Návrh školitelů doktorského studia · Hubertová, L. Formování identity u adolescentů se...

Návrh odborníků s právem zkoušet při státních závěrečných zkouškách KRO PhDr. Jaroslava Marešová Ph.D. KPP Mgr. Lucie Hubertová, Ph.D. KGE Dr. Tomáš Vitvar Návrh školitelů doktorského studia KMD Ing. Martin Plešinger, Ph.D. Liberec 23. 5. 2017 prof. RNDr. Jan Picek, CSc.

Transcript of Návrh školitelů doktorského studia · Hubertová, L. Formování identity u adolescentů se...

Page 1: Návrh školitelů doktorského studia · Hubertová, L. Formování identity u adolescentů se zaměřením na adolescenty vietnamského původu žijící v ČR. In: Mertin, V. a

Návrh odborníků s právem zkoušet při státních závěrečných zkouškách

KRO PhDr. Jaroslava Marešová Ph.D. KPP Mgr. Lucie Hubertová, Ph.D. KGE Dr. Tomáš Vitvar

Návrh školitelů doktorského studia

KMD Ing. Martin Plešinger, Ph.D.

Liberec 23. 5. 2017 prof. RNDr. Jan Picek, CSc.

Page 2: Návrh školitelů doktorského studia · Hubertová, L. Formování identity u adolescentů se zaměřením na adolescenty vietnamského původu žijící v ČR. In: Mertin, V. a

Curriculum Vitae

1. Osobní údaje Jméno a příjmení: Jaroslava Marešová Titul: PhDr., Ph.D. Datum narození: 19. 8. 1984 Místo narození: Český Krumlov Trvalé bydliště: Míru 266, Vyšší Brod, 382 73 Přechodné bydliště: Bořivojova 91, Praha 3, 130 00 Telefonní číslo: 602 654 611 E-mailová adresa: [email protected] 2. Vzdělání Vysoká škola: Filozofická fakulta Univerzity Karlovy v Praze, Ústav románských studií Obor: Románské literatury, doktorské studium Datum ukončení studia: 12. 2. 2016 Datum zahájení studia: 20. 9. 2010 Téma disertační práce: Ztroskotání při zámořských plavbách: jejich ztvárnění ve španělských a portugalských písemných památkách 16. století Vysoká škola: Filozofická fakulta Univerzity Karlovy v Praze, Ústav románských studií Obor: Španělská filologie, rigorózní řízení Datum rigorózní zkoušky: 28. 4. 2010 Vysoká škola: Filozofická fakulta Univerzity Karlovy v Praze, Ústav románských studií Obor: Španělská filologie Datum ukončení studia: 27. 5. 2009 Datum zahájení studia: 10. 9. 2003 Diplomová práce: Álvar Núñez Cabeza de Vaca: cesta a proměna (Naufragios). Diplomová práce získala 23. 6. 2010 Cenu Kateřiny Krausové za nejlepší diplomovou práci obhájenou v roce 2009 v oboru španělská filologie. Stipendia: 3. ročník v rámci programu Erasmus na Universidad de Salamanca, Španělsko

3. Pedagogické zkušenosti Od září 2016: odborná asistentka na Ústavu románských jazyků Fakulty přírodovědně-humanitní a pedagogické, Technická univerzita v Liberci 2013-2016: učitelka španělského jazyka na Arcibiskupském gymnáziu v Praze Zimní semestr akademického roku 2013/2014: volitelný seminář pro studenty Erasmus Literatura hispanoamericana de la época colonial, Filozofická fakulta Univerzity Karlovy v Praze, zajišťuje Zahraniční oddělení Akademický rok 2011/2012 a 2012/2013: přednášky o hispanoamerické literatuře ve španělštině pro studenty Erasmus, Filozofická fakulta Univerzity Karlovy v Praze Letní semestr akademického roku 2011/2012: volitelný seminář ve španělštině Literatura hispanoamericana de la época colonial pro studenty hispanistiky, Ústav románských studií, Filozofická fakulta Univerzity Karlovy v Praze

Page 3: Návrh školitelů doktorského studia · Hubertová, L. Formování identity u adolescentů se zaměřením na adolescenty vietnamského původu žijící v ČR. In: Mertin, V. a

Letní semestr akademického roku 2010/2011: přednáška o hispanoamerické literatuře ve španělštině pro studenty Erasmus, Filozofická fakulta Univerzity Karlovy v Praze, zajišťuje Zahraniční oddělení

4. Publikační činnost Kapitoly Marešová, Jaroslava. „Los narradores del Quijote.“ In Retablo de la libertad. La actualidad del Quijote. Bucureşti: Editura Institutului Cultural Român, 2016, str. 224-233. Marešová, Jaroslava. „Relaciones de naufragios: entre autobiografía y literatura de viajes.“ In La cuestión autobiográfica en el Siglo de Oro. Ed. J. Sánchez, J. Marešová. Praha: FFUK, 2013, str. 89-119. Marešová, Jaroslava; Sánchez, Juan A. „La cuestión autobiográfica.“ In La cuestión autobiográfica en el Siglo de Oro. Ed. J. Sánchez, J. Marešová. Praha: FFUK, 2013, str. 9-20. Články Marešová, Jaroslava. „Los náufragos del XVI: la experiencia en el mundo del otro.“ Svět literatury, 2016, speciální číslo, str. 33-41. Marešová, Jaroslava. „Un viaje hacia la novela: los Naufragios de Cabeza de Vaca y los Infortunios de Alonso Ramírez.“ In Hispanismos del mundo. Diálogos y debates en (y desde) el Sur. Ed. Leonardo Funes. Anexo digital, sección IV. Buenos Aires: Miño y Dávila, 2016, str. 67-75. Marešová, Jaroslava. „Álvar Núñez Cabeza de Vaca y Gaspar Afonso: escrituras de dos peregrinos por el Nuevo Mundo.“ In Diálogos culturales en la literatura iberoamericana. Actas del XXXIX Congreso del Instituto Internacional de Literatura Iberoamericana. Madrid: Verbum, 2013, str. 161-186. Marešová, Jaroslava. „Tragické námořní příběhy: poetika ztroskotání v portugalské literatuře 16. a 17. století.“ Svět literatury, 2012, č. 45, str. 260-274. Recenze Marešová, Jaroslava. „Tři vize Hispanoameriky (recenze knihy Lucie Núñez Tayupanty Reflexe indiánského světa v hispanoamerickém eseji 20. století).“ Svět literatury, 2014, č. 50, str. 223-225. Překlady Ó Conghaile, Mícheál. „Otec.“ Z irštiny přel. Jaroslava Marešová. In Muž, který vybouchl. Výbor povídek přeložených z irštiny. Ed. R. Markus. Praha: Jitro, 2016, str. 189-201. Roa Bastos, Augusto. „Mezi dočasným a věčným.“ Ze španělštiny přel. Jaroslava Marešová. Svět literatury, 2014, č. 49, str. 220-236. Pla, Josep. „Na moři.“ Z katalánštiny přel. Jaroslava Marešová. Plav, 2012, č. 12, str. 26-30. Alcover, Antoni M. Pět mallorských pohádek Antoniho M. Alcovera: katalánsky a česky. Z katalánštiny přel. Jaroslava Marešová, Jana Vrátníková. Ed. M. M. Gelabert. Manacor: Institució Pública Antoni M. Alcover, 2011.

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Juana A. Sánchez „Poezie po poezii.“ Ze španělštiny přel. Jaroslava Marešová. In 3x2 Básnická antologie. Praha: Památník národního písemnictví, 2009, str. 12-28.

Curriculum Vitae

Příjmení: Hubertová Jméno: Lucie Titul: PhD. Mgr., Bc. Datum narození: 16.9.1972 Adresa trvalého bydliště: Moldavská 1375/5; Praha 10;101 00; Přechodné bydliště: Chouzavá 281, Kytín; E-mail: [email protected] Tel: 604/637 446 Vzdělání:

Od 2010-2017 doktorandské studium vývojové psychologie, Fakulta sociálních studií, Masarykova univerzita, Brno, téma disertační práce Identita 2. generace mladých Vietnamek a Vietnamců žijících v ČR, školitel profesor PhDr.Petr Macek, CSc., ukončení leden 2017 Jednooborová psychologie, magisterský obor, Filozofická fakulta Praha, Univerzita Karlova, Praha, ukončení 2007, téma diplomové práce Kvalita života a sociální opora u pacientů se syndromem diabetické nohy Sociální práce a sociální politika, bakalářský obor, Sociálně-ekonomická fakulta, Univerzita J.E. Purkyně, Ústí nad Labem, ukončení 2002 téma bakalářské práce Syndrom vyhoření u sociálních pracovníků

Odborná praxe: 9/2014-dosud odborný asistent, FPP, TUL, katedra pedagogiky a psychologie, výuka psychologie (0,8 úvazek) 9/2016-dosud školní psycholog, ZŠ Davle, (0,5 úvazek) 3/2009-8/2016 výuka psychologie (úvazek 0,5) na VOŠ JABOK a ETF UK , obor sociální pedagogika; obor sociální práce a pastorace 3/2009-11/2014 školní psycholog ZŠ Sázavská, Praha 2 (0,5 úvazek) 2/2008-2/2009 psycholog PPP Praha-západ

psychodiagnostika dětí (výkonové testy, projektivní testy, osobnostní testy, orientační screening poruch učení….)

