Ratherview winter 2014

Celebrating New Leadership Cynthia Briggs Kittredge is Southwest’s Eighth Dean and President


Celebrating New Leadership

Transcript of Ratherview winter 2014

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Celebrating New Leadership Cynthia Briggs Kittredge is Southwest’s Eighth Dean and President

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Front cover photo: Dean Kittredge with her predecessors (L-R) Philip Turner, Durstan R McDonald and Douglas Travis


In this issue:

The Very Rev. Cynthia Briggs Kittredge, ThD Dean and President

Nancy Springer-Baldwin, Editor

Type and page composition: Vivify Creative

Photography: Bob Kinney, Kris Krieg and Nancy Springer-Baldwin.

Printing: Capital Printing

Ratherview is published by: Seminary of the Southwest P.O. Box 2247 Austin, Texas 78768

WEB: www.ssw.edu E-MAIL: [email protected] FACEBOOK: http://www.facebook.com/myssw

Vol. 35, No. 1, Winter 2014

Foreword . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2By Dean Cynthia Briggs Kittredge

Community, Authority and Obedience Shape Leadership . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4By Martha J. Horne

Campaign for Leadership Update . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8

Lilly Endowment Inc. Provides Grant . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8

Matriculation, Honoring Judith A. Rhedin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10

Blandy Lectures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12

Latino/Hispanic Ministry Conference Focuses on Evangelism . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14

Will Power: Transformation Through Planned Giving . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .15

Faculty & Staff . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16

Alumni . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .18

John Hines Day . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .19

Students in Mission . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .20

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Our campus is a sacred place, but not at all staid. We learn, we sing, we laugh, we are surprised and we welcome students, guests and friends into the midst of all our life here. Our faculty represents for our students learning and intellectual achieve - ment, and also wisdom, humor and pastoral expe - rience. To maintain the quality and commit ment of the theological faculty is the goal of the current Campaign for Leadership, now moving toward its successful conclusion (see page 8). We continue to attract amazing students, who have been opera singers, school administrators, development pro - fessionals, teachers, lawyers and people just out of college who are entering ministry in their youth. They come for both ordained and lay voca- tions; they are passionate and motivated; and they dream dreams we haven’t yet even thought of.

Seminary of the Southwest is ideally positioned to offer the church and the larger society the leaders that the changing new world requires. This world is perhaps not so optimistic as the world that John Hines faced in 1952, but more complex and more challenging. Our Latino/Hispanic studies program, established in the 1970s, makes us the ideal place to engage this mission field. The counseling and chaplaincy programs, flourishing for twenty years, attract talented students from many professions and enrich the clinical and pastoral offerings for our ordained ministry students. The contribution of our faculty to the Iona Initiative has helped to create a quality curriculum for local formation now taught in eight dioceses. I attribute our for-ward thinking and innovative programs to that essential element of our history and identity: that we keep our eyes always on the hurting world and on how to cooperate with God to mend it. We look outside our own circles of comfort to others. These principles of mission, that have been redis-covered recently in many circles, have been central to our identity from our founding and are marks of our vital ministry in Christ’s name.

Thank you for your part in this work. I look forward to knowing you in the years to come.

F O R E WO R D by Dean Cynthia Briggs Kittredge


of Ratherview as the new Dean and President of the Seminary of the Southwest. The festivities of the installation in September wonderfully expressed our community values of hospitality and cele-bration and launched my new ministry with dignity and joy. During these past months I have had the privilege of meeting with alumni, sup-porters and friends of the seminary, many of whom I have worked with and taught over the past fourteen years and others whom I have not yet had a chance to know in person. When I have introduced myself, I have shared with them answers to a question that I like to ask when I am trying to get to know a new colleague or friend. I ask, “What do you love?” So I tell them that I love interpreting scripture, teaching, as I have here for fourteen years, writing, plus traveling and wor - shipping in the Anglican Communion.

Then they want to know what I love about my new role, and this is what I say. First, I love being the spiritual leader of a terrifically alive community of learning and prayer, getting to be here in chapel, under the oaks, in Rather House, in the Weeks Center, with students, faculty and staff, plus children and animals. Second, I love getting to know the wider circle of the seminary community, people who treasure the church and who care about the impact of the gospel in the world. I love to incor-porate them into our life and enlist their prayers and support to do our work in more and more ample and effective ways.

I am very excited about this moment in the life of Seminary of the Southwest. In the six decades since Bishop John Hines founded the seminary, we have sent out graduates who have been well prepared, able to adapt to changing circum stances and who share our founder’s traits of resilience, passion and creativity. We currently have more than one hundred students enrolled in five degree programs. We see all our programs as not only edu - cation, but as spiritual formation in the patterns of prayer and action that make a person of faith.

