On Your Tabletop ANNUAL -...

On Your Tabletop ANNUAL 20142015 v.1.0 April 4, 2015 Written by: The Masters of the Forge Adam Fasoldt Kamil Schulz Snorre Selmer Additional playtesting by: Phil H James I Eugene K Mike M Francis P Adan T Darwin X http://mastersoftheforge.com

Transcript of On Your Tabletop ANNUAL -...

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On Your Tabletop

ANNUAL 2014­2015

v.1.0 April 4, 2015

Written by:

The Masters of the Forge

Adam Fasoldt ∙ Kamil Schulz ∙ Snorre Selmer

Additional playtesting by:

Phil H ∙ James I ∙ Eugene K ∙ Mike M ∙ Francis P ∙ Adan T ∙ Darwin X


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Contents Foreword Page 2 Disclaimer Page 3 Special Rules Page 4 Systems Page 6 Battlefleet 40k Page 19 Battlefleet 40k Cards Page 24 Wargear Page 33 Characters Page 35 Units Page 48 Fortifications Page 61 Detachments Page 68 Formations Page 76 Terrain Features Page 81 Missions Page 84

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Foreword We at Masters of the Forge would like thank everyone who has participated in the podcast thus far. We appreciate all the feedback we’ve received on these rules and have taken them to heart in this updated release. This text will be updated from time to time with the version number and date on the cover page changing with each change. Thanks also go out to every listener of our show. It is gratifying to know that you’re out there and enjoying our work. Please don’t hesitate to contact us on the Facebook page or our email if you have ideas or critiques. We hope to keep this thing going for quite some time as there seems to be an unlimited supply of fun ideas to bring to your tabletop. As long as you keep listening, we’ll keep talking. Until the next Annual, keep playing the game the way you want to.

­ Adam and Snorre [email protected]

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Disclaimer This is a not­for­profit supplement for Warhammer 40,000 by Games Workshop plc. None of the authors, distributors, contributors, editors, or commentators have participated in this project for money; they have done so purely for the love of the game. This ruleset demands that its users own and refer to the Warhammer 40,000 rulebook and relevant codices in the use of these rules. You may print this work, but not attribute it to yourself. All content within these pages is user­created and is derived, without permission, from Warhammer 40,000 intellectual property owned by Games Workshop Ltd. This ruleset is completely unofficial and is in no way endorsed by Games Workshop Ltd. Adepta Sororitas, Astartes, Battlefleet Gothic, Black Angels, Black Library, the Black Library logo, BL Publishing, Blood Angels, Bloodquest, Blood Bowl, the Blood Bowl logo, the Blood Bowl Spike Device, Cadian, Catachan, the Chaos device, Cityfight, the Chaos logo, Citadel, the Citadel device, City of the Damned, Codex, Daemonhunters, Dark Angels, Dark Eldar, Dark Future, the Double­Headed/Imperial Eagle device, ‘Eavy Metal, Eldar, Eldar symbol devices, Epic, Eye of Terror, Fanatic, the Fanatic logo, the Fanatic II logo, Fire Warrior, the Force Organization Slot logos (HQ, Elite, Troop, Fast Attack, Heavy Support, Formation, Lord of War, and others), Forge World, Games Workshop, Games Workshop logo, Genestealer, Golden Daemon, Gorkamorka, Grand Master Mordrak, Great Unclean One, Guardsman Sly Marbo, Gue’vesa, the Hammer of Sigmar logo, the Horned Rat logo, Inferno, Inquisitor, the Inquisitor logo, the Inquisitor device, Inquisitor: Conspiracies, Keeper of Secrets, Khemri, Khorne, Kroot, Lord of Change, Marauder, Mordheim, the Mordheim logo, Necromunda, Necromunda stencil logo, Necromunda plate logo, Necron, Nurgle, Ork, Ork skull devices, Rogue Trader, Sisters of Battle, Skaven, the Skaven symbol and devices, Slaanesh, Space Hulk, Space Marine, Space Marine chapters, Space Marine chapter logos, Talisman, Tau, the Tau caste designations, Tomb Kings, Trio of Warriors, the Twin Tailed Comet logo, Tyranid, Tzeentch, Ultramarines, Veteran Sergeant Lysander, Warhammer, Warhammer Historical, Warhammer Online, the Warhammer device, the Warhammer World logo, Warmaster, White Dwarf, the White Dwarf logo, and all associated marks, names, races, race insignia, characters, vehicles, locations, units, illustrations, and images from the Blood Bowl game, the Warhammer world, the Talisman world, and the Warhammer 40,000 Universe are either ®, TM and/or Copyright Games Workshop Ltd 2000­2010, variably registered in the UK and other countries around the world. Used without permission. No challenge to the status Games Workshop’s intellectual property is intended, and All Rights Reserved to the respective owners.

This is NOT a Games Workshop Product, but is meant to be a

promotion of the hobby we love.

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Special Rules These are generic rules which are used throughout the supplement, mainly for different new wargear.

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Daemoncleaver This unit or a unit wielding a weapon with this ability ignores the Invulnerable save granted by the Daemon special ability.

Makeshift: A Makeshift weapon strikes at ­1 Weapon Skill.

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Systems This is a catch­all section for rules which do not fit anywhere else such as Chapter Tactics and entirely new concepts.

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Battlefield-Specific Mysterious Objectives Instead of using the generic Mysterious Objectives table, consider using these. You can look forward to more such as these in future releases. Ice World 1 Geothermal Vent 2 Climatic Inhibitor 3 Ancient Relic 4 Abandoned Medical Supplies 5 Abandoned Spare Parts 6 Grav Wave Generator Geothermal Vent: This objective is important for the war effort, though can sometimes sputter with scalding hot mud and steam. Roll a die at the beginning of every player turn. On a “1” or a “6”, the Geothermal Vent produces a Fog Bank, placed by the controlling player within 3” of the Objective. On a “1”, before the Fog Bank is placed, models within d6” take Str3 AP3 hits as if from an exploding vehicle. Climatic Inhibitor: The unit holding this objective are immune to whatever special rules are in play to simulate the cold environment. Ancient Relic: This buried objective is worth an additional victory point. Abandoned Medical Supplies: A non­vehicle unit holding this Objective enjoys a 6+ Feel no Pain special rule. Abandoned Spare Parts: A vehicle unit holding this objective enjoys the It Will Not Die special rule. Necron Tomb World 1 Mindshackle Scarab Spawning Vent 2 Nothing of Note 3 Skyfire Nexus 4 Phase Inhibitor 5 Darknode 6 Reanimation Node Mindshackle Scarab Spawning Vent: While it is important to capture and study this strange technology, it could prove dangerous to those holding the objective. If a non­Necron unit is holding the objective at the end of their Psychic Phase, roll a die. If the result is a “1”, then the unit must pass a Leadership check on 3d6. If this check is failed, then the player’s opponent gains control of the unit at the beginning of the owning player’s shooting and assault phases, treating all friendly units instead as enemy units. The effect continues in the controlling player’s turn, though the unit may only continue combat if they are still engaged, otherwise they may take no further actions. The effect

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ends at the beginning of the owning player’s next turn. Of course, if the unit is still holding that objective, they must check again. Phase Inhibitor: The Imperium has seen fit to deepstrike a Phase Inhibitor on the field. If a Necron unit deepstrikes within 12” of the Phase Inhibitor, they automatically suffer a Deepstrike Mishap. Darknode: Darkness permeates the ground near this Objective. The unit holding the Objective gain the Shrouded Special Rule. The maddening blackness, however, creeps into the minds of those nearby. A non­Necron unit holding the Objective suffers a ­2 to their Leadership until they are no longer holding it. Reanimation Node: A unit holding this Objective receives a +1 to their Reanimation Protocols.

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Chaos Cultist Infiltrators Chaos cults are everywhere. From the gangs that plague the lower levels of Hive cities, to aristocratic Slaaneshi cults of hedonism, greed and vanity, Tzeentch­touched mutants and people seeking Nurgle’s embrace out of despair, cults come in all forms and can be found everywhere. Despite the staggering number of cultists around the galaxy, most of them live in hiding from the Imperium’s watchful eyes. Acquiring Infiltrators Instead of rolling for a Warlord Trait, an army whose Primary Detachment is a Chaos faction may choose to purchase Chaos Cultist Infiltrators. Infiltrating an Enemy Unit Cultist infiltrators are a tool of the forces of Chaos. Any army containing either Chaos Space Marines or Chaos Demons may choose one infiltrator which does not take up a Force Organization choice, but does have a points cost (see the individual listings). An infiltrator is “deployed” at the same time as Infiltrators during setup. Cultists cannot infiltrate any Chaos Daemon army or a Chaos Space Marine army with the same Mark of Chaos as their own. Nominate one model in one of your opponent’s Infantry Troops Choices. Place a piece of sticky­tac, greenstuff, or something similar under the base while your opponent’s back is turned. This squad is now affected by the appropriate trait below. Casualties in this squad should be toppled instead of being removed straight away to see if they are the cultist. Once the cultist dies, all effects they brought with them stop affecting the rest of the squad. Khorne · 80pts The worshippers of Khorne lust for bloodshed. Few things please their God more than mayhem and destruction. The cultist will run headlong into the enemy’s ranks, and the rest of the squad feel they have no other choice but to follow and help protect their comrade. The unit nominated to have been infiltrated by a Khorne cultist must seek out close combat at all costs. At the beginning of the shooting phase check range from the Infiltrated unit to the nearest enemy infantry unit (either in a transport or not) or monstrous creature (ignoring any units that are Zooming or Soaring). This is the Khorne infiltrated unit’s Target. If they are not within 12” of the Target when the shooting phase begins, then they must run towards it. If they are still outside of 12”, then the infiltrated unit acts as if affected by Brainleaf Fronds (BRB p.102) as members start fighting amongst themselves. If they are within 12” at the start of the assault phase then they must charge the Target as if they have Fleet (BRB p.35), unless they ran in the shooting phase.

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Slaanesh · 80pts A cultist of Slaanesh revels in the emotions and sensations around them, and where there’s a lack of strong emotions they will make their own. Whispers of dissent, gloom, and doom ­­ it all helps to undermine unit morale. A unit that has been infiltrated by a Slaaneshi cultist reduce their Leadership by 1 and are affected by Fear (BRB p.35), automatically failing the check at the beginning of every player turn. Nurgle · 135pts When you’ve seen enough friends die in combat, fought in enough meaningless conflicts on nameless planets few even know exists, despair might set in. You’ll wish for an end to all your pains, real and imagined. Papa Nurgle will gladly take you into his fold and take all your pains away, for the price of eternal service in his name. While the Cultist is alive, at the beginning of each turn, every uninfected model in the infiltrated unit must make a toughness test. Each model which fails the toughness test is marked with a token. They have been afflicted with the contagion. When every model in the unit has been afflicted with the contagion, the unit is removed from play. If the Cultist is killed, place a large blast over the model and resolve it as a Str X AP2 Poison 4+ which does not scatter as the Cultist explodes in a splatter of contagious goo. Tzeentch · 70pts Strange happenings surround the mutant. Whether they are aware of their psychic potential or not doesn’t matter. Wherever they go, bad things happen. A unit that has been infiltrated by a Tzeentch cultist gain one Soulblaze token at the beginning of the Movement Phase of the controlling player’s every turn. There is no limit to how many tokens they can have at one time. Resolve each Soulblaze token in turn. The cultist must always be allocated a hit for every Soulblaze that goes off. If the Cultist dies from an unsaved wound caused by Soulblaze, the chaos entity which had enthralled the Cultist uses their dying screams as a guide to enter the materium. Place a Chaos Spawn where the cultist died. The squad is now engaged in close combat with the Spawn and will fight an ongoing combat in the next assault phase.

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Chapter Tactics: Black Dragons Emperor, curse thy servants that we might feel Thy shaping hand. Forge them fire and bone that we shall evermore mightily defend Thee. Mould them, O Emperor, our Father and Saviour of man and for the glory of Thy Name deliver Thy enemies unto us (O Emperor, hear our prayer) and let the cry of our rage come unto the heretic. Bless the curse!

The Black Dragons are a Loyalist Space Marine Chapter which rose from the cursed 21st Founding during M36. Many Marines who do not fall in combat are destined for a future as a scaled, spined monstrosity. The mutations caused by their highly altered Ossmodula organ are slightly different from warrior to warrior, but chief among these are bony sabres along the forearms and horns atop their heads. The Black Dragons see these mutations as blessings from the Emperor, intended to make them formidable killing machines in his service. Bony Growths Many Space Marines of the Black Dragons boast bony protrusions on various parts of their bodies which are often enhanced with Adamantium. The mutation is random and sometimes not very apparent or strong in some Black Dragons. It is painfully obvious in others, manifesting as spurs of bone protruding from their elbows, or as horns atop their heads. Whenever a unit with the Black Dragons Chapter Tactics fights in close combat, each warrior gains an additional attack at Initiative 3 and Weapon Skill 1 with the following profile: Strength User, AP 4, Melee. Fire and Bone! Although they are happy to pour Bolter fire into their foes, the Black Dragons revel in close combat. Indeed, they responded to the Third War for Armageddon with nine full Companies in order to join in the slaughter of the Greenskins there. All units in a Black Dragons detachment which are able to assault have the Hatred special rule for all enemies. Pariahs The Black Dragons are Battle Brothers with no other faction, including other Space Marines. They are treated as Allies of Convenience at best. With the Inquisition they are considered Desperate Allies and with the Grey Knights they are considered Come the Apocalypse.

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Chapter Tactics: Crimson Sabres The Crimson Sabres are the remnant of the Traitorous Chapter’s penitence crusade into the Eye of Terror who rebelled against their heretical rebirth as Renegades and lived to tell the tale. Unbroken and uncaptured, 59 battle­brothers led by Captain Dzarton of the 4th company managed to return to the Brakatoa System and re­establish a secret base on their desolate second home planet of Rhoghon, vowing to rebuild the once­proud chapter and slay their renegade brethren, their master Kranon above all. Spinning this tale further, it is rumored that Murdok, former master of 10th company and leader of the only survivors of the punishment of the Chapter after the massacres on Umedia and Demetra, survived and joined Dzarton’s efforts. Bent, Battered, but Unbroken Due to the precious nature of highly­skilled Astartes in the Crimson Sabres, Tactical Marines are used far more hesitantly than in other Chapters. When using the Crimson Sabres Chapter Tactics to build a Space Marines list, Tactical Squads are taken as Elites choices instead of Troops. Additionally, regardless of the mission, at the end of the game, the Crimson Sabres player gains 1 bonus Victory Point for every ten surviving Crimson Sabres Tactical Marines (rounded up). Their rise from the ashes of their tortured past have forged them into staunch enemies of Chaos. All units in a Crimson Sabres detachment have the Stubborn, Preferred Enemy (Chaos Space Marines), and Hatred (Crimson Slaughter) special rules. Cursed by the Voices From time to time, the cursed Astartes of the Crimson Sabres struggle with their inner demons and it takes great effort to restore their composure with fervent prayer to the Emperor of Mankind. At the beginning of the Crimson Sabres’ shooting phase, each of their non­vehicle Crimson Sabres units must make a Leadership check. Each unit which fails the check is blinded until the end of the player turn. A reputation of Slaughter All Crimson Sabres detachments use the following allies chart: Battle­Brothers: none Allies of Convenience: Adepta Sororitas, Astra Militarum Desperate Allies: Space Marines, Space Wolves, Eldar, Tau Come the Apocalypse: Dark Angels, Blood Angels, Black Templars, Dark Eldar, Grey Knights, Inquisition, Necrons, Tyranids

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Sagas of the Howling The Howling represent either Wolf Brothers who have fallen to Chaos, Chaos Space Marines who have been created using the Gene Seed of fallen Wolf Brothers, or are simply Wolf Brothers who are lost to the Galaxy ­ not quite renegade and not quite loyal either. The following rules are meant to be used as upgrades for the basic Chaos Space Marines unit. Chaos Lords or Chaos Sorcerers may also select a Saga of the Howling, but they usually have a slightly increased points cost. A Daemon Prince may also select some of the Sagas, but theirs cost double that of a Lord or Sorcerer. Note that Wolf Brothers who have ascended to be Daemon Princes should be few and far between. A unit which selects a Saga may not select a Mark or Icon. A unit may not select more than one Saga. Saga of the Dire Howl 2pts/model or 10pts for an HQ Some Wolf Brothers have learned to focus on their martial skills as a way of quieting the Wolf Within. These Astartes are often found either in the vanguard of a Khorne assault or at the center of campaign planning. Oath: Hear the clarion call of the Wolf. There is no emotion; there is only the battle at hand and then the next and the next after that. Win the day no matter the cost lest you be deemed unworthy of the Geneseed from which you benefit. Boon: Units who follow the Saga of the Dire Howl gain the Scout special rule. HQs who chose this Saga may also roll an additional Strategic Warlord Trait if they are your Warlord. Saga of the Rabid Wolf 4pts/model for a squad or 10pts for an HQ The saddest of all the Sagas which the fallen Wolf Brothers can choose to follow is the Saga of the Rabid Wolf. They take it upon themselves to embrace a disease which has been specially created for them. It pacifies the Wolf Within to some degree, but it also dulls their senses and makes them unpredictable and irritable. Oath: Feel nothing. Find the Brothers still loyal to the Imperium and bring them the gift of infection. Capture Space Wolves alive to fulfill your oath. Boon: Wolf Brothers who follow the Saga of the Rabid Wolf gain the Feel No Pain special rule, but suffer a ­1 to their Initiative. They also may not be joined by any HQ which is not also following the Saga of the Rabid Wolf.

