Nutika spetsialiseerumise seire vo?rdlusriikides · 2017. 6. 5. · 3. Arengut toetav tehnoloogia...

Nutika spetsialiseerumise kasvuvaldkondade seire ja kasutatavad indikaatorid võrdlusriikides Tartu 2017 Koostajad: Karmen Kert ja Maikki Moosus SA Eesti Teadusagentuur

Transcript of Nutika spetsialiseerumise seire vo?rdlusriikides · 2017. 6. 5. · 3. Arengut toetav tehnoloogia...

Page 1: Nutika spetsialiseerumise seire vo?rdlusriikides · 2017. 6. 5. · 3. Arengut toetav tehnoloogia ja nutikate madalenergiahoonete kasutamine – digitaalne ehitus; 4. Päikeseenergia

Nutika spetsialiseerumise kasvuvaldkondade seire ja

kasutatavad indikaatorid võrdlusriikides

Tartu 2017

Koostajad: Karmen Kert ja Maikki Moosus

SA Eesti Teadusagentuur

Page 2: Nutika spetsialiseerumise seire vo?rdlusriikides · 2017. 6. 5. · 3. Arengut toetav tehnoloogia ja nutikate madalenergiahoonete kasutamine – digitaalne ehitus; 4. Päikeseenergia



Sissejuhatus .......................................................................................................................................... 3

Võrdlusriigid........................................................................................................................................... 5

1. Iirimaa ............................................................................................................................................ 5

2. Holland .......................................................................................................................................... 6

3. Leedu ............................................................................................................................................. 8

4. Sloveenia .................................................................................................................................... 10

5. Soome ......................................................................................................................................... 12

6. Tšehhi .......................................................................................................................................... 13

Kasutatud allikad ................................................................................................................................ 14

Lisa 1 .................................................................................................................................................... 16

Lisa 2 .................................................................................................................................................... 17

Lisa 3 .................................................................................................................................................... 29

Lisa 4 .................................................................................................................................................... 34

Lisa 5 .................................................................................................................................................... 36

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Sissejuhatus Selleks, et edendada Euroopa Liidu liikmesriikide (ja regioonide) regionaalset innovatsiooni ja

efektiivsemat riikliku investeerimist teadusesse regionaalse majanduskasvu saavutamiseks,

tutvustas Euroopa Komisjon 2011. aastal nutika spetsialiseerumise platvormi (Smart

Specialisation Platform), mis toetab riike/regioone nutika spetsialiseerumise strateegia (Smart

Specialisation Strategy - RIS3)1 väljatöötamisel.

Nutikas spetsialiseerumine tähendab riikide/regioonide jaoks prioriteetsete, suurema

kasvupotentsiaaliga valdkondade selekteerimist ning raha suunamist valitud valdkondades

toimuvatesse teadus – ja ettevõtlustegevustesse. Nutika spetsialiseerumise strateegia

väljatöötamine on kohalikust kontekstist sõltuv: iga piirkond keskendub oma unikaalsetele juba

olemasolevatele tugevustele, mida ära kasutades ja/või edasi arendades on võimalik

suurendada konkurentsivõimet. Kuna nutikas spetsialiseerumine on kontekstist sõltuv,

erinevad regioonide prioriteetsed valdkonnad ja sellest tulenevalt ka nende strateegiad ja

seiremeetodid. Strateegiate ja seiremeetodite varieeruvust toetab asjaolu, et Euroopa

Komisjon ei ole andnud täpseid juhiseid, kuidas nutikat spetsialiseerumist operatsionaliseerida

(mõõdetavaks muuta).

Strateegia olemasolu on eeltingimuseks Euroopa Regionaalarengu Fondist rahastuse


Ka Eestis on prioriteetsed kasvuvaldkonnad välja valitud. Eestis kehtivas teadus- ja

arendustegevuse ning innovatsioonistrateegias „Teadmistepõhine Eesti“2 on välja toodud

kolm kasvuvaldkonda:

1. Info- ja kommunikatsioonitehnoloogia (IKT), mis on seotud teiste majandusaladega

(nt küberturvalisus, tarkvaraarendus või IKT kasutamine tööstusprotsesside


2. Tervisetehnoloogiad (nt biotehnoloogia või IT kasutamine meditsiiniteenuste ja -

toodete arendamiseks);

3. Ressursside tõhusam kasutamine (nt ettevõtjad, kes tegutsevad materjaliteaduse ja

-tööstuse vallas, püüavad leida innovaatilisi ehitusvõimalusi või otsivad

keemiatööstuses võimalusi põlevkivi senisest tõhusamaks kasutamiseks).

Eestis puudub hetkel süsteem, kuidas seirata tegevusi neis kasvuvaldkondades ja nende

edenemist. Aitamaks kaasa Eesti oma seiresüsteemi väljatöötamisele, oleme teinud ülevaate

1 Smart Specialisation Platform. 2 Eesti teadus- ja arendustegevuse ning innovatsiooni strateegia 2014–2020 „Teadmistepõhine Eesti”.(2014)

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olemasolevatest strateegiatest ja seiresüsteemidest, mis mujal riikides juba kasutusel on.

Pakkumaks seiremeetoditest mitmekülgset pilti, on dokumendi fookuses kuus meiega mõneti

sarnast võrdlusriiki: Holland, Iirimaa, Leedu, Sloveenia, Soome ja Tšehhi.

Läbi dokumendianalüüsi ja kirjavahetuste võrdlusriikide nutika spetsialiseerumise

kontaktisikutega oleme koostanud kokkuvõtva dokumendi kõigi võrdlusriikide nutika

spetsialiseerumise strateegiatest ja olemasolevatest seiremeetoditest. Iga riigi all on toodud

välja strateegia, prioriteetsed kasvuvaldkonnad, seiresüsteem ja kontaktisikud. Dokumendi

lisades on loetelu kõikidest indikaatoritest, mida riigid kasutavad nutika spetsialiseerumise



• Vaadeldud võrdlusriikides puudub ühtne lähenemine – kõik riigid on korraldanud

strateegiate haldamise ja seire erinevalt.

• Seirega on alles alustatud, seireraporteid ega –tulemusi üldjuhul veel ei ole.

• Spetsiifilisi indikaatoreid ei ole. Seiratakse üldisi TAI indikaatoreid ja meetmepõhiseid

väljundnäitajaid, mis hilisema kvalitatiivse analüüsi käigus seotakse suuremaks pildiks.

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1. Iirimaa

Iirimaa kehtiv strateegia on „Innovation 2020“, milles „Teaduse prioriseerimine“ (Research

Prioritisation) – Iirimaa nutika spetsialiseerumise strateegia – on keskne tugisammas. Välja on

valitud 14 turupotentsiaaliga valdkonda, milles tehakse riiklikult rahastatud teadustööd

toetamaks ettevõtlust3.

