Reference 都市計画のしくみ Outline of City Planning...土地区画整理事業 P.73 Land...

名古屋市の都市計画に関する資料 Reference 都市計画のしくみ Outline of City Planning 66 都市計画のしくみ Outline of City Planning 65 名古屋市の 都市計画に関する資料 Reference Land use control Area classification Urbanization promotion area Page 21 Land use zoning Disaster area reconstruction promotion district District plan, etc. Urban facilities Urban development project Urban development project Scheduled area for urban development project Urbanization control area Page 21 区域区分 市街化区域   P.21 土地利用 地域地区 用途地域  P.21 Land use district Page 21 特別用途地区  P.23 Special use district Page 23 特定用途制限地域 Area restricting particular use 特例容積率適用地区 Area where special floor-area ratio is applied 高層住居誘導地区 High-rise residential promotion district 高度地区  P.23 Building height control district Page 23 高度利用地区  P.25 High-use district Page 25 特定街区  P.25 Specified district Page 25 都市再生特別地区  P.25 Special urban revitalization district Page 25 防火地域  P.23 Fireproof district Page 23 準防火地域  P.23 Quasi-fireproof district Page 23 特定防災街区整備地区 Specified disaster prevention improvement district 景観地区 Landscape district 風致地区  P.47 Scenic area Page 47 駐車場整備地区  P.35 Parking area improvement district Page 35 臨港地区  P.39 Port district Page 39 歴史的風土特別保存地区 Special historic environment conservation district 第1種・第2種歴史的風土保存地区 Category I/II special historic environment conservation districts 緑地保全地域 Urban green space conservation area 特別緑地保全地区  P.47 Special Green Space Conservation Area Page 47 緑化地域  P.47 Greenification areas Page 47 流通業務地区  P.63 Distribution business district Page 63 生産緑地地区  P.47 Uraban agricultural area Page 47 伝統的建築物群保存地区 Traditional buildings preservation district 航空機騒音障害防止地区・特別地区 Aircraft noise prevention district 促進区域 市街地再開発促進区域 Urban redevelopment promotion area 土地区画整理促進区域 Land readjustment promotion area 住宅街区整備促進区域 Residential blocks development promotion area 拠点業務市街地整備土地区画整理促進区域 遊休土地転換 利用促進地区 被災市街地 復興推進地域 地区計画等 地区計画  P.27 District plan Page 27 防災街区整備地区計画 District plan for disaster prevention block improvement 歴史的風致維持向上地区計画 Traditional scenic maintenance and improvement district plan 沿道地区計画 District plan for roadside 集落地区計画 District plan for rural hamlet 都市施設 道路・都市高速鉄道・駐車場・自動車ターミナル  P.31、35、37 Urban facilities, Roads, Urban high-speed railways, Parking areas, Automobile terminal Page 31/35/37 公園緑地・広場・墓園  P.45 Parks, Green areas, Plazas, Cemeteries Page 45 水道・電気供給施設・ガス供給施設 Waterworks, Electricity supply facilities, Gas supply facilities 下水道  P.51 Sewerage Page 51 ごみ焼却場ごみ処理場・汚物処理場 P.63 Refuse treating facilities, Refuse incinerating facilities, Refuse treatment facilities Page 63 河川・運河  P.49 Rivers, Canals Page 49 学校・図書館・研究施設 Schools, Libraries, Research centers 病院・保育園 Hospitals, Day care centers 市場・と蓄場・火葬場  P.63 Markets, Slaughterhouses, Crematories Page 63 一団地の住宅施設 Housing complexes 一団地の官公庁施設 Government and public office complexes 流通業務団地  P.63 Distribution business complexes Page 63 その他政令で定める施設 Other facilities specified by laws and ordinances 市街地 開発事業 市街地 開発事業 土地区画整理事業  P.73 Land readjustment project Page 73 新住宅市街地開発事業 New residential build-up area project 工業団地造成事業 Industrial complex development project 市街地再開発事業  P.74 Urban redevelopment project Page 74 新都市基盤整備事業 New city foundation development project 住宅街区整備事業 Residential block redevelopment project 防災街区整備事業 Special disaster prevention block improvement project 市街地開発 事業等予定 区域 新住宅市街地開発事業の予定区域 Scheduled area for new residential build-up area development project 工業団地造成事業の予定区域 Scheduled area for industrial complex development project 新都市基盤整備事業の予定区域 Scheduled area for new city foundation development project 一団地の住宅施設(20ha以上)の予定区域 Scheduled area for housing complex with an area of 20 ha and over 一団地の官公庁施設の予定区域 Scheduled area for government and public office complex 流通業務団地の予定区域 Scheduled area for distribution business complex 都市計画 市街化調整区域 P.21 Promotional