Red bull

Red Bull Sommaire Une démarche et un mix marketing énormément axé sur la communication. La Red Bull, un produit de conviction. Page 4 La notion de rivalité élargie dans le marché des boissons énergisante est-elle favorable à Red Bull ? La mise en place de nouvelles techniques Page 6 Depuis cet été, impossible de passer à côté de la petite canette bleue et argent… la Red Bull a envahi les rayons des supermarchés, des stations-service, des superettes, cette boisson est partout. Du côté des bars et des discothèques, les jeunes en sont fans ! Cette boisson dynamiserait le corps et l’esprit et stopperait la fatigue. D’après le slogan de la marque, elle donnerait même des ailes… En attendant, elle fait beaucoup parler d’elle : douze ans d’interdiction sur le territoire, une mise sur le marché controversée, les rumeurs les plus folles circulent sur ses effets. Certains pensent gagner grâce à elle la puissance du taureau, d’autres refusent d’en boire parce qu’elle serait dangereuse et pourrait même conduire à la mort. Alors qu’en est-il vraiment ? De quoi cette boisson est-elle composée ? Est-elle réellement dangereuse ? Comment la marque réussit-elle aujourd’hui à s’imposer, surtout auprès des jeunes, grâce à un marketing jamais vu jusque-là en France ? Une démarche et un mix marketing énormément axé sur la communication. Mais avant de voir si le succès est bien au rendez-vous pour le produit phare de cette société autrichienne, il faut dans un premier temps analyser le plan de marchéage de la célèbre cannette aux couleurs bleu et argenté. Tout d’abord il faut savoir que la Red Bull est une boisson rafraichissante et énergisante non alcoolisée contenant principalement de la taurine, de la caféine et du sucre. La particularité de ce nouveau produit est réunie sous une forme spéciale dans la Red Bull. Le prix d’un pack de 4 cannettes de 250 ml de Red Bull est généralement commercialisé en grande surface entre 5,50€ et 5,70€ ce qui reste dans la moyenne comparé à d’autres
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Transcript of Red bull

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Red Bull

Sommaire Une démarche et un mix marketing énormément axé sur la communication. La Red Bull, un produit de conviction. Page 4 La notion de rivalité élargie dans le marché des boissons énergisante est-elle favorable à Red Bull ? La mise en place de nouvelles techniques Page 6

Depuis cet été, impossible de passer à côté de la petite canette bleue et argent… la Red Bull a envahi les rayons des supermarchés, des stations-service, des superettes, cette boisson est partout. Du côté des bars et des discothèques, les jeunes en sont fans ! Cette boisson dynamiserait le corps et l’esprit et stopperait la fatigue. D’après le slogan de la marque, elle donnerait même des ailes… En attendant, elle fait beaucoup parler d’elle : douze ans d’interdiction sur le territoire, une mise sur le marché controversée, les rumeurs les plus folles circulent sur ses effets. Certains pensent gagner grâce à elle la puissance du taureau, d’autres refusent d’en boire parce qu’elle serait dangereuse et pourrait même conduire à la mort. Alors qu’en est-il vraiment ? De quoi cette boisson est-elle composée ? Est-elle réellement dangereuse ? Comment la marque réussit-elle aujourd’hui à s’imposer, surtout auprès des jeunes, grâce à un marketing jamais vu jusque-là en France ? Une démarche et un mix marketing énormément axé sur la communication. Mais avant de voir si le succès est bien au rendez-vous pour le produit phare de cette société autrichienne, il faut dans un premier temps analyser le plan de marchéage de la célèbre cannette aux couleurs bleu et argenté. Tout d’abord il faut savoir que la Red Bull est une boisson rafraichissante et énergisante non alcoolisée contenant principalement de la taurine, de la caféine et du sucre. La particularité de ce nouveau produit est réunie sous une forme spéciale dans la Red Bull. Le prix d’un pack de 4 cannettes de 250 ml de Red Bull est généralement commercialisé en grande surface entre 5,50€ et 5,70€ ce qui reste dans la moyenne comparé à d’autres concurrents comme Burn (Produit de Coca-Cola) vendu à 5,40€ le litre et Dark Dog (Filiale de Karlsbräu) qui est vendu autour de 5,80€ Pour vendre ses produits la société autrichienne utilisé un réseau plutôt intensif en cherchant à toucher le plus grand nombre de consommateurs possible. On retrouve donc ces petites cannettes bleues et argenté dans tout le secteur de la grande distribution telles les grandes surfaces (Carrefour, Leclerc, Auchan…) mais aussi les commerces de proximité (Carrefour Market, Lidl, ED…). Par ailleurs on constate que dans les grandes surfaces, le produit n’est pas mis en vente de manière traditionnelle dans les rayons. En effet, les cannettes sont souvent à l’écart du rayon des boissons non alcoolisées afin d’être un maximum visible auprès du grand public. En outre, ce produit est également disponible dans les bars et autres boîtes de nuit en très grande quantité. {draw:frame} Attardons nous à présent sur le système de communication de l’entreprise pour vendre son produit de manière importante. Red Bull développe sa communication sous de nombreux aspects, à commencé par la publicité visuelle que l’on voit passer en boucles sur nos écrans de télé. Celle-ci sont teinté d’un trait d’humour afin de sensibilisé au mieux le client et de lui montrer que c’est une boisson qui se veut jeune et amusante. Mais la communication de Red Bull passe également par de nombreux

