). Program BISA telah disesuaikan dengan konsep SF yang mencakup empat pilar, yaitu socio-economic development (berbentuk pengembangan komunitas), spiritual development (pengembangan masjid sebagai penggerak ekonomi lokal), people development (membangun fasilitas kesehatan dan pendidikan), dan environment development (employee volunteering dan disaster recovery).

Kami menghaturkan penghargaan yang setinggi-tingginya kepada seluruh pegawai atas loyalitas dan dedikasi sehingga Mandiri Syariah tumbuh dan berkembang secara berkelanjutan. Kami juga berterima kasih kepada Dewan Komisaris, Dewan Pengawas Syariah, dan seluruh pemangku kepentingan atas kepercayaan yang telah diberikan. Dukungan setiap pemangku kepentingan menjadi motivasi seluruh insan Mandiri Syariah untuk menghadapi tantangan yang dinamis di masa depan.

Step Forward

In the future, the implementation of social and environmental responsibility will be integrated in the BSM Integrated Social Action (BISA) program. This program has been developed based on SF concept which includes four pillars of socio-economic development (in the form of community development), spiritual development (mosque development as driving factor of the local economy), people development (building health and education facilities), and environment development (employee volunteering and disaster recovery).

We would like to express our highest appreciation for all employees for loyalty and dedication to help Mandiri Syariah grows and develops sustainably. We also thank the Board of Commissioners, the Sharia Supervisory Board, and all stakeholders for the trust that has been given. Support from stakeholders has become a motivation for all Mandiri Syariah employees to overcome dynamic challenges in the future.

Semoga Allah SWT senantiasa memberikan karunia-Nya kepada kita semua.May God bless us all.


2018 Laporan Keberlanjutan • PT Bank Syariah Mandiri26

Strategi KeberlanjutanSustainability Strategy

Sumber Daya ManusiaHuman Resources

Kinerja KeberlanjutanSustainability Performance

VISI, MISI, DAN TATA NILAI Vision, Mission, and Core Values

Visi [102-16]


Bank Syariah Terdepan dan Modern Bank Syariah Terdepan: menjadi bank syariah yang selalu unggul di antara

pelaku industri perbankan syariah di Indonesia pada segmen consumer, micro, SME, commercial, dan corporate;

Bank Syariah Modern: menjadi bank syariah dengan sistem layanan dan teknologi mutakhir yang melampaui harapan nasabah.

The Leading Edge and Modern Sharia Bank

Leading Syaria Bank: to be a Syaria bank that always excels among the sharia banking industry in Indonesia in segments of consumer, micro, SME, commercial, and corporate;

Modern Syaria Banks: becoming a Syaria bank with the latest service systems and technologies that exceed customer expectations.

“Untuk Nasabah

For Customers

Untuk Pegawai

For Employees

Untuk Investor

For Investors

Bank merupakan bank pilihan yang memberikan manfaat menenteramkan dan memakmurkan. Sehingga Bank akan berupaya menjadi bank terpercaya serta memberikan produk dan layanan yang terbaik.

BSM is the bank of choice that provides benefits, gives reassurance and brings prosperity. Therefore, BSM will try to become a trusted bank and provide the best products and services.

Bank merupakan bank yang menyediakan kesempatan untuk beramanah sekaligus berkarir secara profesional dengan integritas yang tinggi dan mengutamakan teamwork.

A bank that provides opportunity to uphold trust (amanah) as well as to pursue a professional career.

Bank merupakan institusi keuangan syariah Indonesia yang paling terpercaya yang terus memberikan value berkesinambungan.• Laba• Tumbuh & Berkelanjutan

Indonesia’s sharia financial institution with a reputation and viability of values.• Profit• Grow & Sustainable


PT Bank Syariah Mandiri • Sustainability Report 2018 27

Tanggung Jawab Sosial dan LingkunganSocial and Environmental Responsibility

Tata Kelola KeberlanjutanSustainability Governance

Misi [102-16]


Mandiri Syariah Shared Values ‘ETHIC’

Mewujudkan pertumbuhan dan keuntungan di atas rata-rata industri yang berkesinambungan.

To bring the growth and profits the sustainable industry average into reality.

Mengembangkan bisnis atas dasar nilai-nilai syariah universal.

To develop business on the basis of universal Islamic values.

Meningkatkan kualitas produk dan layanan berbasis teknologi yang melampaui harapan nasabah.

To improve the quality of product- and service-based technology to go beyond the customers’ expectations.

Mengembangkan manajemen talenta dan lingkungan kerja yang sehat.

To develop talent management and healthy work environment.

Mengutamakan penghimpunan dana murah dan penyaluran pembiayaan pada segmen ritel.

To make the low-cost fund raising and distribution of financing in the retail segment a priority.

Meningkatkan kepedulian terhadap masyarakat dan lingkungan

To promote awareness about the community and the environment.

ExcellenceBekerja keras, cerdas, tuntas dengan

sepenuh hati untuk memberikan hasil terbaik.

ExcellenceWork hard, smart, thoroughly with heart to

provide the best result.

TeamworkAktif, bersinergi untuk sukses bersama.

TeamworkActive, synergy for success together.

HumanityPeduli, ikhlas, memberi maslahat dan

mengalirkan berkah bagi negeriHumanity

Care, sincere, provide benefits and distribute blessing for the nation

IntegrityJujur, taat, amanah,

dan bertanggung jawabIntegrity

Honest, comply, trusted, and responsible

Customer FocusBerorientasi kepada kepuasan pelanggan

yang berkesinambungan dan saling menguntungkanCustomer Focus

Sustainable customer satisfaction oriented and mutual relationship

Antusias, visioner, perbaikan terus-menerus, bermental juara.Disiplin, fokus dan berorientasi pada hasil.Enthusiastic, visionary, continuous improvement, champion mindset. Discipline, focus and result oriented.

Berperan aktif dan saling mendukung untuk kontribusi positif Membangun komunikasi dan koordinasi yang efektifActively involve and support for positive contribution.Develop effective communication and coordination.

Menjadikan kerja sebagai ibadah.Memberikan manfaat kepada Bank Syariah Mandiri, masyarakat & lingkunganWork as worship mindset.Provide benefits to Bank Syariah Mandiri, society & environment.

Berpikir, berkata, bertindak dengan benar & terpuji.Bersungguh-sungguh melaksanakan tugas dan tanggung jawab sesuai ketentuan dan kepatutan.Think, speak, act properly and commendable.Committed to perform duties and responsibilities in accordance to provision and decency.

Proaktif untuk memenuhi kebutuhan dan kepuasan pelangganInovasi berkelanjutan untuk memberikan solusi melebihi harapan pelangganProactive to fulfill customer needs and satisfaction.Sustainable innovation to provide solution that exceeds customer expectation.

Sumber Daya ManusiaHuman Resources

Tanggung Jawab Sosial dan LingkunganSocial and Environmental Responsibility

Tata Kelola KeberlanjutanSustainability Governance


2018 Laporan Keberlanjutan • PT Bank Syariah Mandiri28

Strategi KeberlanjutanSustainability Strategy

Sumber Daya ManusiaHuman Resources

Kinerja KeberlanjutanSustainability Performance


Sekilas Perusahaan [102-1, 102-2, 102-3, 102-4, 102-5, 102-6]

Company At a Glance


Wisma Mandiri IJl. MH. Thamrin No.5 JakartaPhone : (62-21) 2300 509, 3983 9000 (hunting)Fax : (62-21) 3983 2989Email : [email protected] :

Perseroan TerbatasLimited Liability Company

PT Bank Mandiri (Persero) Tbk

PT Mandiri Sekuritas



Sektor perbankan berdasarkan prinsip syariah IslamBanking sector based on Islamic sharia principles

Pasar DomestikSektor dan jenis nasabah

terlayani: Korporasi, BUMN, Pengusaha mikro, kecil, dan

menengahDomestic Market

Sectors and types of customers served: Corporations, SOEs,

Micro, Small and Medium Entrepreneurs.

dapat digunakan dengan Mandiri Syariah CardMandiri Syariah Card can be used in more than 100,000 ATM.

* Informasi lebih rinci mengenai produk, jasa dan sektor yang dilayani dapat dibaca pada Laporan Tahunan Mandiri Syariah 2018.* Detailed information about products, services and sectors served can be found in the 2018 Mandiri Syariah Annual Report.

Kantor PusatHead Office

Kantor Cabang PembantuSub-Branch Offices

Kantor Layanan MikroMicro Service Offices

01 07 129 389

0753 116 60053

Kantor WilayahRegional Offices

Kantor KasCash Outlets

Payment PointPayment Point

Kantor Cabang Branch Offices

Kantor Layanan GadaiPawning Service Outlets

Layanan Syariah Bank Bank Sharia Services

- Belum ada lokasi operasi di luar negeri- There is no working unit in overseas

Nama Perusahaan Company name

Bentuk Perusahaan dan

Kepemilikan Saham

Company Form and Share Ownership

Deksripsi Merk, Produk, dan

Jasa*Descriptions of

Brands, Products, and Services *

Lokasi Operasi dan Kantor Layanan

Location of Operations and Service Offices

Alamat Kantor Pusat

Address of Head Office

Jaringan ATMATM network

Pasar Terlayani*

Served Market *

100.000 jaringan ATM.

lebih dari


PT Bank Syariah Mandiri • Sustainability Report 2018 29

Tanggung Jawab Sosial dan LingkunganSocial and Environmental Responsibility

Tata Kelola KeberlanjutanSustainability Governance

Skala Organisasi [102-7]

Organizational Scale

Uraian Description

2018 2017 2016

Pendapatan Usaha (miliar rupiah)Revenues (billion rupiah)

8.815 8.229 7.328

Total Aset (miliar rupiah)Total Assets (billion rupiah)

98.341 87.915 78.832

Liabilitas (miliar rupiah)Liabilities (billion rupiah)

14.477 13.506 11.233

Ekuitas (miliar rupiah)Equity (billion rupiah)

8.039 7.314 6.392

Unit Kerja OperasionalOperational Working Unit

1.348 765 765

Jumlah Pegawai Number of Employees

8.710 8.874 9.174

Jaringan ATM (unit)ATM network (unit)

219.642 287.113 206.055

Nasabah Pendanaan dan PembiayaanCustomer Funding and Financing

7.989.783 7.610.973 6.726.752

Inisiatif Eksternal dan Sertifikasi [102-12]

Mandiri Syariah memiliki Prinsip Syariah yang diawasi oleh Dewan Pengawas Syariah (DPS).

External Initiative and Certification [102-12]

Mandiri Syariah has Sharia Principles which is supervised by the Sharia Supervisory Board (DPS).

Keanggotaan Perusahaan Dalam Asosiasi Industri* [102-13]

Company Membership in Industry Associations*

Asosiasi NasionalNational Association

Asosiasi Bank Syariah Indonesia (Asbisindo)Indonesian Syaria Bank Association

Perhimpunan Bank-Bank Nasional (Perbanas)Indonesian Banks Association (Perbanas)

Ikatan Ahli Ekonomi Islam Indonesia (IAEI)Indonesian Association of Islamic Economist (IAEI)

Masyarakat Ekonomi Syariah (MES)Islamic Economic Society (MES)

Pusat Komunikasi Ekonomi Syariah (PKES) Communication Center for Islamic Economic (PKES)

Kamar Dagang dan Industri (KADIN)Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (KADIN)

Ikatan Sarjana Ekonomi Indonesia (ISEI)Association of Indonesian Economic Graduates (ISEI)

Bank Association for Risk Management (BARa)Bank Association for Risk Management (BARa)

Ikatan Bankir Indonesia (IBI)Indonesian Bankers Association (IBI)

Forum Human Capital Perbankan Indonesia Indonesian Banking Human Capital Forum

* Mandiri Syariah berperan sebagai anggota* Mandiri Syariah took a role as a member


2018 Laporan Keberlanjutan • PT Bank Syariah Mandiri30

Strategi KeberlanjutanSustainability Strategy

Sumber Daya ManusiaHuman Resources

Kinerja KeberlanjutanSustainability Performance

Rantai Pasokan [102-9]

Mandiri Syariah melibatkan pemasok lokal sebagai mitra kerja untuk memenuhi kebutuhan barang dan jasa penunjang operasional dan bisnis. Sebanyak 301 pemasok yang dilibatkan dalam rantai pasokan antara lain: penyedia barang kebutuhan kantor, tenaga kerja, sarana transportasi, konsultan perencana, pelaksana dan pengawas infrastruktur, jasa konsultan laporan tahunan & laporan keberlanjutan, dan jasa konsultan IT.

Perubahan Signifikan [102-10]

Sepanjang periode pelaporan, tidak ada perubahan yang bersifat signifikan terkait perubahan struktur kepemilikan atau rantai pasokan. Meskipun demikian, Bank berhasil mengoptimalkan pemanfaatan kantor cabang konvensional untuk layanan syariah dan meningkatkan jumlah unit kerja operasional. Melalui konsep dual banking leverage model ini, Mandiri Syariah melakukan training SDM dan berhasil membuka 600 unit Layanan Syariah Bank (pembukaan rekening di cabang Bank Mandiri).

Supply Chain [102-9]

Mandiri Syariah involves local suppliers as partners to meet the needs of goods and services that support business operation. There were 301 suppliers involved in the supply chain covering providers of office supplies, labor, transportation facilities, consultant for planning, executing and overseeing infrastructure, annual report & sustainability report consultant services, and IT consulting services.

Significant Changes [102-10]

Throughout the reporting period, there was no significant change related to change in ownership structure or supply chain. Nevertheless, the Bank managed to optimize the use of conventional branch offices for sharia services and increased the number of operational work units. Through the dual banking concept of this leverage model, Mandiri Syariah conducted HR training and successfully developed 600 units of Sharia Bank Services (creating accounts at Bank Mandiri branches).


Bank berhasil mengoptimalkan pemanfaatan kantor cabang Bank Mandiri untuk layanan syariah dan meningkatkan jumlah

unit kerja operasional.

Bank managed to optimize the use of Bank Mandiri branch offices for sharia services and increased the number of operational work



PT Bank Syariah Mandiri • Sustainability Report 2018 31

Tanggung Jawab Sosial dan LingkunganSocial and Environmental Responsibility

Tata Kelola KeberlanjutanSustainability Governance


2018 Laporan Keberlanjutan • PT Bank Syariah Mandiri32

Strategi KeberlanjutanSustainability Strategy

Sumber Daya ManusiaHuman Resources

Kinerja KeberlanjutanSustainability Performance


PT Bank Syariah Mandiri • Sustainability Report 2018 33

Tanggung Jawab Sosial dan LingkunganSocial and Environmental Responsibility

Tata Kelola KeberlanjutanSustainability Governance

KINERJA KEBERLANJUTANSustainability Performance



2018 Laporan Keberlanjutan • PT Bank Syariah Mandiri34

Strategi KeberlanjutanSustainability Strategy

Sumber Daya ManusiaHuman Resources

Kinerja KeberlanjutanSustainability Performance


Driving the National Economy

Topik kinerja ekonomi penting disampaikan karena Mandiri Syariah melaksanakan fungsi intermediasi untuk menggerakkan perekonomian nasional. Kinerja ekonomi memberikan dampak pada peningkatan usaha nasabah yang mendapatkan pembiayaan dari Mandiri Syariah. Di samping itu, pertumbuhan kinerja ekonomi Bank juga memberikan dampak meningkatnya zakat yang disalurkan oleh Bank.

Pelaksanaan kinerja ekonomi mengacu pada kebijakan regulator, jenis sektor yang dilayani, dan kondisi makro/mikro ekonomi. Kebijakan ekonomi Mandiri Syariah tertuang dalam Standar Prosedur Operasional (SPO), Petunjuk Teknis Operasional (PTO) dan Manual Produk (MP) baik untuk pendanaan, pembiayaan dan layanan Bank.

Economic performance topic were material to be disclosed as Mandiri Syariah took the role of intermediation to drive the national economy. Economic performance has an impact on improving the business of customers who received financing from Mandiri Syariah. In addition, the better the Bank’s economic performance, the greater zakat distributed by the Bank.

The implementation of economic performance refers to regulator policies, types of sectors served, and macro/micro economic conditions. Mandiri Syariah economic policies were set forth in the Standard Procedure Operating (SPO), Technical Operational Guidelines (PTO) and Product Manual (MP) for funding, financing and bank services.

Sasaran utama dan target pengelolaan kinerja ekonomiMain targets for economic performance

Sasaran Objective

Pertumbuhan Bisnis yang Sehat dan BerkelanjutanHealthy Business Growth and Sustainable

Target Target

Fokus pada pertumbuhan tabungan dan segmen ritel dan Wholesale sehingga porsi dana murah mencapai 52,95%Focus on the growth of savings and retail and Wholesale segments to achieve the portion of low-cost funds of 52.95%

Sasaran Objective

Produktivitas dan EfisiensiProductivity and Efficiency

Target Target

• Menerapkan integrated sales• Meningkatkan IT system• Meningkatkan kualitas serta

kompetensi sumber daya manusia• Implement integrated sales• Improve it systems• Improve the quality and

competence of human resources

Sasaran Objective

Kualitas PembiayaanQuality of Financing

Target Target

• Non Performing Financing (NPF) gross di bawah 3%

• Memperkuat fungsi tiga pilar dari bisnis, risk, dan operasional

• Non Performing Financing (NPF) gross below 3%

• Strengthen the functions of the three pillars of the business, risk, and operational

Sasaran Objective

Fee Based IncomeFee Based Income

Target Target

Meningkat sebesar 20%Increase by 20%

Sasaran Objective

Contribution MarginContribution Margin

Target Target

Efektivitas penilaian kinerja, pengendalian biaya, dan penurunan cost of creditEffectiveness of performance assessment, cost control, and credit costs reduction


PT Bank Syariah Mandiri • Sustainability Report 2018 35

Tanggung Jawab Sosial dan LingkunganSocial and Environmental Responsibility

Tata Kelola KeberlanjutanSustainability Governance

Nilai Ekonomi yang Dihasilkan dan Distribusikan (Miliar Rupiah) [201-1]Economic Values Generated and Distributed (Billion Rupiah)

Strategi utama meningkatkan kinerja ekonomi sepanjang 2018 antara lain: 1) Business Refocusing dengan main core di

segmen retail pada pembiayaan Konsumer, Mikro & Gadai, dan second core business fokus pada segmen korporasi;

2) Fixing the Fundamental, simplifikasi otomasi bisnis proses dan pembiayaan;

3) Strengthen Enablers, meningkatkan teknologi informasi sebagai backbone bisnis retail dan meningkatkan produktivitas pegawai.

Untuk memantau kinerja ekonomi, Mandiri Syariah melakukan audit internal dan audit eksternal. Kegiatan audit internal mencakup audit pembiayaan, pendanaan, layanan, dan operasional. Sementara audit eksternal dilakukan pihak ketiga dengan cakupan kinerja keuangan Bank.

Distribusi Nilai Ekonomi

Mandiri Syariah berkomitmen mendis-tribusikan manfaat ekonomi kepada pemangku kepentingan melalui kesejahteraan pegawai, pajak untuk pemerintah, zakat dan dana kebajikan untuk masyarakat. Tahun 2018, Mandiri Syariah telah berhasil membukukan pendapatan pengelolaan dana Mudharib sebesar Rp7,69 triliun, meningkat 5,2% dibandingkan dengan perolehan pada tahun 2017 sebesar Rp7,29 triliun.

The main strategies to improve economic performance throughout 2018 include:1) Business Refocusing in main core of the

retail segment on Consumer Banking, Micro Banking & Pawning, with the second core business focuses on Corporations segment;

2) Fixing the Fundamental, simplifying business process automation and financing;

3) Strengthen Enablers, improving of information technology as a retail business backbone and improving employee productivity.

To monitor economic performance, Mandiri Syariah conducts internal audits and external audits. Internal audit activities covered financing, funding, services, and operational audits. While external audit was carried out by third parties with coverage of the Bank’s financial performance.

Economic Values Distribution

Mandiri Syariah is committed to distributing economic values for stakeholders through employee welfare, government taxes, zakat and community welfare funds. In 2018, Mandiri Syariah has managed to achieve Mudharib fund management revenues of Rp7.69 trillion, an increase of 5.2% compared to the previous year of Rp7.29 trillion.