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The installation of Cynthia Briggs Kittredge as the new dean and president of Seminary of the Southwest was enthusiastically celebrated on September 13, 2013, at The Episcopal Church of the Good Shepherd

where Cynthia has served as assisting priest for 14 years.

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Community, Authority and Obedience Shape LeadershipBy Martha J. Horne

Sermon preached by Martha J. Horne, dean and president emerita of Virginia Theological Seminary, at the installation of Cynthia Briggs Kittredge

What a wonderful occasion this is, as Cynthia Kittredge is installed as the eighth Dean and President of the Seminary of the Southwest! It is a great privilege and joy for me to be here to cele-brate with Cynthia, with her family and friends, and with all of you in this seminary community that Cynthia loves so deeply.

It is a fortunate thing, indeed, when one of our Church’s finest scholars, teachers, and pastors is willing to add yet another new set of skills to her LinkedIn profile—skills she probably never dreamed she might one day need. Thank you, Cynthia!

And Cynthia, despite what some of your faculty colleagues may have suggested, you have not gone over to the dark side by taking on the yoke of seminary administration. The vocation of a seminary dean and president is a curious one, in many respects, not a career path that shows up on any of the vocational interest inventories, but I guarantee that it will present you with more interesting and satisfying challenges than you can imagine.

So what is this curious vocation to which Cynthia is offering herself? And what kind of leadership should we expect from your new dean and president?

First a few thoughts about the vocation of a theo-logical school: I’ve spent a lot of time thinking about what our seminaries are called to do and to be, and I keep returning to an understanding of theological schools articulated by David Tiede, who served 18 years as President of Luther Seminary, the largest of the ELCA seminaries. Like Cynthia, David earned his Ph.D. in New Testament studies at Harvard and was a seminary professor before becoming president of Luther Seminary.

As David thought about his seminary’s history, he began to realize that at different times in its life Luther Seminary had embraced the values and the practices of three distinct entities, each of which remained present in its current life. He named those three entities: the abbey, the academy and the apostolate.

I guarantee that it will present you with more interesting and satisfying challenges

than you can imagine.

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Abbey, because theological education has its roots in monastic communities or abbeys, which existed as places of prayer and worship and study leading to ordination.

Academy, because as theological education moved out from the abbeys, schools were established that gradually evolved into institutions of higher learning with academic and pro-fessional standards for accreditation that mirror those of colleges and universities.

Apostolate, because seminaries have come to understand their mission as extending beyond abbey or academy, with a growing awareness of the importance of Christian wit-ness and mission in a much broader and global context.

This understanding of a seminary as the place where the abbey, the academy and the apostolate come together rings true to me as I think about the vocation of Seminary of the Southwest. Like an abbey, you are a worshipping com-munity, with a Chapel from which the daily rhythms of your life radiate. Those daily rhythms are part of your corporate Rule of Life and a way of ordering your common life. So one strand of Cynthia’s leadership will be in the liturgical life of this community.

But you are also an academic community, committed to rigorous and critical engagement with scripture and with the texts of a comprehensive theological curriculum. So a second strand of Cynthia’s leadership will be in your aca-demic life, upholding the importance of the life of the mind in Christian faith, encouraging the “utterance of know-ledge and the utterance of wisdom” from its members, as Paul once did for the Christian community in Corinth. And you are an apostolate, as well, sending graduates into the world each year, to minister in a variety of settings: some in parish churches, but others in schools or prisons, in hospitals, counseling centers and military bases. As Cynthia presides at Commencement she is weaving a third strand of her leadership role, sending you out, commissioning you

for your work. (A former chaplain at the seminary where I worked used to say to graduating students: “It’s sad to see you go, but it would be tragic for you to stay.” His point was that seminary is not a destination unto itself, but a place of preparation for the ministries to which you are called.)

But what kind of leader will Dean Kittredge be? What values will shape her leadership? Several weeks ago I asked her why she chose the readings we just heard for this service. She chose them, she said, because they speak about leadership within the body of Christ. And then she told me that they also touch on themes she first explored in her doctoral dissertation, an examination of community, authority and the rhetoric of obedience in the Pauline tradition. Those themes still resonate with her, Cynthia said, as she thinks about her new role in this community. So think with me, if you will, about these three themes, which may provide a glimpse into the kind of leadership Cynthia will exercise in this community.

Let’s start with authority and obedience first—and let’s keep them together, since authority and obedience have so often been linked together in scripture and throughout the long trajectory of our Jewish and Christian history.

Authority and obedience are two words that make many of us profoundly uneasy. We live in a society that is increasingly suspicious and distrustful of people in positions of authority, the result, no doubt, of too many instances when our leaders have abused their authority and betrayed our trust.

And you are an apostolate, as well, sending graduates into the world each year, to minister in a variety of settings...

