Siavash Fani - DPI Magazine Interview

68 2011 | dpi 居住在伊拉克的 Fani,看著自己國家的人民為了戰 爭而受苦,他們要的是人權,但卻因為戰爭而整個 局勢動盪不安,藉著他的設計不但傳遞出這樣的訊 息,並也關心於文化、社會及政治議題。 SIAVASH FANI


Here is an interview with Siavash Fani, graphic designer. He talked about some of his designs.

Transcript of Siavash Fani - DPI Magazine Interview

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68 2011 | dpi

居住在伊拉克的 Fani,看著自己國家的人民為了戰爭而受苦,他們要的是人權,但卻因為戰爭而整個局勢動盪不安,藉著他的設計不但傳遞出這樣的訊息,並也關心於文化、社會及政治議題。SIAVASH FANI

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Graphic Design

69dpi | 2011

Fani大學及研究所都專攻於平面設計,並且與許多出版社、報社、廣告公司…等等合作,並且是ARTFANI DESIGN的藝術總監,並且專攻於平面設計、版面、商標、海報、雜誌及報紙設計。


Master's Degree & Bachelor's Degree :

Visual communication / Graphic design

Work Experience:

Soroush Publication, April / 2002 - March / 2003 -

Graphic Designer, Young Magazine

Iran Newspaper, June / 2003 - June / 2006 - Art

Director,Graphic Designer |

Payamavaran Advertising Agency |, May / 2004 -

December / 2006 - Art Director,Graphic Designer

Iran newspaper, October / 2003 - May / 2005 - Art

Director, Graphic Designer

Point of View Advertising Agency, June / 2007 - March /

2010 - Art Director, Graphic Designer

Azad University Faculty of Art, October / 2009 - March /

2010- Instructor, Graphic Department

Art director at ARTFANI DESIGN

Skills : Graphic designer, Layout design, Logo design,

Poster design, Magazine design, Newspaper design



03 04

01.World children day02.AKAP Poster festival03.Water festival04.Chernobyl

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與觀眾溝通的作品Fani 希望自己的作品能與觀眾溝通,轉變其視覺涵義及概念且深植人心,並也能較快的傳達訊息。他會依照作品需求來決定創作工具,有時用照片,有時用攝影或是用手工繪圖,不管是依照何種創作概念或是想要改變的創作形式,都是依情況而決定,有時快速瞄過報紙廣告、電視廣告、文藝復興時期的畫作、音樂或是雕像都可以�發靈感,並依照依不同的方法來創作。了解讀者、熟悉他們的社會層級及年齡層是創作海報時的重要元素,設計師們會設計自己感興趣的作品,並將其設計理念展現出來是他認為首當重要之事;然而,以前 Fani 認為海報就是要展現其概念,不過現在則是覺得需要具有存在感,利用圖層、標語、顏色和許多元素混在一起便能形成一張成功的海報,有時其中的某項元素也會在整幅作品中特別的顯眼。

dpi : How do you define your design style?

Fani : Communicating with the audience and attracting them,

transferring the visual meaning, and concept which can involve the

audience’s mind in order to transfer the message faster.

dpi : What kind of material, tool and technique do you use for

your creation?

Fani : I will choose the designed tools and techniques according

to my need. Sometimes I use photos, sometimes I use typography

and hand-made prints. It really depends on my need and also

the concept I’m trying to present and the idea I’m trying to

change to forms. Sometimes a quick glance over the newspaper

advertisements or watching commercials on T V or even a

renaissance painting or listen a music or sculpture and lead me to

what I want to achieve. On the whole I can say that creating an idea

needs different methods, and is based on different methods.

dpi : What’s the most important view when you create the


Fani : Recognizing my audience, knowing their social level, knowing

the age of people. I’m designing for and their interests, together

with the concept of the design are my priorities. However in my

opinion the goal of designing a poster is for it to be conceptual and

new in presenting. Using layouts, using slogans, colors, and all these

elements together will make a successful poster, and sometimes

one of these elements will stand high above the others.

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Graphic Design

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為了人權而抗戰Fani居住在已長達八年戰爭且人權長期無法獲得尊重的伊拉克,因此他非常了解「人權」這兩字,因此作品〈Iraq〉要呈現這個國家仍陷在戰爭之中,每天都有許多老百姓及軍人因此喪失了生命,許多人開始互相懷疑,其中一張海報,士兵變成了骷髏,另一幅則是化身為足球員,並且奪走霰彈而不是踢開足球。人們每天都因為局勢動盪且為了捍衛人權而遭受痛苦,而「人權」兩字對他們來說是多麼的美麗且讓人信仰,雖然敵方不相信人權,但至少藝術家們還能將此主題運用在創作上,算是很大的創舉。〈United Nation Human Rights Council〉這幅海報是敘說人們互相嚴刑拷打,海報中的每一個符號都是有生命的,並用血、肉及皮膚來構成,且呈述及強調一件事實,這也讓世人要懂得預防暴力,且珍惜人權的可貴,然而總會有些地方會忘了這樣的事實。

dpi : What’s your design conceptions of “Iraq Poster” and

“United Nation Human Rights Council”?

