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    1. Allowing Network Access with Blank Passwords (XP and Vista)

    Although you can log in locally without a password, by default, WindowsXP Prodoes not allow network users to access the computer without a password.

    Typically you will receive an Unknown error 31 if this is the case.

    To change this setting:

    Run gpedit.mscGo to Computer Configuration / Windows Settings / Security Settings / LocalPolicies / Security OptionsDouble click on Accounts: Limit local account use of blank passwords to consolelogin onlyDisable this option


    2. Disabling the F3 Search Key

    If you want to disable the ability to use the F3 key from either the WindowsExplorer or Internet Explorer

    Start Regedit

    Go to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Policies\Microsoft\InternetExplorer\RestrictionsCreate a Dword value called NoFindFilesGive it a value of 1Reboot


    3. Preventing Changes to File Associations

    You can prevent users from changing associations via Windows Explorer's Tools/ Folder Options / File Types tab.

    Start RegeditGo to HKEY_CURRENT_USER \ Software \ Microsoft \ Windows \CurrentVersion \ Policies \ ExploreCreate REG_DWORD data type NoFileAssociateGive it a value of 1

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    4. Locking File Associations

    If you have your file associations the way you want for a particular file type, you

    can remove it from the list that gets displayed in the Folder Options / File Typesscreen

    Start RegeditGo to HKEY_CLASSES_ROOTScroll to the file association you want to lock.In the right panel, create a new Binary valueCall it EditFlagsGive it a value of 01 00 00 00Now when you go to the Folder Options / File Types screen, you won't see thatfile type listed.


    5.Turning off System Beeps

    If you want to turn off all system beeps (like the ones that go through yourcomputers' internal speaker):

    Start RegeditGo to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\SoundEdit the key Beep and give it a value of No


    6. Changing the Location Of Special Folders

    You can modify the registry to change the location of special folders like:

    My DocumentsFavoritesMy PicturesPersonalStart Regedit

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    Go toHKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\User Shell FoldersDouble click on any locations you want to change and alter the path Logoff or restart for the changes to go into effect

    Note: TweakUI from Microsoft will allow you to make these changes from adialog box as well


    7. Deleting Specific Registry Value

    In a previous tip, Automatically Deleting a Registry Key, it was mentioned how toremove an entire registry key.

    If you want to simply remove a specific value within a key, use the syntax below:

    [Registry Key]"value"=-

    For example:


    would delete the value MSCONFIG.


    8.Setting the Recycle Bin to Always Delete

    You can set the recycle bin to always delete items (like holding down the shiftkey when dragging files to the recycle bin)

    Start RegeditGo to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SOFTWARE \ Microsoft \ Windows \CurrentVersion \ Explorer \ BitBucketSet the key NukeOnDelete to 1

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    9.Setting the Internet Explorer Home Page

    If you want to set the home page used by Internet Explorer through the registry

    Start RegeditGo to HKey_Current_User \ Software \ Microsoft \ Internet Explorer \ MainGive the Start Page key the string value you wish set as homepage


    10.Preparing to Move Hard Drive to Another Computer

    To remove the devices from device manager when taking a HD from onecomputer to another,simply:

    Run RegeditGo to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\ and delete the Enum sectionThis removes all of the hardware specific settings


    11. Comparing Registries

    While working with changes to your system, you might want to see what ischanging in your Registry.Since you can export it to a text file, the steps are fairly easy

    Start RegeditWith the very top level select - My Computer, on the Toolbar select Registry /Export Registry File

    I usually save it to the root of the C: drive with the name before (you don't need toadd an extension)Make the change to your systemGo back to RegeditPress F5 to update itExport the Registry like step 2Name the file after and have it go in the same directoryOpen up a DOS window

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    Go to the directory where the two exported files areEnter FC before.reg after.reg > diff.txtThen you can edit diff.txt with your favorite text editor.Note: I do the last steps so often I have a simple batch file already set up.


    12.Setting Excel 2000 High-Contrast Cell Selection

    If you want to increase the contrast in selected cells:

    Start RegeditGo to HKEY_CURRENT_USER \ Software \ Microsoft \ Office \ 9.0 \ Excel \Options

    Add a DWORD value call Options6Give it a value of 16Now when you select cells, they will be white on black.


    13.Changing Common Icons

    You can change many of the common Windows icons.

    Start RegeditGo to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SOFTWARE \ Microsoft \ Windows \CurrentVersion \ explorer \ Shell IconsThe default icons are numbered in the right panel from 0-40Double click on the number of the particular icon you want to change. See thechart below.Enter the name of the icon file you want to use followed by the number of theicon in that file.Note: The numbering starts with zero.If you use a single .ICO file, it should be followed by a 0. e.g. - filename.dll,4 - This would actually be the 5th icon since it starts with 0.

    Make sure you delete the hidden file C:\WINDOWS\SHELLICONCACHE0-13 Are the Drive and Application Icons0 - To change the Unknown Application Icon2 - To change the Default Application Icon3 - To change the Closed Folder Icon4 - To change the Open Folder Icon5 - To change the 5 1/4" Floppy Icon6 - To change the 3 1/2" Floppy Icon

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    7 - To change the Removable Disk Icon8 - To change the Hard Drive Icon9 - To change the Network Drive Online Icon10 - To change the Network Drive Offline Icon11 - To change the CD Drive Icon

    12 - To change the Ramdrive Icon

    13 - To change the Entire Network Icon

    19-27 Are the Start Menu Icons19 - To change the Programs Icon20 - To change the Documents Icon21 - To change the Settings Icon22 - To change the Find Icon23 - To change the Help Icon24 - To change the Run Icon27 - To change the Shutdown Icon

    Other Icons33 - To change the DUN Folder Icon34 - To change the Desktop Icon35 - To change the Control Panel Icon37 - To change the Printer Folder Icon40 - To change the Audio CD Icon43 - To change the Favorites Icon44 - To change the Logoff Icon


    14.Prevent Changes to the Start Menu

    To prevent any changes to the Start Menu, even a right click:

    Start RegeditGo to HKEY_CURRENT_USER \ Software \ Microsoft \ Windows \CurrentVersion \ Policies \ ExplorerAdd a DWORD called NoChangeStartMenu

    Give it a value of 1


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    15.DOS Restrictions

    There are restrictions you can make to the ability to execute DOS programs

    Start RegeditGo to HKEY_Current_User / Software / Microsoft / Windows / CurrentVersion /PoliciesCreate a new key under Policies called WinOldAppYou can then add DWORD values set to 1 in the appropriate keysTo re-enable them, either delete the key or set the value to 0Disabled - Disable MS-DOS PromptNoRealMode - Disables Single-Mode MS-DOS


    16.Networking Restrictions

    There are general restrictions you can make in Networking

    Start RegeditGo to HKEY_Current_User / Software / Microsoft / Windows / CurrentVersion /PoliciesCreate a new key under Policies called NetworkYou can then add DWORD values set to 1 in the appropriate keysTo re-enable them, either delete the key or set the value to 0

    DisablePwdCaching = Password CachingHideSharePwds [hex] =Shared PasswordsNoEntireNetwork =Entire NetworkNoNetSetup =Network appletNoNetSetupIDPage =Network Identification tabNoNetSetupSecurityPage =Network Access tabNoFileSharing =Network File Sharing buttonMinPwdLen = set Minimum Password Length (integer number: 0 - 99)NoPrintSharing =Network Print Sharing buttonNoWorkgroupContents =Network Workgroup


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    17.Control Panel Restrictions

    There are many general restrictions you can make to the Control Panel

    Start RegeditGo to HKEY_Current_User / Software / Microsoft / Windows / CurrentVersion /PoliciesCreate a new keys under Policies called SystemYou can then add DWORD values set to 1 in the appropriate keysTo re-enable them, either delete the key or set the value to 0NoDispCPL - Disable Display Control PanelNoDispBackgroundPage - Hide Background PageNoDispScrSavPage - Hide Screen Saver PageNoDispAppearancePage - Hide Appearance PageNoDispSettingsPage - Hide Settings Page

    NoSecCPL - Disable Password Control PanelNoPwdPage - Hide Password Change PageNoAdminPage - Hide Remote Administration PageNoProfilePage - Hide User Profiles PageNoDevMgrPage - Hide Device Manager PageNoConfigPage - Hide Hardware Profiles PageNoFileSysPage - Hide File System ButtonNoVirtMemPage - Hide Virtual Memory Button


    18.Restricting the Start Menu, Explorer and the Desktop

    There are many general restrictions you can make to the Start Menu, theExplorer and to the Desktop itself.