Continued on following page.

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Talk of obedience can also make us uneasy because we know all too well how often obedience has been invoked as a way of forcing individuals and nations into submission or slavery, only to suffer unspeakable horrors at the hands of their oppressor.

Authority and obedience are both highly relational nouns. We know that abuse is far more likely to happen when author-ity and obedience are not deeply grounded in mutual trust, a trust that must be earned before authority can be re spected. The Letter of Institution that Bishop Doyle read earlier confers on Cynthia the formal authority of her new office: authority granted by the charter and by-laws of the Seminary, by virtue of her election by the board of trustees. But Cynthia’s real authority—her more authentic authority—will never come from a legal document. Cynthia’s real authority is grounded in the trust she has already earned and must continue to earn in this community. And the obedience that is linked to her authority is not so much about the community’s obedience to Cynthia (Good luck with that, Cynthia...) it is, instead, about her own obedience to her call to serve this community.

One of the best illustrations I know about the interplay of authority and obedience and leadership in community comes from a novel written by Gail Godwin back in 1991. It tells

the story of a young girl named Margaret and her father, Walter Gower, an Episcopal priest whose periodic bouts of depression earned him the nickname Father Melancholy. One autumn day (which happened to be September 13th) Margaret’s mother left for a vacation with an old school friend and never returned, leaving her husband and daugh-ter to spend the rest of their lives trying to come to terms with their loss. Yet all the while, year after year, day in and day out, Father Gower faithfully carried out his duties as the rector of a small parish in Southwestern Virginia. Despite the dark curtain of despondency that would wrap itself around him for periods of time, Father Gower was respected and revered by all who knew him. He was known for the dignity and beauty of his liturgies, for the careful prep-aration he gave to his preaching and the administration of the sacraments, and especially for his patience in the pas toral care of his flock—a flock that contained, as all con gregations and sem inaries do, a generous share of souls that try the patience of their leaders. They respected his authority be cause they knew that he loved them and accepted them and valued them for who they were: beloved children of God.

One day, when Margaret was home from college, a new priest in town expressed his admiration for her father: her father was “a priest who lived by the grace of daily obligation,” he noted. Each day Father Gower rose and said his prayers and cared for his flock.

Living by the grace of daily obligation is a form of obedience that is particularly suited to life and leadership within a seminary—not only for its dean, but all members of the community.

And what about community? Community is what we all say we want in seminary: scroll through the websites of a few dozen seminaries and you’ll see what I mean: widespread agreement that theological education at its best must be grounded in the life of a community. The problem is that most of us like the idea of community more than we like the reality of community.

Last month I spent a rainy day in Maine browsing the book - shelves of a small independent bookstore where I purchased a volume of short stories. One of the stories was about a man named Mitchell, the owner of a small bookstore similar to the one I was visiting. Mitchell’s twelve-year-old daughter accused her father of “loving his books, but hating his cus-tomers.” He didn’t really hate them, she said, he “just didn’t like to have to chat with them. He would have liked to have a bouncer at the door who would quietly usher them out” when they became difficult. That’s what it’s sometimes like

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in seminaries: we love our community, it’s just that some of its members can really get under our skin.

The associate dean for community life in another seminary describes a phenomenon that often happens to new students about six weeks into seminary life. After the rosy glow of the first heady weeks has faded, disillusionment inevitably

sets in; the worship is dull, the food is bad, the workload is too heavy. And there comes a time—maybe in a classroom or perhaps over a shared meal in the refectory—a time comes when you find yourself looking at the person sitting opposite you wondering how in the world that person could possibly be called to the same ministry as you. What was God thinking? What was the bishop thinking?

As Dietrich Bonhoeffer reminds us in his wonderful book Life Together, the sooner the disillusionment comes the better it is. “A community that cannot hear and cannot survive such a crisis,” he wrote, “which insists on keeping its illu-sion when it should be shattered, permanently loses in that moment the promise of Christian community.” It’s in those

moments of disillusionment that we need a leader who not only understands this, but who can help us live into the hard work of creating true community, a leader who by her own authenticity can help us find ours—and a leader who can keep us attentive to the presence of God’s spirit, moving among us.

You probably noticed a unifying theme running through all of the readings Cynthia chose for this service: it’s the presence of the Holy Spirit.

up the body of Christ;

gives us to do.

It is not a coincidence that the presence of the Holy Spirit is the consistent theme in all these readings. The Holy Spirit, I believe, is the hermeneutic key to the kind of leadership that Cynthia already exercises in this community, and which she will, no doubt, continue to exercise in her new role.

So, Cynthia may the same Spirit that moved over the waters in creation and the Spirit that has anointed you for leader-ship of this community and the Spirit that will empower you for this ministry, may this Holy Spirit sustain and nourish you with God’s grace as she continues to make all things new. Amen.

