Ob Presentation


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Question 1

• Transformational leadership is currently the most popular perspective of leadership. However, it is far from perfect. Discuss three concerns with

transformational leadership.

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This question focus on:

• The three concerns with transformational leadership are: Create a strategic vision Communicate the vision Model the vision

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What is leadership?

• Leadership is when a leader can influence, motivate and enable others to contribute towards the effectiveness and success of the organizations of which they are members.

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• In leadership, the most popular perspective is

transformational leadership.

• This transformational leadership perspective

explains how leaders change teams or organizations

by creating, communicating and modelling a vision

for the organization or work unit and inspiring

employees to strive for that vision.

• For example our former prime minister Tun Dr

Mahathir Mohamad.

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1. Create a strategic vision

• Strategic vision is a depiction of a company’s attractive future.

• Goals are created to motivate and bonds the employee.

• They also focus their energy towards a super ordinate

organization goal.

• Organization vision might originate with the leader, but it is

just likely to emerge from employees, clients and suppliers.

• For example, New York Post CEO, John Allen has formed a

compelling vision of his organization as a customer-centric

business. This share of strategic vision represents the substance

of transformational leadership.

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2. Communicate the vision

• Most important leadership quality is being able to build and share the vision for the organization

• Transformational leaders : Communicate meaning and elevate the importance of

the visionary goals to employee Frame message around a grand purposes with

emotional appeal that captivate employee and stakeholders

Create a shared mental model of the future so, organization will act collectively toward the goal

Use symbols, metaphors to communicate the vision

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3. Model the vision

• Transformation leaders not only talk about the vision but they enact it.

• It is important because:

It legitimizes and demonstrate what the vision looks like in the practice.

It builds employee trust in the leaders.


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The conclusion is:

• Transformational leadership is important as it helps to increase employee satisfaction, performance, organization citizenship and also their creativity.

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Question 2• Describe strategies that would help a team of employees to reduce the level of socio-

emotional conflict while the team is engaging in constructive conflict. Your answer should also briefly explain why each strategy may be effective. Describe four types of conflict resolution styles

that could be used to overcome interpersonal conflict.

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This question are focusing on:

• Strategies that would help a team of employees to reduce the level of socio-emotional conflict. Explain.

• Four types of conflict resolution styles that could be used to overcome interpersonal conflict. Explain.

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The definition of:

• Socio-emotional conflict: conflict that can be view as personal attack. It shows perception toward other person that might be bias.

• Constructive conflict: one type of conflict that relates with conflict that aimed at issue, not the person itself.

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The strategies are:

• Resolving conflict through negotiation

• Resolving conflict through third-party intervention

• Organizational approaches to conflict management

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Resolving conflict through negotiation• People negotiate when they think that discussion can produce

more satisfactory arrangement in their exchange of goods or services

• There are important features in negotiation:Building a good dealsNegotiating fundamentals:(determine both limits and power)

Setting the limitsoTarget point: The best possible outcome that an individual hopes to achieve in negotiationoResistance point: The worst outcome that an individual is prepared to accept before walking away from negotiation

Assessing poweroHaving lots alternatives will help to increase the

power to winCreating and claiming the value:

Value creation ensures both negotiators obtain the best possible outcomes So negotiators need to become the problem solver

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Resolving conflict through third-party intervention

• Arbitration : Arbitrators have high control over the final decision and low control over the process

• Inquisition : Inquisitors have high control over the final decision and high control over the process

• Mediation : Mediators have high control over the intervention process and have little or no control over the decision

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Organizational approaches to conflict management

• Organization play a part in managing conflict.• Implement the policies and organizational

structure that remove the underlying causes of potential conflict.

• Improve communication skill and understanding.– Give conflicting parties more opportunities to communicate with and understand each other.

– The more meaningful interaction we have with someone, the less we rely on stereotypes to understand the person.

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Types of conflict resolution styles• Problem solving

Preferred conflict-handling style where possible because dialogue and clever thinking helps people to break out the limited boundaries of their opposing alternatives to find an integrated solution where both individual gain value.

It also being reported can improves long term relationship reduce stress and minimize emotional defensiveness and other indications of relationship conflict.

However, problem solving is best choice when there is some potential of mutual gains which is more likely to occur when the issue is complex and when the parties have enough trust, openness and time to share information.

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Continue..• Forcing Becoming a preferred style when you have a deep conviction

about your position For example: believe that the other person’s behavior is unethical It is also suitable when the dispute requires a quick solution and the

other party would take advantage of more cooperative strategies However there are also problems with this style. The first one is

tendency of getting highest risk of relationship conflict The second is it will lead to high risk of escalation or impasse if the

other party employs a forcing style and last but not least it may damage long term relations and reducing future problem solving

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Continue..• Avoiding

People tries to smooth over or avoid conflicts situations altogether.

Avoiders try to suppress thinking about the conflict. Avoiding can’t resolved the conflict and it may increase the

other’s parties frustration. Avoiding can be used:

When the conflict has become too emotionally charged.When the cost of trying to resolve the conflict out weight

the benefit.

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Continue.. Yielding• Giving in completely to the other party• Involves making unilateral concessions and unconditional

promises• Party who applied this style treat the other party with respect and

avoid triggering escalatory cycles of anger and retaliation.• Disadvantage : Increase other party expectations in future

conflict episodes

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Conclusion• In conclusion, reducing the level of socio-emotional in an

effective strategies is essential since it can influence the attitude of the employees while performing their task at the workplace.

• Apart from that, it is important to choose the best conflict style because there is always a tendency that employee or organization would use different conflict-handling styles in different situation. In other words, the best style varies with the situation.

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