Pets & Hugs Magazine January-February 2015

1 2015年1月/2月 January / february 2015 • mop30 澳門的蝙蝠 The Bats of Macau 世界著名攝影師 World Renowned Photographer Tim Flach 入住皮革酒店 Check in at The Leather Hotel 五福臨門 And Baby Makes Five


Connecting Macau’s Animal Lovers

Transcript of Pets & Hugs Magazine January-February 2015

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    The Bats of Macau

    World Renowned Photographer Tim Flach

    Check in at The Leather Hotel

    And Baby Makes Five

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  • 3Pets & Hugs January/ February 2015

    Disclaimer: The publishers accept no

    responsibility for loss or damage to any

    materials submitted for publication. If you

    would like to use any content, please contact

    the publishers. The views expressed in the

    magazine are not necessarily those of the



    20151/2January/ February 2015 edition

    Editorial CounCilAlbano martins, Janet Tracy, mrcia Csar de S, Luis pereira

    dirECtor Luis pereira

    PublishErmrcia Csar de S

    Editor-in-ChiEfTanja Wessels

    ChinEsE translationFrank Xie ( )

    Contributing Editormariana S

    ContributorsEdith Lam

    dEsign people press

    PhotograPhErsFrancesca L (cover photo), Cheong Kam ka, Leong Sio po, Tim Flach, Vincent Lam, meowmeowkeis Catventure

    institutional PartnErAnima -

    PublishEd by people pressA joint venture between macaulink and Diffusion Ventures

    addrEss10/F I, The macau Square43-53A, Av Infante D Henrique macau 43-53A 10 I

    (853) 28355315/6 (853) 28355466 [email protected]

    printed in macau

    CirCulation 5,000

    issn 2309 5520

    CovEr PriCEmop 30.00

    Its our January/February issue and that means its time to say Happy New Year! 2015 has arrived and so has The Year of the Wood Goat/Sheep/Ram and with it high hopes for the prosperity and wellbeing it promises for all. We have looked at all 12 animals and in our Chinese New Year Special section you can find yours and read about what this year holds for you. We also take a closer look at bats and their role in the history of this annual celebration, we guarantee that you will be looking out for their symbolism in the most unexpected places from now on!

    our Chinese New Year cover features a lovely family who have just welcomed a baby into the fold-meet Jeffrey and Elina, whos smiley baby daughter Jaimee is surrounded by Cha Cha and Bailey, her two furry friends who entertain her and ensure there is always a wagging tail in the house.

    We are also delighted to have internationally acclaimed photographer Tim Flachs work in our issue. Tim, who is best known for his highly conceptual images of animals, spoke to us about the story and process behind some of the iconic images we are featuring. Author of four books, Tim has also won numerous awards, including Grand prize Winner, Best Foreign photographer Exhibition of ping Yao International photography Festival, China, 2011. Dont miss his breath-taking work on our pages.

    How many of our readers have ever held a ferret? These amazing, nimble and cheeky creatures make their first appearance in pets&Hugs this issue, thanks to their kind owner, Alex Leung. Dont miss our first encounter with these sweet little mammals; they really are most entertaining, and keen toe nibblers to boot!

    We also meet a social butterfly of a dog who is charm personified, pip is the darling of Coloane, and her fantastic family leave no animal abandoned, as we discover on the day of our interview. Two puppies being marched to an unkind end turned out to have a very different (and happy) fate thanks to Caroline Heywood and her daughters.

    We are excited about the arrival of 2015 and all the wonderful moments that await, and we are thrilled to have you and your furry/feathered/scaly friends and family with us. Lets delay no more and get a wonderful year underway!


    JeffreyElinaJaimeeJaimeeCha Cha Bailey

    Tim FlachTim Tim Flach2011

    Alex Leung

    PipCaroline Heywood,


    mrcia Csar de SPublishEr

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  • 5Pets & Hugs January/ February 2015








    Bats in Macau 26



    42 40



    Old English Sheepdog

    Little Miss Sunshine

    Conversations with Animals

    Maine Coon

    And Baby Makes Five

    Tim FlachThe World of Tim Flach

    Year of the Goat

    Ask the Vet

    Animals in the news


    Did you Know - Chinese New Year

    Kids activities

    Shops and Clinics


    Mini Lop

    Dog Walking

    Rock the Cat Bar


    Love Comes in All Sizes

    ling lingcha chaLing Ling and Cha Cha

    18 44

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    The Sheepie-The Herder

  • 7Pets & Hugs January/ February 2015

    Old English Sheepdogs love people, and they can be quite the clowns. They are often a favourite in childrens television shows and movies, where they are usually an affable, if sometimes bumbling, character. Whilst playful and comical, they are also the guardian and protectors of their family.

    Dog breed

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    Relationship with children


    Im shaggy unless I have regular brushing or clipping

    I have love for all, but need a little time out once in a while

    Enthusiastic, bouncy, and bumptious, I love to romp and play

    I love those little guys! But I may gently try to round them up

    Attention needs

  • 9Pets & Hugs January/ February 2015

    Dog breed

    Sponsored by


    The old English Sheepdog (oES) is a large breed of dog that was developed in England from early herding types of dog. obsolete names of the breed include Shepherds Dog and bob-tailed sheep-dog. It is still nicknamed Bob-tail (or Bobtail) because historically, the tail was traditionally docked in this breed but tailed old English sheepdogs are now common, as many countries have outlawed cosmetic docking.

    The old English Sheepdog is a large dog, immediately recognizable by its long, thick, shaggy grey and white coat with fur covering their face and eyes. The colour of the double coat may be any shade of grey, grizzle, black, blue, or blue merle, with optional white markings. The undercoat is water resistant. puppies are born with a black and white coat, and it is only after the puppy coat has been shed that the more common grey or silver shaggy hair appears.

    This breed is stable and happy-go-lucky, loving and friendly, and able to readily adjust itself to different conditions. Loyal, protective and intelligent, they are good with children and fit right into the family.

    They have a strong herding instinct and may try to herd humans by bumping, not nipping, and need to be taught not to herd people. passive owners will cause the dog to become strong willed; this breed

    needs firm, but calm, confident and consistent leadership. They are very good workers and are able to follow commands, but will ignore instructions if they think they are stronger minded than their human pack members.

    A healthy old English Sheepdog can live as long as 12 years. Common health issues include hip dysplasia, thyroid problems and cataracts. If overfed, they can suffer from obesity. Their long, rough coats need regular brushing to prevent matting; however, they dont shed very much. When it gets hot, some owners may choose to trim their coats.

    With wide open spaces being the ideal setting for these dogs, the breed is a natural fit in a rural setting, such as working on a farm; although, with at least an hour of proper exercise and training, they are perfectly comfortable with a suburban or urban lifestyle. Their remarkable,

    inherent herding instincts, sense of duty, and sense of property boundaries may be nurtured and encouraged accordingly, or subdued by their owners. old English Sheepdogs should not be deprived of the company and the warmth of people.

    most old English Sheepdogs are polite with strangers. They make sensible watchdogs with a deep, ringing bark, but they are not guard dogs. In fact, there is timidity and skittishness in some lines, sharpness in others. Extensive socialization is important to develop a confident, stable temperament.

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  • 11Pets & Hugs January/ February 2015

    Dog story

    Little Miss Sunshine

    on the morning we meet Caroline Heywood to talk about her rescue dog pip, we are met with a twist in the tale. Just an hour before we were due to meet, Caroline was walking her one year old rescue dog along the beach when she saw a man walk towards the water with a plastic bag. Something about the scene didnt feel right and Carolines instincts were spot on, the man in fact had two puppies in the bag and he was on his way to drown them.

    They were in this plastic bag and they didnt make a sound. But I saw the bag moving and thought to myself oh no. But they were so quiet, it could easily just have been a bag of rubbish.

    She approached the man and took the dogs from him, bringing them home, and when we walk into her house we are met by not one, but three dogs. Two very relaxed, fluffy round puppies and a very polite pip.

    There are cheerful dogs, there are excitable dogs, there are curious dogs - then theres pip. The one year old mongrel is charm personified, with her glossy black coat and diamond studded collar, hers is a tail that never stops wagging.

    C a r o l i n e HeywoodPipCaroline Caroline



    Carol ine PipChris915 Trinity12Leilani

    Pi p33 Carol ineCaroline Caroline


    Having a loving family helps, and pip certainly landed on her feet when Caroline and her husband and daughters decided to keep the dog found on a building site. originally from the UK, the family was living in Australia when husband Chris got a job offer in construction in macau. That was nine years ago and today Trinity, 15 and Leilani, 12 are happy students at School of the Nations.

    pips predecessors were three dogs (rescues originally from HK) who came with the family from Australia, but they eventually died of old age. The last one died three years ago and the family had been on the lookout for another dog when Caroline and a friend started feeding some puppies over at an industrial site in Coloane. one of the puppies had been run over and after taking it to the vet, Carolines friend asked if she could look after it, and of course she ended up staying, and here she is, Caroline says smiling at the sweet black dog charming everyone in the room.

