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G10 控控控控控控控控控控控控控 控控控控控控

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Page 1: obd.maxuscloud.com GRADE-X/Previous... · Web view打开诊断软件,选择发动机控制器,进入【配置】→EMS(发动机管理系统) 【EGR阀修正值自学习】,分别进行EGR阀全关和全开位置修正值自学习操作。

G10 控制器售后诊断软件操作说明


Page 2: obd.maxuscloud.com GRADE-X/Previous... · Web view打开诊断软件,选择发动机控制器,进入【配置】→EMS(发动机管理系统) 【EGR阀修正值自学习】,分别进行EGR阀全关和全开位置修正值自学习操作。


1、废气再循环阀更换更换 EGR 完成后,打开点火开关(打开发动机盖,因为 EGR 阀学习过程中会伴有轻微的阀开启/关闭声音产生,所以可以不要发动车辆);打开诊断软件,选择发动机控制器,进入【配置】→EMS(发动机管理系统) 【EGR 阀修正值自学习】,分别进行 EGR 阀全关和全开位置修正值自学习操作。

点击进入流程后,出现如下界面时,点击关闭,进行 EGR 全关位置修正值学习,等待 30 秒让 EGR 阀学习

Page 3: obd.maxuscloud.com GRADE-X/Previous... · Web view打开诊断软件,选择发动机控制器,进入【配置】→EMS(发动机管理系统) 【EGR阀修正值自学习】,分别进行EGR阀全关和全开位置修正值自学习操作。

点击打开,进行 EGR 全开位置修正值学习,等待 30 秒让 EGR 阀学习

Page 4: obd.maxuscloud.com GRADE-X/Previous... · Web view打开诊断软件,选择发动机控制器,进入【配置】→EMS(发动机管理系统) 【EGR阀修正值自学习】,分别进行EGR阀全关和全开位置修正值自学习操作。


关闭诊断软件和点火开关,等待 2 分钟,发动机控制器会将新的值进行存储。2、节流阀更换更换完成后,打开诊断软件,选择发动机控制器,进入【配置】→EMS(发动机管理系统)【TVA 阀全关位置修正值自学习】进行 TVA 阀自学习操作。

点击进入流程后,出现如下界面时,点击关闭,进行 TVA 阀全关位置修正值自学习,等待 30 秒让 EGR 阀学习

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学习完成后关闭诊断软件和点火开关,等待 2 分钟,发动机控制器会将新的值进行存储。

Page 6: obd.maxuscloud.com GRADE-X/Previous... · Web view打开诊断软件,选择发动机控制器,进入【配置】→EMS(发动机管理系统) 【EGR阀修正值自学习】,分别进行EGR阀全关和全开位置修正值自学习操作。

3、空气流量计更换更换完成后,打开诊断软件,选择发动机控制器,进入【配置】→ EMS(发动机管理系统)→空气流量计传感器【空气流量计漂移修正值复位】、油量积量监测系统【FMO 复位(更换空气流量计)】进行操作。

每学习完成一个流程,请关闭诊断软件和点火开关,等待 2 分钟,发动机控制器会将新的值进行存储,然后打开软件和点火开关,进行下一个流程的操作。4、入氧传感器更换(仅仅针对于欧 5 发动机)更换完成后,打开诊断软件,选择发动机控制器,进入【配置】→ EMS(发动机管理系统)→入氧传感器【入氧传感器露点检测复位】、入氧传感器【入氧传感器修正值复位】、油量积量监测系统【FMO 复位(更换入氧传感器)】进行操作。

每学习完成一个流程,请关闭诊断软件和点火开关,等待 2 分钟,发动机控制器会将新的值进行存储,然后打开软件和点火开关,进行下一个流程的操作。5、轨压传感器更换更换完成后,打开诊断软件,选择发动机控制器,进入【配置】→ EMS(发动机管理系统)→油量积量监测系统【FMO 复位(更换轨压传感器)】进行操作。

学习完成后关闭诊断软件和点火开关,等待 2 分钟,发动机控制器会将新的值进行存储。

Page 7: obd.maxuscloud.com GRADE-X/Previous... · Web view打开诊断软件,选择发动机控制器,进入【配置】→EMS(发动机管理系统) 【EGR阀修正值自学习】,分别进行EGR阀全关和全开位置修正值自学习操作。

6、喷油嘴更换更换完成后,打开诊断软件,选择发动机控制器,进入【配置】→EMS(发动机管理系统)→【写入喷油器 IQA码】、油量积量监测系统【FMO 复位(更换喷油嘴)】进行操作。

每学习完成一个流程,请关闭诊断软件和点火开关,等待 2 分钟,发动机控制器会将新的值进行存储,然后打开软件和点火开关,进行下一个流程的操作。7、进气温度传感器更换更换完成后,打开诊断软件,选择发动机控制器,进入【配置】→ EMS(发动机管理系统)→空气流量计传感器【空气流量计漂移修正值复位】进行操作。

学习完成后关闭诊断软件和点火开关,等待 2 分钟,发动机控制器会将新的值进行存储。8、更换离合器踏板、离合器踏板位置传感器(仅仅针对 6MT 且带离合器踏板位置传感器车辆)更换完成后,打开诊断软件,选择发动机控制器,进入【特殊功能】→ EMS(发动机管理系统)→【离合器踏板自学习】进行操作。

进入该特殊功能后,出现如下界面时,将离合器踏板踩到底保持 10 秒后,按“确定”

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出现如下界面时,松开离合器踏板,建议等待 10 秒后,例程状态显示为“例程控制完成”按“确认”

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9、DPF 柴油微粒过滤器更换(仅仅针对于欧 5 发动机)更换完成后,打开诊断软件,选择发动机控制器,进入【特殊功能】→ EMS(发动机管理系统)→柴油微粒过滤器【柴油微粒过滤器值复位】进行操作。

学习完成后关闭诊断软件和点火开关,等待 2 分钟,发动机控制器会将新的值进行存储。10、DPF 颗粒量对应使用的诊断软件 DPF 特殊功能(仅仅针对于欧 5 发动机)

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颗粒量 状态 策略 结果/备注0<颗粒量<28g 状态正常 无 无

28≤颗粒量<31g 轻度过载

检查进排气系统有无泄漏;检查 T4 和 T5 传感器是否装反;检查是否有禁止 DPF 再生的故障码。如有,请维修好相关部件、解决相关故障码后,才能进行以下步骤。


1.若车辆和路况满足,则使用动态再生 (关注再生过程中 T4、T5 温度表现)。通过诊断仪触发【DPF 再生锁定取消】功能,下电等 2 分钟。保持车速 60-80km/h, 连续跑车 30 分钟以上,再下电等 2 分钟。


1.1 如果颗粒量 < 15g,再生成功。 故障解决,用诊断仪清除故障码。

1.2 如果 15g≤颗粒量<28g,则可以进行第二次再生操作(关注再生过程中 T5

温度表现)。通过诊断仪触发【DPF 再生锁定复位】功能,下电等 2 分钟。保持车速 60-80km/h, 连续跑车 30 分钟以上,再下电等 2 分钟。

再生循环结束后,若颗粒量低于 15g,再生成功,故障解决,用诊断仪清除故障码。若颗粒量大于 15g,则需要再次检查是否存在新的故障码(特别关注是否有禁止再生的故障码),以及检查再生过程中 T5 的温度是否在 550-

680 度之间。

1.3 如果 28g≤颗粒量<31g,说明再生效果较差。需要触发第二轮再生 (关注再生过程中 T5 温度表现)。发送【DPF 再生锁定取消】 命令,下电等 2 分钟。保持车速 60-80km/h, 连续跑车 30 分钟以上,再下电等 2 分钟。

