Opening Remarks - Human Rights Policy Training

Opening Remarks Vicky Bowman, Director, Myanmar Centre for Responsible Business မန္မာ့စီးပြားေရးက႑ တာ၀န္ယူမႈရွိေရး အေထာက္အကူျပဌာန (MCRB) Human Rights Policy Training Yangon, Monday 5 September 2016 အမွတ္ ၁၅၊ ရွမ္းရိပ္သာလမ္း (ဆာကူရာ ဆးရံုအနီး) စမ္းေခာင္းၿမိ႔နယ္၊ ရန္ကုန္ၿမိ႕ ဖုန္း / ဖက္(စ္) ၀၁ ၅၁၀၀၆

Transcript of Opening Remarks - Human Rights Policy Training

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Opening Remarks Vicky Bowman,

Director, Myanmar Centre for Responsible Business ျမနမာစးပြားေရးက႑ တာ၀နယမႈရေရး အေထာကအကျပဌာန (MCRB)

Human Rights Policy Training Yangon, Monday 5 September 2016

အမတ ၁၅၊ ရမးရပသာလမး

(ဆာကရာ ေဆးရအနး)

စမးေခာငးၿမ ႔နယ၊ ရနကနၿမ ႕

ဖနး / ဖက(စ) ၀၁ ၅၁၀၀၆၉

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အလရင အဖြ႔အစညးမား •  ယေကႏငင၏ ႏငငတကာ ဖြ႔ၿဖးမႈဌာန (DFID)

•  ေနာေဝအစးရ •  ဆြစဇာလနအစးရ •  ဒနးမတအစးရ •  နယသာလနအစးရ •  အငယာလန အမတ (၁၅) ရမးရပသာ၊ စမးေခာငးျမ ႔နယ၊ ရနကနတငး၊ ျမနမာ။ ဖနး၊ ဖက(စ) : ၀၁ ၅၁၀၀၆၉


ပ၍တာဝနယမႈရေသာ စပြားေရးအေလအကငမား ျဖစထြနးလာေစရန၊ ႏငငတကာအဆငအတနးမား၊ ေဒသလအပခကမားအေပၚမတည၍ ျမနမာႏ င င ၌ တာဝနယမႈရ ေသာ အသပညာ၊ စြမးေဆာငရညႏင စကားဝငးမား ျဖစေပၚလာေစရနအတြက ထေရာကေသာ တရားဝင အခငးအကဥးတစခ ပပးေပးရန။

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ဥပေဒကေလးစား လကနာျခငး

Social/community investment or contribution လမႈေရးလပငနးမားအတြက ရငးႏးျမပႏမႈမားလပျခငး Philanthropy ပရဟတမားလပေဆာငျခငး Sponsorship ေငြေၾကးမားေထာကပေပးျခငး Disaster relief သဘာဝေဘးအႏရာယဆငရာ လပ ေဆာငခကမား

Responsible Business Conduct တာဝနယမႈရေသာစးပြားေရးလပ ငနး၏လပေဆာငရမည႔လပငနးမား Social Performance လမႈ႔ေရးဆငရာေဆာငရြကခကမား Sustainability ေရရညတညတခငၿမ ျခငး Creating Shared Value အကးအျမတခြေဝအသးချခငး

Myanmar Centre for Responsible Business focusses on these elements:

Compliance i.e. obeying the law

Which bit of this is ‘CSR’ (Corporate Social Responsibility)?

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}  Sector-Wide Impact Assessments (SWIA) on oil and gas (published Sept 2014), and tourism (published end Feb 2015), ICT ( Sep 2015) and Mining (to be published in Nov, 2016)

}  July 2014 , 2015 Report on Transparency In Myanmar Enterprises (TiME/Pwint Thit Sa) - 2016 is going to launch in September

}  Partnership with Myanmar Business Coalition on Aid to establish regional offices in Dawei, and Sittwe

Some of MCRB’s current activities

}  Capacity building on responsible business, international standards, stakeholder engagement and business and human rights (UN Guiding Principles) for local business, government, civil society groups, media

}  Advice on business/human rights/responsible business for foreign investors

}  Engaging on policy and regulation e.g. Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA), revisions of the Myanmar Investment Law and Myanmar Companies Act

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To help companies to }  Develop a company human rights policy; }  ကမၸဏတစခ၏ လအခြင႔အေရးဆငရာ မဝါဒ အေကာငအထညေဖာ ေဆာငရြကႏငရန

}  Develop or improve their approach to respecting human rights; }  လအခြင႔အေရးဆငမဝါဒေဖာထတရန သ႔မဟတ လအခြင႔အေရးကေလးစားလကနာရန

}  Communicate what they do to their stakeholders; }  ပါဝတပတသကသမားႏင႔ ဆကဆေရးပမေကာငးမြနရန လပေဆာငရန

