Origami Tessellations - Foundation Course...2 Foundation Course Working with Paper • mountain fold...

Eric Gjerde Foundation Course Working with Paper

Transcript of Origami Tessellations - Foundation Course...2 Foundation Course Working with Paper • mountain fold...

Page 1: Origami Tessellations - Foundation Course...2 Foundation Course Working with Paper • mountain fold • pli montagne • doblez de montaña • Bergfalte • 山折り• valley fold

Eric Gjerde

Foundation CourseWorking with Paper

Page 2: Origami Tessellations - Foundation Course...2 Foundation Course Working with Paper • mountain fold • pli montagne • doblez de montaña • Bergfalte • 山折り• valley fold

2 Foundation Course: Working with Paper

• mountain fold• pli montagne• doblez de montaña• Bergfalte • 山折り

• valley fold• pli vallée• doblez de valle• Talfalte • 谷折り

• fold over• plier• doblar• falten und liegen lassen • 折り畳む

• fold point to point• plier point à point• doblar de punto a punto• Punkt auf Punkt falten • ポイントに合わせて折る

• fold and unfold• plier puis deplier• doblar y desdoblar• falten und wieder öffnen • 折り筋をつける

• fold behind• plier vers l’arrière• doblar por detrás• nach hinten falten • 裏に折る


Page 3: Origami Tessellations - Foundation Course...2 Foundation Course Working with Paper • mountain fold • pli montagne • doblez de montaña • Bergfalte • 山折り• valley fold


Symbols • repeat previous steps• répéter les étapes précédentes• repetir los pasos previos• die vorherigen Schritte wiederholen • 同様に折る

• pinch• marquer le point seulement• pellizcar• die Stelle mit einer kurzen Falte markieren • つまみ折り

• flip over horizontally• retourner le papier horizontalement• dar la vuelta horizontalmente• horizontal umdrehen • 裏返す

• flip over vertically• retourner le papier verticalement• dar la vuelta verticalmente• vertikal umdrehen • 裏返す(天地移動)

• rotate 90º• faire pivoter de 90º• girar 90º• um 90º drehen • 位置の転換90度

• rotate 180º• faire pivoter de 180º• girar 180º• um 180º drehen • 位置の転換180度

• fold inside• insérer dedans• doblar adentro• nach innen falten • 内側に折る

• zoom view• vue agrandie• ampliación• vergrößerte Ansicht • 拡大図


Page 4: Origami Tessellations - Foundation Course...2 Foundation Course Working with Paper • mountain fold • pli montagne • doblez de montaña • Bergfalte • 山折り• valley fold

4 Foundation Course: Working with Paper





1. 2.

Page 5: Origami Tessellations - Foundation Course...2 Foundation Course Working with Paper • mountain fold • pli montagne • doblez de montaña • Bergfalte • 山折り• valley fold


Hypar 3. 4.

5. 6.

7. 8.

Page 6: Origami Tessellations - Foundation Course...2 Foundation Course Working with Paper • mountain fold • pli montagne • doblez de montaña • Bergfalte • 山折り• valley fold

6 Foundation Course: Working with Paper

9. 10.

11. 12.

13. 14.

Page 7: Origami Tessellations - Foundation Course...2 Foundation Course Working with Paper • mountain fold • pli montagne • doblez de montaña • Bergfalte • 山折り• valley fold


15. 16.

17. 18.

19. 20.

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8 Foundation Course: Working with Paper

21. 22.



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Page 10: Origami Tessellations - Foundation Course...2 Foundation Course Working with Paper • mountain fold • pli montagne • doblez de montaña • Bergfalte • 山折り• valley fold

10 Foundation Course: Working with Paper

Basic CorrugationOndulation BasiqueCorrugado BásicoGrundwellen

1. 2.

Page 11: Origami Tessellations - Foundation Course...2 Foundation Course Working with Paper • mountain fold • pli montagne • doblez de montaña • Bergfalte • 山折り• valley fold

11Basic Corrugation

Basic Corrugation4.

5. 6. 7.

8. 9.


Page 12: Origami Tessellations - Foundation Course...2 Foundation Course Working with Paper • mountain fold • pli montagne • doblez de montaña • Bergfalte • 山折り• valley fold

12 Foundation Course: Working with Paper

10. 11.

12. 13.

14. 15.

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13Basic Corrugation


16. 17.

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14 Foundation Course: Working with Paper


1. 2.

from the work of Vincent Floderer

Page 15: Origami Tessellations - Foundation Course...2 Foundation Course Working with Paper • mountain fold • pli montagne • doblez de montaña • Bergfalte • 山折り• valley fold


3. 4.

5. 6.

7. 8.

Page 16: Origami Tessellations - Foundation Course...2 Foundation Course Working with Paper • mountain fold • pli montagne • doblez de montaña • Bergfalte • 山折り• valley fold

16 Foundation Course: Working with Paper

9. 10.

11. 12.

13. 14.

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15. 16.

17. 18.



19. 20.


Page 18: Origami Tessellations - Foundation Course...2 Foundation Course Working with Paper • mountain fold • pli montagne • doblez de montaña • Bergfalte • 山折り• valley fold

18 Foundation Course: Working with Paper


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Page 20: Origami Tessellations - Foundation Course...2 Foundation Course Working with Paper • mountain fold • pli montagne • doblez de montaña • Bergfalte • 山折り• valley fold

20 Foundation Course: Working with Paper


1. 2.

from the work of Goran Konjevod

Page 21: Origami Tessellations - Foundation Course...2 Foundation Course Working with Paper • mountain fold • pli montagne • doblez de montaña • Bergfalte • 山折り• valley fold


Wave 3. 4.

5. 6.

7. 8.

Page 22: Origami Tessellations - Foundation Course...2 Foundation Course Working with Paper • mountain fold • pli montagne • doblez de montaña • Bergfalte • 山折り• valley fold

22 Foundation Course: Working with Paper

9. 10.

11. 12.

13. 14.







Page 23: Origami Tessellations - Foundation Course...2 Foundation Course Working with Paper • mountain fold • pli montagne • doblez de montaña • Bergfalte • 山折り• valley fold