area Centralized business urban area development block and development promotion area Unused land conversion promotion zone City planning 都市計画のしくみ Outline of City Planning City Planning City planning is to form a balanced city by deciding the plan of the rational use of land, arrangement of roads, parks and other urban facilities and urban development projects in order to lead to planned city development and better urban functions. The contents and procedures of city planning are stipulated in City Planning Law. As a rule, the prefectural government determines city plans for wide areas while city plans for other areas are determined by the city, town or village administration. Decisions are voted upon by the city planning council of the prefectural government or local council. Because city planning deeply affects citizens, citizens’ participation is enabled through public hearings. Drafts of city planning are brought out for public perusal two weeks in advance, and citizens and concerned parties are allowed to submit opinions during this period. The City Planning Law was revised in 2006 to establish a city planning proposal system for facilitating citizen participation in urban planning. Also, through two amendments to laws 2011 for promoting decentralization, decision-making rights for city planning are being transferred to municipal governments. For certain type of city planning, environmental impact assessment procedure is compulsory to prevent pollution and conserve the natural environment. 都市計画について 都市計画とは、都市の発展を計画的に誘導し、都市機 能を高めていくために、合理的な土地利用、道路、公園な どの都市施設の整備、市街地開発事業などの計画を決 め、全体として調和のとれたまちを整備しようとするもの で、都市計画法に内容、手続きが定められています。 都市計画の決定は、原則として広域的なものを都道府 県が、その他のものを市町村が行うこととなっており、決 定に際しては都道府県都市計画審議会または市町村都 市計画審議会の議を経ることとされています。 また、都市計画は、市民の利害に大きな影響を及ぼす ものであるので、案の作成にあたっては公聴会等を開催 して住民意見の反映を図ること、都市計画案は2 週間縦 覧すること、住民等はこの縦覧期間中に意見書を提出す ることができることなど、住民参加の手続きが定められ ています。 平成18年には都市計画法が改正され市民のまちづく りへの参加をはかる都市計画提案制度が設けられまし た。また平成23年の2次にわたる地域主権関連一括法 による改正で、市町村への都市計画決定権限の移譲等 が行われています。 なお、公害の防止や自然環境の保全のために、一定の 都市計画の決定については、あわせて環境影響評価の 実施が義務づけられています。 都市計画決定手続 City Planning Decision Procedure 都市計画の体系 Composition of City Planning 名古屋市原案の作成 愛知県決定 名古屋市決定(知事協議) 名古屋市決定(大臣協議・同意) 名古屋市案の作成 公聴会・説明会等 名古屋市案の作成 名古屋市原案の提出 愛知県と事前協議 愛知県と事前協議 愛知県案の作成 国土交通省と事前協議 名古屋市の意見聴取 案の公告・縦覧 (要旨) (要旨) 名古屋市都市計画審議会 名古屋市都市計画審議会 意見書 名古屋市都市計画審議会 名古屋市の意見回答 愛知県知事の意見聴取 愛知県都市計画審議会 国土交通大臣との協議・同意 愛知県知事との協議 国土交通大臣との協議・同意 都市計画の決定 都市計画の決定 都市計画の決定 公告・図書の縦覧 公告・図書の縦覧 公告・図書の縦覧 Decision by Aichi Prefecture Decision by Nagoya City (Consultation with prefectural governor) Decision by Nagoya City (consultation and agreement with Minister) Preparation of Nagoya City draft Submission of Nagoya City draft Preparation of Aichi Prefecture draft Opinion hearing from Nagoya City Nagoya City Planning Council Opinion response from Nagoya City Aichi Prefecture City Planning Council Consultation and agreement with Minister of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism Decision of city plan Public notification and inspection of decided plan Preparation of Nagoya City draft Pre-consultation with Aichi Prefecture Nagoya City Planning Council Consultation with Governor of Aichi Prefecture Decision of city plan Public notification and inspection of decided plan Public hearing meeting, explanation meeting, etc. Public notification and inspection of draft plan Opinion document (Outline) (Outline) Preparation of Nagoya City draft Pre-consultation with Aichi Prefecture Pre-consultation with Ministry of Land, Infrastructure,Transport and Tourism Nagoya City Planning Council Opinion hearing from Governor of Aichi Prefecture Consultation and agreement with Minister of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism Decision of city plan Public notification and inspection of decided plan 色文字は名古屋市域で指定 Areas marked with orange are designated by Nagoya City.