Authority and obedience are two words that make many of us

profoundly uneasy.

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the last Ratherview

Campaign for Leadership Moving Toward the Final Phase

Lilly Endowment Inc. Provides $250,000 Toward Financial Literacy E!ort


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Seminary of the Southwest Board of Trustees

The Rev. Michael Attas, M.D.Cardiologist, Professor

Associate Clergy, St. Paul’s Episcopal ChurchWaco, Texas

Dr. Anthony BakerProfessor of Theology, Seminary of the Southwest

Austin, Texas

The Rev. Susan J. Barnes, Ph.D.Rector, St. John’s Episcopal Church

Minneapolis, Minnesota

Fredricka BrechtProfessional coach for CEOs and business leaders

Houston, Texas

Rod ClarkStudent Representative

Diocese of West Texas

John E. CulmerRetired commodity merchandising and

asset management, Cargill, Inc.Kingwood, Texas

The Rev. Bob Dannals, Ph.D.Rector, St. Michael’s and All Angels Episcopal Church

Dallas, Texas

Dick DavisRetired engineer in tra!c and transportation

Amarillo, Texas

The Rt. Rev. C. Andrew DoyleBishop, Diocese of Texas

Houston, Texas

Suzan FennerAttorney volunteer for non-pro"t and religious organizations

Dallas, Texas

The Rt. Rev. Dena A. HarrisonBoard Chair

Bishop Su!ragan, Diocese of TexasAustin, Texas

The Very Rev. Cynthia Briggs Kittredge, Th.D.Dean and President, Seminary of the Southwest

Austin, Texas

Thomas C. KnudsonPresident, Tom Knudson InterestsBoard Chair, Bristol Group, Inc.Houston, Texas

The Rev. Lisa MasonRector, St. David’s Episcopal ChurchSan Antonio, Texas

The Rt. Rev. J. Scott MayerBishop, Diocese of Northwest TexasLubbock, Texas

The Rev. Patrick MillerRector, St. Mark’s Episcopal ChurchHouston, Texas

Ron M. OgdenAttorney, retiredSanta Fe, New Mexico

The Very Rev. Anthony PompaDean, Cathedral Church of the NativityBethlehem, Pennsylvania

Lynwood P. Randolph, PhDPresident & CEO, LES Associates, Inc.Former Aerospace Executive, NASAMagnolia, Texas

The Rt. Rev. David ReedBishop Su!ragan, Diocese of West TexasSan Antonio, Texas

The Rt. Rev. Gregory H. RickelBishop, Diocese of OlympiaSeattle, Washington

The Rev. Kathryn M. (Kai) RyanCanon to the Ordinary, Diocese of TexasHouston, Texas

Robert SchorrFounder, Twenty-First Insight Strategic Consultants, Inc.Coordinator for Church Plants & Strategic DevelopmentDiocese of TexasKingwood, Texas

The Very Rev. Barkley ThompsonDean, Christ Church CathedralHouston, Texas


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The 2014 Charles J. Cook Award in Servant Leadership presented to:Judith A. Rhedin

Activist, artist, actress, attorney and advocate for the under-served children of Austin. Your dedication to service spans the life-cycle of those in the Austin community.

Your work to bring the arts into classrooms has made a pro-found difference in the lives of hundreds of underserved children as they are energized and engaged in creative and fresh ways. You deeply believe that art can change people’s lives. This has been demonstrated in your work at the Performing Arts Center and through your involvement with the larger art community of Austin.

For 18 years you have volunteered with Family Eldercare to serve the elderly in the last stages of life, providing them with companionship, empathy and attention to their phys-ical and spiritual needs.

You have served tirelessly on the board of St. James Episcopal School and St. Stephens Episcopal School, in addition to serv ing on the vestry of St. James Episcopal Church. Those who have served alongside you in those ministries de- scribe your leadership style as ‘incarnational.’ You bring your entire being to every endeavor, you keep your word, you lead with grace and have high expectations for others without being overbearing.

Your energy is boundless and infectious. Your devotion and passion to the causes you engage lift the spirits of those who work alongside you.

As your friend Bernadette said, “Judith is the quiet, noble one who is not looking for the neon.” Because of your leader-ship, your hands-on care for children in public schools and for elderly in nursing homes, and your commitment to a community of compassion, creativity and collaboration, Seminary of the Southwest is honored to present you with the Charles J. Cook Award in Servant Leadership.

Cynthia Briggs Kittredge Steven BishopDean & President Faculty Host

Charlie Cook congratulates Judith Rhedin.

(L-R) Dr. Steven Bishop, Judith Rhedin, Dean and President Kittredge, Academic Dean Scott Bader-Saye.