9/2007- 2/2008 psycholog a sociální pracovník Azylový dům Přemysla Pitra pro děti-Dům tří přání

poradenská a terapeutická práce s celou rodinou nebo její částí (rodiny ohrožené odebráním dítěte do ústavní péče, děti se závažnými výchovnými problémy atp.)

7/2005-11/2006 vedoucí Střediska rané péče Praha, Společnost pro ranou péči (sociální služba poskytující ranou péči rodinám dětí s těžkým zdravotním postižením v rámci Prahy, Středočeského, Pardubického a Ústeckého kraje) Další vybrané aktivity a spolupráce: Od 11/2011-6/2014 školní psycholog ZŠ Davle, DPP Od 2010 konzultační činnost při integraci dětí cizinců pro o.s. Berkat a o.s. Meta Stáže v zahraničí:

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11/2016 Stáž 1 týden na Kansas State University, College of Education, Department of Special Education, Counseling and Student Affairs, USA, vedoucí stáže profesor Kenneth Hughey 9/2014 Stáž 2 týdny na Kansas State University, College of Education, Department of Special Education, Counseling and Student Affairs, USA, vedoucí stáže profesor Kenneth Hughey

Vybrané absolvované kurzy a semináře: Systemická psychoterapie-výcvik akreditovaný Ministerstvem zdravotnictví. 2005-2009 2008 Kurz pro školní psychology a psychology PPP, Institut pedagogického a psychologického poradenství. Rozsah 5 dnů. 2012 Masterclass in Narrative Inquiry Methods. Prof. David Hill. FSS Masarykova univerzita. Brno. Rozsah 5 dnů. 2013 Dynamic Systems Modeling. Saskia Kunnen. University of Groningen. FSS Masarykova univerzita. Brno. Rozsah 1 den. Publikační činnost a projekty: Hubertová, L. 2016. Jak uvažují nad svoji identitou mladé Vietnamky 1,5. a 2.generace žijící v ČR? E-psychologie 10(2). pp. 1-17. Hubertová, L. 2014. Vliv sociálního kontextu na formování identity u dospívajících imigrantů vietnamského původu-přehledová studie ze Severní Ameriky. E-psychologie 8(1), pp. 13-23. Hubertová, L. 2014 Je na základní škole potřeba sociální pracovník? Listy sociální práce 2(3). Tábor: Asociace pracovníků v sociální práci v ČR. pp. 64-66. Hubertová, L. Školní psycholog: Jaký má význam pro školu? Kazuistiky z praxe. Psychologie pro praxi. 6 (1-2) Praha: Univerzita Karlova, 2014. Hubertová, L. Sociální pracovník na základní škole? Kazuistiky z prace školního psychologa. In: X. Hradecké dny sociální práce: sborník příspěvků z konference konané 27.-28.9.2013. Hradec Králové: Univerzita Hradec Králové. 2013. Hubertová, L. Formování identity u adolescentů se zaměřením na adolescenty vietnamského původu žijící v ČR. In: Mertin, V. a L. Krejčová, eds. Sborník příspěvků z konference konané 30. března 2012 Škola jako místo setkávání. Praha: Univerzita Karlova, Filozofická fakulta, 2012. pp. 1-17. Řešitelka výzkumného projektu TUL SGS 21108 Identita Vietnamců studujících na Technické univerzitě Liberec Řešitelka projektu MŠMT z oblasti primární prevence sociálně patologických jevů pro roky 2013-2017 Bezpečná třída Řešitelka projektu MŠMT 2011 Integrace a adaptace dětí cizinců na ZŠ Sázavská Organizace odborných akcí: 10/2012 diskusní setkání Spolupráce učitelů, výchovných pracovníků ZŠ a sociálních pracovníků OSPOD-možnosti a rizika, zkušenosti z praxe. VOŠ JABOK a Rada pro rozvoj sociální práce. (Spoluorganizátor za VOŠ JABOK). 3/2013 diskuzní setkání školních psychologů Čím přispíváme škole a co potřebujeme pro profesní rozvoj. VOŠ JABOK a Rada pro rozvoj sociální práce. (Hlavní organizátor za VOŠ JABOK).

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Curriculum Vitae

Dr. Tomáš Vitvar

Zeyerova alej 1837/6, CZ-16200 Prague 6

Ph. (+420) 607 201 559

Email: [email protected]

Date of birth: March 1, 1967

Place of birth: Prague

Citizenship: Czech Republic

Professional Experience

Since 2016 Czech University of Life Sciences Prague, Faculty of Environmental Sciences,

Prague, Czech Republic

Hydrologist. Acquisition, implementation and management of international Projects (EU)

2016 International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), Water Resources Programme, Vienna, Austria

Hydrologist, Consultant (3 months). Implementation of IAEA Technical Cooperation projects

2016 Technical University of Liberec, Czech Republic

Lecturer (one semester) at the Geography Department Since 2010 Czech Technical University in Prague, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Prague,

Czech Republic

Hydrologist. Acquisition, implementation and management of international Projects (EU, IAEA, Swiss National Science Foundation) International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), Water Resources Programme,

Vienna, Austria

Temporary invited expert for Technical Cooperation Projects in Water Resources (fieldwork, reporting, project management and lecturing missions): Africa (Burkina Faso, Cameroun, Chad, Ghana, Sierra Leone, Tanzania, Togo,

Page 7: Návrh školitelů doktorského studia · Hubertová, L. Formování identity u adolescentů se zaměřením na adolescenty vietnamského původu žijící v ČR. In: Mertin, V. a

Tunisia), Latin America and Caribbean (Argentina, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Guatemala, Haiti, Honduras, Jamaica, Peru, Salvador), Caucasus and Central Asia (Georgia, Tajikistan) United Nations University, Dresden, Germany

Temporary project consultant in implementation and acquisition of water resources projects in Georgia

2003 - 2010 International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), Water Resources Programme, Vienna, Austria

Water Resources Project Specialist

Technical Officer of IAEA Technical Cooperation Projects in Water Resources in Eastern Europe, Caucasus, Latin America and Africa

Planning of projects, technical assistance, reporting, preparation and implementation of technical meetings and courses, networking with counterparts, governments and industry

2000 - 2003 State University of New York in Syracuse, New York, USA,

Postdoctoral Research Associate

Research on hydrology, water supply and land development in the Metropolitan area of New York City

1995 - 1999 Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH) Zurich, Switzerland

Research Assistant and Ph.D. student at the Geographical and Geological Institutes

Research on hydrology and water resources

Dissertation accomplished in November 1997 1990 - 1991 Water Research Institute Prague, Czech Republic

Junior researcher. Collaboration on Water Resources projects in Czech Republic EDUCATION 1992-1997 Ph.D. study in Hydrology, ETH Zurich, Switzerland; Title Dr.Sc.Natw. obtained November 21, 1997 1991-1992 Postgraduate course in Hydraulic Engineering and Water Pollution Control, ETH

Zurich, Switzerland 1985-1990 M.Sc. in Geography and Land Management, Charles University Prague,

Czech Republic ADDITIONAL QUALIFICATION 2014 Certified “Project Manager” of the International Project Management

Association - Austria 2008 Workshop Time Management, UN Vienna, Austria 2007 Workshop Team Building, UN Vienna, Austria 2006 Workshop Project Management, UN Vienna, Austria

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2004 Workshop Intercultural Communication and Understanding, UN Vienna, Austria

2004 Workshop Effective Meetings, UN Vienna, Austria 1999 Course on Rhetoric and Communication, ETH Zurich, Switzerland 1998 Course on Presentation Skills, ETH Zurich, Switzerland 1996 UNESCO Summer School on Environmental Dynamics, Venice, Italy COMPLEMENTARY PROFESSIONAL ACTIVITIES

Supporting expert of the Technology Centre of the Czech Academy of Sciences in the national programme panel "Climate action, environment, resource efficiency and raw materials" within EU-Horizon2020 LANGUAGES

Native: Czech

Fluent: English Russian (UN Language Proficiency Examination 2008) French (UN Language Proficiency Examination 2006, Diplôme d'Etudes en langue française B2 2009)

Spanish (UN Language Proficiency Examination 2007, Diploma de Español C2 2008)

German (UN Language Proficiency Examination 2004, Österreichisches Sprachdiplom C2 “Wirtschaftssprache Deutsch” 2008)

Others: Italian (good knowledge), Arabic (basic knowledge) Computer Skills Computer Languages FORTRAN, Visual Basic Systems UNIX, MS Windows, Macintosh Software ESRI ArcGIS-product family, MS Office, IDL, Mathematica,

packages for project management (Microsoft Project), various packages for hydrogeology and hydrochemistry (Aquachem, Phreeqc)


Member of the Austrian Red Cross, Austrian State certified Hike leader

European Driver’s License B


Book Chapters:

Newman B.D., Aggarwal, P.K., Araguas-Araguas, L-J., Hudcová H., Papesch W., Rank, D., and Vitvar T. 2015. Hydrochemical and Biogeochemical Characterization of the Danube River System Using Isotopes. In: Liska, I., and Slobodník, J.: Handbook of Environmental Chemistry, special volume "The Danube River Basin", Springer 2015, pp. 1-16.

Aggarwal, P.K., Araguas-Araguas, L.J., Groening. M., Kulkarni, K.M., Kurttas, T., Newman, B., and

Vitvar, T. 2010. Global hydrologic isotope data and data networks. In: West, J.B., Bowen, G.J., Dawson,

T.E., and Tu, K.P. (Eds.): Isoscapes – Understanding movement, pattern and process on Earth through

isotope mapping, Springer 2010, p. 33-51.