    In addition to making herself completely at home, pip has also taken it upon herself to befriend the entire village of Coloane, where they live. Shes bit of a village dog, she has


    One particular family in Coloane saves all manner of animals in need, from birds to dogs, the Heywoods never turn their backs on creatures in need. A very fortunate turn of events recently saw two puppies spared from a cruel fate as we paid a visit to meet their own recue dog, Pip.

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    C a r o l i n e

    Pip3 ......

    R o d e r i c k Roderick


    3Roder ick

    Carol ine3Skippy

    2 Trinity


    Trinity Leilani



    PipPip Caroline


    P i p Carol ine PipPip



    rescuing animals in need is all in a days work for the Heywoods


  • 13Pets & Hugs January/ February 2015

    many friends in the village, so she will roam around by herself, shes got plenty of friends who give her tidbits, as you see, she has a bit of a tummy, she does quite well, Caroline laughs, speaking of her social butterfly.

    When it comes to concerns about fights with other dogs, there are none, whatsoever. Shes very good with other dogs, very good. We are very lucky on that side, she has never been aggressive towards another dog, says Caroline. Even as a puppy I used to walk her up to the graveyard and there are big packs of dogs up there and they run down in that Im going to get you kind of way and she just stands there, and looks at them as if to say, ok, lets play, lets play! And she would do that every single day and when we go there nowadays the pack of dogs just look at her with a oh, its her again look on their faces. And they dont hassle her whatsoever.

    But pip is not the only furry creature in this animal loving house. We have a rabbit upstairs. It was my daughters birthday about three years ago so I went

    to Anima and there was this lovely old boy, a white rabbit, really lovely, I could see he was old, so I thought, perfect...

    We got the rabbit and as he was quite blind he would run into furniture, Roderick the rabbit, it turns out, was deaf as a post. But thats not all Roderick was lacking.

    As we were giving him a carrot, we could see that he really wanted it, and he would hold it and it would drop, Caroline recalls. It turned out Roderick, in addition to being nearly blind and deaf, was also, as fate would have it, toothless.

    So we got the grater out and for three months Roderick had an orange face. All he wanted to do was to eat carrots, so everyday they would grate a huge bowl of carrot and he would eat it all day long. Sadly, last year when the family was on holiday they left him in a pet care home and he passed away.

    Another trip back to Anima saw Caroline offer to foster three rabbits and for two of them she

    found a home. At this point of the interview Skippy, the rabbit, is brought downstairs, and a lovely, large grey rabbit is placed on the sofa. We named her that because on the second day of being at home she skipped everywhere, it was really funny, Trinity laughs.

    Seeing Skippy on the sofa made pip very keen on playing with her, however, this rabbit wasnt the least bit interested in anything one of the happiest dogs in macau had to offer.

    Trinity and Leilani sat with the puppies on their laps and looking at the two content little dogs it was really hard to believe that only an hour earlier they were being marched to an early death.

    But rescuing animals in need is all in a days work for the Heywoods. In the past, when they lived in Australia, they had had a peacock, who used to run away all the time until we found a mirror, the girls explain, he was so vain he sat in front of the mirror all day long.

    As pip wanders around the room making sure everyone is alright, do the family ever worry about her wandering about by herself? In July the family went on holiday to New Zealand and about two or

    Dog story

    three days before they were due to leave the girls arrived home and when they opened the front door (at that time pip wasnt allowed out, she was kept indoors apart from walks) she ran out looking for Caroline and ran straight into the road and got hit by a car.

    Luckily, a friend took pip to their house and looked after her while the family were away and by the time they got back all was ok. But after that incident pip had incredible car and road sense, Caroline laughs, so it was a horrible thing to have happen, but it was mostly grazing on her legs, but from that point on she seemed to know that when she saw a car coming she should get herself out of the way.

    Although pip hates water and bath time, shes not averse to mucking about in the little stream that runs by the side of the road, and just before our interview she was having a good rummage around in one of her favourite play spots.

    When it comes to pips silliest habits, the answer is precise and swift, burying food around the house, Caroline offers. Behind cushions, sofas, curtains, and who-knows-where-else, pip hides her loot for what one can only imagine she thinks is a rainy day. A quick peek behind the curtain confirms pips quirk with a piece of food lurking in the corner.

    pip has a good life, she can swan around town doing her rounds, come home for her meals and come and go as she likes. oh, and pip knows how to open the front door. As we sat chatting we heard her pawing at the front door and the next thing we knew she was trotting down the street, greeting the neighbour a couple of houses down. Tail wagging, and a bounce in her step; pip was off to, well, be pip.

    * A week after our interview we were happy to hear from Caroline that she had found homes for both puppies. Each one found a loving family, cheating death and finding love.

    There are cheerful dogs, there are excitable dogs, there are curious dogs - then theres Pip.


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    Ed-ith Lam

    Have you ever wondered what your dog is thinking when he gives you a certain look? Or when he tilts his head at something you say? For animal communicator Edith Lam, understanding their thoughts is a gift that brings her family closer together.

    Conversations with Animals

    Edith Lam By Edith Lam

  • 15Pets & Hugs January/ February 2015






    Pet Tale

    Can you take care of one more Border Collie? This question was what prompted Shuffle to join my family. Its also because of him that I was inspired to learn how to talk to animals and become an animal communicator.

    At the time I didnt look good, I had no fur and had skin diseases, but you still promised to take me home, but did you know it was me who chose you, not the other way around? This was the first thing Shuffle said to me. Although my family already had two dogs and a newly-born son, I didnt hesitate and promised to take care of him as he had already been abandoned in a veterinary clinic for six long months.

    Why do other peoples dogs not have a leash? I dont want one either! This was Echos request. Because of this, I consulted a good friend who was studying animal behavior and training in Taiwan; he used a wedding ring as a metaphor to convince Echo to wear his leash: a dogs collar is like a humans wedding ring, it is priceless and irreplaceable! A relationship also starts with the leash, the leash is the commitment between us. For your safety, you must wear a collar and leash when walking, which also represents our closeness. A leash is a precious commitment, a commitment placed on the neck. Would you

    rather wear a ring when taking a walk with me, or have the feeling that your neck is bound?

    Sometimes, misunderstandings arise between humans and animals, this is because we often do not understand the reasons behind each others behavior. I dont allow dogs on my bed and they have obeyed this house rule for many years. However, on a cold night, I found Shuffle sleeping on my bed - I scolded him three times and kicked him out of the bed but after a while, he was sleeping on the bed again. This time, I talked to him and he explained: Last night when I was sleeping, you said it was very cold, and you hugged me and gave me some warmth. I was worried that you might be cold tonight, thats why I came to warm the bed for you. Im sorry. He was so sweet!most animals, like human beings, are willing to communicate, including of course negotiations such as Can I go out and play longer? and Why is it that every time you go to sleep, even though I am buzzing with energy, I must also sleep? . These type of questions simply make ones life more calm and encourages better cooperation with one another. Are you willing to listen to the message your animal is sending you? Are you willing to spend some quiet time during the day to understand them?

    Note: Special thanks to photographer mr. Vincent Lam for the images.Mr. Vincent Lam

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    Maine Coon - Gentle Giant

    One of the oldest natural breeds in North America, this large cat is really just a loving, playful clown at heart. Highly people-oriented, they are not overly dependent. A Maine Coon will be your companion, your buddy, your pal, but hardly ever your baby.

    AffectionI will charm you no end

    ActivenessIm relaxed and easy going

    Relationship with childrenChildren, dogs, other pets, Im good with everyone


    I hang out and help when I can. and I need a weekly brush, thanks

    Attention needs

  • 17Pets & Hugs January/ February 2015

    The maine Coon Cat is a native American long-haired cat and was first recognized as a specific breed in maine where it was named the official cat of the state. These cats were held in high regard by the locals for their mousing talents and special competitions were even held to reward the best Coon Cat.

    The breed evolved through natures own breeding program developing characteristics by following a survival of the fittest evolution. The characteristics all have a purpose or function. maine Coons developed into sturdy, working cats suited to the harsh winters and varied seasons of the Northeast region.

    The maine Coon of today is known for a robust, rugged appearance, which includes an uneven, shaggy coat of three distinct lengths and a long, well furnished tail. They carry that tail proudly and use it to surround themselves for warmth and protection. They have large, well-tufted paws to allow them the ability to walk on top of snow, despite their size and weight. Ears are large and well tufted for protection and warmth.

