s080480 Khaled Ihmidan Individual q1

 Tutor-Marked Assignment T253 khaled Ihmidan S080480 M253Sec1Team1 Question 1 [30 marks] Individual response: personal reflection In this question we expect you to give an accurate account of various aspects of the team work, and to reflect on how you, as an individual, have undertaken the various activities and what your learning from them has been. You should use ev idence from a range of sources to support your response. (a) Describe the role, either formal or informal, that you have undertaken within the team. To what extent do you feel you have been able to undertake this role? [15] (b) Describe the negotiation and decision-making process that occurred within your team. How was this organized? [15] The answer to this question should be no more than 300 words in total. It should represent your individual reflection on the processes undertaken in your team activities. This question assesses your ability to reflect on th e way that you operated as a member of the team during the activities undertaken whilst working towards the first project milestone. It is intended to give you the opportunity, as an individual, to reflect constructively on your experience of working as a member of a te am and on the activities that you have undertaken during the first phase of the project, and to e xpress your feelings about the process and the

Transcript of s080480 Khaled Ihmidan Individual q1

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Tutor-Marked Assignment T253

khaled Ihmidan



Question 1 [30 marks] Individual response: personal reflectionIn this question we expect you to give an accurate account of various aspects of the team work,

and to reflect on how you, as an individual, have undertaken the various activities and what

your learning from them has been. You should use evidence from a range of sources to support

your response.

(a) Describe the role, either formal or informal, that you have undertaken within the team. To

what extent do you feel you have been able to undertake this role? [15]

(b) Describe the negotiation and decision-making process that occurred within your team.

How was this organized? [15]

The answer to this question should be no more than 300 words in total. It should representyour individual reflection on the processes undertaken in your team activities.

This question assesses your ability to reflect on the way that you operated as a member of the

team during the activities undertaken whilst working towards the first project milestone. It is

intended to give you the opportunity, as an individual, to reflect constructively on your

experience of working as a member of a team and on the activities that you have undertaken

during the first phase of the project, and to express your feelings about the process and the

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products. You should make references to course materials and include evidence to support

your observations.

(a) Describe the role, either formal or informal, that you have undertaken within the team. To

what extent do you feel you have been able to undertake this role? [15]

 Answer In our first meeting we start informally allocate Roles among ourselves depending on individual 

 preferences, and occasionally on talents.

i  This collection of roles makes our mission possible, and we may undertake a T ask 

toget her.

i  My team selected me to be a leader and I Wit h work experience exceeding most of my 

rivals alongside teamwork, leadership and problem solving skills from my non-academicinterests I believe I am able to offer a significant amount of potential to build relaxed 

and power team relationships in a working environment.

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 As a team member I realize to contribute with my team I have to play two mainroles.

o  Firstly, functional role: I have been assigned to designee and create thewebsite and Providing solution to problem faced members. Evaluating and consultation.

o  S econdly , Management Responsibilities: I play a role as team leader 

which give a way how to interact with other members in order to facilitate

team processes and the progress of the team towards its overall goal  

Ò  Managing the members.

Ò  Organizing and distributing the tasks.

Ò  C ontrolling member's behavior.

Ò  P lanning and Scheduling.

Ò  C ontrolling and follow-up the performance and work of the team.

Ò  Discussing the activities and tasks.

Ò  Strong leadership and decision-making rule to play.

Ò  C hairing meetings, follow-up, observation, and discussion.

Ò  Summarizing our approved meetings and solution.

i  I think I had the most rules and responsibility in my team to keep them together 

during the course and overcome any difficulties faced us. I was the medium betweenthem and the supply each one needs.

I feel I performed each one of the above roles very effectively and as a team We've been

developed some skills by our team over the period of this project and they are: 

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i  Communication and Negotiation Skills: The ability to state ideas or questionclearly and resolve disagreements.

i   Analytic and Creative Skills: E valuate activities and propose creative solution.

i  Organization Skills:  Able to track and complete all its tasks on time.

Word Count (336) 

(b) Describe the negotiation and decision-making process that occurred within your team.

How was this organized? [15]

Negotiation Skills, Problem solving and decision making are important skills for 

business and life.

 As a team leader I used tactics of planning a negotiation. I concentrate on t he

issues, not on t he personalities involved. I tried to be assertive, active, not 

aggressive and not passive. I tried to make everybody a winwin

I used to document t he outcome and circulate it to everyone involved.

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 Decision-making is an important part of the negotiation process as well 

as an integral part of a managers daily routine.

Process which we followed 

We define and clarify each task according to important and urgent of it.

We gat hered all t he facts.

We t hink about t he issue and brain storm possible solution

Consider and compare pros and cons of each option consultant if possible

Select t he best option explain my decision to all team members and follow up to

ensure proper implementation.

Make t he decision w hich is highest choice t hat has positive effect.

Evaluate our decision to make sure t hat we have accurate decision.

This is t he sort of decision t hat needs everyones support for it to work properly.

Knowing t he importance of getting a consensual agreement, I would work to reach a

decision by consensus t hough t hat is not easy.

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Word Account: 215


