[Ì-Kg 'fn b ÇW Ñ kPm2 ¡yh -KgNkPm2W - HSBC15.09.2014 8.91 C 1.82 5.00 1.00 0.50 Niu( Niu( Niu(...

富蘭克林鄧普頓投孤基帯 富蘭克林互惠歐洲基帯 歐洲股票 30.09.2020 W 帯U 5 油染 網址 [email protected] www.franklintempleton.com.hk 有舗基帯孤料的來源及計算依據,翰參奮*註騨占分。 乖蓑考慮 ● 富蘭克林互惠歐洲基帯主堰投孤於歐洲國家的公司之股票紀券及債務紀券。 ● 本基帯主堰涉及市場乖蓑、股票乖蓑、優先紀券乖蓑、外幣乖蓑、歐元區乖蓑、利率紀券乖蓑、信減乖蓑、可換股紀券 乖蓑、流動性乖蓑、估值乖蓑、波動性乖蓑、區域市場乖蓑、衍生工具乖蓑、交易對手乖蓑、對沖股份録別乖蓑及紀券借 減乖蓑。 ● 紀券借減交易或會涉及借減人可能無法及時歸推紀券,以及抵押品價值採♭低於借出紀券價值的乖蓑,這可能導♪本基 帯承受堆大損失。 ● 本基帯可使用銑情權由本基帯的孤本或由總收入中支取股息,同時從本基帯的孤本中支付本基帯的全占或占分現用及赴 支,以♪本基帯實麿上可從孤本中支付股息。由孤本中支取股息等於退推或取回投孤者之占分原投孤款項或任何歸屬於原 投孤款項的孤本收益。任何股息分派ょ涉及由本基帯的孤本中支取股息或實麿上由本基帯的孤本中支取股息(塩乎情況而 定),可導♪每股孤產淨值即時減少。 ● 投孤涉及乖蓑,您有機會損失占分或全占的投孤。決定投孤前,您應確保長售中介人已向您峨騨本基帯進合您。投孤者 不應單輿此宣傳孤料而作出投孤決定。 基帯表現* 侵往5年表現 (根據股份録別肩幣計算) (%) 富蘭克林互惠歐洲基帯 A(累算)歐元 60 80 100 120 基帯概何 基帯肩幣 歐元 基帯總孤產 (歐元) 545 百萬 基帯成立日期 03.04.2000 發行機構數目 43 基準 摩根士丹利歐洲指數 - 淨回 晨星基帯組別* 歐洲大型價值型股票 09/15 03/16 09/16 03/17 09/17 03/18 09/18 03/19 09/19 03/20 09/20 基帯表現 (根據股份録別肩幣計算) (%) 累積 3 個月 年初♭今 1年 3年 5年 10 年 自成立♭今 A(累算)歐元 -0.45 -23.82 -18.42 -21.04 -12.92 24.39 77.28 基準 歐元 0.10 -12.75 -7.76 -1.03 17.14 76.68 89.83 投孤目標摘堰 在正常市場環境下,本基帯透侵主堰投孤於在歐洲國家成立 或進行主堰活動的公司的股票紀券,投孤經理並轄為較等股 票紀券的價格低於其實語價值,以尋求婦秦孤本增值。本基 帯亦可最多將其孤產淨值10%投孤於与歐洲紀券。 年度表現 (根據股份録別肩幣計算) (%) 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 A(累算)歐元 20.48 -13.21 5.05 -0.67 6.12 基準 歐元 26.05 -10.57 10.24 2.58 8.22 基帯經理* Katrina Dudley, CFA: 美國 Mandana Hormozi: 美國 Todd Ostrow: 美國 十大投孤項目* (佔總數%) 發行機構名稱 REXEL SA 3.82 NOVARTIS AG 3.71 CIE GENERALE DES ETABLISSEMENTS MICHELIN SCA 3.58 LAFARGEHOLCIM LTD 3.55 COVESTRO AG 3.36 GLAXOSMITHKLINE PLC 3.32 HELLENIC TELECOMMUNICATIONS ORGANIZATION SA 3.31 NN GROUP NV 3.27 BASF SE 3.08 VOLKSWAGEN AG 3.07 基帯統計 12 個月歷史市盈率 14.23x 市帳率 0.97x 股價對現帯流比率 5.25x 股息收益率* 4.24% 標準差 (5 年) 17.48% 孤產分佈* % 股票 92.23 現帯及現帯等值 7.77 長售文件 股份録別孤料 現用 派息 基帯代號 股份録別 成立日期 單位淨值 總赴支比率 (%) 31.08.2020 最壓 轄向現 (%) 管理現 (%) 最壓維持 現 (%) 最壓 服務現 (%) 最肖派息 日期 派息帯弄 ISIN A(累算)歐元 31.12.2001 19.89 歐元 1.86 5.00 1.00 0.50 不進用 不進用 不進用 LU0140363002 A(累算)美元 03.04.2000 23.30 美元 1.86 5.00 1.00 0.50 不進用 不進用 不進用 LU0109981661 A(累算)美元-對 沖1 15.09.2014 9.47 美元 1.82 5.00 1.00 0.50 不進用 不進用 不進用 LU1098665638 B(累算)美元 03.04.2000 17.90 美元 3.17 不進用 1.00 0.75 1.06 不進用 不進用 LU0109981828

Transcript of [Ì-Kg 'fn b ÇW Ñ kPm2 ¡yh -KgNkPm2W - HSBC15.09.2014 8.91 C 1.82 5.00 1.00 0.50 Niu( Niu( Niu(...

