五月 七月/ May-July 2011 - Yun Yang...

-/ May-July 2011

Transcript of 五月 七月/ May-July 2011 - Yun Yang...

Page 1: 五月 七月/ May-July 2011 - Yun Yang Youthyunyangtemple.org.au/australia/content/resources/bsamagazines/21.… · His body is placed at Tainan‟s Kuan Miao in the Chief Sun Bodhi

五月-七月 / May-July 2011

Page 2: 五月 七月/ May-July 2011 - Yun Yang Youthyunyangtemple.org.au/australia/content/resources/bsamagazines/21.… · His body is placed at Tainan‟s Kuan Miao in the Chief Sun Bodhi

千佛山方丈 上白下雲老禪師因年事已高,引發心臟不適,於昨日(十八日)下午六點十二分捨報圓寂,世壽九十七歲。目前法體安奉於台南關廟千佛山菩提寺法堂,開放信眾瞻仰時間為:五月二十至二十二日上午九點至下午五點。



老禪師九十七高齡,弘法超過七十年,接引無數有緣人信佛、學佛,一生為教、為法、為眾生奉獻。這些年來除了到處講經說法,並且在大學及社會團體裡演講,還遠渡海外各地弘法。深獲國際上的推崇,並獲得日本IOND大學(IOND University, Japan)及美國夏威夷IOND大學(IOND

University, Hawaii),特別授與“宗教哲學名譽博士”。年近百歲的老禪師,於教:一生深入經藏,闡經立論不綴,其中的《大般若經要解》並曾獲新



Page 3: 五月 七月/ May-July 2011 - Yun Yang Youthyunyangtemple.org.au/australia/content/resources/bsamagazines/21.… · His body is placed at Tainan‟s Kuan Miao in the Chief Sun Bodhi

Venerable Zen Master Bai Yun, the Abbot of Chief Sun Temple, passed away on 18th May 2011 at

6.12pm due to heart problems. He achieved nirvana at the age of 97. His body is placed at Tainan‟s

Kuan Miao in the Chief Sun Bodhi Temple. It is opened to the public to pay their last respects from

May 20th to 22nd from 9.00am to 5.00pm.

Venerable Zen Master Bai Yun was a unique Buddhist practitioner who mastered three Schools of

Buddhism (Zen, Vajrayana and Mahayana). Ven Zen Master Bai Yun was born in 1915 and he

shared the same birthday with Manjusri Bodhisattva on the lunar calendar of 4th day of the 4th

month. At the age of 7, he became a novice monk under the Venerable Master She Yin. He was both

the 9th linage of Tian Yue Shan and the 40th linage of the Rin Ji school of the Mahayana Zen

Tradition. He graduated with a degree in Chinese Language from Hunan University. He was ordained

as a monk at Gui Yuan Temple in Hanyang. He began as a “travelling monk” visiting many places in

China. He learned the Vajrayana practice from Venerable Master Nen Hai and then he was destined

to meet an Indian ascetic monk (Ven. Master Zhan Di Na Fu Ma) who taught him an Ancient Tantric

Practice in northern Thailand. He was given the Ancient Tantric Ordained name of Man Sue Jie Tau

Mo Di Sa Dan Boa Yie.

He was captured and drafted into the military In 1948. He was transferred to Taiwan as an instructor

in the field of military communications. After 10 years of service, he retired due to overwork and

sickness and returned to his sangha life in Jia Shian in southern Taiwan. He lived a simple sangha

life, grew his own food and observed all the precepts of ordained monkhood. Then he received a

message from his Teacher, Venerable Master She Yin who lived in Burma, requesting him to

establish monastery as a vehicle to propagate Buddhism. He established Chief Sun Temple in

1967. He worked tirelessly to propagate Buddhism to benefit all sentient beings. Currently, Chief Sun

has more than 20 temples in Taiwan covering various functions in compassionate charity work,

education for the public, community affair and media broadcasting activities.

