Ramadan announcement 2020 - canterburymosque.co.uk€¦ · Ramadan announcement 2020 ... (2:185)...

Ramadan announcement 2020 ﻨﻜ ﻦ ﺷ ﺎن اﻟ و ى اﻟ ﱢﻦ ﺎت ﱢﻨ ﯿ و ﺎس ﻠﻨ ى ﻟ آن اﻟ ﯿﻪ ل ﻧﺰ ي أ اﻟ ﺎن ر و ﯿ اﻟ اﷲ ﯾﺪ أ ﱠﺎم أ ﱢﻦ ة و ﺎ أ ﯾﻀ ﺎن ﻦ ﻛ و ﯿ اﻟﺸ . ﺳﻮرة اﻟﺒﻘﺮة ون و اﻛ ﺎ ﻫ وا اﷲ ﱢﺮ و ة ﻮا اﻟ و اﻟ ﯾﺪ 185 آﯾﺔ)) It was in the month of Ramadan that the Quràan was revealed as guidance for mankind, clear messages giving guidance and distinguishing between right and wrong. So any one of you who is present that month should fast, and anyone who is ill or on a journey should make up for the lost days by fasting on other days later. God wants ease for you, not hardship. He wants you to complete the prescribed period and to glorify Him for having guided you, so that you may be thankful. (2:185) Assalam alaykom wa rahmatullah wa barakatuh. We hope this message finds you in good health. Finally, the generous visitor has arrived! Allah has granted us another Ramadan to enjoy Alhamdulellah!

Transcript of Ramadan announcement 2020 - canterburymosque.co.uk€¦ · Ramadan announcement 2020 ... (2:185)...

Page 1: Ramadan announcement 2020 - canterburymosque.co.uk€¦ · Ramadan announcement 2020 ... (2:185) Assalam alaykom wa rahmatullah wa barakatuh. We hope this message finds you in good

Ramadan announcement 2020  

ن الهدى والفرقان فمن شهد منكم شهر رمضان الذي أنزل فیه القرآن هدى للناس وبینات من أیام أخر یرید اهللا بكم الیسر وال هر فلیصمه ومن كان مریضا أو على سفر فعدة م الش یرید بكم العسر ولتكملوا العدة ولتكبروا اهللا على ما هداكم ولعلكم تشكرون. سورة البقرة

((آیة 185

It was in the month of Ramadan that the Quràan was revealed as guidance for mankind, clear

messages giving guidance and distinguishing between right and wrong. So any one of you

who is present that month should fast, and anyone who is ill or on a journey should make up

for the lost days by fasting on other days later. God wants ease for you, not hardship. He

wants you to complete the prescribed period and to glorify Him for having guided you, so

that you may be thankful. (2:185)

Assalam alaykom wa rahmatullah wa barakatuh.

We hope this message finds you in good health.

Finally, the generous visitor has arrived! Allah has granted us another Ramadan to enjoy


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Important notices:

▪ Due to the Covid-19 Pandemic, we have made the very difficult decision to

temporarily close the Mosque to the public until further notice.

▪ There will be no Jamaa or iftar at the mosque. Taraweeh and i’tikaf will not be done

at Mosque until further notice.

▪ Salaah, Tarawih & Iftar arrangements depend on the Covid-19 lockdown situation:

● If full lockdown continues, then Salaah, Iftar and Tarawih are to be performed at

home with our families while the Mosque remains closed.

● If lockdown restrictions change, we will review the decision accordingly and

inform you all through the website, Whatsapp and Facebook page.

We hope you understand the need for us to impose these strict arrangements for this

upcoming Ramadan and your cooperation will be appreciated.

We have been working very hard to help you make the most of Ramadan safely from home.

We have published a local Ramadan timetable, Imsakiah, on our website:



They're also found on our Facebook page and WhatsApp groups. Printed copies will be

made available if the Covid-19 lockdown eases inShaa Allah.