  • 30.09.2020

    [email protected] www.franklintempleton.com.hk



    5 ( ) (%)






    ( ) 545





    09/15 03/16 09/16 03/17 09/17 03/18 09/18 03/19 09/19 03/20 09/20

    ( ) (%)

    3 1 3 5 10

    A -0.45 -23.82 -18.42 -21.04 -12.92 24.39 77.28

    0.10 -12.75 -7.76 -1.03 17.14 76.68 89.83


    ( ) (%)

    2019 2018 2017 2016 2015

    A 20.48 -13.21 5.05 -0.67 6.1226.05 -10.57 10.24 2.58 8.22


    Katrina Dudley, CFA:

    Mandana Hormozi:

    Todd Ostrow:

    * ( %)


    12 14.23x0.97x5.25x

    * 4.24%(5 ) 17.48%



    (%)31.08.2020 (%) (%) (%) (%) ISIN

    A 31.12.2001 19.89 1.86 5.00 1.00 0.50 LU0140363002A 03.04.2000 23.30 1.86 5.00 1.00 0.50 LU0109981661A -1

    15.09.2014 9.47 1.82 5.00 1.00 0.50 LU1098665638

    B 03.04.2000 17.90 3.17 1.00 0.75 1.06 LU0109981828

  • 30.09.2020


    Copyright © 2020 www.franklintempleton.com.hk


    %27.28 / 21.3423.03 / 15.4511.23 / 17.129.67 / 16.698.81 / 6.993.31 / 0.002.67 / 3.582.52 / 1.562.29 / 5.361.42 / 11.917.77 / 0.00

    %15.69 / 14.3414.81 / 14.0314.30 / 10.6212.70 / 8.059.38 / 16.309.20 / 14.847.32 / 3.956.11 / 3.812.72 / 7.730.00 / 6.347.77 / 0.00

    ( ) %50.0 27.68

    ( )



    2008 5 A 2008 6 A: Copyright © Morningstar, Inc. (1) Morningstar, Inc. (2) (3)

    CFA® Chartered Financial Analyst® : 

    / 100%

  • 姿斌雌涼碍踊

    布利告燐釗父曇東雌嬉銀 –



    • 凡碍踊汀僑凡嬉銀適叔踊雌涼.• 凡碍踊制錏啅丙倦適溢楓噴.• 醒尤喃憮凡碍踊咋東雌穴底.


    緩痢効嗣?Franklin Templeton International Services S.à r.l.

    東雌絛痢?Franklin Mutual Advisers, LLC.,柊圓〔乳楓尉濁〕

    尊緩刃?J.P. Morgan Bank Luxembourg S.A.

    嬉銀過弊? 歔厳



    塞偵東雌掛: 1,000柊厳 [受治]宮500柊厳 [存悟戾治禰酵]袷筒0

    繕捻絛擾政貝斯疲葎#: A (令蚕) 歔厳?1.84% A (令蚕) 柊厳?1.84% A (令蚕) 柊厳-尠億1?1.82% B (令蚕) 柊厳?3.15% N (令蚕) 柊厳?2.59% #絛擾政貝斯疲葎制混擅戰詞2019捻12倹31入適叛捻奴坂無宝穀警蚕・戾捻錦夏膿湧曙斟堂.










    布利告燐釗父曇東雌嬉銀 - 布利告燐午悴歔秋嬉銀 1

    塞悟校森? 2020捻4倹

  • 布利告燐釗父曇東雌嬉銀 - 布利告燐午悴歔秋嬉銀 2


    凡嬉銀位午悴嬉銀恵鴫訴整・罪蘯浸塋整掠・寿 Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier竿緩.


    布利告燐午悴歔秋嬉銀〔 “凡嬉銀” 〕遅倫甥宙棄詞鳥棄寞舷東雌夋0・存治衷叔尽泣畋悦.


    • 罪歔秋圓科整掠袷震講守踊滑堂適効嗣適菰評譛喧宮夏兢柑袷幼棄夏兢柑異父栂菰袷友占菰適再無譛喧・東雌絛痢閉夏引弱患禰夏袷虐觜盾息〔寞蔀儉0〕・禰異骸筒菰評譛喧袷再無譛喧制位偵甥寞蔀儉0適儉殻・報渇父栂菰,友占菰歪夏兢柑譛喧.



    • 慎宮拷塀,晴拷,生蕃袷存太叔醍効嗣侯為嚢効嗣皃講適菰評譛喧. • 慎宮叔訴袷坂無叔晴嚢効嗣適忍価蔀蘇適再無譛喧〔報渇閣偵蔀蘇適譛喧・励韮樋東雌給蔑適譛喧〕. • 樋歔秋皃講毅洪嚢譛喧〔塞剛異雌姿淅0適10%〕. • 洫精巷虞咋尠億,湧敕緩痢東雌訴拷宮~袷東雌羊鍍.









    • 再無譛喧蕗隱?凡嬉銀招寿凡嬉銀夏膿東雌適再無譛喧適皃講毅洪適唇逮~医訳蕗隱.凡嬉銀適東雌招寿履葎蕗隱.溢販自限・履葎仮跋滋・再無譛喧適儉0偐丞哨・履葎丞哨滋息偐仮跋.廟給毅洪牛与適唇逮廟給尊罪個姓・埠膿滋国鋪譛骸譛喧宮~袷皃講毅




    • 志嬢蕗隱?裕甥寿呼蔑皃講毅洪,譛喧志嬢乳禿底講曲袷絵蔑適引蘇袷溢販志狭曳驚・凡嬉銀曙次譛喧適志嬢儉0夏哨夏跋・湧滋校夏膿述舷朽属袷矛烹幼警適哨跋.疇譛喧志嬢埠渓汕・汰呼雌姿伶蔑〔報渇導溢雌姿伶蔑適埠導絵蔑〕適儉0夏膿導滋仮跋.導

  • 布利告燐釗父曇東雌嬉銀 - 布利告燐午悴歔秋嬉銀 3



    • 菰評蕗隱?菰評宮菰評湧闥適譛喧夏膿寿汰高絛濬,星璽,志嬢宮皃講毅洪糟闥適禿底引蘇曳驚自述舷叔醍儉殻斟堂.埠和皃講毅洪適獸禿豹舷・骸筒斟堂夏尠菰評儉0湧埠履適曳驚.今害・埠導適講曲,銀予志嬢宮譛喧偐引懈骸筒斟堂自湧埠導適超晴.凡嬉



    • 友占譛喧蕗隱?東雌甥友占譛喧慎宮父栂菰東雌栂擾埠偐撫幄適掛害蕗隱.溢販自限・友占譛喧適次湧刃尠皃講毅洪泄湧東評槲・償樋揥潔友占菰束.友占譛喧適皃講毅洪夏罪孜底入棄漸赭壊譛喧袷罪孜底棄関掩遽破束・剝夏膿尠凡嬉銀曙次譛喧適壊宝側整赴



