3 Федеральное агентство по образованию Сибирская государственная автомобильно-дорожная академия (СибАДИ) Кафедра иностранных языков ГРАММАТИКА В УПРАЖНЕНИЯХ Ч. 1. Времена сборник упражнений по грамматике английского языка Составитель М.В. Цыгулева Омск Издательство СибАДИ 2007


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Федеральное агентство по образованию

Сибирская государственная автомобильно-дорожная академия (СибАДИ)

Кафедра иностранных языков


Ч. 1. Времена

сборник упражнений

по грамматике английского языка

Составитель М.В. Цыгулева

Омск Издательство СибАДИ


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УДК 42 ББК 81.432.1 Рецензент доктор филологических наук, зав. каф. русского языка ОМГУ Л.О. Бутакова

Работа одобрена редакционно-издательским советом академии в качестве сборника упражнений по грамматике английского языка для студентов специальности «Перево-дчик в сфере профессиональных коммуникаций».

Грамматика в упражнениях. Ч. 1. Времена: Сборник упражнений по грамматике

английского языка / Сост. М. В. Цыгулева. – Омск: Изд-во СибАДИ, 2007. – 69 с.

Сборник содержит упражнения по одному из наиболее трудных разделов англий-ской грамматики: системе времен активного залога. Упражнения способствуют овладе-нию грамматически правильной английской речью.

Библиогр.: 9 назв.

Составитель М. В. Цыгулева, 2007

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Учебное издание


Ч.1. Времена

Сборник упражнений по грамматике английского языка

Составитель Маргарита Викторовна Цыгулева

Редактор Н.И. Косенкова

Подписано к печати 10.05.2007 Формат 60x90 1/16. Бумага писчая Оперативный способ печати Гарнитура Таймс Усл. п. л. 4,25, уч.-изд. л. 4,25 Тираж 100 экз. Заказ . Цена договорная

Издательство СибАДИ 644099, г. Омск, ул. П. Некрасова, 10

Отпечатано в ПЦ издательства СибАДИ

644099, г. Омск, ул. П. Некрасова, 10

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Грамматика в упражнениях

Сборник упражнений по грамматике английского языка








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1. Read these journal entries by Brian, a Canadian summer exchange stu-dent studying in Argentina. Circle all the verbs that describe what is hap-pening now. Underline the verbs that describe what generally happens.

June 28: I’m sitting in a seat 30,000 feet above the earthen route to Argentine! I usually have dinner at this time, but right now I have a head-ache from the excitement. My seat-mate is eating my food. She looks happy.

June 30: It’s 7:30. my host par-

ents are still working. Carlos, my fa-ther, works at home. My little brother Ricardo is cute. He looks (and acts) a lot like Bobby. Right now he’s look-ing over my shoulder and trying to read my journal.

July 4: The weather is cold here; I usually spend the first weekend of July at the beach. Today I’m walking around in a heavy sweater.

August 6: I feel so tired tonight.

Everyone else feels great in the eve-ning because they take long naps in the afternoon.

2. Look at Brian's schedule. Complete the sentences below. Use the present progressive or the simple present tense. Choose between affirmative and negative forms.

8:30 – 12:30 Attend class Go on field trip to the Museum of the City 2:00 – 3:00 Eat lunch 3:00 – 5:00 Take a nap Work on my Web page 5:00 – 6:30 Do homework (Call home at 5:00 sharp today!) 6:30 – 8:30 Play tennis Watch a video with Eva 9:00 Have dinner

Brian usually __________ between 8:30 and 12:30, but today he ____________. He always________________ between 2:00 and 3:00. He normally _______________ after lunch, but today he______________. It’s 5:00, but he _____________ homework now. He ______________ instead. It’s 6:20. He _________________________. It’s 6:45, but he _________________ tennis. He _________________ with Eva. It’s 9:00. Brian __________________________.

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3. Complete these conversations that take place outside of a classroom. ***

- Hi, Paulo. What _______ you ___________(do)? - Oh, I __________(wait) for class to begin. - How are you? You ____________(look) tired. - I am a little. I __________(work) evenings this semester. Hey, is that your

teacher over there? - Yes. She ________________(talk) to one of my classmates. - I wonder what’s wrong. He ________________(not look) at her. He

___________(look) uncomfortable. - Oh. That ____________(not mean) anything. In Taiwan it’s not respectful

to look directly at your teacher. ***

- Look, there’s Miguel. He __________(talk) to Luisa. - Yes. They ___________(take) a class together this semester. - They __________(stand) very close to each other. ___________ you

__________ (think) they _________ (date)? - No, I ______________ (not think) it _____________(mean) anything spe-

cial. - I _______________ (come) from Costa Rica, and people normally

____________ (stand) that close to each other. ***

- There’s Hans. Why ___________ he ___________ (walk) so fast? Class ___________ (start) at 9:00. He still ___________ (have) ten minutes!

-He always __________ (walk) fast. I think people from Switzerland often _____________ (appear) to be in a hurry.

*** - Isn’t that Sergio and Luis? Why ___________ they ___________ (shake)

hands? They already _________(know) each other! - In Brazil, men _______________ (shake) hands every time they

____________ (meet). - _________ women __________ (shake) hands too? - I really _____________ (not know).

4. Read this student's journal. Find and correct eleven mistakes. It's 12:30 and I sit in the library right now. My classmates are eating lunch

together, but I'm not hungry yet. At home, we eat never this early. Today our journal topic is culture shock. It's a good topic for me right now because I'm be-ing pretty homesick. I miss my old routine. At home we always are eating a big meal at 2:00 in the afternoon. Then we rest. But here in Toronto I'm having a 3:00 conversation class. Every day, I almost fall asleep in class, and my teacher ask me. "Are you bored?" Of course I'm not bored. I just need my afternoon

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nap! This class always is fun. This semester, we work on a project with video cameras. My team is filming groups of people from different cultures. We are analyze "social distance." That means how close to each other these people stand. According to my new watch, it's 12:55, so I leave now for my 1:00 class. Teachers here really aren't liking tardiness!

5. Walk around your classroom. Ask other students questions. Find some-one who . . .

Name(s) likes visiting foreign countries _____________________________ isn't wearing a watch _____________________________ speaks more than two languages _____________________________ is studying something besides English _____________________________ doesn't watch sports on TV _____________________________ is planning to travel this year _____________________________


A: Do you like visiting foreign countries? B: Yes, I do. What about you? Report back to the group.

Example: Tania and Jose like visiting foreign countries.

6. Write a paragraph about a new experience you are having. Maybe you are living in a new country, taking a new class, or working at a new job. De-scribe the situation. How is it different from what you usually do? How do you feel in the situation? Example:

I usually live at home with my parents, but this month I'm living with my aunt and uncle. Everything seems different. My aunt . . .

7. Read this article about tennis player Martina Hingis. Where can you find an article like this?

How long has Martina Hingis been a professional? Explain the usage of the words in bold.

Martina Hingis first picked up a tennis racket at the age of two. Since then, she has become one of the greatest tennis players in the world. Martina was born in Slovakia, but she and her mother have lived in Switzerland for many years. Martina became the outdoor Swiss champion at age nine. Then, in 1993, she became the youngest person ever to win the French Open Junior title. In 1996, she was the youngest player ever to win a Wimbledon event (Women's Doubles). A year later, she won almost all the major international tourna-

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ments—Wimbledon, the U.S. Open, and both singles and doubles matches at the Australian Open.

Many people criticize the lifestyle of very young tennis stars like Martina. Martina, for example, hasn't attended school since 1994, the year she turned professional. Since then, she has played tennis all over the world and has earned millions of dollars. As a result, she speaks several languages (English is her language on the court), and she is famous for her self-confidence. But what about a normal childhood? Like any young person, Martina enjoys shopping, going to parties, and listening to music. Tennis, however, has been the most im-portant part of her life since she was a little girl. As she once told a reporter, "the life I'm living right now playing tennis is normal."

8. Read the information about Gigi and Emilio. Then circle the letter of the sentence (a or b) that best describes the situation. 1. Gigi has been a tennis player since 1995.

a. She still is a tennis player. b. She is not a tennis player anymore.

2. Gigi has had long hair since she was a little girl. a. She has short hair now. b. She has long hair now.

3. Gigi has lived in the same apartment for ten years. a. She lived in a different apartment eleven years ago. b. She moved a few years ago.

4. Gigi and Emilio have been married for twenty-five years. a. They got married twenty-five years ago. b. They are not married now.

5. Gigi and Emilio haven't been on a vacation since 1996. a. They were on a vacation in 1996. b. They are on a vacation now.

6. Gigi hasn't won a tennis championship for two years. a. She won a championship two years ago. b. She didn't win a championship two years ago.

9. Read this magazine excerpt and complete it with since or for.

Thirteen-year-old Ronnie Segal has loved math _______ he was a little boy. "I have been interested in numbers ______ nine years, five months, three weeks, and two days," says Ronnie. _____the past year, Ronnie has attended graduate-level classes at the university. ________ January he has taken five exams and has gotten grades of 100 on all of them. _____ Ronnie began classes, he has met an average of 1.324 people a month. And his future? Thirteen-year-old Ronnie has known _________ years that he is going to become a famous sports an-nouncer, get married, and have exactly 2.2 children.

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10. Read this student's journal entry. Find and correct nine mistakes in the use of the present perfect. The first mistake is already corrected.

I’ve learn a lot since Ms. Schwab became my teacher. I’ve been in her physical education class since two months. I've only miss two classes since the beginning of the semester. I've became a much better player since Ms. Schwab started teaching us. We don't play much since November because the weather have been too cold. Instead, we switched to volleyball. My team has winned two games since we started to compete. Next month we start swimming. I’ve been afraid of the water since many years, but now I think I can learn to swim. I got so confident since I’ve been in this class. 11. Work in pairs. Decide together if the following things have already hap-pened or have not happened yet. Discuss your answers with your group mates. Example:

A: Researchers haven't discovered a cure for the common cold yet. B: They've already found a test for the virus that causes AIDS, but they

haven't found a cure yet. - a cure for the common cold; - a test for the AIDS virus; - a successful heart transplant (animal to human); - a successful heart transplant (human to human); - a cure for tooth decay (cavities); - a pillow that helps prevent snoring; - liquid sunglasses (in the form of eye drops); - electric cars; - flying cars; - light bulbs that can last ten years.

12. A journalist has been writing a series of articles about the problem of homelessness in the United States. Read this second in a series of five arti-cles. Why is it interesting from the grammatical point of view?

LIVING ON THE STREETS Part two in a five-part series BY ENRICO SANCHEZ It has been raining. The ground is still wet. John Tarver has been sitting on

the same park bench for hours. His clothes are soaked and he has been coughing all morning. A while ago someone gave him a bowl of hot soup. It's no longer warm, but John has been eating it anyway.

How did he end up like this? John, a former building superintendent, lost his job and his apartment when he hurt his back. He has been living on the street since then. And he is not alone. John is just one of a possible seven million

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Americans who have been making their homes in the streets, parks, and subway stations of our cities. The number of homeless men, women, and children has been climbing steadily since 1980 and will continue to rise until the government takes action.

Age % Gender and Marital Status %

children under the age of 18 adults between 31 and 50 adults between 55 and 60

27 50 2.5 – 19.4

single men single women families with children

45 14 40

Source: The National Coalition for the Homeless 13. Read the information about John and Enrico. Then circle the letter of the sentence (a or b) that best describes the situation. 1. John has been sitting on that park bench for hours.

a. He is still sitting on the park bench. b. He is no longer sitting on the park bench.

2. John's been coughing. a. He coughed several times. b. He coughed only once.

3. John's been living on the streets for two years. a. He used to live on the streets. b. He still lives on the streets.

4. Enrico has been writing an article. a. The article is finished. b. The article isn't finished yet.

5. Enrico looks out the window and says, "It's been snowing." a. It is definitely still snowing. b. It is possible that it stopped snowing a little while ago.

6. It's been snowing since 8:00. a. It’s still snowing. b. It stopped snowing a little while ago.

14. The newspaper interviewed John Tarver. Complete the interview. Use the present perfect progressive form of the verbs in the box.

ask do eat live look read sleep spend think worry Interviewer: How long _______you ___________ on the streets, Mr. Tarver? Mr. Tarver: For almost two years now. Interviewer: Where do you sleep? Mr. Tarver: It's been pretty warm, so I _________ in the park. But winter will be here soon, and it'll be too cold to sleep outside. I __________

____________about that. Interviewer: What _____________ you ______________ about food?

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Mr. Tarver: I _______________ (negative) much lately. Sometimes someone gives me money, and I buy a sandwich and something to drink. Interviewer: How _____________ you ______________ your time? Mr. Tarver: I do a lot of thinking. Recently, I ______________ a lot about my past and how I ended up without a home. Interviewer: Do you see any way out of your present situation? Mr. Tarver: I want to work, so I ______________ for a job. I ________

______________the want ads every day in the paper, and I _________ ____________everyone I know for a job. Interviewer: Any luck? Mr. Tarver: So far, no. 15. Think of as many explanations as possible for the following situations. 1. John looks exhausted. 4. The streets are all wet. 2. Martha is wearing a new suit. 5. Gina's wallet is stuffed with $100 bills. 3. Alexis and Tom look angry. 6. Jason lost five pounds. Example:

Janet's eyes are red. A: Maybe she's been crying. B: Or maybe she's been suffering from allergies. A: She's probably been rubbing them.