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Vitvar, T., Aggarwal, P.K., and McDonnell, J.J., 2005 A review of isotope applications in catchment hydrology. In: Aggarwal, P.K., Gat, J.R., and Froehlich, K.O.: Isotopes in the water cycle - Past, Present and Future of a Developing Science, Springer 2005, p. 151-171. Peer-Reviewed Articles:

Jankovec, J., Vitvar, T., Šanda, M., Matsumoto, T., Han, L.-F. 2017. Groundwater recharge and residence times evaluated by isotopes of hydrogen and oxygen, noble gases and CFCs in a mountain catchment in the Jizera Mts., northern Czech Republic. Geochemical Journal, in press

Komínková D., Caletková J., and Vitvar T. 2017. Analysis of environmental flow requirements for macroinvertebrates in a creek affected by urban drainage (Prague metropolitan area, Czech Republic). Urban Environment, in press.

Šanda, M., Sedlmaierová, P., Vitvar, T., Seidler, Ch., Kändler, M., Jankovec, J., Kulasová, A., Paška, F. 2017. Pre-event water contributions and streamwater residence times in different land use settings of the transboundary Lužická Nisa catchment. Journal of Hydrology and Hydromechanics, in press.

Kändler, M., Blechinger, K., Seidler, Ch., Pavlů, V., Šanda, M., Dostál, T., Krása, J., Vitvar, T., Štich, M. 2017. Impact of land use on water quality in the upper Nisa catchment in the Czech Republic and in Germany. Science of the Total Environment, in press

Vitvar, T., Šanda, M., Marx, A., Hubert, E., Jankovec, J., Barth, J. 2016. Hydrochemical and isotopic tracing of runoff generation in the small mountainous catchment Uhlířská (Czech Republic), using the NETPATH approach. Acta Hydrologica Slovaca, 17(2): 190-198.

Juras R., Pavlásek J., Vitvar T., Šanda M., Holub J., Jankovec J., Linda M. 2016. Isotopic tracing of the outflow during artificial rain-on-snow event. Journal of Hydrology, 541:1145-1154.

Komínková D., Nábělková J., and Vitvar T. 2016. Effects of combined sewer overflows and storm

water drains

on metal bioavailability in small urban streams (Prague metropolitan area, Czech Republic). Journal

of Soils and Sediments, 16(5):1569–1583.

Michel R.L., Aggarwal, P., Araguas-Araguas, L., Kurttas, T., Newman, B.D., and Vitvar, T. 2015. A

simplified approach to analyzing historical and recent tritium data in surface waters. Hydrological

Processes, 29(4), 572-578.

Sanda, M., Vitvar, T., Kulasova, A., Jankovec, J., and Cislerova, M. 2013. Run-off formation in a

humid, temperate headwater catchment using a combined hydrological, hydrochemical and

isotopic approach (Jizera Mountains, Czech Republic). Hydrological Processes, 28(8): 3217-3229.

DOI: 10.1002/hyp.9847.

Seneviratne, S.I., Lehner, I., Gurtz, J., Teuling, A.J., Lang, H., Moser, U., Grebner, D., Menzel, L.,

Schroff, K., Vitvar, T., and Zappa, M. 2012. Swiss prealpine Rietholzbach research catchment and

lysimeter: 32 year time series and 2003 drought event. Water Resources Research, 48, W06526,


Huneau, F., Dakoure, D., Celle-Jeanton, H., Vitvar, T., Ito, M., Traore, S., Compaore, N.F., Jirakova,

H., and LeCoustumer, P. 2011. Flow pattern and residence time of groundwater within the south-

eastern Taoudeni sedimentary basin (Burkina Faso, Mali). Journal of Hydrology, 9 : 423–439

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Stolp, B.J., Solomon, D.K., Suckow, A., Vitvar, T., Rank, D., Aggarwal, P.K., and Han, L.F. 2010. Age

Dating Baseflow at Springs and Gaining Streams using Helium-3 and Tritium: Fischa-Dagnitz System,

Southern Vienna Basin, Austria. Water Resources Research, 46, doi:10.1029/2009WR008006

Burns, D.A., Vitvar, T., McDonnell, J.J., Kendall, C., Duncan, J.M., and Hassett, J.M., 2005. Effects of Suburban Development on Runoff Generation and Storage Dynamics (Croton River Basin, New York). Journal of Hydrology, 4, 266-281

Gurtz, J., M. Zappa, K. Jasper, H. Lang, M. Verbunt, A. Badoux and T. Vitvar, 2003. A Comparative Study in Modelling Runoff and its Components in Two Mountainous Catchments. Hydrol. Processes, 17, 297-311.

Vitvar, T., Burns, D.A., Lawrence, G.B., McDonnell, J.J., and Wolock, D.M. 2002 Estimation of baseflow residence times in watersheds from the runoff hydrograph recession, method and application in the Neversink watershed, Catskill Mountains, New York. Hydrol. Processes 16, 1871-1877.

Oltchev, A., Cermak, J., Gurtz, J., Kiely, G., Nadezhdina, N., Tishenko, A., Zappa, M., Tishenko, N.,

Lebedeva, N., Vitvar, T., Albertson, J.D., Tatarinov, F., Tishenko, D., Nadezhdin, V., Kozlov, B., Ibrom,

A., Vygodskaya, N. and Gravenhorst, G. (2002). The response of the water flows of the boreal forest

region at the Volga's source area to climatic and land-use changes. Phys. and Chem. of the Earth, 27

(9-10), 675-690.

Johnson, C. A., Richner, G. A., Vitvar, T., Schnittli, N. and Eberhard, M. 1998. Hydrological and geochemical factors affecting leachate composition in municipal solid waste incinerator bottom ash. Part I: The hydrology of Landfill Lostorf, Switzerland. Journal of Contaminant Hydrology, 33, 361-376.

Vitvar, T. and Balderer, W. 1997. Estimation of mean water residence times and runoff generation

by stable isotope measurements in a small prealpine catchment (Rietholzbach, Eastern Switzerland).

Applied Geochemistry, 12, 787-796.

Other Articles:

Zappa M., Vitvar T., Ruecker A., Melikadze G., Bernhard L., David V., Jans-Singh M., Zhukova N.,

and Sanda M. 2015. A Tri-National program for estimating the link between snow resources and

hydrological droughts. Proc. IAHS, 369, 25-30.

Melikadze, G., Chelidze, T., Zhukova, N., Malik, P., and Vitvar, T. 2011. Using Numerical Modelling

for Assessment of Pollution Probability of Drinking Water Resources in the Borjomi region (Southern

Georgia). In : Baba, A., Tayfur, G., Gündüz, O., Howard, K.W.., Friedel, M.J., and Chambel, A.

(Eds.) :Climate Change and its Effect on Water Resources, NATO Science for Peace and Security

Series-C: Environmental Security, Springer 2011, p. 267-276.

Vitvar, T., Newman, B.D., Aggarwal, P.K., and Garner, A. 2007. Application of Environmental Isotopes for Studying Stream/Aquifer Interactions in the Danube Basin. Water Science and Technology:Water Supply,7(3), 25-30.

Vitvar, T., Aggarwal, P.K., and Herczeg, A.L. 2007. Global Network Is Launched to Monitor Isotopes in Rivers. EOS, Transactions, American Geophysical Union, 88(33), 325-326

Groening. M., Araguas-Araguas, L.J., and Vitvar, T. 2006. Internationale Messnetze der IAEA für Wasserisotope. In: Bundesanstalt für Gewässerkunde:Veranstaltungen 4(2006), Koblenz, p.9-16.

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Gurtz, J., M. Zappa, K. Jasper, M. Verbunt, A. Badoux, T. Vitvar and Lang, H. 2001. Modelling of runoff and its components and model validation in Swiss pre-Alpine and Alpine catchments. In: Ch Leibundgut, S. Uhlenbrook and J. McDonnell (eds). Runoff Generation and Implications for River Basin Modelling . Proceedings of the Workshop, October 9-12, 2000. Freiburger Schriften zur Hydrologie, 13, 206-220.

Vitvar, T. 1998a. Water residence times in a small prealpine catchment (Rietholzbach, Northeastern

Switzerland). In: U. Tappeiner, F. V. Ruffini, and M. Fumai (eds.), Hydrology, Water Resources and

Ecology of Mountain Areas. Poster Volume of the International Conference HEADWATER’98, 151-157.

European Academy Bozen/Bolzano.

Vitvar, T. 1998b. Application of isotope hydrology in prealpine catchments. In: D. Leskova (ed.),

Challenges in the development of hydrology. Proc. of the International Seminar, Bratislava, April 27-

28, 1998, 57-65. Slovak Hydrometeorological Institute, Bratislava.

Vitvar, T. 1998c. Water residence times in a small prealpine catchment (Rietholzbach, Northeastern

Switzerland). In: J. V. Brahana, Y. Eckstein, L. K. Ongley, R. Schneider, and J. E. Moore (eds.), Gambling

with Groundwater - Physical, Chemical, and Biological Aspects of Aquifer-Stream Relations.

Proceedings Volume of the Joint Conference of the International Association of Hydrogeologists and

the American Institute of Hydrology, Las Vegas, Nevada USA / 28 September-2 October 1998, 617-

622. American Institute of Hydrology St. Paul/Minnesota.

Vitvar, T. 1997a. Analysis of water residence times in a prealpine catchment using oxygen-18

measurements (Rietholzbach, eastern Switzerland). In: D. Viville, and I. G. Littlewood (eds.),

Ecohydrological processes in small basins. Proceedings of the Strasbourg Conference (24-26

September 1996). Technical Documents in Hydrology No.14, 135-139. UNESCO, Paris.