    • 害弊蕗隱?凡嬉銀栂擾醍領東雌甥位凡嬉銀宝儉過弊位害適存太過弊底0適譛喧・夏膿例骸筒東雌招寿匳葎斟堂宮害匳緩姓貴励適曳驚.害琡兢舷葎適琶堂夏膿尠凡嬉銀適儉0洪整赴摸曳驚・又夏曳驚凡嬉銀贄涜適畋尿宮凡嬉銀適寞在履純舍蚓遜.凡嬉銀夏膿




    • 凡嬉銀夏東雌甥歔厳卅.歔秋圓科再無赴拜嘉叔〔励韮歔厳卅乳忍価皃精再無医訳適圓科夏膿費謬震講再無叔訴宮摸尠二位穫涜唇逮袷哉予雌適墾二〕・絛濬夋鳥朋翰・位宮歔秋銀予志嬢尊罪埠迷榔引蘇・報渇有虜袷寞在倶講髟継室敕宮歔厳卅







    • 我裸旨宮梼歔志嬢蕗隱?今筒志嬢慎宮禿底蕗隱・報渇星璽,絛濬,烹立,過弊歪隻無蕗隱・位宮舍譛喧鋪緩湧闥適蕗隱.凡嬉銀夏膿引今寿蕩埠履曳驚.

    • 唇逮蕗隱?凡嬉銀袷図招寿凡嬉銀曙東雌適再無譛喧適皃講毅洪適唇逮~医訳蕗隱.皃講毅洪適坂無眞狭適轎斟,晴髟絛濬宮星璽条狭適晦斟袷禿蔑尠皃講毅洪湧闥適絛濬宮星璽引蘇適晦斟・剝叉引蘇砥夏膿尠皃講毅洪適唇逮蔀蘇宮譛喧儉0湧埠履適曳驚.僲



  • 布利告燐釗父曇東雌嬉銀 - 布利告燐午悴歔秋嬉銀 4

    • 夏柑菰譛喧蕗隱?凡嬉銀夏東雌甥夏柑菰譛喧・湧闥譛喧制溢高紺拷再無宮菰評適東雌・揚鋸次湧刃甥巳儘適孜底入棄覇譛喧轎柑異皃講毅洪適菰伋.夏柑菰譛喧図招寿菰評斟堂蕗隱・自叶琶福剛甥僖董再喧東雌.東雌甥夏柑菰譛喧図招寿舍糟弱僖董再喧東雌


    • 琉堂政蕗隱?凡嬉銀夏膿裕甥志狭偵鳴袷儉0仮跋袷存東雌嚢皃講毅洪適唇讌惠何・自二位述啅譛喧.凡嬉銀矛烹述啅譛喧袷次壮又夏膿曳驚凡嬉銀宮滋游俗赭壊醒泣適膿倫.弱患譛喧又夏膿引侯為志嬢湧個袷拷訳個姓轎啅自罌傍琉堂政.裕骸筒引蘇淫遅適琉


    • 佝0蕗隱?凡嬉銀適東雌佝0袷偐慎宮埠迷榔引蘇宮反底政適穴底.巳筆夏溢沈汀僑獸掠底儉雌涼.韮譛寞佝0埠牲覚・凡嬉銀適東雌車夏膿偐寿蕩埠履曳驚.

    • 琶堂政蕗隱?舍閣皃奪志嬢疲閣・森郷志嬢適再無譛喧夏膿寿閣剛琶堂政宮閣偵琉堂政曳驚.罪骸筒志嬢賠賽適譛喧適儉殻袷図招寿琶堂.骸筒譛喧適賠尿儉舍賽述儉適沙儉夏膿閣醍・凡嬉銀袷偐捷遅叔醍適侯為整凡.

    • 凡嬉銀什宙甥喃溢卅郁〔捉歔秋〕・糟尠歳手閣汰厳何星錯嚢嬉銀・凡嬉銀夏膿招寿閣剛琶福.凡嬉銀適儉0夏膿閣揚為寿曳驚歔秋適埠履絛濬,星璽,星錯,害匳,琉堂政,隻無,烹立袷竿緩侍倦曙曳驚・宮夏膿尠凡嬉銀~東雌車湧埠履曳驚.

    • 叔訴効嗣蕗隱?慎宮河洪叔訴袷銀予叔訴適効嗣嚢坂無眞狭栂擾糟尠閣主.叔訴夏尠糟闥効嗣適曲無宮緩痢河洪側整罵墸政曳驚・剝夏膿撞遅凡嬉銀招寿叔醍遜室.

    • 宙圓志嬢蕗隱?凡嬉銀図招寿宙圓志嬢蕗隱・宮凡嬉銀適儉0揚為寿蕩曳驚宙圓志嬢適赴摸絛濬,星璽,星錯,害匳,琉堂政,隻無,烹立袷竿緩侍倦曳驚.凡嬉銀適儉0宮豹舷夏膿引今寿蕩埠履曳驚.

    • 洫精巷虞蕗隱?洫精巷虞適東雌慎宮整凡・又夏膿閣琶堂・閉夏膿慎宮槎梏敕懈.閣尚適志嬢琶堂夏膿側整糟尠醍適曳驚・袷偐例凡嬉銀招寿叔醍遜室.存太蕗隱報渇侯為尠殊~唇逮蕗隱,琉堂政蕗隱,佝0蕗隱,琶堂政蕗隱宮嬢害侯為志嬢侯為蕗隱.凡嬉銀


    • 掵棄卿菊蕗隱?罪溢販漂盾嚢『掵棄』侯為宙・曼法導易午柑曙贄手嚢壊宝〔袷壊宝葎沙漁〕・剝叉壊宝〔袷壊宝葎沙漁〕制徘贄手袷斟舷冒叉帋穴底東雌袷巷虞宙曙穫手.凡嬉銀嚢掵棄卿菊制庇膿整勾奪蕩存東雌勿漂・詩古東雌絛痢制庇膿牲覚幼速価筒東雌


    • 侯為尠殊蕗隱?凡嬉銀夏膿招寿存侯為尠殊曙幄儘適唇逮~医訳蕗隱・宮夏膿尠凡嬉銀~東雌車湧埠履曳驚.• 譛喧尺逮蕗隱?譛喧尺逮侯為袷偐慎宮尺逮刃夏膿矛烹宮滋歿間譛喧・位宮提横斌儉0跋詞偵甥尺述譛喧儉0適蕗隱・剝夏膿撞遅


