Reunion Madeira 2015 Nuevos Retos en la Cardiología Intervencionista.Posición de la Sociedad...

Nuevos Retos en la Cardiología Intervencionista.Pos ición de la Sociedad Española de Cardiología Programa INCARDIO José Ramón González Juanatey Presidente de la Sociedad Española de Cardiología Hospital Clínico Universitario de Santiago de Compostela

Transcript of Reunion Madeira 2015 Nuevos Retos en la Cardiología Intervencionista.Posición de la Sociedad...

1. Nuevos Retos en la Cardiologa Intervencionista.Posicin de la Sociedad Espaola de Cardiologa Programa INCARDIO Jos Ramn Gonzlez Juanatey Presidente de la Sociedad Espaola de Cardiologa Hospital Clnico Universitario de Santiago de Compostela 2. CV mortality and life-spectancy in Spain 1980 a 2009 Garca Gonzlez JM, et al. Rev Esp Cardiol 2013. Women 1980-2009 Men 1980-2009 Lifestyle changes Prevention Health system improvements Treatment RESEARCH INNOVATION 3. Cardiovascular Disease: a complex disease needs integrated solutions Education Raising awareness Adherence to therapy Implementation Tools Programs Quality controls Implementation Surveys Quality controls Impact on outcome Trials Guidelines Recommendations Knowledge/Science (including clinical trials) Refinement 4. ACS. An Extraordinary Journey Innovation Year Impact CCU Blue Code. Nurses 60 & 70 Mortality B-Blockers 70 Mortality Thrombolysis 80 Mortality ASA 80 Mortality 1 PCI 90 Mortality Statins Late 90 Mortality ASA+Clopi Late 90 Morbidity Better anticoagulation 00 Morbi-mortality Prasugrel, Ticagrelor 00 Morbi-mortality Team Work, STEMI code 00 Mortality? Hypothermia 10 Mortality? 30% 5% 5. IHD 2Prev. An Extraordinary Journey Innovation Year Impact B-Blockers 70 Mortality ASA 80 Mortality Life-style changes/Rehab 70-15 Mortality ACE Ih 80-90 Morbi-mortality Statins 90 Mortality Team Work 90 Mortality Revasc (subgroups) 00 Morbi-mortality Vorapaxar 13 Morbi-mortality Rivaroxaban 13 Morbi-mortality Ticagrelor 15 Morbi-mortality Ezetimibe 15 Morbi-mortality 10 %/y 2 %/y 6. Heart Failure. An Extraordinary Journey Innovation Year Impact ACE Inhibitors 80 Mortality B-Blockers 00 Mortality Aldosterone Recept Block 00 Mortality Defibril/Cardiac RT 00 Mortality Nurses Process 00 Mortality-morbi Cardiac Transplant 80-00 Mortality Ivabradin 10 Morbi-mortality? VA Devices 10 Morbi-mortality LCZ-696 14 Morbi-mortality Acute HF code 00-15 Mortality-Morbi? Gene therapy 15? Mortality? 40% 10% 7. Three priorities. Role SEC Excellent science Industrial leadership Societal challenges European Research Council Future and Emerging Technologies Marie Skodowska-Curie actions Research infrastructures Reserch Grants Leadership in enabling and industrial technologies Access to risk finance Innovation in SMEs Innova-SEC Health, demographic change and wellbeing Food security, sustainable agriculture and forestry, marine and maritime and inland water research and the Bioeconomy Secure, clean and efficient energy Smart, green and integrated transport Climate action, environment, resource efficiency and raw materials Inclusive, innovative and reflective societies Secure societies Science with and for society Spreading excellence and widening participation RECALCAR/INCA RDIO 8. Diferencias Interterritoriales Existen importantes variaciones interterritoriales en la dotacin de recursos, frecuentacin, produccin y calidad en la atencin al paciente cardiolgico, as como en la forma de organizar y gestionar la asistencia cardiolgica. RECALCAR 2012 Recursos en Cardiologa 9. RECALCAR y retos de la cardiologa Ha aumentado la representatividad de la muestra. Aportacin de informacin de los registros de las Secciones. Cumplimentar el el registro no es una rutina para todas las UAC del SNS. Se inici en 2013 en el proceso de retroalimentacin a las UAC informantes. 1. Mejorar la base de datos de UAC, especialmente en porcentaje de unidades que responden, permitiendo un anlisis en todas las Comunidades Autnomas y retroalimentando la informacin a las UAC que participan. 3. Trabajar en estrecha colaboracin con mdicos de otras especialidades y unidades que atienden a pacientes con enfermedades cardiolgicas y con los equipos de atencin primaria. Son minoritarias las UAC que han establecido un cardilogo como referente de cada equipo de atencin primaria de su rea de influencia y desarrollado instrumentos de trabajo conjunto.4. Crear redes asistenciales de UAC. 5. Regionalizar unidades de referencia. Slo el 12% de las UAC refieren estar integradas en una red de mbito regional (600.000 o ms habitantes). 6. Poner el nfasis en el aumento de la calidad (gestin por procesos) y la eficiencia, ms que en la dotacin de recursos. Baja implantacin de una gestin por procesos. Amplias variaciones en el rendimiento de los recursos.Un 28% de UAC con ms de 24 camas no tienen asignada guardia de presencia fsica. Algunas UAC con unidad de hemodinmica o ciruga cardiovascular no tienen camas asignadas. Un 77% de los servicios de ciruga cardiovascular hace menos de 600 intervenciones quirrgicas mayores. 7. Evitar riesgos potenciales de malas prcticas: ausencia de guardias de presencia fsica en unidades con ms de 1.500 ingresos y/o procedimientos complejos; actividad de hemodinmica y ciruga cardiovascular en centros sin camas asignadas a cardiologa; volmenes de actividad por debajo de los recomendados. 8. Reducir las desigualdades interterritoriales en buenas prcticas vinculadas a resultados (por ejemplo: redes y actividad de ICP-p en IAM). Existen notables diferencias entre Comunidades Autnomas, que probablemente inciden en la calidad asistencial y resultados de la atencin a los pacientes con cardiopata en los distintos territorios 10. CMBD Un 48% de los episodios de ingreso hospitalario con diagnstico de alta de enfermedad del rea del corazn es dado de alta por servicios distintos al de cardiologa CMBD_CAR contiene 3,7 millones episodios de hospitalizacin con diagnstico principal al alta de enfermedad del rea del corazn durante el perodo 2003-2012 La Insuficiencia Cardiaca Crnica es uno de los principales retos del Sistema Nacional de Salud y de la cardiologa (escasos progresos en frecuentacin, estancia media y reingresos). Existen notables mrgenes de mejora en la calidad de la asistencia hospitalaria prestada a los pacientes con enfermedades del rea del corazn. 11. SEC quality of care virtuose circle 12. Definir los indicadores de calidad asistencial en Cardiologa Sociedad de Ciruga Torcica y Cardiovascular S E C T C V 13. Hospital I Low complexity II Intermediate Complexity III High Complexity Volume: Beds < 200 200 to 500 > 500 Volume: Cardio < 500 patients / year 500 to 1000 patients / year > 1000 patients / year Organization Cardiology not considered as an independent unit Cardiology independent unit (own beds) Cardiology independent unit (own beds) Intensive Cardiac Care Unit No, or yes but transfers complex patients to other hospitals Yes, No dedicated ICCU Dedicated ICCU Interventional cardiology unit No Yes, but complex cases are transferred to other hospitals PCI not available 24h / 7 days Yes, including complex cases PCI available 24h / 7 days Interventional electrophysiology No, except pacemakers Yes, but complex cases are transferred to other hospitals Yes, including ICD / CRT implantation, and treatment of complex arrhythmias Cardiac surgery No No Yes, available 24h / 7 days Transfer of patients All cases for PCI, complex arrhythmias & Cardiac Surgery Transfer of complex cases to another