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Saga of the Embraced 7pts/model or 14pts for an HQ Many Wolf Brothers who have fallen to Chaos have simply embraced their fate and they follow the path of the running wolf. These Battle Brothers are completely lost to the wolf and suffer horrific deformities. Oath: Run in the night. Hunt. Kill. Devour the flesh of your enemies with tooth and fang. Boon: The unit changes their type to Beast rather than Infantry. Saga of Remus 4pts for a squad or 5pts for an HQ Those who have taken up the Saga of Remus believe in the dominance of the Astartes as a species over all other mortals. They may not even see humans as true sentients. Their goal is conquest pure and simple. Most of the Wolf Brothers who follow this Saga can be found deeply entrenched with Abaddon. Oath: Prove your superiority to pathetic lower life forms by defeating their strongest champion in a challenge. Boon: Units with this saga may reroll any and all Chaos Boons when they are generated, rerolling either one or both dice. Saga of the Moon Dancers 7pts/model for a squad or 10pts for an HQ The Moon Dancers run with the night as with those who follow the Saga of the Embraced, but they have not fallen to Chaos, nor do they suffer from deformities. This sect of Wolf Brothers have defied the Wolf Within somehow. Astartes from this splinter group are often aloof and puzzling to Chaos warbands and Space Wolf detachments alike. Oath: Dance, for tomorrow we may die. Embrace the night and the power of the moon. It will cleanse you. Destroy the enemies who try to deny you this simple pleasure before they can react. Avoid contact and unleash hellfire with your ranged weapons. Boon: Models gain the Infiltrate special rule, though they do not confer this ability on attached units. They also enjoy a +1 Initiative. Daemon Princes may not select this Saga. Saga of Sirius 1pt/model or 5pts for an HQ Those who follow the Saga of Sirius, like the Moon Dancers, are always on the move, but these renegade Space Marines travel the stars as aimless wanderers. Their wanderlust places them

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alongside many different armies throughout the galaxy. Their philosophy is also one which fully embraces the pack mentality in combat. Oath: The Wolf Within chases you from star to star, but it will never truly catch you! Fill your senses with the wonders the Galaxy has to offer. Fight alongside many allies and fall upon your enemies as one pack. Destroy an enemy in close combat along with an ally to fulfill this Oath. Boon: Units following this Saga may be taken as an Ally of Convenience to any army except Tyranids, Chaos Daemons, nor (in groups which normally allow self­allying) Chaos Space Marines. Additionally when engaged in close combat against an enemy unit along with one or more additional units in your army, followers of Sirius gain the Preferred Enemy special rule. Daemon Princes may not select this Saga. Saga of the Broken Pack 1 pt/model These Wolf Brothers are true renegades. They plunder resources throughout the Imperium, living from day to day and conflict to conflict in the firm belief that the Imperium owes them something for the centuries of torment. Daemon Princes may not select this Saga. Oath: Take what should rightfully be yours. Score 8 or more Tactical Objectives to fulfill this Oath. Boon: May re­roll to hit against enemy units with the Objective Secured special rule.

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Heroic Psychic Powers - The Wyrd of Fenris On the world of Fenris, the world rages against interlopers and the Rune Priests harness this immense power of the Wyrd against their enemies. Defender of the Fang: Any Psyker may purchase the ability to harness the Wyrd of Fenris for 150 points. Heroic Psychic Powers: These powers may be used by a Psyker to boost one or more of the powers they know. During a game, they may choose to use either the standard version of the power or the Heroic version. These powers may boast a Warp Charge greater than 3, but may still be harnessed by any Psyker. The Wyrd is also very enticing; a Psyker which suffers a Perils of the Warp while channeling a Heroic Psychic Power ignores all other Perils of the Warp results for the remainder of the game turn. These massive powers may never be channeled while the psyker is embarked on a vehicle as the massive force of casting would rip apart even the mightiest of war machines. Plumbing the Ley: One psyker on Fenris may channel power directly from the world itself, adding three dice to his Warp Charge pool at any time during each Psychic Phase. Living Lightning: When this power is manifested Heroically, the range is unlimited and increases to Assault 5. In addition, the shots gain the Haywire special rule. Storm Caller: When this power is manifested Heroically, no roll is necessary; it automatically takes effect as if the Psyker had scored 10 successes on his Psychic roll. In addition, he may target one other unit within 12” to also benefit from the power. Tempest’s Wrath… Warp Charge 2: When this power is manifested Heroically, the range is unlimited and may be manifested multiple times in the same round by the same Psyker unit. Thunderclap… Warp Charge 3: When this power is manifested Heroically, the number of shots is doubled. Murderous Hurricane… Warp Charge 4: When this power is manifested Heroically, it is Assault 3 instead of Assault 1 and the range is unlimited. Also, the power may be manifested multiple times in the same round by the same Psyker Unit. Fury of the Wolf Spirits... Warp Charge 3: When this power is manifested Heroically, the range is unlimited”. Also, the Fury of Freki is Assault 6 and the Fury of Geri is Assault 3. Jaws of the World Wolf… Warp Charge 3: When this power is manifested Heroically, place a small blast template over the affected model. Each individual model under the template is affected instead of just one model.

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Zombie Tokens Zombie Tokens represent millions of undead packing into a large area ­ each is a pair of 4”­long stand­ups. Imagine, as they move towards the Players, they the leading edge of a mass of zombies that extend beyond their vision. This is not a perfectly accurate representation, but it should do well in the abstract. Each pair of Zombie Tokens has the following profile:

WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Zombie Tokens 3 0 3 3 ­ 3 8 7 ­ Unit Type:

Infantry Unit Composition:

1 pair of Zombie Tokens Special Rules:

Infinite wave They’re everywhere! Infected One Goal Slow to React

Infinite Wave: Both Zombie Tokens in a pair must always be touching in some way. They do not have wounds. Instead of losing wounds, whenever they are dealt a wound, they are pushed 1” away from the unit of civilians, including on overwatch. When Zombie Tokens pile in, they may do so against a unit they are not currently engaged with, if possible. When a Zombie Token is pushed off the table by damage, it returns at the same point of the table edge on the next turn. Note that, in close combat, Zombies are only moved back after all Close Combat has been resolved. They’re everywhere!: Templates deal 3d6 hits to a Token, large blasts deal 2d6 hits to a token, and small blasts deal 1d6 hits to a token. Even if a blast does not touch a token, the nearest Zombie Token is hit. This, of course, does not protect a friendly unit from a hit which accidentally scatters on them. Infected: When any model with toughness 3 or less is killed in close combat by a Zombie Token, it is now counted as part of the undead horde which killed them. For all intents and purposes, the Model is now in a unit with the Zombie token which killed it. The Turned Model must remain in unit cohesion with that Token, and may have wounds allocated to them by the player any time the template is wounded instead of moving the Token back. It is best to keep the Zombie Token between the Imperial players and any Turned Model during the battle just to avoid confusion. The Turned Model has the exact same stats and wargear as it had when it was alive except that it

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becomes quite poor at shooting its ranged weapons, so therefore reduces its Ballistics Skill down to 1. Slow to React: Zombies may not execute a sweeping advance. Bog Down: The Zombie tokens may attack vehicles. When they do so, they do not deal hull points. Instead, they throw themselves into the treads. For every “6” Zombies roll to penetrate the armor of a vehicle, it gains a “Bogged Token”. There is no limit to the number of Bogged Tokens a vehicle may have. For every Bogged Token the vehicle has, it reduces all movement by 3”. This means that a most vehicels with two Bogged Tokens move 0” at combat speed and 6” at cruising speed. A vehicle may choose to not move at all for the duration of a turn to clear the Zombie parts out of their treads or turbines and remove all Bogged Tokens.

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Battlefleet 40,000

Version Beta 2 The rules for Battlefleet are nearly identical to those for X­Wing (and, in some cases, Star Trek Attack Wing) with some minor differences noted on the proceeding pages. Please note that these rules are extremely experimental and your assistance with feedback would be most helpful. The X­wing Core Rules are available on Fantasy Flight's website.

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General Rules Differences:

Disable Tokens: While an upgrade may have more than one Disable token on it, but you may not Disable an upgrade which already has a Disable token on it.

Dorsal Weapons: Dorsal weapons which are listed as a Primary Attack may, instead of firing independently, be used to supplement one other Primary Attack in a turn. For example, if a ship has 4 Primary Attack with its Broadside weapons and 2 Primary Attack with its Dorsal weapons, then it may instead make a 6 Attack in one of its Broadside attacks.

Faction Purity: You choose a faction for your fleet when creating it. Any ships which do not match this faction cost an additional 4 points and any upgrades which do not match this faction cost an additional 1 point.

Firepower and Lances: Many ships boast Lances as well as normal Firepower­based Primary Attacks. The strength of these attacks is listed in red on a ship or weapon's card with the Firepower number first and the Lance number second. As long as they are in arc, Lances may be fired as a Secondary Attack in the same turn that you make a Firepower Primary Attack as long as they are fired at the same target. You may use your Primary Attack or your Secondary Lance Attack in any order. A ship receives no defense roll against Lance attacks.

Overlapping other Ships: The only Actions you may perform while Overlapping are Boarding Actions and Ram Attacks. You may still make attacks when overlapping another ship. This is mainly due to the massive scale involved with Battlefleet. Ships which are touching on the table may, in fact, still be kilometers distant from each other.

Template: Some powerful weapons such as a Nova Cannon may deal damage to multiple targets when fired and they use a 3†diameter circular template for this purpose. Any ship can be hit by this template, even friendly ships. The effects of a Template weapon will be listed on its card.

Maneuvers: In this system, the goal is to try and simulate combat between the massive ships of the Warhammer 40,000 setting, not to duplicate the old rules of Battlefleet Gothic. For this reason, you may note that the ships are more maneuverable in some situations and less so in others. When compared to X­Wing and Star Trek Attack Wing, almost all of the maneuvers are identical, however you will note that the selection of maneuvers is a bit nuanced on some of the ships. Also, there is one major change to executing one of the maneuvers. Turns: While it is a simple matter for a ship's thrusters to quickly realign a ship during a Bank maneuver, a full turn requires the full effort of a ship's main engines to arrest. For this reason, by the end of the maneuver, larger ships usually find themselves aligned in a different direction. After a Capital ship makes a turn maneuver, it must be rotated 90 degrees in the direction it turned. For example, if a Cruiser makes a 2 right turn maneuver, place a straight­edge along its base and rotate it 90 degrees.

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Ship Types: Capital Ships: These are the standard ships of the game and are treated nearly identically to those in Star Trek Attack Wing except that you will note a few differences in firing arcs and actions. For example, most Imperial cruisers have primary arcs in their broadsides and a secondary arc in their front. Ork vessels, on the other hand, have primary arcs in the front and secondary arcs at broadsides. Space Stations: Space stations may choose not to move as a green maneuver. They may also move in any direction and all of their weapons may fire in their primary weapon arcs. Escorts: These ships fly in squadrons of three to five, represented by a single base in your fleet with multiple models on it. As the base takes damage, the squadron becomes less effective. The rules for Escorts are essentially identical to the rules for Fighters in Star Trek Attack Wing.

Fighters: In Battlefleet, fighters are a catch­all phrase for any very small craft with between one and thirty crew. They are represented on the table by circular cardboard chits. Some Launch Bays or other Upgrades may allow you to launch unique Fighters, otherwise, they are treated as ships with 0 Captain Skill, 1 attack, 2 agility, 1 hull, and 0 shields. Fighters are allowed to move up to 2 Forward (or any fraction thereof) in any direction when the move and do not need to use a maneuver dial during the planning phase. Unless otherwise noted, Fighters may take no Actions in the Perform Actions step. Attacks: Fighters may make their ranged Attacks to a maximum of Range 1 but may not receive bonuses to their Attack dice for any reason. Stacking: Fighters may combine their might in stacks. The Fighter chits may be stacked atop one another by the controlling player at any time during the Fighters' Activation phase. When stacked in this manner, they are treated as one ship instead of many. Their attack value is equal to the total attack value of all the Squadrons in the Stack. The Stack's Defense is equal to the lowest defense of all the Fighters in the Stack and whenever the Stack takes enough damage to remove one or more

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Squadrons, the controlling player removes the chits of their choice them from the Stack. In this way you can use less powerful fighters to screen for stronger ones. Turrets: During a ship’s Attack phase, it may first roll 2 attack dice against each stack of enemy fighters within Range 1. These attack dice may not be modified.

Universal Actions: These are actions which any ship may take and does not appear on any Action Bar. Come to a New Heading: Even the largest of space vessels have maneuvers available to them which are nearly impossible for atmospheric craft. This Action may only be performed by a ship which has made a green maneuver this turn. When executing this Action, a Capital Ship may pivot up to 90 degrees or a squadron of Escorts may pivot up to 180 degrees. A pivot need not be the full 90 or 180 degrees respectively. Place an Auxiliary Power token next to your ship if you perform this action. Ram: If your vessel overlaps another vessel, the only Action it may take is a Ram. When you Ram another ship, you roll a number of attack dice equal to your starting Hull value. Add +1 die if you only executed straight maneuvers this turn and did not use the Come About action. You must re­roll all hits and crits before making further adjustments to the dice. The ramming ship takes half as much damage, rounded up. Damage from a ram ignores shields for both the ramming ship and its victim. The defending ship may roll Agility to avoid the damage, yet the ramming ship may not. Both ships may use Brace for Impact tokens to avoid damage, however. Re­enable: You may use this action to remove a single Disabled token from a card.

Specific Actions: These are actions which you must have this action on your Action Bar in order to use. Some Upgrades may grant the ability to perform these actions. Battlestations: Discard token to convert all Battlestations results into either Hits if attacking or Evades if defending. Boarding Actions: Some ships are manned with elite troops capable of daring ship­to­ship transfers using teleporters or short­range transports. Boarding Actions may normally only be performed when two ships are touching. This is an exception to the normal rule that a ship may not perform actinos when touching another ship. When a ship performs this action, roll half its remaining hull in attack dice (rounded up) against any one ship in base contact. You do not roll your normal defense dice against these attacks. Instead, you roll half your remaining hull in defense dice (rounded up) to represent your crew responding to the threat. You may not use Brace for Impact tokens to avoid this damage. Brace for Impact: Place a Brace for Impact token next to your ship. These work exactly the same as Evade Tokens. Launch Fighters: All Launch Bays may launch a set number of Fighter Squadrons. The default number is 2. Each launched squadron may then immediately make a move.

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Target Lock: Discard token to re­roll any dice in an attack. Also used for some secondary weapons. Reload Ordnance: Remove all Disabled tokens from all Weapons, Launch Bays, and Tech Upgrades

Factions in Order of Initiative:

1. Rogue Traders 2. Eldar (Eldar and Dark Eldar) 3. Forces of Chaos 4. Imperium of Man (Imperial Navy and Space Marines) 5. Orks 6. Necrons 7. Tyranids

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Battlefleet 40,000 Cards Please feel free to print these cards and try them out in your games.