Transcript of Reference 都市計画のしくみ Outline of City Planning...土地区画整理事業 P.73 Land...

Page 1: Reference 都市計画のしくみ Outline of City Planning...土地区画整理事業 P.73 Land readjustment project Page 73 新住宅市街地開発事業 New residential build-up


都市計画のしくみ Outline of City Planning66都市計画のしくみ Outline of City Planning65



Land use control

Area classification

Urbanization promotion area Page 21

Land use zoning

Disaster area reconstruction promotion district

District plan, etc.

Urban facilities

Urban development project

Urban development project

Scheduled area for urban development project

Urbanization control area Page 21

区域区分市街化区域   P.21

土地利用 地域地区

用途地域  P.21 Land use district Page 21特別用途地区  P.23 Special use district Page 23特定用途制限地域 Area restricting particular use 特例容積率適用地区 Area where special floor-area ratio is applied高層住居誘導地区 High-rise residential promotion district高度地区  P.23 Building height control district Page 23高度利用地区  P.25 High-use district Page 25特定街区  P.25 Specified district Page 25都市再生特別地区  P.25 Special urban revitalization district Page 25防火地域  P.23 Fireproof district Page 23準防火地域  P.23 Quasi-fireproof district Page 23特定防災街区整備地区 Specified disaster prevention improvement district景観地区 Landscape district風致地区  P.47 Scenic area Page 47駐車場整備地区  P.35 Parking area improvement district Page 35臨港地区  P.39 Port district Page 39歴史的風土特別保存地区 Special historic environment conservation district第1種・第2種歴史的風土保存地区 Category I/II special historic environment conservation districts緑地保全地域 Urban green space conservation area特別緑地保全地区  P.47 Special Green Space Conservation Area Page 47緑化地域  P.47 Greenification areas Page 47流通業務地区  P.63 Distribution business district Page 63生産緑地地区  P.47 Uraban agricultural area Page 47伝統的建築物群保存地区 Traditional buildings preservation district航空機騒音障害防止地区・特別地区 Aircraft noise prevention district

促進区域 市街地再開発促進区域 Urban redevelopment promotion area土地区画整理促進区域 Land readjustment promotion area住宅街区整備促進区域 Residential blocks development promotion area拠点業務市街地整備土地区画整理促進区域遊休土地転換




地区計画  P.27 District plan Page 27防災街区整備地区計画 District plan for disaster prevention block improvement歴史的風致維持向上地区計画Traditional scenic maintenance and improvement district plan沿道地区計画 District plan for roadside集落地区計画 District plan for rural hamlet


道路・都市高速鉄道・駐車場・自動車ターミナル  P.31、35、37Urban facilities, Roads, Urban high-speed railways, Parking areas, Automobile terminal Page 31/35/37公園・緑地・広場・墓園  P.45 Parks, Green areas, Plazas, Cemeteries Page 45水道・電気供給施設・ガス供給施設Waterworks, Electricity supply facilities, Gas supply facilities下水道  P.51Sewerage Page 51ごみ焼却場・ごみ処理場・汚物処理場  P.63Refuse treating facilities, Refuse incinerating facilities, Refuse treatment facilities Page 63河川・運河  P.49 Rivers, Canals Page 49学校・図書館・研究施設 Schools, Libraries, Research centers病院・保育園Hospitals, Day care centers市場・と蓄場・火葬場  P.63 Markets, Slaughterhouses, Crematories Page 63一団地の住宅施設 Housing complexes一団地の官公庁施設 Government and public office complexes流通業務団地  P.63 Distribution business complexes Page 63その他政令で定める施設 Other facilities specified by laws and ordinances



土地区画整理事業  P.73 Land readjustment project Page 73新住宅市街地開発事業 New residential build-up area project工業団地造成事業 Industrial complex development project市街地再開発事業  P.74 Urban redevelopment project Page 74新都市基盤整備事業 New city foundation development project住宅街区整備事業 Residential block redevelopment project防災街区整備事業 Special disaster prevention block improvement project


新住宅市街地開発事業の予定区域 Scheduled area for new residential build-up area development project工業団地造成事業の予定区域 Scheduled area for industrial complex development project新都市基盤整備事業の予定区域 Scheduled area for new city foundation development project一団地の住宅施設(20ha以上)の予定区域Scheduled area for housing complex with an area of 20 ha and over一団地の官公庁施設の予定区域 Scheduled area for government and public office complex流通業務団地の予定区域 Scheduled area for distribution business complex


市街化調整区域 P.21

Promotional area

Centralized business urban area development block and development promotion areaUnused land conversion promotion zone

City planning

都市計画のしくみ Outline of City Planning

・ City PlanningCity planning is to form a balanced city by deciding the plan of the rational use of land, arrangement of roads, parks and other urban facilities and urban development projects in order to lead to planned city development and better urban functions. The contents and procedures of city planning are stipulated in City Planning Law.As a rule, the prefectural government determines city plans for wide areas while city plans for other areas are determined by the city, town or village administration. Decisions are voted upon by the city planning council of the prefectural government or local council.Because city planning deeply affects citizens, citizens’ participation is enabled through public hearings. Drafts of city planning are brought out for public perusal two weeks in advance, and citizens and concerned parties are allowed to submit opinions during this period.The City Planning Law was revised in 2006 to establish a city planning proposal system for facilitating citizen participation in urban planning. Also, through two amendments to laws 2011 for promoting decentralization, decision-making rights for city planning are being transferred to municipal governments.For certain type of city planning, environmental impact assessment procedure is compulsory to prevent pollution and conserve the natural environment.




