Power or Trust? Amandla noma Ukwethemba. How do you get sheep to go where you want them to go?...

Power or Trust? Amandla noma Ukwethemba

Transcript of Power or Trust? Amandla noma Ukwethemba. How do you get sheep to go where you want them to go?...

Power or Trust?

Amandla noma Ukwethemba

How do you get sheep to go where you want them to go?

Ukwenza kanjani ukuthi izimvu uzise lapho ofuna

ziye khona?

Power or Trust?Two Kings - David and Rehoboam. I Kings

12David was taken from his father’s flocks to

shepherd Israel.Rehoboam, on the other hand, because his father

was king, probably spent very little time with his father’s flocks and knew little about real leadership Amandla noma ukwethemba?

Mabili amakhosi – uDavide noRehobowami

I Amakhosi 12UDavide wathathwa ezimvini zikayise

ukuzokwelusa u-Israyeli.URehobowami, ngakokulunye uhlangothi, ngenxa

yokuba uyise wayeyinkosi cishe wachitha isikhathi esiningi ezimvini zikayise kukuncane akwaziyo

I Peter 5:3 not domineering over those in your charge, but being examples to the flock.

I EkaPetru 5:3

Kungabinjengabazenza amakhosi phezu kwamabandla enabelwa wona, kodwa nibe yizibonelo zomhlambi.

Elders do have some authority

1 Timothy 5:17Let the elders who rule well be considered worthy of double honor, especially those who labor in preaching and teaching.

Hebrews 13:17Obey your leaders and submit to them, for they are keeping watch over your souls, as those who will have to give an account. Let them do this with joy and not with groaning, for that would be of no advantage to you. Amalunga analo igunya

elithile1 Thimothewu 5:17

Amalunga aphatha kahle akuthiwe afanele ukutuswa ngokuphindiweyo, ikakhulu lawo akhuthalela izwi nokufundisa.

KumaHeberu 13:17Lalelani abaniholayo, nibathobele, ngokuba balinda imiphefumulo yenu njengabazkulandiswa ngayo, ukuze bakwenze lokhu ngokujabula, bangabubuli, ngokuba lokhu akunakunisiza.

Husbands do have some authority

Ephessians 5:33However, let each one of you love his wife as himself, and let the wife see that she respects her husband.

Ephessians 5:22Wives, submit to your own husbands, as to the Lord.

Amadoda analo igunya elithile

EFesu 5:33Nani-ke, yilowo nalowo makathande umkakhe njengokuba ezithanda yena, kepha umfazi makahloniphe indoda yakhe.

EFesu 5:22Abafazi mabathobele amadoda abo kungathi kukuyo iNkosi.

Men’s Leadership Models

Hired Hand


CEO/Chairman of the board


Ukuhola kwamadoda kuyafanaIsandla esiqashiweyo


CEO/usihlalo webhodi


Men’s Leadership Models

Hired HandJohn 10:12 He who is a hired hand and not a shepherd, who

does not own the sheep, sees the wolf coming and leaves the sheep and flees, and the wolf snatches them and scatters them. 13 He flees because he is a hired hand and cares nothing for the sheep. (he was speaking about the Jewish leaders)

Ubuholi bamadoda bufaniswa

Isandla esiqashiweyoJoh 10:12 okhokhelwayo engesiy umalusi, izimvu zingesizo

ezakhe, ebona impisi iza, ushiya izimvu, abaleke—impisi izidlozomele, izihlakaze-ngokukaba engokhokhelwayo, engazinakekeli izimvu. (wayekhuluma ngabaholi bamaJuda)

Men’s Leadership Models

Hired Hand1 Peter 5:2 shepherd the flock of God that is among you,

exercising oversight, not under compulsion, but willingly, as God would have you; not for shameful gain, but eagerly;

Ubuholi bamadoda bufaniswa

Isandla esiqashiweyo1 Petr 5:2 Yalusani umhlambi kaNkulunkulu ophakathi

kwenu, kungabingokucindezelwa kodwa ngokwentando kaNkulunkulu, kungabi ngenxa yenzuzo eyihlazo kodwa ngenhliziyo evumayo,

Men’s Leadership Models


Ubuholi bamadoda bufaniswa

Umalusi wezinkomo

Men’s Leadership ModelsCEO/Chairman of the board

“overseeing the local work” Not “shepherding the flock”

Acts 20:28 Pay careful attention to yourselves and to all the flock, in which the Holy Spirit has made you overseers, to care for the church of God, which he obtained with his own blood.Ubuholi bamadoda bufaniswaCEO/usihlalo webhodi lezicishamlilo

“babhekelela umsebenzi wasendaweni” Hhayi “ukwalusa umhlambi”

Izenzo 20:28 Ziqapheleni nina nomhlambi wonke anibeke kuwo uMoya oNgcwele ukuba nibe ngababonisi bokwalusa ibandla likankulunkulu azizule lona ngegazi lakhe.

Men’s Leadership Models


Ubuholi bamadoda bufaniswa


God’s Leadership ModelThe Shepherd

• He knows his flock and the sheep know him. He is personally involved with the sheep.

• The sheep follow him because they trust him.

• It requires time and effort to develop and sustain this kind of relationship.

Ubuholi bukaNkulunkulu bufaniswa

Umalusi• Uyawazi umhlambi wakhe nezimvu ziyamazi.

Yena uhlanganyela nezimvu zakhe.

• Izimvu ziyamlandela ngoba ziyamethemba.

• Kuthatha isikhathi nomfutho ukwakha uphinde ugcine lobubudlelwano obunje.

ConclusionsMark 10:42

And Jesus called them to him and said to them, "You know that those who are considered rulers of the Gentiles lord it over them, and their great ones exercise authority over them.

• The relationship between shepherd and sheep is not primarily one of power, but rather of trust and care.

IsiphethoNgokukaMarku 10:42

UJesu wayesebabiza, wathi kubo: niyazi ukuthi abathiwa babusa izizwe bazenza amakhosi phezu kwabo, nezikhulu zazo ziphethe amandla phezu kwazo.

• Ubudlelwano phakathi kukamalusi nezimvu akusibo obamandla, kunalokho obokwethemba nokunakekela.