Olympiatoppen - Norges idrettsforbund execution Approx 3 hours per athlete Test team 4-6 people 4...


Transcript of Olympiatoppen - Norges idrettsforbund execution Approx 3 hours per athlete Test team 4-6 people 4...

Page 1: Olympiatoppen - Norges idrettsforbund execution Approx 3 hours per athlete Test team 4-6 people 4 test stations Summary meeting and report Athlete OLT doctor and physio Team medical
Page 2: Olympiatoppen - Norges idrettsforbund execution Approx 3 hours per athlete Test team 4-6 people 4 test stations Summary meeting and report Athlete OLT doctor and physio Team medical


- Helseavdelingen

Page 3: Olympiatoppen - Norges idrettsforbund execution Approx 3 hours per athlete Test team 4-6 people 4 test stations Summary meeting and report Athlete OLT doctor and physio Team medical


• 2 legesekretærer

• 8 leger (3.6 årsverk)

• 8 fysioterapeuter (5 årsverk)

• (3 massører)

Page 4: Olympiatoppen - Norges idrettsforbund execution Approx 3 hours per athlete Test team 4-6 people 4 test stations Summary meeting and report Athlete OLT doctor and physio Team medical


• I samarbeid med særforbund og regionalt nettverk skal Olympiatoppens helseavdeling sørge for optimal medisinsk behandling for dagens og morgendagens toppidrettsutøvere og arbeide tverrfaglig for å forebygge sykdom og skader

Page 5: Olympiatoppen - Norges idrettsforbund execution Approx 3 hours per athlete Test team 4-6 people 4 test stations Summary meeting and report Athlete OLT doctor and physio Team medical

Olympiatoppens helseavdeling skal:

• Holde høyeste faglig nivå

• Ha en klar strategi for videreutvikling av fagprofil, kompetanse, infrastruktur, utstyr og lokaliteter

• Utvikle et godt og oppdatert nettverk nasjonalt og internasjonalt

• Øke tilgjengeligheten av tverrfaglig organiserte tilbud (optimaliseringstiltak & teamarbeid omkring prioriterte utøvere)

• Styrke satsingen på forebygging av skader og sykdom—implementering & tidlig detektering

• Ha god behandlingskapasitet—Olympiatopputøvere skal få time samme dag

• Utvikle en prispolitikk som bidrar til økt tilgjengelighet for prioriterte utøvergrupper

• Utvikle et arbeidsmiljø hvor vi gjør hverandre gode og godt

• Utvikle en strategi for rekruttering, utdanning og utvikling av nye helsearbeidere i toppidretten

• Drive en praksis som skaper et positivt omdømme i toppidretten og i samfunnet


Page 6: Olympiatoppen - Norges idrettsforbund execution Approx 3 hours per athlete Test team 4-6 people 4 test stations Summary meeting and report Athlete OLT doctor and physio Team medical

Olympiatoppens helseavdeling skal:

• Holde høyeste faglig nivå

• Ha en klar strategi for videreutvikling av fagprofil, kompetanse, infrastruktur, utstyr og lokaliteter

• Utvikle et godt og oppdatert nettverk nasjonalt og internasjonalt

• Øke tilgjengeligheten av tverrfaglig organiserte tilbud (optimaliseringstiltak & teamarbeid omkring prioriterte utøvere)

• Styrke satsingen på forebygging av skader og sykdom—implementering & tidlig detektering

• Ha god behandlingskapasitet—Olympiatopputøvere skal få time samme dag

• Utvikle en prispolitikk som bidrar til økt tilgjengelighet for prioriterte utøvergrupper

• Utvikle et arbeidsmiljø hvor vi gjør hverandre gode og godt

• Utvikle en strategi for rekruttering, utdanning og utvikling av nye helsearbeidere i toppidretten

• Drive en praksis som skaper et positivt omdømme i toppidretten og i samfunnet


Page 7: Olympiatoppen - Norges idrettsforbund execution Approx 3 hours per athlete Test team 4-6 people 4 test stations Summary meeting and report Athlete OLT doctor and physio Team medical


• Olympiatopputøvere

• Landslagsutøvere (sr/jr)