また、都市計画は、市民の利害に大きな影響を及ぼすものであるので、案の作成にあたっては公聴会等を開催して住民意見の反映を図ること、都市計画案は2 週間縦覧すること、住民等はこの縦覧期間中に意見書を提出することができることなど、住民参加の手続きが定められています。

平成18 年には都市計画法が改正され市民のまちづくりへの参加をはかる都市計画提案制度が設けられました。また平成23 年の2次にわたる地域主権関連一括法による改正で、市町村への都市計画決定権限の移譲等が行われています。


■都市計画決定手続 City Planning Decision Procedure

■都市計画の体系 Composition of City Planning


愛知県決定 名古屋市決定(知事協議) 名古屋市決定(大臣協議・同意)

名古屋市案の作成 公聴会・説明会等 名古屋市案の作成

名古屋市原案の提出 愛知県と事前協議 愛知県と事前協議

愛知県案の作成 国土交通省と事前協議

名古屋市の意見聴取 案の公告・縦覧

(要旨)(要旨)名古屋市都市計画審議会 名古屋市都市計画審議会意見書名古屋市都市計画審議会

名古屋市の意見回答 愛知県知事の意見聴取



都市計画の決定 都市計画の決定都市計画の決定

公告・図書の縦覧公告・図書の縦覧 公告・図書の縦覧

Decision by Aichi Prefecture Decision by Nagoya City (Consultation with prefectural governor)

Decision by Nagoya City(consultation and agreement with Minister)

Preparation of Nagoya City draft

Submission of Nagoya City draft

Preparation of Aichi Prefecture draft

Opinion hearing from Nagoya City

Nagoya City Planning Council

Opinion response from Nagoya City

Aichi Prefecture City Planning Council

Consultation and agreement with Minister ofLand, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism

Decision of city plan

Public notification and inspection ofdecided plan

Preparation of Nagoya City draft

Pre-consultation with Aichi Prefecture

Nagoya City Planning Council

Consultation withGovernor of Aichi Prefecture

Decision of city plan

Public notification and inspection ofdecided plan

Public hearing meeting, explanationmeeting, etc.

Public notification and inspectionof draft plan

Opinion document (Outline) (Outline)

Preparation of Nagoya City draft

Pre-consultation with Aichi Prefecture

Pre-consultation with Ministry of Land,Infrastructure,Transport and Tourism

Nagoya City Planning Council

Opinion hearing from Governor ofAichi Prefecture

Consultation and agreement with Ministerof Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism

Decision of city plan

Public notification and inspectionof decided plan

色文字は名古屋市域で指定Areas marked with orange are designated by Nagoya City.

Page 2: Reference 都市計画のしくみ Outline of City Planning...土地区画整理事業 P.73 Land readjustment project Page 73 新住宅市街地開発事業 New residential build-up


都市計画のしくみ Outline of City Planning68都市計画のしくみ Outline of City Planning67



用途地域内の建築物の用途制限Restriction on building use constructed within land use district

        建てられる用途         Construction permitted

        建てられない用途         Construction prohibited

 ①、②、③、④、▲ 面積、階数等の制限あり          Area and the number of stories, etc. restricted


Category I exclusive district for low-rise

residential buildings


Category II exclusive district for low-rise

residential buildings


Category I exclusive district for medium

and high-rise residential buildings


Category II exclusive district for medium

and high-rise residential buildings


Category I residential district


Category II residential district

準住居地域 Q

uasi-residential district


Neighborhood com

mercial district

商業地域 Com

mercial district

準工業地域 Q

uasi-industrial district

工業地域 Industrial district


Exclusive industrial district

備    考Remarks

住宅、共同住宅、寄宿舎、下宿House, apartment, dormitory, lodging house ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○兼用住宅で非住宅部分の床面積が、50m2以下かつ建築物の延べ面積の2分の1未満のものCombination house with floor area of non-living portion is within 50 m2 and 1/2 of the total floor area ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ 非住宅部分の用途制限あり

With restriction for non-living area

店舗等 Store, etc.