    • 破束星錯蕗隱?凡嬉銀嚢破束星錯咽鋸裕雌凡宙斯手菰束袷寞在丞裕雌凡宙斯手菰束.僲弱韮今講侍・筒甥隊間袷手壊東雌車嚢楓噴幻東雌汗高袷忍価歿乢甥幻東雌汗高適雌凡畋悦.忍価菰束噴破弱慎宮裕凡嬉銀適雌凡宙斯手菰束袷寞在丞裕凡嬉銀適雌凡宙斯


  • 布利告燐釗父曇東雌嬉銀 - 布利告燐午悴歔秋嬉銀 5

    • 尠億菰伋伶蔑蕗隱?冒溢尠億菰伋伶蔑適尠億錯流袷巳膿韮幼棄販皃旗咋羊・例骸菰伋伶蔑適東雌車招寿過弊蕗隱.今害・尠億菰伋伶蔑適東雌車・夏膿偐招寿帆栄羊咋尠億適銀予巷虞適遜悦宮糟闥侯為整凡適戾菰淅雌姿0丞適琶堂・夏膿尠骸筒東雌車湧埠履




    ^甥2015捻2倹6入・布利告燐釗父曇東雌嬉銀適溢惜巳穫譛喧宮棄過侍無竿撮尉姻偐禰夏適市嬉銀塀尿布利告燐釗父曇東雌嬉銀 – 布利告燐午悴歔秋嬉銀.

    • 押責閉樋幼速入悟曲責豹舷適孜漂.東雌車巳筆膿手壊繕楓東雌凡銀. • 嬉銀曲責豹舷位鍊捻迄適雌姿淅0咋異疲閣嬉租・菰束偐滲尊哉咋東雌. • 丞峻斃擅顱耳A〔令蚕〕歔厳伶菰伋綯0罪湧闥鍊捻乳適哨跋福奴.A〔令蚕〕歔厳伶菰伋制凡嬉銀甥鴻甲皃啅叶位凡嬉銀宝儉過弊



    • 嬉銀皃講入: 2000捻4倹3入 • A (令蚕) 歔厳伶菰伋皃講入: 2001捻12倹31入



  • 布利告燐釗父曇東雌嬉銀 - 布利告燐午悴歔秋嬉銀 6




    A 伶菰伋 B 伶菰伋 N 伶菰伋

    禰酵非 (袷受治禰酵非羊) 塞剛異禰酵銀掛適

    埠溺羊 塞剛異禰酵銀掛適

    轎柑非 (袷轎柑非羊)* 轎柑菰伋適儉0適

    埠溺羊 埠溺羊

    赭壊非 (袷赭壊非羊) 埠溺羊 埠溺羊



    捻葎 (凡嬉銀雌姿淅0適俵噴斃)

    A 伶菰伋** B 伶菰伋*** N 伶菰伋**

    緩痢非 (袷東雌緩痢非)*


    曲責豹舷非 埠溺羊 埠溺羊 埠溺羊

    講星非 埠溺羊 埠溺羊 埠溺羊


    腹無非 埠溺羊 埠溺羊

    賭起宮蚊顧,効嗣,顧脊宮講星大痢非 +










  • 布利告燐釗父曇東雌嬉銀 - 布利告燐午悴歔秋嬉銀 7


    • 罪侯為戰氏滋関捉鴻甲滋関仮吾始滋袷嚢漸絛鴻甲大豹〔捉布利告燐釗父曇東雌〔亠秋〕湧個効嗣〕畋打適禰酵宮赭壊踊泣・溢販案邂悟釟底適菰伋儉殻嫉講.楓噴宙解刃袷偐節底閣巣適侯為戰氏滋関.

    • 凡嬉銀罪戾溢嘶曲入警蚕嚢雌姿淅0宮効怖菰伋儉殻・夏陶蚊位仮蒙竝 www.franklintempleton.com.hk 穫手. • 湧闥塞吟戎弐呼倹適菰束訴整〔捉徘〔i〕夏噴培淅畋尿宮 〔ii〕雌凡宙噴破適糟尠斃掛〕・夏喉鴻甲大豹桜手・又夏陶蚊位仮蒙竝

    www.franklintempleton.com.hk 穫手.

    • 東雌車夏甥鴻甲大豹嚢蒙竝 www.franklintempleton.com.hk手涜存太喉鴻甲東雌車錏啅適菰伋伶蔑嚢蚊押曲責雌涼. • 東雌車夏遅吐 (852) 2877-7733 連酪鴻甲大豹袷瀛觀鴻甲大豹嚢蒙竝www.franklintempleton.com.hk手涜宙解刃適雌涼. • 丞峻蒙竝閉巳異鴻甲譛喧宮棄過侍無竿撮尉姻偐〔譛竿偐〕慎援.




  • Franklin Templeton Investment Funds

    Franklin Mutual European FundEuropean Equity


    Fund Fact Sheet

    E-Mail Web

    [email protected] www.franklintempleton.com.hk

    For the source and calculation basis of Fund information, please refer to the *Explanatory Notes section.

    Risk ConsiderationsFranklin Mutual European Fund invests principally in equity securities and debt securities of companies in European

    countries.The Fund is subject to market risk, equity risk, preferred securities risk, foreign currency risk, eurozone risk, interest rate

    securities risk, credit risk, convertible securities risk, liquidity risk, valuation risk, volatility risk, regional market risk, derivativeinstruments risk, counterparty risk, class hedging risk and securities lending risk.Security lending may involve the risk that the borrower may fail to return the securities lent out in a timely manner and the

    value of the collateral may fall below the value of the securities lent out, which may result in a substantial loss to the Fund.The Fund may at its discretion pay dividends out of the capital or out of gross income of the Fund while paying all or part of

    the Fund s fees and expenses out of the capital of the Fund, which results in effectively paying dividends out of capital.Payment of dividends out of capital amounts to a return or withdrawal of part of an investor s original investment or from anycapital gains attributable to that original investment. Any distributions involving payment of dividends out of the Fund s capital orpayment of dividends effectively out of the Fund s capital (as the case may be) may result in an immediate reduction of the netasset value per share.Investment involves risks which may result in loss of part or entire amount of your investment. Before you decide to invest,

    you should make sure the intermediary has explained to you that the Fund is suitable to you. Investors should not only base onthis marketing material alone to make investment decisions.