    Even more than for beauty, maine Coons are noted for intelligence and kindly disposition. After all, what they couldnt obtain themselves, they could always get by charming a nearby human. Though their size can be intimidating, they are known for their friendliness towards just about anything and are especially good with children and other pets. For these reasons, they have been dubbed the Gentle Giant and are commonly sought after as family pets, companions, and therapy cats.

    maine Coon Cats are intelligent, trainable, described as dog like. They will offer you hours of enjoyment with their antics but can at times be intrusive. Without question they want to be part of everything and your privacy may require a closed door between you and your cat. most maine Coons have a fondness of water, to be in it, watch it, wash their food in it, or just plain play in it, so dont be surprised if you have an uninvited guest in your shower or help washing the dishes on any given day.

    maine Coons develop slowly, and dont achieve their full size until they are three to five years old. Their dispositions remain kittenish throughout their lives; they are big, gentle, good-natured goofs. Even their voices set them apart from other cats; they have a distinctive, chirping trill that they use for everything from courting to cajoling their people into playing with them. They rarely meow, and when they do, that soft, tiny voice doesnt fit their size!

    maine Coon owners enjoy the breeds characteristic clown-like personality, affectionate nature, amusing habits and tricks, willingness to help with any activity, and easily groomed coat. As creatures of habit and they train easily if they associate the activity with something they want and most can be trained to accept a leash and to play fetch (should you secretly really be after a dog).

    Cat Breed


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  • 19Pets & Hugs January/ February 2015

    453;Ed-die Lam

    Hidden on the third floor of an industrial building named Centro Polytex on 45 Estrada Marginal da Area Preta, the smell of leather lingers in the air with music playing from a vintage jukebox; Leather Motel is a fusion of all things Eddie Lam enjoys in life: Leather jackets, American vintage furniture, cat accessories, a few rather seductive and steamy books of ladies and, of course, his beloved cats.

    Born in macau, Eddie Lam went to study in Vancouver in 1996 for five years before returning to continue his career as a graphic designer. After 11 years of operating a one-man graphic design company, he decided to move onto another project where he currently spends most of his days.

    one of the elements of this new project stems from his love for his cats: Hachi the nine year old king of the house, Hana the seven year

    Cat Story

    Eddie Lam 1996511


    10350 4



    old big sister and Haru, the two year old shy and independent one; but before that, we need to tell you the story of his rabbit .

    10 years ago, I really liked cats but I was worried I wouldnt be able to take care of one, so I thought I would try to care for a rabbit first. I went to Animals Club, and there was a black female rabbit that nobody wanted only costing mop 350, she was also the only one who licked my finger, so I took her home. For many years

    Rock the Cat Bar


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    3Eddie 10Eddie6 E dd i eHachiHachiHachi9 Hachi

    They mind their own business and only come to me when they need food


    H a c h i Eddie H a c h i H a c h i EddieHachi


    Eddie 3 HanaHaruHachi EddieHaru HanaHana



    20 Eddie


    3 2 0 EddieFacebook

    Cat Party Group Photo

    Centro Polytex 3 andar F45 Estrada Marginal da Area

  • 21Pets & Hugs January/ February 2015

    she would wander around the house or my office freely, but as the years went by she aged and in the last four years of her life, she preferred to stay in her cage.

    was a very aggressive rabbit, and had bitten everyone who had touched her. I bled countless times, she had also bitten everyone at Animals Club who had bathed her the only time she was sweet was when I fed her, laughs Eddie. She was also very skillful at destroying things from leather shoes to magazines to leather jackets and computer cables. Her personality was similar to a cats she would come over only when she wanted some love or food and definitely did not allow anybody to pick her up.

    Sadly, passed away last year and although there was never much interaction between her and the three cats, her passing was just as emotional for his cats as it was for Eddie. on the morning of the incident, before he went to work he already noticed there was something off about , she was moving around very slowly but of course, like any other day he had to go to work. Every day, his three cats usually greet him as soon as he enters his home after a long day at work, but that day they were absent and only after he went near s cage did he understand that she had passed away. Naturally, Eddie had to clean up the cage but Hachi did not let him Hachi started hissing at the top of his voice whilst circling the cage, trying to understand what had happened. In the midst of all the hissing, Hana sprang forward to Eddies defense and swiped Hachi out of the way. Haru wasnt anywhere to be found until Eddie sat down and cried then, all three cats came and stared at him.

    The three cats are not ones to snuggle together or interact with each other, or Eddie all that much for that matter. They mind their own business and only come to me when they need food. Sometimes I go on ten day trips and when I come back, they show no excitement to see me,

    they just go about their day says Eddie. Eddies mornings always start at six am when Hachi starts meowing for food, and until he gets out of bed to follow Hachis orders the meowing goes on. Ive gone through a lot with Hachi, I bought him nine years ago from Animals Club when my partner and I lived together, and when we separated it was just Hachi and I at home, one guy facing another, so I bought Hana, we needed some female presence. Hachi gets hurt very easily and every little thing scares him but he always takes care of Hana. once, while I was out, Hanas paw got stuck between some ropes and started swelling because of the pressure. As soon as I got home, Hachi ran to me screeching, hissing and hitting me to alert me that something had happened.

    Hachis aggressive personality reached its peak one day when Eddie had to wear microwave gloves to protect himself from Hachis bites and scratches after consulting a few veterinarians about his behavior, he was told that Hachis behavior showed that he felt like he was the one and only king of the house, and Eddie was inferior to him hence his attacks.

    I thought this was strange

    because he really cared about Hana, but then the vet said Well just because Hachi cares about Hana, it doesnt mean he cares about you. After being neutered, Hachis personality calmed down a lot, which saved Eddie from many bites and scratches.

    Eddies three cats are all very independent from each other and never sleep together, even in the cold winter months. Hana usually sleeps next to my pillow, Hara sleeps between my legs and I have no idea where Hachi sleeps, smiles Eddie. Haru is sometimes quite disrespectful to Hana, sometimes Hana is sleeping peacefully on the bed, and Hana will swip Haru or jump on her. The two women are always fighting.

    Eddies three cats taught him many lessons over the past ten years and led him to become interested in all things cat, including cat parties in Japan. He wanted to import this concept to macau, so every few months he hosts cat parties at the Leather motel.

    I find it bizarre and extremely interesting how twenty different breeds can be placed together, and I also think the business model is very simple bring cats together, provide water, food,

    sandboxes and thats pretty much it. Eddie warns that all the cats that come to these parties must be healthy, peaceful and friendly although he laughs thinking about a particular cat that had a rather interesting personality. This cat had never seen another cat before, perhaps when he was born he was immediately adopted so he thought he was a king and the only special one. When he came to the party, he went around to all the cats and hissed at them, he even hissed at my cat vase! He was so nervous that he had to be put in his cage every 15 minutes to calm down.

    These cat parties usually run for around two to three hours and can accommodate up to around 20 cats. Eddie is particularly careful when inviting people and usually invites friends or mutual friends directly by sending them Facebook messages. He does not advertise his parties, as he needs to make sure that he invites the right people.

    Cat parties might be a new concept in macau, but with more and more people joining each party, the cat population is optimistic. They just need a bit of Leather motel to spice up their daily lives!

    Cat Story

    eddie Lam and Hana

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    Year of the Goat


    What lies in wait for you in the Year of the Goat 2015-2016? Owing to its five thousand years of existence, Chinese astrology provides answers that can prove to be astoundingly timely and accurate. Welcome to the year of the Green Wooden Goat, lets see what it has in store for you.

    The ratAn innovative and refreshing year for Rat people. Your perception of looking at things will change. Always remember that there are two sides to a coin before making important decisions.Career: This will be a hectic year. Do not let stress control your life and give your dog extra cuddles, it helps control stress! finance: money might be a little tight. Do not indulge in unwanted expenses. Love: You will be demanding in relationships.Health: Do not neglect your health in the

    coming year, this might have dire consequences.

    family: Learn to enjoy life with friends and family.Travel: Rats will not have time for vacations this year. Business travel is predicted.


    The OxThis will be a fulfilling year in terms of love, business, career and finance. Your tenacity and doggedness to get things done will work in your favour.Career: Business will prosper, you can look forward to salary hikes and promotions, which means your cat is in for extra treats! finance: This year will be excellent for you in terms of money.Love: Relationships will flourish.Health: You might be affected by stress and mental ailments. Take precautions in 2015. family: ox will be the go-between for all conflicts between family members.Travel: Travel for fun and work is on the cards this year.