再生循环结束后,若颗粒量低于 15g,再生成功,故障解决,用诊断仪清除故障码。若颗粒量大于 15g,则需要再次检查是否存在新的故障码(特别关注是否有禁止再生的故障码),以及检查再生过程中 T5 的温度是否在 550-

680 度之间。2.若车子无法行驶或路况不满足,则使用服务站原地再生。通过诊断仪触发【DPF 再生功能激活】功能,等待服务站原地再生结束。 服务站原地再生终止条件:颗粒量<20g或者再生时间 ≥ 2400s。再生结束后下电等 2 分钟:


2.1 如果颗粒量 < 20g,服务站原地再生成功。 故障解决,用诊断仪清除故障码。

2.2 如果 20g≤颗粒量<31g,则可以进行第二次再生操作(关注再生过程中 T5

温度表现)。通过诊断仪触发【DPF 再生功能激活】功能,等待服务站原地再生结束,下电等 2 分钟

再生循环结束后,若颗粒量低于 20g,再生成功,故障解决,用诊断仪清除故障码。若颗粒量大于 20g,则需要再次检查是否存在新的故障码(特别关注是否有禁止再生的故障码),以及检查再生过程中 T5 的温度温度是否在550-680 度之间。

31≤颗粒量<39g 重度过载 检查进排气系统有无泄漏;检查 T4 和 T5 传感器是否装反;检查是否有禁止 DPF 再生的 DTC。如有,请维修好相关部件、解决相关 DTC 后,才能进行以下步骤。


3. 通过诊断仪触发服务站原地再生【DPF 再生功能激活】功能,等待服务站原地再生结束。 服务站原地再生终止条件:颗粒量<20g或者再生时间 ≥ 2400s 。再生结束后下电等 2 分钟:


3.1 如果颗粒量 < 20g,服务站原地再生成功.故 障 解 决 , 用 诊 断 仪 清 除 故 障 码 , MIL 熄灭。

3.2 如果 20g≤颗粒量<28g,则可以进行第二次再生操作(关注再生过程中 T5

温度表现)。通过诊断仪触发【DPF 再生锁定复位】功能,下电等 2 分钟。保持车速 60-80km/h, 连续跑车 30 分钟以上,再下电等 2 分钟。

再生循环结束后,若颗粒量低于 15g,再生成功,故障解决,用诊断仪清除故障码。若颗粒量大于 15g,则需要再次检查是否存在新的故障码(特别关注是否有禁止再生的故障码),以及检查再生过程中 T5 的温度表现。

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3.3 如果 28g≤颗粒量<31g,说明再生效果较差。需要触发第二轮再生 (关注再生过程中 T5 温度表现)。通过诊断仪触发【DPF 再生锁定取消】功能,下电等 2 分钟。保持车速 60-80km/h,连续跑车 30 分钟以上, 再下电等 2


再生循环结束后,若颗粒量低于 15g,再生成功,故障解决,用诊断仪清除故障码。若颗粒量大于 15g,则需要再次检查是否存在新的故障码(特别关注是否有禁止再生的故障码),以及检查再生过程中 T5 的温度表现。

3.4 如果颗粒量 ≥31g,更换新的 DPF,若未更换 ECU 通过诊断仪触发【DPF 值复位】功能;若更换 ECU,先通过【发动机运行时间】复制出来运行时间,然后更换新的 ECU 后,再次进入【发动机运行时间】把原来复制出来的值写到新 ECU内,再触发【DPF 值复位】功能。

故 障 解 决 , 用 诊 断 仪 清 除 故 障 码 , MIL 熄灭。

颗粒量≥39g 堵塞

检查进排气系统有无泄漏;检查 T4 和 T5 传感器是否装反;检查是否有禁止 DPF 再生的故障码。如有,请维修好相关部件、解决相关故障码后,才能进行以下步骤。


4. 更换新的 DPF,若未更换 ECU直接触发【DPF 值复位】;若更换 ECU,先通过【发动机运行时间】复制出来运行时间,然后更换新的 ECU 后,再次进入【发动机运行时间】把原来复制出来的值写到新 ECU内,再触发【DPF 值复位】功能。

故 障 解 决 , 用 诊 断 仪 清 除 故 障 码 , MIL 熄灭。


DTC 故障描述屏蔽或中断再生?

屏蔽服务站再生【DPF 再生功能激活】?


空气流量计(HFM)供电电压故障 Y Y


空气流量计(HFM)偏移修正量 0高于上限值 Y Y


空气流量计(HFM)偏移修正量 1高于上限值 Y Y


空气流量计(HFM)偏差值低于下限值 Y Y


空气流量计(HFM)偏差值高于上限值 Y Y


空气流量计(HFM)周期信号低于下限 Y Y


空气流量计(HFM)周期信号高于上限 Y Y


空气设定量与实际新鲜进气量的差值高于上限值(新鲜进气量过小) Y Y


废气再循环(EGR)阀卡在开启状态 Y Y


排气温度 1高于物理合理范围上限值 Y  P2031-F1

排气温度 2高于物理合理范围上限值 Y Y


排气温度 1 低于物理合理范围下限值 Y Y

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排气温度 2 低于物理合理范围下限值 Y Y


VGT1模块接收CAN报文信息长度超限 Y Y


VGT1模块接收CAN报文超时 Y Y


高压油泵油量计量单元(MeUn)驱动电路开路 Y Y


电控单元(ECU)内油量计量单元(MeUn)驱动芯片过热 Y Y


油量计量单元(MeUn)驱动电路对电源短路 Y Y


增压压力调节控制器偏差值(增压压力设定值减去实际值)高于上限(正偏差过大) Y Y


部分负荷区域, 增压压力控制偏差超上限 Y Y


增压压力调节控制器偏差值(增压压力设定值减去实际值)低于下限(负偏差过大) Y Y


部分负荷区域, 增压压力控制偏差超下限 Y Y


颗粒捕集器(DPF)两端压差过大 Y  P2463-85

颗粒捕集器(DPF)吸附颗粒过载 Y  P0242-12

增压压力传感器电压信号高于上限 Y Y


增压压力传感器电压信号低于下限 Y Y


轨压正偏差超(实际轨压低于设定值)限值(MeUn方案) Y Y


油量计量单元(MeUn)供油量达到最大设定流量的情况下,轨压正偏差超限值(实际轨压低于设定值) Y Y


油量计量单元(MeUn)供油量达到最小设定流量的情况下,轨压负偏差超限值(实际轨压高于设定值) Y Y


轨压高于最高允许轨压值(轨压控制阀 PCV方案) Y Y


轨压正偏差超限值(实际轨压低于设定值)( 轨压控制阀 PCV) Y Y


基于轨压控制阀(PCV)设定值的轨压控制正偏差超出上限值(实际轨压低于设定值) Y Y


轨压控制阀(PCV)常关导致轨压控制负偏差超出下限值 Y Y


轨压高于最高允许轨压值(轨压控制阀 PCV方案) Y Y


油门踏板传感器 1 电压信号高于上限值 Y Y

P0223- 油门踏板传感器 2 电压信号高于上限值 Y Y

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油门踏板传感器 1 电压信号低于下限值 Y Y


油门踏板传感器 2 电压信号低于下限值 Y Y


油门踏板 1 和油门踏板 2信号合理性故障 Y Y


节流阀(TVA)位置反馈传感器值不可信(智能 TVA) Y Y


节流阀(TVA)位置反馈传感器值信号故障(智能 TVA) Y Y


氧化催化器(DOC)上游温度传感器信号不可信 Y Y


氧化催化器(DOC)上游温度传感器电压信号高于上限 Y Y


氧化催化器(DOC)上游温度传感器电压信号低于下限值 Y Y


颗粒捕集器(DPF)上游温度传感器信号不可信 Y Y


颗粒捕集器(DPF)上游温度传感器电压信号高于上限 Y Y


颗粒捕集器(DPF)上游温度传感器电压信号低于下限 Y Y


增压器驱动电路开路 Y Y


增压器驱动电路对蓄电源短路 Y Y


增压器控制电路对地短路 Y Y


车速传感器测得的车速信号高于上限 Y Y


车速传感器测得的车速信号低于下限 Y Y


在 Overrun阶段关闭喷油量时,车速信号发生故障 Y Y


车速信号不合理 Y Y


参考信号不正确导致车速信号不合理 Y Y


发动机转速转化为车速不正确导致车速信号不合理 Y Y


来自 CAN总线的车速信号故障 Y Y


VGT 阀反卡滞模式失效故障 Y Y


CAN smart 控制方式的 VGT H桥模块供电故障 Y Y

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CAN smart 控制方式的 VGT 的 CAN 通讯故障 Y Y


