PowerPoint Presentation · tells the story of the discovery of the Talpiot Tomb on Friday March 26,...

詩篇22:1-26 1我的神,我的神!為甚麼離棄我? 為甚麼遠離不救我?不聽我唉 哼的言語? 2 我的神啊,我白日呼求,你不應允, 夜間呼求,並不住聲。 11求你不要遠離我!因為急難臨近了,沒有人幫助我。有許多公牛 圍繞我,巴珊大力的公牛四面困住我。牠們向我張口, 好像抓撕吼叫 的獅子。 14 我如水被倒出來;我的骨頭都脫了節;我心在我裏面如蠟鎔化。 15 我的精力枯乾, 如同瓦片;我的舌頭貼在我牙牀上。你將我安置在 死地的塵土中。 16 犬類圍着我,惡黨環繞我;他們扎了我的手,我的腳。

Transcript of PowerPoint Presentation · tells the story of the discovery of the Talpiot Tomb on Friday March 26,...

Page 1: PowerPoint Presentation · tells the story of the discovery of the Talpiot Tomb on Friday March 26, 1980 and makes an argument that it is the tomb of Jesus Christ and his "family.“


1“我的神,我的神!為甚麼離棄我?為甚麼遠離不救我?不聽我唉哼的言語?2 我的神啊,我白日呼求,你不應允, 夜間呼求,並不住聲。11求你不要遠離我!因為急難臨近了,沒有人幫助我。有許多公牛圍繞我,巴珊大力的公牛四面困住我。牠們向我張口, 好像抓撕吼叫的獅子。14 我如水被倒出來;我的骨頭都脫了節;我心在我裏面如蠟鎔化。15 我的精力枯乾, 如同瓦片;我的舌頭貼在我牙牀上。你將我安置在死地的塵土中。16 犬類圍着我,惡黨環繞我;他們扎了我的手,我的腳。

Page 2: PowerPoint Presentation · tells the story of the discovery of the Talpiot Tomb on Friday March 26, 1980 and makes an argument that it is the tomb of Jesus Christ and his "family.“


17 我的骨頭,我都能數過;他們瞪着眼看我。18 他們分我的外衣, 為我的裏衣拈鬮。19 耶和華啊,求你不要遠離我!我的救主啊,求你快來幫助我!20 求你救我的靈魂脫離刀劍, 救我的生命脫離犬類, 救我脫離獅子的口;你已經應允我,使我脫離野牛的角。24 因為他沒有藐視憎惡受苦的人, 也沒有向他掩面;那受苦之人呼籲的時候,他就垂聽。25 我在大會中讚美你的話是從你而來的;我要在敬畏耶和華的人面前還我的願。26 謙卑的人必吃得飽足;尋求耶和華的人必讚美他。願你們的心永遠活着!

Page 3: PowerPoint Presentation · tells the story of the discovery of the Talpiot Tomb on Friday March 26, 1980 and makes an argument that it is the tomb of Jesus Christ and his "family.“

基督復活的証據The evidence for the resurrection of Christ

Page 4: PowerPoint Presentation · tells the story of the discovery of the Talpiot Tomb on Friday March 26, 1980 and makes an argument that it is the tomb of Jesus Christ and his "family.“

The Talmud, the book of Jewish law, is one of the most challenging

religious texts in the world

The Talmud contains possible references to Jesus Christ and his

disciples, while the Christian canon makes mention of Talmudic

figures and contains teachings that can be paralleled within the

Talmud and Midrash. The Talmud provides cultural and historical

context to the Gospel and the writings of the Apostles.[65]


Page 5: PowerPoint Presentation · tells the story of the discovery of the Talpiot Tomb on Friday March 26, 1980 and makes an argument that it is the tomb of Jesus Christ and his "family.“

Blessed are the merciful, for they shall obtain mercy.— Matthew 5:7M憐 恤人 的人 有福了. 因為他 們必 蒙憐恤 。atthew 5:7

He who is merciful to others, shall receive mercy from Heaven.—R. Gamaliel Beribbi, 3rd century A.D.,Shabbath 151b

Let what you say be simply yes or no.—Matthew

5:37 你們的話,是,就說是,不是,就說不是.Let your yes be yes, and your no be no.—R. Abaye, died 338 A.D., Baba Metzia 49a

The Sabbath was made for man, and not man for the Sabbath.—Mark 2:27 安息日是為人設立的、人不是為安息日設立的.

It (the Sabbath) is committed to your hands, not you to its hands.—R. Jonathan ben Joseph, flourished after the destruction of the Temple, Yoma 85a

Do not be anxious, saying, “What shall we eat?” or “What shall we drink?”—Matthew 6:31所以不要憂慮 、說、 喫甚 麼、 喝 甚麼 、穿甚 麼。

Whoever has a piece of bread in his basket and says, “What shall I eat tomorrow?” belongs only to them who are little in faith.—R. Eliezer, died 117 A.D., Sotah 48b

The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few.—

Matthew 9.37 要收的莊稼多、作工的人少.

