Obat Untuk 144 Penyakit

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ANALGETIKA/ANTIPIRETIKA/ANTI MIGRAIN1. Antrain/ Metamizole2. Asam mefenamat 500 mg3. Tramadol4. Ketorolac amphetamine 30mg5. Paracetamol 500 mg6. Ibuprofen 400 mg7. Ergotamin8. Lidocain injANTIINFLAMASI1. Natrium diclofenak2. Piroxicam3. AllopurinolOBAT SALURAN PERNAFASAN1. Efedrin2. GG3. DMP4. Ambroxol tab & sirup5. Codein6. OBH sirup7. Salbutamol 4 mg8 Aminofilin tab & injeksiHIPNOTIK/SEDATIF/ANTI KEJANG1. Diazepam 5mg tab & per rectal (Stesolid*)2. Phenobarbital/ luminalANTI HIV1. ARVANTI TETANUS1. ATS (Anti Tetanus Serum) OBAT CARDIOVASCULERANTI ANGINA1. Aspilet/ Asetosal2. ClopidogrelANTI HIPERTENSI1. Captopril 12,5 mg; 25 mg2. Nifedipine3. Amlodipine 5 mg4. ISDN5. Furosemide6. HCTOBAT SALURAN PENCERNAAN1. Antasida tab da&n sirup2. Ranitidin tab * inj3. Omeprazole 20 mg4. Hyosin5. Metoclopramide tab, sirup & inj6. Domperidone7. Molagit8. Loperamide9. Zink 10mg; 20mgANTI HAEMOROID1. ArdiumANTI HISTAMIN1. CTM2. Interhistin3. Loratadine4. Diphenhidramin inj5. Cortisone asetat injKORTIKOSTEROID1. Dexamethasone tab, inj2. Prednison3. Metil prednisolon 4mgANTIDIABETIC1. Glibenclamide2. Metformin3. GlimepirideANTI PENDARAHAN1. Vit K2. Asam tranexamatVITAMIN1. Vit A2. Vit B123. Vit B64. vit C5. vit BCANTI INFEKSI1. Amoxicilin tab, sirup2. Cotrimoxazole tab, sirup3. Chloramphenicol tab, sirup4. Metronidazole5. Ciprofloxacin6. Cefadroxyl8. Vicillin inj9. Cefotaxim inj10. Cefriaxon inj11. Gentamicin inj12. Ampicilin injANTI KOLESTEROL1. Simvastatin2. GemfibrozilSALEP/ OBAT TETES1. Hidrocortisone 1%, 2,5%2. Betamethasone3. Oxytetracycline4. Basitrasin5. Ketokonazole/ Anti fungi6. Chloramphenicol TM/ salep7. Chloramphenicol TT8. Salep 2-49. Bioplacenton10. Silver sulfadiazine11. CendoxytrolANTI FUNGI1. Ketokonazole2. Griseofulvin

ANTI VERTIGO1. Betahistine mesylate2. DMH (Dimenhidrinate)LAIN-LAIN1. Aquabidest2. Betadine3.Handschoon steril dan non steril4. Plester5. Kassa steril6. Folley catheter7. Infus set mikro dan makro8. IV catheter9. Spuit inj 1 cc, 3 cc, 5 cc, 10 cc10. Mess11. Urine bag12. Benang poly glicolic acid13. CatgutCAIRAN DAN INFUS1. Infus D5 NS2. Infus D5 NS3. Dextrose 5%, D 10, D 404. Infus NaCl5. Infus Asering6. Infus Kaen 3B