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autres points tels que la mise en place d’un logo distinctif, de slogans amusants («Red Bull donne des ailes !» ou encore «Red Bull vivifie le corps et l’esprit») et l’apparition de Personnage médiatique et surtout sportif comme Sébastian Vettel, pilote chez Red Bull en Formule 1 et présenté comme le nouveau Michael Schumacher ou encore Sébastien Loeb, quintuple champion du monde des rallyes en ce qui concerne le développement de la marque en France. Mais là ou Red Bull fait le plus de communication concernant son nouveau produit reste le sponsoring dans de nombreux sports extrême (Formule 1, Motocross, BMX, Plongeon en hauteur…) ainsi que dans l’organisation d’évènementiels à l’image de nombreuses soirées, d’événements promotionnels comme le «premier Red Bull Flugtag Français» sur la plage du Prado à Marseille ou encore le «Red Bull Air Race». A cela s’ajoute également la présence d’un site interactif (possibilité de mini jeux en ligne) ainsi qu’une forte implication sur certains réseaux sociaux comme Facebook ou Twitter sans oublier le fait que Red Bull embauche des étudiants afin de promouvoir leur produit. {draw:frame} Toutes ces facettes de la communication de Red Bull permet à la société de rester constamment en contact avec ses consommateurs et de pouvoir également de bénéficier d’une plus grande part de marché afin de fidéliser une clientèle de plus en plus importante. Dès lors, il devient évident que la cible visé par la firme au taureau rouge concerne les jeunes de 15 à 25 ans, plutôt dynamiques et sportifs, noctambules et adeptes des soirées animés. On le remarque donc aisément, Red Bull se veut être une boisson dynamique, énergisanteet festive basée sur les sensations fortes qui provoque de l’excitation ainsi qu’un maximum d’adrénaline. La Red Bull, un produit de conviction. On a donc affaire à un produit de conviction puisque l’acheteur s’intéresse au produit en lui-même qui se vend à un prix relativement élevé ce qui lui confère une image haut de gamme, mais également à la marque. En effet, la société autrichienne maintient autour d’elle une sorte d’énigme qui favorise l’achat de ces cannettes par rapport à d’autres concurrents. Par exemple, le directeur de l’entreprise, M. Dietrich Mateschitz n’a accordé qu’une seule interview dans sa vie et le siège social de l’entreprise reste assez mystérieux. C’est une entreprise qui est connu pour sa discrétion afin de parfaitement maitriser son image auprès de la presse et qui lui permet ainsi de parfaitement maitriser son développement marketing sur le marché. La notion de rivalité élargie de le marché des boissons énergisante est-elle favorable à Red Bull ? Cependant, il se trouve que Red Bull n’est pas seul sur le marché des boissons énergétiques puisque comme nous l’avons vu plus haut, il existe des concurrents tels que Burn ou Dark Dog voire Powerade. On à donc un marché oligopolistique sur lequel débouche une rivalité qui peut-être mise en avant ici par Michael Porter dans la notion de rivalité élargie. {draw:rect} {draw:text-box} {draw:rect} {draw:rect} = {draw:rect} + - Nombres d’entrants : Il existe de nombreuses barrières (techniques de fabrication, possibilités économiques faibles, image de marque…) pour permettre aux nouveaux entrants de pour pouvoir rivaliser et gagner des parts de marché. Poids des clients : Etant donné qu’il n’existe que quelques entreprises sur ce marché, celles-ci sont en position de force mais la grande distribution peut décider d’enlever le

