Sådan får du dine første fem tusinde followers på Facebook


Transcript of Sådan får du dine første fem tusinde followers på Facebook





Hey! Du er da også velkommen tilat like vores side på Facebook. Vi har lige

rundet 7.000 followers ...

SÅDAN FÅR DU DINE FØRSTE FEM TUSINDE FOLLOWERS PÅ FACEBOOKKommunikation og Sprog har netop rundet 5.000 fans, venner og følgere på facebook. Du fortjener en gave, fordi du er en af de 5.000, der har fået det til at lykkes (hvis ikke: Fy! Kan du så se at komme derover!)

Din gave er en opskrift på, hvordan du selv gør kunsten efter og skaffer 5.000 facebook-likes til din eller din organisations eller virksomheds side. Vi har trukket på de selv samme kilder og eksperter, som i sin tid lærte os at skabe Danmarks største kommunikationsblog og skaffe næsten 10.000 abonnenter.

TILLYKKE – OG LAD OS SÅ KOMME VIDEREVi vil gerne ønske Kommunikation og Sprog et stort tillykke med milepælen. Og nu da lykønskningen og skulderklappet er klaret, kan vi rykke videre. En central pointe er jo netop, at det ikke er dig selv, men dine followers, det handler om. Derfor forærer Kommunikation og Sprog en gave til alle jer, der tilsammen danner de 5.000 – og de har bedt os om at lave den til jer.

Derfor får I her tekster, blogindlæg og tips og tricks fra eksperter fra hele verden, der i korte indlæg præsenterer jer for de forskellige discipliner, I skal mestre, hvis I vil lykkes med at finde 5.000 followers.

God fornøjelse.

/BRO KOMMUNIKATIONwww.bro-kommunikation.dkwww.bro-blog.dkwww.facebook.com/BroKommunikation

Wauw! En allitteration!



INDHOLDSådan får du dit første like

Sådan skaber du engagement på din side

Sådan planlægger du dit indhold

Sådan gør du din side lækker

Sådan skriver du i en tone, der indbyder til mere

Sådan får du en række tips, som ikke passer i de andre kategorier

Side 04

Side 05

Side 07

Side 08

Side 09

Side 10



SÅDAN FÅR DU DIT FØRSTE LIKEDu kender sikkert oplevelsen af at besøge en side på facebook med sølle 22 followers. Man har ikke ligefrem en uimodståelig trang til at hamre på knappen og blive nummer 23 i en fart, vel? Men man skal jo starte et sted. Her får du en række bud på og tips til, hvordan du får de allerførste pionertyper til at følge dig.

How to get more likes on facebookhttp://theoatmeal.com/comics/facebook_likesDen humoristisk anlagte grafiker, der går under navnet The Oatmeal, giver her sit bud på, hvad der skal til for at skaffe din side nogle likes – og ikke mindst, hvad der bestemt ikke skal til.

5 Great Reasons to Start Your Facebook Page Right Nowhttp://www.copyblogger.com/start-facebook-page/Getting on Facebook isn’t just about the fact that there are a lot of people there. If you are one of the last holdouts, here are five great reasons to go kicking and screaming onto Facebook.

21 Creative Ways To Increase Your Facebook Fanbasehttp://www.socialmediaexaminer.com/21-creative-ways-to-increase-your-facebook-fanbase/If you build a Facebook Page, will fans come? People must be lured to your fan page. And there are some good and bad ways to go about doing this.

Business 101: How to Get People to LIKE You – Tips on Building Your Facebook Fan Basehttp://www.momeomagazine.com/business-101-how-to-get-people-to-like-you-tips-on-building-your-facebook-fan-base/7 Tips to Get More Likes and Connect to More People

How to Get More Likes For Your Facebook Page (The Easy Way!)http://davecharest.com/how-to-get-more-facebook-likes-for-your-page-the-easy-wayI used to ask people to “like” my Facebook page the hard way. Have you been doing it this way too?

Why I Don’t Like Your Brand on Facebookhttp://www.briansolis.com/2011/05/please-like-us-on-facebook/“This morning my yoghurt told me to find it on Facebook. It didn’t tell me why, it just told me to find it. Why on Earth would I want to find a yoghurt on Facebook? It’s a yoghurt!”



SÅDAN SKABER DU ENGAGEMENT PÅ DIN SIDEGodt så, du har måske fået et par hundrede followers. Så begynder det at virke mistænkeligt, hvis der ikke er nogen, der deler, kommenterer eller trykker like ud for dine posts og links. Stilhed larmer gevaldigt på en facebook-side, så det skal du undgå. Her er en række tips til at få dine followers til at engagere sig.

How to Build an Engaged Audience with Content Marketinghttp://www.copyblogger.com/build-an-engaged-audience/30 different audience-building masters were asked, ‘How do you build an engaged audience if you’re starting from scratch?’ These are their answers…

5 Facebook Posts That Spark Massive Engagementhttp://prsecrets.com/5-facebook-posts-that-spark-massive-engagement/“How do I create more engagement on my Facebook Page?” Creating consistent conversation on your Facebook Page is anything but easy. To help you with this challenge, here are a few actual Facebook posts from different Pages that have created genuine engagement. These posts are the real deal.

