Protein Tertiary Structure Prediction Structural Bioinformatics.

Protein Tertiary Structure Prediction Structural Bioinformatics
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Transcript of Protein Tertiary Structure Prediction Structural Bioinformatics.

Page 1: Protein Tertiary Structure Prediction Structural Bioinformatics.

Protein Tertiary Structure Prediction

Structural Bioinformatics

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Primary: amino acid linear sequence.

Secondary: -helices, β-sheets and loops.

Tertiary: the 3D shape of the fully folded polypeptide chain

The Different levels of Protein Structure

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Predicting 3D Structure

– Comparative modeling (homology)

Based on structural homology

– Fold recognition (threading)

Outstanding difficult problem

Based on sequence homology

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Comparative ModelingSimilar sequences suggests similar structure

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Sequence and Structure alignments of two Retinol Binding Protein

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Structure Alignments

The outputs of a structural alignment are a superposition of the atomic coordinates and a minimal Root Mean Square Distance (RMSD) between the structures. The RMSD of two aligned structures indicates their divergence from one another.

Low values of RMSD mean similar structures

There are many different algorithms for structural Alignment.

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Comparative Modeling

Builds a protein structure model based on its alignment to one or more related protein structures in the database

Similar sequence suggests similar structure

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Comparative Modeling• Accuracy of the comparative model is

related to the sequence identity on which it is based

>50% sequence identity = high accuracy

30%-50% sequence identity= 90% modeled

<30% sequence identity =low accuracy (many errors)

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Homology Threshold for Different Alignment Lengths











0 20 40 60 80 100

Alignment length (L)

Homology Threshold (t)

A sequence alignment between two proteins is considered to imply structural homology if the sequence identity is equal to or above the homology threshold t in a sequence region of a given length L.

The threshold values t(L) are derived from PDB

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Comparative Modeling

• Similarity particularly high in core– Alpha helices and beta sheets preserved– Even near-identical sequences vary in loops

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Comparative Modeling Methods

MODELLER (Sali –Rockefeller/UCSF)

SCWRL (Dunbrack- UCSF )


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Comparative ModelingModeling of a sequence based on known structuresConsist of four major steps :1. Finding a known structure(s) related to the sequence

to be modeled (template), using sequence comparison methods such as PSI-BLAST

2. Aligning sequence with the templates

3. Building a model

4. Assessing the model

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Fold Recognition

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Hemoglobin TIM

Protein Folds: sequential and spatial arrangement of secondary structures

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Similar folds usually mean similar function

Homeodomain Transcriptionfactors

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The same fold can have multiple functions


TIM barrel

12 functions

31 functions

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Fold Recognition

• Methods of protein fold recognition attempt to detect similarities between protein 3D structure that have no significant sequence similarity.

• Search for folds that are compatible with a particular sequence.

• "the turn the protein folding problem on it's head” rather than predicting how a sequence will fold, they predict how well a fold will fit a sequence

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Basic steps in Fold Recognition :

Compare sequence against a Library of all known Protein Folds (finite number)

Query sequenceQuery sequence


Goal: find to what folding template the sequence fits best

There are different ways to evaluate sequence-structure fit

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Potential fold


1) ... 56) ... n)


-10 ... -123 ... 20.5

There are different ways to evaluate sequence-structure fit

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Programs for fold recognition

• TOPITS (Rost 1995)

• GenTHREADER (Jones 1999)



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Ab Initio Modeling

• Compute molecular structure from laws of physics and chemistry alone Theoretically Ideal solution

Practically nearly impossible

WHY ?– Exceptionally complex calculations– Biophysics understanding incomplete

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Ab Initio Methods

• Rosetta (Bakers lab, Seattle)

• Undertaker (Karplus, UCSC)

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CASP - Critical Assessment of Structure Prediction

• Competition among different groups for resolving the 3D structure of proteins that are about to be solved experimentally.

• Current state -– ab-initio - the worst, but greatly improved in the last

years. – Modeling - performs very well when homologous

sequences with known structures exist.– Fold recognition - performs well.

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What can you do?FOLDIT

Solve Puzzles for Science

A computer game to fold proteins

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What’s Next

Predicting function from structure

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Structural Genomics : a large scale structure determination project designed to cover all

representative protein structures

Zarembinski, et al., Proc.Nat.Acad.Sci.USA, 99:15189 (1998)

ATP binding domain of protein MJ0577

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As a result of the Structure Genomic initiative many structures of proteins with unknown function will be solved

Wanted !Automated methods to predict function from the protein structures resulting from the structural genomic project.

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Approaches for predicting function from structure

ConSurf - Mapping the evolution conservation on the protein structure

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Approaches for predicting function from structure

PFPlus – Identifying positive electrostatic patches on the protein structure

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A method to distinguish DNA from RNA-binding proteins

DNA binding interface RNA binding interface

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DNA binding interface RNA binding interface

RNA and DNA binding interfaces tend to have different geometric features

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H=(k1+k2)/2 Mean Curvature

K=k1*k2 Gaussian Curvature

Applying Differential Geometry to characterize DNA and RNA binding proteins



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Minimal Surface

Saddle ridge

Saddle valley

Applying Differential Geometry to characterize DNA and RNA proteins

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Applying Differential Geometry for DNA and RNA function prediction



cy o

f po


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RNA binding surfaces are distinguishedfrom DNA binding surfaces based on

Differential Geometric features

78% DNA binding76% RNA-binding

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Differential Geometry can correctly determinewhether a given binding domain binds


RNA pattern DNA pattern



cy o

f po


Shazman et al, NAR 2011

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How can we view the protein structure ?

• Download the coordinates of the structure from the PDB

• Launch a 3D viewer program For example we will use the program Pymol The program can be downloaded freely from the Pymol homepage

• Upload the coordinates to the viewer

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Pymol example• Launch Pymol• Open file “1aqb” (PDB coordinate file)• Display sequence• Hide everything• Show main chain / hide main chain• Show cartoon • Color by ss• Color red• Color green, resi 1:40

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