Rolos Baptisth

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Ιωαννης ο Βαπτιστής και ο ρόλος του στην Κ.Δ.

Transcript of Rolos Baptisth


, , , . , (civilized man) (culture) . , , .., , . , , , .

( ) 90 .. , , , .

, , , . , , J. Danilou, . , ( 1,1 ), ' ( 11,11 ). ' , , (. 1,22-10,37 13,24).


(redaction-criticism), W. Wink, , . , . Wink , , ( ) . , , (Heilsgeschichte) , .

Wink (Q). , .


, 3,7-916-18= 3,7-12 7,18-35= 11, 2-1116-19. 11,1 , . , , . . , 20 200 (. ) , . 7,18-35 ., . . 7,2 . 9.57 . , . , , .

() 7,18-35= 11, 2-1116-19. , . ( ) , ' ( 7,18-35 .) . 7,31-35 . . , , . 7,34 . / .

7,18-30 , ( 7,26 ), ( 7,22 .). .. , (. 11,2 . 7,21), 61,1-2. 7,22-23= 11,5-6 35, 5 29,18-19 61,1-2. , : , , (Ned. 64b Bar), . , , , (52,7), () , . , ( 7,28 ).

, , . 7,28= 11,11 : ( 7,28) ' ( 7,28).

() . 3,7-916-18= 3,7-12. , . 3,7-916-18= 3,7-12. , . ' , . ..., . ' , 7,24-28 . , 7,22 . 3,6-18 ., . 3,16-18 , () , , . , , . 7,22 . .

. 3,7-916-18= 3,7-12 , . 7,28= 11,11: , ( 3,7-9= 3,7-10), ( 3,16-18= 3,11-12).

, , Q, . / , : .

2. .

(1,1-11.14) 6,14-29 9,9-13. . 2,18 8,28 11,30. . 2,18 11,30, , - , .

() , , , 9,9-13. W. Wink . Wink . 9,12 , . , , . , . ' , , . . 9,11-13, , , , , . . 1,14.

. , 3,1 , , , . , (. 3,1) , (4,5.). , 9,11-13.

() 1,1-11. W. Marxsen K. L. Schmidt, . , , . . Lohmeyer, . Marxsen , . , . 1,1-11 , , . . , , (1,1-11) , :

. 2 Q ( 7,27= 10,11). 7-8 (. 3,16-18= 3,11-12). . 6 , 1,8 13,4. , , , ( 7,24= 11,7). . 3, 40,3 . . 4, ( ), () , . 5, (, ), , - .

. 9-11 . , ' . (Q) 7,18-35= 11,2-19 , , . 1,9, . , . , , , .

, , (redaction-criticism), . (. 2,18 11,32), , . 9,11-13, , .

, , : , , . , , (Heilsgeschichte), , . , . . . ( 13, 24-25 19, 3-4 ) , . , , .

, , .


; ; ' . . (Redaktionsgeschichte Redaction-criticism). , , : ( 1,1-18) (1,19-51) (3,20-4,3) (5,31-47) 10,40-42. (2,1-11) (4,4-42). , , , , , !() - , C. H. Dodd. H ' . . 19.

, ' (. 5-6, 15). , , . Ksemann, R. Schnackenburg, E. Haenchen , , , : ; , , . 1,1-18 : . 1,7 .. . 1,19 . 1,15 , , . 1,27 .

, . , ( 1,1), ( 1,6) (1,1), , (1,6). , (1,9) , , ... , ' (1,8). ( , 1,12) , ' (1,7). , , - . . Cullmann, . ( 10,24= 6,40) . ( [] 1,7 .), : ( 1,15). (1.2), (1,7) .

/ , . ( 3,7-10= 3,7-9). - (4 3 ) : ' .

() (1,19-51), . (1,19-28) , ( 1,4-8 ). , , ' (1,19). ' , () - (-). ' , . , ( 9,11 ). , , , (1,1.15). (40,3), (. 1,3 ), .

' . , , (1,20) - (9,22 12,42 13,38 18,25.27), , E. Hoskyns (. 18,6 4,26 6,20 8,24.38).

(1,29-34) , , . , , -. . ... ( 1,4 ). ( 1,29). : ' , (1,31). ' , . , . , (1,31.33 1,26) (1,33), (Q) ( 3,11= 3,16), (, .) , ( ) .

. ' , , , . . , ( 1,11), ( 1,31.33). Baldensperger, , .

(1,35-42), (1,43-51), , , (. , , ), , . - . , , . (1,41), (1,45), (1,49). , , . . 3,13 , , , ..

' . , , (1,36) , : (1,36), - , ' , . . . : (1,19-51) (3,22-4,3), (5.31-47) (10,40-42). T. F. Glasson ' , (3,30). , . (5,32 10,40.), , (. 6,14-29 ).