Vitvar, T. and Balderer, W. 1996. Stable isotope Study of Mean Water Residence Times and Runoff

Generation Processes in a Small Prealpine Research Catchment Area (Rietholzbach, Eastern

Switzerland). In: W. M. Edmunds and R. L. F. Kay and G. W. McNeill (eds.), Hydrogeochemistry: Noble

gases, stable isotopes and radioelements. Abstracts of papers and posters of the international

meeting in memory of J. N. Andrews, 2-3 April 1996, Reading, UK. Abstracts of papers and posters,

University of Reading, 68-70.


Dr. Luis J. Araguás-Araguás International Atomic Energy Agency, Water Resources

Programme, Wagramerstr. 5, A-1400 Vienna, Austria, Ph (+43)

1 2600 21734,

E-mail [email protected]

Dr. Daniel Emilio Martínez Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata, CONICET – Centro de

Geología de Costas, Casilla de correo 722, 7600 Mar del Plata,

Argentina, Ph (+54) 223 4754060, E-mail [email protected]

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Curriculum Vitae

Personal data Name: Martin Plešinger Date of birth: April 16, 1980 Place of birth: Liberec, Czechoslovakia Religion: Reformed Christian Nationality: Czech Citizenship: Czechia (Czech Republic), EU Place of living: Liberec (Reichenberg), Czechia (Czech Republic; before 01/1993 Czechoslovakia) 07/2010–08/2011: Zurich, Kanton Zurich, Confoederatio Helvetica (Switzerland) E-mail address: martin.plesinger{@cs.cas.cz, @tul.cz} Web-page: http://kmd.fp.tul.cz/˜plesinger/index.html Education • School–leaving exam in Mechanical Engineering at Technical School in Mechanical Engineering and Electrotechnics (SPŠSE), Liberec, 1998. • Ing. degree in Science Engineering (M.Sc. equivalent in the Czechia) at Technical University of Liberec (TUL), Faculty of Mechatronics and Interdisciplinary Engineering (FM), 2004. ◦ Courses (among many others):

・ Numerical methods in linear algebra, Prof. Zdeněk Strakoš,

・ Implementation of numerical methods, Prof. Ladislav Lukšan (nonlinear optimization), Prof. Miroslav Tůma, and Doc. Miro Rozložník (parallel computing and computers). ◦ School research (bachelor) project: “Simulation of Turonian Aquifer Remediation Process” (in Czech), 2002–2003. Supervisor of the school research project: RNDr. Jan Novák, Ph.D. (in cooperation with the Mathematical Modeling Research Center, DIAMO, state enterprise). ◦ Diploma (master) thesis: “Selected Numerical Linear Algebra Problems in Control Theory” (in Czech), 2004. Supervisor of the diploma thesis: Prof. Ing. Zdeněk Strakoš, DrSc. • Ph.D. degree in Science Engineering at Technical University of Liberec, Faculty of Mechatronics and Interdisciplinary Engineering, 2008. ◦ Courses (among others):

・ Introduction to functional analysis, Prof. Ivo Marek and Prof. Ladislav Lukšan,

・ Introduction to numerical methods, Prof. Zdeněk Strakoš,

・ Computer architectures and programming tools, Prof. Miroslav Tůma,

・ Matrix theory and its applications in numerical mathematics, Prof. Miroslav Fiedler. ◦ Doctoral thesis: “The Total Least Squares Problem and Reduction of Data in AX ≈ B”, 2008. Supervisor of the doctoral thesis: Prof. Ing. Zdeněk Strakoš, DrSc. Awarded the Jiři Zelenka Prize of Technical University of Liberec for the excellent doctoral

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thesis (2008). • Post–doc projects: ◦ Seminar for Applied Mathematics, Dept. of Math., ETH Zurich. SciEx project No 09.071. Mentor Prof. Daniel Kressner (2010–2011). ◦ Department of Mathematics, TU Liberec. ESF OPVK project No CZ.1.07/2.3.00/30.0065. Mentor Prof. Ivo Marek (2013–2015). 1 Further education (Seminars, Courses, Workshops, Summer and winter schools) • Summer school in “Control of Solids and Structures”, International Centre for Mechanical Sciences, Udine, Italy, 2004. • Series of internat. summer schools (and workshops) in Numerical Linear Algebra and Applications, Istituto per le Applicazioni del Calcolo, Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, Monopoli-Bari, Italy: ◦ 3rd School in “Numerical Linear Algebra in Image Deblurring”, 2005, ◦ 4th School (workshop) in “Numerical Linear Algebra in Signals and Systems”, 2006, and ◦ 6th School in “Linear Systems Theory, Control and Matrix Computations”, 2008. • Series of “Winter Schools in High-performance and Parallel Computers, Programming Technologies, and Numerical Linear Algebra”, organized by: ◦ Institute of Geonics, AS CR & VŠB–TUO, in Ostrava, 2005, 2007, 2009, 2015, ◦ Institute of Computer Science (ICS), AS CR, in Sedlec–Prčice, 2006, ◦ ICS & Faculty of Mechatronics, TU Liberec, in Liberec, 2008, ◦ ICS & Institute of System Biology and Ecology, AS CR, in Nove Hrady, 2010, ◦ Institute of Geonics, AS CR, in Rožnov pod Radhoštěm, 2011, 2013, ◦ ICS & Faculty of Education, TU Liberec, in Liberec, 2012, and ◦ Institute of Computer Science (ICS), AS CR, Nymburk, 2014. • Summer school “SiDE: XXVI Seminar in Differential Equations”, Faculty of Applied Sciences, University of West Bohemia in Pilsen (ZČU), Kamenice nad Lipou, Czech Republic, 2008. • SIAG/LA–Simumat “International Summer School on Numerical Linear Algebra”, CIEM Castro Urdiales, Spain, 2008. • Winter school: “New trends in scientific computing”, Centre International de Rencontres Mathematiques (CIRM), Luminy–Marseille, and Laboratoire d’Analyse, Topologie et Probabilite, Marseille, France, 2009. • SNF Pro*Doc Graduate School Workshop Disentis, Switzerland, August 18–21, 2010. • Zurich Summer School (ZSS): “Sparse Tensor Discretizations of High-Dimensional Problems”, Seminar fur angewandte Mathematik, ETH Zurich, Switzerland, August 23–27, 2010. • Swiss Numerics Colloquium, ICS, Faculty of Informatics, Universita della Svizzera italiana, Lugano, May 6, 2011. • Advanced courses attended during the post–doc stay at ETH Zurich: ◦ Tensor–structured Numerical Methods in Scientific Computing (MAT814), Prof. Boris N. Khoromskij, Max–Planck Institute (MPI) Leipzig (visiting Universitat Zurich (UZH)), ◦ Compressive Sensing (401-4654-11L), Prof. Holger Rauhut, Institut fur Numerische Simulation, Universitat Bonn (visiting ETH, under Pro*Doc NumPDE project), ◦ Colloquium in Numerical and Applied Mathematics (SAM Kolloquia). • Summer school “SDE 2012: XXVIII Seminar in Differential Equations”, Dept. of Math., University of West Bohemia in Pilsen (ZČU), Deštne v Orlickych horach, Czech Republic, 2012.

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• EMS School in Applied Mathematics (ESSAM) on “Mathematical Modelling, Numerical Analysis and Scientific Computing”, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University in Prague, Kacov, May 29–June 3, 2016. Employment and Grant participation • January 2003–December 2004: Own small bussines in “Computers, hardware, and software engineering” focused on programming. Cooperation with the Mathematical Modeling Research Center, DIAMO, state enterprise. 2 • July 2004–present (short contract): Institute of Computer Science, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic (Dept. of Computational Methods, Odd. 21), Ph.D. student (till 2008), post–doc (till 2014), scientific assistant (till 2015), and researcher. ◦ Participation on the national “Information Society” project No 1ET400300415: MSTeP, Modeling and Simulation of complex Technical Problems (Z. Strakoš), 2004–2008. (http://www2.cs.cas.cz/mweb) ◦ Participation on the GAAS research grant No IAA100300802: Krylov, Theory of Krylov subspace methods and its relationship to other mathematical disciplines (Z. Strakoš), 2009– 2012. (http://www.cs.cas.cz/krylov) ◦ Participation on the GAČR research grant No GA13–06684S: IMAPA, Iterative Methods of computational mathematics: Analysis, Preconditioning, and Applications (M. Tůma), 2013– present. (http://www.cs.cas.cz/imapa) • December 2004–December 2011 (since July 2010 shortened): Faculty of Mechatronics (FM), Technical University of Liberec (Dept. of Modelling of Processes (KMO), then Inst. of Novel Technologies and Applied Informatics (NTI)), Ph.D. student (till 2008), lecturer, and researcher. ◦ Participation on the MŠMT “Research Centre” grant No 1M0554: ARTec, Advanced Remediation Technologies and processes (J. Maryška), occasional short–term contracts. (http://artec.tul.cz) ◦ During 2009 participation on “Rozvojovy grant” (internal TUL grant No 1257): Podpora talentovanych studentů a absolventů DSP na TUL (J. Nouza). ◦ Internal grant No FM-IG/2009/NTI-02 (together with K. Jurkova, J. Ševic): Golub–Kahanova bidiagonalizace, implementace a numericke vlastnosti, 2009. ◦ Internal grant No FM-IG/2010/NTI-02 (together with L. Koskova): Řešeni soustav linearnich algebraickych rovnic vzniklych diskretizaci parcialnich diferencialnich rovnic obsahujicich parametry zatižene nejistotami, 2010. • Fall semesters in years 2007/08–2009/10 (short term teaching contracts): Facutly of Education (FP), TU Liberec (Dept. of Applied Mathematics (KAP), and Dept. of Mathematics and Didactics of Mathematics (KMD)), lecturer assistant. • July 2010–June 2011: Seminar for Applied Mathematics (Seminar fur angewandte Mathematik (SAM)), Dept. of Mathematics, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH) Zurich, post–doc and lecturer assistant. ◦ Fellow of SciEx–NMSch program with project No 09.071: KryMoR, Preconditioned Krylov subspace metods for large scale Model Reduction (D. Kressner (host mentor), Z. Strakoš (home mentor)), 2010–2011. • September 2011–present: Faulty of Education (FP), TU Liberec (Dept. of Mathematics and Didactis of Mathematics (KMD)), lecturer and researcher.