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produit à n’importe quel moment dans le but de sanctionner l’entreprise si celle-ci ne respecte pas les accords convenus entre les parties concernées. Poids des fournisseurs : Comme les entreprises dispose presque toutes de leurs entreprises de fabrication, l’importance des fournisseurs dans ce système reste relativement faible, d’autant plus que ceux-ci n’ont aucun lien entre eux pour contrer ces entreprises. Produits de substitutions : Il existe de nombreux produits de substitutions dans le marché des boissons non alcoolisées. On peut citer Coca-Cola, Orangina mais aussi Schweppes qui ont une renommé égale, voire supérieure à ces marques (Burn est d’ailleurs une filiale de Coca-Cola). Ces produits de substitutions représentent le seul réel obstacle pour la marque puisque dans les autres cas, le fait d’être sur un marché oligopolistique avantage dès lors Red Bull. Cependant, la société autrichienne n’était pas seule au moment de «l’ouverture» de ce marché et devait faire face à des concurrents important comme Coca-Cola ou Karlsbrau. On peut donc se demander comment Red Bull à-t-il fait pour se différencié des autres entreprise et l’on va s’apercevoir que la marque aux taureaux rouge a fait usage de nouvelles techniques. La mise en place de nouvelles techniques. {draw:frame} A partir de ce système on peut se demander comment à fait Red Bull pour se démarquer des autres et on remarque que l’entreprise autrichienne à fait appel à de nouvelles techniques jamais vu à ce moment là. Le but de Red Bull à été de créer une énorme notoriété sans forcément se lancer dans de vastes plans de campagnes publicitaires. Pour cela Red Bull fait confiance au bouche-à-oreilles, élément d’une importance capitale dans le plan marketing de la marque aux taureaux. Red Bull s’appuie aussi énormément sur le tape à l’œil avec la présence (notamment sur nos routes) de voitures quelques peu étrange avec de jolies filles afin d’avertir le client et de le convaincre d’acheter de la Red Bull lors de ses prochains achats.

Sales PromotionsRed Bull promotion’s campaign



1. Red bull presentation a. History of Red Bull b. Red Bull’s strengths/ opportunities c. Red Bull’s weaknesses/ threats

2. Red Bull objective and strategy a. The market b. Consumers c. Positioning and differentiation d. Competition

3. Red Bull sales promotions

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a. Red Bull promotion on Points of sells b. The Red Bull “Buzz” c. The French launch d. STREET MARKETING IN FRANCE

4. Red Bull Communication a. TV advertising b. World Sponsoring

5. Loyalty and Acquisition politic a. Loyalty politic b. Acquisition politic

1) The Red Bull presentation

a) History of Red Bull

First Red Bull drink was developed in 1962 by Chaleo Voovidhya( a Thai businessman) and sold with this name “Krating Daeng” (Thai for Red Bull) by a pharmaceutical company. The beverage was based on Lipovitan, an earlier energy drink that had been introduced to Thailand from Japan. Krating Daeng sales soared across Asia in the 1980's. At the beginning, the working class image was boosted by sponsorship of Thai boxing matches, where the logo of two red bulls charging each other was often on display.