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Bone Blades The Space Marine has a pair of bony protuberances which jut from his forearms which he uses like a pair of blades. For some, they are retractable, but in others they are not. They are always covered in tough Adamantium. These blades count as a pair of close combat weapons with the following profile:

Range S AP Type Bone Blades ­ User 4 Melee Other close combat weapons do not count for additional attacks for a model with Bone Blades. The Dragon’s Claws’ Bone Blades are immune to any special rule which would be described as disarming them such as the Eldar ability, “Disarming Strike”

Makeshift Power Weapon - 2pts Death World Conscripts often bring the tools of their trade with them into battle whether they be plasma cutters, vibro­hammers, or power icepicks. Range S AP Type Special Rules Makeshift Power Weapon ­ User 4 Melee Makeshift

Makeshift Power Armor - 10pts Power Armor isn’t just a tool of the Astartes or the Sororitas. Some power armor is used for industrial purposes. The Death World Conscripts have a knack for using what they have lying around to give them an edge in combat and industrial power suits are almost an obvious choice. Makeshift Power Armor grants the wearer slow and purposeful, though it does not confer that ability to the unit. While the model wearing the armor may not run, the unit may do so around it. It also grants the wearer +2 strength and a 3+ armor save.

Explosive Bolas A Scything Bolas is a one­use Krak Grenade with the Shred and Armor Bane special rules. It is suggested that you bring tokens to mark which models have used their Explosive Bolas during the game.

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Skarprattar - 40pts Requirements: Sisters of Battle Faction This is a mighty and ancient weapon once belonging to Saint Demetria which devours daemons, sorcerers, and witches with equal glee. It also has the rare ability to deflect incoming fire whether it be Bolter shells or Warp Blasts. When wielded by a Canoness, Skarprattar grants a 4+ invulnerable save.

Range S AP Type

Skarprattar ­ +1 3 Melee, Daemoncleaver

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WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Dzarton the Savior 6 5 4 4 3 5 4 10 2+/4++ Flayed Lord 5 4 4 5 3 2 4 10 3+ Sahtah the Enfleshed 5 4 4 5 3 4 5 10 3+ Inquisitor Lettinger 4 4 3 3 3 4 3 10 4+ Sgt.Lysander 4 4 4 4 1 4 2 10 3+ Murdok the Survivor 5 5 4 4 3 5 3 9 3+ Pariah Canoness Setheno 4 4 3 3 3 4 3 10 3+/4++ Sergeant Toharan 4 4 4 4 2 4 2 8 3+ Captain Toharan 5 4 4 4 3 4 3 9 3+/4++ Sergeant Volos 5 4 4 4 3 4 2 9 3+ Captain Volos 5 4 4 4 4 4 3 10 3+

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HQ ∙ Dzarton the Savior, Master of the Crimson Sabres ∙ 135 Points

WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Dzarton the Savior 6 5 4 4 3 5 4 10 2+/4++ Faction: Adeptus Astartes Unit Type: Infantry (Character), unique Special Rules:

And They Shall Know No Fear Chapter Tactics (Crimson Sabres) Independent Character Choose Your Battles Master and Commander


Artificer Armor Relic Blade Bolt Pistol Iron Halo Frag Grenades Krak Grenades

Special Rules: Warlord Trait: Angel of Death (see Codex: Space Marines) Choose Your Battles: When Dzarton is part of your main detachment, you are allowed to force a re­roll of the mission type. Master and Commander: For the purpose of including a Command Squad (see Codex: Space Marines), Dzarton the Saviour counts as a Captain.

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HQ ∙ Flayed Lord ∙ 100pts HQ ∙ Sahtah the Enfleshed ∙ 130pts

WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Flayed Lord 5 4 4 5 3 2 4 10 3+ Sahtah the Enfleshed 5 4 4 5 3 4 5 10 3+ As quickly as they came, the sensations bled away again and left numbness and sorrow in their wake. The sun did not warm him, the wind was as dead as the bloodless arteries of his mechanised body. No rifle identified him as a noble plains hunter, instead a pair of gruesome talons betrayed him for what he was ­ a monster.

A Flayed Lord is a Necron Overlord who has succumbed to the Flayer Curse. They rarely command entire dynasties, but are sometimes found under the command of a savvy Overlord. Such is the disdain for those afflicted with the curse, however, they are pariahs among their own kind. Faction: Necrons Unit Type: Infantry (Character) Unit Composition: 1 Flayed Lord (Sahtah the Enfleshed counts as a Flayed Lord) Wargear:

Slicing claws Robes of flesh

Special Rules:

Ever­Living Independent Character Deep Strike Infiltrate Reanimation Protocols Flayer Pariah Flayed Court Feel No Pain (Sahtah the Enfleshed only)


May take any of the following for the usual cost for a Necron Lord: Phylactery Resurrection Orb Phase Shifter

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Special Rules: Slicing Claws: The claws of a Flayed Lord are especially adept at flaying the flesh from a living being and have the following profile: Range S AP Type Special Rules Slicing Claws ­ User 5 Melee Rending, Shred The Flayed Lord’s number of attacks for having multiple slicing claws has already been included in their profile. Robes of Flesh: A Flayed Lord is wears the robes of its victims proudly and even becomes morose when their robes become rotten and unsightly, fueling an urge to collect new robes. These robes grant the Flayed Lord the fear special rule. If the Flayed Lord or the unit he has joined destroys a unit of infantry, he dons new robes made from the flesh of one of those victims, granting a ­2 to further rolls against the Flayed Lord’s fear checks. Flayer Pariah: A unit may not join or be joined by this unit unless it is a Flayed One, also has this special rule, or is otherwise described in its story block as having the Flayer Curse. Furthermore, a Flayed Lord does not count as a Necron Lord for the purposes of selecting a Royal Court or other considerations from Codex: Necrons. Flayed Court: If a Formation requires a generic Lord or Overlord and specifically includes Flayed Ones, then this character may fulfill a Lord/Overlord requirement to complete the Formation.

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Grand Master Mordrak - 230pts

WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Grand Master Mordrak 6 5 4 4 3 5 4 10 2+ Faction: Grey Knights Unit type: Infantry Unit composition: 1 Grand Master Mordrak Wargear:

Terminator Armor Storm bolter Master­crafted Nemesis Daemon Hammer Frag grenades Krak grenades Psyk­out grenades Iron halo

Special Rules:

The Aegis And They Shall Know No Fear Independent Character Preferred Enemy (Daemons) Psyker (Mastery Level 2) Purity of Spirit Ghost Knights of Mortain

Warlord Trait:

First Into the Fray Special Rules: Psyker Grand Master Mordrak generates his powers from the Daemonology (Sanctic), Divination, Pyromancy, Telekinesis and Telepathy disciplines. Grand Master Mordrak also knows the power “Summon the Fallen of Mortain” which is a Warp Charge 2 power that adds 1d3 Grey Knight Terminators with no upgrades to a unit of Ghost Knights. These new models must be placed within unit cohesion of a model in the unit which was not summoned this turn.

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Ghost Knights of Mortain: When building your army list, if your army includes Grand Master Mordrak, you may select one unit of Grey Knight Terminators in the same detachment and designate them as the Ghost Knights of Mortain. This unit has no battlefield role and does not use up a force organization slot (and therefore will likely not enjoy the Objective Secured rule). This unit of Terminators may take upgrades as normal but may not purchase a dedicated transport. The Ghost Knights of Mortain begin the game off the table. At the end of the controlling player’s psychic phase, Mordrak may summon forth the Ghost Knights of Mortain as if they were deepstriking with no scatter. The Ghost Knights must be summoned within 12” of Mordrak. If they are summoned within 2” of Mordrak, he immediately leaves any unit he is in and joins the Ghost Knights’ unit instead. This does not count as a psychic power and thus does not use Warp Charges and may not be denied.

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HQ ∙ Inquisitor Lettinger ∙ 30pts It was wrong. Part of him knew this, the part that still held to the credo of Mondominance, and it clamped down on him with iron ferocity, filling him with the most profound guilt. But the guilt was its own narcotic, leaving him tingling with the visceral reminder of his own fundamental morality.

Much like Toharan, Inquisitor Lettinger is a prime example of how the line between savior and monster are often blurred in the 41st Millennium. He is supposed to represent the greater interests of the Imperium in all matters, yet he carries it too far and becomes that which he hunts, all in the name of personal ambition, a need to be in control, to change and shape things to his design, and to experience that great design in all its wrongness.

WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Inquisitor Lettinger 4 4 3 3 3 4 3 10 4+ Faction: Inquisition Unit Type: Infantry (Character), unique Special Rules

Independent Character Stubborn


Carapace Armor Auto Laspistol Frag grenades Krak grenades

Auto Las Pistol: This is a master­crafted Laspistol.

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Unit Upgrade ∙ Veteran Sergeant Lysander ∙ 40pts

WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Sgt.Lysander 4 4 4 4 1 4 2 10 3+ A single Tactical Squad that is part of an Imperial Fists detachment can upgrade its Sergeant to Veteran­Sergeant Lysander for 40 points. Captain Darnath Lysander can not be part of an army featuring Veteran­Sergeant Lysander. Faction: Astra Militarum Unit type: Infantry Wargear:

Power Armor Chainsword Bolter Bolt Pistol Frag Grenades Krak Grenades Teleport Homer

Special Rules:

And They Shall Know No Fear Chapter Tactics (Imperial Fists) Combat Squads Fortify (Codex: Space Marines p. 92) Special Issue Ammunition (Codex: Space Marines p. 125) Perfected Bolter Drill

Special Rules: Perfected Bolter Drill: When making use of the Imperial Fists Chapter Tactics rule “bolter drill”, Lysander and his squad re­roll all failed to­hit rolls, not just results of 1.

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HQ ∙ Murdok the Survivor ∙ 130 Points

WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Murdok the Survivor 5 5 4 4 3 5 3 9 3+ Faction: Adeptus Astartes Unit Type: Infantry (Character), unique Special Rules:

And They Shall Know No Fear Chapter Tactics (Crimson Sabres) Independent Character Move through Cover Infiltrate Scout Wait Your Time to Strike


Power Armor Stalker Pattern Bolter (see the rules for “Quietus” in Codex: Space Marines, p109) Bolt Pistol Close Combat Weapon Camo Cloak Frag Grenades Krak Grenades

Special Rules: Wait Your Time to Strike: When Murdok the Survivor is part of your main detachment, you are allowed to force a re­roll of the deployment type.

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HQ ∙ Canoness Setheno ∙ 150pts ‘Oh faithless of Aighe Mortis,’ proclaimed the cold saint. ‘You have abandoned your God­Emperor, turned your face from his light, and made covenants with the archenemy. And behold.’ She raised her arms, and her hands appeared to grasp the convulsing heavens. ‘The Emperor sends his judgement with fury. You are vile, you are doomed, and you will know such agony that the world will crack with your screams.’

This Adepta Astartes Canoness is a cold and calculating figure who is sometimes referred to as “The Gorgon”. Her devotion to the Emperor is absolute. She will, without a second thought, forsake all else in his name. Setheno may be cold, but she’s not inhuman. She simply possesses a perfect clarity of purpose that most people never know, let alone pursue.

WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Canoness Setheno 4 4 3 3 3 4 3 10 3+/4++ Faction: Adepta Sororitas Unit Type: Infantry (Character), unique Special Rules:

Fearless Aegis Act of Faith Shield of Faith Confedant Perfect Clarity Anchor of Reality


Power armor Bolt Pistol Skarprattar Frag grenades Krak grenades

Special Rules: Confedant: The Canoness sees something in Volos and his men which must, ultimately, cleanse the Black Dragons of the dark forces at work in their midst. For the purpose of the scenarios presented in this supplement, Canoness Setheno is a Battle Brother to any unit of Dragon’s Claws. Necessary: Setheno knows what must be done to serve the Emperor and forward his mission. She lets nothing distract her. Not only that, but by merely being in the presence of “The Gorgon”, her allies are reminded of the importance of their grim loyalty to the emperor. Setheno and all friendly units within 12” of her may re­roll any and all Leadership checks.

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Perfect Clarity: Setheno is not easily tricked by the works of Chaos. Not only that, but she is a witch’s bane. Setheno may re­roll all Deny the Witch rolls. In addition, Setheno may, at the beginning of her shooting phase, remove a single Blessing or Malediction from a unit within 12”. She need simply pass a Leadership check and the Blessing or Malediction is dispelled.

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Unit Upgrade ∙ Sergeant Toharan ∙ 12pts HQ ∙ Captain Toharan ∙ 90pts ‘Because I have a vision for our Chapter. I have duties to perform that extend far beyond winning the next battle.’ The truths, each more simple and pure than the last, kept thundering in on him and his hearts expanded with hope and joy. And hunger.

A clean­faced Sergeant and, later, Captain of the Black Dragons’ 2nd Company. As the story of the Death of Antagonis progresses, he proves himself to be prone to manipulation and delusions of grandeur. His courage and intelligence make him a prime choice for Chapter leadership, but his insecurities and arrogance make him a poor Captain. Volos later hints that these insecurities may have been a product of a class society within the Black Dragons favoring those who are “Blessed”. This bred resentment and a lust for power and a desire for control over his own destiny which eventually corrupted Toharan.

WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Sergeant Toharan 4 4 4 4 2 4 2 8 3+ Captain Toharan 5 4 4 4 3 4 3 9 3+/4++ Faction: Adeptus Astartes Unit Type: Infantry (Character), unique Special Rules:

Chapter Tactics: Black Dragons And They Shall Know No Fear Independent Character (Captain only)


Power armor Bolter Bolt Pistol Chainsword Frag grenades Krak grenades Iron Halo (after scenario 3)

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Unit Upgrade ∙ Sergeant Volos ∙ 40pts HQ ∙ Captain Volos ∙ 135pts A reluctant and overly modest leader, Volos is a monster of an Astartes. He towers over many of his Battle Brothers. He is loyal to his contemporaries, but he does not suffer from the blindness that sometimes comes from such loyalty. In many ways he is much wiser than most of his comrades. Wise enough to question himself and seek the advice of others. He is also wise enough not take too much for granted… insofar as much as a Space Marine is capable, at any rate.

WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Sergeant Volos 5 4 4 4 3 4 2 9 3+ Captain Volos 5 4 4 4 4 4 3 10 3+ Faction: Adeptus Astartes Unit Type: Infantry (Character), unique Special Rules:

And They Shall Know No Fear Combat Squads Chapter Tactics: Black Dragons Feel no Pain Rage Fear Independent Character (Captain only)


Power armor Bolter Bolt Pistol Bone Blades (Scenarios 1­2) Changed Bone Blades (after Scenario 2) Frag grenades Krak grenades Jump pack

Changed Bone Blades: Volos’s Bone Blades have been altered by Tzeench’s touch. They strike at AP 2 and have Armorbane.

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WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Death World Conscript 4 3 3 3 1 3 1 7 6+ Death World Conscript Sergeant 4 3 3 3 2 3 2 8 6+ Dragon’s Claws Assault Marine 4 4 4 4 1 4 1 8 3+ Dragon’s Claws Sergeant 4 4 4 4 1 4 2 8 3+ Dragon’s Claws Veteran Sergeant 4 4 4 4 1 4 2 9 3+ Enslaver 3 3 4 5 3 4 1 10 5++ Imperial Commando 5 5 3 3 1 3 2(3) 9 5+ Sly Marbo 5 6 4 4 3 4 3(4) 10 5+ Terminator Rubricae 5 4 4 4 2 4 2 10 2+ Wulfen 5 ­ 5 5 1 5 2 8 6+

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Troops ∙ Death World Conscripts ∙ 45pts

WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Death World Conscript 4 3 3 3 1 3 1 7 6+ Death World Conscript Sergeant 4 3 3 3 2 3 2 8 6+ Iulus didn’t know who this person was but he understood the sentiment. Men were more than just material that could wield a gun, throw a grenade or drive a tank. They were flesh and blood, with hearts and minds. And it hadn’t been an honoured warrior, a stern­faced veteran consigned to the lectorum or even a Chaplain that had taught the sergeant this. It had merely been a man, a miner at that. The Ultramarine felt humbled and wished that it could end differently for Falka Kolpeck.