    Start RegeditGo to HKEY_Current_User / Software / Microsoft / Windows / CurrentVersion /PoliciesThere should already be at least a Explorer section there alreadyAdditional keys that can be created under Policies are WinOldApp

    You can then add DWORD values set to 1 in the appropriate keysTo re-enable them, either delete the key or set the value to 0ClearRecentDocsOnExit = Clear of Recent Documents on ExitNoAddPrinter = Adding new printersNoClose = Computer ShutdownNoDeletePrinter = Delete Installed PrintersNoDesktop = Doesn't show Desktop items as well as and Desktop right-clickmenu

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    NoDevMgrUpdate = Windows 98/ME web Update ManagerNoDrives [hex] = Hides Drives in my computerNoFind = Find commandNoInternetIcon = Internet Icon on DesktopNoNetHood = Network Neighborhood

    NoRecentDocsHistory = Recent Documents in Start Menu

    NoRun = Run commandNoSaveSettings = Save Settings on exitNoSetFolders = Folders in Start Menu -> SettingsNoSetTaskbar = Taskbar in Start Menu -> SettingsNoSMMyDocs = My Documents folder in Start MenuNoSMMyPictures = My Pictures folder in Start MenuNoWindowsUpdate = Windows web Update


    19.Changing Office 2000's Excel Undo History

    By default, Excel has only approximately 16 undo's you can perform.

    To increase that number:

    Start RegeditGo to HKEY_CURRENT_USER \ Software \ Microsoft \ Office \ 9.0 \ Excel \OptionsAdd a dword called UndoHistory

    Give it the value you want for the amount you want.


    20.Changing the Title on Windows Media Player

    You can change the title bar for the Windows Media Player

    Start RegeditGo to HKEY_USERS \ .DEFAULT \ Software \ Policies \ Microsoft \

    WindowsMediaPlayerCreate a string value of TitleBarGive it a value of whatever you want to appear in the title bar


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    21.Eliminating the Right Click on the Taskbar

    To eliminate the right click on the taskbar:

    Start Regedit

    Start RegeditGo to HKEY_CURRENT_USER \ Software \ Microsoft \ Windows \CurrentVersion \ Policies \ ExplorerAdd a DWORD and give it a name of NoTrayContextMenuGive it a value of 1Reboot


    22.Eliminating the Right Click on the Desktop

    To eliminate the right click on the desktop:

    Start RegeditGo to HKEY_CURRENT_USER \ Software \ Microsoft \ Windows \CurrentVersion \ Policies \ ExplorerAdd a DWORD and give it a name of NoViewContextMenu

    Give it a value of 1Reboot


    23. Turning Off the Help on Min, Max, Close Icons

    When the mouse goes over the minimize, maximize and close icons on the upper

    right hand side of a window, you normally get a display telling you want those arefor.To disable that display:

    Start RegeditGo to HKEY_CURRENT_USER \ Control Panel \ DesktopCreate a String Value called MinMaxCloseGive it a value of 1

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    24.Adding Open With to the Right Click in the Explorer

    To add the option Open With when you right click on a file in the Explorer:

    Start RegeditGo to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ Software \ CLASSES \* \ shell \ openas \commandIf this key isn't there then just create itGive it the value of C:\WINDOWS\rundll32.exe shell32.dll,OpenAs_RunDLL %1


    25.Automatically Deleting a Registry Key

    Normally you cannot automatically delete registry keys from reg file. But there isa way...

    Simply include a minus sign inside the left bracket before the main key.

    For example.If you want to delete the key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ Software \ Microsoft \Office \ 8.0 \ Common \ Assistants, your regfile would simply look like:



    This would delete that key and any below it.


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    26.Fixing no AutoRun for CDs

    If your CDs have stop starting automatically, and you have checked everythingelse:

    Go toHKEY_USERS\.Default\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\ExplorerThe value for NoDriveTypeAutoRun should be set to 95 00 00 00Download reg file


    27.Renaming the File System Profiles

    In the Control Panel / System / Performance / File System, you can select eitherDesktop Computer, Mobile or docking system, or Network Server.You can change these labels to something more descriptive:

    Start RegeditGo to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE / Software / Microsoft / Windows / CurrentVersion / FS TemplatesYou can change the text that appears under each key


    28.Sticky Menus

    Normally when you move the mouse over the Start Menu / Programs, it willautomatically cascade and show the submenus.If you want them to open only when you actually click on them:

    Start RegeditGo to HKEY_CURRENT_USER \ Control Panel \ Desktop

    If if it not already there, create a string called MenuShowDelayGive it a value of 65534


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    29.Automatic Shutdown with Windows NT

    Most laptops allow the operating system to turn off the hardware after shutdown,instead of displaying the message telling you it's now safe to turn off your

    system.You can take advantage of this capability by enabling the Power Down AfterShutdown feature.

    To enable this feature, simply add a REG_SZ value namedHKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\WindowsNT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon\PowerdownAfterShutDown and set it to 1.

    Next, tell NT to shut down and see if the machine turns itself off after shuttingdown. If it doesn't, change the value back to 0 to restore normal operation.


    30.Kill Hung Processes When Logging Off in Windows NT

    When you tell NT to shut down, it first sends shutdown requests to any runningprocesses.Most 32-bit applications honor these requests and shut down, but older 16-bitapps running in the Virtual DOS Machine often won't.

    When this occurs, the operating system prompts you with a dialog box asking ifyou want to kill the task, wait for the task to die on its own, or cancel theshutdown.By modifying the Registry, you can automate this process.

    You can force NT to kill all running processes on shutdown by adding a REG_SZvalue named HKEY_USER\\ControlPanel\Desktop\AutoEndTasks and set thevalue to 1. You can also add this value to HKEY_USERS\.DEFAULT so that allnew accounts will shut down the same way.


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    31.NT Crash Log File

    In addition to the crash log file, you can also enable two other methods of crash

    notification and logging.

    You can enable an administrative alert by changing the value of

    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\CrashControl\SendAlert to 1. The next time the system crashes, an administrative alert will besent that may provide the first sign of the crash.

    You can also make NT log the crash in the event log by changing the value of

    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\CrashControl\LogEventto 1 instead of its default 0. Now, the exact time of the crash will be permanentlyrecorded.


    32.Changing the Location of Outlook Express Data Files

    Normally Outlook Express keeps its data files in the C:\Windows\ApplicationData\Microsoft\Outlook Express directory.

    To change this:

    First copy those files to the new locationStart RegEditGo to HKEY_CURRENT_USER \ Software \ Microsoft \ Outlook ExpressChange the Store Root key to the directory where you moved the files


    33.Disabling the Blinking Cursor

    To stop the cursor from blinking in applications such as Word:

    Start RegeditGo to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop

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    Add a String ValueName it CursorBlinkRateGive it a value of -1Reboot the computer


    34.Re-Enabling DHCP Error Messages

    If you got a DHCP error message, selected to not see DHCP errors, and nowwant to see them again;

    Start RegeditGo to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ System \ CurrentControlSet \ Services \ VxD \

    DHCPChange the value of PopupFlag from 00 to 01


    35.Getting Rid of Schemes

    A safer way would be is to go to the Control Panel / Display / Appearance tab Go to the Scheme drop down boxSelect the one you don't want and click on the delete button

    When you right click on your desktop and pick properties your Display Propertiesscreen appears.Under Appearance tab / Schemes, determine if you want all those wild schemes.If not they can be deleted and clear approximately 45K.Before you delete them, choose or create at least 1 Scheme and "Save As" (inmy case Bud 1).