5 things you can do to spice up your Facebook Pagehttp://www.socialmedia.biz/2011/04/13/5-things-you-can-do-to-spice-up-your-facebook-page/It’s not enough for a brand to just have a Facebook business page. A brand needs to nurture its Facebook community and keep it excited and alive. Here are 5 ways to keep your community excited, happy and growing.

7 Creative & Effective Ways to Engage your Facebook Fanshttp://blog.socialmaximizer.com/effective-ways-to-engage-your-fb-fans/When people land on your page, do they feel inspired to engage with you, or do they simply “like” your page and never return? Here’s how to engage your Facebook fans.

4 Easy Ways to Engage Your Facebook Fanshttp://mashable.com/2010/03/19/facebook-fan-engagement/Some companies have figured out how to move from “broadcast” mode into engagement. They have engaged people so well that their fans even invite others along for the ride. What are their secrets? Here are four ways that savvy Facebook marketers are using the medium to engage with their fans.

16 Ways To Get More Comments On Your Facebook Pagehttps://www.johnhaydon.com/how-get-more-comments-facebook-page/ Getting fans to comment on your Facebook Page can take a lot of time and effort. Even the most active Facebook Page walls began from a standing start. And many of them got to where they are today by making it easier for fans to comment on their Page.



12 Engaging Facebook Posts to Considerhttp://www.openforum.com/articles/12-engaging-facebook-posts-to-considerIf you are wondering what would help you grow your Facebook community organically, the answer is relevant interesting content and engaged community managers. But even the best community managers sometimes run out of creative ideas. Here are the 12 types of posts that have proved to produce high levels of engagement.

7 Ways To Craft Your Facebook Posts For Maximum Shareshttp://www.marismith.com/ways-craft-your-facebook-posts-for-maximum-shares/Here are seven tips that have been compiled for you that seem to help create the most shares on Facebook.

How to Strategically Dominate the Facebook News Feedhttp://seoconsultingexpert.com/how-to-strategically-dominate-the-facebook-news-feed/To drive continuous engagement, you need to make regular and compelling appearances in your fans’ News Feeds. Here are 3 ways to get the ball rolling.

Make Your Facebook Fan Page a Partyhttps://problogger.com/make-your-facebook-fan-page-a-party/People like to socialize with, and ultimately do business with, people they like and trust. So it’s very important that you’re actively engaging with your followers and they are engaging with you—hence the word “social”. That’s how you build strong and rewarding relationships.



SÅDAN PLANLÆGGER DU DIT INDHOLDHvis du vil have dine followers til at dele dine posts, så nye kan komme til, kræver det, at du bliver ved med at have noget at byde på. Du må ikke være for ensartet i dine posts. Din sides indhold skal helst varieres og udvikle sig. Det handler om at skabe en balance mellem status- opdateringer, links til artikler, billeder, videoer og så videre. Og så er det en god ide at tænke fremad og lære af dine followers og de reaktioner, de har på dine posts. Det kan du bruge aktivt til at skabe en rytme i dit indhold.

Content Marketing 101: How to Build an Audience that Builds Your Businesshttp://www.copyblogger.com/content-marketing/Content Marketing means creating and sharing valuable free content to attract and convert prospects into customers, and customers into repeat buyers. The type of content you share is closely related to what you sell; in other words, you’re educating people so that they know, like, and trust you enough to do business with you.

The 10-Step Content Marketing Checklisthttp://www.copyblogger.com/content-marketing-checklist/Here’s a list for you to build a solid content marketing program on. Check these off, and you’ll have the right framework to create a successful program.

49 Creative Ways You Can Profit From Content Marketinghttp://www.copyblogger.com/creative-content-marketing/The whole idea behind content marketing is that you can use your creativity and know-how to make something cool, then take that cool thing and use it to market a product. Here are 49 content marketing tactics you can start using right away.

Content strategy planning for brands on Facebookhttps://www.liveworld.com/content-strategy-planning-for-brands-on-facebook/One catch phrase making the rounds in social media circles is, “Content is king.” Indeed, content has the potential to engage your readers and customers — but it can also put them to sleep. Here are several points and questions to consider as you work to provide the fans of your page with engaging content.



SÅDAN GØR DU DIN SIDE LÆKKERContent is king, siger man. Men en anden sandhed er også, at vi elsker lir og lækker grafik. Derfor er det op ad bakke fra starten af, hvis din side ikke ser indbydende ud. Her kan du lære mere om at pimpe din side op visuelt.

How to Create a Cover Photo for Your Facebook Timelinehttp://www.copyblogger.com/timeline-cover-photo/Got a Facebook Page for your business? Freaking out about creating a good-looking cover photo for your Timeline? Here’s how you do it!

4 Simple Steps to a Facebook Timeline that Tells Your Marketing Storyhttp://www.copyblogger.com/facebook-timeline/There are four key parts to the Timeline that will help you tell your story. This post takes a closer look on each of them.

