Ocr Datasheet 01

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  • 7/29/2019 Ocr Datasheet 01


    OCR for AnyDoc eliminates

    anual data entry, a crippling

    bottleneck that often leads to

    inefficient and inaccurate data

    processingand higher costs

    throughout your organization.

    OCR for AnyDoc, installed at thousands

    o compan es wor w e, as e pe

    us nesses arge an sma ou e, tr p ean even qua rup e pro uct v ty w e

    dramatically reducing manual data entry


    T e ata capture so ut ons eep

    unct ona ty nc u es tra t ona ey- rom-

    mage KFI), cost-e ect ve ocument

    indexing and accurate information

    extraction on forms with data density

    cons ere t e g est n t e n ustry.

    OCR or AnyDoc s a s ng e p at orm or

    accurate y captur ng n ormat on rom

    every document type. And accuracy is

    critical to ongoing efficiency in your

    n ormat on systems an processes. T e

    va ue o e m nat ng t e costs o n ng,

    a ress ng an correct ng ata errors s


    OCR or AnyDoc ac eves unpara e eaccuracy n extract ng n ormat on rom

    ocuments conta n ng mac ne pr nt,

    an pr nt, mar sense an one- an two-

    dimensional bar codes. As information is

    extracte , you can app y us ness ru es to

    va ate an norma ze ata pr or to uman

    ver cat on.

    Experience the benefits of OCR for AnyDoc in

    your organization

    A complete solution from one scalable platform

    From just a few documents per day to several thousand

    per our, OCR or AnyDoc grows w t your nee s. Startw t KFI an s mp e n ex ng, an t en move to summary

    n ormat on ata capture or u ne- tem eta extract on y

    a ng to t e core pro uct. Your nvestment s protecte as

    your business evolves.

    Reduce manual data entry cost

    W t automate ocument process ng, every ata e can e

    extracted and validated in seconds, accomplishing far more

    process ng w t ewer operator ours. Except ons are route

    to superv sors, ensur ng uman ntervent on or accuracy as

    nee e .

    Improve data accuracy

    OCR or AnyDoc ut zes automate mage c eanup, u t- n

    an custom ru es, ta e oo ups an ver er nteract on to

    capture accurate ata. T e automate va at on process e ps

    ensure that complete and properly verified data transactions

    are e vere nto your system.

    A single automated data capture solution for all your documents

  • 7/29/2019 Ocr Datasheet 01


    nyDoc So tware s an

    esta s e mar et ea er

    n automated data capture

    solutions. With installations

    or w e t at capture

    ata rom a vast array o

    ocuments, we cont nua y

    elp customers drivee c ency an accuracy.

    Out ne e ow s a power u

    example of how OCR for

    nyDoc drives efficiency

    an spee .

    mage Capture: aper

    documents can be scanned

    an converte to mages

    as soon as enve opes areopene . Documents can e

    scanned in the mailroom, a

    centrally located office or

    epartment or anyw ere n

    e wor t at est ts your

    current paper ocument


    ter scann ng, paper

    ocuments can e qu c ystored in boxes by batch

    um er an ate, e m nat ng

    e t me-consum ng nee

    o e y company name.

    ocument mages are now

    iewable in seconds and

    quest ons are reso ve w t

    greater e c ency.

    Quality Assure: mage

    qua ty s t e oun at on oan e c ent automate ata

    capture so ut on. Documents

    come n a w e var ety o

    stylesand arrive in a wide

    ange o con t ons. Tears,

    smu ges, sma onts an

    cu t an wr t ng create

    potential hurdles to accurate

    ata capture ut not w t

    OCR or AnyDoc.

    Qua ty assure opt m zes

    scanner commun cat on to

    pro uce t e est poss e

    image for extraction. For over

    a decade, AnyDoc Software

    as eve ope un re s o

    mage qua ty en ancements

    ust or t e qua ty assure


    OCR or AnyDoc per orms

    mage en ancement t at

    deskews, lightens, crops,

    despeckles, remove colors

    an automat ca y rotates

    ocument mages nto

    t e correct or entat on or


    Form Identification: Nowt at t e est mage as een

    created, OCR for AnyDoc

    automatically identifies each

    ocument or ata extract on.

    OCR or AnyDoc can searc

    or ogos, arco es, wor s

    or pixel count to identify

    ocument types w t t e

    ncre y ast AccuID eature.

    Sort ng ocuments y

    company before scanning is

    a slow, costly process. OCR

    or AnyDoc automat ca y

    recogn zes un re s o

    erent ocuments,

    eliminating the need for

    pre-sort ng. You save t me,

    re uce cost an contro

    n ormat on sooner.

    ata Capture: To capture

    ocument ata, OCR or

    AnyDoc per orms a comp ex

    set o nte gent a gor t ms to

    examine the document image

    an st ngu s etween t e

    pr nte orm ayout an t e

    ata to e extracte . T e

    form layout contains lines,

    c ec oxes, nstruct ons,quest ons an many ot er

    tems t at are recogn ze as

    non- ata an gnore .