    Open RegeditGo to HKEY_CURRENT_USER \ Control Panel \ Appearance \ Schemes

    Highlight every String and Value on the right side and delete. DO NOT DELETE"Default"


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    36.Hiding Any Combination of Drives

    If you want to stop a drive or any combination of drives appearing in Explorer/MyComputer

    Add the Binary Value of 'NoDrives' in the registry atHKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer

    Give it a value from a combination of the table below:

    A 1 00 00 00B 2 00 00 00C 4 00 00 00D 8 00 00 00

    E 16 00 00 00F 32 00 00 00G 64 00 00 00H 128 00 00 00I 00 1 00 00J 00 2 00 00K 00 4 00 00L 00 8 00 00M 00 16 00 00N 00 32 00 00O 00 64 00 00

    P 00 128 00 00

    Q 00 00 1 00R 00 00 2 00S 00 00 4 00T 00 00 8 00U 00 00 16 00V 00 00 32 00W 00 00 64 00X 00 00 128 00Y 00 00 00 1Z 00 00 00 2

    Where (for eg) you want to hide Drives {C,E,J,O,R,U,Y,Z} you would give'NoDrives' the value 1442 12 03Where C+E = 14, J+O = 42, R+U=12 and Y+Z = 03Please NOTE: The Numbers are to be added in HEXadecimalie: ABCD = 0F, not15 All Drives Visible is 00 00 00 00 All Drives Hidden is FF FFFF 03

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    37.Creating a Legal Text Notice Before Logon

    You can create a banner that will come up just before you logon to the computer:

    Start RegeditGo to HKeyLocalMachine \ SOFTWARE \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \WinLogonCreate a new string value called LegalNoticeCaption and give it a value you wantto see in the menu barCreate a new string value called LegalNoticeText and give it a value you want tosee in the dialog box

    Now before anyone logs into that computer, this banner will come up on thescreen.This can be useful for any legal warnings you want to give regarding the use ofthe computer.


    38.Removing the Hand Icon from Shared Resources

    When you share a local resource, Windows95 normally puts a hand in from ofthat resources icon.To remove hand icon from your shared resources:

    Start Regedit.Go to HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT / NetworkOpen SharingHandler.Clear it's default valueRestart Windows.To restore set Default value "msshrui.dll".


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    39.Enabling the Middle Mouse Button on Logitech MouseTo enable the middle mouse button on Logitech Mouses to act as a double-clickbutton by only pressing it once:

    Run Regedit



    40.Easily Opening a File with Notepad

    This will enable you to right click on any file and have the option to open it withnotepad.Also if a file has no association and you try to open it it will open with notepad

    Run 'regedit.exe'Expand "HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT"Inside "HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT", expand "*"Inside "*", create a key called "shell"Inside "shell" create a key called "open"Inside "open" edit the string "(default)" to say "open (notepad)"

    Inside "open" create a key called "command"Inside "command" edit the string "(default)" to say C:\WINDOWS\NOTEPAD.EXE"%1"


    41.Displaying Hi-Color Icons without the Plus Pack

    Start Regedit

    Go to HKEY_CURRENT_USER \ Control Panel \ desktop \ WindowMetricsAdd or edit Shell Icon BPP=16 where the number is the color depth.The default is 8 (bit or 256 colors).


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    42.Backing Up the Registry

    There are many backup programs for the registry but if the computer goes downand you can't fire off Win95 because of the registry problem.

    Backup to a directory the following files:

    SYSTEM.DATASYSTEM.DA0 (Yes seem to be the same size)USER.DATUSER.DA0 (Same size likely)WIN.INICONTROL.INISYSTEM.INIThese files can be copied to the windows directory from Win95 or DOS to helpcorrect problems.


    43.Removing Unwanted Items from the RUN Menu

    Start the REGEDIT programSearch for the word RUNMRUDelete the ones you don't wantRename so they are all in alphabetical order again

    Close and restart windows


    44.Opening a DOS Window to either the Drive or Directory in Explorer

    Add or Edit the following Registry Keys

    [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Directory\shell\opennew] @="Dos Prompt in that Directory"

    [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Directory\shell\opennew\command] @=" /k cd %1"

    [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Drive\shell\opennew]@="Dos Prompt in that Drive"

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    [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Drive\shell\opennew\command] @=" /k cd %1"

    These will allow you to right click on either the drive or the directory and the

    option of starting the dos prompt there will pop up


    45.Compacting the Registry

    How to compact the registry?

    Got to true DOS, not a DOS windowRun Regedit and then export the entire Registry to COMPACT.REG. Then exit regedit and run it again with the following switch. REGEDIT /CCOMPACT.REG


    46.Changing Exchange's Mailbox Location

    When you create a mailbox in Exchange for e-mail, you specify the file whereyou want to mail to go.You cannot change this in Exchange afterwards.

    If you want to change the file name or location::

    Start RegeditGo to HKEY_CURRENT_USER \ Software \ Microsoft \ WindowsMessagingSubsystem \ ProfilesGo to the profile you want to change

    Go to the section that has the file location for your mailbox (*.PST) file in the righthand panelMake the change to file location or nameRestart Exchange


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    47.Removing Sound Events from Control Panel / Sounds

    When you view what events you can assign sounds to from Control Panel /

    Sounds,you cannot delete the events themselves. In order to do that:

    Start RegeditGo to HKEY_CURRENT_USER / AppEvents / Schemes / Apps From here you can delete any items you don't want to show or no longer need.


    48.Changing the Registered Owner

    Starting RegeditGo to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE / SOFTWARE / Microsoft / Windows /CurrentVersionFrom there you can edit the name in the Registered Owner key


    49.Adding an Application to the Right Click on Every Folder

    Here is how to add any application to the menu when you right click on anyFolder.This could be useful if there is an app you always want available and don't wantto go through the Start menu

    Start RegeditGo to HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT \ Folder \ shellAdd a key Name_of_Your_AppThis can really be any label, just use one that makes sense to you

    Give it a default value of Name_of_Your_AppPutting a & in front of a character will allow you to use the keyboard Go to HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT \ Folder \ shell \ Name_of_Your_AppAdd a key commandGive it a default value of the application you want to runFor example: c:\program files\internet explorer\iexplore.exeInclude the full pathNow when you right click on any folder, you can have access to that application

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    This will work for both Windows95 and NT 4.0


    50.Adding Explore From Here to Every Folder

    Start RegeditGo to HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT \ Folder \ shellAdd a key rootexploreGive it a default value of E&xplore From Here Go to HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT \ Folder \ shell \ rootexploreAdd a key commandGive it a default value of Explorer.exe /e,/root,/idlist,%i

    Now when you right click on any folder, you can open up an Explorer window ofthat folder.This will work for both Windows95 and NT 4.0


    51.Saving Desktop Settings

    When I would go to Control Panel or Start Menu Programs, or any other Desktopwindow setting; meaning size, position, icon arrangement, they would never beas I set them. I found an answer:

    At[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer]There is a "NoSaveSettings" key. I deleted it and now my all my stuff stays whereI tell it.The same key shows up at:[HKEY_USERS\bwil\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Explor

    er](where bwil is your password profile) Just thought I'd share this with you all.


