Sermo Lupi Ad Anglos In Old English With Glossary

Sermo Lupi ad Anglos The Sermon of the Wolf to the English. 1 Sermo Lupi ad Anglos, quando Dani maxime persecuti sunt eos quod fuit anno millesimo XIIII ab incarnatione domini nostri Iesu Cristi:~~~ Leofan men gecnawað þæt soð is: ðeos worolde is on ofste & hit nealæcð þam ende. & þy hit is on worolde aa swa leng swa wyrse, & swa hit sceal nyde for folces synnan fram 5 dæge to dæge, ær antecristes tocyme, yfelian swyþe. & huru hit wyrð þænne egeslic & grimlic wide on worolde. Understandað eac georne þæt deofol þas þeode nu fela geara dwelode to swyþe, & þæt lytle getreowþa wæran mid mannum, þeah hy wel spræcan. & unrihta to fela ricsode on lande, & næs a fela manna þe smeade ymbe þa bote swa georne swa man scolde, ac dæghwamlice man ihte yfel æfter oðrum, & unriht rærde & unlaga 10 manege ealles to wide gynd ealle þas þeode. & we eac forþam habbað fela byrsta & bysmara gebiden, & gif we ænige bote gebidan scylan þonne mote we þæs to Gode ernian bet þonne we ær þysan dydan. Forþam mid miclan earnungan we geearnedan þa yrmða þe us on sittað & mid swyþe micelan earnungan we þa bote motan æt Gode geræcan, gif hit sceal heonanforð godiende 15 weorðan. La hwæt we witan ful georne þæt to miclan bryce sceal micel bot nyde, & to miclan bryne wæter unlytel, gif man þæt fyr sceal to ahte acwencan. & micel is nydþearf eac manna gehwilcum þæt he Godes lage gyme heonanforð georne bet þonne he ær dyde, & Godes gerihta mid rihte gelæste. On hæþenum þeodum ne dear man forhealdan lytel, ne micel, þæs þe gelagod is to gedwolgoda weorðunge, & we forhealdað æghwær Godes 20 gerihta ealles to gelome. & ne dear man gewanian on hæþenum þeodum, inne ne ute, ænig þæra þinga þe gedwolgodan broht bið & to lacum betæht bið. & we habbað Godes hus, inne & ute, clæne berypte ælcra gerisena, & Godes þeowas syndan mæþe & munde gewelhwær bedælde. & sume men secgað þæt gedwolgoda þenan ne dear man misbeodan on ænige wisan mid hæþenum leodum, swa swa man Godes þeowum nu deð to wide, þær 25 Cristene scoldan Godes lage healdan & Godes þeowas griðian. Ac soð is þæt ic secge: þearf is þære bote forþam Godes gerihta wanedan to lange innan þysse þeode on æghwylcan ænde, & folclaga wyrsedan ealles to swyþe, syððan Eadgar geendode. & halignessa syndan to griðlease wide & Godes hus syndan to clæne berypte ealdra gerihta & innan bestrypte ælcra gerisena. & wydewan syndan wide 30 fornydde on unriht to ceorle & to mænege foryrmde & gehynede swyþe, & earme men syndan sare beswicene & hreowlice besyrwde, & ut of þysan earde wide gesealde swyþe unforworhte fremdum to gesealde, & cradolcild geþeowede þurh wælhreowe unlaga, forlytelre þyfþe wide gynd þas þeode. & freoriht fornumene & þrælriht genyrwde & ælmæsriht gewanode. Frige men ne motan wealdan heora sylfna ne faran þar hi willað ne 35 ateon heora agen swa swa hi willað. Ne þrælas ne moton habban þæt hi agon on agenan hwilan mid earfeðan gewunnen. Ne þæt þæt heom on Godes est gode men geuðon. & to ælmesgife for Godes lufan sealdon. Ac æghwilc ælmesriht þe man on Godes est scolde mid rihte georne gelæstan. Alc man gelitlað oððe forhealdeð, forðam unriht is to wide

Transcript of Sermo Lupi Ad Anglos In Old English With Glossary

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Sermo Lupi ad Anglos The Sermon of the Wolf to the English.

1 Sermo Lupi ad Anglos, quando Dani maxime persecuti sunt eos quod fuit anno millesimo

XIIII ab incarnatione domini nostri Iesu Cristi:~~~ Leofan men gecnawað þæt soð is: ðeos worolde is on ofste & hit nealæcð þam ende. & þy hit is on worolde aa swa leng swa wyrse, & swa hit sceal nyde for folces synnan fram 5 dæge to dæge, ær antecristes tocyme, yfelian swyþe. & huru hit wyrð þænne egeslic & grimlic wide on worolde. Understandað eac georne þæt deofol þas þeode nu fela geara dwelode to swyþe, & þæt lytle getreowþa wæran mid mannum, þeah hy wel spræcan. & unrihta to fela ricsode on lande, & næs a fela manna þe smeade ymbe þa bote swa georne swa man scolde, ac dæghwamlice man ihte yfel æfter oðrum, & unriht rærde & unlaga 10 manege ealles to wide gynd ealle þas þeode.