7.689 7.287 6.468

1.126 943 860

8.815 8.230 7.328

Pendapatan Mudharib Mudharib Revenue

Pendapatan Usaha Lainnya Other Revenues

Jumlah Total

Nilai Ekonomi Dihasilkan

Economic Values Generated


2018 Laporan Keberlanjutan • PT Bank Syariah Mandiri36

Strategi KeberlanjutanSustainability Strategy

Sumber Daya ManusiaHuman Resources

Kinerja KeberlanjutanSustainability Performance

Uraian Description

2018 2017 2016

Nilai Ekonomi Didistribusikan Economic Values Distributed

Pembayaran bagi hasil dana syirkah temporerPayments of share on return of temporary syirkah funds

2.659 2.541 2.340

Biaya Kepegawaian Payments of personal expenses 1.806 1.599 1.485

Pembayaran beban operasional (beban usaha selain beban pegawai) Payments of operating expenses excluding personnel expenses

3.510 3.620 3.060

Pembayaran dividen*) Payments of dividends*) 0 0 0

Pembayaran pajak Payments of tax 211 122 109

Pembayaran zakat Payments of zakat 21 12 11

Penyaluran dana kebajikan Distribution of Virtue Fund 86 21 37

Jumlah Total 8.293 7.915 7.042

Nilai Ekonomi Ditahan Economic Values Retained

Jumlah Total 522 315 286

*) Sesuai dengan Keputusan RUPS, Mandiri Syariah tidak menggunakan Laba Bersih Tahun Buku 2016 dan 2017 untuk mendistribusikan dividen kepada para pemegang saham. Keputusan tersebut dilakukan untuk meningkatkan struktur permodalan bank. Sedangkan penggunaan Laba Bersih Mandiri Syariah Tahun Buku 2018 akan diputuskan dalam RUPS pada tahun 2019.

*) In accordance with the Decision of the GMS, Mandiri Syariah did not use the net income of 2016 and 2017 for dividends to shareholders. The decision was made to improve the bank’s capital structure. While the use of Net Income for 2018 Fiscal Year will be decided at the GMS in 2019.

Kinerja Portofolio produk penting untuk dilaporkan untuk menunjukkan komitmen Mandiri Syariah dalam berinovasi mengembangkan produk layanan yang mendukung prinsip keuangan berkelanjutan dan menjaga kinerja Non Performing Finance yang rendah. Pengembangan portofolio produk keuangan berkelanjutan memberikan dampak pertumbuhan bisnis yang berkelanjutan.

Product portfolio performance was material to be disclosed to uphold Mandiri Syariah’s commitment in innovating service products that support the principle of sustainable finance and maintaining low Non Performing Finance performance. The development of a sustainable financial product portfolio has an impact on sustainable business growth.

Strategi pengembangan portofolio produk sepanjang 2018 The strategy for developing product portfolios throughout 2018

01 02 03 04

Mengembangkan kriteria produk hijau (green

product)Developing criteria for green

products (green products)

Memasukan kriteria Green Finance yaitu Financing

& Funding pada Risk Acceptence Criteria

Registering Green Finance criteria, such as Financing & Funding in Risk Acceptance


Menetapkan strategy & tools untuk sektor

unggulan SF yaitu pendidikan, kesehatan, dan

InfrastrukturEstablishing strategies & tools for SF main sectors of education, health and


Mengimplementasikan Pilot Program di Lampung

bekerja sama dengan Mitra Penyalur ZIS

Implementing a Pilot Program in Lampung in

collaboration with Channel Partner of ZIS



Finance Portfolio that Support Sustainability


PT Bank Syariah Mandiri • Sustainability Report 2018 37

Tanggung Jawab Sosial dan LingkunganSocial and Environmental Responsibility

Tata Kelola KeberlanjutanSustainability Governance

Pembiayaan Berdasarkan Sektor Ekonomi (Rp Miliar) [FS6]Financing based on Economic Sector(Rp Billion)

Sektor EkonomiEconomic Sectors

2018 2017 2016

Pertanian, Perburuan, dan KehutananAgriculture, Hunting and Forestry

3.568,71 4.175,31 4.184,01

Perikanan Fishery 50,96 59,63 81,31

Pertambangan dan Penggalian Mining and Excavation 1.151,44 1.908,74 2.052,95

Industri Pengolahan Processing Industry 3.577,99 3.651,06 3.968,22

Listrik, Gas, dan Air Electricity, Gas and Water 4.408,70 4.149,09 4.538,37

Konstruksi Construction 5.492,50 3.259,07 1.940,31

Perdagangan Besar dan Eceran Big Trade and Retail 3.384,22 4.357,73 5.638,37

Penyediaan Akomodasi dan Penyediaan Makan MinumProvision of Accommodation and Provision of Drinking Meals

643,89 491,67 457,41

Transportasi, Pergudangan, dan KomunikasiTransportation, Warehousing and Communication

2.448,00 3.374,70 4.124,66

Perantara Keuangan Financial Intermediary 6.396,43 5.875,77 4.863,84

Real Estate, Usaha Persewaan, dan Jasa PerusahaanReal Estate, Rental Business, and Corporate Services

1.996,29 1.872,16 1.883,01

Jasa Pendidikan Education Services 1.935,51 1.461,77 858,66

Jasa Kesehatan dan Kegiatan Sosial Health Services and Social Activities

2.288,08 1.572,72 1.146,63

Jasa Kemasyarakatan, Sosial Budaya, Hiburan, dan Perorangan LainnyaCommunity Service, Socio-Culture, Entertainment and OtherIndividuals

1.290,83 1.598,53 1.339,93

Jasa Perorangan yang Melayani Rumah TanggaIndividual Services Serving Households

25,55 46,64 84,69


29.113,69 22.840,33 18.417,41

Jumlah Total 67.752,80 60.694,91 55.579,68

Portofolio Pembiayaan Sektor Strategis

Mandiri Syariah sebagai anak perusahaan BUMN (Bank Mandiri) turut berperan menyukseskan pembangunan nasional melalui pembiayaan di sektor-sektor perekonomian yang bersifat strategis. Pada tahun 2018, Mandiri Syariah menyalurkan pembiayaan untuk berbagai sektor ekonomi sebesar Rp67,752 miliar, meningkat 5,4% dari pembiayaan tahun sebelumnya sebesar Rp60.694 miliar.

Strategic Sector Financing Portfolio

Mandiri Syariah as a subsidiary of a SOE (Bank Mandiri) also contributes to the success of national development through financing in strategic economic sectors. In 2018, Mandiri Syariah has financing various economic sectors amounted to Rp67.752 billion, increase by 5.4% than the previous year’s financing of Rp60,694 billion.



2018 Laporan Keberlanjutan • PT Bank Syariah Mandiri38

Strategi KeberlanjutanSustainability Strategy

Sumber Daya ManusiaHuman Resources

Kinerja KeberlanjutanSustainability Performance

Portofolio Pembiayaan UMKM

Mandiri Syariah mendukung pembiayaan segmen Usaha Mikro Kecil dan Menengah (UMKM) dalam rangka mendorong pertumbuhan ekonomi di sektor riil. Pada akhir 2018, portofolio pembiayaan UMKM (segmen Micro Banking dan Business Banking) mencapai 32% dari total pembiayaan retail banking. Sementara peningkatan pembiayaan retail banking secara keseluruhan didukung dari peningkatan Consumer Banking ditahun 2018 sebesar Rp24.310 miliar yang meningkat 29,1% dari tahun 2017.

MSME Financing Portfolio

Mandiri Syariah supports the financing of the Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSME) segment in order to encourage economic growth in the retail sector. At the end of 2018, the MSME financing portfolio (Micro Banking and Business Banking segment) reached 32% of total retail banking financing. While the increase in total retail banking financing was mostly supported by an increase in Consumer Banking of Rp24,310 billion or 29.1% higher than 2017.

Pembiayaan Retail Banking (Miliar Rupiah) [FS6]Retail Banking Financing (Billion Rupiah)

Pembiayaan Wholesale Banking (Miliar Rupiah)Wholesale Banking Financing (Billion Rupiah)

Pendanaan Retail Banking (Miliar Rupiah)Retail Banking Funding (Billion Rupiah)

Pendanaan Wholesale Banking (Miliar Rupiah)Wholesale Banking Funding (Billion Rupiah)

Skala UsahaBusiness Scale

2018 2017 2016

% % %

Business Banking 8.595 21 8.950 26 9.752 32

Micro Banking 4.345 11 4.266 12,4 4.155 13,6

Consumer Banking 24.310 61 18.833 54,7 14.585 47,6

Pawning 2.709 7 2.358 6,9 2.105 6,9

Jumlah Total 39.959 100 34.408 100 30.598 100

Uraian Description 2018 2017 2016

Corporate Banking 21.123 20.178 17.961

Commercial Banking 6.671 5.871 6.597

Jumlah Total 27.793 26.049 24.558

Uraian Description 2018 2017 2016

Business Banking 1.878 1.340 1.946

Micro Banking 429 448 450

Retail Deposit 57.663 49.391 43.049

Jumlah Total 59.970 51.179 45.445

Uraian Description 2018 2017 2016

Corporate Banking 1.848 2.883 2.246

Commercial Banking 814 835 585

Institutional Banking 25.022 23.370 22.066

Jumlah Total 27.684 27.088 24.897



PT Bank Syariah Mandiri • Sustainability Report 2018 39

Tanggung Jawab Sosial dan LingkunganSocial and Environmental Responsibility

Tata Kelola KeberlanjutanSustainability Governance

Mengembangkan Perekonomian Umat [FS7]

Pembiayaan segmen usaha Mikro memiliki makna penting bagi Mandiri Syariah untuk mengembangkan perekonomian umat. Sampai dengan akhir 2018, telah terdapat 7 Kantor Layanan Mikro yang tersebar di seluruh wilayah Indonesia. Target utama pasar Usaha Mikro adalah nasabah, baik secara individual maupun kelompok yang membutuhkan pembiayaan modal sampai dengan Rp200 juta. Contoh nasabah segmen Mikro antara lain pedagang warung kelontong, warung makan, pedagang di pasar, usaha jasa bengkel, industri rumah tangga, karyawan instansi, serta kluster program sesuai potensi daerah. Pada 2018, Bank menyalurkan pembiayaan sektor mikro sebesar Rp4.345 miliar, naik 1,85% dibandingkan pada tahun 2017 sebesar Rp4.266 miliar.

Developing the Ummah’s Economy [FS7]

Micro banking segment financing has an significant role for Mandiri Syariah to develop the Ummah’s economy. As of the end of 2018, there have been 7 Micro Service Offices located throughout Indonesia. The main target of the Micro Banking market is customers, both individually and in groups that require capital finance up to Rp200 million. Examples of Micro segment customers include grocery shop vendors, food stalls, market traders, workshop service businesses, home industries, agency employees, and program clusters according to regional potential. In 2018, the Bank has financed micro sector of Rp4,345 billion, higher than 1.85% compared to 2017 of Rp4,226 billion.

Portofolio Pembiayaan Pembangunan Daerah

Keberadaan tujuh Kantor Wilayah yang tersebar di seluruh Indonesia memampukan Mandiri Syariah memberikan pembiayaan bagi pembangunan daerah setempat dan nasional.

Regional Development Financing Portfolio

Through seven Regional Offices located throughout Indonesia, Mandiri Syariah managed to participate in financing the development of local area and country in general.

Portofolio Pembiayaan Berdasarkan Wilayah Operasi (Rp miliar) [FS6]Financing Portfolio Based on Regions (Rp billion)

Wilayah Operasi Operating Regions

2018 2017 2016

Region I 6.268,72 5.548,80 4.762,06

Region II 5.296,00 4.514,67 4.196,83

Region III 12.432,75 10.121,77 9.633,91

Region IV 7.450,82 6.886,08 7.110,42

Region V 5.930,66 5.308,61 4.749,89

Region VI 4.542,45 4.096,36 3.740,57

Region VII 4.188,17 3.683,89 3.232,46

Kantor Pusat Head Office 21.643,24 20.534,73 18.154,07

Jumlah Total 67.752,80 60.694,91 55.580,21



2018 Laporan Keberlanjutan • PT Bank Syariah Mandiri40

Strategi KeberlanjutanSustainability Strategy

Sumber Daya ManusiaHuman Resources

Kinerja KeberlanjutanSustainability Performance

Portofolio Bidang Usaha Berwawasan Lingkungan [FS1]

Mandiri Syariah berkomitmen menerapkan praktik keuangan berkelanjutan dengan mempertimbangkan aspek lingkungan dalam pemberian pembiayaan kepada calon nasabah atau debitur. Kebijakan pembiayaan pada sektor usaha ramah lingkungan dituangkan dalam Kebijakan Pembiayaan Bank Syariah Mandiri.

Mandiri Syariah memprioritaskan pembiayaan kepada calon nasabah atau debitur yang dievaluasi telah melakukan pemeliharaan lingkungan hidup. Sebaliknya Bank menghindari pembiayaan untuk usaha yang tidak/belum memenuhi ketentuan lingkungan (seperti AMDAL) karena memiliki risiko yang tinggi dapat membahayakan lingkungan. Mandiri Syariah tidak memiliki kebijakan pemungutan suara terkait masalah lingkungan atau sosial. Untuk memastikan calon nasabah dengan prospek usahanya memenuhi kriteria green finance, Mandiri Syariah melakukan penilaian aspek teknis/produksi melalui analisa mengenai dampak lingkungan yang mempertimbangkan: [FS2, FS12]

1. Tingkat pencemaran dalam proses produksi;

2. Upaya untuk menghindari polusi/pengolahan limbah telah sesuai dengan ketentuan;

3. Pengaduan dari penghuni di lingkungan tempat usaha/pabrik;

4. Memperhatikan peraturan pemerintah yang berlaku, seperti apakah nasabah telah memiliki izin usaha.

Bagi calon nasabah atau debitur pembiayaan industri kelapa sawit, Mandiri Syariah telah menetapkan persyaratan khusus yang harus dipenuhi, di antaranya memiliki sertifikat Indonesian Sustainable Palm Oil (ISPO) atau Roundtable Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO). Bagi nasabah industri kelapa sawit yang belum memiliki sertifikat ISPO atau RSPO namun telah mendapatkan pembiayaan, Bank telah menghimbau nasabah terkait untuk segera mengurus sertifikat ISPO atau RSPO.

Di samping itu, debitur segmen korporasi dipersyaratkan untuk memenuhi Program Penilaian Peringkat Kinerja Perusahaan dalam Pengelolaan Lingkungan Hidup (PROPER) dengan pencapaian minimal di tingkat BIRU atau HIJAU. Perolehan PROPER Biru mencerminkan kepatuhan perusahaan terhadap peraturan lingkungan hidup.

Portfolio of Environmental Friendly Business Sector [FS1]

Mandiri Syariah is committed to implementing sustainable financial practices by considering environmental aspects in providing financing to prospective customers or debtors. The financing policy in the environmentally friendly business sector was set forth in the Bank Syariah Mandiri Financing Policy.

Mandiri Syariah prioritizes financing for prospective customers or debtors who are evaluated to carry out environmental preservation. On the other hand, Bank avoids financing for business that do not/have not meet environmental requirements (such as AMDAL) due to their high risk of endangering the environment. Mandiri Syariah did not have a voting policy regarding environmental or social issues. To ensure that prospective customers with their business prospects meet the green finance criteria, Mandiri Syariah evaluates technical/production aspects through analysis of environmental impacts, considering: [FS2, FS12]

1. The level of pollution in the production process;

2. Efforts to mitigate pollution/waste treatment in accordance with the provisions;

3. Complaints from residents in the local area of business/factory;

4. Paying attention to the applicable government regulations, whether the customer has business permit.

For prospective customers or financing debtors in the palm oil industry, Mandiri Syariah has set specific requirements that have to be met, including being certified with Indonesian Sustainable Palm Oil (ISPO) or Roundtable Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO). For registered customers of the oil palm industry who had previously being funded yet had not being certified with ISPO or RSPO, the Bank has appealed to the the customers to immediately proceed the ISPO or RSPO certificate.

In addition, the finance for corporate segment was required to meet the Company Environmental Performance Rating (PROPER Rating) at least at ‘Blue’ or ‘Green’ rating. The achievement of ‘Blue’ PROPER reflects the company’s compliance with environmental regulations.

“Bagi calon nasabah atau debitur pembiayaan industri kelapa sawit, Mandiri Syariah telah menetapkan persyaratan khusus yang harus dipenuhi, di antaranya memiliki sertifikat ISPO atau RSPO, serta PROPER dengan pencapaian minimal di tingkat BIRU atau HIJAU.

For prospective customers or financing debtors in the palm oil industry, Mandiri Syariah has set specific requirements that have to be met, including being certified with ISPO or RSPO, and PROPER at least at ‘Blue’ or ‘Green’ rating.



PT Bank Syariah Mandiri • Sustainability Report 2018 41

Tanggung Jawab Sosial dan LingkunganSocial and Environmental Responsibility

Tata Kelola KeberlanjutanSustainability Governance

Berdasarkan proses penyaringan (screening) terkait pemenuhan segmen korporasi terhadap kriteria Green Finance, produk pembiayaan yang dikategorikan dalam “portofolio hijau”, mencakup proyek pembangkit listrik energi terbarukan. [FS8, FS10, FS11]

Pembiayaan Korporasi Bersertifikat ISPO & RSPO [FS8]Financing for ISPO & RSPO Certified Corporations

Pembiayaan Korporasi dengan Penilaian PROPER 2018 [FS10]Financing for Corporations with PROPER Rating

Sertifikasi Certification

2018 2017 2016

Jumlah PerusahaanNumber of Companies

Pembiayaan (Juta Rupiah)

Financing (Million Rupiah)

Jumlah PerusahaanNumber of Companies

Pembiayaan (Juta Rupiah)

Financing (Million Rupiah)

Jumlah PerusahaanNumber of Companies

Pembiayaan (Juta Rupiah)

Financing (Million Rupiah)

Tersertifikasi ISPOISPO certified

10 254.554 11 695.569 7 688.251

Dalam Proses ISPOISPO on Progress

5 148.618 1 43.799 3 83.173

Tersertifikasi RSPORSPO certified

6 199.577 6 158.103 5 10.607

Dalam Proses RSPORSPO on Progress

0 0 0 0 0 0

Based on the screening process related to the compliance of the corporate segments toward Green Finance criteria, financing products that may be categorized in the “green portfolio” included renewable energy power projects. [FS8, FS10, FS11]



2 $39,425,625


2018 Laporan Keberlanjutan • PT Bank Syariah Mandiri42

Strategi KeberlanjutanSustainability Strategy

Sumber Daya ManusiaHuman Resources

Kinerja KeberlanjutanSustainability Performance

Peninjauan Ulang Pembiayaan [FS3, FS5]

Mandiri Syariah melakukan pemantauan dan evaluasi terhadap debitur secara berkala terkait implementasi prinsip-prinsip keuangan berkelanjutan, yaitu dengan mempelajari laporan pengelolaan lingkungan dan sosial yang dilaporkan dan dipublikasikan. Hasil evaluasi menjadi bahan pertimbangan dalam memberikan pembiayaan selanjutnya.

Mandiri Syariah mengoptimalkan kegiatan pemasarannya melalui promosi yang tepat dengan menyediakan produk dan jasa yang dapat memenuhi kebutuhan masyarakat.

Financing Review [FS3, FS5]

Mandiri Syariah periodically monitors and evaluates debtors related to the implementation of sustainable financial principles, namely by analysing the environmental and social management reports submitted and published. Evaluation results are taken as consideration for providing further financing.

Mandiri Syariah optimizes its marketing activities through the promotion on target market by providing products and services that can meet people’s needs.

LAYANAN BERBASIS TEKNOLOGI INFORMASI [103-1, 103-2, 103-3] Information Technology Based Services

Kinerja teknologi informasi penting untuk dilaporkan karena meningkatkan kemudahan dalam bertransaksi dan kualitas layanan kepada nasabah. Hal tersebut sesuai dengan salah satu misi Bank dalam meningkatkan kualitas produk dan layanan berbasis teknologi yang melampaui harapan nasabah. Pengelolaan teknologi memberikan dampak peningkatan fee based income dan keunggulan bagi Mandiri Syariah.

Mandiri Syariah meningkatkan kualitas layanan yang ada dengan melaksanakan beberapa inisiatif strategis terkait pengembangan teknologi informasi sepanjang tahun 2018 antara lain: [FS16]

• Enhance Core Banking and IT Infrastructure: Pengembangan Core Banking System, Management Information System, dan Implementasi Switching, Trade Finance.

• E-channel and Digital Banking: Peningkatan akses jaringan kartu Debet Visa yang dapat digunakan jamaah haji dan umrah Bank Syariah Mandiri, Cash Management untuk transaksi nasabah, implementasi inklusi keuangan melalui Laku Pandai, Sinergi mobile dan net banking dengan Mandiri Online.

Mandiri Syariah melakukan evaluasi efektivitas pengelolaan teknologi informasi melalui kegiatan Rapat Direksi dan Performance Review.

Information technology performance was material to be disclosed as it improves convenience in transactions and quality service for customers. This is in line with one of the Bank mission to improve the quality of products and services based on technology that exceed customer expectations. Information technology has an impact on increasing fee-based income and competitive advantage for Mandiri Syariah.

Mandiri Syariah improves the quality of existing services by implementing several strategic initiatives related to the development of information technology in 2018, including: [FS16]

• Enhance Core Banking and IT Infrastructure: Development of Core Banking System, Management Information System, and Implementation of Switching and Trade Finance.