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◦ Participation on the ESF research project No CZ.1.07/2.3.00/09.0155: Constitution and improvement of a team for demanding technical computations on parallel computers at TU Liberec (V. Finěk), 2011–2012. (http://kmd.fp.tul.cz/old/ESF1615/esf1615.htm) ◦ Participation on the ESF development project No CZ.1.07/2.2.00/18.0025: Distance studies for teachers at Faculty of education of TU Liberec (J. Šmida), fall semester 2012. ◦ Participation on the ESF research project No CZ.1.07/2.3.00/30.0065: Support of the creation of excellent research and development teams at the TU Liberec (M. Maly), 2013–2015. (http://www.ft.tul.cz/files/microsites/VaVTUL) ◦ Internal grant No FP-SGS/2016/21161 (together with J. Žakova): Total least squares problem and its tensor generalizations, 2016. • Spring semester in year 2011/12 (short term teaching contract): Faculty of Mechatronics, TU Liberec (NTI), lecturer. q q q 3 Stays abroad Long term stays • July 2010–June 2011: Seminar for Applied Mathematics (Seminar fur angewandte Mathematik), Dept. of Mathematics, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH) Zurich. Post–doc position mentored by Prof. Daniel Kressner. Funded by the Rektorenkonferenz der Schweizer Universitaten (http://www.crus.ch) and the European Union through the Scientific Exchange program SciEx (http://www.sciex.ch), guaranteed by Prof. Daniel Kressner (ETH Zurich) and Prof. Zdeněk Strakoš (Charles University, Prague). • July 2013–September 2013: Visiting Fellow position at Departement Elektrotechniek–ESAT, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium. Visiting Prof. Sabine Van Huffel and Dr. Diana Maria Sima. Funded by the post–doc project ESF OPVK project No CZ.1.07/2.3.00/30.0065, TU Liberec. • June 2014–July 2014: Visiting Fellow position at DTU Compute – Department of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science, Danmarks Tekniske Universitet, Lyngby, Denmark. Visiting Prof. Per Christian Hansen (and Prof. William Lionheard from University of Manchester). Funded by the post–doc project ESF OPVK project No CZ.1.07/2.3.00/30.0065, TU Liberec. Short term stays • Visiting Prof. Sabine Van Huffel and Dr. Diana Maria Sima, Departement Elektrotechniek–ESAT, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium (February 2007). • Visiting Prof. Per Christian Hansen, Istitut for Informatik og Matematisk Modellering, Danmarks Tekniske Universitet, Lyngby, Denmark (April 2009, June 2010). Students supervising Bachelor theses (successfully defended) • Jaroslav Ševic: Golub–Kahan bidiagonalization, its implementation, and numerical experiments (in Czech; Golub–Kahanova bidiagonalizace, jeji implementace a numericke experimenty), FM, TU Liberec, 2008/09. • Filip Jágr: The core problem within a linear approximation problem Ax ≈ b with the single righthand side (in Czech; Core problem v linearni approximačni uloze Ax ≈ b s jednou pravou stranou), FP, TU Liberec, 2013/14–2014/15. • Markéta Hejlová: Google’s PageRank: Ranking of web pages and the eigenvalue problems (in

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Czech; Google PageRank: Relevance webovych stranek a problem vlastnich čisel), FP, TU Liberec, 2014/15. • Jana Žáková: Tensors and canonic densor decompositions: Tucker decomposition (in Czech; Tenzory a kanonicke tenzorove rozklady: Tuckerův rozklad), FP, TU Liberec, 2014/15. Awarded the Dean’s Prize for the excellent bachelor thesis (2015). Other • Jana Žáková: Tensor networks and hierarchical Tucker decomposition (in Czech; Tenzorove sitě a hierarchicky Tuckerův rozklad), FP, TU Liberec, 2016/17. Diploma thesis. Finished but not defended yet. • Barbora Košková: Hierarchical matrices: A contemporary approach for large-scale dense matrices (in Czech; Hierarchicke matice: Moderni přistup k praci s velkymi hustymi maticemi), FP, TU Liberec, 2017. Bachelor thesis. In preparation. • Kateřina Stolínová: “Batman decomposition” of a symmetric indefinite matrix (in Czech; „Batman decomposition“ symetricke indefinitni matice), FP, TU Liberec, 2017. Bachelor thesis. In preparation. 4 Teaching experience Lectures • Numerical Methods of Linear Algebra (Numericke metody algebry, NMA, NMAX), master degree course (mandatory, since 2011 optional), lecturer & assistant, FM, TU Liberec, 2006/07–2009/10, 2011/12–2012/13 (spring semester). • Numerical Methods of Linear Algebra (Numericke metody algebry, NMA), bachelor & master degree course (optional), lecturer & assistant, FP, TU Liberec, 2015/16 (both semesters) 2016/17 (fall semester). • Implementation of Numerical Methods (Implementace numerickych metod, INM), master degree course (mandatory, since 2011 optional), lecturer & assistant, FM, TU Liberec, 2009/10, 2011/12 (fall semester). • Applications of Numerical Linear Algebra (Aplikace numericke linearni algebry, ANLA), master degree course (optional), lecturer & assistant, FM, TU Liberec, 2009/10 (spring semester). • Algebra and Geometry 1 (Algebra a geometrie 1, AG1, AG1K; linear algebra), bachelor degreee course (mandatory), lecturer & assistant, FP, TU Liberec, 2012/13–2016/17 (fall semester). • Algebra and Geometry 2 (Algebra a geometrie 2, AG2E, AG2K; general algebra), bachelor degreee course (mandatory), lecturer & assistant, FP, TU Liberec, 2012/13–2016/17 (spring semester). • Modern Methods of Linear Algebra (Moderni metody linearni algebry, MLA, MLAU), bachelor/ master degree course (mandatory/optional; depending on the study program), lecturer & assistant, FP, TU Liberec 2016/17 (spring semester). Seminars • Ph.D. Seminar at NTI (Doktorandsky seminař ustavu NTI), doctoral degree course (mandatory), organizer, NTI, FM, TU Liberec, 2005/06–2009/10 (both semesters). • Inverse Problems in Image Processing (401-3670-60 L/S), bachelor & master degree course/seminar (optional), organizer and lecturer (with Effrosyni Kokiopoulou), SAM, D-MATH, ETH Zurich, 2010/11 (fall semester). Seminar was based on selected chapters from books: ◦ Hansen, Nagy, O’Leary: Deblurring Images: Matrices, Spectra, and Filtering, FA03, SIAM, 2006. ◦ Hansen: Discrete Inverse Problems: Insight and Algorithms, FA07, SIAM, 2010. • Bachelor Thesis Seminar (Vyběrovy seminař (prace k Bc.), VBS), bachelor degree seminar (optional), KMD, FP, TU Liberec, 2014/15 (spring semester).