hospital including complex PCI, arrhythmias or surgery Minimal (e.g.: heart transplant) Receives complex patients from other hospitals INCARDIO. Clasificacin de los Hospitales 14. Metric Suggested Reference Value Relevance Difficulty Auditable Evidence References Mortality* STEMI mortality (excluding patients unconscious at admission) < 5% (a) 1 1 1 A 115, 116, 131, 132,, 141 Non STE-ACS mortality (excluding patients unconscious at admission) < 5% (a) 1 1 1 A 117, 118, 131, 132, 141 Staged PCI mortality < 1% (a) 1 1 1 A 140-142 TAVI mortality < 10% (a) 1 1 1 A 147 - 149 VT after AMI and other complex catheter ablation mortality < 3% (a) 1 1 1 A 150 - 152 Pacemaker, ICD, CRT implant mortality < 1% (a) 1 1 1 A 153, 154 Heart Failure mortality < 7% (a) 1 1 1 A 160, 161 Staged 1st Aortic valve surgery replacement mortality (excluding TAVI) < 5% (a) < 7% (b) 1 1 1 A 159 - 161 Staged 1st Mitral valve surgery replacement mortality < 7% (a) < 9% (b) 1 1 1 A 159 - 161 Staged 1st Mitral valve surgery repair mortality < 3% (a) < 5% (b) 1 1 1 A 159 - 161 Staged 1st CABG (without combined surgery) mortality < 3% (a) < 5% (b) 1 1 1 A 159 - 161 Staged 1st combined CABG + AVR mortality < 6% (a) < 8% (b) 1 1 1 A 159 - 161 Heart transplant < 15% (a) (c) 1 1 1 A 161b INCARDIO STEMI mortality 75 / year Primary PCI > 50 year (PPCI per operator > 11 year) PCI in hospitals without cardiac/vascular surgery: Volumes > 200 / year and protocol for team work with hospital with cardiac surgery Complex PCI cases including coronary and structural interventions only acceptable in hospitals with cardiac/vascular surgery Interventional Cardiology 33. 156 390 90 173 7.8 45.7 34. Cath Lab Unit Technology Reference hospital with cardiac/vascular surgery for high risk PCI or reference in structural interventions Cath labs technology < 10 years old 2 cath labs in hospital with a Primary PCI Program 1 Complete cath lab with clear maintenance protocols. Includes defibrillator, mechanical ventilator, OCT, IVUS and IABP or LVAD in labs performing routine high risk procedures Interventional Cardiology 35. Cath Lab Unit Staffing Certified interventional cardiologists, minimal 1, optimal all Nurses with > 1 year experience in cath lab, minimal 2, desirable 3/lab N Interventional Cardiologists > 4 if Primary PCI Program Interventional Cardiology 36. Accreditation Certification of qualification coferred by external organizations Cardiologist with accreditation in PCI highly recommended Interventional Cardiology Patient Services Cath Lab open 24 / 7 /365 days recommended in hospitals > 300.000 (population) Regional Network for STEMI and other ACS 37. Local Protocols (diagnosis and treatment for each technique based on ESC/AHA/ACC guidelines) Risk stratification (GRACE, TIMI, SINTAX, NCDR) HEART TEAM decission in all non-emergency procedures Optimal Medical Treatment according to ESC/AHA/ACC guidelines Renal Protection Protocol Alergic reactions Protocol Diabetic patients Protocols Radial Use > 50% Interventional Cardiology 38. Trends in in-hospital mortality rates after isolated CABG surgery in Ontario 1991-2006 2.95 2.83 3.17 2.83 2.42 2.32 2.2 2.29 2.18 2.32 2.08 1.03 1.23 1.39 1.1 1.17 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 Fiscal Year In-HospitalMortalityRate(%) Confidential reporting Public reporting 39. SEC quality of care virtuose circle 40. Diferencias Interterritoriales (IAM. 2012) Frec. EM TBM % Reingresos Andaluca 116,9 6,8 8,5% 7,7% Aragn 114,0 9,5 10,0% 5,0% Asturias 156,1 7,1 7,2% 6,3% Baleares 113,7 7,0 5,7% 4,9% Canarias 100,0 9,7 7,0% 3,3% Cantabria 117,8 6,2 8,1% 3,7% Castilla y Len 144,5 7,1 8,0% 6,2% Castilla-La Mancha 109,7 7,2 8,6% 3,7% Catalua 117,8 6,9 6,3% 6,7% Comunidad Valenciana 109,9 6,8 8,6% 4,9% Extremadura 132,0 7,4 7,4% 5,3% Galicia 127,8 8,4 6,8% 5,3% Madrid 86,0 7,5 6,1% 3,5% Murcia 123,3 7,4 6,9% 7,2% Navarra 93,9 9,0 6,2% 6,4% Pas Vasco 89,1 7,9 7,5% 4,0% Rioja 125,6 8,9 6,9% 5,4% Total general 112,8 7,3 7,5% 5,7% Promedio 116,4 7,7 7,4% 5,3% Mediana 116,9 7,4 7,2% 5,3% DS 18,4 1,0 1,1% 1,3% Max 156,1 9,7 10,0% 7,7% Min 86,0 6,2 5,7% 3,3% RECALCAR 2012 STEMI. Risk-adjusted Mortality 41. RECALCAR-2012 Mortalidad Intrahospitalaria de la PCI en Pacientes sin IAM 42. STEMI Mortality rate 2010-2012 IAMCAT II1 2003 IAMCAT III2 2006 Codi Infart3 2010 Codi Infart3 2011 Codi Infart3 2012 30-day mortality 11,7 % 7,4% 6,8% 6,3% 6,4% 1-year mortality NA NA 9,9 % 10,4 % 8,6 % Catalunya Codi Infart 1. 2. Med Clin (Barc) 2009;133:694 3. Registre Codi Infart. Departament de Salut. Generalitat de Catalunya, 2010-2012 43. Berlin Myocardial Infarction Registry 10 year changes in treatment and outcome Jens-Uwe Rehnisch et al ECC 2011# 5207 Berliner Herzinfarktregister Hospital Mortality for STMI & NSTMI Medications and Reperfusion therapy Year Ptrend 300.000) 198 Accreditation At least 1 cardiologist accredited in acute cardiac care 198 Any accreditation conferred by any external organizations 198 Patient services Regional network for STEMI and other ACS 115 Cath lab available 2/7 115 Bundle of care treatment for sudden death (includes temperature management) 14528 Risk stratification (GRACE, TIMI, CRUSADE) 115 - 118, 223 Process of delivery care for diagnosis, treatment, prevention and patient education Local protocols based on ESC /AHA- ACC guidelines STEMI and Non-STEMI protocols 115 - 118, 145 Optimal medical treatments according to ESC / AHA ACC guidelines 115 - 118 Multidisciplinary protocols Prehospital systems, emergency department, cardiac unit. 115 - 118 Heart failure: Cardiac unit, internal medicine, emergency department 289, 290 Results Outcomes in selected populations as described in table # 5 Quality controls Adherence to ESC / AHA-ACC guidelines Patients with primary PCI in STEMI: > mean value in national registries Time to call-door-balloon/lytic: < 60 min after STEMI diagnosis Fibrinolytic therapy < 30 min after STEMI diagnosis Patients with dual antiplatelet therapy in ACS: > mean value in national registries 115 - 118 Acute Cardiac Care / Intensive Cardiac care ICCU: Recommended 4-5 beds/100.000 inhabitants Cardiologist on call 24 h (recommended in Hospitals > 300.000 inhabitants) All Nurses with > 1 year Cardiology Experience. Experience in Acute Cardiac Care 46. UCAC No UCAC p TBM hosp % 7.57 6.58 0.058 RAMER hosp % 7.78 6.96 0.02 TBM: Tasa bruta de mortalidad. RAMAR: Razn de mortalidad ajustada por riesgo Mortalidad por IAM en Espaa Unidades Cuidados Cardiolgicos Agudos Rev Esp Cardiol 2013; 66: 935-942 47. 