Ven. Zen Master Bai Yun was ninety-seven years old and had preached Buddhism for more than 70

years. He influenced thousands of people to become Buddhist, to learn and practice the Buddhist

way of life. He dedicated his life to learning, practicing and propagating Buddhism to benefit the

community and public in general. He visited many places giving public speeches and to teach

Buddhism. He was highly sought after by universities and community organizations both in Taiwan

and overseas to teach Buddhism. He was highly respected by the international community and was

awarded the Honorary PhD in Religion and Philosophy by the Japan IOND University and the

Hawaii IOND University.

Ven. Zen Master Bai Yun was almost 100 years old. In terms of Buddhism education, he studied the

dharma of Buddhism in great depth. In particular he wrote many Buddhist books. His writing of the

“Great Pranya Dharma Sutra” was awarded the Distinction Prize for outstanding media contribution

in Education and Cultural activities by the Bureau of Information and Communication of Taiwan. Ven.

Zen Master Bai Yun also contributed to providing TV broadcasting of Buddhism. His “Dharma

Message and Zen Speech” was recorded onto DVD for distribution to the masses. In the area of

Vajrayana practice, he achieved the position of “Vajra gurumaster in Four Great Dharma” to benefit

all the sentient beings. In Zen practice, his profound knowledge of the true meaning of life provided

him with the ability to explain complicated life issues with simple and easily understood explanations.

Ven. Zen Master Bai Yun had achieved much in his lifetime. His great dharma vow was to go through

endless life in this samsara diligently practising the Bodhisattva‟s compassionate way of life in

helping all sentient beings. It was our good fortune to have met Ven Zen Master Bai Yun, a unique

monk who mastered the Zen, Vajrayana and Mahayana Schools of Buddhism. Although, Ven. Zen

Master Bai Yun is no longer with us physically, his dharma teaching will always be with us. Let us

pray and hope that Ven Zen Master Bai Yun will return back to this samsara world to bring great

benefit to this world.

Translated by brother Albert Chang

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高齡九十七的白雲老禪師弘法超過七十年,法緣廣結,五月二十至二十二日開放瞻仰時,馬英九總統及台中市胡志強市長伉儷、台南市賴清德市長、立法委員黃昭順及黃俊英委員即前往瞻仰。二十八日上午七時許,在鮮花遍佈的讚頌會場已匯聚從美國、澳洲、新加坡、香港、馬來西亞等海內外數千名弟子,準備來送他們最敬愛的老禪師最後一程,許多人紅著雙眼向老禪師致上最誠摯的敬意。公祭時政商界及佛教界多位貴賓包括立法院王金平院長、行政院陳沖副院長及教育部吳清基部長等多位官員;互助營造林總裁、統一集團林總裁等企業界領導人; 佛教界諸山長老包括佛光山寺住持心培和尚及法鼓山及慈濟功德會等皆率團到場上香致意。曾受過老禪師加持的台中市胡市長夫人,亦再次前往並停留到荼毘結束迎回舍利才離開。公祭於上午十一點半結束隨即發引至八德安樂園荼毘,老禪師一生修行荼毘後出現少見的多彩舍利花及橙紅色的靈骨舍利。

The Founder, Abbot of Chief Fu Sun Master Bai Yun passed away due to heart failure on 18 May. He

was ninety-seven years old. On (28th May) Saturday 8:00am, a memorial ceremony held at Chief Fu

Sun Bodhi Temple. Several hundreds thousands of disciples attended the farewell ceremony of the

Ch‟an Master. Many VIPs from the Sangha communities, political and commercial societies came to

pay their respect to Ch‟an Master Bai Yun. We pray that Old Ch‟an Master would return to this world


Ninety-seven years old Master Bai Yun had established a very great connection with people. On 20th-

22th May, President Yin-Jiu Ma and the Mayor of the city of Taichung Zhi-Qing Hu and his wife, the

Mayor of the city of Tainan Ching-De Lai, Legislator Zao-Sing Huang and Zun-Ying Huang came to pay

their respect to Master Bai Yun. On 28th May at 7:00am, several thousands of disciples from USA,

Australia, Singapore, Hong Kong, Malaysia, came to the ceremony to pay their last farewell to their

most respected Ch‟an Master. Many paid their most sincere respect with red eyes welling with tears.