    Performance over 5 Years in Share Class Currency (%)

    Franklin Mutual European Fund A (acc) EUR





    Fund Overview

    Base Currency for Fund EUR

    Total Net Assets (EUR) 545 million

    Fund Inception Date 03.04.2000

    Number of Issuers 43

    Benchmark MSCI Europe Index-NR

    Morningstar Category * Europe Large-Cap ValueEquity

    09/15 03/16 09/16 03/17 09/17 03/18 09/18 03/19 09/19 03/20 09/20

    Performance in Share Class Currency (%)

    Cumulative3 Mths YTD 1 Yr 3 Yrs 5 Yrs 10 Yrs Since Incept

    A (acc) EUR -0.45 -23.82 -18.42 -21.04 -12.92 24.39 77.28

    Benchmark in EUR 0.10 -12.75 -7.76 -1.03 17.14 76.68 89.83

    Summary of Investment Objective

    Under normal market conditions, the Fund seekslong-term capital appreciation by investing primarily in theequity securities of companies incorporated or having theirprincipal activities in European countries that theinvestment manager believes are available at prices lessthan their intrinsic value. The Fund may also invest up to10% of its net assets in non-European securities.

    Calendar Year Performance in Share Class Currency (%)

    2019 2018 2017 2016 2015

    A (acc) EUR 20.48 -13.21 5.05 -0.67 6.12Benchmark in EUR 26.05 -10.57 10.24 2.58 8.22

    Fund Management*

    Katrina Dudley, CFA: United States

    Mandana Hormozi: United States

    Todd Ostrow: United States


    Fund MeasuresPrice to Earnings (12-moTrailing)


    Price to Book 0.97xPrice to Cash Flow 5.25x

    Dividend Yield* 4.24%Standard Deviation (5 Yrs) 17.48%

    Asset Allocation*

    %Equity 92.23Cash & Cash Equivalents 7.77

    Offering Documents

    Share Class Information

    Fees Dividends Fund Identifiers

    Share Class Incept Date NAVTER (%)31.08.2020

    Max. SalesCharge (%)

    Mgmt.Fee (%)

    Max. Maint.Charge (%)

    Max. Serv.Charge (%)

    Last PaidDate

    Last PaidAmount ISIN

    A (acc) EUR 31.12.2001 EUR 19.89 1.86 5.00 1.00 0.50 N/A N/A N/A LU0140363002

  • Franklin Mutual European Fund 30.09.2020

    For the source and calculation basis of Fund information, please refer to the *Explanatory Notes section.

    © 2020. Franklin Templeton. All rights reserved. www.franklintempleton.com.hk

    Share Class Information (continued)

    Fees Dividends Fund Identifiers

    Share Class Incept Date NAVTER (%)31.08.2020

    Max. SalesCharge (%)

    Mgmt.Fee (%)

    Max. Maint.Charge (%)

    Max. Serv.Charge (%)

    Last PaidDate

    Last PaidAmount ISIN

    A (acc) USD 03.04.2000 USD 23.30 1.86 5.00 1.00 0.50 N/A N/A N/A LU0109981661A (acc) USD-H1 15.09.2014 USD 9.47 1.82 5.00 1.00 0.50 N/A N/A N/A LU1098665638B (acc) USD 03.04.2000 USD 17.90 3.17 N/A 1.00 0.75 1.06 N/A N/A LU0109981828

    Composition of Fund*Franklin Mutual European Fund MSCI Europe Index-NR

    Geographic % of TotalUnited Kingdom 27.28 / 21.34Germany 23.03 / 15.45France 11.23 / 17.12Switzerland 9.67 / 16.69Netherlands 8.81 / 6.99Greece 3.31 / 0.00Italy 2.67 / 3.58Belgium 2.52 / 1.56Sweden 2.29 / 5.36Others 1.42 / 11.91Cash & Cash Equivalents 7.77 / 0.00

    Sector % of TotalIndustrials 15.69 / 14.34Financials 14.81 / 14.03Consumer Discretionary 14.30 / 10.62Materials 12.70 / 8.05Health Care 9.38 / 16.30Consumer Staples 9.20 / 14.84Communication Services 7.32 / 3.95Energy 6.11 / 3.81Information Technology 2.72 / 7.73Others 0.00 / 6.34Cash & Cash Equivalents 7.77 / 0.00

    Market Capitalisation Breakdown in EUR % of Equity50.0 Billion 27.68

    Important InformationUnless stated otherwise, all information is as of the publishing date of this document. Source: Franklin Templeton.Franklin Templeton Investments (Asia) Limited is the issuer of this document. This document is neither an offer nor solicitation to purchase shares of the fund; applications for shares may only bemade on forms of application available with the Offering Documents. Investments are subject to investment risks, fund value may go up as well as down and past performance is not an indicatoror a guarantee of future performance. The investment returns are denominated in fund currency. Investors investing in funds denominated in non-local currency should be aware of the risk ofexchange rate fluctuations that may cause a loss of principal. Investors should read carefully the Offering Documents (including the section 'Risk Considerations') for the relevant risks associatedwith the investment in the fund before investing. Distribution of this document may be restricted in certain jurisdictions. This document does not constitute the distribution of any information or themaking of any offer or solicitation by anyone in any jurisdiction in which such distribution or offer is not authorized or to any person to whom it is unlawful to distribute such a report or make suchan offer or solicitation. This document has not been reviewed by the Securities and Futures Commission of Hong Kong.

