Research and planning draft 3 part 1 a




Transcript of Research and planning draft 3 part 1 a

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Part D

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Documentaries I’ve watched and have been inspired by

• 1) Supermarket Prices• This was shown on BBC

and it was about how supermarkets prices may trick us into spending more or not that much less money.

• This inspired me as the presenter was investigating by using hidden cameras which I found interesting.

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• 2) A Look into Supermarket Label Claims• This was about the labels on foods in the supermarket

and their claims. Whether they are true or false. • What inspired me was that they experimented this on

normal people and investigated into the product.•

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• 3) The Food that make Billions• This was a radio documentary which looked at

3 types of food (water, cereal and yogurt) and investigated whether the prices they are sold at are worth it.


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• 4) Dispatches - Supermarket Secrets• This was about how chicken is produced, why it is

sold so cheap and whether it is good. This is similar to our first idea and some of our final ideas.

• What inspired me was the voiceover explaining that some images were shocking and warned the audience. The presenter was also very involved in the research.

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Food, inc.

• 2008, American documentary

• Looks at corporate farming• Broken up into three

segments• 1. industrial meat

production• 2. industrial veg/grain

production• 3. economic power


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• Good point of view shot, one I’d like to use in our work when in the store.

• Highlights the enormity of the supermarket


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• This is a highly successful way of moving the narrative along and keeping the audience informed so they understand what’s happening

• I think doing this may come in handy


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• The use of depth of field makes the shot interesting and highlights the point the woman was making very well


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HOW TO BUILD: a nuclear submarine

• 2010, British documentary• Looks at the design and build of a nuclear sub


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• Inspirational because it is shows the model of the submarine as it appears on the computer


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• Quick shots following each other introducing people to us, there isnt captions so we want to find out more


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• Close up shot, filmed with a side helmet camera it looks like from the grain of it. Gives the audience a different perspective.


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• Inspirational because it is de-saturated and links with the industrial idea of the documentary


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Inspirational DocumentariesFood Inc is a Film documentary it explores the mass production about food, how its grown rapidly over the years, fast farming . ‘larger world’. Use objects of the text as

a title format.

We could use a similar image to show the difference between organic and battery products.

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N o title straight away narrator voice over followed by images .

All print screen images taken from -------->

Interview different people as they eat etc

Long shot of super martket