Prioriteetsed valdkonnad

1. Tuleviku võrgustikud ja kommunikatsioon;

2. Andmeanalüüs, juhtimine, turvalisus ja privaatsus;

3. Digitaalplatvormid, sisu ja rakendused;

4. Tervishoid

5. Meditsiiniseadmed;

6. Diagnostika;

7. Ravimiarendus

8. Tervislik toit);

9. Jätkusuutlik toidu tootmine ja


10. Mere taastuvenergia;

11. Nutikad võrgustikud ja nutikad linnad;

12. Konkurentsivõime loomine;

13. Protsessitehnoloogia ja uudsed


14. Teenuste ja äriprotsesside


„Innovation 2020“ strateegia täideviimiseks pandi kokku rakkerühm (Innovation 2020

Implementation Group), millesse kuulub muuhulgas Teaduse Prioriseerimise Tegevusrühm

(Research Prioritisation Action Group). Rakkerühma ülesanne on jälgida, et ka teaduse

prioritiseerimise tegevused viiakse ellu. Rakkerühma juhib Töö, Ettevõtluse ja Innovatsiooni



Innovation 2020 esimene raport valmis4 2015. a detsembris. 2018. aastal töötatakse välja uus

tsükkel ning selgitatakse välja uued strateegiliselt olulised valdkonnad. Teaduse

prioriseerimise seireraamistik koosneb kolmest tasandist (riiklikud sihid,

ministeeriumi/agentuuri sihid ja prioriteetsete valdkondade sihid), mida omakorda toetavad 79

indikaatorit5. Indikaatorite loetelu asub lisas 2.

Kontakt: Katrina Flynn, Private Secretary to John Halligan TD, Minister of State for Training,

Skills and Innovation, [email protected]

3 Innovation 2020. (Detsember, 2015) 4 Innovation 2020 First Progress Report (Juuli, 2016) 5 Research Prioritisation: A Framework for Monitoring Public Investment in Science, Technology and Innovation (Juuli, 2013)

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2. Holland

Peamine vastutus teadus- ja innovatsioonistrateegia ja -poliitika kujundamisel lasub Hollandi

valitsusel. Erandiks on nutikas spetsialiseerumine, mille eest vastutavad neli provintsi: Põhja-

Holland6, Ida-Holland7, Lõuna-Holland8ja Lääne-Holland9.

Prioriteetsed valdkonnad


1. Tervis, demograafia ja heaolu;

2. Toidu turvalisus, säästev põllumajandus

ja bioökonoomia;

3. Usaldusväärne, puhas ja tõhus energia;

4. Puhas ja ohutu vesi.


1. Põllumajandus ja toit;

2. Tervis;

3. Kõrgtehnoloogilised süsteemid ja materjalid;

4. Energia- ja keskkonnatehnoloogia ja

biopõhine majandus.


1. Tervis, demograafia ja heaolu;

2. Toidu turvalisus, säästev põllumajandus,

mere ja merendusega seotud teadustöö

ning bioökonoomia;

3. Usaldusväärne, puhas ja tõhus energia;

4. Tark ja roheline transport;

5. Kliimameetmed, ressursitõhusus;

6. Kaasav, innovaatiline, turvaline ühiskond;

7. Turvaline ühiskond.


1. Põllumajandus ja toit;

2. Keemia;

3. Loovtööstus;

4. Jätkusuutlik energia;

5. Kõrgtehnoloogilised süsteemid ja materjalid;

6. Logistika;

7. Eluteadused ja tervis;

8. Aiandus ja paljundamismaterjalid;

9. Vesi ja kliima.

Rahaline tugi nende regioonide teadus- ja innovatsioonitegevustele tuleb viielt

regionaalarengu ettevõttelt (ROM, regionale ontwikkelingsmaatschappij)10. Kuigi juhtimise,

ärivaldkondade arendustegevuse ja otseste välisinvesteeringutega tegelevad peamiselt

ROMid, siis ka provintsid arendavad ja toetavad (rahaliselt) teadus-ja innovatsioonipoliitikat.

Provintside nutika spetsialiseerumise programmid (RIS3) on peamiselt strateegilised, kuid

6 Research and Innovation Strategy for Smart Specialization (RIS3) Northern Netherlands. (September, 2013) 7 Slimme specialisatiestrategie Oost-Nederland (September, 2013) 8 Smart Specilisation Strategy The art of combination and cooperation. RIS3 Zuid Research and Innovation Strategy for Smart Specialisation for Zuid-Nederland, the region compromising Noord-Brabant, Limburg and Zeeland (the South Netherlands) (September, 2013) 9RIS3 Slimme specialisatiestrategie West-Nederland Definitieve versie (Jaanuar, 2014) 10 RIO COUNTRY REPORT 2015: The Netherlands. (2016)

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ilma detailse rahastusplaanita. Provintside strateegiad keskenduvad tippsektoritele ja on

seotud riikliku teadus- ja innovatsioonipoliitikaga ning olemasolevate teaduse



Regionaalset seiret teeb Hollandi Statistikaamet (Centraal Bureau van Statistiek - CBS) kaks

korda aastas (seire raportit ei ole õnnestunud leida). Seireindikaatorid on toodud lisas 1.

Kontakt: Hollandi Statistikaamet

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3. Leedu

Leedu Majandusministeerium on pannud kokku „Leedu innovatsiooni arengu programmi,

2014-2020“11, mis on nutika spetsialiseerumisega seotud läbi tegevuskava meetmete, mis

toetavad väljavalitud nutika spetsialiseerumise prioriteetide edendamist.

2014. a kinnitati „TAI prioriteetsete valdkondade ja nende prioriteetide elluviimise

programm“12, mille eesmärk oli tuvastada spetsiifilised TAI prioriteedid kuues teaduse ja

(sotsiokultuurilise) arengu ja innovatsiooni (nutika spetsialiseerumise) prioriteedi valdkonnas

ning sõnastada tingimused nende prioriteetide täideviimiseks.

Leedu eristab 20 nutika spetsialiseerumise prioriteeti13, mis omakorda jaotuvad 6 prioriteetse

valdkonna alla14. Iga prioriteediga on seotud Tegevusplaan (Action Plan) (vt lisa 3).

Prioriteetsed valdkonnad ja prioriteedid:

Energia ja jätkusuutlik keskkond:

1. Nutikad süsteemid energia efektiivsuseks,

diagnostikaks, seireks ja mõõtmiseks ning

generaatorite, võrgustike ja klientide juhtimiseks;

2. Energia ja kütuse tootmine biomassi/jäätmeid

kasutades ning jäätmetöötlus, hoiustamine ja


3. Arengut toetav tehnoloogia ja nutikate

madalenergiahoonete kasutamine – digitaalne


4. Päikeseenergia seadmed ja tehnoloogiad elektri

tootmiseks, kütmiseks ja jahutamiseks.

Transpordi, logistika ning informatsiooni ja

kommunikatsiooni tehnoloogiad:

1. Nutikas transport ja IKT;

2. Rahvusvaheliste transpordi koridoride

juhtimise mudelid/tehnoloogiad ning erinevat

tüüpi transportide integreerimine;

3. Kõrgtasemelised elektroonilised elemendid,

sisu arendustehnoloogiad, informatsiooni


4. IKT infrastruktuur, pilveandmetöötluse

lahendused ja teenused.