12,000 22,000 32,000 42,000 52,000 62,000 72,000 82,000 92,000 102,000 112,000 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 INSUFICIENCIA CARDIACA INFARTO AGUDO MIOCARDIO ARRITMIAS C. ISQUEMICA CRONICA C. ISQUEMICA AGUDA Hospital admission for Cardiac Diseases RECALCAR 2012 48. Heart Failure Units Metric Recommendation Reference s Structure. Resources directly related to patient care Hospital volumes N patients with heart failure discharged from hospital Desired technology Natriuretic peptides 120, 156, 369 Type II and III hospitals: ECHO available 24 hours. Multidisciplinary heart failure outpatient clinic., ICD and CRT therapy 11, 120, 369, 371- 373 Type III hospitals: Intensive CCU, Circulatory assist devices 120, 369 Staffing Type II and III hospitals: Cardiologists assigned to heart failure management 11, 119 Type III hospitals: Accredited cardiologists assigned to advanced heart failure program 11, 119 Type III hospitals: Specialized nurses assigned to heart failure management . Nurse outpatient consult 11, 119, 213, 371- 373 Accreditation Type III hospitals: Accredited multidisciplinary Heart failure program, including cardiologists, internal medicine, oncology, rehabilitation specialists, internal medicine, general physicians, other 120, 369 Type III hospitals: Accredited Advanced heart failure cardiologists 372 Patient services Type III hospitals: Heart failure outpatient clinic 11, 156, 157, 120, 369, 370 Type III hospitals: Heart failure in-hospital management program 156, 157, 120, 369, 370 , All hospitals: On site or access to Rehabilitation, advance heart failure unit, heart transplant, complex pulmonary hypertension units and palliative care units 120, 369, 373 Heart Failure Units Type III hospitals: Specialized nurses assigned to heart failure management. Nurse outpatient clinic. N patients with HF discharged from hospital 49. Cardiac imaging Metric Recommendation References Structure. Resources directly related to patient care Hospital volumes TTE, TOE, stress echo: recommended: > 1500 and 300 / studies / staff / y) 265, 266 CCT studies (recommended > 250 / year) 267 CMR studies (recommended > 300 / year)* Desired technology TTE, in all hospitals. TOE and stress echo, in type II and III hospitals. 3D echo in type III hospitals. CCT, SPECT or PET Scanner and CMR in-house type II and III hospitals or in reference hospital. 194, 255 - 264 Staffing Cardiac Imaging certified cardiologists (recommended 1 per technique: Echo, CMR, CCT), Level 2/3 194, 255 - 264 Certified technicians (recommended 1 per technique) in all hospitals Nurses with experience in stress testing and transesophagic ECHO 194, 255 264, 264b Accreditation Official accreditation (ESC or similar) of Echo lab, CCT lab, CMR lab 194, 255 - 264 Patient services TT Echocardiography available 24/7/365 in hospitals II and III Process of delivery of care for diagnosis and treatment Local protocols For indications based on ESC /AHA.ACC guidelines for each technique 204, 205, 267 - 276 Protocols to reduce radiation from CCT All cases < 15 mSv 273 -275 Waiting list Outpatient, nonurgent, studies, recommended 100% < 30 days 194 Hospitalized patient, recommended 90%) 264, 282, 285 Report of radiation dose Recommended in 100% of cases (CCT) 272, 286, 287 Waiting list Recommended: < mean value in local registries Cardiac Imaging Certified technicians (recommended > 1 per technique) Nurses with experience in stress echo and TEE TTE available 24/7/365 in hospitals II and III 50. Cath Lab Unit Volumes PCI: optimal > 400 year. If < 200 / year cath lab should be part of a larger network PCI per operator > 75 / year Primary PCI > 50 year (PPCI per operator > 11 year) PCI in hospitals without cardiac/vascular surgery: Volumes > 200 / year and protocol for team work with hospital with cardiac surgery Complex PCI cases including coronary and structural interventions only acceptable in hospitals with cardiac/vascular surgery Interventional Cardiology 51. Cath Lab Unit Technology Reference hospital with cardiac/vascular surgery for hogh risk PCI or reference in structural interventions Cath labs technology < 10 years old 2 cath labs in hospital with a Primary PCI Program 1 Complete cath lab with clear maintenance protocols. Includes defibrillator, mechanical ventilator, OCT, IVUS and IABP or LVAD in labs performing routine high risk procedures Interventional Cardiology 52. Cath Lab Unit Staffing Certified interventional cardiologists, minimal 1, optimal all Nurses with > 1 year experience in cath lab, minimal 2, desirable 3/lab N Interventional Cardiologists > 4 if Primary PCI Program Interventional Cardiology 53. Accreditation Certification of qualification coferred by external organizations Cardiologist with accreditation in PCI highly recommended Interventional Cardiology Patient Services Cath Lab open 24 / 7 /365 days recommended in hospitals > 300.000 (population) Regional Network for STEMI and other ACS 54. Local Protocols (diagnosis and treatment for each technique based on ESC/AHA/ACC guidelines) Risk stratification (GRACE, TIMI, SINTAX, NCDR) HEART TEAM decission in all non-emergency procedures Optimal Medical Treatment according to ESC/AHA/ACC guidelines Renal Protection Protocol Alergic reactions Protocol Diabetic patients Protocols Radial Use > 50% Interventional Cardiology 55. Interventional Cardiology All nurses with > 1 year experience in cath lab, minimal 2, desirable 3/lab HEART TEAM decision in all non-emergency procedures including nurses PCI: optimal > 400 year: If < 200 year, cath lab should be part of a larger network PCI per operator > 70 year Primary PCI > 36-50 year (PPCI per operator > 11 / year Cath lab open 24/7/365 recommended in hospitals>300000 (population) 56. Metric Suggested Reference Value Relevance Difficulty Auditable Evidence References Mortality* STEMI mortality (excluding patients unconscious at admission) < 5% (a) 1 1 1 A 115, 116, 131, 132,, 141 Non STE-ACS mortality (excluding patients unconscious at admission) < 5% (a) 1 1 1 A 117, 118, 131, 132, 141 Staged PCI mortality < 1% (a) 1 1 1 A 140-142 TAVI mortality < 10% (a) 1 1 1 A 147 - 149 VT after AMI and other complex catheter ablation mortality < 3% (a) 1 1 1 A 150 - 152 Pacemaker, ICD, CRT implant mortality < 1% (a) 1 1 1 A 153, 154 Heart Failure mortality < 7% (a) 1 1 1 A 160, 161 Staged 1st Aortic valve surgery replacement mortality (excluding TAVI) < 5% (a) < 7% (b) 1 1 1 A 159 - 161 Staged 1st Mitral valve surgery replacement mortality < 7% (a) < 9% (b) 1 1 1 A 159 - 161 Staged 1st Mitral valve surgery repair mortality < 3% (a) < 5% (b) 1 1 1 A 159 - 161 Staged 1st CABG (without combined surgery) mortality < 3% (a) < 5% (b) 1 1 1 A 159 - 161 Staged 1st combined CABG + AVR mortality < 6% (a) < 8% (b) 1 1 1 A 159 - 161 Heart transplant < 15% (a) (c) 1 1 1 A 161b TAVI mortality 100 general catheter ablation procedures/y. 133, 350, 351 Non-complex procedures (ablation of paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia, AV nodal ablation, and common atrial flutter. Recommended >100 procedures/year. 350, 351 Pacemaker implants (>12 implants/y per operator), ICDs (>10 implants/y), and CRTs (>10 implants/y) 352, 353 Desired technology Accredited Arrhythmia Unit in hospitals >100 invasive EP procedures/y 350, 354 Dedicated RX lab 59, 350, 355, 356 Staffing >2 certified cardiologists accredited in arrhythmias 59, 356 358 Certified cardiologist accredited in arrhythmias responsible for the unit 356, 357, 359 Nurses with > 1 year experience in arrhythmias, ablation and device implantation and follow-up, minimal 2, desirable 3/ lab Arrhythmias nurse outpatient consult desirable (pacemarker and device follow-up) 356, 356b, 256c Accreditation Accredited Arrhythmia Unit (EHRA, SEA, Certification ISO 9001:2008) 357, 359 Patient services Arrhythmia Ablation, Pacemaker AND ICD, CRT implantation 59, 356 Arrhythmia outpatient clinic 59, 356 Electrophysiology and arrhythmias All nurses with > 1 year experience in arrhythmias, ablation and device implantation and follow-up minimal 2, desirable 3/lab Arrhythmias nurse outpatient consult desirable (PM and device follow-up) Complex procedures: Atrial Fibrillation. Recommended > 50 / year Complex procedures: ventricular Tachy recommended only in labs with > 100 general cath ablation procedures/year Pacemaker implants (10 implants/y, CRT> 10 implants/y 58. Radiation dose measure (fluoroscopy time / dose for patient and staff Interventional Cardiology 59. Metric Suggested Reference Value Relevance Difficulty Auditable Evidence References Mortality* STEMI mortality (excluding patients unconscious at admission) < 5% (a) 1 1 1 A 115, 116, 131, 132,, 141 Non STE-ACS mortality (excluding patients unconscious at admission) < 5% (a) 1 1 1 A 117, 118, 131, 132, 141 Staged PCI mortality < 1% (a) 1 1 1 A 140-142 TAVI mortality < 10% (a) 1 1 1 A 147 - 149 VT after AMI and other complex catheter ablation mortality < 3% (a) 1 1 1 A 150 - 152 Pacemaker, ICD, CRT implant mortality < 1% (a) 1 1 1 A 153, 154 Heart Failure mortality < 7% (a) 1 1 1 A 160, 161 Staged 1st Aortic valve surgery replacement mortality (excluding TAVI) < 5% (a) < 7% (b) 1 1 1 A 159 - 161 Staged 1st Mitral valve surgery replacement mortality < 7% (a) < 9% (b) 1 1 1 A 159 - 161 Staged 1st Mitral valve surgery repair mortality < 3% (a) < 5% (b) 1 1 1 A 159 - 161 Staged 1st CABG (without combined surgery) mortality < 3% (a) < 5% (b) 1 1 1 A 159 - 161 Staged 1st combined CABG + AVR mortality < 6% (a) < 8% (b) 1 1 1 A 159 - 161 Heart transplant < 15% (a) (c) 1 1 1 A 161b INCARDIO STEMI mortality 1 y / operating room Accreditation Accredited cardiac surgery unit Patient services Urgent cardiac surgery Scheduled priority system 161 Prevention of infections protocol 161 Process of delivery care Protocols for evaluation and treatment according to ESC / AHA-ACC Guidelines Risk evaluation using protocols: Euro Score2, SINTAX, other 161 Protocols for indication of cardiac surgery, major procedures 320 HEART TEAM approach for all major surgery indications 161, 345, 346 Scheduled priority system Transfer protocols from hospitals type I and II to III Use of medication for secondary prevention at hospital discharge. Recommended > 90% in all hospitals 115 - 118 161, 377, Results Outcomes in selected populations as described in table # 5 Quality controls ESC / AHA-ACCC / Guideline adherence Prescription of appropriate medication for secondary prevention at hospital discharge Recommended: > 90% in patients without contraindications 115 - 118 161, 377, 398 Other: Waiting list, Infections, Bleeding and other complications, Recommended < mean value in local registries Cardiac Surgery Nurses assigned to cardiac surgery, experience > 1 year / operating room Major cardiac surgery procedures. Recommended > 500 year or > 70 / cardiac surgeron / year HEART TEAM approach for all major surgery indications. Including Nurses 61. Metric Suggested Reference Value Relevance Difficulty Auditable Evidence References Mortality* STEMI mortality (excluding patients unconscious at admission) < 5% (a) 1 1 1 A 115, 116, 131, 132,, 141 Non STE-ACS mortality (excluding patients unconscious at admission) < 5% (a) 1 1 1 A 117, 118, 131, 132, 141 Staged PCI mortality < 1% (a) 1 1 1 A 140-142 TAVI mortality < 10% (a) 1 1 1 A 147 - 149 VT after AMI and other complex catheter ablation mortality < 3% (a) 1 1 1 A 150 - 152 Pacemaker, ICD, CRT implant mortality < 1% (a) 1 1 1 A 153, 154 Heart Failure mortality < 7% (a) 1 1 1 A 160, 161 Staged 1st Aortic valve surgery replacement mortality (excluding TAVI) < 5% (a) < 7% (b) 1 1 1 A 159 - 161 Staged 1st Mitral valve surgery replacement mortality < 7% (a) < 9% (b) 1 1 1 A 159 - 161 Staged 1st Mitral valve surgery repair mortality < 3% (a) < 5% (b) 1 1 1 A 159 - 161 Staged 1st CABG (without combined surgery) mortality < 3% (a) < 5% (b) 1 1 1 A 159 - 161 Staged 1st combined CABG + AVR mortality < 6% (a) < 8% (b) 1 1 1 A 159 - 161 Heart transplant < 15% (a) (c) 1 1 1 A 161b INCARDIO STEMI mortality 50% after AMI? ACS (Ideally all patients should be offered some kind of rehabilitation program) 376, 385, 395, 397 Control of major risk factors and adherence to guideline recommendations for life style Smoking: sustained smoking abstinence >50% in CVD 384 - 386, 392, 393, 395, 397, 399 Hypertension optimal control (< 140/90) > 50%? 376, 386, 393, 397 LDL < 70, recommended target > 70% (1,8 mmml/L) or highest tolerated dose of statins > 50% of patients 376, 385, 394, 397, 400 Adherence to guideline recommendations of lifestyle Exercise, Diet, smoking counselling: Recommended in 100% 376, 387, 390, 397, 399 Adherence to ESC / AHA-ACCC guideline recommendation for 2nd prevention treatment Antiplatelet, Statins, Beta-blockers, ACE-I, aldosterone blockers unless contraindicated. Recommended >90 % unless contraindicated 115 - 118, 376, 397, 398 % of patients admitted in a rehabilitation program after 1st ACS or revascularization Recommended > mean value in local registries Cardiac Rehabilitation. Quality controls Smoking: sustained smoking abstinence > 50% Exercise, diet, smoking counselling: recommended in 100% 86. IHD 2Prev. An Extraordinary Journey Innovation Year Impact B-Blockers 70 Mortality ASA 80 Mortality Life-style changes/Rehab 70-15 Mortality ACE Ih 80-90 Morbi-mortality Statins 90 Mortality Team Work 90 Mortality Revasc (subgroups) 00 Morbi-mortality Vorapaxar 13 Morbi-mortality Rivaroxaban 13 Morbi-mortality Ticagrelor 15 Morbi-mortality Ezetimibe 15 Morbi-mortality 10 %/y 2 %/y 87. 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 12000 14000 16000 18000 smoking cessation program, high risk CAD smoking cessation program, low risk CAD Post AMI ACE-inh Cardiac Rehab post AMI BBL post MI Statins (4S) CABG/PCI AAS Thrombolytic th. The cardiologist and smoking cessation. Aboyans, Victor; Thomas, Daniel; Lacroix, Philippe Current Opinion in Cardiology. 25(5):469-477, September 2010. DOI: 10.1097/HCO.0b013e32833cd4f7 Cost per life year gained Cambios en Estilo de Vida en Prevencin Secundaria. Lo mas coste-efectivo 88. En 2013: 7434 pacientes rehabilitados 76.666 SCA 85% EC crnica + aguda 64 % fueron SCA 4.757 pacientes con SCA 6,2% 2.Escaso nmero de pacientes atendidos en las Unidades de Rehabilitacin Cardiaca La Rehabilitacin Cardaca uno de los grandes retos de la enfermera en Espaa 89. Proyecto para pacientes y profesionales La Enfermera como el Centro del Proceso 90. Coordinador: Dr. Lorenzo Fcila Dra. Almudena Castro 1. Desarrollo web 2. Paciente experto 1. MimoApp 2. MimoKids 1. MimoFarmacias 91. Cardiac imaging Metric Recommendation References Structure. Resources directly related to patient care Hospital volumes TTE, TOE, stress echo: recommended: > 1500 and 300 / studies / staff / y) 265, 266 CCT studies (recommended > 250 / year) 267 CMR studies (recommended > 300 / year)* Desired technology TTE, in all hospitals. TOE and stress echo, in type II and III hospitals. 3D echo in type III hospitals. CCT, SPECT or PET Scanner and CMR in-house type II and III hospitals or in reference hospital. 