& we eac forþam habbað fela byrsta & bysmara gebiden, & gif we ænige bote gebidan scylan þonne mote we þæs to Gode ernian bet þonne we ær þysan dydan. Forþam mid miclan earnungan we geearnedan þa yrmða þe us on sittað & mid swyþe micelan earnungan we þa bote motan æt Gode geræcan, gif hit sceal heonanforð godiende 15 weorðan. La hwæt we witan ful georne þæt to miclan bryce sceal micel bot nyde, & to miclan bryne wæter unlytel, gif man þæt fyr sceal to ahte acwencan. & micel is nydþearf eac manna gehwilcum þæt he Godes lage gyme heonanforð georne bet þonne he ær dyde, & Godes gerihta mid rihte gelæste. On hæþenum þeodum ne dear man forhealdan lytel, ne micel, þæs þe gelagod is to gedwolgoda weorðunge, & we forhealdað æghwær Godes 20 gerihta ealles to gelome. & ne dear man gewanian on hæþenum þeodum, inne ne ute, ænig þæra þinga þe gedwolgodan broht bið & to lacum betæht bið. & we habbað Godes hus, inne & ute, clæne berypte ælcra gerisena, & Godes þeowas syndan mæþe & munde gewelhwær bedælde. & sume men secgað þæt gedwolgoda þenan ne dear man misbeodan on ænige wisan mid hæþenum leodum, swa swa man Godes þeowum nu deð to wide, þær 25 Cristene scoldan Godes lage healdan & Godes þeowas griðian.

Ac soð is þæt ic secge: þearf is þære bote forþam Godes gerihta wanedan to lange innan þysse þeode on æghwylcan ænde, & folclaga wyrsedan ealles to swyþe, syððan Eadgar geendode. & halignessa syndan to griðlease wide & Godes hus syndan to clæne berypte ealdra gerihta & innan bestrypte ælcra gerisena. & wydewan syndan wide 30 fornydde on unriht to ceorle & to mænege foryrmde & gehynede swyþe, & earme men syndan sare beswicene & hreowlice besyrwde, & ut of þysan earde wide gesealde swyþe unforworhte fremdum to gesealde, & cradolcild geþeowede þurh wælhreowe unlaga, forlytelre þyfþe wide gynd þas þeode. & freoriht fornumene & þrælriht genyrwde & ælmæsriht gewanode. Frige men ne motan wealdan heora sylfna ne faran þar hi willað ne 35 ateon heora agen swa swa hi willað. Ne þrælas ne moton habban þæt hi agon on agenan hwilan mid earfeðan gewunnen. Ne þæt þæt heom on Godes est gode men geuðon. & to ælmesgife for Godes lufan sealdon. Ac æghwilc ælmesriht þe man on Godes est scolde mid rihte georne gelæstan. Alc man gelitlað oððe forhealdeð, forðam unriht is to wide

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mannum gemæne & unlaga leofe. & hrædest is to cweþenne Godes laga laðe & lara 40 forsawenne, & þæs we habbað ealle þurh Godes yrre bysmor gelome, gecnawe se þe cunne. & se byrst wyrð gemæne þeh man swa ne wene eallre þysse þeode butan God beorge.

Forþam hit is on us eallum swutol & gesene þæt we ær þysan oftor bræcan þonne we bettan, & þy is þysse þeode fela onsæge. Ne dohte hit nu lange inne ne ute: ac wæs 45 here & hungor, nu bryne & blodgyte on gewelhwylcan ende oft & gelome. & us stalu & cwalu, stric & steorfa, orfcwealm & uncoþu, hol & hete, & rypera reaflac derede swyþe þearle. & us ungylda swyðe gedrohtan, & us unwedera foroft weoldan unwæstma; forþam on þysan earde wæs, swa hit þincan mæg, nu fela geara unrihta fela & tealte getrywða æghwær mid mannum. Ne bearh nu foroft gesib gesibban þe ma þe fremdan, ne fæder his 50 bearne, ne hwilum bearn his agenum fæder, ne broþor oþrum. Ne ure ænig his lif ne fadode swa swa he scolde, ne gehadode regellice, ne læwede lahlice. Ac worhtan lust us to lage ealles to gelome, & naþor ne heoldan ne lare ne lage Godes ne manna, swa swa we scoldan. Ne ænig wið oþerne getrywlice þohte swa rihte swa he scolde, ac mæst ælc swicode & oþrum derede wordes & dæde, & huru unrihtlice mæst ælc oþerne æftan 55 heaweþ mid sceandlican onscytan & mid wrohtlacan -- do mare gif he mæge.