11 Lithuanian Innovation Development Programme 2014-2020. (Detsember, 2013) 12 The Programme on the Implementation of the Priority Areas of Research and (Socio-Cultural) Development and Innovation (Smart Specialisation) and their Priorities. (Aprill, 2014) 13 About Smart Specialisation. 14 Approving the Priority Areas of research and (Socio-Cultural) Development and Innovation Development (Smart Specialisation)

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Tervise- ja biotehnoloogiad:

1. Molekulaartehnoloogiad meditsiiniks ja


2. Intelligentsed rakendatavad tehnoloogiad

personaalseks- ja rahvaterviseks;

3. Kõrgetasemeline meditsiinitehnoloogia

varajaseks diagnostikaks ja raviks.

Uudsed tootmisprotsessid, materjalid ja


1. Fotoonika ja laseri tehnoloogia;

2. Funktsionaalsed materjalid ja katted;

3. Ehitus- ja komposiitmaterjalid;

4. Paindlikud tehnoloogiasüsteemid toote

disainimiseks ja valmistamiseks.

Agro-innovatsioon ja toidutehnoloogia:

1. Ohutu toit;

2. Funktsionaalne toit;

3. Bioressursside uuenduslik arendamine,

täiustamine ja töötlemine (Biotöötlus).

Kaasatud ja loov ühiskond:

1. Moodsad õppimistehnoloogiad ja –


2. Tehnoloogiad ja protsessid

läbimurdeliseks innovatsiooniks


TAI prioriteetsete valdkondade ja nende prioriteetide elluviimise programmi elluviimist

seiratakse prioriteetide tegevuskavade (vt. lisa 3) teostust analüüsides ja hinnates15. Iga-

aastase seirega ja hindamisega tegeleb Teaduse ja Kõrghariduse Monitooringu ja

Analüüsikeskus (MOSTA). Prioriteetide elluviimist jälgitakse tehnoloogia tasandil.

Vahearuanne ilmub 2018. aasta teises pooles ning sisaldab seiretulemusi ja ekspertide


Kontakt: Ramojus Reimeris, Acting director, MOSTA, [email protected]

15 Monitoring scheme (Detsember, 2014)

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4. Sloveenia

Sloveenia nutika spetsialiseerumise strateegia S416 toetab Sloveenia arengupoliitikat. S4

keskendub kolmele prioriteetsele valdkonnale ja 9 rakendusalale17.

Prioriteetsed valdkonnad ja rakendusalad

Tervislik elu- ja töökeskkond:

1. Nutikad linnad ja kogukonnad;

2. Nutikad hooned ja kodud.

Tööstus 4.0 - (S)Industry 4.0:

1. Tuleviku tehased;

2. Tervis – meditsiin;

3. Mobiilsus;

4. Materjalide kui lõpp-produktide arendus.

Looduslikud ja traditsioonilised ressursid


1. Võrgustikud ringmajandusele üleminekuks;

2. Jätkusuutik toidutoomine;

3. Jätkusuutlik turism

S4 on üleriigiline dokument ja seda juhitakse 3-tasemelise süsteemi kaudu:

1. Riiklik tasand – S4 juhtimine, sh strateegia ettevalmistamine, toetamine, rakendamine,

seire ja hindamine.

2. Riiklik Innovatsiooni Platvorm (National Innovation Platform) toob kokku

arendustegevusega seotud huvirühmad seiramaks S4 rakendamist ja teeb soovitusi.

3. Strateegiline partnerlus (Strategic partnership) – toetavad süsteemiülest ja pikaajalist

koostööd huvirühmadega spetsiifilistes valdkondades.


Riiklikul tasandil viib seiret läbi rakendustöörühm (the Implementation Working Group).

Töörühm seirab S4 progressi strateegilisel/poliitilisel tasandil kord aastas, tuginedes

tegevuskavade raportitele. Arengu ja Euroopa ühtekuuluvuspoliitika valitsuskomisjoni,

majandusarengu ja tehnoloogia ministeeriumi ning hariduse, teaduse ja spordi ministeeriumi

riigisekretärid moodustavad töörühma juhatuse. Horisontaalset seiret teeb riiklik innovatsiooni

platvorm, üksikutes valdkondades seirab strateegiline partnerlus.

Tegevuskavade ja strateegiliste partnerluste esimene detailne analüüs ja hindamine on

plaanis läbi viia 2018. aastal14.

S4 indikaatorid ja seireperioodi leiab lisas 4.

16 Slovenia’s Smart Specialisation Strategy S4. (September, 2015) 17 Slovenia’s Smart Specialisation Strategy S4

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1. Franc Matjaž Zupančič, riigisekretär, Arengu ja Euroopa ühtekuuluvuspoliitika

valitsuskomisjon, [email protected]

2. Aleš Cantarutti, riigisekretär, ja Eva Štravs Podlogar, riigisekretär, majandusarengu ja

tehnoloogia ministeerium, [email protected]

3. Andreja Barle Lakota, riigisekretär ja Tomaž Boh, riigisekretär, hariduse, teaduse ja

spordi ministeerium, [email protected]

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5. Soome

Soomes koordineerib regionaalset arengut tööhõive ja majanduse ministeerium (The

Ministry of Employment and the Economy)18, kes koostöös teiste ministeeriumite, volikogude

ja huvirühmadega valmistab ette ja viib ellu riikliku regionaalpoliitika prioriteete.

Regioonid valmistavad ise oma strateegilised regionaalarengu programmid19, mis katavad 4-

aastase perioodi. Nendes programmides võetakse arvesse valitsuse regionaalarengu

prioriteete ja nutikat spetsialiseerumist ning integreeritakse riiklikud ja EL-i regionaalarengu

strateegiad regionaalsel tasandil. Tööhõive ja majanduse ministeerium koordineerib seda

protsessi jagades valdadele instruktsioone programmide ettevalmistamisel ning pannes

paika ühised tähtajad programmidele. Samuti teeb ministeerium kokkuvõtteid valdade

programmide kohta. Vallad on hetkel ette valmistamas oma programme, mida hakatakse

viima ellu aastatel 2018-2020.

Tööhõive ja majanduse ministeerium on hetkel valmistamas ette praeguste regionaalarengu

prioriteetide seiret20. Seireks kogutakse informatsiooni organisatsioonidelt (peamiselt

ministeeriumitelt), kes vastutavad prioriteetide elluviimise eest.

Soomel puudub nutika spetsialiseerumise seiresüsteem. Informatsiooni kogutakse vaid

vastavalt vajadusele. Ei ole ka koostatud eraldi raportit/analüüsi nutika spetsialiseerumise

tulemuste kohta.

