前言Preface 我的父親與松山戰役My Father Cap. Young and the ...

1945 年 8 月結束的抗日戰爭是中華民族有史以來最偉 大的一場衛國戰爭。“衛國戰爭”一詞,長期以來都是特 指蘇聯的抗德戰爭,他人不可僭用。其實我們稍微看一下 蘇德戰爭爆發前,兩國為了各自利益的一些政治勾兌,犧 牲其他小國、弱國的利益,與之相比,中國的抗日,完全 是受害方、受侵略方忍無可忍、退無可退的反抗,是百分 之百的正義戰爭。再縱觀歷史,抗戰全面爆發時,中國遭 受亡國滅種的威脅是史無前例的,確實是“中華民族到了 最危險的時候”。我認為用衛國戰爭來指八年對日戰爭是 非常恰當的。這場戰爭的勝利,中華民族付出的代價也是 空前的,也是中華民族偉大復興的起點。在這場衛國戰爭 勝利 70 周年紀念日之際,全世界的中華兒女用各種方式 來隆重慶賀,深深緬懷為國奮戰的英雄義士,也沉痛悼念 千千萬萬死難的同胞。 硅谷亞洲藝術中心自 2004 年成立起,在推廣經營藝 術的同時,也把文化擔當作為自己的使命。2007 年 12 月, 在灣區抗日戰爭史實維護會的協助下,我們舉辦了《血淚 河山:紀念南京大屠殺繪畫展》。2011 年 10 月,我們舉 辦了紀念辛亥革命一百年的藝術展《元老遺墨》。在抗戰 勝利 70 周年來臨之際,於今年 8 月 15 日到 9 月 2 日間, 隆重舉辦《熱血千秋》特別展。展出抗日統帥蔣中正手書 密令、陳誠、薛岳、白崇禧、李品仙、關麟征、闕漢騫、 黃杰、王伯勳、張靈甫、錢大鈞等眾多名將的手跡墨寶和 相關文物,並首次展出于右任先生手書並付幼子于中令珍 藏的 2000 字長卷《第二次大戰回憶歌》,也特別展出美 籍華裔容兆珍參加松山戰役的日記和文獻、文物,並展出 日本駐臺空軍將領獻降的寶刀兩柄。同時舉辦中英文演講 各兩場,在 8 月 15 日下午 2 點半到 5 點間,邀請主持松 山戰役主峰爆炸華裔美軍工兵上尉容兆珍之女、美國華 人歷史學家虞容儀芳女士演講《我的父親容兆珍在松山戰 役》、攻克騰沖的主將葉佩高將軍之子、電腦軟體工程學 創始人葉祖堯博士演講《我的父親葉佩高與騰沖戰役》, 這兩次演講均為英文,並由盟國中國戰區參謀長史迪威將 軍的外孫約翰 • 伊斯特布魯克作開場引言;8 月 29 日下 午 2 點半到 5 點,由林中明教授演講《我的父親林文奎與 抗日空戰》,以及民國史專家阮大仁先生演講《蔣中正日 記中的抗戰初始》,這兩次演講均為中文。 我們誠摯地感謝為這次展覽付出心血和鼎力支持的各 位朋友。也特別感謝九十九歲高齡、當年在重慶參與對日 問題研究和情報分析的侯北人先生為本次展覽題名。 謹以此展紀念所有為國獻身的中華兒女。 硅谷亞洲藝術中心 舘長 舒建華 2015 年 7 月 The Sino-Japanese War that ends in August 1945 is the greatest patriotic war in the history of China. The term Patriotic War usually and exclusively refers to Soviet Union’s anti-Germany war. As a matter of fact, before the Germany-Soviet Union war, the political collusion between the two countries sacrifices other countries’ profits. However, China’s anti-Japanese war is purely resistance of victims, a complete just war. Taking a wide view of history, when the anti-Japanese war began, China was suffering unprecedented threat of subjugation. It was indeed “the most dangerous time”. I think it is quite appropriate to use Patriotic War to describe the eight-year Anti-Japanese war. The cost to earn the victory of this war is exceptionally grand, which is also the start point of China’s revival. At the 70th anniversary of the victory, celebrations are held by Chinese people all over the world to memorize the war heroes as well as numerous war victims. The Silicon Valley Asian Art Center was founded in 2004. We promotes art to run the gallery, at the mean time, we also take cultural inheritance as our mission. In December 2007, with the support of the Bay Area Alliance for Preserving the History of World War II in Asia, we held an exhibit in memory of the Nanjing Massacre. In October 2011, we held Soul of China: 100th Anniversary of 1911 Revolution Celebration Exhibit. At the time of the 70th anniversary of the victory of the Sino-Japanese war, we hold a special exhibit The Sacrifice Never Forgotten from August 15 to September 2. The items on display include: Chiang Kai-shek’s handwriting secret order, calligraphy and handwritings of generals Chen Cheng, Xue Yue, Bai Chongxi, Li Pinxian, Guan Linzheng, Que Hanqian, Huang Jie, Wang Boxun, Zhang Lingfu, and Qian Dajun. Yu Chongling’s collection, the 2000-character Song of WWII written by his father Yu Youren will be displayed for the first time. In addition, there is American-Chinese Cap. John C. Young’s diary and relics of the Song Shan Battle, and two Japanese swords submitted to China Air Force at the ceremony of Japanese surrender in Taiwan. On August 15, 2:30-5pm, daughter of Cap. John C. Young and a writer of Chinese American history, Mrs. Connie Young Yu will give a lecture on My Father and the Song Shan Battle, son of Gen. Yeh and leader of computer science and information industry, Dr. Raymond Yeh will give a lecture on My Father Gen. Yeh Pei-Kao and the Teng Chong Battle. These two lectures are in English. Meanwhile, Col. John Easterbrook will give an