Transcript of Pu yi PROGRESS

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• A dramatic history of Pu Yi, the last of the Emperors of China.

• From his noble birth and short command in the Forbidden City, worshiped by half a billion people, through his retirement, and his declined lifestyle.

• He then was taken advantage by the invading Japanese, and finally to his existence as just another peasant worker in the People's Republic of China.

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Pǔ yí

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• Born in 7 February 1906, Manchukuo. • Became the 12th emperor in December 1908

when he was 2 years and 10 months old, chosen by grandmother, Empress Cixi on her deathbed

• Thinks he can do whatever he wants because he’s the emperor. But powerless outside of palace.

• Emperor to Citizen • Passed away in 17 October 1967

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Story about Pu Jie

• Pujie is the youngest brother of peiyu,

• he was brought be a playmate and classmate to his brother Puyi when he was kid

• in 1962, Pujie was sent to Japan for studies

• Pujie marriage with a Japanese noblewoman.

• In 1945, Manchukuo is collapse and get caught by Soviet Red army ,Russia army with his brother puyi and other relatives.

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Wan Rong

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• She was married to Pu Yi at 17 years old. • Arrange marriage. ( Not the first choice of Pu Yi ) • Given a western named Elizabeth by tutor Isabel


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• Even though he stayed in China for a period of time, he still practices certain western culture such as wearing a tux and playing a tennis game.

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• Later then, the emperor awarded him with the imperial hat along with his own man-power transportation.

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• After staying 28 years at China, Johnston finally left the Emperor and went to London.

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The Governor

•Good teacher who teaches Pu Yi without taking advantage

from him.

•Pu Yi is released after ten years of detention because this

guy had totally made Pu Yi genuinely reformed. (Pu Yi had


Teacher in the jail

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•Pu Yi speaks to one of the young men that

this must be a mistake for this man is a good


•Pu Yi finally gives up his attempt to save the

Governor, seeing it is useless to talk to these

young people.

Get caught by people of

Chinese Cultural


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Powerless Pu Yi

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• Emperor since young, thinks that he is powerful.

• When young, life is controlled by the authorities inside the palace.

• Stepmother sent away to promote a more “healthful” environment.

• Unable to leave the palace, palace door guarded by soldiers.

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• Cannot wear spectacles because of the authorities

• Cannot know about happenings outside of the palace

• Cannot marry whoever he wants

• Outside of palace controlled by republican of China

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• Kicked out of palace by the republican of China

• Joined Japanese embassy

• Second wife demanded divorce, succeeded

• Tried to reign Manchukuo again as emperor

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• Taken advantage by the invading Japanese

• His opinions does not matter

• Unable to satisfy wife’s needs

• Driver impregnates wife

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• Unable to make his own choices, sign everything the Japanese wants

• Baby gets murdered upon delivered by fatal injection

• Wife gets sent away for “health” reasons

• Gets into jail because of joining Japanese

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The Appearance of Reginald Johnston

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• He the Emperor’s tutor since Emperor is 15 years old.

• Since he became his tutor, he introduced various kind of western culture to Pu Yi.

• One of the first kind of the western culture Pu Yi learned is that Scottish people wears Quilt but not a skirt.

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• Later on, Johnston also introduced Pu Yi to bicycle.

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• Johnston is also the one who realized Pu Yi was having problems with his eye sight thus he suggested to His Majesty to wear spectacles, which is not a culture in China.

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• One of the scene before the Manchurian takes over the imperial palace, Emperor and his mistress are playing Tennis while Johnston is the judge for that game.

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• After Johnston left China, It’s clearly shown that Pu Yi is much influenced by Johnston because he’s much into Western-made products compared to any other.

• Pu Yi willing to spend most of his fortune on those western-made product such as piano, wrigleys chewing gum and etc.

• In the movie, Pu Yi even said “Anything that made from western is good.”