Kontakt: Petra Stenfors, Senior Officer, Ministry of Employment and Economic Affairs,

Department of Enterprises and Regional Development, Tel +358 50 349 3149,

[email protected]

18 Regional development priorities 2016-2019. 19 Regional development and regional councils. 20 Monitoring and forecasting regional development.

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6. Tšehhi

Tšehhil riiklik nutika spetsialiseerumise strateegia leiab dokumendist “National Research and

Innovation Strategy for Smart Specialisation of the Czech Republlic”21. Selles on valitud 6

võtmetähtsusega valdkonda, millega on seotud konkreetsed eesmärgid ja indikaatorid (vt.

lisa 5)

Prioriteetsed valdkonnad:

1. Ettevõtete kõrgem innovaatiline tegevus;

2. Teadustöö kvaliteeti tõstmine;

3. Teadustöö majandusliku kasulikkuse suurendamine;

4. Parandada kvalitatiivselt ja kvantitatiivselt inimressursi kättesaadavust uuenduslike

ettevõtete jaoks ning teadus- ja arendustööks;

5. E-valitsuse ja e-äri arendamine konkurentsivõime parandamiseks (IKT ja digitaalse

plaani väljatöötamine);

6. Parandada ja paremini kasutada sotsiaalset kapitali ja loomingulisust keerukate

sotsiaalsete väljakutsete lahendamiseks.


Seireraportid valmistatakse kord aastas Riikliku RIS3 Juhataja (National RIS3 Manager) ja

analüüsi töörühma poolt. Riiklik juhataja hakkab vastutama Riikliku RIS3 strateegia juhtimise

ja koordineerimise eest.

Nutika spetsialiseerumise seire ja hinnangu raport on hetkel valmimisel ja lõplik

(tšehhikeelne) raport ilmub hiljemalt 2017. aasta juunis.

Kontakt: Pavel Bělobrádek, Deputy Prime Minister for the Science, Research and

Innovation, Ludmila Görigová, [email protected]

21 National Research and Innovation Strategy for Smart Specialisation of the Czech Republic (National RIS3 Strateg. (Juuni, 2016)

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Kasutatud allikad 1. About Smart Specialisation.

2. Approving the Priority Areas of research and (Socio-Cultural) Development and

Innovation Development (Smart Specialisation)


3. Eesti teadus- ja arendustegevuse ning innovatsiooni strateegia 2014–2020

„Teadmistepõhine Eesti”. (2014)

4. Innovation 2020. (Detsember, 2015)


5. Innovation 2020 First Progress Report (Juuli, 2016)


6. Lithuanian Innovation Development Programme 2014-2020. (Detsember, 2013)


7. Monitoring and forecasting regional development.

8. Monitoring scheme (Detsember, 2014)


9. National Research and Innovation Strategy for Smart Specialisation of the Czech

Republic (National RIS3 Strateg. (Juuni, 2016)

10. Regional development and regional councils.

11. Regional development priorities 2016-2019.


12. Research and Innovation Strategy for Smart Specialization (RIS3) Northern

Netherlands. (September, 2013)

13. Research Prioritisation: A Framework for Monitoring Public Investment in Science,

Technology and Innovation (Juuli, 2013)



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14. RIO COUNTRY REPORT 2015: The Netherlands. (2016)


15. RIS3 Slimme specialisatiestrategie West-Nederland Definitieve versie (Jaanuar,



16. Slimme specialisatiestrategie Oost-Nederland (September, 2013) http://www.op-

17. Smart Specialisation Platform.

18. Smart Specilisation Strategy The art of combination and cooperation. RIS3 Zuid

Research and Innovation Strategy for Smart Specialisation for Zuid-Nederland, the

region compromising Noord-Brabant, Limburg and Zeeland (the South Netherlands)

(September, 2013)


19. The Programme on the Implementation of the Priority Areas of Research and (Socio-

Cultural) Development and Innovation (Smart Specialisation) and their Priorities.

(Aprill, 2014)


20. Slovenia’s Smart Specialisation Strategy S4. (September, 2015)


21. Slovenia’s Smart Specialisation Strategy S4


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Lisa 1 Hollandi indikaatorid:

1. Private R&D expenditure

a. Total expenditure of the private sector on R&D in millions of euros.

b. Expenditure on own research (own personnel) and outsourced research.

c. R&D outsourced within the concern or to other businesses, universities or

research institutes in the Netherlands or abroad.

2. Private R&D expenditure of SMEs Businesses employing up to 250 people.

3. Innovative companies: technological innovation

a. Product innovation;

b. Process innovation;

c. Broken off or not yet completed.

4. Innovative companies: non-technological innovations:

a. organisational innovations;

b. marketing innovations.

5. Innovative expenditure - the total of the expenditure on own and outsourced

research, related equipment, other external knowledge, training, the market

introduction of innovations, design and other preparations, for technologically new

or greatly-improved products (goods or services) or processes.

6. Innovative companies: cooperation with government or public research institutes

7. Innovative companies: cooperation with universities.

Põhja Holland seirab lisaks ka kvalitatiivseid indikaatoreid, mis keskenduvad järgmistele


1. the degree to which the RIS3 advances innovation and collaboration;

2. the degree to which the RIS3 is experienced as a true participation strategy;

3. the impact the strategy has on the residents of the Northern Netherlands.

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Lisa 2 Iirimaa indikaatorid



Metric Source International



M1 Business Expenditure on Research

and Development (BERD)

(€ and as % GDP;-GNP for Ireland)

Eurostat Yes BERD in €m;

Data to be

displayed in €

and as % of


Track also

BERD as % of


M2 Total R&D Personnel in Business

Enterprise Sector/Total Employment

in Business Enterprise Sector

Eurostat Yes

M3 BERD in Irish-owned Enterprises


CSO/Forfás No

M4 Number of Irish-owned enterprises

investing in “Minimum Scale” R&D (>

€100k) and total employment in these

enterprises in Ireland

CSO/Forfás No Further work

required on

definition of

Minimum Scale

in indigenous


whether to

base on R&D

personnel or




defined as

>€100k per


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M5 Number of Irish-owned

enterprisesinvesting in “Significant

Scale” R&D (> €2m) and total

employment in these enterprises in


CSO/Forfás No Further work

required on

definition of


Scale in



whether to

base on R&D

personnel or




defined as

>€2m per


M6 Share of sales in Irish-owned

enterprises from products introduced

in past 3 years (new to firm or new to


CSO/Forfás Yes

M7 BERD in foreign-owned enterprises


CSO/Forfás No

M8 Total number of foreign-owned

enterprises investing in “Minimum

scale”(€100k/year) R&D and total

employment in these enterprises in


CSO/Forfás No

M9 Total number of foreign-owned

enterprises investing in “Significant

scale” (€2m/year) R&D and total

employment in these enterprises in


CSO/Forfás No

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M10 Total funding to Irish-owned

enterprises from EU Horizon 2020 (€

and as % of BERD in indigenous




Yes Captures vast

majority of EU

funding; other


such as ESA to

be tracked




M11 Total funding to foreign-owned

enterprises from EU Horizon 2020(€

and as % of BERD in foreign-owned




Yes Captures vast

majority of EU

funding; other


such as ESA to

be tracked




M12 Total Government Budget for R&D

(GBAORD) for support for in-

company RTDI activities (€ and as %


Forfás Science


No Identify agency


that most

directly link to

this policy goal

M13 Number and value of claims under

R&D Tax Credit


of Finance


M14 Number of Irish-owned enterprises

supported through RTDI grants (No.