店舗等の床面積が150m2以下のものStore, etc. floor area within 150 m2 ① ② ③ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ④ ①日用品販売店舗、喫茶店、

理髪店及び建具屋等のサービス業用店舗のみ。 2階以下。


③2階以下。④物品販売店舗、飲食店を除く。① Only for stores for service such as a

daily goods sales store, coffee shop, hair saloon or furniture shop, etc. within 2 floors

② In addition to ① above, only for s tores fo r se rv i ce such as a commodity sales store, restaurant, insurance agency office, bank branch or housing agency office, etc. within 2 floors

③ Two floors or less④ Excluding commodity sales store and


店舗等の床面積が150m2を超え、500m2以下のものStore, etc. floor area over 150 m2 but within 500 m2 ② ③ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ④店舗等の床面積が500m2を超え、1,500m2以下のものStore, etc. floor area over 500 m2 but within 1,500 m2 ③ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ④店舗等の床面積が1,500m2を超え、3,000m2以下のもの Store, etc. floor area over 1,500 m2 but within 3,000 m2 ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ④店舗等の床面積が3,000m2を超え、10,000m2以下のものStore, etc. floor area over 3,000 m2 but within 10,000m2 ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ④店舗等の床面積が10,000m2を超えるものStore etc floor area over 10,000m2 ○ ○



ce, etc.

事務所等の床面積が1,500m2以下のものTotal office, etc. floor area within 1,500 m2 ▲ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○

▲2階以下Two floors or less

事務所等の床面積が1,500m2を超え、3,000m2以下のものTotal office, etc. floor area over 1,500 m2 but within 3,000 m2 ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○事務所等の床面積が3,000m2を超えるものTotal office, etc. floor area over 3,000 m2 ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○

ホテル、旅館 Hotel, inn ▲ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ▲3,000m2以下3,000 m2 or less

用途地域内の建築物の用途制限Restriction on building use constructed within land use district

        建てられる用途         Construction permitted

        建てられない用途         Construction prohibited

 ①、②、③、④、▲ 面積、階数等の制限あり          Area and the number of stories, etc. restricted


Category I exclusive district for low-rise

residential buildings


Category II exclusive district for low-rise

residential buildings


Category I exclusive district for medium

and high-rise residential buildings


Category II exclusive district for medium

and high-rise residential buildings


Category I residential district


Category II residential district

準住居地域 Q

uasi-residential district


Neighborhood com

mercial district

商業地域 Com

mercial district

準工業地域 Q

uasi-industrial district

工業地域 Industrial district


Exclusive industrial district

備    考Remarks



ent/entertainment facilities

ボーリング場、スケート場、水泳場、ゴルフ練習場、バッティング練習場等Bowling, skate, swimming pool, golf driving range, batting center, etc. ▲ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○

▲3,000m2以下3,000 m2 or less

カラオケボックス等Karaoke box, etc. ▲ ▲ ○ ○ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲10,000m2以下

10,000m2 or less

マージャン屋、ぱちんこ屋、射的場、馬券・車券発売所等Mahjong house, pachinko hall, shooting gallery, off-course betting places, etc. ▲ ▲ ○ ○ ▲ ▲ ▲10,000m2以下

10,000m2 or less

劇場、映画館、演芸場、観覧場Theater, movie-theater, entertainment hall, auditorium ① ○ ○ ②

①客席200m2未満 ②客席10,000m2以下① Seating: less than 200㎡② Seating: 10,000㎡ or less

キャバレー、ダンスホール等、個室付浴場等Cabaret, dance hall, etc., private-room bath, etc. ○ ▲ ▲個室付浴場等を除く

Excluding bath with private-rooms, etc.


Public facilities, hospitals, and schools

幼稚園、小学校、中学校、高等学校Kindergarten, elementary school, junior high school, high school ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○大学、高等専門学校、専修学校等College, technical college, special training school ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○図書館等 Library, etc. ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○巡査派出所、一定規模以下の郵便局等Police box, post office smaller than the specified size, etc. ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○神社、寺院、教会等Shrine, temple, church, etc. ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○病院 Hospital ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○公衆浴場、診療所、保育所等Public bath, clinic, day-care center, etc. ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○老人ホーム、身体障害者福祉ホーム等Nursing home, welfare home for physically disabled persons, etc. ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○老人福祉センター、児童厚生施設等Welfare centers for the elderly, recreation facilities for children, etc. ▲ ▲ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ▲600m2以下

600 m2 or less

自動車教習所Driving school ▲ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ▲3,000m2以下

3,000 m2 or less


Plant, warehouse, etc.

単独車庫(付属車庫を除く)Independent parking lot (except attached one) ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ▲300m2以下 2階以下

3,000 m2 or less within 2 floors

建築物附属自動車車庫 ①②③については、建築物の延べ面積の1/2以下かつ備考欄に記載の制限Parking lot attached to building  For ① , ② and ③ , one half or less of the total floor area of building with    restrictions described in the remarks column.