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    52.Getting Rid of TipsRemember those "Tips of the day" that appeared when you first install Win95?If you don't want them any longer and want to clear yet more Clutter,approximately 5K, you can delete them at:

    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SOFTWARE \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion\ explorer \ Tips


    53.Changing the Location of Windows95's Installation Files

    If you need to change the drive and or path where Windows95 will look for it's

    installation files:

    Start RegeditGo to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SOFTWARE \ Microsoft \ Windows \CurrentVersion \ Setup \ SourcePathChange the location from there


    54.Creating a Network Logon Banner

    If you want to create a Network Logon Banner:

    Start RegeditGo ToHKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\WinlogonCreate a new String called LegalNoticeCaptionEnter the text for your banner


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    55.Creating a Default File Opener

    If you have a un-registered file type and want to view it with Explorer's Right-clickyou can add your program to the right-click options by:

    Starting RegeditGo to HKEY_CLASS_ROOT / UnknownHighlight the Shell Folder below itRight click on Shell and create a New KeyName it anything you want (For example NOTEPAD)Create a New Key under that named commandHighlight the Command keyDouble click on the Default value in the right hand panelIn Value Data, enter the path and filename of the program you want to use toopen the file typeFor example: C:\WINDOWS\NOTEPAD.EXE %1

    Click on OKIn this example, when you right click on a file in Explorer, NOTEPAD will show upas an option.


    56.Deleting Registry Keys from the Command Line

    With the OEM Version of Windows95, a new switch, /D, is added to Regedit.

    This enables you to delete items from Registry.

    The syntax is: REGEDIT /L:system.dat_location /R:user.dat_location /D Reg_Keywhere Reg_Key is the key you want to delete

    There are two requirements:1. That you have to boot to the same OEM version of Windows95 as theREGEDIT.EXE file.2. You cannot be in Win95 at the time you use this switch.


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    57.Automatic Screen Refresh

    When you make changes to your hard drive and use Explorer, the changes arenot usually displayed until you press the F5 key

    To make the updates automatic:

    Start RegeditGo to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE / System / CurrentControlSet / Control /UpdateModeEdit the DWORD value to be between 1 and 7Restart Windows


    58.Disable Password Caching

    As in Windows for Workgroups, when logging on to an NT Domain, it ispreferable to disable password caching.This allows for the single NT Domain login and eliminates the secondaryWindows logon screen.It also eliminates the possibility of the respective passwords to get out of sync.

    To disable password caching on the workstation, a one-line addition to theregistry needs to be made.To make the change, create a ASCII text file called DISABLE.REG with the

    following lines:


    Open up a DOS box and type REGEDIT DISABLE.REG

    You can also download the DISABLE.REG file.

    If you need to re-enable password caching, download ENABLE.REG and repeatthe process just with the different file name


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    59.Changing the MaxMTU and other Network Settings

    There are four network settings that can be configured so when dialing to an ISP,you should get somewhat greater throughput.

    They are the MaxMTU, MaxMSS and DefaultRcvWindow, and DefaultTTL

    MaxMTU and MaxMSS

    Start REGEDITGo to Hkey_Local_Machine / System / CurrentControlset / Services / Class /netTrans / 000n(where n is your particular network adapter binding.)Right click on the right panelSelect New / String ValueType in MaxMTU

    Double click on it and enter then the number you want. The usual change is to576Similarly, you can add MaxMSS and give it a value of 536 DefaultRcvWindows and DefaultTTL

    Start REGEDITGo to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ System \ CurrentControlSet \ Services \ VxD \MSTCPAdd a new string DefaultRcvWindow and give it a value of 2144Add a new string DefaultTTL and give it a value of 60-64


    60.Adding Items to the Start Button

    To add items when you right-click on the Start Button:

    Start RegeditGo to HKey_Classes_Root / Directory / ShellRight-click on Shell and select New / Key

    Type in the name of the key and press the Enter keyIn the Default name that shows in the right hand panel, you can add a title with a& character in front of the letter for a shortcutRight-click on the key you just created and create another key under it calledcommandFor the value of this command, enter the full path and program you want toexecuteNow when you right click on the Start Button, your new program will show up.

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    You do not need to reboot first.For example, if you wanted WinWord, you would add that as the first key, thedefault in the right panel would be &WinWord so when you right click on the StartButton, the W would be underlined and you could just press that key. Thecommand would be something like C:\MSOFFICE\WINWORD\WINWORD.EXE


    61.Removing Open, Explore & Find from Start Button

    When you right click on the Start Button, you can select Open, Explore or Find. Open shows your Programs folder. Explore starts the Explorer and allows accessto all drives.Find allows you to search and then run programs. In certain situations you mightwant to disable this feature.

    To remove them:

    Start RegeditSearch for DirectoryThis should bring you to Hkey_Classes_Root \ DirectoryExpand this section by clicking on the "+"Under shell is FindDelete FindScroll down below Directory to FolderExpand this section under shellDelete Explore and Open

    Note: - When you remove Open, you cannot open any folders.

    If you need to undo any of the changes, you can download the registry settingsbefore the changes.


    62.Removing Items from NEW

    When you right-click on the desktop and select New, a list of default templatesyou can open up are listed.To remove items from that list:

    Start RegeditSearch for the string ShellNewThis should bring you to HKey_Classes_RootFor the items you want to remove, simply rename the ShellNew command

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    Renaming is safer that deleting itContinue searching for the items you want to remove You do not need to reboot for the change to take effect


    63.Changing the Telnet Scroll-Back Buffer Size

    By default, the Telnet session has a window size of 25 lines. To increase this soyou can scroll backand look at a larger number on lines:

    Start RegeditGo to HKEY_CURRENT_USER \ Software \ Microsoft \ Telnet

    Double-click on the entry Rows in the right hand panel Increase the decimal value to one that suits your needs.


    64.Changing the Tips of the Day

    You can edit the Tips of the day in the Registry by going to: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SOFTWARE \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion

    \ explorer \ Tips


    65.Disabling Drives in My Computer

    To turn off the display of local or networked drives when you click on MyComputer:

    Start RegeditGo to HKey_Current_User \ Software \ Microsoft \ Windows \ Current Version \Policies \ ExplorerAdd a New DWORD item and name it NoDrivesGive it a value of 3FFFFFFNow when you click on My Computer, none of your drives will show

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    66.Not Saving Setting on Exit

    Start RegeditGo to HKey_Current_User \ Software\ Microsoft \Windows \ Current Version \Policies \ ExplorerRight click on the right panel and add a New / DWORDName it NoSaveSettingsGive it a value of 1Logoff or Reboot the computerDownload reg file


    67.Not Displaying the Network Neighborhood

    Start RegeditGo to HKey_Current_User \ Software\ Microsoft \Windows \ Current Version \Policies \ ExplorerRight click on the right panel and add a New / DWORD

    Name it NoNetHood

    Give it a value of 1Logoff or Reboot the computer


    68.Disabling Run or Find from the Start Menu

    Start RegeditGo to HKey_Current_User \ Software\ Microsoft \Windows \ Current Version \Policies \ ExplorerRight click on the right panel and add a New / DWORDName it NoFile or NoRunGive it a value of 1Logoff or Reboot the computer

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    69.Hiding All Icons from the Desktop

    Start RegeditGo to HKey_Current_User \ Software\ Microsoft \Windows \ Current Version \Policies \ ExplorerRight click on the right panel and add a New / DWORDName it NoDesktopGive it a value of 1Logoff or Reboot the computerNow all icons are hidden on the desktop.


    70.Get Your Folders to Open the Way You Want Every Time

    To get your folders to open the way you want every time:

    Set up all your folders the way you want (auto arrange, view, etc.),

    Start RegEditGo toHKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer.Go to NoSaveSettingsModify and change Value to 1


    71.Modifying Default Desktop Icons

    Start RegeditGo to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SOFTWARE \ Microsoft \ Windows \CurrentVersion \ explorer \ Shell IconsThe default icons are numbered in the right panel from 0-40Double click on the number of the particular icon you want to change. See thechart below.