16. Work in pairs. 1 pair: Ask your group mates questions. Find out how many people

have ever done any of the following things. If the answer is yes, ask more questions. Get the stories behind the answers. Share your answers and sto-ries with the group.

• Meet a famous TV or movie star • Dream in a foreign language • Take a long trip by car • Walk in the rain • Climb a mountain • Drive cross-country

Example: A: Have you ever met a famous movie star? B: Yes, I have. I was visiting Hollywood, and I saw . . . 2 pair: Complete this form with information about your present life. address:___________________________________________________ job:______________________________________________________ hobbies / interests:__________________________________________ favorite school subjects:______________________________________ plans: ____________________________________________________ concerns: _________________________________________________

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3 pair: Look at each other's forms. Ask and answer questions with How

long + the present perfect progressive. The verbs in the box can help you. live at study work at / as plan to play / collect / do worry about

Example: A: How long have you been working as a cook? B: For two years. or Since I moved here. 4 pair: Ingrid Schwab is applying for a job as a college sports instruc-

tor. Look at her resume and the interviewer's notes. Complete the inter-view. Use the words in parentheses to write questions. Then answer the questions. The year is 2004. Work in pairs.

1. (How long / live in San Antonio?) Interviewer: How long have you lived in San Antonio?__________ Ingrid: I've lived in San Antonio for 15 years. OR I’ve lived in San Antonio since 1939._____

2. (How long / have your MA degree (Master of Arts – магистр гумани-тарных наук)?) Interviewer: _______________________________________________ Ingrid: ___________________________________________________

3. (Have any more training since you got your MA?) Interviewer: _______________________________________________ Ingrid: ___________________________________________________

4. (How long / be a physical education teacher?) Interviewer: _______________________________________________ Ingrid: ____________________________________________________

5. (How long / work as a sports trainer?) Interviewer: ______________________________________________ Ingrid: ____________________________________________________

6. (How long / have a black belt in Tae Kwon Do?) Interviewer: _______________________________________________ Ingrid: ____________________________________________________

7. (Win any awards since then?) Interviewer: I see you won a tennis award. _______________________ Ingrid: _________. I won the Teacher of the Year Award in 1996.

8. (How long / be a member of the NEA?) Interviewer: _______________________________________________ Ingrid: __________________________________________________

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5 pair: Student A, look at the picture of the Meiers' dining room (pic.

1). Cross out the chores Gisela has already done. Ask your partner about Helmut's chores and cross out the chores he's already done. Answer your partner's questions about Gisela's chores.

Students B, look at the Meiers' kitchen (pic. 1). Cross out the chores Helmut has already done. Answer your partner's questions about Helmut's chores. Ask your partner about Gisela's chores and cross out the chores she's already done. Example:

A: Has Helmut bought film yet?

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B: Yes, he has. OR Yes, he's already bought film. Has Gisela vacuumed the carpet yet?

A: No, she hasn't. OR No, not yet.

Pic. 1 17. Professor Jane Owen has been studying elephants for several decades.

To Do – Helmut buy film

bake the cake

put the turkey in the oven

mop the floor

wash the dishes

cut up the vegetables

To Do – Gisela Vacuum the carpet

Buy flowers

Wash the windows

Set the table

Hang the balloons

Wrap the gift

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Read this excerpt from her latest article in Science Today. Explain the us-age of the words in bold.

African ELEPHANTS Jane Owen Ph.D.

Habitat Elephants and their ancestors

have been living on this planet for 5 million years. Scientists have found their 7 bones in many places, from Asia to North Amer-ica. Present-day African elephants have also survived in different kinds of environments, including very dry areas in Niger, grasslands in East Africa, and forests in West Africa.

Elephants and Humans Because of their great size and

strength, elephants have always fasci-nated humans. Our fascination has al-most caused African elephants to be-come extinct. Poachers (illegal hunters) have killed hundreds of thousands of elephants for the ivory of their tusks. Af-ter 1989 it became illegal to sell ivory. Since then, the elephant population has been growing steadily. Recently several countries have been protecting ele-phants in national parks, and herds have become larger and healthier.

18. Read the first sentence. Then decide if the second sentence is True (T) or False (F). 1. Professor Owen has been reading a book about African wildlife. She finished the book. 2. She's read a book about African wildlife. She finished the book. 3. She's written a magazine article about the rain forest. She finished the article. 4. She's been waiting for some supplies. She received the supplies. 5. They've lived in Uganda since 1992. They are still in Uganda. 6. They've been living in Uganda since 1992. They are still in Uganda. 7. We've been discussing environmental problems with the leaders of many countries. The discussions are probably over. 8. We've discussed these problems with many leaders. The discussions are probably over.

19. Complete these statements. Underline the correct form of the verbs. In some cases, both forms are correct. 1. Professor Owen is working on two articles for National Wildlife Magazine. She has written /has been writing these articles since Monday. 2. National Wildlife Magazine has published / has been publishing its annual report on the environment. It is an excellent report. 3. Hundreds of African elephants have already died / have been dying this year. 4. Professor Owen has given / has been giving many talks about wildlife pres-ervation in past lecture series. 5. She has spoken / has been speaking at our school many times.

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6. Congress has created / has been creating a new study group to discuss the problem of endangered animals. The group has already met twice. 7. The new group has a lot of work to do. Lately, the members have studied / have been studying the problem of the spotted owl. 8. Professor Owen was late for a meeting with the members of Congress. When she arrived the chairperson said, "At last, you're here. We have waited / have been waiting for you." 9. Professor Owen has lived / has been living in England for the last two years, but she will return to the United States in January. 10. She has worked / has been working with environmentalists in England and France.

20. Complete this entry (Pic. 2) from Dr. Owen's field journal. Use the pre-sent perfect or the resent perfect progressive form of the verb in parenthe-ses.

Pic. 2

We ___________ (hear) about Grandad since we ar-rived here in Amboseli Park. He is one of the last “tuskers” two days ago we finally saw him. His tusks are more than seven feet long. I’d ______________ never ______________ (see) anything like them.

Granddad _____________ (live) here for more than sixty years. He _______________ (experience) every-thing, and he _______________ (survive) countless threats from human beings. Young men ______________ (test) their courage against him, and poachers _____________ (hunt) him for his ivory. His experience and courage _______________ (save) him so far.

For the last two days, he ____________ (move) slowly through the tall grass. He ____________ (eat) and ___________ (rest). Luckily, it ______________ (rain) a lot this year, and the biggest elephants _____________ (found) enough food and water.

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21. Professor Owen is doing fieldwork in Africa. Imagine you are about to interview her. Use the words below to ask her questions. Use her notes to complete her answers. Choose between the present perfect and present per-fect progressive.

FIELD NOTES 3 / 23 / 00

- eats about 500 pounds of vegetation / day - drinks about 40 gallons of water at a time - walks 5 miles / hour (50 miles / day)

1. How long / you / observe / Granddad?

You: How long have you been observing Granddad?______________ Owen: I've been observing him for two days.

2. How much vegetation / he / eat? You: _____________________________________________________ Owen: ___________________________________________________

3. How often / he / stop for water? You: ____________________________________________________ Owen: ___________________________________________four times.

4. How much water / he / drink? You: _____________________________________________________ Owen: ___________________________________________________

5. How long / he / walk today? You: _____________________________________________________ Owen: __________________________________________nine hours.

6. How far / he / travel so far today? You: _____________________________________________________ Owen: ___________________________________________________

22. Sometimes we are asked to give advice, but we don't have enough in-formation. Read the following situations and list the questions you might ask to get the information you need. Work with a partner. Take turns ask-ing and answering questions and giving advice. Try to use the present per-fect or the present perfect progressive. Then role-play these situations.

1. Your friend calls you. He says that he is tired of waiting for his girlfriend. She is always late. This time he wants to leave to teach her a lesson.

Questions: a. How long have you been waiting? b. How often . . . c. How many times . . . d. Have you ever . . . Advice: __________________________________________________

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2. Your father is trying to quit smoking. He's having a hard time and tells you that he needs to have just one more cigarette.

Questions: a. How long . . . b. How many times . . . c. Have you ever . . . Advice: __________________________________________________ 3. Your friend is an author. She has published several books and is working

on a new one. She is getting very frustrated and thinks she will never finish. Questions: a. How many pages . . . b. How long . . . c. Have you ever . . . Advice: __________________________________________________

23. Identify the tenses, and then match them with the correct description. 1. He runs a large travel agency. 2. The thief enters the room and opens the safe. 3. Skill comes with practice. 4. She's been practicing that song for hours. 5. He's working hard these days. 6. He's gained a lot of weight recently. 7. Tom's picking me up at 7 o'clock tonight. 8. She's staying with a friend in London at present. 9. The ferry arrives at 10.00 am. 10. They've been talking on the phone since 9 o'clock this morn-ing.

a) actions taking place at or around the moment of speaking; temporary situa-tions; b) emphasis on duration of an action which began in the past and continues up to the present; c) reviews/sports commentaries/dramatic narratives; d) actions started at a stated time in the past and continuing up to the present; e) fixed arrangements in the near future; f) timetables/programmes (future mean-ing); g) permanent situations or states; h) permanent truths or laws of nature; i) personal experiences or changes which have happened.

1___g___ 2______ 3______ 4______ 5______ 6______ 7______ 8______ 9______ 10______

24. Identify the tenses, and then match them with the correct description. 1. Oh no! Someone's been reading my diary again. 2. You feel dizzy because you've been

a) actions which happened at an un-stated past time and are connected to the present;

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lying in the sun for too long! 3. He has just cleared out the garage. 4. He's such a boring man, who's al-ways making a fuss about nothing. 5. With the help of a good teacher, Gary’s becoming a very good pianist. 6. We've been out four times this week. 7. He has lunch at the Plaza Hotel every day. 8. They have sold their house and gone on a tour of the world. 9. Here comes the train!

b) changing or developing situations; c) expressing anger, irritation, an-noyance or criticism; d) recently completed actions; e) repeated/habitual actions; f) past actions of certain duration having visible results/effects in the present; g) exclamatory sentences; h) emphasis on number; frequency; i) frequently repeated actions with "always" expressing the speaker's annoyance or criticism.

1___c___ 2______ 3______ 4______ 5______ 6______ 7______ 8______ 9______

25. Write down four things that you should have done recently but didn’t. For example, a book you haven’t returned, etc.

One student should start to challenge the other. Answer with good rea-sons, using the phrases:

The reason why…; Because…; That’s why…; For this reason…; Because of that…


Problem: I haven’t given you back the book I borrowed from you last summer.

Student 1: I only gave you that book for a short time. You should have given it back months ago.

Student 2: I’m sorry. The reason why I haven’t given you it back is because I couldn’t find it. I packed all my books in boxes when I moved; that’s why I can’t find anything at the moment.

THE PAST TENSES 1. Read part of the Alibi, a radio play. What tense is used here? Find the examples.

[Ding-dong! Sanders: Coming! Officer: Officer Barker. City Police. I'd like to ask you a few questions. Sanders: Sure. Sorry I took so long. I was taking a shower when the bell rang.

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Officer: Is your wife home? Sanders: No, she's at work. Eve's a manager at Ligo Diamonds. She was very upset when she heard about the burglary. Officer: Was your wife working that night? Sanders: No, she wasn't. We were staying at Cypress Ski Lodge when it hap-pened. Don't tell me we're suspects! Officer: Just for the record, what were you and Mrs. Sanders doing between 6:00 p.m. and 9:00 p.m. last Friday? Sanders: We were having dinner in our room. Officer: Were you still eating at 7:00? Sanders: No. My wife was making a call from her cell phone. Officer: What were you doing while your wife was talking? Sanders: I was watching Wall Street Watch. Officer: Hmm . . . But the electricity was out because of the blizzard.

2. Circle the letter of the correct answer. 1. In which sentence do we know that the diamond necklace is gone?

a. He was stealing a diamond necklace. b. He stole a diamond necklace.

2. Which sentence tells us that the people arrived at the mountains? a. They were driving to the mountains. b. They drove to the mountains.

3. Which sentence talks about an interruption? a. When the phone rang, he answered it. b. When the phone rang, he was looking for the safe.