① ① ② ② ③ ③ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ①600m2以下 1階以下②3,000m2以下 2階以下③2階以下① 600 m2 or less having one floor② 3,000 m2 or less within 2 floors③ Within 2 floors

※一団地の敷地内について別に制限ありOther restrictions exist in a complex site

倉庫業倉庫 Warehouse for warehousing business ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○畜舎(15m2を超えるもの) Cattle barn (over 15 m2) ▲ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ▲3,000m2以下

3,000 m2 or less

パン屋、米屋、豆腐屋、菓子屋、洋服店、畳屋、建具屋、自転車店等で作業場の床面積が50m2以下Bakery, rice, soybean, confectionery, tailor, floor-mat, furniture or bicycle shop, etc. with 50 m2 or less working area

▲ ▲ ▲ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○原動機の制限あり▲2階以下Restriction on use of motor ▲ : Within 2 floors

危険性や環境を悪化させるおそれが非常に少ない工場Plant involving almost no danger or environmental pollution ① ① ① ② ② ○ ○ ○ 原動機・作業内容の制限あり

作業場の床面積①50m2以下 ②150m2以下Restriction on use of motor and work type Area of work space:① 50m2 or less ② 150m2 or less

危険性や環境を悪化させるおそれが少ない工場Plant involving least danger or environmental pollution ② ② ○ ○ ○危険性や環境を悪化させるおそれがやや多い工場Plant involving slight danger or environmental pollution ○ ○ ○危険性が大きいか又は著しく環境を悪化させるおそれがある工場Plant involving high possibility of danger or environmental pollution ○ ○

自動車修理工場 Automotive body repair shop ① ① ② ③ ③ ○ ○ ○作業場の床面積①50m2以下 ②150m2以下③300m2以下 原動機の制限ありWorkshop floor area: ① 50m2 or less ② 150m2 or less ③ 300m2 or less Restriction on use of motor


Quantity of gunpowder, petroleum, gas or other dangerous substance stored or handled

量が非常に少ない施設Extremely little ① ② ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○

①1,500m2以下 2階以下②3,000m2以下① 1,500 m2 or less within 2 floors ② 3,000 m2 or less

量が少ない施設 Little ○ ○ ○ ○ ○量がやや多い施設 Slightly large ○ ○ ○量が多い施設 Large ○ ○

卸売市場、火葬場、と畜場、汚物処理場、ごみ焼却場等Wholesale market, crematory, slaughterhouse, refuse treatment facility,waste incineration facility

都市計画区域内においては都市計画決定が必要Designation of city planning is required for areas within the City

Planning Area

都市計画のしくみ Outline of City Planning

・ Restriction for Planned City PlanningCity Planning Law regulates various restrictions on use of the land for sound growth and orderly development of the city and ensuring healthy and cultural urban life as well as functional urban activities.

(1) Regulation on developmentThe development approval system has been established to prevent disorderly urbanization and to promote appropriate urbanization by securing a certain quality of city area.As a rule, approval by the mayor is required for development (change of land profile or quality mainly for building or special structure construction) within the city planning area. However, no approval is required for development of less than 500 m2 in the urbanization area.In urbanization control areas, regardless of the scale of the area, no development is approved, with the exception of specific predetermined developments. As a rule, approval of the mayor is required even for construction without the need of development in the urbanization control area.







(2)地域地区内における制限 Restriction within land use zoning

①用途地域内の制限 Restrictions within land use district●建築用途 Building use

Note: The above is an outline of Attached Table 2 of Construction Standard Law and does not include all restrictions.※ Construction of pachinko halls and similar facilities is restricted according to the Law/ordinance on Control and Improvement of Amusement Businesses.※ Construction of hotels and inns is restricted according to the Hotel Business Law.※ Quasi-industrial districts reflect regulations imposed to the districts restricting large-scale facilities for attracting customers.

注) 本表は、建築基準法別表第二の概要であり、すべての制限について掲載したものではありません。※ ぱちんこ屋などについては、風営適正化法・条例により立地が制限されています。※ ホテル・旅館については、旅館業法により立地が制限されています。※ 準工業地域については、大規模集客施設制限地区の規制内容を反映しています。

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都市計画のしくみ Outline of City Planning70都市計画のしくみ Outline of City Planning69



Area classification/size of area by district (Nagoya City) (as of March 31, 2012)