    The TigerThis can be a difficult one for the Tigers. You need to be at your diplomatic best in order to come out a winner this year, however the overall period will be favourable. Career: Your hard work will bear fruit this year. Your seniors will be impressed with your work. finance: A year of indulgence and excellent fortune. Love: Commitment and marriage is on the cards this year.Health: Health will be good. Do not let tension or strain get to you, go for a run with your dog instead! family: Expect a lot of social occasions and partying. Do not get into unwanted conflicts. Travel: Adventure trips to new destinations can happen in 2015.

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  • 23Pets & Hugs January/ February 2015

    Chinese New Year Special

    The rabbitBecause of your tact and diplomacy you will be able to avoid unwelcome situations at work and home. This year you will be interested in spiritual awakening and understanding more about your inner soul.Career: Excellent growth in jobs and business. finance: Earnings will be positive, invest in secure funds when cash is in excess.Love: New relationships will bloom. marital peace will be maintained.Health: Be careful of unexpected accidents. family: Domestic life for the Rabbit will be calm and peaceful, adopt a rabbit and share the love.Travel: No journeys or trips are forecast for this year.


    The DragonA hectic time throughout the year in terms of work and family. Dont let lack of time ruin your relationships. Some minor problems or obstacles might stop you, but do not lose focus.Career: Learn to control your feelings at work and when dealing with Good for investing in risky ventures.Love: passion, romance and commitment are on the cards.Health: Some health problems might afflict you. Be sure to maintain a proper routine and exercise Family time might be limited due to excess work pressure, adopt a pet to keep them company.Travel: Take small breaks to relax your mind from your busy work schedule.

    / / / / / /

    The SnakeA prosperous year ahead. Use your intelligence to make the most of the opportunities in your personal and professional life. Do not lose out because you didnt ask others for their opinion. Career: Criticism is a part of the job and you shouldnt feel bad when your work is rated as below acceptable levels. Work harder and show your Income will be good. Dont forget to save some money for the future.Love: Understanding in relationships will increase. Health: Do not suppress your feelings and emotions. This will only affect your mental Support and love from family is predicted.Travel: Take out time to go to nearby places for short vacations, make sure to leave your cat in good care when you do!

    23pets & Hugs January/ February 2015

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    The Sheep/GoatThis is your year. Be it business, love or health, everything will be in your favour. Take calculated risks to succeed. Your courage, optimism and enthusiasm will be infectious to people around you, so expect an extra excitable dog in your house! Career: Extremely successful year in all career and business money will be good, but dont splurge all of it.Love: only serious relationships have a chance of survival.Health: Your physical and mental health will be positive this Family will connect with you on a spiritual level. Travel: Business trips, family vacations and short weekend breaks are predicted.


    The Monkey Get serious monkey people in 2015 if you wish to make the most out of it. Use your intuition and charm to see when people are misusing your innocence. Channelize your energies and success will be yours.Career: Your adaptability will be the reason behind your progress, so dont be stubborn and change your outlook when it comes to monetary positions will be a bit tough.Love: Better not to get into any serious relationships this year, focus on your furry children instead.Health: Depression may be a cause for problems with family need to be sorted out at the root level.Travel: Business trips will be profitable.


    The HorseHorse 2015 predictions warn you to be a little selfish in 2015. You need to make the most of your talents and save for a rainy day, expect to be confused this year. overcoming weaknesses will be the key to success.Career: Success will be yours and tough jobs will be handled with Financial forecasts are not too good, spend wisely and dont forget to spoil your guinea pigs too!Love: Learn to be stable in matters of love and romance. Flings will be the order of the day. Health: overall health will be excellent. You might have some fitness Your charismatic personality will mean a happening social life.Travel: This is an excellent year to travel abroad and exploring new cultures.

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    The rooster You can reach the sky, if you can be a little bit more adaptable to your surroundings, look at your pet bird and follow a few tips! Being diplomatic can prove to be favourable. Be prepared for unforeseen happenings.Career: Your excellent oratorical skills and logic will play a major part in helping you clinch new deals and move up the corporate Your financially sound investment decisions will come to your aid this year.Love: New romantic affairs will keep the rooster busy.Health: prevention is better than cure, dont neglect routine You will share pleasant relations with your loved ones.Travel: Holidays with family as well as business trips are forecast.



    The DogThe loyalty, knowledge and love of the Dog will help you go far in 2015. Business and personal relationships will be excellent this year. Charity and philanthropy will be high on your to-do list.Career: If you are flexible, then there is no stopping you from being a You are in for excellent financial windfalls treat your dog to a pampering session! Love: New love affairs will be filled with excitement, passion and pleasure.Health: old ailments will come back to torment the Dogs in Do not let jealousy creep in and spoil your personal relationships. Travel: This is a good year to go on that long-planned world trip.

    The PigYou will have an enjoyable and social year and your positive personality will help you to achieve all your objectives.Career: Success is yours both in business and career. Hard work and patience will ensure your progress. Share your good fortune with your cat! finance: This is a year when you need to consolidate all your funds and plan for the future.Love: Singles will fall in love.Health: You may suffer from some minor digestive You will be devoted to your family and enjoy good times with them.Travel: You should take a short rejuvenating trip that will help calm your mind.

    Chinese New Year Special

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    Bat images can be seen everywhere in Macau, from the pataca coin to Hotel Lisboas entrance, to hundreds of pawnshops. Their symbolism denotes both happiness and the welcoming of prosperity into the household.

    Bats and their significance in Macau


    o co


    sy o

    f Tim



  • 27Pets & Hugs January/ February 2015


    bin f(f)




    For centuries, bats have been deeply rooted in Chinese culture, from bat images being embroidered on emperors robes to furniture design, Lou Kau mansion in macao, A-ma Cultural Village or Na Tcha Temple, and the pataca coin (The monetary Authority of macao used the pattern of bats on the currency as a symbol of happiness in 2007), amongst others.

    In Chinese, bat is pronounced as bin f () whereas f () meaning happiness is pronounced similarly; hence the play on words that bats equal happiness and good fortune.

    The Five Blessings is a very popular design and found in many traditional Chinese houses which consists of five bats surrounding the Chinese character for longevity (shu) which represents the expression five fortunes surround longevity or (w f png sh ): Longevity, Wealth, Health, Love of Virtue and Natural Death.

    In a small place like macau, there are eleven species of bats the reason for the high number is due to macaos sub-tropical weather, these bats live in macaus K H Bat Sea Cave, and Seac pai Van park, amongst other places.

    According to IACm and Kadoorie Farm & Botanic Garden (2014), the eleven species of bats are:

    Himalayan Leaf-nosed Bat Japanese pipistrelle Short-nosed Fruit Bat only bat species in macau that constructs its own nest in the leaves of the Chinese Fan-palm trees Leschenaults Rousette Black-bearded Tomb Bat Least Horseshoe Bat Ricketts Big-footed Bat Common pipistrelle Common Bent-wing Bat Lesser Bent-winged Bat Lesser Bamboo Bat

    International Focus

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    o co


    sy o

    f Tim



  • 28 20151/2

    10Tim Flach

    3EquusDogs GodsMore Than Human4 Evolution2013More Than Human2012Dogs Gods2010Equus2008

    Flach2013Hunt Blue3

    over the past decade photographer Tim Flachs work has increasingly focused on animals, ranging widely across species but united by a distinctive style that is derived from his concerns with anthropomorphism (the attribution of human form or other characteristics to anything other than a human being) and anthropocentrism (the belief that human beings are the central or most significant species on the planet - in the sense that they are considered to have a moral status or value higher than that of other animals - or the assessment of reality through an exclusively human perspective). His interests lie in the way humans shape animals, and shape their meaning, and his images aim to promote discussion and encourage debate.

    I like the idea that images are layered in meaning, if we accept that images are ambiguous, that they can have several different meanings according to uniqueness or informed by the cultural context we all share certain cultural understandings, we are all informed by our culture but we all have our uniqueness, and for imagery to be interesting, I think it has to work off both the shared and the individual. So when I say ambiguous, I mean that you can work at different points, you have to be interested in how people transform these different points into meaning, and why.

    He has three major bodies of work, concerning different subjects (Equus, focusing on horses, Dogs Gods, on canines, and more Than Human, a broad exploration of the worlds species) and has published four books; Evolution, 2013, more Than Human, 2012, Dogs Gods, 2010 and Equus, 2008.

    Flach is an Honorary Fellow of the Royal photographic Society, and was awarded an Honorary Doctorate from Norwich University of the Arts in 2013. He lives and works in London, with his wife and son. And two Burmese cats called Hunt and Blue who keep him company while he works, as well as three goldfish.

    We spoke to the photographer in London, and he talked us through some of the featured images and told us more about the process and story behind them.

    The world of Tim FlachTim Flach

    With a keen interest in all aspects of his subjects, from their history, anthropology, aesthetics, to politics and impact in the wider world, photographer Tim Flach has taken familiar images and offered them to us in a way that makes us too ponder them in ways we never have before.

