Roskilde Music Festival Case Study

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  • 8/10/2019 Roskilde Music Festival Case Study


    Roskilde Music Festival Case Study Report


    The Roskilde festival is one of the longest running festival in the Europe and

    attracts more than 90000 people everyear. On Friday June 30 2000, 9 people

    died in the sliding mud under the orange stage due to suffocation from crush

    of throbbing mospit (crowd). Newspaper and television with lack of facts

    speculated faulty sound and drug taking as possible causes of death. There was

    outrage from politicians and authority on regulation of event and called for

    restrictions. The Roskilde was known for its security. But organisers went

    ahead with the event to avoid complication to festival goers with their travel

    plans. This decision was criticised by media.

    Q1. Is the media reaction to disasters normally measured and reasonable, or is it intended to be

    hysterical and critical.

    The media reaction to disasters is hysterical and critical. Today news channels and papers want to

    exaggerate and spice up things to get maximum TRP and audience. News reports are very important

    for people to get knowledge of their loved ones in times of disasters. These channels provide

    helpline numbers for queries. But they should give information in good faith and not for creating a


    2. Why should this be the case, and what effects does the lack of a knowledgeable commentary

    have, on efforts to indentify the genuine reasons for accidents?

    Because the uninformative news report by media, different speculation take place and the true

    reason for such different disaster are ignored. Same happened in case of Roskilde Festival. The

    media sepulated that the reaason faulty sound equipment and drug-taking etc. which was not the

    case when tested the and they did not report those facts. The Rockilde festival has a significant

    reputation for safety. Image of event was harmed and it stimulated moralising youth culture.

    3. Does this impact on the ability of those involved and those in authority to react to accidents in a

    way which will make future events more safe not less?

    Yes, false reporting lead to outrage among people. The politician and public officials call for all kinds

    of restrictions on what people do at festival and events. Some call for boycott of events and also

    stopping event.

    The PR of the events also have make contingency plan for damage control.

    4. What steps can be taken by organisers to ensure crowd safety at events?

  • 8/10/2019 Roskilde Music Festival Case Study


    1. More security personnel

    2. Multi-barrier system in-between crowd to lessen the pressure from the crowd.

    3. Video surveillance of the crowd.

    4. Increase the number of safety teams.

    5. Proper shed in case the event was in rainy season.

    5. There must be medical facility 24/7 for events which are huge and go on for days.

    6. There must be proper resting and Shed facility given.

    Report By:

    Nishant Pokale 1347

    SY MBA : GUDMS 2013-15