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    Enter the name of the icon file you want to use followed by the number of theicon in that file.Note: The numbering starts with zero.If you use a single .ICO file, it should be followed by a 0. e.g. - filename.dll,4 - This would actually be the 5th icon since it starts with 0.

    Make sure you delete the hidden file C:\WINDOWS\SHELLICONCACHE

    Below is a reference for the icons I've been able to figure out:

    0 - Default Icon1 - Default Document2 - Application3 - Closed Folder4 - Open Folder5 - 5 1/4 Drive6 - 3 1/4 Drive7 - Removable Drive

    8 - Hard Drive

    9 - Network Folder10 - Network Offline11 - CD12 - RAM Drive13 - Entire Nertwork15 - My Computer16 - Printer17 - Network Neighborhood18 - Network Workgroup19-27 are the Start Menu icons19 - Programs20 - Desktop21 - Settings22 - Find23 - Help24 - Run25 - Suspend27 - Shutdown

    28 - Share29 - Shortcut31 - Recycle Bin (Empty)32 - Recycle Bin (Full)33 - Folder, Dial-Up Networking34 - Desktop36 - Program Group40 - Audio Card

    In addition, you can change:

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    My Computer - HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\ CLSID\{20D04FE0-3AEA-1069-A2D8-08002B30309D}Network Neighborhood - HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\ CLSID\{208D2C60-3AEA-1069-A2D7-08002B30309D}

    InBox - HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\ CLSID\{00020D75-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}Recycle Bin - HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\ CLSID\{645FF040-5081-101B-9F08-00AA002F954E}


    72.Clearing the Documents Menu Automatically

    The Documents Menu displays the last file and programs you used. You canclear item manually but only through editingthe Registry can you turn this off automatically. This can be useful on computersthat are used by multiple people.The same settings can be also used in NT 4.0

    Set the properties on the Recycle Bin to delete files immediately.Start RegeditGo to HKey_Current_User \ Software \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \Explorer \ User Shell FoldersRight click on the right panel

    Select New / String Value

    Rename it to Recent - Only if it is not already thereGive it the value of C:\RECYCLEDSet your Recycle bin to Automatically delete filesLog off and back on again.Your Documents Menu should now be blank. This will be for all subsequentusers who logon as well.


    73.Disabling the Right-Click on the Start Button

    Normally, when you right button click on the Start button, it allows you to openyour programs folder, the Explorer and run Find.In situations where you don't want to allow users to be able to do this in order tosecure your computer.

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    Start RegeditSearch for DesktopThis should bring you to HKey_Classes_Root \ DirectoryExpand this sectionUnder Shell is Find

    Delete Find

    Move down a little in the Registry to FolderExpand this section and remove Explore and OpenNow when you right click on the Start button, nothing should happen.You can delete only those items that you need.Note: - On Microsoft keyboards, this also disables the Window-E (for Explorer)and Window-F (for Find) keys.See the section on Installation to see how to do this automatically during aninstall.


    74.Disabling My Computer

    In areas where you are trying to restrict what users can do on the computer, itmight be beneficial to disable the ability to click on My Computer and haveaccess to the drives, control panel etc.To disable this:

    Start RegeditSearch for 20D04FE0-3AEA-1069-A2D8-08002B30309DThis should bring you to the HKey_Classes_Root \ CLSID sectionDelete the entire section.Now when you click on My Computer, nothing will happen.You might want to export this section to a registry file before deleting it just incase you want to enable it again..

    See the section on Installation to see how to do this automatically during aninstall.


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    75.Changing Desktop Icons

    You can change many of the icons that are located on your desktop.

    Start RegeditSearch for My Computer or 20D04FE0-3AEA-1069-A2D8-08002B30309DExpand that keyHighlight Default IconDouble click on the Default in the right panel Enter the name of the program with the icon you want to use followed by andcommand and then the number of the icon (starting with 0)Some of the additional items that can be searched for are:

    Network Neighborhood - HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\ CLSID\{208D2C60-3AEA-1069-A2D7-08002B30309D}

    InBox - HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\ CLSID\{00020D75-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}Recycle Bin - HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\ CLSID\{645FF040-5081-101B-9F08-00AA002F954E}Additional icons can be found in:



    76.Opening Explorer from My Computer

    By default, when you click on the My Computer icon, you get a display of all yourdrives, the Control Panel etc. If you would like to have this open the Explorer:

    Start RegeditSearch for My Computer or 20D04FE0-3AEA-1069-A2D8-08002B30309DThis should bring you to HKey_Classes_Root \ CLSID

    Expand the key {20D04FE0-3AEA-1069-A2D8-08002B30309D}Right click on ShellSelect New / Key and type Open and press the Enter keyRight click on OpenSelect New / Key and type Command and press the Enter keyDouble click on the Default for Command and type Explorer.exe for the valueNow when you click on My Computer, the Explorer will startIf you want to return to normal, simply delete the Open key

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    78.Fixing Corrupt Registry

    If your registry has gotten corrupted, and re-installing Windows95 over yourexisting version does not fix the problem,there is a hidden, read-only, system file on the root of your boot drive calledSYSTEM.1ST.This is the initial system registry created when you first installed Windows95.

    To use this file:

    Go to your Windows directory

    Un-Attrib your current SYSTEM.DAT file (attrib -r -s -h system.dat)Copy your current SYSTEM.DAT to something like SYSTEM.BAD file (just incase)Move to your root directoryUn-Attrib the SYSTEM.1ST fileCopy SYSTEM.1ST to \WINDOWS\SYSTEM.DATRe-start your systemYou will need to install your 32-bit apps and any other programs or changes thatmodified your system registrybut you will not need to go through a new again. Your 16-bit apps should notneed to be re-installed since they do

    not modify the registry. You will also retain your current desktop configuration.


    79.Recycle Bin Edits

    Fooling with the recycle bin. Why not make the icon context menu act like othericon context menu's.

    Add rename to the menu:[HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\CLSID\{645FF040-5081-101B-9F08-00AA002F954E}\ShellFolder]"Attributes"=hex:50,01,00,20

    Add delete to the menu:[HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\CLSID\{645FF040-5081-101B-9F08-00AA002F954E}\ShellFolder]

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    Add rename and delete to the menu:[HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\CLSID\{645FF040-5081-101B-9F08-00AA002F954E}\ShellFolder]


    Restore the recycle bin to win 95 defaults including un-deleting the icon afterdeletion:... Restore the icon.[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\explorer\Desktop\NameSpace\{645FF040-5081-101B-9F08-00AA002F954E}]@="Recycle Bin"... reset win 95 defaults. [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\CLSID\{645FF040-5081-101B-9F08-00AA002F954E}\ShellFolder]


    Other edits to the recycle bin icon:[HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\CLSID\{645FF040-5081-101B-9F08-00AA002F954E}\ShellFolder]"Attributes"=hex:40,01,01,20 ... standard shortcut arrow"Attributes"=hex:40,01,02,20 ... another shortcut arrow"Attributes"=hex:40,01,04,20 ... and another shortcut arrow"Attributes"=hex:40,01,08,20 ... make it look disabled (like it's been cut)

    I added the above edits for fun. But it gets you thinking.Note: Adding rename and delete to the context menu takes effect instantly. Torestore the icon after deletion requires screen refresh (F5).Have fun.... Tom


    80.Setting the Minimum Password Length

    Start RegeditGo to HKLM,SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\NetworkAdd a new Binary ValueRename it to MinPwdLenAssign it a value equal to your minimum password lengthAlso see the Installation Section on doing this automatically during installation.

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    81.Disabling File and Print Sharing

    Start RegeditGo to HKLM,SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\NetworkAdd a new DWord ValueRename it to NoPrintSharing or NoFileSharingAssign it a value of 1Also see the Installation Section on doing this automatically during installation.


