Plant Evolution & Roots By: Adi Beal and Madi McDade.

Plant Evolution & Roots By: Adi Beal and Madi McDade

Transcript of Plant Evolution & Roots By: Adi Beal and Madi McDade.

Page 1: Plant Evolution & Roots By: Adi Beal and Madi McDade.

Plant Evolution & Roots

By: Adi Beal and Madi McDade

Page 2: Plant Evolution & Roots By: Adi Beal and Madi McDade.

Importance of Plants

Botany- the study of plants

Plants have a lot of diversity

Page 3: Plant Evolution & Roots By: Adi Beal and Madi McDade.

Steps of Evolution

1st Step: Multicellular

2nd Step: Move onto Land

3rd Step: Vascular System

4th Step: Seeds

5th Step: Flowers & Fruits

Page 4: Plant Evolution & Roots By: Adi Beal and Madi McDade.

1st Step: Multicellular

Aquatic organisms

Get support from water

Before multicellular


Colony of individual cells that cooperate

First multicellular plant

Red Algae


Page 5: Plant Evolution & Roots By: Adi Beal and Madi McDade.

Volvox Video

Page 6: Plant Evolution & Roots By: Adi Beal and Madi McDade.

2nd Step: Move onto Land

Mosses had no adaptations for life away from water

First terrestrial plants


Need ozone to block out UV rays which damage DNA

More cellulose for structure

Get water through roots

Page 7: Plant Evolution & Roots By: Adi Beal and Madi McDade.

UV Damage Diagram

Page 8: Plant Evolution & Roots By: Adi Beal and Madi McDade.

3rd Step: Vascular System

True roots and stems



Waxing coating on leaves to conserve water

Obtain CO2 through stomata, which close at night to prevent water loss

Page 9: Plant Evolution & Roots By: Adi Beal and Madi McDade.

Stomata Diagram

Page 10: Plant Evolution & Roots By: Adi Beal and Madi McDade.

4th Step: Seeds

Dispersed by wind, water, and animals

Spore-individual cells that clump and each contain embryo, an endosperm, and seed coat


Seeds are not covered by a true fruit

Page 12: Plant Evolution & Roots By: Adi Beal and Madi McDade.

Seed Dispersal Diagram

Page 13: Plant Evolution & Roots By: Adi Beal and Madi McDade.

Seed Video

Page 14: Plant Evolution & Roots By: Adi Beal and Madi McDade.

5th Step: Fruits & Flowers

Fruit- plant structure which results from the pollination of a flower and contains a seed

Fruit may protect the seed

Angiosperms- flowering plant that produce seeds enclosed in a fruit

Flowers produce the reproductive part of the plant

Flowers attract pollinators like bees, bats, and butterflies

Page 16: Plant Evolution & Roots By: Adi Beal and Madi McDade.

Plant Reproduction Diagram

Page 17: Plant Evolution & Roots By: Adi Beal and Madi McDade.

Plant Evolution Video

Page 18: Plant Evolution & Roots By: Adi Beal and Madi McDade.

Plant Adaptations

Waxy Cuticle





Vascular Tissues



Page 20: Plant Evolution & Roots By: Adi Beal and Madi McDade.

Monocot vs. Dicot Flowers


Parts in threes or multiples of threes


Parts in fours or fives or multiples of fours and fives

Page 21: Plant Evolution & Roots By: Adi Beal and Madi McDade.

Monocot vs. Dicot Leaves


Smooth often narrow shapes with parallel veins


Oval or hand-like shapes with neck-like veins

Page 22: Plant Evolution & Roots By: Adi Beal and Madi McDade.

Monocot vs. Dicot Vascular Tissue


Vascular bundles scattered through stem


Vascular bundles arranged in ring around stem

Page 23: Plant Evolution & Roots By: Adi Beal and Madi McDade.

Monocot vs. Dicot Root Pattern


Fibrous root system


Taproot system

Page 24: Plant Evolution & Roots By: Adi Beal and Madi McDade.

Monocot vs. Dicot Embryo in Seed


Embryo has one cotyledon (seed leaf)


Embryo has two cotyledons (seed leaves)

Page 25: Plant Evolution & Roots By: Adi Beal and Madi McDade.

Monocot Examples









Page 26: Plant Evolution & Roots By: Adi Beal and Madi McDade.

Dicot Examples







Page 27: Plant Evolution & Roots By: Adi Beal and Madi McDade.

Monocots vs. Dicot Video

Page 28: Plant Evolution & Roots By: Adi Beal and Madi McDade.

Monocot vs. Dicot Activity

Page 29: Plant Evolution & Roots By: Adi Beal and Madi McDade.

Tissue Types

1. Vascular tissue

1. Xylem- transports water to plant

2. Phloem- transports food and minerals

2. Apical Meristem- responsible for upward growth in plant and produces cells that will eventually specialize

Page 30: Plant Evolution & Roots By: Adi Beal and Madi McDade.


Page 31: Plant Evolution & Roots By: Adi Beal and Madi McDade.

Types of Roots

1. Primary Root- the first root that appears out of a seed

2. Taproot- primary root grows thicker and longer with secondary roots growing off of it

3. Fibrous root- primary root branches off into many small roots

4. Lateral root- extend horizontally from primary root and anchor plant securely in the soil

5. Aerial root- root exposed to air and absorbs moisture

6. Adventitious root- a root that grows above ground or in an odd place

Page 32: Plant Evolution & Roots By: Adi Beal and Madi McDade.

Root Types

Page 33: Plant Evolution & Roots By: Adi Beal and Madi McDade.

Root Structure

1. Root Cap- hard protective layer, prevents breakage as plant pushed through soil, secretes slimy lubrication

2. Root hairs- increase surface area of root so more water and nutrients can be absorbed, main entry point of water

3. Epidermis- waterproof outermost layer, protection

4. Cortex- many layers of parenchyma cells, stores starch for energy

5. Endodermis- innermost cylinder of cortex, waterproof, regulates movement of water and minerals into vascular tissue

Page 34: Plant Evolution & Roots By: Adi Beal and Madi McDade.

Root Structure (cont.)

6. Pericylce- outermost layer of cells of the steel, goes through cell division creating root hairs

7. Root system- constantly provides the stem and leaves with water and dissolved minerals

8. Root tip- where mitosis occurs

9. Permeable membrane-layer of the cell where water and nutrients can pass through

Page 35: Plant Evolution & Roots By: Adi Beal and Madi McDade.

Root Structure Diagram

Page 36: Plant Evolution & Roots By: Adi Beal and Madi McDade.

Root Growth

Page 38: Plant Evolution & Roots By: Adi Beal and Madi McDade.

Fun Facts!! Roots are the parts of plain that grow down into soil or water, anchoring it

and soaking up all the water and minerals the plant needs to grow.

In some plants such as beetroots, the roots are also a food store.

When a seed begins to grow, its first root is called a primary root.

This branches into secondary roots.

Roots are protected at the end by a thimble shaped root cap as they probe through the soil.

How plants live On every root there are tiny hairs that help it to take up water and minerals.

Some plants, such as carrots, have a single large root, called a taproot, with just a few fine roots branching off.

Some plants, such as grass, have lots of small roots, called fibrous roots, branching off in all directions.

Some kinds of orchid that live on trees have ‘aerial’ roots that cling to the branches.

Mistletoe has roots that penetrate its host tree.

Roots are delicious when boiled or pickled. The roots of the South African wild fig tree can grow 120 m down into the ground.