Njia special school

Meru Networking Group Members

Transcript of Njia special school

Njia Special School

Meru Networking Group Members

2011 December Charity EventATNjia Special School

Music courtesy of Daddy Owen ft. Denno

Video: Annie Kagwi

Welcome to Njia Special School

Dorm Situation during the Pre-visit

Class in progress; the kids gave us sign lessons

and it was exam time already! Spelling letter I in sign

and Bessy trying hard to remember letter C

After watching the kids perform a gospel song in sign language, we all wanted to hug them so tight

D-day, and nothing was stopping the meru networking group representatives from making christmas memorable for Njia Special School

We were humbled by the parents turn-up

let feasting begin already!

more mouthfuls

and he said, disability is not inability

children are a precious gift from God

...we could not wait to 'unwrap the gifts'

...to offer comfort solution to the dorm situation...

...and keep the kids warm during the cold months...

...this, for us, was a humbling moment

more love for the special kids

And, look at yall!!

...all dressed up in christmas gifts...

...it makes us sooooo happy!

So radiant!

...and the parents could not hold back tears...

they danced

they thanked God for such generous hearts...

...and we too, were not left out in the celebration of a day well spent, and memories so precious just made

"Thank you for working with your friends to bring smiles to these kids and to ensure a time when this cold season finds the children warm. May God Bless you all." A teacher from a neighboring school to Njia Special School sent that in early JulyGive, and it shall come back to you it sure does.