Some human warriors aren’t pressed into the service to the Imperium. The very nature of their difficult lives hones them into fighting machines and they are more than ready to step forward and do battle for their homes and their families. They may be seen as a rag­tag group of undisciplined wretches in the eyes of most Imperial commanders, but they can surprise even Astartes on the field of battle. These warriors are not only tough, but loyal. They are a tight­knit group, almost a family in and of themselves. Death World Conscripts are a Troops Choice for an Astra Militarum army. If you wish to re­create the Damnos military actions, then you may take any number Death World Conscripts as a formation for your Ultramarines detachments and count them as scoring units. Unit Type:

Infantry Infantry (Character) ­ Sergeant only

Unit Composition:

1 Death World Conscript Sergeant and 4 Death World Conscripts Wargear:

Lasgun Frag grenades Close­combat weapon

Special Rules:

6+ Feel No Pain Grim Reality Undisciplined

Options (for any unlisted prices, please refer to Codex: Astra Militarum):

You may add up to 45 more conscripts at 6 points per model The entire unit may take

Bush Training ­ 10pts

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Urban Training ­ 10pts Mechanicum­Approved Combat Toxins ­ 1pt per model

Any model may take the following: Makeshift power weapon ­ 1pt per model Improvised Flakk armor ­ 2pts per model Explosive Bolas ­ 1pt per model

Any model may replace their lasgun with the following Shotgun ­ 1pt per model Laspistol ­ Free Improvised Combat Shield ­ 1pt per model

The Conscript Sergeant may take the following: Makeshift Power Armor ­ 10pts

For up to 1 model in 10, any model may take the following: Meltabombs ­ 5pts

For up to 1 model in 10, any model may replace their lasgun the following: Sniper Rifle Meltagun Flamer Bolter ­ 1pt Storm Bolter ­ 2pts If that model is the Conscript Sergeant, they may take one of the following instead:

Plasma Pistol Grav Pistol Plasma Gun Grav Gun Heavy Flamer ­ 10pts Heavy Bolter ­ 15pts

For up to 1 model in 10, any model may replace their close­combat weapon with the following: Power Weapon Power Fist If that model is the Conscript Sergeant, they may take one of the following instead:

Thunderhammer For up to one model in 10, two Death World Conscripts which have not received a special

weapon upgrade may be upgraded to a heavy weapons team. Heavy Weapons Teams count as two models for determining how many upgrades may be taken for the squad. The Heavy Weapons Team may, if you wish, still take other upgrades such as Makeshift Power Weapons or even a Power Fist.

Grim Reality The Death World Conscript has seen more in their lives than most normal humans. They are no strangers to violence or strange happenings. Their resolve is such that they stand strong in the face of danger, knowing that to flee from danger is usually as fatal as facing it head on. Death World Conscripts must re­roll all failed morale checks. Undisciplined The Death World Conscripts may not receive Orders.

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Urban Training The unit has the Move Through Cover and Stealth special rules in ruins, over barricades, and any other similar man­made terrain feature, including the burning wreckage of destroyed vehicles. Bush Training The unit has the Move Through Cover and Stealth special rules in woods, rivers, and any other similar natural terrain feature. Mechanicum­Approved Combat Toxins These drugs give the unit the Furious Charge special rule and improve their Feel No Pain to 5+ on their turn when they successfully assault an enemy unit.

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Fast Attack ∙ Dragon’s Claws ∙ 150 Points The Dragon’s Claws are a special unit only available to a Black Dragons detachment. These warriors appear almost engorged with their genetic blessings. They also brandish powerful, Adamantium­covered Bone Blades which can spring from their forearms in close combat. Even their armor is specially­designed to make room for this ability.

WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Dragon’s Claws Assault Marine 4 4 4 4 1 4 1 8 3+ Dragon’s Claws Sergeant 4 4 4 4 1 4 2 8 3+ Dragon’s Claws Veteran Sergeant 4 4 4 4 1 4 2 9 3+ Unit Type:

Jump Infantry. Sergeant and Veteran Sergeant are Jump Infantry (Character). Unit Composition:

4 Dragon’s Claws Assault Marines 1 Dragon’s Claws Sergeant


Power armor Bolter Bolt Pistol Bone Blades Frag grenades Krak grenades Jump pack

Special Rules:

And They Shall Know No Fear Combat Squads Chapter Tactics: Black Dragons Feel no Pain Rage Fear


May include up to five additional Dragon’s Claws Assault Marines ­ 30 pts/model Any four Dragon’s Claws may replace their bolt pistols and chainswords with a flamer May upgrade the Dragon’s Claws Sergeant Sergeant to a Veteran Sergeant ­ 10 pts The Dragon’s Claws Sergeant or Veteran Sergeant may replace his bolt pistol with one of the

following: Infernus­pistol ­ 15pts Plasma pistol

The Dragon’s Claws Sergeant or Veteran Sergeant may take items from the Melee Weapons list.

The Dragon’s Claws Sergeant or Veteran Sergeant may take Melta bombs

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The entire squad may remove their jump packs, changing their unit type to Infantry. The Dragon’s Claws Sergeant or Veteran Sergeant changes his unit type to Infantry (Character) instead. They may then take a Drop Pod for free as a Dedicated Transport.

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HQ ∙ Enslavers ∙ 85pts

WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Enslaver 3 3 4 5 3 4 1(2) 10 5++ Unit Type: Infantry Unit Composition: 1 Enslaver Wargear: Tentacles (count as two close combat weapons) Options:

May include up to two additional Enslavers ­ 83 pts/model Special Rules:

Move through Cover Infiltrate Deep Strike Ways of the Warp Mind Control Permanent Link

Ways of the Warp: At the beginning of your movement phase, you can choose to immediately remove an Enslaver Coven from the board and redeploy the unit using the Deep Strike rules. An unit of Enslavers deploying via Ways of the Warp outside of 12 inches of an enemy or friendly psyker model always scatters ­ use the arrow on the symbol in case of a hit result. An unit of Enslavers deep striking within 12 inches of an enemy or friendly psyker, on the other hand, does not scatter at all. Mind Control Once during your movement phase, you can declare that an Enslaver Coven uses its Mind Control ability against an enemy unit or vehicle. The target unit immediately rolls a number of LD checks equal to the number of models the Enslaver Coven is composed of, their LD score modified by minus the number of Enslavers beyond the first. (For example, the target of a Coven composed of two Enslaver models would have to roll two LD checks, both with a ­1 modifier to their LD characteristic.) Units without a LD characteristic count as having a LD score of 10 and roll 3d6 to determine the result, using the the two lowest dice rolls.

If target unit fails one of those LD checks, you assume control of the unit for the rest of the movement phase of this turn, as if it would be part of your army, treating them as battle brother allies. Place once permanent link marker on the unit.

If target unit fails two of these LD checks, you assume control of the unit for the rest of the movement phase and the shooting phase of this turn, as if it would be part of your army, treating them as battle brother allies. Place two permanent link markers on the unit.

If target unit fails three of these LD checks, you assume control of the unit for the rest of the movement phase, the shooting phase, and the close combat phase of this turn, as if it would

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be part of your army, treating them as battle brother allies. Place three permanent link markers on the unit.

Remove all permanent link markers from an enemy unit at the end of your player turn if it was not targeted by any Enslaver Coven’s Mind Control ability during your player turn. Permanent Link: If the number of permanent link markers a unit suffered ever surpasses its initiative characteristic, you assume control of the unit for the remainder of the game, as if it would be part of your army, treating them as battle brother allies and as scoring units for the purpose of mission objectives.

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Elite ∙ Imperial Commando ∙ 25pts An Imperial Commando is an elite warrior who works alone in the field, serving a similar purpose to a member of the Officio Assassinorum, but without an Assassin’s grueling training or wild fanaticism. Commandos are quite different in their mindset. An Imperial Commando is an independent loner with an ever­unfulfilled grudge or even a deathwish. Imperial Commandos are usually from Death Worlds or are one of a handful of survivors from a catastrophic mission. Commandos are haunted by the experiences of their troubled past.

WS BS S T W I A LD SV Imperial Commando 5 5 3 3 1 3 2(3) 9 5+ Sly Marbo 5 6 4 4 3 4 3(4) 10 5+ Faction: Astra Militarum Wargear:

Laspistol Lasgun Close combat weapon Frag Grenades Krak Grenades

Special Rules:

Character Stealth I Work Alone Deepstrike Ambush Fade Away Worst Nightmare (Marbo only)


May take one of the following Demolition Charge ­ 15pts

May replace their Lasgun with one of the following: Sniper Rifle ­ 10pts Stalker Pattern Bolter ­ 15pts

May replace the close combat weapon with one of the following: Power weapon ­ 15pts Power fist ­ 25pts Heirloom weapon ­ 30pts

Upgrade to Sly Marbo for 60pts Demolition Charge Replace laspistol with Ripper Pistol Replace close combat weapon with Envenomed Blade

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Special Rules: I Work Alone: This character can neither join nor be joined by a unit, including an Independent Character Ambush: This character does not scatter nor takes any dangerous terrain tests when it Deepstrikes. They also may only be hit on a natural roll of “6” in any phase of the first or second turn. Note that this does mean that templates, blasts, and other attacks which automatically hit still affect the unit as normal. In addition, this character enjoys a +2 initiative on their first turn of a close combat (including initiative tests for Sweeping Advance). Fade Away: If, at the end of the controlling player’s turn, this character is not engaged in Close Combat and is within 3” of a piece of terrain (including fortifications and wrecked vehicles), then they may be removed from the table and placed into ongoing reserves, deepstriking on the controlling player’s next turn. Worst Nightmare: Marbo has the Fear special rule. If an opponent is immune to the Fear effect, they are still affected, but instead of reducing their skills to 1, they are instead reduced by 2. Ripper Pistol: Str X, AP 2, Sniper, Pistol. Envenomed Blade: Str User, AP 2, Poisoned 2+ (4+ for gargantuan monstrous creatures). Heirloom Weapon: This is a power weapon which has been with the Commando for as long as he can remember. It is a treasure from the Commando’s past, likely a weapon which once belonged to a beloved family member or looted from the world of a dread enemy. This weapon grants the wielder Hatred.

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Elite ∙ Pariah ∙ 136pts

WS BS S T W I A LD SV Pariah 4 4 5 5 1 3 1 10 3+ Unit type: Infantry Unit composition: 4 Necron Pariah Upgrades:

May purchase up to six additional Pariah for 34 points each Wargear:

Warscythe Special rules:

Soulless Psychic Horror Warp Void

Special Rules: Warscythe: A heavy close­combat weapon, much like a halberd, with a built­in Gauss Flayer. The blade vibrates in and out of phase with reality, completely ignoring armour­related saves in close combat (dodge­like invulnerable saves stand). Attacks against vehicles are made at 2d6+Strength. Soulless: The sight of these very human­looking robots is very unnerving to any real human, and an abomination in the eyes of the God Emperor. Any unit within 12” of a Necron Pariah, that contains humanoids in some form (Imperium forces, Chaos Space Marines, (Dark) Eldar, Tau etc.) have their Leadership reduced to 7. If their Leadership was 7 or lower to begin with, nothing happens. Orks are not affected, as they don’t care about looks as long as there’s krumpin’ to be done. Psychic Horror: Any Psyker that begins their turn within 6” of a Necron Pariah must take a Morale test. If they fail, the psyker, and any squad they are in, flee. In squads of multiple Psykers, half the number of psykers (rounded up) must take the test. Warp Void: At the start of every Psychic Phase, for every five Pariahs on the table (regardless of what squad they are in, or if they are fleeing) the controlling player adds one dispel­die. If you have three full squads of 10 Pariah you get six dice. If you have a squad of four and a squad of five (for a total of nine) with one Pariah fleeing you still have two dice (total of ten Pariah on the table).

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Elite · Terminator Rubricae · 210pts Some elite Thousand Sons warriors survived Prospero, but only by either a very generous or sarcastic standard. Please note that the Aspiring Sorcerer is exactly the same as the one in the Chaos Space Marines Thousand Sons entry in that Codex, but has been omitted here to avoid copyright issues. Assume that Sorcerer has the same stats and options as the one from that book in addition to any below.

WS BS S T W I A LD SV Terminator Rubricae 5 4 4 4 2 4 2 10 2+ Faction: Chaos Space Marines Unit Type:

Rubricae are Infantry Aspiring Sorcerer is Infantry (Character)

Unit Composition:

3 Terminator Rubricae and an Aspiring Sorcerer Wargear:

Chaos Terminator armour Combi­bolter Power weapon Inferno Bolts (as per Thousand Sons)

Special Rules:

Fearless Slow and Purposeful Elite of the Thousand Sons


May add up to seven Terminator Rubricae ­ 55pts per model For every five models in the unit, one Terminator Rubricae may replace his combi­bolter with

one of the following: Heavy Flamer ­ 10pts/model Reaper Autocannon ­ 25pts/model

The Aspiring Sorcerer may replace his Power Armor and ranged weapon with Chaos Terminator Armor and a Combi­Bolter ­ 20pts

Special Rules: Elite of the Thousand Sons: The Terminator Rubricae enjoy the Aura of Dark Glory like other Thousand Sons, but their invulnerable save is a 4+ instead of 5+.

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Elite · Wulfen · 70pts WS BS S T W I A LD SV

Wulfen 5 ­ 5 5 1 5 2 8 6+ Faction: Space Wolves Unit Type: Beast Unit Composition: 5 Wulfen Wargear:

None Special Rules:

Acute Senses Counter­attack Fleet Feel No Pain Furious Charge Fearless Tooth & Claw Wolf Within


May add up to fifteen Wulfen ­ 14 points each Any model may take Cyber Augments ­ 4 points per model

Special Rules: Tooth & Claw: All of a Wulfen’s attacks have the Rending special rule. Wolf Within: A Wulfen in the presence of a Space Wolf Dreadnought or Independent Character of any kind may act normally. If neither of these types of unit are on the table, then the Wulfen become Crazed and always attack the nearest valid unit, friend or foe. The Space Wolf player controlling Crazed Wulfen may choose to treat them as either friendly or enemy models at their convenience. Cyber Augments: A model with this wargear has a 4+ Armor Save.

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Fortifications and Terrain Dataslates

BS AV HP Dark Eldar Pain Spire 4 14 4 Death from Below! ­ ­ ­ Snotling Infestation ­ ­ ­ Tau Force Field Relay Network ­ 12 3 Trees of Pain ­ ­ ­

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Fortification ∙ Dark Eldar Pain Spire ∙ 80pts The Dark Eldar Pain Spire is a place of great anguish and deprivation. Untold horrors befall the captives of the Dark Eldar in these places taking the shape of unspeakable tortures and horrific desires. Some Pain Spires reach deep into the earth, boasting rows and rows of dungeon cells filled with slaves. Others are able to harness or transmit the Pain Energies the Dark Eldar need to survive. Faction: Dark Eldar Composition: 1 Pain Spire Terrain type: Medium Building Armor Value: 14 Hull Points: 4 Weapons: 4 Splinter Cannons Fire Points: 4 Options: Pain Relay ­ 5pts Pain Relays allow the controlling player to, at the start of the turn, select one unit within line of sight of the Pain Spire and increase its Power From Pain by 1 this turn. Splinter Racks ­ 10pts As per Codex: Dark Eldar except that models on the battlements of the Pain Spire also benefit from the Splinter Racks. Red Room of Pain ­ 30pts The Pain Spire boasts a torture chamber equipped with implements capable of inflicting unspeakably horrific acts of depravity upon those within. When it has a unit embarked, it gains the ability to increase the Power From Pain ability by 1 for all Dark Eldar units within 6” of this Fortification. Whenever this ability is used, roll a die; on a 6+, one model in the embarked unit is removed as a casualty. This upgrade reduces the building’s carrying capacity to 10. Emplaced Darklance Battery ­ 30pts A single emplaced Twin­Linked Darklance turret may be added to the roof of the Pain Spire.

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Terrain Dataslate ∙ Death from Below! ∙ 100 points Sometimes, Tyranid creatures like Trygons and Ravener broods dig reinforced tunnel networks without directly emerging to attack the enemy, especially when faced with siege or deeply dug­in defence lines, to supply the main swarm with another route of attacking their prey. Sometimes, an opposing force of delicious biomass fights on battlefields already littered with holes leading to literal underground highways. Whatever the case­ any commander who tries to fend off the swarm should remain wary of any spontaneously appearing or already existing caves, lest they will be taken by surprise. Meanwhile, there are those desperate, crazy or courageous enough to venture into those tunnels themselves... Faction: Tyranids Composition: Three large crater sized holes in the ground, marking Tunnel Network Entrances. Terrain type: Dangerous Terrain Weapons: None Special rules: Those holes weren’t there yesterday! All Tunnel Network Entrances have to be deployed at least 18 inches apart from each other. They’re moving below the ground! Any infantry unit in contact with a Tunnel Network Entrance at the end of their movement phase may chose to enter the tunnels and march toward another Entrance. Remove the unit from the board, treating them as part of your ongoing reserves and declaring their destination tunnel (including the one they just entered or even one covered by models). Only one unit per turn per player is allowed to enter the same entrance. At the beginning of your next movement phase, deploy the unit in question as if arriving on the table via Deep Strike rules with the center of the Tunnel Network Entrance as the target destination. If their new placement would trigger a Deepstrike Mishap (after scattering), reduce the scatter distance from the destination point by just enough distance for a safe arrival. If the Tunnel Network Entrance nominated as the exit point collapsed in the meantime (see: Frag out! below), instead of deploying the unit as described, roll on the Underground Misadventures Table. If the unit traveling the tunnels is not a Codex: Tyranids unit (or a Tyranid formation, from a Tyranid supplement, or a Forge World publication supplying units for Codex:Tyranids), and a double is rolled with the scatter dice, roll on the below Underground Misadventures table. If the unit survives, all of the models in the emerging unit must also take dangerous terrain tests.