4. Which sentence talks about two actions that were in progress at the same time?

a. While the officer was questioning Sal, Eve was leaving town. b. When the officer questioned Sal, Eve left town.

5. In which sentence did the friends arrive before lunch began? a. When our friends arrived, we were eating lunch. b. When our friends arrived, we ate lunch.

3. Look at the picture (pic. 3) of the suspects in last Friday afternoon's bur-glary. Write about them. Use the past progressive.

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1. He _______________ (wear / a hat) 2. She ________________ (wear / a hat) 3. They _________________ (wear / sunglasses) 4. They _________________ (wear / gloves) 5. She __________________ (smile) 6. She __________________ (hold / a cell phone) 7. They _________________ (sit / outside) 8. They _________________ (eat)

Pic 3

4. Complete the conversation with the simple past tense or the past progres-sive form of the verbs in parentheses. Reporter: What was the cause of the accident, Officer? Officer: Well, it looks like there were many causes. First of all, when the acci-dent occurred (occur) the driver was driving (drive) much too fast. The driver is a suspect in a burglary, and she ___________ (leave) town. While she ___________(drive), she ___________ (speak) to someone on her car phone. When she ___________ (see) the pedestrian, she immediately __________ (step) on the brakes, but it was too late. The victim wasn't paying attention, ei-ther. First of all, he didn't wait for the traffic light to change. He ___________ (cross) against a red light when the car ___________ (hit) him. He ___________ (not see) the approaching car because he ___________ (talk) to his friend. The friend wasn't paying attention, either. He ___________ (eat) an ice cream cone while he ___________ (cross) the street. When he ___________ (notice) the car, he

___________ (try) to push his friend out of the way, but it was too late.

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Reporter: How is the victim doing? Officer: Well, when the ambulance ___________(arrive), he ___________ (bleed) from a head wound, but the doctors stopped the bleeding and they think he'll be OK.

5. The police are questioning another suspect in last Friday’s burglary. Read this suspect's answers. Use the words in parentheses and the past pro-gressive or simple past tense to write the police officer's questions. 1. police: What were you doing Friday night? (What / do / Friday night?) suspect: I was visiting a friend. 2. police: ___________________________ (Who / exactly / you visit?) suspect: My girlfriend. I got to her house at 5:30 and drove her to work. 3. police: ________________________________ (she / work / at 7:00?) suspect: Yes, she was working the late shift. 4. police: __________________________ (anyone else / work / with her?) suspect: No. She was working alone. 5. police: ______________________ (What / you / do / while /she/ work?) suspect: I was reading the paper in her office. 6. police: But there was a terrible blizzard Friday night. The lights went out. _______________________________ (What / do / when / lights go out?) suspect: I was still reading the paper. 7. police: ________________________ (What / do / when / lights go out?) suspect: When the lights went out, we left the building. 8. police: __________________ (Why / run / when / the police / see you?) suspect: We were running because we wanted to get out of the storm.

6. Combine these pairs of sentences. Use the simple past tense or the past progressive form of the verb. Remember to use commas when necessary. 1. The blizzard started. Mr. Ligo attended a party. When…

When the blizzard started, Mr. Ligo was attending a party. 2. It began to snow. The electricity went out. When… 3. He drove home. He listened to his car radio. While… 4. He pulled over to the side of the road. The visibility got very bad.… when … 5. He listened to the news. He heard about the burglary. While … 6. The police began the investigation. It snowed. … while … 7. It stopped snowing. Mr. Ligo went to the police station. When…

7. Work in small groups. Reread the Alibi (ex. 1). Do you think it is a good alibi? Pretend that you are a suspect in the burglary. What were you doing last Friday night between 6:00 and 9:00 p.m.? Give your alibi to the group. The group will decide which alibis are good and which are bad. Example:

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I work from midnight until 7:00 a.m., so between 6:00 and 9:00 p.m. I was sleeping.

8. Look at this picture for TEN SECONDS (your teacher will show it). Write down what was happening. See how many details you can remember. What were the people doing? What were they wearing? Example:

A man and woman were standing by the fireplace. The woman was wearing . . .

Compare your list with a partner’s.

9. Write a description of an event that you witnessed: an accident, a crime, a wedding, or any other event. Use the past progressive and the simple past tense to describe what was happening and what happened during the event. Example:

While I was going to lunch today, I saw a wedding party. People were wait-ing for the bride and groom outside a temple. They were holding bags of rice. When they saw the couple, they…

10. Identify the tenses, then match them with the correct description. 1. She opened the cupboard, took out a dress and put it on. 2. They received the telegram at 10 o'clock that evening. 3. She was upset because she had been waiting to hear from her son for days. 4. They were still discussing the plan at midnight. 5. They were flying over the Andes when the plane crashed. 6. James Dean made one film with Natalie Wood. 7. Tom was reading out the data while Sara was writing it down. .8 She had finished most of the work by the time her boss arrived. 9. She missed the end of the film be-cause she had fallen asleep. 10. He always went to work by train. 11. She was pleased because she had been given the job.

a) past action in progress interrupted by another past action b) past action which occurred before another action or before a stated past time c) two or more simultaneous past ac-tions d) action continuing over a period up to a specific time in the past e) complete past action which had visi-ble results in the past f) past actions which happened imme-diately one after the other g) past action of certain duration which had visible results in the past h) past habit or state i) action in the middle of happening at a stated past time j) action not connected to the present which happened at a definite past time not mentioned k) complete action or event which hap-

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12 We had been living in the same house for twelve years before we de-cided to move. 13 He left his job because he had been feeling dissatisfied for months.

pened at a stated past time

11. Look through the text. What is it about? Fill in with an appropriate past form.

In 1894 a steamship 1).............. (sail) across the Atlantic Ocean from Eng-land to America. The sun 2)................ (shine) and a gentle breeze 3) ........................ (blow). The ship 4)............................ (sail) for three weeks and was halfway to its destination - New York. The passengers 5)........................ (re-lax) on deck when suddenly they 6)...................... (hear) a loud bang. They all 7)........................ (jump) up, 8) ............................ (run) to the edge of the boat and 9)...........................(look) over the side. To their horror they saw that they 10) ................................. (hit) some hard object which 11)................... (tear) a hole in the side of the ship. Water 12)...................... (pour) into the steamship at an alarming speed. Fortunately another ship arrived half an hour later, just in time to save everyone on board.

12. Scan the text for about 2 minutes. What is its main idea? Fill in with an appropriate past form.

The biggest event in Tom's life 1) ...happened... (happen) by chance. He 2).................. (be) 22 and he 3).................................... (just/leave) college. He 4)................................ (get) his degree and he was looking for a job. He 5)........................... (want) to be a journalist but he 6)..................... (know) he 7)................................. (not/have) enough experience. You see, as a student, he 8) ……………… (spend) most of his time in the university theatre. He 9)................................. (write) to all the newspapers but he 10)............................. (not/receive) any replies. Then one day, the phone 11).............................. (ring). It was a woman who 12)................................. (offer) him a job as an actor. She 13)............................. (see) him in a play at the university and 14)............................... (enjoy) the performance. He 15)..................................... (take) the job and since then he's been very successful. Last night he 16).......................................... (discover) he 17)..................................... (win) an award for his performance in the play.

13. Complete the sentences using any appropriate past forms. She ...went to the market... and bought some vegetables. What .................................................................. when the fire started? I could tell she ............................................................ because her eyes were red. She ...........................................................when she slipped and landed on the ice.

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My arm .............................................. for two weeks, before I went to the doctor. She got on the motorbike and....................................................................... away. He ..................................................... the road when a flower pot fell on his head. While Sally ...................................................... dinner Steve was laying the table. The patient............................. in hospital for five weeks before he fully recov-ered. He was upset because he ................................................................... the exam. Nobody knew where Jane ....................................................... the front door key. Tom ......................................tennis every day for months before entering his first tournament.

14. Identify the tenses in bold, then match them to their use. Underline the time adverbs used with each tense. Make up three sentences using them. 1. She left university six years ago. 2. He was waiting for the bus when the accident happened. 3. He had just finished his report when his boss asked to see him. 4. She had been working as a clerk for two years before she got promoted.

15. Match the prompts from each column to make sentences. They had been looking for a house for six months…


…the lights went off.

Martin has been living in Thai-land…


…two years now.

Janet was working on her com-puter…


…this year.

I haven't seen Joanne…


…they found what they were looking for.

Joe was cooking…


…Ann was laying the table.

Gait has been abroad… three times

…she got married.

16. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct past tense. Justify your an-swers. 1. Paul …………. (break) his arm while he ……………… (paint) the wall. 2. Sandra finally ……………. (pass) the exam. She …………………….. (study) really hard for months. 3. How long ……….. ..…………… (Mary/work) here before she …………….. (retire)? – More than twenty years.

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4. While I ………………. (walk) home last night, I ……………. (bump) into Sally. 5. The sun …………………. (shine) and the birds …………………… (sing) as we ............. (drive) towards the village. 6. We ………………. (finish) the main course and …………………. (wait) for dessert when the fire alarm ……. (ring). 7. "………………………… (you/work) late last night?" – "Yes, actually I ……………….(not/leave) until 11 pm." 8. She ……………………… (visit) France before but she only …………….. (go) to Paris last month. 9. ……………….. (you/see) Jamie at the party last night? – No, by the time I ………… (get) there, he ……………….

(already/leave). 10. Amy ………………….. (walk) home when she ……………… (hear) her mobile phone ring.

17. Underline the correct words. 1. When she entered her flat she had found/found that someone had bro-ken/broke in. 2. He had been driving/was driving home when/after he crashed into a tree. 3. When Laura arrived/had arrived at the restaurant, Tony had gone/had been gone home. 4. When/While I walked into the room, they had just/yet finished their dinner. 5. After they had been living/lived there since/for two years they decided to build an extension to their house. 6. He didn't shave/hadn't been shaving this morning because he hadn't had/didn't have time. 7. While/After he graduated from university, he joined/was joining the army. 8. She had been watching/ watched TV when/since Tom came home. 9. He was having/had a bath when the lights had gone/went out. 10. She had never/ever been to South America before/after.

18. Look at the cartoons (pic. 4), then in teams try to explain what hap-pened to each of the people using past tenses. Each correct sentence gets 1 point. The team with the most points is the winner.

Example: He fell off the ladder while he was painting the wall and broke his arm. He had been playing football for an hour when...

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Pic. 4

19. Work in two teams. Make as many sentences as possible using the pic-ture below (pic. 5).





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Pic. 5

запускать змея – to fly a kite бить в барабан – to drum убаюкивать, укачивать – rock to sleep лизать леденец – to lick a lollipop мешок – sack держать кролика за уши – to held the rabbit by its ears снять шляпу – to take off one's head to somebody палитра – palette тыкать пальцем во что-л. – to poke one's finger into something щурить – to screw up one's eyes шапочка для купания – bathing cap

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1. Look at the picture (pic. 7). Describe the car. What's new about it? What's the same? Read an article about future transportation.

Pic. 7

Highway to the Future On the road to exciting new changes in car design By Harry Vroom Special to the auto gazette Get ready! We're on the road to exciting new changes in car design. How

will the vehicle of the future look? Well, it will probably still have four wheels, but it's going to come in many more colors and patterns. You'll be able to choose a green and yellow polka-dotted model or design your very own personal look! It's going to be environmentally friendly, too. The material will be 100 percent recyclable, and the car will run on solar energy.

What about speed? The car of the future will go a lot faster than current cars. One day, it will even fly! But it will also be safe. An electronic shield around the car will warn of danger and automatically avoid accidents. And you won't get lost anymore! You'll just say the destination and the car will give you directions.

One manufacturer, Smart Transport, Inc., is holding a press conference next week. At the conference you'll see actual models of these fantastic new cars.

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And before very long, you'll be able to zip around town in the real thing! So, full speed head to the future! It's going to be a great trip! 2. Read a radio interview with Professor Harry Vroom, a well-known re-searcher of the Future Watch Institute. There are fifteen verb forms that refer to the future. Find and underline them. Interviewer: For those of you who are just tuning in, this is "Looking Into the Future." I am Will Bee, and we are talking with Professor Harry Vroom. Good afternoon, Professor. I understand you are going to tell our listeners about the cars of the future. Vroom: That's right. I believe there will be some surprising changes in the next century. Let me give you some examples. Cars of the future are going to have "brains." They'll start themselves, and they'll adjust the seats, mirrors, and steer-ing wheels automatically. Luxury cars will even ask you where you want to go and will tell you the best route to take. Interviewer: That certainly is amazing! I'm sure lots of our listeners have ques-tions for you, but, unfortunately, we only have time today for a few call-ins. Vroom: Well, you know, I am speaking at the annual Car Show next week. The show begins at 10:00 a.m. on August 11. I'm going to talk more about the plans for cars of the future. I'm also going to show some models. I hope many of your listeners will be there. Interviewer: I'm sure they will. We have to pause for a commercial break. But don't go away, listeners. We'll be right back-and Professor Vroom will be ready to answer some of your questions.