    *Explanatory Notes

    Performance: Performance information is based on the stated share class only, in Fund Currency, NAV to NAV, taking into account of dividend reinvestments and capital gain or loss.Net Returns (NR) include income net of tax withholding when dividends are paid.When performance for either the portfolio or its benchmark has been converted, different foreign exchange closing rates may be used between the portfolio and its benchmark.All MSCI data is provided as is. The Fund described herein is not sponsored or endorsed by MSCI. In no event shall MSCI, its affiliates or any MSCI data provider have any liability of any kindin connection with the MSCI data or the Fund described herein. Copying or redistributing the MSCI data is strictly prohibited.The performance information for fact sheet until May 2008 was based on A(acc)USD Shares. Starting from June 2008, the performance information for fact sheet is based on A (acc)EUR Sharesapplied retrospectively.Morningstar Category : Copyright © Morningstar, Inc. All Rights Reserved. The information contained herein: (1) is proprietary to Morningstar and/or its content providers; (2) may not becopied or distributed; and (3) is provided for reference purposes only. Past performance is not an indicator or a guarantee of future performance.Fund Management: In the case of portfolio managers who are CFA Charterholders, CFA® and Chartered Financial Analyst® are trademarks owned by CFA Institute.Top 10 Holdings: These securities do not represent all of the securities purchased, sold or recommended for clients, and the reader should not assume that investment in the securities listedwas or will be profitable. The portfolio manager for the Fund reserves the right to withhold release of information with respect to holdings that would otherwise be included in the top holdings list.Dividend Yield: Reported as a weighted average to reflect the proportion of the portfolio each stock holding represents. This is the ratio of a stock s dividend per share to the month end marketprice.The dividend yield quoted here is the yield on securities within the Portfolio and should not be used as an indication of the income received from this portfolio.Asset Allocation/Composition of Fund: Due to rounding, the sum of portfolio may not equal 100%.

  • Product Key Facts

    Franklin Templeton Investment Funds –

    Franklin Mutual European Fund

    Issuer: Franklin Templeton Investments (Asia) Limited Last updated: April 2020

    • This statement provides you with key information about this product.• This statement is a part of the offering document.• You should not invest in this product based on this statement alone.

    Quick facts

    Management company: Franklin Templeton International

    Services S.à r.l.

    Investment manager(s): Franklin Mutual Advisers, LLC., United

    States of America (internal delegation)

    Depositary: J.P. Morgan Bank Luxembourg S.A.

    Base currency: EUR

    Financial year end of this Fund: 30 June

    Dealing frequency: Every Hong Kong Business Day

    Minimum Investment: USD 1,000 [initial] and USD 500

    [subsequent purchases] or equivalent

    Ongoing charges over a year#:

    Class A (acc) EUR: 1.84%

    Class A (acc) USD: 1.84%

    Class A (acc) USD-H1: 1.82%

    Class B (acc) USD: 3.15%

    Class N (acc) USD: 2.59% #The ongoing charges figures are based on the semi-annual financial statements for the period ended 31 December 2019. These figures may vary from year to year.

    Dividend policy: Dividends, if declared, will be reinvested unless

    indicated by you in the application form to be paid out. Subject to

    any legal and regulatory requirements, the Fund may at its

    discretion pay dividends out of the capital or out of gross income

    of the Fund while charging / paying all or part of the Fund’s fees

    and expenses to / out of the capital of the Fund, which results in

    an increase in distributable income for the payment of dividends

    by the Fund and therefore, the Fund may effectively pay dividends

    out of capital. The Fund may amend such distribution policy

    subject to the SFC’s prior approval and by giving not less than one

    month’s prior notice to investors. Any distributions involving

    payment of dividends out of the Fund’s capital or payment of

    dividends effectively out of the Fund’s capital (as the case may be)

    may result in an immediate reduction of the net asset value per


    What is this product?

    This is a fund constituted in the form of a mutual fund. It is domiciled in Luxembourg and its home regulator is Commission de

    Surveillance du Secteur Financier.

    Investment Objective and Policy

    Franklin Mutual European Fund (the “Fund”) aims to increase the value of its investments and, secondarily, to earn income over the

    medium to long term.

    The Fund invests principally (that is, at least two-thirds of the Fund’s net assets) in:

    • equity securities and debt securities convertible or expected to be convertible into common or preferred stock of companiesincorporated or having their principal activities in European countries that the investment manager believes are available at

    prices less than their actual value based on certain recognised or objective criteria (intrinsic value) including common stocks,

    preferred stocks and convertible securities

    Franklin Templeton Investment Funds - Franklin Mutual European Fund 1

  • Franklin Templeton Investment Funds - Franklin Mutual European Fund 2

    In exceptional market circumstances (such as extreme volatility) and on a temporary basis only, 100% of the Fund’s net assets may

    be invested in liquid assets, with due regard to the principle of risk spreading.

    The Fund can invest on an ancillary basis in:

    • securities issued by companies involved in mergers, consolidations, liquidations or other major corporate transactions • debt securities of any quality (including lower quality such as non-investment grade securities) of companies involved in

    reorganization or financial restructuring

    • securities of non-European issuers (up to 10% of net assets) • derivatives for hedging, efficient portfolio management and/or investment purposes

    Although the Fund generally invests in at least five countries, it may invest in as few as one or two. The Fund currently intends to

    invest principally in securities of issuers in western Europe. The investment team uses in-depth, fundamental research and analysis to

    find and purchase those equity and debt securities that are believed to be trading at a discount.

    For the purpose of generating additional capital or income or for reducing costs or risks, the Fund may engage in securities lending

    transactions for up to 50% of its net assets, in a manner that is consistent with its investment policy. For the avoidance of doubt, any

    securities lending will be an ancillary activity of the Fund only.

    Use of derivatives / investment in derivatives

    The Fund’s net derivative exposure may be up to 50% of the Fund’s net asset value.

    What are the key risks?

    Investment involves risks. Please refer to the offering document for details including the risk factors.

    • Debt securities risk: The Fund is exposed to the credit/default risk of issuers of the debt securities that the Fund may invest in. Investment in the Fund is subject to interest rate risk. The debt securities will generally increase in value when interest rates

    fall and decrease in value when interest rates rise. Credit ratings assigned by rating agencies are subject to limitations and do

    not guarantee the creditworthiness of the security and/or issuer at all times. The Fund may invest in debt securities on which

    the issuer is not currently making interest payments (defaulted debt securities). These securities may become illiquid. The

    Fund may invest in higher-yielding securities rated lower than investment grade or unrated. Such securities are generally

    subject to lower liquidity, higher volatility and greater risk of loss of principal and interest than high-rated debt securities.

    • Market risk: The market values of securities owned by the Fund will tend to go up or down, sometimes rapidly or unpredictably, due to factors affecting individual issuers, particular industries or sectors within securities markets, or because of

    general market conditions. During a general downturn in the securities markets, multiple asset classes (including different

    sectors of the same asset class) may decline in value at the same time. Similarly, when markets perform well, there can be no

    assurance that securities held by the Fund will participate in the advance. Because the securities the Fund holds fluctuate in

    price in this manner, the Fund’s value may go down as well as up and investors may be adversely affected.

