PHP, OAuth, Web Services and YQL

PHP, OAuth & Web Services By James Broad


Slides from a presentation (at YDN Tuesdays) on how to use YQL using OAuth, CodeIgniter (PHP MVC framework) and external web services. To get the code mentioned in this presentation go to

Transcript of PHP, OAuth, Web Services and YQL

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PHP, OAuth & Web Services

By James Broad

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You will learn

• How to authenticate a request using OAuth

• How to use a PHP framework - CodeIgniter

• How to retrieve web services using YQL

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Technologies covered


• rsync


• CodeIgniter

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Project : Search

• Search a number of services using their Web Service API’s

• Twitter

• Flickr

• Yahoo Search

• Wikipedia

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YQLYahoo Query Language

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YQL Console

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SWEET!Now how do I make use of it?

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Copy the generated URL and go

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Nope. Soz, you need authentication

In the flavour of OAuth

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What is OAuth?I will attempt to explain

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One Solution - OAuth

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OAuth Flow

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• Manual 3 Leg OAuth process


• Our example uses 2 Leg - no need for the user to leave the page but we only get access to public information.

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Getting Started

• Getting our development environment set up

• Obtaining our application keys

• Covering the PHP code needed to run our application

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Development Environment


• CodeIgniter Framework

• OAuth Library

• CodeIgniter OAuth Classes

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Installing CodeIgnitersvn checkout ~/


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Configuring CodeIgniter

• Check it works http://localhost/project_search/

• Can we have pretty URLs? Please?

• change system/applications/config/config.php

• $config['index_page'] = "";

• Add .htaccess file

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OAuth PHP Library

• svn co ~/Sites/oauth/

• Copy OAuth.php to CodeIgniter Library - system/applications/libraries/

• Change line 369 of OAuth.php - Realm bug. Add realm as a parameter

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YQL / OAuth ClassesI have been nice enough to pre-bake some classes for


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YQL / OAuth Classes

• system/application/libraries/yql_lib.php

• Copy & Paste from

• system/application/controllers/yql.php

• Copy & Paste from

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Configuring Our App

• Open system/application/libraries/yql_lib.php

• Add your OAuth key and secret

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• We need to upload to the domain registered earlier for authentication

• rsync -r --progress ~/Sites/project_search/ [email protected]:~/public_html/project_search/

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Review our framework code

We look behind what has been installed - The CodeIgniter Libraries and controllers

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Live Code TimeAdding a new query - Scraping the Finance news top

stories and presenting them using a view and a controller

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