CAN smart 控制方式的 VGT H桥驱动电流过载故障 Y Y


CAN smart 控制方式的 VGT H桥驱动芯片过热故障 Y Y


CAN smart 控制方式的 VGT 位置传感器故障 Y Y


VGT PWM占空比过大故障 Y Y


空气设定量与实际新鲜进气量的差值低于下限值(新鲜进气量过大)   Y


油门踏板和刹车踏板信号不合理故障   Y


电控单元(ECU)内部蓄电池电压信号过高   Y


电控单元(ECU)内部蓄电池电压信号过低   Y


主刹车踏板信号故障   Y


刹车信号不可信,主刹信号和副刹信号不同时变化   Y


辅刹车踏板信号故障   Y


水温传感器动态值合理性检测故障(水温在一定时间内上升值未达到门槛值)   Y


水温传感器电压高于上限值   Y


水温传感器电压低于下限值   Y


离合器信号不可信   Y


离合器信号故障(CAN信号出错)   Y


废气再循环(EGR)阀开度设定值与实际值的差值差值低于下限值(负偏差过大)   Y


环境温度传感器电压信号高于上限   Y


环境温度传感器电压信号低于下限   Y


排气温度小闭环控制偏差高于上限值(排温偏低)   Y


排气温度小闭环控制偏差低于下限值(排温偏高)   Y


排气温度内部控制循环反应时间过长故障   Y

P24C2- 排气温度大闭环控制偏差高于上限值(排温偏低)   Y

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排气温度大闭环控制偏差低于下限值(排温偏高)   Y


排气温度外部控制循环反应时间过长故障   Y


机油温度传感器信号不可信   Y


机油温度传感器电压信号高于上限   Y


机油温度传感器电压信号低于下限   Y


电控单元(ECU)内增压器驱动芯片过热   Y

11、发动机控制器更换(更换下来的发动机控制器能与诊断软件通讯)每学习完成一个流程,请关闭诊断软件和点火开关,等待 2 分钟,发动机控制器会将新的值进行存储,然后打开软件和点火开关,进行下一个流程的操作。11.1、更换新的发动机控制器前,请用诊断软件与原车上的旧的发动机控制器通讯,读到以下数据,并记录下来。 车辆识别代码 喷油器 IQA 码 ZFC 喷油嘴喷油量的零油量标定修正值 发动机运行时间 车辆运行里程 最大车速极限值 发动机编码 配置(包含巡航控制配置、巡航控制器类型配置、车辆防盗器配置(MT 车型)、车辆防盗器类型配置(AT 车型)、ABS/ESP)

HFM 空气流量计传感器修正值 FMO 油量积量监测系统值 DPF 柴油微粒过滤器值(仅仅针对于欧 5 发动机)11.2、更换新的发动机控制器。11.3、进行数据刷写。11.4、进行 IMMO匹配。对于带 PEPS 车辆,更换 EMS 后,使用诊断软件进入 PEPS 控制器【特殊功能】→【防盗匹配】→【PEPS(无钥匙系统)】,使用【新 MC/EMS 学习】进行发动机匹配;

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对于带 PEPS 的车辆,防盗功能是通过 PEPS实现,BCM 中 IMMO 不使用,此时 BCM 中的 IMMO 配置状态应该是未配置,PEPS 的配置状态是配置。

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对于不带 PEPS 车辆,更换 EMS 后,使用诊断软件进入 BCM 控制器【特殊功能】→【防盗匹配】→【BCM(车身控制模块)】,使用【更换 MC/EMS】进行发动机学习匹配;

对于不带 PEPS 的车辆,防盗功能是通过 BCM实现,BCM 中 IMMO 使用,此时 BCM 中的 IMMO 配置状态应该是配置,PEPS 的配置状态是未配置。

11.5、把从旧的发动机控制器读到的数据写入新的发动机控制器。选择发动机控制器,进入【配置】→EMS(发动机管理系统)→【写车架号】、【写入喷油器 IQA 码】、【喷油嘴喷油量的零油量标定修正值】、【发动机运行时间】、【车辆行驶距离】、【最大车速极限值】、【写发动机编码】、【配置】(包含巡航控制配置、巡航控制器类型配置、车辆防盗器配置 (MT 车型)、车辆防盗器类型配置(AT 车型)、ABS/ESP)、空气流量计传感器【空气流量计漂移修正值】、油量积量监测系统【油量积量监测系统值写入】;【特殊功能】→→EMS(发动机管理系统)→柴油微粒过滤器【柴油微粒过滤器值写入】(仅仅针对于欧 5 发动机)进行操作。

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11.6、进行复位流程。选择发动机控制器,进入【配置】→EMS(发动机管理系统)→【EGR 阀修正值自学习】、【TVA 阀全关位置修正值自学习】、入氧传感器【入氧传感器露点检测复位】(仅仅针对于欧 5 发动机)、【入氧传感器修正值复位】(仅仅针对于欧 5 发动机)进行操作。

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11.7、离合器踏板自学习(此特殊功能仅仅针对 6MT 且带离合器踏板位置传感器车辆)选择发动机控制器,进入【特殊功能】→EMS(发动机管理系统)→【离合器踏板自学习】

12、发动机控制器更换(更换下来的发动机控制器不能与诊断软件通讯)每学习完成一个流程,请关闭诊断软件和点火开关,等待 2 分钟,发动机控制器会将新的值进行存储,然后打开软件和点火开关,进行下一个流程的操作。12.1、更换新的发动机控制器。12.2、进行数据刷写。12.3、进行 IMMO匹配。对于带 PEPS 车辆,更换 EMS 后,使用诊断软件进入 PEPS 控制器【特殊功能】,使用【防盗匹配】→【PEPS(无钥匙系统)】→【新 MC/EMS 学习】进行发动机匹配;

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对于带 PEPS 的车辆,防盗功能是通过 PEPS实现,BCM 中 IMMO 不使用,此时 BCM 中的 IMMO 配置状态应该是未配置,PEPS 的配置状态是配置。进入【配置】→【BCM(车身控制模块)】→【写 BCM 配置信息】

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对于不带 PEPS 车辆,更换 EMS 后,使用诊断软件进入 BCM 控制器【特殊功能】→【防盗匹配】→【BCM(车身控制模块)】,使用【更换 MC/EMS】进行发动机学习匹配;

对于不带 PEPS 的车辆,防盗功能是通过 BCM实现,BCM 中 IMMO 使用,此时 BCM 中的 IMMO 配置状态应该是配置,PEPS 的配置状态是未配置。

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12.4、对发动机控制器写数据。选择发动机控制器,进入【配置】→EMS(发动机管理系统)→【写车架号】、【写入喷油器 IQA 码】、【写最大车速极限值】、【写发动机编码】、【配置】(包含巡航控制配置、巡航控制器类型配置、车辆防盗器配置(MT 车型)、车辆防盗器类型配置(AT 车型)、ABS/ESP)进行操作。