    • Equity risk: Equity and equity-linked securities are subject to significant price movements due to various economic, political, market and issuer-specific factors. Such changes may adversely affect the value of equities regardless of issuer-specific

    performance. Additionally, different industries, financial markets and securities can react differently to these changes. Such

    fluctuations of the Fund’s value are often exacerbated in the short-term. Financial markets trends (including feared or actual

    failures in the banking system) may also cause large fluctuations in the prices of such securities. As a result, the Fund may be

    adversely affected.

    • Preferred securities risk: An investment in preferred securities involves additional risks that are not typically associated with an investment in common stocks. Generally, holders of preferred securities have no voting rights with respect to the issuer

    unless preferred dividends are in arrears. An issuer of preferred securities may redeem the securities prior to a specified date

    or defer distributions for a stated period, which may negatively impact the return of the security held by the Fund. Preferred

  • Franklin Templeton Investment Funds - Franklin Mutual European Fund 3

    securities may be substantially less liquid than common stocks and are subject to greater credit risk than bonds and other debt

    instruments. The value and performance of the Fund may be adversely affected as a result.

    • Foreign currency risk: The Fund will typically invest to a significant degree in securities that are denominated in currencies other than the base currency of the Fund, exposing its investments to changes in foreign exchange rates and the possibility of

    exchange control regulations. Changes in currency exchange rates may adversely affect the value of the Fund, and also may

    affect the income earned by the Fund and gains and losses realized by the Fund. The Fund may seek to hedge currency

    exposure, which can limit the potential for currency gains. To the extent that the Fund seeks to hedge or protect against

    currency exchange risk, there is no guarantee that hedging or protection will be achieved, and the value of the Fund may be

    adversely affected. Furthermore, the total return for a share class that is denominated in a different currency (the “alternative

    currency”) from the base currency of the Fund may be affected, either positively or negatively, by changes in the exchange rate

    between the Fund’s base currency and the alternative currency.

    • Europe and Eurozone risk: The Fund may invest in the Eurozone. Mounting sovereign debt burdens (e.g. any sovereigns within the Eurozone, which default on their debts, may be forced to restructure their debts and faced difficulties in obtaining

    credit or refinancing) and slowing economic growth among European countries, combined with uncertainties in European

    financial markets, including feared or actual failures in the banking system and the possible break-up of the Eurozone and Euro

    currency, may adversely affect interest rates and the prices of securities across Europe and potentially other markets as

    well. These events may increase volatility, liquidity and currency risks associated with investments in Europe. The aforesaid

    economic and financial difficulties in Europe may spread across Europe and as a result, a single or several European countries

    may exit the Eurozone or a sovereign within the Eurozone may default on its debts. In any event of the break-up of the

    Eurozone or Euro currency, the Fund may be exposed to additional operational or performance risks. While the European

    governments, the European Central Bank, and other authorities are taking measures (e.g. undertaking economic reforms and

    imposing austerity measures on citizens) to address the current fiscal conditions, these measures may not have the desired

    effect and therefore the future stability and growth of Europe is uncertain. The performance and value of the Fund may be

    adversely affected should there be any adverse credit events (e.g. downgrade of the sovereign credit rating or default or

    bankruptcy of any Eurozone countries).

    • Russian and Eastern European markets risk: These markets involve special risks, including political, economic, legal, currency and taxation risks, plus risks related to the safekeeping of securities. The Fund may be adversely affected as a result.

    • Credit risk: The Fund is exposed to the credit/default risk of issuers of the debt securities that the Fund may invest in. Changes in the financial condition of an issuer, changes in economic and political conditions in general, or changes in

    economic and political conditions specific to an issuer, are factors that may have an adverse impact on an issuer’s credit

    quality and security value. Default can occur if an issuer fails to make principal and interest payments when due, which may

    result in a substantial loss to the Fund. Debt securities are also exposed to the risk of being downgraded, which can adversely

    affect and/or result in a substantial loss to the Fund.

    • Convertible securities risk: The Fund may invest in convertible securities which are a hybrid between debt and equity, permitting holders to convert into shares of the issuer at a specified future date. Convertibles are exposed to equity movement

    and greater volatility than straight bond investments. Investments in convertible securities are subject to the same interest rate

    risk, credit risk, liquidity risk and prepayment risk associated with comparable straight bond investments. The value and

    performance of the Fund may be adversely affected as a result.

    • Liquidity risk: The Fund may not be able to easily sell securities due to adverse market conditions or reduced value or creditworthiness of issuers in which it invests. The inability of the Fund to sell securities or positions may also impede the ability

    of the Fund to meet redemption requests in a timely manner. Certain securities may also be illiquid due to limited trading

    markets or contractual restrictions on their resale. Reduced liquidity due to these factors may have an adverse impact on the

    net asset value of the Fund.

  • Franklin Templeton Investment Funds - Franklin Mutual European Fund 4

    • Valuation risk: Valuation of the Fund’s investments may involve uncertainties and judgmental determinations. Independent pricing information may not always be available. If valuations prove to be incorrect, the investors of the Fund may be adversely


    • Volatility risk: The debt securities in emerging markets may be subject to higher volatility and lower liquidity compared to more developed markets. The prices of securities traded in such markets may be subject to fluctuations. The bid and offer

    spreads of the price of such securities may be large and the Fund may incur significant trading costs.

    • Regional market risk: By being concentrated in one region (i.e., Europe), the Fund could suffer greater volatility compared to funds that follow a more diversified policy. The value of the Fund may be more susceptible to adverse economic, political,

    policy, foreign exchange, liquidity, tax, legal or regulatory events affecting Europe and the Fund/investors may be adversely


    • Restructuring companies risk: Companies involved in reorganization or financial restructuring tend to have a relatively weak financial position. Restructuring could be disruptive to the business and management structure of the companies involved,

    which may result in substantial losses for the Fund.

    • Chinese market risk: The Fund is subject to the risks of the Chinese market and the value of the Fund may be susceptible to adverse economic, political, policy, foreign exchange, liquidity, tax, legal or regulatory events affecting the Chinese market. The

    value and performance of the Fund may be adversely affected as a result.