    Tim Flach

  • 29Pets & Hugs January/ February 2015

    International Focus

    Ya Yun

    ya yun Elegantspecies: ailuropoda melanoleucaya yun is from the Chengdu research base of giant Panda breeding.

    The tiger, panda and elephant are what we call Ambassador Species, a symbol, both literal and metaphorical, of environment concerns. This status means that if they were to become extinct the impact on the environment would not be too great, but to our minds it would be a great sense of emotional loss. As symbols of power, the panda has reached out and touched the hearts of all of us, its cute, its like a little teddy bear. But the only thing black and white about the panda is its colour, the politics, the history and so on is a very grey area and its a challenge you have with conservation. We need animals that will highlight the causes and challenges we face. Its an interesting challenge, and its a challenge to know how to capture peoples imagination to want to be engaged with whats going on.

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    flying Mopbreed: hungarian Puli species: Canis lupus familiaris name; andy

    The Hungarian puli herding dog, used as a nipper, was almost lost as a breed until the show people picked it up. I wanted a dog that was in show coat, once you clip that coat it never grows back the same way, originally they were clipped with the sheep each season.I like this ambiguous picture of almost like a mop, the dog makes a small jump of about 12 inches, as its about to land the coat flies up and creates this effect. one wonders what I have done, have I sprayed it? When looking at my pictures once often questions, is it modern made, is it real? Shifting your experience of something. It is extending the experience of the viewer by using a medium that fragments a moment in time. I shot between the legs of the owner to get that photograph. And we had to go all the way to America to get it, because pulis are mainly black. To get one the colour of a mop, I had to go all the way to Denver.

  • 31Pets & Hugs January/ February 2015

    Kiss DiatouCheka


    Kissbonobo names: diatou (left), Cheka (right) species: Pan paniscus

    Bonobos are not chimps, but they are genetically 98.4% DNA similar to us, they have a matriarchal and patriarchal society, as a consequence of that is that the dominance isnt usually controlled by beating each other up, but they have a much greater tendency to use social intercourse, literally, to sort out disputes within the troop. And as a consequence, they are often known as the love monkeys. The belief is that they represent an alternative model as our nearest of kin. Thats why the picture shows two interacting.

    International Focus

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  • 33Pets & Hugs January/ February 2015

    Withering glaciericelandic horses

    When horses want to show affection they have a sweet spot on the withers, thats how they show natural affection. These animals are much more socially adapted than most.In Iceland, where this breed comes from, (the only breed in Iceland are Icelandic ponies), they are called horses but they are the height of ponies. They have had the longest blood import ban of any place on the planet. I photographed them in their location to show natural behaviour, and to link that naturalness and uniqueness of the environment. Any horse that leaves Iceland cannot go back to Iceland. All evidence holds that they are the purest breed on the planet.

    International Focus

    Thank you to Tim Flach for the generous use of his photographs in this magazine. For more information on his work please visit his website


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    Jeffrey HoCha ChaElinaCha Cha BaileyJaimee

    Jeffrey Ho always longed for a pet and when he started university his wish was fulfilled with the arrival of Cha Cha. Today, with wife Elina, Cha Cha and Bailey, baby Jaimee has been welcomed into the brood.

    And Baby Makes Five

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    Cover story

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    4Jeffrey Ho Elina Luo


    Cha Cha 8

    Cha ChaCha Cha


    Ch a ChaJeffrey JeffreyJeffrey

    2006JeffreyCha Cha

    JeffreyJeffreyCha Cha Jeffrey

    Cha Cha Jeffrey

    Cha Cha


    Bai ley8El ina B a i l ey Cha ChaJeffrey

  • 37Pets & Hugs January/ February 2015

    one would think that a house with two dogs and a four-month-old baby may contain some degree of chaos, but at the home of Jeffrey Ho and Elina Luo calm is the overriding atmosphere.

    The property developer and lawyer were married two years ago, and their family of two dogs, and now baby Jamiee, appear to have slotted together seamlessly. However, listening to their story makes it clear that there were a few hiccups (and flying fur) along the path to this happy home setup.

    It all started with the realization of a wish many years ago, Jeffreys wish to have a dog, when he was living in Australia. Although born in macau, Jeffrey left for Australia at the age of seven and lived there for 16 years, calling melbourne home.

    I was still in university and had always begged my mother to buy us a dog, to prove that my siblings and I could handle the responsibility. It was finally during that round of pleading that his mother conceded and decided that the time was right.

    Cha Cha was my first ever pet. I bought him in a pet shop and he was around eight weeks old at the time. The maltese-cross-Shih Tzu was sitting in the cage with his older brother. At the start I thought his brother was the more attractive one.

    When we went back for the second time Cha Cha was the more quiet one, sitting in the corner sleeping and I picked him up and he was trying to open his eyes and it was quite an amazing moment. Right then and there the bond was sealed, and Cha Cha was the chosen one.

    The two were inseparable. When Cha Cha was still a baby Jeffrey would smuggle him into lectures by hiding him in his backpack, the puppy remained silent throughout the lectures, entertaining Jeffreys friends and upstaging the learning process, for a while at least.

    When Jeffrey moved back to macau in 2006 he noticed a difference in Cha Chas demeanor. Life in Australia meant a big house and garden to match, and the move to macau brought with it some rather big lifestyle changes.

    I noticed a difference in his attitude, his energy, Jeffrey recalls. This was due both to the change in environment, but also because when Jeffrey returned to macau he started working immediately and was no longer able to spend as much time with Cha Cha as before. Slowly he started getting a little depressed, Jeffrey recalls, noting the loss in appetite and there were also less walks per day because of the dirt and hygiene problems faced in macau.

    The process of getting Cha Cha from Australia to macau was

    Cover story

    not without complication s either. A flight from melbourne to Sydney, where he had to receive injections and get a microchip, to another flight to Hong Kong to the final trip to macau meant a long and, at times, uncomfortable, trip, which Jeffrey believes, may have contributed to his depression. Slowly he started disappearing around the house, hiding in corners.

    But things took a turn for the better with the move to the current house two years ago, with more space and regular walks, Cha Cha starting feeling more like himself again.

    then came bailey.

    Bailey, an eight year old Collie, originally belonged to Elinas mother, but her mother started

    spending a lot of time working in China, and couldnt look after the dog, and two years ago the baby-sitting job turned into a full time set up. Hes very adorable, the first time he came over we were worried that they would fight as hes a bigger dog, and Cha Cha is a more vicious dog - despite his size, Jeffrey recalls.

    Cha Cha didnt think Bailey was adorable and the first month after Baileys arrival was not without bloodshed. At the start the dogs were kept apart to allow them time to get used to the new arrangement, and Bailey spent time outside on the balcony. Jeffrey remembers one particular incident very well, one day Bailey came in and they were barking at each other and it felt like they were about to bite. I caught Bailey from behind and he must have felt like

    Cha Cha

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    Cha ChaBailey Bai ley Ba i l ey Jeffrey Bailey Bailey

    J e f f rey BaileyJeff reyBaileyBailey

    Jeffrey El ina Jeffrey


    I was still in university and had always begged my mother to buy us a dog, to prove that my siblings and I could handle the responsibility Jeffrey

    Cha Cha JeffreyBailey JeffreyBailey

    B a i l e y El inaBai leyBai ley


    4Jaimee Cha Cha JaimeeElina


    Jaimee Jeffrey


    Jaimee BaileyJaimeeElinaJaimeeJaimeeCha Cha

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    Cover story

    something was attacking him and he turned around and bit me.

    Jeffreys scar today is as significant as Baileys remorse was at the time. As soon as he understood what he was doing he stopped, he knew he had done something bad. That evening when Jeffrey returned from the hospital he sat down to have a chat with Bailey and ask him what that was all about and Baileys embarrassed face and shame summed all the dogs thoughts on the incident.

    With time Jeffrey and Elina understood that they didnt need to be overly concerned about the relationship between their two dogs. They bark and they argue, but they wont actually hurt each other, we came to understand, Jeffrey explains. The more we got nervous about them biting each other, the more they picked up on the energy we had around them, so instead we tried to keep cool during those moments.

    out of the two, Cha Cha is the more aggressive one towards

    other dogs - that funny dynamic that comes with many smaller dogs, they think they are invincible, Jeffrey laughs. Bailey is more friendly, as you can see, Jeffrey says as bailey nudges our hand for more continued ear scratching and offers his paw at any and every available opportunity.

    my mother tried to teach Bailey to give his paw, and he saw it as an invitation to play, Elina laughs at Baileys good manners. When Bailey wants to play he will always give you his paw, and he loves it when you touch his nose. Hes not scared of strangers, hes very friendly, and whenever we have friends over he does that. The dogs had learnt to relax around each other and the whole family eased into the new dynamic.

    then came Jaimee.