() (3,22-4,3), , . , : (3,24), ( 1,14 ). , ' ( 1,5= 3,5= 3,21) , ' ( 3,26). ' : (4,1). . ' , ' , (3,28). (3,28), - , , (3,29).

, ' ' (4,2). ' :

E , [ ] , ; , . , , .

. ' ' . ... , ... (3,31). - , , , ' . / , , .

() : 5,31 10,40. ' , . , , (. XVIII, 5,2), (. 11,32) . (5,36). ' , ' . (10,41-42). R. Bultmann - , .. (6,14). , (. 2,11).

() , , , (2,1-11) (4,4-42), . , . , (. 7,33= 11,18), . , M. Dibelius, , . 1,31.33 ' . , (2,6), . ' , , , (2,11), , . 1,39 , ' .

, , . Barrosse, . . 1,51, . 2,11, Dibelius, , , , ( = ;).

, , B. W. Bacon, . , . 4,39 . 4,41 . . 4,38 ... , J. . . Robinson.


. , , . , E. F. Scott, , , . : ' ;

19 W. Baldensperger . - , .. J. D. Michaelis K. G. Bretschneider, Baldensperger , . Wikenhauser R. Schnackenburg, . , E. Stauffer, Programmschrift , , Bultmann, , , .

, , . Philip Vielhauer : . , , - - , . , , , , . , , 5,6, , ' , .

, ' .. ., ; , , , , , , . !

, , , ; , J. Thomas, : () 18,24-19,7 () 1-2 () . , . 12 , ' , . , . , . . . , Dodd Barrett , . - , , . ' , , , . ' , Wink, ' . , ( ) . ' Baldensperger .

, , , ; , ( ). , , ( - -). ' , . 12 . (Q-communities), ( ), , . (Q-Document) (Gattung) .. , ' theologia crucis.

, . , . , , , , , , , --, , ' .

. , , , , .


. , . 1975 . , . . . , , . , , (. ben Zakkai) , , , .. , .

, , , . , , ' , . , , , . ' .

. Ksemann - : , , , . Ksemann , , , , , ' .

. .

. .

. Grnevald, Rodin, El Greco .

M. Dibelius, Die urchristliche berlieferung von Johannes dem Tufer, 1911. M. Goguel, Au seuil de L' vangile. Jean-Baptiste, 1928. E. Lohmeyer, Das Urchristentum: I.Johannes der Tufer, 1932. C. H. Kraeling, John the Baptist, 1951. J. Steinmann, Saint Jean-Baptiste et la spiritualit du dsert, 1955 G. H. H. Scobie, John the Baptist, 1964. W. Wink, John the Baptist in the Gospel Tradition, 1968. J. Thomas, Le mouvement baptiste en Palestine et Syrie, 1935, .

, . . . . , , 1968 . , , 1920 , , 1921 . , , 1954 . Sdraka, Johannes der Tufer in der Kunst des christlichen Ostens, 1943 .. S. Boulgakof, Prug Zenicha, , 1927.

Jean-Baptiste: Tmoin de Agneau, 1964, . 178.

. ( , 1963), (. 40).

Wink (. . 5), W. Marxsen, Mark the Evangelist, 1969. W. Trilling, Die Tufertradition bei Matthus, BZ 3 (1959) . 271-289 E. Ksemann, The Disciples of John the Baptist in Ephesus, Essays on New Testament Themes, 1964, . 36-48.

W. Wink, John the Baptist, . 110.

, . 110.

Wink ( ).

, ( , . 40).

, . 18 . 1. Wink ' , ( ).

. B. H. Streeter, The Four Gospels, 1924, . 292.

. ( ), ' . 107, . 115. . F. C. Grant, The Gospels, 1957, . 59. T. W. Manson, The Sayings of Jesus, 1949, . 39-71, M. J. Suggs, Wisdom, Christology, and Law in Matthew's Gospel, 1970, . 38, 7,35 , ( ) .

(. . 12 ) Wink (John the Baptist, . 13.).

. M. J. Suggs, Wisdom, . 33.

, . 44.

: . 7,34 , Jeremias, ' (. . J. Suggs, Wisdom, . 34).

( . Cullmann, The Christology of the N.T., 1959, . 13-50, ). , , / (. . 25 ).

G. N. Stanton, On the Christology of Q, Christ and the Spirit in the New Testament. Festschrift C. F. D. Moule (. . Lindars S. S. Smalley) 1974, . 27-42, 61,1-2 Q.

. J. Jeremias, New Testament Theology, vol. I, 1971, . 104.

3,1 22,23 , Q .