of firms assisted and total value of

grants approved)




M15 Number of foreign-owned enterprises

supported through RTDI grants (No.

of firms assisted and total value of

grants approved)

IDA Ireland No

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M16 Financial support provided to

enterprises to support applications to

EU Horizon 2020




M17 Share of exports in agency supported

enterprises accounted for by the R&D

performing enterprises

Forfás ABSEI No

M18 Share of gross value added in agency

supported enterprises accounted for

by R&D performing enterprises

Forfás ABSEI No

M19 Non R&D Innovation Expenditure as

% of GDP (GNP for Ireland)

CIS Survey



M20 Proportion of Enterprises Introducing

New Products/ Processes/Services

CIS Survey



M21 Non-R&D Innovation Expenditures of

indigenous enterprises € and as a %

of Sales)

CIS Survey



M22 Proportion of Irish-owned Enterprises

Introducing New Products/Processes/


CIS Survey



M23 New indigenous research active High

Potential Start-Ups (HPSUs)




M24 Non-R&D Innovation Expenditures of

foreign-owned enterprises (€and as a

% of Sales)

CIS Survey



M25 Proportion of Foreign-owned

Enterprises Introducing New

Products/ Processes/ Services

CIS Survey



M26 Number of indigenous enterprises

participating in EU research





M27 Number of foreign-owned enterprises

participating in EU research





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M28 Publicly performed R&D

(HERD+GOVERD) financed by the

enterprise sector (€ and as % of Total


Eurostat Yes Metric agreed in

context of 2012

Action Plan for


M29 R&D performing enterprises engaged

in joint research projects with

HEIs/PROs in Ireland (No. and % of

all R&D performing enterprises)


BERD Survey

No Metric agreed in

context of 2012

Action Plan for


M30 Total number of active collaborations

between HEIs/PROs and enterprises

where enterprise contribution > €0.5m

(multi-annual cash or in-kind)

Agency Data No

M31 Number of new postgraduate

researchers trained under

industry/employment based

programmes (No. and as a % of all

new post graduate researchers)

Agency Data Yes Variation on

metric agreed in

context of 2012

Action Plan for

Jobs – agreed

metric based on



metric for 2017

time horizon

should be

based on

graduate output

rather than


M32 Proportion of new postgraduate

researchers moving to industry as

first destination

HEA First



No Target for

SFI in the

context of

2012 APJ –



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based on




would be


metric; SFI

metric to be





M33 Number of

Licences/Options/Assignments to

enterprises based in Ireland (No. and

per 100 Million PPP$ of Research




Yes Metric agreed in

context of 2012

Action Plan for


M34 Total funding secured by HEIs/PROs

from Licences/

Options/Assignments in €m




M35 Number of New “Spin-outs” Created

(No. and per 100 Million PPP$ of

Research Funding)



Yes Metric agreed in

context of 2012

Action Plan for


M36 Total number (stock) of active High

Potential Start-ups (HPSUs) arising

from spin-outs from public research





M37 Total equity invested in stock of

HPSUs arising from spin-outs from

public research system




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M38 Total employment in stock of HPSUs

arising from spin-outs from public

research system




M39 Number of publications in peer-

reviewed high impact journals

specifically oriented to stated policy

priorities and legislative obligations of



Reuters (Special


No Metric proposed

by DECLG as a

mechanism for


“Research for

Policy” within

the framework

M40 Number of non-peer reviewed outputs

focused on policy-related

dissemination (e.g. reports, briefing

papers, practice guidelines,

handbooks etc.)

Agency Data No

M41 Number of Innovation Vouchers





M42 Number of companies engaged in

research with HE sector via

Innovation Partnerships




M43 Number of companies involved in

EI/IDA Technology Centres




M44 Number of collaborative projects

undertaken by Enterprise Ireland

funded Technology Gateways




M45 Industry income to Technology

Centres and Technology Gateways




M46 Number of companies involved in co-

financing arrangements with SFI

research centres


M47 Total enterprise co-financing of SFI-

funded research


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M48 Total number of enrolments on


postgraduate research programmes

Agency Data No

M49 Support for Technology Transfer

Office (TTO) infrastructure (Total

annual cost and number of persons

employed within TTO function)




M50 Number and value of research

awards focused on stated policies

and legislative obligations of

Government (either exclusively or

with a dual policy/enterprise focus)

Agency Data No

M51 Public-private scientific co-

publications (No. and per million of





M52 Proportion of enterprises collaborating

on innovation activities with

HEIs/PROs in Ireland

CIS Survey



M53 Proportion of researchers departing

SFI-funded research teams moving

directly to industry (No. and as % of

all researchers departing SFI funded

research teams)


M54 Total number of researchers

employed in Irish HEIs/PROs (HERD

and GOVERD) (No. and per thousand


Eurostat Yes

M55 Citation Impact Factor (citations per

publication normalised to world






M56 Total funding awarded to Irish

HEIs/PROs from EU Research


Ireland based on

EC data


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Programmes € and as % of total

funding available

M57 European Research Council (ERC)

funding secured by Irish-based

researchers/research teams Number

of awards (No. and as % of total

number of awards made) and Value

of awards (€ and as % of total funding



Ireland based on

EC data


M58 Share of publicly-performed research

financed by non-exchequer

sources (enterprise sector, EU, other

international sources)

Eurostat Yes

M59 Estimated allocation of publicly-

performed portion of GBAORD to:

• Priority Areas and Platform

Science and Technology

• Research for Policy

• Research for Knowledge and


• Integrating Infrastructure

Forfás No Will involve

special analysis


data and will

require changes

to agency

inputs to Forfás

Science Budget

M60 Number scientific publications

involving two or more HEIs/PROs in






M61 Number of researchers working

directly in large research centres

(definition of large research centres to

be agreed) – No. and as % of all

researchers in HEIs/PROs

Agency data No

M62 Total Government Budget for R&D

(GBAORD) for publicly performed

research in HEIs and PROs (€ and as

% of GBAORD)

Forfás No

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M63 Cumulative investment in physical

infrastructure (buildings and

equipment) for research in

HEIs/PROs since 2000?