City planning area

Urbanization promotion area

Land use district

Item Area (ha)Building coverage Floor-area ratio Setback













Approx 32,637 ha

Approx 30,258 ha


Category I exclusive district forlow-rise residential buildings

Category II exclusive district forlow-rise residential buildings

Category I exclusive district formedium and high-riseresidential buildings

Category II exclusive district formedium and high-riseresidential buildings

Category II residential district

Quasi-residential district

Neighborhood commercial district

Commercial district

Quasi-industrial district

Industrial district

Exclusive industrial district

Category I residential district














5/10 or less 3/10 or less 1.5m or more

1.0m or more

1.0m or more

1.0m or more

1.0m or more

1.0m or more

1.5m or more

1.5m or more








ℓ W ℓ









20m 以下(31m 以下)

20m or less (31m or less)

後退距離Retracted distance

隣地境界線 Border with the adjacent land隣地境界線 Border with the adjacent land


Construction of buildings of which 5 floors or more are used for other than living purposes prohibited (except those with 400% or less floor-area ratio)

Prohibition on construction on entertainment business facilities and store-type special entertainment business facilities.

Prohibition on construction of plant, etc. that may adversely affect the environment of the neighboring area (designated as a part of quasi-industrial district)

Prohibition on construction of plant, etc. that may adversely affect the environment of the wide surrounding area (designated as a part of industrial district)

Prohibition on construction on entertainment business facilities, store-type special entertainment business facilities, hotel, inn, etc.

Construction of buildings other than research and development and attached facilities prohibited

Construction of large-scale facilities for attracting customers with stores of which floor areas larger than 10,000 m2 prohibited. (designated as the entire quasi-industrial district)

7th floor

6th floor

5th floor

4th floor

3rd floor

2nd floor

1st floor

5th floor

4th floor

3rd floor

2nd floor

1st floor

District for exclusive medium and high-rise residential building

Special industrial district

(Category I special industrial district)

(Category II special industrial district)

Educational district

Research and development district

Districts restricting large-scale facilities for attracting customers

Residence 5th and higher floors are used for

living purposes

If 5th and higher floors are used for purposes other

than living

Construction is allowed if floor-area ratio is 500% or less

Purposes other than living


Living and other purposes (e.g. stores and offices)

Construction is allowed for buildings with 400% or less floor-area ratio

Purposes other than living (e.g. stores and offices)

1 or 2

3 or more

100 m2 or less

Fireproof or quasi-fireproof building Fireproof building

Fireproof buildingFireproof building

Over 100 m2Total floor area

No. of floors

1 or 2

4 or more

Total floorarea

No. of floors excluding underground500 m2 or less Over 500 m2 and 1,500 m2 or less Over 1,500 m2

Fireproof or quasi-fireproof building or wooden structure with

certain fire protection measure

Wooden structure acceptable Fireproof or quasi-fireproof building

Fireproof or quasi-fireproof building

Fireproof building Fireproof building Fireproof building

Fireproof building

Fireproof building

Building restrictions for quasi-fireproof district

Building restrictions for fireproof district



道路 Road


Applicable distance適用距離

道路 Road

後退距離 Retracted distance


1Applicable distance

都市計画のしくみ Outline of City Planning

■建ぺい率・容積率・壁面後退Building coverage, floor-area, and setback

■高さ Height


(i) Northern slant line and absolute height restrictions in categories I and II districts for low-rise residential buildings

(イ)前面道路反対側の境界線からの斜線制限(ii) Slant line restriction on the side opposite to the front road side

(ウ)隣地との境界線からの斜線制限(iii) Restriction on slant line from the border with the adjacent land

 (a)後退距離のない場合 (a) Without restriction

 (a)後退距離のない場合 (a) Without restriction


(c) When the width of the facing road is 12 m or more in categories I/II exclusive districts for medium and high-rise residential buildings, I/II residential districts and quasi-residential districts

前面道路の反対側の境界線からの水平距離が前面道路幅員の1.25倍以上の範囲においては、道路斜線の勾配が1.5となります。For an area where the horizontal distance from the opposite borderline is 1.25 times or more of the width of the road, the angle of road slant line is 1.5

( )書きの数値は、近隣商業、商業、準工業、工業、工業専用地域における場合Figures shown in brackets represent neighborhood industrial area, commercial, quasi-industrial area, and industrial area cases.

 (b)後退距離のある場合 (b) With restriction

 (b)後退距離のある場合 (b) With restriction

北側隣地境界線(北側が道路の場合は、反対側境界線)Northern borderline (opposite border if the northern side is facing a road)


In Nagoya City, as there are strict regulations due to being a height control district, refer to page 71, (4. Restrictions within the height control area).

( )書の数値は近隣商業、商業、準工業、工業及び工業専用地域。適用距離は敷地の容積率及び用途地域により20mから35mまでの距離が定められています。後退部分には、軽微なものを除いて、建築物・門・塀等をつくることはできません。Values in ( ) are for neighborhood commercial, commercial, quasi-industrial, industrial, and dedicated industrial districts.The applicable distance is specified from 20 to 35 m according to flood-area ratio and land use districts.No building, gate, or fence is permitted within the retracted distance, except for very high ones.