3. Look at the pictures (pic. 8). They show events from a day in Professor Vroom's life. Write predictions or guesses. Use the given words.

answer the phone have dinner drive rain get very wet take a trip give a speech watch TV

1__________________________ 2__________________________

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3 _________________________ 4 ___________________________

5 _________________________ 6 ___________________________

7 _________________________ 8 __________________________

Pic. 8

4. Write about Professor Vroom’s plans for next week. Use the information from his calendar. Add the and a when necessary.

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

A.M take train to New Haven

go to Wash-ington

work in re-search lab all

attend annual Car

talk on radio

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(8:00 A.M.) day show show P.M. give lecture at


1. On Monday morning 2. On Monday evening 3. On Tuesday morning 4. All day Wednesday 5. On Thursday morning 6. On Friday morning

5. Radio listeners are calling in with questions for Professor Vroom. Com-plete the questions and answers. Use the words in parentheses. Caller 1: Hello, Professor Vroom. My question is this: __________ the car of the future ____________ (run) on gasoline? Vroom: No, it ______________. It ______________ probably _______________ (use) solar energy. Thanks for calling. Next? Caller 2: I had a flat tire yesterday. I was wondering, _______________ we still ________________ (get) flat tires on these future cars? Vroom: No, we ______________. In fact, by the year 2010, flat tires ________________ (be) a thing of the past. Tires ________________ (have) a special seal so they ______________ (repair) themselves automatically. Caller 3: Sounds great. In what other ways ____________________ the car of the future ____________ (be) different? Vroom: Well, instead of keys, cars ___________ (have) smart cards. These ________________ (look) a lot like credit cards. They ______________ (open) doors, and they __________________ (adjust) the seats, mirrors, and steering wheels. They _____________ even _____________ (control) the inside tem-perature. Caller 3:_______________ they _____________ (help) prevent car thefts? Vroom: Yes, they ________________! OK, next caller? Caller 4: Hello. I'm curious. How much ___________ these cars _____________ (cost)? Vroom: I don't know exactly, but they certainly ________________ (not be) cheap.

6. Professor Vroom is going to take the train from New York to New Haven on Monday. He is asking questions at the information booth. Write his questions. Then look at the train schedule and write the answers. Use the simple present tense.

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New Haven

New York

New Haven

New York

New Haven

AM AM PM PM PM PM 12:35 2:23 3:22 4:55 6:04 7:46 1:30 3:37 3:37 5:17 6:30 8:16 6:02 7:48 4:02 5:44 7:06 8:51 7:05 8:55 4:07 5:58 7:37 9:28 8:07 9:57 4:22 6:06 8:07 9:55 9:07 10:53 4:35 6:17 9:07 10:55 10:07 11:53 4:45 6:49 10:07 11:55 11:07 12:53 5:02 6:40 11:20 1:08 12:07 1:53 5:13 7:26 12:35 2:23 1:07 2:54 5:18 7:03 1:30 3:37 2:07 3:55 5:35 7:11 ------ ------ 3:02 4:38 5:39 7:55 ------ ------ PM PM PM PM PM AM

1. When / the first train to New Haven / leave New York?

Vroom: When does the first train to New Haven leave New York? Information: It leaves New York at 12:35 a.m.

2. How long / the trip to New Haven / take? Vroom: ________________ Information: _________________

3. So, what time / the 9:07 train / arrive in New Haven? Vroom: _______________________ Information: _________________________

4. About how often / trains / depart for New Haven after that? Vroom: ___________________________ Information: ______________________

5. And what time / the last morning train / leave New York? Vroom: __________________________ Information: _______________________

7. Two people are traveling to the Car Show. Read their conversation and circle the most appropriate future forms. Jason: I just heard the weather report.

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Ariel: Oh? What's the forecast? Jason: It’s raining /Its going to rain tomorrow. Ariel: Oh, no. I hate driving in the rain. And it's a long drive to the Car Show. Jason: Wait! I have an idea. We'll take / We're going to take the train instead! Ariel: Good idea! Do you have a train schedule? Jason: Yes. Here's one. There's a train that will leave / leaves at 7:00 a.m. Ariel: What about lunch? Oh, I know, I'll make / I'm making some sandwiches for us to take along. I don't like train food. Jason: Sounds good. You know, it’s a long trip. What are we doing / are we go-ing to do all those hours? Ariel: Don't worry. We'll think / We're thinking of something. Jason: You know, we have to get up really early. Ariel: That's true. I think I'm going / I'll go home now. Jason: OK. I'm seeing you / I'll see you tomorrow. Good night.

8. Most Chinese restaurants in the United States give you fortune cookies at the end of your meal. Inside each cookie is a small piece of paper with a prediction about the future (pic. 9).

Pic. 9

On a piece of paper, write down a fortune. Put all the fortunes in a pile and have each person take one. Discuss your fortunes with the group. Example: A: "You will take a long trip next month." - That's not possible. I'm starting my new job next week.

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B: "You will meet a mysterious stranger." - It's possible. I'm going to a party tomorrow night.

9. Complete your weekend schedule. If you have no plans, write free.

Friday Saturday Sunday 12:00 p.m. 1:00 p.m. 2:00 p.m. 3:00 p.m. 4:00 p.m. 5:00 p.m. 6:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 8:00 p.m. 9:00 p.m. Now work with a partner. Ask questions to decide on a time when you are both free to do something together. Example:

A: What are you doing Friday afternoon? Do you want to go to the movies? B: I'm studying at the library. How about Friday night? Are you doing any-

thing then? 10. Work with the same partner as in Exercise 9. Look at this movie sched-ule. Then look at your schedules from Exercise 9. Decide which movie to see and when. Speed (action) Sun. 12:00, 2:15, 4:30, 6:45, 9:00. Back to the Future (science fiction) Fri.-Sun. 2:30, 4:45, 7:00, 8:45. Strangers on a Train (mystery) Thurs.-Fri. 5:45, 7:00, 8:15.

Airplane! (comedy) Fri.-Sat. 4:45, 6:00, 7:15, 9:00. Sun. 1:15, 3:00, 4:15, 5:30, 7:15, 9:00. Taxi Driver (suspense) Sun. 1:00, 3:00, 5:00.

Example: A: There are three good movies Friday night. Back to the Future is playing at 7:00. Is that OK? B: That's a little early. When does the next show begin?

11. Read this article about setting goals. How is future expressed in the text?

GO FOR IT! What are your dreams for your future?

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Are you going to get your degree by the time you're twenty-two? Will you start your own business before you turn forty? We all have dreams, but they won't become reality until we change them to goals. Here's how.

• PUT YOUR DREAMS ON PAPER. When you write a dream down, it will start to become a goal. Your path will be a lot clearer.

• NOW LIST BENEFITS. For example, Latoya Jones is going to go back to school as soon as she saves enough money. One benefit: She'll get the Job she wants when she has her degree. When things get tough, Latoya will read her list and remember the benefits.

• WRITE DOWN SMALLER GOALS. It's easier to reach a goal when you break it down into steps. Before Latoya applies, she’s going to look at school catalogs. She won't decide on a school until she visits several of them.

• ACT TODAY. Will you watch TV before dinner tonight or read school catalogs? After you know your smaller goals, it will be easier to make these small decisions every day. 12. Read the first sentence in each set. Then circle the letter of the sentences whose meaning is similar. 1. Amber will open her own business when she finishes school.

a. Amber will open her own business. Then she'll finish school. b. Amber will finish school. Then she'll open her own business.

2. Denzell won't quit until he finds another job. a. Denzell will find another job. Then he'll quit. b. Denzell will quit. Then he'll find another job.

3. Jake will retire as soon as he turns sixty. a. Jake will retire. Then he'll turn sixty. b. Jake will turn sixty. Then he'll retire.

4. After the Morrisons sell their house, they'll move to Florida. a. The Morrisons will sell their house. Then they'll move to Florida. b. The Morrisons will move to Florida. Then they'll sell their house.

5. Marisa will call you when she gets home. a. Marisa will call you. Then she'll get home. b. Marisa will get home. Then she'll call you.

6. Demetri and Iona are going to look for an apartment before they get married. a. Demetri and Iona are going to get married. Then they'll look for an apart-

ment. b. Demetri and Iona are going to look for an apartment. Then they'll get

married. 7. While Li-jing is in school, she'll work part-time.

a. Li-jing will finish school. Then she'll get a part-time job. b. Li-jing will go to school. At the same time she'll have a part-time job.

8. By the time Marta gets her diploma, she'll be twenty-one.

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a. Marta will get her diploma. Then she'll turn twenty-one. b. Marta will turn twenty-one. Then she'll get her diploma.

13. Combine these sentences. 1. Sandy and Jeff will get married. Then Sandy will graduate. …………………………..…………..before……………….…………………… 2. Jeff is going to get a raise. Then they are going to move to a larger apartment. …………………………………..as soon as……………………………………. 3. They're going to move to a larger apartment. Then they're going to have a baby. After ……………………………………………………………………………. 4. They'll have their first child. Then Sandy will get a part-time job. ……………………………………. after ……………………………..……….. 5. Their child will be two. Then Sandy will go back to work full-time. By the time …………………………………………………………………….. 6. Sandy will work full-time, and Jeff will go to school. ………………………………. while ………………………………………….. 7. Jeff will graduate. Then hell find another job. ……………………………….when……………………………………………. 14. Complete this student's worksheet. Use the correct form of the verbs in parentheses.

GOAL PLANNING WORKSHEET I. Write your major goal. I …………………. (get) a job after I ………………….. (graduate). II. List three benefits of achieving your goal. 1. When I ………….…. (get) a job, I ………………..(have) more money. 2. When I ……………….. (save) enough money, I ……………..(buy) a used car. 3. I ………………… (feel) happier when I ………………...(be) employed. III. How will you reach your goal? Write down smaller goals. 1. As soon as I ………………….(get up)in the morning, I ……………….(buy) the newspaper to look at the employment ads. 2. When I ………………….(speak) to my friends, I …………………(ask) them if they know of any jobs. 3. I ………………….(look) at the job notices board when I ……………(go) to the supermarket. 4. Before I ………………….(go) on an interview, I ……………(improve) my computer skills.

15. Fill out this questionnaire. When I finish this course, I'm going to ...

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__ take another English course. __ take some time off. __ apply to another school. __ go on vacation. __ look for a new job. Other: _______ Now work in a small group. Take a survey. What are your group mates go-ing to do when they finish this course? Compare your group's answers with the other groups' answers. Example: A: Ten students are going to take another English course when they finish this course. B: Two students are going to look for a new job.

16. Complete these three sentences. Then compare your answers with your groupmates' answers. How many different answers are there? Remember that all sentences refer to future time. a. I'm going to continue studying English until ___________________________ b. While I'm in this class, ___________________________________________ c. I’ll stay in this country until________________________________________ Example: I'm going to continue studying English until I pass the TOEFL exam. 17. Work with a partner, interview him or her about some future plans. Ask questions such as:

What will you do when . . . ? Where will you go after . . . ? Will you . . . while you . . . ?

Take notes and then write a short paragraph about your groupmates' plans. Example:

Soo Mi is going to get married next year. Before she gets married, she's go-ing to return home to visit her family. While she's away she'll miss her boy-friend, but she'll write to him every day.

18. Complete this worksheet for yourself. Use future time clauses.

GOAL PLANNING WORKSHEET I. Write your major goal. I _______________________________________________________ II. List three benefits of achieving your goal.

1. _______________________________________________________ 2. _______________________________________________________ 3. _______________________________________________________

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III. How will you reach your goal? Write down smaller goals. 1. _______________________________________________________ 2. _______________________________________________________ 3. _______________________________________________________ 4. _______________________________________________________

19. The group sits in a circle. The first student connects two of the ideas in the bubbles below, using one of the linking words from the list: if…, if I ever…, when…, as soon as…, by the time…, unless (если не, пока не)… For example: If I lose my job, I'll have to sell the house. The next student now has five seconds to connect the second idea with an-other. For example: If I sell the house, I'll have to live with my mother.

If you cannot think of a sentence, you must drop out of the game. When all the ideas have been used, you may think of your own. Continue the game until there is only one person left, of until the end of 10 minutes.

start the car

become famous

overnight give up all sport

lose my job

it rains

eat properl


boss will get


become ill

have to sell the house

go to China on holiday

get restless

change my job

go into hospital

start body-building

make new


live alone

get into my new suit

my mother-in-law will move in

emigrate to


lose weight


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20. It's 10 o'clock on Sunday night. The Miltons are at home making a statement to the police. Look at the pictures (pic. 10) and write their state-ment about the burglary. Use a variety of tenses.