    As if Cha Cha didnt have enough on his paw-printed plate, with the arrival of baby Jaimee four months ago the focus of attention invariably shifted in the

    house. For their part, the dogs have accepted that they are no longer the sole stars in the house and before Jaimees birth they would always be the welcoming committee when the couple arrived home from work, but now they act all cool, they dont even look at us when we walk into the house, Elina laughs.

    What does Jaimee make of the canine companions she shares a house with? During the pregnancy Jaimee was exposed to the barking sounds the two are so fond of, which has given her a head start for things to come, sharing a house with two dogs. When I pretend to bark like them she starts to laugh, the proud father shares.

    There were, however, some doubts regarding the presence of the dogs in the house with their newborn, there was a condition with Jaimees heart after her birth and we didnt know how she would react when approached by the dogs or the fur, for example, so we did worry a little bit, and this led to some important

    conversations between the new parents. In the end we decided that we cannot put our baby in a box, so to speak, its not realistic, Jeffrey says of the outcome of their discussions, deciding against isolating their daughter from the environment at home.

    The decision to keep the dogs was made, and by the second day of having Jaimee at home we were already very comfortable that we had made the right decision, the couple share.

    Jaimee gets to have her toes licked by Bailey when shes sitting in her high chair, something she finds fun and funny. And having been surrounded by the sound of barking from when she was in the womb, Jaimee feels very comfortable around the dogs and the sounds they make, Elina says it is the sounds that people make that frighten her more than anything else. Looking at Jaimees smiling face as the dogs run around the house, we are inclined to agree. Even Cha Cha seems at peace.

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    Just like humans, exercise is essential for a happy and healthy dog. Often in Macau we see people carrying their dogs around, with good intentions, but the best thing they can do is take their dog for a walk, not a carry, around two to three times a day.

    Dog Walking (VetCo

    (Source: VetCo)

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  • 41Pets & Hugs January/ February 2015

    Local Interest

    Local Interest

    Having a dog involves a lot of responsibility. After all, you are literally taking care of another life. So if you want to keep your dog happy and healthy, one of the things you need to do is to make sure that your dog is walked regularly. This is critical not just for the health and well-being of your dog, but also for keeping your home intact, without any little accidents.

    But how often should you walk your dog? Well, there is no one-size-fits-all answer for that. It really depends on a variety of factors. Lets take a look at the main factors involved:

    Where you liveDepending upon your backyard situation, if you live in the suburbs or a rural area, your dog may be able to use the backyard for exercise or to relieve himself, and can be let out as many times as he needs. This is not the case with a city dog, whose needs are no less, a dogs ability to get out is down to his masters choice.

    your dogs age and sizeHow often you have to walk your dog to allow him to do what he has to do depends on the age and the size of the dog: A puppy or an older dog will have less control than one in his prime, and a smaller dog will have smaller urinary and digestive systems. Dogs such as these will have to be walked more often, perhaps as many as six times a day. In contrast, a dog in prime age, especially a larger one, may need it four times a day or even less. Generally, though, a dog should not be expected to hold it for more than eight hours, and, depending on the dogs age and size, even that may be too much.

    the breed and temperament of your dogSome dogs have lots of energy, and plenty of walks are needed to get them on an even keel. other dogs are content to relax and roll around, and only need walks to do their business. much of this depends upon your dogs breed and temperament.

    the amount of Exercise your Pet needsWalking your dog for the purpose of exercise is another matter. A dog with a backyard to run around in could potentially get pretty much as much exercise as he wants. In such cases, simply taking your dog for a stroll around the neighbourhood is less a chance to get needed exercise and more of a change of pace, to keep his mind active. For this, a few times a week may be enough, but keep in mind that walking with your dog can get you exercise as well, as well as help bond you with your pet.

    The amount of exercise, including the length of the walk, should also be closely monitored. According to studies, walking your dog for only five minutes or so wont do him much good, even if he does do what he has to do. Whereas walking him for too long will leave him tired and, since hell be away from his water dish, dehydrated.

    Also, dont forget that hiring a dog walker may be a good option for you the dog walker can be there to be out with your animal companion when you cannot. Getting a dog walker could get your dog their much-needed walks, as well as giving you a little peace of mind.


  • Mini Lop The Popular One

    The Mini Lop is perhaps one of the most, if not the most, popular rabbit breeds in the world. Lops feature in most rabbit shows and are very popular as pets. Its small size and floppy ears have made many fall for the charms of this cute bunny.

    Affectioni love being picked up and cuddled

    Relationship with childreni like the calm ones

    Attention needsi am low maintenance

    Activenessi wont run you off your feet, im a docile bunny

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    Rabbits are intelligent, social animals who need affection, and they can become wonderful companion animals. When considering which breed may best suit you, there are plenty to choose from, and basically any rabbit can be a house rabbit.

    As a general rule, large/giant breeds are more laid back and less excitable than small/miniature rabbits. on the other hand, the larger the rabbit, the shorter the lifespan. Dwarf breeds may live 10-12 years, whereas many giant breeds struggle to reach four to five years.

    As one of the most popular breeds in the world, mini Lop rabbits are bright, cheerful and playful and because of their intelligence, they can be easily trained. They get along well with other pets and animals although they prefer quiet, calm children. This rabbit has an excellent temperament, with non-aggressive behaviour.

    They make very good house rabbits and their short hair means they are easy to maintain. They have a puppy look, with appealing round faces and loopy ears. Lops are born with upright ears which soften and droop as they age.

    Rabbit Breed

    // 10 -1245

    14 3

    As prey animals rabbits can be skittish and very active, particularly the smaller breeds. If you buy your mini Lop from a reputable breeder your pet will have been well socialised and handled from an early age which will have got him used to human and animal company. Lops were developed with the intention of creating a rabbit which was easy to handle and hardy enough to withstand cuddling from children.

    However, children should be taught from early on never to lift a rabbit by the ears. Instead, one should always place one hand under its front legs and the other hand under the bottom and hold it firmly, supporting its body. If held firmly, the rabbit should feel secure and not wiggle.

    Diet is important and commercial rabbit pellets are sold in most pet stores. Half to three quarters of a cup of pellets should be given once a day only as unlimited access to pellets can lead to obesity. It is essential that fresh water is always available. Vegetables such as cauliflower, parsley, spinach, corn on the cob and carrots (but no lettuce) can be offered weekly and hay and straw should be provided daily.

    All rabbits should have an area in which to exercise outside their hutch. Although the Lop is not a very active rabbit and does not require a great deal of exercise, care must be taken not to overfeed them, chubby bunnies are not happy bunnies! Exercise will also assist rabbits to wear down their nails to maintain body tone.

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    Alexander Leung

    We often see things in films or on TV that make an impression for a long time afterwards. For Alexander Leung one particular such moment led him to invite two cute, and unusual, characters into his home.

    ling lingcha cha Ling Ling and Cha Cha

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    Alexander Leung783


    201212Ling LingCha Cha


    AlexLing LingCha Cha ,Ling LingCha Cha Alex

    AlexCha Cha......Alex

    Alex 9MarkMarkAlexAlex

    Alexander Leung was born in Canada and moved to macau at the age of seven because of the family business of pawn shops in the territory. After studying in the UK for eight years and living in Japan, as well as the US, he returned to macau around three years ago to help out in the family business, between working and studying gems and jewellery in the territory.

    Little did Alex know that macau would be the place to realize an impression that was made upon him in the country of his birth. They are something I have always wanted to have when I was in Canada, he says of his two ferrets that first came to his attention in the Arnold Schwarzenegger film, Kindergarten Cop. Schwarzenegger may be known for tougher roles, but that was the film that triggered

    Alexs interest in these cheeky little mammals.

    one day I was walking past Animals Club in macau and thought they sell ferrets here! and without hesitating I bought two of them. That was in December 2012 and today Ling Ling, female, and Cha Cha, male, are happy as can be, terrorizing everyone around them with their adorable expressions and boundless energy.

    When the two subjects of conversation are let out of their cage they come leaping and prancing in our direction, excited and curious about all the new toes to nibble at in the room. Their comic movements and endearing faces are impossible to resist and their speed means that one is always, literally, on ones toes.

    They make what Alex describes as a little chicken noise to express their enthusiasm and between their overjoyed reactions and the human squeals of delight and nervousness, its hard to tell to tell who is having the better time in the room.

    Ling Ling is the brains in the outfit and learns really fast, shes very smart, very intelligent according to Alex. As for Cha Cha, hes just a nutter who likes to clown around and make everyone laugh. When giving the two of them snacks, Ling Ling will hide them away and come back for more, whereas Cha Cha gobbles it all up then and there. Sometimes he learns from the female, here and there, a resigned Alex concedes.