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Special tutorials • Ill–posed Inverse Problems in Image Processing (Introduction, Structured matrices, Spectral filtering, Regularization, Noise revealing), tutor (with I. Hnětynkova and Z. Strakoš), winter school tutorial at Winter School in High-Performance and Parallel Computers, Programming Technologies, and Numerical Linear Algebra, Rožnov pod Radhoštěm, 2011. Invited tutorial. Three lectures, one presented by I. Hnětynkova. Assistance only • Finite Element Method (Metoda konečnych prvků, MKP), master degree course (mandatory), assistant (lecturers J. Maryška, Z. Strakoš), FM, TU Liberec, 2004/05–2005/06 (half of fall semester). • Numerical Methods of Linear Algebra (Numericke metody algebry, NMA), master degree course (mandatory), assistant (lecturer Z. Strakoš), FM, TU Liberec, 2004/05–2005/06 (spring semester). • Introduction to Linear Algebra and Discrete Mathematics (Uvod do linearni algebry a diskretni matematiky, ULA), bachelor degree course (mandatory), assistant (lecturer M. Rozložnik), FM in cooperation with FP, TU Liberec, 2007/08–2009/10 (fall semester). • Linear Algebra and Geometry (Linearni algebra a geometrie, LAG), bachelor degree course (mandatory), assistant (lecturer M. Rozložnik, since 2011 M. Cvrček), FM in cooperation with FP, TU Liberec, 2007/08–2009/10, 2011/12–2012/13 (fall semester). 5 • Mathematical Seminar (Matematicky seminař, SEM; selected topics from math), bachelor degree course (mandatory), assistant, FM, TU Liberec, 2007/08–2008/09 (spring semester). • Linear Algebra and Differetial Calculus (Linearni algebra a diferencialni počet, LADP), bachelor degree course (mandatory), assistant (lecturer J. Mlynek), Institute of Health Studies (USZ) in cooperation with FP, TU Liberec, 2011/12 (fall semester). • Algebra and Geometry 2 (Algebra a geometrie 2, AG2E; general algebra), bachelor degree course (mandatory), assistant (lecturer J. Vild), FP, TU Liberec, 2011/12 (spring semester). • Mathematics for Sciences (Matematika pro přirodni vědy, MPV; elementar calculus and linear algebra), bachelor degree course (mandatory), assistant (lecturer J. Mlynek), FP, TU Liberec, 2011/12 (fall semester). • Mathematics (Matematika, MA*H; basic calculus and basic linear algebra), bachelor degree course (mandatory), assistant (lecturer D. Bittnerova), Faculty of Economics (EF) in cooperation with FP, TU Liberec, 2015/16 (spring semester). • Mathematics 1 (Matematika 1, MA1*H; basic calculus), bachelor degree course (mandatory), assistant (lecturers D. Bittnerova, J. Mlynek), Faculty of Economics (EF) in cooperation with FP, TU Liberec, 2011/12, 2014/15–2016/17 (fall semester). • Mathematics 1 (Matematika 1, MA1-M; basic calculus), bachelor degree course (mandatory), assistant (lecturer V. Finěk), FM in cooperation with FP, TU Liberec, 2012/13–2013/14 (fall semester). • Mathematics 1 (Matematika 3, M1A-P; basic calculus), bachelor degree course (mandatory), assistant (lecturers J. Hozman, P. Salač), FS in cooperation with FP, TU Liberec, 2016/17 (fall semester). • Mathematics 2 (Matematika 2, MA2*H; basic linear algebra, calculus of bivariate functions, simple ODEs), bachelor degree course (mandatory), assistant (lecturers D. Bittnerova, J. Mlynek), EF in cooperation with FP, TU Liberec, 2011/12 (spring semester).

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• Mathematics 2A (Matematika 2A, M2A; basic linear algebra (with Matlab)), bachelor degree course (optional), assistant (lecturer M. Cvrček), FM-nano in cooperation with FP, TU Liberec, 2012/13 (spring semester). • Mathematics 3 (Matematika 3, MA3-P; numerical mathematics (with Matlab)), bachelor degree course (mandatory), assistant (lecturer D. Černa), FS in cooperation with FP, TU Liberec, 2013/14 (fall semester). Other professional activities Local co-organizing of conferences • 7th European Conference on Applications of Polar Dielectrics ECAPD7, Liberec, 2004. • Computational Methods with Applications, Harrachov, 2007. • 24th Congress of the Czechoslovak Society for Microbiology, Liberec, 2007. • Seminar on Numerical Analysis, SNA’08, Liberec (TUL, FM, NTI), 2008. • Seminar on Numerical Analysis, SNA’12, Liberec (TUL, FP, KMD), 2012. • International Conf. on Presentation of Mathematics, ICPM’14, Liberec (TUL, FP, KMD), 2014. Organizing of conferences and workshops • SiMoNA 2009, Workshop of the Research Centre: Advanced Remediation Technologies and Processes, ARTec, Liberec, 2009. 6 Other activities • Zentralblatt MATH reviewer, since February 2009 (Czech editorial unit Prague, and editorial unit Berlin/Karlsruhe). • Member of GAMM (Gesellschaft fur angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik) ANLA (Applied and Numerical Linear Algebra) activity group, since August 2011. (http://www.maths.manchester.ac.uk/gamm-anla) • Member of JČMF (Jednota českych matematiků a fyziků; The Union of Czech Mathematicians and Physicists), since October 2011. (http://www.jcmf.cz, http://www.jcmf.cz/?q=en) ◦ Member of ČMS (CMS) section (Česka matematicka společnost; CzechMathematical Society). (http://cms.jcmf.cz) • Member of EU–Maths–In Czech Network for Mathematics in Industry, since January 2015. (http://eu-maths-in.cz) • Associate member of Charles University in Prague Chapter of SIAM, since July 2016. (http://siam.cuni.cz, http://siam.cuni.cz/en) q q q 7 List of publications School research project, Diploma and Doctoral theses [T1] M. Plešinger: Simulation of Turonian Aquifer Remediation Process (in Czech; Model sanace turonske zvodně), FM TUL, 2003, viii+78 pages. School research (bachelor) project, supervised by J. Novak (in cooperation with the Mathematical Modeling Research Center, DIAMO, state enterprise). [T2] M. Plešinger: Selected Numerical Linear Algebra Problems in Control Theory (in Czech; Vybrane problemy numericke linearni algebry v teorii řizeni), FM TUL, 2004, 75 pages. Diploma (master) thesis, supervised by Z. Strakoš. [T3] M. Plešinger: The Total Least Squares Problem and Reduction of Data in AX ≈ B, FM TUL, 2008, xx+146 pages. Doctoral thesis, supervised by Z. Strakoš.

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Awarded the Jiři Zelenka Prize of Technical University of Liberec for the excellent doctoral thesis (2008). Books [B1] E. J. Duintjer Tebbens, I. Hnětynková, M. Plešinger, Z. Strakoš, and P. Tichý: Analysis of methods for matrix computations. Basic methods (in Czech; Analyza metod pro maticove vypočty. Zakladni metody), Matfyzpress, ◦ 1st impression, August 2012, xvi+308 pages; ◦ 2nd impression, November 2012, xvi+312 pages. ISBN 978-80-7378-201-6. Monograph. (http://sites.google.com/site/maticovevypocty) Awarded the Jaroslav Jirsa Prize of Charles University in Prague for the best textbook of the year 2012, in the category Natural Science, Mathematics, and Physics (2013). Papers in journals (Circa 30 citations in total, according to WoS) [JIMP1] I. Hnětynková, M. Plešinger, and Z. Strakoš: The regularizing effect of the Golub–Kahan iterative bidiagonalization and revealing the noise level in the data, BIT Numerical Mathematics, Vol. 49, Issue 4 (2009), pp. 669–696. DOI: 10.1007/s10543-009-0239-7. (https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10543-009-0239-7) [JIMP2] I. Hnětynková, M. Plešinger, D. M. Sima, Z. Strakoš, and S. Van Huffel: The total least squares problem in AX ≈ B: A new classification with the relationship to the classical works, SIMAX, SIAM J. on Matrix Analysis and Applications, Vol. 32, Issue 3 (2011), pp. 748–770. DOI: 10.1137/100813348. (http://epubs.siam.org/doi/abs/10.1137/100813348) [JIMP3] I. Hnětynková, M. Plešinger, and Z. Strakoš: The core problem within a linear approximation problems AX ≈ B with multiple right-hand sides, SIMAX, SIAM J. on Matrix Analysis and Applications, Vol. 34, Issue 3 (2013), pp. 917–931. DOI: 10.1137/120884237. (http://epubs.siam.org/doi/abs/10.1137/120884237) [JIMP4] D. Kressner, M. Plešinger, and C. Tobler: A preconditioned low-rank CG method for parameter-dependent Lyapunov matrix equations, NLA, Numerical Linear Algebra with Applications, Vol. 21, Issue 5 (2014), pp. 666–684. DOI: 10.1002/nla.1919. (http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/nla.1919/abstract) [JIMP5] I. Hnětynková, M. Plešinger, and Z. Strakoš: Band generalization of the Golub–Kahan bidiagonalization, generalized Jacobi matrices, and the core problem, SIMAX, SIAM J. on Matrix Analysis and Applications, Vol. 36, Issue 2 (2015), pp. 417–434. DOI: 10.1137/140968914. (http://epubs.siam.org/doi/abs/10.1137/140968914) 8 [JIMP6] I. Hnětynková and M. Plešinger: Complex wedge-shaped matrices: A generalization of Jacobi matrices, LAA, Linear Algebra and its Applications, Vol. 487 (2015), pp. 203–219. DOI: 10.1016/j.laa.2015.09.017. (http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0024379515005327) [JIMP7] I. Hnětynková, M. Plešinger, and D. M. Sima: Solvability of the core problem with multiple right-hand sides in the TLS sense, SIMAX, SIAM J. on Matrix Analysis and Applications, Vol. 37, Issue 3 (2016), pp. 861–876. DOI: 10.1137/15M1028339. (http://epubs.siam.org/doi/abs/10.1137/15M1028339) [JIMP8] I. Hnětynková, M. Plešinger, and J. Žáková: Filter factors of truncated TLS regularization