opening speech on My Grandfather Gen. Stilwell and the China Theatre. On August 29, 2:30-5pm, Dr. Frank Lin will present a lecture on My Father Col. Lin Wen-Kwei and the Air Battle in the Sino-Japanese War, Dr. Yuan Dah-zen will present a lecture on The Start of the Sino-Japanese War in Chiang Kai-Shek’s Diary. These two lectures are in Chinese. We’d like to extend our sincere gratitude to our friends for supporting this exhibit, especially 99-year-old Hou Beiren who entitled this exhibit. Mr. Hou was a consultant of Japan problem and intelligence analysis in Chongqing during the war. We devote this exhibit to the Chinese who sacrificed their lives for the country. Jianhua Shu Curator, The Silicon Valley Asian Art Center July 2015 (English translation by Xinru Xu) Preface 我的父親與松山戰役 虞容儀芳 徐心如 “1944 年 6 月 25 日 我們跨過怒江,在 779 千米處駐紮。發現九架日本零式戰鬥機向松山日軍投放物資。我方高 射炮成功擊落三架。” 容兆珍中尉負責向 Carlos Spadt 上校報告。他們的軍事部署是為了支援中國第八軍疏通 中緬公路的戰鬥。他們駐紮於中緬公路的咽喉地帶。當時中國軍隊傷亡慘重。日軍佔領了松 山高地并將火炮對準了公路,致使前赴後繼意圖奪回高地的中國軍隊死傷無數。容中尉作為 機械維修組長,帶領五個部下不斷地運送和修理破損槍支。接下來的幾個星期內,容中尉和 他的部下駐紮在山腳的帳篷裡,日夜經受著山頭敵軍的槍林彈雨。 不久,一個新計劃誕生了。中國士兵在山體中挖掘了一條地道,美國工程師們運送來 6000 磅炸藥。Carlos Spadt 上校、Peter Hopkins 中尉和容兆珍中尉一起制定了戰略并下達 了炸燬日軍山頂要塞的命令。 中國軍隊在美軍的支援下獲得了巨大勝利。這場勝利是抗日戰爭的轉折點。 在松山戰役中,容中尉無暇書寫日記,僅有的一則寫於日本投降之後。 “1944 年 9 月 敵軍所有在松山的據點全部被我軍攻佔。中緬公路得以疏通。” 容中尉在中國的兩年裡,他和他的隊伍主要活動於雲南省全境及貴州省的一部份。他曾 擔任中國第二、五、八軍的美方聯絡官。松山戰役後,他幫助駐紮在陸良的第八軍裝備了新 式美國武器。他因戰功晉升為少校。 他在海外度過了兩年零七個月,隨後被調回美國。他獲准休假。1945 年 6 月 25 日到達德 克薩斯州,不久回到加州與家人團聚。他原本以為會被召回海外戰場服役,但 8 月 15 日,日 本投降,戰爭結束了。 當我的父親,容少校回到美國,他不再寫日記,他從不在公眾場合談論他所經歷的戰爭, 從不誇大他的壯舉,甚至從不描繪戰爭。“戰爭是地獄,”他告訴他的孩子們,珍妮、阿爾 弗雷德和我。他從不想擁有槍支。他之所以成為軍官是因為他作為斯坦福大學的學生加入了 後備軍官訓練營。我的父親是一名士兵,更是一位公民,他急切地想迴歸公民生活,組建家庭。 我的弟弟阿爾弗雷德出生於 1946 年,那年我們舉家從洛杉磯搬到舊金山。父親起先是石油工 程師,後來又進入醬油製造業,還做過進出口以及餐飲業。他在韓戰時被軍隊召回,於 1951 ﹣ 1953 年間擔任奧克蘭軍事基地檢測部門的主管。1972 年他正式從美軍復員,獲上校軍銜。 父親是一個成功的商人,也是舊金山唐人街的社區領袖。 他領導了聖瑪麗廣場的中美戰 爭紀念活動。多年來,他一直是舊金山中國新年遊行的主席。他和我母親 Mary Lee Young, 曾把他們收藏的中國藝術品捐贈給斯坦福大學藝術博物館和其他博物館。他退休後和我母親 八次前往中國探望原籍的親友。他甚至去了二戰中他的根據地昆明,感嘆昆明的變化之大, 城市之美。1987 年他在 Presidio 的 Letterman 醫院逝世,享年 75 歲。 我父親的日記在這次硅谷亞洲藝術中心舉辦的紀念抗戰勝利七十週年的展覽中展出真是 容兆珍中尉(前排右一)他的美友 Cap. Young (front right) and CBI Group 松山戰役中日軍山頂要塞被炸燬瞬間 Explosion of the Japanese Stronghold at the Song Shan Battle 再合適不過,他 1912 年的出生地聖荷西就離此處不遠。他去世前一年,拿出一本黑色封皮的 小本子給我看,這便是他1942﹣1945年間的日記。他把裡面的人名、地名和戰鬥一一講給我聽。 這就是歷史啊! 我父親有強烈的身份意識:他是一個愛國的美國人。他上過聖荷西唐人街的中文學校, 所以能讀寫中文。我的祖父母是孫中山的追隨者和支持者,非常重視兩個兒子對中國的忠誠 和熱愛。他們的長子 George Ming Young 是第一個獲得航空運輸執照的華裔美國人。日本一 入侵中國,大伯就奔赴前線訓練中國空軍。1937 年在執行一項偵查任務時犧牲,年僅 27 歲。 我的父親作為唯一存活的兒子,有他的使命要完成。他生活的時代讓他有機會同時為中 國和美國而戰鬥。 他從前線回到洛杉磯家中幾個月後,收到中國政府寄來的雲麾勳章,表彰他在保衛中國 的戰鬥中的英勇表現。我的祖父為此十分驕傲。 (本文作者為容兆珍中尉之女,是美國華裔歷史作家。她是第三代加州華裔。她的外曾 祖父是修建美國橫貫鐵路的勞工,而她的曾祖父在 1881 年 11 歲時來到加州聖荷西。她繼承 了父母熱愛歷史的熱情和家族遺物,這些對她的工作意義非凡。她著有《唐人街 聖荷西 美國》。其他大量著述散見於各種報刊雜誌和文選。她也為紀錄片撰稿并曾為美國華人歷史 學會策展。) My Father Cap. Young and the Song Shan Battle Connie Young Yu June 25, 1944 Moved across the Salween, set up at 779 km mark. Saw 9 Jap zeros dropping supplies to the Japs at Sungshan (in Chinese words). Our anti aircraft machine guns got three of them. Captain Young reported for duty to Col. Carlos Spadt. Their orders were to support the Chinese 8th Army in the battle to free the Burma Road. They were at the throat of the Burma Road and the Chinese defenders were suffering heavy casualties. The Japanese at Songshan occupied the high ground with artillery aimed at the road. Waves of Chinese soldiers stormed the mountain and were being slaughtered by enemy fire. Young headed the mobile repair unit and soldiers brought broken guns by the dozens and kept the five member crew busy. For weeks Young and his team lived in tents at the base of the mountain, under the constant threat of bombardment from the enemy stronghold at the top. Then, a new plan took