• Elever ved Toppidrettsgymnas

Page 8: Olympiatoppen - Norges idrettsforbund execution Approx 3 hours per athlete Test team 4-6 people 4 test stations Summary meeting and report Athlete OLT doctor and physio Team medical

For øvrig:

• Særskilt oppfølging av stipendutøvere og OL/PL-kandidater

• Lede helseteamet ifm OL/PL (og andre multi-events)

Page 9: Olympiatoppen - Norges idrettsforbund execution Approx 3 hours per athlete Test team 4-6 people 4 test stations Summary meeting and report Athlete OLT doctor and physio Team medical

• Stipendutøveravtalen

• Screening- & monitoreringsprogrammet

• Oppfølging av OL-/PL-uttatte utøvere

Hvordan foregår denne oppfølgingen?

Page 10: Olympiatoppen - Norges idrettsforbund execution Approx 3 hours per athlete Test team 4-6 people 4 test stations Summary meeting and report Athlete OLT doctor and physio Team medical

• «Utøveren skal ta hensyn til de råd Olympiatoppens medisinsk ansvarlige gir. Bruk av helsepersonell som ikke er tilknyttet Olympiatoppen, skal på forhånd avklares med helseavdelingen i Olympiatoppen og kun gjøres i samråd med Olympiatoppen og forbundets medisinsk ansvarlige. «


Page 11: Olympiatoppen - Norges idrettsforbund execution Approx 3 hours per athlete Test team 4-6 people 4 test stations Summary meeting and report Athlete OLT doctor and physio Team medical

• «Utøveren skal ta hensyn til de råd Olympiatoppens medisinsk ansvarlige gir. Bruk av helsepersonell som ikke er tilknyttet Olympiatoppen, skal på forhånd avklares med helseavdelingen i Olympiatoppen og kun gjøres i samråd med Olympiatoppen og forbundets medisinsk ansvarlige.»


Page 12: Olympiatoppen - Norges idrettsforbund execution Approx 3 hours per athlete Test team 4-6 people 4 test stations Summary meeting and report Athlete OLT doctor and physio Team medical

• «Utøver innestår for å ha gjennomført Antidoping Norges e-læringsprogram «Ren utøver».»


Page 13: Olympiatoppen - Norges idrettsforbund execution Approx 3 hours per athlete Test team 4-6 people 4 test stations Summary meeting and report Athlete OLT doctor and physio Team medical

• «Olympiatoppen har en restriktiv holdning til bruk og markedsføring av kosttilskudd. Ved bruk av kosttilskudd skal utøveren følge Olympiatoppens gjeldende retningslinjer for bruk og markedsføring av kosttilskudd. Dette innebærer blant annet restriksjoner på hva slags type kosttilskudd utøvere kan benytte seg av, samt en forpliktelse til å rapportere eventuell bruk av kosttilskudd til Olympiatoppen.»


Page 14: Olympiatoppen - Norges idrettsforbund execution Approx 3 hours per athlete Test team 4-6 people 4 test stations Summary meeting and report Athlete OLT doctor and physio Team medical


Page 15: Olympiatoppen - Norges idrettsforbund execution Approx 3 hours per athlete Test team 4-6 people 4 test stations Summary meeting and report Athlete OLT doctor and physio Team medical

-The Norwegian Olympic Screening

& Monitoring Programme

with Ben Clarsen PT PhD &

Håvard Moksnes PT PhD

Page 16: Olympiatoppen - Norges idrettsforbund execution Approx 3 hours per athlete Test team 4-6 people 4 test stations Summary meeting and report Athlete OLT doctor and physio Team medical
Page 17: Olympiatoppen - Norges idrettsforbund execution Approx 3 hours per athlete Test team 4-6 people 4 test stations Summary meeting and report Athlete OLT doctor and physio Team medical

Main challenges providing

medical care to Norwegian team

Lots of small sports

Athletes are geographically spread

Athletes relate to multiple medical teams


National team

Professional team/club


Page 18: Olympiatoppen - Norges idrettsforbund execution Approx 3 hours per athlete Test team 4-6 people 4 test stations Summary meeting and report Athlete OLT doctor and physio Team medical