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Underground Misadventures Table: 1: Eaten by the Darkness! The unit is completely destroyed, or, in case of a Tyranid unit, killed by the timely collapse of the tunnel entrance as a happy accident. 2­5: Lost in the Labyrinth! The unit does not exit the Tunnel Network this turn, returning to active reserves instead. Repeat deployment next turn. 6: We took a Wrong Turn! The unit exits any Tunnel Network Entrance of the opponent’s choosing according the above rules. Frag out! A Tunnel Network Entrance may be shot or assaulted like a building, but may only be affected by grenades, treating it as an AV 10 building and any grenade with the Blast special rule as +1 strength. Instead of dealing normal building damage, whenever a glancing hit is made against the Tunnel Network Entrance, place a Collapse Token on it and whenever a penetrating hit is made, place two Collapse Tokens. If a Tunnel Network Entry sustains 6 collapse tokens, immediately treat it as difficult terrain without any further special rules for the remainder of the game.

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Fortification · Tau Force Field Relay Network · 110 points A number of pillbox­like, automated force field emitters projecting man­high protective beams of energy. Can be comfortably deployed during civil security operations or military campaigns from orbit, aircraft or by infantry in battlesuits as a reinforcement to a defense line, a makeshift fortification, or even to secure the rear during offensive operations. Faction: Tau Composition: 3 Relays Terrain type: Impassable Building Armour Value: 12 Hull Points: 3 Weapons: none Options:

May take items from Stronghold Assault’s Obstacles lists. May add up to 2 additional Relays for 35 points each, bringing the total up to 5

Special rules: Force Field: The controlling player may choose to draw a man­high invisible Line between the centers of each Relay at the beginning of their turn to represent a Force Field. You may only have one forcefield connecting two Relays. If a relay is destroyed during the enemy turn, the owning player may immediately re­draw the broken connections. Links can be drawn to a maximum range of 36”. Friendly units being shot at through one Force Field gain a 5+ invulnerable save or a 4+ save when shot at through two Force Fields. Enemy units moving through one or more Force Fields treat it as dangerous terrain, except for skimmers, jump infantry using their jump packs, and their likes.

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Terrain Dataslate ∙ Snotling Infestation ∙ 65 points Ferocious teeny tiny tribes of Snotlings have conquered one or several terrain features ahead of an Ork force, crawling around the place, breaking down machinery and the structure itself, ‘decorating’ the vicinity, playing games with each other and any trespassers, or just trying to eat them and failing. Seasoned warriors will treat those little creatures as a mere annoyance, until getting bitten, barfed at, or swarmed by packs of the jumpy little greenlings, and it’s close to impossible to effectively get rid of those little buggers. Faction: Orks. Note that, although you place no specific terrain for this fortification, it does still take up your Fortification slot in your Detachment. Composition: After deployment of all terrain on the table, roll one d6 for every terrain piece on the board, in a sequence you can freely choose. On a result of 6, mark the terrain as Infested by Snotlings, preferably by means of a few little Snotling models or counters . If you get to the last terrain piece without having rolled a 6, it automatically becomes infested! Terrain type: As per infested terrain Weapons: None Special Rules: Infested by Snotlings: Any cover save influenced by an infested terrain piece is worsened by 1 for all units after all other modifiers. If a unit goes to ground within an infested terrain piece, all models in the terrain piece immediately take a dangerous terrain test due to Snotlings having a field day with any combatant focusing on keeping his head down. Barf! Bite! Shenanigans!

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Trees of Pain – 35 points As a special form of scare tactics, some of the galaxy’s vilest warlords capture civilians or enemy combatants before or during battle, littering the battlefield with still­living beings close or dear to their enemies, hung up on elaborate or primitive tree­like torture devices… Providing pleasure and cover for their own forces while driving the fear of their friend’s fates, soon to be their own, into the heart of weaker­souled opposing forces, sowing terror and reluctance. Although sometimes, this tactic has a habit of backfiring… Faction: Dark Eldar, Chaos Space Marines, or Chaos Daemons Composition: One forest of similar composition and basing to a Citadel Wood Terrain type: Dangerous Terrain Weapons: None Special Rules: Cries of Agony: Any enemy unit within 12 inches of this terrain piece suffer the effects of the fear special rule. A horrible view: When targeting a unit partly or fully in cover behind or within Trees of Pain during the shooting phase, an enemy unit must perform a morale check. If failed, the targeted unit receives a +1 to their cover save. Get ‘em down and give ‘em peace: An enemy unit which fully enters the Trees of Pain terrain may decide to go to ground to the spot, representing the horrified warriors making an effort to release their comrades or protectees from their agonizing struggle. As soon as the unit gets back to their feet during the next turn as per the Go to Ground rule, all three special rules of the terrain are ignored for the remainder of the game. The opposing player receives one victory point for performing this action on all enemy Trees of Pain at the end of the game.

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Gue’vesa Auxiliary The Gue’vesa Auxiliary Detachment represents a cadre of Imperial Guard warriors who have been conscripted by the Tau. In so doing, they have fully embraced the Greater Good and are truly a part of the Tau force represented in your games. Faction: Astra Militarum Compulsory:

1 HQ 2 Troops


4 Troops 3 Elite 1 Fast 1 Heavy


Gue’vesa Auxiliary Detachments may only be taken alongside Tau or Astra Militarum Battleforged Detachments.

Your Warlord may not be selected from this Detachment. All units chosen for the Gue’vesa Auxiliary Detachment must be selected from Codex: Astra

Militarum with the exception of Ethereals and Devilfish (see below). No named characters nor any Commissars may be taken for this Detachment. All Vehicle Squadrons may total only one vehicle.

Command Benefits Shared Fate: The Gue’vesa Auxiliary Detachment is considered Battle Brothers for the Tau and Come the Apocalypse for other Forces of the Imperium. Shared Technology: All Astra Militarum units which list a Chimera and/or a Taurox of any variety as a Dedicated Transport may also select a Devilfish from Codex: Tau as a Dedicated Transport with any wargear or other upgrades from that Codex as the player sees fit to add. Words are Like Water: An Ethereal may be selected as the HQ for this Detachment. All abilities which reference “this Codex” in the Ethereal’s Special Rules also refer to units selected for this Detachment. All Troops in this detachment have the Objective Secured special rule.

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Rogue Trader Ally Sometimes Rogue Traders must make alliances with factions and species that the greater Imperium or Inquisition wouldn’t quite approve of. In these cases, a certain understanding is met and a level of trust has been earned, sometimes by deeds and other times with bribes. Whatever the case, the units in a Rogue Trader Allied Detachment work professionally and seamlessly along­side the Rogue Trader’s forces. This is usually because the forces attached to the Rogue Traders are often among the most open­minded, flexible, and skilled of their kind. Compulsory:

1 HQ 1 Elite


1 Troop 1 Elite 1 Fast Attack 1 Heavy Support


This Detachment may only be selected to accompany an army which uses Codex: Astra Militarum (or a derivative thereof) as its Primary Detachment.

This Detachment cannot be your Primary Detachment. Your Warlord can never be chosen from this Detachment. All units chosen must have the same Faction (or no Faction). Units of the Chaos Space Marines and Chaos Daemons Factions (and derivatives of either)

may not be selected for this Detachment. No one is that crazy. Command Benefits Bargained Truce: While your Warlord is alive, units in this Detachment are treated as Allies of Convenience with the rest of the units in your army, even if they would have been Battle Brothers. Gratuitous Gratuity: You may spend additional points on this Detachment and they are not allocated to unit purchases. Instead, this represents payments made in good faith to your Ally. For every 10 points spent in this manner, you receive a Gratitude Token. Gratitude: Because of your generous nature, your ally will fight bravely for you. You may spend a Gratitude Token to re­roll any one Morale or Regroup check that a unit in this Detachment has failed. This re­roll is made as if the unit possessed the Stubborn special rule. Get Behind Me: Spend a Gratitude Token to Increase cover saves granted by intervening models from this Detachment to 4+ until the end of the turn. This may be used at any time, though not to adjust a saving throw that has already been failed. Best of the Best: At the end of the Movement Phase, you may spend a Gratitude Token to grant one of this Detachment’s Elite choices the Objective Secured Special Rule until the beginning of the

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next game turn. If there is no next game turn, the unit is considered to have the rule for the purposes of scoring end­of­game Objectives.

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Spearhead The old Spearhead rules are, of course, perfectly serviceable in modern games of Warhammer 40k, if a little dated. With the advent of more Formations, different Detachments, and, of course Unbound armies, much of Spearhead seems a bit superfluous. Spearhead Formations and Missions We recommend that you use the original Spearhead Formations as­is. They are flavorful and seem fairly­priced as far as points are concerned. We do not see any reason to go through these and adjust them too heavily for 7th Edition. Be sure to read them to make sure there are no loop­holes that could upset the balance of your game. Also, while the Spearhead Missions are fairly interesting, but there’s no reason you can’t insert the following Spearhead Detachment as a part of your regular games of Warhammer 40,000. Spearhead Detachment Instead of the special Force Organization Chart in the Spearhead Supplement, we suggest using the Spearhead Detachment. As with a Combined Arms Detachment, units in a Spearhead Detachment are selected from a single Faction. There are some differences, of course. Spearhead Squadrons: The Spearhead Detachment includes Spearhead Squadrons. A Spearhead Squadron is any Vehicle unit which can and has been taken as a unit of more than one model. A Spearhead Squadron also includes any recent Games Workshop Formation which includes one or more vehicles. Of course, any of the original Spearhead Formations also count as a Spearhead Squadron. Compulsory:

1 Spearhead Squadron Optional:

1 HQ 1 Troop 1 Elite 1 Fast 1 Heavy 4 Spearhead Squadrons 1 Lord of War or 1 Spearhead Squadron containing at least one Superheavy Vehicle

Restrictions: None

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Command Benefits: Objective Secured: all non­immobilized Tanks and Walkers in this Detachment enjoy the Objective Secured Special Rule. Iron Warlord: A venerable machine of great honor and martial skill has taken command of this Detachment. Any non­superheavy Walker or Tank may be chosen as your Warlord. They receive a single Strategic Warlord Trait. Any unit within 2” (and any vehicle within 4”) of the Iron Warlord may Look Out Sir any hits on the Iron Warlord on a 4+. Additionally, the Iron Warlord gains either the It Will Not Die Special Rule or the Stealth Special Rule (chosen at Army Creation). Lastly, the Iron Warlord ignores all damage results on the Vehicle Damage table, even special effects which mimic vehicle damage results (such as Grav Guns and Immobilization due to terrain). Overload: For an additional 5 points, an Iron Warlord which is a Walker may be equipped with a special piece of equipment which acts like the machine equivalent of hyper­adrenaline. At the beginning of any assault phase, you may use the Overload. During this turn, the model’s initiative increases by +3 and gains an additional d3 attacks. If the Iron Warlord is destroyed during this turn, it automatically explodes to a range of 1d6+6” instead of 1d6”.

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Wolf Brothers The Wolf Brothers are a scattered group of 2nd Founding Space Wolves who still serve throughout the chapter in a myriad of roles regardless of their heavily damaged geneseed. Their entire lives are dominated by (aside from service to the Imperium) suppressing the Wolf Within. Faction: Space Wolves Compulsory:

3 Troop Optional:

1 HQ 4 Troop 4 Fast 3 Elite

Restrictions: Wolf Brothers may not select Named characters in their formation. Additionally, since the geneseed is so rare, only a single unit of Wolf Brothers Blood Claws may be selected per army and only a single Wolf Brothers HQ may be chosen per army. Command Benefits: The Howling: Fenrisian Wolves may be selected as Troops in a Wolf Brothers detachment and also enjoy the Objective Secured special rule. The Wolf Within: Before deployment, roll a die for each Infantry, cavalry, and walker in this detachment and refer to the chart below for the effects of the Wolf Within. These effects persist for the entire game. A Dreadnought or Independent Character may adjust the roll by either a +1 or ­1 as they see fit (to a maximum of 6 and a minimum of 1)

6 I’ll be alright... The unit is grateful that they have been able to keep the Wolf at bay and are exceptionally level­headed in combat, so may re­roll all Leadership checks.

5 Heh heh heh... The unit feels the wolf within, simultaneously enhancing their senses and setting their nerves on edge. The unit enjoys a +1 Initiative, but also suffers a ­1 to their Leadership score if they have one.

4 You can’t begin to understand...

The marines are afflicted with a nihilistic malaise regarding their malady. They almost don’t care if they live or die. The unit loses the And They Shall Know No Fear special rule gain the Fearless special rule.

3 Grrr... The Wolf Within is making the Marine’s blood boil. They gain the Rage special rule.

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2 No! Not now…! The Wolf Within is surfacing. The unit is treated as a Desperate Ally to all other friendly models except other Wolf Brothers. The unit loses the And They Shall Know No Fear special rule, while also gaining Rage and Fearless.

1 AROOOO...!!! As “2” above with additional effects. First, the unit may not score nor contest objectives and they lose the Objective Secured rule if they had it. Cavalry essentially become one with their mounts and gain +1 to their Wounds characteristic. Dreadnoughts gain the Rampage special rule. Infantry change their unit type to Beasts instead of in all respects, though they may still use shooting attacks and other abilities as normal. For example, Sky Claws which roll a “1” become Jump Beasts instead of Jump Infantry.

We suggest using small, numbered tokens or special models to represent how strongly the unit is feeling the Wolf Within.

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Formations Remember, when selecting a Formation, that it is also a kind of Detachment and that your Warlord may be chosen from it.

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Enslaver Coven Formation Composition:

4­6 additional units of Enslavers Special Rules: Puppeteers: Designate one unit as the Enslaver Masters. This unit counts as your Warlord and may roll on any generic Warlord table and also any table belonging to any other unit in your army. You may re­roll this Warlord Trait and even pick a different table for this re­roll. Puppets: Non­Enslaver detachments are always considered Battle Brothers with an Enslaver Coven and Allies of Convenience with each other. Additionally, all non­enslaver units suffer a ­1 Leadership penalty. This ability is nullified when all Enslavers in the army are destroyed.

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Kurrzig's Kommandos Formation Composition:

2­3 units of Kommandos 0­3 Looted Wagons

Special Rules: Makeshift Disguises: Kurrzig's Kommandos are capable of putting together slapdash attempts at disguise which allow them to creep close to the enemy before striking. They may Infiltrate as close as 9" of an enemy outside line­of­sight and as close as 15" of an enemy within line of sight rather than the usual 12” or 18”. If you have Kommando models which are modeled with disguises matching any models in the enemy's army, they may ignore any special abilities which prevent Infiltrate such as Servo Skulls. This rule applies to any dedicated transport the Kommandos may have such as a Looted Immolator infiltrating an enemy force of Sisters of Battle. Note that the Kommandos need not be painted to match in order to receive this bonus and you may bring extra models to the game to fit a multitude of armies. Also note, however, that the models must be cleverly modeled Orks. Space Marine miniature just will not do; it must be an Ork model converted to look like it has been stuffed in Space Marine power armor. Convincing Disguises: If this is your Primary Detachment, then you do not roll for a Warlord Trait. However, in addition to the abilities of Makeshift Disguises, Convincing Disguises allow Kurrzig's Kommandos to appear in their enemy's midst just before the start of a battle! Before Initiative is seized, you may select one unit of Kurrzig's Kommandos from this Formation which are in reserve. Then, select one of your opponent's units. If that unit is deployed, then you may reveal your Kommandos as doppelgangers in that unit. If not, you must wait until the selected enemy unit has arrived from reserve. If the enemy unit never arrives from reserves during your game, then the unit of Kommandos is destroyed. When you reveal your doppelgangers, select a Kommando model and roll a dice. On a 4+, replace any single non­character enemy infantry model that is either on the board, in a building, or in a vehicle with the Kommando. Nobz are allowed to replace Characters which do not have the Independent Character special rule and they get a +1 on their roll. Kommandos which fail their roll were obviously found out and killed before the battle began. Repeat this process against the same enemy unit until there are either no enemy models remaining or there are no Kommandos remaining in the selected unit. If there are no enemy models remaining or all that remains are Characters, then the rest of the Kommandos are lost.

