
Internet Governance & Security through the CyberGeoPolitics Viewpoint OSIPP Guest Lecturer/ Special Appointed Reseacher Kunihiro Maeda Global Governance Studies@OSSIP 2014.12.15 Vo.1 ”What the Cyber-GeoPolitics is”

Transcript of OSIPP_グローバル・ガバナンス論_20151215

Internet Governance & Security !through the CyberGeoPolitics Viewpoint OSIPP Guest Lecturer/ Special Appointed Reseacher!

Kunihiro Maeda

Global Governance Studies@OSSIP 2014.12.15

Vo.1 ”What the Cyber-GeoPolitics is”

Profile Kunihiro Maeda


CEO of Unique ID Inc., and Quantum ID Inc. Specially Appointed Researcher of Osaka School of International Public Policy at Osaka University, Visiting Fellow of Tokyo University, Part-time lecturer of Tamagawa University. Co-researcher of National Institute of Informatics. Visiting researcher of National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology. Part-time lecturer of Graduate School of Arts and Design at Onomichi University. Profession is about “social-media design” and “collective intelligence mining” .

He made SNS with his friend in 1996. It was called "Human Web". Maybe it was First SNS in Japan. In 1998, They tried to make another version “Small World Connection” as work of art. They sent their works to multi-media competition “Ars Electronica” in Australia. And They entered it Digital Be-in in USA. They went to San Francisco for presentation. Their work won the praise of early adapter, just as art. In 2001, They tried to make commercial web site “Kanshin Kukan” again. Our work won the praise of early adapter in Japan. They got “Good Design award” in 2001 and he got Web Creation Award in 2006 as a pioneer of Japanese CGM.

Now He is interested in Science of Science and Technology Innovation Policy and Social Issue-oriented Collective Intelligence Mining for Human Security.

What the “GeoPolitics” is …


Geopolitics is the study of the effects of geography (human and physical) on international politics and international relations. Geopolitics is a method of studying foreign policy to understand, explain and predict international political behaviour through geographical variables. These include area studies, climate, topography, demography, natural resources, and applied science of the region being evaluated.

Geopolitics focuses on the link between political power in relation to geographic space. In particular, territorial waters and land territory in correlation with diplomatic history. Academically, geopolitics analyses history and social science with reference to geography in relation to politics. Also, the study of geopolitics includes the ensemble of global politicians and the way in which they impact the societies they lead. In turn, it impacts all of the social sciences.

The term "Geopolitics" was coined at the beginning of the twentieth century by Rudolf Kjellén, a Swedish political scientist, who was inspired by the German geographer Friedrich Ratzel.

Introduction to Geopolitics

by Colin Flint

http://amzn.com/0415667739 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Geopolitics

What “GeoPolitics” is …shady past with Nazism


Karl Ernst Haushofer (1869–1946) was a German general, geographer and geopolitician. Through his student Rudolf Hess, Haushofer's ideas may have influenced the development of Adolf Hitler's expansionist strategies(He think GeoPolitics is theory for struggle existence), although Haushofer denied direct influence on the Nazi regime.

Haushofer e!ected Japanese Political Geography

In November 1908 the army sent him to Tokyo to study the Japanese army and to advise it as an artillery instructor. He travelled with his wife via India and South East Asia and arrived in February 1909. Haushofer was received by the Japanese emperor and became acquainted with many important people in politics and armed forces.!

Relation of Haushofer and CSIS= Curse of geopolitics(with suspicion of conspiracy)

Fr. Edmund Aloysius Walsh, S.J. (1885–1956) was an American Jesuit Catholic priest, author, professor of geopolitics and founder of the Georgetown University School of Foreign Service.(He defended Houshofer wasn’t war criminal before the Judgment at Nuremberg)!

The center was founded in 1962 by Admiral Arleigh Burke and Ambassador David Manker Abshire, originally as part of Georgetown University. The first professional sta" member hired was Richard V. Allen who later served in the Reagan administration.!

When Henry Kissinger retired from his position as U.S. Secretary of State in 1977, he decided to teach part-time at Georgetown's Edmund A. Walsh School of Foreign Service and to make CSIS the base for his Washington operations, over o"ers to teach at Yale, Penn, Columbia and Oxford.

What the “GeoPolitics” is …”Heartland Doctrine”


Mackinder posited that the industrial centers of the Periphery were necessarily located in widely separated locations. The World Island could send its navy to destroy each one of them in turn, and could locate its own industries in a region further inland than the Periphery (so they would have a longer struggle reaching them, and would face a well-stocked industrial bastion). Mackinder called this region the Heartland. It essentially comprised Central and Eastern Europe: Ukraine, Western Russia, and Mitteleuropa. The Heartland contained the grain reserves of Ukraine, and many other natural resources. Mackinder's notion of geopolitics was summed up when he said:


Sir Halford Mackinder's Heartland concept showing the situation of the "pivot area" established in the Theory of the Heartland. He later revised it to mark Northern Eurasia as a pivot while keeping area marked above as Heartland.

Who rules Central and Eastern Europe commands the Heartland. Who rules the Heartland commands the World-Island. Who rules the World-Island commands the World.