    T e Opt ca C aracter

    ecogn t on OCR) eng ne

    now extracts t e requ re

    data. OCR for AnyDoc knows

    ocuments are not per ect

    er cat on screen o e xtracte ata e s, t mage an magn e e v ew.

  • 7/29/2019 Ocr Datasheet 01


    n t e rea wor an can re-

    grow poor y pr nte c aracters,

    remove strange nes an

    searc a w er ocument area

    to enhance data recognition.

    Data Validation: Extracte

    ocument ata must now

    validate against your businessru es. Bus ness ru es trans orm

    your est pract ces nto

    computer og c or use on

    every document. Hundreds of

    GUI-driven rules are available

    w t easy po nt-an -c c

    a m n strat on.

    The automated rules are quickly

    per orme on ocumentsw t out operator ntervent on

    an o er an a most en ess

    array of data integrity checks

    and balances.

    OCR or AnyDoc g ves you

    t e con ence o now ng t at

    every document is reviewed

    accor ng to your ru es. Any

    ocument t at oes not comp y

    s mme ate y route naccordance to your escalation

    procedures, queued up for

    qu c attent on an mon tore

    unt reso ut on, e m nat ng

    ac ogs o pro em ocuments

    and the immeasurable costs

    assoc ate w t a arge vo ume

    o unreso ve ocuments.

    Verification: The verification

    phase of OCR for AnyDoc is

    conc se an nte gent. In act,

    not a ocuments nee uman

    ver cat on. T e scann ng,

    character recognition and data

    va at on t at as a rea y

    ta en p ace s es gne to

    m n m ze uman ntervent on.

    any documents are already

    00 percent complete and

    can opt ona y ypass t e

    ver cat on p ase comp ete y,

    go ng stra g t to output.

    Converse y, every ocument

    can also easily be mandated for

    uman ver cat on.

    Nav gat ng t roug extracte

    data fields is quick and easyus ng t e ntu t ve GUI to ver y

    eac extracte e or s mp y

    a vance rom one quest ona e

    character to another.

    Ver cat on ta es p ace

    oca y, at remote ocat ons

    or n com nat on. You can

    accommodate home workers,

    ranc o ces, new corporateacqu s t ons an overseas

    o ces v a t e Internet.

    Output: Now that all your

    va ua e ata s capture ,

    va ate an ver e , stac s

    o paper ocuments ave een

    transformed into usable images

    an ata. Prec se ata, a erent

    to your us ness ru es, s exporte

    nto t e ac en system.

    Now you ave accurate

    n ormat on, e vere aster

    an at ower cost, mprov ng

    ec s on-ma ng an creat ng, a

    more competitive organization

    emp ate w t text e s, arco es an mar sense zones, teste n nteract ve mo e.

  • 7/29/2019 Ocr Datasheet 01


    Complete Line of Data Capture Products

    AnyDoc ESIGNit

    Pro ess ona y es gn your own orms or pr nt ng or use n OCR or AnyDoc. T e new y create

    orm a so automat ca y ecomes an OCR or AnyDoc temp ate or process ng.


    Scan remote y anyw ere n t e wor an sen n ormat on over t e Internet to a centra ocat on

    or process ng.

    AnyDoc XCHANGEit

    Easily convert data to a wide number of file formats for exchange between multiple applications

    EDI, XML, ASCII an ot ers are a ava a e a ong w t APIs to ea ng ocument management

    so ut ons.

    AnyDoc ANAGEit

    Mon tor your ent re OCR or AnyDoc so ut on to opt m ze resources an wor ow. Rea -t me atcn ormat on, grap s an a erts eep your pro uct on sc e u e on trac .

    AnyDoc ROKERit

    Store all of your extracted data and images and reuse intelligent queries for quick and effective

    retr eva .


    Process HCFA, UB92 and dental healthcare claim forms.

    AnyDoc NVOICE

    Extract summary or eta ne n ormat on rom s ng e or mu t -page ocuments w t a vanceAnyApp technology.

    AnyDoc OB

    Extract ata rom Exp anat on o Bene ts EOB) ocuments w t t e power o AnyApp

    tec no ogy.

    AnyDoc Software, OCR for AnyDoc, AnyDocINVOICE, AnyDocEOB, AnyDocCLAIM, AnyDoc CAPTUREit, AnyDoc BROKERit, AnyDoc

    FORMit, AnyDoc EXCHANGEit, AnyDoc MANAGEit, and AnyDoc DESIGNit are trademarks of AnyDoc Software, Inc., in the United States

    and other countries.

    US Headquarters

    AnyDoc Software, Inc.

    Tampa, Florida USA


    [email protected]

    European Headquarters

    AnyDoc Software GmbH

    Zug, Switzerland

    +41 41 729 63 33

    [email protected] Precise Data Matters

    -Automate Your Data Entry-