The Thai product was transformed into a global brand by Dietrich Mateschitz, an Austrian entrepreneur. Mateschitz was international marketing director for a German toothpaste company, when he visited Thailand in 1982 and discovered that Krating Daeng was. Between 1984 and 1987, Mateschitz worked with TC Pharmaceutical to adapt Krating Daeng for European consumers. At the same time Mateschitz and Voovidhya founded Red Bull GmbH; each investing $500,000 of savings and taking a 49% stake in the new company. Red Bull GmbH launched the “Austrian” version of Red Bull in 1987, which is carbonated and not as sweet as the original Thai recipe. It is the Austrian formula that has taken almost half of the US market for energy drinks, and up to 80% of the market in some other countries.

In addition to owning half of Red Bull GmbH, Chaleo and his son continue to market the original formula across Asia. In 2006, Forbes Magazine listed Chaleo as being the 292 richest person in the world with an estimated net worth of over $2.5 billion while Mateschitz was listed at number 317. The architecturally spectacular headquarters of Red Bull GmbH are located in Fuschl am See, Austria.


Brand portfolio

Nowadays, it exist three kinds of Red Bull beverages, but only the first one is selling in France. For the American market, we can find Red Bull (1987) of course. Also, in shops there are Red Bull sugars free (2003) and Red Bull Cola was launched last year in USA.

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Fr the last one, according to the company, the product is natural and the company wants to take part in Cola market.

b) Red Bull’s strengths/ opportunities

Red Bull is a national trend. It has exported its products all around the world. It is presents in 145 countries, on 5 continents. Red Bull can be booked by internet in legality.Red Bull is also well known for its efficacy of it marketing. The sponsorship is very important on extreme sports and now on the television (1.5 milliars of euros by year for communication only) and also local campaigns in order to promote its several products.Red Bull sponsoring around 300 athletes spread on several sports in order to show Red Bull everywhere. Every years, a stunt show, called” Worl stunt awards” takes place in America. It is a very popular show in America.Formula 1 is nowadays one of the most important sponsorship for Red Bull, in the world. Indeed, it is an international sport, popular in Europe and United States. At the end of 2004, Red Bull bought Jaguar team. In 2005, partnership with Minardi for Toro Rosso, in formula 1, also.Football is also concerned by Red Bull Sponsorship. Mateschitz, the owner of the beverage, bought recently the New York Club, the New York MetroStars which is called now Red Bull Salzbourg.Locally, different local marketing operations are lead by Red Bull and they were really well known. Mini Cooper cars were in Paris and the message is spared by people who saw these cars in the streets. With this action, Red Bull have success is France.The marketing aspect is so big that everybody knows it.Production is exclusively do in Austria in order to guaranty the authenticity of Red Bull and a good quality of the product.The image is much appreciated in France because Red Bull is very well know and you can find everywhere on the market: Myth Red Bull.Red Bull is the third beverage in the world after Coca Cola and Pepsi.

c) Red Bull’s weaknesses/ threats

Some weaknesses of Red Bull is the ingredients of the beverage and you have to take attention of that. It can be dangerous that this product can menace your health.Indeed, they are lot of quantity of caffeine in the cans of Red Bull (80mg).Secondary effects of caffeine can be present such as tachycardia, insomnia, or nervosity. They are no studies that demonstrate the effect of Taurine, with or without alcohol.Red Bull is very expensive compare to other beverage and this product is very high in the range of soft drinks. Its price is 1.50 Euros for 25cl than the price of Coca Cola is 0.80 Euros for 33cl.Other important weakness is in some countries that the visibility of advertisements on the packaging is different according to the countries.Some advertisements can be “dangerous for pregnant women and forbidden for children” “banned to drink much than 2 cans by day”. This product doesn’t exist in Denmark for these reasons.Ingredients have to be changed according to countries of where it selling. In France, products can’t contain Taurine despite it original conception.The range of Red Bull is very little with it three products.

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The target is to small, is only for consumers between 15 years to 25 years, and the penetration is declining with age.

2) Red Bull objectives and strategy:a) Positioning and strategy:

Red Bull makes part of the energetic drink market.Let’s remain what is an energetic drink:

Energy drinks are soft drinks advertised as providing energy to improve physical activity of the drinker, as compared to a typical drink. Rather than providing food energy (as measured in calories).

The energy drinks market:Red Bull is the first drink who launched the energy drink market; it was launched in 1997 and owns now the world biggest market share in this sector.