Agency Data No Would involve


new indicator

based of



investments in

buildings and


M64 Financial support provided to

researchers in HEIs/PROs to support

applications to EU Horizon 2020




M65 Number of enrolments at Research

Masters level (STEM and HSS

breakdown) No. and Per Thousand

Age Cohort


M66 Number of graduates at Research

Masters level (STEM and HSS

breakdown) No. and Per Thousand

Age Cohort


M67 Number of enrolments at PhD level

(STEM and HSS breakdown) No. and

Per Thousand Age Cohort


M68 Number of graduates at PhD level

(STEM and HSS breakdown) No. and

Per Thousand Age Cohort


M69 Proportion of PhD Graduates from

Structured PhD Programmes


M70 Metrics(s) of quality of postgraduate

researcher training



survey (HEA)


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M71 Metric(s) relating to Ireland’s ability to

produce, attract and retain “world-

leading” researchers


M72 Number of Publications with Irish

author Number and % share of world






M73 Number of EU Research Projects

Coordinated by Irish Researchers

• Number of awards (No. and

as % of total number of

awards made)

• Value of awards (€ and as %

of total funding awarded)


Ireland based on

EC data


M74 Share of publicly-performed research

according to OECD Frascati


• Basic Research

• Applied Research

• Experimental Development

Forfás HERD




M75 Publications co-authored by

researchers in Ireland and outside

Ireland as a share of all Irish



Reuters, InCites


M76 Innovations and influences relevant to

policy, practice, legislation and

service delivery

Agencies No Numeric or


account of

impacts as


M77 Number of enterprise clients (for

advice, training, consultancy and

small commercial services) each year

per HEI/PRO and total income earned

Agencies No

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M78 Number and total value of contract

research agreements between


Agencies No

M79 Technology Transfer Office (TTO)

Performance Metrics & Commitments


1. Licence, Option, Assignment

(LOAs) 515

2. Spin-outs 153

3. High Performance Start-Ups

(HPSUs) 60

4. Research Agreements (>€25k)


5. Invention Disclosure Forms

(IDFs) 1,660


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Lisa 3 Leedu Tegevuskava (Action Plan)

Actions Evaluation criteria of actions and


Action 1. To create and introduce new

technologies, products, processes and methods

into the market:

Created prototypes (concepts) of

products, services or processes within

3 years after the implementation of the

project (pcs.)

Measure 1.1. Joint science and business projects

contributing to the implementation of smart


• Number of projects jointly

executed by business, science

and education institutions (pcs.)

• Number of certified products (pcs.) Measure 1.2. Support for the creation or

development of the company’s RDI infrastructure

and implementation of RDI activities (“Intelektas”)

Measure 1.3. Support for company RDI providing

innovation vouchers (“Inovaciniai čekiai”)

Measure 1.4. Support for patenting inventions and

design (“InoPatent LT”)

Measure 1.5. Support for precertification of new

products and technologies and for conducting tests

in laboratories under actual conditions


Action 2. To encourage the creation of knowledge-

intensive business and development of companies

having large potential:

New companies having received

investments within 3 years after the

implementation of the project (pcs.)

Measure 2.1. Support for the provision of innovation

consulting services (“Inogeb LT”)

• Number of companies receiving

financial support in some other

form than a subsidy (pcs.) Measure 2.2. Support to companies engaged in RDI

by financial tools (“Technostartas LT”, “Koinvest LT”)

Action 3. To promote clusterization, integration

into international value creation networks and

investments in RDI:

New cluster members within 3 years

from the start of the implementation of

the project (persons)

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Attracted foreign investments into RDI

area by areas of smart specialization

within 3 years after the implementation

of the project (thousand EUR)

Measure 3.1. Support for cluster operation

(“InoKlaster LT”)

• Number of legally binding

agreements with international

partners (pcs.) Measure 3.2. Support for participating in

international RDI initiatives (“InoConect LT”)

Measure 3.3. Support for cluster operation

(“InoKlaster LT+”)

Measure 3.4. Support to the R&D infrastructure of

common use ("Infrastructure of technological


Measure 3.5. Support for the investment in industrial

territory (SmartPark LT)

Measure 3.6. Support for raising the direct foreign

investments in RDI area

(“SmartInvest LT”)

Measure 3.7. Support for direct foreign investments

in RDI area

(“SmartInvest LT+”)

Action 4. To promote science and business

cooperation, transfer of knowledge and

technologies in order to commercialize R&D


Business R&D orders executed by

science and education institutions

(thousand EUR)

Revenues of science and education

institutions from intellectual activity

results (thousand EUR)

Measure 4.1. Creation of the material base intended

for the implementation of joint science and business

projects and the development thereof in science and

education institutions (creation and development of

infrastructure of centres of excellence)

• Patent applications (pcs.)

• Doctoral studies conducted

together with business entities

(number of doctoral students)

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Measure 4.2. Support for the implementation of RDI

activities executed by centres of excellence

Measure 4.3. Implementation of market-oriented

science and business projects through cross-border


Measure 4.4. Encouragement of commercialization

of R&D activity results in science and education


Action 5. To enhance the potential of science and

education institutions and their abilities to create

and commercialize knowledge and to prepare


External users from foreign science

and education institutions, Lithuanian

and foreign business companies

having used the renewed open access

research infrastructure (funds received

from these users (thousand EUR))

Number of publications in frequently

cited periodicals (pcs.)

Measure 5.1. Renewal of RDI and education

infrastructure in the areas of smart specialization

• Number of researchers working in

improved research infrastructure

base (full-time equivalents)

• Number of spin-offs created in

science and education institutions


Measure 5.2. Creation and development of

European research infrastructures as well as

integration of Lithuania into the European research

infrastructures pursuant to the Lithuanian research

infrastructure signpost and ESFRI**

Measure 5.3. Renewal of equipment used in open-

access centres by areas of smart specialization

Measure 5.4. R&D activities conducted by

Lithuanian science and education institutions

Measure 5.5. Subscription of databases necessary

for RDI activities

Measure 5.6. Creation of infrastructure of centres of

excellence and parallel laboratories

Measure 5.7. Development of information

infrastructure for science and education (LITNET)

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Measure 5.8. Support to activities of parallel


Measure 5.9. Attraction of foreign scientists and

R&D activities

Measure 5.10. Promoting activities of innovation and

technology transmission centres of science and

education institutions

Measure 5.11. Ensurance of the doctoral study

process; doctoral studies, trips, scholarship, R&D,

transfer, funds for visits (including foreign doctoral


Measure 5.12. Employment of scientists and other

researchers in knowledge-intensive enterprises

Measure 5.13. Attracting and reintegrating scholars

Measure 5.14. Student R&D activities

Measure 5.15. Promotion of internships after

doctoral studies

Measure 5.16. Preparation of specialists in smart

specialization priority-related study programmes

Measure 5.17. Development of science

popularization system

Measure 5.18. Funding of undergraduate, graduate,

integrated and non-degree studies

Measure 5.19. Support for mobility of Lithuanian and

foreign students and teachers

Measure 5.20. Practical trainings for scientists and

other researchers, participation of scientists and

other researchers in targeted events of international

programmes, participation of Lithuanian researchers

in targeted meetings for the preparation of project

applications, participation of representatives from

Lithuania in the European Union and other

international working groups, committees,

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commissions, related to research and experimental