Pic. 10

Well, my wife and I had been to the cinema……………………………………

21. Start a rumour about someone you know by whispering it to your neighbour. Use one of the phrases: I’VE HEARD…; THEY SAY…; JUST BETWEEN YOU AND ME…; HAVE YOU HEARD…; MAYBE I SHOULDN’T SAY THIS, BUT…. The neighbour adds something to it mak-ing it more interesting. Continue until the rumour has gone round the whole group. The last person announces it to the group.

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Possible rumours: has fallen in love with a famous film star; is going to emigrate to America; has won a lot of money in a lottery; will be promoted; has just bought a VERY expensive car;

22. Look at the prisoner below (pic. 11a). Make up a prisoner's story. Say what he usually does in prison, what he is doing now, what he has been do-ing before going to prison, why he is in prison, what he was doing when the police caught him, how many years he will stay in prison, and what he will do when he comes out of prison.

Bob: thief Pic. 11a

Look at the prisoner below (pic. 11b). Make up a prisoner's story. Say

what he usually does in prison, what he is doing now, what he has been do-ing before going to prison, why he is in prison, what he was doing when the police caught him, how many years he will stay in prison, and what he will do when he comes out of prison.

John: robber Pic. 11b

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Look at the prisoner below (pic. 11c). Make up a prisoner's story. Say what he usually does in prison, what he is doing now, what he has been do-ing before going to prison, why he is in prison, what he was doing when the police caught him, how many years he will stay in prison, and what he will do when he comes out of prison.

Ben: kidnapper Pic. 11c

Look at the prisoner below (pic. 11d). Make up a prisoner's story. Say

what he usually does in prison, what he is doing now, what he has been do-ing before going to prison, why he is in prison, what he was doing when the police caught him, how many years he will stay in prison, and what he will do when he comes out of prison.

Tom: murderer Pic. 11d

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23. “Sea Battle” Work in pairs: student A and student B (see page 43). The task is to blast all the ships of your partner. The ship is blasted only if the answer to the corresponding question is correct! Student A: 1. How did you come here to-day? 2. What time did you get up this morning? 3. What did you do yesterday? 4. What did you eat last night? 5. Where did you celebrate your last birthday? 6. How many times did you go to the movies last month? 7. Who did you visit last week-end? 8. What time did you arrive home last Saturday? 9. When did you first see the sea? 10. Where did you meet your best friend? 11. What did you buy last week? 24. Work in four groups. Translate the following sentences from Russian into English. Exchange your translations and correct mistakes if there are some.

Group 1: 1. - Что делает Джон? Где он? - Он загорает на берегу реки. 2. - Его жена осталась в гостинице. Что делает она? - Она кушает пиццу. 3. Их сын Тед в это время готовится к экзаменам. 4. Чарльз пишет сейчас письмо своей девушке. Он хочет приехать к ней на каникулы в гости. 5. Дружная семья Стоунов сейчас занимается стиркой. У них стиральная машина "Candy". 6. Джим и Джекоб сейчас играют на скрипке мелодии композитора Брамса. 7. Майк - на свидании (to have a date). Он дарит своей девушке Джейн цве-ты. 8. Маргарет - хорошая хозяйка. Она консервирует помидоры сейчас. 9. Повар Джекоб сейчас готовит итальянское блюдо - спагетти. 10. Николсы в магазине делают покупки своим детям. 11. Не шуми, я смотрю телевизор. 12. Почему ты не пишешь письмо? Она его очень ждет.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 A 8 9 B 1 C 7 5 D 4 E F 2 10 G H I 3 6 J 11

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13. Солнце встает на востоке. 14. Этот художник сейчас пишет картину. 15. Они часто играют в теннис?

Group 2: 1. Мери сейчас в спортзале. Она занимается настольным теннисом. 2. Жарко, + 30ºС (Centigrade). Кетти и Алан едят арбуз (water-melon). 3. - Ты слышал новости? - Да. Сегодня приезжает президент Финляндии. 4. - Том, приглашаю тебя на вечеринку сегодня вечером. - Спасибо, но се-годня вечером я иду на концерт. 5. - Что случилось? - У меня болит зуб. Я сегодня пойду к дантисту. 6. - Что ты делаешь сегодня вечером, Анна? - Я буду смотреть вместе с мужем футбольный матч по TV. 7. - О чем ты думаешь? - Боюсь, я неправильно решаю задачу. 8. - В этом сезоне я играю в (on) местной команде. - В самом деле? 9. - Не вижу твоей собаки. Где она? - Она преследует (to chase) зайца. 10. - Где дети, Петя? - Они выгуливают собаку. 11. Она слушает новости по радио каждое утро и каждый вечер. 12. Все студенты берут книги в библиотеке. А эти учебники они купили. 13. Мои коллеги обычно работают четыре дня в неделю. А в эту неделю они работают пять дней. 14. Я никогда не хожу в Музей изобразительных искусств им. А. С. Пуш-кина одна. 15. Ты думаешь, Маргарет будет играть на скрипке сегодня на празднике?

Group 3:

1. Почтальон приносит нам почту утром и вечером. 2. Леонид хорошо говорит по-французски. 3. Анна обычно заходит к своей коллеге, когда бывает в Санкт-Петербурге. 4. Я езжу в центр города на метро. 5. В этом магазине я всегда покупаю продукты (food item/foodstaff). 6. Москва-река впадает в Оку. 7. Петр ездит к морю каждый год. 8. Летом я всегда хожу в порт встречать корабли. 9. Я не понимаю, что вы имеете в виду. 10. Они иногда приходят с большим опозданием на репетиции (rehearsal). 11. Сейчас я читаю детектив, но вообще я не люблю читать книги этого жанра. 12. Обычно я езжу на работу на метро, но сейчас я еду на автобусе. 13. - Твой английский становится лучше. - Спасибо. Я очень рад. 14. Мальчики и девочки сейчас поют хором (in chorus).

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15. Как хорошо, что этот малыш любит читать! Посмотри, сейчас он чита-ет книгу о животных.

Group 4: 1. Илья хочет изучать два иностранных языка. 2. Мой сын играет на гитаре. 3. Эндрю никогда не пропускает (to miss) занятий по музыке. 4. Медсестры заботятся о пациентах в больницах. 5. Как часто ты ходишь в кино? 6. Олимпийские игры проходят каждые четыре года. 7. Какие книги ты любишь читать? 8. Как ты произносишь (to pronounce) это слово? 9. Мой друг играет в футбол почти каждый день. 10. Моя сестра работает по вечерам в библиотеке. 11. На улице идет дождь. Я не люблю гулять в такую погоду. 12. Я обычно не смотрю телевизор каждый день. Но сегодня я смотрю его: идет фильм «Унесенные ветром» ("Gone with the Wind"). 13. Надя обычно слышит, как мы поем. 14. Анна всегда остается на работе допоздна. 15. Где Петр? Ты случайно не знаешь, что он делает? “Sea Battle” The task is to blast all the ships of your partner. The ship is blasted only if the answer to the corresponding question is correct! Student B:

1. What did you wear to the Academy yesterday? 2. What did you give your mother for Christmas? 3. How did you go home yesterday? 4. Where did you spend your last holiday? 5. What did you have for breakfast last Sunday? 6. When did you last wash your hair? 7. What time did you leave home this morning? 8. Who did you talk with last night? 9. What did you read last weekend? 10. How many times did you brush your teeth yesterday? 11. What did you do last weekend?

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 A 5 7 3 B C D 1 6 E 8 F 2 G 4 H 10 I 9 11 J

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THE PRESENT TENSES 1. What can you say about the usage of the following verbs? verbs of the senses

feel, hear, see, smell, taste John is watching a football game on TV. He can’t see or hear you. John feels/is feeling worse to-day.

verbs of feelings and emotions

adore, appreciate (= value), detest, dislike, enjoy, forgive, hate, like, loathe He hates the show they are watching on TV now.

verbs of opinion

agree, believe, expect (= think), see (= understand), suppose, understand I believe he is innocent.

other verbs appear (= seem), belong, concern, contain, depend, fit (= be the right shape and size for smth), be, have (= possess), know, mean, owe, own, possess, need, prefer, require, want, weigh, wish, keep (= continue), seem He wants some more biscuit.

but: think = consider; taste = test; have = eat; feel = touch; see = meet; smell = try the smell; weigh = find out the weight; be + adjective = temporary char-acteristic; appear = make an appearance

2. Fill in with Present Simple or Continuous. a) I (1)..am thinking...(think) about visiting Jane this afternoon. – I wouldn't bother. I (2)........................... (think) she's away on holiday. b) Mr Jones (3)....................................... (have) a telephone message from his wife. – Can it wait? He (4).............................. (have) a business meeting and I don't want to disturb him. c) The police (5)............................... (still/look) for fingerprints left in the room. – It (6).......................... (look) as if they won't find the criminal. d) I (7).............................. (love) breathing in clean, country air! – So do I. I (8)................................... (love) every minute of this walking trip. e) I (9)............................................. (see) my boss about a pay rise this afternoon. – I (10)........................ (see). That's why you're wearing a suit and tie. f) Why (11)...................................... (you/taste) the soup? Is there anything wrong with it? – Yes - it (12)........................................ (taste) too sweet. I think I've used sugar instead of salt. g) Why (13)............................................. (you/feel) the baby's forehead, Mum? – I think she's got a temperature. She (14)................................. (feel) rather hot.

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h) John (15)............................................ (be) a very rude person, you know. – I know. Sheila (16)................................ (be) very rude these days too, although she's usually polite. i) It (17)............................................ (look) as if it's going to rain this afternoon. – I know. I (18)................................. (look) for my umbrella to take out with me. j) Why (19)....................................... (you/smell) the inside of your car? – Be-cause it (20)......................... (smell) of petrol and I want to check for leaks. k) How much (21).......................................... (your new baby/weigh)? – I don't know yet. The nurse (22)...........…....... (weigh) him at the moment. 3. Underline the correct item. 1) John is / is being usually rude, but today he is / is being polite to his col-leagues. 2) Ann is / is being usually patient, but today she is / is being impatient. 3) Sam is / is being rude to his mother now, but he is / is being normally pleas-ant to her. 4) John is / is being a kind man, but at the moment he is / is being selfish. 5) Julie is / is being silly at the moment, although I know she is / is being really very sensible. 4. Put the verbs in brackets into the Present Simple or Present Continuous. Ted: Hello Dad, I am in Birmingham. It 1).................... (pour) with rain, and I 2).....................(not/have got) any money. Bob: What 3)............................. (you/want) me to do about it? Ted: Could you come and pick me up? Bob: Ted, you 4)................................. (always/ask) me to do this! I 5)............................. (get) tired of it. Ted: Please, Dad. I am tired and hungry. My evening classes 6).......................... (start) at 7.00 and I have to be there on time. Can't Mum come and get me? Bob: The Smiths 7).......................... (visit) us tonight and she is busy in the kitchen. She 8)........................ (bake) a cake at the moment. Ted: Please Dad. I 9)......................... (ask) you to do this for me one last time. The success of my presentation tonight 10).............................. (depend) on you. Bob: OK. I'll be there in half an hour. But this is the last time. I11)............................ (mean) it! 5. In this exercise you have to decide whether the verbs in these sentences are right or wrong. Correct those which are wrong. The verb is underlined. Examples: I don't know your telephone number. right Please don't make so much noise. I study. am studying 1. Look! Somebody is climbing up that tree over there. ............................

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2. Can you hear those people? What do they talk about? ............................ 3. Are you believing in God? ............................ 4. Look! That man tries to open the door of your car. ............................ 5. The moon goes round the earth. ........................... 6. I'm thinking it would be a good idea to leave early. ............................ 7. The government is worried because the number of people without jobs is in-creasing.......................... 8. I'm usually going to work by car. ......................... 6. You have to put the verb into the correct form, present continuous or present simple. 1. I........................... (not/belong) to a political party. 2. Hurry! The bus......................... (come). I......................... (not/want) to miss it. 3. The River Nile................ (flow) into the Mediterranean. 4. The river......................... (flow) very fast today — much faster than usual. 5. .................................. (it/ever/snow) in India? 6. We usually..................... (grow) vegetables in our garden but this year we ...........................(not/grow) any. 7. Can you drive? – No, but I.........................(learn). My father.......................... (teach) me. 8. You can borrow my umbrella. I............................ (not/need) it at the moment. 9. (at a party) I usually.................................... (enjoy) parties but I….................. (not/enjoy) this one very much. 10. George says he's 80 years old but I....................... (not/believe) him. 11. Ron is in London at the moment. He........................ (stay) at the Hilton Ho-tel. He usually......................... (stay) at the Hilton Hotel when he's in London. In these sentences think about whether the situation is temporary or permanent. 12. My parents........................ (live) in Bristol. They were born there and have never lived anywhere else. Where................................. (your parents / live)? 13. She.................................. (stay) with her sister at the moment until she finds somewhere to live. 14. What.......................... (your father / do)? – He's a teacher, but he................... (not/work) at the moment. 7. A friend of yours is planning to go on holiday very soon. You ask him about his plans. Use the words in brackets to make your questions. Example: (where / go?) Where are you going? 1) (how long/stay?) 2) (when/leave?) 3) (go / alone?)