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Entering student, Andrew Ellison, from the Diocese of Fort Worth.

The seminary welcomed 22 new students for fall 2013.

The Rev. Dr. Milbrew Davis, ’70, chatted with Judith Rhedin after the award ceremony.

Connect With Our Community! Another way to connect to Seminary of the Southwest is through our blogs posted by faculty, students, alumni and friends of the seminary. We invite you to read, subscribe to receive them in your inbox and comment. Find our blogs at ssw.edu/blogs/communityconnections!

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The Rev. Tom Brackett, 2013 Blandy lecturer, works for The Episcopal Church as missioner for church planting and ministry redevelopment and Fresh Expressions of Church. Video recording of the lectures are at http://www.ustream.tv/channel/blandy-lectures.

The Rev. Mary Earle was given the 2013 Hal Perry Distinguished Alumni Award and is pictured here with the Rev. Mike Chalk, retired rector of St. Mark’s, San Antonio. Citation honoring Mary is at www.ssw.edu/mary-c-earle.

Heather Kohout (center) with Dean Emeritus Dusty McDonald (left) and Academic Dean Scott Bader-Saye after receiving the 2013 McDonald Teaching Award. Citation honoring Heather is at http://www.ssw.edu/heather-catto-kohout.

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(L-R) Professor Kathleen Russell, Ashley Urquidi, MDiv ’15, and the Rev. Canon Dan Webster, ’96, from the Diocese of Maryland.

Alumni Association President Reid Morgan celebrated the convocation Eucharist.

Alums David Sugeno, ’06, rector of Trinity, Marble Falls, Texas and Cara Spaccarelli, ’06, rector of Christ Church Capitol Hill, Washington, DC, were presenters for the continuing education session titled My Church is Not Dying.

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Latino/Hispanic Ministry Conference Focuses on EvangelismOver 60 clergy and spouses from Province VII and through-out The Episcopal Church gathered at Seminary of the Southwest for the three-day 2013 Clergy Conference for Latino/Hispanic Ministries.

The Rt. Rev. Hector Monterroso, bishop of the Diocese of Costa Rica, gave the keynote address and preached at the opening Eucharist on August 12th. Presentations included Using the Social Media for Evangelization and Church Planting by the Rev. Edgar Giraldo Orozco; Commu nications and PR by Jim Estrada; Analyzing Your Target Area through MissionInsite by the Rev. Canon Anthony Guillén; The Latina in The Episcopal Church: A Personal Mexican American Per spective by Ms. Enedina Vasquez; and Exploring the Alternate Training Route/Options for Formation of Latino Clergy by Rev. Paul Barton, PhD.

The Rev. Laurie McKim, Southwest alumna, ’12, and con-ference participant, reflected on ministry development through intentional connections. “My summer in Costa Rica changed my life. I returned to Austin so enthused that Father Al Rodriguez, my field parish supervisor, caught the excite-ment, and proposed a relationship between the Diocese of Costa Rica and the Diocese of Texas. With the blessings of the Texas diocesan World Mission board, an exploratory trip ensued. Father Al, in developing a relationship with Bishop Monterroso, invited the Bishop to be a keynote speaker at this conference. And here he is. Something beautiful is happening here in terms of global relationship development and opportunities for future seminarians,” she said.

Seminary of the Southwest hosts the Latino/Hispanic Min istry Conference, which is coordinated by the Rev. Al Rodriguez, rector of St. John’s Episcopal Church, Austin. The conference will alternate years with Nuevo Amanecer, held at Kanuga Conference Center next year and hosted by The Office of Latino/Hispanic Ministry of the Episcopal Church.


Jim Estrada, founder of Estrada Communications Group.

Enedina Casarez Vasquez, DSF, ’13, poet, playwright and visual artist.

Bishop Hector Monterroso, bishop of the Diocese of Costa Rica.

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(Forbes, March, 2010)

an enormous opportunity.


Continued Support:


The opportunity is now!


Will Power: Transformation Through Planned Giving

- Barkley Thompson, MDiv ’03 Dean, Christ Church Cathedral Houston, Texas

How wonderful it is that nobody need wait a single moment before starting to improve the world. –Anne Frank

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Faculty News

Dr. Scott Bader-Saye, academic dean and professor of Christian ethics and moral theology, gave a seminar pres-entation at Austin Presbyterian Theo- logical Seminary in September on the topic, “Revaluing Money.” In October he spoke at St. Michael and All Angels, Dallas, Texas, on the topic “iWork, iPlay,

iPray: Technology and the Christian Life.” Along with Professor Baker, Scott conducted an interview with Rowan Williams which has been posted to the Theology Studio web site. He continues to serve nationally on the Economic Justice Loan Committee and locally as Theologian in Residence at St. Julian of Norwich Episcopal Church.