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Virtual Ramadan

Our online activities during Ramadan will continue InShaAllah

Daily lessons in Tafseer Quran

By Imam Abdul Haqq Raffaele to begin at the first day of Ramadan.

It will be broadcast on our YouTube channel and on Facebook page.

It will start at 7:30 pm for the first week, then the time will change inline with Maghreb

pushing forwards.


Maghreb live prayer and du'a

We will broadcast a short du'a and live Maghreb Athan.

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This will be given by various members of our community to create a brotherly gathering

feeling before Iftar.


Weekly Quran group recitation.

Will be arranged through Zoom or Google-Meet on Sunday and Wednesday at 6pm.

If you wish to join, please email us on [email protected] or send a text to

07484 647452.


Weekly sister's lessons.

We are preparing a sister-focused live Q&A lessons that will be conducted by Imam Abdul

Haqq Raffaele. It will be broadcast on our YouTube channel every Friday after Dhuhr prayer,

(starting from Friday 1st May)


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Quran and Hadeeth recitation competition

This year we are continuing the annual Ramadan Quran Competition, with a total prize fund

of £1000 including the children’s share of £500, is kindly donated by our brother Osama

Khadadah (Kuwait). The Mosque will contribute another £500 for the adult's category.

1. Children Quran competition

This competition is dedicated to children of the CMCC community.

a) The award Name: “Ahmed Khadadah’s Third Holy Quran Award 1441/2020”.

b) It is targeting Boys and Girls (age 5-15).

c) The terms and conditions for the Award shall be left to the competition’s committee.

2. Children Hadith Competition

The participants should memorise the hadiths from this book: “Sacred Scrolls: 40 Hadith

Nawawi” which can download from this link


● We will choose the shortest Hadiths for this category.

● The hadiths will be memorised in Arabic.

3. Adult Quran competition

To note, if the participant already memorised the chapter in a given level prior to the

competition announcement date, then he can choose the next level or any other level as he


4. Adult Hadith Competition

The participants should memorise the hadiths from this book: “Sacred Scrolls: 40 Hadith

Nawawi” which can download from this link

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● The hadiths will be selected in order from the book for each level in this category.

Terms and conditions

▪ For each category we will form a committee of those we are suitable and capable of

testing the participants. We will ensure that the committees members have no

conflict of interest, for example if his/her child are among the participants.

▪ Participants' experience in Quran memorising and fluency in Arabic language will be

considered to make these competitions fair and exciting for everybody.

▪ The participants will have to repeat what they memorised in front of the committee.

Information about the levels and competition contents will be on our website, Whatsapp

and Facebook page.

If you have any questions, please contact the mosque committee by email,

[email protected], or text the mosque mobile number 07484 647452.

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Virtual mosque quiz

We are planning to arrange an online quiz game InShaAllah at the second or third week of

Ramadan (watch this space!)


Ramadan food parcels

This is a great opportunity to share, donate, and make Sadaqa in Ramadan, 700 folds and

more thawab!

These parcels will be delivered to local families in need, those who are struggling now to

make ends meet, those who are vulnerable within our community and stranded Canterbury


Each parcel will contain:

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Rice, bulgar, tomato purée, oil, lentils, dried beans, dried chickpeas, feta cheese, olives,

pasta honey, flour, sugar, tea, sweets for children, minced meat and 2 chickens.

We aim to deliver these parcels twice in Ramadan for the same families InShaAllah.

*Cost of one parcel is £50*

* We welcome donations towards buying a whole parcel, multiple parcels, or even a quarter

or half a parcel. No amount is too much or too little InShaAllah. Please don’t let this thawab

pass you by!

Kindly contact us on [email protected], text 07484 647452 to make your

contributions or pay directly into our bank account:

Canterbury Muslim Cultural Centre

Sort code: 30-91-60

Account number: 03219903

quoting Ramadan Food Parcel as your reference.