Main challenges providing

medical care to Norwegian team

Poor communication between medical


Lots of problems "under the radar"

Athletes slow to report overuse injuries

Page 19: Olympiatoppen - Norges idrettsforbund execution Approx 3 hours per athlete Test team 4-6 people 4 test stations Summary meeting and report Athlete OLT doctor and physio Team medical

Injury & illness surveillance

Follow-up as necessary




Screening & Monitoring Project

Page 20: Olympiatoppen - Norges idrettsforbund execution Approx 3 hours per athlete Test team 4-6 people 4 test stations Summary meeting and report Athlete OLT doctor and physio Team medical

Injury & illness surveillance

Follow-up as necessary




Screening & Monitoring Project

Page 21: Olympiatoppen - Norges idrettsforbund execution Approx 3 hours per athlete Test team 4-6 people 4 test stations Summary meeting and report Athlete OLT doctor and physio Team medical

PHE execution

Approx 3 hours per athlete

Test team 4-6 people

4 test stations

Summary meeting and



OLT doctor and physio

Team medical staff





Page 22: Olympiatoppen - Norges idrettsforbund execution Approx 3 hours per athlete Test team 4-6 people 4 test stations Summary meeting and report Athlete OLT doctor and physio Team medical


Page 23: Olympiatoppen - Norges idrettsforbund execution Approx 3 hours per athlete Test team 4-6 people 4 test stations Summary meeting and report Athlete OLT doctor and physio Team medical

PHE follow-up

Summary report contains 2-3 key action


Team medical staff have responsibility to

make it happen

Retesting scheduled where appropriate

All screening data available to athletes and

medical staff online

Page 24: Olympiatoppen - Norges idrettsforbund execution Approx 3 hours per athlete Test team 4-6 people 4 test stations Summary meeting and report Athlete OLT doctor and physio Team medical

Injury & illness surveillance

Follow-up as necessary




Screening & Monitoring Project

Page 25: Olympiatoppen - Norges idrettsforbund execution Approx 3 hours per athlete Test team 4-6 people 4 test stations Summary meeting and report Athlete OLT doctor and physio Team medical

Why do we do it?

Page 26: Olympiatoppen - Norges idrettsforbund execution Approx 3 hours per athlete Test team 4-6 people 4 test stations Summary meeting and report Athlete OLT doctor and physio Team medical

Primary goal

To optimise our athletes’ medical support

Ensure regular communication between athlete &

medical staff

Create an information “safety-net”

Early identification of small problems


Page 27: Olympiatoppen - Norges idrettsforbund execution Approx 3 hours per athlete Test team 4-6 people 4 test stations Summary meeting and report Athlete OLT doctor and physio Team medical

Project manager

Medical team

Medical team

Medical team

Medical team

Medical team

Medical team

Medical team

Medical team

Medical team

Medical team





















Page 28: Olympiatoppen - Norges idrettsforbund execution Approx 3 hours per athlete Test team 4-6 people 4 test stations Summary meeting and report Athlete OLT doctor and physio Team medical