    Local Interest

    Pet Interview

    Al ex

    They are very smart animals and they like to play, to get your attention and they do crazy little things alex

  • 46 20151/2

    () Mark

    ...... Cha Cha Ling LingAlex Cha ChaLing LingAlex

    Cha ChaLing Ling Mark9


  • 47Pets & Hugs January/ February 2015

    The toe biting, as we learned sitting with our feet folded under us on the sofa, is just for attention. Alex says this because Cha Cha never attempts to nibble at hands or anything else, just toes. But surely this must be the prelude to something else... They dont usually bite, but when they are excited and you try to pick them up they have a natural reaction to turn around and nip at you, but their jaws stay open and they immediately let go. But has Alex ever been seriously bitten? Not really, maybe just a little puncture, not even bleeding, thats how far it goes.

    Their home inside of home is a large two-story cage, but they get to spend a lot of time running around too, yes, here and there I let them run around in the house and let them muck about. They dont bite cables, they are not rodents and dont have the need to gnaw at things like those animals do, their owner explains.

    What do they eat? Cookies! shouts Alexs nine-year-old brother mark. To be clear, mark was talking about ferret cookies. They have specialized ferret food, explains Alex, adding that he occasionally gives them dried fruit as a treat. But these carnivores adhere to specialized diets and when stocks run out at Animals Club the food needs to be ordered from China, because, according to Alex, surprisingly Hong Kong doesnt seem to know what ferrets are, but they are big in China.

    pastimes include startling the large water turtles that live in a big bowl next to their cage (who, for the record, snap and fight back) and drinking water in the houseplant pot dish, which is toxic for them as it contains minerals designed to keep the plants in good shape. They like fluffy stuff, mark adds, explaining that they look for small areas to curl up into and sleep with their fluffy finds.

    In addition to their over-zealous curiosity and cheeky natures, ferrets have a reputation for being on the, how shall we say, malodorous side... something we didnt experience with Cha Cha and Ling Ling, but Alex is aware of this aspect and confesses that in winter its a lot better. They are washed using specialized dry shampoo powder and every change of season they bathed using ferret appropriate shampoo, although Cha Cha and Ling Ling are not fans of water.

    What Cha Cha and Ling Ling do however love are plastic bags, I think it is the most enjoyable thing in the world for them, because they like the sound of it says mark. And his socks, they like biting them according to the nine-year-old, who loves the ferrets to bits and spent the whole interview laughing and playing with the entertaining two.

    What is it that Alex likes best about these animals as pets? As middle sized mammals they are pretty easy to take care of. You dont need to walk them, you can just let them run around, and in many senses I think they are more intelligent than most pets. They are very smart animals and they like to play, to get your attention and they do crazy little things.

    What are ferrets?The ferret is the domesticated form of the European polecat, a mammal belonging to the same genus as the weasel, mustela of the family mustelidae. The history of the ferrets domestication is uncertain, like that of most other domestic animals, but it is likely that ferrets have been domesticated for at least 2,500 years. They are still used for hunting rabbits in some parts of the world today, but increasingly they are kept simply as pets.Ferrets are crepuscular, which means they spend 1418 hours a day asleep and are most active around the hours of dawn and dusk. Ferrets have scent glands near their anus, the secretions from which are used in scent marking. It has been reported that ferrets can recognize individuals from these anal gland secretions, as well as the sex of unfamiliar individuals. Ferrets may also use urine marking for sex and individual recognition.When excited, they may perform a routine commonly referred to as the weasel war dance, characterized by a frenzied series of sideways hops and bumping into things. Despite its zeal, this is not aggressive but is a joyful invitation to play. It is often accompanied by a soft clucking noise, commonly referred to as dooking.

    2,50014-18() dooking

    Local Interest

    Pet Interview

  • 48 20151/2

    . . . . . . 14Celeste Tang

    3 Celeste5Margarida

    Luisa Tang

    5 20Celeste

    A sneaky pair of twins discovered a way to bring pets into their home, and their mother found a way to teach her daughters a lesson in responsibility. And everyone has learned about the job of living with animals.

    Love comes in all sizes




    C e l e s t e Snowbal l

    Celeste and margarida

  • 49Pets & Hugs January/ February 2015

    my mom had told me that I wasnt allowed to buy any hamsters... but they were too cute and I couldnt resist, grins 14-year-old Celeste Tang.

    Three years ago, one afternoon after school, Celeste deviated from the path home and went to buy five grey hamsters with her pocket money. Upon reaching home with her newly bought secret hamsters, she told her twin sister margarida about her purchase and they decided to hide them in the wardrobe for the time being. They might have thought they were being subtle with their secret, but their mum laughs in disagreement.

    They were always sneakily going into their room, in and out all the time. I asked them why they were acting so strange and one of them couldnt hold the secret in any longer and told me this was all within the same day. of course, I became upset as I had already told them they werent allowed, but it is a lesson at the

    Local Interest

    Pet Interview

    C e l e s t e SnowballSnowballSnowbal lSnowball



    Kiki Kiki3



    end of the day, they have learnt responsibility, explains Luisa Tang.The first five hamsters were bought in secrecy, and soon enough, there were twenty of them some given birth by the existing hamsters and some bought secretly once again. one particular hamster was black and bought out of pity; Celeste saw a tiny black hamster squished between hordes of white hamsters of a different breed. They seemed to be extremely crowded, the cage smelt and the hamster breeds were all mixed up so Celeste decided to take the black one out of the crowded cage and bring it back to the safety of her home.

    mum was not very happy about the number of hamsters there were in the house, so I thought I would ask my classmates if they wanted any hamsters. After giving a few hamsters away to my classmates, I told mum that I was sorry and I had already found new owners for the hamsters. To my surprise, she told me that she never wanted me to give hamsters away now that I had already bought them, I should be responsible enough to care for them, Celeste recalls.

    Celestes favourite hamster was called Snowball. He was very obedient and would always keep his cage clean and tidy, he would even do tricks standing on his two little feet and spinning around, sleeping on command, and listening to the twins. He wasnt like the others, he would listen to us, smiles Celeste. As he was their favourite hamster, they ordered a special cage for him that had two floors and as he had always been alone, they thought to give him a companion. Unfortunately, as soon as they placed the other hamster into the cage, snowball went crazy and almost killed her. I tried separating them, but Snowball wouldnt let go he even bit me until I was bleeding. only then, I learned that Snowball liked being by himself.

    Sadly, hamsters dont have a long lifespan and the first time a

    Celeste Margarida

    hamster died in the house, it was extremely emotional. I never saw them cry so much, they even called my godmother in portugal to tell her that their hamster died. It was the first time I saw so many emotions flow through them, says their mother. The twins tell us that after Snowball died, they buried him in a flower pot by himself, and soon after the plant began to bloom and to this day, they are not very sure why.

    In addition to their family of hamsters, they also care for a guinea pig called Kiki who was bought two years ago at Animals Club. When they saw her it was love at first sight they always played with her in the beginning, but then realized that she was very quiet, not squeaking nearly as much as she did at the shop, so their focus once again turned to their hamsters.

    They do stress one very unhappy moment they shared with Kiki. When they took her home for the first time, she had two large lumps in her stomach and they took her to macaus Canil municipal there, the vet told them that she was fat and needed to lose some weight so they started her on a diet. Soon after that diet, three baby guinea pigs were born and because of the lack of nutrition they didnt survive. The vet had mistaken her pregnant stomach for a fat stomach and the girls were horrified and grieved for days.

    Its been two years since that sad incident but today Kiki lives happily and peacefully in her space, taking big bites of cucumber every couple of hours, her favourite treat!

    Luisa ends by saying that They want all kinds of animals, last month they told me they wanted a dog and this morning they said they wanted a porcupine. Having pets at home teaches them responsibility.

    Celeste and margarida may be a little shy, but speak to them about their pets and their eyes start sparkling.

  • 50 20151/2

    Central Government to confer two Pandas to Macau

    The Chinese central government will confer a pair of giant pandas to macao, president Xi Jinping said in macau in December. Xi made the announcement during his meeting with Chui Sai on, chief executive of the macao Special Administrative Region (SAR). I wish they will grow up healthily and bring happiness to macao people, Xi told Chui. He said the central government made the decision at the request of Chui. Five years ago the central government gave macao a

    pair of pandas as a gift for the 10th anniversary of the macao SAR. Kai Kai, the male panda, and Xin Xin, female, came from their birthplace in Sichuan province, southwest China, on Dec. 18, 2010, and soon captured the hearts of the local people.But Xin Xins sudden death due to acute renal failure and related ailments on June 22 last year shocked and saddened the macao people.