place. Chinese soldiers dug long tunnels through the mountain and the American engineers brought in 6000 pounds of TNT. Colonel Carlos Spadt, along with Captain Peter Hopkins and Captain John C. Young were instrumental in designing the strategy and setting off the explosive charges that blew up the top of the mountain that was the enemy stronghold. The Chinese Army, with American support, won a major victory. It was the turning point in the war. There was no chance for Young to write during the battle of Songshan. His one diary entry was written at the very end, after the Japanese finally surrendered. Sept. 7, 1944 All enemy strong point in Sungshan are taken. The road is cleared. In the two years Young was in China, he and members of his team covered practically the whole Yunnan province and part of Kweichow Province. He had been an American liaison officer with the Chinese 2nd, 5th and 8th army. After the battle of Songshan, he helped to equip the 8th Army at Luliang with new American weapons. Young was promoted to Major. He had been overseas for 31 months and was due for rotation to U.S. He was given leave. He arrived in Texas on June 25, 1945, and he was soon reunited with his family in California. He fully expected to be reassigned to overseas, but on August 15, Japan surrendered. The war was over. When my father, Major Young, returned stateside, he stopped writing in his diary, and never returned to it. He never spoke of his wartime experiences publicly, never bragged about his exploits, or told war stories. War is hell, he would tell his children, Janey, Al and me. He never wanted to own a gun. He was an army officer because he joined Reserved Officers Training Corp (ROTC) as a student at Stanford University. My dad was a citizen soldier, and he was eager to return to civilian life and raise a family. My brother Alfred was born in 1946, and our family moved from Whittier to San Francisco. My father went from petroleum engineering to the manufacturing of soy sauce, importing and exporting, and the restaurant business. He was called to active duty during the Korean War and was Chief of Inspection Division at Oakland Army Base 1951-53. In 1972 he retired from the U.S. Army Reserves a full colonel. My father was a successful businessman and a community leader in Chinatown, San Francisco. He spearheaded the campaign for the Chinese American War Memorial in St Mary’s Square. He was the chairman of the Chinese New Year Parade in San Francisco for many years. He and my mother, Mary Lee Young, collected Chinese art and donated their collections to Stanford Art Museum, and other museums. In his retirement he and my mother made 8 trips to China and visited their respective ancestral villages. He also visited Kunming, his home base during World War II, and marveled over how progressive it was, and how beautiful. In 1987 he passed away at the age of 75 at Letterman Hospital in the Presidio. It is fitting that the diary of John C. Young is exhibited on the 70th anniversary of V-J day, at this Art Center, a few miles from where he was born in San Jose in 1912. A year before he died, my father showed me the small black books, his dairies of 1942 – 1945, and explained to me the places, the people, the battles. This was history. My father had a strong sense of who he was. He was a patriotic American. He could read and write Chinese because he went to Chinese school in Chinatown, San Jose. His father and mother were followers of Sun Yat-sen, and instilled in their two sons loyalty and love of China. His parents Mr. and Mrs. Young Soong Quong were supporters of Sun Yat-sen. Their first-born, George Ming Young was the first Chinese American to receive an air