The day is short, and the work is much; and the workmen are indolent, but the reward is much; and the Master of the House is insistent.—R. Tarfon, 120 A.D., Aboth 2:15

Gospel Talmud塔木德

Page 6: PowerPoint Presentation · tells the story of the discovery of the Talpiot Tomb on Friday March 26, 1980 and makes an argument that it is the tomb of Jesus Christ and his "family.“
Page 7: PowerPoint Presentation · tells the story of the discovery of the Talpiot Tomb on Friday March 26, 1980 and makes an argument that it is the tomb of Jesus Christ and his "family.“

About this time there lived Jesus, a wise man, if indeed one ought to call him a man. For he was one who performed surprising deeds and was a teacher of such people as accept the truth gladly. He won over many Jews and many of the Greeks. He was the Messiah. And when, upon the accusation of the principal men among us, Pilate had condemned him to a cross, those who had first come to love him did not cease. He appeared to them spending a third day restored to life, for the prophets of God had foretold these things and a thousand other marvels about him. And the tribe of the Christians, so called after him, has still to this day not disappeared.

- Jewish Antiquities, 18.3.3 §63Josephus' Antiquities of the Jews, written around 93–

94 AD, includes two references to the biblical Jesus

Christ in Books 18 and 20 and a reference to John the Baptist in Book 18.[1][3]

Page 8: PowerPoint Presentation · tells the story of the discovery of the Talpiot Tomb on Friday March 26, 1980 and makes an argument that it is the tomb of Jesus Christ and his "family.“
Page 9: PowerPoint Presentation · tells the story of the discovery of the Talpiot Tomb on Friday March 26, 1980 and makes an argument that it is the tomb of Jesus Christ and his "family.“

Martin Luther馬丁路德A German theologian, stated that many people

did not seem to understand the role of

suffering in spiritual maturity. The crucifixion

of Christ was not the bloodthirsty act of a

vengeful God as the atheists argued, but the

ultimate demonstration of the only way to find

an authentic relationship with God. Luther

wanted people to understand that” the true

reality of God and of His salvation is

paradoxical and hidden under its opposite.”

Luther calls this the theology of the cross.

Jesus suffered and died, not as a result of a

failed ministry at the hands of people who

hated him, but as a participation in suffering to

show those he loved how to find the presence

of God.

Page 10: PowerPoint Presentation · tells the story of the discovery of the Talpiot Tomb on Friday March 26, 1980 and makes an argument that it is the tomb of Jesus Christ and his "family.“

馬太福音27:46約 在 申 初 、 耶 穌 大 聲 喊 著說 、 以 利 、 以 利 、 拉 馬 撒 巴各 大 尼 . 就 是 說 、 我 的 神 、我 的 神 、 為 甚 麼 離 棄 我 。

詩篇22:1我 的 神 、 我 的 神 、 為 甚 麼 離 棄我 . 為 甚 麼 遠 離 不 救 我 、 不 聽我 唉 哼 的 言 語 。

詩 篇22:18他們分我的外衣、為我的裡衣拈鬮。

馬可福音15:24他們既將他釘在十字架上, 就拈鬮分他的衣.

Page 11: PowerPoint Presentation · tells the story of the discovery of the Talpiot Tomb on Friday March 26, 1980 and makes an argument that it is the tomb of Jesus Christ and his "family.“

路加褔音23章44節 “那時約有午正,遍地都黑暗了,直到申初" 45 節「 日頭變黑了;殿裏的幔子從當中裂為兩半。」

馬太褔音27章50節「耶穌又大聲喊叫,氣就斷了。」51節 “忽然,殿裏的幔子從上到下裂為兩半,地也震動,磐石也崩裂。」

Page 12: PowerPoint Presentation · tells the story of the discovery of the Talpiot Tomb on Friday March 26, 1980 and makes an argument that it is the tomb of Jesus Christ and his "family.“

Tallus 書中有関耶穌被釘十字架及復活的記載

Page 13: PowerPoint Presentation · tells the story of the discovery of the Talpiot Tomb on Friday March 26, 1980 and makes an argument that it is the tomb of Jesus Christ and his "family.“

Thallus was an early

historian who wrote in

Koine Greek. He wrote a

three-volume history of the

Mediterranean world from

before the Trojan War to

the 167th Olympiad, 112-109 BC.

Page 14: PowerPoint Presentation · tells the story of the discovery of the Talpiot Tomb on Friday March 26, 1980 and makes an argument that it is the tomb of Jesus Christ and his "family.“


“ 惟 有 一 個 兵 拿 槍 扎他 的 肋 旁 、 隨 即 有血 和 水 流 出 來 “

Page 15: PowerPoint Presentation · tells the story of the discovery of the Talpiot Tomb on Friday March 26, 1980 and makes an argument that it is the tomb of Jesus Christ and his "family.“



Page 16: PowerPoint Presentation · tells the story of the discovery of the Talpiot Tomb on Friday March 26, 1980 and makes an argument that it is the tomb of Jesus Christ and his "family.“


約翰福音19:38這 些 事 以 後 、 有 亞 利 馬 太 人 約 瑟 、 是 耶 穌 的 門 徒 、只 因 怕 猶 太 人 、 就 暗 暗 的 作 門 徒 、 他 來 求 彼 拉 多 、要 把 耶 穌 的 身 體 領 去 . 彼 拉 多 允 准 、 他 就 把 耶 穌的 身 體 領 去 了 。

Page 17: PowerPoint Presentation · tells the story of the discovery of the Talpiot Tomb on Friday March 26, 1980 and makes an argument that it is the tomb of Jesus Christ and his "family.“


The Passover Plot is a controversial,

best-selling 1965 conspiracy

theory book,[1] by

British biblical scholar Hugh J.