Forþam her syn on lande ungetrywþa micle for Gode & for worolde, & eac her syn, on earde, on mistlice wisan hlafordswican manege: & ealra mæst hlafordswice se bið on worolde þæt man his hlafordes saule beswice. & ful micel hlafordswice eac bið on worolde þæt man his hlafordes saule beswice. & ful micel hlafordswice eac bið on worolde 60 þæt man his hlaford of life forræde, oððon of lande lifiendne drife, & ægþer is geworden on þysan earde: Eadweard man forrædde, & syððan acwealde & æfter þam forbærnde; and Æþelred mon dræfde ut of his earde. & godsibbas & godbearn to fela man forspilde wide gynd þas þeode, toeacan oðron ealles to manegan þe man unscyldige forfor, ealles to wide. & ealles to mænege haligestowa wide forwurdan þurh þæt þe man -- sume men 65 ær þam gelogode swa manna ne scolde, gif man on Godes griðe mæþe witan wolde.

& cristenes folces to fela man gesealde ut of þysan earde, nu ealle hwile, & eal þæt is Gode lað, gelyfe se þe wille. Eac we witan georne hwær seo yrmð gewearð & scandlic is to specenne þæt geworden is to wide. & egeslic is to witanne þæt oft doð to manege, þe dreogað þa yrmþe hwilum, þæt sceotað togædere & ane cwenan gemænum ceape bicgað 70 gemæne & wið þa ane fylþe adreogað, an æfter anum & ælc æfter aðrum hundum geliccast þe for fylþe ne scrifað. & syððan wið weorðe syllað of lande feondum to gewealde Godes gesceafte -- & his agenne ceap þe He deore gebohte. Eac we witan georne hwær seo yrmð gewearð þæt fæder gesealde bearn wið weorþe, & bearn his modor, & broþor sealde oþerne fremdum to gewealde, & ut of ðisse þeode. Eal þæt syndan micle & egeslice dæda, 75 understande se þe wille. & gyt hit is mare & eac mænigfealdre þæt dereð þysse þeode: mænige synd forsworene & swyþe forlogene & wed synd to brocene oft & gelome, & þæt is gesyne on þysse þeode þæt us Godes yrre hetelice on sit, gecnewe se þe cunne.

And la! Hu mæg mare scamu þurh Godes yrre mannum gelimpan þonne us deð gelome for agenum gewyrhtum? Ðeh þræla wylc hlaforde æthleape & of Cristendom to 80 wicinge weorþe, & hit æfter þam eft geweorþe þæt wæpngewrixl weorðe gemæne þegene & þræle: gif þræl þæne þegen fullice afyllen licge ægylde ealre his mægðe, &, gif se þegen þæne þræl þe he ær ahte fullice afylle, gylde þegengylde. Ful earhlice laga & scandlice, nydgyld þurh Godes yrre us syn gemæne; understande se þe cunne. & fela ungelimpa

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gelimpð þysse þeode oft & gelome: ne dohte hit nu lange inne ne ute. Ac wæs here & hete 85 on gewelhwilcan ende, oft & gelome, & Engle nu lange eal sigelease & to swyþe geyrigde þurh Godes yrre. & flotmen swa strange þurh Godes þafunge, þæt oft ongefeohte anfeseð tyne, & twegen oft twentig, & hwilum læs hwilum ma, eal for urum synnum. & oft tyne oððe twelfe, ælc æfter oþrum, scendað to bysmore þæs þegenes cwenan & hwilum his dohtor oððe nydmagan, þær he on locað, þe læt hine sylfene rancne 90 & ricne & genoh godne ær þæt gewurde. & oft þræl þæne þegen þe ær wæs his hlaford cnyt swyþe fæste & wyrcð him to þræle þurh Godes yrre. Wala þære yrmðe & wala þære woroldscame þe nu habbað Engle eal þurh Godes yrre. Oft twegen sæmæn, oððe þry hwilum, driwað þa drafe cristentra manna fram sæ to sæ -- ut þurh þas þeode, gewelede togædere, us eallum to woruldscame, gif we on eornost ænige cuþon ariht understandan. 95 Ac eal ne þæne bysmor þe we oft þoliað, we gyldað mid weorðscype þam þe us scendað. We him gyldað singallice & hy us hynað dæghwamlice; hy hergað & hy bærnað, rypaþ & reafiað, & to scipe lædað. & la hwæt! Is ænig oðer on eallum þam gelimpum butan Godes yrre ofer þas þeode swutol & gesæne?