What the “Choke Point” are …

6Introduction to Geopoliticshttp://amzn.com/0415667739

In military strategy, a choke point (or chokepoint) is a geographical feature on land such as a valley, defile or a bridge, or at sea such as a strait which an armed force is forced to pass, sometimes on a substantially narrower front, and therefore greatly decreasing its combat power, in order to reach its objective. A choke point can allow a numerically inferior defending force to successfully thwart a larger opponent if the attacker cannot bring his superior numbers to bear.

How vulnerable are undersea internet cables


(CNN) -- A telecommunications company on Friday blamed a ship anchor for cutting one of three severed undersea cables that snarled Internet traffic throughout the Middle East last week. 2008年1月30日にエジプト、インド、ペルシャ湾沿岸国のインターネット接続が海底ケーブルの破損で切断され、エジプトのネットの70%がダウン、インドでは帯域が50%~60%になった

Easy to attack the IT infrastructure by Military




What the “Cyber-GeoPolitics” is …Multi-Layer


Cyber GeoPolitics is Multi-Dimensional


The Internet has geographical “Choke Points”


Grandma is big threat for Internet


MONDAY, 18 JULY 2011 Armazi, Georgia - 75-year-old woman arrested for single-handedly cutting off the internet in Georgia and Armenia.

"I have no idea what the internet is”

The company that owns the fibre-optic cable, Georgian Railway Telecom, said that the damage was serious, causing 90 per cent of private and corporate internet users in neighbouring Armenia to lose access for nearly 12 hours while also hitting Georgian internet service providers.

Shark attacks threaten Google's undersea Internet


Google confirmed to me that its newest generation of undersea cables comes wrapped in special protective yarn and steel wire armor—and that the goal is to protect against cable cuts, including possible shark attacks. Here's an old video of what that looks like, in case you were wondering: !!http://www.slate.com/blogs/future_tense/2014/08/15/shark_attacks_threaten_google_s_undersea_internet_cables_video.html

Cyber GeoPolitics is Multi-Dimensional


Multidimensional scaling (MDS) is a means of visualizing the level of similarity of individual cases of a dataset. It refers to a set of related ordination techniques used in information visualization, in particular to display the information contained in a distance matrix.

Dimensionality reduction

To find out the Multi-Dimensional “Choke Points”


Sudan produces half the world’s supply, and the best quality, of gum arabic, which is almost as crucial to modern life as oil; it’s in every bottle of Coca-Cola for a start. Even fierce sanctions against Sudan didn’t apply to gum arabic supplies!!Wired Italiaの記事で、米国が一時スーダンに拠点を置いていた「アルカイーダ」への圧力をかけるため経済制裁を実施したにも関わらず、「コカコーラ」や「ペプシ」の重要な原料(黒い着色料が沈殿しないようにする植物)である「アラビア・ガム」の生産量の世界の半分が「スーダン」で栽培されていたために、両社の圧力によって禁輸措置の対象から外されたという記事が掲載された。この事実は当時、フランスのルモンド紙から「ソーダ・ポップ外交」と揶揄された。

The Evolving Cable Network and Imperialism


電信および海底ケーブルの実用化と、そのグローバルな展開にいち早く成功したのは英国であった。英国の電信による海底ケーブルについてはすでに多くの研究がなされている。たとえば、ダニエル・R・ヘッドリク(Daniel R. Headrick)が、「ケーブルは、新帝国主義の不可欠の一部であった」と指摘している。http://www.amazon.co.jp/dp/0195062736


The Evolving Cable Network and Its Implications


西暦1851年(嘉永4年)世界最初の海底ケーブルがドーバー海峡に敷設されたが、早くも翌嘉永5年に、その情報が長崎の和蘭商館長(和蘭の東印度株式会社日本支店長)すなわち甲比丹(かぴたん)から、長崎奉行経由で幕府に提出された和蘭風説書によって報告されている。 http://www.nttwem.co.jp/knowledge/anecdote/18.html

The Evolving Cable Network and Imperialism



The Evolving Cable Network and Imperialism


風説書(ふうせつがき)―嘉永5年(西暦1852年)西暦1851年(嘉永4年)世界最初の海底ケーブルがドーバー海峡に敷設されたが、早くも翌嘉永5年に、その情報が長崎の和蘭商館長(和蘭の東印度株式会社日本支店長)すなわち甲比丹(かぴたん)から、長崎奉行経由で幕府に提出された和蘭風説書によって報告されている。 http://www.nttwem.co.jp/knowledge/anecdote/18.html

The Evolving Cable Network and Imperialism


The Evolving Cable Network and Imperialism



(1)両国間通信より生ずる日本および大北電信会社の取分を、昭和5年末日まで合併計算とすること (2)その分配率は過去3年間の実績による大北電信会社の収入を補償すること(注)日本35.4%、大北64.5%の割合 (3)日本政府の敷設する海底線は、長崎~上海間に限り、かつ官報の和文電報のみを取り扱うこと