(socio-cultural) development. / Encouragement of

participation in H2020

Measure 5.21. Ensure funding for R&D activities

relevant for the solution of top-level problems

strategically important to the public and the state as

well as economic development

Measure 5.22. Support cross-sectoral cooperation in

R&D area

Measure 5.23. Allow researchers to use digital

scientific data resources

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Lisa 4

Sloveenia indikaatorid

Indicator Measurement




Source of data Frequency of


Share of high-tech products in


percentage R IMAD annually

Share of exports of knowledge

intensive services in total


percentage R IMAD annually

Entrepreneurial activity index R IMAD and GEM annually

Share of funds from abroad to

finance the total gross


expenditure on R&D





Placing Slovenia above the EU

average in the Innovation

Union Scoreboard





Share of funds in public sector

expenditure on R&D funded by

the business sector

percentage R SORS annually

Share of corporate funds to

finance research and

development activities in GDP





Share of innovation-active


percentage R SORS every 2 years

Number of researchers in

supported entities



O Monitoring annually

Number of companies

cooperating with knowledge

institutions companies





Number of supported


companies O Monitoring annually

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Number of fast-growing


number R AJPES annually

Value added per employee in


EUR R AJPES annually

Higher resource productivity GDP/DMC R EUROSTAT/SORS annually

Number of companies having

introduced efficient resource

management measures

Number O Monitoring annually

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Lisa 5 Tšehhi indikaatorid

Key area of changes A: Higher innovation performance of companies

A.1: Increasing the innovation

demand in companies (and in the

public sector)

Number of companies with non-investment R&D

expenditures of CZK 10+ million

Number of new patent applications (international

applications only – PCT, EPO, USPTO)

A.2: Increasing the level of

enterprise in the society, with

emphasis on the establishment of

new, fast growing companies

Number of incubated companies (in the national network of

technological incubators) that are still active three years after


Number of fast growing companies (gazelles185) out of the

total number of companies incubated in the national network

of technological incubators

A.3: Increasing the

internationalisation of SMEs

Number of supported companies (SMEs) that increased or

started their export within 3 years;

Number of SMEs that increased the number of target

countries within 3 years of granting support (of which

countries outside EU) or started their export

Specific objectives Indicators of the specific objective

A.1.1: Strengthening the research

and development capacities of


Number of new patent applications by supported companies

(international applications only – PCT, EPO, USPTO) –


Number of supported companies whose own non-investment

R&D expenditure has increased by X% within 3 years of

project completion (X will be defined depending on company

size) – monitoring

A.1.2: Improving strategic

management in SMEs

Number of supported companies whose sales increased by

X% within 3 years of project completion (X will be defined

depending on company size) – monitoring

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A.1.3: Strengthening technological

co-operation of companies

Number of supported companies that have their own

expenditure on R&D cooperation one year after project


• of which cooperation with research organisations

Number of supported companies that purchased a licence to

use external intellectual property after project completion –


Volume of the drawing of H2020 resources by companies –


A.2.1: Increasing the number of new

companies striving for innovations,

especially higher-order innovations

Number of incubated companies (in the national network of

technological incubators) that are still active three years after


Number of fast growing companies incubated in the

programme of technological incubators

Number of internationally certified providers of incubation


A.2.2: Improving the availability of

external financing for start-up

entrepreneurs and companies with

a short history

Volume of seed and venture investments in companies in

the programme of technological incubators

Volume of inactivated bank guarantees and unclassified

loans for companies with a history of up to 3 years

A.2.3: Increasing interest in

enterprise within the society

Share of university graduates that do/start a business in the

total number of graduates (to be calculated 2 years after


Number of entrepreneurs supported through a voucher, who

run a business and have at least one employee 3 years after

receiving support

A.3.1: Improving the availability of

strategic information about the

target markets of local SMEs

Number of supported companies that increased their exports

(while increasing or maintaining their sales) by X% or started

to export within 3 years

Number of SMEs that increased the number of target

countries (of which countries outside the EU) or started to

export within 3 years of being granted support

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A.3.2: Improving the capacities and

competencies of companies in

marketing and foreign trade

Number of supported companies that increased their exports

(while increasing or maintaining their sales) by X% or started

to export within 3 years

Number of SMEs that increased the number of target

countries (of which countries outside the EU) or started to

export within 3 years of being granted support

A.3.3: Reducing the costs and risks

of SMEs associated with their entry

into foreign markets

Number of supported companies that increased their exports

(while increasing or maintaining their sales) by X% or started

to export within 3 years

Number of SMEs that increased the number of target

countries (of which countries outside the EU) or started to

export within 3 years of being granted support

Key area of changes B: Improving the quality of research

B.1: Improving the quality and

problem-orientation of research in

knowledge domains that are

relevant for intelligent


The share of specialist publications co-authored by domestic

and foreign researchers

Number of participations of supported research teams

implemented within the Horizon 2020 programme

Number of international patent applications (PCT) with an

originator/co-originator from research organisations

Specific objectives Indicators of the specific objective

B.1.1: Providing stable conditions

for the long-term development of

high quality research facilities

The number of infrastructures in the Czech Republic that are

involved in projects of the pan-European ESFRI

infrastructures and included in the national roadmap of large


B.1.2: Increasing the international

openness of public research in the

Czech Republic

Number of new international co-operation projects within

established international strategic partnerships198

Headcount of foreign researchers employed in research

organisations in the Czech Republic

Key area of change C: Increasing the economic benefits of public research

C.1: Increasing the relevance of

research to the needs of the

application sector

Number of licences to research results granted to companies

by research organisations

Number of acquired grant (i.e. co-financed by companies)

research projects of research organisations and companies

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Specific objectives Indicators of the specific objective

C.1.1: Strengthening the co-

operation and interaction between

research organisations and the

application sector

The volume of financial resources for R&D acquired by

research organisations from corporate sources (contract

R&D + donations from donors)

The share of specialist publications co-authored by research

organisations and companies

C.1.2: Increasing the commercial

use of the R&D results and

knowledge of research


The volume of resources obtained by research organisations

from newly granted licences to research results (from 2014)

The number of start-up companies using intellectual property

from research organisations

Key area of change D: Improved availability of HR, in terms of both quality and quantity, for

innovative enterprise, research and development

D.1: Improving the quality of school


D.2: Identifying and making use of


D.3: Improving the quality of

research and development staff

The numbers of primary and secondary schools and

universities equipped with tools for the diagnostics and

development of soft skills

The proportion of secondary school graduates with a

knowledge of English at a corresponding level according to

the Common European Framework of Reference (secondary

school completed without the maturita school-leaving

examination – B1, secondary school completed with the

maturita school-leaving examination – B2)