Nis eac nan wundor þeah us mislimpe: forþam we witan ful georne þæt nu fela 100 geara mænn na ne rohtan, foroft, hwæt hy worhtan wordes oððe dæde. Ac wearð þes þeodscipe, swa hit þincan mæg, swyþe forsyngod þurh mænigfealde synna & þurh fela misdæda: þurh morðdæda & þurh mandæda, þurh gitsunga & þurh gifernessa, þurh stala & þurh strudunga, þurh mannsylena & þurh hæþene unsida, þurh swicdomas & þurh searacræftas, þurh lahbrycas & þurh æswicas, þurh mægræsas & þurh manslyhtas, 105 þurh hadbrycas & þurh æwbrycas, þurh siblegeru & þurh mistlice forligru & eac syndan wide, swa we ær cwædan, þur aðbricas & þurh wedbrycas, & þurh mistlice leasunga forloren, & forlogen ma þonne scolde, & freolsbricas & fæstenbrycas wide geworhte oft & gelome. & eac her syn on earde Godes wiðersacan, apostatan abroþene & cyrichatan hetole, & leodhatan grimme ealles to manege, & oferhogan wide godcundra rihtlaga & 110 cristenra þeawa, & hocorwyrde dysige æghwær on þeode oftost of þa þing þe Godes bodan beodaþ & swyþost on þa þing þe æfre to Godes lage gebyriað mid rihte. & þy is nu geworden wide & side to ful yfelan gewunan þæt menn swyþor scamað nu for goddædan þonne for misdædan; forþam to oft man mid hocere god dæda hyrweð & Godfyhte lehtreð ealles to swyþe & swyþost man tæleð & mid olle gegreteð ealles to gelome þa þe riht 115 lufiað. & Godes ege habbað be ænigum dæle. & þurh þæt þe man swa deð þæt man eal hyrweð þæt man scolde heregian & to forð laðet þæt man scolde lufian. Þurh þæt man gebringeð ealles to manege on yfelan geþance & on undaede, swa þæt hy ne scamað na þeh hy syngian swyðe & wid God sylfne forwyrcan hy mid ealle ac for idelan onscytan. Hy scamað þæt hy betan heora misdæda, swa swa bec tæcan, gelice þam dwæsan þe for 120 heora wrytan lewe nellað beorgan: ær hy na ne magan, þeh hy eal willan.

Her syndan þurh synleawa, swa hit þincan mæg, sare gelewede to manege on earde. Her syndan, swa we ær sædon, mannslagan & mægslagan & mæsserbanan & mynster hatan & hlafordswican & æbere apostatan, & her syndan mansworan & morþorwyrhtan, & her syndan hadbrecan & aewbrecan, & ðurh siblegeru & ðurh mistlice 125 forligeru forsyngode swyðe, & her syndan myltestran & bearn myrðrah & fule forlegene horingas manege, & her syndan wiccan & wælcyrian, & her syndan ryperas & reaferas & woruldstruderas & ðeofas & þeodscaðan, & wedlogan & wærlogan. & hrædest is to cweþenne mana & misdæda ungerim ealra: & þæs us ne scamað na, ac þæs us scamað swyþe þæt we bote agennan, swa swa bec tæcan, & þæt is gesyne on þysse earman 130 forsyngodan þeode. Ea la! Micel magan manege git hertoeacan eaþe beþencan þæs þe

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anman ne mehte on hrædinge asmeagan, hu earmlice hit gefaren is nu ealle hwile wide gynd þas þeode. & smeage huru georne gehwa hine sylfne, & þæs na ne latige ealles to lange. Ac la, on Godes naman, utan don swa us neod is, beorgan us sylfum swa we geornost magan, þe læs we ætgædere ealle forweorðan.

135 An þeodwita wæs on Brytta tidum, Gildas hatte. Se awrat be heora misdædum, hu hy mid heora synnum swa oferlice swyþe God gegræmedan, þæt He let æt nyhstan Engla here heora eard gewinnan, & Brytta dugeþe forðon mid ealle. & þæt wæs geworden þæs þe he sæde, þurh gelæredra regolbryce & ðurh læwedra lahbryce, þurh ricra reaflac & þurh gitsunge wohgestreona; ðurh leode unlaga & þurh wohdomas, ðurh biscopas asolcennesse 140 & unsnotornesse, & þurh lyðre yrhðe Godes bydela, þe soþes geswugedan ealles to gelome & clumedan mid ceaflum þær hy scoldan clypian. Þurh fulne eac folces gælsan & þurh oferfylla & mænigfealde synna heora eard hy forworhtan & selfe hy forwurdan. Ac wutan don swa us þearf is warnian us be swilcan, & soþ is þæt ic secge, wyrsan dæda we witan mid Englum, sume gewordene þonne we mid Bryttan æhwar gehyrdan. & þy us is 145 þearf micel þæt we us beþencan & wið God sylfne þingian georne. & utan don swa us þearf is gebugan to rihte & be suman dæle unriht forlætan, & betan swyþe georne þæt we ær bræcan. & utan God lufian & Godes lagum fylgean, & gelæstan swyþe georne þæt þæt we behetan þa þe fulluht underfengan, oððon þa þe æt fulluhte ure forespecan wæran, & utan word & weorc rihtlice fadian, & ure in geþanc clænsian georne, & að & wed wærlice 150 healdan, & sume getrywða habban us betweonan butan uncræftan. & utan gelome understandan þone miclam Dom þe we ealle to sculon & beorgan us georne wið þone weallendan bryne helle wites, & geearnian us þa mærþa & þa myrhða þe God hæfð gegearwod þam þe his willan on worolde gewyrcað. God ure helpe, Amen.

