Professional development and training second life concept-davids revisions

Professional Development and Training Second Life Concept Virtual Teacher’s Lounge Media Literacy and Research Methodologies (MLR) Dr. Sharon Wyly



Transcript of Professional development and training second life concept-davids revisions

  • 1. Professional Development and TrainingSecond Life ConceptVirtual Teachers Lounge
    Media Literacy and Research Methodologies (MLR)
    Dr. SharonWyly

2. Professional Development and TrainingSecond Life Concept - Virtual Teachers Lounge
3. Professional Development and TrainingSecond Life Concept - Virtual Teachers Lounge
Our teams concept for Second Life is a virtual teachers lounge that provides a space for educators to gather and engage in both formal and informal professional development. Our concept is a place where educators from different geographic areas can come to collaborate, brainstorm, and share ideas. While, also being able to attend more formal continuing education sessions. It can also serve as a virtual social network for educators. The goal would be to have a variety of virtual environments within the Second Life space for educators to use and hopefully, provide a way to utilize hands-on tools within Second Life.
4. Professional Development and TrainingSecond Life Concept - Virtual Teachers Lounge
What would our environment look like?
Our environment would contain many different areas:

  • A lounge, that we could relax and enjoy the area and time learning

5. An outdoor setting to explore the great outdoors as we learn 6. Awild and crazy place so as to bring out the side of us that no one usually sees 7. An area for more formal virtual professional development classes