    82.Specifying programs to run every time Windows95 starts

    If you want to start programs every time Windows95 runs, but would like to hidethem from usersby not having the listed in the Startup folder or the WIN.INI file, you can havethem load through the registry.

    Start RegeditGo to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SOFTWARE \ Microsoft \ Windows \CurrentVersion \ Run or RunOnce

    Right click on the right panelSelect New / String ValueType in any nameFor the value, enter the path and executable for the program you want to run.


    83.Removing the Shortcut Icon Arrows


    Open the Key HKEY_CLASSES_ROOTOpen the Key LNKFILEDelete the value IsShortcutOpen the next Key PIFFILEDelete the value IsShortcutRestart the Win95


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    84.Turn Off Window AnimationYou can shut off the animation displayed when you minimize and maximizewindows.Added 4/21/96

    Open RegeditHKEY_CURRENT_USERControl panelDesktopWindowMetricsRight Mouse Click an empty space in the right pane.Select new string value.Name the new value MinAnimate.Doubleclick on the new string value (MinAnimate) and click on "Modify"Enter a value of 0 for Off or 1 for On then hit Enter

    Close Regedit and all programs then reboot.


    85.To speed up the Start Menu

    Start the REGEDIT program

    Search for the word desktop

    This should be in HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT / CLSID / {00021400...Right Click on the right panelPick NEW / String Value.Name it MenuShowDelay, all one word.Select a value from 1-10, 1 being the fastest.Exit REGEDITRestart Windows


    86.Changing your Modem's Initialization String

    Start REGEDITGo to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ System \ CurrentControlSet \ Services \ Class\ Modem \ 0000 \ InitChange the settings to the new values--------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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    87.Increasing the Modem Timeout

    If your modem it timing out during file transfers or loading Web Pages,you might try increasing the timeout period.

    To change it:

    Start RegeditGo to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE / System / CurrentControlSet / Services / Class/ Modem / XXXX / SettingsWhere XXXX is the number of your modemMove to the right panel and double click on Inactivity TimeoutThe number of minutes for a timeout should be entered between the brackets.

    For example, a US Robotics Sportster could have S19= to set it to 30minutes.


    88.Removing Programs listed from the Control Panel's Add/RemovePrograms Section

    If you remove an installed program and its files by deleting the files,

    it may still show up in the Add/Remove programs list through the control panel.In order to remove it from the list (so you don't need to re-install in order to justremove it again).

    Start the Registry EditorOpen HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE / SOFTWARE / Microsoft / Windows /CurrentVersion / UninstallDelete any programs here.This will only delete them from the list, not delete the actual programs.Only programs designed for Windows95 will show up here in the first place.


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    Internet ExplorerTips


    90.Adding the IE 7 Icon to the Desktop in Vista

    By default, the icon for the Internet Explorer 7 does not show up on the Vista desktop

    To add it back in again, a registry edit is needed.[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\HideDesktopIcons\NewStartPanel]





    You can download the reg file and then run it to do this automatically.Then log off and back on again


    91.Bringing Back the Menu in IE7Added 2/4/07

    By default, after you upgrade to IE7, the Menu and Links don't show. To add them backin again:

    Start the Internet ExplorerRight click on the toolbarUncheck Lock the ToolbarsCheck Menu BarCheck Links


    92.Clearing Previous Entries from the Drop Down List

    If you want to clear the list of entries that shows up in the drop down list of the addressbar,

    Go to Tools / Internet OptionsClick on the Content tabClick on the AutoComplete buttonAt least highlight Web Addresses

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    93.Restoring Ability to Save Graphics as JPGs

    Updated 8/17/05

    If you can't save files a JPG's (only Bitmap), first try emptying your Temporary InternetFilesTools / Internet Options / Delete Files button

    If that doesn't work, try clicking in the Settings button / View Objects buttonRemove any files that show as Damaged or Unknown

    If your Internet Explorer no longer allows you to save graphics as JPGs

    Go to Tools / OptionsClick on the Advanced tabIn the Security section at the bottom, uncheck Do not save encrypted pages to disk


    94.Can't Connect to Internet With Internet Explorer

    If no Internet application like IE, Outlook Express or other browsers are working,it may be due to corrupted Winsock registry entries.First find out if you can connect to the Internet. Just trying to use a web browser is notthe best test.Try pinging a site by both IP and Name

    If pinging by IP works, then you have a connection to the Internet and the Winsockregistry entries are probably ok.

    If pinging by IP works but by Name doesn't, then likely you have DNS problem.

    If you can't ping by either one, then you may have corrupted Winsock registry entires.

    The basic steps are to:

    Delete the corrupted Winsock registry entriesImport clean ones

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    Reboot the computerFor All Operating Systems - Remove the old registry entries - Download Registry Entry

    Import the clean registry file for your particular operating system

    For Win9

    8 - Download Registry Entry

    For ME - Download Registry EntryFor WindowsXP - Download Reg fileFor Windows2000 - Download Reg fileAfter importing the appropriate registry key, reboot the computer


    95.Hyperlinks Not Working

    If you click on a hyperlink in a web page and only a blank window appears,

    Go to Start / RunThen enter regsvr32 urlmon.dllClick Ok when finishedIf that single change does not resolve the problem, repeat the process by running thefollowing additional entries:regsvr32 Shdocvw.dllregsvr32 Msjava.dllregsvr32 Actxprxy.dllregsvr32 Oleaut32.dllregsvr32 Mshtml.dllregsvr32 Browseui.dllregsvr32 Shell32.dll (Windows XP and Windows 2000 only)There have been several instances where the previous tip using regsrv32 does notsolve the problem with hyperlinks not working.In this case try:

    Open Internet ExplorerGo to Tools / Internet OptionsClick on the Programs tabClick on the Reset Web Settings button


    96.Organizing the Links Toolbar with Folders

    Normally, the only items that can be displayed in the Links toolbar are links to web sites.

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    For me, I have so many it stretches across the entire screen and adding more doesn'twork too well.But there is a way you can create folders for different categories of sites on the toolbar.Then you can put many pages into each one.Also, pages with long names don't take up all that extra room.

    With Internet Explorer running press Ctrl-BScroll down to the Links folderClick the Create Folder buttonGive it whatever name you want for a particular categoryYou can drag any current pages into the appropriate directories at this time as well


    97.Re-Setting Internet Explorer to Save rather than Open Files Downloaded

    You might also try opening up the Windows Explorer

    Go to Tools / Folder Options / File TypesScroll down to the file Extension want to changeClick on the Advanced buttonCheck Confirm after download

    When you try and download a .EXE file with Internet Explorer, you are prompted to"Always ask before opening this type of file".

    If you uncheck this box, the next time a EXE file is about to be downloaded, you will notbe prompted and the file will automatically be opened.You also do not see the "Always ask..." box again so you can uncheck it. To reset Internet Explorer back again:

    Start RegeditGo to Hkey_Classes_Root \ exefileChange the EditFlags value from d8 07 01 00 to d8 07 00 00


    98.Removing Unwanted Toolbar Items

    If you have items in your Internet Explorer toolbar you would like to remove:

    Run Regedit

    Delete keys in these possible locations are:

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    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\ToolbarHKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\ExtensionsHKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\MenuExt


    99.Deleting the INDEX.DAT file (Windows2000, XP)

    The INDEX.DAT file keeps a record of all the web sites you have visited. Normally you can't simply delete this file since it is protected by the operating system.However, there is a way:

    Close all running applicationsOpen a command window (CMD.EXE)

    Go to to C:\Documents and Settings\username\Local Settings\Temporary InternetFiles\Content.IE5 (where username is the replaced by your current login name)Start the Task Manager (Ctrl-Shift-Esc)Click on the Processes tabSelect EXPLORER.EXE and click on End ProcessThe screen will be blank except for the command windowDelete the INDEX.DAT fileGo back to the Task ManagerDo File / Run / Explorer and the desktop will be backWith a Batch File

    Since it would be cumbersome to manually change directories each time,

    it would be very simple to create a two line batch file to do this automatically.For the example it will be the C:\index.bat file

    CD C:\Documents and Settings\%username%\Local Settings\Temporary InternetFiles\Content.IE5Del index.dat

    Open up a CMD window to the C:\ directoryStart the Task Manager (Ctrl-Shift-Esc)Click on the Processes tab

    Select EXPLORER.EXE and click on End Process

    Run INDEX.BATGo back to the Task ManagerDo File / Run / Explorer and the desktop will be backOnce you learn how do this, it only takes about 30 seconds to delete the file.