transport license. After Japan invaded China Uncle Ming went to China to train the Chinese Air Force. He was killed in a reconnaissance mission at the age of 27 in 1937. John, the only surviving son, had a destiny to fulfill. He lived in a period of history in which he could fight for both the United States and China at the same time. A few months after John returned from the war to his home in Whittier, he received a supreme military medal from the Chinese government that made his father very proud. It was the Order of the Cloud and Banner, for his distinguished service in defense of China. (Connie Young Yu is daughter of Cap. Young and a writer of Chinese American history. She is a 3rd generation Californian. Her maternal great-grandfather came to America to work on the Transcontinental Railroad and her paternal grandfather came to San Jose at the age of 11 in 1881. Her parents, John and Mary Young passed on a love of history to her as well as their collections of family memorabilia, giving her material for her work. Connie is the author of the book Chinatown, San Jose, USA. Her extensive writings have appeared in numerous journals and anthologies. She has written scripts for documentaries and curated exhibits for the Chinese Historical Society of America.) 台灣日軍統帥投降獻寶刀簡記 林中明 2015.7.7 1945 年 8 月 15 日,日本軍國戰敗,日本天皇詔令日本臣民及軍隊,“飭令帝國政府通告美、 英、中、蘇四國,願接受其聯合公告 ( 即波茨坦宣言之“無條件投降”)”。 至於投降的方式,根據盟軍最高統帥麥克亞瑟將軍規定:(一)日軍繳械時,不得舉行 副武器儀式;(二)日軍代表于正式投降時不得佩帶軍刀;(三)凡日軍所有軍刀,均應與 其它武器一律收繳,一俟正式投降後,日軍即不得再行佩帶。 依此規定,1945 年 9 月 9 日,日軍 “中國派遣軍總司令官” 岡村寧次代表日本在華日 軍簽字投降前,先於休息室,獻刀投降。根據日本武士道,武士刀就是軍人魂,武士刀獻, 武士魂消。獻刀投降,這是日本軍人的大恥和臣服。 但是為了簽降儀式的安全,也顧及日酋 顏面,在華各個日酋公開獻刀投降儀式中,只有日本華北方面軍司令兼駐蒙軍司令,根本博 中將及部屬等 22 人,10 月 10 日,在北平太和殿,簽字投降後,向第 11 戰區長官孫連仲上 將等軍官代表,獻上 22 把佩刀!其時觀禮群眾激動高呼“中國萬歲”、“委員長萬歲”、“勝 利萬歲”,歡聲雷動。 至於日本軍酋投降後,私下躬獻日本寶刀,則有新四軍粟裕將軍,參加 12 月 26 日高郵 受降後,於 12 月 29 日,獲日軍司令官岩崎學大佐躬獻遠祖相傳的紫雲刀一柄,以示心悅誠服。 戰敗而心中不服任何美英中國將領的岡村寧次,南京投降只獻普通軍刀敷衍了事。但是他獨 獨佩服印緬大敗日軍的新一軍孫立人軍長,所以後來私下求見,躬獻日本皇家六百年傳國指 揮寶刀。可惜後來孫將軍在軟禁中,被妒忌他的陳誠,把這柄六百年的名刀,連同麥帥所贈 日本寶刀抄去,後來都下落不明。中華愛國志士以及兩岸愛刀者,聞之莫不遺憾。 家父林文奎,於應邀參加 9 月 9 日,日本南京投降典禮之後,受命出任 23 戰區 ( 台北 ) 空軍司令。於 9 月中旬,自杭州筧橋機場,率一中隊四架飛機,飛抵台北松山機場,接管日 本空軍在台灣北部一切軍事設施,公正高效,深受日本軍人敬佩。10 月 25 日,家父出席中 山堂日本投降簽字儀式 ( 見圖 1,2) 前後,又得日軍高官贈送胁差寶刀二柄,番王佩刀一把。 寶刀二柄,雪亮鋒利。我和家兄林中斌教授 ( 曾 任台灣國防部軍政副部長 ),幼時常舞刀對峙, 以為兵戲。後來為稱呼方便,分別名之為“明夷” 及 “殷鑒”,以為傳世之簽。 余按:“明夷”典出《易經》“日入地中” 而又有“明了東夷”,知敵者勝等深義。“殷鑒” 音近“陰劍”,典出《詩經.大雅.蕩篇》:「殷 鑒不遠,在夏後之世」。我們以為,日本好戰亡國, 此一歷史悲劇,足為日本今後之殷鑒,希望它 不要如《 韓詩外傳》所云:「前車覆而後車不 誡,是以後車覆也」,再度走上擴張侵略而自 尋毀滅之路。 “明夷”刃長 60cm,寬 2cm, 刀柄 21cm, 刀鞘附小柄一把,刀身優雅,刀譚 圓形,金雕精美。殷鑒”刃長 54cm,寬 2.4cm, 刀柄 15cm, 刀鞘小柄已遺失,刀身精巧,刀譚 黑方簡樸。 20 年前,友人愛刀者,曾請日本 友人考諸日本名刀譜,云“明夷”係 450 年前 日本戰國時期古物,“殷鑒”亦有 375 年之古, 皆柳生,宮本耀武功﹑撰兵書時代之物。15 年前, 曾有日本商人聞有此二刀,至台北,欲以台北 一房交換“明夷”刀。友人詢之於吾。余以此 二刀非僅寶刀,且為日本軍閥台灣投降之歷史 證物,拒之。今歲日本投降七十週年,此二刀 於矽谷亞洲藝術中心“熱血千秋”特展借展展 出後,將於 10 月 25 日,台灣光復節,於南京 中山陵國家博物館紀念家父母之文物展開幕式 上,無償贈予南京中山陵抗日航空紀念館,以為中國抗日勝利之歷史見證焉。 戰區 ( 台北戰區 ) 空軍司令。林文奎中校 ( 左 1) 1945.10.25 台北公會堂 ( 今中山堂 ) Col. Lin Wen Kwei (Left), Air Commander of 23rd Theater, 1945 台灣省主席。陳儀 ( 右 ) 接受日本台灣總督安 藤利吉投降書簽字。林文奎中校 ( 右 2) 1945.10.25 台北公會堂 ( 今中山堂 ) Col. Lin Wen Kwei (2nd to Right) at the Japanese Surrender in Taiwan, 1945. 容兆珍中尉戰地日記 ( 上左,上右,下左) Diary of Cap. Young during WWII 容兆珍中尉舊藏抗戰將士名片 Cap. Young’s Collection of Military Personel’s Name Cards During WWII 1943年中美空軍合作抗日留影,右三為陳納德將軍,左二為機要秘書林文奎 Gen. Chenault (3rd from right) and Commander Lin Wen Kwei (2nd from left) in 1943 台灣日軍將領在投降儀式上獻贈台北首任空軍司令林文奎中校武士軍刀兩柄 Japanese Surrender Swords to Air Force Commander Lin Wen Kwei in 1945 抗日名將闕漢騫書法 Que Hanqian’s Calligraphy 李品仙獲青天白日勳章 Order of Blue Sky and White Sun Issued to Li Pinxian 中華民國政府為容兆珍中尉頒 發的通行證 CBI Document of Cap. John C. Young 中緬邊境上的怒江大橋在松山 戰役後被奪回 Berma Bridge returns to China’s control after the Song Shan Battle.