Fani : I have lived in a country where not only people

have the experience of 8 years of war with Iraq, but

also the human rights have not been respected for a

long time and even now. So I can fully and perfectly

understand the meaning of these two words. I

designed the “ Poster for Iraq" while the country was

in war, and every day lots of people lost their lives. A lot

of civilians and soldiers died during those days. All of

them, ones who were in military, and ones who were

not, were suspicious to each other. A soldier turned

into an skeleton in one part of the design, and in the

other part a football player, defends the goal, by trying

to catch the canister away, and not the ball.

It´s a story of those days they both suffer the same.

They suffer from unrests. And regarding the human

rights…How beautiful it is as a title and in words, and

though everybody believe in it, they don´t respect

it .But at least we can look at it as a subject, what an


In this poster we see people torturing each other. All of

the symbol is alive. They are consisted of blood, flesh,

skin. This poster is not a symbol, though. It´s a reality

which should be presented and emphasized more

so that may be. It can help preventing violence and it

can cherish the real human rights. That is sometimes

forgotten in some places.





05 06



09 10

01.Hope fo the future02.United Nation Human Rights Council03.Tirgan arts festival04.Book cover_Iranian experience05. International disabled day

06.Disabled theatre festival07.Logo_Holiday edition of Rang magazine.com08.Iraq war_0209.Sanction 10.Iraq_01

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傳遞文化及社會訊息通常 Fani喜歡尚未開始的創作,因為這對他來說是個全新的體驗,而以前創作過的海報就像是記憶一樣過往雲煙,不過有一幅作品:Morteza Momayez


計關於文化或是商業性質。社會及政治形態的海報是他喜愛的創作,而若是客戶想要參與設計,那麼創作出的作品便有一半是自己的想法,另一半則是屬於客戶的。最近 Fani正在設計廣告方案,有關於書或是雜誌封面,而下一個計劃便是在加拿大出版自己的作品,不過他盡可能在最近完成並且出版。

dpi : You create a lot of poster, which poster is your favorite and

why? Would you share the design conception with us?

Fani : I like the posters that I haven´t started yet,

because they would be a new experience for me. The

posters I have already designed are like memories I

have passed through. But to mention one, I designed

a poster in memory of Morteza Momayez, father of

Iranians graphic design. In that poster I used his photo,

keeping one of his eyes shut and the other open, and I

used his own drawing techniques. I think this design is

closer to my hearth and my mind.

dpi : It seems that you concern about social issue by poster,

why do you want to create the poster about it and what kind of

message do you want to communicate with readers?

Fani : Most of our destiny and life is spent in society and

includes our social relationships. In fact it is the society

that creates people and their relations.

Social posters, carry a wide range of concepts, from

cultural to political. Concepts that are sometimes not

shown and not found in other places and no one is

aware of them.

Messages about the lies told to a society, messages of

waves of objection and the need of change, along with

the social movements.

A graphic designer holds the legacy of past and

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Graphic Design

73dpi | 2011圖片影圖片影像資料來源由 SIAVASH FANI 提供 責任編輯/廖婉書 美術編輯/陳巧翎

designs the correct crossing to future, thought

these productions are sometimes more cultural and

sometimes more commercial.

dpi : You create lots of design fields, and which field is your

favorite? Why?

Fani : Posters with a social and political theme are my

favorite. But actually it is the client who clarifies the area

of the design and when you have a client, it means his

ideas and interests are part of the design, too and this

will make it fifty , fifty.

dpi : Is there any new project on-going now? And what’s your

next creating plan in the future?

Fani : Yes, there is an advertising project on which I´m

working mostly. There are also some book covers and

magazines that I do the design and lay outs. My next

plan is publishing my book of works in Canada, which

I´m trying to complete it right now, and I hope to

have the chance of publishing it as soon as I can.

01.Morteza Momayez Memorial02.Resist 03.The Francisco Mantec04.World mental health day 05.Persian new year 1390 06.New year 201107.Japan08.Book cover_1_Opportunity to Choose



02 04



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