12.5、进行复位流程。选择发动机控制器,进入【特殊功能】→EMS(发动机管理系统)→柴油微粒过滤器【柴油微粒过滤器值复位】(仅仅针对于欧 5 发动机)进行操作。

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12.6、离合器踏板自学习(此特殊功能仅仅针对 6MT 且带离合器踏板位置传感器车辆)选择发动机控制器,进入【特殊功能】→EMS(发动机管理系统)→【离合器踏板自学习】




测试启动前提条件:1.发动机正常运行;2.手刹被拉起;3.档位处于空档,车速为 0;4.系统中不存在同步信号及传感器相关的电气故障;5.电池电量充足。



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测试启动前提条件:1.发动机正常运行;2.手刹被拉起;3.档位处于空档,车速为 0;4.系统中不存在同步信号及传感器相关的电气故障;5.电池电量充足。





测试启动前提条件:1.发动机停机,点火开关处于 ON档;2.手刹被拉起;3.档位处于空档;4.电池电量充足;5. 关闭空调等耗电设备。

通过该测试,启动失败的故障原因可由诊断仪读取并进行初步评估。13.4、【特殊功能】→EMS(发动机管理系统)→【压缩测试】 压缩测试是一种集成于电控单元内的发动机测试功能,主要用于检测发动机各缸气密性。该功能需要通过诊断仪触发之后才能工作。 当通过诊断仪运行压缩测试后,检测人员需要拧点火开关,以使起动机能拖动发动机运行。电控单元将自动测量各个气缸在上止点之后某一角度区间的运行时间,从而计算出瞬时的转速。在此过程中,电控单元将禁止喷油,发动机将不会启动。 测试启动前提条件:1.发动机停机,点火开关处于 ON档;2.手刹被拉起;3.档位处于空档;4.没有曲轴/凸轮轴相关的电气故障;5.电池电量充足(若电池电量过低,有可能导致测试无法进行,或测试结果不可信) 操作步骤:1.将点火开关置于 ON档,发动机处于停机状态;2.连接诊断仪,并通过诊断仪激活压缩测试;3.得到诊断仪给出的提示后,拧点火开关以使起动机运转;4.当得到诊断仪测试完成的提示后,松开点火开关;5.检查测试结果。 通过该测试,测试完成之后诊断仪将显示各个气缸的转速。通过计算各缸转速与其他各缸转速平均值的偏差 ,可对各缸的气密性进行评估。当偏差过大时,建议对该缸气密性进行检查,包括气门间隙及活塞环等机械部分。13.5、【特殊功能】→EMS(发动机管理系统)→【加速测试】加速测试是一种集成于电控单元内的对发动机各缸喷油器的性能进行评估的功能。测试过程中,通过诊断


测试启动前提条件:1. 【压缩测试】已完成,发动机各气缸气密性正常;2.发动机启动,怠速;3.手刹被拉起;4.档位处于空档,车速为 0;5.电池电量充足;6.没有水温传感器/燃油系统执行器/传感器相关的电气故障;7.关闭空调等耗电设备;8.对于气刹的车型,请确保气泵在整个测试过程中不会工作。否则,测试结果可能被严重影响,需要重新触发测试。建议在气罐压力充足的情况下开始本测试;9.在测试过程中,请不要踩刹车踏板;10.在测试过程中,请不要踩油门踏板;11.在测试过程中,请不要踩离合器踏板;12.冷却液温度必须大于70°C。


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的故障。 当转速偏差大于规定的负偏差限值时,可能对应气缸的喷油器存在喷油量偏大的故障。BCM 控制器1、更换完成后,根据车辆实际配置使用诊断软件完成控制器配置;

2、对于不带 PEPS 车辆,更换 BCM 后,使用诊断软件进入 BCM 控制器【特殊功能】,使用【防盗匹配】 →【更换BCM】进行 BCM匹配,然后进入【添加钥匙】把当前车辆的钥匙加入到新更换的 BCM 中;

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对于不带 PEPS 的车辆,防盗功能是通过 BCM实现,BCM 中 IMMO 使用,此时 BCM 中的 IMMO 配置状态应该是配置,PEPS 的配置状态是未配置。

PEPS 控制器1、 更换完成后,根据车辆实际配置使用诊断软件完成控制器配置;

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2、 对于带 PEPS 车辆,更换 PEPS 后,使用诊断软件进入 PEPS 控制器【特殊功能】,使用【防盗匹配】【PEPS(无钥匙系统)】【新 PEPS 学习】进行 PEPS匹配,钥匙匹配完成后按下钥匙上的解锁按钮,以激活新添加完成的钥匙;

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对于带 PEPS 的车辆,防盗功能是通过 PEPS实现,BCM 中 IMMO 不使用,此时 BCM 中的 IMMO 配置状态应该是未配置,PEPS 的配置状态是配置。

同时更换 PEPS、EMS 控制器1、对于带 PEPS 车辆,同时更换 PEPS、EMS 后,使用诊断软件完成 EMS 对应车型数据刷写后,使用诊断软件完成控制器 PEPS、EMS基本配置后,进入 PEPS 控制器【特殊功能】,使用【全新系统学习】进行 PEPS、EMS重新学习匹配,此时原车的钥匙的也将报废,需要采用新钥匙一起进行重新学习(不需要再对 BCM 进行防盗匹配操作,此时车辆是用 PEPS防盗),钥匙匹配完成后按下钥匙上的解锁按钮,以激活新添加完成的钥匙。

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同时更换 BCM、EMS 控制器1、 对于不带 PEPS 车辆,同时更换 BCM、EMS 后,使用诊断软件完成 EMS 对应车型数据刷写后,使用诊断软件完成

控制器 BCM、EMS基本配置后,进入 BCM 控制器【特殊功能】,使用【替换整套系统】进行 BCM匹配,重新产生 SK,完成此流程后进入流程【更换 MC/EMS】,使 EMS 学习 BCM 中的 SK,此时原车的钥匙的也将报废,需要采用新钥匙进入【添加钥匙】流程进行钥匙学习。

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2、对于带 PEPS 车辆,同时更换 BCM、EMS 后,分别对 BCM 进行基本配置操作。对更换 EMS 后,使用诊断软件进入PEPS 控制器【特殊功能】,使用【新 MC/EMS】进行发动机匹配;

对于带 PEPS 的车辆,防盗功能是通过 PEPS实现,BCM 中 IMMO 不使用,此时 BCM 中的 IMMO 配置状态应该是未配置,PEPS 的配置状态是配置。

TCU 控制器1、 更换完成后,使用诊断软件把车辆 VIN 码写入。

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ABS/ESP 控制器1、更换完成后,根据车辆实际配置使用诊断软件完成控制器配置和特殊功能;

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SAS 1、更换 SAS 后,使用诊断软件完成特殊功能中的标定操作。

SRS 控制器1、更换完成后,根据车辆实际配置使用诊断软件完成控制器配置。

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TPMS 控制器1、更换完成后,使用诊断软件把车辆 VIN 码写入。

IPK 控制器1、更换完成后,根据车辆实际配置使用诊断软件完成控制器配置。提醒:通过售后诊断软件,对仪表写入车架号后, IPK 会自动从 BCM 中读取车辆行驶里程,随后点火重启,里程备份成功。注意:当仪表上的车辆下次保养提醒指示灯亮起时,可以使用【执行 SIA 复位】功能对保养里程进行重置,建议车辆每次完成保养后,使用该功能。

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AFS 控制器1、 更换完成后,使用诊断软件把车辆 VIN 码写入,完成特殊功能和控制器配置。

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GAW 控制器1、更换完成后,使用诊断软件把车辆 VIN 码写入,完成控制器配置。

PTG 控制器1,更换完成后,使用诊断软件把车辆 VIN 码写入

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LCA 控制器更换完成后,使用诊断软件把车辆 VIN 码写入

BVS 控制器更换完成后,使用诊断软件把车辆 VIN 码写入

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G10 controller instruction of GRADE-X

D19t Engine EMSConfiguration:

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Special Function:

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1. EGR replacementAfter changing component, turn on ignition switch(Open engine hood, in order to let you hear slight voice when EMS learning the EGR valve open/close position, you need not let engine running).Open GRADE-X, select EMS, go to 【Configuration】→EMS(Engine Management System)→【Trigger EGR offset learning】 to Trigger EGR valve (Close position)/ (Open position) offset Learning respectively.