• E-channel and Digital Banking: Improvement of network access for the Visa Debit card network to be used by Bank Syariah Mandiri pilgrims and Umrah, Cash Management for customer transactions, implementation of financial inclusion through branchless office, mobile synergy, and net banking with Mandiri Online.

Mandiri Syariah evaluated the effectiveness of information technology management through Board of Directors Meetings and Performance Reviews.

“Mandiri Syariah meningkatkan kualitas layanan dengan melaksanakan beberapa inisiatif strategis terkait pengembangan teknologi informasi sepanjang tahun 2018.

Mandiri Syariah improves the quality services by implementing severalstrategic initiatives related to the development of information technology in 2018,


PT Bank Syariah Mandiri • Sustainability Report 2018 43

Tanggung Jawab Sosial dan LingkunganSocial and Environmental Responsibility

Tata Kelola KeberlanjutanSustainability Governance

Mendukung Program Laku Pandai [FS13] [FS14]

Sebagai bentuk dukungan pada program branchless banking yang dicanangkan OJK, Mandiri Syariah telah membuka 5 agen Laku Pandai sebagai pilot project di tahun 2018 dan ditargetkan bertambah sekitar 400 agen di seluruh wilayah Indonesia di tahun 2019. Keberadaan agen ini memampukan masyarakat yang sebelumnya tidak terjangkau layanan bank (remote area) untuk dapat mengakses produk layanan perbankan syariah melalui sarana teknologi informasi. Melalui Agen Laku Pandai, nasabah dapat melakukan berbagai layanan fitur tabungan seperti setoran, tarik tunai, transfer atau pemindahbukuan, dan pembukaan rekening.

Disaster Contingency Plan

Mandiri Syariah telah memiliki Standar Prosedur Operasional (SPO) Business Continuity Management (BCM) dan petunjuk teknik Business Continuity Plan (BCP). Ketentuan ini bertujuan untuk memastikan bahwa operasional bank dapat tetap berjalan disaat terjadi bencana.

Inovasi dan Pengembangan Produk 2018

Mandiri Syariah terus melakukan inovasi dan pengembangan produk dan layanan untuk mendukung keberlangsungan bisnis. Selama tahun 2018, pengembangan produk dan layanan yang dilakukan, yaitu:1. Wakaf Digital melalui aplikasi Mobile

Banking Mandiri Syariah2. Layanan chatbot Asisten Interaktif Mandiri

Syariah (Aisyah). Chatbot pertama bank syariah ini berfungsi sebagai customer center virtual selama 7x24 jam.

Supporting the Branchless Banking Program [FS13] [FS14]

As a form of support for the branchless banking program launched by the Financial Service Authority, Mandiri Syariah has established five branchless office agents as pilot projects in 2018 and was targeted to increase by around 400 agents throughout Indonesia in 2019. The presence of these agents enables people who have no access of bank services (remote area) to be able to access sharia banking services through information technology. Through branchless office agent, customer can perform various savings feature services such as deposits, cash withdrawals, transfers or transfers, and opening accounts.

Disaster Contingency Plan

Mandiri Syariah already has Standard Procedure Operating (SPO) of Business Continuity Management (BCM) and technical guidelines of Business Continuity Plan (BCP). This provision aims to ensure that bank operations can continue during and after the period of a disaster.

Product Innovation and Development 2018

Mandiri Syariah continues to innovate and develop products and services to support business sustainability. During 2018, there are several product and service developments:

1. Digital Waqf through Mandiri Syariah Mobile Banking application

2. Mandiri Syariah Interactive Assistant chatbot service (Aisha). The first Sharia chatbot that serves as a virtual customer center for 7x24 hours.

“Mandiri Syariah telah membuka 5 agenLaku Pandai sebagai pilot project di tahun 2018.

Mandiri Syariah has established five branchless office agents as pilot projects in 2018.


2018 Laporan Keberlanjutan • PT Bank Syariah Mandiri44

Strategi KeberlanjutanSustainability Strategy

Sumber Daya ManusiaHuman Resources

Kinerja KeberlanjutanSustainability Performance


PT Bank Syariah Mandiri • Sustainability Report 2018 45

Tanggung Jawab Sosial dan LingkunganSocial and Environmental Responsibility

Tata Kelola KeberlanjutanSustainability Governance




2018 Laporan Keberlanjutan • PT Bank Syariah Mandiri46

Strategi KeberlanjutanSustainability Strategy

Sumber Daya ManusiaHuman Resources

Kinerja KeberlanjutanSustainability Performance


Mandiri Syariah menaruh perhatian besar pada pengelolaan Sumber Daya Manusia (SDM) mulai dari proses rekrutmen, remunerasi, hingga menyediakan tempat kerja yang layak dan nyaman bagi pegawai. Mandiri Syariah selalu mengacu pada kebijakan sumber daya manusia dan standar pedoman sumber daya manusia sebagai panduan dalam mengelola SDM. Kebijakan sumber daya manusia tersebut dievaluasi dari waktu ke waktu dengan memperhatikan Peraturan ketenagakerjaan, perubahan regulasi, implementasi praktik SDM terbaik yang berlaku umum, baik dari induk maupun di industri.

Komposisi Pegawai [102-8] [102-41]

Dengan terjaganya hubungan ketenagakerjaan yang harmonis dan terjaminnya manfaat kerja, Mandiri Syariah memiliki data turnover yang dinilai baik dan komposisi pegawai yang berimbang antara laki-laki dan perempuan.

Mandiri Syariah memastikan bahwa Bank beroperasi dalam koridor yang hormat pada hak asasi manusia dengan memberikan perlakuan setara kepada semua suku, agama, ras, dan tidak mempekerjakan tenaga kerja anak dan tenaga kerja paksa. Setiap pegawai mendapatkan kesempatan yang sama dalam berkarir dan menempati jabatan yang tersedia dalam struktur organisasi. Dalam mengatur pegawai organik, Mandiri Syariah memiliki Peraturan Perusahaan (PP) yang saat ini berlaku untuk periode 2018-2020.

Mandiri Syariah pays great attention to the management of Human Resources (HR) starting from the recruitment process, remuneration, to providing a proper and safe work place for employees. Mandiri Syariah adheres to human resource policies and guidelines as a guide in managing HR. The human resource policy is evaluated regularly by addressing the current employment regulations, regulatory changes, implementation of the best HR practices that are generally accepted, both from the holding company and the industry.

Employees Composition [102-8] [102-41]

Through harmonious labor relations and guaranteed work benefits, Mandiri Syariah has a good level of employee turnover rate and a balanced composition of employees between men and women.

Mandiri Syariah ensures that the Bank operates in a corridor that respects human rights by providing equal treatment to all groups of ethnic, religions, races, as well as not employing child labor and forced labor. Every employee has the same opportunity in a career development and may occupying positions available in the organizational structure. In addition, Mandiri Syariah has a company regulation to manage organic employees which currently applicable for the 2018-2020 period.

“Pada tahun 2018, Mandiri Syariah menerima sebanyak 5 (lima) penyandang disabilitas untuk bekerja sebagai tenaga kriya BSM.

In 2018, Mandiri Syariah recruited 5 (five) persons with disabilities as Kriya BSM workforce.


PT Bank Syariah Mandiri • Sustainability Report 2018 47

Tanggung Jawab Sosial dan LingkunganSocial and Environmental Responsibility

Tata Kelola KeberlanjutanSustainability Governance

Program Tenaga Kriya Penyandang Disabilitas [FS-14]

Mandiri Syariah memiliki program belajar bekerja terpadu (pemagangan) yang diatur secara komprehensif, yang dinamakan Kriya BSM. Dalam 3 tahun ini peserta BSM Kriya terus bertambah seperti matrik sebagai berikut:

Disabled Employment Through Kriya Workforce Program [FS-14]

Mandiri Syariah has a comprehensive integrated work program (trainee), known as Kriya BSM. In the past 3 years Kriya BSM participants have continued to increase as can be seen in the following matrix:

2018 2017


Pria Male

Pria Male

Pria Male

Wanita Female

Wanita Female

Wanita Female

Jumlah Total

Jumlah Total

Jumlah Total

118 78


218 173


336 251


Dalam mendukung program pemerintah dalam hal penyetaraan hak penyandang disabilitas, Mandiri Syariah memberi ruang untuk berkarya di BSM. Pada tahun 2018, Mandiri Syariah menerima sebanyak 5 (lima) penyandang disabilitas untuk bekerja sebagai tenaga kriya BSM.

In supporting government programs in terms of equal treatment for people with disabilities, Mandiri Syariah provides work opportunity in BSM. In 2018, Mandiri Syariah recruited 5 (five) persons with disabilities as Kriya BSM workforce.


2018 Laporan Keberlanjutan • PT Bank Syariah Mandiri48

Strategi KeberlanjutanSustainability Strategy

Sumber Daya ManusiaHuman Resources

Kinerja KeberlanjutanSustainability Performance

Pegawai Berdasarkan Status Kepegawaian Employees Based on Employment Contract

Pegawai Berdasarkan Jenjang Pendidikan dan GenderEmployees Based on Educational Level

Status KepegawaianEmployment Contract

2018 2017 2016

Pria Male

Wanita Female

Pria Male

Wanita Female

Pria Male

Wanita Female

Tetap Permanent 4.971 3.294 5.121 3.412 5.109 3.551

Kontrak Contract 203 242 180 161 363 151

Jumlah Total 8.710 8.874 9.174

Jenjang Pendidikan Educational Level

2018 2017 2016

Pria Male

Wanita Female

Total Pria Male

Wanita Female

Total Pria Male

Wanita Female


S3 Doctoral Degree

1 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 0

S2 Master’s Degree

246 76 322 200 64 264 203 62 265

S1 Bachelor’s Degree

4.400 2.982 7.382 4.557 3.038 7.595 4.702 3.135 7.837

D3/Akademi Associate Degree/ Academy

495 474 969 481 466 947 500 499 999

Elementary-High School

32 4 36 62 5 67 67 6 73

Jumlah Total 5.174 3.536 8.710 5.301 3.573 8.874 5.472 3.702 9.174

Jumlah Pegawai Berdasarkan JabatanEmployees Based on Position Level

Level Jabatan Position Level

2018 2017 2016

Pria Male

Wanita Female

Total Pria Male

Wanita Female

Total Pria Male

Wanita Female


Senior Management

37 8 45 37 7 44 35 8 43

Middle Management

606 206 812 598 206 804 579 202 781

Officer 2.063 913 2.976 1.889 849 2.738 2.045 901 2.946

Staff 2.453 2.409 4.862 2.733 2.511 5.244 2.768 2.591 5.359

Non Staff 15 0 15 44 0 44 45 0 45

Jumlah Total 5.174 3.536 8.710 5.301 3.573 8.874 5.472 3.702 9.174


PT Bank Syariah Mandiri • Sustainability Report 2018 49

Tanggung Jawab Sosial dan LingkunganSocial and Environmental Responsibility

Tata Kelola KeberlanjutanSustainability Governance

Jumlah Pegawai Berdasarkan Usia dan GenderEmployees Based on Age

Rentang Usia

2018 2017 2016

Pria Male

Wanita Female

Total Pria Male

Wanita Female

Total Pria Male

Wanita Female


<30 Tahun 1.274 1.643 2.917 1.649 1.971 3.620 122 26 148

30-50 Tahun 3.755 1.860 5.615 3.508 1.570 5.078 3.201 1.327 4.528

>50 Tahun 145 33 178 144 32 176 2.149 2.349 4.498

Jumlah Total 5.174 3.536 8.710 5.301 3.573 8.874 5.472 3.702 9.174

Jumlah Pegawai Berdasarkan WilayahEmployees Based on Region


2018 2017

Pria Male

Wanita Female

Total Pria Male

Wanita Female


Kantor PusatHead Office

2.001 678 2.679 2.010 649 2.659

Kantor WilayahRegional Office

3.173 2.858 6.031 3.291 2.924 6.215

Region I / Sumatera 1

543 456 999 563 456 1.019

Region II / Sumatera 2

356 290 646 362 293 655

Region III / Jakarta

694 787 1.481 723 822 1.545

Region IV / Jawa 1 Java 1

630 506 1.136 655 522 1.177

Region V / Jawa 2 Java 2

446 367 813 461 386 847

Region VI / Kalimantan

237 216 453 255 212 467

Region VII / Indonesia Timur East Indonesia

267 236 503 272 233 505

Jumlah Total 5.174 3.536 8.710 5.310 3.573 8.874


2018 Laporan Keberlanjutan • PT Bank Syariah Mandiri50

Strategi KeberlanjutanSustainability Strategy

Sumber Daya ManusiaHuman Resources

Kinerja KeberlanjutanSustainability Performance

Perputaran Pegawai [401-1]Employees Turnover

Uraian Description 2018 2017 2016

Pegawai Meninggalkan PerusahaanEmployees Turnover

566 612 882

Pensiun Pension 51 19 267

Meninggal Dunia Death 2 10 5

Mengundurkan Diri Resign 473 538 566

Lainnya Others 40 45 44

Jumlah Pegawai Baru New Employees

417 250 527

Apprentice 11 8 19

Trainee 0 0 0

Management Trainee 26 0 86

Tenaga Ahli Experts 2 2 3

Lainnya Others 378 240 419

Tingkat Perputaran Turnover Rate 5,4% 5,9% 6,1%

Sistem Remunerasi Pegawai

Pengelolaan reward pegawai adalah segala jenis reward Bank kepada pegawai baik langsung maupun tidak langsung; intrinsik maupun ekstrinsik. Pendekatan ini merupakan upaya Bank menciptakan lingkungan kerja yang menyenangkan, menantang, dan memberdayakan pegawai melalui penggunaan kemampuan mereka untuk melakukan pekerjaan yang bermakna.

Reward diberikan oleh Bank dengan mengedepankan prinsip competitiveness dan fairness. Reward yang diberikan kepada pegawai dapat bersifat finansial maupun non-finansial yang disesuaikan dengan kemampuan Bank. Salah satu bentuk financial reward bagi pegawai adalah bonus tahunan yang diberikan berdasarkan kinerja Bank, kinerja unit kerja dan kinerja pegawainya.

Employee Remuneration System

Employee reward management is all types of Bank rewards to employees both directly and indirectly; intrinsic or extrinsic. This approach is an attempt by the Bank to create a work environment that is fun, challenging, and empowers employees through the use of their ability to do meaningful work.

Rewards are given by the Bank by prioritizing the principles of competitiveness and fairness, where rewards given to employees can be both financial and non-financial in accordance with the ability of the Bank. One form of financial reward for employees is the annual bonus given based on the Bank’s performance, work unit performance and employee performance.

Rekrutmen dan Perputaran Pegawai

Pengembangan bisnis dan peningkatan kualitas layanan Mandiri Syariah sepanjang tahun 2018 didukung dengan proses rekruitmen 417 pegawai baru. Memahami persaingan kinerja antar bank dan terbukanya kesempatan kerja yang sangat luas di sektor jasa perbankan, Mandiri Syariah mencatat data turnover pekerja di sekitar 5,4%.

Employee Recruitment and Turnover

Business development and quality improvement of Mandiri Syariah services throughout 2018 were supported by a recruitment process of 417 new employees. Understanding the competition among banks and the vast employment opportunities in the banking services sector, Mandiri Syariah recorded a turnover of around 5.4%.


PT Bank Syariah Mandiri • Sustainability Report 2018 51

Tanggung Jawab Sosial dan LingkunganSocial and Environmental Responsibility

Tata Kelola KeberlanjutanSustainability Governance

Selain financial reward, Bank juga memberikan benefit lain kepada pegawai berupa fasilitas kesehatan, hari cuti, pembiayaan pegawai dan fasilitas lainnya sesuai lokasi kerja dan jabatan. Fasilitas kesehatan melalui pemberian asuransi kesehatan dengan cakupan yang luas terus ditingkatkan hingga menjaminkan layanan khusus termasuk tindakan yang menggunakan alat canggih. Wellness program yang dijalankan di seluruh wilayah sebagai bentuk edukasi kesehatan bagi pegawai.

Skema pembiayaan pegawai dengan margin rendah dan jangka waktu yang panjang disediakan guna membantu pegawai dan keluarganya memiliki rumah serta kepemilikan kendaraan pada jabatan tertentu. System punishment pun diterapkan terhadap pegawai yang melakukan penyimpangan atau pelanggaran terhadap ketentuan berupa teguran, peringatan dan sanksi yang disesuaikan dengan tingkat pelanggaran yang dilakukan.

Reward yang bersifat non-financial diberikan pula atas pencapaian kinerja Bank dalam bentuk apresiasi umroh. Sepanjang tahun 2018, berdasarkan kinerja Bank tahun 2017, telah diberikan apresiasi umroh kepada 365 orang pegawai. Pemberian apresiasi umroh tersebut diprioritaskan kepada pegawai yang akan memasuki masa purna bakti.

Apresiasi lain yang berbentuk non-financial juga diberikan Bank kepada unit kerja dan individu juga inovasi-inovasi terbaik yang berdampak kepada kinerja Bank, termasuk pencapaian khusus unit atau individu yang memberikan dampak yang signifikan terhadap bisnis, kinerja maupun reputasi Bank. Apresiasi tersebut diberikan pada acara Mandiri Syariah Excellence Award sebagai bentuk apresiasi tertinggi dari Bank.

In addition to financial rewards, the Bank also provides other benefits to employees in the form of health facilities, days off, employee financing and other facilities according to work location and position. Health facilities through the provision of health insurance with extensive coverage continue to be improved to guarantee special services including actions that use sophisticated tools. Wellness programs are carried out throughout the region as a form of health education for employees.

Low-margin and long-term employee financing schemes are provided to help employees and their families own houses and vehicle ownership in certain positions. System punishment is also applied to employees who commit irregularities or violations of provisions in the form of warnings, warnings and sanctions that are adjusted to the level of violations committed.

Non-financial rewards are also given for the achievement of the Bank’s performance in the form of Umrah appreciation. Throughout 2018, based on the Bank’s performance in 2017, umrah appreciation has been given to 365 employees. The giving of the Umrah appreciation is prioritized to employees who will enter the retirement period.

Other non-financial appreciation is also given by the Bank to work units and individuals as well as the best innovations that have an impact on the Bank’s performance, including unit or individual specific achievements that have a significant impact on the business, performance and reputation of the Bank. The appreciation was given at the Mandiri Syariah Excellence Award as the highest form of appreciation from the Bank.

Manfaat Pegawai [401-2]Employee Benefits

Manfaat pegawaiEmployee Benefits

Pegawai Tetap Permanent Employees

Pegawai Tidak Tetap Non-permanent Employees

Gaji Salary V V

Tunjangan Tetap Fixed allowances V -

Tunjangan Tidak Tetap Variable Allowance V -

Fasilitas Kesehatan Health Facility V V

Pensiun Pension V -

“Bank memberikan reward kepada pegawai dengan mengedepankan prinsip competitiveness dan fairness.

Bank rewarded the employees by prioritizingthe principles of competitiveness and fairness.


2018 Laporan Keberlanjutan • PT Bank Syariah Mandiri52

Strategi KeberlanjutanSustainability Strategy

Sumber Daya ManusiaHuman Resources

Kinerja KeberlanjutanSustainability Performance

Lingkungan Kerja yang Kondusif dan Aman

Seluruh pegawai Mandiri Syariah mendapatkan jaminan lingkungan kerja yang layak dan aman sebagaimana tertuang dalam Peraturan Perusahaan (PP) dan Standar Prosedur Operasional (SPO) Human Capital. Kelayakan tempat kerja didukung tempat kerja yang bersih dan dilengkapi fasilitas penunjang seperti tempat ibadah, ruang makan, tempat parkir. Adapun keamanan tempat kerja didukung oleh alat deteksi asap dan alat pemadam kebakaran ringan (APAR).

Disamping itu, Mandiri Syariah berupaya mempertahankan “zero accident” setiap tahunnya dengan mendorong setiap pegawai menerapkan praktik kerja dengan prinsip kehati-hatian dan patuh terhadap peraturan yang berlaku. Setiap pegawai juga ikut dalam kegiatan pelatihan keselamatan kerja yang diselenggarakan PT UG Mandiri dan Dinas Pemadam Kebakaran setempat, diantaranya evakuasi ketika terjadi bencana kebakaran/gempa bumi.

Conducive and Safe Work Environment

All Mandiri Syariah employees are guaranteed to have a decent and safe work environment as set forth in Corporate Regulation (PP) and Standard Procedure Operating (SOP). The productivity of the workplace is supported by a clean workplace and facilities such as places for worship, dining rooms, parking lots. In addition the workplace is also secured and facilitated by smoke detection devices and light fire extinguishers (APAR).

Besides that, Mandiri Syariah strives to maintain a “zero accident” every year by encouraging every employee to work with the principle of prudence and comply with applicable regulations. Each employee also participated in work safety training activities held by PT UG Mandiri and the local Fire Department, such as evacuation during a fire/earthquake disaster.