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Successful Kommando dopplegangers on the board are considered to be engaged in Close Combat with the enemy unit(s) they have appeared in and will fight in the next assault phase as an ongoing combat. Successful Kommando dopplegangers inside buildings or transports immediately fight close combat as if they were in a building except that the Kommando models swing at Initiative 10 (even if the Nob has a Power Klaw) and are then instantly destroyed even if no enemy models remain. You may repeat this process for any remaining Infiltrating Kurrzig's Kommando units from this detachment. Models that have been replaced by Kommandos are not considered casualties or removed from the table since they never existed in the first place! If you have Kommando models which are creatively modeled with disguises matching the models they replaced, they get a +1 on this roll (which means Nobz get a total of +2). Note that the Kommandos need not be painted to match in order to receive this bonus and you may bring extra models to the game to match a multitude of armies. Note that simply placing a Terminator model on the table does not a disguise make... it must actually look like an Ork stuffed into Terminator armor.

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Vanguard of the Great Wolf When the Great Wolf goes to war, his elite warriors want nothing more than to be chosen as his personal bodyguards in the vanguard. This Formation is an addendum to the Champions of Fenris Codex Supplement. Formation Composition:

Logan Grimnar without Stormrider 2 units of 10 Wolf Guard Grimnar’s War Council (Ulric the Slayer, Njal Stormcaller, Rune Priest, Iron Priest)

Special Rules: First Among Equals, Kingsguard, Sagaborn Tight Formation: The Vanguard of the Great Wolf are deployed as a single unit, however they enjoy the Split Fire rule and up to two models may pick different targets instead of just one. Implacable Hunters: Saving throws against any wounds dealt to models in this Formation by Strength 3 or less weapons may be re­rolled. This ability has no effect on wounds which wound on a set number such as those caused by poison weapons. In addition, models in this Formation gain the Crusader special rule.

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Terrain Features

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Fog Bank The Fog Bank is a transparent, 6” long and 2” tall piece of flat terrain. Models which are partially obscured by three or more Fog Banks can only be hit by ranged attacks with Snap Shots. Models which are partially obscured by just two Fog Banks instead have the shrouded special rule. Models partially obscured by only one Fog Bank instead have the stealth special rule. Models which are partially obscured by a Fog Bank do not need to be obscured 25% to receive the bonus. Fog Banks are deployed in groups of 4 as a single terrain selection during terrain setup. All four pieces must be placed within 4” of each other at the beginning of the game. At the end of each game turn, the players roll off. The player who wins will scatter all of the Fog Banks. Roll a scatter die and a single regular die in the midst of the Fog Banks and scatter each one that number of inches. If a HIT is rolled, then the player may change the orientation of the Fog Banks before they scatter (use the built­in arrow on the HIT symbol to determine which direction they scatter). Fog Banks may overlap other pieces of terrain or each other. If a Fog Bank scatters to a point where it cannot be placed evenly on the table or a terrain piece, then reduce the amount scattered) until it can be placed evenly on the table or a terrain piece. If a Fog Bank scatters off the table, it is removed from play. Look to future On Your Tabletop supplements for rules on weapons which generate Fog Banks of differing varieties. “Mysterious” Fog Banks You may also choose to use mysterious terrain for your fog banks, or simply choose to use alternatives for the narrative terrain setup you’ve got planned. For any Fog Bank which causes a negative effect when passing through it or the Fog Bank passing over it, the effect is imposed for each token passing over it. This is to represent a thicker fog being more dangerous than one which has spread out. 1­2 ­ Whew! Normal Fog Bank! 3 ­ Smoke 4 ­ Incapacitating Gas 5 ­ Poisoned Gas 6 ­ Corrosive Gas Smoke: Where there’s smoke, there’s fire. Do not scatter Smoke terrain. Instead, place a 30mm base in its midst to represent the source of the fire. This base is Dangerous Terrain. Otherwise, treat this as a normal Fog Bank. Incapacitating Gas: This is a gas which is often used by planetary police forces for crowd control. If a non­vehicle model passes through Incapacitating Gas or is passed over by a scattered bank of Incapacitating Gas, the model’s movement is reduced by 3” for the duration of the turn, including the

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shooting and assault phases. Models with a 3+ or better armor save are immune to this effect. Otherwise, treat this as a normal Fog Bank. Poisoned Gas: This terrain feature represents a billowing mass of gas which can render casualties in a unit of infantry. If a model passes through Poisoned Gas or is passed over by a scattered bank of Poisoned Gas, it must make a Dangerous Terrain check. Abilities which grant a model protection from Dangerous Terrain (such as move through cover) do not work against Poisoned Gas. Models with a 3+ or better armor save are immune to this effect, as are models with the Mark of Nurgle or otherwise have Nurgle in their unit name. Otherwise, treat this as a normal Fog Bank. Corrosive Gas: Corrosive Gas is a deadly mélange of substances designed to affect a myriad of materials. Any model passing through or passed over by a bank of Corrosive Gas must make a dangerous terrain check. Abilities which grant a model protection from Dangerous Terrain (such as move through cover and a dozer blade) do not work against Corrosive Gas. Otherwise, treat this as a normal Fog Bank. Modeling Fog Banks: An acrylic fog bank terrain piece is in development in partnership with Burn In Designs (easily found with Google). However, these are easily represented with a good, fluffy, multi­ply bathroom tissue or paper towel cut into 6” long billowy­cloud shapes. It’s just important to remember anything beyond the Fog Bank which is partially obscured by it receives the bonus regardless of whether it is obscured 25%, unless it’s a flyer.

Fog Bank Node A Fog Bank Node is a terrain feature which generates fog. This could be something as simple as a river, something slightly exotic like a geyser, or even a steaming vat full of corrosives. The Fog Bank Node starts with two Fog Banks of the appropriate type touching it. Throughout the game, the player whose turn it is to move Fog Banks rolls a die for each Fog Bank Node after existing Fog Banks have been moved. If a 4+ is rolled, generate a new Fog Bank, placing it in contact with the Fog Bank Node.

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Scenarios A Note on Scenarios With a Game Master Some of these scenarios of this Supplement involve the direction of a Game Master. The reason for this is that these missions are extremely non­standard and it may be necessary to have an objective individual whose only goal is to ensure the other player(s) have a fun game. If this does not sound enjoyable for any of the players, we suggest skipping these scenarios. This role is similar to the Master of Disaster in Apocalypse. See Jervis Johnson’s article on Game Mastered games in White Dwarf Issues #400 and #401.

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Death of Antagonis Scenario #1: The Fight to Lexica Keep ‘If we stop,’ Kervold yelled over the roar of the inferno cannon’s spray of ignited promethium, ‘we’ll be finished.’ Ahead of them, the dead looked like a solid mass. ‘Then don’t stop,’ Toharan replied. ‘Not for any reason...’

In the Fight to Lexica Keep, Squad Pythios of the Black Dragons Space Marines 2nd Company and elements of the 4th and 25th Companies of the Imperial Guard’s Mortisian Regiment are trying to make their way through waves of zombie­like humans. This would be almost bearable if it were not for the fact that they must also protect their charges: several civilians along with Lord Danton and his family. In this battle, one or two players take control of the Space Marines, the Imperial Guard, and the civilians. A Game Master takes control of the zombies. This is a Gauntlet­style mission. The individual challenges for the Players will not be overly difficult. Instead, they will be whittled down a little at a time as they try desperately to keep the civilians alive. The GM’s job is to make sure the scenario is fun for everyone and to bring in the reserves at just the right moment.

The Armies: Zombie Tokens: Throughout this scenario, the GM will use eight Zombie Tokens. These are provided on the back of this packet for you to print. All you need to do, then, is cut them out along the solid lines and fold them along the dotted lines and you have your tokens! The rules for Zombie Tokens are in the Systems chapter. The zombies’ goal is always to kill as many civilians as possible. Note that neither Survivors nor Space Marines become Zombies when they are killed. The Black Dragons: The Space Marines in this scenario are represented by a squad of ten tactical marines with Bolters led by Sergeant Toharan who is represented by a Veteran Sergeant. When the GM deems the time is right, likely on Turn 5 or 6, Tactical Squad Pythos will be joined by the Dragon’s Claws. These reinforcements include ten Dragon’s Claws (detailed earlier in this supplement) led by Sergeant Volos. For options, give the Dragon’s Claws four flamers. The Black Dragons gain the following special rules:

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Death Machine: Black Dragons Space Marines have two wounds each for this scenario. In addition, they are not impeded by Zombie Tokens. They are allowed to move through them, pushing the Tokens aside as they move. To represent this, actually push the Zombie Token out of the way as you move your model. This means that it is actually possible for two or more Marines to actually push back Zombie Tokens. Additionally, the Black Dragons may pile in any number of inches whenever a Zombie token is pushed back by their damage in close combat. Independent Character: Each Black Dragons Space Marine is an Independent Character for this scenario and may break away from their unit or join with another one at any time. It Will Not Die: Each marine has this special rule. Protector of Humanity: Black Dragons Space Marines may Look Out, Sir! for any model within 4” at any time. Thunderhawk Insertion: The Dragon’s Claws are inserted into the combat from the Battle Pyre, their Thunderhawk gunship and, therefore, deepstrike without scattering when they arrive. Mortisan Guard: The Mortisans are represented by sixty regular guardsmen in three squads of twenty, each with two sergeants. No upgrades are purchased for the Imperial Guard. These Infantry are accompanied by three Hellhounds with Heavy Bolters. One of these Hellhounds is Colonel Kervold’s command vehicle. This Hellhound is capable of giving orders as if it were a Company Commander. Survivors: There are twenty­six survivors. They move as a unit and have the following profile:

WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Survivor 2 2 3 3 1 3 1 6 ­ The Battlefield: This game is played on an 8’x4’ table. One short end of the table is an open space which is also the Deployment Zone. The center 4’x4’ section of the table is a tightly­packed city with 6”­wide roads running the length of the table and 4”­wide roads running the width of the table. The opposite side of the table, beyond the city, is the survivors’ salvation, a canyon which is best represented by hills on either flank. The 4’ section on that side of the table is the Exit Board Edge. Note that the Zombie Tokens will not fit two abreast down the roads. Feel free to swing the Tokens around and move them at whatever angle you please in order to fit them where they need to go.

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Deployment: The Zombies are deployed first, followed by the forces of the Imperium. No Warlord Traits are rolled for this mission. First Turn: The game starts when the Zombies suddenly become violent and attack! The Imperial units may not seize the initiative. Special Mission Rules: There is no movement phase for this scenario. Instead, players move their units and shoot with them one at a time in any order, including any gained from Orders. Additionally, players may make a normal move in their assault phase instead of assaulting. Units which normally would not be allowed to assault (such as due to using a rapid fire weapon) may still make this assault move if they so choose. Salvation on Wings of Flame: The game progresses as normal for some time until the GM feels the forces of the Imperium have been overwhelmed. At a time when the GM feels it is appropriate, and all seems lost (probably around Turns 3 or 4), Volos and the Dragon’s Claws should arrive on the wings of the Battle Pyre. First, the area is ravaged with missile and heavy bolter fire from the Battle Pyre. Its strafing run is represented by d3 Str 7 AP 4 Hellstorm Template. After the strafing run, ten Dragon’s Claws led by Volos (as the 10th Marine and Sergeant) deep strike into the fray.

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Reaching the Home Stretch: Once the Survivors come within 2’ of the Exit Board Edge, they immediately break and run in that movement phase. It is also at this point at which any surviving Imperial Guard become Zombies. Models may leave the board by the Exit Board Edge. Models which leave the board in this fashion are not considered destroyed, but have, instead, been saved. Survivors do not leave the board as a unit, but as individual models, giving stragglers the opportunity of being killed by Zombies even when some of the others have fled to safety. Game Length: The game ends immediately if all Survivors have been killed or if there are no Imperial models remaining on the table. Victory Conditions If all the Survivors have been killed, the Imperium has lost this battle. The Imperium scores a victory if any Survivors have been saved. The Imperium scores a major victory if more than half of the Survivors and Space Marines have been saved.

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Death of Antagonis Scenario #2: Wormsign! All trace of human was gone now, replaced by a giant, pulsating flesh sack. And still, covering its surface, the eyes that became mouths that became eyes that became mouths, watching and hungering, hating and screaming.

It soon becomes clear that the survivors which they saved are, in reality, the playthings of Tzeench! Several battles break out in the Keep and outside its walls where the Space Marines have been drawn out by what seem like pockets of survivors fighting for their lives. Instead, the survivors turn into horrible perversions of Chaos! In this battle, the Imperium must fight for its life long enough to be rescued by the Black Dragons’ Thunderhawk gunships. The Forces: In this battle, one player (a Game Master) controls one or more Doubtworms and Zombie Tokens while another controls the forces of the Imperium. How large these forces are is up to those involved, however they are limited to increments of 400 points. The Forces of Chaos: For every 400 points, the Forces of Chaos gain four 4” Zombie Tokens. These are much like the Zombie Tokens from the first scenario, but instead of two halves per Token, there is only one. The Zombie Tokens’ main goal is to merge with a Doubtworm, but they may assault Imperial units if they find it difficult to move around them. Zombie tokens may NOT run in this scenario. When a Zombie Token is dealt damage, it moves directly away from the nearest Doubtworm at a right angle from it. Also for every 400 points, they may take one Doubtworm with the following profile:

WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Doubtworm 3 0 3 3 35 3 6 3 ­ Special Rules:

Monstrous Creature Chomp Hungry Enormous Endless Eternal Warrior

Chomp: Instead of flailing about or slamming its opponent with Smash attacks, the Doubtworm may lash out at a single opponent with a mighty bite attack. The Doubtworm may forego all of its attacks to make one Strength 10 attack at Weapon Skill 5. Hungry: Whenever a Zombie Token and a Doubtworm are in base contact, the Zombie Token is

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removed from the board the Doubtworm gains 2 Wounds. Whenever two Doubtworms are in base contact, the Doubtworm with the lowest Wounds between them is removed from the board and the other Doubtworm gains its wounds and permanently gains +1 Strength and +1 Toughness. The turn after any Zombie Tokens are absorbed by a Doubtworm, all those tokens are placed along a board edge. Roll a die. On a 1­3, the Imperium places the Token; on a 4­6, the forces of Chaos places the token. Enormous: The Doubtworm may be targeted with shooting even if it is engaged in close combat. Additionally, at the beginning of the Assault phase, a Doubtworm which is engaged in close combat may choose to charge an enemy with which it is not engaged. Both the enemy it is already engaged with and the enemy it is charging may fire Overwatch if it does this. The enemy unit(s) it was previously engaged with must make an immediate pile­in move towards the Doubtworm. If they fail to reach base contact with the Doubtworm, they consolidate and are no longer engaged. Endless: The Doubtworm has no maximum wounds value. It also is never truly slain. A Doubtworm which is reduced to 0 wounds may take no actions until it has been restored by Zombie Tokens. The Forces of the Imperium: Your only army detachment is of Black Dragons Space Marines using the Chapter Tactics described earlier in this supplement. You may use the Characters presented there as well, though keep in mind that some characters are allowed only before or after certain scenarios. Note that Imperial Guard are not allowed in this scenario as they are almost instantly taken over by the Doubtworms. During this game, all Forces of the Imperium may fall back in any direction they choose when they fall back, choosing after the roll has been made. In addition, for Independent Characters, you may only use the following for this scenario: Captain Vritras, Canoness Setheno, Chaplain Massorus and/or Inquisitor Lettinger. As for the rest of the units, only Tactical Squads, Devastator Squads, and Dragon’s Claws may be taken in this scenario. Modeling the Doubtworm: This creature could be represented by many different models or toys. Many models, however, are a bit too small to represent the kind of danger the Doubtworm represents. Of course, any Tyranid on the Large Oval Base would probably be fine, but wouldn’t really reflect the true nature of the Doubtworm. A fun project might be making your own out of a plaster­covered sock! You make the plaster out of flour and water (3:2) or flour and American­style white craft glue (2:1). Get a ratty, old sock and fill in the inside with whatever you like… paper towels, plastic shopping bags, or foam are all fine. Just be sure to leave a little gap wherever you might want to bend the worm and don’t fill it in tight; you want it to be lumpy and icky, not a long, tight tube. You may want to use a glass gaming counter or marble for its central eye and spread baking sprinkles along its length for all the weird mouth­eyes. When it dries, hit it with a good, heavy spraypaint base, then just paint it with gross browns, greens, and yellows. This could be a fun project and does a great job of representing the Doubtworms from the novel.