In the following interface, press the Close to Trigger EGR valve (Close position) offset Learning.Waiting for 30 seconds for EGR valve learning .

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Press the Open to Trigger EGR valve (Open position) offset Learning. Waiting for 30 seconds for EGR valve learning .

Press Cancel to exit this process.Close the GRADE-X and ignition switch, waiting for 2 minutes, the EMS will save the new value.

2. TVA replacementAfter changing component, open GRADE-X, select EMS, go to 【 Configuration 】 → EMS ( Engine Management System)→【Trigger TVA offset learning】 to Trigger TVA offset Learning.

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In the following interface, press the Close to Trigger TVA (Close position) offset Learning.Waiting for 30 seconds for EGR valve learning .

After finishing, close the GRADE-X and ignition switch, waiting for 2 minutes, the EMS will save the new value.

3. HFM replacementAfter changing component, open GRADE-X, select EMS, go to 【 Configuration 】 → EMS ( Engine Management System)→HFM System【HFM Drift compensation reset】, FMO System【FMO reset(Change HFM)】.

After finishing one special function, close the Grade-X and ignition switch, waiting for 2 minutes, the EMS will save the new value. Then open the Grade-X and ignition switch again, go to the next special function.

4. LSU replacement(Only available for Euro 5 EMS)After changing component, open Grade-X, select EMS, go to 【 Configuration 】 → EMS ( Engine Management System)→LSU System【LSU dew detection heater release reset】 ,【LSU adaptation reset】 , FMO System【FMO reset(Change LSU)】.

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After finishing one special function, close the GRADE-X and ignition switch, waiting for 2 minutes, the EMS will save the new value. Then open the GRADE-X and ignition switch again, go to the next special function.

5. RPS(rail) replacementAfter changing component, open GRADE-X, select EMS, go to 【 Configuration 】 → EMS ( Engine Management System)→FMO System【FMO reset(Change RDS)】.

After finishing, close the GRADE-X and ignition switch, waiting for 2 minutes, the EMS will save the new value.

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6. Injector replacementAfter changing component, open GRADE-X, select EMS, go to 【 Configuration 】 → EMS ( Engine Management System)→【Write IQA】, FMO System【FMO reset(Change Injector)】.

After finishing one special function, close the GRADE-X and ignition switch, waiting for 2 minutes, the EMS will save the new value. Then open the GRADE-X and ignition switch again, go to the next special function.

7. BPS replacementAfter changing component, open GRADE-X, select EMS, go to 【 Configuration 】 → EMS ( Engine Management System)→HFM System【HFM Drift compensation reset】.

After finishing, close the GRADE-X and ignition switch, waiting for 2 minutes, the EMS will save the new value.

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8. Clutch Pedal clutch pedal position sensor replacement(This function only use for the vehicles with 6MT and clutch pedal position sensor.)After changing component, open GRADE-X, select EMS, go to 【 Special Functions 】 → EMS ( Engine Management System)→【Clutch Pedal self learning】.

In the following interface, step on the clutch pedal to keep 10 seconds, then press the OK button.

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In the following interface, release the clutch pedal, waiting 10 seconds, and Routine status is Routine finished, then press the OK button.

After finishing learning, press the OK button to exit.

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9. DPF Catalyst Replacement(Only available for Euro 5 EMS)After changing component, open GRADE-X, select EMS, go to 【 Special Functions 】 → EMS ( Engine Management System)→DPF System【DPF value reset】.

After finishing, close the GRADE-X and ignition switch, waiting for 2 minutes, the EMS will save the new value.

10. DPF Soot mass VS DPF Special Functions in GRADE-X(Only available for Euro 5 EMS)

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T4:Exhaust Gas Temperature upstream of oxidation catalyst

T5:The adapted value of temperature at TPFltUs

Soot mass in the

particulate filterState Strategy Result/Remark


mass<28gnormal no no





Check intake/exhaust system leakage. Check if T4 and T5 sensor mount

opposite to each other. Check DTC, and repair if any. Then follow steps



1. If vehicle and road condition can be satisfied, use tester to trigger

【 Cancel regeneration locking 】 function(pay attention to T4 and T5).

Power off for 2min. Drive the vehicle and keep vehicle speed at 60-80km/h

for 30min continuously. Power off for 2min.


1.1 If Soot mass < 15g, RGN successfully.Symptom fixed, use tester to clean error


1.2 If 15g≤Soot mass<28g, then RGN again(pay attention to T4 and T5).

use tester to trigger 【Reset the regeneration lock and increase the soot

mass】 function. Power off for 2min. Drive the vehicle and keep vehicle

speed at 60-80km/h for 30min continuously. Power off for 2min.

After RGN cycle, if Soot mass<15g, RGN

successfully. Symptom fixed, use tester to

clean error code. If Soot mass≥15g, check

DTC again (focus on DTCs which can disable

RGN, repair if any). And check T5

temperature whetheer in 550-680degree

during RGN.

1.3 If 28g≤Soot mass<31g, service RGN efficiency is low and need RGN

again(pay attention to T5). use tester to trigger 【 Cancel regeneration

locking】 function. Power off for 2min. Drive the vehicle and keep vehicle

speed at 60-80km/h for 30min continuously. Power off for 2min.

After RGN cycle, if Soot mass<15g, RGN

successfully. Symptom fixed, use tester to

clean error code. If Soot mass≥15g, check

DTC again (focus on DTCs which can disable

RGN, repair if any). And check T5

temperature whetheer in 550-680degree

during RGN.

2.if vehicle cannot drive or road condition is not satisfied, use service RGN.

Use tester to trigger 【Activate service rengeration by tester 】 function

and wait for service RGN stop. Service RGN stop condition: Soot mass<20g

or ti_RGN≥2400s. After service RGN, power off for 2min:


2.1 If Soot mass < 20g, service RGN successfully.Symptom fixed, use tester to clean error


2.2 If 20g≤Soot mass<31g, then RGN again(pay attention to T5). use tester

to trigger 【Activate service rengeration by tester】 function and wait for

service RGN stop. Power off for 2min.

After RGN cycle, if Soot mass<20g, RGN

successfully. Symptom fixed, use tester to

clean error code. If Soot mass≥20g, check

DFC again (focus on DFCs which can disable

RGN, repair if any). And check T5

temperature whetheer in 550-680degree

during RGN.





Check intake/exhaust system leakage. Check if T4 and T5 sensor mount

opposite to each other. Check DFC, and repair if any. Then follow steps



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3.use tester to trigger 【Activate service rengeration by tester】 function

and wait for service RGN stop. Service RGN stop condition: Soot mass<20g

or ti_RGN ≥ 2400s . After service RGN, power off for 2min:


3.1 If Soot mass < 20g, service RGN successfully.Symptom fixed, use tester to clean error

code, MIL off.

3.2 If 20g≤Soot mass<28g, then RGN again(pay attention to T5). use tester

to trigger 【 Reset the regeneration lock and increase the soot mass 】 function. Power off for 2min. Drive the vehicle and keep vehicle speed at

60-80km/h for 30min continuously. Power off for 2min.