. 7,28 .

W. Wink, John the Baptist, . 23-24, . O.Cullmann, , The Early Church, 1956, . 175-182, . 180, ( ): (. ) ' (. ) .

3,7-9 . , .

3,17 . , .

. .

, , ( ), . . Albertz, Die synoptische Streitgesprche, 1921, . 5-36 . W. L. Knox, The Sources of the Synoptic Gospels, I, 1953, . 8.

W. Marxsen, Mark, . 30-55, 9,9-13, . .

Wink 9,12 (=) C. C. Richardson: . ( .) (John the Baptist, . 14 .). . 8,31. . H. E. Tdt, The Son of Man in the Synoptic Tradition, 1965, . 169 196.

9,9-13, 6,17-29. (. 1,21). , , .

, - .

. bazaar-rumour A. E. J. Rawlinson, The Gospel according to St. Mark, 19477, . 82.

. ( 16, 29) ( 6,17-29). .

(. 7,33 = 11,18) .

Marxsen ' (Mark, . 30), .

. 7,24= 11,7.

. 7,27= 11,10.

. 3,16-18= 3,11-12.

(. R. H. Stein, The Proper Methodology for Ascertaining a Marcan Redaction History, NT 13 (1971) . 181-198, . 189 . 2). , (. . 121). , .

Mark, . 32.

Der Rahmen der Geschichte Jesu, 1919, . 18-19.

Das Evangelium des Markus, 1937, . 10.

Marxsen , , . (Mark, . 32).

Marxsen (Mark, . 32-33) . 1,9-11 . 1,4-8 ... Wink Marxsen (John the Baptist, . 4).

B. W. Bacon, The Prologue of Mark, JBL 26 (1908) . 84-106, Q.

A. E. J. Rawlinson, The Gospel, . 82 V. Taylor, The Gospel according to St. Mark, 1952, . 153 ( 1952) J. . . Robinson, Elijah, John and Jesus, NTS 4 (1958) . 263-281, . 268, . ( Robinson 7,27= 11,10). .

C. K. Barrett, The Gospel according to St. John, 1960, . 144, D, , .

, . , .

testimonia , .

, ;, Wink (John the Baptist, . 3, ).

. , , ' : .... ' .


J. M. Robinson, The Problem of History in Mark, 1957, . 25.

W. Wink, John the Baptist, . 4.

Wink ( Incognito), (John the Baptist, . 16-17).

The Interpretation ofjhe Fourth Gospel, 1953, . 289 292.

Aufbau und Anliegen des Johanneischen Prologs, Libertas Christiana. Festschrift fr D. Delekat, 1957, . 75-99.

Logos - Hymnus und Johanneischer Prolog, BZ 1 (1957), . 69-109.

Probleme des Johanneischen Prologs, ZTK 60 (1963), . 305-34.

R. . Brown (The Gospel according to John I, 1970, . 22). . ' . 5-6 15 .

. , 1973, (. 73).

. W. Baldensperger, Der Prolog des vierten Evangeliums. Dein polemisch-apologetischer Zweck, 1898, . 4.

, The Early Church, 1956, . 177-82.

, , , . . G.Kittel, ., TDNT 1 . 210.

. D.M.Stanley, John the Witness, Worship 32 (1958) . 409-416.

W. Wink, John the Baptist, . 89.

J. . . Robinson, Elijah, John and Jesus: An Essay in Detection, NTS 4 (1958), . 263-81, , . ' . . 3,12-26, (. The Most Primitive Christology of All, JTS n.s. 7 [1956], . 177-189), .

W. Wink, John the Baptist, . 89, the idea of a forerunner is anathema (!).

( 3,1 22,30, testimonia) ( 1,2. . 11.10= 7,27), raison d' tre .

. C. K. Barrett, The Gospel according to St. John, 1955, . 144.

The Fourth Gospel, . F. N. Davey 1957, . 174.

P. Parker (Bethany Beyond Jordan, JBL 76 [1955], . 357-361), . 1,28 . 11,18 . 12,1, . , (1,48.50), , . Parker . 1,28 , . , (), , , .

. 1 .

W. Wink, John the Baptist, . 91.

Der Prolog, . 72.

. .

C. H. Dodd, The Interpretation, . 293.

v o ( 1,45) , (18,15), .

, . . 1,51, . Odeberg, (The Fourth Gospel, 1929, . 33), midrash ( 28,12), , (. 13,31 12,23. . C.H.Dodd, The Interpretation, . 246).

John the Baptist in the Fourth Gospel, ExpT 67 (1956), . 245-246.

W.Wink, John the Baptist, . 95 . 4, , , , . Glasson, , , .