Transcript of 前言Preface 我的父親與松山戰役My Father Cap. Young and the ...

Page 1: 前言Preface 我的父親與松山戰役My Father Cap. Young and the ...

1945 年 8 月結束的抗日戰爭是中華民族有史以來最偉











勝利 70 周年紀念日之際,全世界的中華兒女用各種方式



硅谷亞洲藝術中心自 2004 年成立起,在推廣經營藝

術的同時,也把文化擔當作為自己的使命。2007 年 12 月,


河山:紀念南京大屠殺繪畫展》。2011 年 10 月,我們舉


勝利 70 周年來臨之際,於今年 8 月 15 日到 9 月 2 日間,





藏的 2000 字長卷《第二次大戰回憶歌》,也特別展出美



各兩場,在 8 月 15 日下午 2 點半到 5 點間,邀請主持松






軍的外孫約翰 • 伊斯特布魯克作開場引言;8 月 29 日下

午 2 點半到 5 點,由林中明教授演講《我的父親林文奎與







硅谷亞洲藝術中心 舘長 舒建華

2015 年 7 月

The Sino-Japanese War that ends in August 1945 is the greatest patriotic war in the history of China. The term Patriotic War usually and exclusively refers to Soviet Union’s anti-Germany war. As a matter of fact, before the Germany-Soviet Union war, the political collusion between the two countries sacrifices other countries’ profits. However, China’s anti-Japanese war is purely resistance of victims, a complete just war. Taking a wide view of history, when the anti-Japanese war began, China was suffering unprecedented threat of subjugation. It was indeed “the most dangerous time”. I think it is quite appropriate to use Patriotic War to describe the eight-year Anti-Japanese war. The cost to earn the victory of this war is exceptionally grand, which is also the start point of China’s revival. At the 70th anniversary of the victory, celebrations are held by Chinese people all over the world to memorize the war heroes as well as numerous war victims.

