Shri Swarna Kamakshi Anugraham 2015

Shri Swarna Kamakshi Anugraham The Goddess Kamakshi resides in the hearts of all living beings as the „Antaryami(Controller within) and guides everyone to lead a pious life. We are all protected by the extraordinary grace of Shri Swarna Kamakshi who is the „Para Shakthi(Supreme Power beyond imagi nation). God does not exhibit Himself in all stones and similarly God does not exhibit Himself in every Human being. However as God can be seen in a few stones (or idols) God can also be seen in the form of a Mahan in few people. If we have the thought that others are inferior, the pooja (which is considered as a significant or superior deed) we conduct or perform would merely be just an act or drama. The Goddess would certainly shower Her blessings on a person with devotion or involvement (while performing a pooja) and when such a persons thoughts are pure and when he/sh e does not think or talk bad about others. For satisfying the pure heart of His mother, even Shri Krishna reduced the size of His physical body to accommodate the small rope which was used by His mother to tie Him up and we all know this. There is nothi ng in this world which could protect us more than the holy feet of the Goddess. The holy feet of the Goddess is the real “Chaitanyam”. When we are attached to Ambal who is the “Navagraha Nayaki”, the Navagrahas and their planetary afflictions will not affe ct us in any manner. The only chosen  path for us is to surrender to the Holy feet of Maha Periyava who is the „Paradevatha Swaroopaand “JagadGuru” (Guru to the World). “It is Your Holy feet which is a treasure for Me   this is what would make Me pure in this janma/birth and would protect Me”. Develop such unwavering and unflinching devotion towards Maha Periyava and He would protect us and make us lead a life with absolute bliss and without any fear. When one moves to a state where he/she realizes that the Goddess Kamakshi and Maha Periyava are not different but ONE, then such a soul would elevate to a level where he/she would be able to face and accept any kind of difficulty and gradually any sorrow would cease to occur. He/she would also be able to realize that all this is due to Maya (illusion).  As the ENGLISH NEW YEAR begins on a Thursday (Guruvaaram), with the grace of the Guru it i s certain that everyone would gain happiness and all kinds of benefits (without any obstacles) and would be blessed with good health as well. For the purpose of Universal Welfare and for Happiness and Unity in this World, the Shakti Peet Temple has been constructed for Goddess Kamakshi. As y ou visit the temple and celebrate the New Year by obtaining the darshan of the Goddess, upliftment in life is certain and is the Truth.  All activities would be fulfilled in the year 2015 for everyone. To acqui re good things and good qualities, to render good deeds and to be in the shadow of the holy feet of the Goddess (Swarna Kamakshi), everyone should develop strong and intense devotion. Further as every person travels in the path of devotion, commenting on others path of devotion is not considered as Dharma. For each of us who are associated with the Godd ess (Ambal) or any other God, having attachment with their respective God would be considered superior in their path of devotion. If our devotion has to be superior, the good opinions mentioned above should definitely be accepted and followed and if there are any opinions which are not acceptable then those could be ignored. Developing Bhakti in such a manner is considered the best.  - Message from ShriLaShri Kamakshi Swamiji  

Transcript of Shri Swarna Kamakshi Anugraham 2015

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Shri Swarna Kamakshi Anugraham 

The Goddess Kamakshi resides in the hearts of all living beings as the „Antaryami‟ (Controller within) and guides everyone to lead a pious life.We are all protected by the extraordinary grace of Shri Swarna Kamakshi who is the „Para Shakthi‟ (Supreme Power beyond imagi nation). God does notexhibit Himself in all stones and similarly God does not exhibit Himself in every Human being. However as God can be seen in a few stones (or idols) Godcan also be seen in the form of a Mahan in few people. If we have the thought that others are inferior, the pooja (which is considered as a significant orsuperior deed) we conduct or perform would merely be just an act or drama. The Goddess would certainly shower Her blessings on a person withdevotion or involvement (while performing a pooja) and when such a person‟s thoughts are pure and when he/she does not think or talk bad about others.

For satisfying the pure heart of His mother, even Shri Krishna reduced the size of His physical body to accommodate the small rope which was used byHis mother to tie Him up and we all know this.

There is nothi ng in this world which could protect us more than the holy feet of the Goddess. The holy feet of the Goddess is the real “Chaitanyam”. Whenwe are attached to Ambal who is the “Navagraha Nayaki”, the Navagrahas and their planetary afflictions will not affect us in any manner. The only chosen path for us is to surrender to the Holy feet of Maha Periyava who is the „Paradevatha Swaroopa‟ and “JagadGuru” (Guru to the World). “It is Your Holy feetwhich is a treasure for Me  –  this is what would make Me pure in this janma/birth and would protect Me”. Develop such unwavering and unflinchingdevotion towards Maha Periyava and He would protect us and make us lead a life with absolute bliss and without any fear. When one moves to a statewhere he/she realizes that the Goddess Kamakshi and Maha Periyava are not different but ONE, then such a soul would elevate to a level where he/shewould be able to face and accept any kind of difficulty and gradually any sorrow would cease to occur. He/she would also be able to realize that all this isdue to Maya (illusion).

 As the ENGLISH NEW YEAR begins on a Thursday (Guruvaaram), with the grace of the Guru it is certain that everyone would gain happiness and all

kinds of benefits (without any obstacles) and would be blessed with good health as well. For the purpose of Universal Welfare and for Happiness andUnity in this World, the Shakti Peet Temple has been constructed for Goddess Kamakshi. As you visit the temple and celebrate the New Year by obtainingthe darshan of the Goddess, upliftment in life is certain and is the Truth. All activities would be fulfilled in the year 2015 for everyone. To acquire good things and good qualities, to render good deeds and to be in the shadow ofthe holy feet of the Goddess (Swarna Kamakshi), everyone should develop strong and intense devotion. Further as every person travels in the path ofdevotion, commenting on other‟s path of devotion is not considered as Dharma. For each of us who are associated with the Godd ess (Ambal) or any otherGod, having attachment with their respective God would be considered superior in their path of devotion. If our devotion has to be superior, the goodopinions mentioned above should definitely be accepted and followed and if there are any opinions which are not acceptable then those could be ignored.Developing Bhakti in such a manner is considered the best.  

- Message from ShriLaShri Kamakshi Swamiji 

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