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白雲老禪師舍利 Relics of Venerable Zen Master Bai Yun

During the public condolence ceremony, many personnel and VIPs from the political, commercial world

and Buddhist societies came. They were President of Legislative Yuan Mr. Jin- Ping Wang, Vice

president of Executive Yuan Chung Chen and Minister of Education Ching- Qie Wu and many

government officials, and entrepreneurs such as the president Lin of HuZu Construction , President Lin

of Presient Corp., and The eminent Monks of different Temples, such as Ven. Xin Pui, Abbot of Fo

Gong Shan, the Merit Society of Dharma Drum and Zi Chi Association also came to the public

condolence ceremony. The wife of Tai Zhong Mayor Mrs. Wu, who was blessed by Master Bai Yun also

came and stayed behind until the end of the cremation. Public condolence came to an end at 11:00am

and immediately followed by the cremation at Ba De An Lok Garden. Ch‟an Master spent all his life in

cultivation, and after the cremation, many rare colorful relic flowers as well as bone relics that were

orange in color were found.

Translated by sister Pauline Chou

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On 26th May a few of our brothers and

sisters made a trip to Taiwan. The

purpose of the trip was to attend the

funeral service and to pay our last

respect to grandmaster, Venerable Zen

Master Bai Yun. Ten of us boarded the

Cathay Pacific Airways at 11.45pm and

arrived in Taipei at approximately 8.15am

the next day. At the Taipei airport we

were picked up by a luxurious coach and

taken to a smorgasbord vegetarian lunch

with our Master, Venerable Ru Sun. We

had a sumptuous meal, with wide

varieties of goodies to choose from, not

seen in Australia.

We stayed in Yun Yang Temple, Taipei.

The morning of 28th May, we had to get

up early as the coach to Chief Sun

Monastery was leaving at 4.00am. Most

of us from Melbourne were up long

before due time because we had

forgotten to wind back our mobile phone

clock. Taiwan is 2 hours behind.

2011年5月28上白下雲老禪師喪禮 Grandmaster’s Funeral Service 28 May 2011

千佛山上白下雲老禪師追悼讚頌大會 At the funeral service in Chef Sun

信眾向老禪師致最後的敬意 Disciples paying their respect

The morning was cold and wet with slight shower but it turned out to be a fine warm day. There were

thousands of people at the funeral service, from different walk of life, such as religious leaders from other

temples, politicians, bankers, etc, came to pay their respect. Tents were set up for guests‟ registration

and free distribution of Grandmaster memorabilia. The musical band was fantastic. Although it was a

sad occasion, it was well organised, beautifully decorated and with grandeur.

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結夏安居 Rainy Retreat

雲陽寺於每年四月中旬至七月中旬舉辦結夏安居。在長達三個月的雨季中,出家眾聚居一處精進修行,這是佛陀所制定的。這樣可避免僧團外出乞食的困難,也可避免傷害到雨季後數量眾多的草木蟲蟻。夏安居是出家眾和在家眾修行的好時機。Yun Yang Temple observed the rainy retreat from 15th April to 15th July. This tradition of remaining in

one place during the raining season (three months) was instituted by Buddha and arose due partly to

the practical difficulties of travel in that season, but also to ethical concerns about causing injury to the

tiny creatures that become abundant after the rain. It is a time for serious contemplation and

meditation for both monks and laymen alike.


皈依三寶 Taking Refuge in the Three jewels





Venerable Master Ru Sun regularly conducts Refuge Taking Ceremony in Yun Yang Temple. This help

to clarify the disciples‟ choice and to remember their commitment. The most recent ceremony was held

on17th July 2011.

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In all Buddhist traditions taking refuge in the Three Jewels (Buddha, Dharma, Sangha) is the first step

in becoming a Buddhist. Taking refuge makes the difference between Buddhists and non-Buddhists.