以上のとおり、結果はわが国にとってきわめて不利なものであった。ここにおいてわが国は、上海線1条を作成するために18年間にわたる合併計算を承認することとなり、新線から生ずる海底線料金の大部分を大北会社に支払うという一大牲犠を払った。 http://www.nttwem.co.jp/knowledge/anecdote/14.html

The Evolving Cable Network and Imperialism


1940年(昭和15年)9月に鉄道省が「東京・下関間新幹線建設基準」を制定し、同年に帝国議会で「広軌幹線鉄道計画」が承認され、国家が1954年(昭和29年)までに開通させることを目標とした「十五ヶ年計画」に基いて総予算5億5600万円をかけて建設を行うことが決定した。これに基き用地買収・工事が開始されることとなる。 なお構想として、将来は対馬海峡に海底トンネルを掘削し、満州国の首都新京(現:長春)や中華民国の北京までの直通列車を走らせるというものもあった(日韓トンネルの項目も参照)。太平洋戦争(大東亜戦争)によって日本軍がシンガポール(昭南)を獲得すると、そこまでの延長も画策されたという。「大東亜共栄圏」構想に基いて日本が東アジア・東南アジアでの覇権を確立し、日本を中心として東アジア・東南アジアの植民地を解放した新しい体制を創ろうとしたことからこれらの計画は生まれたといわれ、他にもインド・ラオス等への鉄道敷設が構想としては存在し、シベリア鉄道に代わるアジアからヨーロッパまでの鉄道敷設を目指した「中央アジア横断鉄道計画」(新規建設区間は包頭・西安 - 甘州(現、張掖) - 哈密 - カシュガル - カーブル - テヘラン - バグダード、他の区間は既設線活用)なるものも立案された。

The Internet’s undersea world


Fibre optics to connect Japan to the UK ‒ via the Arctic


A big plus for the Arctic cables is that they avoid failure-prone "choke points" such as the Luzon strait near Taiwan, the strait of Malacca between Indonesia and Malaysia, and the crowded and politically unsettled Middle East. A single landslide or a ship dragging its anchor in these areas can break several cables, disrupting internet traffic.

New passage of global commons or not?


ロシアが安全保障面において中国の動きを警戒する新たな要因として、中国による北極進出の動きがある。2007 年 8 月にロシアの北極遠征隊が北極点の海底 4261m にチタン製のロシア国旗を設置して以降、ロシアは北極開発に積極的に乗り出す姿勢を見せている。 2008 年 9 月 13 日には、「北極におけるロシア連邦の国家利益の擁護」と題する安全保障会議が、セルゲイ・ナルィシキン大統領府長官(当時)ら安全保障会議の常任メンバーらが参加して、国境警備隊が駐留する最北端の地であるフランツ・ヨーゼフ群島で開催された。さらに、同年 9 月 17 日には「2020 年までのロシア連邦の北極政策の基本」が承認され、北極地域をロシアの最重要の戦略資源基地と位置付け、国の経済発展のために北極開発を進めることや、輸送路として北極航路を利用することがロシアの国益であると規定された。翌 2009 年 3 月の安全保障会議では、2020 年までに北極を戦略的資源基地にする方針が承認されるとともに、同年 4 月にはプーチン首相(当時)自らがフランツ・ヨーゼフ群島を視察した20。2010 年夏には、ロシア海運大手のソフコムフロートの大型タンカーが北極航路の運航に成功したほか、ロシアとノルウェーがバレンツ海・北極海の海洋境界画定条約を締結して、両国が北極海における協力を前進させることで合意した。ロシアが北極を重視する理由には、北極の資源開発、北極航路の出現、安全保障上の考慮の 3 つがある。まず、北極圏には世界全体の未発見の天然ガスの 30%、原油 13%が埋蔵されており、手つかずの天然資源が眠っているといわれている。総面積 450 万 km2 の北極海大陸棚のうち、その 6 割にあたる約 270 万 km2 をロシアが保有しているほか、ロシアは国連大陸棚限界委員会に対して大陸棚延長を申請して、120 万 km2 の追加保有を目指している。

Russian Arctic strategy - GeoPolitics and Militarization


Russia is planning to set up the headquarters of its Arctic Command at a naval base used by its Northern Fleet, and the new facility will become operational on Dec. 1, Russian President Vladimir Putin announced Monday. The Arctic Command is part of Russia’s plan to form a combined arms group and construct a unified network of military facilities in the country’s Arctic territories, by hosting troops, advanced warships and aircraft to strengthen the protection of its northern borders, Ria Novosti reported. Read more: http://www.businessinsider.com/russia-arctic-expansion-2014-11#ixzz3LBw1pbXR

Russian Arctic strategy - GeoPolitics and Militarization


Russia's new military command center in the Arctic became operational Monday, as the country increasingly militarizes the polar region.

Moscow's new Northern Command will subsume the Russian Northern Fleet and form a unified military network of ground troops, aircraft, and naval vessels in an attempt to leverage Russia's strength in the great north.

Read more: http://www.businessinsider.com/russia-is-militarizing-the-arctic-2014-12#ixzz3Ldwf1owu

Measure the real place and cyber space in paces Measure the real place and cyber space in paces