. 3,1-21 (. . 2,23), . 3,22 : . (3,22) (4,2) ..

. , .., 1971, . 187-188.

, [ ] , .

, PG, LIX, 59 . 167-168.

The History of the Synoptic Tradition, 1968, . 302, . 1.

R. . Brown . 6,14 the implication there is probably not that miracles were associated with John the Baptist, but that one who had come back to life would have marvelous powers (John, . 413). 6,14 .

. E. C. Colwell, John Defends the Gospel, 1931, . 32.

A. Geyser, The Semeion at Cana of the Galilee, Studies in John. Festschrift to J.N.Sevenster, 1970, . 12-21, . 17.

Die urchristliche, . 112.

. Geyser, The Semeion...., . 18.

. 2,1 , 4(!) , () 4+3=7.

The Seven Days of the New Creation in St. John's Gospel, CBQ 21 (1959), . 507-516.

Die urchristliche, . 112.

New and Old in Jesus' Relation to John, JBL 48 (1925) . 40-81, . 52 .

The 'Others' of John 4,38, Studia Evangelica , . 510-515- Twelve New Testament Studies, 1962, . 61-66, . 66. Robinson O. Cllmann (Samaria and the Origins of the Christian Mission, The Early Church, . 185-192), . 4,38 . Cullmann Der Johanneische Kreis, 1975 .

The Fourth Gospel: Its Purpose and Theology, 1906, . 78.

Der Prolog... (. . 63).

Einleitung in die gttlichen Schriften des Neuen Bundes, 1788, . 1140.

Probabilia de evangelii et epistolarum Joannis apostoli indoli et origine, 1820.

Das Evangelium nach Johannes, 1957.

Das vierte Evangelium und die Johannesjnger, Historisches Jahrbuch 77 (1958), . 21-38.

Probleme der Priestertradition, TLZ 81 (1956), . 135.

Der religionsgeschichtliche Hintergrund des Prologs zum Johannesevangeliuni, Eucharisterion fr H.Gunkel, 1923, . 1-26.

' , Bultmann () , , , , , Qumran. F.M. Braun (Jean le thologien, et son vangile dans l glise ancienne 1959), R. E. Brown (The Qumran Scrolls and the Johannine Gospel and Epistles, The Scrolls and The New Testament, . . Stendahl, 1958, . 183-207), M. . Boismard (The First Epistle of John and the Writings of Qumran, John and Qumran, . J. H. Charlesworth, 1972, . 156-65) Qumran (;) ( 19,1-7), 70 .. . (4) .

Das Benedictus des Zacharias, ZTK 49 (1952) . 255-272, . 267.

. . .. ( , . , 1973, . 185) , .

. J. Thomas, Le mouvement, . 137. , Thomas, , J. L. Teicher (Has a Johannine Sect ever Existed?, JJS 4 [1953] . 139-53), (. 141.).

In Natali St. Joannis Baptistae ( 287-93), PL XXXIII-XXIX.

Thomas (Le mouvement Baptist, . 96.).

, . . , . . , 1969, . 3-21, . 15.

. W. Wink, John the Baptist, . 81.

The Interpretation, Historical Traditionin the Fourth Gospel, 1963, . 298.

John, .

John the Baptist, . 90.

R. Schnackenburg (. . 59), W. Wink, John the Baptist, . 102, R. E. Brown, John, . VI.

C. K. Barrett (Zweck des vierten Evangelium, ZST 22 [1953], . 257.) , (. 269).

(Gattung) (. J. M. Robinson, Logoi Sophon: On the Gattung of Q, Trajectories through Early Christianity, 1971, . 71-113.

, , Baldensperger .

. R. E. Brown, John , . CIII-CIV.

. , . , 1966, . , (Gattung), .

. , , .. 2 (1983) . 15-23, , , , .

. . , , 1968.

, , . . . W. G. Kmmel, Introduction to the New Testament, 1966, . 142. J. M. Robinson, The Johannine Trajectory, Trajectories, . 232-268 (. 234), Gattung (, , .) (Trajectories, ).

. H. von Campenhausen, The Fathers of the Greek Church, 1963, . 171.

. . . , , 19 (1974) . 147-71.

( . 13,16), (. C. K. Barrett, St. John, . 473).

. M. Dibelius, Die urchristliche, . 143 W. Wink, John the Baptist, . 106.

Marburg 20 1953, 51 (1954) . 125-153. The Problem of the Historical Jesus, . Ksemann, Essays on New Testament Themes 1964, . 15-47.

( ) (Apostolic Continuity and Orthodox Theology: Towards a Synthesis of two Perspectives, SVTQ 19 [1975], . 75-108), , ( ) , (re-enacted) - (re-received) (. 108).