Learn About Facebook Pageshttp://www.mindfulcooperative.com/2012/03/23/50/This interactive course will help you use Facebook Pages to tell your story, express your identity, and connect with your audience.

8 Ways to Get More Out of Your Facebook Fan Page Todayhttp://www.problogger.net/archives/2012/05/08/8-ways-to-get-more-out-of-your-facebook-fan-page-today/Facebook’s fan pages hold many possibilities. Here are a few things you can do to effectively use the new timeline-based Facebook fan pages to your advantage.

How I Got 18 Times More ‘Likes’ on a Facebook Updatehttp://www.problogger.net/archives/2011/12/09/how-i-got-18-times-more-likes-on-a-facebook-update/A simple trick to make your update immensely more likeable.



SÅDAN SKRIVER DU I EN TONE, DER INDBYDER TIL MEREInternetbrugere er utaknemmelige. Det stiller krav til den måde, du præsenterer dit indhold på. Du har ganske få linjer og endnu færre sekunder til at overbevise dine followers om at ofre deres tid på dig. Derfor er dit sprog og din tone på mange måder afgørende for din succes. Du skal pirke til modtagernes nysgerrighed, skabe billeder på deres nethinde og give dem en følelse af, at de går glip af noget ved ikke at klikke sig videre – samtidig med at du skriver let forståeligt og i en tone, der bidrager til det samlede indtryk af, hvem du er.

How to Infuse Your Writing with Nostalgiahttp://www.copyblogger.com/nostalgic-content-marketing/Most sites are missing out on what really connects with readers and fans — nostalgia. Any type of content, whether it be television, video, articles, or anything else needs to contain some element of nostalgia.

8 Incredibly Simple Ways to Get More People to Read Your Contenthttp://www.copyblogger.com/scannable-content/Your precious words. You’ve slaved over them, carefully crafting each phrase. You finally hit “publish,” and what happens? Nobody reads them. Writing less and styling your text so it’s easy to read could be all you need to do to attract and hold attention.

48 Elements of Persuasive Written Contenthttp://www.copyblogger.com/persuasive-content-elements/Professional writers know how to use the right words to communicate their intent, they become masters of telling stories over time. But they don’t just write random content. They write persuasive content. Here are 48 elements to help improve your content.

58 Ways to Create Persuasive Content Your Audience Will Lovehttp://www.copyblogger.com/persuasive-content-marketing/Would you like to become a better writer? Let’s start with structuring your content so your message becomes irresistible.

How to Captivate New Readers in 5 Seconds or Lesshttp://www.copyblogger.com/impress-instantly/Have you ever been told you can’t judge a book by its cover? Well, that traditional wisdom isn’t true. First impressions not only count. They last.



SÅDAN FÅR DU EN RÆKKE TIPS, SOM IKKE PASSER I DE ANDRE KATEGORIERJa, der er mange ting at tage fat på, og selv om vi elsker at kategorisere ting og putte dem i kasser, så er der bare visse ting, der ikke lader sig tæmme. Her har vi derfor samlet en lille ekstra pulje links, gode råd og ideer, som vi ikke kunne få til at passe ind i de fem ovenstående kategorier.

5 Harsh Realities of Making a Living Onlinehttp://www.copyblogger.com/internet-marketing-reality/Who else is sick and tired of so-called gurus telling you making money online is easy, and all you have to do is follow a few simple steps to become a millionaire? You know it’s not that easy.

How to Use 3 New Facebook Features for Better Social Media Marketinghttp://www.copyblogger.com/facebook-features-2011/Here are three easy ways that you can take advantage of some new Facebook features to propel you ahead of the competition.

The Ultimate Guide to Facebook Marketinghttp://www.copyblogger.com/ultimate-facebook/How do you get your Page started? And how do you get more people to Like your Page? What are the best ways to use Facebook and how can you measure your progress? The questions go on and on, and here are the answers to A LOT of them.

10 Facebook Events Gone Wronghttp://www.eventmanagerblog.com/facebook/10-events-wrongThis is a post of sorrow and joy. A story of crime and punishment, wild partying and crazy damages. It is also a tale of innocence, guilt and tricky law and order. 10 cases where selling out the event did not make organizers happy.

SEO Copywriting: The Five Essential Elements to Focus Onhttp://www.copyblogger.com/on-page-seo/This article is designed to help you know how to tell search engines what you’re talking about is the same as what people are looking for.

10 Bizarre Facts You Ought to Know about Facebookhttp://blog.socialmaximizer.com/10-bizarre-facts-you-ought-to-know-about-facebook/Here are 10 Bizarre Facts about Facebook we ought to know…



40+ Hilarious Facebook Comic Stripshttp://psd-tech.blogspot.dk/2010/04/cheth-studios-40-hilarious-facebook.htmlA collection of the most hilarious Facebook related comics and fan art.

15 Questions to Ask Before Publishing Your Next Posthttp://www.problogger.net/questions/An easy-to-follow diagram to guide you through a series of questions to give your post the best chances to succeed.

How To Suck At Facebookhttp://theoatmeal.com/comics/facebook_suckThe Oatmeal giver sine bud på, hvilke typer af facebook-brugere han sætter mindst pris på.