Purpose of the workshop အလပ႐ေဆြးေႏြးပြ ကငးပရျခငး၏ရညရြယခက

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}  100 large Myanmar companies chosen based on 2014/15 top taxpayers lists including income and commercial tax

}  Websites reviewed for content on: 1.  Organisational transparency 2.  Anti-corruption programmes 3.  Human Rights, HSE and Land acquisition

Transparency In Myanmar Enterprises (TiME/ပြငသစစ)

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2015 rankings

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•  Launched in 1999 by UN Secretary General •  Over 22,000 participants in over 135 countries •  In Myanmar there are currently 352 members, mostly

SMEs •  Dr Aung Tun Thet is the chair of the UN Global

Compact Local Network in Myanmar

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}  Principle 1: Businesses should support and respect internationally proclaimed human rights.

}  အေျခခမ ၁- စးပြားေရးလပငနးမားသည ႏငငတကာက လကခ သေဘာတထားသည လ႔အခြငအေရး ကာကြယေစာငေရာကမႈမား က ေလးစားလကနာၿပး အေထာကအပျပရမည။

}  Principle 2 : Businesses should ensure that they are not complicit in human rights abuses

}  အေျခခမ ၂- လ႔အခြငအေရးခးေဖာကမႈမားတြင မမတ႔ပါ၀ငပကသကမႈမရမေစရ။

The UN Global Compact: Human Rights

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Principle 3: Businesses should uphold the freedom of association and the effective recognition of the right to collective bargaining; အေျခခမ ၃ - စးပြားေရးလပငနးမားသည လြတလပစြာသငးပငးဖြ႕စညးျခငးက အားေပးၿပး၊ မမ အခြငေရးက အစအဖြ႕လက ေတာငးဆပငခြင၊ ႏစဖကညႏႈငး သေဘာတညမႈၿဖင႔ ရယပငခြငကလညး ထထေရာကေရာကအသအမတျပမႈရရမည။ Principle 4: the elimination of all forms of forced and compulsory labour အေျခခမ ၄- အဓမၼႏင မလပမေနရခငးေစေသာလပသား ပစအားလး ပေပာကေရး Principle 5: the effective abolition of child labour; and အေျခခမ ၅- ကေလးသငယ အလပသမား ပေပာကေရးက ထေရာကစြာေဆာငရြကျခငး Principle 6: the elimination of discrimination in respect of employment and occupation. အေျခခမ ၆- အလပခန႕ထားမႈႏင လပငနးခြငဆငရာ ခြျခားဆကဆမႈမားမ ပေပာကေရး

The UN Global Compact: Labour Rights

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}  State duty to protect ႏငငေတာ၏ ကာကြယရနတာဝန ◦  Policies မ၀ါဒမား

◦  Regulation စညးမဥးမား

◦  Adjudication စရငခကချခငး

}  Corporate responsibility to respect စးပြားေရးလပငနးၾကးမား၏ေလးစားလကနာရနတာ၀န ◦  Act with due diligence to avoid infringement ထခကနစနာမႈမား၊ အခြငအေရး ခးေဖာကမႈ မားက ေရာငၾကဥရန ၾကတငစမးစစ၊ ကာကြယတားစးျခငးမားလပေဆာငရနလ

◦  Address impacts သကေရာကထခကမႈမားကေျဖရငးရနလအပမႈ

}  Access to remedy ျပနလညေကာငးမြနေအာငျပျပငျခငး / ထခက နစနာမႈမားက ကစားျခငးမားကလကလမးမမႈ ◦  Effective access to remedy for victims ထခကနစနာခရသမားအတြက ထေရာကေသာကစားမက လကလမးမမႈ

◦  Judicial and non-judicial တရားဥပေဒ၊ တရားရးႏငဆငေသာ နစနာခကမား ကစား မႈ/ တရားရးမားႏငမဆငဘျပငပ၌ နစနာခကမား ကစားမႈ

UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights (2011)


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•  Make a commitment to respect human rights

•  လ႔အခြငအေရးမားက လကနာရန ကတကဝတ ျပျခငး

•  Due diligence: identify your risks and impacts, consult with stakeholders, prevent and adress negative impacts

•  နညးလမးေကာငးမားလကနာျခငး - ေဘးအႏရာယမားက ေလလာသးသပျခငး၊ အျခားပါဝငသမားျဖင တငပငျခငး၊ ဆးကးႏင အျခားသကေရာကမႈမားက ေဖာထတျခငးႏင ကာကြယေျဖရငးျခငးမားျပလပျခငး

•  Grievance mechanism - တငၾကားမႈအဆငဆင နညးလမးမား

•  Report on what you are doing - ဘာလပေနသညဆတာ တငျပျခငး

Companies should respect human rights ကမၸဏမားသည လ႔အခြငအေရးမားက ေလးစားလကနာသငသည။

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‘Know and Show’ သရၿပး၊ ျပသပါ

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