Dr. Anthony Baker, associate professor of systematic theo-logy, traveled to England in June with the assistance of a grant from the Conant Foundation to do research for a book on Shake speare and Theology. While there, he de livered a paper called “Difficult Conversion: Shakespeare as Theo log- ical Humanist” at “The Soul” conference at Oxford University. This fall he appeared in a production of Macbeth at Austin’s City Theatre. The January 2014 issue of Modern Theology journal contains his article “Convenient Redemp tion: A Participatory Account of the Atonement.” The same issue includes a review of his 2011 book, Diagonal Advance. At the end of 2013 he resigned the associate editorship of the Anglican Theological Review, but will continue to represent the sem-inary on that journal’s board. Tony continues to blog and podcast, with Scott Bader-Saye, at www.theologystudio.org.

Rev. Paul Barton, associate professor of the history of American Christianity and missiology wrote and submitted theological commentary for the upcoming Westminster John Knox Press commentary Feasting on the Gospels.

This past July, he taught the Missiology course in Spanish and in English for local pastors at Perkins School of The ology’s Course of Study. He gave a presentation at the Hispanic Episcopal Clergy and Spouses Conference at Seminary of the Southwest in August on the history of Hispanic Church Studies at Seminary of the Southwest. During his sabbatical he has been conducting research for a new book tentatively titled A Journey of Hispanic Methodists: A History of the Rio

Grande Conference. He attended the annual meeting of the General Commission on Archives and History as the chair - person of the Rio Grande Conference Commission on Archives and History, Drew University, Madison, New Jersey, in September and lectured on the history of the Rio Grande Conference for a gathering of Austin area United Methodist leaders. Dr. Barton is working on an Annotated Bibliography on Latino Protestantism for the Oxford University Press’ online resource called Latino Studies Bibliographies.

Fred Clement, executive vice president, attended the Asso- ciation of Theological Schools’ annual conference for chief financial officers in November in Orlando, Florida. The con-ference pro vides not only an opportunity for continuing pro fessional education and networking with colleagues, but also an update on important issues that affect the admin istration of seminaries across the nation. Also in November, he met with trustees of the Crump Memorial Fund in the Dallas area to explore potential opportunities to further develop the seminary’s program in cultural research.

Dr. Greg Garrett, writer in residence (MDiv 2007), published The Prodigal, a novel with the late Brennan Manning (HarperCollins/Zondervan), and signed a contract with Church Publishing to write a book on being Episcopalian in the 21st Century. In addition to his regular writing for Patheos and Huffington Post, he also spoke on the new novel and on his work on religion and culture at the American Cathedral (Paris), the American Library (Paris), King’s College (London), Magdalene College (Cambridge), The English-Speaking Union (Austin) and at the University of Detroit-Mercy. He preached at St. David’s (Austin), St. George’s (Austin), at the American Cathedral and in the Chapel at King’s College.

Tara Elgin Holley, vice president for institutional advancement is a newly appointed member of the Consor-tium of Endowed Episcopal Parishes (CEEP) Conference Planning Committee. In addition to providing an annual con- ference and regional meetings, CEEP serves as a resource to parishes for

endowment development, stewardship and grant making as well as to seminaries of the Episcopal Church.

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The Rev. Micah Jackson, dean of community life and associate professor of preaching taught the seminary’s summer con- tinuing education session titled “The Preacher’s Self.” He attended the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools’ Summer Institute, focusing on the seminary’s upcoming Quality Enhancement Plan. Micah preached and taught at the Blandy lectures, the church wide development office’s Stewardship Conference and several area parishes includ-ing St. Alban’s, St. David’s and St. Julian’s. He presented at the annual continuing education retreat for Episcopal and ELCA federal chaplains hosted by the Episcopal Preaching Foundation and he presented a paper titled “We are all in this together, or are we: A pragmatic look at first-person plurals” at the Annual Meeting of the Academy of Homiletics.

Brittany James-Sauceda, recruiter for the Parish Fellowship Program for MyMinistry.org, met with campus ministry students at Texas A&M Canterbury, Rice University’s Autry House and the Episcopal Student Center, Waco, Texas, to introduce the fellow ship program. She will attend

undergraduate-geared events at the Diocese of Texas’ Camp Allen in January and February.

The Rev. Nathan Jennings, associate professor of liturgics and Anglican studies, led the clergy conference for the Diocese of Central Florida in October on “Renewing the Renewal: the ongoing task of Liturgical Renewal in our Day.” He gave a paper “Liturgical Theology and the Contemplation of the Ritual

Mysteries” at the Leuven Encounters in Systematic Theology IX: Mediating Mysteries conference in Leuven, Belgium.