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The Battlefield:

This game is played on a single 2’ square for each 400 points you play. For example, a 1600­point game will consist of four 2’ squares. The Game Master chooses what layout to use for the 2’ squares. There are two locations for this battle, on the open canyon floor at the foot of Lexica Keep or in the Keep itself. Only one of your 2’ sections should represent the Keep and it should be separated from the rest of the board be a high wall of some kind. For this battle, any Independent Characters will start at Lexica Keep. Realistically, the canyon floor should not have any dominant terrain features, though you may wish to add a few low hills, craters, or other such pieces in order to break up the monotony. Deployment: Four Zombie Tokens are deployed in each 2’ section. Imperium forces are then deployed engaged in close combat with these tokens. Each Imperial unit must be engaged with a separate Zombie Token. If, somehow, there are more Imperial units than Zombie Tokens, then allocate them evenly. Warlord Traits are not rolled for this mission. First Turn: The forces of Chaos have the first turn and Imperial units may not seize the initiative. Special Mission Rules: During the first game turn, the Imperium is trying to fight back the enemy when, suddenly, at the start of Chaos turn 2, some of the Survivors suddenly turn into hideous Doubtworms! Chaos places a

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Doubtworm model in each 2’ section, or as best they can if it is crowded. the Doubtworms may attack this turn if they wish. Game Length: This mission uses variable game length. Victory Conditions If any Doubtworm has been reduced to 0 Wounds when the game ends, then the Imperium scores a victory as the Thunderhawks swoop in to pick up survivors. If all Doubtworms have been reduced to 0 wounds when the game ends, then it is a crushing victory for the Imperium. If no Doubtworms have been reduced to 0 wounds when the game ends or all Imperial forces have been slain, then Chaos has, sadly, beaten the Black Dragons.

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Death of Antagonis Scenario #3: The Ziggurat Vritras looked at his four squads. ‘Brothers,’ he announced, ‘before us lies madness and death. Let it be the enemy’s madness brought on by the fear we bring, and let it be his death.’ He raised his chainsword high. ‘Fire and bone!’ he roared, and his men shouted their answer.

In this scenario, a small number of Black Dragons find themselves trapped inside an ancient, xenos Ziggurat on the planet Flebis with their arch­enemies, the Swords of Epiphany Chaos Space Marines. This is battle is a desperate and bloody affair. Either one side will be wiped out or the other will. This is a game of Special Operations: Killzone by Jim Vidlak Jr. A copy of the rules and army lists can be downloaded from the Wargaming Shenanigans website here: http://galaxyinflames.blogspot.com/p/here­is­homepage­for­special­operations.html There are not a whole lot of special rules for this mission as it is meant to get folks used to Killzone. The Masters of the Forge will be using these rules for their future skirmish­level scenarios. Note that this scenario would also make excellent use of the Zone Mortalis rules if you are so inclined. The Forces: This is a battle between the Black Dragons Space Marines and the Swords of Epiphany Chaos Space Marines. Each side gets 250 points to spend on their models using the rules in the Codex Operatives document for Special Operations: Killzone. An Aspiring Sorcerer, Standard Chaos Space Marines, and Possessed are recommended for the Chaos side. Tactical Marines and Dragon’s Claws are recommended for the Black Dragons. Bikes of any kind are not really appropriate for this scenario. The Battlefield:

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The interior of this section of the Ziggurat is largely open, but crisscrossed with scaffolding and pipes. Any of the old Necromunda terrain, Deadzone terrain, or Terraclips terrain would be good for this battle. There are also some very good laser­cut options for scaffolding if you plan on doing battles like this often enough to make the investment. You could even use a set of wooden blocks or the plastic interlocking blocks of your choice. If you have any means of creating multiple levels of scaffolding, this would best represent the interior of the Ziggurat. Deployment: Use the Quarters deployment for this mission. The Chaos player may Infiltrate d3 of his models even if they do not have that special rule, counting as units which have been placed in Reserve. Special Mission Rules: Night Fight is not used in this scenario. Leap: Models without Jump movement may leap from scaffolding to scaffolding or scaffolding to floor as long as the model travels only 4”. Otherwise, the model must walk around, up, and/or down. Game Length: Two turns after a player completes the primary mission as per the Killzone rules. Victory Conditions: The Primary Mission for this scenario is Kill Points. Draw Secondary and Tertiary Missions as normal. See the Killzone rules for details.

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Death of Antagonis Scenario #4: The Streets of Aighe Mortis Aighe Mortis was a dying star of a hive world. The civilization on this planet was like a sun going red and huge before its final collapse. It had swollen to a final, absolute extremity of population density. The growth was so unsustainable that it could only be the precursor to a terminal, lights­out plunge into the wreckage of barbarism.

This scenario represents the harrowing street­fighting between the forces of Chaos and the combined forces of the Black Dragons Space Marines chapter and Imperial Guard on Aighe Mortis. This Scenario, along with the next one, is meant to be played by several friends all getting together to play a lot of 40k. The Forces: Each player builds a 2000­point army. There should be an equal number of Chaos players and an equal number of Imperial players. These players will pair off and fight one another. Due to the close­quarters nature of the terrain setup, it’s best if the players keep this in mind when developing their lists. The Forces of Chaos: The Chaos players must select from Codex: Chaos Space Marines and Codex: Imperial Guard (those traitorous dogs!). The Chaos Space Marines players are encouraged to use many Cultists in this scenario. The only Lords of War allowed in this scenario are Baneblades. The Forces of the Imperium: Imperial players must select from Codex: Space Marines (using the Black Dragons Chapter Tactics), Codex: Imperial Guard, and the new units presented in this supplement for their armies. The Black Dragons should not take any vehicles other than drop pods in their lists, though the Imperial Guard are more than welcome to do so. The only Lords of War allowed in this scenario are Baneblades and Thunderhawks. The Battlefield: This scenario is played on a 6’x4’ board covered with urban terrain, the bigger and meaner the better. Each pair of opponents should get their own Battlefield. Suffice to say that for many players, this scenario is best played at their friendly local game store. Any and all water features are Industrial Ooze (see the Mysterious Rivers rules in the Warhammer 40,000 main rulebook). Be sure to have as many actual buildings as possible. We actually strongly suggest simply using ruins or even mundane objects as stand­ins for buildings if you don’t have enough. Mission Rules: Every game is played by rolling a random mission and deployment out of the Warhammer 40,000 rulebook. If you wish, you may use the Cities of Death rules for this scenario. The only exception being that Night Fight is not rolled for and any Warlord Trait having to do with Night Fight is re­rolled. In addition, keep track of Kill Points, although they have no bearing on each individual mission

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except, of course, in Purge the Alien. Nowhere to Hide: During this scenario, buildings may be targeted for shooting and assaults even if they are unoccupied. Also, due to the close nature of the terrain and the enormity of the buildings, the blast radius of a Detonation is increased to 1d6+6” and models take Str 5 hits instead of Str 4. Boobytrapped Buildings: Both sides of the conflict have sabotaged the neighborhood! Starting on turn 3 and every Imperial player turn thereafter, the Imperial player may destroy a single building of their choice as if it had suffered a Detonation effect. Starting on turn 4 and every Chaos player turn thereafter, the Chaos player must Detonate a random building. Ruined Buildings: Contrary to the rules, when a building is destroyed, it becomes a ruin. If the ruin is bigger than the original building, that’s fine as it will do a good job of representing the rubble collapsing into the streets and hampering movement. Victory Conditions: The team with the most wins gains a distinct advantage in Scenario 5. If there is a tie for wins, then use total Kill Points for both teams as a tiebreaker.

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Death of Antagonis Scenario #5: Concordat Hill The Furies had descended upon Aighe Mortis, and none would stand before them. On the ground, the furies first came as a light. It was a ripple, solar bright, that swept across the sky. In its wake, the clouds boiled. They became rage. Lightning exploded over the entire firmament, arcing from cloud to cloud to ground. It was electric judgement come to condemn all. Thunder and wind were the same god­throat roar, so loud there was no room left in the world for the screams of the judged.

This scenario is a large Apocalypse battle for the strategically important position of Concordat Hill. This structure is a colossal manufactorum standing atop the world’s most dominant feature… the peak of an enormous mountain. Granted, most of the mountain is covered with aeons of construction, but it is still a very dominant feature on the planet. This position must be taken at any cost! The Forces: Players each bring 2000­3000 points with a goal of playing with about 6000 to 12000 points per side. As with Scenario #4, in this scenario, there should be an equal number of Imperial and Chaos players. The Forces of Chaos The Chaos players must select from Codex: Chaos Space Marines and Codex: Imperial Guard (those traitorous dogs!). The Chaos Space Marines players are encouraged to use many Cultists in this scenario. The only Superheavies allowed in this scenario are Baneblades. The Forces of the Imperium Imperial players must select from Codex: Space Marines (using the Black Dragons Chapter Tactics), Codex: Imperial Guard, and the new units presented in this supplement (except Volos and Setheno) for their armies. The Black Dragons should not take any vehicles other than drop pods in their lists, though the Imperial Guard are more than welcome to do so. The only Superheavies allowed in this scenario are Baneblades and Thunderhawks. On Turn 2, a squad of 50 Conscripts along with Canoness Setheno and Captain Volos arrive from reserve from any table edge or side that the Imperial players desire. They may assault on the turn they arrive from reserve. At the beginning of every Imperial Player turn, any unit of conscripts the both of them have joined regain 2d6 Conscripts. Setheno and any unit of Conscripts she joins has the Crusader and Zealot special rules during this scenario. The Population of Aighe Mortis The winner of the fourth Scenario receives additional support from the people of Aighe Mortis. Two

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units of fifty conscripts begin the game under the control of that faction. If they are not under the control of the Imperium on the turn Setheno arrives from reserve, the Canoness’ words begin to sway them On Turn 3 their weapon and ballistic skills are reduced to 1 as long as the Canoness lives. On turn 4, if the Canoness still lives, any remaining enemy Population of Aighe Mortis turn back to the emperor. If they had been joined by an enemy character, they are considered engaged in close combat with that character. These models may not start the game in reserve. That’s a Lot of Models! Yeah, that certainly is a lot of models. That’s a total of one hundred and fifty conscripts to feed into the meat grinder of war. I suggest finding a buddy with an Ork collection if you’re hard pressed to find another Guard player with that many models. The Battlefield:

This scenario is best played on four 4’x6’ tables pushed together to make a single 8’x12’ table. The edges of the tables should be lined with ruins and buildings, as should the space 3’ in from one of the short table edges. Just off the other short table edge should stand an enormous hill topped with an imperial building and a Skyshield Landing Pad. A little river should run from the base of the hill towards both of the long table edges. This of this river is the Industrial Ooze (see the Mysterious Rivers rules in the Warhammer 40,000 main rulebook). Also, fill any open space with a smattering of craters and other rough terrain. Of course, this scale is much smaller than the true battlefield at Concordat Hill, but this should do for

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the likes of us! Deployment: The players on the side of the Imperium should start 4’ in from the board edge which boasts Concordat Hill. The Chaos players are deployed among the buildings of the opposite table edge, up to 3’ from that edge. Note that the Imperium player should not start ON Concordat Hill. They are rushing for it at the beginning of the battle. It is best to consider the building on the hill completely impassible for the duration of the scenario. Players roll off to determine who chooses to deploy first and take the first turn. First Turn: the Death Throes of The In Excelsis The plasma freighter, In Excelsis explodes at the edge of the atmosphere above Aighe Mortis at the beginning of the battle. After deployment is over, the equivalent of a 16’­diameter blast template is placed over the center of Concordat Hill. This blast is so huge it even hits units that are in reserve (the owning player allocates wounds as they see fit for these units). The template has the following profile:

Range S AP Type Death Throes of the In Excelsis n/a 3 ­ 16’ Blast, Barrage, Ignores Cover The player who loses the least number of models immediately seizes the initiative if they are not going first already. Special Mission Rules: Beset on All Sides! The Forces of Chaos may arrive from reserve from their own table edge and either of the two table sides. Victory Conditions: The faction with the largest number of models within 12” of the base of Concordat Hill at the end of Turn 5 wins the battle.

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Death of Antagonis Scenario #6: The War of Redemption There was an instinctive resistance that Volos had to fight through, a moment of horror at shooting figures in the armor of the Black Dragons. But he knew what was necessary, and the rage at betrayal gave him strength.”

Finally, the treachery of Toharan and his followers comes to a head and those still loyal to the emperor must stop them and their Chaos allies from their plot to use a machine of devastating power against the neighboring star systems, including Aighe Mortis. The Black Dragons streak in on wings of flame to destroy these traitors and save countless worlds from certain destruction.

The Forces: In this scenario there are only the Black Dragons versus the Chaos Space Marines and the Traitors following Toharan. You are welcome to play this scenario at any point level. We suggest around 2000 to 2250 points. The Forces of Chaos: The Swords of Epiphany Chaos Space Marines have a distinct Tzeench feel to them and the Chaos player would not be remiss from using as many sorcerers as possible or even using the rules for the Thousand Sons for their models. Additionally, at least one squad of Raptors and/or Warp Talons should join the forces of Chaos. As an allied detachment (Battle Brothers for the purposes of this scenario), they are joined by several Tactical Squads of traitorous Black Dragons, now calling themselves the Disciples and Captain Toharan himself. Lettinger is not present at this battle. We also suggest leaving this one to the Astartes as Cultists do not make an appearance at this battle. The Forces of the Imperium: Led by Captain Volos, the Forces of the Imperium are comprised mainly of Tactical Squads, Devastator Squads, and Dragon’s Claws. Setheno is not present at this battle. Bringing a Thunderhawk as your Lord of War would fit the storyline here, but we only recommend doing this if you’re playing a very big game.

The Battlefield: Play this battle on whatever sized board the players feel the most comfortable, though a standard 4’x6’ table is recommended. A 4’­wide ring of ruins should be placed off center and filled with wreckage and other debris to represent the outer walls of the ruined temple. The center of the temple is dominated by Nessun at the skeletal organ, directing the path of the grinder towards Aighe Mortis.

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Deployment: The Swords and the traitors deploy within 4’ of their short table edge first, then the Loyalist Black Dragons Space Marines deploy within 12” of their short table edge.

First Turn: The Chaos player may decide which side takes the first player turn as they lie in wait within the wreckage of the temple, ready to strike anyone who enters the ruin. Special Mission Rules: Nessun, the Herald Nessun is represented by an objective marker at the center of the Chaos deployment zone. For each turn the Loyal Black Dragons hold or contest this objective, a unit may forego their shooting phase and all attacks in the assault phase in order to add a damage token to the Objective. When the Objective has three damage tokens on it, Nessun has been killed. Toharan, Monster of Tzeench When Nessun is slain, he directs a final, indignant bolt of Change at Toharan (or his corpse) who promptly begins a horrible transformation. He immediately becomes a Daemon Prince of Tzeench with 6 wounds, power armor, and no psyker levels. Every turn until he is slain, he gains an additional d3 wounds, +1 Strength, and +1 Toughness.

Game Length: The game is over when either all of the loyal Black Dragons are slain or Nessun and Toharan are both slain.

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Victory Conditions If all the loyal Black Dragons are slain before they can stop Nessun, Chaos wins a crushing victory. If Chaos can destroy Aighe Mortis before Nessun is slain, then Chaos scores a minor victory. If the Black Dragons can stop Nessun before he destroys Aighe Mortis, but are then killed in the process, then the Imperium scores a minor victory. If the loyalist Black Dragons are able to not only stop Nessun, but kill Toharan, then they win a crushing victory.

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Fall of Damnos Scenario #1: Sieze Ground Ambush Like gruesome marionettes jerking to horrific un­life, the necron ‘flayed ones’ sprang from their ambuscade. They’d been buried just beneath the surface of the earth, poised to attack the Ultramarines as they charged. A minefield of sorts, but one littered with an animate and deadly enemy rather than mere explosives.

Throughout the battle on Damnos, the Ultramarines are beset upon by packs of Flayed Ones which have hidden themselves beneath the ground. Of course, the wily Tigurius cannot be fooled by their treacherous ways. The Armies: This scenario assumes there is a clear Attacker and a clear Defender. While this Scenario is built from engagements with the Ultramarines as an attacker and Necrons (with Flayed Ones) as the defender, there is no reason for players to feel they must use those armies.