The Silicon Valley Asian Art Center was founded in 2004. We promotes art to run the gallery, at the mean time, we also take cultural inheritance as our mission. In December 2007, with the support of the Bay Area Alliance for Preserving the History of World War II in Asia, we held an exhibit in memory of the Nanjing Massacre. In October 2011, we held Soul of China: 100th Anniversary of 1911 Revolution Celebration Exhibit. At the time of the 70th anniversary of the victory of the Sino-Japanese war, we hold a special exhibit The Sacrifice Never Forgotten from August 15 to September 2. The items on display include: Chiang Kai-shek’s handwriting secret order, calligraphy and handwritings of generals Chen Cheng, Xue Yue, Bai Chongxi, Li Pinxian, Guan Linzheng, Que Hanqian, Huang Jie, Wang Boxun, Zhang Lingfu, and Qian Dajun. Yu Chongling’s collection, the 2000-character Song of WWII written by his father Yu Youren will be displayed for the first time. In addition, there is American-Chinese Cap. John C. Young’s diary and relics of the Song Shan Battle, and two Japanese swords submitted to China Air Force at the ceremony of Japanese surrender in Taiwan. On August 15, 2:30-5pm, daughter of Cap. John C. Young and a writer of Chinese American history, Mrs. Connie Young Yu will give a lecture on My Father and the Song Shan Battle, son of Gen. Yeh and leader of computer science and information industry, Dr. Raymond Yeh will give a lecture on My Father Gen. Yeh Pei-Kao and the Teng Chong Battle. These two lectures are in English. Meanwhile, Col. John Easterbrook will give an opening speech on My Grandfather Gen. Stilwell and the China Theatre. On August 29, 2:30-5pm, Dr. Frank Lin will present a lecture on My Father Col. Lin Wen-Kwei and the Air Battle in the Sino-Japanese War, Dr. Yuan Dah-zen will present a lecture on The Start of the Sino-Japanese War in Chiang Kai-Shek’s Diary. These two lectures are in Chinese.

We’d like to extend our sincere gratitude to our friends for supporting this exhibit, especially 99-year-old Hou Beiren who entitled this exhibit. Mr. Hou was a consultant of Japan problem and intelligence analysis in Chongqing during the war.

We devote this exhibit to the Chinese who sacrificed their lives for the country.

Jianhua ShuCurator, The Silicon Valley Asian Art Center

July 2015(English translation by Xinru Xu)

前 言 Preface 我的父親與松山戰役

虞容儀芳 撰 徐心如 譯

“1944 年 6 月 25 日

我們跨過怒江,在 779 千米處駐紮。發現九架日本零式戰鬥機向松山日軍投放物資。我方高


容兆珍中尉負責向 Carlos Spadt 上校報告。他們的軍事部署是為了支援中國第八軍疏通






6000 磅炸藥。Carlos Spadt 上校、Peter Hopkins 中尉和容兆珍中尉一起制定了戰略并下達




“1944 年 9 月





他在海外度過了兩年零七個月,隨後被調回美國。他獲准休假。1945 年 6 月 25 日到達德

克薩斯州,不久回到加州與家人團聚。他原本以為會被召回海外戰場服役,但 8 月 15 日,日






我的弟弟阿爾弗雷德出生於 1946 年,那年我們舉家從洛杉磯搬到舊金山。父親起先是石油工

程師,後來又進入醬油製造業,還做過進出口以及餐飲業。他在韓戰時被軍隊召回,於 1951

﹣ 1953 年間擔任奧克蘭軍事基地檢測部門的主管。1972 年他正式從美軍復員,獲上校軍銜。

父親是一個成功的商人,也是舊金山唐人街的社區領袖。 他領導了聖瑪麗廣場的中美戰

爭紀念活動。多年來,他一直是舊金山中國新年遊行的主席。他和我母親 Mary Lee Young,



城市之美。1987 年他在 Presidio 的 Letterman 醫院逝世,享年 75 歲。


容兆珍中尉(前排右一)他的美友 Cap. Young (front right) and CBI Group

松山戰役中日軍山頂要塞被炸燬瞬間 Explosion of the Japanese Stronghold at the Song Shan Battle

再合適不過,他 1912 年的出生地聖荷西就離此處不遠。他去世前一年,拿出一本黑色封皮的





和熱愛。他們的長子 George Ming Young 是第一個獲得航空運輸執照的華裔美國人。日本一

入侵中國,大伯就奔赴前線訓練中國空軍。1937 年在執行一項偵查任務時犧牲,年僅 27歲。






祖父是修建美國橫貫鐵路的勞工,而她的曾祖父在 1881 年 11 歲時來到加州聖荷西。她繼承

了父母熱愛歷史的熱情和家族遺物,這些對她的工作意義非凡。她著有《唐人街 聖荷西



My Father Cap. Young and the Song Shan BattleConnie Young Yu

June 25, 1944 Moved across the Salween, set up at 779 km mark. Saw 9 Jap zeros dropping supplies to the Japs at Sungshan (in Chinese words). Our anti aircraft machine guns got three of them.

Captain Young reported for duty to Col. Carlos Spadt. Their orders were to support the Chinese 8th Army in the battle to free the Burma Road. They were at the throat of the Burma Road and the Chinese defenders were suffering heavy casualties. The Japanese at Songshan occupied the high ground with artillery aimed at the road. Waves of Chinese soldiers stormed the mountain and were being slaughtered by enemy fire. Young headed the mobile repair unit and soldiers brought broken guns by the dozens and kept the five member crew busy. For weeks Young and his team lived in tents at the base of the mountain, under the constant threat of bombardment

from the enemy stronghold at the top.

Then, a new plan took place. Chinese soldiers dug long tunnels through the mountain and the American engineers brought in 6000 pounds of TNT. Colonel Carlos Spadt, along with Captain Peter Hopkins and Captain John C. Young were instrumental in designing the strategy and setting off the explosive charges that blew up the top of the mountain that was the enemy stronghold. The Chinese Army, with American support, won a major victory. It was the turning point in the war.

There was no chance for Young to write during the battle of Songshan. His one diary entry was written at the very end, after the Japanese finally surrendered.

Sept. 7, 1944 All enemy strong point in Sungshan are taken. The road is cleared.