194, 255 - 264 Staffing Cardiac Imaging certified cardiologists (recommended 1 per technique: Echo, CMR, CCT), Level 2/3 194, 255 - 264 Certified technicians (recommended 1 per technique) in all hospitals Nurses with experience in stress testing and transesophagic ECHO 194, 255 264, 264b Accreditation Official accreditation (ESC or similar) of Echo lab, CCT lab, CMR lab 194, 255 - 264 Patient services TT Echocardiography available 24/7/365 in hospitals II and III Process of delivery of care for diagnosis and treatment Local protocols For indications based on ESC /AHA.ACC guidelines for each technique 204, 205, 267 - 276 Protocols to reduce radiation from CCT All cases < 15 mSv 273 -275 Waiting list Outpatient, nonurgent, studies, recommended 100% < 30 days 194 Hospitalized patient, recommended 90%) 264, 282, 285 Report of radiation dose Recommended in 100% of cases (CCT) 272, 286, 287 Waiting list Recommended: < mean value in local registries Cardiac Imaging Certified technicians (recommended > 1 per technique) Nurses with experience in stress echo and TEE TTE available 24/7/365 in hospitals II and III 92. Enfermera Cardiolgica e Imagen Cardiovascular 93. Acute cardiac care / Intensive cardiac care Metric Recommendation References Structure. Resources directly related to patient care Hospital volumes 4-5 ICCU beds / 100.000 inhabitants 198 Desired technology Intensive care environment technology 198 Staffing All nurses with > 1 year cardiology experience. Experience in acute cardiac care 198 At least 1 cardiologist certified in acute coronary care (optimal: 1 / 3-4 beds) 198 Cardiologist on call 24/h (recommended in hospitals > 300.000) 198 Accreditation At least 1 cardiologist accredited in acute cardiac care 198 Any accreditation conferred by any external organizations 198 Patient services Regional network for STEMI and other ACS 115 Cath lab available 2/7 115 Bundle of care treatment for sudden death (includes temperature management) 14528 Risk stratification (GRACE, TIMI, CRUSADE) 115 - 118, 223 Process of delivery care for diagnosis, treatment, prevention and patient education Local protocols based on ESC /AHA- ACC guidelines STEMI and Non-STEMI protocols 115 - 118, 145 Optimal medical treatments according to ESC / AHA ACC guidelines 115 - 118 Multidisciplinary protocols Prehospital systems, emergency department, cardiac unit. 115 - 118 Heart failure: Cardiac unit, internal medicine, emergency department 289, 290 Results Outcomes in selected populations as described in table # 5 Quality controls Adherence to ESC / AHA-ACC guidelines Patients with primary PCI in STEMI: > mean value in national registries Time to call-door-balloon/lytic: < 60 min after STEMI diagnosis Fibrinolytic therapy < 30 min after STEMI diagnosis Patients with dual antiplatelet therapy in ACS: > mean value in national registries Patients with statins at discharge: > mean value in national registries Aspirin at admission: > mean value in national registries 115 - 118 Safety Infections: Recommended < mean value in national registries Transfusions: Recommended < mean value in national registries 115 - 118 291 Acute cardiac care / Intensive cardiac care All nurses with > 1 year cardiology experience. Experience in acute cardiac care Cardiologist on call 24 h (recommended in hospitals > 300.000) 94. ACS. An Extraordinary Journey Innovation Year Impact CCU Blue Code. Nurses 60 & 70 Mortality B-Blockers 70 Mortality Thrombolysis 80 Mortality ASA 80 Mortality 1 PCI 90 Mortality Statins Late 90 Mortality ASA+Clopi Late 90 Morbidity Better anticoagulation 00 Morbi-mortality Prasugrel, Ticagrelor 00 Morbi-mortality Team Work, STEMI code 00 Mortality? Hypothermia 10 Mortality? 30% 5% 95. UCAC No UCAC p TBM hosp % 7.57 6.58 0.058 RAMER hosp % 7.78 6.96 0.02 TBM: Tasa bruta de mortalidad. RAMAR: Razn de mortalidad ajustada por riesgo Mortalidad por IAM en Espaa Unidades Cuidados Cardiolgicos Agudos Rev Esp Cardiol 2013; 66: 935-942 96. Heart Failure Units Metric Recommendation Reference s Structure. Resources directly related to patient care Hospital volumes N patients with heart failure discharged from hospital Desired technology Natriuretic peptides 120, 156, 369 Type II and III hospitals: ECHO available 24 hours. Multidisciplinary heart failure outpatient clinic., ICD and CRT therapy 11, 120, 369, 371- 373 Type III hospitals: Intensive CCU, Circulatory assist devices 120, 369 Staffing Type II and III hospitals: Cardiologists assigned to heart failure management 11, 119 Type III hospitals: Accredited cardiologists assigned to advanced heart failure program 11, 119 Type III hospitals: Specialized nurses assigned to heart failure management . Nurse outpatient consult 11, 119, 213, 371- 373 Accreditation Type III hospitals: Accredited multidisciplinary Heart failure program, including cardiologists, internal medicine, oncology, rehabilitation specialists, internal medicine, general physicians, other 120, 369 Type III hospitals: Accredited Advanced heart failure cardiologists 372 Patient services Type III hospitals: Heart failure outpatient clinic 11, 156, 157, 120, 369, 370 Type III hospitals: Heart failure in-hospital management program 156, 157, 120, 369, 370 , All hospitals: On site or access to Rehabilitation, advance heart failure unit, heart transplant, complex pulmonary hypertension units and palliative care units 120, 369, 373 Heart Failure Units Type III hospitals: Specialized nurses assigned to heart failure management. Nurse outpatient clinic. N patients with HF discharged from hospital 97. 12,000 22,000 32,000 42,000 52,000 62,000 72,000 82,000 92,000 102,000 112,000 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 INSUFICIENCIA CARDIACA INFARTO AGUDO MIOCARDIO ARRITMIAS C. ISQUEMICA CRONICA C. ISQUEMICA AGUDA Hospital admission for Cardiac Diseases RECALCAR 2012 98. Heart Failure. An Extraordinary Journey Innovation Year Impact ACE Inhibitors 80 Mortality B-Blockers 00 Mortality Aldosterone Recept Block 00 Mortality Defibril/Cardiac RT 00 Mortality Nurses Process 00 Mortality-morbi Cardiac Transplant 80-00 Mortality Ivabradin 10 Morbi-mortality? VA Devices 10 Morbi-mortality LCZ-696 14 Morbi-mortality Acute HF code 00-15 Mortality-Morbi? Gene therapy 15? Mortality? 40% 10% 99. Roccaforte, et al. Eur J Heart Fail 2005; 7: 1133-44 Metaanlisis de Programas Asistenciales en IC. Papel Central de la Enfermera Enfermera asistencial 100. Interventional Cardiology All nurses with > 1 year experience in cath lab, minimal 2, desirable 3/lab HEART TEAM decision in all non-emergency procedures including nurses PCI: optimal > 400 year: If < 200 year, cath lab should be part of a larger network PCI per operator > 70 year Primary PCI > 36-50 year (PPCI per operator > 11 / year Cath lab open 24/7/365 recommended in hospitals>300000 (population) 101. La Enfermera en Cardiologa Intervencionista Atencin Paciente Intrumentacin Control Tcnico Control Material 102. Andaluca 8,33 7,94 -0,39 Aragn 8,13 7,18 -0,95 Asturias 7,99 7,55 -0,44 Baleares 7,47 6,33 -1,14 Canarias 8,03 7,75 -0,28 Cantabria 8,11 7,56 -0,55 Castilla y Len 8,08 7,00 -1,08 Castilla La Mancha 7,28 7,26 -0,02 Catalua 6,96 6,66 -0,30 Valenciana 9,57 8,49 -1,08 Extremadura 7,98 7,54 -0,44 Galicia 7,64 7,14 -0,50 Madrid 7,73 6,61 -1,12 Murcia 7,78 7,40 -0,38 Navarra 6,06 6,08 0,02 Pas Vasco 8,71 7,29 -1,42 Rioja 7,34 7,09 -0,25 PROMEDIO 7,84 7,31 -0,53 CCAA Mortalidad IAM (%) Evolucin RECALCAR 2012 STEMI. Risk-adjusted Mortality 2011 2012 103. Desigualdades Interterritoriales (IAM. 2012) Lmite inferior Lmite superior Mortalidad_IAM_esperada ,876 ,003 0,000 ,870 ,881 Mortalidad_IAM_prevista ,882 ,003 0,000 ,876 ,888 Mortalidad_IAM_nulo ,598 ,005 ,000 ,589 ,607 Variables resultado de contraste rea EE p Intervalo de confianza asinttico al 95% OR Sexo (Mujer vs Hombre)1,214 1,116 1,320 Edad (ao) 1,069 1,065 1,074 Shock 23,152 20,818 25,748 DM comp 1,608 1,400 1,846 ICC 1,730 1,589 1,883 ECV 2,283 2,003 2,602 Tumor 1,994 1,662 2,395 EAP 2,153 1,599 2,897 IRA 2,631 2,379 2,912 Arritmia 1,749 1,609 1,899 Centro: Identity |0.3431 0,265 0,397 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ LR test vs. logistic regression: chibar2(01) = 86.73 Prob>=chibar2 = 0.0000 IC95% El ajuste llevado a