The Battlefield: This scenario is played on a standard 6’x4’ board. Players are encouraged to use the random terrain placement described in the old 6th Edition Warhammer 40,000 rulebook and also to try to use some kind of narrative focus when choosing their pieces. Woods, ruins, and water features are encouraged for regular play. To simulate the conditions on Damnos, the use of ruins and ice features are most encouraged along with the use of the Fog Bank terrain described in this supplement. Deployment: Randomly determine a Deployment Type as prescribed in the Warhammer 40,000 rulebook. The Defender: The defending player deploys first in the normal way with one exception being the deployment of Ambushers. The Defender may select up to three units with which to place in Reserve as an Ambush (described under Special Mission Rules). Independent Characters attached to an Ambushing unit does not count towards the maximum of three Ambushing units. The Defender will secretly write down on his army list the area terrain within which their Ambushing units are hidden. It may be helpful to add a numbered token next to each piece of area terrain to make this easier. Only one Ambushing unit may be assigned per piece of terrain and the terrain pieces may be anywhere on the board, including their opponent’s deployment zone. The Ambushers are not revealed quite yet. For games of more than 2000 points, it is suggested that you add an additional unit to the Ambush for every 500 additional points you play.

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The Attacker: The attacking player deploys in the normal way. First Turn: The Attacker automatically goes first and the Defender may not attempt to seize the initiative. Game Length: This mission uses Variable Game Length. Victory Conditions and Objectives: Players earn Victory Points by holding area terrain as objectives. A scoring unit holds a piece of terrain by having all of the models of that unit in the terrain. A denial unit may contest a piece of terrain by having all of the models of that unit in the terrain. Each piece of area terrain held is worth 3 Victory points. First Blood and Slay the Warlord are worth 1 point each while Linebreaker is worth an additional 3 points for this scenario. Special Mission Rules: Night Fighting, Mysterious Objectives, Reserves, Ambush, Flush Out Ambush: Units hidden in terrain may reveal themselves at any time during the Defending player’s turn. All models must be placed in their corresponding terrain if possible. If the Attacker has any models on the terrain, then the Defender may place their own models in base contact with the Attacker’s models. In this case, they count as being engaged in an ongoing combat during successive Assault Phases. Otherwise, the Defender may elect not to shoot with newly­revealed units. Units which are revealed in this manner may assault the turn they are revealed as long as they did not shoot that turn. Flush Out: The Attackers’ warlord possesses either a special piece of wargear, biomorph, or other special power which allows them to detect enemy units hidden in terrain. After the Warlord’s unit has moved, measure from the Warlord (or the hull of the Warlord’s transport). Any terrain features within 6” must reveal their hidden models. If the Attacker has models in the terrain, the Defender may place their models in base contact with those models as described in “Ambush” above, but, of course, the Defender may not choose to assault with their revealed units during the Attacker’s turn.

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Fall of Damnos Scenario #2: Advance and Execute ‘Take and hold the ground.’ Those had been his orders during the mission briefing. Thirty Ultramarines to keep a simple esplanade from the enemy. It had seemed like overkill; now, Iulus Fennion wasn’t so sure.

In a great many conflicts, it’s up to the trooper to do two things and do it well. One of those things is to destroy the enemy and the other is to take ground from the enemy. A great deal of this kind of warfare is seen throughout portions of Fall of Damnos. This mission seeks to duplicate these objectives. The Armies: While this scenario is designed for the use of any army, if you wish to re­create the battles in Part II of Fall of Damnos, then you may select any Necron forces you desire for one side of the conflict. For the Imperium, select Ultramarines Infantry or Dreadnoughts accompanied by Imperial Guard to represent the Damnosian defense forces and/or any number of units of Death World Conscripts. The Battlefield: As with Scenario 1, this scenario is played on a standard 6’x4’ board. Players are encouraged to use the old 6th Edition random terrain placement described in the Warhammer 40,000 rulebook and also to try to use some kind of narrative focus when choosing their pieces. To simulate the conditions on Damnos, the use of ruins and ice features are most encouraged along with the use of the Fog Bank terrain described in this supplement. First Turn: Roll for first turn as normal. Deployment: The deployment type used for this scenario is Hammer & Anvil to represent the need to advance and hold territory. Game Length: This mission uses Variable Game Length. Victory Conditions and Objectives: Players score points in two ways. First, the table is divided into 2’ squares as described for terrain placement (see the map below). For each table square you dominate, you score 3 Victory Points. You dominate a table square by having more units in the square than your opponent. Scoring Units count double. For example, if you have a Tactical Squad (a Scoring Unit) and a Dreadnought in a table square while your opponent has three units of Scarabs in the same square, you will tie in that

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square and no one will score it. If the enemy had a squad of Warriors (a Scoring Unit) instead of one of those squads of Scarabs, they would score 3 Victory Points for holding that square. Additionally, during this mission, players score 1 Victory Point for each enemy unit slain. If you are re­creating the battles in the novel, Fall of Damnos, then if the forces of the Imperium score Slay the Warlord, they receive 4 additional Victory Points for the feat instead of just 1. Similarly, if the Necrons are able to hold their ground, they receive additional points; if the forces of the Imperium fail to score Linebreaker, the Necron forces receive 3 additional Victory Points. Secondary mission objectives are in play as normal.

Special Mission Rules: Night Fighting, Reserves

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Fall of Damnos Scenario #3: Sabotage Jynn breathed deeply, trying to master her terror, and achieved a small amount of calm. It was just enough to remove the explosive payload from the pack, arm it, and attach the whole thing to the pylon. She wanted to detonate it immediately, but the resulting firestorm would kill her if she didn’t get clear. Instead, she pulled out her pistol and made for the next artillery piece.

This scenario attempts to simulate an attacking force whose job it is to sabotage enemy targets while the defending force attempts to thwart their attackers. The Armies: This scenario assumes there is a clear Attacker and a clear Defender. While this Scenario is built from engagements with the Ultramarines accompanied by Conscripts as the attackers and Necrons as the defender, there is no reason for players to feel they must use those armies. Note that it might be more fun to know ahead of time whether a player is the attacker or the defender before building lists for this scenario. The Battlefield: This scenario is played on a standard 6’x4’ board. Players are encouraged to use the random terrain placement described in the old Warhammer 40,000 rulebook and also to try to use some kind of narrative focus when choosing their pieces. To simulate the conditions on Damnos, the use of ruins and ice features are most encouraged along with the use of the Fog Bank terrain described in this supplement. First Turn: Roll for first turn as normal. Deployment: The defender may deploy a full 24” from their long table edge while the attacker may deploy 12” from their long table edge.

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Game Length: This mission uses Variable Game Length. Victory Conditions and Objectives: There are six objective markers used in this game. Three are placed by the attacker and three are placed by the defender. All Objective Markers must be placed within the defender’s deployment zone. If an Attacker’s scoring unit is holding an objective at the end of their turn, remove it from play. For each Objective removed from play at the end of the game, the Attacker scores 3 Victory Points. For each Objective remaining in play at the end of the game, the Defender scores 3 Victory Points. For the purpose of this mission, Elites choices are scoring units. Secondary mission objectives are in play as normal. Alternative Victory Conditions and Objectives: More Interesting Objectives: It might be more interesting to select different Battlefield Debris or even include one Archaeotech Artifact as the Objectives in this mission. Of course, if these Objectives would pose too great a benefit to the Defending Player, work out a points value for these benefits before the start of the game. Timed explosives: Instead of destroying the Objectives right away, if you are holding the Objective at the end of your turn, place a Sabotaged Token on it. For each turn the Defender is holding an Objective, remove a Sabotaged Token from it. There is no limit on the number of Sabotaged Tokens

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an Objective may have on it. Just before the game ends, each sabotaged token explodes, destroying the Objective with it. In addition, deal Str 8 AP 2 Barrage blast hits out from the center of the marker to a distance of 2d6” for each sabotaged Objective. This method is preferred if you are trying to re­create the Damnos story. Special Mission Rules: Night Fighting, Mysterious Objectives, Reserves

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Escape of the Courier (Battlefleet 40k) It is imperative that one vessel must break through the battle lines and make its way to reinforcements. Forces: One Force is considered the Defender and another the Attacker. The Attacker boasts half again as many points as the Defender. For example, if you play a 100­point game, the Attacker may take 150 points. The Defender designates one ship as The Courier. Terrain: One planet is added to the board, touching the Defender’s table edge. Actually, a white dinner plate would represent Fenris just fine! Deployment: The Defender deploys anywhere within Range 1 of the planet. The Attacker, then, deploys within Range 1 of their table edge. The Defender does not deploy The Courier. Special Rules: Hulks: When a ship is destroyed, remove the ship from the base, but leave the base on the board. This base is treated as a standard obstacle. The Courier: The ship designated as the courier arrives in play at the start of Turn 2 on its initiative step. Its maneuver template is placed anywhere touching the Planet. Any of the ship’s maneuvers may be used. The Courier may also use the Take Cover action. Action ­ Take Cover: The Courier may use other vessels for cover. When a ship fires upon the Courier, they receive one additional Defense Die for each ship base they must draw range through. Victory Conditions: The Defender wins if The Courier exits the far table edge. The Attacker wins if it does not.

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Guerilla Strike When an enemy invades your home, you will use whatever resources you have at your disposal to show them how grave a mistake this is. Forces: This mission is best used with smaller games. The players are representing small forces of Defenders ambushing elements of an enemy interloper. We suggest the Defender build 750 point lists while the Attackers build 1000 point lists. The Battlefield: A 4x4 table laden with terrain is best suited for this scenario. Special Mission Rules: Home Field: All of the Defender’s units receive the Stealth and Move Through Cover Special Rules. If the unit has the Infiltrate Special Rule, they enjoy the Shrouded special rule instead. In addition, the Defending player enjoys one additional Warp Charge Dice in each Psychic Phase. Deployment: Dawn of War First Turn: Roll randomly to determine who will go first. Game Length: This mission uses standard random game length. Primary Objectives: The Defender receives 2 Victory Points for each destroyed enemy unit. The Attacker receives 3 Victory Points for each held objective at the end of the game. 4 Objectives are placed for this mission. Secondary Objectives: Slay the Warlord, First Blood, and Linebreaker are each worth 1 Victory Point for the Defender. Linebreaker is worth 3 points to the Attacker.

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Victory Conditions: The player with the most Victory Points wins.

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Hide & Seek (Zone Mortalis) The enemy is all around you, but you’re really only looking for one individual.

Forces: You may play with any sized Zone Mortalis force. As with the other scenarios, you must determine an Attacker and a Defender. The Attacker possesses a numerical disadvantage, having invaded the Defender’s ship with a small contingent. The Attacker builds their list with 25% less points than the attacker. Battlefield Your Zone Mortalis board should contain as many locked rooms as possible. Special Rules: Ambush: The Attacker may hold units in reserve for Ambush and that player MUST hold their Warlord as an Ambusher. Ambushing units do not arrive from reserves as normal. Instead, whenever the Defender opens a door, roll a dice. On a 1­3, the room is on fire and presents a hazard to anyone nearby. The revealed room is considered Dangerous Terrain and space within 4” of the door suffers from the Cold Void & Poisoned Air rules. Place a single Plasma Fire marker (about 40mm diameter) in the center of the room; this marker is Deadly Terrain. On a 4­6, the room contains one of the Attacker’s reserved units, determined randomly. The unit revealed in this way may not be assaulted this turn. At the end of turn 5, any doors that were left closed are immediately opened, revealing their contents. After all rooms have been opened, if there are any remaining Ambushing units, they immediately arrive from reserve from any valid entrance or exit point as normal. Game Length: On turns 1­6, the game continues. At the end of game turn 7, the game continues on a 3+. At the end of game turn 8, the game continues on a 4+. The game automatically ends at the end of game turn 9. Primary Objectives: The main goal of this scenario is for both sides to annihilate each other, mimicking the Search and Destroy mission from the Zone Mortalis supplement. Score 1 Victory Point for each killed enemy unit.

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Secondary Objectives: Somewhat mimicking the Sabotage mission, the Defender may attempt to extinguish any Plasma Fire marker. They may do so by moving any three of their models onto the marker, the troopers giving their lives to save the ship. When this happens, the marker is removed and all negative effects in that room and the hallway outside are ended. For each Plasma Fire extinguished, the Defender scores 2 Victory Points. For each Plasma Fire left burning, the Attacker scores 1 Victory Point. Tertiary Objectives: Slay the Warlord scores 3 Victory Points. Victory Conditions: The player with the most Victory Points wins.

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Stop The Ritual The Grey Knights have responded just in the nick of time to a grave threat to the region. A force of Chaos followers have found several relics which can be used to summon forth a great host of Daemons and throw the balance of power in disarray. Forces: The forces of Chaos (defender) are allowed to bring 25% more points than the Imperium player (attacker). Battlefield: The Chaos player places an ancient ruin directly in the center of the table and three other pieces of ancient ruins terrain within 3” of that ruin. Woods and archaic ruins are recommended for the rest of the board, but this is left to the players’ discretion.

Deployment: The defender first deploys within 18” of the center of the table. They may deploy any of their units in a Summoning Ring (see below). For each Summoning Ring the defender deploys, place an Objective in its center. This is not a Mysterious Objective. The Imperium player then deploys within 6” of any one short table edge. This table edge becomes the Attacker’s Table Edge and the opposite side is considered the Defender’s Table Edge.

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Special Rules: Summoning Ring: A Summoning Ring is simply a unit of models which have been arranged in a circular formation. The Summoning Ring may not move, shoot, or use psychic powers in any way unless forced to do so by the enemy or the environment (morale, being assaulted, etc.). Note that Overwatch is an elected action and may not be taken by models in a Summoning Ring. No unit may join a Summoning Ring, nor may a unit create a Summoning Ring during the game. All Summoning Rings are obscured by the corsucating energies surrounding them, so they enjoy the Shrouded special rule. Units in a Summoning Ring do not generate Warp Charges and may not manifest Psychic Powers. A Summoning Ring which is reduced to less than 5 models is considered broken as is a Summoning Ring which is forced to move in any way (morale, etc.). A Summoning Ring which is broken may act normally as if they were not in a Summoning Ring. First Turn: Roll randomly to determine who will go first. Game Length: This mission uses standard random game length. Primary Objectives: The defender receives 5 Victory Points for each non­broken Summoning Ring; if the Summoning Ring contains psykers, receive 7 Victory Points instead. The attacker receives 1 Victory Point for each slain enemy unit. Secondary Objectives: Either defender or attacker receives 1 Victory Point for each held Objective. Tertiary Objectives: Slay the Warlord, First Blood, and Linebreaker are each worth 1 Victory Point

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Switchback The Attacking force is attempting to take as much ground in the Defender’s underground complex as possible in a series of dramatic pushes and they’re soon wading in the blood of the fallen. We recommend playing this scenario only if you have an entire day to kill. Forces: Again, the Attacker is blessed with extra forces. They make two 2000 point lists. The second list must contain at least one Lord of War. The Defender may only take a single 2000 point list and may not select a Lord of war, however, they may purchase 1000 points in Fortifications. Battlefield: This game is played on a standard 4’ x 6’ board, but the only terrain placed should be the Fortifications placed by the Defender. Additionally, a wall runs 4’ down the length of the center of the board at a pitched angle. No line­of­sight may be traced through the wall. In lieu of anything else, a strip of masking tape can work fine for this feature.

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Special Rules: Indoors: Barrage weapons may not be used during this scenario. Superior Position: Attacking forces do not enjoy cover saves from the Fortifications, though the Fortifications may still block Line of Sight. Deployment: Units may not be held in reserve. The Attacker deploys their first list and when the units from that list have been exhausted, their entire second list arrives from reserve. If any models cannot arrive from reserve due to space issues, then they go into Ongoing Reserves. First Turn: The Attacker goes first. Game Length: On turns 1­10, the game continues. At the end of game turn 11, the game continues on a 3+. At the end of game turn 12, the game continues on a 4+. The game automatically ends at the end of game turn 13. Primary Objectives: Divide the table into 2’ bands along the long table edge. The center wall bisects these bands so that we have 6 different regions of the table. The Attacker scores 3 Victory Points for each region which contains no Defending units. The Defender scores 1 Victory Point for each region which contains a Defending unit. Note that Buildings held by the Defender count as a Defending unit. The Defender scores 3 Victory Points if they still have a unit in the region along their own Board Edge. Secondary Objectives: Players score 1 Victory Point for each enemy unit destroyed. Tertiary Objectives: First Blood, Linebreaker, and Slay the Warlord are in play. The Defender scores 4 Victory Points for Slay the Warlord instead of 1. Victory Conditions: The player with the most Victory Points wins.

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