The idea behind taking refuge is that when it starts to rain, we like to find a shelter. The Buddhist shelter

from the rain of problems and pain of life is threefold: the Buddha, his teachings (the Dharma) and the

spiritual community (the Sangha). Taking refuge means that we have some understanding about

suffering, and we have confidence that the Buddha, Dharma and Sangha (the "Three Jewels") can help

us. We should however not be taking refuge in Buddhism to avoid problems in this very life, but we

should take refuge to avoid problems in future lives, or even better, to avoid future uncontrolled rebirths.

We like to be free from suffering, now and in future lives. When we understand the frustrating nature of

all life, we like to be freed from cyclic existence in general. The best reason would be the wish to free all

living (sentient) beings from suffering.

新佛子於2011年7月17日參加皈依儀式 Our news brothers and sisters participated „The Taking Refuge in

Three Jewel „on 17th July 2011

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凈土法門 /佛一 Pure Land Practise and meditation

作為一個清修道場,雲陽寺有很多共修活動提供大眾修行的機會。雲陽寺定期舉辦凈土法門及禪坐班。有一天,三天或七天的共修活動。凈土法門注重念佛一心不亂,發願往生凈土,法門包括持名念佛,觀像念佛,觀想念佛以及實相念佛。As a centre for Buddhist cultivation, Yun Yang Temple has various methods to help the followers.

Pure land practise and meditation are held regularly. There are one day, three days and seven days.

Repeating the name of Amitābha Buddha is traditionally a form of Mindfulness of the Buddha. The

essence of Pure Land practice thus consists of invoking the name of Amitabha Buddha,

contemplating the qualities of Amitabha, visualizing Amitabha, and taking vows to be born in the Pure


智師父介紹凈土法門 Zhi Shifu introducing Pure land practise to the participants

專注一心持念聖號 Mindfully chanting Amitabha Buddha‟s name

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靜 坐 Meditation

禪 七 7 days Meditation Retreat

智師父帶領青少年禪一Zhi Shifu, introducing the youth meditation retreat

禪七心得報告 Testimonies from Meditation Retreat


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靜坐以後,我的心較平靜,妄念也較少。師父要求我們行住坐臥都要數息。我按此實行,效果很好,我覺得很輕松,妄念也少了。感覺身體較健康,血流也較順暢。過去幾天我的腳及背已沒那麼痛了。我非常高興我的禪修已有進步了。After six days of sitting and walking meditation, my mind become peaceful and has less wondering

thoughts. Master told all of us to concentrate on our breath all the time while we are sitting, walking,

eating and sleeping, I have been concentrating on my breath all the time and it worked for me, I feel

very relax and less wondering thoughts. Doing meditation also help my body become healthier and

my blood flow smoothly though my body. Last few days of the meditation retreat, my legs and back

become less painful which made me very happy because I have been improving in my meditation




我本來因抑郁而無法到任何地方。我經常感覺壓力担心及不愉快,思想悲觀。這是我第二次參加禪七,過去半年我每天靜坐半小時。我靜坐獲得很大利益,現在我在家可以與家人過得很快樂,謝謝!I used to get depression, I can‟t go anywhere! I always feel stress, worry, and unhappy, never think

positive. This is second time I attended the seven days meditation retreat and I have been

practicing half an hour every day at home for half a year. I found a lot of benefit from this

meditation. Now I can enjoy my happy times with my family when I stay home.

Thank you!


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從此次靜坐可以體會到我的想法影響到我的日常生活。我的執著和欲望讓我不會感恩周遭的一切及我所擁有的一切。我的偏見及負面思想妨礙我的潛能並看清自己。我希望能繼續禪修來了解並提升自己成為更好的人。From this meditation retreat, I have realized how my way of thinking has impacted me in my

everyday life. My attachments and desires prevented me from being appreciative of my

surroundings and grateful for everything I already have in my life.

Also my mindsets and some negative thoughts put up barriers that blocked me from reaching my

full potential in many aspects of life and seeing my true self. I hope to continue to meditate to

understand and improve myself to become a better person for myself and others.