The proportion of university students who have studied at

least one semester abroad

The number of primary and secondary schools with a

borrowed (standardised) system for identifying the natural

talents of pupils

The number of primary and secondary schools with an

implemented programme for developing natural talent

The number of persons participating in individualised

programmes for the development of individuals with

exceptional talent

The number of foreign students at universities

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The number of research organisations with a modernised

system of strategic management

The proportion of doctoral students who successfully

completed their studies

The proportion of doctoral students who have studied at

least one semester abroad

Specific objectives Indicators of the specific objective

D.1.1: Creating a functioning

relationship between schools and


The satisfaction of employers with the quality the expertise

and skills of graduates from various fields of study (it is

necessary to carry out a representative survey among


D.1.2: Increasing the level of

entrepreneurship and other soft


The satisfaction of employers with the quality of soft

competencies in the graduates from various fields of study (it

is necessary to carry out a representative survey among


The numbers of primary and secondary schools and

universities equipped with tools for the diagnostics and

development of soft skills

D.1.3: Improving the active

knowledge of English and another

foreign language

The satisfaction of employers with the level of knowledge of

English and possibly another foreign language among the

graduates from various fields of study (it is necessary to

carry out a representative survey among employers)

The proportion of secondary school graduates with

internationally acknowledged certificates attesting to their

knowledge of English at a corresponding level according to

the Common European Framework of Reference (secondary

school completed without the maturita school-leaving

examination – B1, secondary school completed with the

maturita school-leaving examination – B2)

The proportion of university students who have studied at

least one semester abroad

The proportion of university students who have studied at

least one subject in English during their studies

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D.2.1: Creating a system for

identifying and developing natural


The proportion of primary and secondary schools with an

implemented system for identifying the natural talents of


The proportion of primary and secondary schools with an

implemented programme for developing natural talent

D.2.2: Preparing the next generation

of innovators

The number of persons participating in individualised

programmes for the development of individuals with

exceptional talent

D.2.3: Creating a system for

attracting and adapting highly

qualified people to the Czech


The number of foreign students at universities

The number of highly qualified foreigners with long-term

residency in the Czech Republic or with granted Czech


D.3.1: Improving the level of

strategic and operational

management and creating the

conditions for improving the

competitiveness of research


The number of research organisations with a modernised

system of strategic management

The number of universities with implemented transparent

systems for evaluating quality

D.3.2: Introducing an effective

system of human resource

management at research institutes,

universities and their faculties

The evaluation of the satisfaction and work participation of


The proportion of research institutes and universities

certified in human resource management

D.3.3: Increasing the attractiveness

of the research career and

improving the quality of the

preparation of future researchers

The proportion of doctoral students who successfully

completed their studies

The proportion of doctoral students who have studied at

least one semester abroad

The number of foreign internships longer than 5 months

Key area of changes E: Development of eGovernment and eBusiness to improve

competitiveness (development of ICT and digital agenda)

E.1: The development of


E.2: The development of eBusiness

and ICT in enterprise

100% of public administration offices of municipalities with

extended competence or higher (regions, ministries, financial

offices, land registry offices etc.) will be offering their 20

most frequently used services for citizens and the 20 most

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E.3: The development of

infrastructure in ICT

frequently used services for companies in fully electronic

form by 2020.

More than 70% of the population will have intermediate

computer skills by 2020

More than 70% of households in remote areas will be

serviced by a high quality Internet connection

More than 70% of the population will use eGovernment

services to communicate with the public administration at

least once a year

Specific objectives Indicators of the specific objective

E.1.1: Improving the effectiveness

of the public administration’s

external communication and the

communication with clients

100% of public administration offices at the regional and

national level (regions, ministries, financial offices, land

registry offices etc.) will be offering their 20 most frequently

used services/tasks for citizens communication with public

administration in fully electronic form that will not require any

personal contact between the citizen and the appropriate


More than 20% of citizens will exclusively use electronic

communication to communicate with authorities in 50% of


More than 70% of citizens will use at least one offered

eGovernment service per year

More than 50% of entrepreneurs will submit their tax returns

in electronic form

The time required for carrying out 50% of the most frequently

used services/tasks by citizens and entrepreneurs will be

reduced by at least 50%

E.1.2: Improving the effectiveness

of internal communication of public


More than 50% of all internal systems in public

administration that use data stored in the basic registers will

be connected to the registers online and will be able to

automatically load and verify data;

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More than 70% of the communication between the different

offices (or within offices) will take place exclusively in

electronic form;

E.1.3: Ensuring safety in the use of


More than 70% of citizens will be informed about the

possibilities and advantages of using the new eGovernment

systems and services

More than 80% of citizens and entrepreneurs using

eGovernment services will have sufficient knowledge of the

principles and rules for the safe use of electronic services

and electronic communication

More than 50% of public administration offices at the

regional level and more than 80% of public administration

offices at the national level will have the necessary ISO

certification for information security

E.2.1: Increased use of ICT in


The number of joint research projects focusing on the use of

ICT to increase the added value of promising fields leading

to the implementation of a new ICT solution in the market

The share of SMEs using cloud computing and the services

of public or private data centres and R&D organisations in


E.3.1: The development of ICT used

for research and development

Increased capacity and safety of the network interconnecting

R&D organisations

The capacity of the R&D network

100% of public R&D organisations connected to the core


E.3.2: Increasing the capacity and

quality of public ICT infrastructure

More than 90% of public administration offices at the level of

municipalities with extended competence or higher will be

connected to a network with a minimum capacity of 100 Mbit

More than 50% of public administration offices will be

equipped with the IPv6 protocol

More than 50% of public administration offices will be

connected to public or private data centres offering cloud


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E.3.3: Improving the accessibility of


Fulfilling the objectives of the Digital Agenda at the level of

the EU, i.e. a minimum Internet connection speed of

30Mbit/s for all citizens and 100 Mbit/s for a half of the

citizens by 2020

Increased transmission capacity of Internet connection in

remote areas

Increased share of remote areas with high-capacity Internet

connection coverage

Key area of change F: Improvement and better utilisation of social capital and creativity in

addressing complex social challenges

F.1: Promoting open partnership

co-operation while seeking

experimental solutions to address

social challenges and systemically

utilising successfully proven


F.2: Promoting and better utilising

co-operation of local actors in

addressing problems in the area of

employment, economic

development and social inclusion in

regions of the Czech Republic

Number of successfully proven and used experimental


Number of regions, in which Territorial Employment Pacts

(meeting key OECD and EU standards ) were established

and are functional

Number of regions that have and implement integrated

employment development programmes based on the TEP


Specific objectives Indicators of the specific objective

F.1.1: Promoting open partnership

co-operation while seeking

experimental solutions to address

social challenges and systemically

utilising successfully proven


Number of successfully proven and used experimental


F.2.1: Promoting and better utilising

co-operation of local actors in

addressing problems in the area of

Number of regions, in which TEP – Territorial Employment

Pacts (meeting key OECD and EU standards) were

established and are functional

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employment, economic

development and social inclusion in

regions of the Czech Republic

Number of regions that have and implement integrated

employment development programmes based on the TEP


100% involvement of TEPs in creating and implementing

relevant EU and Czech strategies and policies at regional

and local levels up to 2015