Setiap pegawai mendapatkan kesempatan yang sama mengembangkan kompetensi dengan mengikuti program pendidikan dan pelatihan. Pelatihan diperuntukan bagi seluruh pegawai di kantor pusat maupun daerah dengan materi pelatihan mencakup sertifikasi, leadership, operation and support, public training, retail banking, wholesale banking, sales and service, knowledge sharing. Pada tahun 2018, Mandiri Syariah telah merealisasikan Biaya Pendidikan dan Pelatihan 2018 sebesar Rp52,91 miliar yang meningkat 4,8% dibanding dengan tahun 2017. Terdapat 4.690 program pendidikan dan pelatihan yang telah diikuti oleh 11.492 peserta di tahun 2018.

Mandiri Syariah juga memberikan program pelatihan bagi pegawai yang akan memasuki masa purnabakti/pensiun. pelatihan ini tidak hanya tersedia untuk pegawai tetapi juga tersedia untuk pasangan pegawai untuk mengikuti pelatihan purnabakti bersama-sama. Sampai akhir tahun 2018, jumlah pegawai yang telah mengikuti pelatihan pembekalan masa purnabakti adalah sebanyak 60 pegawai.

Every employee has the same opportunity to develop competencies by attending education and training programs. Training was provided for all employees at the head office and the regions with the material consisted of certification, leadership, operation and support, public training, retail banking, wholesale banking, sales and service, knowledge sharing. In 2018, Mandiri Syariah realized education and training costs of Rp52.91 billion or 4.8% higher than costs in 2017. There were 4,690 education and training programs that have been participated in by 11,492 participants in 2018.

Mandiri Syariah also provides training programs for employees who will get into retirement. This training is not only available for employees but also available for spouse of employee to take part in retirement training together. As of the end of 2018, there were 60 employees who had attended retirement training.

“Mandiri Syariah berupaya untuk mempertahankan “zero accident” setiaptahunnya.

Mandiri Syariah strives to maintain a “zero accident” every year.


PT Bank Syariah Mandiri • Sustainability Report 2018 53

Tanggung Jawab Sosial dan LingkunganSocial and Environmental Responsibility

Tata Kelola KeberlanjutanSustainability Governance

Mandiri Syariah menyediakan classroom training dan experiential learning bagi para pegawai. Selain itu juga tersedia fasilitas self training melalui dua portal online yaitu BSM E-learning dan BSM Known. Saat ini, semua pelatihan yang dilakukan oleh Mandiri Syariah University (MSU) sudah mengurangi penggunaan kertas.

Mandiri Syariah provides classroom training and experiential learning for employees. In addition, there are self training facilities available through two online portals of BSM E-learning and BSM Known. Currently, all trainings conducted by Mandiri Syariah University (MSU) has reduced the paper use.

Pelatihan berdasarkan Topik 2018 [404-1] Training based on topic 2018

Rata-rata Jam Pelatihan setiap Pegawai yang Menghadiri Pelatihan [404-1]Average Training Hours for each Employee Attending Training

Pelatihan Berdasarkan Jabatan 2018 Training Based on Position Level 2018


Jumlah Peserta


Leadership 2.710

Technical Skill – Retail Banking 1.550

Technical Skill – Wholesale Banking


Technical Skill – Support 1.046

Technical Skill – Operation 1.316

Certification 1.985

Change & Culture Development 2.037

Jumlah Total 11.492

Tingkat Jabatan Position Level

Partisipasi Pegawai


Senior Manager setara keatas Senior Manager or above


Assisten Manager setara keatas Assistant Manager or above


Pelaksana Staff 4.267

Lainnya Others 104

Jumlah Total 11.492

5.327 288.218 54,1 52.912Jumlah pegawai yang partisipasi pelatihan Number of employees

participating in training

Jam Pelatihan Training Hours

Jam Pelatihan/pegawai Training Hours/


Biaya Pelatihan Pegawai (juta rupiah)

Employee Training Cost (Million Rupiah)

Pelatihan Sustainable Finance [FS4]

Dalam mendukung penerapan Sustainable Finance (SF), Mandiri Syariah mendorong Tim Inti SF, Unit Kerja, Bisnis dan Support untuk mengikuti pelatihan khusus terkait penerapan SF yang diselenggarakan pihak internal perusahaan maupun eksternal. Pada tahun 2018, pelatihan Sustainable Finance dihadiri oleh anggota Dewan Komisaris, Direksi, dan 55 pegawai ditingkat asisten manager keatas.

Sustainable Finance Training [FS4]

In supporting the implementation of Sustainable Finance (SF), Mandiri Syariah encourages the SF Main Team, Work Unit, Business and Support to take part in specific training related to the implementation of SF held by internal and external parties. In 2018, SF training was attended by Board of Commissioners, Board of Directors, and 55 employees at the assistant manager level and above.

“Pada tahun 2018, pelatihan Sustainable Finance dihadiri oleh anggota Dewan Komisaris, Direksi, dan 55 pegawai ditingkat asisten manager keatas.

In 2018, SF training was attended by Board of Commissioners, Board of Directors, and 55 employees at the assistant manager level and above.Rp


2018 Laporan Keberlanjutan • PT Bank Syariah Mandiri54

Strategi KeberlanjutanSustainability Strategy

Sumber Daya ManusiaHuman Resources

Kinerja KeberlanjutanSustainability Performance

Pelatihan Terkait Keuangan Berkelanjutan 2018Training on Sustainable Finance 2018

Materi PelatihanTraining Material

Waktu PenyelenggaraanDate


Pelatihan Keuangan Berkelanjutan Sustainable Finance Training

8-26 Oktober 2018October 8-26, 2018


Pelatihan Laporan Keberlanjutan Sustainability Report Training

25 April 2018April 25, 2018


Pelatihan Keuangan Berkelanjutan dan Laporan KeberlanjutanSustainable Finance Training and Sustainability Report

19 – 20 Juli 2018July 19 – 20, 2018


Selain pelatihan, Mandiri Syariah juga melakukan sosialisasi terkait SF melalui beberapa aktivitas:

Besides training, Mandiri Syariah also conducted socialization related to SF in form of several activities:

Sosialisasi SF kepada Branch Manager, Unit Bisnis dan

Unit Support lainnya oleh Senior Advisor dan tim inti

Sustainable Finance; Socialization on SF to Branch

Manager, other Business Units and Support Units by the Senior Advisor and the Sustainable Finance Main


Sharing Session SF kepada BOC, BOD, Kepala Unit Kerja

dan staf Kantor Pusat;Sharing Session SF to the BOC, BOD, Head of Work Units and

Head Office staff;

Sosialisasi Rencana Kerja & Anggaran Perusahaan (RKAP),

Rencana Bisnis Bank (RBB), dan Rencana Aksi Keuangan Berkelanjutan (RAKB) untuk seluruh unit kerja oleh Unit Kerja Strategic Performance & Monitoring dan Corporate

Secretary;Dissemination of Corporate

Work & Budget Plans (RKAP), Bank Business Plans (RBB), and Sustainable Finance

Action Plans (SFAP) for all work units by the Performance &

Monitoring Strategic Work Unit and Corporate Secretary;

Joint Planning Session untuk memperkuat sinergi antar unit

kerja terkait SF.Joint Planning Session to

strengthen synergy between work units related to SF.

Sosialisasi dan pelatihan SF merupakan bagian dari upaya Mandiri Syariah membangun budaya keberlanjutan kepada seluruh pegawai. Melalui budaya ini, Mandiri Syariah berkomitmen untuk mencapai kinerja keberlanjutan sesuai target yang telah ditetapkan.

Socialization and training of SF were part of the Mandiri Syariah effort to build a sustainability culture for all employees. Through this culture, Mandiri Syariah is committed to achieving sustainability performance according to the targets.


PT Bank Syariah Mandiri • Sustainability Report 2018 55

Tanggung Jawab Sosial dan LingkunganSocial and Environmental Responsibility

Tata Kelola KeberlanjutanSustainability Governance


2018 Laporan Keberlanjutan • PT Bank Syariah Mandiri56

Strategi KeberlanjutanSustainability Strategy

Sumber Daya ManusiaHuman Resources

Kinerja KeberlanjutanSustainability Performance


PT Bank Syariah Mandiri • Sustainability Report 2018 57

Tanggung Jawab Sosial dan LingkunganSocial and Environmental Responsibility

Tata Kelola KeberlanjutanSustainability Governance

TANGGUNG JAWAB SOSIAL DAN LINGKUNGANSocial and Environmental Responsibility



2018 Laporan Keberlanjutan • PT Bank Syariah Mandiri58

Strategi KeberlanjutanSustainability Strategy

Sumber Daya ManusiaHuman Resources

Kinerja KeberlanjutanSustainability Performance

TANGGUNG JAWAB SOSIAL Social Responsibility

Pelaksanaan Tanggung Jawab Sosial Perusahaan (CSR) merupakan komitmen Mandiri Syariah untuk memberikan nilai tambah kepada semua pemangku kepentingan dan menjaga keberlanjutan perusahaan dalam jangka panjang. Melalui SF terkait aksi sosial, Mandiri Syariah telah merumuskan BSM Integrated Social Action (BISA). BISA memiliki 4 pilar yang terdiri dari:

The implementation of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is a commitment of Mandiri Syariah to provide added value to all stakeholders and maintain the sustainability of the company in the long term. Through SF related to social action, Mandiri Syariah has formulated BSM Integrated Social Action (BISA). BISA has 4 pillars consist of:

Socio-economic development

Pengembangan dan pemberdayaan masyarakat

untuk mendukung perekonomian masyarakat

sekitarCommunity development and empowerment to support the economy of the surrounding


Spiritual development

Pembangunan/renovasi sarana ibadah yang

merupakan penggerak ekonomi lokal

Construction/renovation of religious facilities which are the drivers of the local


People development

Pembangunan sarana fasilitas kesehatan dan

pendidikanConstruction of health and

education facilities

Environment development

Pemberian bantuan kepada masyarakat korban bencana,

employee volunteeringProviding assistance to

disaster victims, volunteering employees


PT Bank Syariah Mandiri • Sustainability Report 2018 59

Tanggung Jawab Sosial dan LingkunganSocial and Environmental Responsibility

Tata Kelola KeberlanjutanSustainability Governance

Kontribusi Program Sosial Melalui Penyaluran Zakat Korporat & Dana Sosial Tahun 2018 [203-1]

Contribution of Social Programs through Distribution of Corporate Zakat & Social Funds in 2018

Dasar hukum dalam pengelolaan CSR antara lain: • Undang-Undang No. 40 tahun 2007 tentang

Perseroan Terbatas Tanggung Jawab Sosial dan Lingkungan Perusahaan;

• Undang-Undang No. 25 tahun 2007 tentang Penanaman Modal;

• Kebijakan tanggung jawab sosial dan lingkungan yang tertuang dalam SPO dan PTO.

Mandiri Syariah bermitra dengan Mitra Penyalur ZIS untuk mengelola dana zakat infak shadaqah dan dana kebajikan/sosial dalam rangka melaksanakan CSR melalui program Mitra Umat, Didik Umat dan Simpati Umat. Sasaran penerima manfaat program CSR mengacu pada delapan ashnaf zakat (mustahik) yaitu: Fakir, Miskin, Amil, Muallaf, Riqob, Gharimin, Fisabilillah, Ibnu Sabil. Pelaksanaan program CSR ini merupakan wujud dukungan Mandiri Syariah terhadap Sustainable Development Goals. Evaluasi efektivitas pengelolaan CSR dilakukan melalui kegiatan Rapat Direksi, Rapat Direktur Bidang dan Performance Review.

The basis in CSR implementation includes:

• Law No.40 of 2007 concerning Limited Liability Companies, Corporate Social and Environmental Responsibilities;

• Law No.25 of 2007 concerning Investment;

• Social and environmental responsibility policies set forth in the SPO and PTO.

Mandiri Syariah partnered with Channel Partner of ZIS to manage the zakat infak shadaqah and virtue/social funds in order to implement CSR through the Community Partnership Program of Mitra Umat, Didik Umat, and Simpati Umat. The target beneficiaries of the CSR program refers to eight ashnaf zakat (mustahik) of Fakir, Miskin, Amil, Muallaf, Riqob, Gharimin, Fisabilillah, Ibnu Sabil. The implementation of this CSR program also means to support the achievement of Sustainable Development Goals. Evaluation of CSR management was carried out through Board of Directors Meetings, Field Director Meetings and Performance Reviews.


Penerima ManfaatBeneficiaries

Kontribusi SDGsContribution to SDGs

Mitra Umat

• Micro Entrepreneurship Program bantuan dana modal usaha untuk memulai dan

mengembangkan kewirausahaan mustahik. Program ini mencakup pertanian padi sehat (100 petani), peternakan kambing (50 peternak), peternakan sapi potong (50 peternak).

• Micro Entrepreneurship It is a venture capital funding program to start and develop mustahic

entrepreneurship. This program includes rice farming (100 farmers), goat livestock (50 breeders), cattle livestocks (50 breeders).




Didik Umat

Memberikan bantuan pendidikan (beasiswa) kepada mereka yang membutuhkan dan mengupayakan tetap berlangsungnya kegiatan belajar mengajar. Bantuan juga termasuk sarana dan prasarana belajar seperti Program Islamic Sociopreneur Development Program (ISDP), Sahabat Pelajar Indonesia.

Provides educational assistance (scholarships) to those in need and seeks ongoing teaching and learning activities. Assistance Also includes learning facilities and infrastructure, such as Islamic Sociopreneur Development Program (ISDP) program, Sahabat Pelajar Indonesia.

1.870 orangpeople

Program Sosial Melalui Penyaluran ZakatSocial Programs through Distribution of Corporate Zakat


2018 Laporan Keberlanjutan • PT Bank Syariah Mandiri60

Strategi KeberlanjutanSustainability Strategy

Sumber Daya ManusiaHuman Resources

Kinerja KeberlanjutanSustainability Performance

Realisasi Dana Tanggung Jawab Sosial

Mandiri Syariah menyalurkan dana zakat dan dana sosial yang peruntukannya sesuai dengan peraturan perundang-undangan. Dana zakat bersumber dari zakat perusahaan (Mandiri Syariah), zakat dari nasabah dan umum, serta zakat pegawai. Adapun dana sosial bersumber dari penalti, jasa giro, dan dana sosial lainnya.

Realization of Social Responsibility Fund

Mandiri Syariah distributes zakat funds and social funds that are allocated according to the laws and regulations. Zakat funds are sourced from corporate zakat (Mandiri Syariah), zakat from customers and the public, as well as employee zakat. The social funds come from penalties, current account services, and other social funds.

Sumber Dana Zakat (Miliar Rupiah) Sources of Zakat Fund (Billion Rupiah)

Sumber Dana Sosial (Juta Rupiah)Sources of Social Fund (Million Rupiah)

Sumber Dana Fund Sources 2018 2017* 2016

Perusahaan Company 20.916 12.489 11.146

Nasabah dan Umum Customers and Public 3.181 2.658 2.697

Pegawai Mandiri Syariah Sharia Mandiri Employees 11.229 10.882 10.478

Jumlah Total 35.326 26.029 24.321

Sumber Dana Fund Sources 2018 2017* 2016

Denda Penalties 22.809 24.778 40.168

Penerimaan Jasa Giro Current Account Services 628 76 428

Dana Sosial Lainnya Other Social Funds 536 5 81

Jumlah Total 23.973 24.859 40.677

Keterangan: *Pada tahun 2017 terjadi reklasifikasi dana kebajikanNotes: there was a reclassification of virtue funds In 2017


Penerima ManfaatBeneficiaries

Kontribusi SDGsContribution to SDGs

Simpati Umat

• Kesehatan Berupa bantuan kepada pihak yg membutuhkan dibidang kesehatan

termasuk sarana & prasarananya. Kegiatan meliputi medical check-up grati, donor darah, dan pembangunan sanitasi pesantren

• Health In the form of assistance to the party in need in the field of health

including facilities & infrastructures. Activities include free medical check-ups, blood donors, and construction of sanitation schools.

19.684 orangpeople

• Kebencanaan dan lingkungan hidup Bantuan untuk mengantisipasi kondisi darurat serta aktif mengurangi

dampak akibat terjadinya bencana sosial. Aktif ikut memperbaiki atau meningkatkan kualitas lingkungan hidup secara luas. Di tahun 2018, Bank memberikan bantuan bencana Palu & Lombok, bedah rumah. Terdapat 122 pegawai yang ikut serta menjadi relawan dalam kegiatan ini.

• Natural disaster and living environment Assistance to anticipate emergency situations and actively reduce the

impact of social disasters. Actively participate in improving or enhancing the quality of the environment widely. In 2018, the Bank provided disaster relief for Palu & Lombok and retrofitting livable housing program. There are 122 employees who participated as volunteers in this program.

24.869 orangpeople


PT Bank Syariah Mandiri • Sustainability Report 2018 61

Tanggung Jawab Sosial dan LingkunganSocial and Environmental Responsibility

Tata Kelola KeberlanjutanSustainability Governance

Penyaluran Dana Zakat Korporat Bersama Mitra Penyalur ZIS (Juta Rupiah)Distribution of Corporate Zakat Funds with Channel Partner of ZIS (Million Rupiah)

Penyaluran Dana Zakat dan Kebajikan

Sesuai Perjanjian Kerja Sama Mandiri Syariah dan Mitra Penyalur ZIS, penyaluran dana zakat dilakukan melalui Mitra Penyalur ZIS dalam bentuk tiga program utama: Mitra Umat, Didik Umat dan Simpati Umat. Adapun sasaran penerima manfaat zakat mengacu pada delapan ashnaf zakat (mustahik) yaitu Fakir, Miskin, Amil, Muallaf, Riqob, Gharimin, Fisabilillah, Ibnu Sabil.

Distribution of Zakat and Virtue Funds

In accordance with the Cooperation Agreement with Channel Partner of ZIS, the distribution of zakat funds is carried out through Channel Partner of ZIS in the form of three main programs of Mitra Umat, Didik Umat and Simpati Umat. The target beneficiaries of the zakat refers to eight ashnaf zakat (mustahik) of Fakir, Miskin, Amil, Muallaf, Riqob, Gharimin, Fisabilillah, Ibnu Sabil.

Program 2018 2017 2016

Mitra Umat 9.488 1.183 -

Didik Umat 12.894 21.820 2.360

Simpati Umat 11.645 17.195 3.198

Porsi Amil Amil Portion 3.840 3.326 403

Jumlah Total 37.867 43.524 5.961

Penyaluran Dana Zakat 2018 Berdasarkan Asnaf (dalam juta Rupiah)Distribution of Zakat Funds Based on Asnaf 2018 (Million Rupiah)

No Golongan Asnaf Asnaf Category

Penerima ManfaatBeneficiaries

2018 2017 2016

1 Fakir & Miskin Perorangan, Panti Asuhan, Pesantren yang menampung fakir, Yayasan yang membina fakir dan miskinIndividuals, Orphanages, Islamic Boarding Schools which accommodate fakir, Foundations that foster the fakir and miskin

30.510,63 32.499,65 5.354,75

2 Gharimin Orang yang terlibat hutang untuk kebutuhan PokokPeople involved in debt for basic needs

63,69 17,44 6,50

3 Muallaf Orang yang baru masuk islamPeople who are new to Islam

13 605,00 -

4 Ibnu sabil Orang yang dalam perjalanan dan kehabisan bekal dan atau kena musibahPeople who are running out provision during the trip and/or hit by disaster

- - -

5 Riqob Hamba sahaya yang berusaha memerdekakan dirinya.The servant who tries to free himself.

- - -

6 Fii sabilillah Perorangan (Da’ i, Guru Agama), Masjid/Musholla yang berada di lingkungan menengah kebawahIndividuals (Da’ i, Religion Teacher), Mosques which are in middle to lower neighborhoods

3.439,17 7.076,00 196,60

7 Amil Pegawai Mitra Penyalur ZIS Umat Channel Partner of ZIS employee

3.839,91 3.325,95 403,45

Jumlah Total 37.866,41 43.524,04 5.961,3


2018 Laporan Keberlanjutan • PT Bank Syariah Mandiri62

Strategi KeberlanjutanSustainability Strategy

Sumber Daya ManusiaHuman Resources

Kinerja KeberlanjutanSustainability Performance

Mandiri Syariah menyalurkan dana kebajikan melalui beberapa jenis kegiatan kepada masyarakat berupa bantuan fisik dan non fisik, bantuan kondisi darurat, pemberdayaan bidang ekonomi, pendidikan, kesehatan, keagamaan/dakwah, seni-budaya, sosial/kemasyarakatan, CSR, dan lain-lain yang relevan sesuai fatwa/opini Dewan Pengawas Syariah Syariah Bank Syariah Mandiri.

Mandiri Syariah distributes virtue funds through several types of activities to the community in the form of physical and non-physical assistance, emergency assistance, empowerment in the fields of economy, education, health, religion/da’wah, arts-culture, social/community, CSR, and other relevant assistance in accordance to the fatwa/opinion of the Syariah Supervisory Board of Bank Syariah Mandiri.

