Prevent Staph Skin Infections

Prevent Staph Skin Infections BY: Defense Soap


Most recognized antibacterial soap i.e. Defense Soap is here with information on staph skin infections. Staph bacteria is a common issues for athletes and people involved in close contact activities. Please share the information with people who need it.

Transcript of Prevent Staph Skin Infections

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Prevent Staph Skin Infections

BY: Defense Soap

Page 2: Prevent Staph Skin Infections

Table of Content

l Staph Bacteria l Staph skin Infectionsl Causes (Staph skin Infections)l Symptoms (Staph skin Infections)l Prevent getting or spreading skin infections (Athletes)

l Staph Infections and Kidsl Hand Washing to Prevent Staph Infections l Natural Treatment for Staph Infectionsl Bathing with Defense Shower Gel

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Staph Bacteria

These bacteria can live harmlessly on many skin

surfaces. But when the skin is punctured or broken for any reason, staph bacteria can enter the wound and

cause an infection.

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Staph Skin Infections

Staph infections in other parts of the body are less

common than on skin. They are more likely in people

with weak immune systems.

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Poor hygiene is the main reason. People can get staph infections from contaminated objects, but staph bacteria often spread through skin-to-skin contact


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Symptoms (Staph Skin Infections)

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A high fever Nausea and vomiting

Rash resembles sunburn Confusion

Muscle aches Abdominal pain

Red, irritated orpainful skin Pus-filled blisters



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Prevent Getting or Spreading Staph (Athletes)

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Prevention Tips

• Report any skin lesions or sores to your coaching staff immediately • Get rashes and sores evaluated by a medical

provider before practice or competition. • Wash your hands frequently with soap and clean

water. • Wash your hands after using shared equipment

(such as barbells and free weights). • Use a clean towel as a barrier between your bare

skin and shared surfaces e.g. exercise equipment• Avoid contact with others' lesions and possibly

contaminated items e.g. bandages, towels, or gear.

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Prevention Tips

• Do not pick or squeeze skin sores, which can worsen an infection and possibly spread it to others. • Completely and securely cover skin infections

that are not contagious (such as eczema) before practice, meets, or games. • Do not share towels, cloths, soap, razors,

toothbrushes, or personal items including deodorants, lotions, ointments, gels, or creams. • Wash towels after each use, using hot water

with detergent (and bleach if possible) and dry completely on high heat setting.

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Prevention Tips

• Wash and disinfect, as indicated, personal and shared athletic gear, mats and equipment.. • Launder uniforms and other clothing after every

use. • Shower with soap (preferably liquid, not bar,

soap) before using whirlpools, cold tubs, steam rooms, or saunas. • Do not use whirlpools, cold tubs, steam rooms,

or saunas if sores, scratches, scrapes, or wounds are present anywhere on your body. • Do not share cell phones, beverage containers

(such as water bottles or sports drinks) or anything else that has contact with an affected skin area.

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Staph Infections and Kids

Staph skin infections can also affect your kids. Teach your children to wash their hands often with soap and water for at least 15 seconds.

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Other Tips For Your Kids

• Teach your children use hand sanitizers or wipes when washing isn't possible. • Teach your children not to share towels,

uniforms, or other items that come into contact with bare skin. • Keep open skin clean and covered with dry

bandages until healed. • Encourage your children to clean shared sports

equipment with antiseptic solution before each use. • If your child has dry skin or a skin condition, use

creams and moisturizers regularly.

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Hand Washing To Prevent Staph

Hand washing (hand hygiene) is best to prevent the spread of skin infections in any setting.

• Wet your hands with clean water and apply soap.

• Rub hands together to make a lather for 20 seconds.

• Rinse hands well with clean water.

• Dry your hands using a paper towel or air dryer.

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Natural Treatment for Staph Infections

Tea tree oil for Staph Infections Tea tree oil is a potential treatment for skin

ailments. If you are unfortunate enough to

get a staph infection, tea tree oil is able to treat

the symptoms associated with such bacterial conditions.

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Bathing with Defense Soap Shower Gel

Defense soap shower gel is your defense against skin problems like Staph skin infections. The best part is this product is made up of 100 % natural ingredients.

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“Hygiene is The Key To Be Safe”!!!

Learn more about hygiene with most respected antibacterial soap

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