

Transcript of Presentation1.pptx

Slide 1

SUMMER TRAINING PRESENTATIONThere's innovation in Linux. There are some really good technical features that I'm proud of. There are capabilities in Linux that aren't in other operating systems.

Linus Torvalds 1. Understand and use essential tools for handling files, directories, command-line environments, and documentation. 2. Operate running systems, including booting into different run levels, identifying processes, starting and stopping virtual machines, and controlling services. 3. Configure local storage using partitions and logical volumes. 4. Create and configure file systems and file system attributes, such as permissions, encryption, access control lists, and network file systems. 5. Deploy, configure, and maintain systems, including software installation, update, and core services. 6. Manage users and groups, including use of a centralized directory for authentication. 7. Manage security, including basic firewall and SELinux configuration. This course can be done in modular form as per the detail below Content of Training: -A famous professor Andrew Tanenbaum developed Minix ,a simplified version of UNIX that runs on PC.-Minix is for class teaching only. -No intention for commercial use In Sept 1991, Linus Torvalds , a second year student of Computer Science at the University of Helsinki, developed the preliminary kernel of Linux, known as Linux version 0.0.1 -Lineucks or nicks created primarily by Linus Torvalds in 1991. The First commercial release was in march 1992.

Beginning of Linux The Linux is mainly divided into following distributions:Fedora DebianGentooUbuntuLinux From Scratch etc.

Mind Map Of Linux

Installation of Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6.0:Boot the system with RHEL 6.0 DVD. At the boot prompt, hit enter to begin installation:

Skip the media testing process:

Click Next:

Select your preferred Language and hit Enter:

Select your keyboard layout:

Select Basic storage Devices. If you install this in SAN environment select Specialized Storage Devices and hit Enter

A warning message will appear that denotes the existing datas in the hdd will be deleted. Make sure the hdd doesnt has any important datas and hit Yes:

Enter the hostname for your server:

Enter the IP address for your server by clicking the configure Network, Select your Network interface and enter the IP, Subnet details and Apply the changes.:

Select your Time Zone and click Next:

Enter the Root Password and click Next:

Select the Mode of Partition and click Next:

The partition changes will be applied now

Now select the type of install for this server depends upon the role of the server such as Desktop, Basic Server, Web server, Database server or whatever you need for your current environment. Here let us install the Minimal Server. You can customize the server here or you can do it later:


Example of Shell Programming#!/bin/shecho Is it morning? Please answer yes or noread timeofdaycase $timeofday in yes | y | Yes | YES ) echo Good Morning echo Up bright and early this morning ;; [nN]*) echo Good Afternoon;; *) echo Sorry, answer not recongnized echo Please answer yes of no exit 1 ;;esacexit 0Open-source Linux is a popular alternative to Microsoft Windows, and if you choose to use this low-cost or free operating system, you need to know some basic Linux commands to make your system smoothly. The most common Linux commands are shown in this table.CommandDescriptioncat [filename]Display files contents to the standard output device (usually your monitor).cd /directorypathChange to directory.chmod [options] mode filenameChange a files permissions.chown [options] filenameChange who owns a file.clearClear a command line screen/window for a fresh start.cp [options] source destinationCopy files and [options]Display or set the system date and time.df [options]Display used and available disk space.du [options]Show how much space each file takes up.file [options] filenameDetermine what type of data is within a file.find [pathname] [expression]Search for files matching a provided pattern.grep [options] pattern [filesname]Search files or output for a particular pattern.kill [options] pidStop a process. If the process refuses to stop, use kill -9 pid.less [options] [filename]View the contents of a file one page at a time.ln [options] source [destination]Create a shortcut.locate filenameSearch a copy of your filesystem for the specified filename.lpr [options]Send a print [options]List directory [command]Display the help information for the specified command.mkdir [options] directoryCreate a new [options] source destinationRename or move file(s) or directories.passwd [name [password]]Change the password or allow (for the system administrator) to change any [options]Display a snapshot of the currently running processes.pwdDisplay the pathname for the current directory.rm [options] directoryRemove (delete) file(s) and/or directories.rmdir [options] directoryDelete empty directories.ssh [options] user@machineRemotely log in to another Linux machine, over the network. Leave an ssh session by typing [options] [user [arguments]]Switch to another user account.tail [options] [filename]Display the last n lines of a file (the default is 10).tar [options] filenameStore and extract files from a tarfile (.tar) or tarball (.tar.gz or .tgz).topDisplays the resources being used on your system. Press q to exit.touch filenameCreate an empty file with the specified name.who [options]Display who is logged on.