A aa, a

adv always, ever abreoþan

intr to fail, to deteriorate, to decay ac

conj but, nevertheless, moreover ac gif unless, except acwellan

v to kill, destroy acwencan

v to quench, extinguish adreogan

v to suffer, endure, practice, do afyllan

v to cause to fall, to slay, to kill agan

v to own (agen pp) agen

n property

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aginnan v to begin

aht f possessions

ahwar anywhere, at any time

ana adj, adv one, alone, only

and conj and (usu & or 7)

apostata m apostate

ariht properly, aright

ascunian v to shun, to irritate

asmeagan v to consider, elicit, devise

asolcennes f sloth, laziness, sleepiness

ateon v to draw up, pull out, lead out, draw

að m oath

aðbrice m perjury

awritan v to write, compose

Æ æbere

adj manifest, notorious, public, open, evident æfre

adv ever, at any time æftan

adv from behind, behind æfter

prep w d i a after, behind adv afterwards, thereafter æghwær

everywhere, in every direction æghwilc

adj each, all

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ægþer, æwæðer pron, adv every one, either, both

ægylde adv receiving no wergild as compensation for a death

ælc pron subs each one, any, all, every

ælc adj, pron each, any

ælmesgifu f alms, charity

ælmesriht n right of receiving alms

ænde m end, conclusion

ænig pron and sb any, any one (ænige ðinga: anyhow, somehow)

ær adv, prep, conj before, before that

æswic m infamy, offence

æt prep, adv near, at, by, to

ætgædere adv together

æthleapan v to run away

æwbreca m adulterer

æwbryce m adultery

B bændan

v to bend bærnan

v to kindle, burn be

prep w d by bearn

n child, son, dependent bearnmyrðra, -re

mf murderer, -ess of a child

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bedælan v to deprive, strip, release

behatan v to promise, pledge oneself, vow

beodan v to command, summon

beon v bið, is, nis, syndan, synd, syn, sy: to be

beorgan v to preserve, defend, save, spare

berypan v strip, rob

bestrypan v strip, plunder

beswican v deceive, betray

besyrwan v to ensnare, deprive, deceive

bet adv better

betan v to amend, compensate

betæcan v w/d to make over, impart, deliver, dedicate

betweonan prep, adv between, among; meanwhile

beþencan v to think, consider, remember

gebicgan v buy, pay for, acquire

gebidan v remain, experience, endure

bifigan v tremble

biscop m bishop

bismrian v to mock, blaspheme

bið v see beon

blodgyte m bloodshed

boc fn book, Bible

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boda m messenger, prophet, herald

bot f remedy, relief, atonement

brecan v to break, shatter, burst

gebringan v to bring, lead forth

broþor m brother, kinsman

bryce mn breach, infringement, fragile; advantage, profit

bryne m a burning, fire, burn

gebugan v to bow

butan prep, conj, adv outside of, except; but; without

bydel m beadle, warrant officer, preacher

gebyrian v to happen, befit

byrst m loss, calamity, injury

bysmor insult, mockery, scandal

C ceafl

m jaw ceap

m cattle, value, property ceorl

m churl, layman, man clæne

adj, adv clean, pure; purely, entirely clænsian

v to cleanse, purify clumian

v to murmur, mumble, mutter clypian

v to speak, cry out, call

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gecnawan v to know, perceive

cnyttan v to fasten, bind, tie

cradolcild n child in the cradle, infant

creopan v to creep, crawl

cristen m Christian

cristendom m Christianity, the church

cunnan v cunne, cuþon to know, come to know

cwalu f killing, murder, violent death, destruction

cwene f woman

cweþan v to say, speak, regard, declare

cyning m king, ruler

cyrichata m church-tormentor, persecutor

D dæd

f deed, event; dead dæg

m day dæwamlice

adv daily, of day dæl

m part (be ænigum dæle: to any extent) dedbot

f amends, atonement, repentance deofol

mn devil deore

adj, adv dear; dearly derian

v w d to damage, injure, hurt

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dihtan v to arrange, compose, appoint

dohtor f daughter

don v to do, make

draf f action of driving, expulsion; company, band

dræfan v to drive, drive out

gedreccan v to vex, irritate, torment, oppress

dreogan v to suffer, endure, do, work

drifan v to drive

dugan v to avail, be worth

duguþ fm body of noble retainers, man, host, multitude

durran v to dare, venture

dwæs adj, m dull, foolish; clumsy impostor

dwelian v to go astray, lead astray

gedwolgod m false god, idol, image

dysig adj, n, m foolish, ignorant; foolishness, error; fool

E eac

adv also, moreover, and, likewise eal

adj, adj all, entire; fully, entirely eala

interj alas! oh! lo! eald

adj ieldra, ieldest: old, ancient ealles, ealle

adv entirely (ealles for swiðe: utterly, altogether)