After RGN cycle, if Soot mass<15g, RGN

successfully. Symptom fixed, use tester to

clean error code. If Soot mass≥15g, check

DFC again (focus on DFCs which can disable

RGN, repari if any). And check T5

temperature whetheer in 550-680degree

during RGN.

3.3 If 28g≤Soot mass<31g, service RGN efficiency is low and need RGN

again(pay attention to T5). use tester to trigger 【 Cancel regeneration

locking】 function. Power off for 2min. Drive the vehicle and keep vehicle

speed at 60-80km/h for 30min continuously. Power off for 2min.

After RGN cycle, if Soot mass<15g, RGN

successfully. Symptom fixed, use tester to

clean error code. If Soot mass≥15g, check

DFC again (focus on DFCs which can disable

RGN, repari if any). And check T5

temperature whetheer in 550-680degree

during RGN.

3.4 If Soot mass≥31g, Change a new DPF, if not change ECU, use tester to

trigger 【 DPF value reset 】 function. If change ECU, first use 【 Engine

Running time】function to copy the old ECU's Running time, then replace

the new ECU and go to 【Engine Running time】 function to set engine

running time to new ECU, then trigger【DPF value reset】 function.

Symptom fixed, use tester to clean error

code, MIL off.

Soot mass≥39g blocking

Check intake/exhaust system leakage. Check if T4 and T5 sensor mount

opposite to each other. Check DTC, and repair if any. Then follow steps



4. Change a new DPF, if not change ECU, use tester to trigger 【DPF value

reset 】 function. If change ECU, first use 【 Engine Running time

】function to copy the old ECU's Running time, then replace the new ECU

and go to 【Engine Running time】function to set engine running time to

new ECU, then trigger【DPF value reset】 function.

Symptom fixed, use tester to clean error

code, MIL off.

DTC list of forbid regeneration

DTC English name

Block or







by tester】P0100-01

Battery voltage error of HFM sensor Y Y


HFM drift compensation factor "0" exceed the maximum drift limit Y Y


HFM drift compensation factor "1" exceed the maximum drift limit Y Y


Sensitivity drift error low for HFM sensor Y Y

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Sensitivity drift high error for HFM sensor Y Y


SRC low error for raw value in HFM sensor Y Y


SRC high error for raw value in HFM sensor Y Y


Air control system governor deviation above limit Y Y


Jammed EGR valve in open state Y Y


Diagnostic Fault Check for enhanced SRC-Max of First exhaust gas temperature Y  P2031-F1

Diagnostic Fault Check for enhanced SRC-Max of second exhaust gas temperature Y Y


Diagnostic Fault Check for enhanced SRC-Min of First exhaust gas temperature Y Y


Diagnostic Fault Check for enhanced SRC-Min of second exhaust gas temperature Y Y


DLC error is detected if the received frame has a DLC lesser than desired DLC inVGT1 Y Y


Timeout error is detected if the signal is not been received inVGT1 Y Y


open load of metering unit output Y Y


over teperature of device driver of metering unit Y Y


short circuit to battery of metering unit output Y Y


PCR positive governor deviation above limit Y Y


Error case for permanent MAX governor deviation for partial load Y Y


PCR negative governor deviation below limit Y Y


Error case for permanent MIN governor deviation for partial load Y Y


Diagnostic fault check for maximum pressure differential charecterstics of DPF Y  P2463-85

Diagnostic fault check for Maximum soot mass Y  P0242-12

Diagnostic fault check for SRC high in air pressure upstream of intake valve sensor Y Y


Diagnostic fault check for SRC low in air pressure upstream of intake valve sensor Y Y


maximum positive deviation of rail pressure exceeded Y Y

P1092- maximum positive deviation of rail pressure exceeded concerning set flow of fuel Y Y

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maximum negative rail pressure deviation with metering unit on lower limit is exceeded Y Y


Rail pressure above maximum rail pressure limitation Y Y


maximum positive deviation of rail pressure exceeded Y Y


maximum positive deviation of rail pressure exceeded concerning set value PCV Y Y


maximum negative rail pressure deviation with closed pressure control valve exceeded Y Y


Rail pressure above maximum rail pressure limitation Y Y


Signal Range Check High for APP1 Y Y


Signal Range Check High for APP2 Y Y


Signal Range Check Low for APP1 Y Y


Signal Range Check Low for APP2 Y Y


Plausibility Check between APP1 and APP2 Y Y


DFC for status line error(status line diagnosis - smart valve) for throttle valve Y Y


DFC for valve error(status line diagnosis - smart valve) for throttle valve Y Y


Diagnostic fault check for Plausibility errors in Oxidation Catalyst upstream temperature Y Y


Diagnostic fault check for SRC high in Oxidation Catalyst upstream temperature Y Y


Diagnostic fault check for SRC low in Oxidation Catalyst upstream temperature Y Y


Diagnostic fault check for Plausibility errors in Particle filter upstream temperature Y Y


Diagnostic fault check for SRC high in Particle filter upstream temperature Y Y


Diagnostic fault check for SRC low in Particle filter upstream temperature Y Y


No load error for turbo charger powerstage Y Y


Short circuit to battery error of turbo charger powerstage Y Y


Short circuit to ground error of turbo charger powerstage Y Y


Physical Range Check high for signal of vehicle speed Y Y

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Physical Range Check low for signal of vehicle speed Y Y


Vehicle speed implausible due to Fuel Cut Off Check Y Y


Plausibility defect for vehicle speed Y Y


Vehicle speed implausible due to Refernece Signal Check Y Y


Vehicle speed implausible due to V2N Plaus Y Y


Signal error for vehicle speed over CAN Y Y


VGT Position FeedBack Error Low, VGT Anti Stick Mode Fail Y Y


DFC for VGT Battery Voltage Range Error Y Y


DFC for VGT CAN Communication Error Y Y


DFC for VGT H−Bridge Over Current Y Y


DFC for VGT H−Bridge Over Temperature Y Y


DFC for VGT Position Sensor Error Y Y


VGT PWM command Duty Cycle percentage too high Y Y


Air control system governor deviation below limit   Y


Plausibility Check between APP and Brake   Y


SRC high for battery voltage sensor   Y


SRC low for battery voltage sensor   Y


Diagnostic Fault Check Main Brake Stuck   Y


Plausibility check for Brake   Y


Diagnostic Fault Check Redundant Brake Stuck   Y


defect fault check for Coolant temperature dynamic plausibility test   Y


SRC High for Engine coolant temperature(down stream)   Y


SRC low for Engine coolant temperature(down stream)   Y

P0704- Plausibility check for Clutch   Y

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CAN Signal Error for Clutch   Y


EGR Valve Permanent negative governor deviation   Y


SRC High for Environment Temperature   Y


SRC Low for Environment Temperature   Y


Maximum deviation of Ehaust temperature inner loop controller   Y


Minimum deviation of Ehaust temperature inner loop controller   Y


Monitoring of the response time of the inner control loop of the exhaust gas temperature controller   Y


Maximum deviation of Ehaust temperature outer loop controller   Y


Minimum deviation of Ehaust temperature outer loop controller   Y


Monitoring of the response time of the outer control loop of the exhaust gas temperature controller   Y


Plausibility check for Oil Temperature   Y


SRC High for Oil Temperature   Y


SRC low for Oil Temperature   Y


Over temperature error for turbo charger powerstage   Y

11. ECU replacement (GRADE-X can communication with old ECU available)After finishing one special function, close the GRADE-X and ignition switch, waiting for 2 minutes, the EMS will save the new value. Then open the GRADE-X and ignition switch again, go to the next special function.11.1 Before changing the EMS, use GRADE-X to connect to the old ECU on vehicle, read the data lists as follow and save them. VIN IQA injector quantity adjustment value ZFC correction value Engine running time Vehicle running distance Maximum Vehicle Speed Limitation Engine number Configuration ( Include: Cruise control Enabled/Disabled, Cruise control device type, Immobilizer/loop

function(MT vehicle), NAEN PEPS/UAES IMMO(AT vehicle)、ABS/ESP configuration) HFM drift compensation value FMO value

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DPF value(Only available for Euro 5 EMS)11.2 Change the new EMS.11.3 Reflash the HEX.11.4 IMMO match.For vehicles with PEPS, after EMS replacement, go to PEPS controller 【 Special Function 】 from diagnostic software to enable engine matching with 【IMMO】→【PEPS(Passive Entry Passive Start)】→【New MC/EMS Learn】.