The Very Rev. Cynthia Briggs Kittredge, dean and president, served as chaplain and preacher for the annual conference of the Society of the Companions of the Holy Cross,

“Prayer: Dancing with God,” and published the Preface, “Reading the Bible for Inclusion” to Pieces of Ease and Grace, Alan H. Cadwallader, ed., Hindmarsh, SA: ATF, 2013. She preached at the Eucharist for Clergy Conference in the Diocese of Texas and at the ordination of Jared Houze, ’13,

at Emmanuel Church in San Angelo. She represented Seminary of the Southwest at the installation of the Very Rev. Kurt Dunkle at General Theological Seminary. She traveled to the School of Theo logy at Sewanee, Tennessee, for the fall meeting of the Evangelical Education Society. In November 2013, the Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Religion and Society of Biblical Literature, she presided at a session of the Poverty Consultation, “Responses to Poverty in the Bible.” She gave a talk at the Anglican Association of Biblical Scholars dinner, “‘What Shall I Cry?’ Engaging the Gospel of Mark with Poetry.”

The Rev. Jane Patterson, assistant professor of new Testament, was pro gram coordinator for the Anglican Association of Biblical Scholars’ Annual Meeting, Baltimore, Maryland, in November. She gave a presentation on Revelation for The Front Porch’s series The Elephant in the Room, at All Saints’, Austin. She preached the sermon for the Feast of St. Andrew, at St. Andrew’s School, Austin. During the fall she preached and/or taught at St. Mark’s (San Antonio), St. Luke’s (San Antonio) and St. Julian’s (Austin). She attended the meeting of her Collegeville Seminar Group on Vocation Across the Lifespan in December. This session was on the vocation of children.

The Rev. Dave Scheider, director of the Loise Henderson Wessendorff Cen - ter for Christian Ministry and Vocation, led a seminar on Moral Injuries for the 2013 Blandy Lectures. He preached at a Fort Hood Memorial Service, designed and taught a new course on Contemporary Context for Ministry

at the seminary, plus gathered groups of professional coun-selors, chaplains and spiritual directors to guide Center programs. He served on a panel for interfaith response to mental illness at Congregation Agudas Achim in Austin.

Jennielle Strother, vice president for enrollment management, was invited to attend the Women’s Leadership Institute of the Association of College Unions International in Amelia Island, Florida, in December.

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Seminary of the Southwest Class Notes2010sSusanna Brosseau, ’13, was ordained priest on August 3rd, 2013, by the Rt. Rev. J. Scott Mayer, ’92, at Episcopal Church of the Heavenly Rest in Abilene, Texas.

Cynthia Caruso, ’13, was ordained priest on December 19th, 2013, by the Rt. Rev. Michael Louis Vono, at All Saints’ Episcopal Church in Austin, Texas.

Jeremiah Gri!n, ’13, was ordained priest on January 19th, 2014, by the Rt. Rev. Jeff W. Fisher, at Trinity Episcopal Church in Galveston, Texas.

George McGavern, ’13, was ordained priest on January 6th, 2014, by the Rt. Rev. Dena Harrison, ’87, ’08, at Emmanuel Episcopal Church in Houston, Texas.

Christine Mendoza, ’13, was ordained priest on January 18th, 2014, by the Rt. Rev. Dena Harrison, ’87, ’08, at the Episcopal Church of the Good Shepherd in Austin, Texas.

Diane Pike, ’11, has been called to serve as rector of St. Paul’s Episcopal Church in Lewiston, New York.

Russell Schulz, ’12, was featured in a half-hour broadcast on Deutschlandradiokultur—German Public Radio in August. The program was entitled Schmelztiegel der Traditionen—Melting Pot of Traditions and included excerpts of pieces

by various American composers including Schulz’s choral setting of “How Can I Keep From Singing.”

2000sBishop S. Todd Ousley, ’91, appointed Sue Rich, ’04, as Diocesan Liturgy Coordinator for the Diocese of Eastern Michigan. She remains rector at St. John’s Church, Dryden, and Grace Church, Lapeer.

Trinity Books has published Barkley Thompson’s, ’03, first book, Elements of Grace, available on Amazon.com and in the seminary bookstore. Barkley was the featured speaker January 5th and 12th on “Day 1” with host Peter Wallace, the nationally syndicated ecumenical radio program also accessible online at Day1.org. In 2014 “Day 1” begins its 69th year of weekly broadcasts. It airs on 200 radio stations nationwide. Barkley is the Dean of Christ Church Cathedral in Houston and serves on the seminary’s board of trustees.

Bob Creasy, MDiv ’55, priest of the Diocese of West Texas for 58 years, died September 24, 2013.

John Harris, MAC student, died March 6, 2013. His class-mates honored his memory with a tree dedication on the campus this fall.