In the two years Young was in China, he and members of his team covered practically the whole Yunnan province and part of Kweichow Province. He had been an American liaison officer with the Chinese 2nd, 5th and 8th army. After the battle of Songshan, he helped to equip the 8th Army at Luliang with new American weapons. Young was promoted to Major.

He had been overseas for 31 months and was due for rotation to U.S. He was given leave. He arrived in Texas on June 25, 1945, and he was soon reunited with his family in California. He fully expected to be reassigned to overseas, but on August 15, Japan surrendered. The war was over.

When my father, Major Young, returned stateside, he stopped writing in his diary, and never returned to it. He never spoke of his wartime experiences publicly, never bragged about his exploits, or told war stories. War is hell, he would tell his children, Janey, Al and me. He never wanted to own a gun. He was an army officer because he joined Reserved Officers Training Corp (ROTC) as a student at Stanford University. My dad was a citizen soldier, and he was eager to return to civilian life and raise a family. My brother Alfred was born in 1946, and our family moved from Whittier to San Francisco. My father went from petroleum engineering to the manufacturing of soy sauce, importing and exporting, and the restaurant business. He was called to active duty during the Korean War and was Chief of Inspection Division at Oakland Army Base 1951-53. In 1972 he retired from the U.S. Army Reserves a full colonel.

My father was a successful businessman and a community leader in Chinatown, San Francisco. He spearheaded the campaign for the Chinese American War Memorial in St Mary’s Square. He was the chairman of the Chinese New Year Parade in San Francisco for many years. He and my mother, Mary Lee Young, collected Chinese art and donated their collections to Stanford Art Museum, and other museums. In his retirement he and my mother made 8 trips to China and visited their respective ancestral villages. He also visited Kunming, his home base during World War II, and marveled over how progressive it was, and how beautiful. In 1987 he passed away at the age of 75 at Letterman Hospital in the Presidio.

It is fitting that the diary of John C. Young is exhibited on the 70th anniversary of V-J day, at this Art Center, a few miles from where he was born in San Jose in 1912. A year before he died, my father showed me the small black books, his dairies of 1942 – 1945, and explained to me the places, the people, the battles. This was history.

My father had a strong sense of who he was. He was a patriotic American. He could read and write Chinese because he went to Chinese school in Chinatown, San Jose. His father and mother were followers of Sun Yat-sen, and instilled in their two sons loyalty and love of China. His parents Mr. and Mrs. Young Soong Quong were supporters of Sun Yat-sen. Their first-born, George Ming Young was the first Chinese American to receive an air transport license. After Japan invaded China Uncle Ming went to China to train the Chinese Air Force. He was killed in a reconnaissance mission at the age of 27 in 1937. John, the only surviving son, had a destiny to fulfill. He lived in a period of history in which he could fight for both the United States and China at the same time.

A few months after John returned from the war to his home in Whittier, he received a supreme military medal from the Chinese government that made his father very proud. It was the Order of the Cloud and Banner, for his distinguished service in defense of China.

(Connie Young Yu is daughter of Cap. Young and a writer of Chinese American history. She is a 3rd generation Californian. Her maternal great-grandfather came to America to work on the Transcontinental Railroad and her paternal grandfather came to San Jose at the age of 11 in 1881. Her parents, John and Mary Young passed on a love of history to her as well as their collections of family memorabilia, giving her material for her work. Connie is the author of the book Chinatown, San Jose, USA. Her extensive writings have appeared in numerous journals and anthologies. She has written scripts for documentaries and curated exhibits for the Chinese Historical Society of America.)


林中明 2015.7.7


英、中、蘇四國,願接受其聯合公告 ( 即波茨坦宣言之“無條件投降”)”。




依此規定,1945 年 9 月 9 日,日軍 “中國派遣軍總司令官” 岡村寧次代表日本在華日


武士魂消。獻刀投降,這是日本軍人的大恥和臣服。 但是為了簽降儀式的安全,也顧及日酋


中將及部屬等 22 人,10 月 10 日,在北平太和殿,簽字投降後,向第 11 戰區長官孫連仲上



至於日本軍酋投降後,私下躬獻日本寶刀,則有新四軍粟裕將軍,參加 12 月 26 日高郵






家父林文奎,於應邀參加 9 月 9 日,日本南京投降典禮之後,受命出任 23 戰區 ( 台北 )

空軍司令。於 9 月中旬,自杭州筧橋機場,率一中隊四架飛機,飛抵台北松山機場,接管日

本空軍在台灣北部一切軍事設施,公正高效,深受日本軍人敬佩。10 月 25 日,家父出席中

山堂日本投降簽字儀式 (見圖 1,2)前後,又得日軍高官贈送胁差寶刀二柄,番王佩刀一把。


任台灣國防部軍政副部長 ),幼時常舞刀對峙,


及 “殷鑒”,以為傳世之簽。






不要如《 韓詩外傳》所云:「前車覆而後車不


尋毀滅之路。 “明夷”刃長 60cm,寬 2cm,

刀柄 21cm, 刀鞘附小柄一把,刀身優雅,刀譚

圓形,金雕精美。殷鑒”刃長 54cm,寬 2.4cm,

刀柄 15cm, 刀鞘小柄已遺失,刀身精巧,刀譚

黑方簡樸。 20 年前,友人愛刀者,曾請日本

友人考諸日本名刀譜,云“明夷”係 450 年前

日本戰國時期古物,“殷鑒”亦有 375年之古,







出後,將於 10 月 25 日,台灣光復節,於南京



戰區 (台北戰區 )空軍司令。林文奎中校 ( 左1) 1945.10.25 台北公會堂 ( 今中山堂 )Col. Lin Wen Kwei (Left), Air Commander of 23rd Theater, 1945