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4) (go/by car?) 5) (where/stay?) 8. Ann is going on holiday. You have to write sentences about her holiday plans. Use the words in brackets to write your sentences. Example: (go / Scotland) She is going to Scotland. 1) (leave / next Friday) She … 2) (stay / in Scotland for two weeks) She … 3) (go / with a friend of hers) She … 4) (stay / in a hotel) They … 5) (go / by train) They … 9. Put the verb into the most suitable form, present continuous or present simple. Examples: We.......are going .... (go) to the theatre this evening. Does the film begin....(the film / begin) at 3.30 or 4.30? 1. We............................... (have) a party next Saturday. Would you like to come? 2. I…....................................... (not/go) away for my holidays next month be-cause I haven't got enough money............................................. (you/go) away? 3. The concert this evening............................... (start) at 7.30. 4. George, is it true that you................................ (get) married next week? 5. The art exhibition................................... (open) on 3 May and ...................... (finish) on 15 July. 6. What time........................................ (the next train / leave)? 7. Ann, we....................... (go) to town................................(you/come) with us? 10. In this exercise you have to read the situation and then write two sen-tences, one with the present perfect simple and one with the present perfect continuous. Example: Tom is reading a book. He started two hours ago and he is on page 53. (he / read / for two hours) He has been reading for two hours. (he / read / 53 pages so far) He has read 53 pages so far. 1. Linda is from Australia. Now she is travelling round Europe. She began her tour three months ago. (she / travel / around Europe for three months) .................................................................................................. (she / visit / six countries so far) ................................................................................................... 2. Jimmy is a tennis champion. He began playing tennis when he was 11 years old. Now he has just won the national championship for the fourth time. (he / play / tennis since he was 11) ................................................................................. (he / win / the national championship four times) ................................................. ……………………………

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3. Bill and Andy make films. They started making films together when they left college. (they / make / films since they left college) .............................................. ………………. (they / make / ten films since they left college) ........................... …………………………………… 11. This time you have to imagine that you are talking to a friend. Read the situation and ask a question beginning in the way shown. Example: Your friend is learning Arabic. How long have you been learning Arabic? 1. Your friend is waiting for you. How long........................................................... 2. Your friend writes books. How many books ................................................... 3. Your friend writes books. How long................................................................... 4. Your friend plays football for his country. How many times.............................. ………………………………. 12. In this exercise you have to put the verb into the correct form, present perfect simple or continuous. 1. You look tired. .................................................. (you/work) hard? 2. Look! Somebody.................................................... (break) that window. 3. I............................. (read) the book you gave me but I............................... (not/finish) it yet. 4. 'Sorry I'm late.' – 'That's all right. I......................................... (not/wait) long.' 5. Hello! I...................................... (clean) the windows. So far I........................... (clean) five of them and there are two more to do. 6. There's a strange smell in here....................................... (you/cook) some-thing? 7. My brother is an actor. He.......................................... (appear) in several films. 13. Are these sentences right or wrong? Correct the ones which are wrong. Examples: How long have Bob and Alice been married? right I know Bob for five years. have known 1. Sue and Alan are married since July. .................... 2. It is raining all day. .................... 3. How long has George been unemployed? .................... 4. Have you always been living in this house? .................... 5. How long has Ken a beard? .................... 6. How long do you know Ann? .................... 7. She has been ill for quite a long time. .................... 14. This time you have to write questions with how long? Examples: Jim is learning Chinese. – How long has he been learning Chinese? I know Bob. – How long have you known Bob?

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1. My sister is married. How long ...................................................................... 2. Boris is on holiday. How long ...................................................................... 3. I live in Glasgow................................................................................................ 4. It is snowing....................................................................................................... 5. Jack smokes........................................................................................................ 6. I know about her problem................................................................................... 7. Jack and Jill are looking for a flat...................................................................... 8. Diana teaches English in Germany..................................................................... 9. Dennis is in love with Margaret......................................................................... 10. Colin has a car................................................................................................... 15. In this exercise you have to read a sentence and then write another sen-tence with since or for. Example: I know Bob. (for five years) I have known Bob for five years. 1. Jack lives in Bolton. (since he was born) Jack.................................................. 2. Bill is unemployed. (since April) Bill.............................................................. 3. Ann has a bad cold. (for the last few days) ........................................................ 4. I want to go to the moon. (since I was a child) .................................................. 5. My brother is studying languages at university. (for two years)......................... 6. Tim and Jane are working in Sheffield. (since February) .................................. 7. My cousin is in the army. (since he was 17) ….................................................. 8. They are waiting for us. (for half an hour) …..................................................... 16. Fill in: yet, already, since, for, usually, tonight, how long, ever, at the moment or still. 1. I don't think Frank has ...ever... been to a live concert. Why don't we take him to one for his birthday? 2. I haven't seen Louise........................................Jeff's wedding. I wonder what's happened to her. 3. I don't know...................................Jack's been working on that project, but it seems like weeks. 4. Mr Louis hasn't rung me back about the contract............................................ 5. We're meeting some friends for a meal..........................................Would you like to come along? 6. Pam has...........................................finished her test and I've only done half of mine. 7. Patrick................gets to school at eight o'clock sharp, but it's half past and he hasn't arrived yet. 8. Are you........................reading that book, or have you started another one? 9. I'm trying to finish clearing up...................................Can you ring back later? 10. My neighbour has lived in that house....................................nearly 60 years.

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17. Fill in: since or for. David Jones has been working for the same company 1) ...for... 20 years. He has been a supervisor 2)..............1991 and he quite likes the work, but he has been thinking about changing jobs 3).....................he discovered that he has a real tal-ent for garden design. He has been studying garden design part-time 4).....................two years and 5).....................last month he has been preparing for his final examination. David has been interested in gardening 6).....................he was a child and he has known 7).....................years that his present job was not the best one for him. He has been much happier 8).....................he started the course and 9).....................weeks he has been look-ing forward to the tour that his college has organised. 10).....................David started the course, his wife has become interested as well and now they are talk-ing about setting up a business together. 18. Imagine you and a friend are giving a party tonight. Leave a note for your friend to explain what you've already done and what you haven't done yet. Example: I've already bought the soda, but I haven't gotten the potato chips yet . . . ................................................................................................................................ ................................................................................................................................ ................................................................................................................................ 19. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct present forms. Dear Sir/Madam, I 1) ...am writing... (write) on behalf of Midfield School. Every year, our stu-dents 2)...........(choose) a project on an environmental problem. Then, they 3).....................(work) to raise money to help solve this problem. We 4).........................(recently / see) your advertisements about protecting dolphins, so, for the last few weeks, we 5)........................... (try) to learn about the dol-phins that 6)........................(live) in the sea near here. We 7)..........................(already/be) on two boat trips and 8)............................(persuade) local fishermen to change their fishing nets be-cause the ones they 9)............................(use) at the moment can trap dolphins. Could you please send the children some World Wildlife Fund posters to add to the work that they 10)...........................(do) so far? Yours faithfully, J. Hopkins (Teacher) 20. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct present forms. Dear Sal, You'll never guess where I 1) ...am writing... (write) from. I 2)..................... (sit)

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on a bench on the shore of Lake Windermere! The air 3)......................... (smell) wonderful – so clean and fresh. I 4)..................... (stay) here for nearly a week now and I 5)..........................(expect) I'll stay for one more, as I 6).........................(begin) to fall in love with the place. Every morning I 7).................... (get up) at 7 o'clock and 8)...........................(go) for a swim in the lake before breakfast. The owner of the hotel 9)......................... (just/tell) me that I can borrow his boat for the afternoon. This holiday 10).......................... (become) better and better as the days go by. Well, I think I 11)........................... (write) enough. I 12)......................... (sit) here for half an hour and now it's time for my boat trip. See you, Mary 21. Underline the Predicate. Translate the sentences into Russian. 1. They have been investigating the problem for two years. 2. He has been testing the system for 3 hours. 3. For nearly three hundred years physicists have been racking their brain over the great puzzle of gravitation. 4. We have been observing the reaction for an hour. 5. I have been working at this problem since 1989. 6. We have solved the problem. 7. I have seen the film Matrix three times. 8. They have informed me of the time of shipment of the goods. 9. I haven’t heard from him since he left Moscow. 22. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense. 1. Mary ..................... (to learn) French at the University. She ........................ (to learn) English since the last autumn. 2. They are busy now. They ......................... (to discuss) an important question. They ......................... (to dis-cuss) it since five o’clock. 3. Where is John? – He ......................... (to work) in the library. ................................................. (he / to work) long? – Yes, he ......................... (to work) since morning. 4. My son ......................... (to be) in hospital. He ......................... (to be) there for ten days. 5. Mr Ivanov ......................... (to teach) French. He is a very experienced teacher. He ......................... (to teach) French for fifteen years. 6. I ......................... (to know) Jack well. – Since when you ......................... (to know) him? – I ......................... (to know) him since 1970. 23. Translate from Russian into English. 1. Он говорит на нескольких языках, а сейчас он говорит по-арабски. 2. Бренда танцует лучше, чем все другие девушки в городе. 3. Разве вы не слышите? Я объясняю новое правило. 4. Я уже читаю лекцию с 18 часов.

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5. Тише! Мальчик спит. 6. Мы читаем английский текст. 7. Мой брат читает газеты каждый день. 8. Ты говоришь сейчас по-английски? 9. Я еще не был в Минске. 10. Где молоко? – Она его выпила. 11.Сколько книг по истории ты прочитала? 12. Она ходит в школу? – Нет. 13. Кто помогает твоей маме? 14. Что делает твой друг после школы? – Он обычно обедает. 15. Они только что оделись. 16. Она его ждет? – Да, ждет. 17. Ты читаешь английские книги? – Да. 18. Ты уже пообедал, не так ли? 19. Покажи, что ты написал. 20. Мы не видели его уже три дня. 21. Спасибо, я уже вытерся вот этим полотенцем. 22. Он уже задал мне несколько вопросов. 23. Где ты был? – Я был в Киеве. 24. Посмотри! Она такая уставшая. Она не спала всю ночь. 25. Они еще не ушли в школу.

THE PAST TENSES 1. Underline the correct time expression. Identify the past forms. 1. I still/yet/just hadn't done my homework when Mum came home. 2. Meg was lying in the sun before/while/as soon as the children were playing in the pool. 3. How long ago/How long/While did you pass your driving test? 4. He continued his journey before/after/ago he had changed the tyre. 5. I was walking down the street when/as soon as/while a car stopped next to me. 6. She had been singing for years since/for/before she finally became a star. 7. I went on an excursion to the Lake District last week/since/just. 8. He hadn't eaten turkey since/ever/for the previous Christmas. 9. Our team had scored three goals by the time/until/while we got to the match. 10. The professor didn't start speaking how long/until/yet everyone was quiet. 11. Do you know how long/when/while he had lived in Portugal before he moved to Turkey? 12. They had been sailing for/since/while a month before they reached a port. 13. She took off her coat just/as soon as/already she entered the house.

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2. Fill in with Past Simple or Continuous. Simon 1) ...was walking... (walk) home from work the other day when he 2) .................................... (notice) something shining on the pavement on the other side of the road. A car 3)................................. (come) down the street, so he waited until it had driven past, then he 4) ......................................... (cross) over. When he 5)..................................... (get) to the other side he saw that it was a shiny gold coin! He 6).......................... (look) around to make sure no one 7).............................. (look), then he 8) ........................... (bend) down to pick it up. Imagine his surprise when he 9).............................. (not/can) move it! He 10) ............................ (be) just about to give up when he 11) ........................ (hear) a strange sound behind him. Someone 12) ........................ (laugh) at him, but he couldn't see who it 13)................................. (be). Two little boys 14) ……………………….. (hide) behind a hedge, laughing at anyone who tried to pick up the coin they had stuck to the pavement with glue! 3. Fill in with Present Perfect or Past Simple. 1............................... (you/see) the Bruce Lee film on TV last night? – No. But I........................................ (see) all of his films on video already this year. 2. I....................................... (live) in Germany for five years now. I.......................... (move) here in 1989. – I............................................. (live) in Portugal for a time, but I live in Rome now. 3. My Uncle Tom ........................................... (meet) Winston Churchill. – That's nothing! My mum........................................... (meet) Prince Charles. 4. Where's Jane? – She ........................................... (go) to America. She ...................................... (leave) last week. – Really? Why ………………........................ (she/go) there? 5. My father................................... (work) in that shop for twelve years. Then he ........................................ (get) a job in a bank. – He .................................................... (work) at the bank for quite a few years now, hasn't he? 6. How long .......................................................... (you/learn) Italian? – I................................ (start) learning the language when I................................................ (be) twelve.