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with multiple observations, Applications of Mathematics, Vol. 62, Issue 2 (2017), pp. 105–120. DOI: 10.21136/AM.2017.0228-16. (https://link.springer.com/article/10.21136/AM.2017.0228-16) Selected proceedings contributions and other papers [P1] I. Hnětynková, M. Plešinger, and Z. Strakoš: Lanczos tridiagonalization, Golub–Kahan bidiagonalization and core problem, PAMM, Proceedings in Appl. Math. and Mech., Vol. 6, Issue 1 (2006), pp. 717–718. DOI: 10.1002/pamm.200610339. (http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/pamm.200610339/abstract) [P2] I. Hnětynková, M. Plešinger, and Z. Strakoš: On solution of total least squares problem with multiple right-hand sides, PAMM, Proceedings in Appl. Math. and Mech., Vol. 8, Issue 1 (2008), pp. 10815–10816. DOI: 10.1002/pamm.200810815. (http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/pamm.200810815/abstract) [P3] I. Hnětynková, M. Kubínová, and M. Plešinger: Notes on performance of bidiagonalizationbased noise level estimator in image deblurring, In proceedings of Algoritmy 2016 conference. Editor A. Handlovičova, Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava, Publishing House of STU, 2016, pp. 333–342. (http://www.iam.fmph.uniba.sk/amuc/ojs/index.php/algoritmy/article/view/422) Other proceedings contributions [POTH1] M. Plešinger and Z. Strakoš: Core reduction within the least squares problems (in Czech), Proceedings of X. PhD. Conference ’05 (F. Hakl, Ed.), Praha, ICS, AS CR & Matfyzpress (2005), pp. 102–108. (http://www.cs.cas.cz/hakl/doktorandsky-den/files/2005/dk05proc.pdf) [POTH2] M. Plešinger and Z. Strakoš: Singular Value Decomposition, Application in Image Deblurring (in Czech), Seminar on Numerical Analysis ’06, Praha, ICS, AS CR (2006), pp. 78–81. [POTH3] M. Plešinger and Z. Strakoš: Some remarks on bidiagonalization and its implementation, Proceedings of XI. PhD. Conference ’06 (F. Hakl, Ed.), Praha, ICS, AS CR & Matfyzpress (2006), pp. 104–114. (http://www.cs.cas.cz/hakl/doktorandsky-den/files/2006/dk06proc.pdf) [POTH4] I. Hnětynková, M. Plešinger, and Z. Strakoš: Golub–Kahan iterative bidiagonalization and stopping criteria in ill-posed problems, In: Seminar on Numerical Analysis ’07 (R. Blaheta, J. Stary, Eds.), Ostrava, Institute of Geonics, AS CR (2007), pp. 43–45. [POTH5] I. Hnětynková, M. Plešinger, D. M. Sima, and Z. Strakoš: Total least squares problem in linear algebraic systems with multiple right-hand side, In: Seminar on Numerical Analysis ’07 (R. Blaheta, J. Stary, Eds.), Ostrava, Institute of Geonics, AS CR (2007), pp. 81–84. [POTH6] M. Plešinger and Z. Strakoš: Total least squares problem with multiple right-hand sides (in Czech), Proc. of XII. PhD. Conference ’07 (F. Hakl, Ed.), Praha, ICS, AS CR & Matfyzpress (2007), pp. 70–74. (http://www.cs.cas.cz/hakl/doktorandsky-den/files/2007/sbornik-dd-2007.pdf) [POTH7] I. Hnětynková, M. Plešinger, and Z. Strakoš: On the Golub–Kahan iterative bidiagonalization and revealing the size of the noise in a data, In: Seminar on Numerical Analysis ’09 (R. Blaheta, J. Stary, Eds.), Ostrava, Institute of Geonics, AS CR (2009), p. 45 (abstract only). 9 [POTH8] I. Hnětynková, M. Plešinger, D. M. Sima, Z. Strakoš, and S. Van Huffel: The core problem within a linear approximation problem with multiple right-hand sides, In: Seminar on Numerical Analysis ’14 (H. Bilkova, M. Rozložnik, P. Tichy, Eds.), Nymburk, Institute of Computer Science, AS CR (2014), pp. 44–45 (abstract only). Editorial work

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[E1] M. Hokr, M. Plešinger, and J. Šembera (Editors): SiMoNA 2009, Simulation, Modelling, and Miscellaneous Applications (in Czech, partially in English and Slovak; Simulace, modelovani a nejrůznějsi aplikace) TU Liberec, 2009, 196 pages. ISBN 978-80-7372-543-3. Proceedings of SiMoNA 2009 workshop. (http://www.fp.tul.cz/˜plesinger/my_publications/SIMONA_2009_Proceedings.pdf) Talks and other presentations Invited lectures & tutorials [IL1] I. Hnětynková, M. Plešinger, and Z. Strakoš: The regularizing effect of the Golub–Kahan iterative bidiagonalization and revealing the noise in the data, BIT50 – Trends in Numerical Computing, Lund, Sweden, June 17–20, 2010. Lecture presented by I. Hnětynkova. Invited lecture at the minisymposium “Inverse Problems” organized by P. C. Hansen. [IL2] I. Hnětynková, M. Plešinger, and Z. Strakoš: Ill–posed inverse problems in image processing (introduction, structured matrices, spectral filtering, regularization, noise revealing). Three lectures, one presented by I. Hnětynkova. Invited tutorial at “Winter School in High-Performance and Parallel Computers, Programming Technologies, and Numerical Linear Algebra” (at SNA ’11), Rožnov pod Radhoštěm, 2011. [IL3] I. Hnětynková, M. Plešinger, D. M. Sima, Z. Strakoš, and S. Van Huffel: The total least squares problem with multiple right-hand sides AX ≈ B, Programs and Algorithms in Numerical Mathematics, PANM 16, Dolni Maxov, June 3–8, 2012. Invited plenary lecture at PANM 16 conference. [IL4] I. Hnětynková, M. Plešinger, and Z. Strakoš: Inverse ill-posed problems in image processing: Image deblurring. Invited lecture at “Schola Ludus & Summer School” (Summer School in Physical Biology and Biotechnology), Academic and University Center Nove Hrady & University of South Bohemia, July 1–28, 2012. International conferences (talks and posters) [I1] I. Hnětynková, M. Plešinger, and Z. Strakoš: Lanczos tridiagonalization and the core problem, 77th GAMM Annual Meeting, Technische Universitat Berlin, Germany, March 27–31, 2006. [I2] I. Hnětynková, M. Plešinger, and Z. Strakoš: Golub–Kahan bidiagonalization and stopping criteria in solving ill-posed problems, Joint GAMM–SIAM Conf. on Applied Linear Algebra, Dusseldorf, Germany, July 24–27, 2006. [I3] Poster: I. Hnětynková, M. Plešinger, and Z. Strakoš: On core problem formulation in linear approximation problems with multiple right-hand sides, 4th Int. Workshop on Total Least Squares and Errors-in-Variables Modeling, Arenberg castle, Leuven, Belgium, August 21–23, 2006. [I4] I. Hnětynková, M. Plešinger, and Z. Strakoš: Analysis of the TLS problem with multiple right-hand sides, 22nd Biennial Conference on Numerical Analysis, University of Dundee, Scotland, UK, June 26–29, 2007. 10 [I5] Poster: I. Hnětynková, M. Plešinger, D. M. Sima, Z. Strakoš, and S. Van Huffel: On total least squares formulation in linear approximation problems with multiple right-hand sides, Computational Methods with Applications, Harrachov, Czech Republic, August 19–25, 2007. [I6] I. Hnětynková, M. Plešinger, D. M. Sima, Z. Strakoš, and S. Van Huffel: On total least squares problem with multiple right-hand sides, IMA Conference on Numerical Linear Algebra and Optimisation, University of Birmingham, UK, September 13–15, 2007. [I7] I. Hnětynková, M. Plešinger, and Z. Strakoš: On fundamentals of total least squares problems, 13th Czech–French–German Conference on Optimization Heidelberg, Germany, September

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17–21, 2007. [I8] Poster: I. Hnětynková, M. Plešinger, D. M. Sima, Z. Strakoš, and S. Van Huffel: On total least squares formulation in linear approximation problems with multiple right-hand sides, Algoritmy 2009, Vysoke Tatry–Podbanske, Slovakia, March 15–20, 2009. [I9] I. Hnětynková, M. Plešinger, and Z. Strakoš: The total least squares problem and reduction of data, Modelling 2009, The 4th IMACS Conference on Mathematical Modelling and Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering, Rožnov pod Radhoštěm, Czech Republic, June 22–26, 2009. [I10] I. Hnětynková, M. Plešinger, and Z. Strakoš: The total least squares problem and reduction of data, Enumath 2009–The 8th European Conference on Numerical Mathematics and Advanced Applications, Uppsala, Sweden, June 29–July 3, 2009. [I11] I. Hnětynková, M. Plešinger, and Z. Strakoš: The regularizing effect of the Golub–Kahan iterative bidiagonalization and revealing the noise in the data, BIT50–Trends in Numerical Computing, Lund, Sweden, June 17–20, 2010. Lecture presented by I. Hnětynkova. Invited lecture at the minisymposium “Inverse Problems” organized by P. C. Hansen. [I12] Poster: I. Hnětynková, M. Plešinger, D. M. Sima, Z. Strakoš, and S. Van Huffel: The total least squares with multiple right-hand sides, Householder Symposium XVIII, Tahoe City, California, June 12–17, 2011. [I13] D. Kressner, M. Plešinger, C. Tobler: Preconditioned low-rank Krylov subspace methods for parameter-dependent Lyapunov equations, ILAS 2011 conference on “Pure and applied linear algebra: The new generation”, Braunschweig, Germany, August 22–26, 2011. [I14] Poster: I. Hnětynková, M. Plešinger, D. M. Sima, Z. Strakoš, and S. Van Huffel: The total least squares with multiple right-hand sides, HPCSE 2013, High Performance Computing in Science and Engineering, Solaň, Czechia, May 27–30, 2013. [I15] Poster: I. Hnětynková, M. Plešinger, D. M. Sima, Z. Strakoš, and S. Van Huffel: The total least squares with multiple right-hand sides, PIM 2013, Preconditioning of Iterative Methods, Prague, Czechia, July 1–5, 2013. [I16] I. Hnětynková, M. Plešinger, and Z. Strakoš: On the fundamentals of the total least squares problems, EUCO 2013, European Conference on Computational Optimization, Chemnitz, Germany, July 17–19, 2013. [I17] I. Hnětynková, M. Plešinger, D. M. Sima: The core problem within a linear approximation problem with multiple right-hand sides, Householder Symposium XIX, Spa, Belgium, June 8–13, 2014. Local conferences (talks and posters) [L1] M. Plešinger: Core reproblem within the least squares problems, X. PhD. Conference, Hosty–Tyn nad Vltavou, November 5–7, 2005. [L2] M. Plešinger and Z. Strakoš: Singular value decomposition, application in image deblurring, SNA ’06, Seminar on Numerical Analysis, Moninec–Sedlec-Prčice, January 16–20, 2006. [L3] M. Plešinger: Two topics from theory of linear approximation problems, XI. PhD. Conference, Moninec–Sedlec-Prčice, September 18–20, 2006. Awarded the Prize of Institute of Computer Science, AS CR for the best lecture (2006). 11 [L4] I. Hnětynková, M. Plešinger, and Z. Strakoš: Golub–Kahan iterative bidiagonalization and stopping criteria in ill-posed problems, SNA ’07, Seminar on Numerical Analysis, Ostrava, January 22–26, 2007. [L5] I. Hnětynková, M. Plešinger, D. M. Sima, and Z. Strakoš: Total least squares problem in