Je"rey Rahn, MDiv ’79, licensed marriage and family ther-apist who provided emergency psychiatric assessment and referral for people in crisis, died August 26, 2013. Last year, Jeffrey commissioned an icon of John Hines, our founder and former presiding bishop of The Episcopal Church. The icon hangs in the Narthex of Christ Chapel above a sculp-ture given to us by Bishop Hines.

Rosemary “Roz” Thomas, CITS ’90, priest of the Diocese of Northwest Texas and vicar of Trinity Episcopal Church, Albany, Texas, died December 14, 2013.


2014 Lectures, Continuing Education & Special Events

February 3

Black History Month Art Exhibit

5:30 PM - Weeks Campus Center

Opening of art exhibit celebrating Black History Month.Exhibit will be up through February 10.

February 6

Payne Lecture

The Rev. Jimmy BartzLead minister and founder of Thad’s. Will speak on “Fear, Risk, Courage, Failure, Intimacy, Change, Mission and The Kingdom.” Thad’s is a 7-year-old community in the Diocese of Los Angeles founded with a mission to reach people who would not otherwise darken the doors of one of our traditional parishes.

March 24

Harvey Lecture

The Rev. Samuel T. Lloyd, IIIPriest-in-charge, Trinity Church Copley Square, Boston, and former dean of the National Cathedral

February 20

Black History Month Presentation

5:30 PM - Christ Chapel Service featuring Huston-Tillotson University Choir, directed by Dr. Gloria Quinlan

6:30 PM - Reception

7:30 PM - Public lecture by Maj. Gen. Charles F. Bolden, Jr.USMC-Ret., 12th NASA Administrator

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Dean Kittredge with members of the Hines Family, (L-R) Michael J. Hines, and the Revs. Lisa, ’07, and Chris Hines.

(L-R) The Very Rev. Barkley Thompson, ’03, with former Center for Christian Ministry and Vocation directors Dr. Corinne Ware, ’89, Molly Bennett and Ellen Jockusch.

Chair of Southwest’s Board of Trustees, Bishop Dena Harrison, chats with a seminarian during the Hines Day luncheon.

The Rev. Seth Deleery, ’74, represented the Henderson-Wessendor" Foundation trustees in the dedication of the Loise Henderson Wessendor" Center for Christian Ministry and Vocation at the Hines Day Eucharist. The Rev. Dave Scheider (r) directs the Center.

May 13


Dr. Justo L. González, PreacherA founder member of Asociación para Educación Teológica Hispana/Association for Hispanic Theological Education (AETH), has been one of the most in!uential Hispanic voices nationally and in the theological world. He continues to be a writer, mentor and a developer of the Hispanic theological education.

June 2-6

Continuing Education

The Rev. Nathan G. Jennings, PhD J. Milton Richardson Associate Professor of Liturgics and Anglican Studies at Seminary of the SouthwestRenewing Renewal: How the Work of the Liturgical Renewal Movement is not Over and What We Need to Do About It

September 23- 24

Blandy Lectures

Sara Miles, Founder and director of The Food Pantry and Director of Ministry at St. Gregory of Nyssa Episcopal Church in San FranciscoAuthor of Jesus Freak: Feeding Healing Raising the Dead and Take This Bread: A Radical Conversion. Her writing has appeared in the New York Times Magazine, the New Yorker, and on National Public Radio.

October 9

John Hines Day

11:45 AMFestal Eucharist celebrating Bishop John Hines and installation of new trustees.12:45 PMCelebratory luncheon honoring John Hines Legacy Society members.

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Ministry takes many forms among our seminarians. The following are samples of student-initiated activities during the fall semester.

parking spots for three in-town University of Texas football games. Proceeds will support three student-led missions: peace, relief and ecology.

cution of a Texas death row inmate offering prayers for the prisoner, his or her family and the crime victims.

trained in Zumba Fitness offers the class twice a week.

Soul X Southwest, debuted last spring. A student board, with a faculty advisor, solicits art and composition from all members of the community. An online and print version of the journal will be published in April.

petition sponsored by Seminary of the Southwest. Proceeds benefit Episcopal Relief & Development plus local relief and development efforts.

produce vegetables and herbs for the taking by the sem-inary community.

family in November, the student council on behalf of the seminary community designated chapel offerings for gift cards and secured a seminary owned apartment for tem-porary housing for the family.

offerings to the Bridges to Pakistan relief effort.

offers training to students, faculty and staff. The four-hour session covers how to respond to someone who is expe - riencing a medical emergency, including how to use an auto-mated external defibrillator. There are automated ex ternal defib rillator devices at four locations on the campus.

ings that build a sense of community, strengthen relation-ships for fellowship, create a network of emotional support in times of need and provide hospitality to campus visitors and the Austin community


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