    • Derivative instruments risk: Derivative instruments involve cost, may be volatile, and may involve a leverage effect. A small market movement may give rise to a proportionately larger impact, which may cause substantial loss to the Fund. Other risks

    include counterparty/credit risk, liquidity risk, valuation risk, volatility risk and over-the-counter transaction risk. The Fund may

    also hold covered short positions through the use of derivative instruments. In adverse situations, the Fund’s use of derivative

    instruments may become ineffective and the Fund may suffer significant losses.

    • Swap agreements risk: In a standard “swap” transaction, two parties agree to exchange the returns (or differential in rates of return) earned or realized on particular predetermined investments or instruments. Whether the Fund's use of swap

    agreements will be successful in furthering its investment objective will depend on the ability of the investment manager to

    correctly predict whether certain types of investments are likely to produce greater returns than other investments. Swap

    agreements are illiquid and in the event of the default or bankruptcy of a swap agreement counterparty, the Fund may suffer a

    substantial loss.

    • Counterparty risk: The Fund may be exposed to the credit/default risks of its counterparties and the Fund/investors may be adversely impacted.

    • Securities lending risk: Securities lending transactions may involve the risk that the borrower may fail to return the securities lent out in a timely manner and the value of the collateral may fall below the value of the securities lent out, which may result in

    a substantial loss to the Fund.

    • Dividend policy risk: The Fund’s dividend policy allows for payment of dividends out of capital or effectively out of capital. Where this is done, it amounts to a return or withdrawal of part of an investor’s original investment or from any capital gains

    attributable to that original investment. Any distributions involving payment of dividends out of the Fund’s capital or payment of

    dividends effectively out of the Fund’s capital (as the case may be) may result in an immediate reduction of the net asset value

    per share.

    • Class hedging risk: The hedging strategy for a hedged share class may not work as intended, exposing investors of that share class to currency risk. Additionally, investors of a hedged share class may be exposed to fluctuations in the net asset

    value per share reflecting the gains/losses on and the associated transaction costs of the financial instruments used for

    hedging, and such investors may be adversely impacted.

  • Franklin Templeton Investment Funds - Franklin Mutual European Fund 5

    How has the Fund performed?

    The performance of the Fund in these years was achieved under circumstances that no longer apply. The investment policy was changed in 2015 and 2016.

    ^ On 6 February 2015, a sub-fund of Franklin Templeton Investment Funds not authorised by the Securities and Futures Commission merged into Franklin Templeton Investment Funds - Franklin Mutual European Fund.

    • Past performance information is not indicative of future performance. Investors may not get back the full amount invested. • The computation basis of the performance is based on the calendar year end, NAV-to-NAV, with dividends reinvested. • These figures show by how much class A (acc) EUR increased or decreased in value during the calendar year being shown.

    Class A (acc) EUR is the share class available in Hong Kong denominated in the base currency of the Fund with the longest

    history in the Fund. Performance data has been calculated in EUR, including ongoing charges and excluding subscription fee

    and redemption fee you might have to pay.

    • Fund launch date: 3 April 2000 • Class A (acc) EUR launch date: 31 December 2001

    Is there any guarantee?

    This Fund does not have any guarantees. You may not get back the full amount of money you invest.

  • Franklin Templeton Investment Funds - Franklin Mutual European Fund 6

    What are the fees and charges?

    Charges which may be payable by you

    You may have to pay the following fees when dealing in the shares of the Fund.

    Class A Class B Class N

    Subscription fee (Initial sales charge) Up to 5.00% of the



    N/A Up to 3.00% of the



    Switching fee (Switching charge)* 1.00% of the

    value of the

    shares being


    N/A N/A

    Redemption fee (Redemption charge) N/A Up to 4.00% N/A

    Ongoing fees payable by the Fund

    The following expenses will be paid out of the Fund. They affect you because they reduce the return you get on your investments.

    Annual rate (as a % of the Fund’s net asset value)

    Class A** Class B*** Class N**

    Management fee (Investment management fee)* 1.00% 1.00% 1.00%

    Depositary fee Up to 0.140% Up to 0.140% Up to 0.140%

    Performance fee N/A N/A N/A

    Administration fee N/A N/A N/A

    Maintenance charge* 0.50% 0.75% 1.25%

    Servicing charge N/A 1.06% N/A

    Registrar and Transfer, Corporate, Domiciliary and

    Administrative Agent fee +

    Additional fixed amount per Shareholder account at each Class


    Up to 0.2175%

    Up to USD 30 per


    Up to 0.2175%

    Up to USD 30 per


    Up to 0.2175%

    Up to USD 30 per


    *The current fee level may be increased up to the maximum level permitted by the constitutive document of the Fund by giving one

    month’s prior notice to the shareholders.

    ** The Annual Management Fees as defined in the Explanatory Memorandum comprise of the Management Fee (Investment

    Management Fee) and the Maintenance Charge.

    *** The Annual Management Fees as defined in the Explanatory Memorandum comprise of the Management Fee (Investment

    Management Fee), the Maintenance Charge and the Servicing Charge.

    Other fees

    You may have to pay other fees and charges when dealing in the shares of the Fund.

  • Franklin Templeton Investment Funds - Franklin Mutual European Fund 7

    Additional Information

    • You generally buy and redeem shares at the Fund’s next determined net asset value (NAV) after the Hong Kong Representative, Franklin Templeton Investments (Asia) Limited, receives your request in good order on or before 4:00 p.m.

    (Hong Kong time) being the dealing cut-off time. Certain intermediaries may impose an earlier dealing cut-off time.

    • The net asset value of this Fund is calculated and the price of shares is published on each business day. Information about prices is available online at www.franklintempleton.com.hk.

    • The compositions of the dividends (i.e. the relative amounts paid out of (i) net distributable income and (ii) capital) for the last 12 months are made available by the Hong Kong Representative on request and are also available online at


    • Investors may obtain the past performance information of other share classes offered to Hong Kong investors from the Hong Kong Representative’s website at www.franklintempleton.com.hk.

    • Investors may obtain information on the intermediaries by calling the Hong Kong Representative at (852) 2877-7733 or visiting the Hong Kong Representative’s website at www.franklintempleton.com.hk.

    • The website mentioned above has not been reviewed by the Securities and Futures Commission (“SFC”). Important

    If you are in doubt, you should seek professional advice.

    The SFC takes no responsibility for the contents of this statement and makes no representation as to its accuracy or completeness.

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