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linear algebraic systems with multiple right-hand side, SNA ’07, Seminar on Numerical Analysis, Ostrava, January 22–26, 2007. [L6] Poster: I. Hnětynková, M. Plešinger, D. M. Sima, Z. Strakoš, and S. Van Huffel: On total least squares formulation in linear approximation problems with multiple right-hand sides, SNA ’08, Seminar on Numerical Analysis, Liberec, January 28–February 1, 2008. [L7] I. Hnětynková, M. Plešinger, and Z. Strakoš: Golub–Kahan bidiagonalization and revealing the noise level in data, SNA ’09, Seminar on Numerical Analysis, Ostrava, February 2–6, 2009. [L8] I. Hnětynková, M. Plešinger, and Z. Strakoš: Ill-Posed Problems in Image Processing. Image Deblurring: Seminař: Matematika a statistika na VŠ (with the special occasion of 50th birthday of M. Brzezina), Liberec, November 25, 2011. [L9] D. Kressner, M. Plešinger, C. Tobler: Preconditioned low-rank Krylov subspace methods for parameter-dependent Lyapunov equations, SNA ’12, Seminar on Numerical Analysis, Liberec, January 23–27, 2012. [L10] I. Hnětynková, M. Plešinger, D. M. Sima, Z. Strakoš, and S. Van Huffel: The total least squares problem with multiple right-hand sides AX ≈ B, PANM 16, Programs and Algorithms in Numerical Mathematics, Dolni Maxov, June 3–8, 2012. Invited plenary lecture. [L11] I. Hnětynková, M. Plešinger, and Z. Strakoš: Ill-posed inverse problems in image processing: Image deblurring, International Conference on Presentation of Mathematics, ICPM ’12, Liberec, June 21–22, 2012. [L12] Poster: I. Hnětynková, M. Plešinger, D. M. Sima, Z. Strakoš, and S. Van Huffel: The core problem within a linear approximation problem with multiple right-hand sides, SNA ’14, Seminar on Numerical Analysis, Nymburk, January 27–31, 2014. [L13] I. Hnětynková, M. Plešinger, D. M. Sima: The core problem within a linear approximation problem with multiple right-hand sides, International Conference on Presentation of Mathematics, ICPM ’14, Liberec, Septermber 25–26, 2014. Seminar lectures [S1] M. Plešinger: Singular value decomposition, application in image deblurring, Seminar at Faculty of Mechatronics, TU Liberec, December 14, 2005. [S2] M. Plešinger: Core reduction and least squares problems Ax ≈ b, Seminar at Faculty of Mechatronics, TU Liberec, December 21, 2005. [S3] M. Plešinger: Core problem, Golub–Kahan bidiagonalization, Lanczos tridiagonalization, Seminar at Department of Modelling of Processes, FM, TU Liberec, April 13, 2006. [S4] M. Plešinger: Two topics from theory of linear approximation problems, Seminar at Faculty of Mechatronics, TU Liberec, November 1, 2006. [S5] M. Plešinger: Reduction of data in AX ≈ B, Seminar at Institute of Computer Science, AS CR, November 14, 2006. [S6] M. Plešinger: Solving total least squares problems with multiple right-hand sides, Seminar at Instittue of Novel Technologies and Applied Informatics, FM, TUL, February 27, 2007. [S7] M. Plešinger: Solving total least squares problems with multiple right-hand sides, Seminar at Institute of Computer Science, AS CR, March 13, 2007. [S8] M. Plešinger: The total least squares problem and the core problem theory, Group seminar of the research group of D. Kressner, SAM, ETHZ, December 9, 2010.

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[S9] M. Plešinger, I. Hnětynková: Ill–posed inverse problems in image processing (two lectures), Colloquia of Dept. of Mathematics, West Bohemia University (KMA, FAV, ZČU), Pilsen, April 7 and 14, 2011. 12 [S10] M. Plešinger: The total least squares problem, Seminar at Dept. of Mathematics and Didactics of Mathematics (KMD), FP, TU Liberec, October 17, 2011. [S11] I. Hnětynková, M. Plešinger, and Z. Strakoš: Inverse ill-posed problems in image processing: Image deblurring, “Schola Ludus & Summer School” (Summer School in Physical Biology and Biotechnology), Academic and University Center Nove Hrady, July 25, 2012. Invited lecture. [S12] M. Plešinger: Inverzni ulohy ve zpracovani obrazu: Problem “Image deblurring” (s praktickymi ukazkami), public lecture devoted to 150th aniversary of JČMF, TU Liberec, December 3, 2012. (http://jcmf.cz/node/432) [S13] M. Plešinger: Jacobi (tridiagonal) matrices: Their properties and one possible generalization, Seminar at Dept. of Mathematics and Didactics of Mathematics (KMD), FP, TU Liberec, April 13, 2015. Awards 2006: The lecture [L3] awarded the Prize of Institute of Computer Science, AS CR for the best lecture. 2008: Ph.D. thesis [T3] awarded the Jiři Zelenka Prize of Technical University of Liberec for the excellent doctoral thesis. 2013: The book [B1] awarded the Jaroslav Jirsa Prize of Charles University in Prague for the best textbook of the year 2012, in the category Natural Science, Mathematics, and Physics. Computer skills • TEX (LATEX, LATEX2", AMS—TEX, etc.), • MatLab programming, • algorithmization and mathematical programming in C/C++, Java, and Pascal (some experience also with Fortran and Python), • knowledge of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript and PHP programming, • elementary (user) experience with Linux, • advanced (user) experience with Windows, standard software for Windows, and programming for Windows. Language skills • Czech (maternal language, native speaker), Slovak (fluently, close to native speaker), • English (intermediate), • German (elementary; A2 level certified by Sprachenzentrum der Universitat Zurich & ETHZ), Zurituutsch ⊆ Swiss German (just a few words), • French (beginner), • Russian (can read technical (mathematical) texts). Other skills • Driving licence (cars only, valid in whole EU). 13 Hobbies • Collecting old books about mathematics (and also physics, natural science, etc.), • logic, logic games, and logic antinomies, • languages and linguistics,

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• philosophy and religion and their impact on natural science, • graphics and design (Corel Draw!), and typography (LATEX2"), • Wikipedian (active mostly in Czech version). Other activities • Since 1988 till 1996 (approximatelly) member of MOJH (Mladi ochranci Jizerskych hor), a youth volunteer organization helping with nature protection and conservation of Jizera Mountains (close to the tripoint of Czechia, Poland, and Germany). • Since 1994 till 1998 (approximatelly) member of ČSOP (Česky svaz ochranců přirody; Czech Union for Nature Conservation) in Liberec. • Since 2013 member of Exulant, a civic association of descendants of Czech exil for the faith after the battle of White Mountain 1620. References • Doc. Miroslav Brzezina, Faculty of Education, Technical University of Liberec, Liberec, Czechia ([email protected]). • Prof. Per Christian Hansen, Institut for Informatik og Matematisk Modellering, Danmarks Tekniske Universitet, Lynby, Denmark ([email protected]). • Prof. Daniel Kressner, Mathematics Institute of Computational Science and EngineeringMATHICSE, EFPL, Lausanne, Switzerland ([email protected]). • Dr. Effrosyni Kokiopoulou, Google research center, Zurich, Switzerland (https://research.google.com/pubs/EffrosyniKokiopoulou.html). • Prof. Ivo Marek, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University & Faculty of Civil Engineering, Czech Technical University, Prague, Czechia ([email protected]). • Prof. Jiří Maryška, Faculty of Mechatronics, Technical University of Liberec, Liberec, Czechia ([email protected]). • Doc. Miroslav Rozložník, Institute of Computer Science AS CR & Institute of Mathematics AS CR, Prague, Czechia ([email protected], [email protected]). • Dr. Diana Maria Sima, Departement Elektrotechniek–ESAT, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Leuven, Belgium ([email protected]). • Prof. Zdeněk Strakoš, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University, Prague, Czechia ([email protected]). • Prof. Miroslav Tůma, Institute of Computer Science AS CR, Prague, Czechia ([email protected]). Liberec, Czechia, May 18, 2017 Martin Plešinger 14