cabo por la SEC es mas completo. Ajustes por edad y sexo son extraordinariamente limitados 104. Electrophysiology and arrhythmias Metric Recommendation References Structure. Resources directly related to patient care Hospital volumes Complex procedures: Atrial Fibrillation. Recommended > 50 / year 347 - 350 Complex procedures: Ventricular tachycardia. Recommended only in labs with >100 general catheter ablation procedures/y. 133, 350, 351 Non-complex procedures (ablation of paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia, AV nodal ablation, and common atrial flutter. Recommended >100 procedures/year. 350, 351 Pacemaker implants (>12 implants/y per operator), ICDs (>10 implants/y), and CRTs (>10 implants/y) 352, 353 Desired technology Accredited Arrhythmia Unit in hospitals >100 invasive EP procedures/y 350, 354 Dedicated RX lab 59, 350, 355, 356 Staffing >2 certified cardiologists accredited in arrhythmias 59, 356 358 Certified cardiologist accredited in arrhythmias responsible for the unit 356, 357, 359 Nurses with > 1 year experience in arrhythmias, ablation and device implantation and follow-up, minimal 2, desirable 3/ lab Arrhythmias nurse outpatient consult desirable (pacemarker and device follow-up) 356, 356b, 256c Accreditation Accredited Arrhythmia Unit (EHRA, SEA, Certification ISO 9001:2008) 357, 359 Patient services Arrhythmia Ablation, Pacemaker AND ICD, CRT implantation 59, 356 Arrhythmia outpatient clinic 59, 356 Electrophysiology and arrhythmias All nurses with > 1 year experience in arrhythmias, ablation and device implantation and follow-up minimal 2, desirable 3/lab Arrhythmias nurse outpatient consult desirable (PM and device follow-up) Complex procedures: Atrial Fibrillation. Recommended > 50 / year Complex procedures: ventricular Tachy recommended only in labs with > 100 general cath ablation procedures/year Pacemaker implants (10 implants/y, CRT> 10 implants/y 105. Radiation dose measure (fluoroscopy time / dose for patient and staff Electrophysiology and arrhythmias Interventional Cardiology 106. Cardiac Surgery Metric Recommendation References Structure. Resources directly related to patient care Hospital volumes Major cardiac surgery procedures. Recommended: >500 / year or > 70 / cardiac surgeron / year 161, 401 Desired technology Dedicated Cardiac surgery operating rooms, at least 1 full time 161 Fully staffed and equipped Cardiac Surgery Intensive Care Unit 401 Staffing Certified cardiac surgeons Anaesthesiologists, intensivist and cardiac surgeon accredited in post cardiac surgery intensive care Nurses assigned to cardiac surgery, experience > 1 y / operating room Accreditation Accredited cardiac surgery unit Patient services Urgent cardiac surgery Scheduled priority system 161 Prevention of infections protocol 161 Process of delivery care Protocols for evaluation and treatment according to ESC / AHA-ACC Guidelines Risk evaluation using protocols: Euro Score2, SINTAX, other 161 Protocols for indication of cardiac surgery, major procedures 320 HEART TEAM approach for all major surgery indications 161, 345, 346 Scheduled priority system Transfer protocols from hospitals type I and II to III Use of medication for secondary prevention at hospital discharge. Recommended > 90% in all hospitals 115 - 118 161, 377, Results Outcomes in selected populations as described in table # 5 Quality controls ESC / AHA-ACCC / Guideline adherence Prescription of appropriate medication for secondary prevention at hospital discharge Recommended: > 90% in patients without contraindications 115 - 118 161, 377, 398 Other: Waiting list, Infections, Bleeding and other complications, Recommended < mean value in local registries Cardiac Surgery Nurses assigned to cardiac surgery, experience > 1 year / operating room Major cardiac surgery procedures. Recommended > 500 year or > 70 / cardiac surgeron / year HEART TEAM approach for all major surgery indications. Including Nurses 107. A B Predicted Mortality Observed Mortality Trends in outcomes for mortality after AVR 108. La Enfermera Investigadora en Cardiologa en Sistema Nacional de Salud La Misin: Se que me voy a curar y, sobre todo, que ME VAN A CUIDAR 109. Master propio de Tecnicos en Ecocardiografia 110. 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 12000 14000 16000 18000 smoking cessation program, high risk CAD smoking cessation program, low risk CAD Post AMI ACE-inh Cardiac Rehab post AMI BBL post MI Statins (4S) CABG/PCI AAS Thrombolytic th. The cardiologist and smoking cessation. Aboyans, Victor; Thomas, Daniel; Lacroix, Philippe Current Opinion in Cardiology. 25(5):469-477, September 2010. DOI: 10.1097/HCO.0b013e32833cd4f7 Cost per life year gained Cambios en Estilo de Vida en Prevencin Secundaria. Lo mas coste-efectivo 111. R- EUReCa- Participacin Mapa por provincias de centros que participan en el registro segn dependencia funcional (n=91) 1 1 2 4 1 1 2 3 2 1 1 1 1 11 2 4 1 2 3 1 1 4 2 1 1 5 3 2 4 1 1 2 Privados (n=29) Pblicos (n=54) 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 Mutuas (n=8) 1 1 1 112. 80.2 8.8 2.2 2.21.1 1.1 1.1 2.2 1.1 Cardiologa Medicina fsica y rehabilitacin Medicina Interna Cardiologa y Rehabilitacin Cuidados intensivos INEF Fisioterpia Medicina y fisiologa del deporte No contestan R- EUReCa ESPECIALIDAD y DEDICACIN del director/coordinador/responsable del Programa de Rehabilitacin Cardiaca (PRC) Papel Central ENFERMERAESPECIALIDAD DEDICACIN n=91 n=91 27.5 72.5 Tiempo completo Tiempo parcial Fisioterapi a 113. R- EUReCa- Participacin Mapa por provincias de centros que participan en el registro segn dependencia funcional (n=91) 1 1 2 4 1 1 2 3 2 1 1 1 1 11 2 4 1 2 3 1 1 4 2 1 1 5 3 2 4 1 1 2 Privados (n=29) Pblicos (n=54) 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 Mutuas (n=8) 1 1 1 114. R- EUReCa % de centros n=91 Cules son las patologas ms frecuentes en el PRC en Fase II en el ao 2013? Porcentaje de centros. *En el caso de SCA con ciruga de By-pass, el porcentaje se corresponde con sta ltima 95.6 63.7 48.4 37.4 35.2 34.1 15.4 14.3 8.8 8.8 6.6 4.4 0 20 40 60 80 100 SCA con o sin EST Ciruga de By-pass aortocoronario ICP en angina estable Ciruga de recambio valvular Enfermedad coronaria crnica Insuficiencia Cardiaca Por implantacin de DAI Pacientes de alto riesgo cardiovascular Trasplante cardiaco Por implantacin de marcapasos Enfermedad Arterial Perifrica Correccin de cardiopata congnita 115. En 2013: 7434 pacientes rehabilitados 76.666 SCA 85% EC crnica + aguda 64 % fueron SCA 4.757 pacientes con SCA 6,2% 2.Escaso nmero de pacientes atendidos en las Unidades de Rehabilitacin Cardiaca La Rehabilitacin Cardaca uno de los grandes retos de la enfermera en Espaa 116. Proyecto para pacientes y profesionales La Enfermera como el Centro del Proceso 117. Coordinador: Dr. Lorenzo Fcila Dra. Almudena Castro 1. Desarrollo web 2. Paciente experto 1. MimoApp 2. MimoKids 1. MimoFarmacias 118. Integrating therapies Ibanez et al. JACC 2015 (In Press) 12/13 119. STEMI Heart Failure Heart Failure a nurse process Figure 1: Projected cumulative (2011 to 2025) economic losses from all non-communicable diseases worldwide. Adapted from ref 3. Figure 2: 1/16 120. Enfermera e Intervencionismo 121. Enfermera e Intervencionismo 122. La Enfermera en Cardiologa Intervencionista Atencin Paciente Intrumentacin Control Tcnico Control Material 123. ACS. An Extraordinary Journey Innovation Year Impact CCU Blue Code. Nurses 60 & 70 Mortality B-Blockers 70 Mortality Thrombolysis 80 Mortality ASA 80 Mortality 1 PCI 90 Mortality Statins Late 90 Mortality ASA+Clopi Late 90 Morbidity Better anticoagulation 00 Morbi-mortality Prasugrel, Ticagrelor 00 Morbi-mortality Team Work, STEMI code 00 Mortality? Hypothermia 10 Mortality? 