Pada tahun 2018, sebagian dana kebajikan digunakan untuk membangun infrastruktur umum secara in-kind atau probono. Pembangunan infrastruktur diharapkan dapat meningkatkan perekonomian masyarakat sekitar dan mempermudah akses masyarakat terhadap layanan pendidikan dan kesehatan.

In 2018, a portion of the virtue funds were used to build public infrastructure in-kind or probono. The development of infrastructure is expected to be able to improve the economy of the surrounding community and facilitate people’s access to education and health services.

Bantuan Pembangunan Infrastruktur Berwawasan Sosial dan Lingkungan 2018 [203-1]Development Assistance for Infrastructure with Social and Environmental Values 2018

Jenis ProyekProject Type

Sifat BantuanType of Assistance


Nominal (miliar rupiah)(billion rupiah)


BSM Mengalirkan Berkah BSM Program of Channeling Blessings

In-kind Seluruh Indonesia

Throughout Indonesia

15,46 • Peningkatan kualitas sanitasi di 513 masjid/mushola

• Pembangunan dan renovasi 12 masjid serta 2 sarana pendidikan, dan 1 sanitasi umum.

• Quality improvement of sanitation in 513 mosques

• Construction and renovation of 12 mosques and 2 educational facilities, and 1 public sanitation

Renovasi Pondok PesantrenRenovation of Islamic Boarding Schools

In-kind Lombok 0,35 Penyediaan sarana belajar bagi korban gempaProvision of learning facilities for earthquake victims

Pembuatan Mobil MushollaDevelopment of Musholla Cars

In-kind Jabodetabek 0,77 Memfasilitasi pelaksanaan ibadah dalam berbagai kondisi, seperti saat bencana alamFacilitate the worship activities in various conditions, such as during natural disasters

Penyaluran Dana Kebajikan/Sosial

melalui Mitra Penyalur ZIS (Juta Rupiah)

Distribution of Virtue/Social Funds through Channel Partner of ZIS

(Million Rupiah)






36.990“Mandiri Syariah menyediakan fasilitas Mobil Musholla untuk memudahkan masyarakat melaksanakan sholat pada kondisi dan posisi jauh dari musholla reguler.

Mandiri Syariah provided Musholla Cars to make it easier for people to pray in conditions and positions far from regular Musholla.


PT Bank Syariah Mandiri • Sustainability Report 2018 63

Tanggung Jawab Sosial dan LingkunganSocial and Environmental Responsibility

Tata Kelola KeberlanjutanSustainability Governance

TANGGUNG JAWAB LINGKUNGAN Environmental Responsibility

Komitmen Mandiri Syariah dalam menjalankan kegiatan operasional yang ramah lingkungan diwujudkan melalui kantor hijau (green office). Inisiatif internal yang diterapkan masih terbatas pada pelaksanaan program efisiensi energi, penghematan kertas, efisiensi air dan pengurangan emisi.

Efisiensi Energi [302-1]

Mandiri Syariah berupaya melakukan pengelolaan sumber energi efektif dan efisien melalui beberapa inisiatif, seperti penggantian pendingin ruangan (AC) hemat energi, penggunaan serta pengaturan suhu AC yang wajar dan kebijakan untuk mematikan lampu ruangan saat tidak digunakan.

Mandiri Syariah’s commitment in carrying out environmentally friendly operational activities is realized through green office. The internal initiatives implemented were still limited to the implementation of energy efficiency programs, paper savings, water efficiency and emission reduction.

Energy Efficiency [302-1]

Mandiri Syariah strives to manage energy sources effectively and efficiently through several initiatives, such as energy saving air conditioning replacement, set up adequate AC temperatures, and the policy to turn off lights when not in use.

Penghematan kertas

Mandiri Syariah telah mengimplementasikan program penghematan kertas melalui beberapa inisiatif, seperti penggunaan surat elektronik (softcopy), penggunaan kertas bekas, dan cetak bolak-balik untuk dokumen internal.

Selain itu, manajemen telah menerapkan penggunaan kertas daur ulang dalam percetakan Laporan Tahunan dan Laporan Keberlanjutan. Inisiatif ini mendukung prinsip Reuse, Reduce, and Recycle (3R) untuk memastikan bahwa terjadi pemanfaatan sisa material dalam bentuk barang baru dan sebagai upaya dalam pengurangan limbah padat.

Paper saving

Mandiri Syariah has implemented a paper-saving program through several initiatives, such as the use of electronic mail (softcopy), the use of used paper, and double-sided print for internal documents.

In addition, management has implemented the use of recycled paper in printing Annual Reports and Sustainability Reports. This initiative supports the principles of Reuse, Reduce, and Recycle (3R) to ensure that the utilization of the remaining material in the form of new goods and as an effort in reducing solid waste.

“Komitmen Mandiri Syariah dalam menjalankankegiatan operasional yang ramah lingkungandiwujudkan melalui kantor hijau (green office).

Mandiri Syariah’s commitment in carrying outenvironmentally friendly operational activitiesis realized through green office.


2018 Laporan Keberlanjutan • PT Bank Syariah Mandiri64

Strategi KeberlanjutanSustainability Strategy

Sumber Daya ManusiaHuman Resources

Kinerja KeberlanjutanSustainability Performance

Efisiensi Air

Mandiri Syariah melakukan himbauan dan sosialisasi secara terus menerus kepada seluruh pegawai untuk menggunakan air secukupnya. Inisiatif lain yang diterapkan antara lain menggunakan air bekas pakai gedung yang didaur ulang untuk air flush toilet pada gedung baru milik Bank Syariah Mandiri.

Pengurangan Emisi

Mandiri Syariah memastikan mitra pemilik kendaraan yang disewa untuk melakukan pemeliharaan dan perbaikan transportasi kendaraan operasional untuk mengoptimalkan kinerja mesin agar makin efisien dalam memakai energi dan mengeluarkan emisi yang memenuhi standar baku mutu. Selama tahun 2018, tercatat seluruh kendaraan operasional telah dinyatakan lulus uji kelayakan dan memenuhi persyaratan layak jalan.

Bank juga membatasi waktu pakai kendaraan operasional selama 5 tahun untuk memastikan efisiensi penggunaan energi dan terpenuhinya standar gas buang emisi. Mandiri Syariah juga berupaya untuk mengurangi perjalanan dinas apabila memungkinkan dengan memanfaatkan komunikasi langsung jarak jauh (teleconference). Jumlah teleconference yang dilakukan di Kantor Pusat oleh Distribution Strategy Group di tahun 2018 mencapai 84 kali.

Water Efficiency

Mandiri Syariah conducts appeals and socialization to all employees to use water moderately. Other initiatives implemented include using recycled water for water flush toilet in new buildings owned by Bank Syariah Mandiri.

Emission Reduction

Mandiri Syariah ensures that the partner who provided rented vehicle to carry out periodic maintenance and repair of operational vehicles to optimize engine performance for more efficient use of energy and emissions that meet quality standards. During 2018, all of operational vehicles were recorded to have passed the roadworthy tests and requirements.

The Bank also limits the lifetime of a operational vehicle to 5 years to ensure the efficient use of energy and fulfillment of emission standards. Mandiri Syariah also seeks to reduce official travel if possible by utilizing teleconference. The number of teleconferences conducted at the Head Office by the Distribution Strategy Group in 2018 reached 84 times.

“Mandiri Syariah berupaya mengurangi emisi dengan mengoptimalkan kinerja mesin dan mengurangiperjalanan dinas.

To support emission reduction, Mandiri Syariah strives to optimize engine performance and reduce the business trips.


PT Bank Syariah Mandiri • Sustainability Report 2018 65

Tanggung Jawab Sosial dan LingkunganSocial and Environmental Responsibility

Tata Kelola KeberlanjutanSustainability Governance


2018 Laporan Keberlanjutan • PT Bank Syariah Mandiri66

Strategi KeberlanjutanSustainability Strategy

Sumber Daya ManusiaHuman Resources

Kinerja KeberlanjutanSustainability Performance


PT Bank Syariah Mandiri • Sustainability Report 2018 67

Tanggung Jawab Sosial dan LingkunganSocial and Environmental Responsibility

Tata Kelola KeberlanjutanSustainability Governance

TATA KELOLA KEBERLANJUTANSustainability Governance



2018 Laporan Keberlanjutan • PT Bank Syariah Mandiri68

Strategi KeberlanjutanSustainability Strategy

Sumber Daya ManusiaHuman Resources

Kinerja KeberlanjutanSustainability Performance

LANDASAN STRUKTUR TATA KELOLA Basis for Governance Structure

Struktur tata kelola Mandiri Syariah merujuk pada:• Undang-undang Perseroan Terbatas No.40

Tahun 2007• Peraturan Bank Indonesia No.11/33/

PBI/2009 Tentang Pelaksanaan Good Corporate Governance Bagi Bank Umum Syariah (BUS) dan Unit Usaha Syariah (UUS)

• Peraturan Otoritas Jasa Keuangan No.18/POJK.03/2014 tentang Penerapan Tata Kelola Terintegrasi Bagi Konglomerasi Keuangan.

Seluruh Jajaran Bank berkomitmen untuk menerapkan prinsip-prinsip GCG dalam pengelolaan perusahaan sesuai dengan Kebijakan Tata Kelola Perusahaan PT Bank Syariah Mandiri. Sejalan dengan hal tersebut, komitmen tata kelola terintegrasi dengan perusahaan induk dan diterapkan melalui penempatan satu anggota Dewan Komisaris dan satu anggota Dewan Pengawas Syariah sebagai anggota Komite Tata Kelola Terintegrasi di perusahaan induk.

Pembahasan terkait tata kelola perusahaan secara lengkap dapat dilihat pada Laporan Tahunan Perusahaan.

Struktur Tata Kelola [102-18]

Mandiri Syariah memastikan telah menempatkan sumber daya yang tepat pada struktur perusahaan dan menyempurnakan infrastruktur pendukung agar governance process berjalan sebagaimana mestinya. Struktur tata kelola Mandiri Syariah terdiri dari Rapat Umum Pemegang Saham (RUPS), Dewan Komisaris, Dewan Pengawas Syariah dan Direksi serta Organ Pendukung yang meliputi Komite-Komite dibawah Komisaris dan Direksi. RUPS merupakan organ tertinggi dengan wewenang yang memiliki peran melakukan pengawasan dan memberikan nasihat kepada Direksi dalam melakukan pengelolaan bank sesuai peraturan yang berlaku.

The Syariah Mandiri governance structure refers to:• Limited Liability Company Law No.40 of

2007• Bank Indonesia Regulation No.11/33/

PBI/2009 concerning Implementation of Good Corporate Governance for Sharia Commercial Banks and Sharia Business Units

• Financial Services Authority Regulation No.18/POJK.03/2014 concerning Implementation of Integrated Governance for Financial Conglomerates.

All of the Bank’s employees are committed to implement GCG principles based on Corporate Governance Policy of PT Bank Syariah Mandiri. In line with this policy, an integrated governance commitment with the holding company was implemented and strengthen with the placement of one member of the Board of Commissioners and one member of the Sharia Supervisory Board as a member of the Integrated Governance Committee in the holding company.

The detail information on corporate governance can be found in the Company’s Annual Report.

Governance Structure

Mandiri Syariah ensures that the Bank has placed the right resources on the company’s structure and refined the supporting infrastructure to ensure that governance process runs properly. The Mandiri Syariah governance structure consists of the General Meeting of Shareholders (GMS), the Board of Commissioners, the Shariah Supervisory Board and the Directors, as well as Supporting Body which includes Committees under the Commissioner and Board of Directors. The GMS is the highest body with authority of supervising and providing advice to the Board of Directors in managing the bank in accordance with applicable regulations.

“Pada tahun 2018, Bank mendapat hasil penilaian 1 yang berarti Manajemen Mandiri Syariah telah melakukan penerapan GCG yang secara umum ‘sangat baik’.

In 2018, Bank received the results of assessment of 1, which indicated that Mandiri Syariah Management has generally implemented GCG at a ‘very good’ level.


PT Bank Syariah Mandiri • Sustainability Report 2018 69

Tanggung Jawab Sosial dan LingkunganSocial and Environmental Responsibility

Tata Kelola KeberlanjutanSustainability Governance


Struktur OrganOrgan Structure

DirekturThe Board of Directors


Corporate Secretary

Sustainable Finance

Sustainability Strategy

Sustainability Program Implementation

Corporate Communication

Corporate General Affair

Marketing Communication


Dewan KomisarisThe Board of Commissioners

Rapat Umum Pemegang SahamGeneral Meeting Shareholders

Accountability Responsibility Professional FairnessTransparency

Dewan Pengawas SyariahShariah Supervisory Board

Dalam penerapan SF, Dewan Komisaris memiliki peran menetapkan kebijakan dan menyetujui laporan RAKB serta Laporan Keberlanjutan yang direkomendasikan Direksi. Dewan Pengawas Syariah memastikan penerapan SF sesuai dengan prinsip-prinsip syariah. Direksi dalam menjalankan tugas dan tanggung jawab atas penerapan SF dibantu Unit Kerja Corporate Secretary sebagai lead Organizer. Sementara Unit Kerja Corporate Secretary didukung Departemen Sustainable Finance yang berfungsi sebagai koordinator penerapan SF. HIngga akhir 2018, telah terbentuk tim SF yang sudah menyelesaikan RAKB dan diserahkan ke regulator.

Regarding the implementation of SF, the Board of Commissioners has the role of establishing policies and approving the SFAP report as well as Sustainability Report recommended by the Board of Directors. Shariah Supervisory Board ensures the implementation of SF in accordance with sharia principles. The Directors in carrying out their duties and responsibilities for the implementation of SF are assisted by the Corporate Secretary Work Unit as the lead Organizer. While The Corporate Secretary Work Unit is supported by the Sustainable Finance Department who has the role as the coordinator of SF implementation. Until the end of 2018, SF team has been formed. This team has completed SFAP and submitted it to the regulator.


2018 Laporan Keberlanjutan • PT Bank Syariah Mandiri70

Strategi KeberlanjutanSustainability Strategy

Sumber Daya ManusiaHuman Resources

Kinerja KeberlanjutanSustainability Performance

Unit Kerja yang Mendukung kinerja SFWork Unit that Supports SF performance

No Unit Kerja Work Unit

Fungsi Unit KerjaRole of Work Unit

1 Dewan Komisaris Board of Commissioners


2 Direktur UtamaPresident Director

Penanggung jawabPerson in charge

3 Direktur Risk Management & ComplianceDirector of Risk Management & Compliance

Steering Committee/Lead Supervisor/Project SponsorSteering Committee/Lead Supervisor/Project Sponsor

4 Direktur Finance & StrategyDirector of Finance & Strategy

Steering Committee/Program Director - Initiative Corporate PlanSteering Committee/Program Director - Initiative Corporate Plan

5 Direktur Financing Risk & RecoveryDirector of Financing Risk & Recovery

Steering Committee/Project SponsorSteering Committee/Project Sponsor

6 Unit Kerja Corporate Secretary Corporate Secretary Work Unit

Lead Organizer/Project OwnerLead Organizer/Project Owner

7 Unit Kerja Enterprise Risk Management Enterprise Risk Management Work Unit

Penetapan portofolio dan manajemen risiko Determination of portfolio and risk management

8 Unit Kerja BisnisBusiness Work Unit

Menetapkan sektor unggulanDeveloping main sectors

9 Unit Financing RiskFinancing Risk Unit

Menetapkan parameter/kriteria untuk mendukung program SFDeveloping parameters/criteria to support the SF program

10 Unit Kerja Strategic Performance & MonitoringStrategic Performance & Monitoring Work Unit

Menetapkan target, support data, mengontrol anggaran terkait SFSetting targets, supporting data, controlling budgets related to SF

11 Mandiri Syariah UniversityMandiri Syariah University

Pengembangan kapasitas dan kapabilitas pegawai dalam rangka penerapan SFDevelopment of employee capacity and capability in order to implement SF

Di samping itu, sepanjang periode pelaporan 2018, Mandiri Syariah mendapat hasil penilaian 1 yang berarti Manajemen Mandiri Syariah telah melakukan penerapan GCG yang secara umum ‘sangat baik’. Hal ini tercermin dari penerapan atas prinsip-prinsip GCG yang ‘sangat memadai’. Apabila terdapat kelemahan dalam penerapan prinsip Good Corporate Governance maka secara umum kelemahan tersebut tidak signifikan dan dapat segera dilakukan perbaikan oleh manajemen Mandiri Syariah.

Besides, throughout the 2018 reporting period, Mandiri Syariah received the results of assessment of 1, which indicated that Mandiri Syariah Management has generally implemented GCG at a ‘very good’ level. This was reflected in the implementation of GCG principles at ‘very adequate’ level. There were several weaknesses in the implementation of the Good Corporate Governance principles, however in general these weaknesses are not significant and could be immediately corrected by Mandiri Syariah management.

Pelatihan GCG

Melalui sosialisasi dan pelatihan secara berkesinambungan, Mandiri Syariah menginternalisasi prinsip-prinsip GCG ke dalam sistem dan prosedur serta pembentukan perilaku pegawai agar tercipta budaya profesionalisme, integritas, kualitas layanan dan prudential banking. Pada tahun 2018, sebanyak 1.029 pegawai mengikuti beberapa jenis pelatihan GCG. Pelatihan GCG juga meliputi pelatihan Anti Pencucian Uang & Pencegahan Pendanaan Terorisme (APU PPT). Khususnya anti-fraud, BSM telah memberikan pelatihan dan sosialisasi kepada seluruh pegawai BSM.

GCG Training

Through continuous socialization and training, Mandiri Syariah internalizes the principles of GCG into systems and procedures as well as develops employee behavior to create a culture of professionalism, integrity, service quality and prudential banking. In 2018, as many as 1,029 employees have attended several types of GCG trainings. GCG trainings includes Anti Money Laundering and Terrorism Funding Prevention trainings. Especially anti-fraud, BSM has provided training and dissemination to all BSM employees.


PT Bank Syariah Mandiri • Sustainability Report 2018 71

Tanggung Jawab Sosial dan LingkunganSocial and Environmental Responsibility

Tata Kelola KeberlanjutanSustainability Governance

Selain pelatihan penerapan GCG, Mandiri Syariah mendorong para anggota Dewan Komisaris, Direksi, dan Unit Kerja yang mendukung penerapan keuangan berkelanjutan untuk meningkatkan kompetensi melalui pelatihan yang diselenggarakan oleh internal perusahaan maupun lembaga profesional.

Manajemen Risiko Lingkungan dan Sosial [102-11]

Manajemen risiko Mandiri Syariah mengacu pada: • POJK No 65/POJK.03/2017 tentang

Penerapan Manajemen Risiko bagi Bank Umum Syariah dan Unit Usaha Syariah;

• POJK No 51/POJK.03/2017 Tentang Penerapan Keuangan Berkelanjutan Bagi Lembaga Jasa Keuangan, Emiten, dan Perusahaan Publik.

Mandiri Syariah mengadopsi praktik terbaik prinsip pencegahan dengan mengintegrasikan aspek lingkungan hidup dan sosial dalam manajemen risiko guna meminimalisir dampak negatif yang timbul dari kegiatan operasional. Efektivitas proses manajemen risiko ditinjau oleh Direksi secara berkala untuk memastikan permasalahan dalam implementasi keuangan berkelanjutan dapat dideteksi sedini mungkin.

In addition to training on GCG implementation, Mandiri Syariah encourages Board of Commissioners, Directors, and Work Unit who are supporting the implementation of sustainable finance to improve competencies through trainings held by internal companies and professional institutions.

Environmental and Social Risk Management [102-11]

Syariah Mandiri risk management refers to:

• POJK No 65/POJK.03/2017 concerning Implementation of Risk Management for Sharia Commercial Banks and Sharia Business Units;

• POJK No. 51/POJK.03/2017 concerning the Implementation of Sustainable Finance for Financial Service Institutions, Issuers and Public Companies.

Mandiri Syariah adopts best practices on the precautionary principle by integrating environmental and social aspects in risk management to minimize the negative impacts arising from operational activities. The effectiveness of the risk management process is reviewed regularly by the Board of Directors to ensure that challenge in sustainable finance implementation can be detected as early as possible.

“Sebanyak 1.029 pegawai telah mengikutibeberapa jenis pelatihan GCG dan seluruh pegawai telah mendapatkan pelatihan dan sosialisasi anti-fraud.

A total of 1,029 employees have attended several types of GCG training and all employees have received anti-fraud training and dissemination.

Audit dan Pengawasan [FS9]

Untuk mendukung efektivitas pelaksanaan tugas dan tanggung jawab Dewan Komisaris, Mandiri Syariah membentuk Komite Audit yang mengacu pada Peraturan Bank Indonesia (PBI) No.11/33/PBI/2009. Fungsi Komite Audit yaitu menjalankan tugas dan fungsi pengawasan terkait informasi keuangan, sistem pengendalian internal, efektivitas kegiatan audit, manajemen risiko (bersama dengan Komite Pemantau Risiko), kepatuhan dan tugas-tugas lain yang diberikan oleh Dewan Komisaris.