心念如瀑流永不停息身如烏雲蔽日如能定心雲散後一切回復原來色空不二Like water flowing from a waterfall, never still, one must turn off the tap (or find the source) but it is

most difficult when they are dark clouds in the sky. But once settled, one will realize those clouds

drift and when gone all is in original form again. Therefore emptiness is form, and form is



活動 Activity 日期 Date 時間Time

靜 坐 中 級 班

Weekly Intermediate Meditation Class

每個星期二 Every Tuesday

19/7 – 20/9


9:00am – 2:00pm

每個星期四 Every Thursday

21/7 – 22/9


7:30pm – 9:30pm

靜 坐 基 礎 班

Weekly Basic Meditation Class

每個星期二 Every Tuesday

19/7 – 20/9


7:30pm – 9:30pm

禪 一

One Day Meditation Retreat

星期六 Every Saturday

16/7, 6/8, 3/9, 17/9, 1/10, 15/10,

5/11, 19/11, 3/12, 17/12


8:00am – 5:00pm

佛 一

One Day Amitabha Chanting Retreat

星期六 Every Saturday

23/7, 13/8, 27/8, 10/9, 24/9, 22/10,

12/11, 26/11, 10/12


8:00am – 5:00pm

禪 三

Three Days Meditation Retreat

24/9 – 26/9

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出坡 Working Bee

雲陽寺主要靠義工們維持寺務活動的運轉。歡迎大家發心做義工,如果你有時間,願意發心,請聯系知客室。 Yun Yang Temple is staffed mainly by volunteers for all sorts of work and function.

Everyone are welcome to be a volunteer. If you have some spare time and would like to help, please

inform reception.

試試師兄們肌肉鍛煉如何 Testing the muscles of our


美化環境,綠化花園 Helping the environment.

Going green.


家庭共修 Family Practise

尊貴的如山師父及常住們信眾們會到信眾家裏加持及共修,共修包括新屋搬遷,彌月之喜及親友歡聚等。Venerable Master Ru Sun together with the monks, nuns and the disciples visited homes for house

blessing or other special events, such as moving into a new house, arrival of new born, etc.

師父加持,祈願身體健康,家庭美滿,事業順利!Housing blessing in one of our elderly brother‟s

house for good health

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母親節慶祝活動 Mother’s Day Celebration

母親節是我們對自己生命上最特別的女人表示愛意與感恩的最佳日子。母親總是分擔孩子們的快樂與悲傷,幫助解決生活上的困擾與障礙,給與孩子最深切的情感支持。Mother‟s Day is the perfect time to express our love and appreciation for that special woman in our

life. A mother is always there to share the children‟s joy and sorrow and to help conquered all the

confusing obstacles in life through cooperation and rooted emotional support.

獻給母親的蛋糕 Cake for the Mum太極拳老師贈送植物給如山師父 Tai Chi group

teacher presenting a pot plant to Venerable

Master Ru Sun

頂禮父母 Children paying respect to their mum

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雲陽寺吉祥會員及佛弟子會員慶生會 Yun Yang Compassionate & Buddhist

Society Members Birthday Celebration

May 2011Chan Raymond 張智強Chiam Hui Yong 詹惠榮Fong Mary 李碧華Ng Wing Fat 吳永發潘方可Tan Bee Ling 陳美凌Troen Meau Huoy 張妙花Tjoe Yen Giat 邱月燕Chew Melissa 周金花Chew Michelle 周金葉Giang Vivian 江柳穎Chew Aik Choo 周益祖Quach Aaron 郭榮雄Trinh Thu Thien 楊秋嬋Yam Fooky Chye 嚴福載林美美