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4. Make up situations to justify the use of the Present Simple and Present Continuous in the following pairs of sentences. You may draw pictures in-stead of sentences. 1. You'd better take your coat. It's raining out there. You'd better take your coat. It rains out there. 2. Who is sleeping in this room? Who sleeps in this room? 3. He plays tennis. He is playing tennis. 4. You're putting the umbrella in the wrong place. You put the umbrella in the wrong place. 5. I don't eat fish. I'm not eating fish. 5. Make up situations to justify the use of the Present Perfect and he Past Simple in the following pairs of sentences containing an indication of a pe-riod of time. You may draw pictures instead of sentences. 1. I haven't read the paper this morning. I didn't read the paper this morning. 2. We haven't seen them for years. We didn't see them for years. 3. He hasn't gone to bed for two days. He didn't go to bed for two days. 4. He has been a teacher for ten years. He was a teacher for ten years. 5. I've had a letter from him today. I had a letter from him today. 6. Make up situations to justify the use of the Present Continuous and the Present Perfect Continuous in the following pairs of sentences. You may draw pictures instead of sentences.

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1. He is saying funny things about you. He has been saying funny things about you. 2. What are you doing? What have you been doing? 3. She is accusing me of things. She has been accusing me of things. 7. Put the verbs in brackets into the past simple or the present perfect. Alex Morton is a talented writer who ………………… (lead) a very interesting life. He was born in 1945 in Manchester, and he was the youngest of six chil-dren. From the moment he could read, he was never without a book in his hands. He was an avid reader throughout his schooldays, and he soon ………………… (show) his talent for writing, too. In fact, his teachers ………………. (give) him extra assignments just to be able to read more of his work. After he …………… (leave) school he went to Manchester University. By the time he got his BA, he had already published a number of short stories, and his first novel was almost finished. Over the next few years he …………….. (write) non-stop and each of his books was more successful than the last. Despite being so busy with his work, Alex …………….. (find) time for romance. He met Fiona Jones while he was at university and they were married in 1971. They have two children. He ……………….. (always/be) a devoted husband and fa-ther. Alex Morton ……………… (write) over twenty books so far and his name ……………… (be) on the best seller list more times than he can remember. However, the pinnacle of his career was when he ……………….. (win) the Booker Prize for Fiction in 1995. Since then, Alex ……………….. (continue) to write and many of his books …………………. (be/made) into films. 8. Use the prompts to write sentences. 1. Ann can't get into the house. _________________________ (lose / her key) 2. Tom's sunburnt. ________________________ (sit / in the sun / all morning) 3. My eyes hurt. ___________________________________ (watch TV/ hours) 4. John passed his Maths exam. ________________________ (study / hard) 5. Nick has lost a lot of weight. _______________________ (be on a diet) 6. Amy looks so happy! _______________________(buy / new house) 9. In this exercise you have to read the situation and then write a sentence. Use the verbs given in brackets. Read the example carefully first. Example: Ten minutes ago Tom lost his key. Now he has it in his hand. (lose / find) Tom lost his key but now he has found it.

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1. I lost a lot of weight but now I am too heavy again. (lose weight / put on weight) I................................ but now I............................. 2. She went to Australia but now she is back in Britain again. (go / come back) She ........................................ but now..................................... 3. Last year Kevin bought a car. Now it belongs to someone else. (buy/sell) ............................................................................................. 4. The police arrested the man but now he is at home again. (arrest / release) .................................................................................................... 5. Bill cut his hair. Now it is long again. (cut / grow) ........................................................................................................... 6. The prisoner escaped from the prison. Now he is back in prison. (escape/ be caught) ........................................................................... 10. Are the underlined parts of these sentences right or wrong? Correct the ones which are wrong. 1. Have you heard? Suzanne has got married! 2. The Chinese have invented printing. 3. Who has written the play Hamlet? 4. Aristotle has been a Greek philosopher. 5. Ow! I've cut my finger. It's bleeding. 6. Look at George! He had a haircut. 7. My grandparents got married in London. 8. Einstein was the physicist who has developed the theory of relativity. 11. In this exercise you have to put the verb into the correct form, present perfect or past simple. 1. Jill........................................... (buy) a new car two weeks ago. 2. His hair is very short. He........................................... (have) a haircut. 3. Last night I...................... (arrive) home at half past twelve. I........................... (have) a bath and then I.................................. (go) to bed. 4. ........................................ (you/visit) many museums when you were in Paris? 5. My bicycle isn't here any more. Somebody......................................... (take) it. 6. When........................................... (you/give) up smoking? 7. I........................................... (not/eat) anything yesterday because I ................................(not/feel) hungry. 8. Why........................................... (Jim/not/want) to play tennis last Friday? 9. The car looks very clean. ........................................... (you/wash) it? 10. Hello, Susan. Is Alan here? – No, I'm afraid he ........................................... (go) out. – Oh, what a pity! When exactly........................................... (he/go) out? – About ten minutes ago.

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12. Complete these sentences using the verbs in brackets. You went back to your home town after many years and you found that many things were dif-ferent. 1. My best friend, Kevin, was no longer there. He ............................... (go) away. 2. The local cinema was no longer open. It............................... (close) down. 3. Mr Johnson was no longer alive. He ................................ (die). 4. I didn't recognise Mrs Johnson. She .............................. (change) a lot. 5. Bill no longer had his car. He ................................ (sell) it. 13. Now you have to make sentences using the words in brackets. Example: I wasn't hungry. (I / just / have / lunch) I had just had lunch 1. Tom wasn't at home when I arrived, (he / just / go / out) 2. We arrived at the cinema late. (the film / already / begin)? 3. They weren't eating when I went to see them. (they / just / finish / their din-ner) 4. I invited Ann to dinner last night but she couldn't come. (she / already / ar-range / to do something else) 5. I was very pleased to see Nora again after such a long time. (I / not / see / her for five years) 14. Put the verb into the correct form, past perfect or past simple. 1. The house was very quiet when I got home. Everybody................................ (go) to bed. 2. I felt very tired when I got home, so I.............................. (go) straight to bed. 3. Sorry I'm late. The car....................................... (break) down on my way here. 4. There was a car by the side of the road. It................................ (break) down and the driver was trying to repair it. So we................................. (stop) to see if we could help. 15. In this exercise you have to read a situation and then write a sentence. Example: The two boys came into the house. One had a black eye and the other had a cut lip. (they / fight) They had been fighting. 1. Tom was watching television. He was feeling very tired. (he / study / hard all day) He.............................................................................. 2. When I walked into the room, it was empty. But there was a smell of ciga-rettes. (somebody / smoke / in the room) Somebody.................................................... 3. When Mary came back from the beach, she looked very red from the sun. (she / lie / in the sun too long) ............................................................................ 4. The two boys came into the house. They had a football and they were both very tired.

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(they / play / football) ....................................................................................... 5. Ann woke up in the middle of the night. She was frightened and she didn't know where she was. (she / dream) ......................................................................................... 16. In this exercise you have to read a situation and then write a sentence. Example: We began playing football. After half an hour there was a terrible storm. We had been playing for half an hour when there was a terrible storm. 1. The orchestra began playing at the concert. After about ten minutes a man in the audience suddenly began shouting. The orchestra ....................................... for about ten minutes when...................... 2. I had arranged to meet Tom in a restaurant. I arrived and began waiting. After 20 minutes I realised that I had come to the wrong restaurant. I................................................................. when I.................................................. 3. Mr and Mrs Jenkins went to live in the south of France. Six months later Mr Jenkins died. They .............................................. when......................................... 17. Put the verb into the correct form, past perfect continuous or past con-tinuous. 1. Tom was leaning against the wall, out of breath. He ………………… (run). 2. I tried to catch Tom but I couldn't. He …………………………. (run) very fast. 3. Jim was on his hands and knees on the floor. He............................................ (look) for his cigarette lighter. 4. We............................................ (walk) along the road for about 20 minutes when a car stopped and the driver offered us a lift. 5. When I arrived, everyone was sitting round the table with their mouths full. They........................................... (eat). 6. When I arrived, everyone was sitting round the table and talking. Their mouths were empty but their stomachs were full. They............................... (eat). 7. When I arrived, Ann........................................... (wait) for me. She was rather annoyed with me because I was late and she............................................ (wait) for a very long time. 18. Write about one of your older relatives. You can write about his/her: • childhood • education • work • family (e.g. marriage/children) • achievements • later years Example: My grandfather is called Harry. He was born in Brighton in 1920. When he left school he joined the local fire brigade. He got married when he

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was twenty-six. He and his wife Ada had seven children. He says that his family was his most important achievement in life. My grandfather retired three years ago. Since then, he and my grandmother have spent their time travelling and gardening.

THE FUTURE TENSES 1. Identify the tenses, then match them with the correct description. 1. I think I'll go home now. 2. The bus for Brighton departs in an hour. 3. We'll be sailing around the is-lands this time next month. 4. By May he will have been living abroad for six years. 5. The men are delivering the furni-ture tomorrow. 6. Look at the baby! He's going to eat that worm! 7. Perhaps we'll see Nicky at school today. 8. He's going to take a few days off next week. 9. I'm sure you'll have a wonderful holiday. 10. Will Jo be staying with you this Easter? 11. I'll be having lunch with Sam tomorrow as usual. 12. They will have made a decision by Friday.

a) action which may (not) happen in the future b) action in progress at a stated fu-ture time c) fixed arrangement in the near fu-ture d) action which will be finished be-fore a stated future time e) timetable/programme f) decision taken at the moment of speaking g) action which is the result of a rou-tine h) duration of an action up to a cer-tain time in the future i) prediction about the future j) action intended to be performed in the near future k) asking politely about people's ar-rangements l) evidence that smth will definitely happen

2. Fill in the correct present or future forms. Dear Mum, By the time you receive this letter I ...will have finished... (finish} my final ex-ams and, whether they went well or not, I 2).......................... (celebrate). I 3)............................. (start) looking for a job at the end of the summer because I 4) ........................ (go) on holiday around Europe for a month, starting next week. Sue 5).................................... (probably/come) with me, although she's not sure yet. If she does, I'm sure we 6)..................... (have) a great time. I 7)....................................... (see) her this evening, as usual, so I expect she 8) ....................................... (tell) me her decision then. Anyway, my first exam

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9).................................. (start) at 9 o'clock tomorrow so I 10).......................... (drive) down to the library to do some last-minute revision. Even though I 11)................................... (study) Russian for four years by the time these exams are over, I feel I've still got a lot to learn about the language. Give my love to Sam and Rover. Yours, Jason 3. Fill in: will or be going to. 1. Have you decided where to go for your holidays? – Yes, I'm going to... tour Spain. 2. We've almost run out of petrol. – Don't worry. We.............. get some on the way home. 3. Does your tooth really hurt? – Yes, I........................ see the dentist tomorrow. 4. Did you buy any stamps? – I forgot to, but I....................... get some now if you like. 5. Have you heard about Sharon? – Yes. She .................................. have a baby. 6. When did you last speak to Susan? – Oh weeks ago, but I....................... meet her tonight. 7. Your car is very dirty. – I know. My son ........................ wash it this after-noon. 8. Have you found your bracelet yet? – No, but I'm sure I.............. find it when I tidy my room. 9. Do you know what the weather forecast is for tomorrow? – No, but I expect it...................... be warmer than today. 10. Shall we go out tonight? – Sorry! I.............. eat at the Chinese restaurant with Paul. 11. What do you want to eat? – I.............. have a hamburger and some chips, please. 12. Are you watching TV tonight? – Yes, I................... watch the interview with the Queen. 4. Fill in the correct present or future forms. We 1) ……………..... (go) on holiday next Friday. The plane 2).................... (leave) at 5.00 am, so we 3).......................................... (sunbathe) in Bermuda by lunchtime! We've got a lot of luggage and neither of us wants to drive so we 4).............................. (get) a taxi to the airport. My sister has never flown before so she 5)................................ (probably/be) quite nervous. I 6).............................. (have to) sit by her and hold her hand all the time. By the time we get there, we 7)............................ (fly) for quite a long time and so we 8).......................... (be) quite tired. However, I hope we 9)........................... (recover) by 8 o'clock, in time to go to the welcoming party!