Audit & Supervision [FS9]

To support the implementation of the duties and responsibilities of the Board of Commissioners, Mandiri Syariah forms an Audit Committee that refers to Bank Indonesia Regulation No.11/33/PBI/2009. The role of the Audit Committee is to carry out supervisory duties and functions related to financial information, internal control systems, the effectiveness of audits, risk management (together with the Risk Monitoring Committee), compliance and other duties assigned by the Board of Commissioners.


2018 Laporan Keberlanjutan • PT Bank Syariah Mandiri72

Strategi KeberlanjutanSustainability Strategy

Sumber Daya ManusiaHuman Resources

Kinerja KeberlanjutanSustainability Performance

Informasi lengkap mengenai tugas, tanggung jawab, kewenangan Fungsi Komite Audit dan pelaksanaannya selama tahun 2018, disampaikan terpisah dalam Laporan Tahunan 2018.

Detailed information on duties, responsibilities, authority of the Audit Committee and its implementation during 2018, are disclosed separately in the 2018 Annual Report.


Pengelolaan keuangan dan sistem transaksi yang memadai dapat mencegah dan mendeteksi setiap tindakan fraud dan korupsi yang dapat merusak reputasi dan merugikan perusahaan. Tindakan fraud adalah tindakan penyimpangan atau pembiaran yang sengaja dilakukan oleh pihak internal dan/atau eksternal untuk mengelabui, menipu, atau memanipulasi Bank Syariah Mandiri, nasabah, atau pihak lain, yang terjadi di lingkungan Bank, dan/atau menggunakan sarana Bank, sehingga mengakibatkan Bank, nasabah, atau pihak lain menderita kerugian dan/atau pelaku fraud memperoleh keuntungan keuangan baik secara langsung maupun tidak langsung.

Landasan penerapan strategi anti-fraud mengacu pada Surat Edaran Bank Indonesia No. 13/28/DPNP tanggal 9 Desember 2011 perihal Penerapan Strategi Anti Fraud bagi Bank Umum. Dalam pelaksanaannya, Mandiri Syariah memiliki Kebijakan Anti Fraud Mandiri Syariah.

Sasaran utama pelaksanaan strategi anti-fraud adalah pencapaian kinerja seluruh jajaran Bank dengan zero fraud. Strategi anti-fraud di Mandiri Syariah terdiri dari empat pilar yang diimplementasikan melalui kegiatan sebagai berikut:

Adequate financial management and transaction systems can prevent and detect any acts of fraud and corruption that can ruin the reputation and inflict a financial loss. Fraud actions are acts of deviation or intentional omission by internal and/or external parties to deceive, trick, or manipulate Bank Syariah Mandiri, customers, or other parties, that happen in the Bank environment and/or that uses the Bank’s services which can cause Bank, customer, or other parties financial loss and/or the Fraud’s perpetrator to gain financial profit either directly and indirectly.

The basis for implementing the anti-fraud strategy refers to Bank Indonesia Circular Letter No. 13/28/DPNP dated December 9, 2011 concerning the Implementation of Anti-Fraud Strategies for Commercial Banks. In its implementation, Mandiri Syariah has Mandiri Syariah.

The main objective of implementing the anti-fraud strategy is the achievement of all levels bank operation with zero fraud. The anti fraud strategy at Mandiri Syariah consists of four pillars that are implemented through the following activities:


PT Bank Syariah Mandiri • Sustainability Report 2018 73

Tanggung Jawab Sosial dan LingkunganSocial and Environmental Responsibility

Tata Kelola KeberlanjutanSustainability Governance


1. Pilar Pencegahana. Menumbuhkan kesadaran anti-

fraud (Anti Fraud Awareness) melalui sosialisasi, internalisasi program culture “Aku Tahu”, mengintegrasikan materi anti-fraud dalam modul training academy, dan memasukkan kejadian fraud sebagai pengurang nilai KPI.

b. Mengidentifikasi dan menilai potensi risiko terjadinya fraud pada pada setiap aktivitas yang berpotensi merugikan Bank, antara lain melalui implementasi Risk & Control Self Assessment (RCSA) di seluruh unit kerja dan implementasi Early Warning System (EWS).

c. Mengimplementasikan tools Control Testing pada proses bisnis pembiayaan mikro, pembiayaan gadai dan cicil emas, pembiayaan komersil, dan operasional cabang untuk memvalidasi hasil Risk & Control Self Assessment serta perbaikan control design dan proses bisnis.

d. Menggalakkan program “know your employee” kepada pimpinan di setiap unit kerja secara berjenjang.

2. Pilar Deteksia. Meningkatkan efektifitas penerapan

sistem pengendalian fraud dengan menitikberatkan mekanisme pengaduan dari Whistleblowing System.

b. Melakukan Surprise Audit, terutama pada unit bisnis yang berisiko tinggi atau rawan terhadap terjadinya fraud.

c. Mengimplementasikan Welcoming Call dan Continuous Monitoring untuk mendeteksi terjadinya risiko operasional dan indikasi fraud.

d. Membentuk Region Business Control (RBC) di seluruh Regional Office untuk mendeteksi setiap penyimpangan secara dini.

3. Pilar Investigasi, Pelaporan dan Sanksi

a. Melakukan audit investigasi kasus fraud yang terjadi secara cepat dengan metode audit yang sudah terstandar.

b. Memberikan kewenangan investigasi kejadian fraud kepada RBC untuk mempercepat dan mengefektifkan penanganan fraud.

c. Menangani kejadian fraud secara tegas dan adil untuk memberikan efek jera kepada pelaku fraud dengan memberikan sanksi dan pelaporan kepada yang berwewenang.

1. Pillar of Preventiona. Establishing anti-fraud awareness

through socialization, internalization of the “I Know” culture program, integrating anti-fraud material in the training academy module, and incorporating fraud incidents as a deduction of KPI values.

b. Identifying and assessing the potential risk of fraud in each activity that has the potential to harm the Bank, including through the implementation of the Risk & Control Self Assessment (RCSA) in all work units and the implementation of the Early Warning System (EWS).

c. Implementing Control Testing Tools in business processes of micro-finance, mortgage and gold installments, commercial financing, and branch office operations to validate the results of the Risk & Control Self Assessment, and improvement of control design and business processes.

d. Promote the “know your employee” program to leader in each work unit gradually.

2. Pillar Detectiona. Increasing the effectiveness of fraud

control systems by emphasising on grievance mechanism of the Whistleblowing System mechanism.

b. Conducting Surprise Audit, especially in business units that are at high risk or prone to fraud.

c. Implementing Welcoming Call and Continuous Monitoring to detect operational risks and indications of fraud.

d. Establishing Region Business Control (RBC) in all Regional Offices in order to detect any irregularities early.

3. Pillars of Investigation, Reporting and Sanctionsa. Conducting investigative audits of

fraud cases that occur rapidly with standardized audit methods.

b. Providing authority of fraud incident investigation to RBC to speed up and streamline fraud handling.

c. Handling the incident of fraud firmly and fairly to provide a deterrent effect to fraud perpetrators by giving sanctions and reporting to the authorities.

“Strategi anti-fraud di Mandiri Syariah terdiri dari empat pilar, yaitu Pilar Pencegahan, Pilar Deteksi, Pilar Investigasi, Pelaporan & Sanksi, dan Pilar Pemantauan, Evaluasi & Tindak Lanjut.

The anti fraud strategy at Mandiri Syariah consists of four pillars, they are Pillar of Prevention, Pillar Detection, Pillar of Investigation, Reporting & Sanctions, and Pillar of Monitoring, Evaluation & Follow-Up.


2018 Laporan Keberlanjutan • PT Bank Syariah Mandiri74

Strategi KeberlanjutanSustainability Strategy

Sumber Daya ManusiaHuman Resources

Kinerja KeberlanjutanSustainability Performance

Sarana pelaporan terkait fraud dan korupsi

1. Telepon Internal Audit Group: 021-319007292. Surat, yang ditujukan ke Internal Audit

Group: Jln. Surabaya No. 58, Menteng. Jakarta Pusat – 10310.3. Surat elektronik (email): [email protected]

Reporting channel related to fraud and corruption1. Call the Internal Audit Group: 021-319007292. Letter, addressed to Internal Audit Group: Jln. Surabaya No. 58, Menteng. Central Jakarta - 10310.3. Email: [email protected]

Seluruh pengaduan yang diterima melalui sarana pelaporan didokumentasikan dan ditindaklanjuti oleh Unit Internal Audit melalui proses hukum yang berlaku. Sanksi yang dijatuhkan dapat berupa Surat Teguran (1,2), Surat Peringatan (1, 2, 3), Pemutusan Hubungan Kerja (PHK), dan dilaporkan ke pihak yang berwenang (proses hukum) sesuai peraturan perundangan yang berlaku.

All grievances received through reporting channels were documented and followed up by the Internal Audit Unit through the legal process. Sanctions imposed can be in the form of Letter of reprimand (1, 2), Warning Letter (1, 2, 3), Termination of Employment (PHK), and reported to the authorized party (legal process) in accordance with the applicable laws and regulations.

Pengaduan dan Sanksi Fraud

Bank tidak akan mentolerir setiap pelanggaran terkait dengan integritas. Pelaporan pengaduan terkait korupsi atau tindakan penyimpangan lainnya diatur dalam SPO Human Capital dan Standar Prosedur Pengendalian Know Your Customer (KYC), Anti Pencucian (APU), dan Pencegahan Pendanaan Teroris (APU-PPT), dan Kebijakan Anti-Fraud.

Reporting on Fraud and Sanctions

The Bank will not tolerate any violations related to integrity. Reporting of corruption or other irregularities was regulated in Human Capital SOP and the Control Procedure Standard of Know Your Customer (KYC), Anti-Washing (APU), and Prevention of Terrorist Funding (APU-PPT), and Anti-Fraud Policy.

4. Pilar Pemantauan, Evaluasi dan Tindak Lanjuta. Melakukan pemantauan dan evaluasi

kejadian fraud melalui fraud profiling yang didukung dengan Integrated Fraud Information System (IFIS).

b. Melakukan tindak lanjut perbaikan atas hasil pelaksanaan investigasi, melaporkan kepada Direksi, dan memonitor penyelesaiannya melalui aplikasi D-ONE.

4. Pillar of Monitoring, Evaluation and Follow-Up

a. Monitoring and evaluating fraud incidents through fraud profiling supported by the Integrated Fraud Information System (IFIS).

b. Developing improvements towards the results of the investigation, reporting to the Board of Directors, monitoring the settlement through the D-ONE application.


PT Bank Syariah Mandiri • Sustainability Report 2018 75

Tanggung Jawab Sosial dan LingkunganSocial and Environmental Responsibility

Tata Kelola KeberlanjutanSustainability Governance

PRIVASI NASABAH [418-1] Customer Privacy

Mandiri Syariah menjaga kepercayaan nasabah di antaranya dengan menjamin seluruh kerahasiaan nasabah. Penyebaran data atau informasi terkait nasabah hanya dapat dilakukan berdasarkan ketentuan yang berlaku. Kebijakan privasi nasabah mengacu pada ketentuan: • POJK No.1/POJK.07/2013 tentang

Perlindungan Konsumen Sektor Jasa Keuangan

• Standar Prosedur Bisnis Penghimpunan Dana dan SPO Perlindungan dan Pengaduan Nasabah.

Pusat Pengaduan Keluhan

Mandiri Syariah membuka pusat pengaduan nasabah dan melakukan tindak lanjut atas pengaduan sesuai mekanisme yang berlaku. Nasabah dapat menyampaikan pengaduan di seluruh unit kerja melalui pengisian formulir permintaan/pengaduan nasabah atau melalui Mandiri Syariah Call. Pengaduan nasabah diterima oleh Unit Kerja Customer Care Management yang berada di Central Operations Group dan dicatat melalui Complaint Handling Management System (CHMS). Kategori pengaduan nasabah dikelompokkan dalam empat kategori, yaitu Produk, Proses/Transaksi dan Fasilitas, Pelayanan, dan Kejahatan Perbankan.

Mandiri Syariah look after customer trust by ensuring all customer confidential information. Distribution of data or information related to customers can only be carried out based on applicable regulations. The customer privacy policy refers to the provisions:

• POJK No.1/POJK.07/2013 concerning Consumer Protection in the Financial Services Sector

• Business Procedure Standards for Funds Collection and SOP of Customer Protection and Grievance.

Customer Grievance Center

Mandiri Syariah established a grievence mechanism center to receive and follows up complaints from customers. Customers can submit complaints in all work unit by filling out the customer request/complaint form or through Mandiri Syariah Call. The grievance of customer complaints is recorded through the Complaint Handling Management System (CHMS). Customer complaints are received by the Customer Care Management Work Unit in the Central Operations Group and recorded through the Complaint Handling Management System (CHMS). The customer complaints are grouped into four categories of Products, Processes/Transaction and Facilities, Services, and Banking Crimes.

Mekanisme tindak lanjut pengaduan nasabah:- Nasabah dapat menyampaikan pengaduan melalui

cabang atau Mandiri Syariah Call;- Cabang atau Mandiri Syariah Call meng-input pengaduan

yang disampaikan nasabah ke dalam Complaint Handling Management System (CHMS);

- Data yang tercatat di CHMS akan dimonitor dan ditindaklanjuti oleh unit Customer Care Management;

- Pengaduan yang tidak dapat diselesaikan kantor cabang atau Mandiri Syariah Call akan di tindaklanjuti oleh Customer Care Management dan unit kerja terkait

- Hasil tindaklanjut dan informasi penyelesaian dari unit kerja terkait akan diteruskan kepada penerima pengaduan (Cabang atau Mandiri Syariah Call);

- Penerima pengaduan akan meneruskan informasi/jawaban atas pengaduan yang diterima kepada nasabah;

- Penerima pengaduan akan merubah status pengaduan di CHMS menjadi “Selesai”.

Grievance mechanism for customer complaints:• Customers can submit complaints through work unit or

Mandiri Syariah Call;• Branches or Mandiri Syariah Call input complaints

submitted by customers into the Complaint Handling Management System (CHMS);

• Data recorded on the CMS will be monitored and followed up by Customer Care units in the SQM & CC section;

• Complaints that cannot be resolved by the branch office or Mandiri Syariah Call will be followed up by the Customer Care Management and related work units

• The results of the follow-up and information on the settlement from the relevant work unit will be forwarded to the recipient of the complaint (Branch or Mandiri Syariah Call);

• Complaint recipient will forward information/solution on the settlement to customers;

• Complaint recipient will change the status of the complaint in the CHMS to “Solved”.

“Nasabah dapat menyampaikan pengaduan melalui cabang atau Mandiri Syariah Call dengan meng-input pengaduan ke dalam Complaint Handling Management System (CHMS).

Customers can submit complaints through work unit or Mandiri Syariah Call by submitted complaints into the Complaint Handling Management System (CHMS).


2018 Laporan Keberlanjutan • PT Bank Syariah Mandiri76

Strategi KeberlanjutanSustainability Strategy

Sumber Daya ManusiaHuman Resources

Kinerja KeberlanjutanSustainability Performance

Pengaduan Nasabah Berdasarkan Kategori Produk Customer Complaints Based on Product Category

Pengaduan Nasabah Berdasarkan Kategori Proses/Transaksi & FasilitasCustomer Complaints Based on Process/Transaction & Facilities Category

Kategori Category 2018 2017 2016

Tabungan Savings 615 454 437

Pembiayaan Financing 155 169 139

Tabungan Mabrur Mabrur Savings 53 86 30

Deposito Deposit 17 32 -

Bancassurance - - 148

Tabungan Investa Cendikia (TIC) 15 29 54

Kategori Category 2018 2017 2016

Mandiri Syariah Mobile 9.492 14.755 2.415

ATM Mandiri Syariah 4.985 6.173 3.079

ATM Bersama - 5.348 4.424

ATM Mandiri 10.866 4.841 5.169

Net Banking 5.142 4.099 -

ATM Prima 3.604 - 1.777

Pengaduan Nasabah Berdasarkan Kategori LayananCustomer Complaints Based on Service Category

Kategori Category 2018 2017 2016

Customer Service Lamban Slow CS Service 84 29 24

Teller Lamban Slow Teller Service 14 3 6

Kinerja FL tidak memuaskan FL performance is not satisfactory - - 6

Kantor Cabang sulit dihubungi Branch Offices are difficult to contact 22 21 7

Layanan security kurang baik Security services are lacking 15 8 N/A

Kecewa dengan marketing Disappointed with marketing 23 6 12


PT Bank Syariah Mandiri • Sustainability Report 2018 77

Tanggung Jawab Sosial dan LingkunganSocial and Environmental Responsibility

Tata Kelola KeberlanjutanSustainability Governance

Pengaduan Nasabah Berdasarkan Kategori Kejahatan PerbankanCustomer Complaints Based on Banking Crimes Category

Kategori Category 2018 2017 2016

Penipuan oleh Nasabah Customer fraud 399 259 347

Kejahatan oleh Non Nasabah Crimes by Non-Customers 391 226 192

Suspect Skimming ATM Prima 25 5 -

Suspect Skimming ATM Bersama 23 2 1

Suspect Skimming ATM Mandiri 15 2 3

Bank Service Excellence Monitor

Proaktif untuk memenuhi kebutuhan dan kepuasan pelanggan merupakan bagian dari nilai-nilai keberlanjutan. Untuk mengetahui tingkat kepuasan pelanggan, Mandiri Syariah menyelenggarakan survei kepuasan pelanggan (customer satisfaction survey/CSS) setiap tahun. Hasil survei tahun 2018 angka 84,14% yang menunjukkan pelanggan puas dengan layanan yang diberikan oleh Mandiri Syariah, termasuk dalam penanganan pengaduan nasabah.

Tanggung Jawab Produk [FS15]

Mandiri Syariah menyediakan informasi yang dibutuhkan oleh nasabah sesuai dengan jenis produk layanan yang diberikan, baik dalam produk simpanan, pinjaman dan jasa perbankan. Informasi secara komprehensif memuat fitur produk yang tersedia, biaya, manfaat, dan risiko yang melekat sesuai ketentuan perbankan dan syariah. Demi menjamin informasi yang andal, informasi disampaikan kepada nasabah melalui satuan kerja yang memiliki kewenangan dan tanggung jawab.

Dengan mengidentifikasikan dan mengendalikan risiko hukum yang melekat pada produk, selama tahun pelaporan, Bank tidak pernah dihadapkan pelanggaran kesalahpahaman atas produk yang dijual ke masyarakat yang menyebabkan produk ditarik kembali atau dilarang di pasaran.

Bank Service Excellence Monitor

Proactivity to meet customer needs and satisfaction is part of the sustainability values. To identify the level of customer satisfaction, Mandiri Syariah conduct customer satisfaction surveys (CSS) every year. The survey results for 2018 was 84.14%, which indicated that customers are satisfied with the services provided by Mandiri Syariah including in handling customer grievances.

Product Responsibility [FS15]

Mandiri Syariah provides essential information for the customers based on the type of service products, either deposit, loan, and other banking services. The information comprehensively contains available product features, costs, benefits, and inherent risks in accordance with banking and sharia regulations. To ensure reliability of information, it is provided to customers by work unit that has the authority and responsibility.

By identifying and controlling the legal risks inherent in the products, during the reporting period, the Bank has never breached any violations regarding misunderstanding on the products sold to the public that causes the product to be withdrawn or banned from the market.

“Tahun 2018, Mandiri Syariah memperoleh hasil survei sebesar 84,14% yang menunjukkan pelanggan puas dengan layanan yang diberikan oleh Mandiri Syariah.

In 2018, Mandiri Syariah achieved the survey result 84.14%, which indicated that customers are satisfied with the services provided by Mandiri Syariah.