If you are aware of any families or persons in need, please give us their details and a brief

summary of their situation!

May Allah reward you for all your good deeds.


What should I do at home?

▪ Please stay home as per lockdown rules. Stay safe and save NHS & lives.

▪ Please pray Jamaa with your family at home.

▪ Pray Taraweeh with family as well. Read what you know from Quran.

▪ Donate generously. People are in need now more than ever before.

▪ Pay zakat-ul-Fitr (Fitrana) as soon as possible once Ramadan starts. People are in

need now. Suggested amount is £5 per person.

▪ Have a specific time to read Quran. Aspire to finish reading Quran- if you can- at

least once during Ramadan.

▪ Be kind to your family. They may be stressed and scared.

▪ Keep up to date with our Facebook page and YouTube channel. You will get great

thawab as you are attending Islamic lessons and Halaqa from home.

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How to stay healthy during fasting

The fast of Ramadan is rigorous during the best of times. During long and hot summer days,

it may be required to observe the fast for as many as sixteen or more hours at a time. To

ensure adequate nutrition, hydration and continued good health, follow these tips:

▪ Prior to Ramadan, a Muslim should always consult with a doctor about the safety of

fasting in individual health circumstances.

▪ Even if you are generally healthy, recognize that Ramadan will take a toll. Plan your

schedule and meals ahead of time to make sure you get the nutrients, hydration, and

rest that you need.

▪ Eat suhoor just prior to dawn. Yes, it's hard to get up at that hour, which is why it has

many benefits and rewards. It will help you to wake up for the Fajr prayer. The

suhoor meal is Sunnah. And this morning meal is generally recognized as the single

most important meal of the day. Do not overeat, though. Focus on taking in foods

that are rich in complex carbohydrates and protein, fruits or vegetables, and plenty

of water. For example: an egg on whole-grain toast, a few crackers with peanut

butter, some orange slices, and two glasses of water. Cucumber and yoghurt have a

high water-content and help delay thirst.

▪ During the hottest part of the day, stay in cool areas (indoors or in shade) and limit

your physical activity. Rest if possible.

▪ Avoid gorging yourself when breaking the fast at sunset. Follow the Sunnah: break

your fast with dates and either milk, water, or fruit juice. After the maghrib prayer,

continue with a light starter such as soup and crackers. After a long period of fasting,

you need to bring your fluids and blood sugar level up without overdoing it.

▪ During the early evening (after maghrib), have a healthy and balanced dinner. Do not

overeat, and be sure to drink a few more glasses of fluids.

▪ During the evening hours, resist the temptation to drink tea, coffee, and soda. When

visiting friends or family, ask for glasses of water.

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▪ Serve yourself, your family, and guests a "dessert" of fresh fruit and nuts. There are

lovely choices available in this season, and they are much healthier than chocolates

and candy.

▪ Sip on water throughout the evening. Aim for 8 glasses by bedtime. To help you keep

track, fill and refill a water bottle with a measured amount of water, and be sure to

finish it.

▪ Light exercise, such as walking for 15-20 minutes, is best done in the evening hours.

▪ Avoid fried and spicy foods as they may cause heartburn or indigestion.

▪ Continue to brush and floss your teeth several times a day.

▪ Wash your hands regularly, and avoid those who cough or sneeze. This is important

to prevent the spread of viruses (such as Covid-19, seasonal flu and H1N1) and

bacteria which may cause illness.

▪ Quit smoking! Ramadan is an excellent opportunity for those who have been

thinking to stop smoking.

▪ Organize your schedule so that you get enough sleep.

▪ If you suffer from Diabetes or kidney disease or other chronic diseases consult with

your doctor For starting/ending of Ramadan, fasting times, any advice or help

needed, visit a local mosque website: canterburymosque.co.uk

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The Mosque committee, trustees and valued volunteers wish you a Ramadan Mubarak and

great rewards from Allah.