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eard m native place, land, country, earth

earfeðe, earfoðe n, adj hardship, torment; troublesome, hard, difficult

eargian v to shun, fear, turn coward

earhlic adj shameful, slothful

earm adj poor, wretched

earmlice adv miserably, wretchedly

geearnian v w g/a to earn, merit, win, labor for

earnung f merit, reward, consideration, pay, labor

eaþe n, adv an easy thing, easy; easily, soon, willingly

ege m awe, fear, dread

egeslic adj terrible

ende m end, conclusion, boundary, district

geendian v to end, finish

eornost f seriousness (on eornost: in earnest)

est mf favor, grace, harmony

F fadian

v to arrange, dispose, guide gefaran

v to set forth fæc

n space of time fæder

m father fæste

fast, firmly, securely

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fæstenbryce m breach of fast

fela sbn, adj much. many; very much

feawer few

feoh n cattle, movable goods, property

gefeoht n action of fighting, battle

feond m adversary, fiend, Devil

feorh mn life, principle of life

feower four

fesan, fesian v to drive away

flotman m sailor, pirate

folc n folk, people, a nation

folclagu f law of the people, public law

for prep, conj, adv before; because; very

forbærnan v burn up, consume by fire

fordon anv to undo, destroy, abolish

foresp(r)eca m sponsor

forfaran v to destroy

forhealdan v to forsake, misuse

forlætan v relinquish, let go

forleogan v to lie, perjure oneself, slander

forleosan v to lose, abandon, let go

forlorenes f state of being forlorn

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forlicgan v to commit adultery or fornication

forliger n adultery, wantonness, fornication

forniman v to take away, plunder, deprive of

fornydan v to coerce, compel

foroft very often

forrædan v to plot against, betray

forseon v to overlook, neglect, renounce

forspillan v to lose, waste, disperse, destroy

forswerian v to swear falsely

forsyngian v to sin greatly

forð adv, prep forwards, hence, thence; during

forþam conj, adv for that, because, on that account; consequently

forðfaran v to depart, die, go forth

forweorþan v to perish, deteriorate, pass away

forwyrcan v to do wrong, sin

foryrman v to reduce to poverty, bring low

fostor m nourishment, maintenance, sustenance

fram prep w d/i, adv from; from, forth

fremde foreign, strange

fremu f advantage, gain, benefit

freo adj free

freolsbrice m breach of festival (feast)

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freoriht n rights of freemen

frige n free

ful adj, n foul, filthy; filth, crime, offense

ful adj full, filled

fullice adv fully, completely, entirely

fulluht mfn baptism

fylgean v w d/a to follow, pursue

fylþ f uncleanliness, impurity

fyr n fire

G gælsa

f pride, wantonness, luxury ge

conj and, ( both...and) gear

nm year gegearwian

v to facilitate, make ready, do georne

adv eagerly, earnestly gieman

v to pay heed to gif

conj if gifernes

f greediness, gluttony, avarice gitsung

f avarice, desire, covetousness God

mn God, image of a god, the Christian deity god

adj, n betera, betest: good; a good thing, advantage

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godbearn n a godchild

godcund religious, sacred, divine

goddæd f good work, benefit, good deed

godfyrht God-fearing

gegodian v to improve, get better

godsibb m sponsor

gegræmian v to enrage, provoke, irritate

gegretan v to greet, salute, challenge

grim fierce, savage, grim

grimlic adj fierce, grim

grið n truce

gegriðian v to make a truce or peace

griðleas adj unprotected

gyldan v to yield, pay

gynd, geond prep w a throughout, through

gyt adv yet

H habban

v to have, preserve had

m degree, rank, order hadbreca

m injurer of one in holy orders hadbryce

m injury of one in holy orders

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hadian v to ordain, consecrate

halig holy, consecrated

halignes f holiness, sanctuary

hatan v to call, order

hæþen adj, m heathenish; gentile, heathen man (esp. of the Danes)

he pron he

healdan v to hold, contain

heawan v to cut down, stab

hell f Hell

helpan v to help

heonanforð henceforth

heorte f soul, mind, intellect, spirit, heart

her adv here, in this place

here m predatory band, army

hergian v to ravage, plunder

hertoeacan besides

hete m hate

hetelice adv violently

hetol hating, hostile

hlaford m lord, master

hlafordswica m traitor

hlafordswice m high treason, treachery

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hocor n insult, derision

hocorwyrde derisive, scornful

hogian v to care for, think about, ponder

hol n slander

hor n adultery

hrædest quickest, briefest

hræding f haste

hreowlice adv grievously, wretchedly

hu adv how

hund m dog, hound

hunger m hunger, desire

huru adv at least, indeed

hus n house

hwa mf, pron who, what

gehwa each one, whoever

hwær adv, conj where, whither, everywhere

gehwær everywhere, in all directions

hwæt n pron, interj why, wherefore, what; lo! behold!