2018 Laporan Keberlanjutan • PT Bank Syariah Mandiri78

Strategi KeberlanjutanSustainability Strategy

Sumber Daya ManusiaHuman Resources

Kinerja KeberlanjutanSustainability Performance

Pelibatan Pemangku Kepentingan [102-40, 102-42, 102-43, 102-44]Stakeholders Engagement

Pemangku Kepentingan Stakeholders

Basis IdentifikasiBasis for Identification

Pendekatan Hubungan & FrekuensiStakeholder Approach & Frequency

Topik UtamaMain Topics

Pemegang Saham dan Investor Shareholders and Investors

Tanggung jawab, PengaruhResponsibility, Influence

• RUPS tahunan• RUPSLB• Annual GMS• EGMS

• Mempertahankan dan meningkatkan nilai usaha sesuai harapan pemegang saham

• Menghormati hak-hak dan tanggung jawab pemegang saham sesuai peraturan

• Maintain and increase business value to meet the expectations of shareholders

• Respect the rights and responsibilities of shareholders in accordance with the regulations

Nasabah Customer KetergantunganDependency

• Survei customer satisfaction index setiap tahun

• Customer satisfaction index survey every year

• Memberikan layanan dengan kualitas yang melebihi harapan pelanggan dan meningkatkan nilai bagi pelanggan

• Kerahasiaan data• Memperluas jaringan dan jenis layanan• Providing quality services that exceed

customer expectations and increase value for customers

• Data confidentiality• Expand networks and types of services



• Family Gathering setiap tahun.• Employee Gathering yang

diadakan sesuai kebutuhan.• Mandiri Syariah Club• Forum Doa Pagi• Forum Dzikir Jumat Pagi• Family Gathering every year.• Employee Gathering held when

needed.• Mandiri Syariah Club• Morning Prayer Forum• Friday Morning Dzikir Forum

• Kesetaraan dan perlakuan yang adil• Tidak berlaku diskriminasi• Menjamin keamanan, kesehatan, dan

keselamatan kerja• Memberikan hak-hak sesuai ketentuan

yang berlaku• Equality and fair treatment• No discrimination• Ensure security, health and work safety• Provide rights in accordance with

applicable regulations


Kelompok pemangku kepentingan diidentifikasi berdasarkan pengaruh dan dampaknya terhadap kinerja perusahaan. Kelompok pemangku kepentingan Mandiri Syariah antara lain: pemegang saham, pemerintah, pegawai, nasabah, mitra kerja/pemasok, kompetitor industri sejenis (bank syariah lainnya), masyarakat dan lingkungan. Mandiri Syariah berupaya memahami kebutuhan para pemangku kepentingan dengan membangun hubungan positif yang memberikan manfaat bersama dalam kegiatan perbankan yang optimal dan efisien. Untuk menjaga hubungan yang baik, Mandiri Syariah melakukan pelibatan pemangku kepentingan melalui pemberdayaan, kerja sama, konsultasi dan komunikasi.

Stakeholder groups are identified based on their influence and impact on company performance. Mandiri Syariah stakeholder groups consist of shareholders, government, employees, customers, partners/suppliers, competitors of similar industries (other sharia banks), community and the environment. Mandiri Syariah strives to understand the needs of stakeholders by building positive relationships that provide mutual benefits in optimal and efficient banking activities. To maintain this mutual relationship, Mandiri Syariah engaged stakeholder through empowerment, cooperation, consultation and communication.


PT Bank Syariah Mandiri • Sustainability Report 2018 79

Tanggung Jawab Sosial dan LingkunganSocial and Environmental Responsibility

Tata Kelola KeberlanjutanSustainability Governance

Pemangku Kepentingan Stakeholders

Basis IdentifikasiBasis for Identification

Pendekatan Hubungan & FrekuensiStakeholder Approach & Frequency

Topik UtamaMain Topics

Pemerintah Government


• Komunikasi dan pelaporan rutin setiap tahun

• Kerja sama event dan promosi bersama yang diadakan sesuai kebutuhan.

• Regular communication and reporting every year

• Event Collaboration and joint promotional held needed.

• Menjaga hubungan yang harmonis dengan pemerintah

• Seluruh pegawai Mandiri Syariah tunduk pada peraturan

• Membuat laporan secara rutin kepada pemerintah

• Maintain harmonious relations with govenment

• All Mandiri Syariah employees are complied with regulations

• Make regular reports to the government

Mitra kerja pemasok lokalPartner (local supplier)


• Kontrak pengadaan• Penilaian mitra kerja secara

transparan• Penandatanganan pakta

integritas• Procurement contracts• Transparent Business partner

assessment • Signing of an integrity pact

• Mekanisme pengadaan yang adil dan transparan

• Tidak ada pungutan biaya apapun dalam proses pengadaan

• Fair and transparent procurement mechanism

• There is no any fee charge in the procurement process

Industri Sejenis (Bank Syariah lainnya)Similar Industries (Other Sharia Banks)


Pertemuan rutin setiap tahun dengan:• Asosiasi Bank Syariah Indonesia

(Asbisindo) • Masyarakat Ekonomi Syariah

(MES) • Pusat Komunikasi Ekonomi

Syariah (PKES) • Komite Nasional Keuangan

Syariah (KNKS)• Ikatan Ahli Ekonomi Islam (IAEI)

Regular meetings every year with:• Indonesian Islamic Bank

Association (Asbisindo)• Sharia Economic Society (MES)• Sharia Economics Communication

Center (PKES)• National Committee for Sharia

Finance (KNKS)• Indonesian Association of Islamic

Economists (IAEI)

• Menciptakan iklim persaingan usaha yang sehat

• Kerja sama di antara sesama industri keuangan syariah

• Creating a healthy business competition environment

• Cooperation among sharia finance industries

Masyarakat dan lingkunganSociety and environment

Pengaruh, tanggung jawabInfluence, responsibility

• Koordinasi dengan Mitra Penyalur ZIS dalam kegiatan CSR setiap tahun.

• Coordination with Channel Partner of ZIS in CSR activities every year.

• Menjalin hubungan yang harmonis dengan masyarakat sekitar wilayah operasi

• Pemberdayaan masyarakat dengan memberi sustainable value

• Berperan aktif dalam melestarikan lingkungan dan mengurangi dampak operasional perusahaan terhadap kerusakan lingkungan

• Establish a harmonious relationship with the community around the operating area

• Community empowerment by providing sustainable value

• Take an active role in preserving the environment and reducing the company’s operational impact on environment


2018 Laporan Keberlanjutan • PT Bank Syariah Mandiri80

Strategi KeberlanjutanSustainability Strategy

Sumber Daya ManusiaHuman Resources

Kinerja KeberlanjutanSustainability Performance

KAMI DAN MITRA Partners and Us

BUDIDAYA ULAT HONGKONG, Sugeng Jaya Farm – Bogor, Jawa Barat

Hongkong Worm CultivationSugeng Jaya Farm - Bogor, West Java

Islamic Sociopreneur Development Program (ISDP) memberikan beasiswa kepada mahasiswa. Salah satunya kelompok mahasiswa yang berhasil yaitu Koes Hendra, Benny Akbar Kurniawan, dan Ongki Kurniawan (mahasiswa Institut Pertanian Bogor/IPB). Kelompok mahasiswa ini berhasil membudidayakan Ulat Hongkong. Produk yang dijual berupa Ulat Hongkong utuh, Ulat Hongkong kering (Kingworm), dan pelet atau konsentrat pakan hewan pemamah biak (ruminansia). Berdasarkan hasil uji laboratorium, Ulat Hongkong aman dan sangat baik untuk menambah masa otot ruminansia.

Hasil budidaya Ulat Hongkong berhasil membuka lapangan kerja untuk mahasiswa yang lain dan masyarakat sekitarnya, termasuk para Kelompok Wanita Tani. Ke depan, budidaya Ulat Hongkong ini akan terus ditingkatkan karena akan sangat membantu peternakan.

Islamic Sociopreneur Development Program (ISDP) provided a scholarship to a group of students. One of them is a group consist of Koes Hendra, Benny Akbar Kurniawan, dan Ongki Kurniawan (students of Bogor Agricultural University /IPB) who managed to cultivate Hong Kong Worm. The products sold are the whole Hong Kong Worm, the dry Hong Kong worm (Kingworm), and the pellets or ruminants concentrates. Based on the results of laboratory tests, Hong Kong Worm is safe and good for increasing the mass of ruminants.

Hong Kong worm cultivation has successfully created job opportunities for other students and the surrounding community, including the Farmer Women Group. In the future, Hong Kong Worm cultivation will continue to be improved as it will greatly help the farm.


PT Bank Syariah Mandiri • Sustainability Report 2018 81

Tanggung Jawab Sosial dan LingkunganSocial and Environmental Responsibility

Tata Kelola KeberlanjutanSustainability Governance

Coklat Lele, CokloveBogor, West Java

Coklat Lele, CokloveBogor, Jawa Barat

Bisnis Coklat Lele atau yang diberi nama “Coklove” merupakan bisnis yang dibentuk oleh Mahasiswa IPB, bernama Muhammad, yang mendapat program ISDP. Produk ini merupakan olahan coklat dan ikan lele yang berkalsium tinggi. Bahan baku yang digunakan memiliki kandungan kalsium yang tinggi, yaitu 20 gram Coklove, yang setara dengan kalsium segelas susu. Selain itu, Coklove memiliki nilai usaha “Eco-Lovely Value” yang memegang prinsip cinta lingkungan dan peduli akan konsumsi kalsium masyarakat Indonesia.

Bisnis Coklove juga memberikan dampak sosial bagi kelompok tani dan peternak ikan di sekitar. Melalui kerja sama yang dilakukan, terciptalah lapangan kerja bagi masyarakat yang membutuhkan pekerjaan.

Coklat Lele or named as “Coklove” is a business establised by IPB student, Muhammad, who received the ISDP program. This product is processed chocolate and high calcium catfish. The raw material used has high calcium cintent, which is 20 grams of the Coklove is equivalent to calcium a glass of milk. In addition, Coklove has a business value “Eco-Lovely Value” that holds the principle of love for the environment and cares about the consumption of calcium of Indonesian people.

The Coklove business also has a social impact on surrounding farmer group and fish farmers. Through cooperation, job opportunities are created for people who needs job.


2018 Laporan Keberlanjutan • PT Bank Syariah Mandiri82

Strategi KeberlanjutanSustainability Strategy

Sumber Daya ManusiaHuman Resources

Kinerja KeberlanjutanSustainability Performance

PROGRAM DESA BERDAYA SEJAHTERA MANDIRI (BSM) Klaster Pertanian, Kabupaten Lampung Tengah

Desa Berdaya Sejahtera Mandiri (BSM) ProgramAgricultural Cluster, Central Lampung Region

Mandiri Syariah mengembangkan Program Desa Berdaya Sejahtera Mandiri (BSM) Klaster Pertanian dengan sistem ramah lingkungan sebagai upaya menjaga pola pertanian yang berkelanjutan. Program ini diikuti oleh 100 kepala keluarga petani dengan luas lahan budidaya 25 hektar. Para petani tersebut tergabung dalam kelompok petani Sehat Sejahtera Mandiri.

Implementasi sistem pertanian ramah lingkungan dilakukan dengan mengganti penggunaan pestisida kimia menjadi pestisida nabati yang menggunakan bahan alami, serta mengurangi penggunaan pupuk kimia dengan memaksimalkan penggunaan pupuk organik (kompos). Selain itu, padi hasil budidaya ramah lingkungan diolah menggunakan mesin khusus yang ramah lingkungan dan tidak dicampur dengan padi konvensional untuk menghindari kontaminasi residu kimia. Oleh karenanya, pada saat terjadi serangan hama wereng, padi dari hasil budidaya ramah lingkungan memiliki kualitas yang masih bagus dibanding padi konvensional yang hampir 100% lahannya mengalami gagal panen.

Program ini memberikan dampak positif pada lingkungan, ekonomi, dan sosial. Program BSM Klaster Pertanian mampu menjaga ekosistem hayati, mengurangi serangan hama, serta dalam jangka panjang dapat meningkatkan unsur hara tanah. Selain itu, melalui sistem pertanian yang ramah lingkungan, pendapatan petani menjadi meningkat karena adanya efisiensi biaya dari proses pertanian, yaitu petani bisa menghemat biaya usaha tani sehat sebesar 12% dari biaya usaha tani padi konvensional. Secara langsung, program Desa BSM juga membantu membangun kesadaran petani untuk saling berbagi pada masyarakat lainnya, salah satunya dalam pendayagunaan dana zakat pertanian yang dikeluarkan.

Program Desa BSM juga dilakukan pada 2 lokasi lainnya, yaitu untuk Klaster Peternakan Kambing di Desa Kedarpan, Kecamatan Kejobong Kabupaten Purbalingga, Jawa Tengah, dan Klaster Peternakan Sapi Potong berlokasi di Desa Jati, Kecamatan Karangan Kabupaten Trenggalek, Jawa Timur.

Mandiri Syariah developed a Desa Berdaya Sejahtera Mandiri (BSM) Agricultural Cluster Program with an environmentally friendly system in an effort to maintain a sustainable pattern of agriculture. By 25 hectares of cultivated land, there are 100 farmers who participated in this program. The farmers are members of Sehat Sejahtera Mandiri farmers group.

The implementation of the environmentally friendly agricultural system is carried out by replacing the use of chemical pesticides into vegetative pesticides with natural ingredients, as well as reducing the use of chemical fertilizers by maximizing the use of organic fertilizers (compost). In addition, the environmentally friendly cultivation rice is processed by using a special machine which is environmentally friendly and unmixed with conventional rice to prevent contamination of chemical residue. Therefore, despite being exposed to planthopper pests, the rice from the environmentally-friendly farming system has a good quality compared to conventional rice that almost 100% of the land encountered crop failure.

This program has positive environmental, economic and social impacts. The BSM Agricultural Cluster Program is able to maintain biological ecosystems, reduce pest attacks, and increase soil nutrients for long-term impact. In addition, through an environmentally friendly farming system, farmers’ incomes have increased due to the cost-efficiency of the agricultural process. The farmers can save on healthy farming costs by 12% of the cost of conventional rice farming. This program also helps to build awareness of farmers to share with others, such as the utilization of agricultural zakat funds issued.

The Desa BSM Program is also carried out in 2 other locations. The first location is in Kedarpan Village, Kejobong District, Purbalingga Regency, Central Java for the Goat Livestock Cluster. The second location is in Jati Village, Karangan District, Trenggalek Regency, East Java for the Beef Cattle Livestock Cluster.


PT Bank Syariah Mandiri • Sustainability Report 2018 83

Tanggung Jawab Sosial dan LingkunganSocial and Environmental Responsibility

Tata Kelola KeberlanjutanSustainability Governance

PEMBERIAN MAKANAN BAYI DAN ANAK PASCABENCANA Nusa Tenggara Barat & Palu-Sigi-Donggala, Sulawesi Tengah

PEMBERIAN MAKANAN BAYI DAN ANAK PASCABENCANA Nusa Tenggara Barat & Palu-Sigi-Donggala, Sulawesi Tengah

Mandiri Syariah membuka dapur Pemberian Makan Bayi dan Anak (PMBA) di wilayah Nusa Tenggara Barat dan Palu-Sigi-Donggala, Sulawesi Tengah, bekerja sama dengan tim setempat dan masyarakat lokal. Program ini mendukung penanganan stunting dan malnutrisi, baik di Lombok maupun Palu yang memiliki angka kekurangan gizi cukup besar. Kegiatan dapur PMBA melibatkan ibu rumah tangga untuk memasak makanan yang menggunakan bahan lokal hasil dari masyarakat sekitar. Selain membantu, program ini memberikan pembelajaran kepada masyarakat untuk membuat makanan bergizi bagi anak dengan memberdayakan hasil tanaman setempat sehingga biayanya lebih terjangkau.

Mandiri Syariah opened a kitchen for Feeding Babies and Children (PMBA) in the West Nusa Tenggara and Palu-Sigi-Donggala, Central Sulawesi regions, in collaboration with local teams and communities. This program supported the handling of stunting and malnutrition, particularly in Lombok and Palu which have more malnutrition cases. PMBA kitchen activities involved the housewives to cook by using local ingredients. Besides helping, this program provided a lesson to the community to make nutritious food for children by empowering local crops so that the costs are more affordable.


2018 Laporan Keberlanjutan • PT Bank Syariah Mandiri84

Strategi KeberlanjutanSustainability Strategy

Sumber Daya ManusiaHuman Resources

Kinerja KeberlanjutanSustainability Performance


Vers. 2019, pg. 1 of 4 000-174

Independent Assurance Statement The 2018 Sustainability Report of PT Bank Syariah Mandiri

Number : 007/000-174/VI/2019/SR-Asia/Indonesia Type : 1 Level : Moderate

PT Bank Syariah Mandiri (“the Reporting Organisation” or “the Company”) has engaged Social Responsibility Asia (“SR Asia”) to assure and come up with an independent assurance statement on its 2018 Sustainability Report (“the Report”). The Reporting Organisation is a subsidiary of an Indonesian state-owned enterprise, namely PT Bank Mandiri (Persero) Tbk, and provides Sharia banking services to the customers. Development of the Report content was carried out by the Company in accordance with: a) the Sustainability Reporting Standards of the Global Reporting Initiative (“the GRI standards”) and its

Financial Services Sector Supplement (FSSS); andb) the Regulation of Indonesia Financial Services Authority No.51/POJK.03/2017 on the

Implementation of Sustainable Finance for the Financial Services Organisations and the Listed andPublic Companies (POJK 51).

An independent assurance statement issued by SR Asia describes the opinion based on the assurance procedures referring to certain principles, standards and regulations. The statement does NOT indicate an endorsement on a sustainability report. It also does NOT explain the Company’s overall sustainability performance, except for the areas included in the scope of assurance. As agreed by the Management1, presentation of the Report content is the sole responsibility of the Company. SR Asia is responsible for providing assurance services, recommendations, and an independent assurance statement. Responsibility of SR Asia in conducting its assurance services is only to the Reporting Organisation; thus SR Asia does NOT accept or assume any responsibility for any other purpose or to any other person or organisation. Any dependence that third party has placed on the Report or this independent assurance statement is entirely on its own risk.

Scope and Limitation of Assurance

1. Visit the head office to review nine material topics that are categorised highly relevant andsignificant to the Reporting Organization. Three topics, which are economic performance, productportfolio and information technology, fall under “very high” category. Six topics are in “high”category; they are customer privacy, anti corruption, training and education, indirect economicimpact, diversity and equal employment opportunities, and occupational health and safety.

2. Trace back supporting documents and evidence of data and information, in particular of thematerial topics, as indicated in the Report content.

3. Review, NOT to investigate or audit, the Report containing sustainability performance data,information, and disclosures as presented in the Report content, from the period of 1st of January upto 31st of December 2018.

1 The Management refers to the management of the Reporting Organisation


PT Bank Syariah Mandiri • Sustainability Report 2018 85

Tanggung Jawab Sosial dan LingkunganSocial and Environmental Responsibility

Tata Kelola KeberlanjutanSustainability Governance

Vers. 2019, pg. 2 of 4 000-174

4. Presentation of financial data, information, and figures in the Report is NOT within the scope of SRAsia’s responsibility as per assurance procedure is taken. SR Asia assumes that the Company orindependent parties or other parties associated to the Company have verified and/or audited anydata and information related to financial statements.

Exclusion in Assurance

1. Statements, claims, and expression of opinion, belief, expectation, advertisement, and futureplanning of the Reporting Organisation, as described in the Report content.

2. Analysis on the Report content based on the standards and indicators other than those mentionedunder the methodology section.

3. Data and information outside the reporting period or not relevant to the discussions in the Report.4. Data and information from Company’s documents other than those mentioned in the Report, or in

the public domain but not included in the Report.5. Stakeholders’ engagement, which may be involved in developing the Report, except for the

engagement to identify material topics as discussed in the Report.

Type and Level of Assurance

1. Type 1 of assurance service on the report content in respect to the AA1000AS (2008) AssuranceStandard and AA1000AP (2018) AccountAbility Principles.

2. A moderate level of assurance procedure on the Report content and evidence, where the risk ofinformation and conclusions of the Report being error is reduced to low, but not to very low andnot zero.


1. SR Asia assigned an assurance team through its official partner in Indonesia to carry out an initialassessment on the Report document, which was previously submitted by the Company.

2. The Assurance Team evaluated:a. Adherence of Report content, disclosures, and presentation against the standards, principles,

and indicators of AA1000AS (2008) and AA1000AP (2018) AccountAbility, GRI Standards and itsFSSS, and also POJK 51.

b. System and process that the Company has in place in developing the Report based on thereporting principles and standards.

3. The Assurance Team visited the Company’s head office in Jakarta to:a. Discuss the Report content and the disclosures of sustainability performance data and

information, especially those related to the material topics, with the Management.b. Trace back data and information to the sources, and review the evidence documents.