30% 5% 124. IHD 2Prev. An Extraordinary Journey Innovation Year Impact B-Blockers 70 Mortality ASA 80 Mortality Life-style changes/Rehab 70-15 Mortality ACE Ih 80-90 Morbi-mortality Statins 90 Mortality Team Work 90 Mortality Revasc (subgroups) 00 Morbi-mortality Vorapaxar 13 Morbi-mortality Rivaroxaban 13 Morbi-mortality Ticagrelor 15 Morbi-mortality Ezetimibe 15 Morbi-mortality 10 %/y 2 %/y 125. Heart Failure. An Extraordinary Journey Innovation Year Impact ACE Inhibitors 80 Mortality B-Blockers 00 Mortality Aldosterone Recept Block 00 Mortality Defibril/Cardiac RT 00 Mortality Nurses Process 00 Mortality-morbi Cardiac Transplant 80-00 Mortality Ivabradin 10 Morbi-mortality? VA Devices 10 Morbi-mortality LCZ-696 14 Morbi-mortality Acute HF code 00-15 Mortality-Morbi? Gene therapy 15? Mortality? 40% 10% 126. Hospital I Low complexity II Intermediate Complexity III High Complexity Volume: Beds < 200 200 to 500 > 500 Volume: Cardio < 500 patients / year 500 to 1000 patients / year > 1000 patients / year Organization Cardiology not considered as an independent unit Cardiology independent unit (own beds) Cardiology independent unit (own beds) Intensive Cardiac Care Unit No, or yes but transfers complex patients to other hospitals Yes, No dedicated ICCU Dedicated ICCU Interventional cardiology unit No Yes, but complex cases are transferred to other hospitals PCI not available 24h / 7 days Yes, including complex cases PCI available 24h / 7 days Interventional electrophysiology No, except pacemakers Yes, but complex cases are transferred to other hospitals Yes, including ICD / CRT implantation, and treatment of complex arrhythmias Cardiac surgery No No Yes, available 24h / 7 days Transfer of patients All cases for PCI, complex arrhythmias & Cardiac Surgery Transfer of complex cases to another hospital including complex PCI, arrhythmias or surgery Minimal (e.g.: heart transplant) Receives complex patients from other hospitals INCARDIO. Clasificacin de los Hospitales 127. Metric Relevance Difficulty Auditable Evidence Comments All cause Mortality 1 1 1 A Self-evident. Reliable only in well organized, auditable registries / databases Cardiovascular Mortality 1 2 2 A Difficult to ascertain. Needs adjudication. Number of days in hospital 1 2 2 A Reason for hospitalization dependent of health care systems and individual preferences Number of days in any hospital 30 days after index hospitalization preferred to days in hospital until discharge if feasible Stroke 1 2 2 A Difficult to ascertain. Needs adjudication No reliable risk scores for corrections of results in different hospitals Re-infarction 1 2 2 A Difficult to ascertain. Needs adjudication Safety (Major bleeding, severe infections, medical errors, etc.) 1 2 2 A Difficult to ascertain. Needs adjudication and audits 128. Metric Suggested Reference Value Relevance Difficulty Auditable Evidence References Mortality* STEMI mortality (excluding patients unconscious at admission) < 5% (a) 1 1 1 A 115, 116, 131, 132,, 141 Non STE-ACS mortality (excluding patients unconscious at admission) < 5% (a) 1 1 1 A 117, 118, 131, 132, 141 Staged PCI mortality < 1% (a) 1 1 1 A 140-142 TAVI mortality < 10% (a) 1 1 1 A 147 - 149 VT after AMI and other complex catheter ablation mortality < 3% (a) 1 1 1 A 150 - 152 Pacemaker, ICD, CRT implant mortality < 1% (a) 1 1 1 A 153, 154 Heart Failure mortality < 7% (a) 1 1 1 A 160, 161 Staged 1st Aortic valve surgery replacement mortality (excluding TAVI) < 5% (a) < 7% (b) 1 1 1 A 159 - 161 Staged 1st Mitral valve surgery replacement mortality < 7% (a) < 9% (b) 1 1 1 A 159 - 161 Staged 1st Mitral valve surgery repair mortality < 3% (a) < 5% (b) 1 1 1 A 159 - 161 Staged 1st CABG (without combined surgery) mortality < 3% (a) < 5% (b) 1 1 1 A 159 - 161 Staged 1st combined CABG + AVR mortality < 6% (a) < 8% (b) 1 1 1 A 159 - 161 Heart transplant < 15% (a) (c) 1 1 1 A 161b INCARDIO STEMI mortality 300.000 214 - 216 Patient services Cardiologist on call / 24 hours Recommended in hospitals type II and III 199 Rehabilitation program. Recommended in all hospitals, in house or in a reference hospital 220 - 222 Accreditation External accreditation of specific units 220 - 225 Process of delivery care for diagnosis, treatment, prevention and patient education Local protocols Local protocols for diagnosis and treatment for prevalent GRDs based on ESC /AHA-ACC guidelines: acute coronary syndromes, acute chest pain, chronic stable ischemic heart disease, valvular heart disease, heart failure, pulmonary embolism, myocardiopathies, aortic disease, preoperative cardiovascular evaluation protocols, adult congenital heart disease, atrial fibrillation, syncope, pulmonary hypertension, pericardial diseases, cardiovascular disease during pregnancy. Recommended in all hospitals 104, 105 226 244 Multidisciplinary protocols Heart Team Multidisciplinary protocols with related specialties Avoid duplicity of units in the same hospital (e.g.: heart failure) 103, 104, 245 Regional STEMI protocol 123, 246, 247 Hospital approved protocols for derivation to other hospitals in case of need for other services: Recommended in hospitals w/out the required technology 59 Waiting list Waiting list for 1st medical outpatient visit < 40 days. Recommended in all hospitals < 1,7 / 1000 population covered by hospital 248 - 251 Safety. All hospitals should identify possible safety problems and organized local quality programs in a yearly basis. 59 Results Outcomes in selected populations as described in table # 5 Quality controls: Adherence to guidelines Adherence to local protocols for diagnosis and treatment based on ESC / AHA/ACC guidelines Recommended > 90% in all hospitals 11, 103, 104 192 - 194 252-254 Clinical Cardiology Nurses with Cardiology experience in type II and III h. Rehabilitation program, all hospitals ICCU: Recommended 4-5 beds/100.000 inhabitants 136. Cardiac imaging Metric Recommendation References Structure. Resources directly related to patient care Hospital volumes TTE, TOE, stress echo: recommended: > 1500 and 300 / studies / staff / y) 265, 266 CCT studies (recommended > 250 / year) 267 CMR studies (recommended > 300 / year)* Desired technology TTE, in all hospitals. TOE and stress echo, in type II and III hospitals. 3D echo in type III hospitals. CCT, SPECT or PET Scanner and CMR in-house type II and III hospitals or in reference hospital. 