hwil f while, time

gehwilc each, any

hwilum adv whilom, sometimes, once

hwylc pron, adj which

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hynan v humiliate

gehyran v to hear

hyrwan v to abuse

I ic

pron I ican

v to increase (pret. ihte) idel

adj, n worthless; emptiness ingeþanc

mn thought, mind, conscience, intention innan

prep, adv from within; within, inside, in inne

adv inside is

v see beon

L la

interj lo! behold! ah! (hwæt la: what!) lac

nf offering, sacrifice, gift gelagian

v to ordain lagu

f law lahbryce

m breach of the law lahlice

adv lawfully land

n earth, land lange

adv for a long time

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lar f learning, preaching

latian v to linger, delay

lað adj, n hateful, hostile; injury, misfortune

laðettan v to hate

lædan v to lead, to take

læran v to teach

læs adv, sbn, conj less, lest

gelæstan v to furnish, pay, grant, perform

lætan v to allow

læwede adj, sb lay; layman

leasung f false witness, deceit, hypocrisy

lehtrian v to blame

leod m, f man; people

leodhata m persecutor

leof adj dear, beloved

lew f injury

lewian v to injure

gelic adj w d like; similitude

geliccast adj w d most like, as a twin or double

licgan v to lie

lif n life, existence

lifian v to live (libban)

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lifiende adj, sb living, having life; the living

gelimpan v to happen, occur, exist

gelitlian v to lessen, diminish, decrease

locian v to see, behold

lof n praise, glory

gelogian v to arrange

gelome adj, adv frequent; frequently

lufian v to love

lufu f love

lust m, adj desire; willing

gelyfan v to believe

lytel adj little, short

lyðre adj wicked

M ma

adv, adj, sb more magan

v to be able man

m man man

n wicked deed, crime mandæd

f wicked deed manig

adj, pron many mannslaga

m manslaughter, murderer

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mannslege m manslaughter, murder

mannsylen f manselling (to slavery)

manslyht m manslaughter, murder

manswara m perjurer

mara m greater, more

mægræs m attack on kinsmen, relatives

mægslaga m slayer of a relative, parricide, fratricide

mægð kinsmen, family group, clan

gemæne adj common, public

mænigfeald adv manifold

mærþ f glory, fame, mirth

mæsserbana m murderer of a priest

mæst adj, adv, n most, mostly, most

micel adj mara, mæsta: great

mid prep w d/i/a, adv with; at the same time

milds f mercy

misbeodan v w d to ill-use, injure, do wrong to

misdæd f misdeed, sin

mislimpan impers w d to go wrong, turn out badly

mistlic manifold

modor f mother

morðdæd f murder, deadly sin

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morþorwyrhta m murderer

motan v to be allowed to, mot: may, must

mund f security, protection

myltestre f prostitute

mynsterhata m persecutor of monasteries

myrhð f mirth, joy

N na

adv, conj not at all, never, no nama, nome

m name nan

pron,adj, sb w g none; not one; none, no one, nothing naþor

conj neither ne

adv, conj not, no; neither, nor nealæcan

v to approach, to come near neod

f need genoh

adv enough nu

adv now nyde

adv necessarily nydgyld

n tribute nydmage

f close kinswoman nydþearf

f necessity nyhst

adv next

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nyrwan v to restrict

O of

prep w d of, from ofer

prep w a over oferfyllu

f gluttony oferhoga

m despiser oferlice

adv overly ofst

f haste oft

adj oftor, oftost: oft, often oll

n contempt on

adv, prep w d, prep w a in, on; in; in, against onsæge

adj attacking onscyte

m attack, assault orfcwealm

m murrain oðer

pron other oððe

conj or oððon

conj or

P pryte

f pride, haughtiness

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R ranc

adj proud, noble, strong geræcan

v to reach, attain ræran

v to rear, to raise reafere

m robber, plunderer reafian

v to rob, to plunder reaflac

nm robbery, plunder reccan

v to wreck, care regolbryce

m breach of rules rice

adj, n strong, powerful; rule, reign ricsian

v to bear rule, to govern, to tyrranize riht

n, adj equity, justice; proper, fair gerihte

n right, due rihte

adv right, due, straight rihtlagu

f regular legal ordinance rihtlice

adv properly, justly gerisene

n what is fitting, dignity, honor rypan

v tospoil, plunder, rob rypere

m robber, plunderer

S sacerdbana

m priest-slayer

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sar n, adj bodily pain, wound; sore, grievous, painful

sare adv biterly, sorely, grievously

sawol f soul

sæ mf sea

sæman m seaman, pirate, viking

scamian v to shame, to be ashamed

scamu f shame, confusion

scandlic adj shameful, disgraceful

gesceaft fmn created being, creature

scendan v to put to shame

sceotan v to shoot, to strike

scip n ship

scrifan v prescribe, ordain

sculan v to be obliged, must, ought

se dem pron he

se rel pron who, which

se def art the

searacræft m artifice, treachery

secgan v to say

gesib adj, sb related, akin; kinsman

sibleger n incest

side adv widely

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sigeleas not victorious, defeated

simble adv ever, continually, constantly

singallice adv incessantly

sittan v to sit

smeagan v to think, ponder

soð n, adj truth, reality; genuine, real

specan v to speak, say

stalu f stealing

steorfa m pestilence

stow f place

strang adj strengra, strengest: strong, powerful, bold

stric n plague, strife, sedition (?)