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    100. Automatically Clearing the Temporary Internet Files

    You can have Internet Explorer automatically clear your Temporary Internet Cache files

    every time you close the program.

    Go to Tools / Internet OptionsClick on the Advanced buttonScroll down almost to the bottom and check Empty Temporary Internet Files folderwhen browser is closed


    101.Seeing When a Web Page Was Last Updated

    You can easily determine when a web page was last updated.

    Open up the page you want.Enter javascript:alert(document.lastModified) in the Address barNote: You only need a java capable browser

    This can be done with a single click by adding it to the Links toolbar.

    While javascript:alert(document.lastModified) is in the Address bar, click on the "E" logo

    next to the page title in the address bar and drag and drop it onto the Links bar. To rename it just right-click on the title in the Links toolbar.


    102.To use this without all the typing each time:

    Open C:\Windows\Favorites folder in ExplorerCopy (you must copy, NOT make a new shortcut) any existing shortcut in that folder.Paste it back to the same (C:\windows\favorites) directoryRight click it, click properties, in the URL: box put in your tipjavascript:alert(document.lastModified)

    Then rename it, I named it Date Info.That's it, it's always there in Favorites when you want it.


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    103.Repairing/Adding Components to IE6

    To repair (or add features to IE6)

    Make sure you have the source files from the same location they were installedDo a Start / Run / rundll32 setupwbv.dll,IE6MaintenanceYou will then be given the options to Add a Component or Repair


    104.IE Toolbar Restrictions

    To create restriction on the ability to edit the toolbar

    Start Regedit

    Go toHKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer

    Create a DWORD key of SpecifyDefaultButtons and give it a value of 1

    To remove a button from the toolbar,create additional DWORD keys with a value noted below

    Key Value EffectBtn_Back 2 Back button and menu item.Btn_Forward 2 Forward button and menu item.Btn_Stop 2 Stop button and menu item.Btn_Refresh 2 Refresh button and menu item. Btn_Home 2 Home button and menu item.Btn_Search 2 Search button and menu item. Btn_History 2 History button and menu item.Btn_Favorites 2 Favorites button and menu item.Btn_Media 2 Media button and menu item. [Only available with IE 6]

    NoBandCustomize 1 No adding or removing menu or toolbars.NoToolbarCustomize 1 Customizing the toolbar.


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    105.IE Restrictions

    Start RegeditGo to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\ Software \ Policies \ Microsoft \ Internet Explorer \


    Add a DWORD with a name of:NoBrowserBars Disable changes to browsers bars.NoBrowserClose Disable the option of closing Internet Explorer.NoBrowserContextMenu Disable right-click context menu.NoBrowserOptions Disable the Tools / Internet Options menu.NoBrowserSaveAsDisable the ability to Save AsNoFavorites Disable the Favorites.NoFileNew Disable the File / NewNoFileOpen Disable the File / OpenNoFindFiles Disable the Find Files

    NoSelectDownloadDir Disable the option to change download directory

    NoTheaterMode Disable the Full Screen viewNoOpeninNewWnd Disable Open in New WindowNoViewSource Disable the ability to view the page source HTML.NoNavButtons Disables the Forward and Back buttonsNoPrinting Remove Print and Print Preview from the File menu.AlwaysPromptWhenDownload Always prompt user when downloading files.

    Give it a value of 1 to turn on the restrictionGo to HKEY_CURRENT_USER \ Software \ Policies \ Microsoft \ Internet Explorer \Toolbars \ RestrictionsCreate a DWORD with a name of :NoToolbarOptions Disables adding, removing, or moving toolbars.Give it a value of 1 to enable this restriction.


    106.Removing IE Menu Items

    If you want to remove items on the Tools Menu, possibly those left over by uninstalled


    Start RegeditGo to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\ExtensionsDelete any of the keys you don't want to show

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    Change the default value to the wav file you want to use.Leaving it blank will turn off the sound.This also changes the default sound when navigating to folders in the Explorer.


    110.Displaying the Internet Connection Wizard

    If you want Internet Explorer to display the Internet Connection Wizard again:

    Open RegeditGo to this key: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Internet ConnectionWizard\CompletedSet the value to 0


    111.Forgotten the Content Advisor Password

    If you set a password for the Content Advisor and can't remember it,the following steps will help you remove it:

    Start RegeditGo to H_KEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/Software/Microsoft/Windows/Current

    Version/Policies/RatingsDelete the entry called Key


    112.Downloading More than Four Files at a Time

    Normally you can only download four files at a time with Internet Explorer.To increase that to as many as you want:

    Start Regedit

    Go to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\InternetSettingsChange the MaxConnectionsPer1_0Server to whatever number you wantChange the MaxConnectionsPerServer to whatever number you want


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    113.Disabling the Ability to Add or Remove IE's Toolbars

    Normally you can add or remove IE's Toolbars (Standard Button, Address Bar, Linksetc)

    To disable the ability to add or remove these toolbars

    Start RegeditGo to HKEY_USERS \ .DEFAULT \ Software \ Policies \ Microsoft \ Internet Explorer \Toolbars \ RestrictionsCreate a DWORD value called NoToolbarOptionsGive it a value of 1Now, although you can change what is on the toolbars themselves, you can add orremove any.


    114.Specifying the Default Download Directory in Internet Explorer

    To specify the default download directory for the Internet Explorer

    Start RegeditGo to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\ Software \ Microsoft \ Internet ExplorerAdd a String value called Download Directory

    For it's value, enter in the Directory where you want your downloaded files to go


    115.Disabling the Ability to Change the Default Download Directory

    If you want user's not to be able to change the Default Download Directory

    Start RegeditGo to HKEY_USERS \ .DEFAULT \ Software \ Policies \ Microsoft \ Internet Explorer \

    RestrictionsCreate a DWORD value called NoSelectDownloadDirGive it a value of 1Note: On my Win98 with IE5 this also didn't allow me to download any files.System Administrators might want to include that as part of their configuration.


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    116.Creating Hidden URL Shortcuts

    If you want to create shortcuts to your favorite URLS but don't want them to show in

    your Favorites folder:

    Start RegeditGo to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINES / Software / Microsoft / InternetExplorer / AboutURLsAdd String Values with the shortcut name you want to use Give them the value of the URL you want the shortcut to go toThen from the Internet Explorer, simply type about:shortcut_name


    117.Removing Lost IE Supervisor Password

    If you forgot your Supervisor Password for the Internet Explorer, you can remove it by:

    Starting RegeditGo to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ Software \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \PoliciesDelete the Ratings key


    118.Changing the Search Pages Used by Internet Explorer

    Changing the Search icon Engine

    When you click on the Search icon in IE4, you go to the default page of To change this setting:

    Start Regedit

    Go to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\MainChange the value for Search Bar to the URL of the search engine you want to use Changing the Go / Search the Web Engine

    Start RegeditGo to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\MainChange the value for Search Page to the URL of the search engine you want to use

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    119.Having IE Load a Default Page Other Than BLANK.HTM

    Normally, if a web site can't be found, IE will load the fileC:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\BLANK.HTMTo have it load another file:

    Start RegeditGo to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\ Software\ Microsoft\ Internet Explorer\ MainDouble click on Local PageEnter the file you want to use


    120.Changing the IE and Outlook Title Bars

    To change the IE Title Bar:

    Start RegeditGo to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\microsoft\Internet Explorer\MainAdd or edit the string value Window Title (there is a space between the words) Add the text you want to appearTo Change the Outlook Title Bar

    Start RegeditGo to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Outlook ExpressAdd or edit the string value WindowTitle (there is no space)Add the text you want to appear


    121.Changing the Information Boxes in IE 4

    With IE4, when you place the mouse over My Computer, Network Neighborhood, and

    the Recycle Bin icons, etc.a small window opens with some information.