194, 255 - 264 Staffing Cardiac Imaging certified cardiologists (recommended 1 per technique: Echo, CMR, CCT), Level 2/3 194, 255 - 264 Certified technicians (recommended 1 per technique) in all hospitals Nurses with experience in stress testing and transesophagic ECHO 194, 255 264, 264b Accreditation Official accreditation (ESC or similar) of Echo lab, CCT lab, CMR lab 194, 255 - 264 Patient services TT Echocardiography available 24/7/365 in hospitals II and III Process of delivery of care for diagnosis and treatment Local protocols For indications based on ESC /AHA.ACC guidelines for each technique 204, 205, 267 - 276 Protocols to reduce radiation from CCT All cases < 15 mSv 273 -275 Waiting list Outpatient, nonurgent, studies, recommended 100% < 30 days 194 Hospitalized patient, recommended 90%) 264, 282, 285 Report of radiation dose Recommended in 100% of cases (CCT) 272, 286, 287 Waiting list Recommended: < mean value in local registries Cardiac Imaging Certified technicians (recommended > 1 per technique) Nurses with experience in stress echo and TEE TTE available 24/7/365 in hospitals II and III 137. Enfermera Cardiolgica e Imagen Cardiovascular 138. Acute cardiac care / Intensive cardiac care Metric Recommendation References Structure. Resources directly related to patient care Hospital volumes 4-5 ICCU beds / 100.000 inhabitants 198 Desired technology Intensive care environment technology 198 Staffing All nurses with > 1 year cardiology experience. Experience in acute cardiac care 198 At least 1 cardiologist certified in acute coronary care (optimal: 1 / 3-4 beds) 198 Cardiologist on call 24/h (recommended in hospitals > 300.000) 198 Accreditation At least 1 cardiologist accredited in acute cardiac care 198 Any accreditation conferred by any external organizations 198 Patient services Regional network for STEMI and other ACS 115 Cath lab available 2/7 115 Bundle of care treatment for sudden death (includes temperature management) 14528 Risk stratification (GRACE, TIMI, CRUSADE) 115 - 118, 223 Process of delivery care for diagnosis, treatment, prevention and patient education Local protocols based on ESC /AHA- ACC guidelines STEMI and Non-STEMI protocols 115 - 118, 145 Optimal medical treatments according to ESC / AHA ACC guidelines 115 - 118 Multidisciplinary protocols Prehospital systems, emergency department, cardiac unit. 115 - 118 Heart failure: Cardiac unit, internal medicine, emergency department 289, 290 Results Outcomes in selected populations as described in table # 5 Quality controls Adherence to ESC / AHA-ACC guidelines Patients with primary PCI in STEMI: > mean value in national registries Time to call-door-balloon/lytic: < 60 min after STEMI diagnosis Fibrinolytic therapy < 30 min after STEMI diagnosis Patients with dual antiplatelet therapy in ACS: > mean value in national registries Patients with statins at discharge: > mean value in national registries Aspirin at admission: > mean value in national registries 115 - 118 Safety Infections: Recommended < mean value in national registries Transfusions: Recommended < mean value in national registries 115 - 118 291 Acute cardiac care / Intensive cardiac care All nurses with > 1 year cardiology experience. Experience in acute cardiac care Cardiologist on call 24 h (recommended in hospitals > 300.000) 139. Interventional Cardiology All nurses with > 1 year experience in cath lab, minimal 2, desirable 3/lab HEART TEAM decision in all non-emergency procedures including nurses PCI: optimal > 400 year: If < 200 year, cath lab should be part of a larger network PCI per operator > 70 year Primary PCI > 36-50 year (PPCI per operator > 11 / year 140. Desigualdades Interterritoriales (IAM. 2012) 6 6,5 7 7,5 8 8,5 9 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 RAMER(%) Tasa ICP-p Milln Hab RECALCAR 2012 STEMI. Risk-adjusted Mortality 141. Desigualdades Interterritoriales (IAM. 2012) Lmite inferior Lmite superior Mortalidad_IAM_esperada ,876 ,003 0,000 ,870 ,881 Mortalidad_IAM_prevista ,882 ,003 0,000 ,876 ,888 Mortalidad_IAM_nulo ,598 ,005 ,000 ,589 ,607 Variables resultado de contraste rea EE p Intervalo de confianza asinttico al 95% OR Sexo (Mujer vs Hombre)1,214 1,116 1,320 Edad (ao) 1,069 1,065 1,074 Shock 23,152 20,818 25,748 DM comp 1,608 1,400 1,846 ICC 1,730 1,589 1,883 ECV 2,283 2,003 2,602 Tumor 1,994 1,662 2,395 EAP 2,153 1,599 2,897 IRA 2,631 2,379 2,912 Arritmia 1,749 1,609 1,899 Centro: Identity |0.3431 0,265 0,397 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ LR test vs. logistic regression: chibar2(01) = 86.73 Prob>=chibar2 = 0.0000 IC95% El ajuste llevado a cabo por la SEC es mas completo. Ajustes por edad y sexo son extraordinariamente limitados 142. Radiation dose measure (fluoroscopy time / dose for patient and staff Electrophysiology and arrhythmias Interventional Cardiology 143. Electrophysiology and arrhythmias Metric Recommendation References Structure. Resources directly related to patient care Hospital volumes Complex procedures: Atrial Fibrillation. Recommended > 50 / year 347 - 350 Complex procedures: Ventricular tachycardia. Recommended only in labs with >100 general catheter ablation procedures/y. 133, 350, 351 Non-complex procedures (ablation of paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia, AV nodal ablation, and common atrial flutter. Recommended >100 procedures/year. 350, 351 Pacemaker implants (>12 implants/y per operator), ICDs (>10 implants/y), and CRTs (>10 implants/y) 352, 353 Desired technology Accredited Arrhythmia Unit in hospitals >100 invasive EP procedures/y 350, 354 Dedicated RX lab 59, 350, 355, 356 Staffing >2 certified cardiologists accredited in arrhythmias 59, 356 358 Certified cardiologist accredited in arrhythmias responsible for the unit 356, 357, 359 Nurses with > 1 year experience in arrhythmias, ablation and device implantation and follow-up, minimal 2, desirable 3/ lab Arrhythmias nurse outpatient consult desirable (pacemarker and device follow-up) 356, 356b, 256c Accreditation Accredited Arrhythmia Unit (EHRA, SEA, Certification ISO 9001:2008) 357, 359 Patient services Arrhythmia Ablation, Pacemaker AND ICD, CRT implantation 59, 356 Arrhythmia outpatient clinic 59, 356 Electrophysiology and arrhythmias All nurses with > 1 year experience in arrhythmias, ablation and device implantation and follow-up minimal 2, desirable 3/lab Arrhythmias nurse outpatient consult desirable (PM and device follow-up) Complex procedures: Atrial Fibrillation. Recommended > 50 / year Complex procedures: ventricular Tachy recommended only in labs with > 100 general cath ablation procedures/year Pacemaker implants (10 implants/y, CRT> 10 implants/y 144. Heart Failure Units Metric Recommendation Reference s Structure. Resources directly related to patient care Hospital volumes N patients with heart failure discharged from hospital Desired technology Natriuretic peptides 120, 156, 369 Type II and III hospitals: ECHO available 24 hours. Multidisciplinary heart failure outpatient clinic., ICD and CRT therapy 11, 120, 369, 371- 373 Type III hospitals: Intensive CCU, Circulatory assist devices 120, 369 Staffing Type II and III hospitals: Cardiologists assigned to heart failure management 11, 119 Type III hospitals: Accredited cardiologists assigned to advanced heart failure program 11, 119 Type III hospitals: Specialized nurses assigned to heart failure management . Nurse outpatient consult 11, 119, 213, 371- 373 Accreditation Type III hospitals: Accredited multidisciplinary Heart failure program, including cardiologists, internal medicine, oncology, rehabilitation specialists, internal medicine, general physicians, other 120, 369 Type III hospitals: Accredited Advanced heart failure cardiologists 372 Patient services Type III hospitals: Heart failure outpatient clinic 11, 156, 157, 120, 369, 370 Type III hospitals: Heart failure in-hospital management program 156, 157, 120, 369, 370 , All hospitals: On site or access to Rehabilitation, advance heart failure unit, heart transplant, complex pulmonary hypertension units and palliative care units 120, 369, 373 Heart Failure Units Type III hospitals: Specialized nurses assigned to heart failure management. Nurse outpatient clinic. N patients with HF discharged from hospital