strudung f robbery

sum indef pron a certain one, some one, something, one

swa adv and conj, pron so as, consequently, thus, so far as; the same, such, that

swician v to deceive, be treacherous

swicdom m fraud, betrayal, treason

swilc pron such a one, which

geswugian v to remain silent

swutol adj clear, evident

swyþe adj swyþor, swyþost: very, exceedingly

sylf adj self

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gesyllan v to sell, give

syndæd f sinful deed

gesyne adj seen, evident

syngian v to sin

synleaw f injury of sin

synn f sin

syððan adv afterwards, after, since, then

T tawian

v to prepare, make ready tæcan

v to show, teach, demonstrate tælan

v to blame, censure tealt

adj unstable, precarious tid

f tide, time to

adv, prep w d too, also; to, for, as tobrecan

v to break in pieces, destroy tocyme

m coming, advent, arrival toeacan

prep and adv besides, moreover togædere

adv together getrywlice

adv truly, loyally getrywð

f loyalty, troth twegen

num two

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twelf num twelve

twentig num twenty

tyne num ten

Þ Ð þa

adv, conj then; when þafung

f permission geþanc

mn thought, mind þænne

adv then þær, þar

adv there, where þæs

adv therefore þæs þe

conj according to þæt

conj so that þe

rel pron the, who, which, whom þe

conj than þeah

conj though, although þearf

f need, necessity þearle

adv violently þeaw

m custom, habit þegen, þenan

m thane þegengyld

n compensation for a thane, wergild þencan

v to think, intend

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þeod f people, nation

þeodscaða m public pest, criminal

þeodscipe m nation, people

þeodwita m learned man, senator

þeof m criminal, thief

þeow m servant

þeowian v to enslave

þes dem adj this

þes dem pron this

þincan v to seem, to appear

þing n thing

þingian v to intercede

þolian v to suffer, endure

þonne adv, conj then; than

þræl m thrall, slave

þrælriht n the rights of a slave

þry num three

þurh prep w a through, by means of

þy adv therefore

þyfþ f theft


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uncoþu f disease

uncræft m evil practice

undæd f wicked deed, crime

underfon v to receive

understandan v to understand, perceive

unforworht adj innocent

ungelimp nm mishap, misfortune

ungerim n countless

ungetrywþ f disloyalty, treachery

ungylde n excessive tax

unlagu f violations of law

unlytel adj much

geunnan v to allow

unriht n injustice

unrihtlice adv unjustly, wrongly

unscyldig adj innocent

unsidu m bad custom, vice

unsnotorness f folly, wickedness

unþegenlice adv not thane-like, not in a suitable manner for a thane

un wæstm m failure of crops

unweder n storm

ure poss adj our (see we)

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us pron w d or a us (see we)

ut adv out

utan let us (see witan)

ute adv outside, abroad

W wala

interj alas! woe! gewanian

v to diminish warnian

v to warn, to caution wælcyrie

f valkyrie (chooser of the slain), witch, sorceress wælhreow

adj cruel, fierce, bloodthirsty wæpnegewrixl

n hostile encounter wæra

v (see wesan) wærlice

adv warily wærloga

n warlock, traitor wæs

v (see wesan) wæter

n water we

pron we geweald

m power, possession, control wealdan

v w g rule, cause, bring about weallan

v to well, surge, boil wed

n vow, pledge

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wedbryce m violation of pledge or vow

wedloga m breaker of a pledge or vow

wel adv well

gewelhwær adv nearly everywhere

gewelhwylc adv nearly every

welwan v to huddle

wenan v to think, believe, imagein, ween

weorc n work, labor

weorð n, adj price; worthy

geweorðan v to become

weorðscipe m worth, respect, dignity

weorðung f honoring

wesan v to be

wicca m wizard

wicce f witch

wicing m pirate, viking

wide adv widely

willa m will, pleasure

willan v to desire, wish, be willing

gewinnan v to conquer, win, gain

wise f way, manner

witan v to know, to show respect

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witan v to go (wutan, utan -- in a jussive clause: let us)

wite n punishment, torment

wið prep w a, w d towards, against; for

wiðersaca m adversary

wohdom m unjust judgment

wohgestreon n ill-gotten property

word n word

worold f world

woroldscamu f worldly shame

worolstrudere m spoilator, plunderer

wrohtlac n calumny

wuldor n glory

gewuna m custom

wundor n wonder

wutan let us (see witan)

wyduwe f widow

wyrcan v work, make, do

gewyrht n deed, action, desert

wyrse adv and adj worse

wyrsian v to grow worse, worsen, deteriorate


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yfel n, adj evil; evilness

yfelian v to grow evil, to worsen

ymbe prep w a about

yrgan, geyrigde v to dishearten

yrhðu f cowardice

yrmðu f misery

yrre n ire, anger