This market is extremely increasing since the last 10 ten years,. In emerging market, several producers have introduced new products. It became a sector which is more and more competitive. By 2001, the energy drink market had developed to almost $400 million per fiscal year accounting the retail sales. We can notice different types of energy drinks products, of course there are all the variety of coffee, and the second are traditional energy drink such as red bull, Burn and Dark Dog. New Brand had been created mixing this kind of drink with smart drink or alcohol.We can clearly see in theses graphs that Red Bull takes almost half of the market share in USA. The second is far from it with also 14% of the share. Despite the hard competition Red Bull stay at the top of the sales and don’t stop increasing.

( 2004 2006b) Customers

The major part of Red Bull consumers are teenagers and young adults (. For breakfast, at work, in a fitness club, or in a club, Red Bull can be consumes everywhere, and for every occasions. A recent survey estimates that around 35% percent of energy drink consumers are above 35 years old. 65% of US teenagers (7.6 million teens) say they drink energy drinks. Numbers of teenage consumers has increased by 3 million over the past 3 years.Furthermore energy drinks with high sugar levels are more popular among children and women, while energy drinks with strong taste and flavour are more preferred by male consumers. Recent studies also indicated that 65% of the energy drinks market consists of male consumers.

During that last 10 years, extreme sports had taken a huge part in terms of media, and are very popular among young people. Red Bull have always associate the brand image to extreme sport events, that why its becoming now the official energy drink of extreme.

Red Bull is not using the usual communications channels because of its target: young people. They do prefer unusual ways of communication which are, in Red Bull case more spectacular.

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Red Bull heads officers had understood what young people are looking for, by observing their universe, and by using new sport, generally extreme. Red Bull, in order to launch very well its target, represents a new way of doing marketing.

c) Positioning and Differentiation strategy

For both mind and body, Red Bull is seen as the first stimulation drink. It can be used at any time, anywhere and by anybody

As we could see before, the market is extremely saturated with many major competitors. The notoriety of Red Bull come also from it’s differentiation from the rest of the market mainly by its packaging. It’s not in a 12 ounce can, it’s not sold in a bottle, and it doesn’t have script lettering like Pepsi or Coke. It looks European.An other particularity is that Red Bull only offers its product in:

- One color- One size- One flavor

Actually very few companies rely and succeed at focusing onand delivering only one product to the market

“We are one of few companies around the world that canstay focused on one product. We do what we do best.”

Over more Red Bull launched directly its products to the premium price, in order to show that it belong to high level product.

d) Red Bull’s competition

Red bull is known as the market leader, but it has to face hundreds of competitors all around the word. The brand also has to fight against copies. The Coca Cola Company is a major competitor with its “energetic” drinks Burn, Dark Dog (The most famous in France); Rock star.

Examples of competitive product

The success of Red Bull and the growth of the energy drinks category led to an onslaught of new competitors. For example, in 2000, 23 new functional energy drinks were introduced in the UK market alone, but Red Bull was able to hold onto 86% of the market. The high industry margins29 attracted copycats from large companies like Anheuser-Bush (180), Carlsberg (Battery), Cadbury-Schweppes (Venom), Coca-Cola (Burn and KMX), and Pepsi (Amp), as well as large retailers such as Asda (part of the Wal-Mart group). In some cases competitors led local markets, such as Battery which outsold Red Bull in its native Finnish market. However, even small brands had been able to establish competitive positions, such as the Austrian company Shark that held the number two position in Europe.

3) Red Bull Sales Promotional

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Red Bull did no direct promotion on the product itself, it’s mean that we can’t find prices reductions, bigger package or gifts with the packs of red bull.To attract new customers and enhance consumer loyalty, Red bull has a more effective brand campaign than Coke and Pepsi. It is building a beverage brand without relying on the equipment of a mass marketing campaignRed Bull doesn’t usually use: billboards, banner ads, taxicab holograms, SuperBowl spotsRed Bull used 4 main ways of promotion to promote the brand which is the TV advertising, the sport sponsoring, the (bouche à Oreille) and the street marketing. This strategy of communication fit with the Red Bull global strategy who wants to reach and be closer with the youth of this word.

a) Red Bull promotion on Points of sells

There are different points of sells for Red Bull; first the classic shop, every minimarket, supermarket, hypermarket, and gas station are selling this product.In those shops Red Bull is doing its promotion by using first stickers on the floor, from the entrance to the cooler which contains the Red Bull. Then Red Bull use big fridges cans as shelves which look like a Red Bull can. You also have large displays integrated into the coolers shelves that hold the productsFreestanding units at the point of purchase

Those techniques permit Red Bull to be view by consumers in the shop.About the product itself, Red Bull sells it by pack of 4 in general, or one by one, in those big fridges can.


