download OpenVPN

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Автор: Николай Борисов

Transcript of OpenVPN

  • 1. OpenVPN poor mans VPN solution

2. OpenVPN?

  • FOSS

3. ... 4. , road-warriors 5. Don't be afraid to be paranoid 6. , Openfest :) 7. OpenVPN:


8. Portable - *nix, win, *bsd, macos, solaris 9. 10. ( 1 + 1 ) 11. : :

  • Userland ( )

12. 13. DHCP 14. SSL (industry-proven) 15. NAT - 16. auth.

  • VPN

17. Userland =>-? 18. Overhead => ip/ethernet => ssl => tcp/udp 19. :

  • 4 auth[ ]PSK, PKI, user/pass, PKCS#11(2)

20. PKCS#11 (crypto token) 21. HMAC firewall(1) 22. OpenSSL. 23. Drop-root(3) 24. Networking stuff

  • 2 UDP/TCP

25. UDP -- 26. TCP congestion avoidance. 27. LZO ( ) 28. Bridged/Routed VPN-a. 29. Networking stuff(2)

  • Bridge VPN TAP ( /, broadcast)

30. Routed VPN TUN( p2p, ) 31. -

  • client

32. port 1194 33. proto udp 34. dev tun 35. remotexxx . xxx . xxx . xxx 36. ca "C:rogram FilespenVPNa.crt" 37. cert "C:rogram FilespenVPNlient1.crt" 38. key "C:rogram FilespenVPNlient1.key" 39. ns-cert-type server # , . 40. - port 1194 proto udp dev tun ca /etc/openvpn/keys/ca.crt cert /etc/openvpn/keys/test.crt key /etc/openvpn/keys/test.key dh /etc/openvpn/keys/dh1024.pem client-config-dir ccd- per-client server client-to-client- status openvpn-status.log keepalive 20 60 41. ?