For vehicles with PEPS, IMMO function is offered by PEPS and IMMO not used in BCM, so IMMO in BCM is Not-Exist and PEPS is Exist.

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For vehicles without PEPS, after EMS replacement, go to BCM controller 【Special Function】 from diagnostic software to enable engine matching with【IMMO】→【BCM(Body Control Module)】→ 【Change MC/EMS】.

For vehicles without PEPS, IMMO function is offered and used in BCM, so IMMO in BCM is Exist and PEPS is Not-Exist.

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11.5 Write the data lists of old EMS to the new EMS.After changing component, open GRADE-X, select EMS, go to 【 Configuration 】 → EMS ( Engine Management System)→【Write VIN 】 , ECU config 【Write IQA 】 , 【Write ZFC correction values 】 , 【Write Engine running time】, 【Write Vehicle running distance】, 【Write Maximum Vehicle Speed Limitation】, 【Write Engine number】, 【 Configuration 】 ( Include: Cruise control Enabled/Disabled, Cruise control device type, Immobilizer/loop function(MT vehicle), NAEN PEPS/UAES IMMO(AT vehicle) 、 ABS/ESP configuration ) , HFM System 【 HFM drift compensation write】, FMO System【FMO write】, DPF System【DPF value write】(Only available for Euro 5 EMS).

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11.6 Go to reset.Select EMS, go to 【 Configuration 】 → EMS ( Engine Management System ) → 【 Trigger EGR offset learning 】 ,【Trigger TVA offset learning】, LSU System【LSU dew detection heater release reset】(Only available for Euro 5 EMS),【LSU adaptation reset】(Only available for Euro 5 EMS).

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11.7 Clutch Pedal clutch pedal position sensor replacement ( This function only use for the vehicles with 6MT and clutch pedal position sensor.)After changing component, open GRADE-X, select EMS, go to 【 Special Functions 】 → EMS ( Engine Management System)→【Clutch Pedal self learning】


12. ECU replacement (Communication with old ECU not available)After finishing, close the GRADE-X and ignition switch, waiting for 2 minutes, the EMS will save the new value.12.1 Change the new EMS.12.2 Reflash the HEX.12.3 IMMO match.For vehicles with PEPS, after EMS replacement, go to PEPS controller 【 Special Function 】 from diagnostic software to enable engine matching with 【IMMO】→【PEPS(Passive Entry Passive Start)】→【New MC/EMS Learn】.

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For vehicles with PEPS, IMMO function is offered by PEPS and IMMO not used in BCM, so IMMO in BCM is Not-Exist and PEPS is Exist.

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For vehicles without PEPS, after EMS replacement, go to BCM controller 【Special Function】 from diagnostic software to enable engine matching with 【IMMO】→【BCM(Body Control Module)】→ 【Change MC/EMS】.

For vehicles without PEPS, IMMO function is offered and used in BCM, so IMMO in BCM is Exist and PEPS is Not-Exist.

12.4 Write the data lists to the new EMS.After changing component, open GRADE-X, select EMS, go to 【 Configuration 】 → EMS ( Engine Management System ) → 【 Write VIN 】 , 【 Write IQA 】 , 【 Maximum Vehicle Speed Limitation 】 , 【 Engine number write 】 , 【 Configuration 】 ( Include: Cruise control Enabled/Disabled, Cruise control device type, Immobilizer/loop function(MT vehicle), NAEN PEPS/UAES IMMO(AT vehicle)、ABS/ESP configuration).

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12.5 Go to reset.After changing component, open GRADE-X, select EMS, go to 【 Special Functions 】 → EMS ( Engine Management System)→DPF System【DPF value reset】(Only available for Euro 5 EMS).

12.6 Clutch Pedal clutch pedal position sensor replacement ( This function only use for the vehicles with 6MT and clutch pedal position sensor.)After changing component, open GRADE-X, select EMS, go to 【 Special Functions 】 → EMS ( Engine Management System)→【Clutch Pedal self learning】.

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13. Special Functions for Auxiliary Engine Diagnosis

13.1【Special Function】→EMS(Engine Management System)【Cylinder Specific Engine Speed】 Cylinder Specific Engine Speed test is a function integrated in the electronic control unit (ECU) to evaluate the comprehensive performance of the combusting condition of each cylinder. During the test, the engine shall be kept running at a steady speed. The ECU will measure the instantaneous engine speed at the power stroke of each cylinder. By comparing the rotational speed of each cylinder, the integrated conditions of combusting and power for each cylinder can be evaluated comprehensively. Prerequisites for Starting the Test: 1. Normal engine running; 2. Hand brake is applied e; 3. In the Neutral position, with the vehicle speed at 0; 4. No synchronization signal or sensor-related electrical fault in the system; 5. Battery is fully charged. By the test, the instantaneous speed of each cylinder at the idle/stable speed shall be evaluated. When the speed of one or more cylinders differs greatly from that of other cylinder, the engine cylinder air-tightness and/or fuel injector performance shall be checked further through the 【Compression Test】 and 【Run-Up Test】.

13.2 【Special Function】→EMS(Engine Management System)【Shut-off Test】 Shut-off Test is a software function integrated in the ECU to control injection of the fuel injectors through the diagnostic equipment. During the test, you can individually control a single injection or multiple injections (such as shut-off pre-injection or main injection + pre-injection) of the fuel injector(s) of a certain cylinder (or multiple cylinders). This can be used to detect the fuel injector performances through comprehensive evaluation of the engine performance before and after the injection shut-off. Prerequisites for Starting the Test: 1. Normal engine running; 2. Hand brake is applied; 3. In the Neutral position, with the vehicle speed at 0; 4. No synchronization signal or sensor-related electrical fault in the system; 5. Battery is fully charged. By the test, you are allowed to control (turn on/off) the injection of the fuel injector of each cylinder flexibly, so as to perform different operations for variant fault symptoms. For example:Engine smoke: You can shut off all the injections (pre-injection, main injection and post-injection [if any]) of the fuel injectors of the cylinders one by one, and then check whether the smoke phenomenon is removed. If so, it is likely that there is a trouble in the cylinder air tightness, or the injection quantity is too large. Furthermore, this can be judged comprehensively from the results of the compression test and the run-up test.Engine knock: You can shut off the pre-injection of the fuel injectors of the cylinders one by one, and then check

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whether the engine noise becomes large after turning off the injection of each cylinder. If there is a significant change in the engine noise before and after turning off the pre-injection, this indicates that the pre-injection of the injector of the cylinder can be performed basically and properly as expected. Otherwise, this indicates that the pre-injection of the fuel injector of the cylinder fails.

13.3 【Special Function】→EMS(Engine Management System)【Information For Trouble In Starting Of Engine】 This function is used to give the maintenance personnel the engine start trouble information, including the rail pressure is not established, no engine speed signal is detected (no crankshaft / camshaft sensor signal), synchronization failure, start failure due to serious system / sensor failure, etc. Reading the start trouble information can help the maintenance personnel to quickly locate the cause leading to the start failure, thus indicating the direction for further troubleshooting. Prerequisites for Starting the Test: 1. Engine stopped, with the ignition switch in the ON position; 2. Hand brake is applied; 3. Gear in the Neutral position; 4. Battery is fully charged; 5. Air-conditioning equipment and other power utilization equipment are turned off.