The second kinds of points of sells are the bars and night clubs, which represent a major part of Red Bull sells. Most of bars and night clubs are using Red Bull fridges, which is a good promotion for Red Bull. There is different type of fridges; some of them are very original.

b) The Red Bull “Buzz”:

Until 2008, France banned the popular energy drink Red Bull after the death of an Irish athlete Ross Cooney, who died as a result of playing a basketball game after consuming four cans of the drink. The French Scientific Committee concluded that Red Bull has excessive amounts of caffeine. But the fact that Red Bull can be dangerous travelled all around the word, and it increased the Red Bull notoriety.

Red Bull is a very controversial subject, lots of are against, lots of love it.Over more, young people are rebels, they are attracted with the forbidden, so it place Red Bull as a “hype” or “fun” or “cool” product.Today, every body knows the Red Bull brand, and it created lots of debate and polemics about it..Now, you can fin Red Bull in all shops in France, but we don’t now the real impact of the beverage of this cans. France can’t ban it because there is no demonstration that this beverage is bad for the health that’s why European Union wants that France sells it.

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Denmark also banned Red Bull. Britain investigated the drink, but only issued a warning against its use by pregnant women.

c) The french launch

Red Bull wasn’t allowed in France until 2008. The original product, made with two ingredients the taurine (which can create stressful reaction) and the D-glucurolactone (which could increase the endurance). Theses ingredients were jugged too dangerous by the French government. Even if it wasn’t allowed, lots of young French illegally bought Red Bull in the borderer’s countries or in Monaco where it was commercialised.To respond at this problem, Red Bull decided to change the composition of the can, changing the “bad” ingredients with Arginine.


The main promotional strategy of red bull is focus on urban market. Red Bull created the concept of “wings team” to accomplish the Red Bull car’s campaign. They hired young people having a driving license to travel the entire main French town like Paris, Lyon, Rennes, Marseille etc…The choice of the car was strategic, the Mini Cooper is a very fashion car, and as we can see on the picture, they transformed the back of the car in a fridge pick up, with a giant Red Bull can in order to be view from far, and not being only a commercial car with stickers.Hundreds of Red Bull cars were parked in strategic places as the touristic ones (Opera, Champs Elysées, Bastille, Chatelet…), in front of the main universities, school (Negocia was launch for example, with a free sample distribution) and the young districts. The goal was to make taste the new products to people giving free samples, not smaller! They offered the same product, same size.

Today, the drinks are changing; Red Bull starts to replace the French product with the original recipe (with Taurine component). Indeed, the French government decided to allow the Red Bull business in our country.

4) The communication strategy of red Bulla) TV advertising:

The idea:Red Bull use familiar stories with new twists imply that Red Bull can improve the original image of the consumer to be better, cooler, and more modern. This technical refers to the brand slogan “Red Bull gives you wiiings”.Humour is used to connect to the audience to imply that the product is fun and exciting; this kind of way is very strategic to reach young and active people.The underlying message of these advertising is: Red Bull is essential to having a fulfilling life, because it can make your life exciting and fun. With the energy drink, anyone can conquer things that were never possible before. (For example the man who walked on the moon).