Schonfield, [2] The book was adapted into a film, The Passover Plot (1976).

Page 18: PowerPoint Presentation · tells the story of the discovery of the Talpiot Tomb on Friday March 26, 1980 and makes an argument that it is the tomb of Jesus Christ and his "family.“

The Jesus Family Tomb: The Discovery,

the Investigation, and the Evidence That

Could Change History is a controversial

book by Simcha Jacoboviciand Charles R.

Pellegrino (with a Foreword by James

Cameron) published in February 2007. It

tells the story of the discovery of the Talpiot

Tomb on Friday March 26, 1980 and makes

an argument that it is the tomb of Jesus

Christ and his "family.“

The book is a tie-in with the

documentary The Lost Tomb of Jesus,

which was released on the Discovery

Channel in early March 2007.

Page 19: PowerPoint Presentation · tells the story of the discovery of the Talpiot Tomb on Friday March 26, 1980 and makes an argument that it is the tomb of Jesus Christ and his "family.“

歌羅西書4:11耶 數 又 稱 為 猶 士 都 、 也 問 你 們 安 . 奉 割 禮的 人 中 、 只 有 這 三 個 人 、 是 為 神 的 國 與我 一 同 作 工 的 、 也 是 叫 我 心 裡 得 安 慰 的 。

Colossians 4:11And Jesus, which is called Justus, who are of the

circumcision. These only are my fellow workers unto

the kingdom of God, which have been a comfort unto


Page 20: PowerPoint Presentation · tells the story of the discovery of the Talpiot Tomb on Friday March 26, 1980 and makes an argument that it is the tomb of Jesus Christ and his "family.“

以賽 亞書53:8


Page 21: PowerPoint Presentation · tells the story of the discovery of the Talpiot Tomb on Friday March 26, 1980 and makes an argument that it is the tomb of Jesus Christ and his "family.“

15:6 “後來一時顯給五百多弟兄看,其中一大半到如今還在,卻也有已經睡了的。

15:7 “以後顯給 雅各 看,再顯給眾使徒看 “

15:8 末了也顯給我看;我如同未到產期而生的人一般。

Page 22: PowerPoint Presentation · tells the story of the discovery of the Talpiot Tomb on Friday March 26, 1980 and makes an argument that it is the tomb of Jesus Christ and his "family.“

顯現的對象 馬太福音 馬可福音 路加福音 約翰福音 其他

1 向抹大拉的馬利亞 16:9-11 20:11-18

2 向眾婦女 28:9-10

3 向西門彼得 24:34 林前15:5

4 向往以馬忤斯去的兩個門徒 16:12-13 24:13-35


16:14 24:36-43 20:19-25

6 向眾使徒(含多馬) 20:26-29 林前15:5




28:16-20 林前15:6

9 向雅各 林前15:7

10 在耶穌升天的時候向眾使徒 24:44-53徒1:4-11林前15:7

按新約聖經所記主耶穌復活以後, 升天以前, 向門徒顯現至少有十次:

Page 23: PowerPoint Presentation · tells the story of the discovery of the Talpiot Tomb on Friday March 26, 1980 and makes an argument that it is the tomb of Jesus Christ and his "family.“

Charles Colson寇爾森Former White House Counsel


Page 24: PowerPoint Presentation · tells the story of the discovery of the Talpiot Tomb on Friday March 26, 1980 and makes an argument that it is the tomb of Jesus Christ and his "family.“


The author began to write

this book with the intention

of disproving the

Resurrection but found

instead that the evidence

supported the biblical story.

This recognized classic is an

examination of his research

and the evidence he found.

Page 25: PowerPoint Presentation · tells the story of the discovery of the Talpiot Tomb on Friday March 26, 1980 and makes an argument that it is the tomb of Jesus Christ and his "family.“

作者Josh McDowell說:「……經過七百多小時徹底的研究這個題目之後,我最後終於下了一個這樣的結論: 耶穌的復活若不是最邪惡、最惡毒、最無情的一場騙局,企圖欺騙蒙蔽人類的思想,那麼他就是歷史上所發生過最奇妙的一件事。」

Page 26: PowerPoint Presentation · tells the story of the discovery of the Talpiot Tomb on Friday March 26, 1980 and makes an argument that it is the tomb of Jesus Christ and his "family.“

How the Bible Inspired Freedom,

Shaped Western Civilization,

Revolutionized Human Rights,

Transformed Democracy and

Why Free People Owe So Much

to Their Christian Heritage