By the test, the fault reasons for failure to start can be read through the diagnostic tester and a preliminary assessment can be made.

13.4 【Special Function】→EMS(Engine Management System)【Compression Test】 Compression test is an engine test function integrated in the ECU and used primarily for the detection of the air tightness of each cylinder. This function can work only after the diagnostic tester is triggered. After the compression test is run through the diagnostic tester, the ignition switch needs to be turned and allows the starter to drive the engine to run. The ECU will automatically measure the running time of a certain angle section after top dead center of each cylinder to calculate the instantaneous speed. In this process, the ECU stops fuel injection so that the engine will not start. Prerequisites for Starting the Test: 1. Engine stopped, with the ignition switch in the ON position; 2. Hand brake is applied; 3. Gear in the Neutral position; 4. No crankshaft/camshaft-related electrical faults; 5. Battery is fully charged (otherwise, the test may fail, or the test results cannot be trusted) Procedures: 1. Turn the ignition switch to ON, and let the engine be shut down; 2. Connect the diagnostic tester and activate the compression test through diagnostic tester; 3. After receiving the prompt from the diagnostic tester, turn the ignition switch to operate the starter; 4. After receiving the prompt that the test by the diagnostic tester finishes, release the ignition switch; 5. Check the test results. By the test, the diagnostic tester will display the speed of each cylinder after the test finishes. The air tightness for each cylinder can be assessed by calculating the deviation between the speed of each cylinder and the average speed of the other cylinders. When the deviation is too large, it is recommended to check the air tightness of the cylinder, including valve clearance and piston rings and other mechanical parts.

13.5 【Special Function】→EMS(Engine Management System)【Run-Up Test】 Run-up test is a function integrated in the ECU to evaluate the performance of fuel injectors of each cylinder. During the test, the test is triggered by the diagnostic tester and the injection of each cylinder injector is disabled individually. The ECU will control the other cylinder injectors to perform a limited number of injections under a certain rail pressure in accordance with the programmed injection quantity, and automatically record the maximum speed of the engine after the injection finishes. The performance of each cylinder injector can be evaluated through the assessment of the maximum speed measured after each cylinder injector disabled. NOTE: Before the run-up test, the 【Compression Test】must be carried out to ensure that the airtightness of each cylinder is normal. Prerequisites for Starting the Test: 1. 【Compression Test】has been completed, and the air tightness of each cylinder is normal; 2. Engine is idle; 3. Hand brake is applied; 4. Gear in the Neutral position, with the vehicle speed at 0; 5. Battery is fully charged; 6. No water temperature sensor/fuel system actuator/sensor-related electrical fault; 7. Air conditioning equipment and other power utilization equipment are turned off; 8. For vehicle models with air brakes,

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make sure the air pump is not operating in the whole testing process. Otherwise, the test results may be severely affected, and the test needs to be re-triggered. It is proposed to start this test at a full pressure of the air reservoir; 9. During the test, the brake pedal is released; 10. During the test, the accelerator pedal is released; 11. During the test, the clutch pedal is released; 12. Coolant temperature must be greater than 70 ° C. By the test, the results of the compression test must be judged before evaluating the run-up test results to ensure the airtightness of each cylinder is normal. Otherwise, the difference of the air tightness of each cylinder of the engine will seriously affect the credibility of the results of the run-up test, so that the assessment of the injectors cannot be trusted. If a cylinder injector is disabled, when there is a great deviation between its measured speed and the average of the measured speeds of the other cylinder injectors disabled, this indicates that there may be a larger injection deviation in the injector corresponding to the cylinder. When the speed deviation is greater than the predetermined positive deviation limit, this indicates that there may be a trouble of smaller fuel injection quantity in the injector corresponding to the cylinder. When the speed deviation is greater than the predetermined negative deviation limit, this indicates that there may be a trouble of larger fuel injection quantity in the injector corresponding to the cylinder.

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BCM1. After replacement, complete controller configuration with diagnostic software based on vehicle actual


2. For vehicles without PEPS, after BCM replacement, go to BCM controller 【Special Function】 from diagnostic software to enable BCM matching with 【Change BCM IMMO】 before adding current vehicle keys to newly replaced BCM with 【Add Key】.

For vehicles without PEPS, IMMO function is offered and used in BCM, so IMMO in BCM is Exist and PEPS is Not-Exist.

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1. After replacement, complete controller configuration with diagnostic software based on vehicle actual configuration.

2. For vehicles with PEPS, after PEPS replacement, go to PEPS controller 【Special Function】 from diagnostic software to enable PEPS matching with 【New Peps Learn】. Press the unlock button to active the new fob after the new fob added.

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For vehicles with PEPS, IMMO function is offered by PEPS and IMMO not used in BCM, so IMMO in BCM is Not-Exist and PEPS is Exist.

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Replace PEPS and EMS at the same time1. For vehicles with PEPS, after simultaneous PEPS and EMS replacement, use GRADE-X to finish EMS reflash with

corresponding vehicles of data, complete controller PEPS and EMS basic configuration with diagnostic software. Then

go to PEPS controller 【Special Function】 to operate PEPS and EMS matching learning with 【All New System Learn】. At this time, the original vehicle fob will be out of service as well and a new fob required to be learned again (no BCM IMMO matching operation required as PEPS IMMO enabled). Press the unlock button to active the new fob after the new fob added.

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Replace BCM and EMS at the same time1. For vehicles without PEPS, after simultaneous BCM and EMS replacement, use GRADE-X to finish EMS reflash with

corresponding vehicles of data, complete controller BCM and EMS basic configuration with diagnostic software. Then go

to BCM controller 【Special Function】 to operate BCM matching with 【Replace the Whole System】 to generate SK again. At that, go to 【Change MC/EMS】 process to make EMS learn SK in BCM, meanwhile, the original vehicle key will be out of service as well and a new key required to be learned by going to 【Add Key】 process.

2. For vehicles with PEPS, after simultaneous BCM and EMS replacement, operate basic configuration to BCM respectively.

After EMS replacement, go to PEPS controller 【Special Function】 from diagnostic software to enable engine matching with 【New MC/EMS Learn】.

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For vehicles with PEPS, IMMO function is offered by PEPS and IMMP not used in BCM, so IMMO in BCM is Not-Exist and PEPS is Exist.

TCU1. After replacement, write vehicle VIN in with diagnostic software.

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ABS/ESP1. After replacement, complete controller configuration and Special Function with diagnostic software based on

vehicle actual configuration.

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SAS1. After SAS replacement, complete calibration operation in Special Function with diagnostic software.

SRS1. After replacement, complete controller configuration with diagnostic software based on vehicle actual configuration.

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TPMS1. After replacement, write vehicle VIN in with diagnostic software.

IPK1. After replacement, complete controller configuration with diagnostic software based on vehicle actual configuration. Note: After 【Write VIN】 through GRADE-X,IPK will copy the vehicle mileage from BCM automatic, then re-start the

engine, mileage copy success.Note: With next vehicle maintenance indicator lighting on, maintenance mileage can be reset with 【 Perform SIA Reset】. This function is suggested for vehicle maintenance every time.

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AFS1. After replacement, write vehicle VIN in with diagnostic software to complete Special Function and controller


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GAW 2. After replacement, write vehicle VIN in with diagnostic software to complete controller configuration.

PTG After replacement, write vehicle VIN in with diagnostic software.

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LCA After replacement, write vehicle VIN in with diagnostic software.

BVS After replacement, write vehicle VIN in with diagnostic software.