    For example, over the My Computer icon, it starts with Use My Computer to view thecontents of your computer.

    To change this text:

  • 8/7/2019 registry tric


    Start RegeditSearch for InfoTipEnter the text you want to appear for each iconItems you can change are:

    Network Neighborhood

    My ComputerControl PanelPrintersThe InternetMy DocumentsRecycle BinBriefcaseInternet ExplorerDial-Up Networking


    122.Changing the Directory for the Internet Explorer CacheAdded 1/15/97

    By default, the Internet Explorer creates four directories Cache1-4 where it places allthe HTML pages, graphics, AVI's etc that you viewIf you want to move this location or even have only one cache that points to a directory

    of your choice:

    Start RegeditGo to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE / SOFTWARE / Microsoft / Windows / CurrentVersion /Internet Settings / Cache / Path / Path1-4Change the value of the paths to a single location or any location of your choice You can even just have PATH1 and delete the other threeThe next time you start the Internet Explorer, the cache files will only be placed in thedirectories of your choiceThis can be useful if you want to delete the files often. You can then just delete the filesin the single directory


    123.Changing the Title Bar of the Internet Explorer

    By default, the title bar on the Internet Explorer says Microsoft Corporation InternetExplorer

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    To change this to the text of your choice:

    Start RegeditGo to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE / SOFTWARE / Microsoft / Internet Explorer / MainAdd or edit the value of the string Window Title to be the new text you want displayed


    124.Changing the Internet Explorer, Mail and News Bitmap

    If you want to change the bitmap that is in the upper right hand corner:

    Start RegeditGo to HKEY_CURRENT_USER \ Software \ Microsoft \ Internet Explorer \ Toolbar

    Make a new String Value named BrandBitmapGive it a value of the BMP file you want to useYou can include the full pathThe size should be approximately 32x32 but the tool bar will grow to accommodate thesizeThis will change the bitmap that is used for Internet Explorer, Internet Mail and InternetNews


    125.Changing your Favorites LocationAdded 10/6/96You might want to change the location where the Internet Explorer looks for your storeFavorite sites.This can come in useful if you have multiple operating systems (Windows95 and NT4.0) and want to sharethe save set of Favorites or you simply want to have greater control over where youfavorites are stored.

    Start RegeditGo toHKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\ShellFoldersDouble click on Favorites in the right hand panelEnter the new locationClick on the OK buttonDo the same for the User Shell Folders section a few lines down

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    Close RegeditCreate the directory you just pointed toCopy any existing Favorites to that locationBe sure to include all foldersStart the Internet Explorer




    126.Restoring a Missing Menu Bar

    If the Windows Explorer does not show a menu bar, it may be due to an entry in the

    Registry that needs to be deleted.

    Start Regedit

    Go to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Toolbar\Explorer

    If there is the following key - ITBarLayout - Delete it


    127..Removing Right-Click Items

    When you right click on a folder or file with the Explorer, a list of options is available.

    As more applications get installed, this list may get too large for you.

    To remove items from the list:

    Note the text of the item you want to remove

    Start Regedit

  • 8/7/2019 registry tric


    Go to the following sections in the Registry and delete the subkey with the string you

    noted in Step 1.





    128..Changing the Default Sound in Explorer

    You can change the default sound heard when navigating to folders in the Explorer.

    Start Regedit

    Go to HKEY_CURRENT_USER \ AppEvents \ Schemes \ Apps\ Explorer \ Navigating\


    Change the default value to the wav file you want to use.

    Leaving it blank will turn off the sound.

    This also changes the default sound when opening a page in the Internet Explorer.


    129.Running the Explorer in Separate Process (NT/XP Only)

    By default, the Windows Desktop, Taskbar, and Explorer run in a single process using

    multiple threads. You can modify the registry so that the Taskbar and Desktop will run in

    one process with each instance of Explorer in a separate process.

    Start Regedit

    Go to HKEY_CURRENT_USER \ Software \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \Explorer

    Create a DWORD value called DesktopProcess

    Give it a value of 1


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    130.Changing Drive Icons in Explorer

    To change the icon used for specific drives in Explorer

    Start Regedit

    Go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE / SOFTWARE / Microsoft / Windows / CurrentVersion /


    Create a key called DriveIcons

    Within DriveIcons, create another key with the drive letter you want to change


    Create another key within the drive letter key called DefaultIcon

    Set the default value equal to the icon you want to use.

    If you have a file that has more than one icon in it, such as a DLL file, use the standard


    where x is the number of the icon within the file icon_file.dll.


    131.Changing Drive Labels in Explorer (Windows2000 and XP)

    Normally the Explorer shows drive labels as "Compact Disk", "Removable Disk" ect.

    To change the name of this label for specific drives:

    Start Regedit

    Go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE / SOFTWARE / Microsoft / Windows / CurrentVersion /


    Create a key called DriveIcons

    Within DriveIcons, create another key with the drive letter you want to change


    Create another within the drive letter key called DefaultLabel

    Give the Default Value for this key the label you want to appear for that drive letter. (

    Restart the computer


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    132.Resetting Graphics PreView in Explorer

    For Windows98, ME or Windows 2000, if you have View as Web Page enabled but do

    not see a picture preview in Explorer:

    Start Regedit

    Go to Registry key: HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT \ file type \ ShellEx \ {BB2E617C-0920-


    Make sure the Default Value "{7376D660-C583-11d0-A3A5-00C04FD706EC}"


    133.Keeping Filenames in the Case You Want

    To stop Windows from changing the case of your filenames to upper or lower case:

    Start Regedit

    Go to HKEY_CURRENT_USER \ SOFTWARE \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \

    Explorer \ Advanced

    Double-click DontPrettyPath (or create this key with a type of REG_DWORD if it doesn't


    Set the value to 1 to keep the case as you type it or 0 to adjust the case as Explorer


    Click OK


    134.Hiding the File Menu in the Explorer

    To hide the File Menu in Explorer:

    Start Regedit

    Go toHKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Explore


    Create a new Binary Value

    Name it NoFileMenu

    Give it a value of 01 00 00 00

    Reboot the computer

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    135.Added Non-Expanded Explorer when Right Clicking on a Folder

    Adding a second Explorer to the menu that pops up when right clicking on any folder or

    the Start Button.

    This is handy to be able to open Explorer non-expanded and also for being able to open

    a second Explorer (non-expanded) while already in Explorer.

    Open My Computer

    Choose View-Options-File Types

    Select the File Folder file type

    Click Edit

    For ACTION, type EXPLORER2

    For APPLICATION USED, type C:\WINDOWS\EXPLORER.EXE /n,/e,/select,C:\

    Click OK and close all windows



    Locate and expand DIRECTORY

    Locate and expand SHELL

    Locate and expand EXPLORER2

    Select COMMAND

    On the right window RIGHT CLICK on DEFAULT

    Select MODIFY

    Remove the space and %1 at the end of the line

    Click OK and close REGEDIT

    EXPLORER2 will show up and launch a non-expanded view of Explorer whenever you

    right-click on the START BUTTON or any folder, even if you are already in Explorer.

    The whole procedure can be done in REGEDIT, but this may be safer for users notexperienced with REGEDIT