    Kitten killed with plastic scaffolding ties

    The macau Society for the protection of Animals (ANImA) was told by a resident in January that a stray kitten had been hung on metal bars with plastic bamboo scaffolding ties. The association said in a statement on its Facebook page that a small white-and-black kitten was found dead in an abandoned house in Sao Lazaro district. According to the statement, the kitten is believed to have been dead for at least two days when it was found. The association said that one of its staff members went to the location after the resident had called. The association said that the resident had seen the very young kitten lying on the ground next to iron bars for two days in the abandoned house but as she was unable to enter the area because it was locked she decided to call the association. AmINA said that the kitten, which it named Aidan, had been tied to the steel bars with the plastic bamboo scaffolding ties fastened around its head and neck. When the resident and association staff arrived at the house they also found Aidens sibling, which the association named Agustin, staying very close to its sibling as if trying to wake him up. Residents living in the area told reporters that as there are many stray cats wandering the area they hoped the police could investigate the case and catch the kitten killer as soon as possible. Lawmakers


    are currently discussing the citys first bill on animal protection. The draft law states that anyone found guilty of treating animals cruelly, resulting in serious injury to, or death of, the animal faces up to three years behind bars.

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  • 51Pets & Hugs January/ February 2015

    Animals in the news

    Protesters urge lawmakers to pass animal protection bill ASAP

    The Abandoned Animals protection Association of macau (AApAm) held a demonstration on January 25th, urging the legislatures 1st Standing Committee to go through the articles of the animal protection bill quickly and submit it to a plenary session for an article-by-article vote as soon as possible so that it can come into effect still this year.The association said about 800 people joined the protest, while the public Security police (pSp) said 380 people took part, with participants taking their cats, dogs and even a tortoise with them. AApAm Chairwoman Yoko Choi Wing Chi commented that the activists have held similar demonstrations since 2008, adding that in the last few years the number of animal abuse cases her group has received has not decreased. Choi said she hoped the animal protection bill will become law and come into force still this year, adding that many people are under the misconception that it has already come into effect. Legislators passed the government-drafted bills general outline in a plenary session in october last year. Subsequently it was sent to the 1st Standing Committee, headed by lawmaker Kwan Tsui Hang, and now committee members are in detailed discussions with government officials about the bills articles. Afterwards it will be submitted to another plenary session for an article-by-article vote.The petition asks the legislature to speed up the process of passing the bill. She also said that some articles in the bill were vague. For example, it says the police and the Civic and municipal Affairs Bureau (IACm) jointly handle animal abuse cases, but when citizens encounter an urgent situation, should they call the police or the IACm first? This point is not clear, she said. Lau said she hoped that next time they can get to organise a celebration for animals rights and protection. We have been working hard with our supporters on this for seven years, without them we would not have reached this point.

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    pets & Hugs January/ February 2015

  • 52 20151/2

    Singapore Zoo to end elephant rides by January 2015

    Starting on the 5th of January, 2015, elephant rides and other activities where elephants are taken out of their exhibits ceased at the Singapore Zoo. Wildlife Reserves Singapore (WRS) said it introduced the protected contact elephant management system for the two elephants at Night Safari and eight at the Singapore Zoo. The two attractions will be

    among the first zoological institutions in Asia to implement the protected contact management system for all elephants in its collection, it added. The new system, which will take three to five years to be implemented, will require all staff training and interaction with elephants to be conducted through a physical safety barrier. The system will be based on positive reinforcement where animals are motivated by rewards such as food. Said Dr Cheng Wen-Haur, the Chief Life Sciences officer at WRS: The decision to adopt the protected contact management system was made after an internal review by our elephant managers and healthcare experts, who found that this system of management offers a safer work environment for the elephant keepers. Importantly, the new system will continue to allow our keepers access to the elephants for their daily care, although separated by a safety barrier.


    20151WRS WRS WRSWen-Haur

    Black-necked Cranes show rising numbers

    Black-necked cranes fly in Linzhou County, southwest Chinas Tibet Autonomous Region, in January. The number of black-necked cranes, the first-level state protected wildlife, has kept rising in the past years thanks to a series of protection measures taken in Tibet.


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  • 53Pets & Hugs January/ February 2015

    Animals in the news

    Freedom for Argentinian Orangutan

    sandra, a sumatran orangutan in the buenos aires Zoo, in buenos aires, argentina has been granted a right to freedom. according to the local press, in dec 2014, argentinas justice recognised basic rights as a non-human subject to an orangutan, who has lived in the buenos aires Zoo for 20 years, and granted her habeas Corpus, a legal figure used for cases of people deprived of their freedom. the orangutan, who will be 29 years old in february, may be transferred to a sanctuary, and live in almost complete freedom.


    Blind orangutan released into the wild in Indonesia after sight restored

    After a ground-breaking operation to restore her sight, a rescued female orangutan called Gober was released into a North Sumatran forest with her twin offspring.The formerly blind Gober gave birth to twins after mating with a blind male in captivity at a rescue centre near medan in North Sumatra. Twins are a rarity for orangutans and unheard-of from two blind parents.In mid January the mother and four year-old twins, a male and female, were released into Jantho forest in Aceh, one of the regions hit by the 2004 tsunami.orangutans in Indonesia are under pressure from a number of threats, primarily the clearing of their jungle habitats to create new palm oil plantations and farmland. Deforestation rates in Indonesia have over-taken Brazils, and a study published in December showed how much logging in the country is taking place outside of officially designated areas. (Source: The Guardian)


    pets & Hugs January/ February 2015

  • 54 20151/2

    Porter Melto SPP1277 8

    Code: SPP1277 Male 8 Months

    1357 3Code: 1357 Male 3 Months

    meltoHello, Im melto, a friendly little guy who loves to chase balls and cats, have my tummy scratched, and follow you around. And, of course, melto your heart.

    estrada do altinho de Ka-Ho


    Coloane, Macau

    (853) 2871 5732

    They are cute, sweet and will make your life infinitely more rewarding. Meet our adoption candidates for this issue! They may be loving and caring, but please remember they need love and care back, so please be sure you are ready for the responsibility, and for all the love they have to give!

    They want to love you. Are you ready to love them?

    Adopt a pet

    Sponsored by SandS China ltd.

    I will wait by the window until you come home everyday, and be the happiest one to see you when you do. I dont need a lot, just to be scratched behind my ears and loved, lets go home, its time.

  • 55Pets & Hugs January/ February 2015


    Sponsored by SandS China ltd.

    Carola 1360 1

    Code: 1360female1 Month

    Candle1359 3

    Code: 1359female3 Weeks

    I am everything you ever want in a dog. Easily trained, obedient, loyal, guarding, and extremely lovable. I like afternoon naps, squeaky toys, and being next to you.

    Wow, I have just entered this world and understood that I have no family. But I know that there is someone out there looking for me, looking for the best dog in the world, for a companion for life. Is it you?

    Is it playtime yet? Can we go for a run yet? Are you here yet? Im ready, Im ready, prepare yourself for the love of a lifetime!

    Fei Fei SP12296 3Code: SP12296 female3 years


  • 56 20151/2

    ......playtime is the best time and Im always ready to pounce on a toy thrown my way. I think I am really stealth-like, in reality I am somewhat clumsy...and that makes me extra cute.

    my eyes, like my curiosity, are wide open and ready to take life in. The world is a fascinating place, and I know I am special because I was saved from the streets and given another chance in life. Let me share my joy with you and make the magic grow.

    Fok Fok

    Big Eye



    : 814 /2Code: 814 Male 2 Months

    C638 3Code: C638 female3 years

    C852 /2Code: C852 Male 1.5 Months

    C846 5Code: C846 female 5 Months

    Im just a teeny weeny baby cat, but I have a big heart and a lot of love to share. Let me be your baby and teach me about this big, beautiful world, together we can make it ours.

  • 57Pets & Hugs January/ February 2015


    Why are people taking photos of me? Whats all the fuss about? oh, Ive just been told that Im up for adoption, how exciting! Take me home, take me home, I will entertain you no end and life will be so much better with me around!

    Sponsored by SandS China ltd.



    C846 5Code: C846 female 5 Months

    653 1Code: 653Male 1 year

    C641 1Code: C641 female 1 year

    C314 2Code:C314Male2 years

    Im a little nervous, not a fan of loud noises and really just want a cuddle. Do you have a lap I can curl up on and a home that needs some purring? please say yes, I am packed and ready to go when you are!

    12They say cats have nine lives, and I think I am very special because after all I have been through, I think I must be on life number 12 by now! Let me be special in your life, take me home with you and let me spoil you with special love and attention.

    It can be tough being a ginger cat, I get called all kinds of things from carrot cat to match head, but I have skills like no other, from catching mice to purring on your lap, there is no other like me. Let me into your family and I will light up your life.

  • 58 20151/2