Project manager

Medical team

Medical team

Medical team

Medical team

Medical team

Medical team

Medical team

Medical team

Medical team

Medical team









Physio Doctor



Physio Doctor






Physio Doctor









Page 29: Olympiatoppen - Norges idrettsforbund execution Approx 3 hours per athlete Test team 4-6 people 4 test stations Summary meeting and report Athlete OLT doctor and physio Team medical
Page 30: Olympiatoppen - Norges idrettsforbund execution Approx 3 hours per athlete Test team 4-6 people 4 test stations Summary meeting and report Athlete OLT doctor and physio Team medical
Page 31: Olympiatoppen - Norges idrettsforbund execution Approx 3 hours per athlete Test team 4-6 people 4 test stations Summary meeting and report Athlete OLT doctor and physio Team medical
Page 32: Olympiatoppen - Norges idrettsforbund execution Approx 3 hours per athlete Test team 4-6 people 4 test stations Summary meeting and report Athlete OLT doctor and physio Team medical
Page 33: Olympiatoppen - Norges idrettsforbund execution Approx 3 hours per athlete Test team 4-6 people 4 test stations Summary meeting and report Athlete OLT doctor and physio Team medical
Page 34: Olympiatoppen - Norges idrettsforbund execution Approx 3 hours per athlete Test team 4-6 people 4 test stations Summary meeting and report Athlete OLT doctor and physio Team medical
Page 35: Olympiatoppen - Norges idrettsforbund execution Approx 3 hours per athlete Test team 4-6 people 4 test stations Summary meeting and report Athlete OLT doctor and physio Team medical
Page 36: Olympiatoppen - Norges idrettsforbund execution Approx 3 hours per athlete Test team 4-6 people 4 test stations Summary meeting and report Athlete OLT doctor and physio Team medical
Page 37: Olympiatoppen - Norges idrettsforbund execution Approx 3 hours per athlete Test team 4-6 people 4 test stations Summary meeting and report Athlete OLT doctor and physio Team medical
Page 38: Olympiatoppen - Norges idrettsforbund execution Approx 3 hours per athlete Test team 4-6 people 4 test stations Summary meeting and report Athlete OLT doctor and physio Team medical
Page 39: Olympiatoppen - Norges idrettsforbund execution Approx 3 hours per athlete Test team 4-6 people 4 test stations Summary meeting and report Athlete OLT doctor and physio Team medical
Page 40: Olympiatoppen - Norges idrettsforbund execution Approx 3 hours per athlete Test team 4-6 people 4 test stations Summary meeting and report Athlete OLT doctor and physio Team medical
Page 41: Olympiatoppen - Norges idrettsforbund execution Approx 3 hours per athlete Test team 4-6 people 4 test stations Summary meeting and report Athlete OLT doctor and physio Team medical
Page 42: Olympiatoppen - Norges idrettsforbund execution Approx 3 hours per athlete Test team 4-6 people 4 test stations Summary meeting and report Athlete OLT doctor and physio Team medical
Page 43: Olympiatoppen - Norges idrettsforbund execution Approx 3 hours per athlete Test team 4-6 people 4 test stations Summary meeting and report Athlete OLT doctor and physio Team medical
Page 44: Olympiatoppen - Norges idrettsforbund execution Approx 3 hours per athlete Test team 4-6 people 4 test stations Summary meeting and report Athlete OLT doctor and physio Team medical
Page 45: Olympiatoppen - Norges idrettsforbund execution Approx 3 hours per athlete Test team 4-6 people 4 test stations Summary meeting and report Athlete OLT doctor and physio Team medical
Page 46: Olympiatoppen - Norges idrettsforbund execution Approx 3 hours per athlete Test team 4-6 people 4 test stations Summary meeting and report Athlete OLT doctor and physio Team medical
Page 47: Olympiatoppen - Norges idrettsforbund execution Approx 3 hours per athlete Test team 4-6 people 4 test stations Summary meeting and report Athlete OLT doctor and physio Team medical

Etter uttak - ekstrasjekk

Page 48: Olympiatoppen - Norges idrettsforbund execution Approx 3 hours per athlete Test team 4-6 people 4 test stations Summary meeting and report Athlete OLT doctor and physio Team medical

• … bistå i arbeidet med å utarbeide forslag til rutiner og retningslinjer for forskrivning av legemidler til toppidrettsutøvere.

Ny arbeidsgruppe - mandat

Page 49: Olympiatoppen - Norges idrettsforbund execution Approx 3 hours per athlete Test team 4-6 people 4 test stations Summary meeting and report Athlete OLT doctor and physio Team medical

• Hilde Skagestad & Bente Lund (seniorrådgivere, Helsedirektoratet)

• Rune Andersen (Antidoping Norge)• Eva Birkelund (leder, Norsk forening for idrettsmedisin

og fysisk aktivitet, Legeforeningen)• Anne Margrethe Hausken (orienteringsløper/tidligere

leder av utøverkomitéen)• Bjørge Stensbøl (tidligere toppidrettssjef)• Bo Berglund (sjefslege, Sveriges Olympiske Komité)• Leder: Roald Bahr

• Faglig bistand: DNV GL (tidligere Det Norske Veritas)

Ny arbeidsgruppe - medlemmer