RI Brochure 2014

A CEO’s Resource for Unlocking Leadership Team Potential Overview The leadership teams of growing organizations often struggle to maintain the cohesion and strategic alignment necessary to effectively scale their organizations. Every day, leadership team members work diligently to strengthen their organizations and are excited about the potential for growth and yet many are frustrated because they seem to be working at cross-purposes and are not collectively taking advantage of the unique capabilities they possess as a unified team. RI was formed to address this important challenge. We work with leadership teams to unlock the power they possess as a cohesive team so they can work effectively to shape and stay in sync on a common strategic direction. Through this collaboration we are seeing leadership teams guide their organizations to new heights. Approach Relationship Impact is a veteran-owned strategic leadership consulting firm with a passion for unlocking the potential of the leadership teams of growing organizations. Organizations often have outstanding executives who work hard and are committed to the success of the company – however; if these executives aren’t on the same page the organization often fails to reach its potential. The ability to collectively set strategic direction, establish priorities and gain agreement on how to execute is absolutely essential for growing organizations to reach aggressive goals, deploy resources efficiently, develop new products or enter new markets. Our team of seasoned professionals challenges leaders and leadership teams to heights of learning and performance beyond their expectations. Our consulting approach is characterized by helping clients: Challenge their individual and collective assumptions, methods, & approaches. Simplify complex issues and challenges and solve problems pragmatically. Achieve measurable results in a manner that maximizes learning & ongoing performance.

Transcript of RI Brochure 2014

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A CEO’s Resource for Unlocking

Leadership Team Potential


The leadership teams of growing organizations often

struggle to maintain the cohesion and strategic

alignment necessary to effectively scale their

organizations. Every day, leadership team members

work diligently to strengthen their organizations and

are excited about the potential for growth and yet

many are frustrated because they seem to be working

at cross-purposes and are not collectively taking

advantage of the unique capabilities they possess as

a unified team. RI was formed to address this

important challenge. We work with leadership teams

to unlock the power they possess as a cohesive team

so they can work effectively to shape and stay in sync

on a common strategic direction. Through this

collaboration we are seeing leadership teams guide

their organizations to new heights.


Relationship Impact is a veteran-owned strategic leadership consulting firm with a passion for unlocking the

potential of the leadership teams of growing organizations. Organizations often have outstanding executives

who work hard and are committed to the success of the company – however; if these executives aren’t on the

same page the organization often fails to reach its potential. The ability to collectively set strategic direction,

establish priorities and gain agreement on how to execute is absolutely essential for growing organizations to

reach aggressive goals, deploy resources efficiently, develop new products or enter new markets. Our team of

seasoned professionals challenges leaders and leadership teams to heights of learning and performance

beyond their expectations.

Our consulting approach is characterized by helping clients:

Challenge their individual and collective assumptions, methods, & approaches.

Simplify complex issues and challenges and solve problems pragmatically.

Achieve measurable results in a manner that maximizes learning & ongoing performance.

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Strengthening Leader & Team Performance

We formed RI because of our passion to unlock the untapped potential of leaders and leadership teams and our

belief that effective teamwork is a critical source of competitive advantage. RI deploys a proven, customer-

centric approach to helping executive teams work together to shape and stay in sync on a common strategic

direction. Our services help clients confront important organizational challenges including:

• New strategy or growth plan under development and the team needs

be sure it is closely aligned to ensure successful execution.

• Organization seems to be stuck -- not hitting numbers, too many

priorities and not enough resources -- and the team must work

effectively together to plan and execute.

• New leader or members join the team and the team wants to ensure

that members are in sync on strategy and leadership philosophy.

• Leader recognizes dysfunction across the team and wants to

strengthen the team’s ability to build trust and manage conflict.

• Teams have to integrate after a restructuring and the team must

ensure they are in sync on strategy and leadership philosophy.

RI Service Offerings

Team Effectiveness: We work with the executive

leadership teams of growing organizations to unlock

the power they possess as a cohesive team so they

can work effectively to shape and stay in sync on a

common strategic direction.

Executive Coaching: Our experience working with

teams across multiple industries has enhanced our

ability to coach executives to develop the leadership

skills required to be successful in today’s complex


Leadership Training: While the bulk of our work is

focused on working with intact teams to improve

performance, we offer customized training for

emerging leaders and refresher training for groups of

individuals from across an organization.

Change Management: RI's approach to helping

clients manage organizational change focuses on

building internal capabilities to ensure that both the

technical and people aspects of change are

adequately addressed.

Copyright © Relationship Impact LLC. 2014. All Rights Reserved.