The promotion:

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Red Bull TV advertisings are broadcasted in all the Europe and America. Dozen of TV spots of 30 second each have been created according to the country in which they have been shared. In France we only know two of them that others countries don’t even know.

b) World Sponsoring

Red Bull is focus on extreme sport event such as racing, surfing, skateboarding, windsurfing, snowboarding, cliff-diving, surfing, Formula 1 racing, and break dancing to art shows, music, and video games etc… Red Bull tries to participate at every kind of contest, events, no matter where is it happen.Red Bull is always present to support the young sportsmen or women; but some of the events they sponsor are specialized only for professional as the dive contest in Hawaii or the super Moto cup.Country in which Red bull sponsors events: Italy, France, (Paris Dakar), Brazil, Hawaii, Suisse, Peru, Korea

The Red Bull Air race word championship

This year is the fifth season on the Red Bull Air Race; this event is a speed race in which air plane pilots have to pass over doors horizontally and vertically. Each steps are occurring in a prestigious town like Abu Dhabi, Rio, Monument Valley, Istanbul, Interlaken, London, Budapest, Porto etc... In 2006 one million spectators watched the Red Bull Air Race in the Catalonian seaport. Every year, pilots are fighting to win the Red Bull Air Race word championship title!

THE FORMULA ONE CHAMPIONSHIP:Red Bull has bought a formula 1 team, the “Torro rosso”. They also bought more recently the team “jaguar racing” called now “red bull racing”. It is also the sponsor of the citroen team in the Word rally championship.

Red Bull also made a deal with Steven Spielberg to promote his movie: Star Wars "Episode III: La revanche des Siths". This partnership permit to Red Bull to reach two kind of young people, the sportive ones and the “Star Wars community.

Other sports participation:Rally: Sebastian Loeb’s teamMoto: Team Red Bull KTM. Sponsor teamHockey: EC Red Bull Salzburg, Austria teamFootball: Red Bull Salzbourg, Austria team

Other word’s contests

To going farer than sponsoring events, Red Bull also have about 20 famous sportsmen or woman, champion or professional under contract with the brand.

Red Bull succeeds to be in mind of all sports people thanks to all this sponsors, and it is strategically the right target to reach because who needs an energy drink more than a sportsman?!

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4) Loyalty and Acquisition politica) Loyalty politic

In order to increase Red Bull customers, The brand have a simple way, it has to be focus on a target and never change or being interested in another market. Like that adolescent and younger feel that they belong to the “Red Bull generation”. This is an ideal drink conforming to they way of life because it can be consume every where.

The product packaging increases the appurtenance of customers, because it is differentiate from the others drinks. Always imitated, never equaled, Red bull can have an important role in the loyalty system. Such as the price, who give to the customer a high brand image.

More over Red bull is present in lots of markets, this permit a fast supplying for the customer but most of the sales are establish in pubs ands night clubs. It is the best place to reach the target core. Today mixed with Vodka, Red Bull is today associated with the spirit of happiness and festivity.

Products haven’t evaluated since the latest years which permit to conquer new markets and be implanted durably in more than 50 countries

All this strength made that customers became use to drink Red Bull, they can find it every where, daily in markets, and in night club all the nights! Red Bull is very well implanted in lots of countries, but it is also very well implanted in the youth spirit.

b) Acquisition strategy

The purchase of customers isn’t done by the classical ways of marketing. This originality attracts and people like it. Red Bull gives itself an image of cool drink, hype, so customers pay attention.The fact that the communication operation turn around the extreme sports manifestation or the events where the human go overboard, give to the customers an image of creativity and energyContrarily, the TV spots are funny and don’t push the customer to buy the product. It creates a good stability and makes the difference in the consumer’s eyes?

The Red Bull Buzz and the product composition problem increased the attraction of the customers. The risk intensifies the envy to discover the product. The brand enjoy of this polemic.The majority of the acquisition of new customer is discreet, based on the brand reputation and diffused by the Word Of Mouth.

ConclusionIn conclusion we can say that Red Bull promotion was very smart and very innovative; They had chosen a new way of doing marketing which is more adapted to the target, with promotional operations around Europe for example, spectacular launching, and essentially by sponsoring, motors and extremes sports. Red Bull is becoming in people’s mind the official drink of extremes sport. The polemics around the dangerous aspect of

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this product for us (heart attack for example) helped Red Bull, in a certain way, being known by everybody.The all Red Bull promotional campaign was quiet long because their strategy was very specific and precise, city by city and area by area. But at the end the results are visible and impressive in terms of sells and targeted countries.