② 特別用途地区内の制限 Restrictions for special use district

③ 防火地域・準防火地域内の制限  Restrictions for fireproof and quasi-fireproof district

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都市計画のしくみ Outline of City Planning71




都市計画のしくみ Outline of City Planning72


10-m height control district

15-m height control district

20-m height control district

31-m height control district

45-m height control district

Absolute 45-m height control district

Absolute 31-m height control district

Minimum building height control district

Building restrictions Designated area

All Category I/II exclusive districts for low-rise residential buildings

In principle, Category I/II exclusive districts for low-rise residential

buildings, whose urban infrastructures are not fully developed

1. In principle, CategoryⅠ/Ⅱexclusive districts for medium and high-rise residential buildings

2. Areas adjacent to living environments of low-rise residential buildings

Areas with a specified Floor-area ratio of 200% within Category I, Category II, and quasi-residential districts(Excludes designated15-meter and 20-meter height control districts)

Areas with a specified Floor-area ratio of 200% within adjacent commercial districts, quasi-industrial districts, and industrial districts

Areas with a specified Floor-area ratio of 300% within adjacent type II residential district and quasi-residential


Areas with a specified Floor-area ratio of 300% within adjacent type II residential district and quasi-residential


Area designated as Urban Disaster Prevention Fireproofing Promotion


Northern border(on the side opposite to the front road side)

Northern border(on the side opposite to the front road side)

Northern border(on the side opposite to the front road side)

Northern border(on the side opposite to the front road side)





Northern border (on the side opposite to the front road side)

Height of each part of the building shall be 7 m or higher in height (height from ground) is allowed to be constructed.


区域 Area 許可されるもの Criteria for approval

計画区域内Within planned area

下記の要件のすべてに適合しているもの1.階数が2以下で地階がないこと。2.主要構造部が木造、鉄骨造、コンクリートブロック造その他これらに類する構造であること。3.容易に移転または除却することができるものであること。An object that satisfies all of the following conditions:1. Within 2 floors without any underground floor2. The main structure shall be made of wood, iron frames, concrete blocks or the equivalent.3. The object can be easily moved or removed.

事業予定地内 Within project scheduled area

上欄に該当する物件であっても原則として許可されません。As a rule, no construction is allowed even if the object satisfies all of the above-said conditions. 


建ぺい率Building coverage


道路からの壁面後退Setback from road

隣地からの壁面後退Setback from boundary of

neighboring land

平均地盤面の数Average number of ground levels

特定第1種風致地区Specified categoryⅠscenic area

30%以下30% or less

10m以下10 m or less

2.0m以上2.0 m or more

1.5m以上1.5 m or more

2以下2 or less

第1種風致地区CategoryⅠscenic area

30%以下30% or less

10m以下10 m or less

2.0m以上2.0 m or more

1.5m以上1.5 m or more

2以下2 or less

第2種風致地区CategoryⅡscenic area

40%以下40% or less

10m以下10 m or less

2.0m以上2.0 m or more

1.0m以上1.0 m or more

2以下2 or less

建ぺい率の最高限度Maximum building coverage

対象となる敷地面積Target area

緑化率の最低限度Minimum greenification area

50%以下Less than 50%

300㎡以上300 m2 or larger 20%

50%を超え60%以下Between 50% and 60%

300㎡以上300 m2 or larger 15%

60%を超え80%以下Between 60% and 80%

500㎡以上500 m2 or larger 10%

都市計画のしくみ Outline of City Planning

④ 高度地区内の制限  Restriction for building height control district ⑤ 高度利用地区内の制限用途地域内の土地で特に合理的な高度利用と都市機






(3) Restrictions for construction within the area for city planning facility, etc.

Constructing a building within the area of city planning road, park, or facility or within the site of an urban development project such as a land readjustment project requires the approval of the mayor. The standards for approval are as listed below.

(4) Restrictions for construction, etc. within project area

When the land shape or quality is changed or a building is constructed within the area where the city planning project has been permitted or approved, an approval of the mayor must be obtained. For the project area, there are additional regulations including application for transfer with cost and land buyout application.

都市計画道路、都市計画公園・緑地内で長期未整備の一部の区域では建築制限の緩和を行っています。Construction restrictions have been lifted for part of city planning roads, parks and green areas with maintenance yet to be done.

⑤ Restriction for high-use districtFor an area within the land use district requiring high-use and renewal of urban functions, the upper and lower limits of floor area ratio and the upper limit of building coverage, the minimum floor area, and the restriction of the wall position are designated by city planning.

⑥風致地区内の制限 Restrictions for scenic area

⑦緑化地域内の制限 Restrictions for greening district