Fang Jia Qi 方家琪

Hunley Liz

Leong Steven 梁漢清

Quoc Huy Nguyen

Tan Jun Keat 陳俊傑

Tan Shui Ping 陳翠萍

Tang Jeanne 董玉鳳

Thiam Choon Hong 田春香

Tren Yen Binh 陳燕萍

Tseng Chiu-Jung 曾秋榕

Yong Victor 楊偉德

Ly Anh 李淑英

Ly Helen 李淑蕙

June 2011Chew Mary 周瑪麗

Hiew Kim 丘金福

Law Beng 劉墨明

Shu Ketty 高凱蒂

Tan Hong Ngo 陳芳娥

Yang Li 楊莉

Tjia Michael 謝明裕


Chan Cecillia 陳美虹

Chen Christine Sok Kian 鍾淑卿

Helen 顧海珍

Hew Kwai Wah 丘貴華

Ho David 何啟雄

Ko Jason 古鳳煌

Koo Lee Kuan 古麗群

Law Kimberley 劉桂瀅

Lin Feng 林峰

Luo Hsao 駱少環

Ly Te 李錦滿

Peng Ben 彭嘉祥

Poon Ada 潘欣儀

Sun Matthew 孫率航

Tan Law Hong 陳露芳

Tran Toha 陳鳳貞

Yong Vivien 楊慧雯

July 2011Chen Pauline T 陳楊和平Fong Alan 馮宇焜Khaw Yeek Hoon 許玉雲Ng Wing Sang 吳永生Sun Ji Xuan 孫吉宣Chaw Wen Yunn 曹文韻Soon Edmund 孫立洲Huang Timothy 黃鼎量Lee Fong Beng 李逢明Mercer Judy

Sun Cindy孫穎華Yam Pei Wen 嚴佩雯Helen Meng 孟曉楠Tan Gary 陳吉雄陳惠萍Sue 劉素玉Chao Ashley 周傑梃Chung Hok King 鍾學瓊Ho Siew Kheng 何秀瓊Ip Miranda 葉容字Kuang Ri Xin 鄺日新Lu Peggy 盧菩茵Ng Peter Fow Man 伍福民Pang Chiew Lai 彭秋來Quach Jenny My Chu 郭美珠Rajen Meika 美嘉 拉尊Tang Steven 董欣成Yao Shu Ying 姚淑英Yap Magdelin 葉福玲Du Kok Vinh 余國榮Ivy Yu 俞懿

祝您生日快樂 / Wishing you a Happy Birthday

觀音殿每月舉辦慶生會,有唱歌賀壽,領取禮品等活動。讓孩子有機會為父母親們頂禮,以表孝道。歡迎大眾參與。Birthdays are cerebrated every month in the Guan Yin

Hall with cake, songs, presents, etc. This is a good

opportunity for the children to show their appreciation

and filial piety to their parents . Beside the birthday stars

the whole community are invited.

Page 16: 五月 七月/ May-July 2011 - Yun Yang Youthyunyangtemple.org.au/australia/content/resources/bsamagazines/21.… · His body is placed at Tainan‟s Kuan Miao in the Chief Sun Bodhi
Page 17: 五月 七月/ May-July 2011 - Yun Yang Youthyunyangtemple.org.au/australia/content/resources/bsamagazines/21.… · His body is placed at Tainan‟s Kuan Miao in the Chief Sun Bodhi

入佛之門 Routine Dharma Practice

活動頂目 Activities 日期 Date 時間 Time

普門品Pu Men Pin

每星期日Every Sunday


佛前大供Grand Offering

每星期日Every Sunday


金剛般若會Diamond Sutra

每月農曆初一1St Lunar Month

9:00am- 10:00am

觀音法門Pu Men Pin

每月農曆十五15th Lunar Month

9:00- 10:00

佛學班Buddhism Class

主講者 : 倫華祥Speaker: Anthony Lun

每星期三Every Wednesday


英語佛法課 English Dharma Class

主講者 Speaker : Andrew William 每星期六Every Saturday

3.00pm- 5.00pm

兒童菩提班Little Lotus Class

期日 / Sunday (13/2- 03/4/11) 10:20am-11:20am

發行人 Publisher : 釋如山 Ru Sun Shih

總編輯Editor : 陳金玉 Kim Wong

發行所Publisher: 澳大利亞佛弟子協會 Buddhist Society of Australia

地址;6-10 Reservoir Road, Narre Warren North, Vic.3804. Australia

電話 : 61-3-97968079

傳真: 61-3-97969969

Email: [email protected]

網站 : www://yunyangtemple.org.au

銀行劃撥 National Australia Bank

戶名 Account Name : Yun Yang Temple (Australia) Inc.

帳號 083-214-678406899