2018 Laporan Keberlanjutan • PT Bank Syariah Mandiri86

Strategi KeberlanjutanSustainability Strategy

Sumber Daya ManusiaHuman Resources

Kinerja KeberlanjutanSustainability Performance

Vers. 2019, pg. 3 of 4


Adherence to AA1000AP (2018) and GRI Standards Inclusivity – The Report has indicated an adequate inclusivity in presenting stakeholder identification and engagement. The Company has also engaged with a number of associations in Sharia economy, finance and banking in order to keep the operations in line with the Sharia law and principles. However, as per assurance procedure is taken, current mechanism and procedures in the Company are not yet sufficient to perform an inclusive and strategic stakeholder engagement management. Materiality – In overall, presentation of sustainability performance data and information as well as material topics in the Report content can describe the sustainability context of the Company as an Sharia bank. Nevertheless, information on the process of identifying material topics is insufficient, especially in terms of stakeholders’ participation, and the methodology and source of data for identification. In addition, not all material topics have adequate information on the disclosure of management approach (DMA) in the Report. Inclusion of occupational health and safety under “high” category of material topic is also uncommon as the Company does not have high-risk operations to health and safety. Responsiveness – As described in the Report content, the Company has a number of engagement channels in place to respond stakeholders’ concerns, grievances and feedbacks. The Reporting Organisation has a Whistleblowing System (WBS) and carries out the Bank Service Excellence Monitor as a platform to conduct regular customer satisfication survey. In 2018, the Company has set up a groundwork for sustainable finance as regulated by the Indonesian Government. The Reporting Organisation also utilise digital technology to set up branchless banking to respond nowadays business dynamics and challenges. Impact – In general, especially in respect to material topics, the Company has satisfactorily presented qualitative and quantitative sustainability performance data and information on the economic, social and environmental impacts from its business decisions and activities. The Report content also discloses environmental performance data and information other than those of material topics, such as on the impact of energy and water efficiency. However, it is not well presented in the Report and considerably has a very low significance to the sustainability context of the Reporting Organisation. In “Accordance” with Core Option – As per assurance work is performed, the Assurance Team has concluded that, in terms of reporting methodology and approach, the Report content follows the core option of GRI Standards. The Report discloses the management approach (DMA) on material topics and minimum one disclosure or indicator of material topics is presented. However, discussions on DMA in some areas in the Report still need significant improvement. When applicable, the Report content presents sustainability performance data and information referring to FSSS as the specific GRI indicators for financial services industry sector. GRI Standards Principles – In terms of its adherence to the Principles for Defining Report Content, the Assurance Team has identified that the Report adopted adequately the stakeholder inclusiveness, sustainability context and completeness principle, but it has a lower level of adherence to materiality. Presentation of sustainability performance data and information of material topics in general follows the Principles of Defining Report Quality (comparability, accuracy, timeliness, clarity, and reliability). During


PT Bank Syariah Mandiri • Sustainability Report 2018 87

Tanggung Jawab Sosial dan LingkunganSocial and Environmental Responsibility

Tata Kelola KeberlanjutanSustainability Governance

Vers. 2019, pg. 4 of 4 000-174

the assurance work, as the Type 1 and Moderate Level of assurance procedure was applied, the Company was able to provide adequate supporting documents to the Assurance Team members.


1. Perform stakeholder engagement management based on AA1000 Stakeholder EngagementStandard AA1000AP (2015) as the basis for material topics identification.

2. Enhance corporate strategic directions on sustainability and material topics, including formulationof company’s sustainability policy and strategy framework, and also assessment or mapping of theCompany’s sustainability initiatives against SDGs targets and indicator.

3. Improve the disclosures of management approach (DMA) of the material topics, including settingup performance targets and indicators.

4. Maintain adequate management information system in collecting non-financial data andinformation for sustainability reporting, to increase accuracy, reliability, continuity, andcomparability of data and information in the next report.

Statement of Competency, Independency and Impartiality

SR Asia is comprised of respectable Asian professionals and organisations. Its main objective is to support companies and other stakeholders in adopting sustainability and social responsibility principles, standards, and best practices through different activities. SR Asia’s Assurance Team members have experience in writing and reviewing sustainability reports and integrated reports of organisations from different industries. The experts are familiar with different reporting and assurance standards, such as GRI Standards, SASB reporting standard, International Integrated Reporting (IR) Framework, and AA1000 AccountAbility Standard series.

SR Asia ensures that adequate mechanism is well implemented in both SR Asia organisation and partner in order to make the Assurance Team members independent and free from bias. SR Asia also confirms that the applied assurance procedure is able to prevent the Company influencing the ability of the Assurance Team members to develop an objective and truthful assurance statement.

The assurance provider, Jakarta, 20th of June 2019

Birendra Raturi International Director, SR Asia

Social Responsibility Asia (SR Asia) 4F-CS-25, Ansal Plaza, Vaishali Ghaziabad (NCR Region Delhi), Uttar Pradesh 201010, INDIA Landline / Mobile: +91-120-4103023; +91-120-6452020 / +91-9810059109 E-mail: [email protected] Website:



2018 Laporan Keberlanjutan • PT Bank Syariah Mandiri88

Strategi KeberlanjutanSustainability Strategy

Sumber Daya ManusiaHuman Resources

Kinerja KeberlanjutanSustainability Performance

REFERENSI POJK No. 51/OJK.03/2017 dan PENGUNGKAPAN GRI STANDAR 2016 YANG RELEVAN Reference of Financial Service Authority Regulation No. 51/OJK.03/2017 and Relevant Disclosures of 2016 GRI Standards [102-55]

POJK 51/ OJK.03/2017




1 Penjelasan Strategi KeberlanjutanDescription of sustainability strategy


102-14 Pernyataan dari pembuat keputusan senior Statement from senior decision-maker

2 Ikhtisar kinerja aspek keberlanjutanSustainability performance highlight


3.a Visi, misi, dan nilai keberlanjutan Perusahaan Vision, mission, and Company sustainability value


102-16 Nilai, prinsip, standar, dan norma perilaku Values, principles, standards, and norms of behavior

3.b Nama, kontak, dan alamat PerusahaanCompany name, contact, and address


102-1 Nama organisasi Name of the organization

102-3 Lokasi kantor pusat Location of headquarters


3.c.1 Total aset atau kapitalisasi aset, dan total kewajibanTotal assets or asset capitalization, and total liabilities


102-7 Skala organisasi Scale of the organization

3.c.2 Jumlah karyawan yang dibagi menurut jenis kelamin, jabatan, usia, pendidikan, dan status ketenagakerjaanThe number of employees divided according to gender, position, age, education, and employment status


102-8 Informasi mengenai karyawan Information on employees

3.c.3 Persentase kepemilikan saham (publik dan pemerintah)Percentage of share ownership (public and government)


102-5 Kepemilikan dan bentuk hukum Ownership and legal form

3.c.4 Wilayah operasionalOperational area


102-4 Lokasi operasi Location of operations

102-6 Pasar Terlayani Served Market

3.d Produk, layanan, dan kegiatan usahaProducts, services and business activities


102-2 Kegiatan, merek, produk, dan jasa Activities, brands, products, and services

102-9 Rantai Pasokan Supply Chain


PT Bank Syariah Mandiri • Sustainability Report 2018 89

Tanggung Jawab Sosial dan LingkunganSocial and Environmental Responsibility

Tata Kelola KeberlanjutanSustainability Governance

POJK 51/ OJK.03/2017


3.e Keanggotaan pada asosiasiMembership in associations


102-13 Keanggotaan asosiasi Membership of associations

3.f Perubahan yang bersifat signifikanSignificant changes


102-10 Perubahan signifikan Significant changes

4.a Kebijakan untuk merespon tantangan dalam pemenuhan strategi keberlanjutanPolicy to respond to challenges in meeting sustainability strategies

05, 69

4.b Penerapan Keuangan BerkelanjutanImplementation of Sustainable Finance

05, 69

4.c Strategi pencapaian targetTarget achievement strategy


5.a Uraian mengenai tugas bagi Direksi dan Dewan Komisaris, pegawai, pejabat dan/atau unit kerja yang menjadi penanggung jawab penerapan keberlanjutanA description of the duties of the Board of Directors and the Board of Commissioners, employees, officials and / or work units who are responsible for implementing sustainability


5.b Penjelasan mengenai pengembangan kompetensi yang dilaksanakan terhadap anggota Direksi, anggota Dewan Komisaris, pegawai, pejabat dan/atau unit kerja yang menjadi penanggung jawab penerapan Keuangan BerkelanjutanExplanation of competence development carried out on the members of the Board of Directors, members of the Board of Commissioners, employees, officers and / or work units responsible for the implementation of Sustainable Finance

54, 68

102-18 Struktur tata kelola Governance structure

5.c Penjelasan mengenai pengendalian risiko keberlanjutanA description of sustainability risk management


102-11 Prinsip kehati-hatian 30 Precautionary principle or approach

5.d Penjelasan mengenai pemangku kepentinganExplanation of stakeholders


102-40 Daftar kelompok pemangku kepentingan List of stakeholder groups

102-42 Mengidentifikasi dan memilih pemangku kepentingan Identifying and selecting stakeholders

102-43 Pendekatan terhadap keterlibatan pemangku kepentingan Approach to stakeholder engagement

5.e Permasalahan terkait kinerja keberlanjutanIssues related to sustainability performance


102-44 Topik utama dan masalah Key topics and concerns

6.a Penjelasan mengenai kegiatan membangun budaya keberlanjutanA description of building a culture of sustainability


6.b Uraian mengenai kinerja ekonomiEconomic performance



2018 Laporan Keberlanjutan • PT Bank Syariah Mandiri90

Strategi KeberlanjutanSustainability Strategy

Sumber Daya ManusiaHuman Resources

Kinerja KeberlanjutanSustainability Performance

POJK 51/ OJK.03/2017




6.c.1 Komitmen Perusahaan untuk memberikan produk dan/atau jasaThe Company’s commitment to provide products and/ or services equivalent to consumers

04, 54


6.c.2.a Kesetaraan kesempatan bekerja dan ada atau tidaknya tenaga kerja paksa dan tenaga kerja anakEquality of employment opportunities and the presence or absence of forced labor and child labor



6.c.2.b Persentase remunerasi pegawai tetap di tingkat terendah terhadap upah minimum regionalPercentage of permanent employee remuneration at the lowest level against the regional minimum wage


6.c.2.c Lingkungan bekerja yang layak dan amanDecent and safe working Environment


6.c.2.d Pelatihan dan pengembangan kemampuan pegawaiTraining and education for employees


6.c.3.a Informasi kegiatan atau wilayah operasional yang menghasilkan dampak positif dan dampak negatif terhadap masyarakat sekitarInformation on activities or operational areas that generate positive impacts and negative impacts on local communities


6.c.3.b Mekanisme dan jumlah pengaduan masyarakat yang diterima dan ditindaklanjutiThe mechanism and number of public complaints received and acted upon


6.c.3.c TJSL pada tujuan pembangunan berkelanjutan meliputi jenis dan capaian kegiatan program pemberdayaan masyarakatSocial and environmental responsibility on sustainable development objectives includes the types and achievements of community empowerment program activities



6.d.1 Biaya Lingkungan Hidup yang dikeluarkanEnvironmental costs incurred


6.d.2 Penggunaan material yang ramah lingkunganUse of environmentally friendly materials


6.d.3 Penggunaan energiEnergy use


6e 6.e.4 Pengendalian emisi Emission management


6.e.5.a Jumlah limbah dan efluen yang dihasilkan berdasarkan jenisThe amount of waste and effluent produced by type


6.e.5.b Mekanisme pengelolaan limbah dan efluenWaste and effluent management mechanisms



6.f.1 Inovasi dan pengembangan Produk BerkelanjutanInnovation and development of Sustainable Products


6.f.2 Jumlah dan persentase produk dan jasa yang sudah dievaluasi keamanannya bagi pelangganNumber and percentage of products and services that have been evaluated for the customer’s safety


6.f.3 Dampak positif dan dampak negatif yang ditimbulkan dari produk dan/atau jasa dan proses distribusiPositive and negative impact of product and/or services and distribution process


6.f.4 Jumlah produk yang ditarik kembali dan alasannyaNumber of products withdrawn and the reason


6.f.5 Survei kepuasan pelangganSurvey of customer satisfaction


7 Verifikasi tertulis dari pihak independenReport verification by independent party



PT Bank Syariah Mandiri • Sustainability Report 2018 91

Tanggung Jawab Sosial dan LingkunganSocial and Environmental Responsibility

Tata Kelola KeberlanjutanSustainability Governance

Pengungkapan KhususSpecific Disclosures

Kinerja EkonomiEconomic Performance

103-1 Inisiatif eksternal External initiatives 34

103-2 Perjanjian perundingan kolektif Collective bargaining agreements 34

103-3 Entitas yang Termasuk dalam Laporan Keuangan DikonsolidasiEntities included in the consolidated financial statements


201-1 Nilai ekonomi langsung yang dihasilkan dan didistribusikan Direct economic value 35

GRI Standards





Pengungkapan UmumGeneral Disclosures

102-12 Inisiatif eksternal External initiatives 29

102-41 Perjanjian perundingan kolektif Collective bargaining agreements 46

102-45 Entitas yang Termasuk dalam Laporan Keuangan DikonsolidasiEntities included in the consolidated financial statements


102-46 Menetapkan Isi Laporan dan Batasan Topik Defining report content and topic Boundaries 13

102-47 Daftar Topik Material List of material topics 14

102-48 Penyajian Kembali Informasi Restatements of information 12

102-49 Perubahan dalam Pelaporan Changes in reporting 14

102-50 Periode Pelaporan Reporting period 12

102-51 Tanggal Laporan Terbaru Date of most recent report 12

102-52 Siklus Pelaporan Reporting cycle 12

102-53 Titik Kontak Laporan Contact point 12

102-54 Kesesuaian dengan Standar GRI In accordance with the GRI Standards 12

102-55 Indeks Isi GRI GRI content index 12, 85

102-56 Penjamin eksternal External Assurance 84

GRI Standards





Portofolio ProdukProduct Portfolio

103-1 Penjelasan topik material dan batasannya Explanation of the material topics 36

103-2 Pendekatan manajemen dan komponennya The management approach and its components 36

103-3 Evaluasi pendekatan manajemen Evaluation of the management approach 36

Teknologi InformasiInformation Technology

103-1 Penjelasan topik material dan batasannya Explanation of the material topics 42

103-2 Pendekatan manajemen dan komponennya The management approach and its components 42

103-3 Evaluasi pendekatan manajemen Evaluation of the management approach 42

Dampak Ekonomi Tidak LangsungIndirect Economic Impact

203-1 Investasi infrastruktur dan dukungan layanan Infrastructure investments and services supported 59, 62


2018 Laporan Keberlanjutan • PT Bank Syariah Mandiri92

Strategi KeberlanjutanSustainability Strategy

Sumber Daya ManusiaHuman Resources

Kinerja KeberlanjutanSustainability Performance

GRI 4.0 Sektor Suplemmen Jasa Keuangan GRI 4.0 Financial Services Sector Supplement

GRI 4.0 FSSector




FS1 Kebijakan berkaitan aspek lingkungan dan sosial Policies in environmental and social aspects 08, 40

FS2 Prosedur menilai dan menyaring risiko lingkungan dan sosial Procedures for assessing and sceening environmental and social risks


FS3 Proses untuk memantau pelaksanaan klien sesuai dengan persyaratan lingkungan dan sosial Processes for monitoring clients implementation and compliance with environmetal and social requirements


FS4 Kompetensi staf terkait kebijakan lingkungan dan sosial Improving staff competency related to the envieonmental and social policies


FS5 Interaksi dengan nasabah/mitra bisnis mengenai risiko dan peluang lingkungan dan sosialInteractions with customer/partner regarding environmental and social risks and opportunities


FS6 Persentase kredit berdasarkan bidang usaha Percentage of the portofolio by spesific sector 37-39

FS7 Nilai moneter untuk manfaat sosial Monetary value of social benefit 39

FS8 Nilai moneter untuk manfaat lingkungan Monetary value of environmental benefit 41

FS9 Cakupan dan frekuensi audit untuk menilai implementasi kebijakan lingkungan dan sosial Coverage and frequency of audits to assess environmental and social implementation policies


FS10 Persentase dan jumlah perusahaan dalam portofolio yang dievaluasi memiliki masalah lingkungan atau sosialPercentage and number of companies in the portfolio identified with environmental or social issues


FS11 Persentase aset yang terkena penyaringan lingkungan atau sosial positif dan negatifThe percentage of assets affected by positive and negative environmental or social screening


FS12 Kebijakan pemberian suara diterapkan pada masalah lingkungan atau sosial Voting policies applied to environmental or social issues


FS13 Jalur akses di daerah berpenduduk rendah atau kurang beruntung secara ekonomi berdasarkan jenisAccess points in low-income or economically disadvantaged areas by type


FS14 Inisiatif untuk meningkatkan akses ke layanan keuangan untuk orang-orang yang kurang beruntungInitiatives to increase access to financial services for disadvantaged people


FS15 Kebijakan untuk desain yang adil dan penjualan produk dan layanan keuanganPolicies for fair design and sale of financial products and services


FS16 Inisiatif untuk meningkatkan literasi keuangan berdasarkan jenis penerima manfaatInitiatives to improve financial literacy based on the types of beneficiaries


GRI Standards






302-1 Konsumsi energi dalam organisasi Energy consumption within the organization 63


401-1 Pekerja baru dan perputaran pekerja New employee hires and employee turnover 50

401-2 Tunjangan yang diberikan kepada karyawan purnawaktu Benefits provided to full-time employees 51

Pelatihan dan PendidikanTraining and Education

404-1 Rata-rata jam pelatihan per tahun per karyawan Average hours of training per year per employee 53

Privasi NasabahCustomer Privacy

418-1 Pengaduan terhadap privasi pelanggan dan hilangnya data pelangganSubstantiated complaints concerning breaches of customer privacy and losses of customer data



PT Bank Syariah Mandiri • Sustainability Report 2018 93

Tanggung Jawab Sosial dan LingkunganSocial and Environmental Responsibility

Tata Kelola KeberlanjutanSustainability Governance

LEMBAR UMPAN BALIK Feedback FormLaporan ini menyajikan informasi terkait kinerja Perusahaan dalam aspek ekonomi, sosial, dan lingkungan. Kami sangat mengharapkan kritik, masukan, atau saran dari Bapak/Ibu/Saudara untuk meningkatkan kualitas laporan keberlanjutan berikutnya.

This report disclosed information related to the Company’s performance in the economic, social, and environmental aspects. We look forward to your criticism, feedback, or suggestions to improve the quality of future sustainability report.

Pertanyaan Questions Ya Yes Tidak No

Laporan Keberlanjutan ini telah memberikan informasi yang bermanfaat mengenai kinerja ekonomi, sosial dan lingkungan PerseroanThe Sustainability Report has provided useful information on the Company’s economic, social and environmental performance

Data dan informasi yang diungkapkan mudah dipahami, lengkap, transparan, dan berimbangData and information disclosed are easy to understand, complete, transparent and impartial

Data dan informasi yang disajikan berguna dalam pengambilan keputusanData and information presented are useful in decision-making

Laporan ini menarik dan mudah dibacaThe Report is appealing and easy to read

Pemegang Saham dan Investor Shareholder

Pemasok Supplier

Pegawai Employee

Distributor Distributor

Media Media

Masyarakat Community

Pemerintah Government

Lain-lain, mohon sebutkan........... Other, please state…………..

Nama Name

Pekerjaan Occupation

Nama Institusi Name of Institution

Kontak (Telepon, email) Contact (Phone, email)

Kinerja ekonomiEconomy performance

Portofolio produkProduct portfolio

Teknologi informasiInformation technology

Keanekaragaman dan kesetaraan kesempatanDiversity and equal employment opportunities

Keselamatan dan kesehatan kerjaOccupational health and safety

Privasi pelangganCustomer privacy

Anti korupsiAnti corruption

Pelatihan dan pendidikanTraining and education

Dampak ekonomi tidak langsungIndirect economic influence

Mohon berikan nilai mengenai aspek yang terdapat dalam laporan ini. (nilai 1 = paling penting, nilai 5 = paling tidak pentingPlease grade which aspect is the most useful to you in this report.

Mohon berikan komentar/saran/usulan bagi laporan ini.Please give your comment/recommendation/suggestion about this report.........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

(......) (......) (......) (......)

(......) (......) (......) (......)


Profil Anda Your Profile

Kategori Pemangku Kepentingan (mohon tandai salah satu)Stakeholder Category (please mark one)

Kami sangat menghargai saran dan tanggapan yang Anda berikan kepada kami atas informasi yang disajikan dalam laporan ini. Mohon kirimkan formulir ini ke: We appreciate any suggestions and feedback that you provide to us on the information presented in this report. Please submit this form to:

Ahmad RezaCorporate Secretary Kantor Pusat I Head officeWisma Mandiri I Jl. MH. Thamrin No. 5 Jakarta10340 – IndonesiaPhone : (62-21) 2300 509, 3983 9000 (hunting)Call Center : Mandiri Syariah Call 14040, (021) 2953 4040Faksimili : (62-21) 3983 2989. Website : : [email protected]


2018 Laporan Keberlanjutan • PT Bank Syariah Mandiri94

Strategi KeberlanjutanSustainability Strategy

Sumber Daya ManusiaHuman Resources

Kinerja KeberlanjutanSustainability Performance


PT Bank Syariah Mandiri • Sustainability Report 2018 95

Tanggung Jawab Sosial dan LingkunganSocial and Environmental Responsibility

Tata Kelola KeberlanjutanSustainability Governance


Bank Syariah MandiriKantor PusatWisma Mandiri IJl. MH. Thamrin NO. 5Jakarta 10340 - Indonesia

OnlineWebsite :

Phone & FaxPhone : (62-21) 2300-509, 3983 9000 (Hunting) Fax : (62-21) 3983 2989