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5. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence. Use the word given and other words to complete each sentence. You can use between two and five words. Don’t change the word given. 1. How long ago did they move into their house? moved How long................................................................. into their house? 2. She's the cleverest person I've ever met. never I've.......................................................................................... person. 3. It's a month since I saw him. for I............................................................................................. a month. 4. When did you buy that suit? bought How long.............................................................................. that suit? 5. I haven't written to them for a month. is It ............................................................................... I wrote to them. 6. How long is it since you tidied your room? ago How long ......................................................................... your room? 7. When did you last go to London? time When ....................................................................... went to London? 8. I haven't finished my homework yet. still I......................................................................................... homework. 6. Decide which form of the verb is correct (or more natural) in these sen-tences. Cross out the one which is wrong. 1. I will go / am going to a party tomorrow night. Would you like to come too? 2. According to the weather forecast it will rain / is raining tomorrow. 3. I'm sure Tom will get / is getting the job. He has a lot of experience. 4. I can't meet you this evening. A friend of mine will come / is coming to see me. 5. A: Have you decided where to go for your holidays yet? – Yes, we will go / are going to Italy. 6. Don't worry about the dog. It won't hurt / isn't hurting you. 7. Answer these questions using the words in brackets. 1. What do you think she'll say? (probably / nothing) She 2. Where do you think she'll go? (expect / London) I 3. When do you think she'll leave? (think / tomorrow) I 4. How do you think she'll go there? (expect / by train) I 5. When do you think she'll be back? (think / quite soon) I 6. Do you think you'll miss her? (I'm sure / very much) Yes, 8. In this exercise you have to put the verb into the correct form using will or going to. 1. I've got a terrible headache. – Have you? Wait there and ................................. ................. (get) an aspirin for you.

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2. Why are you filling that bucket with water? – I........................ (wash) the car. 3. I've decided to re-paint this room. – Oh, have you? What col-our..................................... (you/paint) it? 4. Look! There's smoke coming out of that house. It's on fire! – Good heavens! I.......................................... (call) the fire-brigade immediately. 5. The ceiling in this room doesn't look very safe, does it? – No, it looks as if it.......................................... (fall) down. 6. Where are you going? Are you going shopping? – Yes, I......................................... (buy) something for dinner. 7. I can't work out how to use this camera. – It's quite easy. I......................................... (show) you. 8. What would you like to drink - tea or coffee? – I..................................... (have) tea, please. 9. Has George decided on what to do when he leaves school? – Oh yes. Every-thing is planned. He.......................................... (have) a holiday for a few weeks and then he .......................................... (start) a computer programming course. 10. Did you post that letter for me? – Oh, I'm sorry. I completely forgot. I.......................................... (do) it now. . 11. What shall we have for dinner? – I don't know. I can't make up my mind. – Come on, hurry up! Make a decision! – Okay then. We.......................................... (have) chicken. 12. Jack: We need some bread for lunch. Ben: Oh, do we? I.......................................... (go) to the shop and get some. I feel like a walk. Before he goes out, Ben talks to Jane: Ben: I.......................................... (get) some bread. Do you want anything from the shop? Jane: Yes, I need some envelopes. Ben: Okay, I.......................................... (get) you some. 13. John has to go to the airport to catch a plane. He hasn't got a car: John: Alan, can you take me to the airport this evening? Alan: Of course I......................................... (take) you. I'd be delighted. Later that day Eric offers to take John to the airport. Eric: John, do you want me to take you to the airport? John: No thanks, Eric. Alan.......................................... (take) me. 9. This time you have to write three sentences, one each about the past, pre-sent and future. Bob always reads the newspaper in the morning. It always takes him half an hour from 8 o'clock until 8.30. So: 1. At 8.15 yesterday morning Bob........................................................................... 2. It's 8.15 now. He.................................................................................................. 3. At 8.15 tomorrow morning he.............................................................................

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10. This time you have to ask questions with Will you be -ing? 1. You want your friend to give Tom a message this afternoon. (you / see / Tom this afternoon?) 2. You want to use your friend's typewriter tomorrow evening. (you / use / your typewriter tomorrow evening?) 3. Your friend is going shopping. You want him/her to buy some stamps for you at the post office. (you / pass / the post office when you're in town?) 11. In this exercise you have to use will have done. 1. Jim always goes to bed at 11 o'clock. Tom is going to visit him at 11.30 this evening. When Tom arrives, (Jim /go/to bed) 2. Tom is on holiday. He has very little money and he is spending too much too quickly. Before the end of his holiday, (he /spend / all his money) 3. Chuck came to Britain from the US nearly three years ago. Next Monday it will be exactly three years since he arrived. Next Monday (he / be / here / ex-actly three years) 12. Fill in the correct present or future forms. We never use future forms after: as soon as, as long as, after, before, by the time, if (conditional), unless, in case, until/till, when (time conjunction), whenever, while, once, suppose/supposing, on condition that etc. The manager will see you as soon as he comes out of the meeting. I'll buy a new sofa when I get paid. “When” used as a question word and “if” meaning “whether” particularly after the expressions: I don't know, I doubt, I wonder etc can both be used with fu-ture forms. When will John go to Paris? I don't know if the teacher will punish Tim for that (= whether)

If you …………….. (want) to travel long distances on your bicycle, you must learn how to mend a puncture. As soon as your tyre ……………………. (be-come) flat, get off the bike or you ……………………. (damage) the wheel. Then turn the bicycle upside down. Once it ……………………(be) in position, remove the tyre using tyre-levers or, if you 5)...................................... (have) nothing else, use spoons. When the tyre ………………… (be) off, pump up the inner-tube. Put it in some water and turn it until you …………………. (see)

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bubbles coming from it. This is your puncture. Before you ………………….. (apply) the patch, you must clean and dry the area around the hole. After this you ………………………….. (put) glue around the hole and wait until it ………………………. (dry) a little. Then select a suitably sized patch. Stick the patch over the hole and don't forget to put some chalk over it. Unless you do this, the inner-tube ……………………… (stick) to the inside of the tyre. Re-place the tube, pump up the tyre and ride away. I don't know if you ………………………… (be able to) remember all this, but it's worth trying be-cause you never know when it ………………………… (be) useful to you. 13. Underline the correct item. 1. "I really need a drink." "OK, I'll buy / 'm buying you one. What would you like?" 2. "You look dreadful," "I know, I'm seeing / 'll see the doctor tomorrow at 4 o'clock." 3. "Did you remember to water the plants today?" "Oh no, I forgot; I'll water / water them now." 4. I've already told you why I can't see you tonight. I'm having / 'll have guests. 5. I'm sorry. I promise I'll stay / 'll be staying out of trouble in the future. 6. I'm sure he'll understand / 's going to understand if you explain it to him clearly. 7. I will have finished / will finish my exams by the end of August. 8. "I've burnt the dinner". "Never mind, I'll go / 'm going to the restaurant and get a takeaway pizza.' 9. I'll have been working / 'll work here for forty years by the time I retire next week. 10. "I forgot to invite Fergus to the party." "That's OK. I see / will be seeing him this afternoon." 11. If I have / will have enough money, I'll buy a new bicycle. 12. I don't think I'll have finished / 'll finish these exercises by 3 o'clock. 13. Excuse me, Colin. Will you be going / Will you go to the library this morn-ing? 14. I'm not sure when I go / 'll go on holiday this year. 15. If we go / will go to Greece in the summer, we will visit the islands. 16. We can't get into the office until Jane arrives / will arrive with the key. 17. I doubt if they are / will be on time. 14. All the sentences in this exercise are about the future. Put the verbs into the correct form. 1. Before you......................................... (leave), don't forget to shut the windows. 2. I.......................... (phone) you as soon as I ......................... (arrive) in London. 3. Please don't touch anything before the police........................................ (come).

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4. Everyone................ (be) very surprised if he ................ (pass) the examina-tion. 5. When you.................. (see) Brian again, you................... (not / recognize) him. 6. We............................ (not/start) dinner until Jack................................. (arrive). 7. ........................ (you/be) lonely without me while I.......................... (be) away? 8. If I.............................. (need) any help, I .......................................... (ask) you. 9. Come on! Hurry up! Ann................... (be) annoyed if we .................. (be) late. 15. This time you have to make one sentence from two sentences. 1. I'll find somewhere to live. Then I'll give you my address. I............................................... when .............................................................. 2. It's going to start raining. Let's go out before that. Let's......................................before............................................................. 3. I'm going to do the shopping. Then I'll come straight back home. .............................................. after.................................................................... 4. You'll be in London next month. You must come and see me then. .......................................... when.......................................................... 5. I'm going to finish reading this book. Then I'll get the dinner ready. .............................................. when............................................................... 6. We'll make our decision. Then we'll let you know. ................................................. as soon as................................................. 16. In this exercise you have to put in “when” or “if”. 1. I'm going to Paris next week............ I'm there, I hope to visit a friend of mine. 2. Tom might phone this evening. ................... he does, can you take a message? 3. I think he'll get the job. I'll be very surprised ................... he doesn't get it. 4. I hope to be there by 10.30. But................... I'm not there, don't wait for me. 5. I'm going shopping................... you want anything, I can get it for you. 6. I think I'll go home now. I’m feeling very tired. I think I'll go straight to bed................ I get home. 7. I'm going away for a few days. I'll phone you................. I get back. 8. I want you to come to the party but.......... you don't want to come, you need-n't. 17. Complete the following sentences using the words in brackets. 1. I _____ (study) Spanish for two years, but I still don’t speak it very well. 2. I ______________ (have) it for about a year. 3. They ______________ (buy) cameras. 4. Where is Nick now? He _________ (plant) trees. He ______________ (plant) trees the whole morning. 5. We must be nearly there by now. We _________ (walk) for over an hour. 6. Jennifer ______________ (write) the letter.

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7. The child ______________ (wash) his hands. 8. We ______________ (see) that movie on TV. 9. She ______________ (understand) the work very well. 10. I ______________ (tell) her the answer to the question. 11. How long ____________ you ______________ (have) your new car? 12. Peter ______________ (cook) the dinner. 13. Tina ______________ (draw) wonderful pictures. 14. We ______________ (open) our books. 15. He __________ (run). He ___________ (run) for ten minutes without any rest. 16. ___________ Garry ______________ (lose) his passport at the airport? 17. We ______________ (live) in the USA for nearly ten years now. 18. Why is he so late? They ______________ (wait) here for hours. 19. I ______________ (know) the telephone number for several weeks. 20. The boys must be tired. They __________ (play) football the yard all after-noon. 21. It’s time to do your homework. You _______ (watch) television all night. 22. Jack ______________ (work) in his father’s business since he left school. 23. What ____________they __________ (do) now? They ______________ (work) in the library. They ______________ (work) for two hours. 24. She ____________ (wash) in the bathroom now. She ____________ (wash) for half an hour. 25. Megan is a traveler. She ______________ (see) many places. 26. Peter ______________ (be ill) since Friday. 27. I ______________ (speak) English for ages. 28. Our cousin ______________ (dance) at the Bolshoi Theatre. 29. Why ___________ you not ______________(write)? I ______________ (give) my pen to Sam. 30. ______________ the weather really ______________ (become) colder dur-ing the last days. 18. Write a paragraph describing the ideal car of the future. Use your imagination. What material will it be made of? What form of energy is it going to use? How fast will it go? What features is it going to have? (not less than 100 words).

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1. Evans V. Round-up Grammar Practice 6. – Longman, 1998. 2. Evans V, Dooley J. Upstream intermediate. – Express publishing, 2002. 3. Fuch M. Focus on grammar: An intermediate course for reference and prac-tice / Marjorie Fuch, Margaret Bonner, Miriam Westheimer. – Longman, 2000. 4. Keller E., Warner S. Conversational Gambits / Разговорные клише в анг-лийском языке: Учебное пособие. – Обнинск: Титул, 2001. 5. Vince M., Sunderland P. Advanced language practice with key. – Macmillan, 2003. 6. Hornby A.S. Oxford advanced learner’s dictionary of current English. – Ox-ford University Press, 1995. 7. Комаровская С.Д. Modern English Grammar. Practical Course. Современ-ная английская грамматика. Практический курс. «Вслед за Мерфи»: Учеб-ник по грамматике английского языка. – 3-е изд., исп. – М.: КДУ, 2004. 8. Платонова И.Б. English Idioms = Английские идиомы: Учеб. пособие / И.Б. Платонова, О.П. Разумова, И.Е. Василевская. – М.: Новое знание, 2004. 9. Это интересно (Interesting, Isn’t It?): Учебное пособие/Сост. Е.А. Балк, М.М. Леменев. – М.: ИНФРА-М, 2001.

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PART I THE PRESENT TENSES………………………………………….…………..3 THE PAST TENSES………………………………………………………….19 THE FUTURE TENSES…………………………………………...…………27 PART II HOME EXERCISES……………………………………………….…..…..…44

The Present Tenses…………...…………………………….……….……44 The Past Tenses…………………………………………………………...52 The Future Tenses………………………………………..…………….. ..59