台灣省主席。陳儀 ( 右 ) 接受日本台灣總督安藤利吉投降書簽字。林文奎中校 ( 右 2)1945.10.25 台北公會堂 (今中山堂 )Col. Lin Wen Kwei (2nd to Right) at the Japanese Surrender in Taiwan, 1945.

容兆珍中尉戰地日記(上左,上右,下左)Diary of Cap. Young during WWII

容兆珍中尉舊藏抗戰將士名片 Cap. Young’s Collection of Military Personel’s Name Cards During WWII

1943 年中美空軍合作抗日留影,右三為陳納德將軍,左二為機要秘書林文奎Gen. Chenault (3rd from right) and Commander Lin Wen Kwei (2nd from left) in 1943


Japanese Surrender Swords to Air Force Commander Lin Wen Kwei in 1945

抗日名將闕漢騫書法 Que Hanqian’s Calligraphy

李品仙獲青天白日勳章 Order of Blue Sky and White Sun Issued to Li Pinxian

中華民國政府為容兆珍中尉頒發的通行證 CBI Document of Cap. John C. Young

中緬邊境上的怒江大橋在松山戰役後被奪回 Berma Bridge returns to China’s cont ro l a f ter the Song Shan Battle.

Page 2: 前言Preface 我的父親與松山戰役My Father Cap. Young and the ...


Special Exhibition in Memory of 70th Anniversary of the Victory Over Japan展期 /Date: 8/15-9/2/2015

開幕 /Opening: 8/15, 2:30pm

地址 /Address: 3777 Stevens Creek Blvd.,

Suite 400, Santa Clara, CA 95051

聯繫 /Contact: (408)248-2698

網址 /Website: www.artshu.com

主辦 /Presented by Silicon Valley Asian Art Center

協辦 /Sponsor: Regal Foundation


























于右任先生《第二次大戰回憶歌》Memorial Song of WWII by Yu Youren

抗日名將薛岳書《孫子兵法》句贈衡陽抗日名將吳逸志將軍 Xue Yue’s Handwriting of A Quote from Sun Tzu, to Gen. Wu Yizhi

蔣介石手書密令 Chiang Kai-shek’s Handwritten Secret Order

抗日名將張靈甫致劉師信 Zhang Lingfu’s Letter to Liu Shi

抗日名將王伯勳手跡 Wang Boxun’s Handwriting

抗日名將白崇禧書法 Bai Chongxi’s Calligraphy


































































































《我的外祖父史迪威將軍與中國戰區》演講者:約翰 • 伊斯特布魯克上校時間:8 月 15 日下午 2 點 30 分演講用英文My grandfather Gen. Stilwell and China Theatreby Col. John Easterbrook2:30PM, August 15This lecture is in English

《我的父親容兆珍上尉與松山戰役》演講者:虞容儀芳 女士(容兆珍之女,美國華裔歷史專家)時間:8 月 15 日下午 3 點演講用英文My Father Cap. John C. Young and the Song Shan Battleby Connie Young Yu(Daughter of Cap. Young and a writer of Chinese American history.)8/15, 3pmThis lecture is in English.

《我的父親葉佩高將軍與騰沖戰役》演講者:葉祖堯 博士(葉佩高將軍之子,電腦軟體工程學創始人)時間:8 月 15 日下午 4 時演講用英文My Father Gen. Yeh Pei-Kao and the Teng Chong Battleby Dr. Raymond Yeh(Son of Gen. Yeh, Leader of computer science and information industry.)8/15, 4pmThis lecture is in English.

《我的父親林文奎與抗日空戰》 演講者:林中明 博士(林文奎之子,學者)時間:8 月 29 日下午 2 點 30 時演講用中文My Father Col. Lin Wen-Kwei and the Air Battle in the Sino-Japanese Warby Dr. Frank Lin(Son of Col. Lin, Scholar)8/29, 2:30pmThis lecture is in Chinese.

《蔣中正日記中的抗戰初始》 演講者:阮大仁 博士(民國史專家)時間:8 月 29 日下午 4 時演講用中文The Start of the Sino-Japanese War in Chiang Kai-Shek’s Diaryby Dr. Yuan Tah-Zen(Historian)8/29, 4pmThis lecture is in Chinese.


Memorial Script Contributed to Military Personnels of the 1st Theater Killed in India and Berma, Composed by Gen. Sun Liren

免費入場 /Free Admission地址 /Address: 3777 Stevens Creek Blvd., Suite 400, Santa Clara, CA 95051 網址 /Website: www.artshu.com主辦 /Presented by: Silicon Valley Asian Art Center 協辦 /Sponsor: Regal Foundation攝影師 /Photograph by : Wesley Zhang & Andy Huang設計 /Designed by : Gege Zhu编辑 /Edit by: Xu Xinru






